HomeMy WebLinkAboutprevious legislationvw.1.1;..z.x-gueos 441:3 :LLMt Criz:tce • -2/4/02 $t$CINT.ICN/40.'11441" 14:4 35 eso Irkio P. A AESOZUTICk' :Cr: 'THE SXAMT .4.00TMt.,500Ni . . - WITH ATTACET, ACCEPPX Ti ,..REcomm&op.1;41p11 •1*t..•..st400t102*-'. op,m0;TT$p;--,-,p0A4(1Aiot TO AEOUtSt.F0R-PA0171:5$ATII:. Z.d# tRE:,:movr.QOALTrItO IRMSTO Pg0Vt0Z; .VII0$E.9-AP;TAT'4'.:AKAV4*.-,Ct5, .?OR .:.APAI4c-:.-'.$4tiAgg::cArg.polw.11$Z$14NATZb.JPROJpcTo -4404-.4AtA0 MtE( ORDER; 1tJTH0RIZING THE c.t7T•;',P14NAOZ:TO NEGOTIATE .ANa" A.G$E$MENT$'#74TW:tAtAltY(010-:ANAMOIONT.*r.O.YTO 1:xPt.K0'6''T414.A$OPIT..4,.votoAtga..zp. -g1400004', Atitockirtvq, FUNDS FOM -;tIRTIFTN4tyAROIOACt -AccOuNTs„- • . . $t IT RESOLVED AY THg COMM131011 OF TH CITY OF MIAMI, PIC)FtItA: Sect$.,OP. The reccnmandetiOn of the City Manager to 4.11P0x-070: the, 11htl1ri50 of the seleattoR OPMm4;tt..-.ett puzguan to astilidst TOk Peopoaels, a's to tbemo.Att. qualif1.00 fir me to provide Pra.tasic'nal .6ndinOering conttArlac$.011menagettettteervicqs f'or Public Worke Zategqry 0.1;1!f dosgtated: pToJe4ts fax 2062 t4r44#. 2004. IlAte0herein in rank .order, exo. actoptedl. 1. Th C0T;114:14.40 Oro4p', t. 2. Nova ,P0AAultin4 Inc. • 14gta74n. ZnIlnetTini;- Inc. 4. 5. CF.. ConuItants tnc. CALTZRATE). • PiaSt3 1ALT&X$Tt4 ▪ %45 iav ;.4-11,4 CITY CONT1114JILtVa4021 FE0 1 4 2002 13.410tangob ,02144 CFFTCE Sectierrre: re:commendatioz of the City Manag:er tQ approve the lioditga. $eJ.edti:on Catimittee4 purstiamt i-e41ue5t tzar Vr9P0sa16, as: to ;the 3noot qualified firms to Provide pr:Qfea8 or a]: Ath requirement services for Public Works :Category "S"'. designated proj'ects for 2002 2004' :13ted herein in 'tank :order:,, ate 'acaapted: PBS4.' R # Ar'chi;eel s G rri Matute;_; Slao;4474•1 3, a prova the findi nears, I4tt:.: throng} .the tedOltlmende't d7 .o-?the C.ty Manager to 0.. ? the selection' ootalittee,, pureraa-nt to ?equeet .for fropoa ,a,;. to the Met qualified firms to provide profsss1onai arohl'tectura1 .en.gir}e ring. services for PuLlic works etegory ,'B,.' designated projects :.for 2002 trough 2004/ l -sted 1 ersi:ri in rank ardor, '.ate aetreptec :. CSA Southeast Inc.. t A ?. Wig. 'Consultants:: 2, r►di.go: texvioe Corpozat..or. Sention.:4.. The.. recommendatibot f the City manager to appr;ov;ethe findings a ' the selection cxomu .tee, pursuant; to. tiaqueet fox :Prop.o.s:e1s,, i s to .the most qu'ali sed firma 'to provide pr2fe35.ona : erehitectuze e.ervi:ces` fat PubLio Works .Category 'v.B." designated projects: for 2002 .through 2004, 11.4te0:herein. in rank order, are aeceppted, 1, Gurx matute r{A -• Zy'ecovid a, Inc. 3. R. J geieenbotttie Architects,: .,t. tau Vhai.in Archi;,tects,. no,. 5.: Berme/.i , Ajamji & partner , Inc. fltJ..TE TE) V3 3 ( TE.r 0.ATE insEsse Section 5. The recomner dat on of the. City ':Manager to epprovs: the .iriings, the select:!on. ,c0m:ri.t:,ee4' pursuant to Request ±or, 'rapoaal4, a, to the 'mcst queL -fled irtt:s to provide grofr::s$ °na enuisronnenta . erne ineitrin'g. jerttiqee, for Pt b•? ie:: Wcr)ts Category '"8" desigtlated project .for 2;00 t, rough 26:04 L st'ef her: tr ir..r'etk order, accelptsd: 1. A"TC Gro zp3 Services EfCir`. 2, . j. Rdee .Nee09 at,;es, Inc 3:. URS Ccspotwatican; 4. TIND Fngi<;neer; . �'. Nova Can sult;inq Inic: (ALT4RNA E).. 6- Consult3 ng ErigJ.n erirg '&'Sca.erice- lrtt~ (AL(ALt RNAT,B 9ecti0h 6.. The~: ,reoPiiatte tx t tior .:of'. the City Manager 4a ;incline ..:;ef the selection-cammitt'ee:, pursuant to ReQuest for xropo3alti as to :the most que.l Pied �riCCs to. provide p:uvf6ssicns1 ge er"e . 011471;Ae!;t;4.16.1W eer ices for public Woks Category "5" riea .pneted projects 't r 2002 t arnt gh 20O4; Listeid: wai in -rank order, are accepted, 1, l.J, Ros4 Alsociet'as, t c. 2w Rurtd.64 spree s r & ASsOC :aids, Inc.. Metric :Soginoerng. Incy: 4. ea$44 :'* 1 Engineei 0.0 . 111c 6 P SL VxegiPQeri. g .Corp 7 WEB; Corporator {PILT ' OATE) 6. X m;'44Y-ifotr11anc a aoc#.,at`as. :hit.(ALTERNATE) Sect pn. 7. the re a rctendati ,n ::atE be C4.ty Mena:gar: to approve the Ptntd t e s of the select ::on cOMMittee, pur5l ant. to Request i tr: Proposals, + s to the most qualified _firms to provide 4:DFF ¢CE prQfes:sj.onai lands ap* -.hitedtre sexvicea fog Pu KO kA Category '` d i g';natett projects . for: 2 t3Z rough 0O , fated herei21 !n ran { ord a are a c p d: Ve1Odti 8tleno:' Curt; e(& Rogers igm; 8;tudi Inc , 3 K �.ey'-Horn ,acn f esocia�tes, I. is A, EDAW`, Inc., T$A ?AT ). The retch datjo ariagsar tv a -rove Gh°° fintl,ings; �f the a 1ecti'on, r021*kOteer. pv.rsus t o: E e�9 e Y far. Pro a6041sP,. ss Via; los quza=l-if and firms prov des proles ,ena1 r*ct ana.oa1 engineering s ry g s.; tor- Public war s Category ., N dee gnated p for 200 throe gh 2004listed heref, 1:. in,: rank order, al a accepted 1. Louis :J' A9pi: e & • o ocjtteat.'`F.,A; 0)**O0, @sxriasrds Assoc .# ea 'tnc;.; Gaa5tek Eng!ne°erL`tng orpora i'oti -('?LT'ERN F' 1)' Sects t .9 Tie ec tencartjpn; Q the City Manager, to approve the f-40.#4s, of t:t':e selecticT ,4ittee, pu'reuant to Reque,:t for: proposals, es to one ;mast .qua,l1.f ed Lrr s, to pres� : 'p-r0.essv.ona1 structuxa t an nes �services for ?ui :t c Works 4-etegory H,, dss gear, ad prct.ects: ;for ..2042' through: 144t00.' ► x i±. i�_; :a¢nI areler, aze accepted 1. San Nsrtir. Associates, hc: Av''art,: ,1,hc . '. LAB Lail n;c:. et ;4►n > :, The recamnezztla'ior ;of the tiliY i± mne. e:r tp, approve the f d ztg: 'of tie select en cQm x :tee,, PUretaUlt t a. Busse' fo:r, papa wei .e,r as i9 them0a1 gi alif40d 4ixma to provide: 7. owe-'41-',e4wd: 4:19.1417 tvry cLaws.orFIce -$0!$ 95a 16.14)' F,OE Professional surveying And rlAppltiq sr*.iog.s. for public warks. PetegorY ''S41 zignate project o for 2002 i'4rouqh 2094, listed hareIft in wank Oder,, are Accepted: V0$4a 2. fernando Z. Gete4,1 P. L. s„, 3. Widener 'SutvliYikrig and Mappinqt P. A. 4., Craven Thompson & Astoo4Atea,, Inc. 5. Williams, 4at4.014 & StOher, Inc. 6. Leiter,Pere & Aosoc4atel Inc. Section la. The recommendation ot the City Manager to _ approve the findings of the selection comMittee, pursuant to '04-guotstr 740P0041,.*4. ..t.9te MOOt.-q44lIfitd tcy..zov,tde O'k0414049441 *elnaly1440. And 001,,eati.tiAte gerviceS foe Putc Works cat.4.0rY deal,gnatod prOottt .,tog 20.01 th:rough:2004, ;,4ated herein in tahlt!Order.i. art. aooePtedI LA2 Arckulv, TAS.44 GtAtA A -Naag0 PdOin (AttEriOAT4) Section 11.; the: leCOMMencletich of tho ,tity Msnagor to. appiv t.he fin44ngs:of the 6e100t104: .OoMMitteei pur$440t to •Ttocpett: Ett PrOg041).e., 'ag to. the wroot.t goalj14*0 fit= to provide PTOfe314.04e; air tc,:n-0J.,Plik17.4 aervioeI tot 9.1144,it MOV.k$ Category Ottiqbaga0 ProlectA for 20,6-tht044ti ti,atedheteip is . AsOo0PedI ,OrACe 4-0seem tfddiri Seztion 11 Ihe reoommehdAt4op of the City maotilqot to .PProv. ;h. finditg.. Of .tbe seIaotion. dOstSt4tee,t, •Pots4lant to Req110,t f6e PrOPOSa2,',.44 as, toth* AO0t 44.41f1V4 t;trm to .p.rOvi.cre Pag0 S: Ot.7 02- 144 ;T7Z P,W. ' 1WAT Cirr pro eseiCnal, l to Ae"fety servic 4 deeivoeted. pro a :e for 2662 thrb acep;ec l Gurr1:1%1 tutter, P.A.> sect,Io t i.4`,. The recornendaition Of the CitY Manage_ t'd approve, the findinge-. =of the see e x n oomreitteer P4reuan t ? equeet for PrOPOeela, as tothe 1ti st qualified firma to pr v de profe eiona1 ra.ofing. "services' for Public-: Works Category "$,. d0aignated' projects get 20 2 thro qh 2?04, 1ietel ,1.1.ere±n ire ;ra:n *, order, are 'daCep'te;d: ,'2. Public Works Category "5 n; 2E04R listed herein Bun.,lding r�i4i' cetLca IWOCiAtes; Z terratiQna Log stics.,ciroup Section 1.5,, The Ci.zyr Ravager i a"uthor'ized*r to nagot a:te and . execute Prrcofe sjana1: . 'aory cem Aorees nts, i n' a form eccep able to :the City Attorrt4y, with. sech f xrr. in an amount: rot to exceed 'tie ,1iouit indicated i 4t:t44hirgiliAt.t.:. for each pecaalty for such t« , +w .th funde. a ." ocated from "i rtdiv d to a account.. ^# a h�4re�in authox,4; ion furt1 er ,s�ay� ec try Gorl s r4Aro i quiNikki .a z rrait.nt�w that rn y be impo a Lair tkm C Att6 Csey�, #C1ud g ut not ii;telk end X0 th044 0#00 S4ed 40.1 .4014,004.city a :tar gild ogde ptouit*:iarsa, Li ;'Y Ludt LFFKE. 3g5-850 i610 S,sc'cipm .6',. Tb.is Resolution ?hall beicone effoor4,vo. lm.ne ix t ly upon its adoption and signatre of the, Mayor.VV AT PASSED /OM Aponte. t hi -a -4th day of .Feb%aXv 2002. s1.1 achlaidex A 0ttng:. C , .lark aRM AN tP,RECTN SS 3' I tea $4Y.P# dorm no .,eign Chia ke e1+s&i,on, ,it 4h011:t4c40 ei'Z4ct ve a : t le ■L1Gi .L7y Cez Q444.dar d y$ 'fro i the Ciit4c', it W 0I -04 - and 040tp0. T' ( tag i�'tl:z v0:o th#:a x .0:.474gfl1 it tha11 tsaccrna pt,'41;0:e.I1r4e€ihns die 7y t; vx Ptre4.400, o't thit' C40110033.aiar+: a8 Pa'ge. 7 Of 7. 02v. 144: klo;41.0 C..17).- CLERKS 'OFFICE 3.05aat8121 P.09 ATTACHMIZNI "10 ENNtINC:cpssgc.fivellpg •:$000;•..000 ALACbt4Astg .Atotgltsktio§1 A,orttotOtwi-01401:0a.lsoHstAv4tit.(0:144440H4,40niil%),,7-4tzo,apo: MCITECTO #".-99Apq OVIA01410tAL ttl'GINE0a4Opp4).qp.. ':t;i-P.b4$A4P,1011gCtF044: •011:0400i• 11,t1b1tIttlARti iAlkO:kTECTURSI..;PC4 p:cp • XiEC1NiCAL 0000000.1i rt146,000 •,at#0VP0AntodiOztplq1.41;0040 44-1vEt$4.00hAP#1.0000t VL2 NALfSS AND 0p$17:.:o,,:a.uvtz..: 00,466. sgot)44a umTY4 4404000: • :rf#prooz. 42-0-0,006 0 144 TOTK. P OS