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SNAPS II - SNAPS Agreement Page 1 of 1 MitHoridetcam ofrtipo search 'directory I contact us 1 411 I subscribe I tour I help Services Business & Industry > Search > SNAPS Search Form > SNAPS Agreement Agriculture Business & SNAPS AGREEMENT TITLE : CARDIOVASCULAR DEFIBRILLATORS Industry AGREEMENT NUMBER :4651951 -4 Calendars & TERM OF AGREEMENT: Events Begin 05-18-2000 Community End date: 05-17-2004 Resources Consumer VENDOR : Assistance Disaster CARDIAC SCIENCE, INC. Management 1900 Main St. Ste 700 Education Irvine, CA 92614 Elders SPURS NO: F223833596-001 MBE CODE: NON -MINORITY (A) Employment CONTACT: STEVE SHARP EXT 325 PHONE: 800-965-1440 Environment Health & Human COMMODITY CLASS : 465 COMMODITY GROUP : 150 Services DELIVERY : 10 days ARO WARRANTY :5 yr limited Licensing & Permitting APPROVED PRICE SCHEDULE & DATE : Public Safety 1.) Price list eff. March 2000 Expire date: 05-17-2004 2.) Amendment eff. 7/30/2001 Expire date: 05-17-2004 Science & 3.) Amended Price List eff. 3/2003 Expire date: 05-17-2004 Technology 4.) Amendment effect. 06/19/2003 Expire date: 05-17-2004 5.) Amendment effect. 09/19/2003 Expire date: 05-17-2004 Transportation CONTACT VENDOR FOR COPY OF PRICE SCHEDULE & CONTRACT INFORMATION. Survivalink Corporation design, manufacturers and markets automated external defibrillators (AEDs) used to treat victims of sudden cardiac arrest, one of the leading causes of death in the United States. The Survivalink FirstSave AED is the first and only AED with one button voice prompted operation; preconnected, self testing electrodes; two year shelf life electrodes; compact flash card technology allowing total field upgradability to the unit; and a fuel gauge to monitor remaining battery life. Additionally, the FirstSave features a maintenance free IntelliSense lithium battery that is environmentally friendly. When the battery is fully discharged it contains no hazardous materials, which means it can be thrown away with regular garbage rather than requiring special disposal. Copyright© 2000 State Of Florida a Privacy Statement http:fifcn.state .fl.usIowa snaps/owa/snaps_www.agreements.show?agree_number_str=46519 10/9/2003 11/05/2003 09:48 8136431122 STEVE SHARP PAGE 02 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES JEB BUSH Governor July 7, 2003 Mr. Steve Sharp Cardiac Science, Inc. 16937 Millikan Avenue Irvine, CA 95606 corn WILLIAM S. SIMON Secretary SUBJECT: SNAPS II Agreement #4651951-4 Dear Mr. Sharp: Enclosed is your approved copy of the requested amendment to the above -mentioned SNAPS II agreement. Please review your agreement at .sta s/ and let us know if the information is correct or if revisions are required. If you have any questions, please call Gloria Dixon (850)921-2212, Susan Barr (850)487-6592 or Dorothy Stuff (850)487-3833. incerely, Todd McKay Bureau Chief of I Consulting Services TM/tla Enclosure State Purchasing • 4050 Esplanade Way, Sulte 350, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0960 Telephone: 850-488-8440 • Fax: 850-488-6498 11/05/2003 09:48 8136431122 MAX-29-2003 t4 43 STEVE SHARP PAGE 06 r . K,s..r.o gate Purchasing •ZOO Leplanode Way • 'lifers, Merida 32399O9 • To be completed by the Vander • SNAPS II Tito; CarO1ovaes r Oeftimilletere ► _ lac l One Period I'Y1rej,& 1"vial pipit 171307I No. G 5 -PPS! ` l laves1inaPIritd t -, j. 1,17+ a No. 465t -a [owl Three Period U rtse� L 1 3 No. i is.1_?s1 Loud Four Period • . ' ► r`r' ru v t'? . tl No. _ {6 i 9r S/ -(jI • Federal L'mployment earn or S.& Number tOQI MPS No. r ▪ Vtrlaw Nance Cardiac Selena Inc. tormsrly SurvivsUnk Corporet1an • • *Apr IJJIn 16I37 Avenue • ay Y . sho p • zip 1� • Telephone Number U62-5111-01157 • Tbµp,.e Number 1Is-174-SSSS • Mb intimet *4dm W w`� vennk. C • &mall Address q � j dem • Area be Served .inall ' Psot NuMbor •sty SM BxMbit "A" ettoalned bonito and IGnoorpoeusmd heroin. 1. 1q!ILO$Ii Under authority of Salim 217.012(1 Ho) and 12Eo), the of this proposal h to 'oldish a negoti- oisd agreement for commodities orasivk : that ate not available from�'oldish7srm Lathamt. The agreement will provide slats Purchasing an oppertunN if nouns, amass and determine the need, fame and value of oommodltiss or Ferriass, and the Fassibiley of NA dote term cathode, through iho competitive mesas. tiro agreenvera will Free digll& users from the neeessiy of.bsdning comp.►Itine quotations For a single pun: hoer of oommoi rrlaes totalinalas then Category 9. The ogrwannt does note tempt eligible users from the conp*I . bidding prone's.s in motion 2 7..3. for commodllieshervioes ter ih. mount of Category L IllguOlh users are state igenvis,, federal ag.nde., seun$ss, municipalities, and Institutions qualllled pursuant to 240.605, RI; private nen'prafll manumit/ film .rortatisn coordinators inducting business racial solely to Ih. Cennmiuteh For the Transportation Disodr�antag.d quaffing pursuant to 42710.5. 2. The sdablishmu& of Ws agr.mrnmt does nor oonallulo an endorsement of the products Jds or services by glair Purchasing. 4. SNAPS 1I agreements ors not.iduaive and otherrenden may offer shrhllwrprwduds end swim. Usages isati+SNAPS 11 by dote r.s ehaikble Theo purchasing der siding In C 21le not asemdatoor Vendors and agendas7 F.S. g SNAPS I have ether purchasing 4. OWNING LIMIT& Ilolo sondes issue single purchase orders up w Category II, and Idol .umulsefvdly up to CA l00I1Y ft/ b on agreement yearn Total aguegrwids acquisitions during the oath poor of the comment shall not wowed the threshold wnnoum For Category IV, °asps that aoquisilans by agencies with d oenteogsed pursing functions .hall b. c.nddersd on the basis of each ps.chasing ofgoe that maintains fiulbtlmu purchasing .toll. IL MU, TUML AND MYM11Th Finn prises shell be offered and Include all pecking, handling, shipping charges end delivery unless edherwhe Indiesl.d. The vendor's name end eddrsss shown en invokes nest be Mw41W to the venders name and whims on the purchase order. =ol baser The Stab of Florida doss net par Federal Wise and Soles tones on Arad of to ngible p.rsaral propery. See tat eusmpeon numbsr en tone of purehase order orognem.nt fame, i�eaempllsn doss not vpiy to punkas, of tangible personal poirty in ihy psrfornanon of ograwrostus for the improvement of slNa.ownad real property as defined in Choppier 192, flarlda Statutm b) lnvtdoing end Payment; The vendor shd be paid upon sublimer of properly nettled *relas to the purdnaser al 1 of! 11/05/2003, 09: 48 8136431122 STEVE SHARP PAGE 03 Vendor Nome: EXHIBIT A Stake NcgOated Agreement Price Schedule II Between Department of Management Services AND Cardd Sci•rape, Inc. The above referenced Agreement is modified to contain the following terns and conditions: A. l . CONSULTANTS' COMP 7TlTIYP NEGOTIATION ACT The Eligible User attest determiniii if the services provided by the Contractor meet the definition of professional services as define In section 287.055(2)(a), F.S. If the Eligible User determines that the services to be rendered all professional services, the Eligible User must comply with any and st11 applicable Ia•vs grid rules, including those contained in Section 787,05$, F.S., for the solicitation process. A.Z. INSPECTION' ANI) ACCEPTANCE in addition to the provisions of Section 11 of the Agreement, each phase of the services, including quality of work, rends red under this agreement is subject to the Eligible User's inspection during both the Conlraiitor/Consultant's operations and after completion of the tasks. Whca the Contractor/Consultant is satisfied with the completion of the contracted work, and prior to acceptance of uny phase tf work, Contractor/Consultant shall submit a written request for an inspections to the Eligible , ser's Project Manager. After inspection, the Eligible User's Project Manager will issue a puns list of deficiencies, if any. Upon completion of the punch list, and correction of all dericieripien by the Contractor/Consultant, the Contractor/Consultant Project Manager shill notify rh Eligible User's Project Manager that the work has been completed satisfy. ieriiy, Final ins' ection shall be performed prior to contract expiration dale. A.3. PRODUCT AND SERVI4 WARRANTY t Contractor/Consultwft shall Novi a to the Eligible User a one (]) year written warranty: (i) against poor workmanship, for al: services rendered by the Contractor/Consultant, (it) for all products, mti,erials or cquipmeni, provided by the Contractor/Consultant in the course of providing service to the Eligible tJscr, and (iiy) for all commodities sold to the Eligible User. The worrarrty perinrl shrill begin el' 4 the date of final completion and/or acceptance by Eligible User. Department of INr In = ieS Signature; Print nems;: Signature: Print non . Mi Date: ,11/65/2663 69:48 8136431122 STEVE SHARP 01/31/1003 FRI 9,47 FAI 932 939 1943 CARDIAC SCIENCE AC TG PAGE 04 wuu'fuus • • 91. .:. . ,' -. ._ .. . ._ i,_ . . ..-•-- •y_ •''_ 46 Itpartttand of *tate certify that the attached is a true and correct copy of the Application For Registration of Fictitious Noma of CARDIAC SCIENCE INC., registered with the Department of State on Jemmy 07, 2003, as shown by the records of this office. The Registration Number of this Fictitious Name i G03007700107. CPU= (1416 Given under my hand and the Great Seal oftbe State of Florida at Tallahassee, the Capitol, this the Fourteenth day of January, 2003 jittesLellas=r • '`• , .,, t. 4. r. �, i4 •,• . ,'. -.'. ... ..`i._4• ._. • . 1I • • • • + 4 • _f. • CARDIAC SCIENCE, INC. August 2003 *New Products are being added to SNAPS agreement 4651951-4 effective 8/2003 SNAPS I11 PRICE LIST Automated External Defibrillators Model # Description List Price SNAPS Itr Price 9210RD-2 POWERHEART R AED wl text display, biphasic waveform, extended life lithium battery and Data Card S 3,95.00 $ 2,199.OIT 9200RD-2 POWERHEART AED IN/ text display, biphasic waveform, extended life lithium battery and internal memory S 3,595.00 $ 1,999.00 9300E-201" POWERHEART AED G3 w/ text display, biphasic waveform, extended life liithium battery and internal memory S 2,495.00 $ 1,999.00 9300C-201* HRSTSAVE AED G3 wl biphasic waveform, standard life lithium battery and internal memory 5 1,995.00 $ 1,599.00 No Charge 500230 Rescuelink AED data management softtware $ 39.95 Each G3 AED package Includes the defibrillator, l battery,1 pair of defibrillation electrodes, 1 user manual, quick Start Toot Kit- Includes Quick Start Guide, CD-ROM with AED Manual, Training Uidee, Rescuelink and MDLink, and sepal communication cable. Each POWERHEART R AED package includes the dellbrlllalor,1 battery, 1 pair of defibrillation electrodes, 1 user manual, 1 hauling video,1 rescuelink software Each POWERHEART R AED also includes one Rescue Data Card Delivery Systems Model # Description List Price SNAPS in Prise 9042-003 Soft -sided carrying case for POWERHEART AED $ 139.95 $ 99.00 168-6000" Carrying case for AED G3 $ 149,95 $ 99.00 166-0418" Spare Battery Bag (empty) Attaches to AED G3 carrying case $ 59.95 S 4900 9157 Hard sided waterproof carrying case for AED $ 319.00 $ 280.00 5550 Ready Kit: includes nitrite gloves, razor, scissors, towel, 4" gauze, 6 alcohol preps, CPR mask $ 59.95 $ 40.00 5500 BLS Delivery System Complete; includes 5510, 5530, 5550, 5560 & 5570 $ 950 00 $ 700 00 5510 Empty soft -sided backpack/carrying case far Delivery System S 325 00 8 285,00 5560 02 Kit: includes D-size 02 tank, 02 regulator and BVM $ 400.00 $ 350,00 5530 Empty insert for holding B1.S System in bag $ 75.00 $ 65,00 5570 BLS Supply Kit. includes B/P cuff, stethoscope, bandages, cold packs and other supplies 6 180.00 $ 155.00 180-2021 AED watt mount storage case w/strobe light & alarm $ 399.00 $ 299.00 5630 Rescue Case: wall mount emergency case - connects to security system $ 675 00 $ 590,00 5640 Rescue Case: recessed wall mount emergency case - connects in security syslern $ 675.00 $ 590.00 5601 Rescue Case' replacement batlery $ 35.00 $ 30.00 170-2145 Wall -Mount Wire Rack 5 50.00 $ 45 00 5650 AED Wail Sign $ 20 00 $ 15.00 Page 1 or 2 CARDIAC SCIENCE, INC. August 2003 *New Products are being added to SNAPS agreement 4651951-4 effective 5/2003 AED Accessories Model # Description List Price SNAPS 111 Price 9131 Defibrillation electrodes - two year $ 39.95 $ 30.00 9730' Pediatric Defirillalion Electrodes - two year $ 98.95 $ 75.00 9610 Defibrillation electrodes wish pacing - one year $ 39.95 $ 28.00 9051 Electrode adepter•QUiCK-COMBO'" system S 149,00 $ 65.00 9055 Electrode cable - reverse adapter for QUICK -COMBO system $ 295,00 $ 200.00 9053 Electrode adapter - Zoll® sys tern $ 85.00 $ 45.00 9141F Extended life lithium battery $ 395.00 $ 245.00 9142-001' IntefilSense Lithium Batter for POWERHEART AEDs, G3 only $ 395.00 $ 245.00 9143.001' IntelliSense Lithium Batery, for FIRSTSAVE AE]s, G3 only $ 395.00 $ 245 00 Software Applications, Accessories and Maintenance Model # Description List Price SNAPS HI Price 9152 Rescue data card far AED $ 200.00 $ 15000 180-0031' Additional Quids Start Tool Kit $ 99.95 $ 69,00 9171' US6 Serial Adapter Cable $ 69.95 $ 49.00 9510 1 Year extended warranty for AED 6 350,00 $ 300.00 Education Materials Model # Description List Price SNAPS tlr Price 180-3011* AED Trainer with Manual, Trainng Efecirodes(one pair} & Remote Contra! $ 495.00 $ 299 00 168.1000* AED Trainer carrying case $ 79.95 $ 69 00 180.2080' AED Training unit REPLACEMENT remote control $ 49 95 $ 45.00 • 9035 Adult AED training electrodes {one pair} $ 27.50 5 20.00 9725* Pediatric AED training electrodes one pair} $ 69.95 $ 49.00 9021 AED rhythm simulator 5 619.00 $ 35000 400845' AHA Hoartsaver AED Text $ 12.00 $ 10.00 400846 * AHA Hearrsaver AED Instructor's Manual $ 18 00 $ 16.00 400847 ` AHA Hearrsaver AED Instructor's Tool Kit _5 60 00 $ 55.00 Freight and applicable taxes not included. An RMA number must appear on the outside of the slipping box and can be obtained by calling 8881456.8586. Par customer service call. 800-991.5465; 952-934.4181 Fax 952-93a-2909. O111K-COMBO Is a eademark ofMedtroric Physic) Conbo Corporation. *New model numbers added to price agreement; because they are new, there are no related invoices. Also note, As new model items have been added, other models have been discontinued. Page 2 cf 2 CITY OF MIAMI_, FLORIDA Inter -Office Memorandum TO: Chief William Bryson, Director DATE: October 8, 2003 Department of Fire and Rescue SUBJECT: G3 AED and Accessory Purchase FROM: Allen Joyce REFERENCES: Executive Assistant to the Fire Chief ENCLOSURES: I am requesting permisto purchase the following items: Quantity/Costs: 41- PowerHeart AED G3 ✓41- G3 Carrying Case .47- Ready Kit 429-Set of Electrodes —41- Wall Mount Case A1- Extended Life Lithium Battery Shipping (9300E-201) (168-6000-001) (5550-003) (9131-001) (180-2021-001) (9142-001) Total Costs Note: 82 of the Electrodes will be shipped in Oct. 2005 with a 2 Year Warranty. 41 of the Batteries will be shipped in Oct. 2008 with a 5 Year Warranty. $69,910.33 4,059.00 1,880.00 3,870.00 0.00 10,045.00 2,015.00 $91,779.33 Need: As you know, our department is in the process of starting up a Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) program. An intricate part of that program is placing 41 Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) at various City owned buildings to shock a person out of Cardiac Arrest. The above items will allow these devices to operate properly now and into the future. Benefit: By purchasing the G3 AED and accessories we will have the following benefits: 1. A proven "Life Saving" device used to shock patients out of Cardiac Arrest. 2. Daily self checks of the AED, Battery and Pads. 3. Audible alerts to deficiencies. 4. Viewable Pad Expiration Dates without touching unit. 5. Does not request/require spare battery. 6. Monthly full energy self test with pads. 7. Programmable Energy settings (105-360), 290 shocks with 20 hour monitoring time. 8. Turns on when AED lid is lifted. 9. 5 Year Battery Warranty. 10. Text Display 11. CPR Prompts for the lay rescuer. 12. Pediatric Pad and SVT Cardio version capabilities. Funding: The State has approved the expenditure of the AED Grant funds for this equipment. MFR will pay for this equipment out of the Matching Grant M3004 fund. These products are on the State of Florida SNAPS agreement. Deployment: The 41 AEDs will be placed at City owned buildings throughout the City with the added benefit of protecting the various diverse groups that make up our City. Thank you 03 WED 'Li::fi rill V34 4/000On .JtfF, fl. Mnbs.V CARDIAC SCIENCE Quotation ❑ BILL TO CITY OF MIAMI FIRI[PO# 1 Name CAPTAIN ALLEN JOYCE Address 1 444 SOUTH WEST 2nd AVE r Address 2 10th FLOOR City MIAMI State FL Zip 33130 Telephone 305-416-1610 Accts Pyble Contact Fax 305-416-1680 Date Requested: 10l2!2003 Order ID CARDIAC SCIENCE AEDs third yr•n�rr. r:nn DATE QUOTE# 10/9/2003 SALES REP Juan Gallo SHIP TO CITY OF MIAMI FIRE DEPT. Name CAPTAIN ALLEN JOYCE Address 1 444 SOUTH WEST 2nd AVE Address 2 10th FLOOR City MIAMI State FL Zip 33130 Telephone 305-416-1610 Fax 305-416-1680 FOB: Factory p Destination ❑ STANDARD BILLING TERM Payment Due Upon Receipt RI ❑ Other C.O.D. 0 Credit Card ❑ VISA 0 MC ❑ AMEX ❑ Exp: Tax Exempt NO ❑ YES (If yes. must provide a valid resellers certificate or tax exemption form) SHIPPING METHOD: UPS ITEMS ORDERED: UPS Next Day 0 UPS 2nd Day 0 UPS 3rd Day ❑ UPS Ground QTY PRODUCT CODE # DESCRIPTION UST PRICE QUOTE PRICE EXTENDED 41 9300E-201 POWERHEART AED G3 $ 2,495.00 $1,705.13 $ 69.910.33 41 168-6000.001 G3 CARRYING CASE $ 149,95 $99.00 $ 4,059,00 47 5550.003 READY KIT $ 59,95 540.00 $ 1,880.00 47 9131-001 ONE EXTRA SET OF ELECTRODES $ 39.95 $30.00 $ 1,410.00 41 180-2021-001 AED WALL MOUNT STORAGE CASE $ 399.99 $0.00 $ - 41 9142-001 EXTENDED LIFE UTHIUM BATTERY $ 395.00 $245.00 $ 10,045.00 82 9131-001 ELECTRODES $ 39.95 $30.00 $ 2,460.00 Note: If necessary, we will arrange for service _ $ - _ a replacement of our product. A loaner unit $ - _or can be provided (at customer's request) within 24 _ $ - 24 hours. $ - COMMENTSICONTRACT NOTES: BATTERY PURCHASED SHIPS WITH A 5 YEAR WARRANTY Sales Tax THE POWERHEART G3 AED AND EACH LITHIUM Shipping: $2,015.00 THE 41 LITHIUM BATTERIES WILL 8E HELO AND SHIPPED IN OCT. 2008 WITH A 5 YEAR WARRANTY TOTAL $ 91,779,33 THE B2 ELECTRODES WILL BE HELD AND SHIPPED IN OCT. 2005 WITH A 2 YEAR WARRANTY Signature below authorizes product shipment and invoice per the terns or this quotation/order. AEOs are Intended for use by or on order of a physldan or persons icensed by state law. Signature: Print Homy Tltfe: Date: for PAYMENTS Mall to: Cardiac Science Inc Dept. CH 17106 Paiptine. IL 6008S-710e FAX TO: +1.949.851.4418 www.cantaaadiengaZiLn E-mail: aedordersQgrdlacscien e.cem Nasdaq: DFIB Quotat1ons►Orders Mall to: Cardiac Science Inc. 1900 Main Strout Suits 700 Irvine. CA 92614 Tel: +1.800.991.5465 CARDIAC SCIENCE CARDIAC SCIENCE AEDS CM23,..':'..ifl:F:',:i.17,:.):...,..,:iql,..-:,..i-'.:,..-?Ht,•..v,:c.,..:. AED Accessories POWER91-1EARTAED(3 FIRSTSAVEAEDaa automated external defibrillator automated external defibrillator CARDIAC SCIENCE AEDs PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION CARDIAC SCIENCE AED G3 AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATORS 9300E-201 9300C-201 AED ACCESSORIES AED Accessories Powerheart AED G3 with text display: biphasic waveform and internal memory, 9142 battery, defibrillation electrodes, Quick Start tool kit FirstSave AED 63: biphasic waveform and internal memory, 9142 battery, defibrillation electrodes, Quick Start tool kit 9131-001 Adult defibrillation electrodes: two-year shelf life 9730-002 Pediatric defibrillation electrodes: two-year shelf life 9142-001 IntelliSense lithium battery: for Powerheart AEDs, G3 only 9143-001 IntelliSense lithium battery: for FirstSave AEDs, G3 only DELIVERY SYSTEMS 168-6000-001 5550-003 9157-003 5500-002 180-2021-001 180-2020-001 170-2145-001 5650-001 Carrying case for AED G3 Ezza Ready kit: includes nitrile gloves, razor, scissors, towel, 4" gauze, antiseptic wipes, one-way filter mask Hard -sided, waterproof carrying case for AED BLS delivery system complete: includes 5510, 5530, 5550, 5560 & 5570 AED wall mount storage case with strobe light alarm AED wall mount storage case without strobe light alarm Wall mount rack for AED AED wall mount sign identifying location of AED SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS, ACCESSORIES, AND MAINTENANCE* `Maintenance agreements include: software upgrades offered throughout contract period, 24-hour technical support and network installation assistance. For more Information contact Cardiac Science at: US/Canada Order Entry: 1 800.991.5465 Fax: 1 949.851,4418 aedorde rsgicard iacscie nce.cam Customer Service: 1 888.466.8686 1 949.851.4425 aedsuppert@cardiacscience.com Corporate Headquarters 1900 Main Street, Suite 700, Irvine, CA 92614 USA Phone: +1 949,797.3800 Fax: +1 949,951.7315 United Kingdom Operations Unit 13, Crown Industrial Estate, Canal Road, Timpertey Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 ITF, United Kingdom Phone: +44,161.926.0000 Fax: +44.161.926.0002 International Order Entry: +45.4438.0500 Fax: +45.4438.0501 Email; sales@cardiacscience.dk Customer Service: +45,4438.0539 +45.4438,0501 Email: serviceecardiacscience.dk Minnetonka Operations 5474 Feltl Road, Minnetonka, MN 55343 USA Phone: +1 952.939.4181 Fax: +1 952.939.4191 Cardiac Science Deutschland GmbH Blasewitzer Str. 41, 01307 Dresden, Germany Phone: +0.800.186.0630 Fax: +0,800.181.6596 NEW! CARDIAC SCIENCE Nasdaq: DFIB 1.800.991.5465 W W W.CARDIACSCIENCE.COM EMAIL: AED@CARDIACSCIENCE.COM International Operations Kirke Vaerloesevej 14, DK-3500 Veerloese DENMARK Phone: + Fax: +,01 CE FirstSave, Powerheart, MDLink, Saving Minutes Saving Lives, SmartGauge, STAR, InlediSense, RescueReady, RescueLink, RHYTHMx and Survivalink are trademarks and registered trademarks of Cardiac Science, Inc. Microsoft and windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks am the property of their respective owners. 110.0081.001 Rev B POWER2HEARTAEDG3 automated external defibrillator The Best Just Got Better INTRODUCING THE CARDIAC SCIENCE POWERHEART AED G3 The next generation Powerheart AED has arrived, Our flagship, feature rich Powerheart AED G3 offers customers many new and exciting user-friendly features: • Simple, easy to use, one -button operation • RescueReady" technology now includes partial energy test with weekly self -tests • More instructive voice prompts guide user through rescue • Outstanding voice prompt quality and clarity • Lightweight in a new user-friendly form factor • Industry's first three-year full replacement battery warranty The new Powerheart AED G3 continues to feature our industry leading one -button operation and RescueReady technology featuring our patented daily, weekly, and monthly self testing, virtually guaranteeing first time, every time rescue performance. The Powerheart AED G3 also incorporates our advanced technology features such as the Company's patented and programmable RHYTHMf analysis software and STAR' biphasic defibrillation energy waveform. Industry leading technology and added performance features in a new user-friendly form factor leads the way for the next generation of Cardiac Science AEDs. To learn more about the best choice in AEDs, visit our website www.cardlacsclence.com, or email aed®cardlacsclence.com, or call 1.888.476.5838 (USA and Canada only), CARDIAC SCIENCE Patented RescueReady daily self -test system tests for electrode functionality and connection to the AED. I'OWE-R)F IFARTAED<<t. ,.utumatancl extental clefi•rillator ) DEFIBRILLATOR Operation Waveform Energy Shack time cycle Controls Voice prompts Text screen Visible indicators Audible alerts Synchronized shock Pacemaker pulse detection Programmable Pediatric capability ELECTRODES Minimum combined surface area Extended length of lead wire Supplied Type Shelf life MODEL 9300E-201 Semi -automatic Biphasic truncated exponential Biphasic: variable energy levels (105J to 360J)' Less than 55 seconds for three shock series One -button operation Comprehensive voice instructions guide user through rescue process Displays written instructions to guide user through rescue process RescueReady Status Indicator, SmartGauge Battery Status Indicator, Service Indicator, Electrodes Indicator, Text Display Voice Prompt, Charge Tone, System Alert Built in automatic synchronization feature Yes Yes, via MDLink" Yes 228cm' 1.3m Self -checking, pre -connected to the AED Adult, pre -gelled, self-adhesive, disposable, non -polarized (identical pads can be placed in either position) defibrillation electrodes 2 years DESCRIPTION Powerheart AED G3 Automated External Defibrillator Specifications BATTERY Type Warranty AUTOMATED SELF -TESTS Daily Weekly Monthly EVENT DOCUMENTATION Type Internal memory Playback Communications Clock synchronization PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS Height Width Depth Weight IntelliSense^ lithium 3 year, full replacement Battery, electrodes (presence and function), internal electronics, no energy charge, SHOCK/CONTINUE button, and software Battery, electrodes (presence and function), internal electronics, partial energy charge, SHOCK/CONTINUE button, and software Battery, electrodes (presence and function}, internal electronics, full energy charge cycle, SHOCK/CONTINUE button, and software Internal memory 17 minutes ECG data with event annotation Viewable via RescueLink' software via PC Serial or USB port for PC with Windows Precise synchronization of AED time to dispatch time 8 cm (3.3 in) 27 cm (10.6 in) 31 cm (12.4 in) 3,10 kg (6.6 lb) Ordering information Each AED package includes: (1) defibrillator, (1) IntelliSense lithium battery (9142), (1) pair o1 defibrillation electrodes, and (1) Quick Start Tool Kit: includes Quick Start Guide, CD-ROM with AED Manual, Training Video, RescueLink and MDLink, and serial communication cable. ' Biphasic energy includes full range of impedance compensation and tolerance. For more information contact Cardiac Science at: US/Canada Order Entry: 1 800.991.5465 Fax: 1 949.851.4418 aedordersecardiacscience.com Customer Service: 1 888,466,8686 1 949.851.4425 aed support@cardiacscience.com Corporate Headquarters 1900 Main Street, Suite 700, Irvine, CA 92614 USA Phone: +1 949.797.3800 Fax: +1 949,951,7315 United Kingdom Operations Unit 13, Crown Industrial Estate, Canal Road, Timperley Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 1TF, United Kingdom Phone: +44.161,926.0000 Fax: +44.161.926.0002 International Order Entry: +45.4438.0500 Fax: +45.4438 0501 Email: sales@cardiacscience.dk Customer Service: +45.4438.0539 +45.4438.0501 Email: serviceecardiacscience.dk Minnetonka Operations 5474 Felt! Road, Minnetonka, MN 55343 USA Phone: +1 952.939.4181 Fax: +1 952.939.4191 Cardiac Science Deutschland GmbH Blasewitzer Str. 41, 01307 Dresden, Germany Phone: +0.800.186.0630 Fax: +0.800.181.6596 CARDIAC SCIENCE Nasdaq: DFtB 1.800.991.5465 WWW.CARDIACSCIENCE.COM EMAIL: AEDOCARDIACSCIENCE.COM International Operations Kirke Vaerloesevej 14, DK-3500 Vaerloese DENMARK Phone: +,00 Fax: +,01 ��My1 r�TAR' l // eIPX�51C CE FirstSave, Powerheart, MDLink, Saving Minutes Saving Lives, SmartGauge, STAR, IntelliSense, RescueReady, RescueLink, RHYTNMx and Survivalink are trademarks and registered trademarks of Cardiac Science. Inc. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. P/N 110-0079-001 Rev