HomeMy WebLinkAboutArticle II - Project DescriptionCOLUMBUS OFFICE TOWER
Project Description
A. Zoning Ordinance No. 11000
1. Section 1304.2.1 Application forms; supplementary
2. Section 1702.2.1 General Report
3. Section 1702.2.2 Major Use Special Permit Concept Plan
4. Section 1702.2.3 Development Impact Study
. Section 1304.1.1 Application forms, supplementary materials
(a) Statements of ownership and control of the proposed
development of activity.
The Disclosure of Ownership and Ownership Affidavit are
provided in Article I.
(b) Statement describing in detail the character and intended use
of the development or activity.
The property is located at 50 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, Florida.
Columbus Office Tower will comprise a 38 story building which will
include 661,593 square feet of office, 29,508 square feet of retail,
The building will contain 39 floors. Floors 2 through 12 will be for
1,260 parking spaces and floors 14 through 39 (there will be no
floor 13) will be for general office use. The building will have
pedestrian access from all sides.
The building will be situated on a full city block with frontage along
Biscayne Boulevard for east -west exposures, thus maximizing the
bay and city views. The retail shops and restaurants will front on
East Flagler Street, N.E. 3rd Avenue, and N.E. 1st Street and on
the main lobby off of Biscayne Boulevard.
The main entrance to the office building will be on Biscayne
Boulevard or via elevator from the parking deck.
Entrance to the parking garage will be through one two lane entry
located from N.E. 3rd Avenue. The service area for the building
will be on N.E. 1st Street and is contained within the building.
The ground floor will house the office tower lobby, restaurants and
retail shops. The remaining of this ground floor will contain the
building service areas, storage, parking, and FPL transformer
Drawings showing the architectural character and location of the
intended uses are included under Tab 6 of the Supporting
(c) General location map, showing relation of the site or activity
for which special permit is sought to major streets, schools,
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existing utilities, shopping areas, important physical features
in and adjoining the project or activity and the like .
The following exhibits are included with the Major Use Special
Permit Application:
(1) Aerial: Aerial photograph of the surrounding area
indicating the project site.
(2) Area Context Map/Site Aerial: Map of the project area
indicating buildings that surround the site and their
Location Map: Map of the surrounding street system
indicating the project location.
(d) A site plan containing the title of the project and the names of
the project planner and developer, date, and north arrow and,
based on an exact survey of the property drawn to a scale of
sufficient size to show:
The general information requested is shown on the Context Plan
and Ground Floor Plan, Sheets A-100 and A-103 provided under
Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. The site plan includes the
Boundaries of the project, any existing streets,
buildings, watercourses, easements and section
The boundaries of the project and the location of existing
streets and easements are shown on the Survey located
under Tab 5 of the Supporting Documents.
(2) Exact location of all buildings and structures;
The exact location of the existing buildings located on the
property are shown on the Boundary Survey under Tab 5.
The location of the building to be constructed is shown on
the Context Plan Sheet A-100 and the Ground Floor Plan
sheet A-103 located under Tab 6 of the Supporting
Access and traffic flow and how vehicular traffic will
be separated from pedestrian and other types of
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Vehicular access for the project will be from N.E. 3rd
Avenue. A detailed analysis of the site access and traffic
flow is provided in the Traffic impact Analysis located
under Tab 2 of the Supporting Documents.
The project can be accessed by pedestrians from
Biscayne Boulevard, E. Flagler Street, N.E. 3rd Avenue
and N.E. 1st Street. Vehicular curb cuts have been
avoided along East Flagler Street and Biscayne
Boulevard to provide maximum unobstructed pedestrian
activity along these major arteries. The plazas that will
surround the building and garage will create a pedestrian
friendly urban environment.
(4) Off-street parking and off-street loading areas;
The off street parking facility is located within the parking
garage levels ground floor through 12th floor The parking
structure will have 1260 parking spaces which will support
the entire development. The garage is shown on Sheets
A-103 through A-108, provided under Tab 6 of the
Supporting Documents.
The Zoning Ordinance requires five loading bays. Loading
bays will be 2 at 12 ft. x 35 ft, 1 at 12 ft. x 55 ft and 2 at 10
ft. x 25 ft. The vertical clearance for all loading bays is 15
feet. Service areas are shown on the Ground/Floor Plan,
Sheet A-103, under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents.
(5) Recreational facilities locations;
Open plaza areas are provided on the ground level and
the 14th level outside the office tower above the parking
garage building footprint. These will serve as recreation
areas for the development and will have outdoor
amenities including a garden and sun deck creating the
atmosphere of a courtyard for the use of the office tenants
and patrons.
These facilities are shown on the architectural Plan A-102,
and on the Landscape Plans L-101 and L-102 under Tab
6 of the Supporting Documents.
(6) Screens and buffers;
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Along Biscayne Boulevard, E. Flagler Street. N.E. 3rd
Avenue and N.E. 1st Street, trees will create a canopy of
Landscaped areas are indicated on the Architectural and
Landscape Plans located under Tab 6 of the Supporting
Documents. The parking areas are entirely screened
from public view.
Refuse collections areas;
Waste collection will be provided by a containerized
compactor system located within the service area in the
building. These facilities are shown on the architectural
Plan, Sheet A-103, located under Tab 6 of the Supporting
Access to utilities and points of utilities hookups;
Access and connections to site utilities are discussed in
the Site Utility Study located under Tab 3 of the
Supporting Documents.
Tabulations of total gross acreage in the project and the
percentages thereof proposed to be devoted to:
(1) The various permitted uses;
Building 80.3% of gross lot area
(footprint 45,400, square feet)
Open area, plazas, exterior courts and streets: 11,143 square
feet, 19.7% of net lot area.
(2) Ground coverage by structures
Ground coverage by the structure is 80.3°/0 of the total gross lot
(f) Tabulation showing the following:
(1) The derivation of numbers of off-street parking and
off-street loading spaces shown in (d) above.
The total number of off-street parking spaces required is 692
spaces and the total number of spaces provided will be 1260.
Derivation of the number of off-street parking is shown on the
Architectural Plan Sheet PD-2, located under Tab 6.
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If common facilities (such as recreation areas of structures,
private streets, common open space, etc.) are to be provided
for the development, statements as to how such common
facilities are to be provided and permanently maintained.
All common facilities provided will be maintained by the Owner.
(h) Storm drainage and sanitary sewerage plans.
Storm drainage, water distribution, waste water and solid waste
generation provisions are discussed in the Site Utility Study
located under Tab 3 of the Supporting Documents.
Architectural definitions for buildings in the development;
exact number of dwelling units, sizes, and types, together
with typical floor plans of each type.
Detailed information and breakdown of square footage of all uses
are found under Project Criteria within The Project Summary,
included under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. Typical floor
plans for the office levels are shown on the Architectural Floor
Plans A-110 through A-112. All drawings are located under Tab
6 of the Supporting Documents.
(j) Plans for signs, if any.
Building signage area of approximately 10 feet high and 40 feet
wide on the north and south sides near the top of the building.
There will also be building identification signage over the Biscayne
Boulevard Side near the top approximately 10 feet high and 60
feet wide. A sign of approximately 3 '/2 feet high and 15 feet wide
will be placed at the Ground Level spandrel area or building base
at the corner of Biscayne Boulevard and East Hagler Street.
(k) Landscaping plan, including types, sizes and locations of
vegetation and decorative shrubbery, and showing
provisions for irrigation and future maintenance.
The landscape plans showing vegetation are found on the
Landscape Plans, Sheets L-101 through L-103. All landscape
plans are located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents.
Plans for recreation facilities, if any, including location and
general description of buildings for such use,
The 14th level above the parking garage will serve as an open
area for the tenants. This includes garden areas with benches.
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(m) Such additional data, maps, plans, or statements as may be
required for the particular use or activity involved.
The details of the spaces and calculations used to compute the
Floor Area Ratio (FAR) are shown on the FAR-101 through FAR-
108 Plans provided under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents.
(n) Such additional data as the applicant may believe is pertinent
to the proper consideration of the site and development plan.
Sections and elevations depicting the architectural character of
the building are shown on the Building Elevations and Sections,
Sheets A-113 thru A-120. All elevations and sections are located
under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents.
(o) Lighting Concept Narrative
Overall Concept
The lighting scheme will reinforce and accent specific
architectural features as well as signature graphic elements to
create visual interest, enhancing the dynamic quality of each
elevation as seen from the street and surrounding buildings.
Building Entry, Base and Streetscape
The main entry columns would be emphasized with fully recessed
uplights and downlights strafing the columns with narrow beams
of color corrected white light. These sources would provide bright
pads of light at the column base and overhead soffit, clearly
defining and complementing the multi height Lobby and entry.
The surrounding streetscape trees would be uplit from fully
recessed fixtures set beneath planter grates providing scale to the
pedestrian experience.
Building Facade
The East elevation would specifically not be front lit but rather
would have an illuminated slot reveal running the entire height of
the building. This slot would be lit with an LED source for
exceptional brightness, energy efficiency and easy maintenance.
The horizontal rectangular reveal at the penthouse level would
have an internally illuminated signature graphic.
The North and South elevations would be strafed with color
corrected white light from two rows of terrace level mounted
floodlights. The vertical aiming angle would dramatically enhance
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the filigree of the buildings expressions in counterpoint to the
more monolithic sweeping East facade.
The West elevation again would specifically not be front lit to
again act as a counterpoint to the North & South Facades but
would also have an illuminated slot reveal running vertically up
the center of the facade.
The building top would be internally illuminated with the emphasis
on the interior vertical surfaces of the open horizontal expressions
of the penthouse level rear West vertical enclosure. This would be
lit with a linear vertical shaft of Tight strafing the vertical surface
culminating at the top of the swept back East facade with the
reflected Tight bouncing onto the adjacent surfaces of the East,
North & South glazed enclosures creating a dramatic lantern
2. Section 1702.2.1 General Report.
(1) Property ownership and beneficial interest within the
boundaries of the area proposed for Major Use Special
Statement of Ownership and beneficial interest within the
boundaries of the area proposed for Major Use Special Permit are
provided in Article 1.
(2) The nature of the unified interest or control.
The nature of unified interest or control is indicated in Article 1.
(3) Survey of the proposed area showing property lines and
A copy of the Surveys are included under Tab 5 of the Supporting
(4) Map of existing features, including streets, alleys, easements,
utilities lines, existing land use, general topography, and
physical features.
The existing site features and utility lines are shown on the
Boundary Survey of the property located under Tab 5. The site
features and the utilities are also described in the Site Utility
Study, located under Tab 3 of the Supporting Documents.
Materials to demonstrate the relationship of the elements
listed in (4) preceding to surrounding area characteristics.
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The Drawings Submitted with this Application are located under
Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents.
(6) Existing zoning and adopted comprehensive plan
designations for the area on and around the lands proposed
for Major Use Special Permit.
The existing zoning designation for the property pursuant to City
of Miami Ordinance No. 11000 and Page 36 of the Zoning Atlas
Map which is located in Article 1, indicates the existing and
surrounding zoning. The zoning designation for the property is
the Commercial Business District "CBD". The comprehensive plan
future land use designation for the property is the Commercial
Business District. The zoning and the comprehensive plan
designation are consistent with one another.
3. Section 1702.2.2 Major Use Special Permit Concept Plan.
(a) Relationships of the concept plan to surrounding existing
and proposed future uses, activities, systems, and facilities
(transportation, recreation, view corridors, pedestrian
systems, service systems and similar uses.
Article 11 contains a written narrative of this project outlining
proposed uses, activities and architectural character. This
narrative also contains descriptions of the project's relationship to
traffic, pedestrian movements, and transportation access.
Building elevations, sections and perspectives showing the
proposed materials, vertical profile and height, and orientation to
streets are included in the drawings submitted with this
Application. The list of drawings submitted is found under Tab 6
of the Supporting Documents.
(b) Existing zoning and adopted comprehensive plan principles
and designations.
This project conforms to the CBD zoning district designation for
this property. The comprehensive plan future land use
designation conforms with the land use designation currently in
effect for this property.
4. Section 1702.2.3 Developmental impact Study.
A traffic analysis shall be submitted for an area including the
major intersections to be significantly impacted by the site
and other intersections and/ or corridors specified by the City
or the City's consultant.
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The Traffic Impact Analysis is included under Tab 2 of the
Supporting Documents.
(b) Economic impact data shall be provided, including estimates
for construction costs, construction employment, and
permanent employment and shall demonstrate that the
proposed development is favorable to the economy, public
services, environment and housing supply of the City.
The Economic Impact Study is included under Tab 4 of the
Supporting Documents,
(d) A description of proposed energy conservation measures
shall be provided, including only those measures that are
proposed in addition to the minimum requirements in State
Energy Code.
Architecturally, the building envelope will be comprised of glass,
pre -cast concrete and the roof. Tinted reflective glass will be used
throughout the building. Electrically, all exterior and landscape
lighting will be controlled by means of time clocks and photocell
switches. Energy saving lamps, ballasts and fixtures are being
considered at cores and public spaces. A full direct digital HVAC
controls system will be specified to enhance energy conservation.
(e) Historic Buildings
There are no existing historic structures located on the property.
(f) Environmental Zone
The Property is not located within an environmental preservation
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