HomeMy WebLinkAboutManagement Initiative & Organizational StrategiesOffice of the City Attorney Jorge L. Fernandez, City Attorney December 9, 2004 Sample / 3 ?P.-- • At //7/ —> ,f,'" )..to. 2 el e • JORGE L. FERNANDEZ City Attorney TO: FROM: DATE: !Iitg 41liami Honorable Mayor Jorge L. Fernan December 9, 2004 d Members of the City Commission ttorney RE: Management initiatives and organizational strategies Telephone: (305) 416-1800 Telecopier: (305) 416-1801 E-MAIL: Law@ci.miami.fl.us During the three months since you appointed me City Attorney, I have reviewed and evaluated the organizational and office systems that are in place. The purpose of this review was to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of the delivery of legal services. I hope to transform the Office of the City Attorney to a value-added resource to the City by delivering the highest quality legal services in an accountable and transparent manner. I am pleased to introduce you to the new organizational structure of the office and summarize the specific systems that will be implemented effective January 1, 2005. I have inventoried the skills, talents, knowledge and ability of each individual member of my office. Consequently, I have devised, and will be implementing, an organizational structure that assures the most efficient use of our human capital. Enclosed is a copy of the organizational chart. Recognizing that the current internal systems of this office have affected the level of client satisfaction, we are initiating new procedures for handling assignments. Our goal is to improve both the quality and the speed of delivery of the legal service being provided. The first step we have taken is to clearly identify the nature of all legal work performed and the clients who are being served. A comprehensive list of clients, specific areas of law and the identity of the attorneys assigned to the specific areas has been compiled in a Matrix. Critical to achieving our goal of efficiency and accountability is the implementation of a time reporting system. We hope to have in place, by the beginning of next year, specialized software that will keep track of time spent by individual attorneys and paralegals performing particular functions on each case, assignment or project by department. This information will allow the administrative segment of this office to monitor the work performance and work habits of individual attorneys. As a derivative benefit, we will analyze individual attorneys' time records during performance appraisals, thus enhancing transparency in the area of attorney compensation. More importantly, this will give us the ability to establish benchmarks against which we can rate our performance and achieve greater efficiency. In addition to its time recording function, this software will include a feature which integrates with timekeeping to generate reports tailored to the specific needs of not only our office, but that of the individual client departments. Reports will be provided to the individual OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY/444 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Suite 945/Miami, Florida 33130-1910 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission December 9, 2004 Page 2 departments containing detailed information about the nature of the legal work obtained by each department. This timekeeping system will serve as a valuable tool in the budget -setting process for the user departments and this office. I have conducted an exhaustive review and analysis of outside counsel expenses incurred by this office for the last fiscal year. For fiscal year 2004, outside counsel expenses totaled $1,186,178.63. We will implement strategies that will enhance the skills, talents and knowledge of our attorneys, through methods that include training, mentoring and development of expertise in areas not presently practiced in house so that we can achieve significant reduction on outside counsel costs. We will also try to assure that the City Commission only appoint outside counsel at the request of the City Attorney. Drawing on more than twenty years of experience in public sector management, I can assure you that in order to deliver a highly motivated and skilled municipal law office, the City must be prepared to provide not only fulfilling careers, but also financial success. I have communicated clear goals to my staff. I have empowered each attorney with the full mantel and authority that flows from this charter created office. Each attorney will be expected to deliver quality legal service in a professional and timely manner and keep the client informed. Each attorney will take ownership of assignments and consequently, each will be held accountable for the results. With a view to providing quality legal work while containing salary costs, I will be exploring the concept of using contract attorneys, in a limited number for specific projects and/or client matters. These attorneys will not be considered Assistant City Attorneys, and will not be eligible for health, vacation or retirement benefits, but will be expected to perform and record time under the standards applicable to Assistant City Attorneys. These contract attorneys will be eligible for a position as an Assistant City Attorney based on their work history and performance standards. To expect excellence, we must be able to compete in the marketplace in order to attract and keep only the best that our profession has to offer. Our hiring and recruitment process will include a formalized summer clerk and part-time academic -year clerk program. We will achieve for the Office of the City Attorney greater recognition among local and national academic communities. My evaluation of the present compensation approach finds it deficient in many respects. I propose a compensation plan, to be gradually implemented, based on objective and measurable performance criteria including hours recorded. This plan also recognizes that individual members of a law office contribute in different ways. Consequently, the compensation process includes self -evaluation and goal setting and will weigh factors such as quality of work, client satisfaction, personal development, seniority, administrative responsibilities, technical contribution and noteworthy activities outside the legal profession. This brief overview of the systems and procedures that I will be implementing is not an exhaustive list but constitutes only the initiation of the measures I hope to use to guide this office towards recognition and status as the premier municipal law office in the country. Table of Contents 1 Power Point Slideshow Department (Client) List & Codes Legal Services Request Form 100 - Litigation & Appellate Practice 5 200 - Transactional 6 300 Land Use & Environmental Law 7 400 - Legislation, Labor, Personnel & Police Legal 8 Client Feedback Form 9 Office of the City Attorney Directory & Structure 1 0 Pending Assignments, Litigation & Contracts for your Department Office of the City Attorney Committed to serve the City and dedicated to excellence. Mission To provide quality legal services to the City, its Commission, Administration, and other Boards, Authorities and Committees in a timely, efficient, and cost effective manner. Miami Charter Sec. 21 Provides In essence: The City Attorney: • Serves as the Chief Legal Officer; • Counsels City Commission, Administration and all officers; • Prosecutes and defends all lawsuits for and on behalf of the City; • Prepares all contracts, bonds and legal instruments; • Issues legal opinions. Values ■ OWNERSHIP • ACCOUNTABILITY ■ TRANSPARENCY Plan of Work Goals & Objectives • Personnel ■ Resources • Systems • Programs Miami Code Sec. 2-111 Provides In essence: The City Attorney supervises and controls: • All attomeys employed by the City • All outside counsel 414 6 1 Results of assessments: • Skills ■ Talents ■ Knowledge • Ability Implementing the process • Matrix ■ Legal services request • Reporting to the client ■ Timing of work • Client feedback Legal Services Request Form M14I40ht., a•6C, / Met lure A--_ orwV�w� b. Dena/ 0001fecon10010 Ham, 10.00w b e, pare o/trrCb Nosy .su n,o 101. No 10Moo, -_— �. cc.010re1.011u 00 Attorneys' Experience Yeas d practice Total years 01 p,. 6ce In Lew Government Lew Yeas of Service with the Mee of the cry Attorney 4±4 15 or more barwwen7arid 14 7 3 Wu than' 4 16 6 4 6 16 1T Current number of attorneys 27 Who is the client? • Define ultimate client ■ Define authorized client • Authority to request legal service Note: Under tab number 2 in the notebook is the list of Departments/Clients and their respective codes. 10 Matrix 100 - Litigation & Appellate practice 200 - Transactional 300 - Land Use & Environmental Law 400 - Legislation, Labor, Personnel & Police Legal 12 2 100 — 101 Litigation _ Torts & Appellate Practice E— d@ (Sea tab no. 4 for complete listing) Lrabalbn against the City, as officials and empbtees order stab Pr for allegedly iaedionsl or neg bens oordurd that causes Injury b person Of datum to property, and related appeals. 105 Fiance litigation flied against the City attire from the Crays poyern mental power to tau. Impose special aasserrants and fees. 108 Workers' Comp Calms 5Pd order Chapter 440 Florida Statutes evolving work - eared ijuris, and reared appeals. o 300 — Land Use & Environmental Law 301 kanaph (see tab no. 6 for complete listing) HArk and 1Aalas talus, to amreaerce wM fbaplra 17 and 23 and Ile Hesavaecn praucpm as to41•161c, wwtmmwtd archaedpica rewecar dew En.088 wnla City, Including see taaecam. (l1EP) 33T Makaa Us• speed Penw1a (WISP) alalaa Mated 10 Rrvlaw and approval a Myer Use *maid Padre 304 &sloe Cade. Matterit mains bee Florida Wang Coda and &YtlYp Depwanant ate n, rd pwml.. 41-4 13 The Value of Timekeeping • Managed time maximizes legal resources • Clients are promptly and properly served • Professionals and staff are held accountable • Objective criteria is obtained for performance evaluation 0. 4±4 17 200 201 — Transactional M��E�� Agreelnenb (See tab no. 5 for complete listing) Issues reining b the mew, repetition aMtl drafting or spreemens such as professional SWAM agreements and use agreements. 203 Pubic Works/ TraMyortafion lessee Mating b the revise, negotiations aid drafting of public rotas anti ooreunlaioa Mabel contracts. CCMA owieacb, CP and transportation corrtraUarbtws. 205 Real Property hisses relating to the negotiation and drafting of purchme ale Bate pnee arel and lebbd financings, bases, easements, license agreements, deeds and other instruments relating to the acquisition, use and digestion of real estate by the City, other than for aftordsbb housing. 414 14 400 — Legislation, Labor, Personnel & Police Legal (Office Administration) Emu 0 [i@ 401 (See tab no. 7 for complete listing) Slats and Waal Haws for paproam of I.Malm tar City CamnkNon panda and LeyaaM aldWay anwr4nwpa, oraapt a spade pr.praba; Lapala, Pnparallan, dodo% Agenda Hopes 403 Lat./Employment Hama raided bCay paean. pal . and Roo08o , including anpbpnat, wawa. bargains. talon mead adawatalal and pWarww. dwclpNay 1Ms, pa awake Word, Ha woke bawd and .resume. 406 General Local covarnnat lawns rdard to mailers led do sal a into a epeaep meta% including Pala meads, lsyd8H. male., .Meow, Clarks, latay6p, blaooratnunleallana, adwayboada, ataWdtalaw,.N0., adph l lawns. 16 Reporting to the Client • Hours recorded for specific client • Hours recorded for specific client by area of law • Hours recorded for specific project, assignment, case, etc. ■ Individual attorney cumulative hours recorded for specific time period 4-14 IS 3 Reducing outside counsel costs We will be more valuable to our client by investing in hiring and training in-house attorneys to do the work that now goes to outside counsel. 19 Outside counsel fees Invoiced andlor paid by area of law FY '03 — 04 Land Use and 6wtronmental Law S16.814.60 Litigation. Administrative Lew and Appellate Practice 11,184178,63 • 4±4 Legislation, Leber, Personnel and Police Legal id0,■sess Transactional by Mane 0564,900.98 • 1100,000 Car recovered 21 Strategies for attracting and retaining highly skilled and motivated attorneys and staff • Aggressive recruiting • Training • Mentoring • Fulfilling career • Financial reward 23 Litigation 32 camas 4-14 Number of matters handled by outside counsel by area of practice FY'03-04 Land 9.e sad Environmental 3 matter. Labor and Employment e matter. Transactional a matter. 20 Office Wide Initiatives ■ Professionalism ■ Mentoring • Client Delight 414 22 Client Feedback • Does my lawyer keep me informed? • Does my lawyer anticipate my needs? • Does my lawyer contribute to the team approach? • Does my lawyer work competently and efficiently? • Does my lawyer answer the unasked question? 24 4 ITA Auditor General's Office BDZ Building CAP Capital Improvement Program TRA CST Transportation & Transit CitiStat CCK City Clerk's Office COM Commissioner's Office JLW Office of Commissioner Johnny L. Winton AAG Office of Commissioner Angel Gonzalez JLA Office of Commissioner Jeffery Allen TPR JMS Office of Commissioner Tomas P. Regalado Office of Commissioner Joe M. Sanchez CMG DCE City Manager's Office Code Enforcement OOC Communications CMD Community Development CMR Community Relations CVB Conferences, Conventions and Public Facilities ECD EPR Economic Development Employee Relations FIN Finance MFD Fire -Rescue GSA General Services Administration GRA Grants Administration HRG Hearing Boards ITD Information Technology MYR Mayor's Office NET Neighborhood Enhancement Team PRK Parks and Recreation PLN Planning and Zoning POL Police PWK Public Works PUR Purchasing CLM SLW Risk Management Solid Waste SPB Strategic Planning, Budgeting & Performance AUTHORITIES, BOARDS, COMMITTEES & TRUSTS ANE Arts & Entertainment Council BPT CSB Bayfront Park management Trust Civil Service Board CRA Community Redevelopment Agency CRB Community Relations Board DDA Downtown Development Authority EEO OHP Equal Opportunity Advisory Board Homeless Programs Page 1 of 2 LHH Little Havana Homeownership Advisory Board MCT Model City Community Revitalization District Trust NAB Nuisance Abatement Board DOS Off -Street Parking Board MSE Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority VKB Virginia Key Beach Park Trust Page 2 of 2 Cat# of C1it�xxrtt (Office of the Tag cAtivr teg Legal Services Request To: Office of the City Attorney Date: From: Contact Person Title Legal Service Requested: Department Telephone Authorized by: Date response requested by: Complete form and forward to the Office of the City Attorney. Do not assume that the Office of the City Attorney knows the background of the question and/or issue, such as opinions on the same or similar issues, the existence of relevant memos, correspondence, etc. Please attach to this form all pertinent information relating to the subject. Once your request has been assigned, the lower half of this form will be completed by the Office of the City Attorney and returned to you. BELOW PORTION TO BE COMPLETED BY THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Assigned Attorney: City Attorney Approval: Comments: File No. Date: D/RDate: Type: Matrix: Category: Copy returned to Client rev. 12/01 /04 MATRIX CODE 1INITIONS 100 - LITIGATION & APPELLATE PRACTICE 101 HJH CAG Torts General Cases against the City, its officials and employees under state law alleging conduct causing injury to persons or damage to property, and related appeals; including motor vehicle accidents, trip and fall incidents, false arrests, and excessive use of force and battery; excludes Civil Rights claims. 102 WRB HJH CCM Civil Rights Cases alleging violation of constitutional, and certain federal statutory rihts including, actions brought under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, for violation of the 1st, 46, and/or 14' Amendments, and Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) claims, and related appeals; excludes Labor/Employment Claims. 103 WRB HJH MJS Commercial & Bankruptcy Litigation for and against the City arising out of commercial transactions including, breach of contract claims, landlord and tenant disputes, construction disputes, and bankruptcy proceedings, and related appeals; excluded defaulted loans and foreclosures. 104 GKW EIJ Building Code, Zoning Ordinance, MUSPs & Government Powers Litigation for and against the City arising out of the City's governmental powers, including claims arising from the issuance or failure to issue various permits, challenges to MUSPs, demolition of unsafe structures, and the enforcement of building and fire codes, zoning codes and other state and local regulations; excludes Taxation/Special Assessments & Fees. 105 WRB Finance - Taxation/Special Assessments/Fees Challenges to the City arising from the City's power to tax, impose special assessments and fees. 106 MVT JOB Labor/Employment Litigation and pre -suit claims and appeals, regarding work disputes, including, discrimination complaints, pay or wage disputes, retaliation and whistleblower claims, promotional disputes, and benefit/pension disputes, unfair labor practice charges, EEOC/FCHR charges, unemployment compensation, PERC proceedings and proceedings involving collective bargaining agreements, and related appeals; excludes Civil Service Board proceedings and arbitrations. 107 JOB Public Records/Sunshine Law/ Election Law Cases related to Public Records Law, Sunshine Law and Election Law, including challenges to Charter Amendments, and related appeals. Page 1 of 2 Revised 12/01/04 MATRIX CODEI )INITIONS 100 - LITIGATION & APPELLATE PRACTICE • • -; • ;44 .41r FINITIONS 108 GBH RSO Workers' Compensation Claims filed under Chapter 440 Florida Statutes involving work -related injuries, and related appeals. 109 MJS DDR Real Estate - Foreclosure/Quiet Title/Eminent Domain/Inverse Condemnation Litigation involving interest in real property including, foreclosure of liens, mortgage foreclosures, acquisition of property, taking of property and disputes involving ownership or interests in real property. 110 GKW EIJ Land Use/Environmental Litigation concerning challenges to the City's land use and environmental ordinances and regulations, defending challenges to the City's development, permitting, and zoning decisions; litigation involving environmental regulations, and actions brought under the Bert Harris Act, including pre -suit proceedings. 111 VM GKW Code Enforcement & Nuisance Abatement Administrative proceedings and litigation related to violations of the City's codes and abatement of nuisances. 112 GKW Civil Forfeitures & Vehicle Impoundment Litigation under the Florida Forfeiture Statute, and administrative proceedings under the City's Vehicle Impoundment Ordinance. 113 MJS Attorneys' Fees Claims Litigation and pre -suit adjustment of claims for Attorneys' Fees asserted by officials or employees related to civil or criminal litigation arising out of the officials' or employees' official duties. 114 KRM Garnishments Processing of garnishment claims against City employees. 115 TWW Third Party Subpoenas Review and oversight of third party subpoenas for testimony or production of documents in cases in which the City's not a party and in which the client seeks the City Attorney advice. Page 2 of 2 Revised 12/01/04 MATRIX CODE I )'INITIONS 200 - TRANSACTIONAL 201 RJJ ROD Professional Service Agreements, Use Agreements; General Contract Issues Review, negotiation and drafting of agreements such as professional services agreements, expert consultant, use agreements and general contract issues. 202 RSR ROD Procurement City contracts for goods, construction and services, including drafting, interpretation, bid disputes, sole source and competitive processes, contractual performance guarantees and bonds 203 ROD RSR Public Works; Transportation Review, negotiation and drafting of public works and construction related contracts, CCNA contracts, CIP and transportation contracts/issues. 204 RJJ RCG KRM Grants; Economic Development, Brownfields Review and drafting of grant agreements for Community Development funded social programs and economic development activities, and City applications for grant funding. 205 IT RJJ Affordable Housing Projects Review, negotiation and drafting of purchase and sale agreements and related financings, and deeds and other instruments relating to the use and disposal of City real estate for affordable housing; the review and drafting of grant/loan documents and other instruments relating to the construction of affordable housing; HUD loans. 206 DDR Foreclosures Non -litigation issues relating to the collection of liens, fines and administrative fees, and related title issues. 207 ROD ORS Interlocal Agreements, Development Projects Negotiation, drafting and review of interlocal agreements and related documents for new developments within the City. 208 ORS Real Property Negotiation and drafting of purchase and sale agreements and related financings, leases, easements, license agreements, deeds and other instruments relating to the acquisition, use and disposition of real estate by the City, other than for affordable housing. 209 ORS IT Management Contracts Negotiation and drafting of management contracts for City properties or facilities. Page 1 of 2 Revised 12/01/04 210 ERW ORS License Agreements MATRIX CODE I )INITIONS 200 - TRANSACTIONAL Negotiation and drafting of License Agreements for the use of City properties or facilities. 211 ROD RJJ Public Finance Issues relating to the issuance of City debt, including bond issues. 212 RJJ RCG Information Technology Information technology and telecommunications. 213 JHV CRA - Bus benches/shelters All issues. Page 2 of 2 Revised 12/01/04 MATRIX CODE I )'INITIONS 300 - LAND USE & ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 301 VM RSR Historic and Preservation Environmental (HEP) Compliance with Chapters 17 and 23 and the protection of the historic, environmental, archaeological and architectural resources of the City, including tree protection. 302 EIJ VM Public Works & Platting Process Plats and related documents to ensure compliance with Chapter 177, Florida Statutes and Chapters 54 and 55, City Code pertaining to streets and sidewalks and subdivision regulations; general representation of Public Works department. 303 RCG EIJ Assisted Living Facilities (ALF'S) and Cafeteria/Bars Violations of Assisted Living Facilities provisions, and provisions of City Code regulation operation of Cafeteria/Bars. 304 VM Neighborhood Enhancement Team (NET) Issues related to Neighborhood Enhance Team (NET). 305 RSR GKW Planning Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map, adoption and amendments thereto; Planning Advisory Board (PAB); Pre and Post -Commission review of legislation emanating from PAB; Major Use Special Permits (MUSP); Urban Development Review Board (UDRB); Urban Development Review Board (UDRB) and issues pertaining to Chapter 62, City Code, and Articles 13-17, Zoning Ordinance. 306 GKW RSR Zoning Zoning Ordinance; Pre and Post -Commission review of legislation emanating from Planning & Zoning Department; Zoning Board; Variances, Special Exceptions, Special Permits, Zoning Administrator interpretations and Planning Director determinations. 307 RSR GKW Major Use Special Permits (MUSP) Developments of Regional Impact (DRI), Development Agreements Review and approval of Major Use Special Permit; applications, amendments and interpretations of development orders in connection with DRI and Development Agreement. 308 VM EIJ Building Codes Florida Building Code and Building Department orders and permits. Page 1 of 2 Revised 12/01/04 MATRIX CODE I )INITIONS 300 — LAND USE & ENVIRONMENTAL LAW CODE AS e DEFINITIONS . 310 VM Impact Fees Impact fee ordinance and appeals of impact fees. 311 VM RSR Covenants Covenants in Lieu of Unity of Title, Covenants to Run with the Land, and Unity of Title. Page 2 of 2 Revised 12/01/04 MATRIX CODE I )'INITIONS 400 — LEGISLATION, LABOR, PERSONNEL & POLICE LEGAL 401 MJC State and Local Legislation Preparation, Agenda Process Process for preparation of legislation for City Commission agenda and statutory amendments, oversight of agenda preparation; Legistar@, election. 402 EIJ MJC Claims Labor/Employment Claims related to work place disputes or fair employment practices including discrimination complaints under Title VII, ADEA, ADA, and alleged violations of FMLA, FSLA or the Constitution. 403 MJC EIJ Labor/Employment - General City personnel policies and procedures, including employment, collective bargaining, union contract administration and grievances, disciplinary matters, civil service board, civil service board and arbitrations. 404 GKW Police Legal Advisor /General Administration and operation of the Police Department; counsel to the Chief of Police, Senior Staff; legal opinions for the Police Department; Research regarding police operations; On -scene advice to police officers during field operations crime scenes. Legal Bulletins; Training; dissemination of new policies and procedures. 405 GKW MJC Police Legal Advisor /Liaison Perform liaison functions with the City Attorney and Assistant City Attorneys and the State Attorney's Office, U.S. Department of Justice and the courts. Assist colleagues in the City Attorney's Office with matters involving the Miami Police Department. Provide training to colleagues in the City Attorney's Office in the event the City Attorney's Office is utilized in a large scale public safety event. 406 MJC General Local Government General public records, legislative review, elections, Charter, lobbying, telecommunications, advisory boards, sunshine law, ethics, and gift law issues. 407 JOB MJC City Attorney Office Administration Office of the City Attorney personnel matters, space allocation, general office administration. Page 1 of 1 Revised 12/01/04 Office TTtg ltfDxTCCg CLIENT FEEDBACK Please circle the answer that best reflects your opinion, and add any comments or suggestions. Return the completed survey by , to the Office of the City Attorney, 444 SW 2'd Avenue, Suite 945, Miami, Florida 33130, ATTN: 1. Attorney was accessible. 2. Attorney met deadlines. (1) Strongly agree ( onwhat agree (3) No Opinion (4) Somewh isagree 6) Strongly disagree 1 3. Communications by Attorney were '` ` 2 3 5 easy to understand and free of jargon. 4. Attorney kept us informed about legal issues relating to our w 5. Attorney understands the busines of my department. 6. Advice from Attorn options and creative solu 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 7. Paralegal st• „ ere <- 1 2 3 4 5 professional,and knowle 8. Off e non-lega..yro 1 2 3 4 5 us, profes c, al sery 9. ow • ��� ou iyn- ct with the Office of the City Attorney (circle best answer) daily s ekly several times a month monthly less often 10. Overall, satisfied with the services provided by the Office of the City Attorney. yes no 11. If you are dissatisfied with the Office of the City Attorney, what is the main reason? Page 1 of 2 Revised 12/01/04 12. Do you have any suggestions about ways we can improve service to your Department or Agency? 13. Please identify any new areas where you want or need assistance from our Office, for example training, establishing new programs, or analysis of new issues. 14. Other comments. Name: JOB/Administrative Matters/Form-Client Survey Page 2 of 2 Revised 12/01/04 Rafael O. Diaz Division Chief ffic.e of fife Tity jAttrinteg Jorge L. Fernandez City Attorney Julie O. Bru Deputy City Attorney J Maria J. Chiaro Division Chief Vacant Chief Deputy Vacant Deputy City Attorney Vacant Division Chief Transactional Legislation, Labor, Personnel, Police Legal, Ethics & General Government Roland C. Galdos Assistant City Attorney Warren R. Bittner Division Chief 1 Land Use & Environmental Law Litigation & Appellate Practice Christopher A. Green Assistant City Attorney Richard S. Otruba Assistant City Attorney Deanna Gross Rasco Assistant City Attorney Olga Ramirez-Seijas Assistant City Attorney Geraldine B. Hogan Assistant City Attomey Oscar M. Rodriguez -Fonts Assistant City Attorney Henry J. Hunnefeld Assistant City Attorney Maria J. Santovenia Assistant City Attorney Elsa Jaramillo-Velez Assistant City Attorney Rafael Suarez -Rivas Assistant City Attorney Robin Jones Jackson Assistant City Attorney Ilene Temchin Assistant City Attorney Charles C. Mays Assistant City Attorney Mimi V. Turin Assistant City Attorney Victoria Mendez Assistant City Attorney James H. Villacorta Assistant City Attorney Kirk R. Menendez Assistant City Attorney Tyrone W. Williams Assistant City Attorney Regine M. Monestime Assistant City Attorney Erica N. Wright Assistant City Attorney George K. Wysong Assistant City Attorney rev. 12-07-04 Office of the City Attorney Attorney Experience Total years of Years of Service Years of practice in Local with the Office of Attorney's Name practice Government Law the City Attorney Warren Bittner Julie O. Bru Maria J. Chiaro Rafael O. Diaz Jorge L. Fernandez Roland C. Galdos Christpher A. Green Deanna D. Gross-Rasco Geraldine B. Hogan Henry J. Hunnefeld Robin Jones Jackson Elsa I. Jaramillo Charles C. Mays Victoria Mendez Kirk R. Menendez Regine M. Monestime Richard S. Otruba Olga Ramirez-Seijas Oscar M. Rodriguez -Fonts Maria J. Santovenia Rafael Suarez -Rivas Ilene Temchin Mimi V. Turin James H. Villacorta Tyrone W. Williams Erica N. Wright George K. Wysong, III 21 15 23 24 25 3 12 16 9 23 18 3 29 5 11 8 15 24 5 16 25 26 15 15 13 7 11 Total number of years 417 15 15 19 16 22 2 4 10 2 6 1 3 18 1 3 3 5 11 1 5 21 6 15 4 2 4 10 15 15 9 16 10 2 4 10 2 6 1 3 18 1 3 3 5 11 1 5 7 6 6 4 2 4 10 224 179 Average of years 16.04 8.62 6.88 12/3/2004 ATTORNEYS Warren Bittner Julie O. Bru Maria J. Chiaro Rafael O. Diaz Jorge L. Fernandez Roland C. Galdos Christopher A. Green Geraldine B. Hogan Henry J. Hunnefeld Elsa I. Jaramillo Robin Jones Jackson Charles C. Mays Victoria Mendez Kirk R. Menendez Regine M. Monestime Richard S. Otruba Olga Ramirez-Seijas Deanna D. Gross-Rasco Oscar M. Rodriguez -Fonts Maria J. Santovenia Rafael Suarez -Rivas Ilene Temchin Mimi V. Turin James H. Villacorta Tyrone Williams Erica N. Wright George K. Wysong, III INITIALS WB JOB MJC CITY OF MIAMI - OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY TELEPHONE DIRECTORY ExT. & Room LITIGATION ASSISTANTS 1813 (952) Khadijah Dean Williams 1816 (937) Daylet Diaz 1835 (941) Angela Smith Marta Gomez -Chen ROD 1807 (968) Monica Rodriguez JLF 1810 (945) Bettie Rich -Vogler RCG 1823 (923) Monica Rodriguez CAG 1821 (942) Elena Gonzalez-Quevedo GBH 1834 (966) HJH 1826 (938) Ismael Rivera EIJ 1847 (953) Deborah A. Bailey RJJ 1853 (934) Aida Garcia CCM 1833 (944) Rita Lagace VM 1832 (951-1) Janette Batista KRM 1850 (936) Elena Gonzalez-Quevedo RMM 1862 (960) Silvia Gomez RSO 1822 (943) Suelean Smith ORS 1837 (967) Suelean Smith DDR 679-6825 Zulema Leon OMR 1886 (957) Deborah Bailey MJS 1842 (935) Aida Garcia RSR 1818 (956) Silvia Gomez IT 1829 (965) Daylet Diaz MVT 1812 (959) Tracy Osley JHV 679-6823 Zulema Leon TWW 1858 (955) Janette Batista ENW 1857 (964) Ismael Rivera GKW 579-6576 Emily Totino EXT. & Room 1819 (940-1) 1815 (940-4) 1885 (940-7) 1844 (940-6) 1892 (940-10) 1830 (939) 1892 (940-10) 1863 (940-8) 1820 (954-1) 1841 (969-3) 1827 (954-4) 1817 (940-5) 1895 (954-3) 1828 (969-1) 1863 (940-8) 1840 (954-5) 1843 (940-11) 1843 (940-11) 679-6824 1827 (954-4) 1817 (954-6) 1840 (954-5) 1815 (940-4) 1851 (954-2) 679-6824 1828 (969-1) 1841 (969-3) 579-6576 Law Office Manager Karen Morris 1808 (940-2) Management Info. System Grecia F. Ameneiro/ (Cuqui) 1805 (926) Paralegals Grace Carby 1831 (973-4) Dave Condell 1891 (973-3) Eddie L. Fields 1890 (973-1) Ramona Gillespie 1846 (973-2) Leiislation Angela Smith 1885 (940-6) Marta Gomez -Chen 1844 (940-7) Legal Services Aides Mario A. Perez 1836 (933) Francisco Yaniz 1855 (933) Andrea Castrillon 1836 (933) Typist Clerk Il Tracy P. Rawlins 1839 (940-9) Receptionist Rosa Gomez 1800 (900-1) Library (962) Computers (5'h Floor) Building Security 1856 1083 1040 Physical Fitness - GYM (2"`' Floor) 2175 Conference Rooms South Conference Rm (901) North Conference Rm (902) Mail/Copy/Fax Numbers Mail Room - 971 Fax Number* Fax/Copy Room - 949 Fax Number* Fax/Copy Room - 970 Fax Number* *If this number is busy, the fax will rotate to the next available fax number 1849 1848 1801 1852 1803 1853 1802 Courtesy Phone 1883 rev 12!06104 Not Applicable.