HomeMy WebLinkAboutexhibits continuedSpecific Reports Required (a) Semiannual Progress Reports Progress reports shall be submitted semiannually. By the 31" of January each year, a progress report shall have been submitted to and received by HUD covering the six-month period through December 31stof the prior calendar year. By the 31" day of July of each year, a progress report shall have been submitted to and received by HUD covering the six- month period ending June 30th of that year.(The first progress report will cover the period from the commencement of the grant through December 31, 2001 and must be submitted to HUD by January 31, 2002. The first part of the progress report shall include a synthesis which (a) succinctly describes any significant deviations from the activities, outcomes and budget lines identified in the grant agreement, and references the specific page of the report in which the reasons for the deviation are discussed, (b) succinctly describes any innovative approaches or unique or substantial achievements that may be of value to other HUD college/university grantees and with respect to which the grantee is willing to offer other grantees information or advice, and (c) succinctly describes any unresolved challenges or difficulties with respect to which grantee would be interested in receiving information, advice or other assistance from other HUD college/university grantees. • The progress report shall also include a narrative discussion primarily arranged by functional category as set forth in the Project Management Work Plan (e.g., housing, economic development, etc.) and shall be self-contained, so that an understanding of the report does not require concurrent reference to the Project Management Work Plan, or voluminous enclosures or attachments to the report (which are discouraged) . Tn Addressing each funrtional category, the progress report shall set forth all of the following: (1) A restatement of the functional category as described in the Project Management Work Plan, any tasks or subtasks associated with it, and any milestones that were to have been achieved by the closing period covered in the report. (2) A statement describing grantee's progress (including outputs and outcomes) in completing the tasks and any related subtasks, and in meeting any milestones associated with the task or subtasks. (Outcomes shall be stated in as much specificity and as quantitatively as feasible with respect to each task and subtask including, by way of example, the number of persons gaining employment following participation in a program having intended to improve employability, the number of persons served or participating in an activity or program, and (where intended to 14 reach low/moderate-income persons), the number of such persons served or participating. (3) A statement describing the approximate dollar amount and source of resources devoted to the functional category, and explaining how that amount compares with the amount budgeted for the level of progress achieved to date. This discussion should include assurance that the source and amount of matching funds expended to date are as set forth in the approved budget, or full explanation as to why and to what extent this is not the case. (4) A statement explaining how and why (if at all) the progress with respect to the task surpasses or falls short of the anticipated progress as set forth in grantee's Project Management Work Plan, and explaining how and why (if at all) the dollar amount and type of resources devoted to achieving the task differ from the resources identified in grantee's approved budget. To the extent that any problems are identified, any proposed corrective action should also be set forth. To the extent that any favorable developments or events have occurred or are expected to occur that may enable time schedules to be met sooner than expected or the level of output or outcomes to surpass the level originally projected, such outcomes or occurrences should be described. -(5) A statement explaining how and to what extent (if at all) any difference between progress planned to have been made by the report's closing date and the actual progress made by that date may affect the accomplishment of the task within the grant period, in light of any proposed corrective action. (6) The grantee shall provide in each semi-annual report And in the final report a description of any funds from any sources coming to the project that were not anticipated at the time of the award. Each semi-annual report should describe the funding received during the report period. The final report should reflect all such money coming into the program. (Note these are funds generated in excess of the matching requirement). In addition to, but not as a substitute for, the task-bv-task discussion, the report shall include a summary of any favorable or unfavorable developments or changes in circumstances that are not task - specific and that may affect --or may have already affected --the overall progress and ultimate completion of the grant commitments. The grantee shall also separately certify that it has looked at the project summaries on the University Partnership's Clearinghouse Website (WWW.OUP.ORG), and that the project descriptions are current and accurate. 15 (b) Semiannual Financial Status Reports (SF-269-A) The grantee shall be required to submit Semiannual Financial Status Reports (SF-269A) with each Narrative Semiannual Progress Report. Form SF-269A is included as Attachment 1. (c) Interim Reports Required Between Progress Reporting Dates Between the required performance reporting dates, events may occur that have significant impact upon the project or program. In such instances, the grantee shall inform the GTR and the Grant Agreement Officer as soon as the following types of conditions become known: (1) Problems, delays, or adverse conditions that will materially affect the ability to attain program objectives, prevent the meeting of time schedules and goals, or preclude the attainment of project work units by established time periods. This disclosure shall be accompanied by a statement of the action taken, or contemplated, and any HUD assistance needed to resolve the situation; (2) Favorable developments or events that enable time schedules to be met sooner than anticipated or more units to be produced than originally projected. (d) Final Report work All grantees must provide HUD with a Final Report at the end of the project, consisting of the following five elements: (1) Narrative Final Report Grantee is required to prepare and submit a narrative final report to the GTR within 60 days of the end of the grant agreement performance period. The Narrative Final Report shall summarize all activities conducted under the award including significant program achievements and problems encountered during the award period. In addition, the Narrative Final Report must summarize the reasons for successes and failures. The Narrative Final Report shall be in the same general format as is required for the Semi-annual Progress Reports, except that the Narrative Final Report shall be cumulative. (2) Closeout Certification (Required) The Closeout Certification (Attachment 2) must be completed by all grantees. This certification must be included as the last two paragraphs of the Narrative Final Report. Closeout certificate needs to be attained. 16 (3) The Final Financial Status Report (HUD SF-269 A (Required) The Final Financial Status Report must be completed and must identify the actual budget expenditures and compare them against grantee's budget as agreed to in the award document. • (4) A Property Statement (Required) A Property Statement (Attachment 3) is required of all grantees. If grantee acquired real property with its grant funds, grantee should check the box "yes" and complete the rest of the property statement. Items listed as supplies in the budget summary are not considered real property for purposes of this statement. (5) An Inventions, Patent, and Copyright Statement Grantees are required to complete the Inventions, Patents and Copyright Statement (Attachment 4), where applicable. Continuing Grantee Responsibilities after Project Completion Grantee will have the following areas of continuing responsibilities after the closeout of the award agreement. .(a) Maintenance of Records Grantee is required to maintain its award -related records and files for three (3)years. Records and materials must be kept in a safe place and be accessible to auditors and other government officials. This• requirement also extends to all subcontracts grantee has executed for over $10,000. Additionally, public access, as stipulated by the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 55?) must not he limited, except for items which are defined as exempt by Federal and local privacy statutes. Attachment 5 is a list of records grantee should retain. (b) Accountability for property The accountability for property continues as long as grantee holds the property or asset, or for the period of time established by grantee's award document. Disposal of property must abide by the rules established in the Property Management Standards set forth at 24 CFR Part 84 or Part 85 as applicable. (c) Change of Address If at any time during the three year period after project completion, grantee's organization changes its address or is discontinued, the Grant Agreement Officer should be notified immediately of the new address or the address of the party retaining all records. 17 REPRODUCTION OF REPORTS In accordance with Government Printing and Binding Regulations, reproductions of reports, data or other written materials intended for submission to HUD for Government use, as required in the award, is authorized provided the materials produced do not exceed 5,000 production units of any page and the items consisting of multiple pages do not exceed 25,000 production units in aggregate. The above limitations do not apply to the reproduction of materials intended for distribution by the awardee to non -Federal Government sources in accordance with the terms and conditions of this award document. SCOPE OF WORK Grantee is required to furnish the necessary personnel, materials, services, equipment, facilities (except as otherwise specified elsewhere in this award document) and do all things necessary or incidental to the performance of the work established in the Project Management Work Plan, The grantee shall be reimbursed for costs incurred in the performance of work in an amount not to exceed the obligated amount shown in Block #15 on the face page of this award. In the event grantee incurs costs in excess of the prescribed amount, the excess shall be borne entirely by the grantee. The grantee shall furnish the necessary personnel, materials, services, equipment, facilities, (except as otherwise specified in this award document) and do all things necessary or incidental to the performance of the work set forth in the Project Management Work Plan for the amount established in the award document. HSIAC Review Process The grantee agrees to provide to HUD's Office of University Partnerships (OUP) one faculty member to participate in the annual HSIAC application review process. HUD employs a peer review process to rate and rank HSIAC applications and is dependent upon the cooperation of participating institutions to provide panel reviewers. The review process takes place in Washington, D.C. 18 I%1 l yl+r2l'1 L. 1V 1 1 1. Federal Agency and Organizational Element to Which Report is Submitted FINANCIAL STATUS REPORT (Short Form) (Fo/low instructions on the back) 2. Federal Grant or Other Identifying Number Assigned OMB Approval Page By Federal Agency No. 0348-0039 3. Recipient Organization (Name and complete address. including ZIP code) 4. Employer Identification Number 5. Recipient Account Number or Identifying Number 8. Funding/Grant Period (See Instructions) From: (Month, Day. Year) 1 O. Transactions: a Total outlays b. Recipient share of outlays c. Federal share of outlays d. Total unliquidated obligations a.. To : (Month, Day, Year) e. Recipient shale of unliquidated obligations I. Federal share of unliquidated obligations g. Total Federal share (Sum of lines c and f) h. Total Federal tunas aurhnrl7crl for th.s li ,nn,nn w.na Unoblrgaled balance of Federal lunds (Line h minus line gl 1 l.Indirect Expense a. Type. o1 Rate (Place "X" in appropriate box) ❑ Provisional 0 Predetermined b. Rate I c. Base i of pages 6. Final Report 7. Basis ❑ Yes 0 No 0 Cash Q Accrual 9. Period Covered by this Report From: (Month, Day. Year) Previously Reported 11 This Period • To: (Month, Day. Year) Y: -,...;;:,..1,...=,*... 77,..W.x.. ....._ ::::: .. ''''' r .,......r '1......r.:::-...,,,,,,,, A.cw....j.3.—...;:.:5,.....r.17.,[", T-r.4; 4--'....... r �c 0.[7. ...,.....1.,—...,._„ter `r..;z .+ y,..5.1, Y'? v 0 Final 1 d. Total Amount 111 Cumulative ❑ Fixed e. Federal Share 12. Remarks: Attach any explanations deemed necessary or information required by Federal sponsoring agency in compliance wrrh governing legislation. 13. Certification: I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that this report is correct and complete and that all outlays and unliquidated obligations are for the purposes set forth in the award documents. Typed or Printed Name and Title Signature of Authorized Certifying Official NSN 7540-01.21 &438; _19- Telephone (Area cede. number and extension) Date Report Submitted 269.201 Standard Form 269A (REV 4.8a) Prest:ribed by OMB C.rculars A-102 and A -I f0 FINANCIAL STATUS REPORT (Snort Form) Please type or print legibly. The following general instructions explain how to use the form itself. You may need additional information to complete certain items correctly, or to decide whether a specific item is applicable to this award. Usually, such information will be found in the Federal agency's grant regulations or in the terms and conditions of the award. You may also contact the Federal agency directly. Item Entry Item Entry indirect expense incurred, the value of in -kind contributions applied, and the net increase or decrease in the amounts owed by the recipient for goods and other property received, for services performed by employees, contractors, subgrantees and other payees. and other amounts becoming owed under programs for which no current services or performances are required, such as annuities, insurance claims, and other benefit payments. 1, 2 and 3. Self-explanatory. 4. Enter the employer identification number assigned by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. 5. Space.reserved for an account number or other identifying number assigned by the recipient. 6. Check yes only if this is the last report for the period shown in item 8. 7. Self-explanatory. 8. Unless you have received other instructions from the awarding agency, enter the beginning and ending dates of the current funding period. If this is a multi -year program, the Federal agency might require cumulative reporting through consecutive funding periods, In that case, enter the beginning and ending dates of the grant periid, and in the rest of these instructions, substitute the term "grant period" for "funding period." 9. Self-explanatory. 10. The purpose of columns, I, II and III is to show the effect of this reporting period's transactions on crun ulatjve financial status. The amountsentered in column I will normally be the same as those in column III of the previous report in the same funding period. If this is the first or only report of the funding period, leave columns I and II blank. If you need to adjust amounts entered on previous reports, footnote the column I entry on this report and attach an explanation. 10a. Enter total program outlays less any rebates, refunds, or other credits_ For reports prepared on a cash basis, outlays are the sum of actual cash disbursements for direct costs for goods and services, the amount of indirect expense charged, the value of in -kind contributions applied, and the amount of cash advances and payments made to sub -recipients. For reports prepared on an accrual basis, outlays are the sum of actual cash disbursements for direct charges for goods and services, the amount of 10b. Self-explanatory. 10c. Self-explanatory. 10d. Enter the amount of unliquidated obligations, including unliquidated obligations to subgrantees and contractors. Unliquidated obligations on a cash basis are obligations incurred, but not yet paid. On an accrual basis, they are obligations incurred, but for which an outlay has not yet been recorded. Do not include any amounts on line I0d that have been included on lines I Oa, b or c. On the final report, line 10d must be zero. 10e, f,'g, h and i. Self-explanatory. 1 Ia. Self-explanatory. 1 lb. Enter the indirect cost rate in effect during the reporting period. 1 lc. Enter the amount of the base against which the rate was applied. 11 d. Enter the total amount of indirect costs charged during the report period. Ile. Enter the Federal share of the amount in 1 Id. Note: If more than one rate was in effect during the period shown in item 8, attach a schedule showing the bases against which the different rates were applied, the respective rates, the calendar periods they were in effect, amounts of indirect expense charged to the project, and the Federal share of indirect expense charged to the project to date. Standard Form 269A (REV 4-88) —20- Prescribed by OMB Circulars A-102 and A•110 Attachment 2 Closeout Certification Your final report shall contain the certification shown on the following page. It must be signed and dated by the Chief Executive Officer of your organi7arion or the individual who is legally able to bind your organi7ation. -21- Closeout Certification It is hereby certified that, to the ben of my knowledge, all activities undertaken, or to be undertaken, with funds provided under this agreement have been carried out, or wi]1 be carried out, in accordance with the award agreement; that no fraud, waste or mismanagement has occurred in the administration of this award; that proper provision has been made for the payment of all unpaid costs and unsettled third -party claims; that the Department Urban Development is under no obligation to make anya of Mousing and amount identified in Bock #]S of Form HUD-I4q.4 of the payment to the awardee in excess of the statement and amount set forth in this document is true and �accurate as agreement; every It is also certified that any program income resulting from this award or any remaining real property resulting from this award, even if obtained after award close-out, shall be used to further award objectives. I understand that prior HUD approval must be obtained to use either program income or real property for any other purpose other than that of the original project for a period of five years from the expiration of this award. Real property is listed in the Property Accounting records will program income. I understand that HUD agreement at any time. Statement. At this time program income consists of be kept on the use of these funds and any additional may monitor compliance with the tercets of this Name of Authorized Official Title Date NOTE: Any false statements knowingly or deliberately made are subject to civil or criminal penalties under Section ] DOl of Title ] 8 of the U.S_ Code. -77_ Property Statement Part I Project Number. Orgartiration Name: Attachment 3 Note to Awardee: Requirements for non -expendable property are incorporated in to Grant Provisions. Upon request, your Grant/Cooperative Agreement Officer will make these adminkctrajive requirements available. Based on your records and as required by the properly management standards set forth in the award agreement, the following reflects the status of real and personal property paid for in whole, or in part, by funds from your award: I. A. Was real property acquired? YES NO If yes, please 3ist in Part II. • B. If yes, will the property continue to be used for the purpose authorized in your agreement? YES NO If no, is approval being requested from HUD to use the property in other projects. YES No B-i. If yes, specify projects B-2. If no, provide disposition instructions to HUD in Part II. 2. A. Was non -expendable personal property acquired? YES NO If yes, please list in Part It of this Property Statement. B. If question II. A. is yes. will the property as listed continue to be used for the purposes authorized in the agreement? YES NO If no, is approval being requested from HUD to use the property in other projects? B-l. If yes, specify projects -23- B-2_ If no, what is the proposed disposition of this propery? (Check one or Approval is requested to'retain the property in whole or in part. Disposition instructions from HUD are requested. If both blocks are checked, please explain in detail in Part II of this Statement 3. Was expendable personal properly with an aggregate value of over S5,000 (for State and local Governments) or S 1,000 (for non-profit organizations) acquire --- YES NO If yes, refer to your agreement and request disposition forms from your Grant/Cooperative Agreement Officer. both) -24- PART II Note to Awardee: Information requested in Part I may be provided in the format that follows: Date Unit HUD %HUD Purchased Item Serial # Cost Fends Location Address Service Inventory Condition Contracts Reconciled Signature of Authorized Official: Title? Date: -75- Project Number Inventions, Patents And Copyrights Statement ATTACHMENT 4 Organization Name: Thconsultant's fiorfollowing reporrs and inventions, patents and copyrights subcontractor work under your award, iaccrrdance withrequirements from and/or un your agreement: under I. Inventions and/or Patents Narne of Inventor B. Copyrights Name of Author Parentfor? (If yes, give dare) Titre of Invention/ Patent Applied Copyrights Applied For? (If yes, give date) Signature of Authorized Official: Title: Dare: Title of Item -26- List Of Record To Be Maintained 1. Financial Records Financial Status Reports Final Financial Status Report Requests for Advance or Reimbursements Copies of AU Audits (federal and private) Copies of Audit Responses All Checkbooks Copies of all tax reports filled with the IRS, state and local governments 2. Deposits and Receipts All Monthly Bank Statements and Reconciliations Written Procedures for Spending Funds An Contracts: Subcontracts With Other Groups Consultant Contracts Insurance Policies Service/Maintenance Contracts Sole Source Contract(s) Justifications Construction Contracts (not normally applicable to TA awards) Bid Documents Performance Bonds Special Contractual Provisions. etc. indirect Cost Docurnentaijor, Chart of Accounts Ledgers Cash Disbursement Journals Payroll Register for Each Employee Supporting Documentation for AL Expenditures: Purchase Orders Vouchers Receipts Petry Cash Vouchers Deposit Receipt for Petry Cash Reconciliation Travel Reimbursement (with receiprs where applicable) Time and Attendance Records Price Quotations Equipment Inventory Listing Attachment 5 3. Non -Profit Parent or Sponsoring Organization Records (When Applicable) Articles of Incorporation Corporate Charter With a Not -For Profit Status Constitution and By-laws Federal Charitable Organization Designation (50I)(c)(3) FICA Waiver of Exemption -27- List(s) of Board Members Monthly/Quarterly/Annual Reports (whichever is applicable) Minutes of Board Meetings All Pertinent Correspondence Related to Work Under Award Copy of Written Personnel Policies 4. Project Records Approved Program Narratives Approved Budget Narratives Grant Award Notice Special Conditions Program Modification Requests Budget Modification Requests Award Adjustment Notices Copies of Required Quarterly Reports (Narrative and Financial Copy of Final Program Report (Narrative and Financial) All Pertinent Correspondence Related To This Award (incoming and outgoing) Revised Work Plans Lists(s) of Task Force/Advisory/Community Organization Meetings Related to the Performance of Work under this Award Evaluations Conducted As Required By the Award Letters of Appreciation Personnel Folders: Resumes Letters of Employment (new hires) Documentation of Pay' Raises -28- Attachment 6 Instructions For Requesting And Receiving Payments (1) Establishment of A Line of Credit Upon approval of your award, HUD will create an account for you with the Federal Reserve. To pay contractors, staff, suppliers, etc., you must call in the request for funds using a touch-rone. zelephone_and the LOCCS-VRS procedures. The.LOCCS-VRS responds by electronically transferring funds from your reserve account to your depository. Once the money has born transferred (within two working days) you are able to write checks on your depository accotmt. 1. Direct Deposit Sign -Up Form (HUD SF-1199A) Attachment 7 is a copy of the Direct Deposit Sign -Up Form and includes instructions for its preparation and submission. This form is used to establish a VRS Number and designate a Depository (usually a bank account). Designating a Depository provides HUD with the necessary authority and instructions to make direct deposits through the federal Reserve to your designated account if you are currently receiving other funds from HUD, the bank account . designated will be the same account as that designated for other HUD programs. You should complete an original of this form following the directions and return it to HUD. Be sure you provide your nine (9) digit Tax Idennficarion Number (TIN). it is the same number found on Block 6 of the SF-424 used for your grant/cooperative agreement application . After receiving the Direct Deposit Sign -Up Form (HUD SF-1199A), HUD will send a letter notifying you that a line of credit is established. LOCCS-VRS Access Authorization (HUD-27054) Attachment 8 is a copy of the LOCCS-VRS Access Authorization Form. Instructions for the preparation and submission of this form are included. Only authorized individuals who have obtained appropriate security identification numbers and passwords have access to the LOCCS-VRS. You must have at least two stab persons authorized to access LOCCS-VRS. Each authorized staff person must complete an individual security access request form known as the LOCCS-VRS Access Aurhorizanon (HUD/27054). This form must be signed by the your organization's Chief Executive Officer or designee and notarized prior to submitting it to HUD. IN NO EVENT SHOULD 1 tih. OFFICIAL SIGNING THE HUD-27054 FORM BE ONE OF TEE PERSONS AUTHORIZED TO ACCESS THE LOCOS-VRS. Upon receipt of the completed security form, HUD will issue each authorized person a user ID and a password by certified mail. The security authorizations are validated annually at the beginning of each Federal fiscal year on October lst. 3. Operation of the Voice Response System (VRS) (a) Preparation of the Standard Voucher (Form HUD-270S3) Attachment 9 is a copy of the Standard Voucher Form. This is a form with an original and one copy. A sample Standard Voucher form and instructions for its preparation are also included_ This voucher must be prepared befog calling LOCCS-VRS with a drawdown request. You should maintain the original with your files for auditing purposes. You should send a copy to your GTR with your required Quarterly Reports. The GTR ma amend this arrangement during the course of your award. 1f anychanges. Y this arrangement you will be notified of the changes. are made to (b) Calling -in the Standard Voucher Request Your GTR will review your Standard Voucher Requests (Form HUD-2703) and your quarterly reports. If there is a problem with your quarterly report or the voucher request the GTR will telephone you to resolve the issues. If the issues cannot be 4atisfactorily resolved the GTR may take steps to limit access to your funds. The telephone number to call the LOCCS-VRS equipment in HUD is 703-391-1400. (This is not a toll -free number.) Vouchers must be called in between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. EST. -30- S.L met THaern 11119A [4• %pe rI Powrom ter 'groomer 7n.•rr} Coot. CO. tO71 • w•5..... [,:per L:. X L Attachment 7 DIREI SIGN-UP FORM DIRECTIONS • To sign up tor DireCI Deposit. the payee is 10 read the back of this form olio fill m the inlorTnatron reGue$te i in Sections 1 and 2. Then take or mail Mrs t0rm 10 the financial institution. The financial in- stitution will verity the information in Sections land 2. and will com- plete Section 3. The completed torm wilt be returned to the Govern- ment agency identified below. • A separate loan must be completed for each type 01 payment to be sent by pireCt DepoSit I q N'AME OF PAYEE (kit. fvsr, n+iddlr o,irialf OMS No 1 4 I C.-.rX-r Ea..e.. O•.r 1 3 1.9 • The claim number and type of payment are pnnfed on Government checks. (See the sample check on the back of erns form.) This Inlorma • ',on is atso stated an beneficarylannuitanl aware letters and ocher documents torn the Government agency. • Payees must keep fete Government agency informed of any address changes in order to receive important information about berletrus and to remain Qualified for payments. SECTION 1 (TO BE COMPLETED BY PAYEE) A a D R E S5 (Meer. rouse. P.O. Box. APO/FPO) D TYPE OF DEPOSITOR ACCOUNT ❑CllEC .ING ❑SAviNCS E DEPOSITOR ACCOUNT NuMeER CITY STATE ZIP CODE TELEPHONE NIJMaER AREA CODE • NAME OF PERSONIS) ENTITLED TO PAYMENT • CLAIM OR PAYROLL IO NVMEER Prof.o F TYPE OF PAYMENT (Cheek only one) ❑ r ce.I seeup fry 0 F. Sol+.../../.1 CrrlWn Pay 0 SroODI•rr.enui S.evrrtT Inaon+• ❑ M.I. Active r' Forted R•t..•ment O M.t, R.t..• ❑ C..d S. E�+e• Rettr mane [OPM1 ❑ M.I. Sovervor GVA Comp•nlIt.on or ►•nuon ❑ Oil+•. !specify! G Tr+15 BOA. C0 •LLOTMENT OF PAYMENT ONLY (Ifcppitrobie) TYPE AMOUNT PAYEE/JOINT PAYEE 0FRT1F1CATION 1 certify That t am.ennried 10 the payment tdentibeO above. and Mal I have read and unperslo0O the back of this !pm In signing tnr5 torn. I aulhorue my payment to be sent to the hrancial Institution name below to be Deposited to the 0estgnated account. 5iGNATLJRE DATE JOINT ACCOUNT HOLDERS' CERTIFICATION ru7nwArwil 1 C210g Mal I nave rear. and unCerS10OC the back of Ihrs lorrh rncluarng the SPECIAL NOTICE TO JOINT ACCOUNT HOLDERS SIGNAtu*E DATE SIGNATURE DATE SIGNATURE DATE SECTION 2 (TO BE COMPLETED BY PAYEE OR FINANCIAL INSTITUTION) GOvERNMENTAGENCY NAME GDvERNMEN7 AGENCY ADDRESS SECTION 3 (TO BE COMPLETED BY FINANCIAL INSTITUTION) NAME AND ADDRESS OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTION ROUT ND NuMBEA CHECK DIGIT DEPOSITOR ACCOUNT TITLE FINANCIAL fNSTTTtJTION CERTIFICATION 1 cdntlrm the identity of the abort-narned payeels) and the account number and bete, As representative of the above -darned IlrynClal .nSt11ulIon• 1 cer trey that the financial Itt$tllutl0n agrees to receive and Deposit trle payment iaenr.lted above M accordance with 31 CFA Parts 240 209, and 210 PRINT OR TYPE REPRESENTATIVE-S NAME SIGNATURE OF REPRESENTATIVE TELEPHONE NUMBER OATS F.nane.•' .nsrnut.on• V1o+.IC me., 1e the GREEN BOOK for lurtn.e-re.;eruet+ont. THE FINANCIAL INSTITUTION SHOULD &AIL THE COMPLETED FORM TO THE GOVERNMENT AGENCY tOENT1FI€DABOvE. NSA 7S-4P-o1-0 simo 22. GDVERNME:N'T AGENCY COPY -31- 1149'70' BURDEN ESTIMATE STATEMENT The estimated average burden associated with this collection of information is 10 minutes per respondent keeper, depending on individual circumstances. Comments concerning the accuracy or record• sug- gestions for reducing this burden should be directed to the Financial Management Service. Facilities Management of this burden estimate and Division, Property & Supply Section. Room B-101, 3700 East-West Highway, of Management and Budge:, Paperwork Reduction Project (1510-0007), Washington, D.C. vilt0 3. g ent 707$? or the Office 2p503. PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY All information on this form, including the individual claim number, is required •3322, 31 CFR 209 and/or 210. The information is confidential .and is needed to prove to payments. The information will be used to process payment data from the Federal agency r U5C finan- cial institution and/or its agent. Failure to provide the requested information may affectentitlement s. ing of this form and may delay or prevent the receipt of payments through the y to the ironic Funds Transfer Program. 9 Direct D positiEiec INFORMATION FOUND ON CHECKS Most of the information needed to complete _ boxes A, C, and F in Section 1 is printed on your =-611015filif`JQINI51111li' government check: aBe sure that payee's name is written exactly as it ap pears on the check. Be sure current address is shown. r- Claim numbers and suffixes are printed here on checks beneath the ❑ate for the type of payment show"n.here. Check the Green Book for the location of prefixes ann suffixes for other types of payments. OType o1 payment is printed tc the left of the amount. SPECIAL NOTICE TO JOINT ACCOUNT HOLDERS Joint account holders Should immediately advise both the Government agsnc... f Cie] inStit�tti,;,n n4 ttie .a`^.� _f i_—�=. J, s beneficiary. Funds n _.� .�. .. except for Sala ��� Y- deposited after the date of death or�c ineligibility, payments, are to be returned to the Government aoency.a will then make a determination regarding survivor rights, calculate survivor benefit payments, if any, and begin payments. The Government aoency CANCELLATION ise is71a2t,- aeoc .rs`,es CO") 0 NOT NEGOTlABL?` The agreement represented by this authoriz_ation remains in effect until cancelled by the reci- pient by notice to the Federal agency or by the death or legal incapacity of the recipient. Upon cancella- tion by the recipient, the recipient should notify the receiving financial institution that he/she is doing so. The agreement represented by this authorization may be cancelled by the financial institution by providing the recipient a written notice 30 days in advance of the cancellafion date The recipient must immediately advise the Federal agency if the authorization is cancelled by the financial institu- tion. The financial institution cannot cancel the authorization by advice to the Government agency. CHANGING RECEIVING FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS The payee's Direct Deposit will continue to be received by the selected financial institution until the Government agency is notified by the payee that the payee wishes to change the financial in- stitution receiving the Direct Deposit. To effect this change the payee will complete anew SF 1199A at the newly selected financial institution- It is recommended that the payee maintain accounts at both financial institutions until the transition is complete, i.e. after the new financial institution receives the payee's Direct Deposit payment. FALSE STATEMENTS OR FRAUDULENT CLAIMS FedGra! law provides a fine of not more than 510.000 or imprisonment for not more than five (5) Years cr both for presenting a false statement or making a fraudulent claim_ Organization's Name Organizairon's Name 5b. Program Name Date ( dWyyyy) 1 authorize the person identified above to access LOCCS via the Voice Response System. Approved by (name) Vo Response System Access Authorization See Instructions, Public Burden, and Privacy Act statements on back before completing this form The Field Office will forward the forms to; U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Chief Financial Officer, FYM PO Box 23774 Washington, DC 20026-3774 Reset Password for active users Add new Program Area or Tax ID Change Tax ID or Address 3. Authorized Users Name (last, first, mi) This form is lobe approved by the recipient's (or grantee's) chief execulive officer. For new users, relain a copy and send a notarized original and two copies to your local HUD Field Office for review. 1. Type of Function (mark one) 1 New User 4 Reinstate User 3 U Terminate User 6 Office Address (streei, city, Stale & zip) 4. Recipient Organization for which Authority is being Requested Tax ID Organization's Name Tax 10 lax ID a. LOCCS Program Area A+rfhorized Users Signature Titre Dttice Address (street, city, Stale. zp code) ,pproving Ofiicaars Signature and Urban Development unnti Approval No. 2535.0102 (exp. 8/31 /2LUO) For Overnight delivery send to: Chief Financial Officer, FYM 451 71h Street SW Room 3114 Washington, DC 20410 2t. Social Security Number (SSN) E-Mai address (it available) Sc. O = Query Only D = ProjectOrawdown S Project Sel-Up (HOME, HOP3) A Admin. Drawdown (HOME, HOP3) 6. Notary (must be different from user and approving official) (Seal, signature, and dale (mrn/dd/yyyy)) HUDitywbJo� ling: w21 prosecute and Kat ions edwre absde hl ements. Corr on may result n criminal andror civil penalties_ (18 U.S.C.1601, 1010. 1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729.38°2) form HUD-27054 (2/0) Page 1 of 2 -33- ' ea?-rinr� data sources, gathering„a_.....,,. V"•"�"'•'.""'."`burna+eo roavera a r0 till, �_, _.. n, and you are nt and maintaining the data needed, and minutes per response. including required to complete this form, unless i�l displays ing and reviewing s the glue lira HUoi nplemenleand yo aree nCol e collection etor reviewing instructions. sears applicable HUDControl r control number. agency may not cc fin out voucher erformf• rThe theap licablltbe pogramwithal,the necessa rn i stoma inga eierequh ne This information is required to obtain fee w prompted torenterin the - necessary formation prior confirming fo a tale ts orpok pan yments toy the Y S Grant r nerds g r'"rfOrmatsonandforcon8mvngintormation�a�call usin phone ocin+'t ack y under the U.S. Housing Act 011937,asamended. Thees notchtonetale Privacy Act Statement: Public Law 97• (HUD) to collSt amen :Publl the c La w 7.2 w5, bin ncianntegrity Act. 31 U.S. ies t e Dema P : SPoof Housing and Urban D VeIO vo OevefopmentActo11g87,42U.S.C.C•3512,authorizeslhet>e 9�steddoesnoltenditsettloconfidenlia, 354c authorizes be us HUD to collect to protect $SAldisbursement data Isom Development ent unauthorized access_ The as ta are used loD ensure [hat individTheuals wholrauIo afe uard Housing using and ditC Develops°, promptly deleted. Provision of the SST is mandatorPurpose of the data is to safeguard the Line of Credit Control 5 ysie prominformation ywill not beotherwisedisclosedSSNisa released outside of a a except t ds no longer reque the LOCCS to LOCCSThe Housing and CO s. It - quested HUD uses it as a ur:ique identifier for safeguarding a the snrmot may delay the r S irea.Failurerhave theiraccessin for ca pa ion . processing of your approval for access to �pCCertnitled or required bym unauthorized a ccess, law. to provide the in formation r Instructions for the LOCCS Voice Response Access Authorization Security Form Type of Function: (l) New User: User does not currently have a LOCCS user ID. (2) Reinstate User: Used to renew the user's access autho- rization in LOCOS, (3) Terminate User: will immediately terminate the user's access authorizations in LOCCS. (4) Reset Password for active users: A temporary pass- word will be mailed back to the user to inform him/her of the reset password's"•value. The user will be required to change the password on the next access to LOCCS. (5) Add new Program Area or Tax ID: User has a current user ID and will be increasing access capability_ (6) Change Tax ID or Address: User has a current ID and will be changing the Tax ID or current mailing to change function no; 1G be used :ThIS subsiiiuie a user. C:onlact'FeldOfficeapproving official, or dures. contact for prose_ 2 a. User ID: This block is required to be filled in if the form indicates function 2, 3, or 4 above. This block will be filled in by the LOCCS Security Officer for a "new" ID. b. Social Security Number: Mandatory, Used to preclude duplicate issuance of authorization for the same person. See the Privacy Act Statement above. User information: All fields are rnandatory. Failure to enter any of these fields may cause the security request to be rejected. Enter the user's last name, first name, and middle initial. Enter the user's office phone number. Include the area code or indicate FTS. Enter user's office street address, city, State and zip code Recipient Organization for which Authority is being re- quested. This will identify the organization the user will be vious editions are obsolete. • representing- Enter the organization's Tax ID and organiza- tion name. 5. Program Authority- Identify the HUDprogram(s) this user wilt' be authorized to access for the recipient organization and then enter the corresponding code(s)/name(s). a./b. Contact your local HUD Field Office for the appropri- ate 4-character LOCCS Program Area / Name c. Enter tither "Q" for Query only access, "D" for Project Drawdown access, "5" for Project Set -Up access, or "A" for Administrative Drawdown access. Users who select Project Drawdown access, Project Set -Up access, or Administrative Drawdown access will automatically receive Query access. Persons who have Project Set -Up Authority for a given Tax ID cannot also have Project Drawdown Authority for the same Tax ID. "S" and HOPE "A' arc reserved for arse HOME and HO•,�,i:ti �k_ �-r � Programs. 6. Signature. The signature for whom access is being re- quested and the date (mm/dd/yyyy) this authorization was signed. 7. Approval• Enter the name, title, social security number, office phone, office address, signature and dare (rnm/dd! YYYy) of the approving official representing the recipient organization. Approving officials cannot approve them- selves for access to the systcm- 8. Notary. Must be different from user and approving official. Seal and signature of the official who notarizes this form and date (rnrn/dd/yyyy)• Page 2ot2 —34— torso HUD•27054 (2J2000) LOCOS VRS Request Voucher for Grant Payment U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development t7fice of AOmtnts1ratro- Attachment 9 F rbl+a repartrnc burden for vtts cotlenon of information is estimated to average 0 15 hours per OME Approval No 2535,0102 Cate sources. 8ehep e'sponse, inducing ene time for reyrewm instructions. irch } ring and maintain/no tie Cam needed. anc carnpteang and reviewing toe cauec zon of rnlormanon. Send co9gardintsearcher::: or any other aspect of tries coned:on of information, inducting sugoesoorts for reduang trus burden. to the Re comments regarding o inf burden and Systems. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Washington.D.C.20410.3600and ports of anage entand Ocoee et lnlarrnat: R Promo: (2_35-01021. Wasrungton. Q.C. 2a503.to tfhe Ounce of Management and Budget. P 1. yeas:net Number aJ h+'orM R l • . Asorent uon's Name : 12 l r r Pprm. Area: 13. Pena C,overeel by trio Roues; Irre vrrJ: fJ tc: 4 . ReCtpera Oranuaaon's Acorns: iieepierft Organizations Emprc er loerrjbgx Pkortr1 : fall I (9) • (10)1 7. Name t Tore o+ A+nrionzec Signatory (h'Pe Or tsnr many) ; &gna_orre 4 Date on Re uesi : 1 1 1 Voucher Total:.4 Is e Pricy Act Statement: Puble[ Law 97-255. >`inanaaf an Privacy information S en {merit: vhs Social integrity Act 31 U.S.C. 3S 1Z authorizes the Department of Housing and Urban Develogrnent (HUD) m c a to sae S J Number (SSN)) wr icti wr21 be used by HUD to protect arsbur�sernent data born traudutentactores. The purpose of tz14 eguard the 1Jne of Credit Con of System (LOCCS) horn unaumoratactace. The data are used to ensure that iidrvhOtrais who no longer repave aae to LOC LOCCS have het ac ess c o-ghifiry prorrtptfy deleted. Failure to prover a Tie ntormatnon reouested on tie form may decay the processing of your' aPp provision or the c royal roe ae w 11 not De dtWhile s dap SSN voluntary, HD e roes rt as a UnigUe r vequer for sateguardng the LOCCS tom What.MOTIZed access. Thrs ahtprrr disclosed or released ounade of HUD. except as perrruned ca requned by taw. Warning: HUD will prosecute false cairns and statements.t:.orivannon my r m in Criminal and'or rxvit ponalq (18 US C tt?]t. 141 ?. 1612. ]t U 5 C ;T29_ tom HUP-27453r (C - Instructions for the Preparation and Submission of form 1. Entera(9)digit two part number. Pant isthe (3)thg prefix to your program. (If you do not know your (3) digit program prefix. contact your Program/Grant Officer). Part 2. the remaining (6) digits, will be assigned by LOCCSNRS during the telephone call. The entire (9) doh number will have to be entered prior to ending the can. 2. This block contains a maxirnurn of 4-digit (max) alphanumeric program area identifier as sated in block Sa of the HUD-2706.4 LOCt;S Voice Response Access Authorization Form. 3. Enter the period covered by this request 4. Enter the recipient organization's name as stated on the grant agreement 41a. Recipient Organization's Employer Identification Number (EN) is the nine(9) digit number that is also known as the Tax Identification Number (TIN) in LOCCSNRS andthe Claire or Payroll ID Number on The SF-1199A- 4b. Enter recipient organization's mailing address. 5. Enter the current balance of cash on hand. HUD-27053, Request Voucher for Grant Payment 6. Line 1: Enterihe d-digit VRS Number of the first protect,grz which funds are being requested. The first five drgns or this nL identify the granteerrecipient: the second live identify the sp projectrgrant_ The first Live digits should always be the same grante &recipient. The second five digits should run consecutiv succeeding projects/grants within the program. Next, enter the HUD projecvgrant number for the project. This is for confirmation purposes only and will not be entered into LOC VRS through the touch-tone pad. Instead, when the VRS moat- keyed in. the VRS simulated voice will speak the HUD projecvc number tor the caller to ensure the correct VRS number was ke Finally, enter the amount requested tor that particular projecvg Dollarsshould be entered tro the lett of the asterisk (•) and cen Lines 2 through 10: List any other project grants in the same ?- Program Area for which funds are to be requested The total amc requested is entered in the bwer right hand comer of Block 6. 7. Enter the authorizing signature and date of signature. authorizing signatory in Block 7 can not be the same persor designated in Block 3 of the !-iUD-27054, LOCCS Voice Respor Access Authorization Form. _36_ form H1JD•271" BUDGET M-DCCIInterAmerican Campus - CFDA 14.t14 - FR 4630 Year 1 Year 2 TOTALS Federal : Leveraged Federal : Leveraged Federal : Leveraged ACTIVITY: Construction Direct Labor Fringe Materials Travel Equipment -28 computers $ 28,000 - 1 server 2,000 - 5 inkjet printers 500 -Network wiring 7,500 -Network Software 1.000 Consultants Subcontracts Construction $100,501 $895.000 $ 61.180 $895.000 $200.681 $1,790,000 TOTAL Direct $100.501 $895,000 $100.180 $895.000 $200.681 $1.790,000 ACTIVITY: Social. Cultural, Recreation Direct Labor $18,000 $ 0 $18,000 $ 0 $36.000 .$ 0 Fringe $ 1,215 0 5 1,215 0 $ 2.430 0 Materials $ 1.825 0 $ 1.825 0 $ 3,650 0 Travel $ 0 0 $ 0 0 $ 0 0 Equipment $ 1,256 0 0 0 $ 1,256 0 Consultants 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subcontracts 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL Direct $22,296 $ 0 $21,040 $ 0 $43,336 $ 0 ACTIVITY: Planning & Management Direct Labor $16,000 0 $16,000 Fringe Benefits $ 1,080 0 5 1,080 Materials 3.000 0 0 Travel $ 1,200 0 5 1,200 Equipment 4,000 0 1.331 Consultants 0 0 0 Subcontracts 0 0 0 Other Direct 0 0 0 TOTAL Direct $25.280 0 $19.611 0 $32,000 0 0 $ 2,160 0 0 3.000 0 $ 2.400 0 5.331 0 0 00 00 0 0 $44,891 0 GRAND TOTAL $153,237 $895,000 $135.673 $895, 00 $288.908 $1.790,000 02/8/2CO2 @ 12 305-237-L .7 MDCC S.A.M PAGE 02 1_:11"1 wia/tr m 111MA J...e1w' Opt. Or. ten WASntNGTON. DC 20402 STOCK NO. U3400.003630 S1GN'UP FORM DIRECTIONS To sign up for Direct Deposit, the payee its to read the back of this form and fill in the information requested In Sections 1 and 2. Then take or mail this form to the financial Institution. The financial in- stitution will verify the information In Sections 1 and 2, and will com- plete Section 3. The completed form will be returned to the Govern- ment agency identified below. A separate form must be completed for each type of payment to be sent by Direct Deposit. OMB No. 1s1U-0007 The claim number and type of payment are printed on Government checks. (See the sample check on the bath o1 this form.) This informa- tion is also stated on beneficiary/annuitant award letters and other documents from the Government agency. • Payees must keep Ine Ciove►nment agency informed of any address changes In order to receive Important information about benefits and to remain qualified for payments. SECTION 1 (TO BE COMPLETED BY PAYEE) .410) M# QtP-PAYEE (len, Cr7f, ntiddlC initial.) District Board of .Trustees . DTYPe Or oePOSiT0R ACCOUNT ®CHECKING EJsAviNos _ Miami -Jade Communitry.O1ij ge E E 9'TOR ACCOUNT NUMEER LLL ,.. ,anjelneet, route. P.O. Box. APOIFPOj 1101.1. SW 104 Street OT1 IA 9 __Q 0 1 6 Miami STATE FL 101.,44m#}tQNE NUMBER AREA CODE 305 237-2251 ZIP CODE 33176--3393 wow or Pemsows1 ENTITLED TO PAYMENT 41MI' .61 PAYROLL 70 NUM Pi TQ 1S t TAX ID: 59-1210485 Prefix sulfir PAYEFJJOINT PAYEE CERTIFICATION I certify that I am entitled to the payment Identified above. and that t 1eova read and understood the back of this form.:n signing this form. I thorize my payment to be t to the financial institution named low to be dappeited to the ;.noted 1 count. 5 NA T LI 4E 8 5 F TYPE OF PAYMENT (Check Only one) ❑ aorlet 9eeuritY 0 Fed Salary/MII. Civilian Pay 0 Supolemental Security income 0 MII. Active 0 Reitroett Retirement 0 Mil. Pletire.- 0 Civil Service Retirement IOPM) Mil, Surviltof ❑ VA Compentet1on or Pension they ...Pr / LC5 f:perify'f G THIS 50)1 FOR ALLOTMENT OP PAYMENT ONLY,r.'Jupp:irable) TYPE AMCUNT DATE 4/b-6 DA E� JOINT ;.CCOU,WT HOLDERSCZ lFiCATlON =rgrruleuir I certify that I have read and Linderetood ;he ;Sack of :his form includir.� the SPECIAL NOTICE TC=JOINT ACCOUNT HOLDERS $ GNA TI.iRE SICNATUPS DATE D.tTE SECTION 2 (TO 8E COMPLETED 8Y PAYEE OR FINANCIAL INSTITUTION) GOVERNMENTAGENCY NAME U 5 Dept. of HUD GOVERNMENT AGENCY .•OGRESS 909 SE 1 Ave., Ram. 500 Miami, FL 33131 SECTION 3 (TO BE COMPLETED 8Y FINANCIAL INSTITUTION) NAME AND ADDRESS OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTION Suntrust Bank / Miami, N.A. 777 Sxickell Avenue Miami, FL 33131 Attn: Marsha Dewey FT (L7 1.1 L�f DEPOSITOR ACCOUNT TITLE District Board of Trustees Miami -Dade Community College FINANCIAL INSTITUTION CEPTIFICATION I confirm the identity of the above -named payees) and the account number and title. As representative of the above•nemed financial Inatliutlon, I cer- tify that the financial institution agrees to ',curve and deposit the paymuni identified above in accordance with 31 CFFA Paris 240. 209, and 210, MINT OR TYPE REP9ESENTAYIVE'S NAME SIGHT 1Y\NGe L . & ,( r .r 1L' . L . 2 - LV?"0'•. r'Inrr70.tttiunf THE FINANCIAL INSTITUTION SHOULD MAI RE OF REPRES1=NIATrvE TELEPHONE NUMEEP F SOUK for rurthef inttru[tionE)� J] - COMP fJ FORM TO TH sl2RNMENT AGENCY IDENTIFIED AReVE. DAT i0 w514 714c-ot•ose-wee GOVERNMENT AGENCY CORY 1199-207 1. Type of Submission Application Construction ES4Von-Construction Applicant Information eget Name Pre -application ❑ Construction ❑ Non -Construction Miami -Dade Community College/InterAmerCampus ddress (give city, county, State, and zip code) 627 S.W 27th Avenue Miami, FL 33135 (Miami -Dade County) Employer identification Number (EIN) (xx-yyyyyyy) "ype of Application: ew ❑ Continuation ❑ Revision It Revision, enter appropriate letter(s) in box(es); A. increase Award B. Decrease Award D. Decrease Duration Other (specify) C. Increase Duration :atalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number (may-yyy) itle: Hispanic Servin utionzis Assisting Communities�(HSIAC)) roes Affected by Project (cities, counties, Stales, etc.) ity of Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida °posed Project )ate (mmidd/yyyy) ) 01 2001 stimated Funding the best of myknowledge and belief, all data in this application/pre-application are true and correct, the document has been duly :emdbyAhe governing rning Representative assurances the applicant and the applicant will comply with the attached s e b. title if the assistance is awarded. APPi�anl identifier Approval No. 0348-004: application (give area code) Name and telephone number of the person to be contacted on matters Involving this Dr. David Rafky 305-237-6186 (e-mail: drafky@mdcc.edu) 7. Type of Applicant (enter appropriate letter In box) A. State B. County C. Municipal D. Township E. interstate F. inter -municipal 0 Public Housing Agency G. Special District P. Other (Specify) H. Independent School Dist. I. State Controlled institution of Higher Learning 9. Name of Federal Agency H Deit of Housin_ 11. Descriptive Title of Applicant's Project Youth/Community Center in Jose Marti Park in Miami's Empowerment Zone -building the center, and.. -providing programming & social services J. Private University K. Indian Tribe L. Individual M. Profit Organization N Nonprofit 16. la Application Subject to Review by State Executive Order 12372 Process? a. Yes This pre-application/application was made available to the State Executive Order 12372 Process for review on: Date (mm/dd/yyyy) b. No Program is not covered by E.O. 12372 or ❑ Program has not been selected by State for review. 17. Is the Applicant Delinquent on Any Federal Debt? ❑ Yes If 'Yes,' attach an explanation 1r No of Vicente re of Aut Editi."•le d for Local Reproduc 'on form SF-424 (7/97) Prescribed by OMB Circular A-102 :omplete the certifications. g requested, applicant must provide the funding matrix shown below, listing each program for which Federal funding is bein quested, and For FHIPs, show both initiative and component •uctions for the HUD-424-M c reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated rage 45 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing fictions, searching existing data sources, gathering and main- g the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection ormation. This agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a n is not required to respond to, a collection of information s that collection displays a valid OMB control number. orm Is to be used by applicants requesting funding from the iment of Housing and Urban Development for application scions for Federal assistance. the following information: am: The HUD funding program you are applying under. :ant Share: Enter the amount of funds or cash equivalent of contributions you are contributing to your project or program rifles. :ed tor local reproduction Page 1 Federal Share: Enter the amount of HUD funds you are requesting with your application. State Share: Enter the amount of funds or cash equivalent of In -kind services the State is contributing to your project or program of activities. Local Share: Enter the amount of funds or cash equivalent of in - kind services your local government Is contributing to your project or program of activities. Other: Enter the amount of other sources of private, non-profit, or other funds or cash equivalent of in -kind services being contributed to your project or program of activities. Program Income: Enter the amount of program income you expect to generate and contribute to this program over the life of your award. Total: Please total all columns and fill in the amounts. form HUD-424-M (1/2000) ret.OMB Circular A-102 ���-�---.wu t-t unsiruction P jrams Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, Including the time for reviewing instructions, searchir existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Please do not retum yot completed form to the Office of Management and Budget; send it to the address provided by the sponsoring agency . Note: Certain of these assurances may not be applicable to your project or program. If you have questions, please contact the awarding agenc Further, certain Federal awarding agencies may require applicants to certify to additional assurances. If such is the case you will be notified As the duly authorized representative of the applicant I certify that the applicant: 1. Has the legal authority to apply for Federal assistance, and the institutional, managerial and financial capability (including funds sufficient to pay the non -Federal share of project costs) to ensure proper planning, management and completion of the project described in this application. 2. Will give the awarding agency, the Comptroller General of the United States, and if appropriate, the State, through any authorized representative, access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to the award; and will establish a proper accounting system in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards or agency directives. 3. Will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that constitutes or presents the appearance of personal or organizational conflict of interest, or personal gain. 4. Will initiate and complete the work within the applicable time frame after receipt of approval of the awarding agency. 5. Will comply with the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970 (42 U.S.C. §§ 4728-4763) relating to prescribed stan- dards for merit systems for programs funded under one of the nineteen statutes or regulations specified in Appendix A of OPM's Standards for a Merit System of Personnel Adminis- tration (5 C.F.R. 900, Subpart F). i. Will comply with all Federal statutes relating to nondis- crimination. These include but are not limited to: (a) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin; (b) Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended (20 U.S.C. §§ 1681-1683, and 1685- 1686), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex; (c) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. § 794), which prohibits discrimina- tion on the basis of handicaps; (d) the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 U.S.C. § § 6101-6107), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age; (e) the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (P.O. 92-255), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of drug abuse; (0 the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-616), as amended, relating to nondis- crimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; OMB Approval No. 0348-004 (g) § § 523 and 527 of the Public Health Service Act of 1912 (42 U.S.C. 290 dd-3 and 290 ee-3), as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records; (h) Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. § 36701 et seq.), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing; (i) any other nondiscrimination provisions in the specific statute(s) un- der which application for Federal assistance is being made; and (j) the requirements of any other nondiscrimination statute(s) which may apply to the application, 7. Will comply, or has already complied, with the require- ments of Titles I1 and III of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-646) which provide for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced or whose property is ac- quired as a result of Federal or federally assisted programs. These requirements apply to all interests in real property acquired for project purposes regardless of Federal partici- pation in purchases. 8. Will comply, as applicable, with the provisions of the Hatch Act (5 U.S.C. §§ 1501-1508 and 7324-7328) which limit the political activities of employees whose principal employment activities are funded in whole or in part with Federal funds. 9. Will comply, as applicable, with the provisions of the Davis -Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. §§ 276a and 276a-7), the Copeland Act (40 U.S.C. § 276c and 18 U.S.C. §§ 874), and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. §§ 327-333), regarding labor standards for feder- ally assisted construction subagreements. I0. Will comply, if applicable, with flood insurance purchase requirements of Section 102(a) of the Flood Disaster Pro- tection Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-234) which requires recipients in a special flood hazard area to participate in the program and to purchase flood insurance if the total cost of insur- able construction and acquisition is $10,000 or more. 11. Will comply with environmental standards which may be prescribed pursuant to the following: (a) institution of environmental quality control measures under the Na- tional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (P.L. 91-190) and Executive Order (EO) 11514; (b) notification of violating facilities pursuant to EO 11738; (c) protection of wetlands pursuant to EO 11990; (e) evaluation of flood hazards in flood plains in accordance with EO 11988; (e) assurance of bus Editions Usable Page 1 of 2 Authorized for Local Reproduclion SF-424B (Rev. 4/92) Prescribed by OMB Circular A-102 project consistency with the ap. ed State management program developed under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. §§ 1451 et seq.); (f) conformity of Federal actions to State (Clear Air) Implementation Plans under Section 176(c) of the Clear Air Act of I955, as amended (42 U.S.C. § 7401 et seq.); (g) protection of underground sources of drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, as amended, (P.L. 93-523); and (h) protection of endangered species under the Endan- gered Species Act of 1973, as amended, (P.L. 93-205). 12. Will comply with the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 (16 U.S.C. §§ 1271 et seq.) related to protecting compo- nents or potential components of the national wild and scenic rivers system. 13. Will assist the awarding agency in assuring compliance with Section 106 of the national Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (16 U.S.C. 470), EO 11593 (identification and protection of historic properties), and the Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. 469a-1 et seq.). Signature of Authorized Certifying Official Applicant Organization Miami -Dade Community College/ InterAmerican Campus Title 14. Will cons with P.L. 93-348 regarding the protectior human subjects involved in research, development, related activities supported by this award of assistant 15. Will comply with the Laboratory Animal Welfare Act 1966 (P.L. 89-544, as amended, 7 U.S.C. 2131 et se pertaining to the care, handling, and treatment of wa• blooded animals held for research, teaching, or oth activities supported by this award of assistance. 16. Will comply with the Lead -Based Paint Poisoning Preve Lion Act (42 U.S.C. §§ 4801 et seq.) which prohibits the u: of lead based paint in construction or rehabilitation residence structures. 17. Will cause to be performed the required financial an compliance audits in accordance with the Single Audit Ac of 1984 or OMB Circular No, A-133, Audits of Institution of Higher Learning and other Non-profit Institutions. 18. Will comply with all applicable requirements of all othe Federal laws, executive orders, regulations and policie governing this program. President Date Submitted June 1, 2001 rvious Editions Usable Page 2 of 2 Authorized for Local Reproduction SF-424e {Rev. 4/92) Prescribed by OMB Circular A-102 ii influence Federal Transact .is Office of Public and Indian Housing miu vroan uevelopment iticant Name Miami —Dade Community College/InterAmerican Campus gram/Activity Receiving Federal Grant Funding HSIAC / Community —Youth Center in Jose Marti Park undersigned certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be i, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for Jencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of Igency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of gress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connec- with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any :ral grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into ly cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, wal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, t, Irian, or cooperative agreement. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or ipting to influence an officer or employee of an agency, a ber of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an oyee of a Member of Congress in connection with this cal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the -signed shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, osure Form to Report Lobbying, in accordance with its Ictians. (3) The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352, Title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not Iess than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. y certify that all the information stated herein, as well as any information provided in the accompaniment herewith, is True and accurate. �9 HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729, 3802) Authorize. Official Jose Vicente Title President Date June 1, 2001 edition is obsolete form HUD 50071 (3/98) ref. Handb000ks 7417.1, 7475.13, 7485.1, & 7485.3 Completes orm to disclose lobbying activities pursuant to 31 t,.;.C. 1352 (See reverse side for instructions and Public Reporting burden statement) rr•-••••• ..•� vw1C u,i4t3-O046 L . Type of Federal Action a. contract b. grant c. cooperative agreement d. loan e. loan guarantee f. loan insurance I . Name and Address of Reporting Entity Prime n Subawardee Tier 11 2. Status of Federal Action a. bid/offer/application b initial award c. post -award II Congressional District, if known Federal Department/Agency Federal Action Number, if known , If known: 3. Report Type na. initial filing b. material change For Material Change Only year (yyyy) quarter date of last report (mm/ddlyyyy) 5. If Reporting Entity in No. 4 is Subawardee, enter Name and Address of Prime f\)0 Loy k‘<.‘9 W 1+1 00-0A, Congressional District, if known 7. Federal Program Name/Description CFDA Number, If applicable i. Name and Address of Lobbying Registrant (if individual, last name, first name, MI) 9. Award Amount, if known b. Individuals Performing Services (including address If different from No. 1Oa.) (last name, first name, MI) {attach continuation sheets) if necessary) Amount of Payment (check all that apply) 13. Type of Payment (check all that apply) pp y) I1 planned n a. retainer b. one-time fee c. commission d. contingent fee e. deferred f. other (specify) Brief Description of Services Performed or to be Performed and Date(s) of Service, including officer(s), employee(s), or Member(s) contacted, for Payment Indicated in Item 11 L1 actual Form of Payment (check all that apply) a. cash b. in -kind; specify: nature value Continuation sheets attached Yes No {attach continuation sheet(s) 11 necessary} 'formation requested through this form Is authorized by Sec.319, 'ub. L. 101-121, 103 Stat. 750, as amended by sec. 10; Pub. L. 104- 5, Stat. 700 (31 U.S.C. 1352). This disclosure of lobbying activities a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed y the above when this transaction was made or entered into. This isclosu►e is required pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1352. This information ill be reported to the Congress semiannually and will be available 'r public inspection. Any person who fails to file the required sciosure shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 id not more than $100,000 for each such failure. Print Name Jose Vicente Title Telephone No. Date (mrn/dd/yyyy President 305-237--6034 Authorized for Local Reproduction Standard Form-LLI. (7/97) uebarment and Suspensic and Urban Developtner ..ertitication A: Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and )ther Responsibility Matters - Primary Covered Transactions . The prospective primary participant certifies to the best of its knowl- dge and belief that its principals; a. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, eclared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions y any Federal debarment or agency; b. Have not within a three-year period preceding this proposal, ;en convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for imtnission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtain- g, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State, or cal) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of :deral or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, rgery, bribery, falsification, or destruction of records, making false dements, or receiving stolen property; c. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly arged by a governmental entity (Federal, State, or local) with mmission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (1)(b) of s certification; and d. Have not within a three-year period preceding this application/ posal had one or more public transactions (Federal, State, or local) minatcd for cause or default. Where the prospective primary participant is unable to certify to of the statements in this certification, such prospective participant 11 attach an explanation to this proposal. tructions for Certification (A) 3y signing and submitting this proposal, the prospective primary icipant is providing the certification set out below. the inability of a person to provide the certification required below not necessarily result in denial of participation in this covered saction. The prospective participant shaft submit an explanation 'hy it cannot provide the certification set out below. The certifi- )n or explanation will be considered in connection with the rrtment or agency's determination whether to enter into this ;action. However, failure of the prospective primary participant to ish a certification or an explanation shall disqualify such person participation in this transaction. he certification in this clause is a material representation of fact which reliance was place when the department or agency deter- d to enter into this transaction. if it is later determined that the )ective primary participant knowingly rendered an erroneous •ication, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal rnment, the department or agency may terminate this transaction ause of default. 4. The prospective primary participant shall provide immediate writ- ten notice to the department or agency to whom this proposal is submitted if at any time the prospective primary participant learns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become errone- ous by reason of changed circumstances. 5. The terms covered transaction, debarred, suspended, ineligible, lower tier covered transaction, participant, person, primary cov- ered transaction, principal, proposal, and voluntarily excluded, as used in this clause, have the meanings set out in the Definitions and Coverage sections of the rules implementing Executive Order 12549. You may contact the department or agency to which this proposal is being submitted for assistance in obtaining a copy of these regulations. 6. The prospective primary participant agrees by submitting this proposal that, should the proposed covered transaction be entered into, it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered transaction with a person who is debarred, suspended, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered transaction, unless authorized by the department or agency entering into this transaction. 7. The prospective primary participant further agrees by submitting' this proposal that it will include the clause titled "Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclu- sion - Lower Tier Covered Transaction," provided by the department or agency entering into this covered transaction, without modification, in all lower tier covered transactions and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions. 8. A participant in a covered transaction may rely upon a certification of a prospective participant in a lower tier covered transaction that it is not debarred, suspended, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from the covered transaction, unless it knows that the certification is erroneous. A participant may decide the method and frequency by which it determines this eligibility of its principals. Each participant may, but is not required to, check the Nonprocurement List. 9. Nothing contained in the foregoing shall be construed to require establishment of a system of records in order to render in good faith the certification required by this clause. The knowledge and information of a participant is not required to exceed that which is normally possessed by a prudent person in the ordinary course of business dealings. 10. Except for transactions authorized under paragraph (6) of these instructions, if a participant in a covered transaction knowingly enters into a lower tier covered transaction with a person who is suspended, debarred, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government, the department or agency may terminate this transaction for cause of default. Page 1 of 2 form HUD-2992 (3/98) Certification B: Certification Regarding D Tint, Suspension, Ineli- gibility and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Titi Covered Transactions I. The prospective lower tier participant certifies, by submission of this proposal, that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal depart- ment or agency. 2. Where the prospective lower tier participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this proposal. Instructions for Certification (B) I. By signing and submitting this proposal, the prospective lower tier participant is providing the certification set out below. 2. The certification in this clause is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was entered into. If it is later determined that the prospective lower tier participant knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government, the department or agency with which this transaction originated may pursue available remedies, including suspension and/or debarment. 3. The prospective lower tier participant shall provide immediate written notice to the person to which this proposal is submitted if at any time the prospective lower tier participant learns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. 4. The terms covered transaction, debarred, suspended, Ineligible, lower tier covered transaction, participant, person, primary cov- ered transaction, principal, proposal, and voluntarily excluded, as used in this clause, have the meanings set out in the Definitions and Coverage sections of rules implementing Executive Order 12549. You may contact the person to which this proposal is submitted for assis- ance in obtaining a copy of these regulations. plicant 5. The prospective lower tier participant agrees by submitting tl proposal that, should the proposed covered transaction be entered in, it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered transacts with a person who is debarred, suspended, declared ineligible, voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered transactio unless authorized by the department or agency with which this Iran action originated. 6. The prospective lower tier participant further agrees by submittin this proposal that it will include this clause titled "Certificatio Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exch. sion - Lower Tier Covered Transaction," without modification, in a lower tier covered transactions and in all solicitations for lower tit covered transactions. 7. A participant in a covered transaction may rely upon a certificatioi of a prospective participant in a lower tier covered transaction that i is not debarred, suspended, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from tht covered transaction, unless it knows that the certification is erroneous A participant may decide the method and frequency by which i determines the eligibility of its principals. Each participant may, bu is not required to, check the Nonprocurement List. 8. Nothing contained in the foregoing shall be construed to require establishment of a system of records in order to render in good faith the certification required by this clause. The knowledge and information of a participant is not required to exceed that which is normally possessed by a prudent person in the ordinary course of business dealings. 9. Except for transactions authorized under paragraph (5) of these instructions, if a participant in a lower covered transaction knowingly enters into a lower tier covered transaction with a person who is suspended, debarred, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from partici- pation in this transaction, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government, the department or agency with which this trans- action originated may pursue available remedies including suspension and/or debarment. Miami —Dade Community College/InterAmerican Campus (nature of Autc4.02140 'fed Certify• }liciaf Date June 1, 2001 Title President Pece2of 2 form HUD-2992 (3/98) )rug -Free Workplace su use wain uevelopment icant Name (3) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and )yee assistance programs; and f. Taking one of the following actions, within 30 calendar days of receiving notice under subparagraph d.(2), with respect (4) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees to any employee who is so convicted --- ug abuse violations occurring in the workplace. Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged performance of the grant be given a copy of the statement ed by paragraph a.; ,lotifying the employee in the statement required by para- a. that, as a condition of employment under the grant, the yee will --- Miami —Dade Community College / InterAmerican Campus ram/Activity Receiving Federal Grant Funding HSIAC — Community/youth Center in Jose Marti Park .cting on behalf of the above named Applicant as its Authorized Official, I make the following certifications and agreements to Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regarding the sites listed below: certify that the above named Applicant will or will continue .ovide a drug -free workplace by: (1) Abide by the terms of the statement; and of his or her fy Publishing a statement notifying employees that the un- lion fora violationhe of a criminal drugemployer inlng sta uginte occurringthe ul manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use controlled substance is prohibited in the Applicant's work - workplace no later than five calendar days after such conviction; and specifying the actions that will be taken against e. Notifying the agency in writing, within ten calendar days oyees for violation of such prohibition. after receiving notice under subparagraph d.(2) from an em- pyee orEstablishing an on -going drug -free awareness program to receiving l m employees --- Employers of conty sled employeesamusttice pro� denotice, includ- ing position title, to every grant officer or other designee on (1) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; whose grant activity the convicted employee was working, (2) The Applicant's h- unless the Federalagency has designated a central point for the PP policy of maintaininga drug -free receipt of such notices. Notice shall include the identification place; number(s) of each affected grant; (1) Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to and including termination, consistent with the requirements of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; or (2) Requiring such employee to participate satisfacto- rily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program ap- proved for such purposes by a Federal, State, or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency; g. Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug - free workplace through implementation of paragraphs a. thru f. s for Work Performance. The Applicant shall list (on separate pages) the site(s) for the performance of work done in connection with the funding of the program/activity shown above: Place of Performance shall include the street address, city, county, State, and zip code. tify each sheet with the Applicant name and address and the program/activity receiving grant funding.) :re If there are workplaces on file that are not identified on the attached sheets. certify that all the information staled herein, as well as any information provided in the accompaniment herewith, is true and accurate. 3: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729, 3802) authorized Official Jose Vicente Title I President Date June 1, 2001 form HUD-50070 (3/98) ref. Handbooks 7417.1, 7475.13, 7485.1 8.3 Disclosure/Update Report, �•�• uepanment of Housing and Urban Development MB Approval No. 2510-0011 (exp. 3/31/2003) 3. HUD Program Name HSIAC - Hispanic Serving Institutions Assisting Communities 5. State the name and location (street address, City and State) of the project or activity: instructions. (See Public Reporting Statement and Privacy Act Statement and detailed instructions on page 2.) A • • licant/Ret/Reci • lent Information � 1, Applicannent Name, Address, and Phone (include area code): Indicate whether this Is an Initial Report Lb,/ or an Update Report 0 Miami -Dade Community College/InterAmerican Campus Employer ID Number: 2. Social Security Number or 627,SW 27th Avenue / Miami, FL 33135 305-237-6034 As in #1, above Part I Threshold Determinations 1. Are you applying for assistance for a specific project or activity? These terms do not include formula grants, such as public housing operating subsidy or CDBG block grants. (For further Information see 24 CFR Sec 4.3j/ Yes No 59-1210485 4. Amount of HUD Assistance Requested/Received $400,000 2. Have you received or do you expect to receive assistance within the jurisdiction of the Department (HUD) , Involving the project or activity in this application, in excess of $200,000 during this fiscal year (Oct. 1 - Sep. 30)? For �turth Information, see 24 CFR Sec. 4.9 ❑ Yes No. if you answered "No" to either question 1 or 2, Stop! You do not need to complete the remainder of this form. However, you must sign the certification at the end of the report. Part it Other Government Assistance Provided or Requested / Expected Sources and Use of Funds. Such assistance includes, but is not limited to, any grant, loan, subsidy, guarantee, insurance, payment, credit, or tax benefit. ]epartmenVState/Local Agency Name a d Address t ur .,r erg, ._ Note: Use Additional pages if necessary.) 'art III interested Parties. You must disclose: . All developers, contractors, or consultants involved in the application for the assistance or in the planning, development, or implementation of the project or activity and . any other person who has a financial interest in the project or activity for which the assistance is sought that exceeds S50,000 or 10 percent of the assistance (whichever Is lower). Iphabetical list of all persons with a reportable financial interest f Social Security No. the project or activity (For individuals, give the last name first) or Employee ID No. N /A ate: Use Additional pages if necessary.) ertification irning: If you knowingly make a false statement on this form, you may be subject to ited States Code. In addition, any person who knowingly and materially violates any closure. is subject to civil money penalty not to exceed $10,000 for each violation. :rtify that this information is true and complete. natur Type of Participation In Project/Activity Financial interest in Project/Activity ($ and %) civil or criminal penalties under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the required disclosures of information, including intentional non - Date: (mmvcifyym June 1, 2001 Form HUD-2880 (3/99) ..ain. I9t,w IJIl uui uan iui ;HIS wuectFon c rmation is estimated to average 2.0 hours per res a, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering an. .,aintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection information unless that collection displays a valid OMB control number. Privacy Act Statement. Except for Social Security Numbers (SSNs) and Employer Identification Numbers (EINs), the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is authorized to collect all the information required by this form under section 102 of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1989, 42 U.S.C. 3531. Disclosure of SSNs and EJNs is optional, The SSN or EIN is used as a unique identifier. The information you provide will enable HUD to carry out its responsibilities under Sections 102(b), (c), and (d) of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1989, Pub. L. 101-235, approved December 15, 1989. These provisions wilt help ensure greater accountability and integrity in the provision of certain types of assistance administered by HUD. They will also help ensure that HUD assistance for a specific housing project under Section 102(d) is not more than is necessary to make the project feasible after taking account of other government assistance. HUD will make available to the public all applicant disclosure reports for five years in the case of applications for competitive assistance, and for generally three years in the case of other applications. Update reports will be made available along with the disclosure reports, but in no case for a period generally less than three years. All reports, both initial reports and update reports, will be made available In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. §552) and HUD's implementing regulations at 24 CFR Part 15. HUD will use the information in evaluating individual assistance applications and in performing Internal administrative analyses to assist in the management of specific HUD programs. The Information will also be used In making the determination under Section 102(d) whether HUD assistance for a specific housing project is more than is necessary to make the protect feasible after taking account of other government assistance. You must provide all the required information. Failure to provide any required information may delay the processing of your application, and may result in sanctions and penalties, including imposition of the administrative and civil money penalties specified under 24 CFR §4.38. Note: This form only covers assistance made available by The Department. States and units of general local government that carry out responsibilities under Sections 102(b) and (c) of the Reform Act must develop their own procedures for complying with the Act. Instructions Overview. A. Coverage. You must complete thls report If: (1) You are applying for assistance from HUD for a specific project or activity and you have received, or expect to receive, assistance from HUD in excess of $200,000 during the during the fiscal year; (2) You are updating a prior report as discussed below; or (3) You are submitting an application for assistance to an entity other than HUD, a State or local government if the application is required by statute or regulation to be submitted to HUD for approval or for any other purpose. B. Update reports (filed by "Recipients" of HUD Assistance): General. All recipients of covered assistance must submit update reports to the Department to reflect substantial changes to the initial applicant disclosure reports. Line -by -Line instructions. Applicant/Recipient Information. All applicants for HUD competitive assistance, must complete the information required in blocks 1-5 of form HUD-2880: 1. Enter the full name, address, city, State, zip code, and telephone number (including area code) of the applicant/recipient. Where the applicant/recipient is an individual, the last name, first name, and middle initial must be entered. 2. Entry of the applicant/recipient's SSN or EIN, as appropriate, is optional. 3. Applicants enter the HUD program name under which the assistance is being requested. 4. Applicants enter the amount of HUD assistance that is being requested. Recipients enter the amount of HUD assistance that has been provided and to which the update report relates. The amounts are those stated in the application or award documentation. NOTE: In the case of assistance that is provided pursuant to contract over a period of time (such as project -based assistance under section 8 of the United Stales Housing Act of 1937), the amount of assistance to be reported includes all amounts that are to be provided over the term of the contract, irrespective of when they are to be received. 5. Applicants enter the name and full address of the project or activity for which the HUD assistance is sought. Recipients enter the name and full address of the HUD -assisted project or activity to which the update report relates. The most appropriate government identifying number must be used (e.g., RFP No.; IFB No.; grant announcement No.; or contract, grant, or loan No.) Include prefixes. Part I. Threshold Determinations - Applicants Only Part I contains information to help the applicant determine whether the remainder of the form must be. completed. Recipients filing Update Reports should not complete this Part. If the answer to either questions 1 or 2 is No, the applicant need not complete Parts II and Ill of the report, but must sign the certification at the end of the form. Part II. Other Government Assistance and Expected Sources and Uses of Funds. A. Other Government Assistance. This Part is to be completed by both applicants and recipients for assistance and recipients filing update reports. Applicants and recipients must report any other government assistance involved in the project or activity for which assistance is sought. Applicants and recipients must report any other government assistance involved in the project or activity. Other government assistance is defined in note 4 on the last page. For purposes of this definition, other government assistance is expected to be made available if, based on an assessment of all the circumstances involved, there are reasonable grounds to anticipate that the assistance will be forthcoming. Both applicant and recipient disclosures must include all other government assistance involved with the HUD assistance, as well as any other government assistance that was made available before the request, but that has continuing vitality at the time of the request. Examples of this latter category include tax credits that provide for a number of years of tax benefits, and grant assistance that continues to benefit the project at the time of the assistance request. The following information must be provided: 1. Enter the name and address, city, State, and zip code of the government agency making the assistance available. 2. State the type of other government assistance (e.g., loan, grant, loan insurance). 3. Enter the dollar amount of the other government assistance that is, or is expected to be, made available with respect to the project or activities for which the HUD assistance is sought (applicants) or has been provided (recipients). 4. Uses of funds. Each reportable use of funds must clearly identify the purpose to which they are to be put. Reasonable aggregations may be used, such as "total structure" to include a number of structural costs, such as roof, elevators, exterior masonry, etc. B. Non -Government Assistance. Note that the applicant and recipient disclosure report must specify all expected sources and uses of funds - both from HUD and any other source - that have been or are to be, made available for the project or activity. Non -government sources of Form HUD-2880 (3199) IUUU ' ryyAcauy rncruoe (out are not limited to' contributors. dations and private Part III. Interested Parties. This Part is to be completed by both applicants and recipients filing update reports. Applicants must provide information on: 1. All developers, contractors, or consultants involved In the application for the assistance or in the planning, development, or implementation of the project or activity and 2. any other person who has a financial Interest In the project or activity for which the assistance is sought that exceeds $50,000 or 10 percent of the assistance (whichever is lower). Note: A financial interest means any financial involvement in the project or activity, including (but not limited to) situations in which an Individual or entity has an equity Interest in the project or activity, shares In any profit on resale or any distribution of surplus cash or other assets of the project or activity, or receives compensation for any goods or services provided in connection with the protect or activity. Residency of an individual in housing for which assistance is being sought is not, by itself, considered a coveredfinandal Interest. "he Information required below must be provided. . Enter the full names and addresses. If the person is an entity, the listing must include the full name and address of the entity as well as the CEO. Please list all names alphabetically. . Entry of the Social Security Number (SSN) or Employee identification Number (EIN), as appropriate, for each person listed is optional. . Enter the type of participation in the project or activity for each person listed: i.e., the person's specific role in the project (e.g., contractor, consultant, planner, investor). Enter the financial interest in the project or activity for each person listed. The interest must be expressed both as a dollar amount and as a percentage of the amount of the HUD assistance involved. ote that if any of the source/use information required by this report has ren provided elsewhere in this application package, the applicant need not repeat the informatioi . need only refer to the form and location to incorporate it into this report. (It is likely that some of the information required by this report has been provided on SF 424A, and on various budget forms accompanying the application.) If this report requires information beyond that provided elsewhere in the application package, the applicant must include in this report all the additional information required. Recipients must submit an update report for any change in previously disclosed sources and uses of funds as provided In Section I.D.5., above. Notes: 1. All dtations are to 24 CFR Part 4, which was published In the Federal Register. (April 1, 1996, at 63 Fed. Reg. 14448.] 2. Assistance means any contract, grant, loan, cooperative agreement, or other form of assistance, including the insurance or guarantee of a loan or mortgage, that is provided with respect to a specific project or activity under a program administered by the Department. The term does not Include contracts, such as procurements contracts, that are subject to the Fed. Acquisition Regulation (FAR) (48 CFR Chapter 1). 3. See 24 CFR §4.9 for detailed guidance on how the threshold is calculated. 4. "Other government assistance" Is defined to include any loan, grant, guarantee, insurance, payment, rebate, subsidy, credit, tax benefit, or any other form of direct or indirect assistance from the Federal government (other than that requested from HUD in the application), a State, or a unit of general local government, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, that is, or is expected to be made, available with respect to the project or activities for which the assistance is sought. 5. For the purpose of this form and 24 CFR Part 4, "person" means an individual (including a consultant, Lobbyist, or lawyer); corporation; company; association; authority; firm; partnership; society; State, unit of general local government, or other government entity, or agency thereof (Including a public housing agency); Indian tribe; and any other organization or group of people. Form HUD-2880 (3/99) M-DCC/InterAmerican Campus - CFDA 14.514 - FR 4630 ABSTRACT Project Number: Grantee: Requested Grant Amount: Project Address: Project Contact Person: Phone Number: Fax Number: E-mail: Miami -Dade Community College (InterAmerican Campus) $400,000 M-DCC/InterAmerican Campus 627 SW 27th Avenue Miami, FL 33135 Dr. David Rafky Grants Officer Room: 1355 305-237-6186 305-237-6179 drafky@mdcc.edu PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project is a collaboration between Miami - Dade Community College/InterAmerican Campus, the City of Miami/Parks and Recreation Department, and three CBOs: Aspira (Puerto Rican), Center of Information (Haitian), and Abriendo Puertas (Cuban). The goal is to construct and rovide rogramminq for a Communit You enter in the EZ within the College's service area, specifically in Jose Marti Park. 90% of the CDBG target area =ttle Havana) are Hispanic, and 90% of the College's students are Hispanic. The people in Little Havana are economcall distressed: 37.44% of adults are below the poverty line, 1 . % of.fami ies are in poverty, and 45% of children are impoverished. The need for a building to house park programs and youth services is documented in Miami's 5-year Consolidated Plan. HUD funds will: partially pay for construction, provide educational and recreational activities, infuse_them with positive .. avzoral skills (e.g., techniques of Conflict resolution), cover case management, and serve parents with skills to achieve self-sufficiency. The City has committed ,-79-0000 toward .,the Center, and the C51"I T will ;add approximate- ly`-$200,000 for furnishing a multi -purpose room and 4 classrooms. College stij is i=]SCC's School -of Edu-catibri and the-College's service learning program (Center for Community Involvement) will assis the Project Director, Coordinator, and Educational Special- ists. Selected impacts; at least: 0 50% of infants and toddlers are immun' ed 0 80% of teenage girls avoid pregnancy 0 50% of youths reduce school absences/tardies by 20% 0 50% of youths improve grade point average 0 80% of youths have no contact with the criminal justice system 0 80% have no indoor/outdoor school suspensions 0 Parents: All parents understand child abuse laws and learn non- physical discipline techniques 0 all can identify at least 5 com- munity resources 0 All can identify gang colors and wannabes 0 80% find a better job with help from College's One -Stop Center 0 80% report an improvement in their children's behavior O Police calls for child abuse and domestic violence drop by 10%. Office of the Campus President 627 SW 27th Avenue Miami, Florida 33135 Tel: 1305) 237-6034 Miami -Dade COMMUNITY COLLEGE nterAmericann aamTpus Transmittal Letter June 1, 2001 Barbara Holland, Dir. Office of University Partnerships U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Washington, DC. Dr. Jose A.Vicente Campus Dear Ms. Holland: Attached is a response to HUD's 2001 SuperNOFA for the Hispanic -serving Institutions Assisting Communities Program (HSIAC) . This proposal is submitted by Miami -Dade Community College's InterAmerican Campus. It proposes a partnershi the College, the City of Miami (Parks and Recreationbetween Department) and several Community Based Organizations (CEOs). Our and provide programming for a Community/Youthgoal is toe Marti Park in the Empowerment Zone within thCtyofeMiami. nter in Jos€ Marti By this letter, I certify that Miami -Dade Community College /InterAmerican Campus grants a 2- Arts and Associate Year college degree (Associate �''� Science). The campus is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) which is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a regional accrediting agency. Miami -Dade Community College/InterAmerican Campus satisfies the criteria of a Hispanic -serving Institution of Higher Education in the 1998 Amendments to the Higher Education Act of 1965. This letter, signed by me, the Chief Executive Officer of Miami -Dade Community College/InterAmerican Campus, also demonstrates the President's commitment to institutionalize the proposed HSIAC activities. We are pleased to submit this proposal to you and look forward to a favorable review. Sincerely, Jose Vicente, Ed.D. President 2 M-DCC/InterAmerican Campus - CFDA 14.514 - FR 4630 ELIGIBILITY 1-INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY & EXPERIENCE Miami -Dade Community College/InterAmerican Campus: O Is an Hispanic Serving Institution of higher education according to the 1998 Amendments to the Higher Education Act of 1965; O Grants 2-year college degrees (Associate(9t Arts and Associateoof,Science). O Is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) which is recognized by the U, S. Department of Education as a regional accrediting agency. O Is applying for a federal grant in the amount of $400,000 over a two-year grant period. O Is submitting only one application. O Is proposing at least one eligible activity. Bonus points: O The service area of M-DCC/IAC is the neighborhood known as Little Havana. The "transportation corridor" of Miami's Empowerment Zone cuts a swath through Little Havana. The project wiII be conducted in which is at the intersection of Little Havana and the Empowerment Zone in (East) Little Havana. OVERVIEW M-DCC's InterAmerican Campus is capable of developing a viable Community/Youth Center dedicated to improving the social, educational, and recreational situation of at -risk youths and empowering their parents to achieve economic self-sufficiency. The College's success is due to its: unique mission and community recognition; a functional and adaptable structure; accomplish- ments in a cost cutting environment; record of success in community empowerment; legacy of lasting benefits to the community; a well trained, experienced, and culturally competent staff; and, careful attention to expenditures and audits. THE INTERAMERICAN CAMPUS & ITS MISSION IAC: The InterAmerican Campus (IAC) is one 0-6, full -service campuses comprising the 125,000+ student Miami -Dade Community College (Ivi-DCC). Both the InterAmerican Campus and its service area --a Miami neighborhood designated La Pequena Habana (Little Havana) by the Miami Planning Department-- are 97% Hispanic. The Campus serves more than 8,200 recent immigrants and their children with English language training, college preparation, certificate pro- grams, community education, and a wide variety of associate (2-year) degrees. Classes are held at the College and in the neighborhood at public schools, churches, and community organizations. Cultural Competence: M-DCC has an unparalleled record of serving minorities: the system enrolls more Hispanic students and the most African -Americans of any college in the U,S. Staff at InterAmerican, like students, is primarily Hispanic: staff, 59%; students, 97%. Both groups are international in origin and share a common background and language. It is noteworthy that a significant number of faculty and senior administrators at IAC attended M-DCC. Mission and Programs: "M-DCC provides accessible, affordable, high quality education by keeping the learner's needs at the center of decision -making and working in partnership with its dynamic, multicultural community" (1999-2001 College Catalog). This mission is expressed in policies and programs. IAC is an "open door" institution providing challenging and accessible education responsive to national and local manpower requirements, and to the needs of adults seeking self-improvement. Thus, M-DCC/IAC: (i) has convenient daytime, evening, and weekend M-DCC/InterAmerican Campus - CFDA 14.514 - FR 4630 schedules; (ii) emphasizes life-long learning for people anywhere in the life -cycle via distance and off -campus learning; (iii) provides financial aid for all needy students; (iv) offers career and technical education for meaningful employment, including certificates ranging from Microsoft Network Engineer to Child Care Worker; (v) provides transfer programs to 4-year colleges without loss of credits; (vi) teaches adult basic education for Iiteracy, English proficiency, and GED; (vii) provides workforce initiatives, services and programs to support economic develop- ment in its service area and the County; (viii) provides continuing education and community service programs for Local needs and individual interests (such as courses in recreation and per- sonal development); and, (ix) is successful with "hard -to -serve" clients with its personal and career counseling, an office for students with disabilities, educational enrichment, a cadre of professional tutors, and provides the latest in educational technology with wired classrooms, and hundreds of computers student and community use. Success and Community Recognition: M-DCC produces accomplished and self -actualized people: more than 80% of public school teachers in Dade County attended M-DCC; a similar proportion (80%) of students at the local State University attended M-DCC;IAC graduated from M-DCC. The community has responded with economic supporte hesM Miami-of Dade Community College Foundation is well on its way to raising one hundred million dollars. ( ORGANIZED FOR SUCCESS Struct /IAC follows a traditional hierarchical model where authority begins with the Board tierectors, Ainnd flows down through the President to various levels of departments and offices. Gi rrthe`h gh priority IAC's President has for the HUD Project, the Project Director will report directly to him. Biweekly meetings will apprise the President of progress so "minor" problems can be dealt with before they become serious. The organizational chart on the following page shows the relationship of the project to the school's departments, the City and CBOs. 11 Organizational Chart about here 11 Management: M-DCC has written procedures covering: personnel (employment, job descrip- tions, grievances, affirmative action, and termination); grants (negotiating, processing, closing out, documentation and record keeping); participant eligibility, enrollment, activities, referrals; completing, correcting, transmitting, and storing tracking/evaluation/outcome forms. Training: Staff is required to continually upgrade professional skills with seminars, workshops, and course work. The College provides in-service training to improve knowledge and skills through weekly and "on demand" workshops by its Training and Development Center. Flexible: The organization of the college is adaptive: during the Mariel boatlift, IAC quickly responded to the influx of Cuban refugees with vocational and language (ESL) programs; when people escaping the turmoil in Nicaragua arrived, the College provided scholarships; for Haitian youths without "papers," the College waived out-of-state tuition. Internal Support System: Each campus may draw on the strengths and programs of its five "sister" campuses. For example, the Wolfson Campus Loans its Outreach Specialist to IAC one day per week. (The HUD grant will support a full-time Coordinator with outreach responsibilities at IAC). The organization encourages cooperation: the School of Education, which serves all campuses, is housed at IAC, thus providing a mechanism for IAC to work cooperatively with the other campuses. Construction Management: In 2000, after 27 years as a "Center," IAC was designated a "Campus." The "new" Campus successfully planned and managed construction of a classroom building to accommodate its growing student body, and is now refurbishing another building. 4 Organizational Chart for M-DCC HUD Grant FR4630 Director Comunity Education (Kendall Campus) Dir Com- munity Educ. & HUD Dir affirmimm HUD Advisory Council PRESIDENT MDCC/InterAmerican Campus = Line of Organization = Line of Communication HUD PROJECT Academic Dean HUD Project Directo r Dean of Administration & Student Services Assoc. Dean Arts & Letters Chair School of Education Foreign Language ESOL Communica- tions Arts & Phil College Prep. Program Assoc. Dean Natural & Soc. Sciences Assoc. Dean Learning Resources Library Honors Pro- gram Mathematics Physics Biology Chemistry Social Sci. Com- puter Court- yard DEPT'S OF Admissions Registration Financial Aid DEPT'S OF Testing Advisement Access Services Job Placement & Career Services Student Life Int'I Students PRESIDENT MDCC InterAmerican Campus HUD P roject Director HUD Project Coordinator Local CBOs 0 Student Volunteers 0 Student Interns 5 M-DCC/InterAmerican Campus - CFDA 14.514 - FR 4630 Fiscal Controls: Rising enrollment (up 30% over last year) and a fixed budget indicate IAC "makes due with less." This, coupled with financial controls and accountability, assures HUD funds will be judiciously spent, assets guarded, and financial data and reports will be accurate and reliable. Strict adherence to the College's accounting procedures and Odyssey MIS software enables tracking program activities and expenditures while protecting and securing grant funds. O Receiving/Disbursing: Checks are pre -numbered, blank checks are secured, bills are stamped "paid" and encoded with check number to avoid duplicate payments. O Fraud/Mismanagement: Fiscal responsibilities are shared, qualified personnel are hired and supervised, cash is deposited on day received, and there are written purchasing procedures. O AccountabiIity: M-DCC uses accrual basis accounting in accord with fund accounting principles, tracks expenditures by project, and quickly produces reports for managers. O Reconciliations: The general account and individual program accounts are reconciled monthly, regular weekly reports alert the President to cash flows and billings/collections. O Oversight: The President oversees internal financial monitoring, receives periodic financial reports which include: financial statements, budget analysis, financial progress and projections, and budget modifications. O Regulations: M-DCC complies with State and Federal financial procedures for educational institutions (e.g., HEGIS). O Professional Business Office: The College's fiscal personnel are professionals with years of experience in higher education, job training, and WAGES programs. KEY PERSONNEL & DUTIES Project Director - 15% T&E: Dr. Lourdes Oroza will direct the Project, allocating 15% of her time and effort (College match). She is ideally suited with experience in education (with adults, children, and families), and in MIS and administration. Dr. Oroza chairs the Community Educa- tion and Outreach Department at the lnterAmerican Campus, is responsible for Adult Education, and programs in Business/Computer Information Systems (CIS). She supervises a workgroup of four paraprofessionals, two adult educators, a secretary, 30 part-time professors of Business and Computer Information Systems, 20 in English as a Second Language, and 20 in creative arts and recreation. O Educational Background: Dr. Oroza holds the doctorate in Adult Education and Human Resources from Florida International University, a masters in Secondary School Management, and a B.A. in French (Tulane). O Experience: Dr. Oroza was Assistant Principal at the Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center (a Dade County Public School) where she supervised Adult Basic Education (ABE) and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). She directed student activities at the Ransom Everglades Upper School, and taught Spanish at Miami Senior High School, the feeder school for the InterAmerican Campus. O Reports To: As Director of Community Education, Dr. Oroza reports to an Academic Dean. As HUD P.D., she will report to the College President, since the project is high priority. O Supervises: Dr. Oroza will supervise the Project Coordinator and part-time Secretary. O Duties: With regard to the HUD Project, Dr. Oroza will: ♦ Provide leadership, planning, and coordination ♦ Hire, supervise, and evaluate all project personnel ♦ Develop and monitor instructional programs, activities, and social services for the Community/Youth Center ♦ Interpret the project to the academic and local community ♦ Consult with local businesses, industry, and residents of the Empowerment Zone to develop customized pro- grams ♦ Negotiate budget, budget transfers, and program renewal ♦ Constitute a HUD Advisory Council and chair monthly meetings until officers are elected and procedures estab- lished ♦ Work closely with the City Architect, Director of Parks and Recreation, and local CDBG Community Planning Board • Address concerns of the City Commission ♦ Interface with media and tout program achievements • Develop prior to funding a monthly reporting procedure (checklists, surveys, etc.) to monitor activities, client satisfaction, and compile data for periodic reports ♦ Secure funds for project enhancement and continuation ♦ Estab- lish a continuous evaluation procedure as a feedback mechanism to identify (and solve) minor 6 M-DCC/InterAmerican Campus - CFDA 14.514 - FR 4630 problems before they become major • Work closely with the Business Office to ensure timely program payments and financial reports ♦ Promote an understanding of the importance of the HUD grant and the evaluation process ♦ With the College Media Center, design a page for the City's WEB site to share "Lessons Learned" about the project. Project Coordinator - 100% T&E: The P.D. will be assisted by a full-time Project Coordinator responsible for day-to-day grant activities. This person, not yet hired, will spend 50% T&E on supervisory duties, and 50% as an Educational specialist providing direct services. Conse- quently, he or she will maintain a flexible schedule including weekends and afternoons. O Educational Background: A master's degree in education, counseling, social work, or related field --or a bachelor's and four years of progressively responsible experience in developing, scheduling and implementing educational, social, and recreational activities. O Experience: This person will demonstrate and/or document: ♦ Organizational, supervisory, decision -making, delegation, and budgetary skills ♦ Ability to work effectively and respectfully with people in a multicultural and multi -ethnic environment • Excellent communication and writing skills, and ♦ Computer literacy. O Reports To: The Project Director. O Supervises: The P.D. supervises the part-time Project Secretary. O Duties: The Project Coordinator is responsible for daily project operation, and will: ♦ Organize, schedule, and design courses, activities, and events for youth and families • Supervise and provide direction to instructors and facilitators, department secretary, and other support staff • Participate in College, community, business, and stakeholder meetings to understand needs and exchange ideas ♦ Assist the P.D. to maintain budget integrity and keep a running balance of income versus expenditures ♦ Respond to inquiries about upcom- ing Center activities • Maintain contact with CBOs (i) for referrals, case management, and emergency services, and (ii) to provide recreational, educational, and social programming for the Center ♦ Market Center activities ♦ Identify potential instructors/facilitators and con- duct preliminary interviews ♦ Handle student problems ♦ Provide technical support to instructors, facilitators, and activity directors ♦ Select and order materials and supplies • Stay up-to-date with State and other requirements affecting programs and activities, and • Attend meetings of the HUD Advisory Council when the P.D. is unavailable. EXPERIENCE Community Outreach: 0 Service Learning: M-DCC/IAC students participate in service learning through the College's Center for Community Involvement. Students earn credit for working in CBOs in and nearby the Empowerment Zone: Little Havana, Little Haiti, Little Nicaragua (East Little Havana), Wynwood (Puerto Rican and Mexican American), and the African American Overtown area. IAC has commitments from 180 local agencies to provide supervised and meaningful work experience for students interested in: Animal Care; Adult Education/Literacy; Children/ Tutoring; Computers; Culture; Criminal Justice/At-Risk Youth; Community Development/ Education; Developmental Disabilities; Elderly; Environment; HIV/Health Care; and, Home- lessness/Substance Abuse. These CBOs, for example, accept IAC student interns concerned with homelessness: Camillus House, Daily Bread Food Bank, Miami Rescue Mission, Project Up -Start, Safe -Space Shelter, Touching Miami With Love, and the Woman's Place. Next year, IAC projects 8 faculty will supervise 246 students in 93 agencies for 3,444 hours. O Community Education: IAC provides a full range of educational and enrichment services to the community. Enrollment last year exploded, especially in Adult Education and Workforce Development. From January 2000 to January 2001, credit equivalents grew from 75 to 2,421, and "seats" (head count) grew from 158 to 1,296 students. Classes are offered throughout the community. O School of Education: Since the School of Education may be supplying the majority of volunteers and interns to the Community/Youth Center (funneled through the College's Center for Community Involvement), it is important to highlight the grants and partnerships 7 M-DCC/InterAmerican Campus - CFDA 14.514 - FR 4630 recognizing the expertise the School of Education can bring to bear on the project: Grants: O Head Start/Early Head Start Contract: $237,700 to train teachers and teacher assistants. O Quality Enhancement Initiative Contract: Tuition for child care center employees. O Head Start Grant: $45,000 to infuse dual language curriculum into early childhood program. Partnerships: O With Miami -Dade County Public Schools for professional development of teachers. O With Florida International University (State System) for a Teacher Quality Institute. O With Barry University for a transfer agreement smoothing the transition from M-DCC's 2 year degree to Barry's 4-year program. O With Florida Memorial College (an Historically Black College) for a minority urban teacher education program. O With the Readiness Coalition for new school entrants. RESOURCES College Resources Donated to the Community: O Testing: IAC administers and evaluates scores on GED, TABE, and College Placement Test. The College transports community residents and public school students to its testing center for no -cost evaluations. O Technology: The College offers "VIP Passes" to local public school students to use IAC's 140 work stations. Computerized instruction is available in: English; Mathematics; ESOL; GED; Careers; and, Computer Programming, Literacy, and Applications. O Library: Another significant IAC resource for the community is the College Library with its computers and educational specialists. Selected Community Services: O Reading Buddies Program: IAC sends volunteer tutors to Auburndale Elementary School. O Future Educators of America: M-DCC's School of Education at IAC sponsors enrichment activities for students in the magnet program for future teachers at Miami Senior High. O Viernes Culturales: IAC provides operational support and exhibits for a monthly cultural street fair on nearby Calle Ocho (S.W. Eighth Street). O Cultural Exhibits: IAC currently exhibits original artwork at the Eastern National Bank. O Career Development Day: IAC and various CBOs (e.g., YMCA in East Little Havana) provide career awareness workshops and job shadowing opportunities for youths. O Stars Hope Project: IAC and the Dade County Hispanic Cultural Advisory Group sponsor cultural/educational events to raise money for scholarships for at -risk children. O Health Fairs: The College sponsors community health education events. O KAPOW: IAC, in cooperation with the County School Board, brings elementary school children to campus for two days of career exploration. O Day Care: The College provided seed money for two Day Care Centers for students, faculty, and community members. (The Centers are now self-supporting.) O Adult Education: The College provides adult basic education (vocational ESOL, GED, basic skills) in partnership with the Florida Department of Education, COFFO (farm workers), ASPIRA (Puerto Rican Youth), and other CBOs. O Recreation: Volunteers coach the basketball team at nearby St. Mathews Church. O Fundraising: IAC sponsors: annual canned food drive and community feeding day in partnership (with Salvation Army); toy and clothing drive (with Goodwill); and, book and plant sale (with United Way). O Jump Start: Each summer, at -risk youths improve study habits, learn basic skills, and participate in orientation and motivational sessions. 8 M-DCC/Intergmerican Campus - CFDA 14.514 - FR 4630 Capacity to Provide Economic Development Services: O WAGES: Until October 2000, Work and Gain Economic Self-sufficiency project provided . J,QDOOs of people over 16 with case management, training, job development and placement, teen pregnancy prevention, conflict resolution, and related services. O One Stop Resources Training Centers: The College enrolls 5,000 thousand people yearly in no cost degree and certificate programs, and provides English and literacy training, acculturation, work maturity and preemployment skills, and other employment, counseling, referral, and follow-up services. Community Partners for HUD Project: O ASPIRA: This Hispanic youth organization will .provide youth Ieadership training in Jose Ti i k a''rk, one of two parks in the "Transportation Corridor" of the Empowerment Zone. The other park, named for Roberto Clemente, has a facility staffed by ASPIRA. Thus, this project will utilize ASPIRA's expertise in youth programming in public spaces. ASPIRA will also Zink IAC to the local public schools through its participation in Gear Up, Talent Search, and 21st Century Learning Centers. Finally, ASPIRA will share "Lessons Learned" from projects funded by the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice, Governor's Drug Free Pro- gram, and Childrens' Service Council. ASPIRA is a national organization founded 20 years ago to serve at -risk youths. It operates in eight states and Puerto Rico. ASPIRA's Miami Office is in the Empowerment Zone. O Abriendo Puertas: This CBO, serving children and families in East Little Havana and the l ipowerment Zone since 1994, evolved from a demonstration project funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Abriendo Puertas, because of its unique program and structure, will play an important role in the HUD Project by: (i) linking IAC to a variety of CBOs and gov- ernment agencies, including Citrus Health Center, FIAC's "Lucha" Project, and the Depart- ment of Health; (ii) teaching staff" to conduct .family assessments_and helping them_iesign actioulans; (iii) removing the stigma of "free" services via trading social and educational activrtiesTor volunteer services; (iv) organizing parent meetings; (v) hosting HUD Advisory Council; (vi) assisting with outreach an promo ion; and, (vii) mobilizing and empowering at - risk families via membership in its "family -circles." O Centre d'I formation: A grass-roo s— itian American CBO in Miami's Little Haiti. This BO has a great deal of experience working with families engaging in Caribbean style child rearing which is often violent and here as viewed as child abuse. They will train M-DCC staff on how to co-opt parents of at -risk children into American methods of non-physical pun- ishment. In addition, the agency, with funding from United Way and several foundations, has devehped expertise in health awareness and cross-cultural attitudes toward health care. It will teach HUD staff how to approach subjects highly charged with emotion in a culturally sensi- tive manner, such as proper methods of hygiene, prophylaxis, and breast self-examination. They will be called upon to assist in training families about health issues. They will provide staff training to M-DCC O City of Miami/Parks and Recreation Department: The City will provide the bulk of the construction funds for the- CGmrnunity/Youth Center. (The College will supplement City construction money wit( $200,0004f its HUD award.) Summary: Thus, M-DCC/IAC has provided cornmunity leadership by: creating day care centers; designing and implementing WAGES programs (laden with case management and social services); providing volunteers and educational, vocational, recreational, and self -development programming; and, opening College facilities to the community. The College has garnered respect and credibility by educating the first generation of refugee children in the Empowerment Zone. 9 M-DCC/3nterAmerican Campus - CFDA 14.514 - FR 4630 TARGET AREA 2-SCOPE OF PROBLEM Little Havana: M-DCC's InterAmerican Campus (IAC) is in Miami's Little Havana and draws students primarily from this neighborhood. Little Havana (La Fequena Habana) is a Community Development Target Area in "need of long term economic development, revitalization, housing and infrastructure improvements" (Planing and Zoning Department, 1995). Compared to other neighborhoods needing renewal, Little Havana is the most populous, has the highest residential density, and the largest concentration of Hispanics (93 %, who are mostly Cuban); in recent years, however, people from more than 20 countries in Central and South America, the Caribbean, and Spain --especially Nicaragua, Honduras, and Guatemala-- settled there. Location: Little Havana is West of Miami's downtown, adjacent to the Miami River, and general- ly bounded by 27th Avenue on the East, N.W. 7th Street on the North, S.W. 17th Street on the South, and the Metrorail on the East. Land Use: Little Havana is primarily residential (77.5%), with a combination of single-family, duplex, and multi -family structures, mostly apartments. Typical small businesses operate in commercial strips: luncheonettes, video stores, and Laundromats. Income: According to the latest Census, there are more than 70,000 people (closer to 85,000, if illegals are included) in Little Havana, with more than 9 in 10 Hispanic. Most came in a massive influx of legal and illegal immigrants arriving with the clothes on their backs, straining resources of a City that is 4th poorest in the nation (the poorest, if undocumented aliens are counted). Adjusted census data show Little Havana (vs. the City of Miami) having the: O Highest poverty rate: 37.44% people below the poverty line, 16.6% of families below poverty, and 45.69% children living in poverty. O Lowest income: $6,502 per capita income (vs. $14,000 in the County), $12,820 median household income (vs. $27,000 for County), and 35.6% female headed families (the family structure partially explains their poverty). O Largest concentration of people on government assistance: 5.24% TANF, 2.04% WAGES, and 17.04% on food stamps. (See. Table I, FL Department of Children and Families). O Greatest proportion of impoverished elderly, balanced by a rising youth presence: 22% older than 64, and 21 % under 21. O Highest unemployment rate in Miami: 14% unemployed, 56.7% labor participation rate. O Lowest rate of home ownership in the City: 13.0% owner -occupied units. Social Problems: Data in Table I (left) show Little Havana as poverty stricken, disorganized, and with many social problems, especially those involving youth. The results: poor educational at- tainment and dysfunctional behavior, such as crime and teen pregnancy. The solution, discussed below is social programming targeting youth and the community. O Education: The Table (right) is for the only high school in Little Havana, Miami Senior High. The student body is 85% Hispanic and relatively poor with close to a majority qualifying for free or reduced -priced lunch. Compared to all high schools in the district, Miami Senior has a higher rate of students: referred to drop -out prevention programs; classified at -risk; drop- ping out and truant; not promoted; channeled into Vocational Education programs; and, with limited English proficiency. Florida's schools are graded A to F on student performance in mathematics, reading, and writing based on Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) scores. Miami Senior is a "D" school. The two Middle Schools feeding Miami Senior (Citrus Grove Middle and Shenandoah Middle) are also rated "D." Of the 6 Elementary Schools in the feeder pattern, one (Kensington Park) is graded "C," and three (Auburndale, Shenandoah, Riverside) are "D." An analysis by the Miami Herald shows "poor" test scores on the State 10 M-DCC/InterAmerican Campus - CFDA 14.514 - FR 4630 TABLE Y Social and Educational Indicators in Little Havana SOCIAL INDICATORS IN LITTLE HAVANA Rates County Little Rate Havana POVERTY -ADULT & FAMILY TANF-Public Assistance 3.990 WAGES -Welfare -to -Work 1.170 Medicaid Eligibility 12.530 Homeless 0.109 Food Stamps 10.650 Refugee Assistance 0.047 POVERTY -CHILDREN Foster Children Infant Mortality Medical Services Protect. Investigations Protect. Supervisions Teen Births Repeat Teen Births SOCIAL DISORGANIZATION Aging & Adult Services Alcohol/Drug Abuse/MH Developmental Services MEDIAN FAMILY INCOME t Below Poverty t Unemployed % Minority 0.320 0.650 1.650 1.630 1.720 4.890 2.600 0 410 2.170 0.170 $27,000 14 8 59 0.120 0.770* 2.170* 2.170* 2.410* 13.720* 3.330* 0.690* 3.930* 0.170 $12,820 37 14 93 * Greater than County rate. Sources: (i) FL Dept. of Children & Families. (ii) Census. (iii) City Planning Department. DATA FOR LITTLE HAVANA'S HIGH SCHOOL All High Schools Hispanic 51.87 5.240* t Referred to Drop -Out 40.00 2.040* 'k At -Risk 14.00 14.000* t Not Promoted-10th grd 18.40 0.427* % Drop Out/Truancy 17.040* 9th grade 0.094* loth grade t Vocational Education % Limited English • ESOL % Spanish-S Spanish for speakers w/lim Eng t Free/Reduced Lunch ACHIEVEMENT - Stanford Median %'tiles llth grade - Reading Comp 39 36 -Math Applications 43 27 POST SECONDARY PLANS (12% reporting) - t 2 year college 33.40 - % 4 year college 37.30 -t Technical/Trade/Other 5.50 SCHOOL CLIMATE (% Students agree...) -"I feel safe & secure here" 60 - "I am getting a good education" 60 - "I grade this school as" C+ 7.70 7.70. 4.00 8.00 7.77 Miami Senior# 85.44$ 54.00$ 20.00$ 28.60$ 11.30$ 9.20$ 16.00$ 16.60$ 16.34$ 10.49 15.42$ 33.00 49.00$ $ Greater than school district. # School graded "D" by State of Florida. Source: M-DCPS School Profiles. 11 M-DCC/InterAmerican Campus - CFDA 14.514 - FR 463Q FCAT exam --and accompanying low school ratings-- are due to "poor" homes: for each percent of students receiving federally subsidized lunch, 4th grade FCAT reading level falls about one point. For the 5th grade, math scores drop by 3/4 point for each percentage point of poverty. The Table also shows Stanford Achievement Scores (median percentiles) in Reading Comprehension and Mathematics Applications are lower for Miami Senior than for district high schools generally. The Table also shows that, in spite of poor preparation, slight- ly more than 70% of the young people in Little Havana want to attend College. Yet, they are cognizant they have a great deal to overcome: only 60% surveyed say, "I am getting a good education." Thus, it is not surprising that InterAmerican enrolls the highest proportion of students needing remedial work of all MDCC campuses: In fact, 89% of Freshmen require at least one preparatory course in reading, writing, and/or algebra. O Crime & Quality of Life: According to the City Consolidated Plan, increased crime is contributes to the out -migration of middle class residents to the suburbs and motivation of some businesses to leave Miami. Poverty and crime are related: 84% of Miami's major crimes are concentrated in the eight CDBG target areas. Little Havana ranks second highest in crimes against persons (murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault) among the target areas, and first in property crimes (car theft, larceny, and burglary). O Delinquency: The Dade County Youth Crime Task Force prepared an "Assessment of Community Risk Factors for Youth Crime" in 11 communities in the County, including Little Havana. It examined poverty, community disorganization (e.g., inter -school transfers), vacancy and rental rates, neighborhood attachment (e.g., damaging school property, especial- ly by arson), grades, early initiation of problem behavior, number of liquor stores, etc. The report states: "There are several family risk factors that suggest Little Havana has an in- creased risk for youth crime. For example, the rates for treatment of substance abuse and mental health problems, juvenile arrests, and drug arrests suggest increased risk and are indirect measures of families with a history of problem behaviors or parental involvement." It concludes: the overall risk of youths in Dade County is "astounding" with those in Little Havana at moderate to high risk. SOLUTION Park Programming: According to page 119 of the City's 5-Year Consolidated Plan: "Long neglected by the limited resources available to fund City services, parks in the City of Miami had reached a deplorable condition when the Dade County Safe Neighborhood Park Bond Issue made available substantial funds for improvements. Still in question, however, is identification on of re- sources to make possible the creation of park programming, essential to quality of life concerns." Thus, this project aims primarily to provide social and educational programing in Jose Marti Park in Little Havana to reduce delinquency, strengthen families, and improve educational attainment. Secondarily, it provides a structure for community programming to address the needs of the unemployed, elderly, and disenfranchised. /1 Table I about here // 12 M-DCC/ Into.. ,rnerican Campus - CFDA 14.514 - rR 4630 CONSTRUCTION 3-BUDGET O CASH CONTRIBUTION FOR CONSTRUCTION City of Miami: $1,111,000 Miami -Dade Community College/InterAmerican Campus: L 187'�TVtr- O INKIND CONTRIBUTIONS BY PARTNERS: O Aspira (See attached letter) Contributes: National Leadership Program Curriculum Materials $7,500 Local Travel $1,500 Counselor's Time @15% $5,500 O Centre d'Informacion: (See attached letter) Contributes: Local Travel $ 500 Counselor's Preparation Time @15% $4,000 O M-DCC/InterAmerican Campus (See attached letter) Contributes: Proj Director Time @15% $9,000 Office Space for Proj Coordinator (Year 1 only) $4,000 Office Supplies for Proj Director (Years 1 & 2) $720 x 2 $1,440 Office Supplies for Proj Coordinator (Year 1 only) $420 O Abriendo Puertas (Pending) EDUCATIONAL AND RECREATIONAL SERVICES AND PROGRAMS O DIRECT LABOR AND FRINGE BENEFITS Contributed M-DCC/InterAmerican Campus Project Director @ 15% T&E $60,000 * 15% = $9,000 salary $9,000 * 34.5% _ $3,105 fringe Year I Year II salary + fringe = $12,105 $12,105 Contributed Partners' _Salaries (No Fringe) Hard Dollars -HUD Project Coordinator @ 100% T&E $36,000 + 34.5% fringe of $12,420 = Educational Specialists $27,000/yr @ 35% T&E x 2 $27,000/yr @ 35% T&E x 3 @ 0% fringe (contract employees) $ 9,500 $ 9,500 $48,420 $48,420 $18,900 $28,350 Total Direct Labor & Fringe $88,925 $98,375 13 M-DCC/In erAmerican Campus - CFDA 14.514 - FR 4630 COST TO HUD: Total costs for direct labor and fringe benefits are $187,300 ($88,925+98,375) including $43,210 leveraged from inkind contributions leaving and $144,090 requested from HUD. ALL COSTS TO HUD INDIRECT COSTS Donated Year I Year II Salaries & Fringe 67,320 76,770 Contractual - Aspira 20,000 20,000 - Centre d'Informacion 5,000 5,000 -Abriendo Puertas TBA TBA Construction 100,180 87,610 Program Materials 5,000 5,000 Office Supplies donated 420 Local Travel 1,200 1,200 Equipment - Computer & Printer 1,300 donated Other Direct Costs - Office Space donated 4,000 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS 98,620 111,190 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Total project costs are $2,223,860 of which $1,823,860 is being contributed as cash and/or in -kind contributions, and $400,000 is being requested of HSIAC. STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE WITH 20t LIMITATION ON "PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION" COSTS The total Federal grant request of $400,000 includes less than $80,000 for planning and adminis- tration, or Tess tha 20% of the total Federal grant request. 14 4A-STATEMENT OF WORK: CONSTRUCTION What Follows: "Functional categories" are detailed under the respective headings of: 4A-State- ment of Work: Construction, and 4B-Statement of Work: Programming. COMMUNITY AND NEED Overview: This grant will help construct and provide recreational, educational, and support services for youth in a Community/Youth Center in Jose Marti Park. Note that the park will serve all groups, such as the elderly. These HUD funds, however, focus on low income and at -risk youth and their_ families. The project will also: satisfy indoor recreation needs; provide space for staff of Community Based Organization (CBO) and Parks and Recreation Department; be aesthetically attractive; provide room for additional programs; and, expand use of the park in rainy weather and on weekends and evenings. The building will improve quality of life and promote neighborhood revitalization. Supporting Data: According to the City's Consolidated Plan, Little Havana is one of eight City of Miami CDBG Target Areas. It is the most populous of the Target Areas and its 77,000 residents are primarily (93%) Hispanic. It is also the poorest Target Area with 37% living in poverty, 14% unemployed, and the highest percentage of people receiving public assistance or welfare -to -work money of any neighborhood in the County. Table I shows that its children are living in extreme hardship: the area is highest in infant mortality, medical services to children, child protective investigations, children under protective supervision, teen births, and repeat teen births. The neighborhood is in disarray with the highest rates in the County for aging and adult services, alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health problems. The Assessment of Community Risk Factors for Youth Crime cited earlier finds the overall risk of youths in Dade County "astounding" with those in Little Havana at moderate to high risk. The area has a growth pattern favoring younger children balanced by greater numbers of elderly. Thus, there will be a greater need for services for youth and the elderly. To reiterate: the Community/Youth Center is for both groups, although this grant focuses on youth services. There are more than 1,000 drug arrests in Little Havana yearly and the Target Area has the second highest rate of violent crimes. Crime and school performance are related, as children frustrated in school are truant and join gangs. The only high school in the Target Area (Miami Senior) is graded "D" by the state as well as the majority of its feeder schools. The high school refers 54% of its students to drop -out prevention programs compared to the County rate of 40%. The alienation of children vis-a-vis the community is clear from the number of their school suspensions (indoor and outdoor) and on campus crimes reported to the Dade County School Police. School disruption is not shown in the Table I, but is factored into the "moderate to high risk score" ascribed to the children of Little Havana by the Assessment of Community Risk Factors cited above. (It might interest the reader that the proposed Project Director, Dr. Lourdes Oroza, is a graduate of Miami Senior High School along with many of the faculty and administrators at M-DCC's InterAmerican Campus. Response to Need: Since East Little Havana has many social, educational, and economic problems, and is the "most deficient neighborhood" in the City in terms of open space and recreation 1 16 (Recreation Building Design Program for Jose Marti Park, Draft, May, 2, 2000), this grant proposes that Miami -Dade Community College's InterAmerican Campus and the City collaborate to construct a Community/Youth Center in Jose Marti Park and to operate social, recreational, and cultural services for the betterment of neighborhood youth. Funds are requested for two mutually dependent activities: (i) construction of a building, a public space, in Jose Marti Park with 11,000 usable sq/ft, and (ii) designing and implementing social, cultural, educational, and recreational programming for youth which will operate in the Youth Center. While the Center is under construction, the College will provide outdoor activities in the park; after the building is completed, indoor activities will be programmed. THE PROJECT _ Jose Marti Park: The park covers 10 acres in east Little Havana. According to the "Recreation Building Design Program for Jose Marti Park," (May, 2, 2000), the Hispanic community considers the park the most important in the City, and one of the most important in Dade County. Thousands of people throughout the County visit for special events. Since Jose Marti needs space for indoor recreation and program expansion, the City has committed approximately $1.8 million for a building in the park. /Please see following pages for site map and architectural rendering // Site: The park site is an elongated site adjacent to the Miami River and west of downtown Miami. The Miami River in the vicinity of the site including the Brickell area is expected to experience over $1.5 billion dollar construction boom in the next 5 years which will affect the neighborhood. . The recreation building will be centrally situated in then 10 acre park -- west of the swirnrning pool and south of the playground where it: (i) is easy to access from SW 4th Ave and 4th St as its entrance faces the playground (to the north); (ii) is close to the Centro Mater School whose students use the park regularly; (iii) permits optimum visual observation of all park activities; (iv) is a short, walk to bathrooms; (v) optimizes the view of open space; (vi) is close to off-street parking; and, (vii) it facilitates future expansion of both the park and building. Aesthetic: Jose Marti Park received several awards, including one for design excellence from the American Society of Landscape Architects. Therefore, the building will be cast to reflect this high quality of design Design: The building is being designed in a Spanish Mediterranean architectural style which is the one that the community preferred, . and is consistent with the architecture of other buildings in the park and its reinforces the Hispanic culture . The design also considers ways that can be connected with a future Gymnasium. There is an increasing number of cultural activities and events going on in the neighborhood; Art and craft space with a kiln will allow the youth, the elderly and families to learn and/or express their art, culture and creativity. Target Hardening: Building construction and design will be cognizant of the high crime rate in the neighborhood. Some examples: • Lexon plastic for windows openings ♦ Heavy gauge window frames or decorative iron bars • Steel door frames filled with concrete ♦ Doors open to the outside 1 MASTER PLAN 1 1r &W. 4TW AVG. J l PROPOSED LOCATION RECREATION BUILDING JOSE MARTI PARK .LA PEQUENA HABANA rr1MM11N1TY f1FVF1 fPMFNT TAR(,FT ARFA 1 1 Cr 50 1 1 100 150 5 /95 CITY OF MIAMI PLANNING MID n1w41f: At4r1 7n1a»ur• 1-1 1-1 +.-..�. •- 19 il r V ll• I�i'iUD... 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Ravlsed by the Geological Survey from aerial photory*phs taken 1961. Fleld checked 1952 Selected hydro f..ban k dots compiled from USC4,GS Charts 517.817 and 64B 41962). This information is not Intended roe navigational purposes Palycon'rc projeel;on. 1927 North American datum 10.000-loot grid Dosed on Florida Coordinate system, east son. 1000-meter Uni 1 Transverse Mercator grid Bella. Zane 17. sho.vn in blue Red tint indicates *teas In which only landmark buildings ar. darn oM 12'30' UTM OM10 AND 1f12 'imam MMTn • 0ECLINATgM AT CEiTEN cs orator, LOCATION MAP .LA PEQUENA HABANA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TARGET AREA IOU MAW . Mr. NOMraTCAO 13 Mf- e11 ,1 ueh 3 Point V she. Cite Yacht 4(fin 20 I i us�t I II —�J l A PSI (Nry S1SCAYN;, e.33 fr Nw SCALE 1:24000 a Lent Uil110� . TtCO o IOf10 ]m0 3000 .doo x1e ado° y000 rrn s o 1 IvtOn(Ee CONTOUR INTERVAL 5 FEET DEPTH Ctl DITUM IS MEAN SEA LEYEL SMo. O T'Oic ClT1 Inc EIN FELT -Daum Is MEAN LOw ATER 1g0.11111 a/egrreatt UNE G rum 14444 ..ITEM TwE WEAN MR•ig a• fine h APsaipeRATTLT T RET ea sescan•E oar AMO a.! IrE(T IR ME A1U1ITIC MAR TM11 HAP COM►LtE1 WITH MAMMAL 1r4P. ACCURACY STAIIOAefls ro, smut sY U. S. GEOLOGIC -Al. SURVEY, WASHINGTON 25. D. C. A t"oLOtt oescoompas To*oortArioe a.Ars Aso /rrMliats Ia svms- I>eLE ism scours/ Ire] 5 /95 - CITY OF MIAMI PLANNING, BUILDING AND ZONING DEPA Trur-PJT NEIGHRORHOOTT PI AIuaITair1 18 • Exterior door locks w/metal protectors • Steel louvers of heavy gauge w/visibility ti Bathroom louvers of heavy gauge diamond mesh ♦ Glass to be high security with win Large roof openings protected by iron bars • Motion detector/alarm on roof ♦ A/C ur protected ♦ Burglar alarm system ♦ Building exterior w/good illumination and vandal proof. The Building: The public space (excluding janitor's room, equipment room stairs, etc.) in the building is allocated as follows: O Reception - 250 sq/ft O Multipurpose room - I,700 sq/ft --•-- ', O Aerobic, dance, gymnastics area - 1,500 sq/ft O Fitness, wellness training, exercise machines - 450 sq/ft O Arts and crafts w/kiln - 500 sq/ft O Classrooms - 4 @ 450 sq/ft = 1,800 sq/ft --- - O Office for Parks & Recreation w/storage for supplies - 280 sq/ft O Office for community based organization - 180 sq/ft O Pantry/concession - 250 sq/ft O Storage rooms - 2 @ 200 sq/ft = 400 sq/ft O Restrooms - 655 sq/ft Operations: The proposed building will allow for an increase hours of operation of the park and an increase utilization of the park by residents, especially the youth. The building will be open during regular park hours: M-F, 9:00am-10:00pm on M-F; and, Sat -Sun, 9:OOam-6:00pm. Children will visit mostly after school (2:00pm-to 7:00pm); teenagers, after 4:00pm daily and weekends; adults, 5:30pm till closing, daily and weekends; elderly, in the morning. While the building will be used by all of these groups, youth will predominate. Approximately 150 people are projected to visit the building on weekdays, and up to 300 on weekends. Note that the building is not intended to be used as a day care facility. 20 PRE -CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY 1 Activity: 0 Schematic Design & Design development Major Tasks: 0 Task Force approval O Design modifications O Community approval Completion Date: 0 Completed Status: 0 Completed Products: 0 Design of building is finished O Architectural drawings and rendering of building O Staff administrative review & final approval Activities: The process to obtain the City of Miami funding took several years an many community meetings to develop the Design Program which guided the design of the proposed facility as well as review of the architectural drawings developed by the City's Architectural consultants. Prior to this process, the residents regained the use of the park which was controlled by gangs. The City constituted a Task Force and a Technical Committee overseen by a Project Manager / Architect from the City Planning and Zoning Department, to: (i) to plan a Community/ Youth Center for Jose Marti Park (ii) meeting high standards of design and esthetics, with (iii) community input. The Team met with residents, community stakeholders, experts, City planners, and neighborhood residents. It held neighborhood meetings representing different groups but mostly with children, teenagers and families that will use the facility. Thus, the planning process is "bottom -up" where the Task force and the Technical Committee develops a facility to meet expressed needs. Approval of the preliminary design and design development architectural plans has been obtained. The Team and Committee will again seek the advice and consent of the community and will respond with modifications as necessary. Persons Involved: The people completing this task constitute the Task Force, composed of individuals and staff of: Parks Dept.; Architects from Public Works; Community Development Dept.; East Little Havana Neighborhood Enhancement Team (NET); Police Department; a State Representative; Little Havana Activity & Nutrition Center; UM/Casey Foundation; Kiwanis of Little Havana; Centro Mater School; YMCA; Latin Chamber of Commerce; Latin Builders Association; property owners; and, City residents. The Technical Committee is composed by the Project Manager, staff from Parks, Public Works and Building and Zoning Departments as well as from the Architectural consultants. Intermediate and End Products: The result: a building is conceptualized that meets community needs and aspirations. The design is in harmony with local housing and park construction, and placement of the building will not interfere with the park's operations, tranquility and scenic views. 21 CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY 2 Activity: 0 Develop construction documents Major Tasks: 0 Prepare construction drawings O Prepare material & performance specifications O Begin value engineering protocol O Obtain Davis -Bacon wage rates O. Compute final cost estimate Completion Date: 0 Month 2 Status: 0 On -going Products: 0 Construction documents ready for printing and distribution to prospective bidders Activities: Architectural drawings are prepared covering: structural, mechanical, and civil engineering; plumbing and sprinklers, electrical; and safety. Plans will be reviewed by the City of Miami Building Department for overall adequacy of: site, grading, paving, sidewalks, curbs and gutters; traffic flow for pedestrians; soil tests and drainage; utilities; fire hydrants; placement and size of exterior lights; building exterior and roofing; electrical capacity and fixtures, air conditioning; gutters and downspouts; window design and coverings; floor plans; bathroom layout; fixtures and hardware; soundproofing and insulation; common areas; and, fire protection, safety, and security. Drawings will be reviewed for compliance with the City of Miami zoning ordinance , the South Florida Building code and other governmental regulations to and ensure the building is safe. Also the architects will update their cost estimate to ensure that the budget is realistic. A value engineering protocol will minimize assumptions and suggest ways to lower costs. The latest Davis -Bacon Wage Rates will be used in construction documents. Persons Involved: The people implementing this activity are a technical committee of the Task force (listed in Activity 0, above) and the Architects. The Technical Committee will review all drawings and specifications, acting as owner's representative. Intermediate and End Products: At activity completion, all construction documents are ready for printing and distribution to prospective bidders. 22 CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY 3 Activity: Major Tasks: Completion Date: Status: Products: O Open bidding process O Prepare bid documents O Include Section 3 - Women and Minority Requirements O Advertise & solicit bids O Respond to bid inquiries O Draft & issue addendum O Hold pre -bid conference O Evaluate, review, & tabulate bids O Recommend list of eligible bids O Recommend award O Value engineering O Bid bonds O Evaluate bids O Month 3 O Pending O Contractor price for the building and recommend approval to City Commission Business Enterprise Activities: Bids will be advertised in newspapers, trade journals, and Dodge Bulletin; a special effort will be made to notify minority and women's firms through "ethnic" media such as the Diarios , Miami Times and community newspapers. The Public Works Department responds to inquiries and forwards them to the Technical Committee for review. A pre -bid conference: answers questions about the construction documents and bidder queries about the site, design, materials, and contractual issues. Minutes are recorded and distributed to individuals and firms receiving bid packages. Representatives of Parks & Recreation and Planning & Zoning Departments, as well as and the Architects participate. Bids are received, opened in public, and recorded. After initial screening for completeness and responsiveness, bids are scored in a technical evaluation. A recommendation is forwarded to the City Commission. Persons Involved: The Project Manager, the Architect, and the Public Works staff directs this process. The Architects prepare documents for the work of the general contractor. Documents are reviewed by members of the Design Team, which also looks for responsiveness to Section 3 (dealing with Women and Minority Business Enterprise), and ensures contractors are bonded and insured. Public Works staff advertises and receives bids. Intermediate and End Products: On completion of this activity, a recommendation is made to the City Commission for approval. 23 CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY 4 Activity: 0 Approval by City Commission and award of the contract Major Tasks: 0 Review staff recommendations O Final negotiations O Allocation of risk O Execute contract Completion Date: 0 Month 5 Status: 0 Pending Products: 0 Approved by City Commission Activities: Based on a technical review of bids, a recommendation is made to the City Commission to award the contract and proceed with execution. The Commission is very supportive of the Community/Youth Center and is closely monitoring its progress. The Commission continues to explore funding sources such as the Dade County Safe Neighborhood Park Bond Issue to expedite the project. When the Commission authorizes contract execution, the Public Works with the Parks and Recreation Departments, as well as the Architects will allocate risks and ensure required insurance and bonding is secured by the contractor prior to the execution. Persons Involved: In addition to the Technical Committee its reinforces the Hispanic culture, the City Commission is involved in this activity as it must authorize execution of all contracts. The City Law Department and M-DCC attorneys will review the contract for completeness. Intermediate and End Products: At completion of this activity, the general contractor is to obtain construction permits required for starting. 24 CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY 5 Activity: Major Tasks: Completion Date: Status: Products: 0000000000 Construction begins Notify contractor to proceed Obtain required building permits Hold ground breaking ceremony Begin periodic site inspections Take aerial and ground photos periodically Hold weekly meetings to discuss & review work Month 7, continuing through Month 16 Pending Structure is complete Activities: The Public Works Department sends a standard "Notice to the Contractor to Commence Work". After a departmental and ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) reviews, building permits are expeditiously issued by all pertinent City departments to move the project forward. A ground breaking ceremony will be held. There are daily and weekly inspections of work progress, along with weekly aerial and ground photographs for visual conformation. At weekly meetings, progress of work is reviewed, identified deficiencies corrected, and the work schedule reviewed and updated as necessary. Minutes are recorded and distributed to the Design Team. Persons Involved: Department of Public Works staff inspects all major systems and phases of work as it monitors daily construction; the Architect (or his designee) also personally checks the site regularly. All partnering CBOs help plan and participate in the ground breaking ceremony. Intermediate and End Products: This activity is the longest, and results in a two story building in Jose Marti park suitable for a Community/Youth Center. 25 CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY 6 Activity: Major Tasks: Completion Date: Status: Products: O Readying for occupancy O Obtain temporary occupancy & use permit O Install furnishings, fixtures, & equipment O Month 16 O Pending O Community/Youth Center is operational Activities: The City's Building Department will conduct an inspection to issue a temporary use permit while final work is completed. Missing fixtures are installed, existing fixtures checked for proper functioning, and furnishings and equipment are delivered and set-up. A one -day program of activities --on "SuperSunday"-- will be sponsored by the College and the City to celebrate the Center's completion, and the inauguration of activities and services. Persons Involved: Building Department staff certifies work as complete. Designated employees of Parks and Recreation, M-DCC, partnering CBOs, and community residents organize and conduct the grand opening "SuperSunday" activities. Intermediate and End Products: At the completion of this activity, the Community/Youth Center is ready to open. 26 CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY 7 Activity: 0 Project close-out Major Tasks: 0 DetaiI and set schedule for completion of punch list items O Assign all warranties, guarantees, & operation manuals O Final inspections O Release liens and claims O Obtain "as -built" drawings O Certify work completed as per contract O Ribbon cutting ceremony O Fiscal close-out Completion Date: 0 Month 17 Status: 0 Pending Products: 0 Grand opening Activities: A final inspection is made by the contractor and Technical Committee to ensure all deficiencies are corrected, and all work is completed. All manuals, warranties and guarantees are transferred, recorded, and stored. Lien releases are secured. Final drawings showing any changes to the originaIIy permitted plans are obtained and the work will be certified as complete in accordance with the contract. This is followed by a fiscal close-out. The press will be invited to the Ribbon Cut- ting Ceremony which honors all those responsible for the project. Persons Involved: The Design Team is responsible for final inspections. A City employee compiles project archives. Staff of Parks and Recreation, M-DCC, partnering CBOs, and community residents plan and conduct the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. Intermediate and End Products: At the completion of this activity, the building is compete, staffed, and open for use. 27 MAJOR ACTIVITIES 1st 10 Months 2nd 10 Months Mos. 21-24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 1 2 3 24 CONSTRUCTION 1-Design Development XXXX 2-Prepare Construction Documents XXXX 3-Open Bidding Process XXXX 4-Approval by City Commission X 5-Construction Begins XXXX 6-Structure Completed XXXX 7-Project Close -Out XX PROGRAMMING 1-Hire & Orient Professional & Non -Professional Staff 2-Establish Record Keeping System 3-Marketing & Outreach XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 4-Support Services XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 5-Community Events XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 6-Design Educational & Recreational Programs X 7-Implement Educational & Recreational Programs in Park (Outside the Center's building) X 8-Implemennt Educational & Recreational Programs in the Center's building X M-DCC/InterAmerican Campus - CFDA 14.514 - FR 4630 OVERVIEW 4B-STATEMENT OF WORK: PROGRAMMING Recreational and Educational Services: M-DCC will provide re Tonal and educational at the to -be -built Community/Youth Center in the East Little Havana target zone. In addition, the College will contribut s $200,000) of .the .grant-.mon taward the construetiop of the building. Services will focus on two o ulations: i) are ts. prim rl ice -" or unem to ed � ( p --�� P � �:s,-�u�l.ikl�.under- F, y__.l; and, (ii�) o age yout s (6-17 years_ old) Burin the afternoon(3.:00-7:00 m, when property cr mes are high �..__ _.____._ _.__P ) M-DCC IS SUITABLE A Diverse College With A Great Deal To Offer: The proposed program of activities is appro- priate for an institution of higher education. Miami -Dade Community College (M-DCC) is com- prised of 10 schools, and the InterAmerican Campus is fortunate to house the School of Educa- tion. It enrolls over 4,000 students who are studying for Associate's degrees and certificates in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Secondary Education, Child Development, and the Child Care Education Administrators Credential. The InterAmerican campus is experi- enced in dealing with at -risk students and provides "developmental" courses and English as a second language. In addition, the School of Education requires 30 hours of field experience which students may fulfill at the Community/Youth Center. M-DCC also has a strong Department of Community Education which has provided community outreach and courses, workshops, language and acculturation training, parenting workshops, recreational courses, and GED to more than one - thousand people each year. There is also a thriving Center for Community Involvement which places student volunteers and interns in community projects and schools. Internships: Like the School of Education, many M-DCC Schools and Departments make intern- ships available for credit seeking students. These include the Schools of Nursing, Business and Computer Information Systems, and Departments of Recreation, and Social Science. Students may complete internship and experiential hours at the Community/Youth Center. For example, Nursing students can assist with Health Fairs, provide instruction in nutrition, and immunize children; Education students can, of course, engage in tutoring and provide extra enrichment. Community Service: Students interested in Community Service are encouraged and placed in volunteer positions by M-DCC's Student Services Department. It places volunteers in a variety of programs, such as America Reads. Thus, students who would not ordinarily be involved in the Center will be encouraged to participate. Students in every discipline can find fulfillment in after - school programs. For example, Chemistry majors can direct a "Science Club," Computer Stud- ents may sponsor a "Computer Club," and so on. Thus, students' interests and talents can be utilized in any number of venues: to support a chess tournament, fashion show, or take children on field trips. Service Learning: The Center for Community Development will identify faculty who choose to use service learning as a teaching methodology and arrange for them to use the Youth Center as a service learning site. For example, an Accounting class may offer to complete income tax forms for families, or a Business class may "adopt" a group of teenagers and provide them with en- trepreneurship training. Students my be placed in any of 180 local agencies under supervision of College faculty. Next year, IAC projects Next year, IAC projects 8 faculty will supervise 246 students in 93 agencies for 3,444 hours. 29 M-DCC/Inte...merican Campus - CFDA 14.514 - eR 4630 Target Groups: Although the College has tentatively selected the target groups --youths and their parents.-- it cannot predict what programs and groups the community will target, or exactly when services will be offered. M-DCC is well aware that the neighborhood youth and their families will provide input into such decisions: the following plan includes participation of youth and families in order to select specific program options and timeframes. Individualized: While the College is large, it focuses on the individual student; witness its mis- sion statement which "places the student at the center of learning." Faculty Versus Community: The faculty mirrors the neighborhood: the majority of faculty are Hispanic and many attended Miami Senior High in Little Havana, which is just a few blocks from the College and the Empowerment Zone. Since the student body is also largely Hispanic, it is k likely that volunteers and interns will also mirror the demographics of the target population. This is ideal for role modeling that can make a difference in the lives of young people. Conclusion: The Community/Youth Center is an ideal venue for M-DCC to realize its commit- ment to community service, and to provide interesting, "cutting edge" internships for students. PROGRAMMING ACTIVITY-1 Activity: O Identify, hire, orient professional & non-professional staff Major Tasks: O Call meeting of HUD Advisory Council Recruit & hire f/t Project Coordinator and p/t Secretary Identify three p/t Educational Specialists Identify student interns & volunteers Interns & volunteers submit applications & learning contracts Students & staff tour East Little Havana Design & offer 2-week orientation Completion Date: O Month 2 Status: O Pending Products: O 6 professional staff are oriented and on -board 7 student interns/volunteers are oriented and ready to work Activities: M-DCC recruits and hires a 100% time and effort (T&E) Project Coordinator, and 50% T&E Secretary. The Coordinator is supervised by the Project Director who directs the College's Community Education Department. Three part-time Educational Specialists will be identified. M-DCC staff and the partnering CBOs (Aspira and Abriendo Puertas) recruit interns and volunteers for Year I of the program. The various departments and schools of M-DCC also assist with referrals, especially the School of Education, the Center for Community Involve- ment, School of Nursing, and Department of Social Science. A total of seven interns and volun- teers are identified, complete applications and learning contracts, and undergo a background and fingerprint check by the Miami Police Department. They participate in a two -week orientation on Little Havana, its history, culture, and residents. Persons Involved: The Project Director, Coordinator, Advisory Council, volunteers, p/t Educa- tional Specialists, and counselors at partnering CBOs. HUD Advisory Council. Intermediate and End Products: Upon completion, seven student interns and/or volunteers, and p/t Educational Specialists are identified, screened, oriented, and ready to begin work. 30 M-DCC/InterAmerican Campus - CFDA 14.514 - FR 4630 PROGRAMMING ACTIVITY-2 Activity: 0 Establish a computerized record keeping system Major Tasks: 0 Set-up participant database & tracker 0 Design & implement a Project accounting system Completion Date: 0 Month 2 Status: 0 Pending Products: 0 A system to track finances & participants Activities: During the first two months of the project, a record keeping system will be developed. All contacts with youths and their families will be recorded in a computer database, along with demographic data (address, phone number, DOB, etc.), information about interests and needs, names of family members authorized to remove a child from the Center, etc, Student interns collect data using checksheets and forms which include space for brief case notes. All information is secured in a locked file cabinet to ensure privacy, and only those with a "need to know" will have access under supervision. Fiscal records are maintained at the College by the Project Direc- tor (using the Odyssey Software System), who is assisted by the Business Office as necessary. Persons Involved: Project Director, Coordinator, professional staff, interns, volunteers, pft Educational Specialists, staff of College Business Office. HUD Advisory Council. Intermediate and End Products: Systems for fiscal and participant accountability are estab- lished; data will be used to evaluate the Project. PROGRAMMING ACTIVITY- 3 Activity: O Marketing & outreach Major Tasks: O Design, translate, & print brochure in English & Spanish Distribute brochure in community venues Distribute press release, PSAs, & contact "ethnic" media Contact civic organizations, PTAs, schools, etc. Make presentations Completion Date: O Month 2 & continuing Status: O Pending Products: O Community awareness of the forthcoming Community/Youth Center. Activities: At the beginning of the M-DCC Fall semester, College staff and students begin an aggressive outreach campaign to reach parents and children, particularly unmarried teens with more than one child. A brochure in English and Spanish describing the services and plans for the Community/ Youth Center is written and distributed distribution throughout the community, in: schools, clinics, YMCA, churches, CBOs, doctor's offices, public schools, and posted in strip malls, and other places where people congregate, such as Laundromats. The local Spanish and "Anglo" media (radio, TV, newspapers) are included in the mix. Presentations are made to Parent Teacher Associations, at school faculty meetings, at meetings of civic associations, etc. Staff inform people about the program and record their interests and the special needs of their children. Persons Involved: Project Director, Coordinator, professional staff, interns, volunteers, and pit Educational Specialists all participate in community outreach to educate the public and keep in touch with community needs. Counselors at Abriendo Puertas play an important role due to the CBO's close proximity to Jose Marti Park. HUD Advisory Council. Intermediate and End Products: Community -wide knowledge of plans for the Youth Center and the availability of services. 31 M-DCC/InterAmerican Campus - CFDA 14.514 - FR 4630 MAJOR ACTIVITY 4 Activity: Major Tasks: Completion Date: Status: Products: 0000000000 Initiate ongoing social support Solicit & accept referrals Form groups Begin case management & counseling Maintain confidential client files Design research and evaluation plan Develop instruments for data collection Month 2 & continuing Pending 50 people/month receive support services Activities: Case management of children and their families begins within two months of project start-up, Youths needing services (e.g., eye glasses for reading, inoculations, etc.) will be re- ferred for services and followed up. Students needing tutoring receive homework help by the project's Educational Specialists and volunteer tutors. To help their families achieve self-suffi- ciency, the College's One Stop Resources Training Center will provide employment services, such as job development and referrals, educational vouchers, etc. Parents participate in work- shops on parenting skills, how to help their children in school, where to receive help, how to prepare healthy meals on a budget, opening a bank account, acculturation to the American sys- tem, etc. Space has been secured at two CBOs, Aspira and Abriendo Puertas, for family meet- ings. Case management includes supportive counseling of individuals and groups. (Note: Counsel- ing is supportive only; for in depth counseling and psychotherapy, children are referred to li- censed psychologists or clinical social workers.) At Least 50 people (youths and/or adults) will receive counseling, support services, or case management monthly. Results and progress are noted in confidential files maintained at the College until the Community/Youth Center opens. Persons Involved: The Project Director, who devotes 50% of his or her time to direct services (in the role of Educational Specialist), plus three additional p/t Educational Specialists, provide case management, counseling, workshops, etc. The student interns/volunteers provide coaching, homework help, organized team sports, etc. Counselors from Aspira, Abriendo Puertas, and the Colleges One -Stop Program assist with case management and parenting workshops. HUD Advi- sory Council. Intermediate and End Products: Fifty people (youths and family members) receive support services each month for 21 months (Months 1-2 are for start-up, and Month 24 is for close-out). 32 M-DCC/InterAmerican Campus - CFDA 14.514 - FR 4630 PROGRAMMING ACTIVITY Activity: 0 Plan & execute community events Major Tasks: 0 Co-opt local civic associations, churches, schools, CBOs, CDCs, City Commission, and employers O Outreach to adults and youth O Hold separate events for youth and adults Completion Date: 0 Month 6 Status: 0 Pending Products: 0 At least one community/family activity each month serving a minimum of 1,000 people yearly Activities: At least one community/family event will be held at the park each months (excluding Months 1-2 for start-up, and month 24 for project close-out). Examples: neighborhood health fair, breast cancer marathon and fundraiser, "block party," mother/daughter picnic, beauty pageant, job fair, park clean-up, graffiti removal, father/son rope pull, Hispanic music festival, etc. Pro- ject staff will solicit community input on events to be offered. Parent/child events bond the child to his or her parents, and community events (such as park clean-up) strengthen the connection of children to community norms. Persons Involved: Project Coordinator, Educational Specialists, College Student Activities Of- fice, partnering CBOs, Health Department, student interns and volunteers. HUD Advisory Coun- cil. Intermediate and End Products: Twenty-one "participatory" events for at least 1,000 adults and children are held monthly. Priorities are established with community input. M-ACC/InterAmerican Campus - CFDA 14.514 - FR 4630 PROGRAMMING ACTIVITY Activity: 0 Design educational & recreation programs Major Tasks: 0 Prepare and disseminate a schedule of proposed events O Identify space and venue (inside or outside Center building) O Identify interns and volunteers O Develop research and evaluation agendas, instruments, & train students to collect data O SDtaff training. Completion Date: 0 Month 7 Status: 0 Pending Products: 0 A daily schedule of events with appropriate rationales O A plan for project evaluation Activities: The Design Team has produced a tentative schedule of park activities and park venues. Activities include: entertainment recreation; holiday and summer camps; sports clinic; martial arts; arts and crafts (including painting, poetry, etc.); lectures, classes (homework, tutoring, computers, research, study and after school); adult education programs (e.g., GED); parenting classes; films, dance performances; clubs (drama, music, etc.); and, community activities (see, previous activity). These activities need to be "fleshed out" with their educational components clearly specified. For example, while volleyball is fun and healthy, it must be organized as an educational activity; that is, sports should promote good sportsmanship, conflict resolution, behaving within "rules," good communication skills, strategizing, etc. In addition, community input is important: do immigrants from a particular country prefer soccer or baseball, ballet or folkloric dance, and so on. Finally, the feasibility of each activity must be assessed vis-a-vis availability of: (i) student interns and volunteers with appropriate skills; (ii) alternate space since the Youth Center will not open until the beginning of Project Year 2. and, (iir) appropriate equipment. ctivities requinn ing versus open space in the park) will be iden- tified. A list of activities, times, and venues will be distributed throughout the neighborhood and discussed at a Town Hall meeting. Input and suggestions will be solicited about activities and available program space in the neighborhood to supplement the park venue. Volunteers and Educational Specialists to carry out specific activities will be identified. During this phase, The Project Coordinator will begin to develop evaluation tools and methodology. Interns and volun- teers will be trained to collect data necessary to assess the program. Persons Involved: This activity is conducted by the Project Coordinator, Educational Specialists, student volunteers and interns, community members, and the two partnering CBOs in the Empowerment Zone: Aspira, Abriendo Puertas, Center of Information. HUD Advisory Council. Intermediate and End Products: A list of activities and educational rationales is created with community input. An ongoing project evaluation is designed. M-ACC/InterAmerican Campus - CFDA 14.514 - PR 4630 PROGRAMMING ACTIVITY-7 Activity: 0 Implement educational & recreation programs outside the Community/Youth Center building, in open park areas and in the neighborhood Major Tasks: 0 Recruit participants O Start programs in park & neighborhood O Collect data for evaluation Completion Date: 0 Month 8 and continuing Status: 0 Pending Products: 0 3 activities for youth sponsored by the College in the park O Monthly parenting workshops in the community O Program evaluation continues Activities: Educational and recreational programs, not requiring the Center's building, commence in the open spaces of the park. Youth "enroll" or sign-up for each program, bring consent forms signed by parents or guardians, and provide additional information (such as emergency contacts, names of adults permitted to pick them up at the park, allergies, name of doctor or clinic, etc.). Example: Aspira will establish a leadership club in the park similar to the one it operates under a Talent Search grant in Roberto Clemente Park, also in the Empowerment Zone. The College will set-up intramural clubs and sponsor other activities. While the Center is undergoing construction, the participating CBOs will make available space for monthly parent meetings and workshops. Persons Involved: Project Coordinator, Educational Specialists, student volunteers and interns. Staff of Aspira, Abriendo Puertas, Center of Information. HUD Advisory Council. Intermediate and End Products: Three activities for children are initiated (a total of 6 activity hours), operating weekly, 50 weeks a year, in the park. Each activity involves at least 10 child- ren, for a total of 30 children per week. Monthly workshops for parents are held in the communi- ty. At least 25 people attend monthly programs organized by Aspira and Abriendo Puertas. M-DCC/InterAmerican Campus - CFDA 14.514 - FR 46: PROGRAMMING ACTIVITY Activity: 0 Implement educational & recreation programs it Youth Center Building Major Tasks: 0 Recruit participants O Start programs in Community/Youth Center O CoIlect data for evaluation Completion Date: 0 Month 23 & continuing Status: 0 Pending Products: 0 College sponsors 5 activities in the Center O Parenting classes continue O Program evaluation continues O College opens office in the Center Activities: When the Community/Youth Center is completed, recreational and educational pro- grams will be offered in the new building. Programs needing space and the Center's facilities (such as the kiln for pottery making and computers for technological literacy classes) will utilize the space. At least ive activities per week for a total of 10 activity hours) will be schedul-ri. Ideas for new programs an ac!vtffes will be soug t rom both youth and -parents. A-dditional interns and volunteers will be identified. The College will maintain an office in the Community/Youth Center as a realization of its constant and continued presence in the communi- ty. As the HUD grant period ends, M-DCC's educational and recreational programming will be fully operational. The College Community Education De ailment will utilize the Center's four classrooms for programs, worlds s�a•rrd'class esire y t e co Persons Involved: Project Coordinator, student volunteers and interns, Educational Specialists, and staff of local CBOs. HUD Advisory Council. Intermediate and End Products: At least 5 M-DCC activities operate at the Center each week -. for a total of 10 activity hours. Each program engages at least 10 children, 100 per week for 50 weeks, yielding a total of 100 in the second program year. Monthly (and possibly more) programs for parents are will be held in the community. At least 10 parents are engaged in these programs, for an estimated total of 100 in the second program year. M-DCC will maintain an office in the Youth Center to supervise the programs it sponsors. 36 M-DCC/TnterAmerjcan Campus - CFDA 14.514 - FR 4630 5-SOUNDNESS OF APPROACH 1-QUALITY OF WORK PLAN PROPOSED ACTIVITIES Proposed Activities Expand M-DCC Role in Community: The InterArnerican campus of Miami -Dade Community College has a mandate in its 5-year strategic plan to expand its reach out to the community. The HUD project enables the College to take its courses, workshops, recrea- tional, and workforce development activities to the people, rather than people having to come to the campus. In fact, the College has literally run out of space, and so is limited in granting addi- tional community access to its programs: the neighborhood, however, is not likely to lack space for courses and workshops. Thus, the College now has a presence in the community limited to the one -square block it occupies. The HUD project will take the school out of its building to better serve the community. Alleviate and/or Fulfill Identified Needs: Poor educational preparation is one of the most seri- ous problems in Little Havana. Blame cannot be assigned to the children: most of the schools in the Target Area are rated "D" by the State of Florida. Poor school performance is related to many other social problems. For example, Children frustrated in school "act out" in the community by joining gangs and piling up suspensions. The College will apply its expertise to improve the educational level of at -risk children and provide recreational activities infused with pro -social values. Even basketball can teach: teamwork, conflict resolution, resiliency, communication skills, self-esteem, respect for rules, writing (a brochure or team guidebook), computer skills (desktop publishing to print game tickets), etc. The College's School of Education will supply a cadre of student volunteers applying the expertise of their "major" in Early Childhood Education, Psychology, Recreation, Nursing, etc. Another problem, closely related to education, is poverty: the majority of people in Little Havana are under severe economic stress. Again, the College's workforce development programs and One -Stop Center counselors can improve economic stand- ing, provide educational vouchers, provide helpful workshops on work maturity and preemploy- ment skills, etc. Relate to and Non -Duplicative of Other Community Activities: The proposed project does not duplicate other programs in East Little Havana. The Switchboard of Miami maintains a database of County social service providers. The College conducted a search using the keywords: recrea- tion, team sports, counseling, and tutoring. Only two agencies (YMCA and Abriendo Puertas) were identified in the Target Area. Thus, there is a surprising lack of social services available for youth in the neighborhood. The HUD Project, therefore, is not in danger of duplicating existing services, and there are few agencies for it to partner with. Involves & Empowers Target Area Residents in All Stages: Program Stage As the Organiza- tional Chart shows, the program will be guided by a committee titled, HUD Advisory Council. This will be composed of community residents, high school students, M-DCC faculty, and other stakeholders. Pre -Project Stage During the design phase of the building, the community expressed its views in Town Hall meetings, focus groups, and a charette. Disseminated to Academic & Community Audiences: Information about the project, including "lessons learned" at various stages will be posted to the WEB sites of the City and the College. The College and City media departments will prepare and distribute press releases in English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole. M-DCC runs full page newspaper ads introducing the public to successful graduates: some of these ads will present the achievements of youths participating in the HUD Project. 37 M-DCC/Intexnmerican Campus - CFDA 14.514 - eR 4 WORK PLAN IMPACT Project Can be Completed within Two Years: The work plan provides a mo schedule of "bite sized" activities, each manageable within 4 weeks. After 24 i ly incremental activities, the project will be completed. OBJECTIVES ARE MEASURABLE Caveat: It is difficult to estimate the number of non -duplicated children and family members served and the program's impact on them since some may stay in an activity for only a short time. The Community/Youth Center and its programming will have a concrete and measurable impact on the community and participants who remain enrolled. r'�\ M-DCC proposes to serve: K‘. 0 100 children with educational and recreational services. 0 100 parents with parenting and school readiness workshops. 500 children and family members with case management and referrals. Impact: ------ .���__ — T_.. Given the neighborhood's social indicators (see, Table I), M-DCC offers the following overall impact objectives: O At least 50% of all infants and toddlers in participating families will be "school ready" (i.e., immunized and at their age -appropriate developmental level). O At Least 80% of participating teenage girls will not become pregnant during the 21 (24 months less 2 for start-up, and 1 for close-out). O At least 50% of participating youths will reduce school absences and tardies by 20%. O At least 50% of all participating youths will improve their grade point average over the 21 months of the program. O At least 80% of the participating youths will have no contact with the criminal justice system after 21 months of participation. O At least 80% of the participating youths will have no indoor or outdoor school suspensions. O All participating parents will have an understanding of the laws regarding child abuse and understand how to discipline their children without physical punishment. O All parents will be able to identify at least 5 community resources, O All parents will be able to identify gang colors and other behaviors indicating gang membership or wannabe status. O At least 80% of parents will obtain a better job after meeting with a College One -Stop counselor. O 80% of parents will report an improvement in their children's behavior since their involvement in the program. O Police calls for child abuse and domestic violence will drop by 10% after 21 months of program operation (based on self -reports). FACULTY & STUDENT INVOLVEMENT 0 College students and faculty will serve on the HUD Advisory Council 0 Student volunteers and service learners are supervised by M-DCC faculty 0 Some project staff will be regular faculty hired as Educational Specialists on a part-time basis 0 Faculty in the School of Education may pursue research as the Community/Youth Center is a microcosm, whose processes, structures, and variables more visible than usual 38 M-DCC/InterAmerican Campus - CFDA 14.514 - FR 4630 HUD PRIORITIES O Promoting Healthy Homes: The HUD Program provides nutritional counseling, informational sessions about lead based paint identification and removal, and tracks families with infants and toddlers to ensure they are inoculated and developmentally "on schedule." O Promoting Self-sufficiency: The project provides employment services through its One Stop Center (job development, placement, preemployment and work maturity skills, educational vouchers, case management, etc.). O Crime/Drug Reduction: Literature from the U.S. Office of Delinquency Prevention (ODDJP) designates community centers as "prevention factors" in delinquency. In this project, parents learn to detect gang colors and identify their children as "wannabes. " Ideas about conflict resolution, correct behavior, etc. are infused into the curriculum. Community activities promote bonding of children with the community and, thus, identification with its prosocial norms. O Promoting Job Training: The College will make its One -Stop Job counselors available to Center users. O Promoting Technology: The College is responsible (see budget) for outfitting the Center's multi -purpose room and 4-classrooms with computers. Promoting Self-sufficiency: The College has a welfare-t-work program which includes a One - Stop Job Center serving more than 5,000 people yearly. The center provides educational and child care vouchers, employment services (job development, placement, acculturation workshops, etc.). One -Stop counselors will "set up shop" in the park periodically. There will also be "Career Days," Job Fairs, and other employment related events in the park. Anti-Crime/Drug Efforts: Several City and County anti -crime and anti -drug programs will be invited to take a proactive role in the community. These include: Weed and Seed, Officer Friend- ly, and Project Dare. The City hosts the Police Museum which will be asked to make its crime prevention program available to the children. Promoting Job Training and College Readiness: O The College's One -Stop Center provides education vouchers. O The College is partnering with Aspira which has developed substantial expertise via grants from: Gear -Up, 21st Century Learning Centers, and Talent Search. The College has asked the M-DCC Foundation to provide scholarships to deserving children who successfully complete Community/Youth Center programs. Because the Foundation is awaiting appointment of a new director, it will be several months before scholarship money can be committed. Promoting Technology: Since the Colle e is new, its technology is the "latest and greatest:" classrooms are wired and there are undreds o "computers available for student use. The College is committed to using a portion of the HUD grant to set-up a computer lab in the Center's multi- purpose room (see budget). All age ranges will use the lab, from the Elderly to the very young. The College will seek additional technology funds from Power -Up, a foundation sponsored by America Online's Steven Case. Finally, the College will issue "VIP" passes to selected children entitling them to use the College's computers. 10 M-DCC/Intel.-,merican Campus - CFDA 14.514 - rR 4630 2-INSTITUTIONALIZATION College Commitment: The College is committed to continuing this project after the 2 years of "start-up" funding. The Community/Youth Center to be built partially with HUD money passed through the College (this grant) will include 4 classrooms and an office for a local community organization. The InterAmerican Campus anticipates occupying this office and using the class- rooms for youth programs, and as the "nerve center" of a program reaching out to housing pro- jects and Section 8 housing in the neighborhood. Hard Dollars: The College will also include grant funded Center staff in its budget development 7 process for the year 2002-03, to "start where HUD funding leaves off." Planning Documents: This grant will fulfill one element of IAC's 5-year strategic plan: to in- crease community outreach. The Long Range Plan is available for review on the school's WEB site: http://www.mdcc.edu/. Linkages: IAC's outreach program is Linked to other outreach functions through the College structure. As the organizational chart shows, the Director of Community Education at the LAC Campus is responsible for the HUD Project. She has a direct line of communication with IAC's Academic Dean. Yet, because of the College's overlapping structures, she is supervised by anoth- er Dean at the Kendall Campus. Thus, the HUD Program is linked by a formal organizational structure to other units of the College related to outreach and community partnerships. In addi- tion, IAC participates in the College -wide Center for Community Involvement which has articula- tion agreements with 180 CBO's in IAC's service area. These CBO's provide opportunities for volunteerism, service learning, and credit bearing internships. HSIAC Funding: M-DCC's lnterAmerican campus has never received an HSIAC grant. 3-FAIR HOUSING AFFIRMATIVELY FURTHERING FAIR HOUSING PROMOTING FAIR HOUSING CHOICE HOUSING MOBILITY COUNSELING SERVICES Consumer Education: Consumer education is included in the College's Adult Education Program and is also part of its case management services. Courses and counseling on consumer economics will include: discussion of buyers' rights; County officials describing subsidized mortgages for families earning less than $40,000 annually; presentations by CDCs home builders in Little Havana (e.g., KODEC); counselors from HOPWA describing the rights of people living with AIDS; lawyers from Florida Legal Service informing immigrants of their legal right to housing. Improved Opportunities: Workshops are only the first step. College counselors assist people to complete necessary forms, collect needed information (such as birth certificates, proof of veteran status, letter from physician certifying disability, etc.). In addition, counselors will assist people to provide information that may have been left in their country of origin (via affidavit, etc.). Mobility: The College is cognizant of the need for housing mobility counseling services and will ensure to educate its case managers and teachers of consumer behavior. 40 M-DCC/InterAmerican Campus - CFDA 14.514 - FR 4630 6-LEVERAGING Partnerhips: * O City of Miami O Aspira (a Puerto Rican CBO providing programming in Roberto Cleme a Park in the EZ) O Centre d'Informacion (a grass -roots Haitian CBO in Little Haiti, a CD G Target O Miami -Dade Community College/InterAmerican Campus Area) O Abriendo Puertas (a Cuban CBO working with families in the EZ) ** * Please see page 6 for descriptions of each organization. ** The letter from Abriendo Puertas may not arrive in time for inclusion in this proposal. Resources: O City of Miami (See attached letter) Contributes: cash for design/Construction $1,790,000 .0 Aspira (See attached letter) Contributes: National Leadership Program Curriculum Materials $7,500 Local Travel $1,500 Counselor's Time @150 $5,500 O Centre d'Informacion: (See attached letter) Contributes: Local Travel $500 Counselor's Preparation Time @15% $4,000 O M-DCC/InterAmerican Campus (See attached letter) Contributes: Proj Director Time @15% $9,000 Office Space for Proj Coordinator (Year 1 only) $4,000 Office Supplies for Proj Director (Years 1 & 2) $720 Office Supplies for Proj Coordinator (Year 1 only) $420 0 Abriendo Puertas (Pending) Other Funding Recipients: N/A Outside the Institution: O Salary leverage within the institution: M-DCC contributes 15 % of Time and Effort of Project Director's salary (see above) O Salaries leveraged outside the institution: Aspira waives 15% Time & Effort of Counselor's salary (see above) Center of Information waives $15% of Trainer's salary (see above) Letters: See attached. Quantified: See Ietters for total commitment of $1,810,140. M-DCC's letter is included. 41 M-DCC/rnterAmerican Campus - CFDA 14.514 - FR 4630 7-COMPREHENSIVE & COORDINATED Holistic/Pre-submission Coordination: Miami-Dade's Community College's InterAmerican Campus (IAC) is less than two years old. Previously, the school was part of the College's Wolf- son Campus which articulated with various private and public organizations, CBOs, CDCs, and businesses. Thus, IAC has had only a short time to develop "formal" and contractual links with community organizations. The College participates in many cultural events (Viernes CuIturales), works closely with Miami Senior High School and its "Future Teachers of America Magnet Program;" provides tutors to Auburndale Elementary School, and the College President is on the Board of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities. The College has written articula- tion agreements with 180 CBOs for placing student volunteers and interns. Re this proposal, the City is partnering with the City of Miami, its Parks Department, two CBOs in the EZ, and has consulted with a Haitian agency, The Center of Information, to Iearn how it deals with similar issues. The College has also consulted with its various divisions and departments to develop a holistic and inclusive approach to the problems in its neighborhood. IAC recently completed a comprehensive strategic planning process which recommended increased community outreach. Thus, this proposal is one element within a comprehensive, coordinated, long range plan. Sharing Information: The College will prepare a "best practices" report and include it on the City's WEB site. In addition, the College President will make a presentation about the project and lessons learned to the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities. Involvement in Consolidated Planning Process: While the InterAmerican Campus is• only two yeas old and has never received a CDBG grant, other M-DCC Colleges have, from the City and County, for building projects (Wolfson Campus) and child care (North Campus). Thus, College representatives have attended neighborhood planning meetings and met with CDBG officials. The President of M-DCC's new InterAmerican campus plans to follow suit and by appointing a repre- sentative to attend Target Area meetings. Also, the College has had several WAGES projects, and now sponsors a One -Stop Center serving 5,000 people yearly. These projects articulate with County, City, and regional planning; their establishment required --and continues to require -- close collaboration with City, County, and regional planners. The College's workforce develop- ment activities are reflected in Miami's Consolidated Plan and the County's EZ plan. Developing Linkages: The College's 5-Year Long Range Plan calls for increased community outreach. Toward this end, the College President will delegate a staff person to attend local Community Development and City HOPWA meetings. (The city distributes HOPWA funds county -wide. The College is also interest in offering its expertise to the local housing authority -- witness this grant proposal. Thus, the InterAmerican Campus will become part of the local plan- ning network and take part in forums, charettes, and focus groups; it will participate in planning and networking using a "bottom -up" approach. O (i) The InterAmerican Campus has never participated in a HUD funded project. O (ii) IAC received a Carl Perkins Grant of $400,000 (from the State) to provide adult basic skills and community education in its service area, which includes an Urban Target Area; the College has several grants and contracts from the U.S. Department of Education (e.g. Head Start) and the Dade County Public Schools (professional development of teachers), and works with Florida Memorial College (an HBU), and Florida International University (HSI) to train urban teachers on projects funded by the Department of Education. d� M-DCC/InterAmerican Campus - CFDA 14.514 - FR 4630 LETTERS FOR: Leveraged Funds -and- Support t i vt,.y, 1 .U11 1.uiu1.1ua Office of the Campus President 627 SW 27th Avenue Miami, Florida 33135 Tel: (305) 237-6034 VOMiarni—Dade COMMUNITY COLLEGE InterAmerican Campus MATCHING FUNDS June 1, 2001 Barbara Holland, Dir. Office of University Partnerships U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Washington, DC. Dear Ms. Holland: Dr, Jose A.Vicente Campus President The InterAmerican Campus of Miami -Dade Community College has applied for a grant for the Hispanic -serving Institutions Assisting Communities Program (HSIAC). In order to demonstrate the College's commitment to the project, I am pleased to inform you that we will leverage the HUD funds with the following inkind match: O 15W of the Project Director's time and effort: $9,000 O 100W of office space for the Project Coordinator during Year I, while the Community/Youth Center is under construction: $4,000 O Office supplies for Project Director for 2-years: $30/mo x 24 months = $ 720 O Office supplies for Project Coordinator for Year I: $35/mo x 12 months = $420 $ 420 O Computer & Printer for Project Coordinator: $1,000 for PC with network card $1,000 Total College Contribution to Project: $15,140 We are pleased to contribute to this very fine program and look forward to a favorable review. Sinc ely, Jose Vicente, Ed.D. President 44 05-31-2001 05:04PM FROM- T-178 P.003/003 F-715 Ala RA AN INVESTMENT 1N LATINO YOUTH ASPIRA OF FLORIDA, INC. — CORPORATE OFFICE 3650 North Miami Ave. Miami, Florida 33127-3161 (305) 57 5-8494 Fax (305) 576-6217 E-mail: ASPIRAFL@aol,com Website: www.aspira.org VIA FAX TRANSM] ITAL June 1, 2001 Dr. David Raficy Grants Officer Miami -Dade Community College 627 SW 27th Ave. Miami, FL 33135 Dear Dr. Ratky: It was a pleasure meeting with you to discuss the College's plans to provide youth services in Jose Marti Park. As you know, AS1 IRA conducts a successful leadership program in Roberto Clemente Park, which is also : n the empowerment zone. We will be happy to work with the lnterAmerian Campus as it provides services in Little Havana. In particular, we will establish a lead* rship club for at -risk youth We use ASPIR.A's national curriculum, which has pro ien to reduce delinquency and teen pregnancy. In addition, we will meet with smal . groups of parents once per month to provide workshops on such topics as how to hell their children in school, where to find help in the community, etc. Over two years, our fee will be $40,000_ In a.Iditiorl, we will provide the following inkind match: • Curriculum materials: $7,500.00 • Local Travel: $1,500.00 • Counselor's Time @ $15 $5,500.00 Thanking you in advance for the opportunity to p ,rticipate, I remain Sincerely Raul Martinez President & CEO RM:mt R.mdcc A UniIUd WA), SuppWleti Agony YOUTH LEADERSHIP AND EIIUCATION INITIATIVES MIAMI-DADE, BROWARD AND PALM BEACH COUNTIES ,1 c CENTER OF INFORMATION AND ORIENTATION 18] N.E. 82nd Street,2r d Floor • INC. Miami, FL 3313g Telephone (305) 7 59- 1 155 • Fax (305) 759-1156 May 29, 2001 Dr. David Rafky Grants Officer Miami -Dade Community College 627 S.W. 27th Avenue Miami, FL 33135 Dear Dr. Rafky: I am gratified you feel so positively about our cross-cultural training programs. Of course, we will be pleased to work with you to help people in the empowerment zone make better lives for themselves and their children. We will contribute $4,000 of our counselors' time to this endeavor. Sincerely, Michel Sainvil Executive Director 46