HomeMy WebLinkAboutslidesA message from the Department Director The Building Department staff Is committed to offering our customers professional, customer -friendly, quality service. We achieve this by providing prompt end efficient review of plans, the Iuuence of permits timely/specialized Inspections and providing an Interface with other departments, such as; Fire, Public Worker end Planning & Zoning. Constant changes are being Implemented Works, further expedite the icons to public records, Incorporating public suggestions end welcoming insightful criticism. In en effort to Kleist you with the department's procedures, the staff has prepared this presentation with Information on the most frequently asked questions. The Infonnetlon should result In a more pleasant encounter while conducting business wllh us. Finally, It is my aspiration, es well as that of the staff, for you to have ■ smooth and rewarding experience while dealing with the department; henceforth, we will continue to strive in the betterment e1 our services and encourage your suggestions and observations. Permit Information You are a homeowner or lessee ready to build, repair and/or remodel your residence. What do you do? Where do you begin? What documentation do you need? Where do you go? Etc. Knowing or familiarizing yourself with the permitting process should be your first step, and to assist you, the Building Department has compiled the most frequently asked questions. 1 Inspections Responsibility As a homeowner/contractor, you will also be responsible for calling In the required Inspections* when the work is ready to be Inspected. This includes: "Final Inspections", any applicable certificatels, and knowledge of all pertinent laws related to the performance of the work being permitted. * See permit card for required Inspections. Minor Permit Document Requirements STEP 1: A) Minor permits may require a General Repair List form to be completed detailing the work being proposed. Attach it to the Building Permit Application form, then proceed to the Permit Counter for permit processing. or Major Permit Document Requirements STEP 1: B) Major permits that entail the alteration of the property's original structure In any way, by enlarging it (additions), by redesigning a room's layout through the addition or removal of Interior walls (remodeling), will require two (2) sets of plans, signed and sealed by your architect or engineer, showing all the pertinent details related to the work that will be done, along with two (2) current signed and sealed surveys of the property, and any other required documentation. Please Note If the property Is designated as historical, an additional set of plans and approval from the Historical Preservation Section, within the Planning and Zoning Department, may be required. (To find out If your property Is historically designated, you may call 305.416.1409.) Additional Permit Information Finally, depending on the scope of the work that will be done, you will be advised If you may process the plans through either the "Walk-thru" or "Drop- off" procedures, please see our Plans Processing Information flyers available throughout the Building Department.) Permit Information 5. What Information must i provide in order to fill out a Building Permit Application form? You will be required to provide the following Information: ✓ Job address and unit location, if any ✓ Folio Number 1 Owner's Information (I.e.: name, address, phone number, etc.) ✓ Job description ✓ Square footage of the work ✓ Falr market value of the work, Including estimated cost of labor and materials ✓ ArchltectiEngineer Information, If applicable 6 Permit Information B. What documentation will i be required to bring with me? Depending on the scope of the work, two seta of the following documentation may be required: 1 Signed and sealed surveys of the property, if applicable ✓ Plana, signed and sealed by your architect or engineer, lf applicable ✓ General Repair List form, If applicable (available at the Permit Counter) 1 Product approval documentation, if applicable 1 Roof work (shingle type only), provide section A B and D of the Uniform Roofing Permit Application completed. Permit Information 7. Where do 1 have to go to obtain a permit? Permits are Issued at the City of Miami Administration Building located at: 444 $.W. 2nd Avenue Building Department- 4th Floor (305)416-1100 The WEB address is WWW.CLMIAMI.FL.US Permit information 8. What do ! need to know and do if i decide to hire a contractor? When hiring a contractor, Et is your responsibility to verify that helshe is licensed with Miami -Dade and registered with the Clty of Miami. To find out If he/she Is registered with the Clty of Miami, you may call 305.416.1101 1148, or 1143. To find out 1f helshe Is licensed with Mlaml-Dade County, you may call the Miami -Dade County Contractor Licensing Section at 306.376.2527. Your contractor is responsible for filling out a Building Permit Application form, and any other applicable documentation required depending on the scope of the work. He/She then proceeds to have the plans processed, obtain permitla and request inspections as needed. 7 Permit Information Once a permit has been Issued, It is recommended that you request a copy of that Building Permit Application form and the Permit Inspection Records Card from your contractor, for your records. Any work performed that would be ultimately covered by materials such as concrete, drywall, or roofing materials will require an Inapection by at least one Field Inspector before the work can proceed to the next phase, (work Is Inspected as It progresses.) Field Inspectors will be visiting your property to perform these inspections. Their signatures and comments, If any, will be documented on the Permit Inspection Record Card. (The first page of the Record Card MUST be posted at the Job site at all times) It Is your responsibility to ensure that your contractor obtains all required Inspections, Including finals and any applicable certificates, otherwise you, as the homeowner, will ultimately be responsible for them. Permit Information 9. When my project requires Plumbing, Electrical, and/or Mechanical permits, how can 1 find out if the sub-contractor/s has/have obtained the appropriate permlt/s? You may obtain this Information by: ✓ Accessing our Building Department's WEB Site at +yyipK,gkaliggy.fl.usibulldlna ✓ Calling the Building Department's Information numbers at 305.416.1161, 1101, or the main number at 1100 and pressing option two (2) ✓ Visiting the Inspection Services Division and requesting It from one of the clerical staff. 8 Permit Information 10. How much will my permit cost? Permit fees vary please access the permit fee worksheet on the WEB at www.cl.mlami.fl,t4s/buildigq or contact the Permit Counter Supervisor at 305.418.1146. (you must be able to provide details regarding the type of work you will be doing, the square footage, the estimated cost, etc.) You may view a sample of the permit fee estimate worksheet provided in the Building Department's WEB by clicking on the link below P RMIr FEE EaTIMOB WORISYHN16T, Permit Information • A Permit inspection Records card is provided to the customer once the Building Permit is paid. All the pertinent information relating to the permit is printed on that card, including the required inspections and/or certificates. Any other permits issued for this Job (Electrical, Mechanical, and/or Plumbing) will be considered sub -permits under this Master Permit. Most permits always require at least a "Final Inspection". Permit Information YOU MUST DISPLAY THE TOP PORTION OF THE PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CARD PROMINENTLY ON THE FRONT OF THE PREMISES FOR THE ENTIRE TIME THAT THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT IS IN PROGRESS. 9 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Florida's Construction Lien Law (Chapter 713, Part One, Florida Status) requires the recording with the Clerk of the courts a Notice of Commencement for real property improvements greater than $2,500.00. However, it does not apply to the repair or replacement of an existing heating or air conditioning system less than $5,000.00 In value. Under Florida law, those who work on your property or provide materials and are not paid, have a right to enforce their claim for payment against your property. This claim Is known as a construction lien. NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT You also must post a certified copy of the recorded Notice of Commencement, with attached bonds, If any, at the construction site prior to the first Inspection. The Notice of commencement must be signed by you, the owner/lessee contracting the improvements, and not by your agent. It must be completed and recorded within 90 days before starting the work. If improvements described in the Notice of Commencement are not actually started within 90 days after the recording of the Notice , a new Notice of Commencement must be recorded. NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT A copy of the payment bond, If any, is required by you and purchased by the contractor, and must be attached as part of the Notice of Commencement when recorded. The Notice le good for one year after the recording date or up to the date specified under Item nine (9) of the form. You lose your protection under the Construction Lien Law if the payments are made to the contractor after the expiration of the Notice of Commencement. You should always obtain a Release of Lien and Affidavit from the contractor to the extent of any payments being made. 10 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Florida law requires the Building Department to be a second source of information concerning the improvements made on real property. The Building Permit Application has been expanded to include information on the construction lender and the contractor's surety, if any. The new application requires your signature or your agent's to inform you of the Construction Lien Law. The Notice of Commencement form may be obtained at the Permit Counter, in the Building Department. WEB Permit Information V Important V In order to schedule an Inspection through the WEI} Site, you Must have en ID and a password. ✓ For contractors, the ID Is your Contractor License Number, and your password is the zip code of your business address. ✓ For property owners, you must have your Soclel Security Number and the zip cods of the subject property. • To see the comments/rejections concerning your plans, you must have a Plane Process Number which is assigned at the time the plans are dropped off. • It is recommended that you take a few minutes to look through the Building Department's FAQ., (Frequently Asked Questions) for additional information. 11. How do 1 use the Clty's WEB Site? Step 1 Go to the City of Miami's WEB Slts Step 2 Click on Building Qpnartment'located on the left hand sld&_Qf the screen under "City Departments") 11 CLICK UNDER BUILDING INFORMATION TO ACCESS E-BUILDING ON LINE, BUILDING DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY, FLOOD PROTECTION INFORMATION, ETC. •COOK -UNDER eehsdulss&F :BOWNLO*D`p!RMIT FEES IBUIEIDINO FORMI s, N-- rms TO VIEW OR RKSHEET AND CLICK UND `- ors TO VIEW INFORMATION 0 UNLICENSED CONTRACT•RS, BUILDING CODE EXCERPTS AND CRTIF1CATE OF OCCUFANC OR COMPLITION IR the Igcated Information, Fptio, 9-Bulldlna Online Access home peg*, Click on the aptionftask or on the left hand side of the screen In order to obtain the desired I.e. On.Ine Inspection request, Penults by Address Plan Status Review, etd. and follow the requested instructions. r M `i ity • ' am! B ding Department .. .,:- Per: mire lnepeatlone/enllPlena P no Online Acmes. on .port M P.lar ••nle ow cukonu .. Ih. CIIy .I Mi uI •Wldh g CJ.p.rhn.nl Inky! Woducas onPM Awu: Thl. Myd.M, Ml magi worn, M.gdbn .,N proyp. pkn.pr.c. my inMlm.lkn, ., boll .•, ln,p.ctlon. .nd • incoming noun., and hldory.lp.lml. .nd hwp•db n. TMs owlw k .M. bl. enough Ih. IVRe (IN.ndlo• Vero. R..p.n•• 6yI•nn by calling p• 141611OM. .n.wlw,l,Th. a I"Inti..w..nc•ung. Ihgyulo.h.IN. .. .., "'Vitt: bond N lh.. o Mnd menu lhl. wnm, Mbn cloning png.d.ath.kr,ilyu.,.n hand wkhIM yd.m, n. wntlnwby .n. orlh. k.n. ki lh.Icl hand mom olpll4.gn.,l. Permit Information 12. How do 1 know If my permits Is/are "Flnaled" or If 1 am missing any Inspections? You may obtain this Information by: 1 Calling any of the numbers listed on our telephone directory. or 1 Accessing our WEB Site at WWW.MIAMI.FL Q 1BUILD1NG 12 IVR Telephone Automated System • Inspections may be requested 24 hours a day, seven days a week, by calling the Interactive Voice Response System (IVR) at 305.416.1100, (Pressing Option #1) and following the recorded Instructions or throu h the City of Miami's WEB Site at ¢LMIppMI.FL,ys, see previous slides for nstrucfions. (To request an inspection through the IVR system, you must have your four -digit PIN Number, which Is located on the left hand side of the Permit Inspection Record card, right below the Permit Number.) Inspections are scheduled for the following business day. Click below for information on what to bring with your permit application Kitchen Remodeling 13 Citp at Miami Building Department 444 S.W. 2nd Avenuel4th Floor, Miami, Florida 33130 f yww, ct m l e m I.f l.0 e f b u ilditln Building/Structural 306.416.1185 Electrical 305.416.1123 Elevator 305.418.1171 Plumbing 906.416.1 /84 Mechanical 305.416.1136 Permit Counter 305.418.1143 fax 306.416.2158 Certificate of Occupancy Administration 305.416.1115 305.416,1106 or 905.416.2168 Main Number 305.416.1100 4. Minor Types of Permits Additional types of minor Building Permits: ✓ Kitchen Remodeling ✓ Windows ✓ Doors ✓ Shutters ✓ Awnings ✓ Driveways ✓ Enclosures ✓ Bathroom Remodeling LIMP Types of .permits LIMP -Zoning type permits: • Decorative reflective pools and/or fishponds less than 24 inches deep or less than 250 SQ. FT. in area and less than 2,250 gallons in volume; • Ironwork for decorative purposes only. (Security bars, doors, and railings require a building permit); - Roof painting, (Except watertight coatings); 14 LIMP Types of permits • Installation of bricks or Chattahoochee on exterior slabs or patios; • Painted Wall Sign; • Resurfacing, re -striping, and seal coating of paved areas In SFR or Duplex units; • Chain -Link fences (not if used as pool barrier) in SFR or Duplex units; • Non structural concrete walkways or stand alone concrete decks; LIMP Types of permits • • • • • Installation of rain gutters. Concrete pads for Garbage container, air conditioning compressor, or other similar equipment, In SFR or Duplex units; Tree removal; Replacement of canvas or clot material on existing structures; Installation of satellite dishes attached to primary structures, not exceeding one (1) meter In diameter as defined by F.A.A., and 15 .11 I NAP ganammek Application for replacement of )Iltchan r:abinels shall include the following: 1. Two drawings showing kitchen cabinet layout (see above). 2. Indicate all existing & new receptacles Including dimensions (see above). 3. Plens must be reviewed by the Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical and Building Sections, 1. Plumbing & electrical permits will be required. 2. Application signed& notarized Including linear footage and cost of work. Application for exterior windows, don andfor Shutter shall include the following: 1. Two 12) eo lee of the product control approval and specifications of the windows, doors Ind/or shutters, 2. For windows only, also provide two (2) copies of a floor plan of the structure depicting where Po windows being replaced are located. B. sure to Identify egress windows In all habitable rooms, 3. Piens must be reviewed by the Building andror etnwtural Sections, 4. Electrical plans review and permit will be required for electric powered ehuftera, 6. Additional plans review from the Planning Department may Is required if the property falls within ■ special Zoning district, 1111 Applicat on for fences shall Include the following: 1. Two (2) copies of the survey of your property not more than one year old. Mark the section of the survey showing where the fence will be placed, 2. Two copies of the fence specifications which can be obtained at the processing desk or from the company where the fence Is purchased, 3. Application signed & notarized including linear footage and cost of work, 16 NET OFFICE LOCATIONS Upper Mislaid, NET 8699 Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33138 Phone: (305) 785-2390 Fax: (306)786.2333 VIEW MAP TO TH18 LOCATION Model City NET North District Substation 1000 NW 62dd Street Miami, Florida 33160 Phona: (306) 795-2303)04 Fax: (305) 793-2322 VIEW MAP TO THIS LOCATION Lithe Haiti/Edison/Little River NET 7615 NE 2^d Avsnue Mlaml, Florida 33138 Phone: (905) 705.2337 Fax: (305) 796-2330 VIEW MAP TO THIS LOCATION Wynwood1Edpewater NET Roberto Clemente Park 101 NW 34,h Strut Miami, Florida 33127 Phone; (305) 57941931 Fax: (306) 8T9.6933 VIEW MAP TO THIS LOCATION NET OFFICE LOCATIONS Allapattah NET Police MIni.84tlon 1001 NW 24h Avenue Miami, Florida 33120 Phone: (905) 575-5128 Fax: (306) 576-5120 yIEW MAP TO THIS LOCATION Downtown NET 10 NE Soh Street Miami, Florida 33136 Phone: (305}579-6007 Fax: (305) 579-6009 VIEW MAP TO THIS LOCATION Overtown NET Ovenown Shopping Canter 1490 NW 3rd Avenue Miami, Florida 33136 Phone:(306)372.4550 Fax: (305) 372-4553 VIEW MAP TO THIS LOCATION West Little Havana NET 4343 West Rapier Street Mlaml, Florida 33136 Phone: (305) 643-7164 Fax: (306)643.7164 VIEW MAP TO THIS LOCATION NET OFFICE LOCATIONS Flapaml NET 9802 NW 11"h Streak Mlaml, Florida 33128 Phone: (906)642.1250 Fax: (305)842-1204 VIEW MAP TO THIS LOCATION NorthlEast Coconut Grove NET 2820 McFarlane Road Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 Phone: (305)470-6015 Fax; (305) 576.5020 VIEW MAP TO THIS LOCATION Coral Way NET 1300 SW 121h Avenue Miami, Florida 33129 Phone (305) 659-2701 Fax: (305) 559.2703 VIEW MAP TO THIS LOCATION SouthlWest Coconut Grove NET 3602-B Grand Avenue Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 Phone: ROC 461-7003 Fax: (306) 461-7087 VIEW MAP TO THIS LOCATION 17 NET OFFICE LOCATIONS East Little Havana NET ill SW 61,, Avenue Mlaml, Florida 33130 Phone: (305) 8511-2713 Fax; Ina) e50-2710 VIEW MAP TO THIS LOCATION Little Haiti NET 18 Model City NET WynwoodtEdgewatar NET Allapattah NET 19 Downtown NET a11. West Little Haryana NET 20 Coral Way NET 1 North/East Coconut Grove NET -171jj 21 South/West Coconut Grove NET East Little Havana NET Permit Exemptions for Minor Repairs Building type permit exemption: • Repair work performed by licensed general or building contractors that Is not structural in nature, does not change the approved occupancy, does not affect life safety and the value does not exceed $1,000.00 of estimated cost including labor and materials; • Repair work of any roof covering not exceeding $1,000.00 in labor and materials or work not exceeding two (2) roof squares; 22 PermitExemptions for Minor Repairs. Building type permits exemption: • Surfacing of existing interior floors or slabs, within single family residences or condominium units, not part of an assembly, with carpet, tile, or wood; • Replacement of kitchen cabinets, vanities or paneling Installation in residential units. • Complete remodeling of kitchen area will require building, plumbing and electrical permits; Permit Exemptions for Minor Repairs Mechanical type permit exemption: • Repair work performed by licensed mechanical contractors that does not exceed $500.00 in value of labor and materials; • Portable heating equipment; • Portable ventilation equipment; • Portable Cooling equipment; • Portable evaporative cooler; • Replacement of any part which does not alter Its approval or makes it unsafe; • Any load management control device; Permit Exemptions for Minor Repairs Mechanical type permit exemption: • Repairs of air conditioning duct; • Repair or replace coil, compressor or refrigerant piping by licensed mechanical contractor; • Repair or replace non -combustion heating by licensed mechanical contractors; • Repair ventilation fans; • installation of ductless ventilation and range hoods. (Please Note: This particular type of work may require an Electrical permit even though a Mechanical Permit is not.); 23 Permit Exemptions for Minor Repairs Electrical type permit exemption: • Repair work performed by licensed electrical contractors that does not exceed $500.00 In value of labor and materials; • Repair or replace electrical wall switches or outlet devices rated less than 20 amps at 120 volts; • Repair or replace electric water heaters rated less than 4,000 watts; Permit Exemptions for Minor Repairs Electrical type permit exemption: • Repair or replace electric wiring to pumps not exceeding 2HP; • Repair or replace time clocks; • Repair or replace the following low voltage (under 77 volts) devices: ✓ Telephone ✓ Television ✓ Data Cable ✓ Central Vacuum 1 Burglar Alarm 1 Intercom system Permit Exemptions for Minor Repairs Plumbing type permit exemption: • Repair work performed by licensed plumbing contractors that does not exceed $500.00 In labor and materials; • Repair or replace gas appliances other than water heaters by licensed plumbing contractors; • Repair or replace solar panels by licensed plumbing contractors; 24 Permit Exemptions for Minor Repairs Plumbing type permit exemption: • Replace fan of above ground LP tank on the same location; • Repair irrigation system; • Repalr domestic water service -lines; • Unclog sewer stoppage; • Repair sewer line (except interceptors !separators) by license plumbing contractor; • Repalr or replace faucets or valves; Permit Exemptions for Minor Repairs Plumbing type permit exemption: • Repair or replace residential pool equipment other than a pool heater; • Repalr or replace shut off valve on a domestic water line; • Capping of waste line leading to septic tank; under HRS Department; • Repair or replace residential disposal, and • Repair or replace residential dishwasher. 25 Form Samples 74.,n,17,7= Notice of Commencement Form Samples 4•16•101.1111. Suoolemental Itemized List Form Samples General Reoalr Liet 26