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Application and Supporting Documents-SUB
tet flit 11 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. City oMiami Pbnorng Deponent & Office of Zoning Ittg i/Ww airwrii'riYort Jurnwww.trim-toy a 'AID in E-n ,LSrt' y.com Planing (305) 416-1400 Zang (305) 416-1495 Comprehensive Flan Application Application in This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing accordance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Cede. The appliczbn decision -making body will renew the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. SUBMITTER IN FOR M ATI 0 N First Nam: Niclglas Last Name: nicholas.harsbeigakennincorn Barshel PRIM R ' APPLICANT INFORMATION First Name: Nrholas Corporation Alcamo' LLP Address: 98 SE 7 ST Last Name: Barge! City: MIAMI State: Erna ncholes.barshe kerrrencomPhone: Florida Zip: (305) 982-5538 33131 PRIMARY OWNER INFO tMAT.ION First Name: Last Name: Corporation: Temple Israel ofGrater Miami, Inc. Address: 137 NE 19th Street City: Mars State: Email nicblas.batshe a akmr ncom Phone: Project Nance Project Address: City: Master Folio Number: Temple Israel Vacant Lot 1 852 NE 2 AV Muni 0131360000021 Florida : (305) 573-5900 State: 33132 Florida (Mit Number: 33132 14983 Application and Supporting Documents -SUB THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. SIGNATURE That rider the penalty afpetjoy. I declare that al the information cortaited it the permit application Is accurate to the best of my knowledge, • That NO worse or ista Mon wtI commix prior to de isstr axr of a buiiditg permit and dart at work will be performed to meet the standards ofall laws tT car Lion and mating it this jurisdicten ▪ h w� in nil raspeets, pe fonnwork it amanita= with the scope of the permit, the City ofMiarrfs cotes taxi ail other applrabie laws, regulations, standard and ordianoe& • That at idarrmtbn given w"n be acute and tint at work wdl be dote in compliarre wih a8 applicable laws regulstrg corst11.rtion and zori► g, • That separate permits nary be awned unless specifically antral with the submittal of this application • That there maybe additional permits remnirad Sum other cranes. • Fes shall be paid prior to the rtvicw and ire of dr permit, as necessary, • Fermi £es are nor-rtfirdabie APPLICANT First Nam; Nicholas Signanse: Date: Last Name: Barshel r January 12, 2023 1 OWNER / OWNER REPRESENTATIVE First Naar: Signatures Date: This submittal needs to be echedu led fora public hearing In accordance wild mein. set forth in the City of Miami Code. The appka decision -ma king bedywill review the information at the pubec hearing to render a recommendation or a final dads on. fast wars: j��, ii,, prQLv1& 2 o Scanned with CamScanner THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN APPLICATION Temple Israel Vacant Lot - 1852 NE 2 AVE File Number PZ-23-15951 Index of Documents Document # PZD-0 Index of Documents PAP-1 Comprehensive Plan Application PZD-1 Letter of Intent PZD-2 Applicant Analysis (Future Land Use) PZD-3 Pre -Application Summary Report PZD-4 List of Folio Numbers and Addresses PZD-5 Existing Future Land Use Map PZD-6 Proposed Future Land Use Map PZD-7 Sketch and Legal Description PZD-8 Recorded Deed PZD-9 Ground Level Color Photographs PZD-1 0 School Concurrency Payment Receipt PZD-11 IRS Confirmation of Tax Exempt Status PZD-1 2 Articles of Incorporation PZD-30 Disclosure Affidavit HB-1 Sketch and Legal Description HB-2 Acknowledgment by Applicant HB-4 Affidavit of Authority to Act HB-5 Disclosure of Agreement to Support or Withhold Objection HB-6 Disclosure of Ownership HB-8 Certificate of Status HB-9 Power of Attorney HB-11 List of Board of Directors for Non -Profit HB-13 Disclosure Affidavit of No Monies Due to the City HB-15 Letter and Map of Property Owners within 500 Feet HB-16 Complete List of Property Owners within 500 Feet HB-1 7 Proof of No Open Code Violations This submittal needs to be scheduled fora pu bkc hearing accordance kh timelines set forth in the City of Kam amw Ccde. The appuczde decision -making bcdyxnll renew the Information at the pubdc hearing to render a recommendati on or a final decision. 68215865;1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. akerma.n UPDATED May 22, 2023 Lakisha Hull, AICP, LEED AP BD+C, Director City of Miami Planning Department 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami, FL 33130 Nicholas J. Barshel Akerman LLP Three Brickell City Centre 98 SE 7th Street, Suite 1100 Miami, FL 33131 Tel: 305 982 5538 nicholas.barshel@akerman.com This subrn tal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing in accordance with timelines set forth in the city of Miami Cade. The applicable decision -making body will re,ew theinfomnadon at the public hearing to render recamendati on or a final decison. PZ -23 -15 95 1 09 /28 /23 RE: Letter of Intent for FLUM Amendment and Rezoning - 1852 NE 2 AVE Companion Application Nos. PZ-23-15950 and PZ-23-15951 Dear Ms. Hull, We represent Temple Israel of Greater Miami, Inc. ("Applicant"), which owns the property located at 1852 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami, Florida, 33142 ("Property").1 Pursuant to the Miami 21 Zoning Code and the Chapter 62 of the City's Code of Ordinances, Applicant is seeking to change the applicable future land use map ("FLUM") and zoning designations of the Property at this time. Specifically, the Applicant requests a FLUM change from Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation, and Utilities to Restricted Commercial and a zoning change from CI to T6-368-0, for the reasons set forth below. On October 25, 2022, we attended a pre -application meeting for this rezoning and FLUM change with Zhaokai Liu in the Planning Department, and have incorporated his feedback into these applications. In conjunction with this Letter of Intent, we are also enclosing all of the required documents for a rezoning under the criteria in Miami 21 Section and other City checklist. Please refer to provided materials under File #PZ-23-15950 where indicated. A. Overview of the Property The Property is a vacant lot at the intersection of NE 19th Street and NE 2nd Avenue. According to the enclosed survey prepared by Landmark Surveying and Associates ("Survey"), the Property is 71,438 square feet in size (1.64 acres). See Drawing V-1. As indicated on the City of 1 The Miami -Dade Property Appraiser folio number for the Property is 01-3136-000-0021. 68094185;2 May 22, 2023 Page 2 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Miami's online database, the Property is located in Flood Zone X and outside of the designate Coastal Flood Zone. Although it is surrounded by urban development, the current use of the Property is essentially an unimproved surface parking lot that provides overflow car storage for an off -site business, with two small accessory concrete storage buildings for that operation. This is certainly not the highest and best use of the Property and is not consistent with the character of the surrounding neighborhood. Below is an aerial overview of existing conditions: The Property, as outlined in purple above, has over 280 feet of street frontage on the major thoroughfare of NE 2nd Avenue to the east, and over 250 feet of street frontage on NE 19th Street to the north. Applicant also owns the Property directly to the north across NE 19th Street, which houses the Temple Israel of Greater Miami campus. This religious institution includes the Bertha Abess Sanctuary, the Sophie And Nathan Gumenick Chapel, educational/meeting facilities, and open space. Although these two properties share common ownership, Applicant does not use (nor is required) to have parking servicing Temple Israel on the Property. Directly to the west of the Property is a paved surface parking lot that is used by patrons of Temple Israel, and owned by the City of Miami. Further west on the City -owned property is Biscayne Park and City of Miami Fire Station No. 2. Directly to the south of the Property is the historic Miami City Cemetery, which stretches the equivalent of two city blocks from North Miami Avenue to NE 2nd Avenue. East of NE 2nd Avenue are urban commercial and residential uses. The Property is in close proximity to Interstate 95 and U.S. Highway 1, and a short distance to multiple transit options, including the MetroMover, MetroRail, Miami Trolley and MetroBus services. The City of Miami Trolley map shows two routes easily accessible to the site: Biscayne (Trolley Stop 52, 1900-1999 Biscayne Boulevard heading north, Stop 13, 1832-1864 Biscayne Boulevard heading south); and Wynwood (Stop 8 2001 N Miami Avenue and Stop 33 at NW 19th Street, south bound to Omni). The Miami MetroBus also has two routes which both connect at the Omni Station: Route 32, which also connects to the Santa Clara rail and Route 10, which connects north south on NE 2nd Avenue. 68094185;2 May 22, 2023 Page 3 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. B. Existing and Proposed Designations NOTICE nP Warr, Dade The applicable decision -making body will m 2315^O1a l decision PZ95 1 09 /28 /23 The Applicant's proposed FLUM amendment and rezoning requests are consistent wit both the Miami 21 successional zoning requirements and rezoning criteria of Miami 21. The requests are also consistent with the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan ("MCNP"), and specifically support the City's goal of attracting density to this part of the urban core. Below is a table summarizing the proposed changes to the Property's FLUM and zoning designations: Folio Add. SQ FT/ ACRES Existing FLUM Designation Proposed FLUM Designation Existing Zoning Proposed Zoning 01-3136- 000-0021 1852 NE 2 AVE 71,438 SF/ 1.64 ac Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transport. & Utilities Restricted Commercial CI T6-36B-O The existing FLUM and zoning categories significantly limit the allowable land uses on the Property. Pursuant to Miami 21 Article 4, Table 3, no residential or lodging development (except dormitories) is allowed on the Property, and office and commercial uses are only allowed by process of Exception. Uses allowed by right are restricted to government/institutional functions or non-profit organizations (such as the Temple Israel campus). The existing land use (off -site for -profit car storage) is not consistent with these categories. And because Applicant does not intend to use the Property as part of Temple Israel, this severely limits the development potential of a large vacant parcel immediately across NE 2nd Avenue from other more urbanized uses. Because the existing designations do not permit any residential or lodging development, and several restrict commercial activity, they are inappropriate and inconsistent with the needs of the MCNP. Based on its proximity to the urban core and transit services, the Property is within the designated Omni Residential Density Increase Area, identified by the MCNP and Article 4, Diagram 9 of Miami 21. As part of this Density Increase Area, which aims to achieve up to 500 dwelling units per acre, rezoning of this Property is particularly significant in accepting density, because it is surrounded by other spaces (such as the Miami City Cemetery) which themselves will not accommodate downtown housing nor increase street activity in this neighborhood. Thus, the immediately surrounding blocks would also benefit from this FLUM change and rezoning. C. Surrounding Neighborhood Context The Property is within a small island of government and non-profit civic uses (cemetery, park, and Temple Israel campus) surrounded by more urban development. Along with the auto uses, the other low -scale commercial uses most proximate to the Property are zoned for much higher density and high-rise residential development. What can be seen in the enclosed aerial photography of the surrounding neighborhood is intensive recent development to the east and south of the Property. This transitioning area (previously a warehouse and industrial district) generally extends from the high-rise condominium development on Biscayne Bay to the Florida East Coast (FEC) railway corridor to the west. See Document PZD-2. 68094185;2 May 22, 2023 Page 4 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Further afield to the west are industrial zoned properties with low -scale warehouses and single-family residential. However, the single-family neighborhoods do not interact with the Property and are separated by the FEC railroad corridor and industrial uses. Therefore, the most appropriate zoning for the Property is the same as the abutting parcels to the east, where residential mixed -use towers are transitioning the neighborhood on a stead basis and providing for more housing opportunities in the downtown area with appropriate services, as is called for under the local comprehensive plan. As one will see in the zoomed -in 300' photo surveys of the surrounding neighborhood, there is currently little housing in the immediate area and though there is a thriving auto sales business nearby, there is also a void in the consistency of the urban fabric around the site with multiple vacant parcels, particularly along NE 2nd Avenue. D. Comprehensive Plan/FLUM Analysis As stated, the Applicant proposes to amend the FLUM designation of the Property under the MCNP.2 Areas designated as Restricted Commercial allow residential, hotel, office, and commercial uses —which are more appropriate for the Property than car storage. The Property fronts Restricted Commercial to the east and north of Temple Israel, and General Commercial to the south of the Miami City Cemetery (where areas designated General Commercial allow all activities included in the Restricted Commercial designations). The Property's inclusion in the Omni Residential Density Increase Area and close proximity to mixed -use residential/commercial development under this zoning makes it a logical extension of the relevant FLUM designation. The Property also is not within a Coastal High Hazard Area and borders the Downtown Miami Arts & Entertainment District according to the 2025 Downtown Miami Master Plan. On this basis, the proposed FLUM amendment for the Property will be consistent with the MCNP, as is also required for the rezoning under Miami 21 Section It will further the goals, objectives, and policies of the MNCP, including but not limited to the following: • Policy LU-1.1.7: Land development regulations and policies will allow for the development and redevelopment of well -designed mixed -use neighborhoods that provide for the full range of residential, office, live/work spaces, neighborhood retail, and community facilities in a walkable area and that are amenable to a variety of transportation modes, including pedestrianism, bicycles, automobiles, and mass transit. • Policy LU-1.1.10: The City's land development regulations will encourage high density residential development and redevelopment in close proximity to Metrorail and Metromover stations.(See Transportation Policy TR-2.1.3 and Housing Policy HO-1.1.9.) • Policy LU-1.1.11: The City hereby adopts designation of the City, excluding Virginia Key, Watson Island and the uninhabited islands of Biscayne Bay, that have a land use and zoning classification of Conservation, as an Urban Infill Area pursuant to Miami -Dade 2 The proposed FLUM designation of Restricted Commercial also corresponds with the T6-368-0 rezoning request under the Correspondence Table in the Future Land Use Element of the MCNP (see page 26). 68094185;2 May 22, 2023 Page 5 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. County's designation of an Urban Infill Area lying generally east of the Palmetto Expressway and including all of the City of Miami. Within this area, the concentration and intensification of development around centers of activity shall be emphasized with the goals of enhancing the livability of residential neighborhoods and the viability of commercial areas. Priority will be given to infill development on vacant parcels, adaptive reuse of underutilized land and structures, the redevelopment of substandard sites, downtown revitalization and the development of projects that promote public transportation (See Policy TR-1.1.1.). Maintenance of transportation levels of service within this designated Urban Infill Transportation Concurrency Exception Area shall be in accordance with the adopted Transportation Corridors level of service standards and the City of Miami Person Trip Methodology as set forth in Objective TR-1.7 and related Policies of the Transportation Element of the MCNP as well as Appendix TR-1. • Objective LU-1.3: The City will continue to encourage commercial, office and industrial development within existing commercial, office and industrial areas; increase the utilization and enhance the physical character and appearance of existing buildings; encourage the development of well -designed, mixed -use neighborhoods that provide for a variety of uses within a walkable area in accordance with neighborhood design and development standards adopted as a result of the amendments to the City's land development regulations and other initiatives; and concentrate new commercial and industrial activity in areas where the capacity of existing public facilities can meet or exceed the minimum standards for Level of Service (LOS) adopted in the Capital Improvement Element (CIE). • Policy LU-1.3.5: The City will continue to promote through its land development regulations, the creation of high intensity activity centers which may be characterized by mixed -use and specialty center development. Such activity centers will be in accordance with the Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan and neighborhood design and development standards adopted as a result of amendments to the City's land development regulations and other initiatives. • Policy LU-1.3.15: The City will continue to encourage a development pattern that enhances existing neighborhoods by developing a balanced mix of uses including areas for employment, shopping, housing, and recreation in close proximity to each other. • Objective LU-1.4: Continue the growth of Downtown Miami, expand its role as a center of domestic and international commerce, further its development as a regional center for the performing arts and other cultural and entertainment activities and develop an urban residential base. • Policy LU-1.4.9: The City will continue to promote rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of vacant and underutilized spaces and provide incentives for rehabilitation of older buildings in downtown. 68094185;2 May 22, 2023 Page 6 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. • Policy LU-1.4.10: The City will continue to develop modifications to existing regulations with the intent of providing greater flexibility in the design and implementation of mixed - use developments within the general Downtown area and particularly along the Miami River up to and including 5th Street consistent with the Port or Miami River Sub -Element. • Goal LU-3: Encourage urban redevelopment in identified Urban Infill Areas and Urban Redevelopment Areas. • Policy LU-3.1.1: Continue review of existing zoning regulations to determine if they provide adequate flexibility to promote redevelopment with a mix of uses in Urban Infill Areas or Urban Redevelopment Areas and, if not, revise said existing zoning regulations or adopt new zoning regulations to promote redevelopment. • Goal LU-4: Incentivize sustainable, affordable housing solutions while continually improving the quality of life for all who live in the City of Miami. • Policy TR-1.1.4: The City will implement growth strategies that encourage infill and redevelopment in order to take advantage of the multimodal transportation options available, thereby reducing the dependency on automobiles for new developments. • Policy HO-1.1.3: The City will continue to develop comprehensive neighborhood redevelopment plans and programs that encourage private developers to build new, or rehabilitate old, residential structures and ensure that public investments are coordinated with private sector developments to increase the overall attractiveness of redeveloping neighborhoods. • Goal HO-2: Achieve a livable city center with a variety of urban housing types for persons of all income levels in a walkable, mixed -use, urban environment. • Policy TR-1.1.5: The City will encourage new development to be structured to reinforce a pattern of neighborhoods and urban centers by focusing growth along transit corridors and around transit nodes and centers. • Policy TR-2.1.3: The City will encourage increased density of development within walking distance of transit corridors and Metrorail stations (as referenced in Policy LU-1.1.10. and HO-1.1.9). • Policy TR-2.2.3: The City will continue to support the trolley system (as illustrated in Map TR-5.2 within Appendix TR-1, the Data Inventory and Analysis section) that provides feeder services and first-mile/last-mile connections to regional, premium transit options such as Metrorail, Metromover, and Tri-Rail. NOTICE 68094185;2 May 22, 2023 Page 7 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. • Objective TR-2.7: Encourage transit -supportive development patterns that promote walkable, mixed use neighborhoods that help to increase transit ridership, reduce automobile trips, and provide increased mobility for all people. • Policy TR-2.7.1: The City will preclude land uses within 1/2 mile of a transit corridors, Metrorail stations, and Metromover stations that are not conducive to public transit ridership such as car dealerships, car -oriented food establishments, and container yards. Conversely, the City will support the expanded development and design of a transit system that helps shape the desired land use patterns. Furthermore, the requested FLUM amendment from Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation, and Utilities to Restricted Commercial complies with the small-scale land use amendment adoption procedures set forth in §163.3187 of the Florida Statutes (2022), because the proposed FLUM amendment at the Property meets the following criteria: • Involves a use of 50 acres or fewer; • Does not involve a text change to the goals, policies, and objectives of the local government's comprehensive plan, but only proposes a land use change to the future land use map for a site -specific small scale; development activity; • Is not located within an area of critical state concern as designated by §380.0552, Florida Statutes or by the Administration Commission pursuant to §380.05(1), Florida Statutes; • Has a density of "Restricted Commercial", 500 dwelling units per acre, pursuant to the MCNP, as amended, and intensity will be as established under Miami 21; and • The proposed amendment complies with the applicable acreage and density limitations set forth in the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act including, without limitation, §163.3187, of the Florida Statutes (2022). E. Rezoning Analyses under Miami 21 Section 1) Successional Zoning Pursuant to Miami 21 Section, the City's growth and evolution over time will inevitably require changes to the boundaries of certain transect zones. These changes shall occur successionally, in which the zoning change may be made only to a lesser transect zone, within the same transect zone to a greater or lesser intensity, or to the next higher transect zone. All changes shall maintain the goals of Miami 21 to preserve neighborhoods and to provide appropriate transitions in intensity, density, building height and scale. 68094185;2 May 22, 2023 Page 8 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. The Applicant's request is consistent with these requirements as it relates to the Property, as described in the Pre -Application Meeting Summary. See Document PZD-3. As referenced, under Subsection when a CI zoned property ceases to be used for civic functions, the successional rezoning is determined by identifying the lowest intensity abutting transect zone, and rezoning to that zone's next higher intensity zone. The Property is a CI site which has ceased being used for any civic functions, as it is currently used as overflow parking for a private business. Under Miami 21 the term "abutting" is defined to include abutting properties across a street. The only non -CI zoning that abuts the Property is T6-368-0 to the east. In the broader context, this rezoning request also complies with the Miami 21 guidelines for other CI properties in the neighborhood to identify the lowest intensity abutting transect zone and rezoning to that zone's next higher intensity zone. Because the Property is surrounded by CI and CS on three sides, those sites would also be subject to the Miami 21 successional zoning requirements in a theoretical rezoning. Below is a zoning map comparison demonstrating what would most likely occur as the area transitions, following the Miami 21 procedures: —0 l f� T6-B-C CS CI I EXISTING ZONING: SUCCESSIONAL CI ZONING (THEORETICAL): D2 cs D2 — O_? ra. -t T6-33 1 f CS T6-8-0 ` NOTICE cordalnr�ewim hoeun...regaled s et forth inpineLCity hearing Miami ❑ode. The appueaHe de oran-rnadng body wolf renew 0e Infonnadon et the pang hearing to render a respmmendahonor a final deco. PZ-23-15951 09/28/23 68094185;2 May 22, 2023 Page 9 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. As depicted above, if surrounding properties were also rezoned after losing their civic functions, the anticipated successional rezonings would range from T6-12 to T6-368-0. Radiating out from the Property outlined in blue, the neighborhood would maintain the Miami 21 goal to provide appropriate transitions in intensity, density, building height and scale in each direction. 2) Threshold Requirements Additionally, the Applicant's request is consistent with the City's threshold rezoning requirements as it relates to the Property, as described in the Pre -Application Meeting Summary. See Document PZD-3. Pursuant to Miami 21 Section, except where the proposal for the rezoning of property involves an extension of an existing transect boundary, no rezoning of land shall be considered which involves less than forty thousand (40,000) square feet of land area or two hundred (200) feet of street frontage on one (1) street. In such cases, applications for rezoning may be made by the owner(s) or their agent(s) in addition to the City. Based on the below, the Property more than exceeds these Miami 21 threshold requirements: • The Property 71,438 SF in area • The Frontage along NE 2nd Avenue is approximately 282 feet • the Frontage along NE 19th Street is approximately 256 feet • The Application is being made by the owner and their agents. 3) Justification for Proposed Change ThIs su[metal needs to to scheduled fora public hearing in accordance sr. timelines set tor. in the City of Miami Code. The applicable decision -making body rill raxew the information at the public hearing to render a rsommendat on or a final decision. Finally, the Applicant has demonstrated a clear need and justification for the proposed zoning change, as stated under Miami 21 Section Although it is privately owned, the "civic" (CI) zoning of the Property does not allow any residential/lodging development nor commercial or office uses by right. This has led to the Property continuing to be an unimproved surface parking lot surrounded by high-rise urban core development. This is not the highest and best use of the Property and is not consistent with the changing conditions of this neighborhood. Instead, T6-368-0 zoning is justified for the Property because of its lack of civic functions, proximity to transit, the scale of development occurring around it, and obligations to provide housing opportunities within the Omni Residential Density Increase Area. Furthermore, the Applicant (Temple Israel) is a non-profit religious institution that desires to continue to provide an essential service to its congregation and the surrounding community. Permitting the highest and best use of the Property would provide opportunities for Temple Israel to realize the benefits of this surplus parcel, which the Temple does not need for parking or any other purpose. F. Conclusion In summary, the existing land use and zoning designations of the Property are not consistent with the current use and do not further the goals and intent of the MCNP and Miami 21 for this neighborhood, because they do not allow the mixed -use, residential and commercial uses most appropriate for the urban core of Miami. Additionally, the Applicant is a non-profit 68094185;2 May 22, 2023 Page 10 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. religious institution that desires to continue to provide an essential service to the community through the Temple Israel of Greater Miami campus located in this neighborhood directly north of the Property. Permitting the highest and best use for the Property would provide additional opportunities for Temple Israel to continue to serve this community on its surplus parcel. Therefore, we respectfully request that the City approve our applications to rezone the Property under Miami 21 and change the FLUM designation as discussed herein. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Nicholas Barshel Enclosures cc: Vickie Toranzo 0 4 PURL c NOTICE This submittal needs to to scheduled bra pubkc hearing in accordance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicatla decision -me king bcdywill review the inbnnabon at thepubkc hearing to rendera recommendation or a final decision. 4 REVI EW C0 PZ -23 -15 95 1 09 /28 /23 68094185;2 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. NATURE OF REQUEST: Analysis of Surrounding Properties for FLUM AMENDMENT 1852 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami, Florida NOTICE M. e°=me9 PZ-23-15 95 1 09 /28 /23 Temple Israel of Greater Miami, Inc. ("Applicant") owns the property located at 1852 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami, Florida, 33142 ("Property"). Pursuant to the Miami 21 Zoning Code and the Chapter 62 of the City's Code of Ordinances, Applicant is seeking to change the applicable future land use map ("FLUM") and zoning designations of the Property at this time. Specifically, the Applicant requests a FLUM change from Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation, and Utilities to Restricted Commercial and a companion zoning change from CI to T6-36B-O, which is permitted by the correspondence table in the comprehensive plan. The proposed FLUM amendment is compatible with surrounding conditions, as discussed below: SUMMARY OF PROPERTIES IN 1/2 MILE RADIUS: Existing Conditions FLUM Designations • City parkland and cemeteries • Government uses (fire station) • Recreation • Educational and religious institutions • Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation, and Utilities • Single-family homes • Medium Density Multifamily Residential • Warehouse/storage buildings • Light Industrial • Automotive dealerships/mechanics • Industrial • Low -scale commercial uses • Restricted Commercial • Multi -family residential towers • General Commercial • Mixed -use residential and commercial CONCLUSION: The proposed FLUM amendment for the Property is consistent with the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan ("MCNP"), and will further the goals, objectives, and policies of the MCNP. The Property is within an island of civic uses (cemetery, park, and Temple Israel) surrounded by more urban development. However, the Property is not used for civic purposes and is instead automotive storage, which is similar to some other uses to the south. Along with the auto uses, many low -scale commercial uses are in close proximity to the Property, but are designated for much higher density and residential development under the MCNP. These General Commercial and Restricted Commercial properties permit a wide variety of uses, and increased residential density is encouraged as part of the Omni Residential Increase Area. Further afield to the west are industrial FLUM designated properties with low -scale warehouses and single-family residential. However, the single-family neighborhoods do not interact with the Property and are separated by the FEC railroad corridor and industrial uses. Therefore, the most appropriate FLUM designation for the Property is the same as the abutting parcels to the east, where residential mixed -use towers are transitioning the neighborhood on a steady basis and providing for more housing opportunities in the downtown area with appropriate services, as is called for under the MCNP goals, objectives, and policies. 68219003;1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. EXISTING CONDITIONS -1/2 MILE RADIUS: - NOTICE This subrn tali needs to be scheduled fora public hearing in accordance with timelines set forth 'n the City of Miami Code. The applicatle decision -making bodywill renewtheinfonnaUon at the public hearing to rendera recommendation or a final decieon. PZ -23 -15 95 1 09 /28 /23 68219003;1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. FUTURE LAND USE MAP -1/Z MILE RADIUS: NOTICE This submittal needs to be schedu Led fora public hearing in accordance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Ccde. The applicable decision -making bcdywill renew the information at the public hearing to rendera recommendation or a final deciaon. PZ -23 -15 95 1 09 /28 /23 68219003;1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. SURROUNDING PROPERTIES ANALYSIS: A. Site Aerials Go.* 0 11,0% IrNaa,f Copamdua hale elR lYQAl1M&1reR M�R� SITE SITE ffii m, Garner.. ill It 254r4 i@aI1,4w nK\� NOTICE This submdtal needs to be schedu led fora public he in accordance with timelines set forth in the City Miami Code. The applicabe decision -making bcdl renew the infonnaUon at the public hearing to ren. recommender on or a final declb on. PZ -23 -15 95 1 09 /28 /23 68229702;1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. SITE 0• e 7/ G gk © teas Cannot °Wtain ricote 15entio/r. Please heck*au wallop to lode Mtafion sernres are available and granted for Google srth. SITE P11111117111111, aa- a • Sant , Come 119 m ?5'<13Y l earl11tW n1t\� NOTICE This submittal needs to be schedu led fora public he in accordance with timelines set forth In the City Miami Ccde. The applicabe decision -making bcdt renew the infomiaton at the public hearing to rem recommendation or a final decia on. PZ -23 -15 95 1 09 /28 /23 68229702;1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. B. % Mile Radius Context Analyses The initial X mile was measured using the City's GIS tool and then extrapolated for the exhibits. This aerial shows a 1/2 mile radius around the property, indicated in turquoise. Even at this scale, one can see the pattern of dense urban development, particularly along the waterfront and lower - scale warehouses to the west, a well-connected local roads network, the proximity to two superhighways. This selection from the Future Land Use Map, also shows the %z mile radius around the property, indicated in turquoise. This selection from the Miami 21 Zoning Atlas, also shows a %z mile radius around the property, indicated in turquoise. NOTICE PZ-23 -15 95 1 68229702;1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. C. 300' Radius and Photo Survey This analysis includes photos of Building elevations of both sides of the street extending three hundred (300) feet beyond all boundaries of the site. The 300' distance, indicated in royal blue, was generated using the City of Miami's GIS tool. As one will see in the zoomed -in 300' photo surveys of the surrounding neighborhood, there is currently little housing in the immediate area. Existing uses include surface parking, restaurant and food stores, and automotive support. And though there is a thriving auto sales business immediately to the north, there is a void in the consistency of the urban fabric around the site, particularly along NE 2nd Ave. This map from the City of Miami GIS website shows in turquoise the properties within a 300' radius around the Property. 68229702;1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. D. Photo Survey This view shows a two-story building containing a restaurant in the foreground and a learning center on the east side of NE 2nd and the Miami City Cemetary to the west. Not shown is a vacant lot south of the restaurant. This view still shows the same foreground but one can see the higher intensity zoning of the neighborhood in effect where the new buildings have been constructed to the east. This view shows a recessed single story grocery building with parking fronting NE 2nd immediately across from the Site. In the foreground is the learning center which holds the frontage. 68229702;1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. NOTICE Jam., PZ -23 -15 95 1 Ilk09 /28 /23 Q RfVI Ew COS This view shows the single story grocery building with parking fronting NE 2nd immediately across from the Site. In the background are newer buildings following the higher density Miami21 zoning. This view of the NE corner of NE 19t" Street and NE 2nd Avenue shows more single story auto related businesses with parking in front with higher density zoning to the east This view is taken looking south down NE 2nd Avenue showing the CI property on the west which will presumably remain CI and the single story warehouse type buildings to the east. Downtown can be seen to the south. 68229702;1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. PZ-23-15951 9/28/23 This view is taken looking north up NE 2nd Avenue showing the CI property on the west which will presumably remain CI and the Braman Auto beyond. This view is taken looking directly west down NE 19th Terrace, which is a half block north of NE 19th St and may have formerly been an alley. The CI property on the west and Braman will presumably remain for many years. This view also is taken looking directly west down NE 19th Terrace, which is a half block north of NE 19th St and may have formerly been an alley but further west. It has the character of a warehouse area. 68229702;1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. These two views are taken from within the Miami City Cemetery. One looks west and the other northeast. There is no expectation that this space, though designated CI and not CS, will become a place for development. These two views are taken from in front of the actively used CI sites along NE 19th Street/NE Miami Court related to the Temple Israel of Greater Miami. The open parking is used for the Temple. The parking with the green screen in the top image is the Property and is used by Braman. NOTICE PZ-23-15951 09 /28 /2 68229702;1 PUBL./ THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. These two views are taken from NE 19th Street/NE Miami Court just before the intersection with NE 2nd Ave. The parking with the green screen in the top image is the Property and is used by Braman. One can see the higher density zoning in the east. These two views are taken from NE 19th Street/NE Miami Court just before the intersection with NE 2nd Ave. The parking with the green screen in the top image is the Property and is used by Braman. One can see the higher density zoning in the east. NOTICE -Oss sulartslial needs to Le scheduled tor a In accordance ver h melees setleh In the CI, of 9 review the Inforrnaton at the pub. hearIng to render a PZ -23 -15 95 1 09 /28 /23 V REVIEW C° 68229702;1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. These three views are taken from North Miami Avenue. They show the RR tracks, the City of Miami Fire Department Station and the western front of the Miami City Cemetery. There is a bus stop near the Cemetery entrance. There is new construction immediately south of the Miami City Cemetery in the photograph. 68229702;1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. This view also is taken looking directly west down NE 19th Terrace, which is a half block north of NE 19th St and may have formerly been an alley but further west. It has the character of a warehouse area. This view also is taken looking directly west down NE 19th Terrace, which is a half block north of NE 19th St and may have formerly been an alley but further west. It has the character of a warehouse area. 68229702;1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. City of Miami Planning Department Pre -Application Meeting Summary Pre -Application Meeting ePlan ID.: PREAPP-22-0229 Monday, January 9, 2023 Project Manager Name: Zhaokai Liu Title: Planner II Email: zliu@miamigov.com Telephone No: (305) 416-1405 Meeting Attendees: Name Email Telephone number Zhaokai Liu, Planner II, City of Miami, FL, Planning Dept. zliu@miamigov.com (305) 416-1405 Christina Miller Christina.miller@akerman.com (305) 755-5825 Nicholas Barshel Nicholas.barshel@akerman.com (305) 755-5825 Property Information: Applicant /Property Owner: 1852 NE 2 AV Contact Info: Christina Miller Owner Representative: Christina Miller Contact Info: (305) 755-5825 Commission District: D-5 (Commissioner Christine King) Neighborhood Service Center (f/k/a NET District): Wynwood/Edgewater Svc Area Properties involved: Rev. 5/19/2021 NOTICE 1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. City of Miami Planning Department Pre -Application Meeting Summary Information to Review for All Applications Do any of the properties involved fall within the following areas? (Select Yes/No) 1. A DRI area: No 3.An Historic designated area: No 5. A High Hazard Area: No 7. A CRA: No 9. Miami River: No 11. Little River: No 13. Regional Activity Center: N/A Regional Activity Center (DHRAC): No 2. Urban Central Business District: No 4. Residential Density Increase Areas: No 6. Edgewater Intensity Increase Area: No 8. Health/Civic Center District: No 10. Wellfield Protection Area: No 12. An Arch. or Environmental Protected Area: No NOTICE If the answer to any of the above is yes, consider if there are any special considerations relative to the above. Submitting applications/pre-applications into ePlan. Be mindful of the City's online checklists. These provide guidance as to specific requirements, especially important administrative requirements for successful applications. Important updates are made from time to time. Be sure to use the checklists that are accessed online and avoid saving checklists locally so that you avoid relying on outdated information. Become familiar with the naming conventions that are referred to on the checklists. Failure to comply with these naming conventions will significantly delay your application. Use the Pre -Application meeting time to ensure there is clarity on naming conventions. - Access information on checklists here: https://www.miamigov.com/Services/Buildinq- Permittinq/Permitting-Forms-Documents About the Request Application Tvoe(s) (List All : ❑Exception ❑Waiver ❑Warrant ❑Warrant Modification ❑Variance ❑Special Dist. Permit ►Rezone ❑Special Area Plan ►Future Land Use Map Change ❑Minor Modification ❑Temporary Use on Vac. Land ❑Interim Parking ❑MUSP Modification ❑Class II Modification ❑Special Appearance ❑ Other, explain Provide brief explanation here i. Special r ermit Request Detail Is project expected to involve 200,000 square feet of floor area or more? No What are the zoning Transects for the subject project and the approximate area for each Transect? CI Rev. 2/1/2022 2 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. City of Miami Planning Department Pre -Application Meeting Summary Transect Approximate Area Proposal (Use, Design, Other)* CI 71,395 sq. ft. Rezone and FLUM amendment Is there a site plan to review? No Site Plan Feedback Does the proposed plan include ride share or drop off area? No Covenant / Unity of Title Will a covenant or Unity of Title be proffered? No Comments from Other Disciplines Department Status Notes, if applicable (Paste from Project Dox) Planning N/A 1. Per, Except where the proposal for the rezoning of Department property involves an extension of an existing Transect boundary, no rezoning of land shall be considered which involves less than forty thousand (40,000) square feet of land area or two hundred (200) feet of street Frontage on one (1) street. The proposed property meets the minimum requirement. The area of the property is approximately 71,395 sf. The frontage along NE 2nd AVE is approximately 282 ft. 2. The proposed property is in CI zoning. Per, When a CI zoned property ceases to be used for Civic functions, the successional rezoning is determined by identifying the lowest Intensity Abutting Transect Zone, and rezoning to that Zone's next higher Intensity Zone. The proposed site can extend the abutting transect zone, which is T6-36B-O. 3. Has any neighborhood outreach occurred? It is strongly recommended. 4. Is it an affordable housing project? If so, will a covenant be proffered? Additional Discussion and Special Recommendations —ALL REQUEST TYPES Additional Discussion Planner should detail any additional information discussed during the meeting here. Be sure to include any questions raised by the prospective applicant and any requests for additional information that may need to be provided after the conclusion of the meeting. N/A Rev. 2/1/2022 3 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. City of Miami Planning Department Pre -Application Meeting Summary Special Recommendations Planner should detail any special recommendations that were made during this meeting. Recommendations may include the provision of additional information from the prospective applicant, the application of additional permits, changes (i.e., in the event a prospective applicant has assumed a specific permit is needed to accomplish a desired outcome, if a different approach may accomplish the outcome, that information should be detailed here). Recommendations for correspondence from other agencies or neighborhood associations should be detailed here. N/A Planner Certification of Pre -Application Meeting The signed copy of this form certifies that you, Christina Miller and Nicholas Barshel, have attended a Pre - Application meeting to discuss your interest in Rezone and FLUM amendment for the property located at 1852 NE 2 AVE. If you are eligible for the permit you seek, you may qualify for a $250 credit toward the application fee if you submit your application within 90 days from your Pre -Application Meeting. Failure to submit that application within this time period will result in the forfeiture of any credit due to you from this meeting toward your application fees. Please note, neither your attendance to this meeting nor the comments here construe the City of Miami's approval of your request. Be sure to include this document with your application submittal to ePlan as your Pre -Application Form. If you have additional questions, please contact me at the email address listed on the front page of this document. The City of Miami looks forward to working with you on this application and we are happy to assist you in any way we can. Sincerely, Liu, Zhaokai Zhaokai (Kyle) Liu Planer II Digitally signed by Liu, Zhaokai Date: 2023.01.09 11:47:39 -05'00' Rev. 2/1/2022 4 PU130 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. COMPLETE LIST OF ADDRESSES AND FOLIOS Companion Application Nos. PZ-23-15950 and PZ-23-15951 0 2- Q NOTICE This subrnttal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing in accordance 'Nth timelines set forth In the City of Miami Code. The applicatte decision -making bodywwLI renew theinformadon at the pubec hearing to render recommendation or a final decidon. PZ -23 -15 95 1 09 /28 /23 014' IEW CO Folio Address SQ FT/ ACRES Existing FLUM Designation Proposed FLUM Designation Existing Zoning Proposed Zoning 01-3136- 000-0021 1852 NE 2 AVE 71,438 SF/ 1.64 ac Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transport. & Utilities Restricted Commercial CI T6-36B-O 68216824;1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. EXISTING FUTURE LAND USE MAP SUBJECT PROPERTY = 1852 NE 2 AVE NW 191}1 ST NW '1811 j J__„ 6T H:ST - II Light Inckistia NI 11T}I TER r— NF. 1 fiTH ST NE 17TH ST is N ' oiH sr 68222952;1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. PROPOSED FUTURE LAND USE MAP SUBJECT PROPERTY = 1852 NE 2 AVE NOTICE 09 /28 /23 68218914;1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. accorriance vita rimelinire set forth in the ciry or Code The appicalie demon narking truly reli renew line ntlaeria[Ie render ¢em edano l.. PZ-23-15951 09 /28 /23 EXHIBIT "A" SKEAFFICHH AND L ELCir' L DES 011111;"T 1 ON PROJECT LOCATION L NI. , 9T44 TER city Cemetery. NE 19TH ST JI du w� V.E. 1 9TH:ST. NE 17TH TER LOCATION MAP SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 53 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST LYING AND BEING IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA (NOT TO SCALE) SURVEYOR'S NOTES: 1.) THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY, BUT ONLY A GRAPHIC DEPICTION OF THE DESCRIPTION SHOWN HEREON. 2.) THE SOURCES OF DATE USED FOR THE PREPARATION OF THIS SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS "SAN JOSE" RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, AT PAGE 58, AS RECORDED IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY FLORIDA. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION: I HEREBY CERTIFY TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF THAT THIS "SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION" MEETS THE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE AS SET FORTH BY THE STATE OF FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS Digitally signed by Arturo Mendigutia SIGNED Date: zozs.oT.Tgog:zs:oT-osoo' FOR THE FIRM ARTURO MENDIGUI1A, P.S.M. P.S.M. No. 5844-STATE OF FLORIDA NOT VALID WTHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RASED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS BY OTHER THAN THE SIGNING PARTY OR PART1ES IS PROHIBITED WTHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE SIGNING PARTY OR PART1ES AND/OR NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTIC ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL. LEGEND ABBREVIATION DEFINITION R/W P.B. PG. P.O.B. P.O.C. C /L PROPERTY ADDRESS: FOLIO No. 01-3136-000-0021 1852 N.E. 2ND AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33132-1049 RIGHT OF WAY PLAT BOOK PAGE POINT OF BEGINNING POINT OF COMMENCE CENTER LINE MONUMENT LINE AREA OF PROPERTY: 71,438 SQUARE FEET AND/OR 1,640 ACRES MORE OR LESS. THIS DOCUMENT CONSIST OF 3 SHEETS AND NEITHER SHALL BE CONSIDERED FULL, VALID AND COMPLETE WITHOUT THE OTHERS. PARCEL NUMBER: 01-3136-000-0021 LOCATION MAP, SURVEYORS NOTES, PROPERTY ADDRESS Project No.: 2105.0342-01 Drawn by: M.G. S KETCH Approved by: AM SHEET 1 OF .3 SIJR'VEY1IVG ASSOCIATES, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS L.B. No. 7633 1435 S.W. 87th AVENUE SUITE "201" MIAMI, FL 33174 PHONE: (305) 556-4002 FAX: (305) 556-4003 EMAIL: JFEE@LMSURVEYI NG.COM DATE: 01-13-2023 Scale: AS SHOWN THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. This submittal needs to be scheduled for a public hearing in accord ante with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code.The applica de decision -making body will reMew the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. L E-10 A L DJESJCRIrP TI'ON LEGAL DESCRIPTION: COMMENCE AT THE N.E. CORNER OF THE N.E. 1/4 OF SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 53 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST; THENCE RUN SOUTHWARDLY ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID N.E. 1/4 OF SECTION 36 FOR A DISTANCE OF 382.13 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF A LINE 50.00 FEET SOUTHERLY OF, AND PARALLEL WITH, THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF BLOCK 2, SAN JOSE, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, AT PAGE 158, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE DEFLECTING TO THE RIGHT 89°02'40" RUN WESTWARDLY ALONG A LINE 50.00 FEET SOUTHERLY OF, AND PARALLEL WITH, THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID BLOCK 2, SAN JOSE, AND ITS EASTERLY PROLONGATION THEREOF FOR A DISTANCE OF 35.97 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE CONTINUE WESTWARDLY ALONG THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSE, THE SAME BEING THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF N.E. 19th STREET, FOR A DISTANCE OF 255.53 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE DEFLECTING TO THE LEFT 89°02'20" RUN SOUTHWARDLY FOR A DISTANCE OF 282.27 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF THE S. 1/4 OF THE N. 1/4 OF THE N.E. 1/4 OF THE N.E. 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 36; THENCE DEFLECTING TO THE LEFT 90°53'39" RUN EASTWARDLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF THE S. 1/4 OF THE N. 1/4 OF THE N.E. 1/4 OF THE N.E. 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 36 FOR A DISTANCE OF 250.04 FEET TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE WESTERLY BASE BUILDING LINE OF N.E. 2nd AVENUE AS ESTABLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF ORDINANCE No.6871, ARTICLE XXV, SECTION 1 (81); THENCE DEFLECTING TO THE LEFT 87°59'36" RUN NORTHWARDLY ALONG SAID BASE BUILDING LINE FOR A DISTANCE OF 282.70 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 71,395 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS, BEING 1.639 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. PARCEL NUMBER: 01-3136-000-0021 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Project No.: 2105-0342-01 Drawn by: M.G. 5 KETCH Approved by: AM SHEET 2 OF 3 SURUEY1IVG ASSOCIATES, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 1435 5. W. 87th AVENUE SUITE "201" MIAMI, FL 33174 PHONE: (305) 556-4002 FAX: (305) 556-4003 EMAIL: JFEE[cr1 LMSURVEYI NG. COM Date: 01-13-2023 Scale: N/A L.B. No. 7633 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. submittalPas e lo accordance with lmeliices el foNrtn npthe uCity, Miami Code. The applicable deacon -Foaling body. rexewinfomcalcon at the public Iea, to render repoininendat ofinal 11n PZ231595 SKE011C FE CONEP A N't LEGAL DE'SCJR1I'l T�IrO N' GRAPHIC SCALE 60' 30' 0 30' 60' ( IN FEET ) 1 Inch = 60 feet OLD MONUMENT LINE (M.A.C.M. SHEET No.23D) N.E. 19TH STREET 255.531 10' OFFSET MONUMENT LINE (M.A.C.M. SHEET No.23D) CITY OF MIAMI PROPERTY USED WITHOUT DE (CATION) AAS S A PUBLIC THG(M.A.C.M. SHEET No.23D) 10' U.E. M.A.C.M. SHEET No.23D) (0.R.B. 780; PG. 67) 250.04' A PORTION OF SEC. 36-53S-41 E - THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. P.O.B. 10.00' M 1° 5001 -= of P.O.C. N.E. 1/4 COR.; N.E. 1 /4, SEC.36-53-41 EAST LINE OF SEC.36-53S-41E 9'2'40" 35.97' 20.97' 0 N N W a W 0 o 0 0 niZ N F • wmZ,W 0-0_� • o <W_,Z < I a cn Q � � O U I o a • 1- Q U O I 35.00''---I 26.46'HI -20.00'1 w Z 35.00' EXISTING PROPERTY LINE (M.A.C.M. SHEET No.23D) PARCEL NUMBER: 01-3136-000-0021 EXHIBIT "A" Project No.: 2105-0342-01 Drawn by: M.G. 5 KETCH Approved by: AM SHEET 3 OF 3 SIJRUEVIAIG ASSOCIATES, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 1435 S.W. 87th AVENUE SUITE "201" MIAMI, FL 33174 PHONE: (305) 556-4002 FAX: (305) 556-4003 EMAIL: JFEE1 LMS URVEYI NG. COM Date: 01-13-2023 Scale: 1 " = 60' L.B. No. 7633 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. 71R 95'711 11 k '{ 21 PH ? : ?7 22, FAs}9? S.W. CORNER - N.E. 2 AVENUE AND N.E. 19 STREET CITY Dm THIS DEED, made this 17th day of February , 1970, by and between THE CITY OF MIAMI, a municipal corporation in the State 4011 CIO of Florida and in the County of Dade, party of the first part, FLORIDA, (GRANTOR), and TEMPLE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI,JERSI, a Florida non-profit corporation, party of the second part, (GAANTEE); WITNESSETH, that the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of One Hundred Thirty -Five Thcusand 0135,000.00) Dollars and other good and valuable considerations, to it •in hand paid by the party of the second part, receips whereof is hereby acknowledged, has bargained, sold, granted and conveyed to the party of the second part, its successors in interest or assigns, forever, the following deeerihed parcel of land, lying and bring in the City of Miami, County of Dade and State of Florida, to wit: Commence at the N.E. Corner of the N.E. } of Section 36, Township 53 South, Range 41 East; thence run southwaruiy along the easterly boundary of said N.E. of Section 36 for a distance of 382,13 feet, more or less, to a point of intersection with the easterly prolongation of a Line 50.00 feet southerly of, and parallel with, the southerly boundary of Block 2, SAN JOSE, as recorded is Plat Book 3, at Page 158, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; thence deflecting to the right 89° 02' 40" run westwardly along a line 50,00 feet southerly of, and paralial with, the southerly boundary of aaid Block 2, SAN JOSE, and its easterly prolongation thereof for a distance of 35.97 feet to the Point of Beginning of the hereinafter described tract; thenr_e continue westwardly along the la;t descril,ed course, the sage being the southerly right-of-way line of S.E. 19th Street, for a distance of 255.53 feet to a point; thence deflecting to the left 89° 02' 20" run aouthwardly for a distance of 282.27 feet, more or less, to a point of intersection with the southerly boundary of the S. of the N. § of the N.E. !e of the N.L. } of said Sectic 36; thence deflecting to the left 90° 53' 39" run eaatwardly along the southerly boundary of the S. i of the N. i of the N.I. i of the N.E. t of said Section 36 for a dista,ste of 250.04 feat to • poir-t of intersectioe with tha eteterly base building TATE. acFi rbu-AI " o0Cumlea e: r; ;ga r Ter! =.t=awn/r 405.06t MarnftdrnhhtheCne PZ-23—" 15951 09/28/2.1_,, Order 22142286 Doc: FLDADE:7229-00927 Page 1 of 3 Regaested By: drick Printed:. 1211412022 11:07 #M ITHIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP L..ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. I_ *AI ri.“-1 line of N.E. 2nd Avenue as established by authority of Ordinance No. 6R71, Article XXV, Section 1(81): thence deflecting to the left 87o 59' 36" run northwardly along said base building line for a distance of 282.7C feet, more or less, to the Point of Beginning. Contain- ing 71,395 square feet, more or less, being 1.639 acres, more or less. This conveyance is subject to the following terms and con- ditions: (1) all taxes and assessments subsequent to the date of this deed will be paid by the party of the second part; (2) all building restrictions, litaitations and zoning ordinances of record; • (3) subject to c 10-foot wide utility easement lying north of, and parallel with, the south boundary line of the subject property as recorded in official Record Hook 780, at Page 67, of the Public Rocards of Dade County, rlorida; thla e,:aement is the ionic of a 20-inch water main and a 13 K.V. underground power cable. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE CITY OF MIAMI. a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, has caused this instrument to be executed in its name and its Corporate Seel to be affixed hereto, by its City Manager and City Clerk, both thereunto authorized this 19 day of February , 1970. Signed, Sealed and Deliver in the Prtagnce of; " 11•f'.' O'SAT1 00.[L7�ttti• G9 ' THE CITY OF :4isilil, FLORIDA City Manager Attest:C74„.mr.,1,4 F. 1., CORREL.L, As City Clerk -2- This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing in accordance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Cade. The applica de decision -making bcdywill renew the information at the public hearing to render recommendation or a final decid on. i Order: 22142286 Dos : F L DADE:7 229-DD927 Page 2 of 3 Requested By: m.hedrick, Printed: 12/1412022 11:07 AM l THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. '726 ilLJJ? STATE OF FLORID) COUNTY OF DADE ) 1, an officer authorized to take acknowledgments and administer oaths, HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 17 day of February , 1970, personally appeared before me H, L. REESE and F. L. CARRELL, kno+n to me to be the City Manager and City,Clerk, respectively, of THE CITY OF MIAMI, a municipal corporation in and under the laws of the State of Florida, and known to me to be the persons who executed the fore- going instrument, and they severally acknowledged same to be their free and voluntary act and deed as such officers for the uses and purposes herein expressed, and that they affixed thereto the OFFICIAL SEAL of the said municipal corporation, all by the authority of taw and the City Commission, and said instrument it the formal and free act of said municipal corporation. WITNESS ray hand and official seal at Miami, County of Bade and State of Florida, this le day of Hy Commission, Expires: NINARf MIK STATE 0E a as 11RiE µT �M.�FMISt RRIJ 11 fl1 J 14, 1973 This Instrument is Executed Pursuant to Resolution Ho. 40788 Passed and Adopted June 26, 1969 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY Asa Stan City ilttorney APPROVED AS'TO DESCRIPTION Director, Dep Works 3.. February , 1970. . ISJ -!.0.!!....-t;.,h, Rotary Public, 5tit e, F aii Large ^.-b- ,¢ :'4• pA /,r �' SiMt' ,.•.'' 4'01 n,mrm, This instrument wee prepared by ' Ernest C. Geiger Department of Public Wo<'ka City of Miami, florid M WJf(Y 1. Cif —a Loon 1Ep saw IfepfTA?, This submittal needs to be scheduled for a public hearing in cord ante with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applica de decision -making bcdywill renew the infomnadon at the public hearing to render a recommendav on or a final decid on. • 4 Order: 22142286 Dec: FLDADE:7229-00927 Page 3 of 3 Requested By: m.hedrick. Printed: 1211412022 11:07 RA4 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Photo 1: Photo taken from the corner of NE 19th Street and NE 2" Avenue looking South, NE 2"d Ave to left of image. Photo 2: Photo taken from the comer of NE 19th Street and NE 2" Avenue looking West. NE 19th Street to the right of the image. NOTICE PZ-23-15951 \09/28/23i ITHIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled for a public hearing in accordance wilt timelines set form in the City of Miami Code. The applies de decision -making body renewme information at the public hearing to render a recommended on or a final decik on. PZ -23 -15 95 1 09 /28 /23 Exterior of Property as seen looking SE from NE 19th Street. Other exterior views already submitted under PZD-2 (Photo Survey). Interior of Property Compilation photograph of Property Interior: NE 2nd Ave to left, NE 19th Street to right. 5/19/23, 1:15 PM Concurrency Application Online Payment Service - Successful Payment Receipt Miami -Dade Count Successful Payment Receipt Please print this receipt for your records Remittance ID: Received: Contact Name: Application Address: Local Govt. App. Number: Folio Number: MDCPS Application ID: Amount: Transaction Type: Card Information: Billing Information: Schoo1051923131423107VBI LLS May 19, 2023 01:14PM EDT Nicholas Barshel 1852 NE 2 AV PZ-23-15951 0131360000021 PH0123051700268 $413.00 Authorization and Capture MasterCard SHARI DEBOWSKY ************7498 Address Line 1: 137 NE 19th Street Country: United States City: Miami State: FL ZIP Code: 33132 Print Public Schools giving our students the world Exit Your payment request has been submitted. Thank you for your payments. Please print this page for your records. Payments received after 12:OOPM PT will be processed the next business day. Your payment will be posted to your School Board of Miami -Dade County Concurrency Application account the following business day. This submittal needs to be scheduled fora pu bUc hearing in accordance with timelines set forth in the Cityof + Miami Code. The applicable decision -making body will review the information at the public hearing to render recommendation or a final deciaon. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. 11 124583990 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. https://www.velocitypayment.com/vrelay/check.do?currentRefresh=1&maxRefresh=5&remittancelD=Schoo1051923131423107VBILLS&application_id=... 1/1 7/18/23, 3:25 PM Tax Exempt Organization Search Details I Internal Revenue Service Temple Israel of Greater Miami EIN: 59-06832701 Miami, Florida, United States Publication 78 Data C, 0 Q. Organizations eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions. Users may rely on this list in determining deductibility of their contributions. On Publication 78 Data List: Yes Deductibility Code: PC ® PUBLi NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled for a pubic hearing in accordance with timelines set forth in the City of ?Ajar, Ccde.The applica de decision -making body will. renew the Information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decia on. PZ -23 -15 95 1 09 /28 /23 RSVI EW CO' THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. https://apps.irs.gov/app/eos/details/ 1/1 .0149 07/16/21 FLORIDA 85-8012646726C-5 Certificate Number This certifies that LConsumer's Certificate of Exemption Issued Pursuant to Chapter 212, Florida Statutes 09/30/2021 09/30/2026 Effective Date TEMPLE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI INC 137 NE 19TH ST MIAMI FL 33132-1010 Expiration Date 501(C)(3) ORGANIZATION Exemption Category is exempt from the payment of Florida sales and use tax on real property rented, transient rental property rented, tangible personal property purchased or rented, or services purchased. Important Information for Exempt Organizations FLORIDA DR-14 R. 01/18 1. You must provide all vendors and suppliers with an exemption certificate before making tax-exempt purchases. See Rule 12A-1.038, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). 2. Your Consumer's Certificate of Exemption is to be used solely by your organization for your organization's customary nonprofit activities. 3. Purchases made by an individual on behalf of the organization are taxable, even if the individual will be reimbursed by the organization. 4. This exemption applies only to purchases your organization makes. The sale or lease to others of tangible personal property, sleeping accommodations, or other real property is taxable. Your organization must register, and collect and remit sales and use tax on such taxable transactions. Note: Churches are exempt from this requirement except when they are the lessor of real property (Rule 12A-1.070, F.A.C.). 5. It is a criminal offense to fraudulently present this certificate to evade the payment of sales tax. Under no circumstances should this certificate be used for the personal benefit of any individual. Violators will be liable for payment of the sales tax plus a penalty of 200% of the tax, and may be subject to conviction of a third-degree felony. Any violation will require the revocation of this certificate. 6. If you have questions about your exemption certificate, please call Taxpayer Services at 850-488-6800. The mailing address is PO Box 6480, Tallahassee, FL 32314-6480. THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. ,o.;O PUB/../Ch Le, 4'9 ire 1- NOTICE PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM. APPLICATION ". FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Jim Smith FOR .:::.. P Secretary of State REINSTATEMENT ,sue , DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS s Pz-23-15951 F I L Cr 9,,, 09 /28 /23 E D REV,EW Cod 02 OCT 29 PM 4: 03 DOCUMENT # N47495 1. Corporation Name TEMPLE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI, INC. H SECRETARY OF STATE TALLAHA SSEE, FLORIDA ��..,.�S TA T� i �.E ENT a Principal Place of Business Mailing Address MIAMI 19THSTREET MIAMI FLf3 113STREET I III I 111 II IlI (I III IUIIll ��i� 111111(111111 US US00n . If above addresses are incorrect in any way, line through incorrect information and enter correction below. -lc:iS=';_:14rL 10/29/02--01001--008 t*23S.25 2. New Principal Office Address, If Applicable 3. New Mailing Office Address, 11 Applicable 4. Dale Incorporated or Qualified To Do Business in Florida 02/21/1992 Suite, Apt. #, etc. Suite, Apt. #, etc. 5. FEI Number Applied For 'City & State`- " ` City & State -- -"""`-""59-0683270 ' Not Applicable 6. Zip Country Zip COuniry $8.75 Additional Fee required CERTIFICATE OF STATUS DESIRED ❑ for a Certificate of Status . 7. Names and Street Addresses of Each Officer and/or Director (Florida nonprofit corporations must list at least 3 directors) Titl9 1 Is) Name of Officers 2 and/or Directors Street Address of Each 3 Officer and/or Director 4 City / State / Zip THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. -K Pb.0RoVITZ� , A /McHAe I- 1311 q8 sr 4.8AMI-FL-33488. 8An r#BP, IS, FL 331S'1 . -V8- vD OROVr -M1OI Yte.oBS, `T i& 42r-98-ST 4lal0 441GIILAAID L. BLtII /V.Imrramf 8E4c1-44 F'31Vq TD GOLD, CYNTHIA 2461 NE 199 ST MIAMI FL 33181 V1\1\\CA 8. Name and Address of Current Registered Agent 9. Name and Address of New Registered Agent T mEs;oer rA Name __ LCHAFL CDR©Virz o m �1�-N 1 Street Address (P.O. Box Number is Not Acceptable) i 31 I 9 F3 Sr2 r-s T P —MIIAM1 32 Suite, Apt. #, Etc. gRes Ct. Ay t}ia2��au�. I. State FL Zip Code 33/s-y 10. 1, being appointed the registered agent of the above named • Signature of , .P ir corporation, I, am familiar wi h and accept the obligations of Section 607.0505, F.S. or 617.0505, F.S. ii li I) )I f S 1 _, Registered Agent ° l - - ° u Date / 0 - o475 '' GISTER D AGENT MUST SIGN 11..1 certify that I am.an officer or director or the receiver or trustee empowered.to execute this application as provided for in chapter 607 or 617, F.S. I further certify that when firing this reinstatement application, the reason for dissolution has been eliminated, the corporate name satisfies the requirements of section 607.0401 or 617.0401, F.S., that all fees owed by the corporation have been paid and the names of indivi als listed on this form do not qualify for an exemption under section 119.07(3)(i), F.S. The information indicated on this application is true and acc , and my signature shall h ve a same legal:effec as it made under oath. SIGNATURE: S O G 4 C% O e. �v 7 LU2 prQs 1 bon► 1` /a - 25 - O 1.---- SIGNATURE AND TYPED OR PRINTED NAME OF SIGNING OFFICER OR DIRECTOR Date Daytime Phone # THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. ARTICLES OF CORRECTION TO ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF TEMPLE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI, INC. The following information is submitted in compliance i pt'"h and pursuant to Statute Section 617.0124(a) of the Florida Business Corporation Act. 1. A certified copy of the charter documents and all amendments thereto of the above -referenced corporation were filed with the Secretary of State on February 21, 1992. 2. The date of incorporation of the corporation was incorrectly stated as May 17, 1928. 3. The correct date of incorporation is May 5, 1926. Dated this 6427) day of I:\W-CO\31337\000\AMEND.ART 1992. TEMPLE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI, INC. By: E. Richard Alh f Vice President inistration NOTICE THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. DISCLOSURE AFFIDAVIT OF NO MONIES DUE TO THE CITY 03-05-2021 NOTICE 09,28,23 In accordance with Section 2-208 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, ("City Code") titled, "New permits prohibited, non- homestead properties", permits shall not be issued for a non -homestead property with any outstanding code enforcement violations, building violations, or any relevant city lien or invoice due and owing to the City. Permits required to cure life safety issues, permits which are required to bring outstanding violations into compliance, or permits for any properties owned by a governmental entity are exempted from this prohibition. Each owner for each address listed as a party to the application needs to sign and submit this disclosure/affidavit. If an omission is the result of City of Miami oversight, then the City will notify the applicant and provide time for the applicant to resolve the issue within ninety (90) days. The project can be terminated by the City of Miami after the 90th day. Note: If you are a lessee on City of Miami -owned property, you must contact the Department of Real Estate and Asset Management to have this form completed by an authorized person. Name (title and name of entity as well, if applicable): Temple Israel of Greater Miami, Inc. Address/ City / State / Zip: 1852 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami, Florida, 33142 Phone No: 305.573.5900 Email: sdebowsky@templeisrael.net 1 Marc Lamb, as President hereby certify that all the addresses listed on this application are (please check one of the following): [ ] homestead properties. [ ] non -homestead properties, and that there are no open code enforcement violations, building violations, City liens, or invoices due and owing to the City on any of the addresses listed on this application. I certify that any City of Miami covenants on the properties are in full compliance and no associated monies due to the City. I certify there are no past due rent payments or associated interest due to the City for any of the addresses listed on this application. [x] non -homestead properties that have open code enforcement violations, building violations, City liens, and/or invoices due and owing to the City. Please explain (required): The City has notified us of two open code violations: 1) Case #: 00009007 Violation 2107-Parking on unimproved surfaces 2) Case #: 00009007 Violation 1698- Failure to register vacant lot I understand this application shall be terminated after ninety (90) days should any of the addresses listed on this application be found to not be in compliance with Section 2-208 of the City Code or with any covenant conditions attached to the land. 2u 2 Signature of the Property Owner Dat } State of Florida } County of Miami -Dade Sw rn to and subscribed before me by means of X physical presence OR online notarization this day of c- 20 3 , by Personally known)or Produced Identification pe of Identificon produced (SEAL) Je-ditei ISABEL MONTOTO am F= �pp Notary Public - State of.Flpp "r' Commission #.GG 439512" My Comm. Expires Dec 14, 2023 J 4 Bonded through National Notary Assn. �iof1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Call of mini ti BUILDING DEPARTMENT Transaction Statement Financial Transaction ID: 944089 Transaction Date: Jan 18 2023 10:01AM Permit Number: PZ2315951 FEE SUMMARY Temple Israel of greater Miami, Inc. 137 NE 19 ST nicholas.barshel@akerman.com (305)573-5900 Fee Category Fee Code Fee Description Quantity Unit Type Amount PLANNING MS-359 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (SMALL SCALE UP TO 2 ACRES) 1.0000 SQ. FT. $6,000.00 Total: $6,000.00 Rev. Jul/02/2012 Generated on Jan/18/2023 10:01 AM 1/19/23, 3:17 PM https://secure35.ipayment.com/Miami/my/O/print_version.htm?_DOUBLESUBMIT=SJZfn%2b4DP394DX1sXcW5Z8%2f5dNN... THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Department of Finance Online Payments Receipt Your Reference Number: 2023019001-321 01/19/2023 3:13:06 PM Web_user TRANSACTIONS If you have a Transaction ID, please click here 2023019001-321-1 $6,000.00 TRANS ID: 944089 BUSINESS NAME: COM Lien Search $6,000.00 FEE NAME: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (SMALL SCALE UP TO 2 ACRES) If you have a Transaction ID, please click here 2023019001-321-3 $9,750.00 TRANS ID: 944063 BUSINESS NAME: COM Lien Search $10, 000.00 FEE NAME: REZONING CHANGES FROM ANY TRANSECT (EXCEPT T3 TO T6 OR CI -HD - UP TO 2 ACRES Lien Search FEE NAME: PRE -APPLICATION CREDIT PAYMENT Mastercard Credit Sale ($250.00) TOTAL AMOUNT: $15,750.00 $15,750.00 CARD NUMBER: ************7498 FIRST NAME: Shari LAST NAME. Debowsky 1111 III 01 1111 III i CE2023019001-321 https://secure35.ipayment.com/Miami/my/O/print_version.htm?_DOUBLESU BM IT=SJZfn%2b4DP394DX1 sXcW5Z8%2f5dNNZwGFn%2fEgyJJ%2... 1/1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN APPLICATION Temple Israel Vacant Lot - 1852 NE 2 AVE File Number PZ-23-15950 Index of Drawings Drawing # A-0 Index of Drawings V-1 Property Survey This submittal needs to be scheduled for a pubic hearing in accordance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applica Lie decision -making body will review the information at the pubdc hearing to render a recommendation or a final dads' on. 68215755;1 5/19/23, 1:15 PM Concurrency Application Online Payment Service - Successful Payment Receipt Successful Payment Receipt giving our students the world Please print this receipt for your records Remittance ID: Schoo1051923131423107VBILLS Received: May 19, 2023 01:14PM EDT Contact Name: Nicholas Barshel Application Address: 1852 NE 2 AV Local Govt. App. Number: PZ-23-15951 Folio Number: 0131360000021 MDCPS Application ID: PH0123051700268 Amount: $413.00 Transaction Type: Authorization and Capture Card Information: MasterCard SHARI DEBOWSKY ************7498 Billing Information: Address Line 1: 137 NE 19th Street Country: United States City: Miami State: FL ZIP Code: 33132 Exit Print Your payment request has been submitted. Thank you for your payments. Please print this page for your records. Payments received after 12:OOPM PT, will be processed the next business day. Your payment will be posted to your School Board of Miami -Dade County Concurrency Application account the following business day. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. IZ 124583990 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. https://www.velocitypayment.com/vrelay/check.do?currentRefresh=1 &maxRefresh=5&remittance ID=Schoo1051923131423107VBILLS&application_id=... 1/1 GRAPHIC SCALE I Ire FEET ) NAP Or BOUNJ ARMY R�VEY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: COMMENCE AT THE N.E. CCRNER OF THE N.E. 1/4 OF SECTION 36 TOWNSHIP 53 SOUTH. RUN SOUTHWARDLY ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID F SECTION 36 FOR A OR LESS. TO A POINT OF AST 4 0 STHE EASTERLY DISTANCE A LINE N 5Noo FEET SOUTHERLY RECORDED OF, AND PAR,LEL IN BOUNDARY PAGE 158. of THE PUBLICFLORIDA) CT DE RIGHT 89)02)40"RUN EWE of COUNTY. 5 FEEP SOUTHERLY OF. AND PARALLEL �.WTH. THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAIDLBLOCK 2. SA AND ITS BEGINNING OF HE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBEDRTRAC DISTANCE CONTINUE FEET TO THE SONG THEELAAST DESCRIBED COURSE, THE SAME BEING THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF warYLwe SrRREET. FOR DISTANCE 553 F PONT THENCE DEFLECTING TO THE LEFT LESS, TO A FEET, MORE THE N. 1/4 OF THE N E. OF INTERSECTION 004N.E. 1/4 THE f SADDSEC�ON BOUNDARY THENCE DEFLECTING TO THE LEFT E°11/4AOF EASTWARD, THE 0 02ID°SEO;ON BOUNDARY DII002N`CE O/25004"FE T ,/4 TO A POINT OF OF THEN INTERSECT. WITH THE WESTERLY BASE BUILDING LINE OF N E. 2nd AVENUE AS EST ESTABLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF ORDINANCE No.6811. ARTICLE XXV. SECTION 1 (81):THENCE DEFLECTING TO THE LEFT 8759.36) RUN NORTHWARDLY ALONG SAID BASE BUILDING LINE FOR BEGINNING,A DISTANCE OF 282.70 FEET, MORE CR LESS, TO THE POINT OF T1.395 SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS. BEING 1.639 ACRES. MORE ORLESSS.CONTAINING PROPERTY ADDRESS: FOLIO No. 01-3136-000-0021 1852 MIAMI.NFLORIDA 33132-1049 AREA OF FROFERT, 71,438 ASQUARE FEET CRES AND/OR OREOR LES40 CERTIFIED TO: THIS BOUNDARY SURVEY HAS BEEN PREPARED FOP THE HCETIFCA`NEID NAME HEREON RTIONS Do OT EXTEENTO ANY UNNAMED SURVEYOR'S NOTES: 1) THE AR ABOVE CAPTIONED PROPERTY WAS SURVEYED AND DESCRIBED BASED ON 2) THSCERTF�oary sP0400 FOR THE LANDS CLIENT. DESCRIBED. IT IS NOT A CERTIFICATION Of TI-RE ZONING . EATMENTS. OR FREEDOM Of ENCUMBRANCES 0) ABSTRACT Y SUP,/ THAT MA, BE FOUND IN THE PUELIC RECORDS CF HIS CCUN, aFEE A DN0 1 EN0SCIF EXPECTED 00 00CiINC THIS PRo RIDE To DETERMINE HE MINIMUM TECHNICAL S (5J-10THE RAC), I0 RESDEENNOI404TIHE MINIM,. RELATN: DISTANCE ACCURACY FOR THIS TYPE OF BOUNDARY SURVEY IS -I FOOT IN 7.520 FEET THE ACCURACY OBTAINED BY MEA.REMENT AND CALCULATION CF s)F03 OSED AND/ FIGURE THE BGLNDARY LINES 04 THE PARCEL HEREIN DESCRIBED ARE NOT SPIONN 5) EL HER23 EOPE Of SURVEY) N PREBAS D CN TO THE NATIONAL GEODETIC 0 TALL 0ASUREMEN ANM S ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE UNITED STATES STANDARD O 10) FCCNTACI THE APFROP5ATE AUTHOR, P5CR TO ANY DESI. WORK ON THE HER IN DESCRBED PARCEL FCR BUILDING AND ZONING INFORMATICN 111)EUNDERGROUND THE PROPERTY FRCYII UTILITIES HEREON,L EED SURVEYORL NOTIFIED AS TO ANY ) RANCES NOT ONN CN THE PLAT. 15/ATES. INC UNDERGROUNDTHE LOCATED S T FOOTING. FOUNDATIONS DRRK SURVE,NG OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 14 )`ONLLL 5L[ 2100E TO T"50AFAGOUNDNH 40000 ENTS LOCATED15. WALL 1) FENCE OA04RTHEo0BASIS FA505 REFERENCED LINE D N TE AS BB 1B) Ba1 AND/ GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF 19)No IN THE FIELD 20.) THE SOURCES o PERFORMED S o OTHE PREPARATION L04 OOIO BOUNDARY ACE 158 �LANDS SPJATE, LYING AND BEING IN MIAMI-DACE CCURIY, FLORIDA )HTHIS TO BE DlsvuOED AT A SCALE CF CNE WEST om 33.0 I I I I I 5.6T' WEST AT FON E LU,2 PORTION OE SEC. 36-53-41 I(NO ID) SOUTH FENCE n N.E. 19TH_5TR rJs so DFOIT<,m reI�1-of-w<Y u T .renvLw% 1 UA P.O.B. IN o� N R Two. Pa sv ry FO wD1lo) �.R CII 197 85' .motr, FENCE SIGN IO 0.23 NORTH 1/4 c . /4. EJOGIVPrear1N/ir A P RANGE 41 EAST LYING AND BEING TOADE�COUNTY. FLORIDA (NOT TO PZ-23-15951 09/28/23 ABBREVIATIONS AND LEGEND: =DENOTES BASIS OF BEARINGS ENT CONTRIX p- o 100 l'.) (re) _ %� ENT =DENOTES ELEVATION ....DIES v.PIPP VALVE =DENOTES CATCH BASIN =DENOTES AIR CONDI-KN. UNIT ,:ENOTES. Baia. P. 0/ =DENOTES LE0ONE(ELLS�H) DENOTE FIELD DATE CF SURVEY. 06-28-2021 BENCH MARK: B 243 ELEVATION: FLOOD ZONE: 13.98 (NGVD.29) ELEVATION: N/A PANEL: 12086C0312 COMMUNITY: 120650 DATE OF FIRM: 09-11-2009 SUFFIX: DATE 06-28-2021 DRAWN BY SCALE REVISION / UPDATE OF SURVEY DATE N/A L ANO14.1.,1RK 77"7 PHONE (3.)556 '4'400FL FA, 3.)556-4ro3 DESCRIPTION N/A JOB No. 2105-0342 UNLESS °THU.. NOTE, SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION: I HEREBY CERTIFY TO THE BEST CF KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF THAT THIS "MAP OF BOUNDARY MY DIRECTION THAT ANDEETTS THE REPRESENTATION PANDAR STOFF PRACTICE ASS SEPREPARED RFOR H BVNRHE STATE OF FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS IN CHAPTER D ITS 5J-17 050 THROUGH 5J-17.052 OF THE FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE IMPLEMENTING LAW. PURSUANT TO CHAPTER e 202. FLORID STATUTE SIGNED FOR THE FIRM NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE CRIGINPAL RAISED SSEEAL OFAAEFLORDARID FINOW EN CONSOENT OF THE 9 NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICELECTRONICSIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. EXHIBIT "A" SKETCH: AND L ELGA L DmiscruPorPronr PROJECT LOCATION RNi t9T41 TER lj V.E. 1 9TH ST. NE 14TH ST City Cemetery NE 11TH TER LOCATION MAP SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 53 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST LYING AND BEING IN MIAMI—DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA (NOT TO SCALE) SURVEYORS NOTES: 1.) THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY, BUT ONLY A GRAPHIC DEPICTION OF THE DESCRIPTION SHOWN HEREON. 2.) THE SOURCES OF DATE USED FOR THE PREPARATION OF THIS SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS "SAN JOSE" RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, AT PAGE 58, AS RECORDED IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY FLORIDA. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION: I HEREBY CERTIFY TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF THAT THIS "SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION" MEETS THE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE AS SET FORTH BY THE STATE OF FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS Digitally signed by Arturo Mendigutia SIGNED Date: zozs.ol.leoe:zs:o1-osoo' FOR THE FIRM ARTURO MENDIGUIIA, P.S.M. P.S.M. No. 5844-STATE OF FLORIDA NOT VALID WTHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS BY OTHER THAN THE SIGNING PARTY OR PAR11ES IS PROHIBITED WTHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE SIGNING PARTY OR PAR11ES AND/OR NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTIC ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL. LEGEND ABBREVIATION DEFINITION R/W P.B. PG. P.O.B. P.O.C. C /L PROPERTY ADDRESS: FOLIO No. 01-3136-000-0021 1852 N.E. 2ND AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33132-1049 RIGHT OF WAY PLAT BOOK PAGE POINT OF BEGINNING POINT OF COMMENCE CENTER LINE MONUMENT LINE AREA OF PROPERTY: 71,438 SQUARE FEET AND/OR 1,640 ACRES MORE OR LESS. THIS DOCUMENT CONSIST OF 3 SHEETS AND NEITHER SHALL BE CONSIDERED FULL, VALID AND COMPLETE WITHOUT THE OTHERS. PARCEL NUMBER: 01-3136-000-0021 LOCATION MAP, SURVEYORS NOTES, PROPERTY ADDRESS Project No.: 2105.0342-01 Drawn by: M.G. SKETCH Approved by: AM SHEET 1 OF 3 51—WWE1rIANG ac ASSOCIATES, [NYC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS L.B. No. 7633 1435 S. W. 87th AVENUE SUITE "201" MIAMI, FL 33174 PHONE: (305) 556-4002 FAX: (305) 556-4003 EMAIL: JFEE@LMSURVEYING.COM DATE: 01-13-2023 Scale: AS SHOWN THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. L EJO L DESCRIPTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION: COMMENCE AT THE N.E. CORNER OF THE N.E. 1/4 OF SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 53 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST; THENCE RUN SOUTHWARDLY ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID N.E. 1/4 OF SECTION 36 FOR A DISTANCE OF 382.13 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF A LINE 50.00 FEET SOUTHERLY OF, AND PARALLEL WITH, THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF BLOCK 2, SAN JOSE, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, AT PAGE 158, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE DEFLECTING TO THE RIGHT 89°02'40" RUN WESTWARDLY ALONG A LINE 50.00 FEET SOUTHERLY OF, AND PARALLEL WITH, THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID BLOCK 2, SAN JOSE, AND ITS EASTERLY PROLONGATION THEREOF FOR A DISTANCE OF 35.97 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE CONTINUE WESTWARDLY ALONG THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSE, THE SAME BEING THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF N.E. 19th STREET, FOR A DISTANCE OF 255.53 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE DEFLECTING TO THE LEFT 89°02'20" RUN SOUTHWARDLY FOR A DISTANCE OF 282.27 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF THE S. 1/4 OF THE N. 1/4 OF THE N.E. 1/4 OF THE N.E. 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 36; THENCE DEFLECTING TO THE LEFT 90°53'39" RUN EASTWARDLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF THE S. 1/4 OF THE N. 1/4 OF THE N.E. 1/4 OF THE N.E. 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 36 FOR A DISTANCE OF 250.04 FEET TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE WESTERLY BASE BUILDING LINE OF N.E. 2nd AVENUE AS ESTABLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF ORDINANCE No.6871, ARTICLE XXV, SECTION 1 (81); THENCE DEFLECTING TO THE LEFT 87°59'36" RUN NOUTHWARDLY ALONG SAID BASE BUILDING LINE FOR A DISTANCE OF 282.70 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 71,395 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS, BEING 1.639 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. PARCEL NUMBER: 01-3136-000-0021 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Project No.: 2105-0342-01 Drawn by: M.G. SKETCH Approved by: AM SHEET 2 CDF 3 SUfiVCIKIAG 8c A551:114CIMC-5, IPWC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS L.B. No. 7633 1435 S.W. 87th AVENUE SUITE "201" MIAMI, FL 33174 PHONE: (305) 556-4002 FAX: (305) 556-4003 EMAIL: JFEE@LMSURVEYI NG. COM Date: 01-13-2023 Scale: N/A THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. SKETPC FE COLV rP A NII L EVJA L DES CJHn rrim n GRAPHIC SCALE 60' 30' 0 30' 60' ( I!V FEET ) 1 Inch = 60 feet OLD MONUMENT LINE (M.A.C.M. SHEET No.23D) N.E. 19TH STREET 10' OFFSET MONUMENT LINE 255.53, (M.A.C.M. SHEET No.23D) CITY OF MIAMI PROPERTY USED WITHOUT DE (CATION) AAS S A PUBLIC THG(M.A.C.M. SHEET No.23D) 5.00'll ,—d P.O.B. of P.O.C. N.E. 1/4 COR.; N.E. 1 /4, SEC.36-53-41 EAST LINE OF SEC.36-53S-41E 9'2'40" 35.97' 20.97' I w I W N I N Itb Z CO f9 11,1 a id N W_ kb Q t7 D 0CK Io 0 41 N _^ Z w '' N N F- U . IL ~ J p D N W D ZI,W O W Z �QW,Z O = F Q U7 0 6d D. 4 10' U.E. M.A.C.M. SHEET No.23D) (0.R.B. 780; PG. 67) 2 50.04' A PORTION OF SEC. 36-53S-41 E - THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. 35.00' 0 J Z U 0 < Q _ Z U O• 1- 0 v U p U H Q O � I 35.00'1--I 26.46�I -20.00- I \ I S EXISTING PROPERTY LINE (M.A.C.M. SHEET No.23D) PARCEL NUMBER: 01-3136-000-0021 EXHIBIT "A" Project No.: 2105-0342-01 Drawn by: M.G. SKETCH Approved by: AM SHEET 3 OF 3 SIJRUEY1IVG ASSOCIATES, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS L.B. No. 7633 1435 S.W. 87th AVENUE SUITE "201" MIAMI, FL 33174 PHONE: (305) 556-4002 FAX: (305) 556-4003 EMAIL: JFEE@a LMSURVEYING.COM Date: 01-13-2023 Scale: 1" = 60' THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY APPLICANT 1. The Department of Resilience and Public Works, Transportation, Coordinated Review Committee and other City and County agencies review zoning public hearing requests and provide input, which may affect the scheduling and outcome of my hearing. These reviews may require additional hearings before other City and County boards, which may result in the modification of plans, studies and/or the proffering of agreements to be recorded. The submission and acceptance of a request for public hearing means that the application is ready to be scheduled for public hearing. 1 am also aware that I must comply promptly with any City or County conditions and notify the Hearing Boards (Hearing Boards) in writing if my public hearing application will be withdrawn. 2. Filing fees may not be the total cost of a hearing. Some requests require notices to be mailed to property owners up to a mile from the subject property and I am responsible for paying the additional radius mailing costs. In addition to mailing costs, I am responsible for additional fees related to application changes, plan revisions, deferrals, re -advertising, etc. that may be incurred. I understand that fees must be paid promptly. The only fees that will be refunded after the submission and acceptance of an application for public hearing has occurred will be the surcharge fees related to appeals, as expressly listed in Chapter 62 of the City Code (Code). 3. Requests for public hearing will be scheduled by the Hearing Boards in accordance with the scheduling timeline set forth in the Code and the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami (Miami 21), as applicable. I must submit any requests to reschedule, continue or defer my hearing date to the attention of the decision -making body for its consideration and vote at the public hearing on which my application is scheduled to be heard. I understand that any requests by the applicant to reschedule, continue or defer the hearing date that are granted shall incur a $1,000.00 fee, as per the Code. 4. Applicable Florida Building Code requirements, or other applicable requirements, may affect my ability to obtain a building permit even if my zoning application is approved; and a building permit will probably be required. l am responsible for obtaining any required permits and inspections for all structures and additions proposed, or built, without permits. In addition, a Certificate of Use (C.U.) must be obtained for the use of the property after it has been approved at a zoning public hearing. Failure to obtain the required permits and/or C.U., Certificates of Completion (C.C,), or Certificate of Occupancy (C.O.) will result in an enforcement action against any occupant and owner. Submittal of the zoning public hearing request may not forestall enforcement action against the property. 5. If my request is denied, deferred, or otherwise not approved, I understand that 1 will not be reimbursed for any fees paid. 6. Any requests by the applicant to reschedule, continue or defer the hearing date that are granted shall incur a $1,000,00 fee, as per the Code. 7. Any covenant to be voluntarily proffered must be submitted in word format to the Planning Department and to the Office of the City Attorney through ePlan for review and comments from the Planning Department, Office of the City Attorney, and any other City departments as deemed necessary. The covenant will be reviewed in ePlan and the applicant will be notified of any necessary changes, corrections or comments through ePlan. Once the covenant receives a recommendation of approval from the Planning department and as to legal form, Hearing Boards staff will extract the approved covenant directly from ePlan to include as part of the agenda. The applicant is responsible to submit to the Hearing Boards the signed covenant with a current Opinion of Title no later than two (2) weeks prior to the initial public hearing. 1 understand that any requests by the applicant to reschedule, continue or defer the hearing date that are granted shall incur a $1,000.00 fee, per instance, as per the Code. Acknowledgment by Applicant Updated 08.13.2020 Page 1 of 4 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. 8. Any and all documents submitted must be accompanied by a cover letter indicating the subject matter, application number and hearing date. la uc-#'a Applicant(s) Name Printed EIS-OrriO} iLL r'OI!- i tat -& P1m► t STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of[%physical presence or © online notarization, this 11. S p f , 20 2.3 by )t)4!I De boloitt, (name of person acknowledging), who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification, [Notary Seal] 1 s — Y Notary Public ISABEL MONTOTO Notary Public - State of Florida Commission # GG 939512 oxt+ My Comm. Expires Dec 14, 2023 Bonded through National Notary Assn. 7 sob / /V/ Ofi loll' Name typed, printed or stamped My Commission Expires: r ! r4 / THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. AFFIDAVIT OF AUTHORITY TO ACT Before me this day, the undersigned personally appeared Nicholas J. Barshel who being by me first deposes and says: 1. Tha h&ishe is the owner or the legal representative of the owner, submitting the public hearing applica ion as required by the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, affecting the real property located in the City of Miami, as listed on the foregoing pages. 2. That all owners who he/she represents, if any, have given his/her full and complete permission for him/her to act in his/her behalf for the change or modification of a classification or regulation of zoning as set out in the foregoing petition, B including or 0 not including responses to day-to-day City staff inquires. 3. That the foregoing and following pages are part of this affidavit and contain the current names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers and legal descriptions of the real property of which he/she is the owner or legal representative. 4. That the facts, as represented in the application and documents submitted in conjunction with this affidavit, are true and correct. 5. That a refund, if any, by the City is to be issued to the following person at the address indicated: Shari Debowsky, Executive Director, 137 NE 19 ST, Miami, FL, 33132 Further Affiant sayeth riot. Applicant(s) Name Printed Applicants) Signature STATE OF FLORIDA -- COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing was acknowl dged before me this 1 3 day of ePtt rag r 20) , by IV 1 l i t!/ i4'YL a ) who is a(n) individual/partner/agent/corporation of MI rmemi LLP a(n) individual/partnership/corporation. He/She is' .i personally known to me or 0 who has produced — as identification and who ❑ did X[ did not take an oath. (Stamp) Rev, .10-18 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. CITY OFMIAMI DISCLOSURE OF CONSIDERATION PROVIDED OR COMMITTED FOR AGREEMENT TO SUPPORT OR WITHHOLD OBJECTION The City of Miami requires any person or entity requesting approval relief or other action from the City Commission or any of its boards, authorities, agencies, councils or committees, to disclose at the commencement (or continuance) of the hearing(s) on the issue, any consideration provided or committed, directly or on its behalf, to any entity or person for an agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested approval, relief or action. "Consideration" includes any gift, payment, contribution, donation, fee, commission, promise or grant of any money, property, service, credit or financial assistance of any kind or value, whether direct or implied, or any promise or agreement to provide any of the foregoing in the future. Individuals retained or employed by a principal as a lobbyist as defined in Sec. 2- 653, and appearing before the City Commission or any of its boards, authorities, agencies, councils or committees solely in the capacity of a lobbyist and not as the applicant, or owners' legal representative are not required to fill out this form. Name: First Name: I1 Middle Name: . Last Name: Home Address: Home Address Line 1: 137 NE 19 ST Home Address Line 2: City: Miami State: Florida Zip: 33132 Contact Information: Horne Phone Number: 3°5-573-590° Cell Phone Number: Fax Number: Email: sdebowsky ce 7r templeisrael.net BOSSINESS or APPLICANT or ENTITY NAME Address Line 1: Temple Israel of Greater Miami, Inc. Address Line 2: 137 NE 19 ST, Miami, FL, 33132 Doc. No.:86543 Page 1 of 3 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. CITY OFMIAMI DISCLOSURE OF CONSIDERATION PROVIDED OR COMMITTED FOR AGREEMENT TO SUPPORT OR WITHHOLD OBJECTION Please describe the issue for which you are seeking approval, relief or other action from the City Commission, board, authority, agency, council, or committee. FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT AND REZONING ❑F PROPERTY AT 1852 NE 2ND AVENUE Has any consideration been provided or committed, directly or on your behalf, to any entity or person for an agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested approval, relief or action? NO If your answer to Question 2 is No, do not answer questions 3, 4 & 5 proceed to read and execute the Acknowledgment. if your answer to Question 2 is Yes, please answer questions 3, 4 & 5 and read and execute the Acknowledgement. 1. Please provide the name, address and phone number of the person(s) or entities to whom consideration has been provided or committed. • Name of Person/Entity: NIA • Phone Number of Person/Entity: NIA • Address of Person/Entity: NIA 2. Please describe the nature of the consideration NIA 3. Describe what is being requested in exchange for the consideration. N/A Doc. No.:86543 Page 2 of 3 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. CITY OFMIAMI DISCLOSURE OF CONSIDERATION PROVIDED OR COMMITTED FOR AGREEMENT TO SUPPORT OR WITHHOLD OBJECTION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COMPLIANCE I hereby acknowledge that it is unlawful to employ any device, scheme or artifice to circumvent the disclosure requirements of Ordinance 12918 and such circumvention shall be deemed a violation of the Ordinance; and that in addition to the criminal or civil penalties that may be imposed under the City Code, upon determination by the City Commission that the foregoing disclosure requirement was not fully and timely satisfied the following may occur: 1. the application or order, as applicable, shall be deemed void without further force or effect; and 2. no application from any person or entity for the same issue shall be reviewed or considered by the applicable board(s) until expiration of a period of one year after the nullification of the application or order. PERSON SUBMITTING DISCLOSURE: Print Narne 'A Sworn to and subscribed before The foregoing instrument was wh as produced 5 T a ri hPbt, 3 did/did not take an oath. I IL me this 1.� day of 6 '/e r 7 j e k , 200. 3 . acknowledged before me by STATE OF FLORIDA CITY OF MIAMIMY COMMISSION EXPIRES: as identification and/or is personally known to me and who yr'iu`a, ISABEL MONTOTO Notary Public - State of Florida JJ Commission # GG 439512 Ay Comm. Expires Dec 14, 2023 ' ° Bonded through National Notary Assn. Doc. No.:86543 Page 3 of 3 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. DISCLOSURE OF OWNERSHIP List the owner(s) of the subject property and percentage of ownership. Note: The Miami City Code requires all parties making any presentation, formal request or petition to the City Commission or any City board with respect to any real property to make full disclosure, in writing, of all parties having a financial interest, either direct or indirect, in the subject matter of said presentation, formal request or petition. Such disclosure shall include, but not be limited to, disclosure of all natural persons having an ownership interest, direct or indirect, in the subject real property. Accordingly, disclosure of shareholders of corporations, beneficiaries of trusts, and/or any other interested parties, together with their address(es) and proportionate interest are required. Please supply additional lists, if necessary. Owner's Name(s) TEMPLE ISRAEL, OF GREATER MIAMI, INC. Percentage of Ownership 100% Subject Property Address(es) 1852 NE 2 AVE List all street address(es) and legal description(s) of any property located within 500 feet of the subject property owned by any and all parties listed in question #1 above. Please supply additional lists, if necessary. Street Address(es): 137NE19ST 109 NE 19 ST Legal Description(s): SAN JOSE SUB, PB 3-158, LOTS 2 THRU 10 LESS N5FT & LESS E2OFT FOR ST BLK 2 SAN JOSE SUB, PB 3-156, LOTS 11 THRU 14 LESS NSFT BLK 2 Sh av-i I'Deicowkl Owner(s) or Attorney Name Owneris) or Attorne ` ignature STATE OF FLORIDA -- COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing was acknowledged before me this I day of Sep . i i b-e f` 20 3 , by lG Af, Saow k` , & WfltJE D[ILt-rOg._ who is a(n) individual/partner/agent/corporation of 1e.,+l ,iz' .,rciei M €wii . a(n) individual/partnership/corporation. He/She is J personally known to me or ❑ who has produced as identification and who C] did ►+ did not take an oath. )11_ -611 Signature +*' 1SAUL HONTOTO Notary Public • State of Florida Commission # GG 939512 MY Comm. Expires Dec 14, 2023 Bonded through National Notary Assn, Rev. 10-18 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. State of Florida Department of State I certify from the records of this office that TEMPLE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI, INC. is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Florida, filed on February 21, 1992. The document number of this corporation is N47495. I further certify that said corporation has paid all fees due this office through December 31, 2023, that its most recent annual report/uniform business report was filed on July 6, 2023, and that its status is active. I further certify that said corporation has not filed Articles of Dissolution. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida at Tallahassee, the Capital, this the Sixth day of July, 2023 Secretary of Late Tracking Number: 9532448864CC To authenticate this certificate,visit the following site,enter this number, and then follow the instructions displayed, https://services.sunbiz.orglFilings/CertificateOfStatuslCertificateAuthentication THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Prepared by and return to: Nicholas J. Barshel, Esq. Akerman LLP 98 SE 7 Street, Suite 1100 Miami, Florida 33131 POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, that TEMPLE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI, INC. has made, constituted and appointed, and by these presents do make, constitute and appoint NEISEN KASDIN and NICHOLAS BARSHEL true and lawful attorneys for them and in their stead to execute all documents and instruments required with respect to their application for (i) a future land use map amendment and (ii) a rezoning for the property located at 1852 NE 2nd Avenue (File Nos. PZ-23-15950 and PZ-23-1 5951) submitted with and to the City of Miami, Florida, giving and granting unto NEISEN KASDIN and NICHOLAS BARSHEL, their said attorneys, full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done with respect to the application as fully, to all intents and purposes, as he might or could do if personally present, with full power of substitution and revocation, hereby ratifying and confirming all that said attorneys or his substitute shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my/our hand(s) and seal(s) this ) Z day of SE'TE 1itEEK—. , 2023. STATE OF [aY; CI COUNTY OF t; rsuA(�P_ TEMPLE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI, INC., a Florida not for profit corporation ) By: Name: Cot' R • oc.0 - Title: jy e . rho The foregoing instrument was aclinowledged before me by 4 physical presence or [ ] online notarization this II! day of t e 41 Hit 12t(, 2023 by 5110 Vi Deiieu y , the 6 mwf� ve, ! i rea—ovr of TEMPLE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI, INC , a Florida not for profit corporation. He/She is personally known to me or presented as identification and who did not take an oath. ISABEL mONTOTO Notary Public • State of Florida Commission N GG 43P512 ,or h1y Comm. Expires Dec 14, 2023 Bonded through National Notary Assn. -) 1 Notary Public, State of florifeiA NOTARY SEAL/ STAMP Print Name morykID 72656586; I 2022 FLORIDA NOT FOR PROFIT CORPORATION AMENDED ANNUAL REPORT DOCU M ENT # N47495 Entity Name: TE M PLE I SR A EL OF GR EA TER M IA M I, INC. Current Principal Place of Business: 137 N.E. 1 9ST R EET 137 N.E. 1 9TH ST R EET MIAMI, FL 3 313 2 Current Mailing Address: 1 37 N.E. 1 9 ST R EET 13 7 N.E. 1 9TH STR EET MIAMI, FL 33132 US FILED Jul 06, 2022 Secretary of State 1778161038CC FEI Number: 59-0683270 Certificate of Status Desired: N o Name and Address of Current Registered Agent: GR EENBER G, JA CQU ELI NE 137 N.E. 1 9ST R EET M IA M I, FL 3 313 2 US The above named entity submits this statement for the purpose of changing its registered office or registered agent, or both, in the State of Florida. SIGNA T U R E: JA CQU ELI NE GR EENBER G 07 /06/ 2022 Elec tronic Signat ur e of R egist er ed A gent Officer/Director Detail : Title VP -FI NA NCE Title PR ESID ENT Name GR EENBER G, JA CQU ELI NE DAVIE Name LA MB,M ARC Address 137N.E.1 9ST REET Address 137N. E.19STR EET 137 N.E. 1 9TH ST R EET 137 N.E. 1 9TH ST R EET Cit y-St at e-Zip: M IA M I FL 3 313 2 Cit y-St ate -Zip: M IA M I FL 3 313 2 Title EX ECU TIV E D IR ECTOR Title PA ST PR ESID ENT Name DEBOWSK Y,SHA RI Name TEITELBA UM,MARK Address 137N.E.1 9ST REET Address 137N. E.19STR EET 137 N.E. 1 9TH ST R EET 137 N.E. 1 9TH ST R EET Cit y-St at e-Zip: M IA M I FL 3 313 2 Cit y-St ate -Zip: M IA M I FL 3 313 2 Da to I hereby certify that the information indicated on this report or supplemental report is true and accurate and that my electronic signature shall have the same legal effect as if made under oath; that I am an officer or director of the corporation or the receiver or trustee empowered to execute this report as required by Chapter 617, Florida Statutes; and that my name appears above, or on an attachment with all other like empowered. SIGNA TU R E: JA CQU ELI NE D GR EENBER G VP, F INA NCE 07 /06/ 2022 Elec tronic Signat ur e of Signing Of ficer /D irec tor Detail Da te THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. DISCLOSURE AFFIDAVIT OF NO MONIES DUE TO THE CITY 03-05-2021 In accordance with Section 2-208 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, ("City Code") titled, "New permits prohibited, non- homestead properties", permits shall not be issued for a non -homestead property with any outstanding code enforcement violations, building violations, or any relevant city lien or invoice due and owing to the City. Permits required to cure life safety issues, permits which are required to bring outstanding violations into compliance, or permits for any properties owned by a governmental entity are exempted from this prohibition. Each owner for each address listed as a party to the application needs to sign and submit this disclosure/affidavit. If an omission is the result of City of Miami oversight, then the City will notify the applicant and provide time for the applicant to resolve the issue within ninety (90) days. The project can be terminated by the City of Miami after the 90th day. Note: If you are a lessee on City of Miami -owned property, you must contact the Department of Real Estate and Asset Management to have this form completed by an authorized person. Name (title and name of entity as well, if applicable): Temple Israel of Greater Miami, Inc. Address/ City / State / Zip: 1852 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami, Florida, 33142 Phone No: 305.573.5900 Email: sdebowsky@templeisrael.net 1 Marc Lamb, as President hereby certify that all the addresses listed on this application are (please check one of the following): [ ] homestead properties. [ ] non -homestead properties, and that there are no open code enforcement violations, building violations, City liens, or invoices due and owing to the City on any of the addresses listed on this application. I certify that any City of Miami covenants on the properties are in full compliance and no associated monies due to the City. I certify there are no past due rent payments or associated interest due to the City for any of the addresses listed on this application. [x] non -homestead properties that have open code enforcement violations, building violations, City liens, and/or invoices due and owing to the City. Please explain (required): The City has notified us of two open code violations: 1) Case #: 00009007 Violation 2107-Parking on unimproved surfaces 2) Case #: 00009007 Violation 1698- Failure to register vacant lot I understand this application shall be terminated after ninety (90) days should any of the addresses listed on this application be found to not be in compliance with Section 2-208 of the City Code or with any covenant conditions attached to the land. Signature of the Property Owner Datl } State of Florida } County of Miami -Dade 2t-V 2„? online notarization this(Q day of tIden. G - 20 3 , by Personally known)or Produced Identification ( ) Iden 1k4pe of tific 'ion produced '(SEAL) n to and subscribed before me by means of ) physical presence OR Je-ditei r� Y.Poe-., ISABEL MONTOTO �= Notary Public - State of.Flppf�pp ,'r "� Commission q.GG 439512 "" ''.aF, °' My Comm. Expires Dec 14, 2023 0 Bonded through National Notary Assn. Ar--•.,..- ..Y . -'. , =' -,r - , .� - , of 1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. rdr miami I public hearing notification services certified lists of property owners within a specific radius + radius maps + mailing labels + mailoufs + notice of public hearing site posting rdrmiami.com I diana@rdrmiami.com 1305.498.1614 September 11, 2023 City of Miami Hearing Boards Miami Riverside Center 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami, FL 33130 Re: Property owner information required for public hearing mail noticing (500' radius): 1852 NE 2 Avenue, Miami, FL 33132 (Folio: 01-3136-000-0021) Total number of property owners, excluding individual condos, including associations: 47 I certify that the attached ownership list and map are a complete and accurate representation of the real estate property and property owners within a 500-foot radius of the subject property listed above. This information reflects the most current records on file in the Miami -Dade County Tax Assessor's Office. I also understand that a new list will be requested by the City of Miami Hearing Boards if it is determined the property owner information list initially submitted is older than six (6) months. Sincerely, Diana B. Rio RDR Miami I Rio Development Resources 305.498.1614 diana@rdrmiami.com THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. rdr miami I public hearing notification services certified lists of property owners within a specific radius + radius maps + mailing labels + mailoufs + notice of public hearing site posting rdrmiami.com 1 diana@rdrmiami.com 1305.498.1614 500' RADIUS MAP (N.T.S.) A. 1852 NE 2 Avenue, Miami, FL 33132 (Folio: 01-3136-000-0021) THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. OWNER'S NAME(S) 111 NE 20TH ST LLC 114 119 NE 20TH LLC 120 NE 20TH STREET LLC 120 NE 20TH STREET LLC 120 NE 20TH STREET LLC 1800 BISCAYNE PLAZA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. CIO KW PROPERTY MGMT & CONSU 1900 BISCAYNE PROPERTY OWNER LLC 2000 BISCAYNE FEE OWNER LLC 2020 BISCAYNE BLVD LLC AQOZFI SLP BISCAYNE LLC C/O SKYLIGHT REAL ESTATE PARTNERS ASRR 18 LLC ASRR 18 LLC ASRR 18 LLC ASRR 18 LLC ASRR 18 LLC ASRR 18 LLC ASRR 18 LLC BLOCK 18 LLC BLOCK 18 LLC BLOCK 18 LLC BRAMAN HYUNDAI INC BRAMAN HYUNDAI INC BRAMAN LEIBOWITZ GAS STATION LLC BRAMAN LEIBOWITZ MIAMI DOWNTOWN PROPERTIES II LLC BRAMAN LEIBOWITZ TEMPLE LOTS LLC BRAMAN-LEIBOWITZ MIAMI DOWNTOWN PROPERTIES I LLC BRAMAN-LEIBOWITZ MIAMI DOWNTOWN PROPERTIES I LLC CITY OF MIAMI-DEPT OF P&D ASSET MANAGEMENT DIVISION CITY OF MIAMI-DEPT OF P&D ASSET MANAGEMENT DIVISION DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS INC EDGEWATER 19 LLC EDGEWATER 19 LLC EDGEWATER 19 LLC EDGEWATER 20 LLC EDGEWATER 20 LLC EDGEWATER 20 LLC EDGEWATER 20 LLC F E C RR LEIBOWITZ ASSOCIATES MORE MUSIC PUBLISHING INC PRINCE ALBERT LLC REBUILD MIAMI EDGEWATER LLC C/O RICHARD MERUELO S BISCAYNE LLC C/O STILES CORPORATION TEMPLE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI TEMPLE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI TEMPLE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI FL THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. TRANSITANDO LLC THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. MAILING STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE COUNTRY 264 NAVARRE DR MIAMI SPRINGS FL 33166 USA 264 NAVARRE DR MIAMI SPRINGS FL 33166 USA 2060 BISCAYNE BLVD 2 FLOOR MIAMI FL 33137 USA 2060 BISCAYNE BLVD 2 FLOOR MIAMI FL 33137 USA 2060 BISCAYNE BLVD 2 FLOOR MIAMI FL 33137 USA 8200 NW 33 ST STE 300 MIAMI FL 33122 USA 666 5 AVE FLR 15 NEW YORK NY 10103 USA 666 5 AVE 15 FL NEW YORK NY 10103 USA 2060 BISCAYNE BLVD 2ND FLR MIAMI FL 33137 USA 27 UNION SQUARE WEST 503 NEW YORK NY 10003 USA 261 MADISON AVE 27 FLOOR NEW YORK NY 10016 USA 261 MADISON AVE 27 FLOOR NEW YORK NY 10016 USA 261 MADISON AVE 27 FLOOR NEW YORK NY 10016 USA 261 MADISON AVE 27 FLOOR NEW YORK NY 10016 USA 261 MADISON AVE 27 FLOOR NEW YORK NY 10016 USA 261 MADISON AVE 27 FLOOR NEW YORK NY 10016 USA 261 MADISON AVE 27 FLOOR NEW YORK NY 10016 USA 600 MADISON AVE 20 FL NEW YORK NY 10022 USA 600 MADISON AVE 20 FLR NEW YORK NY 10022 USA 600 MADISON AVE 20 FL NEW YORK NY 10022 USA 2060 BISCAYNE BLVD 2ND FLOOR MIAMI FL 33137 USA 2060 BISCAYNE BLVD 2ND FLOOR MIAMI FL 33137 USA 2060 BISCAYNE BLVD 2 FLOOR MIAMI FL 33137 USA 2060 BISCAYNE BLVD 2 FLR MIAMI FL 33137 USA 2060 BISCAYNE BLVD 2ND FLOOR MIAMI FL 33137 USA 2060 BISCAYNE BLVD 2 FLR MIAMI FL 33137 USA 2060 BISCAYNE BLVD 2 FLR MIAMI FL 33137 USA 444 SW 2 AVE STE #325 MIAMI FL 33130 USA 444 SW 2 AVE STE #325 MIAMI FL 33130 USA PO BOX 2710 ROANOKE VA 24001 USA 3921 ALTON RD 465 MIAMI BEACH FL 33140 USA 3921 ALTON RD 465 MIAMI BEACH FL 33140 USA 3921 ALTON RD 465 MIAMI BEACH FL 33140 USA 3921 ALTON RD STE 465 MIAMI BEACH FL 33140 USA 3921 ALTON RD STE 465 MIAMI BEACH FL 33140 USA 3921 ALTON RD STE 465 MIAMI BEACH FL 33140 USA 3921 ALTON RD STE 465 MIAMI BEACH FL 33140 USA 7150 PHILIPS HIGHWAY JACKSONVILLE FL 32256 USA 2060 BISCAYNE BLVD 2ND FLR MIAMI FL 33137-5024 USA 264 NAVARRE DR MIAMI SPRINGS FL 33166 USA 6600 NW 74 AVE MIAMI FL 33166 USA 2800 BISCAYNE BLVD STE 500 MIAMI FL 33137 USA 301 E LAS OLAS BLVD 5TH FL FT LAUDERDALE FL 33301 USA 137 NE 19 ST MIAMI FL 33132 USA 137 NE 19 ST MIAMI FL 33132 USA 137 NE 19 ST MIAMI FL 33132-1010 USA THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. 2451 BRICKELL AVE 12A MIAMI FL 33129 USA THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. FOLIO NUMBER FOLIO NUMBER ' 0131250180100 ' 0131250180100 ' 0131250180090 ' 0131250180090 ' 0131360020080 ' 0131360020080 ' 0131360020100 ' 0131360020100 ' 0131360020130 ' 0131360020130 ' 0132310590001 ' 0132310590001 ' 0132310030080 ' 0132310030080 ' 0132310010120 ' 0132310010120 ' 0132300320160 ' 0132300320160 ' 0132310780010 ' 0132310780010 ' 0132310030950 ' 0132310030950 ' 0132310030960 ' 0132310030960 ' 0132310030970 ' 0132310030970 ' 0132310030980 ' 0132310030980 ' 0132310030990 ' 0132310030990 ' 0132310031000 ' 0132310031000 ' 0132310031010 ' 0132310031010 ' 0132310030260 ' 0132310030260 ' 0132310280010 ' 0132310280010 ' 0132310030160 ' 0132310030160 ' 0132300320180 ' 0132300320180 ' 0132310020081 ' 0132310020081 ' 0131250180010 ' 0131250180010 ' 0132310010160 ' 0132310010160 ' 0131360020010 ' 0131360020010 ' 0131360020140 ' 0131360020140 ' 0131360020170 ' 0131360020170 ' 0131360000020 ' 0131360000020 ' 0131360000030 ' 0131360000030 ' 0132310030150 ' 0132310030150 ' 0131360020250 ' 0131360020250 ' 0131360020260 ' 0131360020260 ' 0131360020270 ' 0131360020270 ' 0131250180040 ' 0131250180040 ' 0131250180050 ' 0131250180050 ' 0131250180070 ' 0131250180070 ' 0131250180080 ' 0131250180080 ' 0131360000089 0131360000089 ' 0131360010010 ' 0131360010010 ' 0131250180120 ' 0131250180120 ' 0132310031040 ' 0132310031040 ' 0131360910010 ' 0131360910010 ' 0132310410010 ' 0132310410010 ' 0131360020200 ' 0131360020200 ' 0131360020240 ' 0131360020240 ' 0131360000021 ' 0131360000021 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. ' 0131250180060 ' 0131250180060 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. LEGAL DESCRIPTION W BAYSIDE SUB PB 2-43 N45FT OF S5OFT OF LOT 11 BLK 1 & PROP INT IN & TO COMMON ELEM W BAYSIDE SUB PB 2-43 LOT 10 BLK 1 AND PROP INT IN & TO COMMON ELEMENTS NOT DEDIC, 36 53 41 SAN JOSE SUB PB 3-158 LOT 7 LESS S5FT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 6995 SQUARE FEET COC 23! 36 53 41 SAN JOSE SUB PB 3-158 LOTS 8-9 & 10 LESS S5FT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 20985 SQUARE FEET SAN JOSE SUB PB 3-158 LOT 11 - LESS S5FT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 6995 SQUARE FEET OR 19083-284 1800 BISCAYNE PLAZA CONDO BISC FEDL PLAZA 1ST ADDN PB 116-7 TR B & PORT OF LOT 7 & 31 53 42 MIRAMAR PB 5-4 LOT 1 BLK 2 AND PROP INT IN & TO COMMON ELEMENTS NOT DEDIC' CORAL PARK PB 2-66 LOT 13 & LOT 15 7 LOTS 17 & 17-A & 19 & E22FT OF LOT 19-A PER PB 4-101 BAYSIDE PARK PB 2-40 LOT 7 & W10FT LOT 6 BLK 3 LOT SIZE 60.000 X 105 OR 17606-0196 0497 FIRST HS COURT PB 172-022 T-23346 TR A LOT SIZE 41697 SQ FT M/L FAU 01 3231 003 0270 & 0z MIRAMAR PB 5-4 LOTS 1 & 2 BLK 11 & N1/2 OF ALLEY LYG S & ADJ CLOSED PER RES #19-0320 A MIRAMAR PB 5-4 LOTS 3 & 4 BLK 11 & N1/2 OF ALLEY LYG S & ADJ CLOSED PER RES #19-0320 A MIRAMAR PB 5-4 LOT 5 BLK 11 & S1/2 OF ALLEY LYG N & W1/2 OF ALLEY E & ADJ CLOSED PER I MIRAMAR PB 5-4 LOT 6 BLK 11 & S1/2 OF ALLEY LYG N & E1/2 OF ALLEY W & ADJ CLOSED PER I MIRAMAR PB 5-4 LOT 7 & N31.65FT LOT 8 BLK 11 & PORT OF 10FT ALLEY LYG ADJ CLOSED PER MIRAMAR PB 5-4 LOT 9 & 518.35FT LOT 8 BLK 11 & W1/2 OF ALLEY LYG E & ADJ CLOSED PER RI MIRAMAR PB 5-4 LOT 10 BLK 11 AND PROP INT IN & TO COMMON & E1/2 OF ALLEY LYG W & N5 MIRAMAR PB 5-4 LOTS 13 & 14 BLK 4 AND PROP INT IN & TO COMMON ELEMENTS NOT DEDICA- 31 53 42 .99 AC M/L GRAND UNION REPLAT PB 76-78 TRACTS 1 & 2 LOT SIZE 43124 SQUARE FEE MIRAMAR PB 5-4 LOTS 1 & 2 LESS S49FT BLK 4 AND PROP INT IN & TO COMMON ELEMENTS NO BAYSIDE PARK PB 2-40 LOTS 9 & 10 & LOT 11 LESS W10FT & EXT AREA OF CURVE IN NW COR I CORAL PARK RE -SUB PB 4-106 W3OFT LOT 19-A & ALL LOT 21 LOT SIZE 82.000 X 81 OR 20906-0' W BAYSIDE SUB PB 2-43 LOT 1 LESS S & E1OFT & EXT AREA OF CURVE IN NE & SE COR FOR R/ CORAL PARK PB 2-66 LOT 23 LOT SIZE IRREGULAR OR 12560-4321 0685 2 SAN JOSE SUB PB 3-158 LOT 1 LESS S & NSFT & WSOFT LOT 2 LESS S & NSFT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 1, 36 53 41 SAN JOSE SUB PB 3-158 W125FT OF E145FT OF LOT 12 LESS N1OFT & S11.47 FT & EXT SAN JOSE SUB PB 3-158 ESOFT OF W100 FT LESS S55FT LOT 12 LESS N10FT FOR R/W BLK 1 LC 36 53 41 7.32 AC M/L S1/2 OF N1/2 OF NE1/4 OF NE1/4 LESS BEG 382.13FTS & 35.97FTW OF NE C 36 53 41 10 AC M/L N1/2 OF S1/2 OF NE1/4 OF NE1/4 DB M PAGE 188&N.6FTOFLOTS 1 & 2 & N.( MIRAMAR PB 5-4 LOT 3 & LOT 4 BLK 3 AND PROP INT IN & TO COMMON ELEMENTS NOT DEDIC SAN JOSE SUB PB 3-158 LOT 15 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 145 OR 14196-2146 0789 3 36 53 41 SAN JOSE SUB PB 3-158 N1/2 OF LOT 16 LESS N5FT BLK 2 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 67 OR 17E SAN JOSE SUB PB 3-158 S1/2 OF LOT 16 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 72 OR 20890-3534 12 2002 1 C( W BAYSIDE SUB PB 2-43 LOT 6 BLK 1 AND PROP INT IN & TO COMMON ELEMENTS NOT DEDICA 25 53 41 W BAYSIDE SUB PB 2-43 LOT 7 BLK 1 AND PROP INT IN & TO COMMON ELEMENTS NOT W BAYSIDE SUB PB 2-43 562.5FT LOT 8 BLK 1 AND PROP INT IN & TO COMMON ELEMENTS NOT W BAYSIDE SUB PB 2-43 LOT 9 BLK 1 AND PROP INT IN & TO COMMON ELEMENTS NOT DEDICA MIAMI PROPER CENTRALLY ASSESSED NILES COURT RE -SUB PB 32-36 LOTS 1-2-3 & WSOFT OF LOT 12 LESS N10FT & S55FT OF ESOFT W BAYSIDE SUB PB 2-43 S1/2 OF LOT 12 BLK 1 LESS S5FT & PROP INT IN & TO COMMON ELEME 31 53 42 MIRAMAR PB 5-4 LOTS 12 THRU 14 BLK 11 AND PROP INT IN & TO COMMON ELEMENTS FLORENCE PLAT PB 168-036 T-22281 TR A LOT SIZE 320082 SQ FT M/L FAU 01 3136 003 0050 TH BISC FEDL PLAZA AMD PB 109-77 TRACT A LOT SIZE 83200 SQ FT OR 17254-3267 0696 2 COC 23 SAN JOSE SUB PB 3-158 LOTS 2 THRU 10 LESS NSFT & LESS E2OFT FOR ST BLK 2 LOT SIZE 689 36 53 41 SAN JOSE SUB PB 3-158 LOTS 11 THRU 14 LESS N5FT BLK 2 LOT SIZE 200.000 X 140 OF 36 53 41 1.64 AC BEG 382.13FTS & 35.97FTW OF NE COR OF NE1/4 W ALG S R/W/L NE 19TH ST 2 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. W BAYSIDE SUB PB 2-43 LOT 8 LESS S62.5FT BLK 1 AND PROP INT IN & TO COMMON ELEMENT THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. LOTS 10 THRU 12 OF MIRAMAR PB 5-4 AS DESC IN DEC OR 23981-1388 LOT SIZE 59651 RES #19-0320 AND PROP INT & TO COMMON ELEMENTS NOT DEDICATED TO PUBLIC W & E29FT OF LOT 2 LESS S1OFT FOR R/W BLK 1 AND PROP INT IN & TO COMMON ;OR OF NE1/4 W225.53FT S282.27FT E250.04FT N282.70FT TO POB & LESS BEG 347FTS i 3FT OF LAND ADJ TO SEITTERS ADDN IN 36-53-41 LOT SIZE 435600 SQUARE FEET OF W100FT LOT 12 LESS S11.50FT BLK 1 PER PB 3-158 LOT SIZE 27737 SQ FT 155.53FTS 282.27FTE ALG S B/L S1/2 OF N1/2 OF NE1/4 OF NE1/4 250.04FTN ALG W B/L THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. S NOT DEDICATED TO PUBLIC LOT SIZE 2125 SQUARE FEET OR 17703-1594 0697 4 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. SQ FT M/L 3, 70.33FTE THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. # IRCRAP IRAI l6 18 IB R t r Dear Constituent: Welcome to the City of Miami! This package is intended to provide you with all open Code Enforcement violations and liens attached to the subject property, or properties, as of the current date and time the following report was created. Closed violations and future violations are not included. A violation may become a lien when the property owner does not timely remedy the violation. This report may include two types of liens: Certified liens and non -certified liens. Certified liens have a set amount to be paid. Conversely, most non -certified liens continue to accrue interest or a per diem fine; therefore, those liens must be satisfied with the City as quickly as possible. All outstanding violations and liens must be satisfactorily resolved before the City can issue a Certificate of Use (CU); however, the City inspects all properties prior to the issuance of a CU and those inspections may yield additional items, which must be addressed by the owner at the property prior to issuance of a CU. This search does not include encumbrances, other liens, restrictions or the like, recorded in the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Please contact Miami -Dade County for the aforementioned items. Code Violation/Lien Inquiry Letter Page 1 of 5 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Nicholas Barshel 98 SE 7 ST SUITE 1100 MIAMI FL 33134 City of Miami Property Search Notice 09/13/2023 Per your request (copy attached), the undersigned has searched the records of the Director of Finance in and for the City of Miami, Florida, for any liens and other fees outstanding against the following described property as of: 09/13/2023. The result is valid up to 30 days from the processing date. In addition, due to daily penalty and interest calculations, the amount shown is subject to change as reflected below. Folio Number: Property Address: 01-3136-000-0021 1852 NE 2 AV Legal Description: 36 53 41 1.64 AC BEG 382.13FTS & 35.97FTW OF NE COR OF NE1/4 W ALG S R/W/L NE 19TH ST 255.53FTS 282.27FTE ALG S B/L S1/2 OF N1/2 OF NE1/4 OF NE1/4 250.04FTN ALG W B/L NE 2ND AVE 282.70FT TO POB LOT SIZE 71438 SQUARE FEET Amount Payable On: 09/12/2023 to 10/13/2023 0.00 This notice does not include liens imposed by federal, state, county or City agencies or boards or any other liens recorded in the public records of Miami -Dade County. Erica T. Paschal Finance Director To ensure proper credit of your payment, include a copy of all pages of the property search findings along with your payment and mail to: City of Miami, Treasury Management/Payment Processing, 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 6th Floor, Room 636-1, Miami, FL 33130. If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 2 of 5 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. City of Miami Nicholas Barshel 98 SE 7 ST SUITE 1100 MIAMI FL 33134 09/13/2023 Folio Number: 01-3136-000-0021 Property Address: 1852 NE 2 AV Legal Description: 36 53 41 1.64 AC BEG 382.13FTS & 35.97FTW OF NE COR OF NE1/4 W ALG S R/W/L NE 19TH ST 255.53FTS 282.27FTE ALG S B/L S1/2 OF N1/2 OF NE1/4 OF NE1/4 250.04FTN ALG W B/L NE 2ND AVE 282.70FT TO POB LOT SIZE 71438 SQUARE FEET Property Search Findings - Pending Liens Lien No. (Case Number) Description Address If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 3 of 5 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. City of Miami Nicholas Barshel 98 SE 7 ST SUITE 1100 MIAMI FL 33134 09/13/2023 Folio Number: 01-3136-000-0021 Property Address: 1852 NE 2 AV Legal Description: 36 53 41 1.64 AC BEG 382.13FTS & 35.97FTW OF NE COR OF NE1/4 W ALG S R/W/L NE 19TH ST 255.53FTS 282.27FTE ALG S B/L S1/2 OF N1/2 OF NE1/4 OF NE1/4 250.04FTN ALG W B/L NE 2ND AVE 282.70FT TO POB LOT SIZE 71438 SQUARE FEET Property Search Findings - Open Invoices Invoice Customer No. Lien No. Description Amount Due Sub -Total 0.00 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 4 of 5 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Violations Detail Report Folio Number: 01-3136-000-0021 NO OPEN VIOLATIONS FOUND. Page 5 of 5 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. BUILDING DEPARTMENT Transaction Statement Financial Transaction ID: 1003588 Transaction Date: Aug 9 2023 11:58AM Permit Number: PZ2315951 FEE SUMMARY Akerman LLP 98SE7ST nicholas.barshel@akerman.com (305)982-5538 Fee Category Fee Code Fee Description Quantity Unit Type Amount PLANNING MS-547 TRIP GENERATION STATEMENT FEE-TR-1.1.3 0.0000 N/A $1,000.00 Total: $1,000.00 Rev. Jul/02/2012 Generated on Aug/09/2023 11:58 AM 8/14/23, 1:52 PM secure35.ipayment.com/Miami/my/0/print_version.htm?DOUBLESUBMIT= RD7XE21j2eHGa%2fbpozgvrhzPOP8ZODP4ngIXN... Department of Finance Online Payments Receipt Your Reference Number: 2023226001-277 08/14/2023 1:51:50 PM Web_user TRANSACTIONS If you have a Transaction ID, please click here 2023226001-277-1 TRANS ID: 1003588 BUSINESS NAME: COM Lien Search THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. $1,000.00 $1,000.00 FEE NAME: TRIP GENERATION STATEMENT FEE-TR-1.1.3 TOTAL AMOUNT: $1,000.00 PAYMENT Mastercard Credit Sale CARD NUMBER: ************7498 FIRST NAME: Shari LAST NAME. Debowsky IH III 011101 III i CE2023226001-277 i $1,000.00 https://secure35.ipayment.com/Miami/my/0/print_version.htm?_DOUBLESU BM IT= RD7XE21j2eHGa%2fbpozgvrhzPOP8ZODP4ngIXNoQyLKg%3d 1/1 First Name: Fkeil: t Name: Nicholas Corporation Akemen LIP Address: 98 SE 7 ST City oIM rli !laving Deponent & (Office of Zoning SUBSTITUTED Ir11tY/w wrrlarjenV 'AVMs, E- Plarimog (305) 416-1400 &rig (305) 416-1495 Nicholas Last Name: rrholas.harshe akerrrnncom Comprehensive Plan Application Application Bushel PRIMARY APPLICANT INFORMATIri1 Last Name: Barshel City: MLkM1 State: Email: ncholas.barshei(afrkerrmncom Phone: Florida lip: (305) 982-5538 33131 PRIMARY 0 'NEI1 F' FORbIAT.ION First Name: Last Name: Corporation: Tempi« ]srael ofGreater Mien, Inc. Address: 137 NE 191h Street City: Miami State: Firerii,batshel aakermencomPhone: Project Name: Project Address: City: Master Folio Number. Temple Israel V 1852 NE 2 A Merri 01313 Lot Florida (305 73-5900 Tire 33132 PROJECT .I FORMATION Slate: Florida [Idt Number: Thls submittal needs to be schedule in accordance wilt timeliness Mlarni Cade. The applicade d- renewthe Information at the recommendation 33132 a public hearing e h in the City f n-malung bedywill c hearing to render a final deciaon. -15 95 1 /28 /23 SUBSTITUTED SIGNATURE This submittal needs to be schedule in accordance wilt timeliness Mlarni Cade. The applicade d- renewthe Information at the recommendation That wider the penalty ofpeday, I declare that al the intimation cortaited in this permit application is accurate to the best of rev knowledge. • That NO wars( or istaaation wtti cousi n= prior to dte isstraaxr of a builitg permit and hurt at work will be perforrrod to meet the reglatig corealartion and aorug it this jtritdicti at • I wA in al respects, pctformwork it amanit = with the scope of the prnrit, th c City o tvliarrfs cotes arri al other appiicabhe laws, re ordiances. • That al idarrmtian gien win be acute Arai tint al wart( wtl be done in conlsliancc wih Alt applicable laws rtguhtiog corst udion and • That separate pemtrtt any be award unless specifically cotizrt:d with the submittal of this application • That there maybe edditiwah perrrits wind from other critics. • Fes shot be paid prior to the rcvicw and issuance of dtc perrri, as necessary, • Ferri £es are nor-reftrelablc APPLLCANT First Nam; Nicholas Sigmnee: Data: Last Name: Barshel January 12, 2023 signatures Date: OWNER / OWNER REPRESENTATIVE Nary: ,1/111k1prQL'(l1 a public hearing h in the City of n-malung bedywlll c hearing to render a final deciaon. o 2 Scanned with CamScanner SUBSTITUTED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN APPLICATION Temple Israel Vacant Lot - 1852 NE 2 AVE File Number PZ-23-15951 Index of Documents Document # PZD-0 Index of Documents PAP-1 Comprehensive Plan Application PZD-1 Letter of Intent PZD-2 Applicant Analysis (Future Land Use) PZD-3 Pre -Application Summary Report PZD-4 List of Folio Numbers and Addresses PZD-5 Existing Future Land Use Map PZD-6 Proposed Future Land Use Map PZD-7 Sketch and Legal Description PZD-8 Recorded Deed PZD-9 Ground Level Color Photograph PZD-1 0 School Concurrency Payment ' eceipt PZD-11 IRS Confirmation of Tax Exe► pt Status PZD-1 2 Articles of Incorporation PZD-30 Disclosure Affidavit HB-1 Sketch and Legal D cription HB-2 Acknowledgment • Applicant HB-4 Affidavit of Auth• ity to Act HB-5 Disclosure of A.reement to Support or Withhold Objection HB-6 Disclosure o •wnership HB-8 Certificate .f Status HB-9 Power o Attorney HB-11 List of oard of Directors for Non -Profit HB-13 Disc .sure Affidavit of No Monies Due to the City HB-15 L er and Map of Property Owners within 500 Feet HB-16 !omplete List of Property Owners within 500 Feet HB-1 7 Proof of No Open Code Violations 68215865;1 PUel./ akerma.n SUBSTITUTED UPDATED May 22, 2023 Lakisha Hull, AICP, LEED AP BD+C, Director City of Miami Planning Department 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami, FL 33130 RE: Letter of Intent for FLUM Amendment d Rezonin Companion Application Nos. P -23-15950 and PZ-23-15951 Dear Ms. Hull, Co 0 NOTIC This submittal needs to to schedule in accordance with hmallnes s Miami Code. The applicade d; reMew the Informal -hoe at the recommendation Three Bric 98SE7thStre-��; Miami, Tel: 305 nicholas.barshel@ak - PZ- a public hearing h n the City of ma king body will tic hearing to render a final decision. -15 95 1 /28 /2 VIE man.com - 1852 NE 2 AVE We represent Temple Israel of Grea located at 1852 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami, Zoning Code and the Chapter 62 of th the applicable future land use map (' Specifically, the Applicant reque Transportation, and Utilities to for the reasons set forth bel • r Miami, Inc. ("Applicant"), which owns the property rida, 33142 ("Property").1 Pursuant to the Miami 21 ity's Code of Ordinances, Applicant is seeking to change UM") and zoning designations of the Property at this time. a FLUM change from Major Institutional, Public Facilities, estricted Commercial and a zoning change from CI to T6-368-0, On October 25, 2, we attended a pre -application meeting for this rezoning and FLUM change with Zhaokai in the Planning Department, and have incorporated his feedback into these applications. n conjunction with this Letter of Intent, we are also enclosing all of the required docume s for a rezoning under the criteria in Miami 21 Section and other City checklist. ' ease refer to provided materials under File #PZ-23-15950 where indicated. A. • verview of the Property he Property is a vacant lot at the intersection of NE 19th Street and NE 2nd Avenue. Ac . rding to the enclosed survey prepared by Landmark Surveying and Associates ("Survey"), the P .perty is 71,438 square feet in size (1.64 acres). See Drawing V-1. As indicated on the City of 1 The Miami -Dade Property Appraiser folio number for the Property is 01-3136-000-0021. 3 V4 cons 68094185;2 May 22, 2023 Page 2 SUBSTITUTED Miami's online database, the Property is located in Flood Zone X and outside of Coastal Flood Zone. Although it is surrounded by urban development, the curr Property is essentially an unimproved surface parking lot that provides overflow c an off -site business, with two small accessory concrete storage buildings for that oper is certainly not the highest and best use of the Property and is not consistent with the of the surrounding neighborhood. Below is an aerial overview of existing conditions: This submittal needs to be schedule in accord ance W ih timelines s Miami Code. The applica tie b= revewthe intonation at the recommendation a public heaving h in the City of n-rnakIng bcdywilt lic hearing to render a final eeciaon. -15 95 1 /28 /23 The Property, as outlined in purple a • Ave, has over 280 feet of street frontage on the major thoroughfare of NE 2nd Avenue to th •ast, and over 250 feet of street frontage on NE 19th Street to the north. Applicant also owns e Property directly to the north across NE 19th Street, which houses the Temple Israel of Gre er Miami campus. This religious institution includes the Bertha Abess Sanctuary, the Sop e And Nathan Gumenick Chapel, educational/meeting facilities, and open space. Althou ; these two properties share common ownership, Applicant does not use (nor is required) t• ave parking servicing Temple Israel on the Property. Directly to the wes •f the Property is a paved surface parking lot that is used by patrons of Temple Israel, and ow ed by the City of Miami. Further west on the City -owned property is Biscayne Park and Cit .f Miami Fire Station No. 2. Directly to the south of the Property is the historic Miami City etery, which stretches the equivalent of two city blocks from North Miami Avenue to NE 2nd enue. East of NE 2nd Avenue are urban commercial and residential uses. The P perty is in close proximity to Interstate 95 and U.S. Highway 1, and a short distance to multipl- ransit options, including the MetroMover, MetroRail, Miami Trolley and MetroBus services he City of Miami Trolley map shows two routes easily accessible to the site: Biscayne (Troll- Stop 52, 1900-1999 Biscayne Boulevard heading north, Stop 13, 1832-1864 Biscayne Bo •yard heading south); and Wynwood (Stop 8 2001 N Miami Avenue and Stop 33 at NW 19th S eet, south bound to Omni). The Miami MetroBus also has two routes which both connect at e Omni Station: Route 32, which also connects to the Santa Clara rail and Route 10, which connects north south on NE 2nd Avenue. 68094185;2 May 22, 2023 Page 3 SUBSTITUTED B. Existing and Proposed Designations This submittal needs to be schedule in accord ante with timeliness Miami Code.The applica tie d- - reMewthe information atthe recommendalon Pz- The Applicant's proposed FLUM amendment and rezoning requests are co both the Miami 21 successional zoning requirements and rezoning criteria of Mia requests are also consistent with the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan ("MC specifically support the City's goal of attracting density to this part of the urban core. :elow is a table summarizing the proposed changes to the Property's FLUM and zoning desig .tions: a public hearing h n the City of ma king beay wilt lic hearing to render a final decision. Folio Add. SQ FT/ ACRES Existing FLUM Designation Proposed FLUM Designation E ting oning Proposed Zoning 01-3136- 000-0021 1852 NE 2 AVE 71,438 SF/ 1.64 ac Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transport. & Utilities Restricted Cormier' I CI T6-36B-O The existing FLUM and zoning categories significantly li t the allowable land uses on the Property. Pursuant to Miami 21 Article 4, Table 3, no reside al or lodging development (except dormitories) is allowed on the Property, and office and '.mmercial uses are only allowed by process of Exception. Uses allowed by right are restrict; • to government/institutional functions or non-profit organizations (such as the Temple Isra campus). The existing land use (off -site for -profit car storage) is not consistent with these tegories. And because Applicant does not intend to use the Property as part of Temple Isra , this severely limits the development potential of a large vacant parcel immediately across N nd Avenue from other more urbanized uses. Because the existing designations ' • not permit any residential or lodging development, and several restrict commercial activity hey are inappropriate and inconsistent with the needs of the MCNP. Based on its proximity • the urban core and transit services, the Property is within the designated Omni Residential ' •nsity Increase Area, identified by the MCNP and Article 4, Diagram 9 of Miami 21. As par .f this Density Increase Area, which aims to achieve up to 500 dwelling units per acre, rezon g of this Property is particularly significant in accepting density, because it is surrounded b .ther spaces (such as the Miami City Cemetery) which themselves will not accommodate do town housing nor increase street activity in this neighborhood. Thus, the immediately surro ding blocks would also benefit from this FLUM change and rezoning. C. Surrou ing Neighborhood Context The P .perty is within a small island of government and non-profit civic uses (cemetery, park, and T- ple Israel campus) surrounded by more urban development. Along with the auto uses, the ther low -scale commercial uses most proximate to the Property are zoned for much higher 4ensity and high-rise residential development. What can be seen in the enclosed aerial pho graphy of the surrounding neighborhood is intensive recent development to the east and s• h of the Property. This transitioning area (previously a warehouse and industrial district) enerally extends from the high-rise condominium development on Biscayne Bay to the Florida East Coast (FEC) railway corridor to the west. See Document PZD-2. 68094185;2 May 22, 2023 Page 4 SUBSTITUTED Further afield to the west are industrial zoned properties with low -scale single-family residential. However, the single-family neighborhoods do not int Property and are separated by the FEC railroad corridor and industrial uses. Theref appropriate zoning for the Property is the same as the abutting parcels to the e residential mixed -use towers are transitioning the neighborhood on a stead basis and for more housing opportunities in the downtown area with appropriate services, as i under the local comprehensive plan. As one will see in the zoomed -in 300' photo surrounding neighborhood, there is currently little housing in the immediate a there is a thriving auto sales business nearby, there is also a void in the consis fabric around the site with multiple vacant parcels, particularly along NE 2nd D. Comprehensive Plan/FLUM Analysis This submittal needs to be schedule in accordance with timelines s Miami Code. The applicade d- rewewthe information at the recommendation 0 called for rveys of the a and though cy of the urban venue. a public hearing h in the City of n-rnaking bedywilt lic hearing to render a final decision. -15 95 1 /28 /23 As stated, the Applicant proposes to amend the FLUM desiation of the Property under the MCNP.2 Areas designated as Restricted Commercial allo residential, hotel, office, and commercial uses —which are more appropriate for the Prope than car storage. The Property fronts Restricted Commercial to the east and north of Tema - Israel, and General Commercial to the south of the Miami City Cemetery (where areas de :nated General Commercial allow all activities included in the Restricted Commercial desigtons). The Property's inclusion in the Omni Residential Density Increase Area and close prmity to mixed -use residential/commercial development under this zoning makes it a logical xtension of the relevant FLUM designation. The Property also is not within a Coastal High - zard Area and borders the Downtown Miami Arts & Entertainment District according to the 025 Downtown Miami Master Plan. On this basis, the proposed FLUM mendment for the Property will be consistent with the MCNP, as is also required for the rezing under Miami 21 Section It will further the goals, objectives, and policies of e MNCP, including but not limited to the following: • Policy LU-1.1.7: Land de and redevelopment o range of residents facilities in a wal including pede lopment regulations and policies will allow for the development well -designed mixed -use neighborhoods that provide for the full office, live/work spaces, neighborhood retail, and community ble area and that are amenable to a variety of transportation modes, rianism, bicycles, automobiles, and mass transit. • Polic LU- 1.10: The City's land development regulations will encourage high density residen .1 development and redevelopment in close proximity to Metrorail and Metrr over stations.(See Transportation Policy TR-2.1.3 and Housing Policy HO-1.1.9.) • P.lic LU-1.1.11: The City hereby adopts designation of the City, excluding Virginia Key, Watson Island and the uninhabited islands of Biscayne Bay, that have a land use and zoning classification of Conservation, as an Urban Infill Area pursuant to Miami -Dade The proposed FLUM designation of Restricted Commercial also corresponds with the T6-368-0 rezoning request under the Correspondence Table in the Future Land Use Element of the MCNP (see page 26). 68094185;2 May 22, 2023 Page 5 SUBSTITUTED County's designation of an Urban Infill Area lying generally east o Expressway and including all of the City of Miami. Within this area, the con intensification of development around centers of activity shall be emphas goals of enhancing the livability of residential neighborhoods and the commercial areas. Priority will be given to infill development on vacant parcels, reuse of underutilized land and structures, the redevelopment of substan downtown revitalization and the development of projects that pr transportation (See Policy TR-1.1.1.). Maintenance of transportation I within this designated Urban Infill Transportation Concurrency Except! accordance with the adopted Transportation Corridors level of servi City of Miami Person Trip Methodology as set forth in Objective TR- of the Transportation Element of the MCNP as well as Appendix • Objective LU-1.3: The City will continue to encourage co development within existing commercial, office and utilization and enhance the physical character and encourage the development of well -designed, mixe a variety of uses within a walkable area in acco development standards adopted as a result development regulations and other initiativ industrial activity in areas where the cap exceed the minimum standards for Improvement Element (CIE). This submittal needs to be schedule in accordance with timelines s Mlami Cocle. The applicable d- reviewtheinfnnnaGan at the recommendation a public heaving h in the City of n-malung bcdywilt ac hearing to render a final deciaon. -15 95 1 /28 /23 and sites, ote public els of service Area shall be in standards and the 7 and related Policies -1. ercial, office and industrial dustrial areas; increase the ppearance of existing buildings; se neighborhoods that provide for ance with neighborhood design and f the amendments to the City's land s; and concentrate new commercial and city of existing public facilities can meet or el of Service (LOS) adopted in the Capital • Policy LU-1.3.5: The City will '.ntinue to promote through its land development regulations, the creation of hiintensity activity centers which may be characterized by mixed -use and specialty cen 'r development. Such activity centers will be in accordance with the Comprehensive ighborhood Plan and neighborhood design and development standards adopted as a -suit of amendments to the City's land development regulations and other initiatives. • PolicyLU-1.3.15: existing neig employmen e City will continue to encourage a development pattern that enhances orhoods by developing a balanced mix of uses including areas for shopping, housing, and recreation in close proximity to each other. • Ob ecti - LU-1.4: Continue the growth of Downtown Miami, expand its role as a center of dom:. tic and international commerce, further its development as a regional center for the pe ; orming arts and other cultural and entertainment activities and develop an urban sidential base. Policy LU-1.4.9: The City will continue to promote rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of vacant and underutilized spaces and provide incentives for rehabilitation of older buildings in downtown. 68094185;2 May 22, 2023 Page 6 SUBSTITUTED This submittal needs to be schedule in cord anwith timelines s Miamite Code.The applicade d- - rewew the information at the recommendation • Policy LU-1.4.10: The City will continue to develop modifications to existi with the intent of providing greater flexibility in the design and implementat use developments within the general Downtown area and particularly along River up to and including 5th Street consistent with the Port or Miami River Sub- • Goal LU-3: Encourage urban redevelopment in identified Urban Infill Are Redevelopment Areas. • Policy LU-3.1.1: Continue review of existing zoning regulations to det adequate flexibility to promote redevelopment with a mix of uses Urban Redevelopment Areas and, if not, revise said existing zo new zoning regulations to promote redevelopment. a public hearing h in the City of n-rnaking bcdywill tic hearing to render a final decision. -15 95 1 /28 /23 and Urban ine if they provide Urban Infill Areas or ng regulations or adopt • Goal LU-4: Incentivize sustainable, affordable housi solutions while continually improving the quality of life for all who live in the City r Miami. • Policy TR-1.1.4: The City will implement growt redevelopment in order to take advantage o available, thereby reducing the dependency • Policy HO-1.1.3: The City will conti redevelopment plans and programs rehabilitate old, residential structur with private sector developmen neighborhoods. strategies that encourage infill and the multimodal transportation options automobiles for new developments. e to develop comprehensive neighborhood at encourage private developers to build new, or and ensure that public investments are coordinated to increase the overall attractiveness of redeveloping • Goal HO-2: Achieve a Iiva ' e city center with a variety of urban housing types for persons of all income levels in a alkable, mixed -use, urban environment. • Policy TR-1.1.5: Th, City will encourage new development to be structured to reinforce a pattern of neig orhoods and urban centers by focusing growth along transit corridors and around trsit nodes and centers. • Polic TR 1.3: The City will encourage increased density of development within walking distan of transit corridors and Metrorail stations (as referenced in Policy LU-1.1.10. and HO- .9). • olic TR-2.2.3: The City will continue to support the trolley system (as illustrated in Map TR-5.2 within Appendix TR-1, the Data Inventory and Analysis section) that provides feeder services and first-mile/last-mile connections to regional, premium transit options such as Metrorail, Metromover, and Tri-Rail. 68094185;2 May 22, 2023 Page 7 SUBSTITUTED • Objective TR-2.7: Encourage transit -supportive development patterns walkable, mixed use neighborhoods that help to increase transit rid automobile trips, and provide increased mobility for all people. • Policy TR-2.7.1: The City will preclude land uses within 1/2 mile of a transit Metrorail stations, and Metromover stations that are not conducive to p is transit ridership such as car dealerships, car -oriented food establishments, and co ainer yards. Conversely, the City will support the expanded development and design of transit system that helps shape the desired land use patterns. This submittal needs to be schedule in accordance with timelines s Miami Code. The applicable d; revewlhe intorrnabon at the recommendation a public heaving h in the City of n-rnalung bedywilt lic hearing to render a final decision. -15 95 1 /28 /23 Furthermore, the requested FLUM amendment from Major Instit onal, Public Facilities, Transportation, and Utilities to Restricted Commercial complies with e small-scale land use amendment adoption procedures set forth in §163.3187 of the FloriStatutes (2022), because the proposed FLUM amendment at the Property meets the follow g criteria: • Involves a use of 50 acres or fewer; • Does not involve a text change to the goa government's comprehensive plan, but only land use map for a site -specific small scale; Is, •olicies, and objectives of the local poses a land use change to the future elopment activity; • Is not located within an area of critical s .te concern as designated by §380.0552, Florida Statutes or by the Administration Co ► ission pursuant to §380.05(1), Florida Statutes; • Has a density of "Restricted Co ' ercial", 500 dwelling units per acre, pursuant to the MCNP, as amended, and inten y will be as established under Miami 21; and • The proposed amendme complies with the applicable acreage and density limitations set forth in the Local overnment Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act inclu•' g, without limitation, §163.3187, of the Florida Statutes (2022). E. Rezoning Anses under Miami 21 Section 1) S ccessional Zoning Pursua r to Miami 21 Section, the City's growth and evolution over time will inevitably r . uire changes to the boundaries of certain transect zones. These changes shall occur successio,.11y, in which the zoning change may be made only to a lesser transect zone, within the sa ► - transect zone to a greater or lesser intensity, or to the next higher transect zone. All chan�-s shall maintain the goals of Miami 21 to preserve neighborhoods and to provide ap' opriate transitions in intensity, density, building height and scale. 68094185;2 May 22, 2023 Page 8 SUBSTITUTED The Applicant's request is consistent with these requirements as it relates as described in the Pre -Application Meeting Summary. See Document PZD-3. under Subsection when a CI zoned property ceases to be used for ci the successional rezoning is determined by identifying the lowest intensity abuttin zone, and rezoning to that zone's next higher intensity zone. The Property is a CI site is ceased being used for any civic functions, as it is currently used as overflow parking f. a private business. Under Miami 21 the term "abutting" is defined to include abutting prop- ies across a street. The only non -CI zoning that abuts the Property is T6-368-0 to the east. In the broader context, this rezoning request also complies with the for other CI properties in the neighborhood to identify the lowest intensity and rezoning to that zone's next higher intensity zone. Because the Pro and CS on three sides, those sites would also be subject to the Mi requirements in a theoretical rezoning. Below is a zoning map co would most likely occur as the area transitions, following the Mi 1-0 l f� 68094185;2 D2 EXISTING ZONING: Di � I 'i T6-12-0 This submittal needs to be schedule in accordance with timelines s Miami Cale. The applicade d- review the. irkorn an at the recOmmendadcn iami 21 guidelines utting transect zone erty is surrounded by CI i 21 successional zoning arison demonstrating what i 21 procedures: f 6-3 v$ 1. UCCESSIONAL CI ZONING (THEORETICAL): [l 1 r 6-12 T6-24A-O T6-36B — a p_? T6-33 f CS Ts%-S-O J — CS T6-8-0 a puboc hearing h in the City of n-rnaking body do hearing to render a final decision. May 22, 2023 Page 9 SUBSTITUTED As depicted above, if surrounding properties were also rezoned after I functions, the anticipated successional rezonings would range from T6-12 to T6-3 out from the Property outlined in blue, the neighborhood would maintain the Mia provide appropriate transitions in intensity, density, building height and scale in each 2) Threshold Requirements Additionally, the Applicant's request is consistent with the City's th requirements as it relates to the Property, as described in the Pre -Application See Document PZD-3. Pursuant to Miami 21 Section, except w the rezoning of property involves an extension of an existing transect bo land shall be considered which involves less than forty thousand (40,00 or two hundred (200) feet of street frontage on one (1) street. In rezoning may be made by the owner(s) or their agent(s) in addit' below, the Property more than exceeds these Miami 21 thresho • The Property 71,438 SF in area • The Frontage along NE 2nd Avenue is app • the Frontage along NE 19th Street is ap • The Application is being made by the 3) Justification for Proposed Cha Finally, the Applicant has demonst zoning change, as stated under Miami the "civic" (CI) zoning of the Propert commercial or office uses by right. surface parking lot surrounded b best use of the Property and is Instead, T6-368-0 zoning is proximity to transit, the s housing opportunities Applicant (Temple !sr an essential servic and best use of t of this surplus 9 This submittal needs to be schedule in accordance with timelines s Miami Code. The applicabe d; reuiewtheIntormaien at the r&ommendation a public heaving h in the City of n-rnalung bedywilt lic hearing to render a final decision. -15951 r old rezoning eting Summary. re the proposal for dary, no rezoning of square feet of land area ch cases, applications for n to the City. Based on the requirements: ximately 282 feet oximately 256 feet ner and their agents. ted a clear need and justification for the proposed Section Although it is privately owned, oes not allow any residential/lodging development nor is has led to the Property continuing to be an unimproved igh-rise urban core development. This is not the highest and t consistent with the changing conditions of this neighborhood. ustified for the Property because of its lack of civic functions, le of development occurring around it, and obligations to provide thin the Omni Residential Density Increase Area. Furthermore, the I) is a non-profit religious institution that desires to continue to provide o its congregation and the surrounding community. Permitting the highest Property would provide opportunities for Temple Israel to realize the benefits rcel, which the Temple does not need for parking or any other purpose. onclusion In summary, the existing land use and zoning designations of the Property are not co intent with the current use and do not further the goals and intent of the MCNP and Miami for this neighborhood, because they do not allow the mixed -use, residential and commercial uses most appropriate for the urban core of Miami. Additionally, the Applicant is a non-profit 68094185;2 PU$o May 22, 2023 Page 10 SUBSTITUTED religious institution that desires to continue to provide an essential service to through the Temple Israel of Greater Miami campus located in this neighborhoo of the Property. Permitting the highest and best use for the Property would provi1 opportunities for Temple Israel to continue to serve this community on its surplus par . • NOTIC This submittal needs to be schedule in accord once W ih timelines s Mlaml Code.. The appiica tie d reVieW the lnfcm1 lion at the recommendation PZ- a public heaving h in the City of n-rnalung bcdywilt lic hearing to render a final decision. -15 95 1 44, REVIEW C°�Q /28 /23 Therefore, we respectfully request that the City approve our applications to '-zone the Property under Miami 21 and change the FLUM designation as discussed herein. ease do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Thank you for your consideratio Sincerely, Nicholas Barshel Enclosures cc: Vickie Toranzo 68094185;2 SUBSTITUTED NATURE OF REQUEST: Analysis ofSurrounding Properties for FLUM AMENDMENT 1852 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami, Florida Temple Israel of Greater Miami, Inc. ("Applicant") owns the property located at 1852 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami, Flor Pursuant to the Miami 21 Zoning Code and the Chapter 62 of the City's Code of Ordinances, Applicant is seeking to chan use map ("FLUM") and zoning designations of the Property at this time. Specifically, the Applicant requests a FLUM c Public Facilities, Transportation, and Utilities to Restricted Commercial and a companion zoning change from CI the correspondence table in the comprehensive plan. The proposed FLUM amendment is compatible with surr SUMMARY OF PROPERTIES IN'h MILE RADIUS: eels to be scheduled fora public hearing ce whh timelines set forth In the City of ode. The applicatte decision -making bcdywill w theinformation at the public hearing to render recommendation or a final deci9on. e app ge from Majo 36B-O, which is permitted by ding conditions, as discussed below: Existing Conditions FL Designations • City parkland and cemeteries • Government uses (fire station) • Recreation • Educational and religious institutions • Major In ' tional, Public Facilities, Transportation, and Utilities • Single-family homes • Med' Density Multifamily Residential • Warehouse/storage buildings • ' t Industrial • Automotive dealerships/mechanics • dustrial • Low -scale commercial uses • Restricted Commercial • Multi -family residential towers • General Commercial • Mixed -use residential and commerci CONCLUSION: The proposed FLUM amend will further the goals, objectives, surrounded by more urban deve some other uses to the south much higher density an variety of uses, and i FLUM designate the Property the same more t for the Property is consistent with the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan ("MCNP"), and d policies of the MCNP. The Property is within an island of civic uses (cemetery, park, and Temple Israel) ment. However, the Property is not used for civic purposes and is instead automotive storage, which is similar to long with the auto uses, many low -scale commercial uses are in close proximity to the Property, but are designated for sidential development under the MCNP. These General Commercial and Restricted Commercial properties permit a wide eased residential density is encouraged as part of the Omni Residential Increase Area. Further afield to the west are industrial roperties with low -scale warehouses and single-family residential. However, the single-family neighborhoods do not interact with are separated by the FEC railroad corridor and industrial uses. Therefore, the most appropriate FLUM designation for the Property is the abutting parcels to the east, where residential mixed -use towers are transitioning the neighborhood on a steady basis and providing for using opportunities in the downtown area with appropriate services, as is called for under the MCNP goals, objectives, and policies. 68219003;1 SUBSTITUTED 68219003;1 EXISTING CONDITIONS-1/2 MILE RADIUS: i This submit Min a eds to be scheduled for a pubec hearing nce with timelines set forth in the City of eCe. The applica lie decision -making body MI theinfomnaUon at the public hearing to rendera recommendation or a final decision. PZ -23 -15 95 1 09 /28 /23 SUBSTITUTED 68219003;1 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 1/2 MI LE RADIUS: al needs to he scheduled fora public hearing ordncuThhmnLinnnnetforthrnthnZlthnf rni Dude. The apphcabl.e decIsion-ma king body emew the Information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a A. Site Aerials SUBSTITUTED SURROUNDING PROPERTIES ANALYSIS: SITE Go.* 0 oy0s Irreaatr Couarucua Oat. A0.61CAl.M&1r4Rt ilco mm, Casnerc114 25.47. %writ-24w SITE Thls submittal accord Mlami C ICE sto be schebu lee fora public he wilt, timelines set forth In the City The applies tte decision -making bed) formation at the pubec hearing to rem recommendation or B1nal beci9 on. PZ -23 -15 95 1 09 /28 /23 68229702;1 SITE Go. A 0 1wx 68229702;1 SUBSTITUTED GannD1 °Wtain deice I000noM1. Please heck L *au aellMpa to make lode Mariam sernres are available and granted for Goode srth. SITE Gem fa.sr. 11.0m 21.4r14,14 lelt]tw ( This submittaL ne N • ICE Mlarni Cod in accorda rmaton at the public hearing to rem time[ines set forth in the City to be scheduLed for a public he PZ -23 -15 95 1 \ 09 /28 /23 E1i1 EW C0 SUBSTITUTED B. % Mile Radius Context Analyses The initial X mile was measured using the City's GIS to then extrapolated for the exhibits. This aerial shows a 1/2 mile radius around the property, indicated in turquoise. Even at this scale, one can see the pattern of dense urban development, particularly along the waterfront and lower - scale warehouses to the west, a well-connected local roads network, the proximity to two superhighways. This selection from the Future Land Use Map, also shows the %z mile radius around the property, indicated in turquoise. This selection from th Miami 21 Zoning At also shows a % m• radius around - property, in turquoise. 68229702;1 ated in TICE needs to be echedu led fora public he me with Idmeiines set forth In the City e. The applic'atte decision -making bed) the information at the pubec hearing to rem recommendation or aim' deci9 on. PZ -23 -15 95 1 09 /28 /23 SUBSTITUTED C. 300' Radius and Photo Survey This analysis includes photos of Building elevations of both sides of the street extendin hundred (300) feet beyond all boundaries of the site. The 300' distance, indicated in roya was generated using the City of Miami's GIS tool. hos!ubmatal In core Miami C remew As one will see in the zoomed -in 300' photo surveys of the surrounding neighborho, there is currently little housing in the immediate area. Existing uses include surface parki►:, restaurant and food stores, and automotive support. And though there is a thriving autsales business immediately to the north, there is a void in the consistency of the urban fabr' around the site, particularly along NE 2nd Ave. This map from th ICE s to be scheau lee fora public he with timelines set forth In the City The applicabe decision -making bcdt formaaan at the pub!c hearing to ren recommendation or a final becia on. PZ -23 -15 95 1 09 /28 /23 click tc ity of Miami GIS website shows in turquoise the properties within a 300' radius around the Pro erty. 68229702;1 SUBSTITUTED D. Photo Survey Thls submittal accord Mlami C This vie shows a two-story build. : containing a restaurant in - foreground and a I : rning center on the east side of NE 2nd and the Miami City Cemetary to the west. Not shown is a vacant lot south of the restaurant. This view still shows the same foreground but one can see the higher intensity zoning of the neighborhood in effect where the new buildings have been constructed to the east. This view shows a recessed single story grocery building with parking fronting NE 2nd immediately across from the Site. In the foreground is the learning center which holds the frontage. ICE sto be schebu lee fora public he wilt, timelines set forth In the City The applies tte decision -making bed) formation at the pubec hearing to rem recommendation or aim' beci9 on. PZ -23 -15 95 1 09 /28 /23 68229702;1 SUBSTITUTED Thls submittal accord Mlami C ICE sto be schebu lee fora public he wilt, timelines set forth In the City The applies tte decision -making bed) formation at the pubec hearing to rem recommendation or aim' beci9 on. 4 f PZ -23 -15 95 1 �4040�, 09 /28 /23 __I ,4,101 jn �f This vie hows the single story grocer .uilding with parking fro ng NE 2nd immediately ae .ss from the Site. In the ackground are newer buildings following the higher density Miami21 zoning. This view of the NE corner of NE 19th Street and NE 2nd Avenue shows more single story auto related businesses with parking in front with higher density zoning to the east This view is taken looking south down NE 2nd Avenue showing the CI property on the west which will presumably remain CI and the single story warehouse type buildings to the east. Downtown can be seen to the south. 68229702;1 SUBSTITUTED E 198 NE 'Mb xcmeca Wm, Ronda Q 0 . 68229702;1 ICE s to be schedu led fora public he with timelines set forth in the City The applicable decision -making bcdt famnaUon at the public hearing to reR wommendad on or a final decision. PZ -23 -15 95 1 09 /28 /23 This submittal In ore Miami C lUVEIV A`A. rQEVIEW C0 iew is taken looking north E 2nd Avenue showing the I property on the west which will presumably remain CI and the Braman Auto beyond. This view is taken looking directly west down NE 19th Terrace, which is a half block north of NE 19th St and may have formerly been an alley. The CI property on the west and Braman will presumably remain for many years. This view also is taken looking directly west down NE 19th Terrace, which is a half block north of NE 19th St and may have formerly been an alley but further west. It has the character of a warehouse area. SUBSTITUTED 68229702;1 These tw within Ce Thls submittal accord Mlami C views are taken from e Miami City ery. One looks west and t other northeast. There is expectation that this space, though designated CI and not CS, will become a place for development. These two views are taken from in front of the actively used CI sites along NE 19th Street/NE Miami Court related to the Temple Israel of Greater Miami. The open parking is used for the Temple. The parking with the green screen in the top image is the Property and is used by Braman. sto be schebu lee fora public he wilt, timelines set forth In the City The applies tte decision -making bed) formation at the pubec hearing to rem recommendation or aim' beci9 on. PZ -23 -15 95 1 09 /28 /23 SUBSTITUTED These two v ws are taken from NE 19th S -et/NE Miami Court just be e the intersection with NE 2 Ave. Th • parking with the green een in the top image is the Property and is used by Braman. One can see the higher density zoning in the east. These two views are taken from NE 19th Street/NE Miami Court just before the intersection with NE 2nd Ave. The parking with the green screen in the top image is the Property and is used by Braman. One can see the higher density zoning in the east. 68229702;1 Thls submittal accord Mlami C ICE sto be schebu lee fora public he wilt, timelines set forth In the City The applies tte decision -making bed) formation at the pubec hearing to rem recommendation or aim' beci9 on. PZ -23 -15 95 1 09 /28 /23 SUBSTITUTED - iPDiH MwriAve Mwrri. Fkxidn age 68229702;1 7 IMAKILIO 1111.1121 three views are taken North Miami Avenue. ey show the RR tracks, the City of Miami Fire Department Station and the western front of the Miami City Cemetery. There is a bus stop near the Cemetery entrance. There is new construction immediately south of the Miami City Cemetery in the photograph. ICE s to be scheau lee fora public he with timelines set forth In the City The applies ble decision -making bcdt famnaUon at the public hearing to rer recommend., on or a final bec is on. PZ -23 -15 95 1 09 /28 /23 SUBSTITUTED 68229702;1 Thls submittal accord Mlami C This -w also is taken looking dir• tly west down NE 19th race, which is a half block north of NE 19th St and may have formerly been an alley but further west. It has the character of a warehouse area. This view also is taken looking directly west down NE 19th Terrace, which is a half block north of NE 19th St and may have formerly been an alley but further west. It has the character of a warehouse area. ICE sto be schebu lee fora public he wilt, timelines set forth In the City The applies tte decision -making bed) formation at the pubec hearing to rem recommendation or aim' beci9 on. PZ -23 -15 95 1 09 /28 /23 SUBSTITUTED City of Miami Planning Department Pre -Application Meeting Summary Pre -Application Meeting ePlan ID.: PREAPP-22-0229 Monday, January 9, 2023 Project Manager Name: Zhaokai Liu Title: Planner II Email: zliu@miamigov.com Telephone No: (305) 416-1405 Meeting Attendees: Name Email Telephone number Zhaokai Liu, Planner II, City of Miami, FL, Planning Dept. zliu@miamigov.com 305) 416-1405 Christina Miller Christina.miller@akerman.com (305) 755-5825 Nicholas Barshel Nicholas.barshel@akerman om (305) 755-5825 Property Information: Applicant /Property Owner: 1852 NE 2 AV Contact Info: Christina Miller Owner Representative: Christina Miller Contact Info: (305) 755-5825 Commission District: D-5 (Commissioner ristine King) Neighborhood Service Center (f/k/a NET Distri ): Wynwood/Edgewater Svc Area Properties involved: . 5/19/2021 1 SUBSTITUTED City of Miami Planning Department Pre -Application Meeting Summary Information to Review for All Applications Do any of the properties involved fall within the following areas? (Select Yes/ 1. A DRI area: No 3.An Historic designated area: No 5. A High Hazard Area: No 7. A CRA: No 9. Miami River: No 11. Little River: No 13. Regional Activity Center: N/A Regional Activity Center (DHRAC): No 2. Urban Central Business Dis 4. Residential Density Increa 6. Edgewater Intensity Incr 8. Health/Civic Center Di 10. Wellfield Protection 12. An Arch. or Enviro Area: No ct: No e Areas: No se Area: No ict: No a: No ental Protected If the answer to any of the above is yes, consider if there are any speciconsiderations relative to the above. Submitting applications/pre-applications into ePlan. - Be mindful of the City's online checklists. These provide g .ance as to specific requirements, especially important administrative requirements for successful app ations. Important updates are made from time to time. Be sure to use the checklists that are accesses online and avoid saving checklists locally so that you avoid relying on outdated information. Become familiar with the naming conventions that a'- referred to on the checklists. Failure to comply with these naming conventions will significantly delay y ur application. Use the Pre -Application meeting time to ensure there is clarity on naming conventions - Access information on checklists here: htt.s:// w.miami.ov.com/Services/Buildin Permitting/Permitting-Forms-Documents About the Request Application Tvoe(s) (List Alll: ❑Exception ❑W er ❑Warrant ❑Warrant Modification ariance ❑Special Dist. Permit ►Rezone ❑Special Area Plan ►Future Land Use Map Change ❑Minor Modification ❑Temporary Use on Vac. Land ❑Interim Parking ❑MUSP Modification ❑Class II Modification ❑Special Appearance ❑ Other, explain Provi a brief explanation here I. Special Per it Request Detail Is project expo ted to involve 200,000 square feet of floor area or more? No What are t Transect7 I Rev. /1/2022 zoning Transects for the subject project and the approximate area for each 2 SUBSTITUTED City of Miami Planning Department Pre -Application Meeting Summary Transect Approximate Area Proposal (Use, Design ther)* CI 71,395 sq. ft. Rezone and FLUM a ndment Is there a site plan to review? No Site Plan Feedback Does the proposed plan include ride share or drop off area? No Covenant / Unity of Title Will a covenant or Unity of Title be proffered? No Comments from Other Disciplines Department Status Notes, if applicable (Pas • from Project Dox) Planning N/A 1. Per, ' xcept where the proposal for the rezoning of Department property involy- an extension of an existing Transect boundary, no ezoning of land shall be considered which involves les . than forty thousand (40,000) square feet of land area or tw hundred (200) feet of street Frontage on one (1) street. The pr, .osed property meets the minimum requirement. The area ,f the property is approximately 71,395 sf. The frontage alor. NE 2nd AVE is approximately 282 ft. 2. T - proposed property is in CI zoning. Per, When a r zoned property ceases to be used for Civic functions, the successional rezoning is determined by identifying the lowest Intensity Abutting Transect Zone, and rezoning to that Zone's next higher Intensity Zone. The proposed site can extend the abutting transect zone, which is T6-36B-O. 3. Has any neighborhood outreach occurred? It is strongly recommended. 4. Is it an affordable housing project? If so, will a covenant be proffered? Additional Discus on and Special Recommendations —ALL REQUEST TYPES Additional Discu - ion Planner shoul include any information N/A Rev. /2022 etail any additional information discussed during the meeting here. Be sure to estions raised by the prospective applicant and any requests for additional at may need to be provided after the conclusion of the meeting. 3 SUBSTITUTED 95 1 /23 City of Miami Planning Department Pre -Application Meeting Summary Special Recommendations Planner should detail any special recommendations that were made during this eeting. Recommendations may include the provision of additional information from t - prospective applicant, the application of additional permits, changes (i.e., in the event a • ospective applicant has assumed a specific permit is needed to accomplish a desire • outcome, if a different approach may accomplish the outcome, that information should •e detailed here). Recommendations for correspondence from other agencies or neighbo ' ood associations should be detailed here. N/A Planner Certification of Pre -Application Meeting The signed copy of this form certifies that you, Christina Miller and Nichol.. Barshel, have attended a Pre - Application meeting to discuss your interest in Rezone and FLUM amenent for the property located at 1852 NE 2 AVE. If you are eligible for the permit you seek, you may qualify for a „250 credit toward the application fee if you submit your application within 90 days from your Pre -Application eeting. Failure to submit that application within this time period will result in the forfeiture of any credit due to ou from this meeting toward your application fees. Please note neither our attendance to this meetin • nor t approval of your request. comments here construe the Cit of Miami's Be sure to include this document with your application su ' ittal to ePlan as your Pre -Application Form. If you have additional questions, please contact me at e email address listed on the front page of this document. The City of Miami looks forward to working with you this application and we are happy to assist you in any way we can. Sincerely, Liu, Zhaokai Zhaokai (Kyle) Liu Planer II Digitally signed by Liu, Zhaokai Date: 2023.01.09 11:47:39 -05'00' Rev.. /2022 4 SUBSTITUTED COMPLETE LIST OF ADDRESSES AND FOLIOS Companion Application Nos. PZ-23-15950 and PZ-23-15951 eeds to be scheduled fora public hearing ance with timelines set forth in the City of eCe. The applicable decision -making body will w theinfornation at the public hearing to render recommendation or a final Decision. Folio Address SQ FT/ ACRES Existing FLUM Designation Proposed FLUM Designation Exi ' g Zoning Proposed Zoning 01-3136- 000-0021 1852 NE 2 AVE 71,438 SF/ 1.64 ac Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transport. & Utilities Restricted Commerci CI T6-36B-O 68216824;1 SUBSTITUTED LightInckistia NW 19T}I ST EXISTING FUTURE LAND USE MAP SUBJECT PROPERTY = 1852 NE 2 AVE NI 11T}I TER r— N1- 16T}! ST 68222952;1 NE 17TH ST This submi Min a eeds to be scheduled fora pubec hearing ance with timelines set forth in the City of ode. The applicaba decision -making body MI w the information at the public hearing to rendera recommendad on or a final decision. N NW 19111 ST ,4W 1 1Tf•i ST i &TH,S1 68218914;1 SUBSTITUTED PROPOSED FUTURE LAND USE MAP SUBJECT PROPERTY = 1852 NE 2 AVE Light Indus NE �o r r r.l• ounni t t 0 1 F i ; �7 f H T ES - Co r NE 17TH ST This submi Min a eeds to be scheduled fora public hearing ance with timelines set forth in the City of ode. The applicable decision -making body MI w the information at the public hearing to render recommendation or a final decision. N 6T H S SUBSTITUTED EXHIBIT "A" SI'-V T�CJHr AND LEGAL DELsc-R2I-pT This submittal needs to be schetl in accordance with tmelln Miami Code. The appticatie reWewthe information at I recommend ' PROJECT LOCATION NI. , 9TII TER NE 19TH ST N.E. 1 9TH:ST. City Cemetery 17TH TER LOCATIO MA P SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 53 '.SUTH, RANGE 41 EAST LYING AND BEING IN MIA DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA (NOT SCALE) SURVEYOR'S NOTES: 1.) THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY, BUT ONLY A GRAPH SHOWN HEREON. EPICTION OF THE DESCRIPTION 2.) THE SOURCES OF DATE USED FOR THE PREPARATI• OF THIS SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS "SAN JOSE" RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, AT PAGE ', AS RECORDED IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY FLORIDA. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION: HEREBY CERTIFY TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF THAT IS "SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION" MEETS THE STANDARDS OF PR CE AS SET FORTH BY THE STATE OF FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFESSION AND SURVEYORS SIGNED Dig i y signed by Arturo M: y igutia e: 2023.01.19 09:23:01-05'00' FOR THE FIRM ARTURO MENDIGUT1A, P.S.M. P.S.M. No. 5844-STATE OF FLORIDA NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGN 'ARE AND THE ORIGINAL RASED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MA.' 'ER. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS BY OTHER THAN THE SIGNING PARTY OR PA ES IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE SIGNING PARTY OR P 11ES AND/OR NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTIC ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE D AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL PARCEL NUM LOCATION Project ER: 01-3136-000-0021 AP, SURVEYORS NOTES, PROPERTY ADDRESS o.: 2105.0342-01 Dra n by: M.G. roved by: AM S KETCH SHEET 1 OF .3 LEGEND ABBREVIATION DEFINITION R/W P.B. PG. P.O.B. P.O.C. C /L PROPERTY ADDRESS: FOLIO No. 01-3136-000-0021 1852 N.E. 2ND AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33132-1049 bra public hearing forth in the City of ision-making body will ublic hearing to render a or a final decision. -15 95 1 RIGHT OF WAY PLAT BOOK PAGE POINT OF BEGINNING POINT OF COMMENCE CENTER LINE MONUMENT LINE AREA OF PROPERTY: 71,438 SQUARE FEET AND/OR 1,640 ACRES MORE OR LESS. THIS DOCUMENT CONSIST OF 3 SHEETS AND NEITHER SHALL BE CONSIDERED FULL, VALID AND COMPLETE WITHOUT THE OTHERS. SIJR'VEY1IVG ASSOCIATES, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS L.B. No. 7633 1435 S.W. 87th AVENUE SUITE "201" MIAMI, FL 33174 PHONE: (305) 556-4002 FAX: (305) 556-4003 EMAIL: JFEE@LMSURVEYI NG.COM ATE: 01-13-2023 Scale: AS SHOWN SUBSTITUTED This submittal needs to be schetl in accordance with tmelln Miami Code. The appticatie reWewthe information at t recommentl.+ L EJO L DESCRIPTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION: COMMENCE AT THE N.E. CORNER OF THE N.E. 1/4 OF SECTION 36, TOWNS RANGE 41 EAST; THENCE RUN SOUTHWARDLY ALONG THE EASTERLY BOU N.E. 1/4 OF SECTION 36 FOR A DISTANCE OF 382.13 FEET, MORE OR OF INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF A LINE 50 OF, AND PARALLEL WITH, THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF BLOCK 2, IN PLAT BOOK 3, AT PAGE 158, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DA THENCE DEFLECTING TO THE RIGHT 89°02'40" RUN WESTWARDLY SOUTHERLY OF, AND PARALLEL WITH, THE SOUTHERLY BOUND JOSE, AND ITS EASTERLY PROLONGATION THEREOF FOR A DI POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TR ALONG THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSE, THE SAME BEING OF N.E. 19th STREET, FOR A DISTANCE OF 255.53 FE TO THE LEFT 89°02'20" RUN SOUTHWARDLY FOR A D TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTHERL OF THE N.E. 1/4 OF THE N.E. 1/4 OF SAID SEC- 90°53'39" RUN EASTWARDLY ALONG THE SOUT OF THE N.E. 1/4 OF THE N.E. 1/4 OF SAID TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE W AS ESTABLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF ORDI DEFLECTING TO THE LEFT 87°59'36" RU A DISTANCE OF 282.70 FEET, MORE 71,395 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LE PARCEL NUM: R: 01-3136-000-0021 LEGAL DES RIPTION Project -o.: 2105-0342-01 Dra by: M.G. A. . roved by: AM ate: 01-13-2023 5 KETCH SHEET 2 OF 3 Scale: N/A 53 SOUTH, ARY OF SAID SS, TO A POINT FEET SOUTHERLY AN JOSE, AS RECORDED COUNTY, FLORIDA; LONG A LINE 50.00 FEET Y OF SAID BLOCK 2, SAN ANCE OF 35.97 FEET TO THE ; THENCE CONTINUE WESTWARDLY E SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE TO A POINT; THENCE DEFLECTING ANCE OF 282.27 FEET, MORE OR LESS, BOUNDARY OF THE S. 1/4 OF THE N. 1/4 N 36; THENCE DEFLECTING TO THE LEFT LY BOUNDARY OF THE S. 1/4 OF THE N. 1/4 CTION 36 FOR A DISTANCE OF 250.04 FEET ERLY BASE BUILDING LINE OF N.E. 2nd AVENUE NCE No.6871, ARTICLE XXV, SECTION 1 (81); THENCE NORTHWARDLY ALONG SAID BASE BUILDING LINE FOR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING BEING 1.639 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. bra public hearing forth in the City of ision-making body will ublic hearing to render a or a final decision. -15 95 1 9 /28 /23 SURUEY1IVG ASSOCIATES, IIVC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS L.B. No. 7633 1435 S.W. 87th AVENUE SUITE "201" MIAMI, FL 33174 PHONE: (305) 556-4002 FAX: (305) 556-4003 EMAIL: JFEE[cr1 LMSURVEYI NG. COM SUBSTITUTED This submittal needs to be schetl accordancein with timelines 1 Miami Creapplica de the information honatt recoomae tlatl D7 UNE-LWO r WO OO rP A NY L EIOiA L DELSOR GRAPHIC SCALE 60' 30' 0 30 60' ( IN FEET ) 1 Inch = 60 feet OLD MONUMENT LINE (M.A.C.M. SHEET No.23D)_1 _ N.E. 19TH STREET P.0.B 10' OFFSET MONUMENT LINE 255.53t (M.A.C.M. SHEET No.23D) 1 L, a1 k� CITY OF MIAMI PROPERTY USED WITHOUT DE (CATION) AAS S A PUBLIC THG(M.A.C.M. SHEET No.23D) 0 - THIS IS NOT A BO DARY SURVEY. PARCEL NUMR: 01-3136-000-0021 EXHIBI Project ' . o.: 2105-0342-01 10' U.E. -(M.A.C.M. SHEET No.23D) (0.R.B. 780; PG. 67) 2 50.04t A PORTION OF SEC. 36-53S-41 E Dra by: M.G. 5 KETCH Ap . roved by: AM SHEET 3 OF 3 10.00 .0.C. 1 /4 COR.; N.E. 1 /4, SEC.36-53-41 EAST LINE OF SEC.36-53S-41E 9'2'40" 35.97' 20.97' N CO N LaJ W 0 0 0 0 0 nZ N I I- _J 0 wmz,W Q d W • 1 QWZ ee O U O • 1 Q 16-1 ,nor •‹o'' 35.001--I _26.46'JI -20.001 1 35.00' SIJfiVC—YIAG 8c ASSOCIMC—S, iIVC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS fora public hearing forth in the City of ma king body will ublic hearing to rendera or a final decision. -15951 EXISTING PROPERTY LINE (M.A.C.M. SHEET No.23D) 1435 S.W. 87th AVENUE SUITE "201" MIAMI, FL 33174 PHONE: (305) 556-4002 FAX: (305) 556-4003 EMAIL: JFEE1 LMS URVEYI NG. COM ate: 01-13-2023 Scale: 1 " = 60' L.B. No. 7633 SUBSTITUTED 71R 95'711 11 P 21 �!1 ?: 21'22, r,s}9?7 ��U S.W. CORNER - N.E. 2 AVENUE AND N.E. 19 STREET CITY DWI THIS DEED, made this 17th day of Feh3uar'y 1970, by and between TILE CITY OF MIAMI, a municipal corporation in the Sta of Florida end in the County of Dade, party of the first part, FLORIDA, (GRANTOR), and TEMPLE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI,/XREI, a slot non-profit corporation, party of the second part, (GAANTEE); WITNESSETH, that the said party of the first pa , for and in consideration of the sum of one Hundred Thirty -Fie • hcusand ($135,000.00) Dollars and other good and valueb considerations, to it in hand paid by the party of the eecont part, receipt whereof kk is hereby acknowledged, has bargained, so , granted and conveyed to the party of the second part, its a eessors in interest or assigns, forever, the following deeshed parcel of land, lying and bring in the City of Miami, Ceun of Dade and State of Florida, to wit: Commence at the N.E. •rner of the N.E. } of Section 36, Township 53 South, ange 41 East; thence run southwaruiy along the easterl boundary of said N.E. of Section 36 for a distan- of 382,13 feet, more or less, to a ,point of inter ction with the easterly prolongation of a Line 50.00 eet southerly of, and parallel with, the southerly • dary of Block 2, SAN JOSE, as recorded in Plat Book ., at Page 158, of the Public Records of Dade County, pride; thence deflecting to the right 89° 02' 40" run we ardly along a line 50,00 feet southerly of, and pars -.1 with, the 9cutherly boundary of aaid Block 2, SAN -4SE, and its easterly prolongation thereof for a d ance of 35.97 feet to the Point of Beginning of the reinafter described tract; thenr_e continue westwardly Fong the last descril,ed course, the same being the southerly right-of-way line of N.E. 19th Street, for a distance of 255.53 feet to a point; thence deflecting to the left 89° 02' 20" run aouthwardly for a distance of 282.27 feet, more or less, to a point of intersection with the southerly boundary of the S. of the m. § of the N.E. !e of the N.L. } of said Sectic, 36; thence deflecting to the left 90° 53' 39" run eaatwardly along the southerly boundary of the S. i of the N. i of the P.I. i of the N.E. t of said Section 36 for a dista,ce of 250.04 feet to • potr_t of intersectioa with tha rteterly base building =TA"f F OF FL.[5P;CJA1 r crOCUMftlir 5Y r; $rAlilr Ti%1 no (Thruboirt,I needs to be sched in accordance with timelines Miami Ccde. The applica de renew the Information at t recommendad bra public hearing fonn the City of ma king body will ublic hearing to render a or a final decision. -15951 Order 22142286 Doc: FLDADE:7229-00927 Page 1 of Regaested By: drick Printed:. 121141202211:07 PJA . - I SUBSTITUTED �. - line of N.E. 2nd Avenue as established by authority of Ordinance No. 6R71, Article XXV, Section 1(81): thence deflecting to the left 87o 59' 36" run northwardly along said base building line for a distance of 282.7C feet, more or less, to the Point of Beginning. Contain- ing 71,395 square feet, more or less, being 1.639 acres, more or less. This conveyance is subject to the following terms and con- ditions: (1) all taxes and assessments subsequent to the date of this deed will be paid by the party of the second part; (2) all building restrictions, litaitations and zoning ordinances of re (3) subject to c 10-foot wide utility easement lying north , and parallel with, the south boundary line of the subject p .erty as recorded in official Record Hook 780, at Page 67, of e Public Records of Dade County, rlorida; thla e,:aenent is a hotic of a 20-inch water main and a 13 K.V. underground er cable. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE CITY OF MIAtiI a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, has caused this natrument to be executed in its name and its Corporate Seel to .e affixed hereto, by its City Manager and City Clerk, both ereunto authorized this 19 day of February 1970. Signed, Sealed and Delive in the Prtagnce of; r' Air 9':ATi CO.rr ' THE CITY OF :4isilil, FLORIDA City Manager Attest:'[�� F. L, CORREL.L, As City Clerk -2- this submittal needs to be sched in accordance with timelines Miami Cale. The applica de renew the information at t recommended fora public hearing forth in the City of ision-rnalting body will ublic hearing to render a or a final dec.ie on. Order: 22142286 Dos : F L DADE:7 229-DD927 Page 2 of 3 Requested By: m.hedrick, Printed: 12/1412022 11:07 AM • SUBSTITUTED STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF DADE ) 1, an officer authorized to take acknowledgments and administer oaths, HEREBY CERTIFY that on this Z7 day of February , 1970, personally appeared before me H. L. REESE and F. L. CARRELL, kno+n me to be the City Manager and City.Clerk, respectively, of THE C OF MIAMI, a municipal corporation in and under the laws of th State of Florida, and known to me to be the persons who executed he fore- going instrument, and they severally acknowledged same • be their free and voluntary act and deed as such officers for he uses and purposes herein expressed, and that they affixed ereto the OFFICIAL SEAL of the said municipal corporation, all b he authority of taw and the City Commission, and said instruste it the formal and free act of said municipal corporation. WITNESS ray hand and official s- at Miami, County of Bade and State of Florida, this 17 day of Hy Commission Expires: seem MOM, $T11iT Oi ammo ai HIKE µT �-'AMISS�[RRIJ 1U� 1 This Instrument is cuted Pursuant to Reeol on Ho. 40788 Passed and Adopt=. June 26, 1969 APPROVED AS RM AND LEGALITY -der a stayCity ilttorney ROVED AS 'TO DESCRIPTION Director, Dep,f talent _.i• is Works • 3.. This instrument was prepared by ' Ernest C. Geiger Department of Public Wo<'ka City of Miami, florid w.xo 1.4 crsrc UNFIT,EWNW, sagoWA* WHO e Ife►r1TA?, This submittal needs to be sched in accordance with timelines Miami Code. The a t renew the information ppti att rec tlad bra public hearing fonn the City of ma king body will ublic hearing to render or a final decision. -15951 9 �9 /28 /23 �. ��FVIEw CO'Q 4 Order: 22142286 Page 3 of 3 Requested By: m.hedrick. Printed: 12114/2022 11:07 RA4 Doc: FLDADE:7229-00927 SUBSTITUTED Photo 1: Photo taken from the corner of NE 19th Street and NE 2"d Avenue looking South, NE 2"d Ave to left of image. Photo taken from the comer of NE 19th and NE 2"d Avenue looking West. NE 19th reet to the right of the image. eas to be schedu Led for a public hearing nce with tlmaliinea set forth in the City of e. The applicable decision -making belly will the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final eecidon. PZ -23 -15 95 1 eebs to be sohebwed for a public hearing ance wilt nmalinea set form in the city of ode. The applicable decision -making belly will came information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final eecik on. Exterior of Property as seen looking SE from NE 1 ` ' " treet. Other exterior views already submitted under PZD-2 (Photo Survey). Interior of Property Compilation photograph of Property Interior: NE 2nd Ave to left, NE 19th Street to right. 5/19/23, 1:15 PM Concurrency Application Online Payment Service - Successful Payment Rece This submittal needs to be schedule in accordance wilt timeliness Miami Cade. The appliwtite d renewthe Information at the recommend flo Successful Payment Receipt Please print this receipt for your records Remittance ID: Received: Contact Name: Application Address: Local Govt. App. Number: Folio Number: MDCPS Application ID: Amount: Transaction Type: Card Information: Billing Information: Schoo1051923131423107VBI LLS May 19, 2023 01:14PM EDT Nicholas Barshel 1852 NE 2 AV PZ-23-15951 0131360000021 PH0123051700268 $413.00 Authorization and Capture MasterCard SHARI DEBOWSKY ************7498 Address Line 1: 137 NE 1 • Street Country: United States City: Miami State: FL ZIP Code: 33132 Print l giving our students ,p), Exit Your payment request has been su• itted. Thank you for your payments. Please print this page for your records. Paymer s received after 12:OOPM PT will be processed the next business day. Your payme will be posted to your School Board of Miami -Dade County Concurrency Applicati• account the following business day. Under Florida w, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public re' irds request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. 12458399�7 r a public hearing rth in the City of n-malung bctlywiIL gc hearing to render a a final deciaon. -15 95 1 /28 /23 SUBSTITUTED https://www.velocitypayment.com/vrelay/check.do?currentRefresh=l&maxRefresh=5&remittancelD=Schoo1051923131423107VBILLS&application_id=... 1/1 7/18/23, 3:25 PM Tax Exempt Organization Search Details I Internal Revenue Service Temple Israel of Greater Mia EIN: 59-06832701 Miami, Florida, United States Publication 78 Data Organizations eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions. Use may rely on this list in determining deductibility of their contributions. On Publication 78 Data List: Yes Deductibility Code: PC ® This submittal needs to be schedu in cord anwith timelines Miamite Code.The applicade renew the information at t recommendatl r a puboc hearing ortman the City of ion -king body will btic hearing to render a r a final decision. -15 95 1 9 /28 /23 SUBSTITUTED https://apps.irs.gov/app/eos/details/ 1/1 .0149 07/16/21 FLORIDA 85-8012646726C-5 Certificate Number This certifies that LConsumer's Certificate of Exemption Issued Pursuant to Chapter 212, Florida Statutes 09/30/2021 Effective Date TEMPLE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI INC 137 NE 19TH ST MIAMI FL 33132-1010 09/30/2026 Expiration Date This submittal.neetla to be schedu in accordance wilt timelines Mlarni Cade. The applies de renewthe lln orr Tan at t deli r a public hearing orth in the City of ion -making bedywill bec hearing to render a r a finaldeciaon. is exempt from the payment of Florida sales and use tax on real property rented, tr sient rental property rented, tangible personal property purchased or rented, or services purchased. DR-14 R. 01/18 FLORIDA 1. You must provide all vendors and suppliers with an emption certificate before making tax-exempt purchases. See Rule 12A-1.038, Florida Administrative Code .A.C.). 2. Your Consumer's Certificate of Exemption is t' •e used solely by your organization for your organization's customary nonprofit activities. 3. Purchases made by an individual on be' -If of the organization are taxable, even if the individual will be reimbursed by the organization. 4. This exemption applies only to p hases your organization makes. The sale or lease to others of tangible personal property, sleeping accmodations, or other real property is taxable. Your organization must register, and collect and remit sales a . use tax on such taxable transactions. Note: Churches are exempt from this requirement except when t y are the lessor of real property (Rule 12A-1.070, F.A.C.). 5. It is a criminal offense t• raudulently present this certificate to evade the payment of sales tax. Under no circumstances shoutis certificate be used for the personal benefit of any individual. Violators will be liable for payment of the sal- . tax plus a penalty of 200% of the tax, and may be subject to conviction of a third-degree felony. Any viola •n will require the revocation of this certificate. 6. If you have q -stions about your exemption certificate, please call Taxpayer Services at 850-488-6800. The mailing ad. -ss is PO Box 6480, Tallahassee, FL 32314-6480. '4© 0 PUBL,c p ti`r 1' PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING THIS F APPLICATION FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE ' . Jim Smith FOR.1 Secretary of State REINSTATEMENT 4s„,„,s, DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS NOTI This submilial needs to be schedu .ra !milk Aearhg accordance wth timelines orih In the Cityot Miami Cade. The applicatle •. ion -making body will „ew�embnatio t fnalearingn. rendera ommendati. .,a naldeclaon. 02,f� PZ- '-15951 �� L+ OCTVtr DOCUMENT # N47495 1. Corporation Name TEMPLE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI, INC. �9/28/23 ECRETb �.e.,. 2 CO' ell�Q`' TALLAHASS ', r y - , Principal Place of Business Mailing Address MIAMI 19THSTREET MIAMI FLf3 113STREET AI I 111 11' IIIIIIIIllhIIllh(IllIlI 11S US0 . If above addresses are incorrect in any way, line through incorrect information and enter correction below. i_. _,86_ 81 4r 1101:29/02 011301--008 t*236.25 2. New Principal Office Address, If Applicable 3. New Mailing Office Address, 11 Applicable 4. Dale Inca . ated or Qualified To Do Bu ess in Florida 02/21/1992 Suite, Apt. #, etc. Suite, Apt. #, etc. 5. FEI .mber Applied For 'City & State`- " ` City & State -- -"—59-0683270 - Not Applicable 6. Zip Country Zip Country $8.75 Additional Fee required CERTIFICATE OF STATUS DESIRED ❑ for a Certificate of Status . 7. Names and Street Addresses of Each Officer and/or Director (Florida nonprofit corporations must list at ast 3 directors) Titl9 s 1 .() Name of Officers Directors 2��� Street Address o ach 3 Officer and/ors rector 4����{�� SUBSTITUTED —P Pb.0RoV+TZ� ����pp ������pp���I�JI��and/or 'L'OLT TM RSHA MlcrH/ 1— ; ; : - • • ! • • • I 13II q8 sr �� gq�gqCity/State/Zip ^-MIAMI BAD r#BP, IS, FL 331S'1 . -V8- VD OROVITEHA . 3-fie.D8S, `r i& 4244-98-ST 4lam0 tin' NLAAID L s. BLtII A),► IPil)1I 8FFlci-44 F'31Vq TD GOLD, CYNTHIA 2461 NE ' ST MIAMI FL 33181 Vi\t\A o m P 8. Name and Address of Current Reg ered Agent 9. Name and Address of New Registered Agent •_ ems;oeNMA Name MLcH AFL CDQ©V f rz �1'��-N 1 Street Address (P.O. Box Number is Not Acceptable) i 31 I 9 F3 Sr2 r-s T —MIAMI 32 Suite, Apt. #, Etc. 47/5 Ct. �y Hf�2f uP... I. State FL Zip Code 33/s-y 10. I, being appointed the registe - . agent of the above named corporation, • Signature of P f R I7� am familiar , with and accept the obligations of Section 607.0505, F.S. or 617.0505, F.S. ii li I) )I f 111 `S Registered Agent ° Cs,-ll - a t. ' r! 1J Date / 0 - a, '' IGISTER D AGENT MUST SIGN ` 11..1 certify that I .an officer or director or the receiver or trustee empowered -to execute this application as provided for in chapter 607 or 617, F.S. I further certify that when firing this reinsta - ent application, the reason for dissolution has been eliminated, the corporate name satisfies the requirements of section 607,0401 or 617.0401, F.S., that all fees owed by = corporation have been paid and the names of indivi als listed on this form do not qualify for an exemption under section 119.07(3)(i), F.S. The information indicated on this .plication is true and acc , andmy signature shall h ve a same legal:effec as it made under oath. - GNATURE: S lIG r� C%, pl) 0 e.c,„.T�� pr.es ,1)0 ►1` ba -- ZS' - o s---- SIGNATURE AND TYPED OR PRINTED NAME OF SIGNING OFFICER OR DIRECTOR Date Daytime Phone # SUBSTITUTED ARTICLES OF CORRECTION TO ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF TEMPLE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI, INC. 0 PUBL/ 4 k vs NOTI Thls aubmittalneetls to be achetlu rcorhance wkh timelines Miami Cede. The applicade rerewthe ntr aborwommend n att r a public hearing orth in the City of ion -making bedywill bec hearing to render r a finaleeciaon. -15951 The following information is submitted in compliance ayr 4eh and pursuant to Statute Section 617.0124(a) of the Florid- Business Corporation Act. 1. A certified copy of the charter doc ents and all amendments thereto of the above -referenced corpo tion were filed with the Secretary of State on February 21, 1•-2. 2. The date of incorporation of he corporation was incorrectly stated as May 17, 1928. 3. The correct date of incorpor ion is May 5, 1926. Dated this 6427) day of I:\W-CO\31337\000\AME .ART 1992. EMPLE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI, INC. By: E. Richard Alh f Vice President inistration SUBSTITUTED DISCLOSURE AFFIDAVIT OF NO MONIES DUE TO THE CITY O a' Co CL" ;.`nae°s 2 'I` NOTI 0 In accordance with Section 2-208 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, (' permits prohibited, non- homestead properties", permits shall not be issued for a non-homest outstanding code enforcement violations, building violations, or any relevant city lien or invoice du City. Permits required to cure life safety issues, permits which are required to bring outsta compliance, or permits for any properties owned by a governmental entity are exempted from th• This submittal.neetls to be schedu in accordance wilt timelines Mlarni Cade. The applies de renewthe Information at t recommended ng v prohibition. r a public hearing orth in the City of ion -making bedywill bec hearing to render a r a finaldeciaon. -15 95 1 9 /28 /23 Each owner for each address listed as a party to the application needs to sign and submit is disclosure/affidavit. If an omission is the result of City of Miami oversight, then the City will notify the applic and provide time for the applicant to resolve the issue within ninety (90) days. The project can be terminated ' the City of Miami after the 90th day. Note: If you are a lessee on City of Miami -owned property, you must contac e Department of Real Estate and Asset Management to have this form completed by an authorized person. Name (title and name of entity as well, if applicable): Temple Israel of Greater Mi Address/ City / State / Zip: 1852 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami, Florida, 3 42 Phone No: 305.573.5900 Email: sdebowsk templeisrael.net 1 Marc Lamb, as President hereby certify that al e addresses listed on this application are (please check one of the following): [ ] homestead properties. [ ] non -homestead properties, and that there are no op • code enforcement violations, building violations, City liens, or invoices due and owing to the City on any of t- addresses listed on this application. I certify that any City of Miami covenants on the properties are in full co • lance and no associated monies due to the City. I certify there are no past due rent payments or associatenterest due to the City for any of the addresses listed on this application. [x] non -homestead properties that have o -n code enforcement violations, building violations, City liens, and/or invoices due and owing to the City. Ple..e explain (required): The City has notified us of tw. open code violations: 1) Case #: 0000900 Violation 2107-Parking on unimproved surfaces 2) Case #: 0000• . 07 Violation 1698- Failure to register vacant lot I understand this applica '.n shall be terminated after ninety (90) days should any of the addresses listed on this application be found to of be in compliance with Section 2-208 of the City Code or with any covenant conditions attached to the land. A.A 6,h 4-4:1' I i 2u 2 Signature of t' Property Owner Datl }State of - •rida } Count of Miami -Dade n to and subscribed before me by means of X physical presence OR online notarization this day of ft;L. 20 3 , by Personally known)or Produced Identification ( ) pe of Identificon produced (SEAL) Je-ditei r� Y-Pop-., ISABEL MONTOTO �= Notary Public - State i1.„ of,Flppf�pp ,'r ", Commission 11 GG 43951.T' '' oF;�_' My Comm. Expires Dec 14, 2023 J Bonded through National Notary Assn. �... --.- --'. ,=--' -, .,::+ 1,- , of 1 SUBSTITUTED BUILDING DEPARTMENT Transaction Statement Financial Transaction ID: 944089 Transaction Date: Jan 18 2023 10:01AM Permit Number: PZ2315951 FEE SUMMARY Temple Israel of gr 137 NE 19 ST nicholas.barsh (305)573-59 ter Miami, Inc. akerman.com Fee Category Fee Code Fee Description Quantity Unit Type Amount PLANNING MS-359 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (SMALL ALE UP TO 2 ACRES) 1.0000 SQ. FT. $6,000.00 Total: $6,000.00 v. Jul/02/2012 Generated on Jan/18/2023 10:01 AM 1/19/23, 3:17 PM https://secure35.ipayment.com/Miami/my/O/print_version.htm?_DOUBLESUBMIT=SJZfn%2b4DP394DX1sXcW5Z8%2f5dNN... Department of Finance Online Payments Receipt Your Reference Number: 2023019001-321 01/19/2023 3:13:06 PM Web_user TRANSACTIONS If you have a Transaction ID, please click here 2023019001-321-1 TRANS ID: 944089 BUSINESS NAME: COM Lien Search SUBSTITUTED $6,000.00 $6,0 FEE NAME: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (SMALL SCAL P TO 2 ACRES) If you have a Transaction ID, please click here 2023019001-321-3 TRANS ID: 944063 BUSINESS NAME: COM Lien Search FEE NAME: REZONING CHANGES FROM A TO T6 OR CI -HD - UP TO 2 ACRES Lien Search FEE NAME: PRE -APPLICATION C PAYMENT Mastercard Credit CARD NUMBER: FIRST NAME: S • rl LAST NAME. 1 .oWSI(y IIIIIII I *7498 i i IT CE2023019001-32 .00 $9,750.00 $10, 000.00 TRANSECT (EXCEPT T3 ($250.00) TOTAL AMOUNT: $15,750.00 i $15,750.00 https://secure35.ipayment.com/Miami/my/O/print_version.htm?_DOUBLESU BM IT=SJZfn%2b4DP394DX1 sXcW5Z8%2f5dNNZwGFn%2fEgyJJ%2... 1/1 SUBSTITUTED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN APPLICATION Temple Israel Vacant Lot - 1852 NE 2 AVE File Number PZ-23-15950 Index of Drawings Drawing # A-0 Index of Drawings V-1 Property Survey 68215755;1 This submittal needs to be schetlu in accordance with tmoires Miami Code. The apptica Lie reWewthe intonnation at t recommendatj r a public hearing orth in the City of ion -making body blic hearing to render a r a fnaleeciWon. -15951 5/19/23, 1:15 PM Concurrency Application Online Payment Service - Successful Payment Receipt Successful Payment Receipt giving our students the work; Please print this receipt for your records Remittance ID: Schoo1051923131423107VBILLS Received: May 19, 2023 01:14PM EDT Contact Name: Nicholas Barshel Application Address: 1852 NE 2 AV Local Govt. App. Number: PZ-23-15951 Folio Number: 0131360000021 MDCPS Application ID: PH0123051700268 Amount: $413.00 Transaction Type: Authorization and Capture Card Information: MasterCard SHARI DEBOWSKY ************7498 Billing Information: Address Line 1: 137 NE 1• h Street Country: United States City: Miami State: FL ZIP Code: 33132 Exit Print Your payment request has been su. itted. Thank you for your payments. Please print this page for your records. Paym- is received after 12:OOPM PT, will be processed the next business day. Your payme will be posted to your School Board of Miami -Dade County Concurrency Applicati• account the following business day. Under Florid. =w, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public r= ords request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. IZ 124583990 SUBSTITUTED https://www.velocitypayment.com/vrelay/check.do?currentRefresh=1&maxRefresh=5&remittancelD=Schoo1051923131423107VBILLS&application_id=... 1/1 GRAPHIC SCALE I FEET ) SUBSTITUTED NAP Or BOUNNNNNNNDARY R�VEY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: COMMENCE AT THE NE. CCRNER OF THE NE. 1/4 OF SECTION 36 TOWNSHIP 53 SOUTH. RANGE 41 EAS, THENCE RUN SOUTHWARDLY ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID /4 0 F SECTION 36 FOR A DISTANCE OF 382 13 FEE, MORE OR LESS. TO A POINT aL`OIa aE,Vpp. IN PLAT BOOK 3. AT PAR 158. OF THE PUBLIC RFLORIDA. THENCE DEFLECTING TO THE RIGHT 89'02'40" ,RUN EWE FEES SOUTHERLY OF. AND PARALLEL 'MTH. THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID BLOCK 2. SAN AND ITS EASTBEGINNING OF HE HEREINAFTER DESEOF CRRIIBED TRACT;DISTANCE CONTINUE FEET Y ALONGPOINT THE AST DESCRIBED COURSE, THEME BEING SOUTHERLY RIGHT DOF WAYLINEOF N E. 1901 SrRRET. FORDISTANCEDEFLECTING TIR TO THE LEFT LESS FEET,TO A POINT 4 OF SHE N. 1/4 1/4OF THE N.N. 1/4WF SAID°SEEWAN36; THENCEDEFLECING TO THE LEFT RUN EASTWARD, N.E. /4 O 1/4 O 1/4 TO A INTERSECT. WTH THE .STEREONASE FOR A CLINE TF ` E. 2nd AVENUE FEET AS POINT OF BY AUTHORITY OF ORDINANCE No.6811. ARTICLE XXV. SECTION 1 (81): THENCE DEFLECTING TO THE LEFT 8759'36- RUN NORTHWARD,' ALONG SAID BASE BUILDING LINE FOR A DISTANCE OF 282.70 FEET, MORE CR LESS, TO THE POINT OF 71.395 SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS. BEING 1.639 ACRES. MORE OR CONTAINING LESS. PROPERTY ADDRESS: FOLIO No. OI-3136-000-0021 1852 MIAMI.NFLORIDA 33132-1049 AREA OF FROFERT, 71,438 ASQUARE CRES EAND/OR MORE LES S CERTIFIED TO: THIS BOUNDARY SURVEY HAS BEEN PREPARED FO, THE EXCLUSVE USE CF THE ENTITIES NAME CERTIFICAICNS DO NOT EXTEND OANY UNNAMED H NNAMEDPARTIES SURVEYOR'S NOTES: 1) THE BES^✓uEED BASED ON 2)TH IS HB R ING EATMENTS. OR FREEDOM OF ENCUMBRANCES 3 ))sTHERE MAY BE NOT RENEWER ONAL RESTRICTIONS NOT SHOM CN THIS BOUNDARY SURVEY THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS CF HIS CCUN, FEETCAErl'NSTRUZTIT.q GPNrIAEFECTINGAHISZEME 10 DETERMINE 4 ) ACCURACY THE EXPECTED UT OF THE LAND AS CLASDFIED IN FLORIDA MINIMUM TECHNIC, STANDARDS (5I-17 51FAC), IS 'RESIDENT,' THE MINIM. A CLOSED CDOMETRIC FIGURE WAS FOUND TO EXCEED THIS RD:OREM:NT S) W NR THE BOLNDARY LINESFCF THE PARAEEL D% HEREIN cESCRIEED ARE ND� 91oew. TYPE Of SUP,EY: fl) E R (NR R9BASED ON TO THE NATION, GEODETIC g FZIL VA'NMRSM N S ARE IN P. RDANCE IMTH THE UNITED STATES STANDARD bi EC°NOaAC, THE APPROPRIATE AUTHOR,,. PROF, TO ANY DE9. WRH ON jEUNNDDEERSCTOUENDD ummes ARRE ,13.TNESEP Eo nFRGlnEma PROPERTY HEREIN CESCRIEED SUR,EYOR EE DEMATION FRO/ UTILITIES OWN HERE. LNOTIFIED s12) EuSENHEFUR1333THNRaCFLANDMARKS,E,NG ASSOCIATES INC OTHERAN,s 4 N ONLY VIGBLE AND ABO,E GROUND EN . T5 LOCATED 15 WALL TES ARE TO THE FACE CF T.' PLL 6.NCE ONNER,IIP NOT CETER BASISOF tRRARINGS REFE.D TO LINE NOTED AS BB TB) BaFAND/OR GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION CF D THE FIELD 19)NO DSOUF,E TI OUND ON PRCREF,TY CORNERS UNLESS NOTED 20) THEDATA USED FOR THE PREPARATION CF THIS BOUNDARY ACE 158 BOT IN MIAMI-DADE CCUTV, FLORIDA o)nTM TO BE DISPLAYED AT A SC,E CF CNE 336 WEST 4Q CHAN 5.63' YCM1n WEST 9015, R DaE L0.2 anti (NO I.) SOUTH AMPS V4 C /4, (Ncusn C __,7-1,fuxc u1ocr__—n__ o — — — _ ''-.q4_a I—_-7STHSTREET M. s B . olEDr"ioa"E. 7,o. Yo. ,r, ' ry UA ,, W"s"-1 ('lOlo),I,y4I 183.35 197 95' 8 48' EAST -4 .�. nAO1P BDML WIPP 7,4 C---Q Ne 5.90' (4T.ry rvI WEST ,POP, FENCE 023 J��dl w PowTNO Nv of sEc. ae s3 aT NORTH Ho,E LI OGLA 4P rON Main RANGE 41 EAST LYINGSECTIAND BEING INsDADE�GOUNTY. FLORIDA (NOT TO LANDMARK PHONE. (TIR 556-4. FAX (3.) 555-.3 OTICE PZ-23-15951 p :KEErggg o qic ID.1 © PONCE &u HT =DENOTES ELEVATION la =DENOTES CATCH BASIN BA =DENOTES AIR CCNBITIONING UNIT DENOTES CONOHLTE Q _ IEPECNEP(BEU5anH) FIELD DATE 06-28-2021 SURVEY. BENCH MARK: B 243 ELEVATION FLOOD ZONE ELEVATION PANEL: COMMUNITY. DATE OF FIR SUFFIx: DATE DRAWN B SCALE 98 NG D.29 N/A 2086C0312 20650 09-11-2009 06-28-202 REVISION / UPDATE OF SURVEY DESCRIPTION N/A JOB No. 2105-0342 UNLESS °THEE.. NOTE, SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION: HEREBY CERTIFY TO THE BEST CF KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF THAT THIS "MAP OF BOUNDARY SURVEECTI ON. THAT ANDEETTS SHE REPRESENTATION PANDAR S TOFF PRACTICE AS SURVEY SETRFORTH B(YNTHE STATE OF FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS IN CHAPTER5.1-, 050 THROUGH 5J-17.052 OF THE FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE D ITS IMPLEMENTING LAW. PURSUANT To CHAPTERe 202. FLORID fl STATUTE To SIGNED FOR THE FIRM NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE cRIGINAL RAISED SEAL OFAAEFLORDARIDA WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE SONING PAR, OR PARTIES IN A DIGITAL FORMAT NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTIC ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED SUBSTITUTED EXHIBIT "A" SKETCH: AND L EEO^ L DL SCR?IrP rri- PROJECT LOCATION Ni. , 9T44 TER 1 NE 19TH ST city Cemetery NE 17TH TER N.E. 1 9TH ST. LCPCAT/O MAP SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 53 LYING AND BEING IN MIAMI (NOT T SURVEYORS NOTES: 1.) THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY, BUT ONLY A GRAPHIC SHOWN HEREON. • TH, RANGE 41 EAST ADE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCALE) a PICTION OF THE DESCRIPTION 2.) THE SOURCES OF DATE USED FOR THE PREPARATIO F THIS SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS "SAN JOSE" RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, AT PAGE 58 AS RECORDED IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY FLORIDA. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION: 1 EREBY CERTIFY TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF THAT S "SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION" MEETS THE STANDARDS OF PRA E AS SET FORTH BY THE STATE OF FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL ND SURVEYORS Digital igned by Arturo Men• .utia SIGNED ' D. :zozs.o . eoe:zs:o -osoo' FOR THE FIRM ARTURO MENDIGUI1A, P.S.M. P.S.M. No. 5844-STATE OF FLORIDA NOT VALID WTHOUT THE SIGNA AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAP . ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS BY OTHER THAN THE SIGNING PARTY OR PAR I IS PROHIBITED WTHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE SIGNING PARTY OR IR'r ES AND/OR NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTIC ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL. PARCEL NUM R: 01-3136-000-0021 LOCATION AP, SURVEYORS NOTES, PROPERTY ADDRESS Project .: 2105.0342-01 D ra w by: M.G. Ap roved by: AM SKETCH SHEET 1 OF 3 ON LEGEND ABBREVIATION DEFINITION R/W P.B. PG. P.O.B. P.O.C. C /L PROPERTY ADDRESS: FOLIO No. 01-3136-000-0021 1852 N.E. 2ND AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33132-1049 RIGHT OF WAY PLAT BOOK PAGE POINT OF BEGINNING POINT OF COMMENCE CENTER LINE MONUMENT LINE AREA OF PROPERTY: 71,438 SQUARE FEET AND/OR 1,640 ACRES MORE OR LESS. THIS DOCUMENT CONSIST OF 3 SHEETS AND NEITHER SHALL BE CONSIDERED FULL, VALID AND COMPLETE WITHOUT THE OTHERS. SIJR'VEVIAIG ASSOCIATES, INC. 1435 S. W. 87th AVENUE SUITE "201" MIAMI, FL 33174 PHONE: (305) 556-4002 FAX: (305) 556-4003 EMAIL: JFEE@LMSURVEYING.COM TE: 01-13-2023 Scale: AS SHOWN PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS L.B. No. 7633 SUBSTITUTED L EJO L DESCRIPTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION: COMMENCE AT THE N.E. CORNER OF THE N.E. 1/4 OF SECTION 36, TOWNS RANGE 41 EAST; THENCE RUN SOUTHWARDLY ALONG THE EASTERLY BOU N.E. 1/4 OF SECTION 36 FOR A DISTANCE OF 382.13 FEET, MORE OR OF INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF A LINE 50 OF, AND PARALLEL WITH, THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF BLOCK 2, IN PLAT BOOK 3, AT PAGE 158, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DA THENCE DEFLECTING TO THE RIGHT 89°02'40" RUN WESTWARDLY SOUTHERLY OF, AND PARALLEL WITH, THE SOUTHERLY BOUND JOSE, AND ITS EASTERLY PROLONGATION THEREOF FOR A DI POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TR ALONG THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSE, THE SAME BEING OF N.E. 19th STREET, FOR A DISTANCE OF 255.53 FEE TO THE LEFT 89°02'20" RUN SOUTHWARDLY FOR A DI TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTHERL OF THE N.E. 1/4 OF THE N.E. 1/4 OF SAID SECT 90°53'39" RUN EASTWARDLY ALONG THE SOUT OF THE N.E. 1/4 OF THE N.E. 1/4 OF SAID TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE W AS ESTABLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF ORDI DEFLECTING TO THE LEFT 87°59'36" RU A DISTANCE OF 282.70 FEET, MORE 71,395 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LE PARCEL NUM: R: 01-3136-000-0021 LEGAL DE RIPTION Project o.: 2105-0342-01 Dra by: M.G. A. roved by: AM ate: 01-13-2023 SKETCH SHEET 2 CDF 3 Scale: N/A 53 SOUTH, ARY OF SAID SS, TO A POINT FEET SOUTHERLY AN JOSE, AS RECORDED COUNTY, FLORIDA; LONG A LINE 50.00 FEET Y OF SAID BLOCK 2, SAN ANCE OF 35.97 FEET TO THE ; THENCE CONTINUE WESTWARDLY E SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE TO A POINT; THENCE DEFLECTING ANCE OF 282.27 FEET, MORE OR LESS, BOUNDARY OF THE S. 1/4 OF THE N. 1/4 N 36; THENCE DEFLECTING TO THE LEFT LY BOUNDARY OF THE S. 1/4 OF THE N. 1/4 CTION 36 FOR A DISTANCE OF 250.04 FEET ERLY BASE BUILDING LINE OF N.E. 2nd AVENUE NCE No.6871, ARTICLE XXV, SECTION 1 (81); THENCE NORTHWARDLY ALONG SAID BASE BUILDING LINE FOR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING , BEING 1.639 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. SUfiVC—YIIVG 8c A551:114CIMC-5, IPWC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS L.B. No. 7633 1435 S.W. 87th AVENUE SUITE "201" MIAMI, FL 33174 PHONE: (305) 556-4002 FAX: (305) 556-4003 EMAIL: JFEE@LMSURVEYI NG. COM SUBSTITUTED SKE rifle r CJO rP A NY 0,A L DESCR GRAPHIC SCALE 60' 30' 0 30' 60' ( I!V FEET ) 1 Inch = 60 feet OLD MONUMENT LINE (M.A.C.M. SHEET No.23D)_ N.E. 19TH STREET 10' OFFSET MONUMENT LINE 255.53, (M.A.C.M. SHEET No.23D) a1 .k?' CITY OF MIAMI PROPERTY USED WITHOUT DE (CATION) AAS S A PUBLIC THG(M.A.C.M. SHEET No.23D) N CO N - THIS IS NOT A BO IDARY SURVEY. PARCEL NUMR: 01-3136-000-0021 EXHIBI Project 'o.: 2105-0342-01 10' U.E. M.A.C.M. SHEET No.23D) (0.R.B. 780; PG. 67) 10.00 5.0 P.0.B 250.04 A PORTION OF SEC. 36-53S-41 E Dra by: M.G. SKETCH roved by: AM SHEET 3 OF 3 a .o.c. 1/4 COR.; N.E. 1 /4, SEC.36-53-41 erdr ctn. EAST LINE OF SEC.36-53S-41E 9'2'40" 35.97' 20.97' 35.00' o W N N Z N • WI 0 p 0 0 cZ �\,N I- N' O W DD Z,W aaww,Z O U O a 1- 0 U p I oy� 35.001--I 1� I -20.001 51-WWE1(1IVO ac ASSOCIATES, 1IVC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS L.B. No. 7633 EXISTING PROPERTY LINE (M.A.C.M. SHEET No.23D) 1435 S.W. 87th AVENUE SUITE "201" MIAMI, FL 33174 PHONE: (305) 556-4002 FAX: (305) 556-4003 EMAIL: JFEE@a LMSURVEYING.COM ate: 01-13-2023 Scale: 1" = 60' SUBSTITUTED ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY APPLICANT 1. The Department of Resilience and Public Works, Transportation, Coordinated Review Committee a . other City and County agencies review zoning public hearing requests and provide input, which may affect t scheduling and outcome of my hearing. These reviews may require additional hearings before other City a County boards, which may result in the modification of plans, studies and/or the proffering of agreem s to be recorded. The submission and acceptance of a request for public hearing means that the a• . cation is ready to be scheduled for public hearing. 1 am also aware that I must comply promptly with any Cit or County conditions and notify the Hearing Boards (Hearing Boards) in writing if my public hearing applicati• will be withdrawn. 2. Filing fees may not be the total cost of a hearing. Some requests require notices to - mailed to property owners up to a mile from the subject property and I am responsible for paying the additional radius mailing costs. In addition to mailing costs, I am responsible for additional fees related t.=pplication changes, plan revisions, deferrals, re -advertising, etc. that may be incurred. I understand t fees must be paid promptly, The only fees that will be refunded after the submission and acceptance of an •lication for public hearing has occurred will be the surcharge fees related to appeals, as expressly liste. n Chapter 62 of the City Code (Code). 3. Requests for public hearing will be scheduled by the Hearing Boar + . in accordance with the scheduling timeline set forth in the Code and the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Mi. i (Miami 21), as applicable. I must submit any requests to reschedule, continue or defer my hearing date to attention of the decision -making body for its consideration and vote at the public hearing on which my apcation is scheduled to be heard. I understand that any requests by the applicant to reschedule, continue or d -r the hearing date that are granted shall incur a $1,000,00 fee, as per the Code. 4. Applicable Florida Building Code requirements, or o -r applicable requirements, may affect my ability to obtain a building permit even if my zoning application is - .proved; and a building permit will probably be required. l am responsible for obtaining any required permits a' • inspections for all structures and additions proposed, or built, without permits. In addition, a Certificate of U (C.U.) must be obtained for the use of the property after it has been approved at a zoning public hearing. F - lure to obtain the required permits and/or C.U., Certificates of Completion (C.C,), or Certificate of Occup cy (C.O.) will result in an enforcement action against any occupant and owner. Submittal of the zoning pub hearing request may not forestall enforcement action against the property. 5. If my request is denied, deferred, otherwise not approved, I understand that 1 will not be reimbursed for any fees paid. 6. Any requests by the applicto reschedule, continue or defer the hearing date that are granted shall incur a $1,000,00 fee, as per the ode. 7. Any covenant to be v untarily proffered must be submitted in word format to the Planning Department and to the Office of the Ci , Attorney through ePlan for review and comments from the Planning Department, Office of the City Attorney nd any other City departments as deemed necessary. The covenant will be reviewed in ePlan and the .plicant will be notified of any necessary changes, corrections or comments through ePlan. Once the co nant receives a recommendation of approval from the Planning department and as to legal form, Hearing Be - rds staff will extract the approved covenant directly from ePlan to include as part of the agenda. The app ant is responsible to submit to the Hearing Boards the signed covenant with a current Opinion of Title n❑ Eat- han two (2) weeks prior to the initial public hearing. 1 understand that any requests by the applicant to resc -dule, continue or defer the hearing date that are granted shall incur a $1,000.00 fee, per instance, as per th= ode. cknowledgment by Applicant Updated 08.13.2020 Page 1 of 4 SUBSTITUTED 8. Any and all documents submitted must be accompanied by a cover letter indicating the subject matter, application number and hearing date. /16 In be\x)uc-Kki Applicant(s) Name Printed E>eZ-0I11 O} P-L r'OI!- i t:MP-C i�t�A Z or-eritetret Pt+o47 ,:a) L. *AI ttiLi Applic. t(s} Signatu and Date STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of f[jphysica notarization, this � p f , 2D Z3 icy )4 r, De r i�u�F1, acknowledging), who is personally known to me or who has produced identification. resence or © online (name of person as S__„dd 72L-41-). to-4— [Notary Seal] Notary Public ISABEL MONTOTO Notary Public - State of Florida Commission # GG 939512 .•:Fox :,. ` My Comm. Expires Dec 14, 2023 Bonded through National Notary Assn. sob eI Mof,jT ? Name typed, printed or stamped My Commission Expires: r ! r4 / SUBSTITUTED AFFIDAVIT OF AUTHORITY TO ACT Before me this day, the undersigned personally appeared Nicholas J. Barshel who being by me first deposes and says: 1. Tha h&ishe is the owner or the legal representative of the owner, submitting t► - public hearing applica ion as required by the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, affectin the real property located in the City of Miami, as listed on the foregoing pages. 2. That all owners who he/she represents, if any, have given his/her full a complete permission for him/her to act in his/her behalf for the change or modificatiof a classification or regulation of zoning as set out in the foregoing petition, B inc ding or 0 not including responses to day-to-day City staff inquires. 3. That the foregoing and following pages are part of this affidavit d contain the current names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers and legal descriptio, of the real property of which he/she is the owner or legal representative. 4. That the facts, as represented in the application and doc ents submitted in conjunction with this affidavit, are true and correct. 5. That a refund, if any, by the City is to be issued . the following person at the address indicated: Shari Debowsky, Executive Director, 137 N19 ST, Miami, FL, 33132 Further Affiant sayeth riot. fViCkOL45 jL 41 L Applicant(s) Name Printed STATE OF FLORIDA -- COUNTY 4 F MIAMI-DADE t 3 The foregoing was acknowl;.ged before me this 20) , by Rif 6.1t; !/& ' all ate who is a(n) individual/partn agent/corporation of MU t_LP a(n) individual/partnership/cor..ration. He/She is'.i personally known to me or 0 who has produced as dentification and who ❑ did XI did not take an oath. Applicants) Signature (Stamp) day of Se crmi r SUBSTITUTED CITY OFMIAMI DISCLOSURE OF CONSIDERATION PROVIDED OR COMMITTED FOR AGREEMENT TO SUPPORT OR WITHHOLD OBJECTION The City of Miami requires any person or entity requesting approval relief . other action from the City Commission or any of its boards, authorities, agenc s, councils or committees, to disclose at the commencement or continu- ce) of the hearing(s) on the issue, any consideration provided or committed, di--ctiy or on its behalf, to any entity or person for an agreement to support or w hold objection to the requested approval, relief or action. "Considerat •t1" includes any gift, payment, contribution, donation, fee, commission, promis: or grant of any money, property, service, credit or financial assistance of an kind or value,. whether direct or implied, or any promise or agreement to ovide any of the foregoing in the future. Individuals retained or employed by a principal as a .bbyist as defined in Sec. 2- 653, and appearing before the City Commission r any of its boards, authorities, agencies, councils or committees solely in the apacity of a lobbyist and not as the applicant, or owners' legal representati are not required to fill out this form. Name: First Name: PAC) Middle Name: . Last Name: Home Address: Home Address Line 1: 137 NE Horne Address Line 2: City: Miami State: Florida Zip: 331 Contact Informatio Horne Phone Nur er Cell Phone N ber: Fax Numb ST 305-573-5900 Email: s' " •owsky r@templeisraeLnet BUS : NESS or APPLICANT or ENTITY NAME A ress Line 1: Temple Israel of Greater Miami, Inc. ddress Line 2: 137 NE 19 ST, Miami, FL, 33132 Doc. No.:86543 Page 1 of 3 SUBSTITUTED CITY OFMIAMI DISCLOSURE OF CONSIDERATION PROVIDED OR COMMITTED FOR AGREEMENT TO SUPPORT OR WITHHOLD OBJECTION Please describe the issue for which you are seeking approval, relief or other acti. from the City Commission, board, authority, agency, council, or committee. FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT AND REZONING ❑F PROPERTY AT 1852 NE 2ND AVENUE Has any consideration been provided or committed, directly or on your beh person for an agreement to support or withhold objection to the requeste action? N° to any entity or pproval, relief or If your answer to Question 2 is No, do not answer questions 3, 4 & •roceed to read and execute the Acknowledgment. if your answer to Question 2 is Ye please answer questions 3, 4 & 5 and read and execute the Acknowledgement. 1. Please provide the name, address and phone numb- of the person(s) or entities to whom consideration has been provided or commit d. • Name of Person/Entity: NIA • Phone Number of Person/Entity: NIA • Address of Person/Entity: NIA 2. Please describe the nature + the consideration NIA 3. Describe what is bel N/A requested in exchange for the consideration. Doc. No.:86543 Page 2 of 3 SUBSTITUTED CITY OFMIAMI DISCLOSURE OF CONSIDERATION PROVIDED OR COMMITTED FOR AGREEMENT TO SUPPORT OR WITHHOLD OBJECTION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COMPLIANCE I hereby acknowledge that it is unlawful to employ any device, scheme or artifice to cumvent the disclosure requirements of Ordinance 12918 and such circumvention shall be r -erred a violation of the Ordinance; and that in addition to the criminal or civil penalties t may be imposed under the City Code, upon determination by the City Commission th he foregoing disclosure requirement was not fully and timely satisfied the following may our: 1. the application or order, as applicable, shall be deemed void thout further force or effect; and 2. no application from any person or entity for the same is e shall be reviewed or considered by the applicable board(s) until expiration nullification of the application or order. PERSON SUBMITTING DISCLOSURE: Print Name \ L P.. u S N'1)1 Sworn to and subscribed before me this / The foregoing instrument was acknowled -d before me by a period of one year after the wh has produced did/did not take an oath. STATE OF FLORIDA CITY OF MIAMIMY COMMISSIO EXPIRES: day of 59'1e a beer . 2O . 3 . as identification and/or is personally known o me and who i�pr'a�" .• ISABEL M0NTOT0 i4 r* Notary Public - State of Florida Commission # GG 939512 „of, Fs+ `'' My Comm. Expires Dec 14, 2023 Bonded through National Notary Assn. Doc. No.:86543 Page 3 of 3 SUBSTITUTED DISCLOSURE OF OWNERSHIP List the owner(s) of the subject property and percentage of ownership. Note: The Miami City Code requires all parties making any presentation, formal request o petition to the City Commission or any City board with respect to any real property to ma • full disclosure, in writing, of all parties having a financial interest, either direct or indirect, i he subject matter of said presentation, formal request or petition. Such disclosure shall clude, but not be limited to, disclosure of all natural persons having an ownership interest, d' ct or indirect, in the subject real property. Accordingly, disclosure of shareholders of orporations, beneficiaries of trusts, and/or any other interested parties, together with their • dress(es) and proportionate interest are required. Please supply additional lists, if neces . ry. Owner's Name(s) TEMPLE ISRAEL, OF GREATER MIAMI, INC. Percentage of Ownership 100% Subject Property Address(es) 1852 NE 2 AVE List all street address(es) and legal description(s) of a F property located within 500 feet of the subject property owned by any and all parties listed ' question #1 above. Please supply additional lists, if necessary. Street Address(es): 137NE19ST 109 NE 19 ST Legal Description(s): SAN JOSE SUB, PB 3-158, LOTS RU 10 LESS N5FT & LESS E2OFT FOR ST BLK 2 SAN JOSE SUB, PB 3-156, LOT11 THRU 14 LESS NSFT BLK 2 Shct Owner(s) or Attu ey Name Owneris) or Attorne ` ignature STATE OF FLORIDA -- COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE JJ The for going was acknowledged before me this f �' day of Sep . i71 b-ef` 20 '-Z , by l G A r, z Lao w k �. , &i-wrive- DU -ro&. who is a(n) individual/partner/agent/corporation of 1e.,+i ,iz' .•,rciei M €wii . a(n) dividuallpartnershiplcorporation. He/She is J personally known to me or ❑ who has produced as identification and who C] did ►+ did not take an oath. Diadid) Jt Signature 'SABEL MONTOTO Notary Public • State of Florida Commission # GG 939512 MY Comm. Expires Dec 14, 21123 Bonded through National Notary Assn, Rev. 10-18 7 SUBSTITUTED State of Florida Department of State I certify from the records of this office that TEMPLE ISRAEL OF REATER MIAMI, INC. is a corporation organized under the laws of the . to of Florida, filed on February 21, 1992. The document number of this corporation is N47495. I further certify that said corporation has paid all fees 4 ue this office through December 31, 2023, that its most recent annual rep ► tiuniform business report was filed on July 6, 2023, and that its status is ac e. I further certify that said corporation has not ' ed Articles of Dissolution. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida at Tallahassee, the Capital, this the Sixth day of July, 2023 Secretary of Late Tracking Number: 9532448864CC To authenticate this certificate,visit the following site,enter this number, and then follow the instructions displayed, https://services.sunbiz.orglFilings/CertificateofStatuslCertificateAuthentication Prepared by and return to: Nicholas J. Barshel, Esq. Akerman LLP 98 SE 7 Street, Suite 1100 Miami, Florida 33131 SUBSTITUTED POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, that TEMPLE ISRAEL MIAMI, INC. has made, constituted and appointed, and by these presents do appoint NEISEN KASDIN and NICHOLAS BARSHEL true and lawful a their stead to execute all documents and instruments required with respect a future land use map amendment and (ii) a rezoning for the property loc. (File Nos. PZ-23-15950 and PZ-23-15951) submitted with and to the and granting unto NEISEN KASDIN and NICHOLAS BARSHE and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whats done with respect to the application as fully, to all intents and personally present, with full power of substitution and revocat that said attorneys or his substitute shall lawfully do or eau IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto se SE'TE 1itEEK— , 2023. STATE OF [aY; CI COUNTY OF I£ 44i The foregoi online notarizatio the 6 e h v for profit co . identificati • and who did not take an oath. e TEMPL a Flori F GREATER ake, constitute and Heys for them and in their application for (i) d at 1852 NE 2nd Avenue of Miami, Florida, giving heir said attorneys, full power er requisite and necessary to be I',poses, as he might or could do if n, hereby ratifying and confirming all to be done by virtue hereof: • 1 y/our hand(s) and seal(s) this ) Z day of SRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI, INC., not for profit corporation By: Name: `lCiY, R o:), K— Title:tr+hv instrument was acknowledged before meea by 4 physical his II day of `, pi? ipi ht(, 2023 by f G Vi /281 Y of TEMPLE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI, IN presence or [] ., a Florida not ration. He/She is personally known to me or presented ISABEL mONTOTO otary Public • State of Florida Commission 11 GG 434512 my Comm. Expires Der 14, 2023 Bonded through National Notary Assn. NOTARY SEAL/ STAMP Notary Public, State of floritdA Print Name morykID as 7 265 658 6; I 2022 FLORIDA NOT FOR PROFIT CORPORATION AMENDED ANNUAL REPORT DOCU M ENT # N47495 Entity Name: TE M PLE I SR A EL OF GR EA TER M IA M I, INC. Current Principal Place of Business: 137 N.E. 1 9ST R EET 137 N.E. 1 9TH ST R EET MIAMI, FL 3 313 2 Current Mailing Address: 1 37 N.E. 1 9 ST R EET 13 7 N.E. 1 9TH STR EET MIAMI, FL 33132 US FILED Jul 06, 2022 Secretary of State 1778161038CC FEI Number: 59-0683270 Certificate of St Name and Address of Current Registered Agent: GR EENBER G, JA CQU ELI NE 137 N.E. 1 9ST R EET M IA M I, FL 3 313 2 US Desired: N o The above named entity submits this statement for the purpose of changing its registered office or registered ag t, or both, in the State of Florida. SIGNA T U R E: JA CQU ELI NE GR EENBER G 07 /06/ 2022 Elec tronic Signat ur e of R egist er ed A gent Da te Officer/Director Detail : Title VP -FI NA NCE Title PR ESID ENT Name GR EENBER G, JA CQU ELI NE DAVIE Name LA MB,M ARC Address 137N.E.1 9ST REET Ad ess 137N. E.19STR EET 137 N.E. 1 9TH ST R EET 137 N.E. 1 9TH ST R EET Cit y-St at e-Zip: M IA M I FL 3 313 2 Cit y-St at e-Zip: M IA M I FL 3 313 2 Title EX ECU TIV E D IR ECTOR Title PA ST PR ESID ENT Name DEBOWSK Y,SHA RI Name TEITELBA UM,MARK Address 137N.E.1 9ST REET Address 137N. E.19STR EET 137 N.E. 1 9TH ST R EET 137 N.E. 1 9TH ST R EET Cit y-St at e-Zip: M IA M I FL 3 313 2 Cit y-St at e-Zip: M IA M I FL 3 313 2 I hereby certify that th oath; that I am an o ormation indicated on this report or supplemental report is true and accurate and that my electronic signature shall have the same legal effect as if made under or director of the corporation or the receiver or trustee empowered to execute this report as required by Chapter 617, Florida Statutes; and that my name appears above, or on an a ;chment with all other like empowered. SIGNA T . R E: JA CQU ELI NE D GR EENBER G VP, F INA NCE 07 /06/ 2022 Elec tronic Signat ur e of Signing Of ficer /D irec tor Detail Da te SUBSTITUTED SUBSTITUTED C itg crfAaiattri DISCLOSURE AFFIDAVIT OF NO MONIES DUE TO THE CITY 03-05-2021 In accordance with Section 2-208 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, ("City Cod=' titled, "New permits prohibited, non- homestead properties", permits shall not be issued for a non -homestead p perty with any outstanding code enforcement violations, building violations, or any relevant city lien or invoice du- =nd owing to the City. Permits required to cure life safety issues, permits which are required to bring outsta ng violations into compliance, or permits for any properties owned by a governmental entity are exempted from th. . prohibition. Each owner for each address listed as a party to the application needs to sign and submit is disclosure/affidavit. If an omission is the result of City of Miami oversight, then the City will notify the applic- and provide time for the applicant to resolve the issue within ninety (90) days. The project can be terminated • , the City of Miami after the 90th day. Note: If you are a lessee on City of Miami -owned property, you must contac e Department of Real Estate and Asset Management to have this form completed by an authorized person. Name (title and name of entity as well, if applicable): Temple Israel of Greater Mi- i, Inc. Address/ City / State / Zip: 1852 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami, Florida, 3 42 Phone No: 305.573.5900 Email: sdebowsk templeisrael.net 1 Marc Lamb, as President hereby certify that all e addresses listed on this application are (please check one of the following): [ ] homestead properties. [ ] non -homestead properties, and that there are no op- code enforcement violations, building violations, City liens, or invoices due and owing to the City on any of t' - addresses listed on this application. I certify that any City of Miami covenants on the properties are in full co lance and no associated monies due to the City. I certify there are no past due rent payments or associate • nterest due to the City for any of the addresses listed on this application. [x] non -homestead properties that have o- -n code enforcement violations, building violations, City liens, and/or invoices due and owing to the City. Ple. explain (required): The City has notified us of tw• . pen code violations: 1) Case #: 0000900 iolation 2107-Parking on unimproved surfaces 2) Case #: 00009 ' 0 7 Violation 1698- Failure to register vacant lot I understand this applica '.n shall be terminated after ninety (90) days should any of the addresses listed on this application be found to of be in compliance with Section 2-208 of the City Code or with any covenant conditions attached to the land. A.A 6,h 4-4:1' I i 2u 2 Signature of t Property Owner Datl }State of . •rida } Count •f Miami -Dade w n to and subscribed before me by means of X physical presence OR online notarization this day of f'te- 1., 20 3 , by Personally known)or Produced Identification ( ) pe of Identificon produced (SEAL) j;e2/446e r� Y.Poe-., ISABEL MONTOTO 1-:,= Notary Public - State of.Flppf�pp ,'r "� Commission 11 GG 93951f' ''.aF, ' My Comm. Expires Dec 14, 2023 J Bonded through National Notary Assn. ... — - .- --'. , =' -,r - , .�: - , of 1 SUBSTITUTED rdr miami I public hearing notification services certified lists of property owners within a specific radius + radius maps + mailing labels + mailoufs + notice of public hearing site • sting rdrmiami.com I diana@rdrmiami.com 1305.498.1614 September 11, 2023 City of Miami Hearing Boards Miami Riverside Center 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami, FL 33130 Re: Property owner information required for public hearing mail notici 1852 NE 2 Avenue, Miami, FL 33132 (Folio: 01-3136-000-0021) (500' radius): Total number of property owners, excluding individual condos, in uding associations: 47 I certify that the attached ownership list and map are a complete a • accurate representation of the real estate property and property owners within a 500-foot radius of e subject property listed above. This information reflects the most current records on file in the Mia► i-Dade County Tax Assessor's Office. I also understand that a new list will be requested by the City ' Miami Hearing Boards if it is determined the property owner information list initially submitted is old= than six (6) months. Sincerely, Diana B. Rio RDR Miami I Rio Development Resources 305.498.1614 diana@rdrmiami.com SUBSTITUTED rdr miami I public hearing notification services certified lists of property owners within a specific radius + radius maps + mailing labels + mailoufs + notice of public hearing site pling rdrmiami.com 1 diana@rdrmiami.com 1305.498.1614 500' RADIUS MAP (N.T.S.) 1852 NE Avenue, Miami, FL 33132 (Folio: 01-3136-000-0021) SUBSTITUTED OWNER'S NAME(S) 111 NE 20TH ST LLC 114 119 NE 20TH LLC 120 NE 20TH STREET LLC 120 NE 20TH STREET LLC 120 NE 20TH STREET LLC 1800 BISCAYNE PLAZA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. C/O KW PROPERTY M /T & CONSU 1900 BISCAYNE PROPERTY OWNER LLC 2000 BISCAYNE FEE OWNER LLC 2020 BISCAYNE BLVD LLC AQOZFI SLP BISCAYNE LLC C/O SKYLIGHT REAL ESTATE PARTNERS ASRR 18 LLC ASRR 18 LLC ASRR 18 LLC ASRR 18 LLC ASRR 18 LLC ASRR 18 LLC ASRR 18 LLC BLOCK 18 LLC BLOCK 18 LLC BLOCK 18 LLC BRAMAN HYUNDAI INC BRAMAN HYUNDAI INC BRAMAN LEIBOWITZ GAS STATION LLC BRAMAN LEIBOWITZ MIAMI DOWNTOWN PRO'ERTIES II LLC BRAMAN LEIBOWITZ TEMPLE LOTS LLC BRAMAN-LEIBOWITZ MIAMI DOWNTOW •ROPERTIES I LLC BRAMAN-LEIBOWITZ MIAMI DOWNTO PROPERTIES I LLC CITY OF MIAMI-DEPT OF P&D ASSET ANAGEMENT DIVISION CITY OF MIAMI-DEPT OF P&D ASS- MANAGEMENT DIVISION DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS INC EDGEWATER 19 LLC EDGEWATER 19 LLC EDGEWATER 19 LLC EDGEWATER 20 LLC EDGEWATER 20 LLC EDGEWATER 20 LL' EDGEWATER 20 C F E C RR LEIBOWITZ A OCIATES MORE MUS PUBLISHING INC PRINCE i BERT LLC REBUI i MIAMI EDGEWATER LLC C/O RICHARD MERUELO S BI ' AYNE LLC C/O STILES CORPORATION TE► 'LE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI T MPLE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI EMPLE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI FL SUBSTITUTED SUBSTITUTED MAILING STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE COUNTRY 264 NAVARRE DR MIAMI SPRINGS FL 33166 USA 264 NAVARRE DR MIAMI SPRINGS FL 33166 USA 2060 BISCAYNE BLVD 2 FLOOR MIAMI FL 33137 USA 2060 BISCAYNE BLVD 2 FLOOR MIAMI FL 33137 USA 2060 BISCAYNE BLVD 2 FLOOR MIAMI FL 33137 U 8200 NW 33 ST STE 300 MIAMI FL 33122 A 666 5 AVE FLR 15 NEW YORK NY 10103 USA 666 5 AVE 15 FL NEW YORK NY 10103 USA 2060 BISCAYNE BLVD 2ND FLR MIAMI FL 33137 USA 27 UNION SQUARE WEST 503 NEW YORK NY 10003 USA 261 MADISON AVE 27 FLOOR NEW YORK NY 100 . USA 261 MADISON AVE 27 FLOOR NEW YORK NY 11416 USA 261 MADISON AVE 27 FLOOR NEW YORK NY 1016 USA 261 MADISON AVE 27 FLOOR NEW YORK NY 10016 USA 261 MADISON AVE 27 FLOOR NEW YORK NY 10016 USA 261 MADISON AVE 27 FLOOR NEW YORK N 10016 USA 261 MADISON AVE 27 FLOOR NEW YORK ', 10016 USA 600 MADISON AVE 20 FL NEW YORK NY 10022 USA 600 MADISON AVE 20 FLR NEW YORK NY 10022 USA 600 MADISON AVE 20 FL NEW YORK NY 10022 USA 2060 BISCAYNE BLVD 2ND FLOOR MIAMI FL 33137 USA 2060 BISCAYNE BLVD 2ND FLOOR MIAMI FL 33137 USA 2060 BISCAYNE BLVD 2 FLOOR MIAMI FL 33137 USA 2060 BISCAYNE BLVD 2 FLR MIA FL 33137 USA 2060 BISCAYNE BLVD 2ND FLOOR MI I FL 33137 USA 2060 BISCAYNE BLVD 2 FLR / *MI FL 33137 USA 2060 BISCAYNE BLVD 2 FLR IAMI FL 33137 USA 444 SW 2 AVE STE #325 MIAMI FL 33130 USA 444 SW 2 AVE STE #325 MIAMI FL 33130 USA PO BOX 2710 ROANOKE VA 24001 USA 3921 ALTON RD 465 MIAMI BEACH FL 33140 USA 3921 ALTON RD 465 MIAMI BEACH FL 33140 USA 3921 ALTON RD 465 MIAMI BEACH FL 33140 USA 3921 ALTON RD STE 46 MIAMI BEACH FL 33140 USA 3921 ALTON RD STE A : MIAMI BEACH FL 33140 USA 3921 ALTON RD ST 465 MIAMI BEACH FL 33140 USA 3921 ALTON RD S 465 MIAMI BEACH FL 33140 USA 7150 PHILIPS H ' HWAY JACKSONVILLE FL 32256 USA 2060 BISCAY BLVD 2ND FLR MIAMI FL 33137-5024 USA 264 NAVARDR MIAMI SPRINGS FL 33166 USA 6600 NW 4 AVE MIAMI FL 33166 USA 2800 BI". AYNE BLVD STE 500 MIAMI FL 33137 USA 301 AS OLAS BLVD 5TH FL FT LAUDERDALE FL 33301 USA 137 E 19 ST MIAMI FL 33132 USA NE 19 ST MIAMI FL 33132 USA 37 NE 19 ST MIAMI FL 33132-1010 USA SUBSTITUTED SUBSTITUTED FOLIO NUMBER FOLIO NUMBER ' 0131250180100 ' 0131250180100 ' 0131250180090 ' 0131250180090 ' 0131360020080 ' 0131360020080 ' 0131360020100 ' 0131360020100 ' 0131360020130 ' 0131360020130 ' 0132310590001 ' 0132310590001 ' 0132310030080 ' 0132310030080 ' 0132310010120 ' 0132310010120 ' 0132300320160 ' 0132300320160 ' 0132310780010 ' 0132310780010 ' 0132310030950 ' 0132310030950 ' 0132310030960 ' 0132310030960 ' 0132310030970 ' 0132310030970 ' 0132310030980 ' 0132310030980 ' 0132310030990 ' 0132310030990 ' 0132310031000 ' 0132310031000 ' 0132310031010 ' 0132310031010 ' 0132310030260 ' 0132310030260 ' 0132310280010 ' 0132310280010 ' 0132310030160 ' 0132310030160 ' 0132300320180 ' 0132300320180 ' 0132310020081 ' 0132310020081 ' 0131250180010 ' 0131250180010 ' 0132310010160 ' 0132310010160 ' 0131360020010 ' 0131360020010 ' 0131360020140 ' 0131360020140 ' 0131360020170 ' 0131360020170 ' 0131360000020 ' 0131360000021 ' 0131360000030 ' 01313600001.0 ' 0132310030150 ' 01323100 ', 50 ' 0131360020250 ' 0131360' 0250 ' 0131360020260 ' 01313, 6020260 ' 0131360020270 ' 013 .60020270 ' 0131250180040 ' 0 .1250180040 ' 0131250180050 ' 1131250180050 ' 0131250180070 0131250180070 ' 0131250180080 ' 0131250180080 ' 013136000008 • 0131360000089 ' 0131360010► 0 ' 0131360010010 ' 01312501: 4 120 ' 0131250180120 ' 0132311431040 ' 0132310031040 ' 0131 -1910010 ' 0131360910010 ' 013 10410010 ' 0132310410010 ' 0 1360020200 ' 0131360020200 ' 4131360020240 ' 0131360020240 0131360000021 ' 0131360000021 ' 0131250180060 ' 0131250180060 SUBSTITUTED SUBSTITUTED LEGAL DESCRIPTION W BAYSIDE SUB PB 2-43 N45FT OF S5OFT OF LOT 11 BLK 1 & PROP INT IN & TO COMMON EL' W BAYSIDE SUB PB 2-43 LOT 10 BLK 1 AND PROP INT IN & TO COMMON ELEMENTS NOT D. 'IC, 36 53 41 SAN JOSE SUB PB 3-158 LOT 7 LESS S5FT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 6995 SQUARE FEET 4C 23! 36 53 41 SAN JOSE SUB PB 3-158 LOTS 8-9 & 10 LESS S5FT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 20985 SQU' • E FEE SAN JOSE SUB PB 3-158 LOT 11 - LESS S5FT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 6995 SQUARE FEET O• 9083-284; 1800 BISCAYNE PLAZA CONDO BISC FEDL PLAZA 1ST ADDN PB 116-7 TR B & POR •F LOT 7 & 31 53 42 MIRAMAR PB 5-4 LOT 1 BLK 2 AND PROP INT IN & TO COMMON ELEME S NOT DEDIC) CORAL PARK PB 2-66 LOT 13 & LOT 15 7 LOTS 17 & 17-A & 19 & E22FT OF LOT •-A PER PB 4-10 BAYSIDE PARK PB 2-40 LOT 7 & W1OFT LOT 6 BLK 3 LOT SIZE 60.000 X 105 • • 17606-0196 0497 FIRST HS COURT PB 172-022 T-23346 TR A LOT SIZE 41697 SQ FT M/L FAU 41 3231 003 0270 & 0z MIRAMAR PB 5-4 LOTS 1 & 2 BLK 11 & N1/2 OF ALLEY LYG S & ADJ CLO ' D PER RES #19-0320 A MIRAMAR PB 5-4 LOTS 3 & 4 BLK 11 & N1/2 OF ALLEY LYG S & ADJ CLe ED PER RES #19-0320 A MIRAMAR PB 5-4 LOT 5 BLK 11 & S1/2 OF ALLEY LYG N & W1/2 OF A EY E & ADJ CLOSED PER I MIRAMAR PB 5-4 LOT 6 BLK 11 & S1/2 OF ALLEY LYG N & E1/2 OF ! LEY W & ADJ CLOSED PER I MIRAMAR PB 5-4 LOT 7 & N31.65FT LOT 8 BLK 11 & PORT OF 10, ALLEY LYG ADJ CLOSED PER MIRAMAR PB 5-4 LOT 9 & 518.35FT LOT 8 BLK 11 & W1/2 OF A EY LYG E & ADJ CLOSED PER RI MIRAMAR PB 5-4 LOT 10 BLK 11 AND PROP INT IN & TO CO ON & E1/2 OF ALLEY LYG W & N5E MIRAMAR PB 5-4 LOTS 13 & 14 BLK 4 AND PROP INT IN & COMMON ELEMENTS NOT DEDICA- 31 53 42 .99 AC M/L GRAND UNION REPLAT PB 76-78 T• CTS 1 & 2 LOT SIZE 43124 SQUARE FEE MIRAMAR PB 5-4 LOTS 1 & 2 LESS S49FT BLK 4 AND •'OP INT IN & TO COMMON ELEMENTS NO BAYSIDE PARK PB 2-40 LOTS 9 & 10 & LOT 11 LES 10FT & EXT AREA OF CURVE IN NW COR I CORAL PARK RE -SUB PB 4-106 W3OFT LOT 19-A : ALL LOT 21 LOT SIZE 82.000 X 81 OR 20906-0" W BAYSIDE SUB PB 2-43 LOT 1 LESS S & E1OF . EXT AREA OF CURVE IN NE & SE COR FOR R/ CORAL PARK PB 2-66 LOT 23 LOT SIZE IRRE' LAR OR 12560-4321 0685 2 SAN JOSE SUB PB 3-158 LOT 1 LESS S & N T & WSOFT LOT 2 LESS S & NSFT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 1, 36 53 41 SAN JOSE SUB PB 3-158 W125F OF E145FT OF LOT 12 LESS N1OFT & S11.47 FT & EXT SAN JOSE SUB PB 3-158 ESOFT OF W1' I FT LESS S55FT LOT 12 LESS N1OFT FOR R/W BLK 1 LC 36 53 41 7.32 AC M/L S1/2 OF N1/2 OF E1/4 OF NE1/4 LESS BEG 382.13FTS & 35.97FTW OF NE C 36 53 41 10 AC M/L N1/2 OF S1/2 Or E1/4 OF NE1/4 DB M PAGE 188 & N.6FT OF LOTS 1 &2&N.( MIRAMAR PB 5-4 LOT 3 & LOT 4 r K 3 AND PROP INT IN & TO COMMON ELEMENTS NOT DEDIC SAN JOSE SUB PB 3-158 LOT . BLK 2 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 145 OR 14196-2146 0789 3 36 53 41 SAN JOSE SUB PB 158 N1/2 OF LOT 16 LESS NSFT BLK 2 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 67 OR 17. SAN JOSE SUB PB 3-158 /2 OF LOT 16 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 72 OR 20890-3534 12 2002 1 C( W BAYSIDE SUB PB 2-4 OT 6 BLK 1 AND PROP INT IN & TO COMMON ELEMENTS NOT DEDICA 25 53 41 W BAYSIDE I B PB 2-43 LOT 7 BLK 1 AND PROP INT IN & TO COMMON ELEMENTS NOT W BAYSIDE SUB PB -43 562.5FT LOT 8 BLK 1 AND PROP INT IN & TO COMMON ELEMENTS NOT W BAYSIDE SUB •: 2-43 LOT 9 BLK 1 AND PROP INT IN & TO COMMON ELEMENTS NOT DEDICA MIAMI PROPER ' ENTRALLY ASSESSED NILES COUR •E-SUB PB 32-36 LOTS 1-2-3 & WSOFT OF LOT 12 LESS N1OFT & S55FT OF ESOFT W BAYSID UB PB 2-43 S1/2 OF LOT 12 BLK 1 LESS S5FT & PROP INT IN & TO COMMON ELEME 31 53 42 RAMAR PB 5-4 LOTS 12 THRU 14 BLK 11 AND PROP INT IN & TO COMMON ELEMENTS FLORE► E PLAT PB 168-036 T-22281 TR A LOT SIZE 320082 SQ FT M/L FAU 01 3136 003 0050 TH BISC ' EDL PLAZA AMD PB 109-77 TRACT A LOT SIZE 83200 SQ FT OR 17254-3267 0696 2 COC 23 SA► JOSE SUB PB 3-158 LOTS 2 THRU 10 LESS NSFT & LESS E2OFT FOR ST BLK 2 LOT SIZE 689 53 41 SAN JOSE SUB PB 3-158 LOTS 11 THRU 14 LESS NSFT BLK 2 LOT SIZE 200.000 X 140 OF 6 53 41 1.64 AC BEG 382.13FTS & 35.97FTW OF NE COR OF NE1/4 W ALG S R/W/L NE 19TH ST 2 SUBSTITUTED W BAYSIDE SUB PB 2-43 LOT 8 LESS S62.5FT BLK 1 AND PROP INT IN & TO COMMON ELEMEN LOTS 10 THRU 12 OF MIRAMAR PB 5-4 AS DESC IN DEC OR 23981-1388 LOT SIZE 5•.51 RES #19-0320 AND PROP INT & TO COMMON ELEMENTS NOT D ICATED TO PUBLIC W & E29FT OF LOT 2 LESS S1OFT FOR R/W BL AND PROP INT IN & TO COMMON :OR OF NE1/4 W225.53FT S282.27FT 3FT OF LAND ADJ TO SEITTERS A 50.04FT N282.70FT TO POB & LESS BEG 347FTS N IN 36-53-41 LOT SIZE 435600 SQUARE FEET OF W100FT L12 LESS S11.50FT BLK 1 PER PB 3-158 LOT SIZE 27737 SQ FT 5.53FTS 282.27FTE ALG S B/L S1/2 OF N1/2 OF NE1/4 OF NE1/4 250.04FTN ALG W B/L SUBSTITUTED S NOT DEDICATED TO PUBLIC LOT SIZE 2125 SQUARE FEET OR 17703-1594 0697 4 SQ FT M/L 70.33FTE SUBSTITUTED IACOAP @PAM ie„as Q, /1 0 R t=- Dear Constituent: SUBSTITUTED Welcome to the City of Miami! This package is intended to provide y Code Enforcement violations and liens attached to the subject pro with all open rty, or properties, as of the current date and time the followin• resort was created Closed violations and future violations are not included. A violation may become a lien when the property o er does not timely remedy the violation. This report may include two types of I ns: Certified liens and non -certified liens. Certified liens have a set amount to be aid. Conversely, most non -certified liens continue to accrue interest or a per die ine; therefore, those liens must be satisfied with the City as quickly as possible. All outstanding violations and I ns must be satisfactorily resolved before the City can issue a Certificate of Use U); however, the City inspects all properties prior to the issuance of a CU an• hose inspections may yield additional items, which must be addressed by the o er at the property prior to issuance of a CU. This search •oes not include encumbrances, other liens, restrictions or the like, recorded in the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Please contact Mia -Dade County for the aforementioned items. Code Violation/Lien Inquiry Letter Page 1 of 5 SUBSTITUTED Nicholas Barshel 98 SE 7 ST SUITE 1100 MIAMI FL 33134 City of Miami Property Search Notice Per your request (copy attached), the undersigned has searched the records of the Direct City of Miami, Florida, for any liens and other fees outstanding against the followi 09/13/2023. The result is valid up to 30 days from the processing date. In addition, calculations, the amount shown is subject to change as reflected below. Folio Number: 01-3136-000-0021 Property Address: 1852 NE 2 AV 09/13/2023 of Finance in and for the described property as of: to daily penalty and interest Legal Description: 36 53 41 1.64 AC BEG 382.13FTS & 35.TW OF NE COR OF NE1/4 W ALG S R/W/L NE 19TH ST 255.53FTS 282.27' E ALG S B/L S1/2 OF N1/2 OF NE1/4 OF NE1/4 250.04FTN ALG W B/L NE 2 D AVE 282.70FT TO POB LOT SIZE 71438 SQUARE FEET Amount Payable On: This notice doe recorded in 09/12/2023 to 10/13/2023 0.00 of include liens imposed by federal, state, county or City agencies or boards or any other liens ublic records of Miami -Dade County. Eric . Paschal Fi- nce Director o ensure proper credit of your payment, include a copy of all pages of the property search findings along with your payment and mail to: City of Miami, Treasury Management/Payment Processing, 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 6th Floor, Room 636-1, Miami, FL 33130. If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 2 of 5 SUBSTITUTED Nicholas Barshel 98 SE 7 ST SUITE 1100 MIAMI FL 33134 City of Miami 09/13/2023 Folio Number: 01-3136-000-0021 Property Address: 1852 NE 2 AV Legal Description: 36 53 41 1.64 AC BEG 382.13FTS & 35.97FTW OF NE OR OF NE1/4 W ALG S R/W/L NE 19TH ST 255.53FTS 282.27FTE ALG S B S1/2 OF N1/2 OF NE1/4 OF NE1/4 250.04FTN ALG W B/L NE 2ND AVE 282.7►. T TO POB LOT SIZE 71438 SQUARE FEET Lien No. (Case Number) erty Search Findings - Pending Liens escription Address If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 3 of 5 SUBSTITUTED Nicholas Barshel 98 SE 7 ST SUITE 1100 MIAMI FL 33134 City of Miami 09/13/2023 Folio Number: 01-3136-000-0021 Property Address: 1852 NE 2 AV Legal Description: 36 53 41 1.64 AC BEG 382.13FTS & 35.97FTW OF N OR OF NE1/4 W ALG S R/W/L NE 19TH ST 255.53FTS 282.27FTE ALG S : S1/2 OF N1/2 OF NE1/4 OF NE1/4 250.04FTN ALG W B/L NE 2ND AVE 282. dFT TO POB LOT SIZE 71438 SQUARE FEET roperty Search Findings - Open Invoices Invoice Customer No. Lien No. Description Amount Due Sub -Total 0.00 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 4 of 5 SUBSTITUTED Violations Detail Report Folio Number: 01-3136-000-0021 NO OPEN VIOLATIONS FOUN Page 5 of 5 SUBSTITUTED BUILDING DEPARTMENT Transaction Statement Financial Transaction ID: 1003588 Transaction Date: Aug 9 2023 11:58AM Permit Number: PZ2315951 FEE SUMMARY Akerman LLP 98SE7ST nicholas.barsh (305)982-55 akerman.com Fee Category Fee Code Fee Description Quantity Unit Type Amount PLANNING MS-547 TRIP GENERATION STAT ENT FEE-TR-1.1.3 0.0000 N/A $1,000.00 Total: $1,000.00 v. Jul/02/2012 Generated on Aug/09/2023 11:58 AM 8/14/23, 1:52 PM secure35.ipayment.com/Miami/my/0/print_version.htm?DOUBLESUBMIT= RD7XE21j2eHGa%2fbpozgvrhzPOP8ZODP4ngIXN... SUBSTITUTED Department of Finance Online Payments Receipt Your Reference Number: 2023226001-277 08/14/2023 1:51:50 PM Web_user TRANSACTIONS If you have a Transaction ID, please click here 2023226001-277-1 $1,000.00 TRANS ID: 1003588 BUSINESS NAME: COM Lien Search FEE NAME: TRIP GENERATION STATEMENT FEE-TR-1.1.3 TOTAL ' NT: $1 '00.00 PAYMENT Mastercard Credit Sale CARD NUMBER: ************7498 FIRST NAME: Shari LAST NAME. Debowsky IH III 011101 III i CE2023226001 $1,0 .00 $1,000.00 https://secure35.ipayment.com/Miami/my/0/print_version.htm?_DOUBLESU BM IT= RD7XE21j2eHGa%2fbpozgvrhzPOP8ZODP4ngIXNoQyLKg%3d 1/1