HomeMy WebLinkAboutTraffic Impact Analysis• • COLUMBUS OFFICE TOWER BISCAYNE BOULEVARD (US I) AND EAST FLAGLER STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Prepared for COUSINS PROPERTIES INCORPORATED 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 1600 Atlanta, Georgia 30339-5683 770 857-2510 Prepared by TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, INC. E.13. No. 3766 8701 SW 137th Avenue, Suite 210 Miami, Florida 33183 305 385-0777 November 2003 3530-1 • • EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Columbus Office Tower is a proposed office tower and retail development that will be located adjacent to the west side of Biscayne Boulevard between East Flagler Street and NE 1S` Street in Miami, Florida. The Tower will contain up to 32,000 square feet of mixed retail use and up to 650,000 square feet of office space. Vehicular access to the on -site parking garage is proposed on NE 3rd Avenue with an entry drive near the north end of the building and an exit drive near the south end of the building. The service driveway will be accessed from NE 1st Street. The project is scheduled for completion by early 2007. Results of the intersection level of service analyses for future conditions show that NE 3rd Avenue and NE 1s1 Street must remain one-way in the vicinity of this project to adequately handle traffic from this or any other large scale project fronting on this portion of NE 3rd Avenue. If this criterion is met, and if the pavement markings on NE 3rd Avenue are adjusted to provide a Northbound left turn lane at NE 1st Street, all of the intersections studied will operate at better than the LOS E standard that has been adopted by the City of Miami for this area of the City. The site of the Columbus Office Tower project is located within the boundaries of Downtown Miami Area -wide DRI. Existing and future traffic conditions along the Biscayne Boulevard corridor in the vicinity of the project were analyzed using the person -trip based corridor capacity method. These analyses show that the Biscayne Boulevard corridor will operate better than the established corridor threshold of Level of Service E. COLUMBUS OFFICE TOWER BISCAYNE BOULEVARD AND EAST FLAGLER STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION 1 EXISTING CONDITIONS 3 PLANNED & PROGRAMMED ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS 7 TRIP GENERATION & DISTRIBUTION 8 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC GROWTH AND COMMITTED PROJECTS 10 PROJECTED CONDITIONS 13 TWO-WAY VS. ONE-WAY OPERATION ON NE 1ST ST AND NE 3 AVE 16 TRANSPORTATION CONTROL PLAN MEASURES 17 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 18 TABLES Table I - Existing Intersection Levels of Service 3 Table 2 - Existing Corridor Capacity 6 Table 3 - Planned and Programmed Transportation Improvements 7 Table 4 -• Site PM Peak Hour Trip Generation 8 Table 5 - Projected Intersection Levels of Service 13 Table 6 - Projected Corridor Capacity 15 Table 7 - Future Intersection Operations at NE 3rd Avenue & lst Street 16 FIGURES Figure 1 - Location Map 2 Figure 2 - Existing Intersection Geometry and Traffic Control 4 Figure 3 - 2003 PM Peak Hour Traffic 5 Figure 4 - Project Traffic - PM Peak Hour 9 Figure 5 - Future Intersection Geometry and Traffic Control 11 Figure 6 - 2006 PM Peak Hour without Project 12 Figure 7 - 2006 PM Peak Hour with Project 14 APPENDICIES Appendix A - Scope of Services Appendix B - Site Plan Appendix C - Traffic Counts Appendix D - Traffic Signal Operating Data Appendix E - FDOT Seasonal Adjustment Factors and Projections Appendix F - Excerpts from 2003 Transportation Improvement Program Report Appendix G - Trip Generation & Distribution Appendix H - FDOT Quality/LOS Handbook - Table 4-4 Appendix I - Excerpts from Downtown Miami DRI Update Appendix J - Capacity Analyses Appendix K - Flagler Marketplace Appendix L - Committed Developments • • COLUMBUS OFFICE TOWER BISCAYNE BOULEVARD AND EAST FLAGLER STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY INTRODUCTION The Columbus Office Tower is an office and retail development that will be located on the western side of Biscayne Boulevard between NE 15t Street and East Flagler Street. The site is bordered on the west by NE 3rd Avenue. The general location of the project is shown in Figure 1. The scope of the traffic analyses and methodology used for this report were coordinated with the City of Miami's traffic consultant. (See Appendix A.) At the Large Scale Development Committee (LSDC) meeting on October 21st, 2003, City of Miami staff requested that the study's scope be modified to include the impacts of converting Flagler Street to two-way traffic and that The Lofts Downtown at NE 2nd Avenue and 3rd Street be considered a committed project for these analyses. Furthermore the City requested that this study contain a discussion addressing the potential impact of converting NE 3rd Avenue and/or NE ?'` Street to two-way traffic at sometime in the future. The Columbus Office Tower will contain a total of up to 32,000 square feet of mixed retail use on the first two levels, a parking garage above the retail and up to 650,000 square feet of office space on top of the parking garage. Entry and exit drives for the parking garage have been located on NE 3rd Avenue in response to the City of Miami's desire to avoid driveways on Fiagler Street. The entry drive will be near the north end of the building on NE 3rd Avenue and the exit drive will be toward the south end of the building on NE 3rd Avenue. The service drive will be on NE 1st Street. Site plan information for the Columbus Office Tower can be found in Appendix B. ��PPP TRANSrGRT ANALYS[S PROFFSSiONALS Traffic Impact Study Columbus Office Tower - Miami 2 COLUMBUS OFFICE TOWER FIGURE 1 Location Map Intersection Biscayne Blvd Biscayne Blvd Biscayne Blvd NE 3rd Ave & EXISTING CONDITIONS The number of lanes and lane use on the existing roadways surrounding the site and traffic control at the intersections studied are shown in Figure 2. Turning movement count data was collected between 4:00 and 6:00 PM at the study intersections in July 2003 on a typical weekday. These traffic volumes were increased to convert measured traffic to peak season traffic using standard Florida Department of Transportation adjustment factors. The increase was 5%. Existing peak season traffic volumes are shown in Figure 3. The traffic counts are found in Appendix C, signal -operating data is found in Appendix D and FDOT seasonal adjustment factors are in Appendix E. Existing peak season traffic was evaluated using software that supports the latest edition of the "Highway Capacity Manual." Existing peak season intersection levels of service at those intersections studied that will handle project traffic are shown in Table 1. Note that Biscayne Boulevard at East Flagler Street functions as two intersections because of the very wide median in Biscayne Boulevard at this location. Table 1 Existing Intersection Levels of Service (PM Peak Hour) Type of Control & Flagler (East) & Flagler (West) & NE 1st St NE 1st St Signal Signal Signal All -Way Stop Level of Service A B A A Corridor capacity and level of service in the Biscayne Boulevard corridor were calculated and existing conditions are described in Table 2. The existing Level of Service is D, which is within acceptable limits. • i 71 ,R�r,scoar nrv,�rsis asvaFessroruus Traffic Impact Study FIGURE 2 Existing Intersection Geometry and Traffic Control 4 • • • i TPI FO T PNRLYSfS PROLESSIONAIS Traffic Impact Study FIGURE 3 Columbus Office Tower- Miami 2003 PM Peak Hour Traffic 5 • • Corridor Segment Biscayne Blvd. SE l st St to NE 1st St Corridor Segment Biscayne Blvd. SE 1st St to NE 1st St Corridor Segment Biscayne Blvd. SE 1st St to NE 1st St Table 2 Existing Corridor Capacity Lanes (2-Way) 8 PM Pk Hr Period (vph) 2,871 Roadway C Pk Sea. Factor 1.00 onditions Pk. Sea. Volume 2,871 (vehicles) Max Ser Volume [1] 5,910 Person Trip Volume (@ l .4 ppv) 4,019 Person Trip Capacity (@ 1.6 ppv) 9,456 Person Trips Auto 4,019 nsit Condit Transit Ridership (2003) Tran Trips All (2003) [2] 5,780 1,761 ions (persons) Bus Capacity [3] 3,740 M'mover Capacity [3] 2,880 Total Transit Capacity 6,620 Segment Pers Trip Volume 5,780 Segment Capacity Segment Pers Trip Person Trips Pers Trip Excess Capacity 16,076 Capacity 10,296 on Segment v/c LOS [4] 0.36 D [1] FDOT Quality/Level of Service Handbook, Table 4-4 [2] Prorated from the growth in Total Person Trips frorn 2000 to 2009 shown in Downtown Miami DRI Update, page 21-109 [3] Downtown Miami DRI Update, page 21-46 [4] Downtown Miami DRI Update, page 21-51 PLANNED AND PROGRAMMED TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for 2003, prepared by the Metropolitan Planning Organization, was researched to determine what near -term transportation projects are planned and programmed for construction within the general vicinity of the Columbus Office Tower. Projects in the general area of the Columbus Office Tower are as follows: Table 3 Planned and Programmed Transportation Improvements Port of Miami - access improvements — scheduled for 2005 a Biscayne Boulevard/US 1 From. NE 5 St to NE 13 St multi -lane reconstruction - scheduled for 2005 Flagler Street from NW 2nd Avenue to Biscayne Boulevard (convert from one-way to two-way) scheduled for 2005 As can be seen in the list above, the only project with a direct impact on the Columbus Office Tower is the conversion of Flagler Street from a one-way into a two-way street. The impacts of this change in the circulation plan for the Central Business District are addressed in these analyses. • • • • TRIP GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION As stated earlier, the Columbus Office Tower will have up to 32,000 square feet of retail plus up to 650,000 square feet of office use. There currently are 26,047 square feet of retail uses on this same site. The net increase in traffic generated by the Columbus site is described in Table 4. Trip generation base values for the site were calculated using the ITE report Trip Generation, Sixth Edition. The trip generation volumes were reduced using adjustment factors consistent with and referenced in the "Downtown Miami DRI Update — Increment II". These adjustment factors account for vehicle occupancy, transit usage and pedestrian and bicycle trips within the CBD. The traffic analyses address intersections and the Biscayne Boulevard corridor at East Flagler Street, all of which are within the CBD. Therefore, there has been no additional adjustment to trip generation for internalization of traffic within the CBD. Table 4 Site PM Peak Hour Trip Generation ITE Land Enter Exit Total Land Use Size (sf) Use Code Trips Trips Trips Existing Retail 26,047 814 (29) (38) (67) New Retail 32,000 814 36 47 83 New Office 650,000 710 137 671 808 Net Unadjusted Vehicle Trips 144 680 824 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment @ 16% (23) (109) (132) Transit Trip Reduction @ 22,6% (33) (154) (187) Pedestrian/Bicycle Trip Reduction @ 10% (14) (68) (82) Net External Trips 74 349 423 Net vehicle traffic to and from the Columbus Office Tower was assigned to the future roadway network using the cardinal distribution of trips developed by the Metropolitan Planning Organization. Percentage distribution of project trips per the cardinal distribution can be found in Appendix G. The distribution of project vehicle trips during the PM peak hour is shown graphically in Figure 4 and described in Appendix C, Table C-1. • N.T.S FFI' TiiMF"iF+OAF ANACYS�S PROFESSIONALS Traffic Impact Study FIGURE 4 Columbus Office Tower- Miami Project Traffic - PM Peak Hour 9 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC GROWTH AND COMMITTED PROJECTS Construction of the Columbus Office Tower is scheduled for completion by early 2007. FDOT projections for East Flagler Street, west of Biscayne Boulevard, predict an 11% per year decline in traffic flow between 2003 and 2007. FDOT projections for SE First Street, west of Biscayne Boulevard show no annual growth per year and projections for Biscayne Boulevard at Flagler Street show approximately 2.3% compounded growth per year. More detailed information can be found in Appendix E. For this project, background traffic growth on all streets except Biscayne Boulevard is assumed to be one percent per year. Traffic volumes on Biscayne Boulevard are assumed to increase at an average linear rate of 3% per year. These conservative estimates ensure that these analyses do not underestimate the impacts of background traffic growth around the Columbus Office Tower. The Flagler Marketplace project will convert Flagler Street in the downtown area from a one- way westbound roadway into a two-lane two-way roadway. The traffic impacts of this circulation change were addressed in the Flagler Street Marketplace Traffic and Transit Analyses, which was prepared for the Downtown Development Authority and Florida Department of Transportation by the Corradino Group. The Flagler Street project would provide two-way traffic on East Flagler Street in front of the Columbus Office Tower. The traffic control plan for the Flagler Marketplace prohibits left turns at all intersections except Biscayne Boulevard. Therefore there will be no eastbound Left turns from Flagler Street into NE 3rd Avenue and project traffic will have to arrive and exit at the Columbus Office Tower in the same manner as it would if Flagler remained one-way. Entering vehicles must access the parking garage via northbound or southbound Biscayne Boulevard to westbound Flagler Street and then northbound on NE 3rd Avenue. Exiting traffic will use NE 3rd Avenue which is one-way northbound. Infoiivation on the Flagler Marketplace project can be found in Appendix K. Known committed projects with potential impacts on roadways in the vicinity of this development are the Mist project to be constructed at NE 10`h Street and Biscayne Boulevard, One Miami at Biscayne Boulevard and SE 4th Street and The Lofts Downtown at 234 NE 3rd Street. Traffic from these developments on roadways in the vicinity of the Columbus Office Tower has been estimated from the traffic impact study prepared for the Mist MUSP, current trip calculations for One Miami and new trip generation calculations made for The Lofts Downtown. See Appendix L. A detailed table showing calculation of background traffic growth, committed development traffic, traffic flow changes anticipated with Flagler Marketplace in the study area and assignment of Columbus Office Tower traffic to the study area can be found in Appendix C, Table C-1. Future (2007) background traffic which includes the effects of the Flagler Marketplace project plus traffic from Mist, One Miami and The Lofts Downtown is shown graphically in Figure 5. Future intersection configurations and traffic control are shown in Figure 6. 10 7RAtJSPOFiT ANA5 PROFE55totJu5 Traffic Impact Study FIGURE 5 Future Intersection Geometry and Traffic Control • i TAAF�SPORT � LVS PROFE551(1lWL5 Traffic Impact Study Columbus Office Tower - Miami 2007 PM Peak Hour without Project 12 FIGURE 6 PROJECTED CONDITIONS Traffic volumes for 2007 are shown in Figure 7. The 2007 PM peak hour traffic consists of estimated background traffic, traffic from the Mist, One Miami and The Lofts Downtown projects and external vehicle trips from the Columbus Office Tower project. Calculation of these projected conditions can be found in Table C-1, Appendix C. Changes to traffic flow associated with the Flagler Marketplace project, i.e. traffic added or subtracted from certain movements do to the conversion to two-way traffic, were obtained from the Flagler Marketplace traffic analyses and applied to the intersections studied for this project as well as the Biscayne Boulevard corridor. Information from the Flagler Street Marketplace project traffic report is found in Appendix K. Intersection levels of service for the year 2007 with and without this new project are shown in Table 5. Details of the capacity analyses are in Appendix J. Current plans for the Flagler Marketplace call for NE 3rd Avenue to be fixed with a single lane northbound at NE 1st Street. These plans have parking bays along the east and west sides of a single lane roadway. This geometry was tested to determine how well the intersection would work with future traffic conditions including the impact of the Columbus Office Tower or other large traffic generator at Flagler and NE 3rd Avenue. The analyses showed that the intersection will operate at Level of Service F if there were only one northbound lane at this intersection. It is necessary to have two -northbound lanes on NE 3r`' Avenue at NE lst Street to accommodate future traffic. This change can be accommodated within the existing roadway pavement; however the Flagler Marketplace constntction plans must be revised to delete any construction which would interfere with a second northbound lane on NE 3rd Avenue at 1st Street, Table 5 Projected Intersection Levels of Service (2007 PM Peak Hour) LOS with Proj. & Mod'n* NE3rdA Intersection Biscayne Blvd & Flagler (East) Biscayne Blvd & Flagler (West) Biscayne Blvd & NE lst St NE 3rd Ave & NE 1st St *Add NB left turn lane at NE 1 s` St. Control Signal Signal Signal All -Way Stop LOS w/o Project B C A A LOS with Proj. & Exist. Lane use B C A F to ve. N/A NIA N/A D The projected level of service in the Biscayne Boulevard corridor at Flagler Street for 2007 is LOS D. This is described in Table 6. In reviewing Tables 5 and 6 it can be seen that all of the intersections studied and the Biscayne Boulevard corridor will operate at higher (better) levels of service than the City's established minimum standard of Level of Service E. However this requires that NE 3rd Avenue and NE lst Street are allowed to remain one-way in the vicinity of this project. 13 1 J $PPMT ANALYSIS rHC '6s51aw i.s Traffic Impact Study FIGURE 7 Columbus Office Tower- Miami 2007 PM Peak Hour with Project 14 • • • Corridor Segment Biscayne Blvd. SE lst St to NE lst St Corridor Segment Biscayne Blvd. SE 1st St to NE lst St Corridor Segment Biscayne Blvd. SE 1st St to NE 1st St Table 6 Projected Corridor Capacity (PM Peak Hour in 2007) Roadway Conditions (vehicles & person trips) 2003 B'ground 2007 Commit Project Total Person. Person Lanes PM Pk Hr Traffic B'ground Devel. Traf. Vehicle 2007 PM Trips Max Ser Trip (2-Way) Period Growth PM Pk Hr & Flagler Traffic Pk Traf Auto Volume Capacity (vph) Period Marketplace (@1.4 ppv) [1] (@1.6 ppv) 8 2,871 1.12 3,216 349 74 3,639 5,094 5,910 9,456 Transit Conditions (person trips) B'ground B'ground B'ground Comm't Total Pers Trips Pers Trips Transit Devel. Project Transit Total Auto Al] Ridership Transit Transit Ridership Transit (2007) (2007) (2007) Ridership Ridership (2007) Capacity [2] [3] [4] [5] 4,502 6,670 2,168 56 201 2,425 6,620 Segment Capacity Segment Segment Pers Trip Person Trips Pers Trip Pers Trip Excess on Segment Volume Capacity Capacity v/c LOS [6] 7,519 16,076 8,557 0.47 D [1] FDOT Quality/Level of Service Handbook, Table 4-4 [2] Prorated from the growth in Total Person Trips from 2000 to 2009 shown in Downtown Miami DRI Update, page 21-109 [3] from Appendix and Downtown Miami DRI Update, page 21-77: 1.4 ppv(0.149x28 {Mist}±0.226x(44±47){One Miami}) [4j from Appendix F [5] Downtown Miami DR1 Update, page 21-46 [6] Downtown Miami DR1 Update, page 21-51 • TWO-WAY VS. ONE-WAY OPERATION ON NE 1sT ST AND NE 3R© AVE The Downtown Miami Transportation Master Plan contains recommendations that all streets within the CBD be considered for two-way operation at some time in the future. This is a planning recommendation and serves as a goal for future traffic circulation within the Central Business District. However, there have been no traffic analyses to date to determine which streets can, in fact, be converted to two-way operation without creating significant negative impacts to downtown circulation. It has been demonstrated above that NE 3rd Avenue must have two northbound lanes at its intersection with NE 1S1 Street. Given the available right-of-way and pavement width at this location, it will not be possible to have two-way traffic on NE 3rd Avenue between East Flagler Street and NE 1st Street. As mentioned in earlier in this report, the conversion of Flagler Street to two-way traffic involves prohibiting of left turns at all intersections except at Biscayne Boulevard. Northbound right turns from NE 3rd Avenue to lst Street cannot be allowed because of the People Mover column that exists in the southeast corner of the intersection. This column exists where the right turn movement must occur if NE 15t Street would become two-way. Therefore, some of the potential advantage of a two-way street is lost at this intersection. Two-way operation on two -lanes was tested on NE 15t Street at NE 3rd Avenue and on NE 3rd Avenue north of NE 1St Street. Nominal southbound and eastbound traffic volumes were assumed to occur with the two-way operation. NE 3rd Avenue south of the intersection remained one-way northbound with two -lanes, one for through traffic and one for left turns. The results of these analyses are shown in Table 7. In this table it can be seen that the intersection cannot function at an acceptable level of service with two-way operation on these streets. The two-way scenario will operate at Level of Service F with extreme delays and backups in the intersection. This will have a negative impact on traffic flow in this portion of the CBD and will have a major negative impact on vehicles exiting any large traffic generator constructed on NE 3rd Avenue between Flagler and NE 1s` Street. Table 7 Future Intersection Operations at NE 3rd Avenue & lst Street (All -Way Stop Control) NE lst St NE 3rd Ave NE 3rd Ave Operation E & W of 3 Av S of 1st St Existing Geometry 2-Way on N, E & W legs Recommended 2 lns, 1-Way 2 lns, 2-Way 2 lns, 1-Way 1 ln, 1-Way 2 lns, 1-Way 2 lns, 1-Way N of i st St 1 ln, 1-Way 2 lns, 2-Way 1 ln, 1-Way LOS (Delay seclveh) F (75.24) F (81.93) D (26.33) 16 • • TRANSPORTATION CONTROL PLAN MEASURES The City of Miami requires that developments needing a h[USP explain how the proposed development plans to reduce the site's traffic impact on adjacent and nearby intersections and streets, The location of the Columbus Office Tower within the Central Business District provides convenient access to numerous transit routes which will provide for a significant reduction in primary trips to and from the site. This reduction has been addressed in the trip generation portion of this report. The location and design of the Columbus Office Tower encourages pedestrian movement within the CBD area through its ground floor design along the entire perimeter of the building. The sidewalks have been coordinated with the City's pedestrian pathway design on all sides of the building to provide convenient and attractive pedestrian movement through the area. The office tower design incorporates supporting retail on the first two levels which will reduce the need for building patrons to travel to other locations within the CBD for common services. The site's proximity to the downtown people mover means that the patrons are connected by the people mover to the rest of downtown and to metrorail providing non -auto access to large areas of Miami -Dade County including the courts, hospitals and County government. The Columbus Office Tower's location on Biscayne Boulevard at East Flagler Street places this building within convenient walking distance of approximately 4,000 new residential units which will be constructed in this portion of the CBD within the next few years. The office tower is also convenient to several downtown hotels and the meeting facilities available at these hotels. There are other traffic reduction measures, which will reduce primary trip making as well. Suggested measures include, but are not limited to, the following: Encourage car-pooling and vanpooling Post mass transit schedules, maps and related information in the public areas of the new facility. 17 • • CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The Columbus Office Tower development falls within the downtown Miami traffic concurrency exception area as set forth by the South Florida Regional Planning Council and the Department of Community Affairs. It is recommended that certain roadway geometry and traffic operations must be maintained by the City of Miami to insure acceptable intersection capacity in the vicinity of the Columbus Office tower. These conditions are to maintain one-way operation on NE 3rd Avenue and on NE ls` Street in the vicinity of the project. Additionally, NE 3rd Avenue must have two -lanes northbound at NE ls` Street; one of these lanes will be for through traffic and the second lane at this intersection will be for northbound left turns. If these conditions cannot be maintained, the garage for the Columbus Office Tower cannot exit onto NE 3rd Avenue. The only other feasible exit drive location, if these specific conditions cannot be maintained, would be a garage exit onto East Flagler Street as originally proposed. Given the City of Miami's desire to maintain a pedestrian friendly environment on Flagler Street, it is imperative that the short sections of one-way street mentioned above be maintained. If these conditions are met, all intersections examined for this study will operate at acceptable levels of service after construction and occupancy of the Columbus Office Tower. Additionally, the Biscayne Boulevard corridor will also operate with a higher (better) Level of Service than the LOS E allowed by the City of Miami. 18 0 APPENDICES • • • APPENDIX A SCOPE OF SERVICES • • • Henry A Fandrei From: Henry A Fandrei Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 11:43 AM To: Raj Shanmugam P.E. (E-mail) Subject: Columbus Office Tower - Updated and Corrected Scope of Services Dear Mr. Shanmugam. This e-mail provides a supplement to the original scope of services and contains a correction to the supplemental scope I sent to you on 11 / 12/03. This supplement is needed following new requests made at the City of Miami LSDC meeting and subsequent conversations between you and me. At the City's request, we will add impacts associated with one additional project in the CBD area: The Lofts at 201 NE 2nd Avenue*. There was no traffic study performed for this project, therefore TAP will calculate trip generation and distribute that project's traffic past the Columbus Office Tower. TAP will also re -analyze future traffic impacts assuming that Flager is a 2-way street when the Columbus Office Tower opens. You have also asked TAP to specifically address in our updated report, the potential impacts of making NE 3 Avenue and/or NE ist Street 2-way at some time in the future. *correction to project name and location from earlier e-mail Hank Fandrei Origin& Message From: Henry A Fandrei Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 11:52 AM To: Raj Shanmugam P.E. (E-mail) Subject: Columbus Tower in Downtown Miami - Scope of Services for Traffic Study Dear Mr. Shanmugam: This e-mail represents a summary of the requirements Transport Analysis Professionals (TAP) must follow in preparing the MUSP traffic analyses and report for the Columbus Tower (formerly called Columbus Bazaar) in Downtown Miami. Initial communications between our office and URS were made by Richard Eichinger of our staff in late June. I sent you a proposed scope of services on July 22nd which was then modified slightly per our telephone conversation during the first week in August. Project This project, as proposed, will be in Downtown Miami and will be bounded by Biscayne Boulevard on the East, East Flagler Street on the South, NE 3rd Avenue on the West and NE 1st Street on the North. The project, as proposed, will include ground level commercial land uses, a parking garage and 600,000 sf (or . more) of office tower above the commercial and the garage. Trip Generation & Distribution 11/18/2003 Trip generation for the facility will be performed using the equations and rates found in the Institute of Transportation Engineer's Report Trip Generation, Sixth Edition. For the intersection analyses, these trip .generation numbers will be adjusted by DRI trip reduction factors addressing pedestrian/bicycle flow, transit and vehicle occupancy. The corridor analyses will also take into account internalization of trips within the CBD also as defined by the Downtown Miami DRI (Table 6 for Increment II). The MPO's Cardinal Distribution of Trips will be used for assignment of project traffic to and from the new project. Actual assignment to the local streets will consider realistic/reasonable circulation patterns. Background traffic will be increased by an appropriate factor to cover expected traffic growth expected from small to medium sized projects throughout the general area of this project. This growth factor will be based on a review and analysis of FDOT historical traffic volume records. Additionally, traffic associated with MUSP level projects in this general area of the CBD must also be added to background traffic. At this time it appears there are only one or two projects. These projects are the MIST Project on Biscayne Boulevard and NE 8th Street and possibly One Miami. Capacity Analyses Intersection analyses are to be performed at the four intersections adjacent to the site. These are Biscayne Boulevard at East Flagler and at NE 1st Street and NE 3rd Avenue at East Flagler and at NE 1 St Street. Intersection Analyses shall be performed for the PM Peak Hour. A common peak hour will be used for all 4 intersections. This peak hour will be based peak traffic flow through the 4 intersections with emphasis given to peak traffic on Biscayne Blvd. The afternoon was chosen over the morning because of the impact of the 0 CBD's commercial traffic on traffic volumes in the area. A review of the most recent FDOT count on Flagler in this vicinity confirmed that afternoon and PM Peak traffic volumes are higher than the morning peak hour on Biscayne Boulevard. TMC's will be adjusted to Peak Seasonal Volumes using the most recent weekly adjustment factors available from FDOT (the 2002 Traffic Info. CD). Corridor analysis shall be performed on the Biscayne Boulevard corridor in the CBD area. The City of Miami's methodology shall be followed and a spreadsheet (developed for this methodology) will be provided calculating corridor capacity and Level of Service. The analyses will utilize the existing circulation pattern which includes one-way traffic flow on all streets except for Biscayne Boulevard. Existing traffic signal operations will be used for capacity analyses at signalized intersections. MUTCD methodology for unsignalized intersections will be used for the intersection of NE 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. TAP will not perform capacity analyses at the entry or exit to the parking garage associated with this project because the garage, as currently proposed, will only have right-in/right-out operation. If this design feature changes, we will perform an appropriate analysis of capacity at the drive(s). Henry A. Fandrei, P.E., PTOE Transport Analysis Professionals, Inc. 8701 SW 137th Avenue, Suite 210 Miami, Florida 33183-4498 Office: 305/385-0777; Fax: 305-385-9997 11 /18/2003 • APPENDICES • • • APPENDIX A SCOPE OF SERVICES • • • • • Henry A Fandrei From: Henry A Fandrei Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 1:28 PM To: Raj Shanmugam P.E. (E-mail) Subject: FW: Columbus Tower in Downtown Miami - Scope of Services for Traffic Study Dear Mr. Shanmugam, This e-mail provides a supplement to the original scope of services. This supplement is needed following new requests made at the City of Miami LSDC meeting and subsequent conversations between you and me. At the City's request, we will add impacts associated with one additional project in the CBD area: River House Lofts at 350 West Flagler Marketplace. There was no traffic study performed for this project, therefore TAP will calculate trip generation and distribute that project's traffic past the Columbus Office Tower. TAP will also re -analyze future traffic impacts assuming that Hager is a 2-way street when the Columbus Office Tower opens. You have also asked TAP to specifically address in our updated report, the potential impacts of making NE 3 Avenue and/or NE 1st Street 2-way at some time in the future. Hank Fandrei Original Message From: Henry A Fandrei Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 11:52 AM To: Raj Shanmugam P.E. (E-mail) Subject: Columbus Tower in Downtown Miami - Scope of Services for Traffic Study Dear Mr. Shanmugam: This e-mail represents a summary of the requirements Transport Analysis Professionals (TAP) must follow in preparing the MUSP traffic analyses and report for the Columbus Tower (formerly called Columbus Bazaar) in Downtown Miami. Initial communications between our office and URS were made by Richard Eichinger of our staff in late June. I sent you a proposed scope of services on July 22nd which was then modified slightly per our telephone conversation during the first week in August. Project This project, as proposed, will be in Downtown Miami and will be bounded by Biscayne Boulevard on the East, East Hagler Street on the South, NE 3rd Avenue on the West and NE 1 St Street on the North. The project, as proposed, will include ground level commercial land uses, a parking garage and 600,000 sf (or more) of office tower above the commercial and the garage. Trip Generation & Distribution 11/17/2003 • • Trip generation for the facility will be performed using the equations and rates found in the Institute of Transportation Engineer's Report Trip Generation, Sixth Edition. For the intersection analyses, these trip generation numbers will be adjusted by DRI trip reduction factors addressing pedestrian/bicycle flow, transit and vehicle occupancy. The corridor analyses will also take into account internalization of trips within the CBD also as defined by the Downtown Miami DRI (Table 6 for Increment II). The MPO's Cardinal Distribution of Trips will be used for assignment of project traffic to and from the new project. Actual assignment to the local streets will consider realistic/reasonable circulation patterns. Background traffic will be increased by an appropriate factor to cover expected traffic growth expected from small to medium sized projects throughout the general area of this project. This growth factor will be based on a review and analysis of FDOT historical traffic volume records. Additionally, traffic associated with MUSP level projects in this general area of the CBD must also be added to background traffic. At this time it appears there are only one or two projects. These projects are the MIST Project on Biscayne Boulevard and NE 8th Street and possibly One Miami. Capacity Analyses Intersection analyses are to be performed at the four intersections adjacent to the site. These are Biscayne Boulevard at East Flagler and at NE 1st Street and NE 3rd Avenue at East Flagler and at NE 1st Street. Intersection Analyses shall be performed for the PM Peak Hour. A common peak hour will be used for all intersections. This peak hour will be based peak traffic flow through the 4 intersections with emphasis given to peak traffic on Biscayne Blvd The afternoon was chosen over the morning because of the impact of the CBD's commercial traffic on traffic volumes in the area. A review of the most recent FDOT count on Flagler in this vicinity confirmed that afternoon and PM Peak traffic volumes are higher than the morning peak hour on Biscayne Boulevard. TMC's will be adjusted to Peak Seasonal Volumes using the most recent weekly adjustment factors available from FDOT (the 2002 Traffic Info. CD). Corridor analysis shall be performed on the Biscayne Boulevard corridor in the CBD area. The City of Miami's methodology shall be followed and a spreadsheet (developed for this methodology) will be provided calculating corridor capacity and Level of Service. The analyses will utilize the existing circulation pattern which includes one-way traffic flow on all streets except for Biscayne Boulevard. Existing traffic signal operations will be used for capacity analyses at signalized intersections. MUTCD methodology for unsignalized intersections will be used for the intersection of NE 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. TAP will not perform capacity analyses at the entry or exit to the parking garage associated with this project because the garage, as currently proposed, will only have right-in/right-out operation. If this design feature changes, we will perform an appropriate analysis of capacity at the drive(s). Henry A. Fandrei, P.E., PTOE Transport Analysis Professionals, Inc. 8701 SW 137th Avenue, Suite 210 Miami, Florida 33183-4498 Office: 305/385-0777; Fax: 305-385-9997 11 i 17/2003 • • • APPENDIX B SITE PLAN • • • COLUMBUS OFFICE TOWER URBAN DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD (UDRB} SU ISS10N PICKARD CHILTON A,cilileCL li�c REXCERIN6 DRAWN6 TITLE 010 PMEET'IOMBER 1CIMEMBEN 11/111 DATE ITS SCALE Cousii Y PROPERTIES fMECRPORATEO MIAMI. FORMA CilXCEPT 6ES36N SM-400 • • • NE 2nd STREET FAST ru5GLER STREET ED COLUMBUS OFFICE TOWER BISCA 1 E BOULEVARD H IC S •:.hib^cas tn� PICKAHD CHILTON Arc:F�l.:c€; ixc COUSENS P9DPEATIES INCOAPDAAiS9 MIME. ELDNIOA CONCEPT IIESISM SITE MAX MONK CSID AROtECT ILAffER Fi MTYEM4EA MODS DATE E'+ 100,V SCALE • • • E - EAST_FLAGLER STREET COLUMBUS OFFICE TOWER H K 8 PICK ARD C LT ON A,r.I itz;ct5 E„c COUSINS PROPERTIES INCORPORATED 11I110, RDRFDA CONCEPT CESI111 STREET LEVEL ORAM1N4 mit 0111 PROJECT NOMBER ID NOVCMDEI 2101 ©ATE MRY.I'r SCALE (133) Liriope (133) L ripe METRO \ly 3f N A'd a2A"3 nra tlWndana {91 Planters'ii It. planters) {91 Swietenia mahogan • (5) Tlirinax maxxsi! N E. 1ST STREET SERVICE - Granite Paver Banding 1 i i� Concrete Unit Paver Fields --(Color to match Light Beige -1 color in Bu(le Marx Design) Concrete Unit Pavers (Replaced or Repaired per Dune Marx Design} Granite pavers zone (color to match granite banding) Benches in granite pavers zone — beneath trees t lilt GROUND LEVEL Schematc Landscape Plan DDA approved / Flamer St. -- sidewalk design, (granite pavers and banding) DDA approved pede Irian crossing with unit pacer, EAST FLAGLER STREET Trlrirnax morissii (4) Roystonea elata O VA31n02 3NAa3S18 Existing (8) Trees to Rem: per Burte Marx Design, Ty (8) Roystonea elata (6)Cocos nucilera (tree grate per DDA i Flagler deign) EDAW K K S xrchR[xIx Inc PICKARD CHILTON Architects Inc OOxSIRS PROPERr!ETSROORPORA1E0 MIRMI, rtxxi CONCEPT MISR S1REEL- LEYEILAROSCAPE PIM OAAWING TITLE 0310 PROJECT NUMO£R 10 ROYEMRER 1103 OAR ES SCALE • APPENDIX C • TRAFFIC COUNTS • • • • Table C-1 Turning Movement Count Data (Existing, Peak Season, 2006 Background & 2006 with Project) July'03 Adj. To Pk Season Balance Adjusted Growth B'ground Rebal- Flagler[ Committed Devel. 12006 w/o Project Total Intersection Mvmt Count Pk. Season 2003 Flows* 2003 to 2006 2006 ante** 2-Way Mist Lofts One Mia. Project Traffic 2006 Biscayne Blvd & NBL 155 1.05 163 13 176 1.04 183 6 350 0 0 0 539 63 602 Flagler St NBT 1490 1.05 1565 211 1776 1.12 1989 0 10 0 10 47 2056 0 2056 WBL 72 1.05 76 0 76 1.12 85 0 0 0 0 0 85 0 85 WBT 82 1.05 86 14 100 1.04 104 0 350 0 0 0 454 63 517 SBT 696 1.05 731 66 797 1.12 893 18 0 32 7 44 994 0 994 SBR 184 1.05 193 30 223 1.04 232 0 -130 0 0 0 102 11 113 EBL N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 0 150 0 0 0 150 0 150 EBT N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 0 150 0 0 0 150 0 150 EBR N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 0 150 0 0 0 150 0 150 9 Biscayne Blvd & NBL 81 1.05 85 0 85 1.04 88 3 90 0 0 0 181 0 181 NE 1st St NBT 1610 1.05 1691 0 1691 1.12 1894 4 0 0 10 47 1955 0 1955 WBL 12 1.05 13 1 14 1.12 16 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 16 WBT 68 1.05 71 0 71 1.04 75 0 90 0 0 0 165 0 165 SBT 958 1,05 1006 0 1006 1.12 1127 0 -130 32 7 44 1080 11 1091 SBR 174 1.05 183 0 183 1.04 190 0 130 0 0 0 320 0 320 NE 3rd Avenue & NBL 20 1.05 21 5 26 1.04 27 0 -10 0 0 0 17 295 312 1st St NBT 30 1.05 32 8 40 1.04 42 0 -10 0 0 0 32 54 86 WBT 181 1.05 190 11 201 1.04 209 1 210 0 0 0 420 0 420 WBR 48 1.05 50 3 53 1.04 55 0 10 0 0 0 65 0 65 ** Mid Block Driveways traffic and day to day variation in traffic flow create variance in traffic volumes leaving one intersection and entering another. The adjustmentsto traffic flow shown above were made to always match the higher of the two flows. This was done ensure the analyses addressed worst case conditions. Limited rebalancing is required to adjust for the effect of using 2 growth rates and rounding Adjustments for Flagler 2-Way represent the changes to traffic flow associated with the conversion to 2-Way as projected in the Flagler Street Marketplace Traffic and Transit Analyses • • • This anaisis was done to determine a common Peak Hour for the Intersections Studied FOUR INTERSECTION PEAK HOUR ANALYSIS 4:00 642 4:15 598 w 06 a) D Q co m w ua 1 7 a) dcu N U) c co ill Lai: NE 3rd Avenue & NE TAP JN 3530 N v c , 75 0 To •, r6 163 612 77 1494 155 574 78 1405 4:30 738 202 631 69 1640 4:45 663 162 581 72 1478 5:00 731 172 746 59 1708 5:15 771 163 721 79 1734 5:30 736 128 644 45 1553 5:45 634 119 628 65 1446 6017 6231 6560 6473 6441 Counter: 3077 / 3076 Counted By: PCC / DAB Weather: Clear der: Start Left Time • Factor: 1.0 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM 0 0 0 0 Total 0 05:00 PM 05:15 P4 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total % • • 0 0 0 0 0 US-1 / Biscayne Blvd Southbound R1'g5 RTOR 1.0 1.0 1.0 164 45 2 142 41 3 169 37 4 143 47 1 618 170 10 196 188 173 177 734 47 43 27 34 151 3 2 3 4 12 App. Total 211 186 210 191 798 246 233 203 215 897 TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, Inc. 8701 SW 137th Avenue, Suite 210 Miami, Florida 33183 (305) 385-0777 Groups Printed- 1 - Alt Vehicles East Flagler Street US-1 / Biscayne Blvd Westbound Northbound Righ] App. Righ! App. Left LTOR ' Thru Left '. LTOR Thru t Total t Total 1 0 9 8 7 10 34 9 11 12 12 44 1.0 6 6 9 9 30 8 9 11 6 34 1.0 32 25 25 15 97 24 18 27 13 82 0 1352 321 22 1695 78 64 179 0.0 79.8 18.9 1.3 24.3 19.9 55.6 0.0 26.3 6.2 0.4 33.0. 1.5 1.2 3.5 1.0! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 39 41 34 161 41 38 50 31 160• 1.0 46 39 38 32 155 42 34 47 29 152 1.0 0 0 2 2 4 2 3 3 0 8 1.0' 308 310 340 322 1280 415 413 341 353 1522 1.0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 354 349 380 356 1439 459 450 391 382 1682 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 3530-US1@EFlagPM : 35303077 : 07/08/2003 East Flagler Street Eastbound Left Thru RighUtur" App. int. •t n I Total Total 1.0 1.0 1,0! 1.01 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0' a 0 0 a 0' O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 321 I 307 12 2802 0 3121 0 0 0 0 0.0 9.8 0.4 89.8 0,0 6.2', 6.0 0.2 54.5 612 574 631 581 2398 O 746 O 721 O 644 O 628 0. 2739 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 60.8, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 a> 0' c US-1 / Biscayne Blvd Out In Total 2802 ; 1695 4497 343: 1352i 0 RTOR Thru Leff 4- -1 North 78/03 4:00:00 PM 7/8/03 5:45:00 PM 1 - All Vehicles 4- LTOR Thru Right 3191 2802 0 1494 3121: ` 4615i Out In Total US-1 / Biscayne Blvd 5137 Counter: 3077 / 3076 Counted By: PCC / DAB Weather: Clear 4111r TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, Inc. 8701 SW 137th AVENUE, SUITE 210 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33183-4498 (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 File Name : 3530-US1 @EFiagPM Site Code : 35303077 Start Date : 07/08/2003 Page No : 1 Groups Printed- 1 - All Vehicles US-1 / Biscayne Blvd East Fag1er Street US-1 1 Biscayne Blvd East Flagler Street Southbound i Westbound j Northbound Eastbound Start high ; App. Thru Righ APp• ', Left LTOR ;Thru , R1gh TotalAnn Left Thru ; Righ Utur -App.: Int. Loft Thru RTOR Left LTOR Thru t Total t t n Total Total! Factor i.0 t ' Total_-_ - Time 1.0111.01 1.0; 10 1 0I 1.0_! 1.0. _HI.__0 1.0.11.a 1.0 1.0; 1 0''1 1.0- 1.0i 04:30 PM 0 169 37 4 210 7 9 25 0 41 : 38 2 340 0 380 0 0 0 0 0 631 04:45 PM 0 143 47 1 _...... 191 10-..m 9 15._. 0 ._... 34 32 _..._ 2 322 0 .... 356 - © ....__ 0 0 � ;........._5$1... Total 0 312 84 5 401 17 18 40 0 75 70 4 662 0 736 0 0 0 0 0 1212 05:00 PM 05:15 PM Grand Total Apprch % Total % • • O 196 47 3 246 9 8 24 O 188 43 2 233 11 9 18 O 696 174 10 880 ', 37 0.0 79.1 19.8 1,1 124.0 22.7 53.2 0.0 26.0 6.5 0.4 32,8 ; 1,4 1.3 3.1 O 41 O 38 35 82 0 154 1 0.0 42 2 415 0 34 3 413 0 146 9 1490 0 6.9 0.5 90.6 0.0 0.0 5.7 ? 5,4 0.3 55.6 0.0 459 0 450 0 1645 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 721 0 0 0 0 ; 2679 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 746 61.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o' . A. N 0 US•1 1 Biscayne Blvd Out In Total 141900 i 880' L 2370i 184, 696 RTC Thru 4- North eft 7/612003 4:30.00 PM 7/8/2003 5:15.00 PM 1 - All Vehicles 41..., ;--1 LTOR Thru Right 1551 1490 0 1 768 1 1645 24131 Out In Total USA / Biscayne Blvd Counter: 3077 / 3076 Counted By: PCC / DAB Weather: Clear er: SB & WB Signal Controlled i- Start Time Factor 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM Total 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total Grand Total Apprch 96 0.0 84.3 14.9 0.8 Total % 0.0 32.6 5.8 0.3 eft 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, Inc 8701 SW 137th Avenue, Suite 210 Miami, Florida 33183 (305) 385-0777 US-1 / Biscayne Blvd Southbound Thru Hight RTOR 1 Total ' Left 1.0 209 192 242 213 856 233 270 235 204 942 1.0: 1.0' 1 1.0 50 2 39 2 40 2 37 5 166 11 44 43 34 31 152 • • 0 1798 318 3 0 0 4 7 261'', 8 233, 3 2841 1 255 ! 2 10331 14 280 ". 313 259 239 1101 3 3 4 5 15 Groups Printed- All Vehicles NE 1st Street US-1 / Biscayne Blvd Westbound Northbound Ri h TOR Thru ' Ra9t Total Left, LTOR •. Thru 9t 1.0 1.0' 1.0 3 17 0 281 27 0 326 0 5 10 0 18 1 18 0 329 0 O 23 0 24; 25 0 405 0 O 14 0 16' 16 0 376 0 8 64 0 86, 86 0 1436 0 2 1 2 0 5 13 18 14 18 63 0 0 0 0 0 : 1.01 1.01 1.0 1.0! 18 22 `. 20 23 83 16 24 22 30 92 18 2134 29 13 127 0 169 178 17.2 7.7 75.1 0.0 1 5.5 38.7: 0.5 0.2 2.3 0.0 3.1, 3.2 0.0 55.0 0 0 0 0 0 417 412 425 342 1596 0 0 0 0 0 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No 3530-USt@NE1ST-PM : 35303077 : 07/09/2003 : 1 NE 1st Street Eastbound App' Left Thru , Righ Utur 1 App. Snt. Total t n ! Total: Total; 1.01 1.01 1.0. 1.0; 3531 0 0 0 0 0 642 347 ' 0 0 0 0 0 598 4301 0 0 0 0 0 736 392 0 0 0 0 0 663 1522 0 0 0 0 0! 2641 433 436 447 372 1688 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3032 0 3210', 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 731 O 771 O 736 O ... 634 O 2872 0 0 0 5513 0.0 94.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 58.2`: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 co ill H US-1 I Biscayne Blvd Out In Total 3032 2134i ", 5166` 336-.1798 RV? Thru Left North 7/9/03 4:00:00 PM '7/9/03 5:45:00 PM !AllVehicles Lf Thru Right 178 3032: 0 1840 ; 3210 - 5050IJ --dot In Total US-1 1 B€scayne Blvd lc _z _ c'. � --1 I iD -m Counter: 3077 / 3076 Counted By: PCC / DAB then: Clear r: SB & WB Signal Controlled TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, Inc. 8701 SW 137th AVENUE, SUITE 210 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33183-4498 (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 Groups Printed- All Vehicles US-1 1 Biscayne Blvd NE 1st Street US-1 1 Biscayne Blvd Southbound Westbound Northbound 11 Start j Righq PP Righ App. -� Righ' App. Left Thru ' RTOR Left LTOR • Thru 9 Time I I t Total t Total ;;Left LTOR Thru t i Total Factor 1 . i 0 1.0!1 .0 1 .0 1 O 1.0 : 1.0 1.0 ; 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 1.0 04:30 PM_ 0 242 40 2 284 1 0 23 0 24 ' 25 0 405 0 430 'I 0 04:45 PM 0 213 37 5 255 i 2 0 14 0 16=16 0 376 0 392 0 Total 0 455 77 7 539 j 3 0 37 0 40 41 0 781 05:00 PM 05:15 PM Grand Total Apprch 95 Total • • 0 233 44 3 280 ' 3 0 270 43 0 313 3 0 958 164 10 1132 2 13 0 18 16 0 417 1 18 0 22 24 0 412 9 3 66 0 80 ; 81 0 1610 0.0 84.6 14.5 0.9 111.3 0.0 33.0 5.6 0.3 39.0 0.3 3.8 65.0 0.0 1 4.8 0.0 95.2 0.1 2.3 0.0 2.8 1 2.8 0.0 55.5 0 0 0 822 File Name : 3530-usl @ne 1st -pm Site Code : 35303077 Start Date : 07/09/2003 Page No : 1 NE 1st Street Eastbound Righ '. Utur I App. Int. ett Thru t n Total Total 1.01 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1691 0 0 0 0 433 436 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 58.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 olr O FS; 61 n I� c. Li� I Z': 3 0''.C US-1 10lseayne Slvd Out In Total r-1610 1132! _ 2742 174 958: 0 RTOR Thru Left 1..1 ► North 7/9/2003 4.30:00 PM 71912003 5:15:00 PM IAll Vehicles LTOR Thru Right 81. 1610 0 970 ' 1691: 2661, Out In Total US-1 f Biscayne Blvd 0.0 738 653 1401 731 771 2903 Counter: 3076 Counted By: DAB Weather: Clear �er: R1-1 Controled 2-Way Start > Let Time NE 3rd AVENUE Southbound Thru Righ i Utur j App- Left t n ; Total TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, Inc. 8701 SW 137th Avenue, Suite 210 Miami, Florida 33183 (305) 385-0777 Factor', 1.0 04:00 PM 0 04:15 PM 0 04:30 PM 0 04:45 PM 0 Total 0 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total Grand Total Apprch 45 Total % • • 0 0 0 0 0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 1.0 1.0I O 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'. 0'. 0 Groups Printed- All Vehicles NE 1st STREET NE 3rd AVENUE Westbound Northbound :lipi Utur j APP Left ;Thru Righ Utur Thru t n 1 Total t. 1.0 i 1.0 1.0' 1.0' 1.01.0I 1.0 O 39 15 0 54- 14 9 0 O 43 19 0 62 7 9 0 O 39 15 0 54, 3 12 0 O 48 16 0 64 6 2 0 O 169 65 0 234'. 30 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 43 51 23 42 159 6 11 13 9 39 0 0 0 0 0 49 62 36 51 198 4 7 2 7 20 6 10 7 7 30 0 0 0 0 0 1.0 j 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 3530-NE3@NE1PM : 35303076 07/07/2003 : 1 NE 1st STREET Eastbound App' Left Thru ! Righ Utur ! App. Int. Total ti n Total Total 1.0 1.0 1.0' 1.0 23_ 0 0 0 0 0 77 16' 0 0 0 0 0 78 15, 0 0 0 0 0 69 8 0 0 0 0 0 72 62 0 0 0 0 0 296 10 17 9 14 50 0 0 0 0 0 O 328 104 0 432 50 62 0 0 112 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 75.9 24.1 0.0 44.6 55.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 60.3 19.1 0.0 79.4 9.2 11.4 0.0 0.0 20.6' 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 59 0' 79 0 45 O 65 6 248 0 0 0 0 5-14- 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NE 3rd AVENUE Out In Tote: 166 `- 0 166 0 Right 4_ Thru Left North 0 Uturn 7/7/03 4:00:00 PM 777/03 5:45:00 PM All Vehicles 4-- Left Thru ht Uturn 50' 62 0 0',. 4 112 112 Out In Total NE 3rd AVENUE 0 1 aio N'W Counter: 3076 Counted By: DAB 4 eather: Clear r: R1-1 Controled 2-Way TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, Inc. 8701 SW 137th AVENUE, SUITE 210 MIAMI,LORIDA 33183-4498 (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 Groups Printed- Ali Vehicles _. 33E 3rd AVENUE ' NE 1st STREET 1 NE 3rd AVENUE ! Southbound Westbound Northbound Start Righ ', Utur TApp Righ Utur App. Righ ' Utur Left :Thru Left Thru e t hru t Factor 1.0 1.0 t n., Total t n Total L f T ; Time 1.0 1.0i 1.01 1 0; 1.0! 1.0j 1 Oj 1,0i i,C1 1.0 04:30 PM 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 39 15 0 54 I 3 12 0 0 04:45 PM 0 0 4 0 0 ' 0 48 16 0 64i- s , 2 -- - Total 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 87 31 0 118 ; 9 14 0 05:00 PM 05:15 PM Grand Total Apprch % Total % • • O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 01 0.0 O 43 6 0 49 1 4 O 51 11 0 62 ', 7 O 181 48 0 229 20 0.0 79.0 21.0 0.0 40.0 0.0 64.9 17.2 0,0 82.1 1 7.2 6 0 0 10 0 0 30 0 0 60.0 0.0 0.0 10.8 0.0 0.0 17.9 File Name : 3530-NE3@NE1 PM Site Code : 35303076 Start Date : 07/07/2003 Page No : 1 NE 1st STREET Eastbound App' Left 'Thru Righ Utur App. Int. Total t: n Total Total 1 0 , 1.0 1.0 1.0 15 0 0 0 0 0 69 8: 0 a 0 0 _.._ 0 72 23 0 0 0 0 0 141 10 0 0 0 0 0 59 17', 0 0 0 0 0 79 50 : 0 0 0 0 0 279 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 w NE 3rd AVENUE Out In Total 7-- ' 0 ` ( 78 01 01 0 O. Right Thru Left Utum 4 L North 7/7/2003 4.30:00 PM 1 7f712003 5:15:00 PM :All Vehicles 4-,I : Left Thru Right Utum 201 30[ 01 011 0 501 -50 Out In Total NE 3rd AVENUE • of Z m 4-5 c.nis N lily - • 1 ° .� rn c I N.° N61 3 L.. P. r • This analysis was used to establish traffic flow during the Peak 2-Hour Period used for Corridor Analyses 875047 US-1 100' S/O FLAGLER STREET 2/18/2003 TIME NB SB N/SB 2-HOURS fvoht 1500 526 241 767 1515 457 227 684 1530 165 227 392 1545 473 209 682 1600 420 229 649 1615 458 243 701 1630 425 190 615 1645 430 214 644 1700 566 232 798 1715 521 254 775 1730 498 257 755 1745 454 247 701 1800 440 234 674 5,134 5,165 5,256 5,619 5,638 5,663 1815 399 220 619 5,581 1830 409 237 646 5,612 1845 358 194 552 5,520 1900 293 176 469 5,191 1915 283 150 433 4,849 1930 305 176 481 4,575 1945 258 167 425 4,299 875047 US-1 100' S/O FLAGLER STREET 2/19/2003 TIME NB SB N/SB 1500 363 200 563 1515 378 211 589 1530 449 199 648 1545 433 162 595 1600 386 231 617 1615 320 177 497 1630 458 236 694 1645 436 192 628 1700 551 219 770 1715 561 230 791 1730 552 227 779 1745 601 213 814 1800 421 229 650 1815 402 209 611 1830 370 162 532 1845 379 196 575 1900 304 162 466 1915 300 143 443 1930 267 165 432 1945 280 193 473 875047 US-1 100' S/0 FLAGLER STREET 2/20/2003 T)ME NB SB N/SB 1500 395 206 601 1515 403 229 632 1530 375 181 556 1545 466 192 658 1600 460 239 699 1615 410 215 625 1630 460 231 691 1645 403 213 616 1700 586 262 848 1715 579 246 825 1730 543 232 775 1745 497 237 734 1800 454 236 690 1815 415 204 619 1830 455 207 662 1845 470 201 671 1900 368 184 552 1915 349 214 563 1930 330 173 503 2,832 2-HOURS (vph) 4,831 5,038 5,240 5,371 5,590 5,623 5,737 5,575 5,522 5,218 4,870 4,523 4,182 2,869 2-HOURS fvph) 5,078 5,325 5,518 5,737 5,813 5,804 5,798 5,769 5,824 5,528 5,266 4,994 Average 2,912 2,871 Florida Department of Transportation July 08, 2003 • • • -- County 87 Start Date - Station --- 5047 February 18, 2003 Start Time - 00:00 Site Description: SR 51US-1, 100' S FLAGLER ST Direction: N Direction: S Combined Total Time 1st'a 2nd '/$ 3rd %4 4th '/< Total 1st % 2nd 1/4 3rd 3/4 4th '/< Total 423.0 182.0 117.0 100.0 99.0 284.0 828.0 1717.0 2536.0 2327.0 2576.0 2775.0 2953.0 2790.0 2441.0 2825.0 2609.0 3029.0 2491.0 1808.0 1399.0 1156.0 995.0 800.0 00:00 01:00 02:00 03;00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08;00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 79.0 76.0 55.0 38.0 32.0 31.0 23,0 25.0 15.0 13.0 23.0 18.0 15.0 7.0 15.0 15.0 13.0 16.0 13.0 18.0 37.0 37.0 55.0 62.0 73.0 119.0 169.0 195.0 225.0 259.0 325.0 288.0 356.0 367.0 357.0 388.0 285.0 329.0 442.0 370.0 408.0 469.0 424.0 409.0 475.0 416.0 463,0 513.0 486.0 519.0 536.0 465.0 446.0 446.0 516.0 472.0 409.0 344.0 485.0 365.0 526.0 457.0 465.0 473.0 420.0 458.0 425.0 430.0 566.0 521.0 498.0 454.0 440.0 399.0 409.0 358.0 293.0 283.0 305.0 258.0 239.0 256.0 207.0 171.0 147.0 231.0 194.0 168.0 138.0 185.0 163.0 130.0 168.0 113.0 111.0 104.0 248.0 111.0 69.0 53.0 60.0 191.0 556.0 1097.0 1468.0 1426.0 1710.0 1867.0 2006.0 1880.0 1603.0 1921.0 1733.0 2039.0 1606.0 1139.0 873.0 740.0 616.0 496.0 24.0 72.0 54.0 25.0 30.0 17.0 9.0 15.0 7.0 9.0 18.0 14.0 9.0 9.0 13.0 16.0 8.0 9,0 14.0 8.0 22.0 16.0 25.0 30.0 57.0 42.0 92.0 81.0 98.0 144.0 184.0 194.0 206.0 275.0 308.0 279.0 256.0 215.0 226.0 204.0 228.0 201.0 223.0 214.0 231.0 211.0 245.0 221.0 236.0 237.0 240.0 234.0 226.0 227.0 252.0 195.0 199.0 211.0 220.0 208.0 241.0 227.0 227.0 209.0 229,0 243.0 190.0 214.0 232.0 254.0 257.0 247.0 234.0 220.0 237.0 194.0 176.0 150.0 176.0 167.0 132.0 171.0 110.0 113.0 108.0 102.0 97.0 109.0 110.0 85.0 96.0 88.0 108.0 70.0 59.0 67.0 175.0 71.0 48.0 47.0 39.0 93.0 272.0 620.0 1068.0 901.0 866.0 908.0 947.0 910.0 838.0 904.0 876.0 990.0 885.0 669.0 526.0 416.0 379.0 304.0 39260 24 Hour Total 25508 24 Hour Total 13752 Peak information Direction: N Direction: S Combined Directions Hour Volume Hour Volume Hour Volume A.M. 11:45 2054 08:15 1118 11:45 2988 P.M. 17:00 2039 17:15 992 17:00 3029 Daily 11:45 2054 08:15 1118 17:00 3029 Florida Department of Transportation Juty 08, 2003 • • • County 87 - Station 5047 Start Date February 19, 2003 Start Time 00:00 Site Description: SR 51US-1, 100' S FLAGLER ST Time Direction: N Direction: S Combined Total 1st /, 2nd '/, 3rd /. 4th / Total 1st / 2nd 'A 3rd y< 4th '/a Total 00:00 87.0 65.0 51.0 35.0 238.0 41.0 51.0 41.0 23.0 156.0 394.0 01:00 45.0 32.0 29,0 23.0 129.0 32.0 19.0 10.0 12.0 73.0 202.0 02:00 24.0 9,0 20.0 23.0 76.0 8.0 10.0 13.0 9.0 40.0 116.0 03:00 9.0 14.0 8.0 9.0 40.0 10.0 14.0 8.0 12.0 44.0 84.0 04:00 13.0 17.0 18.0 21.0 69.0 7.0 4.0 9.0 9.0 29.0 98.0 05:00 35.0 33.0 43.0 66.0 177.0 11.0 11.0 24.0 34.0 80.0 257.0 06:00 83,0 97.0 160.0 211.0 551.0 48.0 65.0 52.0 90.0 255.0 806.0 07:00 188.0 227.0 251.0 290.0 956.0 102.0 116.0 139.0 197.0 554.0 1510.0 08:00 285.0 266.0 253.0 363.0 1167.0 218.0 273.0 279.0 286.0 1056.0 2223.0 09:00 296.0 272.0 314.0 392.0 1274.0 266.0 235.0 206.0 201.0 908.0 2182.0 10:00 341.0 341.0 320.0 327.0 1329.0 222.0 197.0 210.0 214.0 843.0 2172.0 11:00 366.0 501.0 410.0 424.0 1701.0 200.0 190.0 213.0 238.0 841.0 2542.0 12:00 469.0 424.0 476.0 430.0 1799.0 244.0 214.0 229.0 223.0 910.0 2709.0 13:00 430.0 460.0 399.0 450,0 1739.0 227.0 224.0 215.0 223.0 889.0 2628.0 14:00 376.0 419.0 328.0 413.0 1536.0 220.0 219.0 212.0 213.0 864.0 2400.0 15:00 363.0 378.0 449.0 433.0 1623.0 200.0 211.0 199.0 162.0 772.0 2395.0 16:00 386.0 320.0 468.0 436.0 1600.0 231.0 177.0 236.0 192.0 836.0 2436.0 17:00 551.0 561.0 552.0 501.0 2165.0 219.0 230.0 227.0 213.0 889.0 3054.0 18:00 421.0 402.0 370.0 379.0 1572.0 229.0 209.0 162.0 196.0 796.0 2368.0 19:00 304.0 300.0 267.0 280.0 1151.0 162.0 143.0 165.0 193.0 663.0 1814.0 20:00 251.0 269.0 242.0 221.0 983.0 143.0 133.0 135.0 131.0 542.0 1525.0 21;00 211.0 161.0 217.0 171.0 760.0 98.0 100.0 113.0 93.0 404.0 1164.0 22:00 187.0 166,0 161.0 184.0 698.0 114.0 114.0 105.0 99.0 432.0 1130.0 23:00 177,0 128.0 113.0 94.0 512.0 63.0 74.0 72.0 61.0 270.0 782.0 24 Hour Total 23845 24 Hour Total 13146 36991 Direction: N Hour Volume Peak information Direction: S Hour Volume Combined Directions Hour Volume A.M. 11:15 1804 08:15 1104 11:45 2718 P.M. 17:00 2165 12:00 910 17:00 3054 Daily 17:00 2165 08:15 1104 17:00 3054 Florida Department of Transportation July 08, 2003 Couniy 87 - Station 5047 Start Date February 20, 2003 Start Time - 00:00 Site Description: SR 51US-1, 100' S FLAGLER ST Direction: N Direction: S Combined Total Tirne 1st % 2nd Y. 3rd '/ 4th '/4 Total 1st Y. 2nd Y. 3rd Y. 4th Y. Total 565.0 244.0 138.0 103.0 126.0 297.0 795.0 1558.0 2050.0 2292.0 2318.0 2670.0 2820.0 2729.0 2595.0 2447.0 2631.0 3182.0 2642.0 2057.0 1635.0 1361.0 1336.0 937.0 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22;00 23:00 108.0 99.0 64.0 53.0 35.0 43.0 38.0 33.0 18.0 34.0 18,0 11.0 16.0 11.0 11.0 17.0 11.0 22.0 23.0 22.0 35,0 43.0 64.0 60.0 81.0 105.0 132.0 218.0 212.0 241.0 263.0 291.0 308.0 266.0 275.0 270.0 302.0 298.0 352.0 348.0 325.0 374.0 383.0 354,0 447.0 410.0 480.0 450.0 451.0 478.0 461,0 461.0 442.0 495.0 443.0 433.0 395.0 470.0 336.0 488.0 395.0 403.0 375.0 466.0 460.0 410.0 460.0 403.0 586.0 579.0 543.0 497.0 454.0 415.0 455.0 470.0 368.0 349.0 330.0 281.0 309.0 225.0 280.0 253.0 193.0 208.4 225.0 189.0 253.0 199.0 185.0 156.0 190.0 163.0 140.0 113.0 324.0 149.0 81.0 55.0 78.0 202.0 536.0 1007.0 1119.0 1300.0 1436.0 1787.0 1851.0 1813.0 1689.0 1639.0 1733.0 2205.0 1794.0 1328.0 1067.0 815.0 793.0 606.0 61.0 101.0 50.0 29.0 26.0 35.0 21.0 13.0 12.0 21.0 20.0 4.0 14.0 16.0 8.0 10.0 16.0 11.0 10.0 11.0 11.0 22.0 20.0 42.0 55.0 46.0 72.0 86.0 107.0 117.0 148.0 179.0 184.0 239.0 248.0 260.0 297.0 260.0 217.0 218.0 208.0 204.0 277.0 193.0 209.0 220.0 232.0 222.0 246.0 213.0 230.0 280.0 218.0 207.0 244.0 247.0 194.0 236.0 266.0 210.0 206.0 229.0 181.0 192.0 239.0 215,0 231.0 213.0 262.0 246.0 232.0 237.0 236.0 204.0 207.0 201.0 184.0 214.0 173.0 158.0 166.0 144.0 134.0 124.0 116.0 120.0 142.0 168.0 226.0 115.0 118.0 84.0 99.0 88.0 89.0 55.0 241.0 95.0 57.0 48.0 48.0 95.0 259.0 551.0 931.0 992.0 882.0 883.0 969.0 916.0 906.0 808.0 898.0 977.0 848.0 729.0 568.0 546.0 543.0 331.0 39528 24 Hour Total 25407 24 Hour Total 14121 Peak Information Direction: N direction: S Combined Directions Hour Volume Hour Volume Hour Volume A.M. 11:30 1859 08:30 1065 11:30 2772 P.M. 17:00 2205 17:00 977 17:00 3182 Daily 17:00 2205 08:30 1065 17:00 3182 • • • • APPENDIX D TRAFFIC SIGNAL OPERATING DATA 07/15/2003 TiE 08:25 FAX 305 477 6422 DADE COUNTY TSS SIGNAL OPERATING PLAN Z009 • SIGNAL HEAD NUMBER PHASE INT 2, ! - (G+ ' 2. P A (�" 1-i L) tlt,t'!,b SE;tli Riw 6- g Cri t4' t ii PED. cL R G. _(I J 1 ..) v CLEAR TO . y . r Dui hoi 1\1,t) Chi- LI+. - F94 12(1- A 'pit R/W R ( R 0 CL g G e., b1k} t 3 ,T,.:7 rs ? .LA rc _ T I . • R/W pEnci CLEAR TO 1 RIW f pep. CL.. • tc l Drown g. a »A14.i LC-raN Dote S ! r9,' MIANII-DADS COUNTY DEPARTMENT OP PUBLIC WORKS A$$e-1" NO. 21 E5 % I Check Date Division Engineer Date ?loved In 5nrvtce Phastnq Number Date: jBy: fez" 4.5/2003 TUE 08:24 FAX 305 477 6422 DADE couNTY TSS SIGNAL OPERATING PLAN LEivuu R E. LL R/W. ,. R■ �RI gal ,SI 1111111111 PER. CL ■�t'� ^ . ji .r ■iiir 111111111111111111111Mii ...II 1111111111111111 11111111111 s� MIAMI-DADS COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUSUC WORKS 0 at Drown 17•(Z,l�1Gt CheC. P. PeZeit4 Dolt 4- Dole Us— N 1 T Mvlsion Enolneer note Plocad ltt Servlua Date: Phos1nq Number • • • TIMING DATA FOR 2304 US 1 & NE 2 ST PAT OF NSW F Y Y EWW F Y Y 2 M 42 50 4 4 4 12 8 4 4 3 M 44 56 4 4 4 6 8 4 4 4 M 18 65 4 4 4 7 8 4 4 5 T 44 55 4 4 4 7 8 4 4 6 T 76 62 4 4 4 10 8 4 4 8 T 44 48 4 4 4 14 8 4 4 9 T 44 48 4 4 4 14 8 4 4 11 T 76 58 4 4 4 14 8 4 4 12 T 41 48 4 4 4 14 8 4 4 14 M 76 52 4 4 4 20 8 4 4 15 M 76 52 4 4 4 20 8 4 4 17 T 44 48 4 4 4 14 8 4 4 18 T 44 48 4 4 4 14 8 4 4 20 T 44 56 4 4 4 6 8 4 4 22 T 44 56 4 4 4 6 8 4 4 23 T 44 56 4 4 4 6 8 4 4 24 T 44 56 4 4 4 6 8 4 4 MIN: 7 4 6 8 (SEC: 2 TYPE: NA) S Y M CYC 900 B PARADE I 90GRAND PRIX 1 1000 B PARADE 0 90MID-DAY (M & 100PM PEAK (M & 90AM PEAK 90AVERAGE 100PM PEAK 90POST PM PEAK 100 ARENA IN 100 ARENA OUT 90MID-DAY 90BAYSIDE EXIT 90EARLY NITE 2 6 90NITE 6/0 6 90LATE NITE 7/ 6 90RECALL TEST TIMING DATA FOR 2296 US 1 (S2) & NE I ST (SEC: 2 TYPE: NA) PAT OF SW F Y WW F Y S Y M CYC 2 M 48 63 4 4 7 8 4 900 B PARADE I 3 M 48 63 4 4 7 8 4 90GRANtD PRIX 1 4 M 14 73 4 4 7 8 4 1000 B PARADE 0 5 T 48 63 4 4 7 8 4 90MID--DAY (M & 6 T 82 70 4 4 10 8 4 100PM PEAK (M & 8 T 48 63 4 4 7 8 4 90AM PEAK 9 T 48 63 4 4 7 8 4 90AVERAGE 11 T 82 73 4 4 7 8 4 100PM PEAK 12 T 50 63 4 4 7 8 4 90POST PM PEAK 14 M 82 60 4 4 20 8 4 100 ARENA IN 15 M 82 60 4 4 20 8 4 100 ARENA OUT 17 T 48 63 4 4 7 8 4 90MID-DAY 18 T 48 63 4 4 7 8 4 90BAYSIDE EXIT 20 T 48 63 4 4 7 8 4 90EARLY NITE 2 22 T 48 63 4 4 7 8 4 6 90NITE 6/0 23 T 48 63 4 4 7 8 4 6 90LATE NITE 7/ 24 T 48 63 4 4 7 8 4 6 90RECALL TEST MIN: 7 4 7 8 TIMING DATA FOR 2187 PAT OF NSW F Y WW 2 M 55 48 7 4 18 3 M 56 59 7 4 7 4 M 10 59 7 4 17 5 T 56 59 7 4 7 6 T 87 59 7 4 17 8 T 56 59 7 4 7 9 T 56 59 7 4 7 11 T 67 59 7 4 17 12 T 38 59 7 4 7 9 14 M 82 54 7 4 22 9 15 M 82 54 7 4 22 9 17 T 56 59 7 4 7 9 18 T 56 59 7 4 7 9 20 T 56 59 7 4 7 9 22 T 56 59 7 4 7 9 23 T 56 59 7 4 7 9 24 T 56 59 7 4 7 9 MIN: 7 7 7 9 TIMING DATA PAT OF WW 2 M 8 56 3 M 8 18 5 M 17 49 6 M 96 54 7 T 58 28 8 T 24 39 9 T 17 49 10 T 17 43 11 T 26 52 12 T 80 38 13 T 23 26 14 T 17 46 15 M 96 54 16 M104 77 17 M 2 26 23 T 0 26 24 T 0 26 MIN: 7 • US 1 & E FLAGLER ST F Y 9 4 9 4 9 4 9 4 9 4 9 4 9 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 (SEC: 2 TYPE: NA) S Y M CYC 900 2 PARADE I 90GRAND PRIX 1 1000 B PARADE 0 90MID-DAY (M & 100PM PEAK (M & 90AM PEAK 90AVERAGE 100PM PEAK 90POST PM PEAK 100 ARENA IN 100 ARENA OUT 90MI D-DAY 90BAYSIDE EXIT 90EARLY NITE 2 6 90NITE 6/0 6 90LATE NITE 7/ 6 90RECALL TEST FOR 2188 E FLAGLER ST & 3 AVE (SEC: 25 TYPE: NA) F Y NW F Y S Y M CYC 4 4 16 6 4 900 B PARADE I 4 4 54 6 4 90GRAND PRIX M 4 4 23 6 4 90MID-DAY M1 0 4 4 28 6 4 1000 B PARADE 0 4 4 14 6 4 60PRE AM M2 0/ 4 4 33 6 4 90AM PEAK M1 1 4 4 23 6 4 90MID-DAY M1 0 4 4 29 6 4 90MID-DAY M1 0 4 4 30 6 4 100PM PEAK M1 0 4 4 34 6 4 90POST PM M2 0 4 4 16 6 4 60NITE 0/1 4 4 26 6 4 90SATURDAY MID 4 4 28 6 4 100MIAMI ARENA 4 4 15 6 4 110PM PEAK M1 0 4 4 16 6 4 60NE 2 AVE HIG 4 4 16 6 4 6 60LATE NIGHT 3 4 4 16 6 4 6 60RECALL TEST 4 7 6 Enter command (CAPITAL LETTERS, MM = Main Menu) SPS DAY NUMBERS: 1 - SUNDAY 2 - MONDAY 3 - TUESDAY 4 - WEDNESDAY 5 - THURSDAY 6 - FRIDAY 7 - SATURDAY 8 - HOLIDAY 9 - MONDAY (NO SCHOOL) 10 - TUESDAY (NO SCHOOL) 11 - WEDNESDAY (NO SCHOOL) 12 - THURSDAY (NO SCHOOL) 13 - FRIDAY (NO SCHOOL) ENTER DAY #, SECTION 4 (/ = STOP) 5,2 TIME PATTERN CYCLE DESCRIPTION -- SECTION 2 PATTERN SCHEDULE FOR DAY # 5 0 20 90 EARLY NITE 2/0 30 22 90 NITE 6/0 100 23 90 LATE MITE 7/0 530 22 90 NITE 6/0 600 9 90 AVERAGE 720 8 90 AM PEAK 930 17 90 MID -DAY 1545 11 100 PM PEAK 1800 12 90 POST PM PEAK 1900 9 90 AVERAGE 2100 18 90 BAYSIDE EXIT 2300 24 90 EARLY NITE 2/0 • • • • APPENDIX E FDOT SEASONAL ADJUSTMENT FACTORS AND PROJECTIONS Print Date: Sep/16/2003 Florida Department of Transportation Transportation Statistics Office 2002 Peak Season Factor Category Report MIAMI-DADE NORTH �egory: 8700 • • Week Dates SF 1 01/01/2002 - 01/05/2002 1.01 2 01/06/2002 - 01/12/2002 1.01 3 01/13/2002 - 01/19/2002 1.00 4 01/20/2002 - 01/26/2002 0.99 5 01/27/2002 - 02/02/2002 0.99 6 02/03/2002 - 02/09/2002 0.98 * 7 02/10/2002 - 02/16/2002 0.97 * 8 02/17/2002 - 02/23/2002 0.97 * 9 02/24/2002 - 03/02/2002 0.97 * 10 03/03/2002 - 03/09/2002 0.96 * 11 03/10/2002 - 03/16/2002 0.96 * 12 03/17/2002 - 03/23/2002 0.97 * 13 03/24/2002 - 03/30/2002 0.97 * 14 03/31/2002 - 04/06/2002 0.97 * 15 04/07/2002 - 04/13/2002 0.97 * 16 04/14/2002 - 04/20/2002 0.98 * 17 04/21/2002 - 04/27/2002 0.98 * 18 04/28/2002 - 05/04/2002 0.98 * 19 05/05/2002 - 05/11/2002 0.98 20 05/12/2002 - 05/18/2002 0.98 21 05/19/2002 - 05/25/2002 0.99 22 05/26/2002 - 06/01/2002 1.00 23 06/02/2002 - 06/08/2002 1.01 24 06/09/2002 - 06/15/2002 1.01 25 06/16/2002 - 06/22/2002 1.02 26 06/23/2002 - 06/29/2002 1.02 27 06/30/2002 - 07/06/2002 1.02 28 07/07/2002 - 07/13/2002 1.02 29 07/14/2002 - 07/20/2002 1.03 30 07/21/2002 - 07/27/2002 1.02 31 07/28/2002 - 08/03/2002 1.02 32 08/04/2002 - 08/10/2002 1.02 33 08/11/2002 - 08/17/2002 1.01 34 08/18/2002 - 08/24/2002 1.01 35 08/25/2002 - 08/31/2002 1.01 36 09/01/2002 - 09/07/2002 1.02 37 09/08/2002 - 09/14/2002 1.02 38 09/15/2002 - 09/21/2002 1.02 39 09/22/2002 - 09/28/2002 1.01 40 09/29/2002 - 10/05/2002 1.01 41 10/06/2002 - 10/12/2002 1.00 42 10/13/2002 - 10/19/2002 1.00 43 10/20/2002 - 10/26/2002 1.00 44 10/27/2002 - 11/02/2002 1.01 45 11/03/2002 - 11/09/2002 1.01 46 11/10/2002 - 11/16/2002 1.02 47 11/17/2002 - 11/23/2002 1.02 48 11/24/2002 - 11/30/2002 1.01 49 12/01/2002 - 12/07/2002 1.01 50 12/08/2002 - 12/14/2002 1.01 51 12/15/2002 - 12/21/2002 1.01 52 12/22/2002 - 12/28/2002 1.01 53 12/29/2002 - 12/31/2002 1.00 PSCF 1.04 1.04 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.06 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.04 1.04 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.03 MOCF = 0.97 Note: "*" indicates peak season week Page 1 Print Date: Sept16/2003 Florida Department of Transportation Transportation Statistics Office 2002 Peak Season Factor Category Report MIAMI-DADE SOUTH Category: 8701 . • Week Dates SF PSCF 1.01 1.03 1.05 1.04 1.02 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.03 1.05 1 01/01/2002 - 01/05/2002 0.99 2 01/06/2002 - 01/12/2002 1.01 3 01/13/2002 - 01/19/2002 1.03 4 01/20/2002 - 01/26/2002 1.02 5 01/27/2002 - 02/02/2002 1.00 6 02/03/2002 - 02/09/2002 0.99 * 7 02/10/2002 - 02/16/2002 0.98 * 8 02/17/2002 - 02/23/2002 0.98 * 9 02/24/2002 - 03/02/2002 0.98 * 10 03/03/2002 - 03/09/2002 0.98 * 11 03/10/2002 - 03/16/2002 0.98 * 12 03/17/2002 - 03/23/2002 0.98 * 13 03/24/2002 - 03/30/2002 0.98 * 14 03/31/2002 - 04/06/2002 0.99 * 15 04/07/2002 - 04/13/2002 0.99 * 16 04/14/2002 - 04/20/2002 0.99 * 17 04/21/2002 - 04/27/2002 0.99 * 18 04/28/2002 - 05/04/2002 0.99 * 19 05/05/2002 - 05/11/2002 0.99 20 05/12/2002 - 05/18/2002 0.99 21 05/19/2002 - 05/25/2002 1.00 22 05/26/2002 - 06/01/2002 1.00 23 06/02/2002 - 06/08/2002 1.00 24 06/09/2002 - 06/15/2002 1.01 25 06/16/2002 - 06/22/2002 1.01 26 06/23/2002 - 06/29/2002 1.01 27 06/30/2002 - 07/06/2002 1.01 28 07/07/2002 - 07/13/2002 1.01 29 07/14/2002 - 07/20/2002 1.01 30 07/21/2002 - 07/27/2002 1.02 31 07/28/2002 - 08/03/2002 1.02 32 08/04/2002 - 08/10/2002 1.02 33 08/11/2002 - 08/17/2002 1.02 34 08/18/2002 - 08/24/2002 1.02 35 08/25/2002 - 08/31/2002 1.01 36 09/01/2002 - 09/07/2002 1.01 37 09/08/2002 - 09/14/2002 1.00 38 09/15/2002 - 09/21/2002 1.00 39 09/22/2002 - 09/28/2002 1.00 40 09/29/2002 - 10/05/2002 1.00 41 10/06/2002 - 10/12/2002 1.00 42 10/13/2002 - 10/19/2002 1.00 43 10/20/2002 - 10/26/2002 1.00 44 10/27/2002 - 11/02/2002 1.00 45 11/03/2002 - 11/09/2002 1.00 46 11/10/2002 - 11/16/2002 1.00 47 11/17/2002 - 11/23/2002 1.00 48 11/24/2002 - 11/30/2002 1.00 49 12/01/2002 - 12/07/2002 0.99 50 12/08/2002 - 12/14/2002 0.99 51 12/15/2002 - 12/21/2002 0.99 52 12/22/2002 - 12/28/2002 1.01 53 12/29/2002 - 12/31/2002 1.03 MOCF = 0.98 Note: "*"indicates peak season week Page 2 AADT FORECAST COUNTY: 87 COUNTY CODE: 87 OE DESCRIPTION 101 SR 968/FLAGLER ST/WB, 200' W US-11BLSCAYNE BLVD • 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 4,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6/0 Ciecirte_ J f A‘cv im - (�h �v r 1 of 1 7/16/200 AADT FORECAST COUNTY: 87 COUNTY CODE: 87 E DESCRIPTION 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 100 SR 9681EB SE 1 ST, 200' W SR 51US-1/BISCAYNE BLVID 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 d a 0 C OW-#-k /yr /SLiwe.. J%%/yr • • f of l 7/16/200 AADT FORECAST COUNTY: 87 *E DESCRIPTION 5047 SR 5/US-1, 100' S FLAGLER ST • • COUNTY CODE: 87 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 34,000 35,000 36,000 37,000 37,000 38,000 39,000 2,5 0 €-,e 3 fr Dt)Cr yea✓5 1 of 1 7/16/200 • APPENDIX F EXCERPTS FROM 2003 TRANSPORTATION • IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM REPORT (TIP) 0 1110 02/05/02 02/04/02 TENTATIVE PLAN * *HIGHWAYS * * • ITEM NO COUNTY TYPE OF WORK RDWY ID LENGTH BEG PT END PT FEDERAL AID NUMBER OLD ITEM DESCRIPTION 2511901 N.W. 54 NO. 874130 & EAST DADE • FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGETING DISTRICT 06 YEARS. 2003 THRU 2005 T=__:a_==-. =- COUNTY 87 DADS EXIST/IMPROVE/ADD PHASE FUND STREET BRDCE 6123199 1ST AVE BRIDGE NO. 874129 BRIDGE-REPAIR/REHABILITATION 2003 2004 ' 2005 87674505 .045 .010 .109 0 a' INC BET 4082321 N.W. 14TH STREET AT TAMIAMI CANAL DADE BRIDGE-REPAIR/REHABILITATION .000 .000 .000 0 0 PDE BRTZ PE BRTZ 4055871 MIAMI-DADE COUNTYWDE TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADE (ATMS) DADE TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPDATE .000 .000 .000 0 4042-267-C CST 0 550,000 • PAGE 3 WPAPJ93(FF) TCM PROJECT 5-YR PAGE REF 0 0 0 250,000 50,000 0 250,000 i 0 CM 4058981 CMAQ RESERVE FOR FUTURE PROJECTS DADE FUNDING ACTION .000 .000 .000 0 ' 0 CST CM 4068002 MIAMI INTERMODAL CTR (MIC) MIC CORE (PHASE 1) DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION DADE ACCESS IMPROVEMENT .000 .000 .000 0 CST 4057131 SR 886/PORT BLVD. PORT OF MIAMI - ACCESS IMPROVEMENT ACCESS IMPROVEMENT / .000 .000 .000 0 CST 4055811 CITY OF NORTH MIAMI .BEACH, FLORIDA HIGH PRIORITY PROJECTS • DADE BIKE PATH .000 .000' .000 0 7,600,000 13,432,000 0 0 0 0 10,319,000 0 CM 0 80,000 0 0 FD18 0 0 0 2,052,287 0 ADM 0 FHPP 482,155 0 • 0 I',\(i1. ' ) • • • 02/05/02 02/04/02 TENTATIVE PLAN "HIGHWAYS" ITEM NO OLD ITEM FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGETING DISTRICT 06 YEARS: 2003 THRU 2005 COUNTY: 87 DADE PAGE 12 WPAPJ93(FF) DESCRIPTION ' COUNTY TYPE OF WORK . RDWY ID LENGTH BEG PT END PT EXIST/IMPROVE/ADD FEDERAL AID NUMBER PHASE FUND 2003 2004 2005 TCM PROJECT 5-YR PAGE REF 2499851 SR 934/HIALEAH EXPY 6114162 FROM SR 826/PALMETTO EXPY TO SR 023/NW 57TH AVE DADE ADD LANES & RECONSTRUCT 87080900 1.967 31.229 33.196 4 4 2 6230-011-U CST XA 10,642,337 0 0 2502051' SR 5/US-1/S. DIXIE 6114382 FROM SW 232ND STREET TO SW 112TH AVENUE DADE RIGID PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION 87020000 2.304 9.717 12.021 4 4 0 CST XA 5,106,267 5,106,266 0 2502211 DADE COUNTY/CAR 6114398 CONTRACT RESERVE DADE ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION .000 .000 .000 0 0 0 ' CST XA 100,000 0 0 2495281 SR 25/NW/HE 36 ST. 6113705 FROM NW 7TH AVENUE TO NE 7TH AVENUE DADE RESURFACING 87090000 2.365 17.435 19.800 4 4 0 RRU XU CST XU , 3 52 FI�,OMNE 5THRSTREET ITOINE 13TH STREET �_1---v DE MULTI -LANE RECONSTRUCTION '--" 87030000 .576 11.280 11.856 8 0 0 RRU XU CST XU 0 0 0 0 238,700 5,500,554 0 0 0 0 345,000 7,288,202 2498191 SR 25/OKEECHOBEE RD. 6114016 'FROM W. 19TH STREET TO PALM AVENUE DADE ADD LANES & RECONSTRUCT 87090000 1.699 5.791 13.406 4 4 2 INC XU 1,100,000 0 0 4- • • MIAMI-DADE COUNTY METROPOUTAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT DESCRIPTION FROM TO - TYPE OF WORK PRIOR YEARS (AF) PROPOSED TENTATIVE THREE YEAR PROGRAM Map Na. Project Number Length (Mi.) 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-08 2008.07 NW 95 STREET NW 27 Avenue NW 7 Avenue 8 Rea nslruct 4 Lnnes Add Turn lane AF 3, 900 UNDER CONSTRUCTION 15 882358 2.0 8 CRANDON BOULEVARD MASTER PLAN CONCEPT Study AF 50 8 DOWNTOWN TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN Study 100 _ FLAGLER STREET NW 2 Avenue Biscayne Boulevard f3 Deign and Construction Administration Convert from One-way to Two.way AF AF 500 500 UNDER DESIGN 18 810140 0.5 TAMIAMI CANAL ROAD & TAMIAMI BOULEVARD SW 8 Street Magler- Street fl Drainage and Rcsutfacing UNDER DESIGN . CST 800 IT 671269 1.2 ENGINEERING ADMINISTRATION Administration 930 400 400 400 400 Totals Reflect &Vend/tures assess Upon Latest Budgetary /,n maborr of4nhcz;oatea' Revenues Ano' Alay 016.'ar From Actual Amounts IleQrred B Requires lult consideration of bicycle amomodations in accordance with Bicycle Facilities Plan PE - Preliminary Engmeertng CST - Construction CF1 • Construction Engineering Yspection AF - Additional Fundog to Prior Yeas • • • APPENDIX G TRIP GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION • • • COLUMBUS TOWER - MIAMI Summary of Trip Generation Calculation For 26.047 T.G.L.A. of Specialty Retail Center EXISTING September 16, 2003 Average Standard Adjustment Driveway Rate Deviation Factor Volume Avg. Weekday 2-Way Volume 40.67 13.70 1.00 1059 7-9 AM Peak Hour Enter 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 7-9 AM Peak Hour Exit 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 7-9 AM Peak Hour Total 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 1.11 0.00 1.00 29 4-6 PM Peak Hour Exit 1.48 0.00 1.00 9'2'a 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total 2.59 1.74 1.00 67 Saturday 2-Way Volume 42.04 13.97 1.00 1095 Saturday Peak Hour Enter 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Saturday Peak Hour Exit 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Saturday Peak Hour Total 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Note: A zero indicates no data available. Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 6th Edition, 1997. TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRANS COLUMBUS OFFICE TOWER Summary of Trip Generation Calculation For 650 Th.Gr.Sq.Ft. of General Office Building September 26, 2003 Average Rate Standard Deviation Adjustment Driveway Factor Volume Avg. Weekday 2-Way Volume 8.60 7-9 AM 7-9 AM 7-9 AM Peak Hour Peak Hour Peak Hour Enter Exit Total 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 4-6 PM Peak Hour Exit 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total Saturday 2-Way Volume Saturday Peak Hour Saturday Peak Hour Saturday Peak Hour Enter Exit Total 1.12 0.15 2.28 0.21 1.03 1.24 2.16 0.14 0.12 0.27 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5590 728 98 832 137 670 «7 806 SO 1404 91 78 176 Note: A zero indicates no data available. The above rates were calculated from these equations: 24-Hr. 2-Way Volume: 7-9 AM Peak Hr. Total: 4-6 PM Peak Hr. Total: AM Gen Pk Hr. Total: PM Gen Pk Hr. Total: Sat. Sat. Sun. Sun. 2-Way Volume: Pk Hr. Total: 2-Way Volume: Pk Hr. Total: Source: • LN(T) .768LN(X) + 3.654, R^2 = 0.8 LN(T) .797LN(X) + 1.558 R^2 = 0.83 , 0.88 Enter, 0.12 Exit T - 1.121(X) + 79.295 R^2 = 0.82 , 0.17 Enter, 0.83 Exit LN(T) = .797LN(X) + 1.558 R^2 = 0.83 , 0.88 Enter, 0.12 Exit T = 1.121(X) + 79.295 R^2 = 0.82 , 0.17 Enter, 0.83 Exit T = 2.136(X) + 18.473, R^2 -= 0 66 LN(T) _ . 814LN (X) + -.115 LN(T) = .863LN(X) + .306, R^2 = 0.5 LN(T) = .605LN (X) + -.228 R^2 = 0.56 , 0.58 Enter, 0.42 Exit Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 6th Edition, 1997. TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRANS COLUMBUS OFFICE TOWER Summary of Trip Generation Calculation For 32 T.G.L.A. of Specialty Retail Center September 26, 2003 Average Standard Adjustment Driveway Rate Deviation Factor Volume Avg. Weekday 2-Way Volume 40.67 13.70 1.00 1301 7-9 AM Peak Hour Enter 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 7-9 AM Peak Hour Exit 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 7-9 AM Peak Hour Total 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 1.11 0.00 1.00 36 4-6 PM Peak Hour Exit 1.48 0.00 1.00 47 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total 2.59 1.74 1.00 83 Saturday 2-Way Volume 42.04 13.97 1.00 1345 Saturday Peak Hour Enter 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Saturday Peak Hour Exit 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Saturday Peak Hour Total 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Note: A zero indicates no data available. Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 6th Edition, 1997. TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRANS • • • • Miami -Dade 1999 Validation Distribution Report DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY ORIGIN 1 CARDINAL DIRECTIONS I TOTAL C ZONE NNE ENE ESE SSE SSW WSW WNW NNW 541 TRIPS 1140 597 373 146 1626 3346 2875 2414 12517 PERCENT 9.11 4.77 2.98 1.17 12.99 26.73 22.97 19.29 542 TRIPS 117 87 53 46 126 325 282 243 1279 PERCENT 9.15 6.80 4.14 3.60 9.85 25.41 22.05 19.00 543 TRIPS 107 58 40 74 100 279 215 202 1075 PERCENT 9.95 5.40 3.72 6.88 9.30 25.95 20.00 18.79 544 TRIPS 614 331 329 371 406 1445 1177 1096 5769 PERCENT 10.64 5.74 5.70 6.43 7.04 25.05 20.40 19.00 545 TRIPS 172 121 106 136 131 408 336 275 1685 PERCENT 10.21 7.18 6.29 8.07 7.77 24.21 19.94 16.32 546 TRIPS 387 199 257 205 181 703 602 533 3067 PERCENT 12.62 6.49 8.38 6.68 5.90 22.92 19.63 17.38 547 TRIPS 101 67 78 40 60 197 146 164 853 PERCENT 11.84 7.85 9.14 4.69 7.03 23.09 17.12 19.23 548 TRIPS 678 493 507 329 432 1460 1074 1238 6211 PERCENT 10.92 7.94 8.16 5.30 6.96 23.51 17.29 19.93 549 TRIPS 1226 941 628 600 598 2607 1947 2104 10651 PERCENT 11.51 8.83 5.90 5.63 5.61 24.48 18.28 19.75 550 TRIPS 190 105 95 95 91 409 332 323 1640 PERCENT 11.59 6.40 5.79 5.79 5.55 24.94 20.24 19.70 551 TRIPS 825 571 595 608 472 1995 1676 1371 8113 PERCENT 10.17 7.04 7.33 7.49 5.82 24.59 20.66 16.90 552 TRIPS 381 174 210 260 244 920 735 659 3583 PERCENT 10.63 4.86 5.86 7.25 6.81 25.68 20.51 18.39 553 TRIPS 198 116 81 135 146 493 450 423 2042 PERCENT 9.70 5.68 3.97 6.61 7.15 24.14 22.04 20.71 554 TRIPS 696 489 313 300 455 1522 1387 1454 6616 PERCENT 10.52 7.39 4.73 4.53 6.88 23.00 20.96 21.98 555 TRIPS 1096 477 310 129 1168 2579 2385 2028 10172 PERCENT 10.77 4.69 3.05 1.27 11.48 25.35 23.45 19.94 - 39_ 1231/01 • COLUMBUS OFFICE TOWER IN DOWNTOWN MIAMI CARDINAL DISTRIBUTION PM ENTER TAZ # 543 TOTALS TRIPS 74 NNE 9.95% ENE 5.40% ESE 3.72% SSE 6.88% SSW 9.30% • WSW 25.96% WNW 20.00% NNW 18.79% * Uses SB Biscayne Blvd. ** Uses NB Biscayne Blvd. • • • • COLUMBUS OFFICE TOWER IN DOWNTOWN MIAM1 CARDINAL DISTRIBUTION PM EXIT TAZ # 543 TRIPS 349 NNE 9.95% ENE 5.40% ESE 3.72% SSE 6.88% SSW 9.30% WSW 25.96% WNW 20.00% NNW 18.79% TOTALS * Goes north on NE 3rd Avenue ** Goes west on NE i st Street • TAZ # TRIPS 261 .824 AUTO TRIPS X 226%X1.4 ppv NNE 9.95% COLUMBUS OFFICE TOWER IN DOWNTOWN MIAMI CARDINAL DISTRIBUTION OF PERSON TRIPS ON TRANSIT DURING THE PM PEAK PERIOD 543 TOTALS ENE 5.40% ESE 3.72% SSE 6.88% i SSW 9.30% • WSW 25.96% WNW 20.00% NNW 18.79% 18 SSE Assume that 50% of transit trips to WNW and WSW plus 100°/0 of all other transit trips will use transit available on Biscayne Corridor 261 - 0.5(52+68) = 201 Passengers to/from Columbus Office Tower • • • APPENDIX H FDOT QUALITY/LOS HANDBOOK TABLE 4-4 TABLE 4 - 4 GENERALIZED PEAK HOUR TWO-WAY VOLUMES FOR FLORIDA'S URBANIZED AREAS* UNINTERRUPTED FLOW HIGHWAYS Lanes Divided 2 Undivided 4 Divided 6 Divided A 180 1,940 2,900 Level of Service B C D 620 1,210 1,720 3,140 4,540 5,870 4.700 6,800 8,810 E 2,370 6,670 10,010 STATE TWO-WAY ARTERIALS Class I (>0.00 to 1.99 signalized intersections per mile) Level of Service Lanes Divided 2 Undivided 4 Divided 6 Divided 8 Dividcd A B C ** 400 1,310 460 2,780 3,300 700 4,240 4,950 890 5,510 6,280 D 1,560 3,390 5,080 6,440 E 1,610 *** *** *** Class I1 (2.00 to 4.50 signalized intersections per mile) Level of Seri ice Lanes Divided A 13 C D E 2 Undivided ** 180 1.070 1,460 4 Divided 6 Divided 8 Divided ** ** ** 390 620 800 2,470 3,830 5,060 3,110 4,680 6,060 1,550 3,270 4,920 6,360 Class III (more than 4.5 signalized intersections per mile and not within primary city central business district of an urbanized area over 750,000) Lanes Divided 2 Undivided 4 Divided 6 Divided 8 Divided A ** ** ** ** 13 ** ** ** ** Level of Service C D 500 1,200 1.180 2.750 1,850 4,240 2,450 5,580 E 1,470 3,120 4,690 6,060 Class IV (more than 4.5 signalized intersections per mile and within primary city central business district of an urbanized area over 750,000) Lanes Divided 2 Undivided 4 Divided 6 Divided 8 Divided A ** ** ** ** B ** ** ** ** Level of Se C 490 1, l70 1,810 2,460 cc D 1,310 2,880 4,350 5,690 E 1,420 3,010 4,520 5,910 Interchange spacing > 2 mi. apa FREEWAYS evel of Service Lanes A 13 C D E 4 2,310 3,840 5,350 6,510 7,240 6 3,580 5,930 8,270 10,050 11,180 8 4,840 8,020 11,180 13.600 15,130 10 6,110 10,110 14,110 17,160 19,050 12 7,360 12,200 17,020 20,710 23,000 Interchange spacing < 2 mi. apart Lanes 4 6 8 10 12 A 2,050 3,240 4,420 5,600 6,780 E 3,350 4,840 6.250 7,110 5,250 7,600 9,840 1 L180 7,160 10,360 13,420 15,240 9,070 13,130 16,980 19,310 10,980 15,890 20,560 23,360 Level of Service B C D Lanes Divided 2 Undivided 4 Divided 6 Divided Lanes Divided 2 Undivided 4 Divided NON -STATE ROADWAYS Major City/County Roadways Level of Service A 13 C 870 2,030 3,170 ** ** ** ** ** ** D 1,390 2,950 4,450 Other Signalized Roadways (signalized intersection analysis) Level of Service A B C D ** ** 450 950 ** ** 1,050 2,070 E 1,480 3,120 4,690 E 1,200 2,400 BICYCLE MODE (Note: Level of service for the bicycle mode in this table is based an roadway geometries at 40 mph posted speed and traffic conditions, not number of bicyclists using the facility.) (Multiply motorized vehicle volumes shown below by number of directional roadway lanes to determine two-way maximum service volumes.) Paved Shoulder Bicycle Lane Coverage 0-49% 50-84% 85-100% A ** ** 300 Level of Service B C D ** 310 1,310 240 390 >390 680 >680 *** E >1,310 *** *** PEDESTRIAN MODE (Note: Level of service for the pedestrian mode in this table is based on roadway geometries at 40 mph posted speed and traffic conditions, not number of pedestrians using the facility.) (Multiply motorized vehicle volumes shown below by number of directional roadway lanes to determine two-way maximum service volumes.) Level of Service Sidewalk Coverage A B C D E 0-49% ** ** ** 600 1,480 50-84% ** ** ** 940 1,800 85-100% ** 210 1,080 >1,080 *** BUS MODE (Scheduled Fixed Route) (Buses per hour) (Note: Buses per hour shown are only for the peak hour in the single direction of higher traffic flow.) Level of Service Sidewalk Coverage A B C D 0-84% ** >5 >4 >3 85-100% >6 >4 >3 >2 02/22/02 Lanes 2 2 Multi Multi ARTERIAL/NON-STATE ROADWAY ADJUSTMENTS DIVIDED/UNDIVIDED (alter corresponding volume by the indicated percent) Median Left Turns Lanes Adjustment Factors Divided Yes -1-5°/a Undivided No -20% Undivided Yes -5% Undivided No -25% Source; Florida Department of Transportation Systems Planning Office 605 Suwannee Street, MS 19 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450 httpl/www11.myflorida.com/planning/systernsismilosIdefault.htin `This ;able does not constitute a standard and should be used only for general planning applications. The computer models from which this table is derived should be used for more specific planning applications- The table and deriving computer models should not be used for corridor or intersection design, where more refined techniques exist. Values show are hourly two-way volumes for levels of service and are for the automobile/truck triodes unless specifically stated. Level of service loner grade thresholds are probably not comparable across modes and, rhercfnre, cross modal comparisons should he made with caution. Fur hertnore, combining levels of service of different modes into one overall roadway level of service is not recommended. To convert to anal average daily traffic volumes, these volumes must be divided by an appropriate K factor. The table's input value defaults and level of service criteria appear on the following page. Calculations arc based on planning applications of the Highway Capacity Manual, Bicycle LOS htodel, Pedestrian LOS Model and Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual, respectively for the automobileitruck, bicycle. pedestrian and bus modes- "•Cannnt be achieved using table input value defaults. "• "Not applicable for that level of service letter gradeFor autamobileftruck modes, volumes greater than level of service 0 become F because intersection capac.aes have been reached. For bicycle and pedesrrian modes. the level of service letter grade (including F) is not achievable, because there is no maximum vehicle volume threshold using table input value defaults- 9 1 ONE-WAY FACILITIES Decrease corresponding two -directional volumes in this table by 40% to obtain the equivalent one directional volume for one-way facilities. o APPENDIX I EXCERPTS FROM 0 DOWNTOWN MIAMI DRI UPDATE • • TAMS 2117 PUWIQTOVAI 1AM10R1 UPDAT5 PERSON -TRIP VOLUME 4147 CAPACITY E213T010 CO13OITIO146 MATRA 14 '7 t 13. RV4D4YAr PR45.£ TO 01• YIAAv AQ❑P- TE0 1.04 II 07i11100'+EIIIGUILA 777E . IILVWM0,0 FAAS7-iFT412R1T waist- '4-SGGliktiT t73751 304049AT 04PACITY 11 i'ER5-TAP CAPACITY gyP11 1A I41 ROADWAY 3 ICUL4 .LIRAS 19 PER9.IAIP 42LUN8 QPP1. 1,4 t51 £49E65 PERSON TRIP cAPAC1IY 01 Ropflc+tAr PERSON IMP 10 116r �laYeft !lU! Nn',�0. PEH4RIP ERATNP CAPACITY CA231C812 LOAD. 4414L1A 103 A140. PEAu-TRIP CAPACITY LOAOF+ 133 TM 774444647 4ER04FOP CAPACTTY Ill TRAN6F!' PERSQ14-181PV€ILUAIE I1Sj TATAt. TRANSIT PERK 90411512 AA 1'H,iFiSiT P6R9-TR4' EXCEL CAPACITY 11,4 8Ea61ENr 14E99001 TRIP CA4'p01Tf I141 SEC/X:kT PE3190N TRIP VOWVE SEaN�!!T i46 PEA1•T46P EXCESS CAPAOR'Y sgGllBiT 11 PER90H , 431' Dus pt4TRO. 640NP.F4 81E74 I1,1L. V,C WS 9F4CAYNE 494Y2 NE 14 STREET i.R4651f€E7 N3 E I Ls Om2A16 1.t071 1.429 1,467 0,43 C #Pi 920 169 Ito 734 3,015 1,970 7215 0.415 C al E 1,315 2,116 1,110> 2,530 374 039 0 92,7 9241 243 24-1 Gil 3,7I14 7,531 0.43 9,742 D 114E46 STAPET 5191 N3 E LS 1,610, 2405 7,12T 2,485 054 059 i1 020 950 169 448 751 35115 21714 1,644 0.551 C 00 E 1,810 2415 2011 2104 AT 090 E 921 3520 242 244 677 3A52 A107 709 0.514 0 1-153 FE 30 51512107 Nil E I.S 1.1110 2,115 1,5.14 1.508 1,124 055 C 9113 490 S13 334 591 3,54E 2.237 1A09 4571 C SO E 1,116 2.E4 1,519 .2725 671 0,77 0 923 220 248 209 1172 3,514 2,471 1y41 4548 C 11E50 SISLEY W27151 REE7 140 E 49 1.51a 2,190 1,714 1,818 11555 045 C 1,472 1,472 Era 523 519 4,361 2,331 1A77 0547 C 844 E 1,110 3,045 1,519 2221' • 471 475 0 2,252 2232 418 41.6 1,,130 1,148 3 41 2,407 DAIS C 6E295TREET HE 20 STREET 00 E LS 1,753 7510 1,915 $931 119 055 E 1,472 1172 521 523 943 4,272 9,2414 FOB 0.751 ❑ Eli E 1.754 7000 1170 1,245 1,564 6.40 0 , 2,212 2252 416 446 1,135 4652 11,E52 2,190 0529 0 SE TO STREET 14E1930e0E7 i3O E Ls 13410 2617 1,671' 2247 283 0.50 0 1,472 1,472 523 523 449 4,272 2,770 1,502 54446 1 12 1 53 E 1,743 2,000 970 1,274 1,442 4.49 P 2,252 2,71.7 416 416 1,E30 4052 1,774 3,279 44.111 0 LE19 STREET NE TSST14E6T 6E E AS 1,750 7810 1,759 2,41.7 132 4a1 E 1,410 963 2474 442 41 GM 1,943 5,2.E 2,519 Z3c9 4554 D 103 E L,750 2,810 1252 1,751 1,047 4:143 0 7249 3514 3209 253 53 47A 7,2711 5711!} 2113 3,1124 03..4 0 FE10STREET NE 14 STREET 413 E 1t1 1,750 2910 1,s14 2,344 464 804 E 1.O31 150 1,500 578 44 722 1,245 4,735 5,*41i 1,722 5544 0 EA E 1,701, 23E0 919 1•28.7 1,519 442 D 1,500 593 2,755 405 57 530 2,24.5 5,505 1823 3,743 0126 0 NE 140714EE1 4.E 135111EET N9 E 113 2,480 4210 1,874 2}k4 1,252 457 0 1,743 fop 277168 712 44 705 4670 4,742 3,140 3A22 0.464 0 se E 2,550 4219 549 1,287 2030 631 D 2401 119 3,440 636 53 5141 20411 7,842 1,7746 5,434 0345 12 NE 13 STREET 0.1e1 143 E 115 2,56E 4245 1,731 2,423 1,573 059 I'1 1,700 460 2 611 744 44 792 1 A74 4,792 3,21E 3,517 0.475 0 Sg E 2„50 4,06 1,697 2,375 1,729 060 45 2450 950 3,445 080 51 551 2,385 7,542 2,50.7 4,615 12365 0 1.555 BC08STREET N4S Stl E I: HO 5,140 2,554 5,1E4 4,C43 1452 1, 2,0:5 2,148 3614 1,90S IA0 0.61 0 0 2,411 1,7T16 060 9E0 4448 2.566 167 891 51 53 41B C34 3U58 2.215 A47O 41,7e2 2;4J3 2.550 5,a.47 4,201 0257 4178 C tI NE591'71LET Na SSTITE.E:T Na E NS: 3.140 4,044 1,695 $374 2p50 0.47 0 1,,700 R`.A 2028 877 91 7r8 1,llte 7,897 a142 4,546 0A01 0 9E 11 51.43 1.,024 740 1.444 3,500 1124 C 2,459 3412 3440 lee 70 558 2,587 1,474 1,810 41107 0,162 C ME ] STREET NE. 1 STREET MIS is Hs 9,140 1.074 1,606 2.374 2,518 0.47 0 2,485 1,440 8178 037 43 740 2,159 8,950 0.114 67135 0.7411 ❑ .... ...... _AEt 95 E 1140 .5,024 _1,044 ..3350 021 . C 2215 .. 1,410 .. 9665 .._....I84 .., _...24 ... - 451 -]i15 --__ 6,090 _--._-iE04 .-.......7.160 0.172 _.C. STREET S=tSTREET 1,,11 E ti4-- 3,140 5,024 t$47 2p8B 2.10E p51 P 1,4.V. 1,4t0 4,574 1,106 7R 1,tiT3 3.694 9,2126 2,734 6,192 05560 0 '•"- .. "...... 00 E 3,140 53124 ESt 1,706 3,019 024 C 300 1,440 1,740 91 F5T 141 1605 1,771 1,316 6,424 4133 C 11E1 STREET-.. 3E 251AEET i1{ i 145 - 5,140 8324 1647 2,51 2,430 851 0 7E0 1,440 2,712 1ST 106 203 1927 7,244 2,879 4,965 a05T O 50 E 3,140 5,014 1181 7,205 7813 924 C 1,410 1,440 71 71 1,357 6,481 1,275 2,144 411189 C SE281L1EET SE SITIEET AO ERA' !i4 2,040 1.241 S,N07 2,533 734 4470 D 2010 2,020 201 212 2,677 6,144 2,731 3.411 0441 0 NE 2 AV EN1C,9A4Ce84AVE Fd1E 1C-7O STREET NE i9STitEET 14d E La 1,116 2,461 731 1,013 1,SS1 0A0 0 711 713 195 till 51$ 3397 1.321 2475 0.370 D M E 1,115 2,954 512 717 1,057 023 O 715 713 116 119 594 1,207 438 2.461 14.7154 C 14E 14 S'TIIEOT t*0 T4 START N9 E HS 1,515 2.014 %i! 1,1713 1,531 040 47 4228 4E1 22 21 45E 3,94 17345 2,010 A.141 0 98 E 1,015 2414 612 717 1,967 029 0 515 CPI 926 84 25 lth 888 3,542 627 2,735 0.234 G 14614615E467 0713318EE1' 1190 E 149 1,410 2361 721 1,1123 1A41 140 0 450 400 22 22 455 2,484 1,043 2,010 0.111 0 SB E 1,914 7,931 512 717 1657 028 0 1,470 4447 1,557 340 25 314 1,216 4.154 1,411 1,531 4254 C NC14 STREET 1,325 7.9 5-154 0.10 3,070 4;02. 1,157 1.579 3,334 032 0 1,970 DET 2,637 2114 ICU 3141 1045 0,942 1,562 4,354 0201 C 1,395 HE 1107E447 98 E-11,47 199 3670 4312 571 Seta 3811 0.19 C 1,070 04» 2500 254 138 429 1A14 6,942 1,213 25*53 0.196 C . 5465 STREET NE 15095E1 51 E-120 HS 3,070 4,912 071 9344 33171 0.19 C 1,3311 11440 2,70 734 113 245 2,425 7,892 1,354 4395 9.167 C 114E15114E771 FIAOLERSIREET SS E-1911 H5 3,420 4,947 671 052 1,471 0.19 0 552 1,440 1,592 GB 114 2112 1,791 1,004 1,141 5.743 0,144 C FLAMER sistr 311 1 sT1?EET 00 E.iY, ifs 8070 4052 877 339 9,971 0.19• C 7, 40 1,440 114 114 4,2311 4 352 I A7 6299 1193 C 9E1311,IEE1 SE2SWEET SE E1177 WI 1,070 4312 571 333 3,974 419 C 1.,21E 1,440 2716 551 151 522 2,251 7.5113 1,441 0,24' 4110E C SE STREET SE4MEET 58 E752 113 3,770 6613 671 105 3,091 0.18 C 1346 2849 4,221 370 151 521 2,705 14,231 1,439 6.726 1.147 C SE48TAE):T 0se SETITEET211 4.8 E 143 1,700 2,720 1,197 1,870 1644 042 A 7,744 9911 2,194 555 144 4223 1,777 5,025 2,241 2421 0.453 0 5E7 E 7,7.AO 4246 1,340 1,679 2720 040 4 565. 1,500 2.4157 115 320 471 2,011 6,5112 2,251 4,231 0.357 D 111E16,2 Al 0W115,T10E21 313 12 119 1,769 2,Ta1 795 1,114 1516 0.41 D 564 1146 1,105 2504 249 RA 270 440 2,303 5,739 1,794 1,315 5.314 0 SI E 1.469 2,701 1,315 1.05 077 040 0 000 €,9211 1,403 2249 143 3T11 9442 1,171 2,770 6.181 1054 3,915 0,444 0 SIN 13 6114EE5 200157040 Na E 143 1,700 3,72E 59.1 544 1A76 8.3E 0 305 044) 4,105 2321 164 05 214 517 22'12 5440 13E1 4,008 C4250 C 33 12 1.701 2,726 1,470 2,030 254 0.75 D 206 SAID 1,469 2,729 22 12 e07 1115 1,014 5,440 2611 2,588 0.523 0 0205511040 13102 Oat41.1446C'77i NS E 13 1,709 3,72) 810 €,131 1,205 4.42 0 254 306 131 128 180 3070 1372 1,734 0,425 D SS E 1,741 2,730 1.3E4 1,910 610 0.70 P 56.8 390 7,2 22 264 1,478 1,9.12 1.4124 4055 0 1 =ACE:IIFf1RAN0SCFT81AS, PA. T4:T1H.1,NA FIf'R04E.71777 }itt571441415.P5644. 1,30(.71 • CLASSI- FICATION TYPE C-.. SS4 ARTERIAL 2LD 4LL1 4LD� oi TABLE 21.A8 DOWNTOWN MIAMI DR UPDATE LEVEL OF SERVICE TABLE FDOT'S 1998 LEVEL OF SERVICE 0 0 0 6L.0 8LD 0 GROUP 1 FREEWAY 4LIJ SLD 81.0 10LO 12LI] 0 0 0 0 190 0 _ 720 800 200 447 470 756 840 1,482 1,615 1,560 _ 1,700 730 2,380 2,560 920 2,930 3,140 1,060 1,720 2,570 3,310 4,090 1,630 2,630 3,950 5,080 6,270 2,220 3,590 _ 5,390 6,930 8,550 2,780 4,490 6,730 8,660 10,690 3,260 5,270 7,900 10,160 12,540 GROUP 2 FREEWAY 4LD GLD 8 L0 10LD 12L [11 PERSON TRIP LEVEL OF SERVICE 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0,26 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.42 0.42 0.42 0,42 0.42 D 024 0.90 1.00 0.24 0.90 1.00 0.28 0.92 1 00 0.28 0.92 1.0 0.29 0,93 1.00 0,29 0.93 1.00 .63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 1,090 1,710 2,570 3,270 3,900 1,680 2,630 3,950 , 5,030 5,990 2,290 3,590 5,390 6,860 8,170 2,860 4,490 6,740 8,580 10,210 3,350 5,270 7,900 10,050 11,970 0.28 0.28 .44 0,81 1.00 0.8 0,81 0,81 0.81 0,66 0.84 0.44 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.44 0.66 0.84 0.44 0.44 0,66 0.84 0.65 0.84 0.66 0.84 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 00 1,00 1.00 0 NOTES: BY 111 THE PERSON TRIP LEVEL OF SERVICE IS DERIVED BY DIVIDING THE FDOT'S 1998 LEVEL OF SERVICE THE LOS E FOR EACH TYPE OF ROADWAY. SOURCE: KEITH AND SC4-INARS, P.A. • YV3 8C:9T COOZ/OT/60 c N ,1T RANPLAN\P ROjECTS220011167161TABLES\T9MATRIX.Vtr1C4 09/10/2003 18:45 FAX I Usi0/ U1.7 • • TABLE 21.137 DOWNTOWN MIAM! URI UPDATE • INCREMENT II PM PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION ANALYSIS CBD AREA USES UNITS 1TE LAND USE CODE PM PEAK HOURTRIP S - ITE 6TH EDITION TRIP GENERATION IN OUT '` TOTAL ' RATE OR FORMULA [1] I TRIPS % TRIPS TRIPS OFFICE ATTRACTIONS - MOVIE THEAYSA ATTRACTIONS _ BALLPARK 101 I INSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION INDUSTRIAL 1 RESIDENTIAL RETAIL HOTEL 585.000 SQ.FT. 5.000 SEATS 45.000 SEATS 450,000 SQ. FT. 500,000 SQ.FT_ 250,000 SQ,FT_ 3,000 P.U, 225,000 SO, FT. 800 ROOMS 710 444 444 540 710 110 232 620 310 T= 1.121 (X) r 79 295 T = 0.14 (X) T = 0.02 (X) T = 1.66 (X) T = 1.121 (X) + 79.295 T = 1.433 (X) -163.421 T = 0.342 (X) + 15.468 141(T)=0.880Ln(X)+3-403 Ln(T) = 1.212 Ln(X) - 1.763 17% 537o 55% 48% 17% 12% 62% 48% 63% 125 371 785 044 109 23 645 515 211 83% 47% 18% 54% 63°, 56% 3894 52% 47% 910 329 135 403 531 172 366 557 16a 735 { 700 900 747! 840 195 1,041 1,072 399 GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS 46% 3,108 52% 3,321 3429 1 020 VEHICLE OCCUPANCY ADJUSTMENT AT, 10.0% OF GROSS EXTERNAL TRIPS [21 46 Jo 467 52% 532 TRANSIT TRIP REDUCTION (6J 22.6% OF GROSS EXTERNAL TRIPS j31 46% 792 52% 751 1,459 Ot2 OF GROSS EXTERNAL [4] pgoss-rRIAN18loy;LE TRIP RSODUCTla10.0°/ RI 48% 311 52% 332 643 f_4yrEXTEF AL VEHICLE TRIPS 48% 159J 2 52% 1,706 3,304 �.. �.,.1� y :: s�,: �. R:: ;'-LT,.'f1'',; ''l.':','y1 T` `-.1!.:.�::is-, :::'��r, ,;.. g.»,.!^.....:. ,,.._'h'.44 ....,-g ,IL ..-..7..'i.:;yi -i r;w*'',h. ct':Y r.t;, 1..1v'?!r,',r , s .� i�. '' k:. i ^`- �5 ]S"�[ p[i x nl� NEY EXTERNAL PERSON TRIPS IN VEHICLES © 4.40 PERSONS T VEHICLE 46% 2.220 52% 2,400 4,625 NET EXTERNAL PERSON TRIPS USING TRANSIT 1 1,40 PERSONS !VEHICLE 48% 976 52% 1,050 2,034 NET EXTERNAL PERSON TRIPS (VEHICLES ANO TRANSIT MODEL _ 46' .il 3.196 52% 3,4644n x 6,660, I ' =-t.'t.: a r a_ .. ...,.`ft rite',. it °, '' ', di'l .'.�ir1 1 .' ,[c�.111ah ii'—z•rr,'� 111.44 '' ; ' _ . TRIPS WALKLNG OR USING BICYCLES A 1.40 PERSONS ! VEHICLE 48%432 5 % 4E8 900 NET to i tRNAL PERSON NOTES' [1] IN THE FORMULAS, (X) IS THE AREA PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET, SCATS, ROOMS OR UNITS, [21 A 15% REDUCTION TO ACCOUNT FOR SAME PERSON TRIPS AS ITE BUT HIGHER VEHICLE OCCUPANCY (MIAM!'s 1.4 vs. ITE's 1,2 PERSNEH) j3j TRANSIT TRIP REDUCTION BASED ON PROJECTED M00AL SPLITS USED IN THE OR113INAL DOWNTOWN MIAMI DRl 5 11DY. [4] P_OESTRIAN AND BICYCLE TRIP REDUCTIONS ARE E$YIMATED BASED ON DOWNTOWN CHARACTERISTICS. 5] TRIP RATE FOR THE ATTRACTION (EALLPARK) IS RAZED ON 0,02 EMPLOYEES PER SEAT AND 1 AM & PM PEAK HOUR TRIP PER EMPLOYEE. SOURCE; KEITH ANO SCHNAPS, P.A- 21-73 rl:ltranplan\p r0je0Is\2O01116716\tabiesiGEN-P M 1 09/10/2003 18:46 FAX E1010/015 TABLE 21.C1 DOWNTOWN MIAMI DRI UPDATE - INCREMENT 11 TRANSIT AND PEDESTRIAN MODE SPLITS 17-SS 2001 AREA TRANSIT MODAL SPLIT [1] PEDESTRIAN REDUCTION [2] INCREMENT I INCREMENT II t C -- OMNI CBD 11.7% 23.3% 14.9% 22.6% 10.0% 10.0% BRICKELL SE OVERTOWN 14.3% 8.3% 14.1% 8.2% 15.0% N/A NOTES.: [1] TRANSIT MODAL SPLITS BASED ON APPROVED RATES USED 1N THE ORIGINAL DOWNTOWN MIAMI DRI. [2] PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE TRIP REDUCTION BASED ON AREA CHARACTERISTICS AND DISCUSSIONS WITH CITY OFFICIALS. 21-77 SOURCE: KEITH AND SCHNARS, P.A. n:ltranplan\prajects12001116716\tables\cbd2pm.wk4 • • • • Page 4.0 20-Har2011 TABLE 21D19 130Yi9TOYrW MIAMI DRI UPDATE YEAR29I9 PERSON TRIP CONDTTJONS ROADWAY FROM TO DIR • �O O WWL WwwwW w wwwuJWWWW W W w ww w w w wwaWUjr www www� Wwwwwwww '4i co DJ w w w w W IA FACILITY TYPE [EXISTING 1 LANES A.4V P14 COUNT GATE [t/ EX151IH4 PERSON TRIP VOLUME YR2093 WKS PERSON TRIP VOLUMM 131 COMMI. TIED DEV. TR2909 TOTAL 0146 PER6014 _ TRIP FUTURE PERSON TRIP CAPACITY TOTAL [SE 08G PERSON TR P MI INC41 PROD. PERSON YR2999 147TAL PERSON 7R4sa Valutaa FUTURE PERSON TRIP CAPACITY TOTAL [51 TOTAL PERSON TRIP PRO-i,AS A % OF MAX SERVICE VOLUME PR0J, 7PJPS GREATER, TURN SY. YES,T46 VJC LC76I TRJP WC iL05 BISC..AYNE 8L'tG ._ _ _� HE,S(STRF..ET NE40STRE,7 190 4L0 AM D711111w'0 1,500 1.533 119 12132 3,00 0.455 C 55 1.050 3.950 0479 C 1.42% NO 58 2,033 2,954 143 3,147 3,953 0.757 D 63 3,240 3.993 0.620 D 2.3555 N3 NE46S11T_ET 1-195 19.3 4LD A51 0912'00 2,172 2,298 130 2,428 3,950 9.814 C 73 2.456 3,950 0.532 C 1.7735 NO 30 3007 3,273 155 3A30 3= 41.876 D 110 3,564 3,959 0.967 5) 2.945'. NO 1.105 AE341Si ktT N9 41,0 PM 04729:00 2,107 2,325 325 2,650 3,993 0.571 D 100 2,839 3359 0.715 D 4.56% ND SR 2,473 2,815 215 2,581 3,000 0,724 0 154 3,017 3,951 0,754 0 3.06% 140 NEM STREET NE29STREET NB 41.D P5.1 COMM Z591 2,51g 519 3,539 4,446 0.6E3 A 240 3,278 4,44a 0,737 D 5.41494 YES 53 2.641 2,797 416 3,492 6071 9.476 C 296 3,400 6,578 0.549 C 111% NO NE 29 STREET NE 23 STREET NB AL0 (NI 0393131 3,334 3,355 682 4,538 4,393 9.9213 E 360 4,338 4,350 0.987 E 6,971E YES 9B 1,610 1,741 629 2,270 6,582 5343 0 260 2,530 6,552 0.384 0 3059E NO NE 20 STREET NE 19 STREET N9 4D PFA otivaLss 2.770 2,935 713 3,711E 4,350 0.852 E 252 4,060 4,350 0.020 E 5,711E YES NE 55 1,774 1,000 6% 2,475 6,552 6374 5) 254 2,730 6,502 0,415 0 365+L 140 19 STREET NE tS STREET NO 41D J'4.1 4K1117145 2.949 3,107 1520 a727 5,310 0102 ❑ 315 4,042 5,310 0.761 0 5-535. YES Se 2,t33 2.303 464 2,790 7,542 0.370 0 273 3,1353 7,542 0.406 0 3.625L NO NE 15 STREET TIE 14 STREET NB 4L1) Pf1 94112199 3696 3.249 645 4.564 4,942 0.148 0 240 4,334 4,912 0.877 E 4.86% N0 50 1,525 1,974 646 22972 7,174 0390 0 3122 2,793 7,174 0389 1] 2.905. NO NE 14 STREET NE 13STREET NO 910 PtA 04413199 3,140 3TZ7 1.09( 4,426 6,054 0.659 0 412 4,1138 5504 0,711 ❑ 6_067C YES NE 13511E07 53 1,646 13a 934 2.790 0,036 0.09 €3 351 3.148 91.06 0.348 0 33014. NO 1335 NH E10 PIA 91937J99 3,216 3.403 1.313 4,719 0,504 0.694 0 740 5.48E 0,0)4 D.034 13 11.01%4 YES 30 2,027 3.101 991 41091 9,020 0,453 O 551 4,742 5,036 0.52.5 13 720% YES 1-395 NEISSTREET ND 41_ NA 09114199 2,433 2,578 2142 3,423 9,864 0.343 O 457 3677 3,934 0.389 0 4.5916 IJO NE6STREET NE3STR,EE.T 93 31 2.559 2,711 1,263 3574 0304 0.564 0 76) 4,734 6.834 04196 D 11.1714 YES N9 ELO PTA 04125101 3,142 3.291 1,131 4,423 7,732 0.573 0 491 4.924 7.732 0.637 D EA9,K YES NE 35114967 58 1.603 1,679 581 2,540 9.344 0.255 C 423 2,959 9-954 02911 0 4.3114 NO NE 1 STREET NB 64.0 PIA 04T2501 3,114 3261 1,220 4,461 10,924 0.41D 0 532 5,013 10324 0.459 0 4.0755 1,43 ...---.__- ----_.... ...... _ NE 1 STREET $6 ...... ..... _..1,4E4t.............1305 920 ... 2,455 40,675 0.233 C 462 2,547 10,676 0275 C 4.33% NO SE 1 STREET- BR M.0 F7A 05l101r9 1768 3,990 955 4,955 11,7E1 0,424 0 393 6,341 11.764 0.454 D 3.32% NO 15TFiEET_._....._..._-SE23TJiEET - 58 'NB .-R.43 1.346 1,426 ...,3� __ 734 ... 2,101 7,258 0.205 O 338 2,4A8 7250 0.344 1) 4.565 NO PIA 05tIP�9_...-2;679...'., ,3AJ_ 1,593 9,176 0.392 A,,. 2� .__ „_...3Mtl? 0,179 - 4A24 D .1a89i NO - SE Z STREET SS 1,270 1,354 429 1,783 6,544 0.257 C 254 2A37 8,944 0291 D 3.685. NO SE 4 STREET 143 21.17451 N.1 354'2944) 2.733 2,894 179 3,975 7,104 0.433 0 91 3,166 7.104 0446 0 1.2594 1404 71E i AVENUE10A1CK¢L AVENUE JVE 20 STREET NE 19 STREET N5 41.4J F1fn 07/03130 1,221 1,2110 pH 1,92 3,111 0,61E TJ 360 2202 3,J11 0.734 R 11,5751 YES STREET 58 13490 1151 52D 1410 3,111 0453 0 312 1,722 3,111 0.554 0 10.513. YES NE 19 NE 14 STREET Na 411 PTA 07,06100 1,045 1,101 547 1,740 3,004 0.57D 0 397 2,145 3.064 0.751) A 12.215% YES NE FS 4577 1171 537 1,100 3,405 0.414 0 345 1,753 3,405 0,545 1J 15.133 YES 14 STREET NE 13 STREET NB 4LU Eh1 9711440 1,045 1,191 524 1,025 3L64 41.530 ❑ 345 1,071) 3.064 0,643 D 11.26% YES SS 1.051 1,107 447 4.554 3,931 0,264E D 299 1,053 3,001 9.476 D 7,665. YES NE 13 STREET 1I-335 96 3.. PM 0472.131 1,932 2655 493 2,646 5.709 0.303 D 267 2,015 5,7119 6.420 0 3,00. NO 1395 NESSTREET SS 34. AM 047251;11 1_359 1,423 358 1,921 6.701 0.271 C 1,97 2,010 4,799 6.301 0 24115 NO NE 35114E67 NE f STREET 58 31. AM 01.125431 1284 1,345 450 1,7173 7,917 0225 C 244 7,027 7,9%7 0.2193 C 3.063 NO NE 1 STREET FLADLER Si REET 5R 3. AM 01/25d04 1.141 1,165 461 1,656 7,323 0.220 C 244 1,903 7,32E 14,230 C 3.3314 NO FLAGLfR 61145.£11 SE 1 51PEET 66 7 Ah1 04f2<r01 1.053 1,103 474 1.577 8,832 0231 C .',CQ 1,879 6,612 0.275 G 4.42% NO ' SE 1 STREET SE STREET SD 3L Ail O;F25.101 1,441 1,,69 347 1,393 9.470 0.194 C t83 2,036 9,693 11213 C 1)387C NO SE2STREET 5E45T7E2'T 5B 4L Al. 54;25.141 1,4E0 1,5i9 713 2,242 12,505 4.1T7 C 441 2,4983 121900 0.212 C 3.40% NO SE4SIREET SE 0 STREET NO 2L PM 9641;99 2,295 2,335 865 3,31 6,474 0,494 D 4310 3,010 6,474 0,690 D 9.55% YES 50 31. 2,351 2,491 1,153 3,4344 5,578 1594 D 712 4,3-6 5,575 4.662 D 10.533. YES SEASTREET SW13STREET 1,S 4137 FM 20.2°4 9 1,194 1,301 455 2,307 5.705 0.410 D 345 2,732 6,765 0479 ❑ 5.05% YES '.-S 3054 3,236 013 3,679 EMI 0.5E12 D 397 4276 66A1 5-642 D 50 % YES 51.11131400.E1 5Vf 15 140,4D P43 4L0 PM O 2435(9 1,341 1,442 1131 1,623 5,4.57 0.297 0 E43 1,721 5,457 0.315 0 1.6235 NO SR 24151 3,653 225 3,270 5.457 0.601 D 112 3,393 5,457 0.621 0 2,961i 141) SW15ROAD 11CKEN04C44ERCSA!Y M6 4L1) PM 56'25(3 1272 1,345 174 1,522 3034 0502 0 90 1,&13 3,034 DM( 0 1221 NO SOIY79CE; 4CE5TH A O SCHNARS, P,A. 74:11RMIPLANIPR❑JECT55203I1I 67751TABL E SI I1MATP1X.4 APPENDIX J CAPACITY ANALYSES FULL REPORT • • Genera r forrttaf Analyst Agency or Co. Date Performed Time Period TAP 9/15/2003 PM Peak Site Informatiai Intersection Area Type Jurisdiction Analysis Year Biscayne Blvd & Flagler St (E) CBD or Similar Miami-Dade/FDOT Existing 2003 Peak Season Intersection Geor et Grade = 0 0 Grade 1 ; I . J 0 0 0 0 4 0 Grade = 0 3_ 0 Grade = 0 .r = T = R = L =TR LT = LR = LTR Volume and Timing Input EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Volume (vph) 197 1776 Heavy veh PHF 2 0.92 2 0.92 Actuated (PIA) Startup lost time Ext. eff. green Arrival type Unit Extension P 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 PedlBike/RTOR Volume 150 Lane Width 12.0 Parking (Y or N) N Parkinglhr Bus stops/hr 6 Ped timing 4.3 Peds Only 02 03 04 NB Only 06 07 08 Timing G = 26.0 G= G= G= G = 66.0 G= G= G= Y= 4 Y= Y= Y= Y= 4 Y= Y= Y= Duration of Analysis (hrs) = 0.25 Cycle Length C = 100.0 J-1 • • • VOLUME ADJUSTMENT AND SATURATION FLOW RATE WORKSHEET Genera' nfarmati© Project Description Columbus Office Tower - Downtown Miami Volume Adjustme EB WB NB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT Volume 197 1776 PHF 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow Rate 214 1930 Lane Group LT Adj. flow rate 2144 Prop. LT or RT 0.100 0.000 Saturation Flow Rate Base satflow 1900 Num. of lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 fW 1.000 fHV 0.980 fg 1.000 fp 1.000 fbb 0.994 fa 0.90 fLU 0.91 fLT 0.995 Secondary fLT fRT 1.000 fLpb 1.000 fRpb 1.000 Adj. satflow 6036 Sec. adj. satflow • • • CAPACITY AND LOS WORKSHEET General -.Info rlrria Project Description Columbus Office Tower - Downtown Miami Capacity'Analysi EB WB NB SB Lane group LT Adj. flow rate 2144 Satflow rate 6036 Lost time 2.0 Green ratio 0.66 Lane group cap. 3984 v/c ratio 0.54 Flow ratio 0.36 Crit. lane group N N Sum flow ratios 0.00 Lost time/cycle 0.00 Critical vic ratio 0.00 Lane Gr©up`Capactt ontrol Dela , and ..OSDeter n n Lion EB WB NB SB Lane group LT Adj. flow rate 2144 Lane group cap. 3984 vic ratio 0.54 Green ratio 0.66 Unit delay d1 9.0 Delay factor k 0.50 Increm. delay d2 0.5 PF factor 1.000 Control delay 9.5 Lane group LOS A Apprch. delay 9.5 Approach LOS A Intersec. delay 9.5 Intersection LOS A HCS2000TM Copyright © 2000 University of Florida, Alf Rights Reserved Version 4.1d J-3 FULL REPORT • • • General Ili1formatit Analyst Agency or Co. Date Performed Time Period haf TAP 11/13/2003 PM Peak Site Information Intersection Area Type Jurisdiction Analysis Year Biscayne Blvd & Hagler (East) CBD or Similar Miami-Dade/FDOT 2007 without Project Intersection Geometry Grade = 0 0 0 0 0 1 Grade = 0 [ II 0 4 0 Grade r xe North Arm 0 R Grade = 0 • TR LT = LR LTR Volume and Timing Input EB WB NB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT Volume (vph) 150 539 2056 % Heavy veh PHF 0 0.85 2 0.92 2 0.92 Actuated (PIA) Startup lost time Ext. eff. green Arrival type Unit Extension P 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 P 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume 150 0 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 Parking (Y or N) N N N Parking/hr Bus stops/hr 0 6 Ped timing 4.3 EB Only 02 03 04 NB Only 06 07 Timing G = 26.0 G= G = 66.0 G G= Y= 4 Y= Y= Y= Y= 4 Duration of Analysis (hrs) = 0.25 Y= Y= Cycle Length C = 100.0 J-4 • • VOLUME ADJUSTMENT AND SATURATION FLOW RATE WORKSHEET General infer T atioi Project Description Columbus Tower - Downtown Miami (2-Way Flagler in place) Volume Adjustment BB WB NB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT Volume 150 539 2056 PHF 0.85 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow Rate 176 586 2235 Lane Group LT Adj. flow rate 176 2821 Prop. LT or RT 0.208 0.000 Saturation Row Rate Base satflow 1900 1900 Num. of lanes 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 1.000 1.000 fHV 1.000 0.980 fg 1.000 1.000 fp 1.000 1.000 fbb 1.000 0.994 fa 0.90 0.90 fLU 1.00 0.91 fLT 0.950 0.990 Secondary fLT fRT 1.000 fLpb 1.000 1.000 fRpb 1.000 Adj. satflow 1624 6003 Sec. adj. satflow • • • CAPACITY AND LOS WORKSHEET General l nforinattc►n Project Description Columbus Tower - Downtown Miami (2-Way Flagler in place) Gapacity';Analysts' EB WB NB SB Lane group LT Adj. flow rate 176 2821 Satflow rate 1624 6003 Lost time 2.0 2.0 Green ratio 0.26 0.66 Lane group cap. 422 3962 vlc ratio 0.42 0.71 Flow ratio 0.11 0.47 Crit. lane group N Sum flow ratios 0.58 Lost time/cycle 8.00 Critical vlc ratio 0.63 Lane Group Capacity, Control Delay, and LOS Determrnatio EB WB NB SB Lane group LT Adj. flow rate 176 2821 Lane group cap. 422 3962 vlc ratio 0.42 0.71 Green ratio 0.26 0.66 Unif. delay di 30.7 10.9 Delay factor k 0.50 0.50 Increm. delay d2 3.0 1.1 PF factor 1.000 1.000 Control delay 33.7 12.0 Lane group LOS 8 Apprch. delay 33.7 12.0 Approach LOS C B Intersec. delay 13.3 intersection LOS HCS2000TM Copyright© 2000 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved Version 4.1d J-6 FULL REPORT • General information Analyst Agency or Co. Date Performed Time Period haf TAP 9/26/2003 PM Peak Site Informatorn • Intersection Area Type Jurisdiction Analysis Year Biscayne Blvd & Hagler (East) CBD or Similar Miami-Dade/FDOT 2007 with Project Intersection Geofne Grade = 0 Grade = 0 0 0 0 0 4 a Grade = Grade = =R = TR = LT = LR LTR Volume andTiriling Input EB WB NB LT TH RT LT [ TH RT LT TH RT LT Volume (vph) 150 602 2056 Heavy veh PHF 0 2 2 0.85 0.92 0.92 Actuated (P/A) Startup lost time Ext. eff. green Arrival type Unit Extension P 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 P 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume 0 0 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 Parking (Y or N) N Parking/hr Bus stops/hr 0 6 Ped timing 3.2 EB Only 02 03 04 NB Only 06 07 Timing G = 26.0 G G= G= G = 66.0 G= G= Y= 4 Y= Y= Y= Y= 4 Y Y= Duration of Analysis (hrs) = 0.25 Cycle Length C = 100.0 • • • VOLUME ADJUSTMENT AND SATURATION FLOW RATE WORKSHEET General l nforinatia Project Description Columbus Tower- Downtown Miami Volume Adjustmen EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH Volume 150 602 2056 PI -IF 0.85 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow Rate 176 654 2235 Lane Group LT Adjflow rate 176 2889 Prop. LT or RT 0.226 0.000 Saturation Flow Rate Base satflow 1900 1900 Numof lanes fW fHV fg fp fbb fa fLU 1 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.90 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1.000 0.980 1.000 1.000 0.994 0.90 0.91 0 0 1 0 fLT 0.950 0.989 Secondary fLT fRT 1.000 fLpb 1.000 1.000 fRpb 1.000 Adj. satflow 1624 5998 Sec. adj. satflow • • • CAPACITY AND LOS WORKSHEET General nforatio Project Description Columbus Tower - Downtown Miami apactty;;=Anatysis EB WB NB SB Lane group LT Adj. flow rate 176 2889 Satflow rate 1624 5998 Lost time 2.0 2.0 Green ratio 0.26 0.66 Lane group cap. 422 3959 v/c ratio 0.42 0.73 Flow ratio 0.11 0.48 Crit. lane group N Sum flow ratios 0.59 Lost time/cycle 8,00 Critical vic ratio 0.64 Lane Group Capacity, Control Delay, and LOS Determination EB WB NB SB Lane group LT Adj. flow rate 176 2889 Lane group cap. 422 3959 v/c ratio 0.42 0.73 Green ratio 0.26 0.66 Unit delay di 30.7 11.2 Delay factor k 0.50 0.50 Increm. delay d2 3.0 1.2 PF factor 1.000 1.000 Control delay 33.7 12.4 Lane group LOS B Apprch. delay 33 7 12.4 Approach LOS C B Intersec. delay 13.6 Intersection LOS HCS2000TM Copyright b 2000 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved Version 4.1 d J-9 FULL REPORT • • • General Information Analyst Agency or Co. Date Performed Time Period haf TAP 9/15/2003 PM Peak Side :In, armt�o Intersection Area Type Jurisdiction Analysis Year Biscayne Blvd & Fiagler St (140 CBD or Similar Miami-Dade/FDOT Existing 2003 Intersection Geometry Grade = 0 0 0 0 Grade = 9 4 0 0 0 0 Grade = 0 0 2 Grade = �F TR = LT = L R = LTR Volume; rid Tii Ing input EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Volume (vph) 76 120 750 269 % Heavy veh PHF 2 0.80 2 0.80 0.91 2 0.91 Actuated (P/A) P P P Startup lost time Ext. eff. green Arrival type Unit Extension 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 PedlBike/RTOR Volume 0 150 0 0 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Parking (Y or N) N Parking/hr Bus stopslhr Ped timing 3.2 0 0 6 0 4.3 WB Only 02 03 04 SB Only 06 07 08 Timing G = 26.0 G= G= G= G = 66.0 G= G= G= Y= 4 Y= Y= Y= Y= 4 Y= Y= Y= Duration of Analysis (hrs) = 0.25 Cycle Length C = 100.0 J-10 • • • VOLUME ADJUSTMENT AND SATURATION FLOW RATE WORKSHEET General 'Information Project Description Columbus Office Tower Downtown Miami Volume Adjustment' EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Volume 76 120 750 269 PHF 0.80 0.80 0.91 0.91 Adj. Flow Rate 95 150 824 296 Lane Group LT T R Adj. flow rate 95 150 824 296 Prop. LT or RT 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 aturation Flow Base satflow 1900 1900 1900 1900 Num. of lanes 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 fW 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 fHV 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 fg 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 fp 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 fbb 1.000 1.000 0.994 1.000 fa 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 fLU 1.00 0.95 0.91 1.00 fLT 0.950 1.000 1.000 Secondary fLT fRT 1.000 1.000 0.850 fLpb 1.000 1.000 1.000 fRpb 1.000 1.000 0.932 Adj. satflow 1593 3185 6066 1328 Sec. adj. satflow J-11 • • CAPACITY AND LOS WORKSHEET General Info ation Project Description Columbus Office Tower - Downtown Miami CapacityAnal;ys EB WB NB SB Lane group LT T Adj. flow rate 95 150 824 296 Satflow rate 1593 3185 6066 1328 Lost time 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Green ratio 0.26 0.26 0.66 0.66 Lane group cap. 414 828 4004 876 vlc ratio 0.23 0.18 0.21 0.34 Flow ratio 0.06 0.05 0.14 0.22 Crit. lane group Sum flow ratios 0.28 Lost time/cycle 8.00 Critical vlc ratio 0.31 Lane Group apac#y, Control Delay, and LOS Determination EB WB NB SB Lane group LT T Adj. flow rate 95 150 824 296 Lane group cap. 414 828 4004 876 vlc ratio 0.23 0.18 0.21 0.34 Green ratio 0.26 0.26 0.66 0.66 Unit delay d1 29.1 28.7 6.7 7.4 Delay factor k 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 lncrem. delay d2 1.3 0.5 0.1 1.0 PF factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Control delay 30.4 29.2 6.8 8.5 Lane group LOS A A Apprch. delay 29.7 7.2 Approach LOS A Intersec. delay 11.3 Intersection LOS HCS2000TM Copyright 2000 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved Version 4.1d J-12 FULL REPORT • • Generat tnformatio Analyst Agency or Co. Date Performed Time Period tntersectton Geometry haf TAP 11/13/2003 PM Peak •Intersection Area Type Jurisdiction Analysis Year Site lrf0rrrit Biscayne Blvd & Flagler (West) CBD or Similar Miami-Dade/FDOT 2007 without Project Grade = 0 0 0 Grade = 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 Grade = 0 Grade = T TR LT = IR vVA�' = LTR Volume and Timing Input EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Volume (vph) 150 150 85 454 994 102 % Heavy veh PHF 0 0.85 0 0.85 2 0.80 2 0.80 2 0.91 2 0.91 Actuated (P/A) Startup lost time Ext. eff. green Arrival type 2.0 2.0 3 P 2.0 2.0 3 P 2.0 2.0 P 2.0 2.0 3 P 2.0 2.0 3 Unit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Ped/BikeIRTOR Volume 150 0 0 150 0 0 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Parking (Y or N) N N N Parking/hr Bus stops/hr 0 0 0 6 0 Ped timing 4.3 4.3 Timing EW Perm G= 39.0 Y= 4 G= Y= 02 G= Y= 03 G= Y= 04 SB Only G = 53.0 Y= 4 G= Y= 06 G= Y= 07 �G = = YY= 08 Duration of Analysis (hrs) = 0.25 Cycle Length C = 100.0 J-1 3 0 General (nformatton' Project Description Columbus Office Tower - Downtown Miami (w/Flagler 2-Way) VOLUME ADJUSTMENT AND SATURATION FLOW RATE WORKSHEET • • Volume Ad,tstmen EB WB NB SB RT 102 0.91 112 R 112 0.000 1900 4 1 1.000 1.000 0.980 0.980 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.90 1.00 0.850 LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH Volume 150 150 85 454 994 PHF 0.85 0.85 0.80 0.80 0.91 Adj. Flow Rate 176 176 106 567 1092 Lane Group TR 7- Adj. flow rate 352 106 567 1092 Prop. LT or RT Saturation 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 Base satflow 1900 1900 1900 1900 Num. of lanes fW fHV fg fp fbb fa 0 1 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.90 0 1 1.000 0.980 1.000 0.90 1 1.000 0.980 1.000 0.90 0 0 0 0 0 fLU 1.00 1.00 1.00 fLT 1.000 0.372 1.000 Secondary fLT fRT 0.933 1.000 0.994 0.90 0.91 1.000 1.000 fLpb 1.000 0.941 1.000 1.000 fRpb 0.942 1.000 1.000 0.859 Adj. satflow 1503 587 1676 6066 1223 Sec. adj. satflow J-14 • CAPACITY AND LOS WORKSHEET General information' Project Description Columbus Office Tower - Downtown Miami (w/Flagier 2-Way) Capacity Analya EB WB NB SB Lane group TR T T Adj. flow rate 352 106 567 1092 112 Satflow rate 1503 587 1676 6066 1223 Lost time 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Green ratio 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.53 0.53 Lane group cap. 586 229 654 3215 648 vlc ratio 0.60 0.46 0.87 0.34 0.17 Flow ratio 0.23 0.18 0.34 0.18 0.09 Crit. lane group N Sum flow ratios 0.52 Lost time/cycle 8.00 Critical vlc ratio 0.56 Lane Group Capaci y, Control Delay; and :LOS 'Determination EB WB NB SB Lane group TR T T Adj. flow rate 352 106 567 1092 112 Lane group cap. 586 229 654 3215 648 vic ratio 0.60 0.46 0.87 0.34 0.17 Green ratio Unit delay d1 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.53 0.53 24.3 22.7 28.1 13.5 12.2 Delay factor k 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 lncrem. delay d2 4.5 6.6 14.4 0.3 0.6 PF factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Control delay 28.8 29.3 42.6 13.8 12.7 Lane group LOS C B Apprch. delay 28.8 40.5 13.7 Approach LOS C Intersec. delay 24.1 Intersection LOS HCS2000TM Copyright © 2000 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved Version 4.1d J-15 FULL REPORT • • • General fnformation =! Analyst Agency or Co. Date Performed Time Period haf TAP 11/13/2003 PM Peak Site information Intersection Area Type Jurisdiction Analysis Year Biscayne Blvd & Flagler (West) CBD or Similar Miami-Dade/FDOT 2007 with Project Intersection George Grade = 0 0 0 Grade = 0 0 1 4 0 0 Grade = 0 Grade = 0 Show North Arrow/ = T / = T R 1� = L T LR =LTR Volume 'ad Timirr input EB WB NB SB LT TH 1 RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Volume (vph) % Heavy veh PHF 150 i 150 0 i 0 0.85 10.85 85 2 0.80 517 2 0.80 994 2 0.91 113 2 0.91 Actuated (P/A) P P P P P Startup lost time Ext. eff. green Arrival type Unit Extension 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 2.0 3 3.0 2.0 3 3.0 2.0 3 3.0 2.0 3 3.0 Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume 150 0 0 150 0 0 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Parking (Y or N) N N N N Parking/hr Bus stops/hr 0 0 0 6 0 Ped timing 4.3 4.3 EW Perm 02 03 04 SB Only 06 07 08 Timing G = 41.0 G= G= G= G = 51.0 G= G= G= Y= 4 Y= Y= Y= Y= 4 Y= Y Y= Duration of Analysis (firs) = 0.25 Cycle Length C = 100.0 J-16 • • VOLUME ADJUSTMENT AND SATURATION FLOW RATE WORKSHEET General Informattc�n Project Description Columbus Office Tower - Downtown Miami {w/ 2-Way on Flagler) Volume Adjus men° EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Volume 150 150 85 517 994 113 PHF 0.85 0.85 0.80 0.80 0.91 0.91 Adj. Flow Rate 176 176 106 646 1092 124 Lane Group TR T R Adj. flow rate 352 106 646 1092 124 Prop. LT or RT 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Saturation Flow Base satflow 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Num. of lanes 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 fW 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 fHV 1.000 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 fg 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 fp 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 fbb 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.994 1.000 fa 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 fLU 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.91 fLT Secondary fLT fRT fLpb fRpb Adj. satflow Sec. adj. satflow 1.000 0.933 1.000 0.945 1507 0.389 0.943 614 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1676 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 6066 1.00 J-17 • • • CAPACITY AND LOS WORKSHEET General Info atio Project Description Columbus Office Tower - Downtown Miami (w/ 2-Way on Hagler) Capacity Analysis' EB WB NB SB Lane group TR T T I R Adj. flow rate Satflow rate 352 106 646 1092 1 124 1507 614 1676 6066 11216 Lost time 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1 2.0 Green ratio 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.51 0.51 Lane group cap. 618 252 687 3094 1 620 vfc ratio 0.57 0.42 0.94 0.35 10.20 Flow ratio 0.23 0.17 0.39 0.18 10.10 Grit. lane group Y 1 N Sum flow ratios 0.57 Lost time/cycle 8.00 Critical vfc ratio 0.61 Lane Group apacity, C©ntrol'Delay and LOS :Determination EB WB NB SB Lane group TR T T Adj. flow rate 352 106 646 1092 124 Lane group cap. 618 252 687 3094 620 vfc ratio 0.57 0.42 0.94 0.35 0.20 Green ratio 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.51 0.51 Unit delay di 22.7 21.0 28.3 14.6 13.4 Delay factor k 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Increm. delay d2 3.8 5.1 22.5 0.3 0.7 PF factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Control delay 26.5 26.1 50.8 15.0 14.1 Lane group LOS C Apprch. delay 26.5 47.3 14.9 Approach LOS C B Intersec. delay 27.2 intersection LOS C HCS2000TM Copyright CD 2000 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved Version 4,1d J-18 FULL REPORT • • • General lnformafit Analyst Agency or Co. Date Performed Time Period haf TAP 9/15/2003 PM Peak Information Intersection Area Type Jurisdiction Analysis Year Biscayne Blvd & NE lst Street CBD or Similar Miami-Dade/FDOT Existing 2003 Peak Season Intersection Geometry Grade = 0 Grade = 0 4 0 0 0 Grade = 0 0 2 Grade = ■f = TR = LT = LR LTR Vc I me antl 'filming fpu EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Volume (vph) 13 71 1006 183 % Heavy veh PHF 2 0.83 2 0.83 2 0.90 2 0.90 Actuated (PJA) P P P Startup Post time Ext. eff. green Arrival type Unit Extension 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume 0 120 0 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 Parking (Y or N) N Parking/hr Bus stopslhr 0 0 6 Ped timing 3.2 4.1 WB Only 02 03 04 SB Only 06 07 08 Timing G = 15.0 G= G= G= G = 77.0 G= G= G= Y= 4 Y= Y= Y= Y= 4 Y= Y= Y= Duration of Analysis (hrs) = 0.25 Cycle Length C = 100.0 J-19 • • VOLUME ADJUSTMENT AND SATURATION FLOW RATE WORKSHEET General lnforlmatio Project Description Volume.Adjustmen' EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Volume 13 71 1006 183 PHF 0.83 0.83 0.90 10.90 Adj. Flow Rate 16 86 1118 1 203 Lane Group LT TR Adj. flow rate 16 86 1321 Prop. LT or RT 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.154 Saturation Flow Rate Base satflow 1900 1900 1900 Num. of lanes 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 fW 1.000 1.000 1.000 fHV 0.980 0.980 0.980 fg 1.000 1.000 1.000 fp 1.000 1.000 1.000 fbb 1.000 1.000 0.994 fa 0.90 0.90 0.90 fLU 1.00 0.95 0.91 fLT 0.950 1.000 1.000 Secondary fLT fRT 1.000 0.977 fLpb 1.000 1.000 1.000 fRpb 1.000 1.000 Adj. satflow 1593 3185 5926 Sec. adj. satflow J-20 • • • CAPACITY AND LOS WORKSHEET General Information Project Description Capacity An EB Lane group Adj. flow rate Satflow rate Lost time Green ratio 16 1593 2.0 0.15 WB LT 86 3185 2.0 0.15 NB SB TR 1321 5926 2.0 0.77 Lane group cap. 239 478 4563 v/c ratio 0.07 0.18 0.29 Flow ratio 0.01 0.03 0.22 Grit. lane group Sum flow ratios 0.25 Lost time/cycle 8.00 Critical v/c ratio 0.27 Lane Group Cepac,ty, .Controt Delay, and LOS ;Determination EB WB NB SB Lane group LT TR Adj. flow rate 16 86 1321 Lane group cap. 239 478 4563 v/c ratio 0.07 0.18 0.29 Green ratio 0.15 0.15 0.77 Unif. delay di 36.5 37.1 3.4 Delay factor k 0.50 0.50 0.50 lncrem. delay d2 0.5 0.8 0.2 PF factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 Control delay 37.0 38.0 3.6 Lane group LOS A Apprch. delay 37.8 3.6 Approach LOS A lntersec. delay 6.0 Intersection LOS A HCS2000TM Copyright © 2000 University of Florida, Ali Rights Reserved Version 4.1d J-21 • • • FULL REPORT Genera f lnformat o Analyst Agency or Co. Date Performed Time Period haf TAP 9/26/2003 PM Peak ormation intersection Area Type Jurisdiction Analysis Year Biscayne Blvd & NE 1st Street CBD or Similar Miami-Dade/FDOT 2007 w/o Project (Flagler 2- Intersection Gee Grade = 0 Grade = 0 0 4 0 0 0 Grade = 0 S€xru Nat Arrow 2 T =R i"*. =TR '`Yr Grade = ■t = LT = LR LTR Volume and Tin€ ing Input EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Volume (vph) 16 165 1080 320 % Heavy veh PHF 2 0.83 2 0.83 2 0.90 2 0.90 Actuated (P/A) Startup lost time Ext. eff. green Arrival type Unit Extension P 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 P 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 P 2.0 2.0 4 3.0 Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume 0 120 0 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 Parking (Y or N) Parking/hr N N Bus stops/hr Ped timing 0 0 6 3.2 4.1 EW Perm 02 03 04 SB Only 06 07 08 Timing G = 15.0 G= G= G= G = 77.0 G= G= G= Y= 4 Y= Y= Y= Y= 4 Y= Y= Y= Duration of Analysis (hrs) = 0.25 Cycle Length C = 100.0 J-22 • • • VOLUME ADJUSTMENT AND SATURATION FLOW RATE WORKSHEET General lhfivrrriaf Project Description Columbus OfceTower - Downtown Miami Voiume',Adjtusfiner EB WWB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Volume 16 165 1080 320 PHF 0.83 0.83 0.90 0.90 Adj. Flow Rate 19 199 1200 356 Lane Group TR Adj. flow rate 19 199 1556 Prop. LT or RT Base satflow 1900 1900 1900 Num. of lanes 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 fW 1.000 1.000 1.000 fHV 0.980 0.980 0.980 fg 1.000 1.000 1.000 fp 1.000 1.000 1.000 fbb 1.000 1.000 0.994 fa 0.90 0.90 0.90 fLU 1.00 0.95 0.91 fLT 0.950 1.000 1.000 Secondary fLT fRT 1.000 0.966 fLpb 1.000 1.000 1.000 fRpb 1.000 1.000 Adj. satflow 1593 3185 5858 Sec. adj. satflow J-23 • • • CAPACITY AND LOS WORKSHEET General I formatio Project Description Columbus OfficeTower - Downtown Miami Capacity Analys EB WB NB SB Lane group L T TR Adj. flow rate Satflow rate 19 199 1556 1593 3185 5858 Lost time 2.0 2.0 2.0 Green ratio 0.15 0.15 0.77 Lane group cap. 239 478 4511 vfc ratio 0.08 0.42 0.34 Flow ratio 0.01 0.06 0.27 Grit. lane group Sum flow ratios 0.33 Lost time/cycle 8.00 Critical vlc ratio 0.36 Lane Group Capacity, Control Delay, and LOS Determrnat o EB WB NB SB Lane group L T TR Adj. flow rate 19 199 1556 Lane group cap. 239 478 4511 v/c ratio 0.08 0.42 0.34 Green ratio 0.15 0.15 0.77 Unit delay di 36.6 38.5 3.6 Delay factor k 0.50 0.50 0.50 Incremdelay d2 0.6 2.7 0.2 PF factor 1.000 1.000 0.250 Control delay 37.2 41.2 1.1 Lane group LOS 0 0 A Apprch. delay 40.8 1.1 Approach LOS 0 A lntersec. delay 6.0 Intersection LOS A HCS2000TM Copyright 0 2000 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved Version 4.1 d J-24 FULL REPORT • eners nformation:; Analyst Agency or Co. Date Performed Time Period haf TAP 9/26/2003 PM Peak ite-Information Intersection Area Type Jurisdiction Analysis Year Biscayne Blvd & NE 1st Street CBD or Similar Miami-Dade/FDOT 2007 with Prof (2-W Flagler) Intersection. Gentile Grade= 0 0 0 0 Grade 0 0 4 0 0 0 Grade = 0 Grade = 0 North Arrow T = R 2 '() 1 AfAr = T R LR .*=LIR Volume and 'ling Input EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Volume (vph) 16 165 1091 320 % Heavy veh PHF 2 0.83 2 0.83 2 0.90 2 0.90 Actuated (PIA) Startup lost time Ext. eff. green Arrival type Unit Extension P 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 P 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 P 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume 0 120 0 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 Parking (Y or N) Parking/hr N N N N Bus stops/hr Ped timing 0 0 6 3.2 4.1 EW Perm 02 03 04 SB Only 06 07 08 Timing G= 15.0 Y= 4 G= Y= G= Y= G= Y= G = 77.0 Y= 4 G= Y G Y= G= Y= Duration of Analysis (hrs) = 0.25 Cycle Length C = 100.0 J-25 • • • VOLUME ADJUSTMENT AND SATURATION FLOW RATE WORKSHEET enera Project Description Columbus Office Tower - Downtown Miami Volume ,Adjustment EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Volume 16 165 1091 320 PHF 0.83 0.83 0.90 0.90 Adj. Flow Rate 19 199 1212 356 Lane Group TR Adj. flow rate 19 199 1568 Prop. LT or RT 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.227 Saturation Flaw'! Base satflow 1900 1900 1900 Num. of lanes 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 fW 1.000 1.000 1.000 fHV 0.980 0,980 0.980 fg 1.000 1.000 1.000 fp 1.000 1.000 1.000 fbb 1.000 1.000 0.994 fa 0.90 0.90 0.90 fLU 1.00 0.95 0.91 fLT 0.950 1.000 1.000 Secondary fLT fRT 1.000 0.966 fLpb 1.000 1.000 1.000 fRpb 1.000 1.000 Adj. satflow 1593 3185 5859 Sec. adj. satflow J-26 CAPACITY AND LOS WORKSHEET 0 General Infbrmatiot Project Description Columbus Office Tower- Downtown Miami Capacity Analysis • • EB WB NB SB Lane group T TR Adi. flow rate 19 199 1568 Satflow rate 1593 3185 5859 Lost time 2.0 2.0 2.0 Green ratio 0.15 0.15 0.77 Lane group cap. vlc ratio 239 478 4511 0.08 0.42 0.35 Flow ratio 0.01 0.06 0.27 Grit. lane group N Sum flow ratios 0.33 Lost time/cycle 8.00 Critical vlc ratio 0.36 Lane Group Capacity, Control Delay, and LOS Determination EB WB NB SB Lane group T TR Adj. flow rate 19 199 1568 Lane group cap. 239 478 4511 vlc ratio 0.08 0.42 0.35 Green ratio 0.15 0,15 0.77 Unif. delay d1 36.6 38.5 3.6 Delay factor k 0.50 0.50 0.50 Increm. delay d2 0.6 2.7 0.2 PF factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 Control delay 37.2 41.2 3.8 Lane group LOS D A Apprch. delay 40.8 3.8 Approach LOS A Intersec. delay 8.3 Intersection LOS A HCS2000TM Copyright O 2000 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved Version 4.1d J-27 ALL -WAY STOP CONTROL ANALYSIS General information Site Information Analyst haf Agency/Co. TAP Date Performed 11/05/2003 Analysis Time Period PM Peak Intersection NE 3rd Avenue & 1st Street Jurisdiction Miami -Dade Analysis Year 2003 Peak Season Project ID Columbus Office Tower - Downtown Miami East/West Street: NE lst Street North/South Street: NE 3rd Avenue Volume Adjustments and Site Characteristics Approach Eastbound Westbound Movement L T R L T R Volume 0 0 0 0 201 53 %Thrus Left Lane 50 50 Approach Northbound Southbound Movement L T R L T R Volume 26 40 0 0 0 0 %Thrus Left Lane 35 50 Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L1 L2 L1 L2 L1 L2 L1 L2 Configuration T TR LT PHF 0.91 0.91 0.67 Flow Rate 109 168 97 Heavy Vehicles No. Lanes 0 2 1 0 I Geometry Group 1 1 Duration, T 0.25 Saturation. Headway Adjustment Worksheet Prop. Left -Turns 0.0 0.0 0.4 Prop. Right -Turns 0.0 0.3 0.0 Prop. Heavy Vehicle hLT-adj 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 hRT-adj -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 hHV-adj 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 hadj, computed 0.00 0.00 0.00 Departure Headway and Service Time hd, initial value 3.20 3.20 3.20 x, initial 0.10 0.15 0.09 hd, final value 0.00 0.00 0.00 x, final value 0.13 0.19 0.12 Move -up time, m 2.0 2.0 Service Time r Capacity and Level of Service Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L1 L2 L1 L2 L1 L2 L1 L2 Capacity 359 418 347 Delay 7.78 7.86 8.19 LOS A A A Approach: Delay 7.83 8.19 LOS A A Intersection Delay 7.92 Intersection LOS A HCS2000TM Copyright © 2003 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved Version 4.1 J-28 ALL -WAY STOP CONTROL ANALYSIS • • • General Information Analyst Agency/Co. Date Performed Analysis Time Period haf TAP 11/12/2003 PM Peak Site information Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year NE 3rd Avenue & 1st Street Miami -Dade 2007 without Project Project ID Columbus Office Tower - Downtown Miami EastfWest Street: NE 1st Street North/South Street: NE 3rd Avenue voturne PuJustrneln$ at«, Approach lE« VEICU .1EyL.it... w ...;.:. , Eastbound Westbound Movement L T R L T R Volume 0 0 0 0 420 65 %Thrus Left Lane 50 60 Approach Northbound Southbound Movement L T R L T R Volume 17 32 0 0 0 0 %Thrus Left Lane 30 50 Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Li L2 L1 L2 L1 L2 Li L2 Configuration T TR LT i'HF 0.91 0.91 0.67 Flow Rate 276 255 72 % Heavy Vehicles No. Lanes 0 2 1 0 Geometry Group 1 1 Duration, T 0.25 Saturation Headway Adjustment Worksheet Prop. Left -Turns 0.0 0.0 0.3 Prop. Right -Turns 0.0 0.3 0.0 Prop. Heavy Vehicle hLT-adj 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 hRT-ad -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0,6 hHV-adj 1,7 1.7 1.7 1.7 hadj, computed 0.00 0.00 0.00 Departure:Headvray and ServiceTirne hd, initial value x, initial 3.20 3.20 3.20 0.25 0.23 0, 06 hd, final value x, final value 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.28 0.10 Move -up time, m Service Time 2.0 2.0 Capacity and Level of Service Eastbound Westbound Northbound L1 L2 Li L2 L1 L2 Li Southbound L2 Capacity 526 505 322 Delay LOS 9,03 8.50 8.51 A A A Approach: Delay LOS 8.77 8.51 A A Intersection Delay intersection LOS 8.74 A HCS2000TM Copyright O 2003 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved Version 4.ld J-29 ALL -WAY STOP CONTROL ANALYSIS General Information Analyst Agency/Co. Date Performed Analysis Time Period haf TAP 11 /12/2003 PM Peak Site Information Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year NE 3rd Avenue & 1st Street Miami -Dade 2007 with Project Project ID Columbus Office Tower - Downtown Miami East/West Street: NE 1st Street (Exist One -Way) North/South Street: NE 3rd Avenue (1 lane & 1-Way) Volume Adjustments and Site' Characteristics Eastbound Approach Movement Volume T L Westbound T 0 0 0 0 420 65 %Thrus Left Lane 50 60 Approach Movement Volume L 312 Northbound T 86 0 Southbound L T 0 0 0 %Thrus Left Lane 0 50 Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L1 L2 L1 L2 L1 L2 Lt L2 Configuration PHF T TR LT 0.91 0.91 0.50 Flow Rate 276 255 796 Heavy Vehicles No. Lanes 0 2 1 0 Geometry Group Duration, T 1 1 0.25 Saturation Headway Adjustmentent Worksheet 0 Prop. Left Turns 0.0 0.0 0.8 Prop. Right -Turns 0.0 0.3 0.0 Prop. Heavy Vehicle hLT-adj 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 hRT-adj -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 hHV-adj 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 had), computed 0.00 0.00 0.00 Departure` Headway and Service Time hd, initial value x, initial 3.20 3.20 3.20 0.25 0.23 0.71 hd, final value x, final value 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.40 1.18 Move -up time, m Service Time 2.0 2.0 Capacity and revel o Service Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L1 L2 LI L2 L1 L2 L1 L2 6 Delay 13.63 12.54 116.68 LOS B B F Approach: Delay 13.11 116 68 LOS B F Intersection Delay 75.24 intersection LOS F HCS2000TM Copyright © 2003 University of Florida, Alt Rights Reserve J-30 ALL -WAY STOP CONTROL ANALYSIS General Information Site Information Analyst haf Agency/Co. TAP Date Performed /1/13/2003 Analysis Time Period PM Peak Intersection NE 3rd Avenue & 1st Street Jurisdiction Miami -Dade Analysis Year 2007 w/Proj Project ID East/West Street: NE 1st Street (Exist, 1-Way) North/South Street: NE 3rd Avenue (w/ 2 NB lanes) Volume Adjustments and Site Characteristics Approach Eastbound Westbound Movement L T R L T R Volume 0 40 0 0 420 65 %Thrus Left Lane 50 60 Approach Northbound Southbound Movement L T R L T R Volume 312 86 0 0 0 40 %Thrus Left Lane 0 50 Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L1 L2 L1 L2 L1 L2 LI L2 -• ■ 091 0,91 0.50 0.50 Flow Rate 276 255 624 11111211 No. Lanes 0 2 2 0 Geometry Group 1 1 Duration, T 0.25 Saturation Headway Adjustment Worksheet . Prop. Left -Turns 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 Prop. Right-Tums 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 Prop. Heavy Vehicle hLT-adj 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 hRT-adj -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 hHV-adj 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 hadj, computed 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Departure Headway and Service Time hd, initial value 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 x, initial 0.25 0.23 0.55 0.15 hd, final value 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 x, final value 0.44 0.39 0.93 0.25 Move -up time, m 2.0 2.0 Service Time Capacity and Level of Service' Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L1 L2 L1 L2 L1 L2 L1 L2 Capacity Mil 526 505 669 422 Delay 13.12 12.12 42.52 9.85 LOS 8 B E A Approach: Delay 12.64 35.46 LOS B E Intersection Delay 26.33 Intersection LOS D HCS2000TM Copyright © 2003 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved Version 4.1d J-31 ALL -WAY STOP CONTROL ANALYSIS General Information Analyst haf Agency/Co. TAP Date Performed 11/13/2003 Analysis Time Period PM Peak w/ 2-Way Scenario Site Information Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year NE 3rd Avenue & 1st Street Miami -Dade 2007 2-Way Scenario w/Proj Project ID Columbus OffceTower- (2-Way Operation on NE 1 St) East/West Street: NE 1st Street (2-Way) North/South Street NE 3rd Avenue (w/2 N& lanes) Volume Adjustments acid Site Characteristics Approach Movement L Eastbound T Westbound T Volume 0 40 0 0 420 65 %Thrus Left Lane 50 60 Approach Movement Volume L 312 Northbound T R 86 0 L 0 Southbound T 0 R 40 %Thrus Left Lane 0 50 Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L1 L2 L1 L2 L1 L2 L1 L2 Configuration T TR L T R PHF 0.85 0.85 0.50 0.50 1.00 Flow Rate 47 570 624 172 40 Heavy Vehicles No. Lanes 1 2 1 Geometry Group 2 2 5 4a Duration, T 0.25 aturation Headway Adjustment Worksheet Prop. Left -Turns 0.0 a 1.0 0.0 0.0 Prop. Right -Turns 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 1.0 Prop. Heavy Vehicle hLT-adj 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2 hRT-adj -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.7 -0.7 -0.6 -0.6 hHV-adj 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 hadj, computed 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 Departure Headway and Service Time hd, initial value 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 x, initial 0.04 0.51 0.55 0.15 0.04 hd, final value 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 x, final value 0.09 0.94 1.23 0.31 0.07 Move -up time, m 2.0 2.0 2.3 2.0 Service Time 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 Capacity and Level of Service Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L1 L2 L1 L2 L1 L2 L1 t_2 Capacity 297 604 624 422 290 Delay 10.95 48.18 141.91 12.26 10.26 LOS 8 E 8 8 Approach: Delay 10.95 48.18 113 90 10.26 LOS 8 8 Intersection Delay 81.93 Intersection LOS F HCS2000TM Copyright J 2003 university of Florida, All Rights Reserved Version 4.1d J-32 • APPENDIX K • FLAGLER MARKETPLACE • • • • .10,4.st "10.40.511. sirrr.isr Figure B-5: Existing (2000) PM Peak -Hour Turning Movements L. 11 ;ea 7 MZItl L. L. 111 t r 1,1 190 -41 t urree.e. uer „„, 1.1 ue,ere 11” t 7-7,7 0101000.• . 01.000.0 I Bride, I I Br dee cr..urreear ® len me... emet. 1010101 000004•1•0.1.04.a Br dee 1 101. 1,0• Source: The COPRADINO Group, 2001 r • 14.4 IT Figure D-3: Future PA Peak -Hour Turning Movements r. -- _ m 1 o-__ cr _� L. r tw tw do ca IN ® w�� w err f.o m— w 71 w—II El Om a r r rr t, r r Bndee BndEe ®" too Source: The CORRADINO Group, 2001 Sw w0 U CI 9 Pam( No. 9 SO 124.5,160 (4.99' AT( N 52424599 E 92305816 723' L71 100 CURB AND GUTTER 'tNG 0598 & *4r TER M7'L71 PT 12*2772 PC 4049016 12J7' LT WILLING & RESURFACING \ MATCH LINE STA 40464J1 2.98' LT 40+T3.4I, 2019' RT PC 40+75:2 20A' PT BEGIN PROPOSED CUR9 AND GUTTER LATCH EXISTING CURB & GUr7ER 40+E672 (26J8' R19 P7 11*49 8.34' LT END PROPOSED CURB AND RAT 8A7GN E21S7i9G CURB & 55770 11+3222 06.34' LT) N440L2 8J4' Lr STA 41+1353 N CONsr. SE J sr STA N+9990 CON57 5E 3 AVE N 524182/359 E 923055.7033 MATCH LINE STA. 10+00.00 BEGIN PROPOSED CURB AND Our WATCH EXISTING CURB & GUTTER 12+5550 t2652' R71 EN0 PROPOSED CURB AND CUTTER 12+�� WATCH EXISTING CURB & GUTTER ,ISSPC' RT 477593.76 (19532' LIU LIMITS OF 4ILING & RESURFACING PT 41+7617 / STA 41+8376 N73' Li (15TfNG CU99 015E-REW/ED1—'� g` \---CONsr.B' BUS CONCRETE SLAB DESCRIP C ORRADINO CARR SMITH CORRADINO 1st STREET {£LEND METROPOLITAN DADE COU.'J77 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DATE: SIOENALX RESUR=ACING. 510.cwAIX A:CONSTRICTION. PAVERS P540580NT & SIR`wAL0 CON57R37X1N. PAVEMENT WIDENING. FLAGLER MARKET PLACE ROADWAY PLAN cv:z456 44 J))249vinava*NANI6' 49' M MATCH OATS EXISTING SIGH TO BE RE40.'-0 700-46-// NCZPEEENG BUS STOP CZLi*8US GESOR EXISTING T0ERN. ExiSTPLO 70REMAIN �N 700-46-21 700-46-21 'All 'NIA 0( ;; 3N01 1n1 101 1/ i Xi ii imanol ONlplld EXISTING SCR TO RE.A/N 7W-46-21 0N5 OATS NO "EXIST/MO 5 TO RE9A)N 0700-46-21 EXISTING SIGN TO R_4A/N 700-46-21 'STA. 38403 15.38' RT 0 /0 40 _— Feet �maeu E. FLAGLER STREET RAN,LINE TO RE*A7/ 7L0-46-21 0E5081* EXISTING SIGN FROM STA. 3885300 ON FLAGLER RS-2R ,8'r24' 7W-40-I Iy .. ........... ..,4 EXISTING SIGN MAIN 7WTO -46RE-21 MATCH LINE A TCH LINE STA. /3 -3O (SHEET 841 C ORRADINO CARR SMITH CORRADINO A 14-E3 (SHEET 79) 10 BE RELOCATED 7; TO STA. /5.4532C 211 ON N£• 30I AVENUE 01, 700-46-21 EXISTING SIGN r5 REMAIN NO-46-2; METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT E7 EFL 0 DEP7 HIOMdAY 0N 44,K,IER STREET 5944, PR /WRNEY£NT PROJECT 86-2L 18'124. 70.7-40-1 iREFLE, PAVEMENT YARXER BI'018ECTTONAL /°AIBER/ANBERI� (T 16.44.4 ' RT L„iti..J •::, NG •5/GN TO RE9AIN CQ-45-21 67 W FLAGLER MARKET PLACE SIGNING AND MARKING PLAN Win. c� cs:zs:a. .+✓ 1: r2'9/w,<.>.Ilv:e:Is�nrnsroPnml • EXISTING SON TO REMAIN TOO-46-21 EXISTING SIGN TO REMAIN RAW LANE— M+25A 7ll'LT I i 6' WHITE YELLOW (TY 6' WHIT TYPJ IR'(WNITE ITYP./ ( p.0,a\■■( b 2W'RT Jl /8' WHITE (TYPJ EXISTING SON r0 RERAN 700-46-2/ SCRIPT ION !2' WHITE'.\, /770 / N" WHITE l7YPJ REFLECTNE PAVEMENT WARNER N7N0-DIRECrIGAM (COLCAN ESSI ITYP. C ORRADINO CARR SMITH CORRADINO ML7ROWOLITAN DADS L17UM7' PURLC WORKS DEPARTMENT FLAGLER MARKET PLACE SIGNING AND MARKING PLAN /c/ /80505 v, Jn245WO/1w..ima�;xaem' 0 APPENDIX L COMMITTED • DEVELOPMENTS • Misr WISP Traffic Impact Study • 0 • The gross vehicular trip generation for each land use was determined using the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation rates or formulas. • Gross vehicular trips were reduced by 16% based upon the use of the ITE trip rates (City of Miami's 1.4 vs. ITE's 1.2 pers/veh). • Gross vehicular trips were reduced by 22.6% to reflect transit usage based on projected modal splits from Increment II of the Downtown DRI. • Gross vehicular trips were also reduced by 10% for pedestrian/bicycle based on estimates from Increment II of the Downtown DRI. • The net external vehicle trips were converted to person -trips using 1.4 persons per vehicle pursuant to City standards. • The vehicular trips assigned to transit were converted back to person -trips using 1.4 persons per vehicle pursuant to City standards. • The net external person -trips were obtained by adding together the project net external person -trips for the vehicle and transit modes. A trip generation summary for the project is provided in Exhibit 9. 4,3.2 Project Trip Assignment Project traffic was distributed and assigned to the study area using the Cardinal Distribution for TAZ 517, shown in Exhibit 10. The Cardinal Distribution gives a generalized distribution of trips from a TAZ to other parts of Miami -Dade County. For estimating the trip distribution for the project location, consideration was given to conditions such as the roadway network accessed by the project, roadways available to travel in the desired direction, and attractiveness of traveling on a specific roadway. Exhibit 11 shows the project vehicular trip assignment to the impacted roadway segments and intersections. Exhibit 11 shows the total PM peak hour traffic volumes (with project) at the intersections under study. 5 5 Page I6 • • Exhibit 9 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Analysis • USES UNITS ITE Land Use Code PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS IN OUT TOTAL Trips % Trips Trips High -Rise Condominuim 516 DU 232 62% 119 38% 73 192 Retail 29,300 SQ. FT. 820 48% 134 52% 145 279 General Office 24,500 SQ. FT. 710 jr 18 ire 89 107 GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS 47% 271 53% 307 ( 578 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment @ 16% of Gross External Trips (1) 47% 43 53% 49 92 Transit Trip Reduction @ 22.60% of Gross External Trips (2) 47% 61 53% 69 131 Pedestrian / Bicycle Trip Reduction @ 10.00% of Gross External Trips (3) 47% 27 53% ' 31 58 NET XTRNAL VEHICLE TRIPS 47% 139 53% 158 0297 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles @ 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 47% 195 53% 221 416 Net External Person Trips using Transit @ 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 47% /'86 :, 53% 97 L— 183 Net External Person Trips (vehicles and transit modes) 47% `'281 ' 53% 318 599 Net External Person trips walking / using bicycle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 47% 38 53% 43 81 Notes (1) A 16% reduction to adjust for the difference between 1TE auto occupancy and local data (Miami's 1.4 vs. ITE's 1.2 persiveh) (2) Transit trip reduction based on projected modal splits used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment 11 (3) Pedestrian and bicycle trip reductions based on Downtown characteristics used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II� 1 NW 10 S T • NW 9 ST (35X) NW 8 ST t30X 70/. ¢ 4 q o cp cc Q PROJECT SITE 35X /5X N.T.S. 00 Q LEGEND IN = (XXX) OUT = XXX u ONE WAY NW 7 ST dPm Ti MIST TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY TLTLEI PROJECT VEHICULAR TRIP ASSIGNMENT EXHIBIT No- Page 19 isti. TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, INC. 8701 SAW. 137th AVENUE • SUITE 210 • MIAMI, FL 33183-4498 • TEL 305/385-0777 • FAX 305/385-9997 FAX & MAIL July 2, 2002 Mr. Clark P. Turner Chief, Community Planning City of Miami Planning Building & Zoning Department 444 SW 2nd Avenue Third Floor Miami, Florida 33130 RE: One Miami — Traffic Report Major Use Special Permit 41) Dear Mr. Turner: Transport Analysis Professionals, Inc., (TAP) has been requested to prepare a traffic report regarding the proposed One Miami development near the Dupont Plaza area in downtown Miami. The proposed development will be located on three city blocks known as tracts B, C and D (Per Attached Figure). The purpose of this traffic report is to depict traffic conditions between a proposed new development and a development that was never built, but was approved by the city in a MUSP application. The approved MUSP traffic report (attached) was performed by David Plummer and Associates --Master Traffic Study for Major Conditional Use Permit (The Plummer Report) and submitted to the city in September 1998 and subsequently upgraded with new data in July 2000. • Background The approved aforementioned MUSP is for a development that included tracts A, B, C and D, adjacent to the Dupont Plaza Hotel in downtown Miami. (The proposed new development does not include tract A.) The approved MUSP included the following land uses and their respective size. Hotel — 300 Rooms Retail — 400,000 sf Condos — 300 Units Apartments — 1,200 Units Office — 1,200,000 sf Planning • Design cnd Engineering • Accident Reconstruction • State of Florida EB 3766 Mr. Clark P. Turner fibJuly 2, 2002 Page 2 • The trip generation for the approved MUSP development used trip rates that were approved by the South Florida Regional Planning Council as part of the Downtown Miami DRI in September 1994. The rates are also known as Increment One Rates as published in SFRPC's Attachment D-2 and shown in The Plummer Report as Exhibit 5 -Trip Generation, in the approved MUSP for the One Miami project. The rates include a reduction of primary trips to account for internal, transit and pass -by characteristics for all proposed land uses in Downtown Miami. The Plummer Report estimated that 1,202 new primary trips would be generated by the proposed and approved One Miami project for tracts A through D. The report analyzed existing conditions for the following intersections and roadway links: Intersections: SE 2nd Avenue & SE 2nd Street SE 3rd Avenue & SE 2nd Street SE 2nd Avenue & SE 3rd Street SE 3rd Avenue & SE 3rd Street SE 2nd Avenue & SE 4th Street SE 3rd Avenue and SE 4th Street Biscayne Boulevard & SE 3rd Street Links: Biscayne Boulevard just north of SE 2nd Street Brickell Avenue just south of SE 4th Street - SE 2nd Avenue just north of SE 2nd Street SE 2nd Street just west of SE 2nd Avenue SE 3rd Street just west of SE 2nd Avenue In March 2000, David Planer and Associates produced a preliminary plan for the city of Miami called the Revitalization of the Economic Gateway to Downtown Miami. The plan outlines possible two-way traffic patterns where one-way patterns exist today. Also, the plan suggests other possible changes such as, acquiring additional right of way and relocating the MetroMover. The New One Miami Development The new One Miami project will be considerably smaller than the approved development discussed above. At this writing, the following land uses are being considered: Tract C: - Residential - 450 units - Athletic Club - 15,000 sf Retail - 38,275 sf Mr. Clark P. Turner July 2, 2002 Page 3 Tract B - Entertainment Complex: Retail - 50,000 sf Theaters - 70,000 sf Tract D: Residential - 650 Units - Retail - 27,025 sf Tract B: Residential — 400 units Retail - 31,000 sf A summary of all uses is as follows: Residential - 1,500 Units Retail & Theater - 216,300 sf Athletic Club - 15,000 sf • Trip Generation The estimated trip generation between the existing/approved MUSP and the proposed new One Miami development is as follows: (Note: The number of seats for the theater are not known at this time. 1TE rates for square feet were used and reduced by 50% to account for internal, transit and pass -by trips. • PM Peak Hour Estimated Trip Generation Volume Using Increment One DRI Rates Approved Proposed Land Use One Miami One Miami Hotel* 72 N/A Retail 208 76 Condos 41 54 Apartments 163 150 Theater N/A 133 Office 718 N/A Totals 1,202 413 " Includes 100,000 sf Conference Center. ttfex t� 3(0 40 33 2y 5b gs it- ) CL4G 1401 53 r 44 41 Mr. Clark P. Turner •July 2, 2002 Page 4 As can be seen above, the proposed new One Miami project without the office component will generate about 66% less traffic than the formerly approved One Miami development. Future Considerations The proposed development will be designed to accommodate either the existing one-way or the proposed two-way traffic circulation. At this juncture, the developer is ready to move forward with the development plan to work with the one-way traffic pattern with the thought that a two-way plan may be in place prior to obtaining construction permits for the city. However, the developer is in full support of the two-way traffic patterns, if deemed to be acceptable by the city. • RP E/rnp/27 18 cc: Robert Moreira Timothy Weller Bruce Brosch • Sincerely, TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, INC. E.B. No. 3766 Richard P. Eichinger Senior Traffic Engineer n v0 DUPONT PLAZA HOTEL MIAMI RIVER „1Fir 111ANSFOi1 MAL YSES NICE E S511).1S CHOPIN PLAZA INTERCONTINENTAL OFFICE BAYFRONT PARK INTERCONTINENTAL HOTEL A (NOT A PART OF) LEGEND BONE MIAMI PROJECT PARCEL DESIGNATION TRAFFIC LANE DESIGNATION COD TRAFFIC SIGNAL v "n11,4,4A151.1111'101E 1•11•11111.•11111t' BIS -LVD I AY BISCAYNE BAY One Miami Site Location ON{ MIAMI • ONE MIAM'I MASTER TRAFFIC STUDY FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT (MUSP) • Project #98157 TRAF3.RPT September 8, 1998 • Prepared by: David Plummer & Associates, Inc. 1750 Ponce de Leon Boulevard Coral Gables, FL 33134 • • oN{MIAMI.. Exhibit 7 - Cardinal Distribution for TAZ 664 & 665 Cardinal Direction Distribution NNE 11.86% ENE 6.14% ESE 0.96% SSE 1.50% SSW 12.24% WSW 25.86% WNW 20.40% NNW 21.08% Total 100.00% Exhibit 8: Project Trip Assignment Roadway Segment Percent of Project Traffic Entrance Exit Biscayne Boulevard north of SE 2nd St. 18% (SB) 28% (NB) Brickell Avenue south of SE 4th St. 28% (NB) 28% (SB) SE 2nd Avenue north of SE 2nd St. 21 % (SB) N/A* SE 2nd Street west of SE 2nd Ave N/A* 11 % (WB) SE 3rd Street west of SE 2nd Ave 33% (EB) 33% (WB) Total 100% 100% (*) N/A: Not applicable because roadway is a one-way str One Miami - Master Traffic Study Page 15 • • Table L-1 The Lofts Downtown PM Peak Hour Trip generation ITE Land Enter Exit Total Land Use Units Size Use Code Trips Trips Trips Residential - Condo units 196 230 73 35 108 Retail sf 8,000 814 9 12 21 Gross Total Vehicle Trips 82 47 129 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment @ 16% (13) (8) (21) Transit Trip Reduction @ 22.6% (19) (11) (30) Pedestrian/Bicycle Trip Reduction @ 10% (8) (5) (13) Net External Trips 42 23 65 • The Lofts Downtown Summary of Trip Generation Calculation For 196 ➢welling Units of Residential Condominium / Townhouse November 23, 2003 Average Standard Adjustment Driveway Rate Deviation Factor Volume Avg. Weekday 2-Way Volume 7-9 AM Peak Hour Enter 7-9 AM Peak Hour Exit 7-9 AM Peak Hour Total 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 4-6 PM Peak Hour Exit 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total Saturday 2-Way Volume Saturday Peak Hour Enter Saturday Peak Hour Exit Saturday Peak Hour Total 5.88 0.00 O .08 0.37 0.44 O .37 0.18 0.55 5.80 0.27 0.23 0.50 0.00 0.00 O .00 0.00 0.00 O .00 0.00 O .00 O .00 0.00 1.00 1152 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 16 73 86 73 35 108 1137 53 45 98 Note: A zero indicates no data available. The above rates were calculated from these equations: 24-Hr. 2-Way Volume: LN(T) - .85LN(X) + 2.564, R^2 = 0.83 7-9 AM Peak Hr. Total: LN(T) = .79LN(X) + .298 R^2 = 0.74 , 0.17 Enter, 0.83 Exit 111 4-6 PM Peak Hr. Total: LN(T) = .827LN(X) + .309 R^2 = 0.79 , 0.67 Enter, 0.33 Exit AM Gen Pk Hr. Total: LN(T) = .808LN(X) + .209 R^2 = 0.78 , 0.18 Enter, 0.82 Exit PM Gen Pk Hr. Total: LN(T) _ .777LN(X) + .59 R^2 = 0.8 , 0.65 Enter, 0.35 Exit Sat. 2-Way Volume: T = 3.615(X) + 427.925, R^2 = 0.84 Sat. Pk Hr. Total: T = .286(X) + 42.627 Sun. 2-Way Volume: T = 3.132(X) + 357.258, R^2 = 0.88 Sun. Pk Hr. Total: T = .232(X) + 50.009 R^2 = 0.78 , 0.49 Enter, 0.51 Exit Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 6th Edition, 1997. TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRANS • The Lofts Downtown Summary of Trip Generation Calculation For 8 T.G.L.A. of Specialty Retail Center November 23, 2003 Average Standard Adjustment Driveway Rate Deviation Factor Volume Avg. Weekday 2-Way Volume 40.67 13.70 1.00 325 7-9 AM Peak Hour Enter 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 7-9 AM Peak Hour Exit 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 7-9 AM Peak Hour Total 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 1.11 0.00 1.00 9 4-6 PM Peak Hour Exit 1.48 0.00 1.00 12 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total 2.59 1.74 1.00 21 Saturday 2-Way Volume 42.04 13.97 1.00 336 Saturday Peak Hour Enter 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Saturday Peak Hour Exit 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Saturday Peak Hour Total 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Note: A zero indicates no data available. Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 6th Edition, 1997. TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRANS • • • THE LOFTS CARDINAL DISTRIBUTION PM EXIT TAZ # 538 TOTALS TRIPS 23 NNE 11,08% ENE 4.38% ESE 3.32% SSE 6.64% SSW 15.46% • WSW 25.23% WNW 19.67% NNW 14.22% • • THE LOFTS CARDINAL DISTRIBUTION PM ENTER TAZ # 538 TOTALS TRIPS 42 NNE 11.08% ENE 4.38% ESE 3.32% SSE 6.64% SSW 15.46% • WSW 25.23% WNW 19.67% NNW 14.22% • • THE LOFTS CARDINAL DISTRIBUTION OF PERSON TRIPS ON TRANSIT DURING THE PM PEAK PERIOD TAZ # 538 TOTALS TRIPS 21 =65 AUTO TRIPS X 22,6%X1.4 ppv NNE 11.08% ENE 4.38% ESE 3.32% SSE 6.64% ! SSW 15.46% WSW 25.23% WNW 19.67% NNW 14.22% •