HomeMy WebLinkAboutexhibitsEXHIBIT "A" Iit JORGE C. CANO, P.E. Director June 27, 2003 Mr. Mariano Valle, P.E. H.J. Ross Associates, Inc. 201 Alhambra Circle, Suite 800 Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Re: WORK ORDER AUTHORIZATION Flagaml Report -Fairlawn Storm Sewers Project, Phase II, B-5673-A2 Flagaml Report -West End Storm Sewers Project, Phase II (Parts A & B), B-6673-B2 Flagaml Report-Flagaml Storm Sewers Project, Phase 11, 84673-C2 (Supplemental Scope of Services for Additional Surveying and Permit Fees) Dear Mr. Valle: This work order is deemed to incorporate by reference the terms and conditions of that certain Professional Services Agreement for Engineering Services, dated May 16, 2002 between the City for Miami and H.J. Ross Associates, Inc. JOE ARRIOLA City Manager The undersigned will perform this work in compliance with the foregoing Agreement. Additionally, this work has been authorized by City Commission Resolution No. 02-144 and the terms of any enabling resolution are deemed as being incorporated by reference herein. The undersigned will perform this work In compliance with any enabling resolution. I. Scope of Services The supplemental scope of services are detailed in Exhibit "A"; attached hereto and made a part hereof. 11. Time of Performance The schedule for performance of the work is included in Exhibit "A". The completion date schedule shall be adjusted to reflect the date of the written notice to proceed date. III. Comoens;ton The work will be performed for a fee guaranteed not -to -exceed the sum of $ 88,000.00. The City shall not be liable for any cost, fee, or expenditure above the amounts set forth In'this section. The above quoted fee includes an allowance for reimbursable expenses that comply with the requirements of the Agreement. Any eligible reimbursable expenses shall conform to the limitations of Florida Statue 112.081. IV. Sub -Consultants Subconsultants for performance of the work are: DEPARTMENT OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue / Miami, FL 33130 / (305) 416-1280 / Fax: (305) 416-2153 AA..ilinn AriAmee. P A 11n.r 11fl7na AAls.ni it 7i9 % .A7r1R June 24, 2003 Work Order Authorization H.J. Rosa Assoclats$t Inc. Flagaml Report -Fairlawn Storm Sewers Project, Phase 11, B-6673-A2 Flagaml Report -West End Stone Sewers Project, Phase II (Parts A & B), B- i873-B2 Flapami Report-Flagaml Storm Sewers Project, Phase 1I, B4S76-C2 Pape No. 2 For plicjoline_ Land Surveying and Mapping Services Name ig;ub-Con illa= J. Bonflll & Assoc, Inc. Any changes to the Sub -Consultants used for this work shall require prior written approval from the Director or the Protect Manager, which. approval shall not be un- reasonably withheld. V. MUM This supplemental scope of services will be funded by the following C.I.P. Number. C.I.P. No. 352199 - West End Storm Sewers Project, Phase II (Parts A & B), B-5673-B2 VI. Attachment; 1. Professional Services Agreement between H.J. Ross Associates and the City of Miami dated May 16, 2002. 2. Exhibit "A' orlzed b . 2 2 2003 aide Manager JUL 2 2003 �-- Date APPRO • AS T• L AL FORM AND COR . CTN Vi = , o, City Atto A-03670 JAIJCCIJBOILIj1I 60414 A ' = pled and A Date -4'18/0'3 ano Valle, P.E. H.J. Ross Associates, Inc. INSURANCE REQUIREMENT APPRO l 1 Itll'J 1�ED Dianne Ericson, Risk Management Admin D{ r or June 24, 2003 ' Work Omer Authorization H.J. Roan As eoclati4,. Inc. Flapand Rsport.Felrlairn Storm Sewers Project, Phis* 11, 84073-A2 F1.Saml Report4Aleet End 8tonn Sewer Project, Phan II (Parts A & B), D8473-B2 Fle aml Rsport•Flsgaml Stan Sewers Protect, Phase 11, B487343 Pape No. 3 Date • •LININTERNATIONAL%H•J•ROSS Mr. Jose Lago, P.E., Project Manager Department of Capital Improvements 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue, 8th Floor Miami, FL 33130 Date (012410 APPROVED By (Hia`K" June 24, 2003 Re: Flagami Report -Fairlawn Storm Sewer Project, Phase II, B-5673-A2 Flagami Report -West End Storm Sewer Project, Phase II (Parts A & B), B-5673-B2 Flagami Report-Flagami Storm Sewer Project, Phase II, B-5673-C2 Proposal for Reimbursable Expenses Dear Mr. Lago: The following is a summary of the reimbursable expenses related to permit review fees and additional survey work that will be incurred as part of the above referenced project. The review permit fees are as follows: FLAGAMI / WEST END SFWMD Individual ERP Permit $7,500 SFWMD Standard General Permit for Incidental Site Activities (Early Work) $500 SFWMD Noticed General (Category 3) Right of Way Use Permit $300 FAIRLAWN SFWMD Individual ERP Permit $7,500 SFWMD Noticed General (Category 3) Right of Way Use Permit $300 As documentation, enclosed is the list of application fees from the SFWMD web site. We are also including the review comments from SFWMD for the Flagami/West End project which indicate the permit fee required. Further, it is our understanding that for the permit fees related to DERM Class II Permit Application the City of Miami has agreements in place which will waive the required fee. The additional survey work required to finalize the Fairlawn portion of the project amounts to $51,275. Please refer to the attached proposal from J. Bonfill & Associates, Inc. dated May 22, 2003 for the additional survey scope of work and fee breakdown. In light of the above, we respectfully request that a Work Order in the amount of $68,000 be issued for these reimbursable expenses. This includes a contingency amount of $625 to cover any unforeseen items. If you have any questions please call me. cerely, -for Mariano Valle, P. . Vice President Enclosures 201 Alhambra Circle, Suite 900 • Coral Gables, FL 33134 • Telephone: (305) 567-1888 • Facsimile:(305) 567-1771 4 03 THU 3:45 PM SOUTH FL WATER MGMT DIST FAI HO. 561 682 2307 P. 2 SOUTH FLORIDA .WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33606 • (561) 6364800 • FL WA151.800-432-200 • TDD (561) 647.2574 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 24650, Wear Palm Brach, FL 73416-46110 • www.shemd.gov CON 24-06 Application Number 030311-10 Environmental Resource Regulation April 10, 2003 Mr. Alfredo Reyna H.J. Ross Associates 800 Douglas Entrance, Suite 250 Coral Gables, FL 33134 Dear Mr. Reyna: SUBJECT: Stormwater Sewer Project Phase II, City of Miami, Miami -Dade County The staff has completed a preliminary review of the above referenced application. According to Rule 40E-4 Florida Administrative Code (FAC), satisfactory answers to the following comments must be provided before our review can continue. 1. As part of the Miami -Dade County's Local (Flood) Mitigation Strategies Group, integrated flood pianning•inciuding discharge rates to the District's canals has been discussed and coordinated. Over the past few years, the City of Miami, as represented by its consultant, HJ Ross, identified various discharge rates to the C-4 canal that would be needed for local flood protection. These values have varied and recently been identified as substantially higher than originally discussed. The applicant shouldidentify the basis for the requested discharge rate and provide a more detailed explanation of the supporting analysis for District review. 2. The conveyance capacity of the C-4 canal even with the improvements underway, is limited, and excessive discharges from one area may result in unnecessary flooding impact to others. Accordingly, operational monitoring and an operational plan or protocol is necessary for those systems proposing pump facilities that discharge to the C-4 canal. The applicant should provide a description of the telemetry based instrumentation that will be provided for all pumping stations and a description of the City's plans to establish an operatin • • = • = • • or protocol with the District. . As discussed with the District's achnInIstrative applicant qualify for the waiver of the permit application processing fee. Please submit the permit application fee of $7500.00 for an Individual Permit for projects etweon 100 and 640 acres. Gc VIIRNlN. Apo Trndi K. Williams, P.F.., char Lennart E. Lindell", 1$.11.. Vire cialfr Pamela n' k Thom Michel Collins Hugh M. English Cwaniu B. Fern/index Paula ). Gleason, Ph.D., P.G. Nicolas). Gulitrrex, fr., Est. Harkley R. Thomttm Plenty Dean, £xrcvtfvr L;Inator Environmental Resource Regulation -Permit Fees a by .. Note: This web site has been designed for browsers (Netscape or Internet Explorer) version 5 or higher. APPLICATION EIKS Revised 8114102 Environmental Resource Permits* (includes grandfathered SWl1A Permits) `(When used in this table, 'agriculture' shall be defined as set forth in Section 570.02, F.S.) New Individual Agriculture Project area < 100 acres 1$ 3,050 'Project area 100 acres to < 640 acres Project area >= 640 acres 1$ 4,000 New Individual all others, except Agriculture Project area < 100 acres P ect area 100 acres to < 640 acres Project area >= 640 acres 1 [New individual Operation Permit $ 5,000 • $ 5,000 $ 7,500 $10,000 p 3,500 Environmental Resource Regulation -Permit .fees 'Individual Modification Agriculture II 1 [Project area < 100 acres 1$ 2,050 [Project area 100 acres to < 640 acres 'Project area >= 640 acres iindivldual Modification all others, except Agriculture Project area < 100 acres $ 2,500 3,500 Project area 100 acres to < 640 acres 'Project area >= 640 ages 1$ 3,500 j[$ 5,000 1$ 7,500 1 New Standard General Permit (excludin incidental site activities) 11 [Agriculture 1$ 650 [ [All others [$ 2,000 Standard General Permit Modification (excluding incidental site activities) 'Agriculture $ 500 'Alt others $ 1,000 Standard General Permit for incidental Site Activities (Early Work) I$5.00 [ [Noticed General Permit (including Aquaculture) $100 9$1oo [Single Family Residential Homesite (< 10 acres total land area) [Transfer of Permit (ownership) [Letter Modification Requests $ 450 �$1oo 'Solely Environmental Restoration or Enhancement, Not Mitigation "$1oo Welcome to SFWMD Right Ut Way RIGHT OF WAY SECTIONS ROW Home Who We Are ROW Permits ROW Waivers ROW Releases ROW Restoration Spoil Sales ROW & Other Maps ROW links Fee Schedule NOTICE TO APPLICANTS At its April, 1989 Meeting the Governing Board of the South Florida Water Management District . adopted amendments to Rule 40E-6, F.A.C., governing fees associated with the processing of certain applications for permits. This Rule requires that affected applications for permits to utilize the District's - rights of way and Lands be accompanied by an application fee to defray the costs associated with the processing, of an Application. This rule is contained in Chapter 40E-6.601 of the Florida Administrative Code. ROW Other PLEASE NOTE: • Fees are non-refundable unless it is determined that the use is exempt from District Rules. • Permit applications will not be processed without the simultaneous submittal of the correct fee. [Overpayment of a fee will not delay application processing and the amount of over -payment will be refunded]. • In cases where applications for Right of Way Occupancy Permits cover uses that all within more than one category, the higher fee will be charged. • Future applications submitted to modify existing permits will require the submittal of another fee. Therefore, it is in the applicant's best interest to submit a completed application covering all anticipated uses of the right of way in the initial submittal. 4/1 OMflfl1 Welcome to Sty WMl) Bigot v1 w ay • Applications for a SFWMD Water Use or Surface Water Management Permit also require a fee. Please refer to Chapter 40E-1.607, F.A.C. for fee information or contact the District's Regulation Department at (561) 686-8800 or 1-800-432-2045. • In cases where more than one type of permit is required, a fee will be assessed for each permit application. • Checks are preferred and should be made payable to the South Florida Water Management District. Do not send cash through the mail. • Should you elect to deliver the application in person and intend to pay your fee in cash, please bring the exact amount. • Questions on fees for Right of Way Occupancy Permits may be directed to the District's Right of Way Division at (561) 686-8800 or 1-800-432-2045. EXEMPT FROM PAYMENT OF APPLICATION PROCESSING FEES The Seminole Tube of Florida or the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida for facilities and uses located exclusively within the boundaries of their respective reservations or included in leases with the District. Governmental applicants requesting a Waiver or reduction of the Application Processing Fee pursuant to Section 218.075, Florida Statutes in accordance with the submittal of Certification of Waiver of Permit Application Processing Fee (District Form Number 889). Utilities or other neresviry service providers, where the permitted facility or use of the Works or Lands of the District is required to supply utility or other necessary service to an existing or proposed District facility. Welcome to SF W Mll "tight in Way NOTICE GENERAL PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE NOTE: Existing facilities or uses are nr�t eligible for Notice General Permits Notice General Permit Application or Modification (4OE-6' This Category co the following types o es of the right of way which are by individual lot ,. ers in conjunction with adjacent domestic, sm = family resider ' : land use: 2. Non -Public Docks, Moorin:- 'Mies and Associated Appurtenances. 3. Utility Services to 4. Gazebos/Chick 5. Walkways atio Stones and Similar At -Grade l nations. 6. Brus i , wth/Tree Removal. 7. . , ing Consistent with Governing Board Approved 8. Temporary Sheds. Lf1APIAA'! Welcome to SF WMv Klgnt ut way Notice General Permit Application or Modification (40E-6) Category. "NGP-2" - $150 This Category covers following which are Rroi b homeowner associations which are "acorn to dwelling unit. 1. Fence (Enclosure Only). 2. Non -Public Docks, Maorin, Appurtenances. 3. Utility Services to Dcks. 4. Gazebos/Chick 5. Walkways, P o Stones and Similar At -Grade : nations. 6. Brush/Gro ree Removal. 7. Landscaping Consistent with Governing Board Appro Landscape Plan. 8. Temporary Sheds. re of uses of the right of way -ations and condominium than one individual lot or 'ties and Associated Notice General Permit Application or Modification (40E-6) hilexPle" Category "NGP-3" - $300.00 S 11.0 ory covers the following types of proposed facilities and Welcome to SI WMll Kignt Ot way uses of fire riaht_of waves ed.bY developers, builders, corporate entities, utilities,: county, state or local flag, as well as other uses not covered in Categories NGP-1, NGP-2 and NGP-4. 1. Fence (Enclosure Only). 2. Docks, Mooring Facilities and Associated Appurtenances. 3. Utility Services to Docks. 4. Gazebos/Chickees. 5. Walkways, Patio Stones and Similar At -Grade Installations. 6. Brush/GrowthiFree Removal. 7. Landscaping. Consistent with Governing Board Approved Landscape Plan. 8. Temporary Sheds. N. 9. Pipe and Culvert Connections for Irrigation and/or Drainage. 10. Utility/Communication Installations (Aerial; Subaqueous, Pile - Supported, Parallel Runs, Underground Feeds, Poles, Anchors, Down Guys, Attachment to Bridges). 11. Temporary Use of Right of Way for Access. 12. Filming/Motion Picture Production. 13. Monitoring Wells. 14. Signs (Informational/Regulatory). 15. Temporary Construction Office/Trailer. 4/1 QM(M1 Welcome to SF W MU 'tight UT way 16. Temporary Storage of Construction Material and/or Equipment. 17. All other uses not covered in Categories NGP-1, NGP-2 and NGP- 4. Notice General Permit Application or Modification (40E-6) Category "NGP-4" - $900.00 This Category covers the following types of uses of the right of way, • which are proposed relating to: 1. Bridges - vehicular (Private and Public), Golf Cart, Pedestrian (Pile - Supported and Tree -Span Only). Excludes Culvert Bridges. STANDARD PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE NOTE: ISSUANCE OF A RIGHT OF WAY OCCUPANCY PERMIT IS PARTLY CONTINGENT UPON SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE ,DISTRICTS ABILITY TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN THE CANAL SYSTEM. LACK OF SUFFICIENT WIDTH OF RIGHT OF WAY TO PROVIDE FOR ALL FIVE (5) ZONES AS INDICATED IN THE DISTRICT'S .CRITERIA IS TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION DURING THE APPLICATION REVIEW PROCESS AND MAY NOT NECESSARILY BE GROUNDS FOR DENIAL OF A PERMIT. Standard Permit Application or Modification (40E-6) 6/19/2003 1 o— u— a Tr 8- J. BONFILL & ASSOCIATES, INC. Registered Architects • Registered Surveyors & Mappers • Land Planners & Developers Submitted to: T. Y. LIN INTERNATIONAL /H. J. ROSS 201 Alhambra Circle, suite 900 Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Attn: MARIANO VALLE, PE. In reference to: City of Miami Storm Sewer Improvement Project for Fairlawn 1 and Fairlawn 111 Sites. (Approximately 32,350 Linear Feet of Streets and 425 Properties adjacent to Project) May 22nd, 2003 Dear Mr. Valle: Pursuant to your request regarding a fee estimate for surveying and mapping services for the above referenced project, the following proposal for same is hereby submitted for your consideration: Scone of Services: 1. Specific Purpose Survey. 2. Cross -sections elevations at approximately100 feet intervals including of the following: _ Centerline of Roadway _ Swale Area Back of Walk 3. Finish Floor elevations of Properties adjacent to the roadways. 4. Elevations at some of Backyards of the Properties adjacent to the roadways. Said Backyards shall be accessible from roadway (i.e. not fenced): Approximately 3 to 4 houses per Block. 5. See attached exhibit A for location of proposed streets. Time frame: 20 Twenty working days weather permiting. Items to be delivered: J. Botfll and Associates, Inc. will provide client digital files in AutoCAD release 2000. Qualifications: 1. Rule of Law: All field and office efforts in connection with this project will be performed in strict accordance with the applicable provisions of the "Minimum Technical Standards for Land Surveying in the State of Florida", pursuant to Rule 61G17-6, Florida Administrative. 2. Requests for service not specifically enumerated in this Letter of Proposal will be addressed via separate response if so required and will billed as per 2003 hourly rates. 3. All Survey work to be done in U.S. feet and Elevations in City of Miami Datum. H:WIarllynlD000MEHTSVI.J.ROSS( CROSS SECTIONS • Fairlawn 18 III - Marlow Valle).doo Page 1 of 1 8- 9360 Sunset Drive, Suite 265, Miami, Florida 33173 --- Phone: 305-598-8383' Fax: 305-598-0023 Toll Free; 888-2414300 Email: jbonflllabelisouth.net e e _rnnonen _ i a_nnaloA 0)— 1 1N— N )- -- V&NJ — 0 Estimated fee: Our estimated fee to perform these Services is a lump sum not to exceed Forty Four Thousand Nine hundred dollars ($44,900.00) for the Cross-section Survey. Six Thousand Three hundred Seventy Five dollars 05,375.00) for the Finish Floor Elevation of Properties. Payments Terms: J. Bonfill will invoice upon completion of job. If payment is not received within 10 days of the invoice date, a late charge may be added to the invoice in the amount not to exceed 1 % per month on the outstanding balance. It is understood that this agreement is between J.Bonfill and Associates and the addressee and payment is not contingent on payment from a third parV unless other written agreements or guarantees are agreed to by both parties and attached hereto. No waiver shall be construed as a modification or amendment to these payment terms unless expressly stated in writing by J. Boll & Associates, Inc. Should at any time during the project the Client find it necessary to discontinue the services described above, or f the parties mutually decide to terminate this contract, the Client will compensate J.Borfll and Associates, Inc. on an hourly basis for the percentage of work completed plus reimbursable expenses. Lump Sum Fees are fixed for a period of three month from the date of this proposal. If the work has not been initiated within this three-month period, J. Bonfill and Associates, Inc. reserves the right to terminate or renegotiate this proposal. By acceptance of this proposal, the signing person represents and warrants to The Surveyor, that it is authorized to enter and accept the proposal on behalf of and bind H.J. Ross Associates, Inc If acceptable, a space is provided for an authorized signature. We will consider the return of the signed original letter as our legal contract and Notice to Proceed. By signing below I APPROVE AND ACCEPT this letter as a legal contract and read and agree to the payment terms as set forth above. By: Date: (Authorized Signature) Title: (Typed or printed name) On beha f of J. Boll & Associates, Ina, I thank you for this opportunity to present this proposal for your consideration and look forward to your favorable response. In the interim, if there is anything we can do to be of service in this or any other matter, please do not hesitate to call me directly at 305.598.8383. Sincerely yours, Marilyn Bonfill S H;1MarllynIDOCUMENTSW.J.R088( CROSS SECTIONS - FaMawn 1 & III -Marlin° Valla).cloe Page 2 of 2 A — Registered BONrILL & ASSOCIATES, _ Registered Architects • Registered Surveyors & Mappers • Land Planners & Developers INC LE GEND �r■■� Site Streets ST ST 3 ST EXHIBIT A NOT TO SCALE NW 7th STREET • 2 ST TER ST 1 ST W FLAGLER ST SW 8th STREET a Ei i ST J 2 ST I � 2 TER 1 I w Z z 9360 Sunset Drive, Suite 265, Miami, Florida 33173 Phone: 306-598-8383 Fax: 305-598- 002 Toll F e : 888 24 -7300 Email: Mionflikeoellsouth.net _ - ...- •.n ■Inr 07/03/03 14:04 tAA NOE 040 alum a.,anou .m v v.& A CORA„, CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURR TIFANC E IS L1aUSD As A AAATf1'sR OF INFORM11t N ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. T1418 CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED LST THE POLICIES BELOW. maw Marsh Advantage America 1560 sawgrass Corporate Sunrise, FL 33323 954-838-3400 INSURED Parkway • H. J. Roam A3'JOC1a€es, Inc. T.Y.Lin International/H. J. Ross 201 Alhambra Circle,Suite 900 Coral Gables, FL 33134 305-567-1888 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURER Ak NAICS Employers Ins . o t Beau sau INSURER E; ENSURER 0 Lexington Insurance a. INSURER t COVERAGES _ ---�-� THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT. TERM OR CONCLTION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY paws" THE INSURANCE AFRO BY THE POLICES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE UNITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. S Gull tiara PA W'" A A A X rifFILCIEMILIIIARCE SEHSML LEAEMJTY - COMMERCIAL GENERAL UAS&RY k j cLAIMS MLOE ®OCCUR GE,%AGGREOATE MT APPLIES Pik POLICY Eln Lx AUTOUOSILE uAHUTY ANY AUTO ALL. OMMEOAuras ICMIDLILEDAUTbs NREOAUTOS NOPFOWNEDAUTO$ GARAGE LABILITY RANYAUTO EXCESSAVABIJLLA LIABILITY EOCCUR ED CLAMS MADE OEDUCTSLI RETENTION S 10, 000 MIONNERS COMPIIISATNTNANO WWWWWLAMOm awr a,Ie1IMrNSaa IMAM IsIggiaIn'"1 era bilem POLICY NUIMIIR THCZ91545309043 THCZ91545309053 TACZ91545309063 05/05/03 OATEOI 05/05/04 tot 05/05/03 05/05/03 ones ClaimsMade Professional Liability OEECRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LDCAT1ONE1 VEHICLES r ZXCWSiON$ ADDED SY ENDORIEIiENT r SPECIAL PROVIIUONS Certificate holder is included as an additional insured as provided by the insured's general liability policy. 8 ACpRp2 2001f0s) 05/05/09 05/05/04 459 5129 05/31/03 05/31/04 1 /03/�"� 0'03 LIMEYS ' • EACH ocCL MN= 61,000,000 1 I0�000 w MMa Mil IMMIX. FRILII�ES DM aca,i4SI MEDUPNnyens Noon) $ 5,000 - PERSONN.I Am INJURY s 1. 0 00, 000 OINERAL AGGRi41LT1 52► 000, 00r PRODUCfs•COHPIOPAGO 12, 000, 000 COMBINEOJENGL1Law (Eaaeaidan0 31,000,000 SOOILYINJURY (Pr person) I woo, INJURY (Praeddsnq S PROPERTY DAMAGE (P,r.cc$ anll S AUTO ONLY- EA ACCOUNT $ EA ACC $ OTHER THAN AVTOOIVLY: AGG $ EAc21 ,5,aoo,00a s5.000, 000 A;GFOR ATE 1 s I TORI.AAMTS 1 I ER —•.. •- E.L•WISACCADENT S E.L. DIME • EA FAIPLOYEE $ Q.L. DISEASE. POLICY LAIR , i 1a, 0U0, 0-00 Per $2,000,000 Aggregate $ 100,000 Deductible aim CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION City of Miami City Manager Post Office Box 330708 Miami, FL 33233-0708 Attn: Frank Gomez 4305-416-1760 11110111.0 ANY OF THE MOVE DEICRISED POLICIES SE CANCELLED WORE THE WIRA?LON DATE MIFREOF. THE ILIUM INSURER WLL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 3° DAYS ME<TRT$N NOTICE TO TT! CERTIFICATE HO WINO TO THE LEFT. GUT FNUIRE TO CO SO UWU. IMPOSE ND OSEIGATION OA U OF ANY • N THE INSURER. ITS ASENTS OlR RIPRESENTATPAES. AUTHORIZED REPRO A S'I ACORD CORPORATION 1/11 r ACORD M CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE Y1011111001rpn C5/0elz0o Marsh Advantage America 1560 5.wgzass Corporate Parkway Sunrise, FL 33323 954-838-3400 ..I1111 K.J. ROSS Aasoclatea, Inc. T.Y,Lin International/H.iX. Ross 201 Alhambra Circle, Suite 900 Coral Gabbs, FL 33134 ,305-567-1880 THIS MUSCATS Ni ISSIIIO AS A MATTER OF I IFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIOIR$ UPON THE C[RTIPICATI IIDL0* . TMIU CERTIFICATE MS NOT AMID, UTSND 0R ALTER THE COVIRAOE APFDRDIIID SY TM FOLx.11E/ SULOW. IMSURE*s AP'FONOINO COVEMYsi 061011111 S aployers Ins, ET —Wausau NAGS COMMA T•11►0.•a11011 WkIMMOI LISTMO MOS NMI GM WOAD TO Us II4UMIO MALSO AIOIII FOR TML 10..ef Ia1Y00 YMaIQAT10• otrAm intro 1Mi6 ART RID IRImINT. Illoo OR COMMON Of MY 0OMTRACT OR oong Q0nAsta tom IIM$FMCT TO wouni Tincaprnmag YAr 1i1 RSUSI 011 rAAY &i1RAN1. 741 NOLOWICM *I'0l /D &VIMM MARS 0O101100 1•1ftIR IS M**CT TO ALL T►e TMRIAL S1ICLAs1D14 A1CCONOTi0MI OF RUN I000g&0001110011LM1Tlike nuoi140YLNNpA1fI01VONYMOCIANIN. ,rr IR I ;w T41 M ■WYO■ NSW OASIS • roan ■1N 0AT1111rmara00,111 r111■TaI.AT+1r. 61T1_____1 11Y1 1 iy1! I A !!! 05/05/03 05/05t04 r , , U a 9•UD U i 100, OD�.� • 0100541.0001orL11A14,n 1 1ow y odostiora Eilll• ■eew lyCZ915453O9043 . 1,G0oroQro _ s, n ao, 00{i"- , 00101. ■ �, , 11L10L. memaorl IRK A■OI1sN1 YMr1/w1a/si 11L104116• RNw7r w■ i3, Ub0, 000 Imuom A M�+n111A' 10 ! 0.�01/100a4101 1 NM6+400i I•••I••o0DA AM ASC291545309053 05/05/03 05/05/04 .....IolrlalA tor 1i ,1, C00, 000 �! Jvaui.ariW I1AMI,tINLIIY --1 r —� Root►wow J 0 1M0101 aW.Q p4 r0wrV M11.OL.I10ur11 auto 0100.1AYC01017 I 0110,100.4 aYfOo .., am I 1a1.01MYwWLM D...... IIL10/rr 1111. 11CCY100MC1 --- 1 E Al1ANWMII 1 RNIIRML. 10r1M1 of 0 :NM100/IK — 1 _ i 1 IIOI1000100, 0011A1100/ ow..r1V10...wrn1.11.1 0,001111001. MI00,110r.0101.1w.. 10ATIO/ar10 IM111 1 . 00.1141. j 1100 I or 1 I DOH WOW 1 II. 'sum • 14ii01.0 14 I Ix WWI . Padre iw1 ■ 0110I r1u.m I, MLI■.4iL004001M1#11.R110040001400■■►OyMiMMTINI■.0.00000 0 •• Certificate Holder is included as an Additional Insured as granted by the insured's policy. CLR17P CATO MOLOLR CANCSLIATIOW City of Miami City Manager Post Office lox 330708 Miami, FL 33233-0/08 111000 AM 01114 00014 0111111I1 PI 1 1 410111.1.111 N■10■i 11a NIImime MTI TM010r. T10 00101 08101011001. TIMM 01 TO MIL 11O11N !OM surinMr1 •06001 1i40M 1■ TII 1 urn. 1111 11Siw 10 M 0101ALL 00I011 110 0800101 M UAINUP OY NO NM • . &NW* traosi11N1ML r1rM10N 1n11NOO M0 ACC011O2I120014110 30 MTi seinirst d •ACOAD CORFon/IT10N 11Ia