HomeMy WebLinkAboutspreadsheetsAdjusting Entry Recommender! tiesdoomrt General Fund e. Ctiang. Transfers Revenues h 4,418.254 I 1 To crescAdala all fund balances rdatad to PSTsthat are currently under litigation irdo the General Fund. Elmendlltiees NDA Contingency Reserves Revenue Total 4,416.254 I 4,418,254 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Subtotal NDA 4,418,254 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 To eonsofdate all fund balances !dated to PST's that are currently under litigation into the General Fund. Expenditure Total 4,416.254 1 Revenues/Expenditures - General Fund 1 - 1 1 1 Adjusting Entry rrsrtrtl 11..dr Special Revenue Funds rt;l xh ` I{ratls Fund 113 - Public Service Tax 1 1 1 contribution to General Fund 4,418,254 I 1 1 1 1 1. To consolidate an fund balances related to PSFsttrat are currentty under litigation into the General Fund. Fund 108 Total: 4,416,234 1 1 1 Total Special Revenue Funds 4.416.254 1 1 Fiscal Yale 2003 Appropriation Adjustments Adjusting Endy Recommended M.edoca t Special Retnenue Funds 1Jrengr Chime Tandem Fond 1O4-RreRescue Sodc s 141.003.00 Dab county EMS Greet 40,000 Goal funds fOpnpleted in prior Real year, been rood over No the overt local year Fir -Mtge Tax - Rescue &daces 203,4'20 Fed Balance being appmp aced etc One anent boil year Fke /blee.nee t Fee - Fad Balance being appropriated Ho the a1mtboi yet F9lMlb.ist to FYMd'ler5 Greet - Fuld Manse teem approodead No the anus Real yet Urban Search and Rescue Team 81,424 Fuld (Wave baeg.preppriaaed NO me aural teal year Soule Florida Ikb i Search and Rescue 558238 Fad BYanee berg appeplaled Into to anal bey yaw Slate of Rorida tnrtw.ey Menem stvics. grant 3,185 Fund Salem being epprapialed Yinthecunenl lead yew lMti-Geri t 30,917 Fund Baynee bang appnaplatetl 14o Yee current Real yet Weapons deems Oenudfon 1 FHA Grant 102.000 Gnat feeds appapri bed in elorimal year, being lobed our e+lo the anent teal yet Fend 104 Tetab 1,010,267 - - ode Gaily BAS Gran • ..106.983 FY 04 (rani F13.44,easist to Reenters Cone t ?36.802 FY 04 Gant Slate of Florida Emergencypteenal Services - :1161080 FY 04 Grant UPS rest- Dept of Honiarlard smutty (rant to enragrided in prior twat year, being riled over Into the anent Swat yet 11 211711004 1201 PM Page 1 d1 Rari.d