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account inquiries
FIN63 - GLADQ l Account Inquiries Page 1 of 1 Next Screen Account Summary EncumbranceDetaif .I B.udget.Adj Inquiry' I Current Year Detail' I Month/Type Detail Budget Statue f 7 Control Digit Account # Account Name Control Digit 1690003 2,91278. 6390,,33521 FY 1m2.00310, (CCYYMM) LICENSE, PERMITS & MISCELLANEOUS FEES 690003.291278.6340.335 Updated Transactions Revised Budget - FY Encumbrances + FY Liquidations FY Actual 48,215.37+ FY Unexpended 48,215.37+ Non -updated Transactions - Journal Entries - Req Encumbrances + Req Liquidations - PO Encumbrances - AP Encumbrances +PORIEWStions # of Entries Available Budget 48,215.37+ http://fmsweb/GEMS/FINANCE/GLADQ.ASP 1/6/2004