HomeMy WebLinkAboutmemos from the stateFLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES .1E8 BUSH GOVERNOR CYNTHIA A. HENDERSON 5 ECRETARY MyFloridacom TM STATE: PuucriAsi G 4050 ESPLANADE WAY SUITE 350 TALLAIHASSEE, FLORIDA 323994)950 TELEPHONE: 850-488-8440 FAX: 850-414-6122 IN'TERNET: Www.M YFLORIDA.CORI Suite 315 July 16, 2001 MEMORANDUM NO.: (973-001-00-1)-12 TO: Department Addressed FROM: Matthew R. Jeppson Director, State Purchasing SUBJECT: Contract No. 973-001-00-1 Title: Professional Consulting Services This revision reflects a new address, telephone number, fax number, email address and contact person for Achieve Global (Reference Ordering instructions, Page 29). Please note below the new Contract Administrator name and telephone number for this contract (also reference Certification ofServices Contract page of the contract). Any questions or problems in delivery or service that may arise regarding this contract should be directed to Peggy Yown at (850) 488-7403, Suncom 278-7403, email to yownp@dms.state.fl.us MRJ/py/meb FL ORIDA DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES JEB BUSH GOVERNOR CYNTHIA A. HENDERSON SECRETARY STATE PURCHASING 4050 ESPLANADE WAY SUI'rE350 TALLAIiASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-0950 TELEPHONE: 850-488-8440 FAX: 850414-6122 1NTERNET: www.MYFLORIIIA.COM Suite 315 June 5, 2001 MEMORANDUM NO.: (973-001-00-1)-11 TO: Department Addressed FROM: Matthew R. Jeppson Director, State Purchasing SUBJECT: Contract No. 973-001-00-1 Title: Professional Consulting Services Please make the following changes in the subject contract: Delete: Contactor page, 12, 21, 27, 42 Add: Contactor page, 12*, 21*, 27*, 42* *(Rev 15 June 01) Revised to update the name of HDR, Inc. and to change the name of the contact person. Any questions or problems in delivery or service that may arise regarding this contract should be directed to Stephany Fall at (850) 487-0663, Suncom 278-0663, falls(a),dms.state.fl,us MRJ/gb/meb FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES JEB BUSH GOVERNOR CYNTHIA A. HENDERSON SECRETARY MyFlorida.corn TM STATE PURCHASING 4050 ESPLANADE WAY SUITE 350 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-0950 TELEPHONE: 850-488-8440 FAx: 850-414-6122 INTERNET: WWW.MYFLORIDACOM Suite 315 March 30, 2001 MEMORANDUM NO.: (973-001-00-1) - 10 TO: Department Addressed FROM: Matthew R. Jeppson Director, State Purchasing SUBJECT: Contract No. 973-001-00-1 Title: Professional Consulting Services for Management Skills Please make the following changes in the subject contract: Delete: Certification of Contract Pages 10-68 Add: *Certification of Contract, Page * 10-*68 *(Rev. 15 May 01) Revised to add ADG Business and Governmental Consultants. Any questions or problems in delivery or service that may arise regarding this contract should be directed to Stephany R. Fall at (850) 487-0663, Suncom 277-0663, fa11s(iNms.state.11.us MRJ/sflkep FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES JEB BUSH GOVERNOR CYNTHIA A. IIENDf RSON SECRETARY MyFlorida, com TM STATE. PURCIIASING 4050 ESPLANADE WAY SUITE 350 TAI.LAIIASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-0950 TELEPHONIC: 850-488-8440 FAX: 850-414-6122 INTERNEE': www.A1 V FL(RIDA.Con /nms www.M YFLORInA.coM Suite 315 January 12, 2001 MEMORANDUM NO.: (973-001-00-1)-9 TO: Department Addressed FROM: Cynthia A. Henderson Secretary SUBJECT: Contract No. 973-001-00-1 Title: Professional Consulting Services for Management Skills Please make the following changes in the subject contract: Delete: Certification of Contract, Pages 12-65 Add: Certification of Contract, Pages * 12-*67 *(Rev. 25 Jan. 01) Revised to add Harvey, Branker & Associates and KMR Consultants, LLC and to correct prices for James Moore & Company. Any questions or problems in delivery or service that may arise regarding this contract should be directed to Stephany R, Fall at (850) 487-0663, Suncom 277-0663, falls iDdnis.state.f7.us CAI I/sf/meb FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES JEB BUSH GOVERNOR CYNTHIA A. HENDERSON SECRETARY MyForida, com /rig/ TM STATE PURCIIASING 4059 ESPLANADE WAY SUITE 350 TALLAIIASSEI, FLORIDA 32399-09511 TELEPHONE: 850-488.8440 FAX: 850 414 -6122 1NTERNET: WW W.MYFLORIDA.COM/IIMS WWW.MYFI,ORIPA.COM Suite 315 December 6, 2000 MEMORANDUM NO.: (973-001-00-1) - 8 TO: Department Addressed FROM: Cynthia A. Henderson Secretary SUBJECT: Contract No. 973-001-00-1 Title: Professional Consulting Services for Management Skills Please make the following changes in the subject contract: Delete: Pages 13, 14, & 23 Add: Pages *13, *14, & *23 *(Rev. 7 Dec. 00) Revised to con-ect rates. Any questions or problems in delivery or service that may arise regarding this contract should be directed to Stephany Fall at (850) 487-0663, Suncom 277-0663, falls(a)dms.state.fl,us CAH/sf/kep on a1,- FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES JEB BUSH GOVERNOR CYNTHIA A. HENDERSON SECRETARY STATE PURCHASING 4050 ESPLANADE WAY SUITE 350 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-0950 TELEPHONE: 850-488-8440 FAx: 850-414-6122 INTERNET: WWW.MYFLORIDACOMIDMS WWW.MYFLORPDACOM Suite 315 December 1, 2000 MEMORANDUM NO.: (973-001-00-1)-7 TO: Department Addressed FROM: Cynthia A. Henderson Secretary SUBJECT: Contract No. 973-001-00- I Title: Professional Consulting Services For Management Skills Please make the following changes in the subject contract: Delete: Certification of Contract, Pages 10-60 Add: *Certification of Contract, Pages 10-65 *(Rev 1 Dec 00) Revised to add Competitive Government Strategies, Inc. and Mevatec Corporation. Any questions or problems in delivery or service that may arise regarding this contract should be directed to Stephany R. Fall at (850) 487-0663, Suncom 278-0663, tails a,dms.state.tl.us CAI-I/sf/lmb FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES .IEH HUSH GOVERNOR CYNTHIA A. HENDERSON SECRETARY STATF: PURCHASING 4050 ESPLANADE WAY SUITE 350 TALLAIIASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-0950 TELEPHONE: H50-488-8440 FAx 850 414 -6122 INTERNE: www.M YFI Oi21DA.COf 1/DMS Www.MYF1.oRIDA.COM Suite 315 November 17, 2000 MEMORANDUM NO.: (973-001-00-1)-6 TO: Department Addressed FROM: Cynthia A. Henderson Secretary SUBJECT: Contract No. 973-001-00-1 Title: Professional Consulting Services for Management Skills Please make the following changes in the subject contract: Delete: Certification, Pages: 12-58 Add: *Certification, Pages: * 12-60 *(New/Rev 28 Nov 00) Revised to add Law, Redd, Crona, and Munroe, P.A; PKV Management Consulting, Inc. and to correct pricing for James Moore & Co., P.L. Any questions or problems in delivery or service that may arise regarding this contract should be directed to Stephany Fall at (850) 487-0663, Suncom 277-0663, falls a).dms.state.fl.us CAH/sf/meb Suite 315 October 20, 2000 MEMORANDUM NO.: (973-001-00-1)-5 TO: Department Addressed FROM: Cynthia A. Henderson Secretary SUBJECT: Contract No. 973-001-01-1 Title: Professional Consulting Services for Management Skills Please make the following changes in the subject contract: Delete: Certification of Contract Add: Certification of Contract* *(Rev. 20 Oct. 00) Revised to change name of contract administrator. Any questions or problems in delivery or service that may arise regarding this contract should be directed to Stephany R. Fall at (850) 487-0663, Suncom 277-0663, fa11sRdms.state.fl.us (Rev. 20 Oct. 00) CAH/srf/kep Suite 315 October 4, 2000 MEMORANDUM NO.: (973-001-00-1)-4 TO: Department Addressed FROM: Cynthia Henderson Secretary SUBJECT: Contract No. 973-001-00-1 Title: Professional Consulting Services for Management Skills Please make the following changes in the subject contract: Delete: Pages 15-57 Add: *Pages 15-58 *(Rev 4 Oct 00) Revised to add Sharpton, Brunson & Company, P.A. Category A Any questions or problems in delivery or service that may arise regarding this contract should be directed to Vonnie Allen at (850) 487-2304, Suncom 277-2304, allenv@dms.state.fl.us PARlva/lmb Suite 315 September 19, 2000 MEMORANDUM NO.: (973-001-00-1)-3 TO: Department Addressed FROM: Paul A. Rowell Deputy Secretary SUBJECT: Contract No. 973-001-00-1 Title: Professional Consulting Services for Management Skills Please make the following changes in the subject contract: Delete: List of Contractors, Page 10-52 Add: List of Contractors, Page 10-57 *(Rev. 28 Aug. 00) Revised to add vendors in all categories and to update ordering instruction pages Any questions or problems in delivery or service that may arise regarding this contract should be directed to Vonnie Allen at (850) 487-2304, Suncorn 277-2304, a llenv(rr),dms.state.fl.us PAR/valkep Suite 315 August 7, 2000 MEMORANDUM NO, : (973-001-00-1)-2 TO: Department Addressed FROM: Paul A. Rowell Deputy Secretary SUBJECT: Contract No. 973-001-00-1 Title: Professional Consulting Services for Management Skills Please make the following changes in the subject contract: Delete: Pages 9-37 Add: *Pages 9-52 *(Rev 7 Aug 00) Revised to add additional vendors in all categories, To revise Camber's pricing. Any questions or problems in delivery or service that may arise regarding this contract should be directed to Vonnie Allen at 850-487-2304, Suncom 277-2304, allenv(c1ms.state,fl.us PARIva/lmb Suite 315 June 20, 2000 MEMORANDUM NO.: (973-001-00-1)-1 TO: Department Addressed FROM: Paul A. Rowell Deputy Secretary SUBJECT: Contract No. 973-001-00-1 Title: Professional Consulting Services for Management Skills Please make the following changes in the subject contract: Delete: Pages 9-34 Add: *Pages 9-37 *(Rev 20 Jun 00) To add HDR Engineering to all categories and update SA1C ordering instructions. Any questions or problems in delivery or service that may arise regarding this contract should be directed to Vonnie Allen at 850-487-2304, Suncom 277-2304, al lenv0).drns.state. fl.us PAR/va/lmb