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Site Utility Study
e Site Utility Study COLUMBUS OFFICE TOWER Submitted to: Cousins Properties Incorporated 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 1600 Atlanta, Georgia 30339-5683 • Prepared by: PBS&J 2001 N.W. 107th Avenue Miami, Florida 33172 October 2003 • • o • TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. General 1 2. Storm Drainage System 2 3. Water Distribution System 3 4. Sewer Collection System 4 5. Other Utilities 5 EXHIBITS: "A" Storm Drainage Well Calculations "B" Water/Wastewater Demand Calculation "C" DERM Sewer Letter "D" Miami -Dade Water & Sewer Department Letter of Availability Application "E" Water and Sewer Atlas Page "F" Utility Letter: FPL, Bellsouth, Miami TCI, Peoples Gas • • • COLUMBUS OFFICE TOWER SITE UTILITY STUDY 1. GENERAL A. Project Location and Size: The proposed development consists of an office tower and parking garage with some retail and restaurants. The project is located at Lots 1 through 7, inclusive, Block 119N, A.L. Knowlton's Map of Miami, Plat Book B, page 41 Miami -Dade County, Florida, in Section 6, Township 54 South, and Range 42 East. The site is bounded by Biscayne Boulevard to the east, NE 18' Street to the north, NE 3`d Avenue to the west, and East Flagler Street to the south, and consists of 1.2978 acres more or less. The site is currently occupied by a shopping center that consists of four one story concrete block buildings. These existing buildings will be demolished to accommodate the new Columbus Office Tower. B. The development program for the project is as follows: Office: Retail / Shops: Fast Food : Full Service Restaurant: Take Out Food: 660,000 GSF 20,323 GSF 200 seats 275 seats 4,500 GSF • • • 2. STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM A. Existing Storm Drainage System The City of Miami presently maintains the roadway drainage system around the site. The storm water runoff from the existing roadway is directed and conveyed into the City drainage system. The existing site is occupied by four one story buildings. A brick sidewalk abuts Biscayne Boulevard, and concrete sidewalks along the remaining three sides. The site has an asphalt paved area in between the buildings with catch basins, and does not appear to contribute any significant amount of storm water run-off into the public roadway system. B. Proposed On -Site Storm Drainage System Storm water discharge from the proposed development area will consist mainly of building roofs, building walls, driveways and landscape area run-off. After development the site is assumed to be approximately 95% impervious. The primary drainage system for the project will consist of drainage wells. The rainfall runoff will be conveyed by the series of roof drains, rain -water leaders and plumbing pipes to the drainage wells. It is anticipated that an Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) will not be required for stormwater runoff, as the site area is Tess than two acres. However, it is assumed that for the site drainage permit the 5-year, 25-year and 100-year, 3-day storm events are to be considered. The total contributing area for stormwater will consist of the site area, and 30% of two sides of building wall area which are exposed to the rain at any given time. This criteria would be used for determining the number of wells. Based on data provided by local experienced well drilling companies, a 600 to 750 gpm per foot head of discharge rate can be expected, for the wells. C. Storm Drainage Wells: Based on the above criteria and assumptions, four (4) drainage wells would be required for the site, depending on the actual yields obtained during the well drilling operations. For storm drainage calculations refer to the attached Exhibit 'A' , PBS&J Page 2 Oct 2003 o • • 3. WATER DISTRIBUTION A. Existing Water System Facilities: The Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (MD-WASD) owns and operates the following water mains in the vicinity of the project. Location Between Water Main(s) Diameter Biscayne B! NE 1st St to East Flagler 24", 12" and 6" NE 1st St NW 3rd Ave to Biscayne Bi 20" NE 3rd Ave NE lst St to East Flagler 12" and 4" East Flagler NE 3rd Ave to Biscayne BI 6" The project sites are surrounded by water mains of 12" and larger diameter. At locations of two water mains on the same street, WASD will require connection to the larger diameter water main. The water extensions if required would be determined by MD-WASD. A fire hydrant flow test is recommended. B. Water Demand The anticipated water demand for the project is 90,016 gpd. The development plan with its water demands is shown in Exhibit 'B'. C. Required Water System Improvements: An application has been made to the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department for the water and sewer availability letter. This would outline the points of connection for the water and sewer. Any water main extensions constructed by the developer as a requirement of this project would have to be conveyed to MD-WASD. PBS&J Page 3 Oct 2003 • • • 4. WASTEWATER COLLECTION A. Existing Sanitary Sewer Collection System: The Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (MD-WASD) owns and operates the following gravity sewer collection mains in the vicinity of the project. Location Between Sewer Main(s) Diameter Biscayne BI NE lst St to East Flagler 16" and 10" NE lst St NE 3rd Ave to Biscayne BI 12" NE3rdAv NE 1st St to East Flagler 8" East Flagler NE 3rd Ave to Biscayne BI 16" The wastewater collection system flows by gravity and connects to the regional WASD pump station No 2. As provided by DERM , the projected elapsed time in October 2003 for the regional pump station was 3.58 hours, with 90,016 gpd additional flow. See Exhibit `C' B. Projected Waste Water Demand: Average Daily Flow (from Table 1) 90,016 gpd Average Flow (gallons per minute) 63 gpm Projected Peak Flow ( 3.5 peak factor) 219 gpm C. MD-WASD Availability letter: An application has been made to the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department for the sewer availability letter, for the project. PBS&J Page 4 Oct 2003 • • • OTHER UTILITIES FPL The electric company FPL provides service to the downtown Miami area at the site location. BELLSOUTH The telephone service to the site is provided by Bellsouth. MIAMI TCI The cable provider for the site is Miami TCI. PEOPLES GAS The gas company providing service to the site is Peoples Gas. PBS&J Page 5 Oct 2003 • EXHIBIT "A" STORM DRAINAGE WELL CALCULATIONS COLUMBUS OFFICE TOWER • • o • • PROJECT NAME: COLUMBUS OFFICE TOWER DRAINAGE AREA: ENTIRE SITE S1TE DATA: S1TE DATA= 1.30 CONTRIBUTING BUILDING WALL AREA= 2.02 TOTAL CONTRIBUTING AREA= 3.32 REQUIRED VOLUME FOR 90 SEC. DETENTION TIME: DISCHARGED RATE (EACH WELL)= REQUIRED DETENTION VOLUME= 2000 gal/min 3000 gal/min 402 cu ft TANK LENGTH= 14 TANK WIDTH= 7 TANK BOTTOM ELEV= 0 TOP OF WEIR ELEV= 3 STORAGE DEPTH= 4.1 DETENTION VOLUME PROVIDED= 402 cu ft • • • PROJECT NAME: COLUMBUS OFFICE TOWER DATE: 10-17-03 DRAINAGE AREA: ENTIRE SITE BUILDING WALL AREA CALCULATIONS: THIS AREA WILL INCLUDE THE TWO SIDES OF THE PROPOSED BUILDING WHICH ARE EXPOSED TO THE RAIN AT ANYONE TIME. BUILDING PEDESTAL: THIS A 12 STORY PARKING GARAGE WALL LENGTH: STRUCTURE HEIGHT: WALL AREA: OFFICE TOWER: WALL LENGTH: STRUCTURE HEIGHT: WALL AREA: TOTAL EXPOSED WALL AREA: 457 FT 138 FT 63,066 SF 457 FT 440 FT 201,080 SF 264,146 SF THE CONTRIBUTING AREA IS ONE THIRD OF THE EXPOSED WALL AREA CONTRIBUTING AREA: 88,048 SF 2.02 ACRES • • • PROJECT NAME: COLUMBUS OFFICE TOWER DATE: 10-17-03 DRAINAGE AREA: ENTIRE SITE DRAINAGE WELL DATA: WELL DIAMETER= WELL DISCHARGE RATE PER FT OF HEAD= AVAILABLE HEAD= DISCHARGE RATE PER WELL= DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS 24 INCHES 750 GPM 2.67 Fr 2,000 GPM PEAK RUNOFF TOTAL AREA 1.30 (SITE) IMPERVIOUS (95%) 3.15 AC PERVIOUS (5%) 0.17 AC WEIGHTED RUNOFF COEFFICIENT C= (3.15x0.90+0.17x0.25)/3.32+0.87 DESIGN STORM 5 YEARS TIME OF CONCENTRATION 10 MINUTES RAINFALL INTENSITY 6.1 IN/HR PEAK RUNOFF (Q=CIA) Q=0,87x6.1 x3.32=17.61 CFS ASSUME EACH 24" DIAMETER WELL FLOWS AT 2000 GPM=4.45 CFS NUMBER OF WELLS REQUIRED 17.61/4.45=3.95 WELLS TOTAL NUMBER OF WELLS REQUIRED 4 WELLS EXHIBIT "B" TABLE No 1 COLUMBUS OFFICE TOWER ®ROJECTEO WATER / WASTEWATE] tBID NUMBER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM UNIT FLOW QUANTITY TOTAL PLOW TUTF*L SAL:II SITE 0 A OFFICE BUILDING 660,000 SF 0.1 660000 66000 SHOPPING CENTER - DRY USE 20323 SF 0.05 20323 1016.15 FAST FOOD 200 SEATS 35 200 7000 TARE OUT RESTAURANT- 4500 SF 0.5 4500 2250 FULL SERVICE RESTAURANT - 200 SEATS 50 200 10,000 ADDITIONAL RESTAURANT - 75 SEATS CONTINGE? 50 75 3750 TOTAL 90016.15 90016.15 TOTAL 90016.16 • • 2 10/20/2003 EXHIBIT "C" MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA • • October 15, 2003 Mr. James F. George, Vice President Cousins Properties Incorporated 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 1600 Atlanta, GA 30339-5683 E ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT WATER AND WASTEWATER DIVISION 33 S.W. 2nd AVENUE SUITE 500 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130-1540 RE: Columbus Office Tower 48 — 56 North Biscayne Blvd. Miami, FL Folios: 01-0111-090-1010 & 01-0111-090-1011 660,000 Sq. Ft. Office space @ 10 GPD/100 SF = 66,000 GPD plus 200 Seats Fast Food Restaurant @ 35 GPD/Seat = 7,000 GPD plus 4,500 Sq. Ft. Take-out Restaurant @ 50 GPD/100 SF = 2,250 GPD plus 275 Seats Full Service Restaurant @ 50 GPD/Seat = 13,750 GPD plus 20,323 SF. Retail space @ 5 GPD/1 O0 SF = 1,016 GPD for a Total of 90,016 GPD Credit for 33,704 Sq. Ft. Retail Outlet @ 5 GPD/100 SF = 1,685 GPD Dear Mr. George: This letter is to acknowledge your request to this office regarding sewer cerification for the above -mentioned project. Please be advised that gravity sewer lines abut all sides of the property, on the North side of the property there is a 12-inch sewer line along NE 1st Street, on the East side of the property there is a 10-inch gravity sewer line along Biscayne Boulevard, on the South side of the property there is a 15-inch sewer line along East Flagler Street and on the West side of the property there is a 6-inch sewer along NE 3rd Avenue. This gravity system is owned and operated by the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department, and it directs the flow to pump station 30-0002 located at 925 Biscayne Boulevard. The flows are then directed to the Central District Treatment Plant. The station is currently operating at 3.52 hrs and with the proposed flow for this project will bring the pump stations to 3.58 hrs. being within the mandated criteria set forth in the First Partial Consent Decree. After evaluating the proposed subject property, for connection to the public sanitary sewer system, at this time the sewer system does have adequate capacity for the proposed development. Finally, please note that this determination does not constitute an allocation or certification of adequate transmission system capacity for the referenced project. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Frank Lezcano at (305) 372-6899. Si ely, no nvironmental Resources Project Supervisor W & S Conveyance Section — DERM Cc: File 2003-1015-1520-1805 10/01/03 14:29 FAX 3050897099 M-DWASD NEW BUSINESS EXHIBIT "D" 001 • • • MIAMI-OADE WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT NEW BUSINESS SECTION P.O. Sox 330316, Mlaml, Florida 33233-0316 it Tel: 305-669-7701 LETTER OF AVAILABILITY REQUEST FORM WATER SERVICE AREA ONLY SEWER SERVICE AREA ONLY WATER AND SEWER SERVICE AREA (if the Project is in a water service area ONLY) (If the Project is in a sewer service area ONLY) (if the Project is in a water and sewer service area) $50.00 $ 50.00 $1 00.00 1. Please make check payable to: Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department. 2. A CERTIFIED boundary survey of the property is required Arid Proof of Zoning from Municipality(faxed requests are not acceptable) 3. Points of connection can ONLY be provided in a Letter of Availability. Name: Address: City: Atlanta Work Phone: 77O- 57-2510 Celt Phone: Mr. James F George Cousins Properties Incorporated 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 1600 State: GA Zip: 30339-5683 Beeper: Phone2: Address of proposed or existing property: 44-56 Ngrth Biscayne Blvd., Miami, 1?T. Folio Number a Zoning (Proposed or Existing): 1 _ ... 01-0111-090-1011 Type of Units to be Constructed: Office Building Usage: (Square footage, no. of seats !units) fast food 200 seats, take-out 4,500 sf, restaurant full ervice 275 seats snia.sto ma slit. Frmity Rasidertn; Apartsnane °Moo Wilding; Rom. Etc. . Comments: PROCESSING TIME WILL BE APPROXIMATELY 3 TO 6 WEEKS FROM SUBMITAL Additional processing time may be required based on the project Date: Location, site, pumping station, complexity and incomplete information. 10/24/2003 09:35 FAX 770 857 2364 COUSINS R0004/006 1DItli SiD'"JTILITY DEV. I3:305-669-?769 OCT 20'C3 13 :41 r~Ja ..)0d . • 410 MEMORANDUM TO: Robert Lavemia, Chief DATE: October 20, 2003 Land Development, Ci = f Miami Planni t► epari rent SUBJECT: Large Scale Development FROM: ' tp Torres, P.E., Manager lane Review Section ..The Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department comments and recommendations are as follows: 1. COLUMBUS OFFICE TOWR Location: W/O Biscayne Blvd. and N/O VV. Fiagler St. Wate. Connect to an existing twelve (12)-in. wan. in Biscayne Blvd. and extend a twelve (12)-in. w.m.westerly along E. Fiagler St. to NE 3 Ave. and to be inter -connected to an existing twelve (12)-in. w.m. at that intersection. Any w.m. extension within the property shall be t';velve (12)-ine min. in diameter with two (2) points of connection and the system shall be looped . Sewer Connect to an existing fifteen (I 5)-in. gravity sewer abutting the eastern and soethern boundanes of the property along Biscayne Blvd. and E. Flagler St. respectively. Provided thet the existing sewer system and the receiving pump station have enough capacity to handle the proposed project's flows. Please be advised that upgrades to the sewer system and/or the receiving pump station may be required. Detailed information on the improvements if any. will be provided at the time of letter of availability or agreement request. Sewer extension within the pro ae: ty shall be eight (8)-in. min. in diameter. The right to connect the proposed projects to the Department's sewer system is subj;:ct to the terms, covenants, and condition set forth in the settlement agreements entered into by Miatni-Dade County wi th State of Florida's Department of Environmental Protection and all current, subsequent or future agreements, court order, judgments, consent decrees, enforcement, regulatory actions, end proceedings. Please contact DERM. Please note that improvements to the sewer system may be required based on the project's sewage flow to be discharged into M-DWASD's system and the condition of the sewage pump station(s) receiving the referenced sewage flow at the time a request is sent to the M-DWASD. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 305-669.7658. it 1 NNW LYN ifell 4111 • 1 .. 4 412 r T t Y$ l I M s a +�uAM*m+ ••N\ •N4•N.� smack Tr) C210k411 PLAZA / 11444 • .. 1 r.'• • ,•y seen I • -1 . .r. .•• '• ' 'ssaI }'. .. 'Y I \ . . `■ • . , • s i . • .i. ' •;v.4+A k. .. ..�\', r 1'.r ir.. .•.�! � � w.. �':.„..rT 1".,r~ ' .... -,.- 44 ...,L•:: : .1 -Y•L..'• .4 r. � ,..1.,'. 31.-rj� + I,.. a. ▪ •'•-il''•.r ~�--�+� _... rr -�il ... SEWER ATLAS • _. 1 MOM KW ON CLAUGHTD11 MUM 1.,T.• • • ILgtr i • • ui-07-zo08 01:8Zps From -CENTRAL SVC PING 305-80-6010 T-130 P.0011001 r-100 • • July 7, 2003 Efrain Ortiz PBS & J 2001 NW 107 Avenue Miami, 7 Fax:(305) 599-0448 Re: 48-56 Biscayne Blvd Florida mower & Light ComPtulY Dear Mr. Or: ac to provide electric is to confirm that, at the present time, FPL has sufficient capacity serviceeis captioned property. This service will be furnished in accordance with to the above applicable rates, rules and regulations. al site plan, site survey and electrical load data as soon as possible so the necessary Please provide the nn9ineerin® can begin. with FPL is essential so that resources may be scheduled of FPL facilities, Early contact availability of service when required. Should77© you request a design ticket. Sunshine will please contact Sunshine at 1w800-432-4 provide further instruction. You can contact me at 305-377-6210 if any questions. Sincere! m Brantley Cu • mer Project Manager © BELLSOUTH • • • BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. Fax 305 667 7005 Planning & Provisioning 7325 S.W. 48th Street Second Floor Miami, Ft 33155 July 3, 2003 PBS&J 2001 NW 107# AV MIAMI, FL 33172-2507 Re: Biscayne Boulevard Site Project Address: 48-56 North Biscayne Blvd. Attn: Mr. Efrain Ortiz Dear Mr. Ortiz: This letter is in response to you request about adequacy and availability of BellSouth service to your project. -BellSouth Telecommunications currently serves this location in the following way: -2-4" customer provided conduits go to the main telephone room (see sketch), and from this point, 2- 3" conduit go to the north telephone room (see sketch) and other 2-3 "conduits go to the telephone room on the south side of the property (see sketch). If the existing structure has to be changed to accommodate your building modifications, please contact our Building Industry Consultant, Mr. Harold Elosegui at 305-260-8241 to coordinate the new plan. Should you need further information, please do not hesitate to give me a call at 305-663-8226. erely, et Valencia Specialist — OSPE BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. • • • ; 7D 6"771 .G S6r3 • • • • a) • -LS" sr / W JUL--10 i'—'6g43k.MUNJ 1 e; 41 i CtAJ r Lvr urx+ t L' "ILL. . ,, .,.." N ilY. 1�a,.rrkm 1111 01IRCSS - FAX This Fax is sent from. _•- NUMBER ©1= PAGES ig Date:7- 7- 6J • awT ■ aw7 f1T1 ►TSTf1i\I.. To: _ agAil+! Ca7!Z Fax (305) 576-5307 Office Dade (305) 573-3821 60 N. W_ 17 Street Miami, Florida 33136 y! • :.: bcr 141 voz 3 tvt From: 11 MESSAGE: �J IF YOU EXPERIENCE DIFFICULTY IN RECEIVING THIS MATERIAL, PLEASE DIAL I- 877-TECO PGS (1 w877-832-6747), EXTENSION AND ASK TO SPEAK TO: OR JUL-0 (-AKJ MUN) 1644 ttuu rturLt umo 1,1 ivs•v�+.. --- N N 7 m4A, ?if 41 39LL010' • 1 vtj Zieror MCw11f� cre 2 -*u o uo10 iVr .Ca. r # �r�i1»e .y.i SIN,, _• ill P n1 is at" bli I.,..° .491"'"6-412.-3,1,2 ._fi..e......70.17a... .....ii,:t4...._ 4 v r y�rrt 7.1 Utility Contacts Biscayne Boulevard Site Comoanv Address Contact Person Tel. 1 Fax Service Contact E-Mail Adeauacv/Availabllty Date Bellsouth 7325 SW 48th Street Janet Valencia 305-663-8226 (1) 'Yes 03-Ju1-03 Miami, Fi. 33155 305-667-7005 (F) FP&L 122 S.W. 3rd Street Kareem Brantley 305-377-6210 (T) *Yes 03-Jul-03 Miami, Fl. 33130 kareem_brantiey@fpl.com 305-377-6010 (F) Peoples Gas 60 N.W.17th Street Sit Warner 305-573-3822 (T) `Yes 03-Jul-03 Miami, FI 33136 305-576-5307 (F) Miami TCI 1306 N,W. 7th Avenue Mike Slater 305-325-1370 (7) 03-Jul-03 Miami, FI 33136 305-325-8741 (1=) * Per telephone conversation