HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2004-06-24 AdvertisementNOTICE TO THE PUBLIC
PLEASE ALL TAKE NOTICE THAT a meeting of the City of Miami
Commission scheduled for Thursday, June 24, 2004, will convene at 2:15
p.m., at City Hall, City Commission Chambers, located at 3500 Pan
American Drive, Miami, Florida. Under F.S. 286.011(8) [2003], the person
charing this Meeting of the City of Miami Commission will announce imme-
diately after the City Commission convenes, the, commencement of an
attorney -client session, closed to the public, for purposes of discussing
pending litigation: AFSCME Local 1907/Cox vs. City of Miami, Case No.:
99-00620 (CA 30). The session will begin at approximately 2:15 p.m., or as
soon thereafter, at City Hall, in Commissioner Angel Gonz lez s Conference
Room, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, and conclude at approxi-
mately 3:00 p.m. The session will be attended by the members of the City
Commission, Angel Gonz lez, Joe Sanchez, Tomas Regalado, Johnny L.
Winton, and Arthur E. Teele, Jr.; the City Manager, Joe Arriola; the City
Attorney. Alejandro Vilarello, Deputy City Attorney Joel E. Maxwell and
Assistant City Attorneys Maria J. Chiaro and Mimi V. Turin. A certified court
reporter will be present to ensure that the session is fully transcribed and
the transcript will be made public upon the conclusion of the litigation. At the
conclusion of the session, the City Commission Meeting will be reopened
and the person chairing the Commission meeting will announce the termi-
nation of the session. Said Commission Meeting will convene at City Hall,
City Commission Chambers, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida.
All members of the public are invited to attend the regular portion of said
Priscilla A. Thompson
City Clerk
lit i.land lime
, Florida
Mitzi Williams who, on oath, says that
weekly newspaper published at Miami,
sement was published in said newspaper
newspaper published in Miami, Dade
<.V u111y, 1'1Vllull 0.11u I-11uL 111V Ju1\.1 11,Y1 Dray... ..w,� ...,�„�.,fore been continuously published in said
Dade County, Florida, each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S.
Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, for a period of more than one year next preceding
date of publication of the attached copy of advertisement: further affiant says that she has
neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or
refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper.
Ad raffle Clerk
Sworn to end subscribed before me on this, the 17th day of June. A.D. 2004
AT LARGE, My commission expires:
?f1Q firtiami 211 met
gpr-r. NW 54th STREET. MIAM[. FLORIDA 33127
Published Weekly
Miami Dade, County, Florida
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Mitzi Williams who, on oath, says that
she is the Ad Traffic Clerk of THE MIAMI TIMES weekly newspaper published at Miami,
Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper
in the issues of:
June 17, 2004
Affiant further state that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade
County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said
Dade County, Florida, each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S.
Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, for a period of more than one year next preceding
date of publication of the attached copy of advertisement: further affiant says that she has
neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or
refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper.
raffic Clerk
Sworn to end subscribed before me on this, the l7th day of June. A.D. 2004
AT LARGE, My commission expires:
woulau s oacKslue, i ne Asso-
ciated Press reported.
The uproar over the video
stemmed from a yearlong
awareness campaign address-
ing how black women are
depicted and vic?w_ed nation-
ally and internationally, said
Asha Jennings, 22, the former
Spellman College student
government association presi-
dent. "When kids look at
these things in their impres-
sionable years ... they think
'well maybe that is how I need
to act. I need to shake my
butt. I need to allow men to
play with my body parts. I
need to do all these things to
be accepted,' " the recent
graduate said.
Not many of 15-year-old
Nikki Daye's peers are upset
or concerned about the lack
of positive images of African
mar and serves as president of
the Youth ":ouncil of the Fort
Lauderdale branch of the
Confer., a organizers said
that is part of the point of the
workshop and the Black Exec-
utive Exchange Program, a 35-
year-old leadership, mentor
and career development pro-
gram at 35 colleges, including
Florida Memorial College.
African Americans are suc-
cessful in the business world
and other careers, conference
organizers say.
"Hopefully, we will have
300-plus ambassadors going
out there trying to influence
change in their communities
around this issue," said Rob-
ert Perkins, senior director of
management development at
Miami -based music label
ig way for 36 townhomes
elsewhere, despite a long bat-
tle with the property owners'
attorney, J.M. Guarch Jr. *
Guarch initially said any
residents still living in the
parks after today's deadline
would be evicted. However,
because many residents have
told him they plan to leave —
some after the deadline — he
said he will hold off.
State law requires that
property owners compensate
the tenants. Depending on the
size of their trailers, residents
can receive up to $3,000.
PLEASE ALL TAKE NOTICE THAT a meeting of the City of Miami
Commission scheduled for Thursday, June 24, 2004, will convene at
2:15 p.m., at City Hall, City Commission Chambers, located at 3500
Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. Under F. S. 286.011(8) [2003], the
person chairing this Meeting of the City of Miami Commission will
announce immediately after the City Commission convenes, the
commencement of an attomey-client session, closed to the public, for
purposes of discussing pending litigation: AFSCME Local 1907/Cox vs.
City of Miami, Case No.: 99-00620 (CA 30). The session will begin at
approximately 2:15 p.m., or as soon thereafter, at City Hall,
in Commissioner Angel Gonzalez's Conference Room, 3500 Pan
American Drive, Miami, Florida, and conclude at approximately
3:00 p.m. The session will be attended by the members of the City
Commission, Angel Gonzalez, Joe Sanchez, Tomas Regalado, Johnny
L. Winton, and Arthur E. Teele, Jr.; the City Manager, Joe Arriola; the
City Attorney, Alejandro Vilarello, Deputy City Attorney, Joel E. Maxwell,
and Assistant City Attorneys Maria J. Chiaro and Mimi V. Turin. A
certified court reporter will be present to ensure that the session is
fully transcribed and the transcript will be made public upon the
conclusion of the litigation. At the conclusion of the session, the City
Commission Meeting will be reopened and the person chairing the
Commission meeting will announce the termination of the session.
Said Commission Meeting will convene at City Hall,
City Commission Chambers, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida.
All members of the public are invited to attend the regular portion of
said meeting.
(#14818) Priscilla A. Thompson
City Clerk
LdlaW, L.CLCU1d1. U UIC dEi1Va1
of a World War II -era sub-
marine as the USS Razor-
back made its first U.' �p
on Sunday en route to
new home on the banks' of
the Arkansas River in North
Little Rock.
North Little Rock
acquired the submarine
from Turkey in March after
the Turkish Navy, which
purchased the sub from U.S.
Navy in 1970, decommis-
sioned it.
John Ranguette of Fort
Myers served on the USS
Razorback from 1960 to 1962
and was in Key West to wel-
come it home.
"She looks beat up but
she sure looks beautiful to
us," Ranguette said after
touring the Razorback. "She
has some rust and so forth
but I know that will be taken
care of."
The Razorback will head
through the Gulf of Mexico
today and is scheduled to
arrive in New Orleans on
Saturday. The submarine
should arrive at its perma-
nent home in North Little
Rock in late July where it
will become a tourist attrac-
tion as part of an inland
maritime museum.
Gene Haley, who served
on the Razorback from 1945
to 1948, planned to accom-
pany the sub while it is
towed to New Orleans. The
former quartermaster from
Ogunquit, Maine, will serve
as navigator during the
Razorback's final sea voy-
Haley was on board in
1948 when the Razorback
transported former Chinese
leader Chiang Kai-shek
Key West Mayor jimmy
Weekley also helped to
mark the USS Razorback's
return on Sunday. Weekley
said his city had a submarine
base in the 1950s and that
the Razorback's return
helped to pay tribute to the
city's Naval history.
"We saw it as a chance
for some of our residents
who were here at that time
to relive that history," he
•TAX DEDUCTIBLE RCT.GNU ....... CHAR('rl'___--
501(c)3 (2,489)
based in Plantation; Pratt &
Whitney Canada, based in
Quebec; Rocket Engineering
Corp., based in Spokane,
Wash.; Jetprop LLC., based
in Seattle; and Naples Air
Center Inc., based in Naples.
According to a National
Transportation Safety Board
report on the crash, Miller
had requested assistance
from air traffic controllers
to get around a thunder-
storm. Controllers then lost
radio contact with him.
Witnesses said they last
saw Miller's plane in a "spi-
raling decent," its right wing
Naples Air Center chief
executive officer, Richard
Gentil, denies any fault in
Calvin Miller's death.
"He was flying very fast
in extreme weather," he
A Florida woman was
killed on the Alabama River
when she fell out of a small
boat and was struck by the
Carolyn Melton, 51, of
Holt, Fla., died Saturday
afternoon at the scene, just
north of Haines Island, Ala.,
along a section of the river
that splits Monroe and
Clarke counties, said Terry
Mason, chief investigator
with the Monroe County
Sheriffs Department.
Mason said the death
remains under investigation.
Melton was a passenger
on the aluminum boat and
was not wearing a life vest,
Mason said.
A 20-year-old man was
killed by automatic weapon
fire Saturday at a Hialeah
apartment complex in what
police say appeared to be a
Police say Roberto
Molina of Hialeah was talk-
ing on his cellphone as he
attempted to park his car at
4500 W.19th Ct. when the
shooting happened at 7:45 ID
p.m. Police say the assailant
drove off with Molina's
black 2004 Nissan Maxima ,MM
Molina died in an ambu-
lance as paramedics tried t1
save him.
Ixvua.-7 u ....... ,
r those of us who are
stream media, it is
nt upon us to fight
reotyping any way
. You have to speak
ett said.
e Watson, a panelist
cutive producer of
nd entertainment at
k Family Channel,
nalists of color have
ussed the need for a
in news coverage.
need to develop a
h executives to reach
riters, directors and
rs of color, she said.
he '90s, activist C.
Tucker waged a cam -
against gangsta rap,
ing it to pornography.
Dung adults recently
fined the fight against
ciated Press reported.
The uproar over the video
stemme? from a yearlong
aware? campaign address-
ing ho'r. black women are
depicted and viewed nation-
ally and internationally, said
Asha Jennings, 22, the former
Spellman College student
government association presi-
dent. "When kids look at
these things in their impres-
sionable years ... they think
'well maybe that is how I need
to act. I need to shake my
butt. I need to allow men to
play with my body parts. I
need to do all these things to
be accepted,' " the recent
graduate said.
Not many of 15-year-old
Nikki Daye's peers are upset
or concerned about the lack
of positive images of African
the Youth Counci'of the Fort
Lauderdale branch of the
Conference organizers s
that is part of the point of L...
workshop and the Black Exec-
utive Exchange Program, a 35-
year-old leadership, mentor
and career development pro-
gram at 35 colleges, including
Florida Memorial College. ,
African Americans are suc-
cessful in the business world
and other careers, conference
organizers say.
"Hopefully, we will have
300-plus ambassadors going
out there trying to influence
change in their communities
around this issue," said Rob-
ert Perkins, senior director of
management development at
Miami -based music label
ents making way for 36 townhomes
t trailer -owning ten -
Hialeah Acres,1391 W.
:., and nearby Anchor
Home Court, 2659 W.
iobee Rd., are moving
6y the City of Miami
ty Hall, 3500 Pan
r the following:
I information/
to attend the
conference will be
dium, Athletic Club
on Tuesday, June
Jest for qualifications
;ity of Miami,
rid Avenue, Sixth
nload from City's
:urement or by
elsewhere, despite a long bat-
tle with the property owners'
attorney, J.M. Guarch Jr.
Guarch initially said any
residents still living in the
parks after today's deadline
would be evicted. However,
because many residents have
told him they plan to leave —
some after the deadline — he
said he will hold off.
State law requires that
property owners compensate
the tenants. Depending on the
size of their trailers, residents
can receive up to $3,000.
PLEASE ALL TAKE NOTICE THAT a meeting of the City of Miami
Commission scheduled for Thursday, June 24, 2004, will convene at
2:15 p.m., at City Hall, City Commission Chambers, located at 3500
Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. Under F. S. 286.011(8) [2003], the
person chairing this Meeting of the City of Miami Commission will
announce immediately after the City Commission convenes, the
commencement of an attorney -client session, closed to the public, for
purposes of discussing pending litigation: AFSCME Local 1907/Cox vs.
City of Miami, Case No.: 99-00620 (CA 30). The session will begin at
approximately 2:15 p.m., or as soon thereafter, at City Hall,
in Commissioner Angel Gonzalez's Conference Room, 3500 Pan
American Drive, Miami, Florida, and conclude at approximately
3:00 p.m. The session will be attended by the members of the City
Commission, Angel Gonzalez, Joe Sanchez, Tomas Regalado, Johnny
L. Winton, and Arthur E. Teele, Jr.; the City Manager, Joe Arriola; the
City Attorney, Alejandro Vilarello, Deputy City Attorney, Joel E. Maxwell,
and Assistant City Attorneys Maria J. Chiaro and Mimi V. Turin. A
certified court reporter will be present to ensure that the session is
fully transcribed and the transcript will be made public upon the
conclusion of the litigation. At the conclusion of the session, the City
Commission Meeting will be reopened and the person chairing the
Commission meeting will announce the termination of the session.
Said Commission Meeting will convene at City Hall,
City Commission Chambers, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida.
All members of the public are invited to attend the regular portion of
said meeting.
(#14818) Priscilla A. Thompson
City Clerk
marine as the USS Razor-
back made its first U.S. stop
on Sunday en route to its
new home on the banks of
the Arkansas River in North
Little Rock.
North Little Rock
acquired the submarine
from Turkey in March after
the Turkish Navy, which
purchased the sub from U.S.
Navy in 1970, decommis-
sioned it.
John Ranguette of Fort
Myers served on the USS
Razorback from 1960 to 1962
and was in Key West to wel-
come it home.
"She looks beat up but
she sure looks beautiful to
us," Ranguette said after
touring the Razorback. "She
has some rust and so forth
but I know that will be taken
care of."
The Razorback will head
through the Gulf of Mexico
today and is scheduled to
arrive in New Orleans on
Saturday. The submarine
should arrive at its perma-
nent home in North Little
Rock in late July where it
will become a tourist attrac-
tion as part of an inland
maritime museum
Gene Haley, who served
on the Razorback from 1945
to 1948, planned to accom-
pany the sub while it is
towed to New Orleans. The
former quartermaster from
Ogunquit, Maine, will serve
as navigator during the
Razorback's final sea voy-
Haley was on board in
1948.when the Razorback
transported former Chinese
leader Chiang Kai-shek
Key West Mayor Jimmy
Weekley also helped to
mark the USS Razorback's
return on Sunday. Weekley
said his city had a submarine
base in the 1950s and that
the Razorback's return
helped to pay tribute to the
city's Naval history.
"We saw it as a chance
for some of our residents
who were here at that time
to relive that history," he
501(c)3 (i 4 8 9 )
Quebec; Rocket El
Corp., bated in Sp
Wash. rop LL
in Seatb—, and Nal
Center Inc., based
According to a
Transportation Sa
report on the eras]
had requested assi
from air traffic col
to get around a thi
storm. Controller!
radio contact with
Witnesses said
saw Miller's plane
raling decent," its
Naples Air Cen
executive officer,
Gentil, denies any
Calvin Miller's de;
"He was flying
in extreme weathc
A Florida wom
killed on the Alab,
when she fell out
boat and was strua
Carolyn Melba]
Holt, Fla., died Sal
afternoon at the si
north of Haines Is
along a section of
that splits Monro(
Clarke counties, s
Mason, chief inve
with the Monroe l
Sheriffs Departm
Mason said the
remains under ini
Melton was a'
on the aluminum
was not wearing ;
Mason said.
A 20-year-old
killed by automat
fire Saturday at a
apartment comp'
police say appeal
Police say Rol
Molina of Hialea
ing on his cellph
attempted to par
4500 W.19th Ct.
shooting happen
p.m. Police say t]
drove off with N
black 2004 Nits:
Molina died in a
lance as parame
save him.
e cueRros,
mitos y ley udas"
"Una noche de cuentos, mitos y leyendas", bajo el apelativo de "Le-
yendas del Norte y el Sur, de Oriente a Occidente", sera presentada
por el "Grupo Cuenteros", bajo la direccidn y narracion propia de
Marilyn Romero (foto superior)--, el viernes 18 del corriente mes de
junco, a las ocho de la noche, en el Centro Cultural Latin Quarter,
situado en el 1501 de la Calle Ocho, del sector sudoeste de Miami,
frente al Teatro Tower. En la velada se presentaranm creations de
Jalil Gibran y Antoine de Saint Exupery, en to que se ha denominado
como "Un encuentro magico". Informacidn adicional y reservaciones,
llamando a los telefonos (305) 244-6926, y (305) 649-9797.
Pa: el Festival del
Cuatro de Julio del 2004
El Parque Amelia Earhart, 401 East, 65 Street, Hialeah, esta acep-
tando solicitudes por parte de vendedores de comidas y artesanfas
tanto etnicas como no etnicas para el Festival del Cuatro de Julio
que se celebrara en el parque.
La cuota es de $500 para los vendedores de comidas y de $150 para
los vendedores de artesanfas. Comuniquese con el 305-685-8389 para
obtener una solicitud.
La fecha lfmite es el 25 de junio del 2004.
El Departamento de Parques de Miami -Dade proporciona diversas
experiencias culturales y recreativas de calidad a los discapacitados.
Llame al 305-755-7848 (V/TDD) para pedir materiales en formato
accesible, el servicio de un interprete del idioma de las senas (reservar
con cinco Bias de antelacion) u obtener informacion sobre el acceso
para los discapacitados.
En celebracion de los 75 anos de los parques del parafso
SEPAN TODOS QUE Junta de Comisionados de la Ciudad
de Miami celebrara el jueves 24 de junio del 2004,
a las 2:15 p.m., o poco despuas de esa hora, en el
Ayuntamiento (City Hall), Salones de la Comision, situados
en el 3500 de Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida.
Conforme con to estipulado en F.S.286.011(8) (2003), la
persona que se encuentre presidiendo esta reunion de la
Junta de Comisionados anunciara, inmediatamente que
se reuna la Junta, el comienzo de una sesion abogado-
cliente, cerrada al publico, con el objeto de discutir un
pleito pendiente: AFSCME Local 1907/Cox vs City of Miami,
Case No.:99-00620(CA 30). La sesion comenzara aproxi-
madamente a las 2:15 p.m., o poco despuas,en el Ayun-
tamiento (City Hall), en el Salon de Conferencias del
Comisionado Angel Gonzalez, 3500 Pan American Drive,
Miami, Florida y concluira aproximadamente a las 3:00
p.m. A esta sesion asistiran los miembros de la Junta de
Comisionados de la Ciudad: Angel Gonzalez, Joe
Sanchez, Tomas Regalado, Johnny L. Winton y Arthur E.
Teele Jr., el Administrador de la Ciudad, Joe Arriola; el
Abogado de la Ciudad, Alejandro Vilarello, el Abogado
Auxiliar de la ciudad Joe E. Maxwell y los Abogados Asis-
tentes de la Ciudad Maria J. Chiaro y Mimi V. Turin. Estara
presente un reportero legal certificado para asegurar que
la sesion sea completamente trascripta y esta transcrip-
cion sera hecha ptiblica al concluir el pleito. Al concluir la
sesion, la reunion de la Junta de Comisionados sera
abierta nuevamente al publico y la persona que este pre-
sidiendo la reunion de la Junta anunciara la terminacion
de la sesion. Dicha reunion de la Junta se reunira en el
Ayuntamiento (City Hall), Salones de la Junta de
Comisionados, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida.
Se invite al publico en general a asistir a la parte regular
de dicha reunion.
Priscilla A. Thompson
Secretaria Municipal