HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2024-01-25 AdvertisementMcClatchy The Resnknt C..n:.we Ilse Belleville News -Democrat Be11ittFham Herald Crntre UaBt limes Sun Hes akl Idaho St.ttestn.us Bradenton I ietali the Charlotte Observer The Starr Ledger Enquirer Dill hall The H.taia-Sun fort tooth Stu- Telegram tits Ftevrxt Bee the IsLuut Market The Kansas Cite Star torxmGton I Ierakt-Leader The Telegraph - Slat tus Merced SutFStar Nheinti He.nkl El Nuevo Herald AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Modesto Bee tle `mart Newt - NI t'ctle Beach Raleigh Neh't is Observer Rock MO E The Herald The Sacramento Bee San Luis Obispo I dhow Iaeoma the Newt I[Astute Ts Cite Herald The Wichita Lagk The CAcntp..ui Account # Order Number identification Order PO Amount Cols Depth 33010 508380 Miami Herald 41139 -10 Day Ad - Bid Waiver - Sunshine for A 41139 -10 Day Ad - Bid Wa $3,154.03 3 10.18 in Attention: Maritarmen Lopez CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE CITY OF MIAMI - CLERK'S OFFICE MIAMI, FL 33133 mdopez@miamigov.com Copy of ad content is on the next page PUBLISHED DAILY MIAMI-DADE-FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared: Stefani Beard. who on oath says that he/she is CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS of The Miami Herald. a daily newspaper published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of the advertisement that was published was published in said newspaper in the issue(s) of: Publication: Miami Herald 1 insertion(s) published or. 01/15/24 Affiant further says that the said Miami Herald is a newspaper published at Miami, in the said Miami -Dade County. Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County. Florida each day and has been entered a second dass mail matter at the post office in Miami. in said Miami -Dade County. Florida. for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid or promised any person. firm or corporation any discount. rebate. commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper(s). Sworn to and subscribed before me this 19th day of January in the year of 2024 Notary Public in and for the state of Texas, residing in Dallas County Extra charge for lost or d pikate affidavits. Legal doaxnent please do not destroy) CITY OF MIAML FLCRIDA NOTICE OF PUS HEARING A Outdo Newby ire to road by as C±ty Comte&Ion at it., City a1 Msnt. Fiords on Ttareday, January ed. ECK d 80D AM d OM Hal, Idabel d i600 Pan Ametioan Daiwa Mail Rorda. 33138 for to mimeo of innate the Marna A ptEOSOIilTtONr OF THE YtAM CITY COMsre86toN, WTT11 ATTACIlw 4r 5), By A FttriAFT N (41!TMR) AFFIRMATIVE MOTE, AFTER AN ADVEPTttIED PUILJC HEARING, RATIFYING, APPROVING, AI) CONFIRMING THE t9TY M1WM ER$ BM P ATTACHED AND INCOFIPOFWED, A9 ATTACHMENT it' THAT COMPETRTTVE NEOGITATIONJ METHOOS MD PROCEDURES ARE NOT PRACTICABLE OR ADVANTADEOU8 FOR THE CITY OF MINI, FLORIDA ran" PUFIGJA 4TTO BI TIONa i&aw.) OFm€ CODE OF THE CRTY OF k4MdL FLORDIrI AS AMERCE); WAIVING THE REOUIREhtEHTS IaOfl SAD PROCEDURES; NJTHORQIJCi THE' ALLOCATION OF RJNDB N THE Alt QLWT OF t11$, C Op TO fg UNSHINE FOR ALL, MC., A NO? FOR PROFIT ontio Q11nom FOR 7FE ADMINl8TTJrTION Of CITY OF MANTIS swam RENTAL ABS/slAN= PROGRAM (PROOi;Mr), FOR ONE YEAR OF taimnC ie. WITH AN OPTION TO ENTER INTO A 8t.XOs D YEAR OF GBPACES FOR AN ADDITIONAL 1114,000.00 AT THE 801.E DISCPETON OF THE DEPARTMENT Of HOUSING AND CiOYr&M TY DEVELOPMENTS DfIECTOR OR DESIGNED AS SPECIRED IN ATTACHMENT W. SUBJECT TO THE ANNLABILJIY OF FLNDiti(t F1fiT119i AIfTHOR2':NCI THE CITY MAI4f ER TO NEGOTIATE NO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCU1434T8. IHCJlJON6 AMEtM7YEMT8, E crade1ONE, AND YOOIFlCATTONe, ALL IN A F$RMp ABLE It) 14-E CITY ATTORNEY, t)t navr TO All rrocrtor, Matt AND LOCAL LAMS THAT REMLL.RE THE L M OF MUCH FUNDS, FOR Sue PUTIP CE. TIM MINN CV CerrrAialon requital art dlhaiand parasa d puma ar mpnaerrd d tie mate and mqr be brad Nth respect to sr/ propoldon before Its City Cortrniasian hi *kit M City Cmantsaion may Mat &don. Shedd r'y parson dais O sansa any docMon of the City C craw ion ett mom' to rot Met to be otrtsldared site Doodah, bat moon ats3 ensure the a rsr6afta toad of the procoedhrps hi made Inducing al test rimy rod e 1d,nras DlItt whit Off spOlal rear be twat (F.B. 29tO1Q6) Pursuant 10 *kind Car Code Beeson 2-33(o), damper ■ aafredied City Guarivinion maim! h citem1IpJ a b not WO due m a *co of e swam O r ether efYKroncy, a spacial City Cetront eaa+r mooring ws ba s.rbnied taffy . dt0AMd w V a Ttaeday hnsdafly idlarnp to aerraslsd maattip. !+ tale NAM* et oar d 1ca ac'erernsrtonad adnurabinonr, tha acacia maaatp scald tie hail on Armory SO, 2024, at SOO an In Bs Cty G1mdiaton olamoara loaded d Nand rrtr Hal, SEOG Per Amenoan DIM. dad. FL 33133. Al d the soh.dui.d status tam from that artoalsd nadnp abet auto Todd a be eottedulad es an amnia Sent ad dta ipsoltt City Coniarieut Padre The Chy Clrk rthd not* be tuabrlo vibe Lsda) Twat.; teat a it lake plats by Dadra a notice d be swat Car Conriealon mooting d tie entrance d C7'�r Hd and VIP Mfg Rain sdrhtrtnthe hiMl . P4oct^l a noloe on the Ctbi msteRe. and, t aaaside, IMOM r a0 ti a obollispsr d Wong dnodalon Warn era apa4at erasing an ate inward Wy tailoring Taaaday. mars Mil be no addli nit nation by ptdlotaon muted kw arty Brett sohsdaad mood& tart Mi t r neared 10 Its spachal Cry taornnlaalan are amtp. In s000raanos with to Meows atm Oratrstaa Add 11160O, parsons rtasa p apsoW @Doommatlaaiors to perdoiiala In die proomaiti may contact to Otted of dr Cty dark at (S06) 2606381 (Nboa) no Isar thin MI [67 h Airtime dear prlarb Its pruoesdnc TTY uses mar od rla 711 ('brut Relay Bonitos) itos) no err thin fie (6) Duaitllr doe prior to to oroosad e. 'Paid B. Hsmon CRtr Clerk Ad No. 4^ 139 EQOIE rlrtst MON CAR It DESIANTTS we as piny m fight Ewe eith lone gaped- nrbaEfesbea[nda bl aard wdhkra, the Saturdo stweeh.mga- 11tua kv the two Imam, ewer PAl te.er lAn Lk..n.,4ew 1versam a at *nerd... ire mine So - rune so arrm from the crowd that people wen fanrdng Th.-nicely. with Delnrtl. 2024 pacatd.. Vat ea Fls<de's guxn- oor aak Ns fund pt(M4 to the first tomMahng(oh tot A the campaign 10 rm the Ecpllt5an presi- dentkU nonanat111. the doyeina m*4ry 6ka Do441rn ' lanmg tent,em- ben -- was doff vlt to Ignore. Tempnalmes so ex- pected to remain below 0 dcgror. on MwwMy as km* . brad to prcaysts a {purse different from a type. pa.nc• .inn that teyrr :paa. to be rtree. . 0o l'l tan canddates re for.td lu weep some -pet.0n campaign btim. the weekend as a saad hose down on the *Late d .n Sa,W day. a lkw poll Ault a n{Ma(Y,n for :kWh L'4 1:ing (la[ W rIHJrs Mowed [eSamis m third Mae warning n a potental/a damaging ewe for . canlid1r who went ,1-r on We don t krsnr what the team[ is gang robe Ike," !kerns ued durum a End*1 can null .appnt- • . rohMulod after he war forced to cancel an x.xevent. 'With the h.+etthie eNd. ratlu 'hocked if e wet a MO tursm - FLORIDA SOP LEADERS AND ONTO I0WA To Eh Dolarnit' hop.. dorm N fhraa Rroth- 4rns haw descended pon Mira tri meow t cmpaign to the gmr- nor. Mos sought to sue e nest ate the Natal winter wealth., hut kr001 rhwow wMieed Ow Myles a puerd. "1 Lt.* it aught bra Bak different intakes on Mots e, Hiabab Mao k I here in Des Nuked.' FLMMA Ed onion 000- seaYr Manta Mar Ira, tetta (MINN, (rn Noma n1Elfa110tWay, eked w Ib Mithem ui Dei.n. hi "met re Woo five Moines. 'h'. Iec1R tough ma that. I girt Honda Mood, lit a lil,1: •h.n to a might lake a 4mt seror* lord to.' 1ko00* matt Rep CAM LaMarn, who reprt1ml Tun t Rrtwra01 County. attend hi De Baits on Focht. hank escaping the night e.neallann,w rho wreaked hawk ern toot as trawl to knee Tit Add that hr *pate to 4Urca,dd woman who was hesitant to M. up to mammon Monday. Ems [leak, A< set. 'e st can - mined to do het tear' to get to ter c•uclo see. "I Undo the weather e Ming 10 Maya dig NTL became Thy Mee to he there: LaMar., sari `They're not voting (u- tre; they. not :rein he mad. There're gouts to be room cd ,b thou thing." The nooks oval make or beak the Ut Sams 0,opargn which has in- ward significant tremor And met le ken NEW POLL A Het Limnos Re got N NC New, **Locum pot released 6aturday night found tksantls' hymen falling to 16%. down freer tour in Dmmmnrr. Homer Smnmrerun,(:o.. Nips !Take use nand. at 2O% *We.. . TM& ra . ns.cn As of bar moat Duke one (*Same meet Sam*. prank- . :uwee eu„hed ,at alter n(er,upmp the game Ting to present the governor dap A 'p•rtikipeta,n UV, Mr," a gone al eaptr.a- Supporters of Renck Gov Eton DtSatrs wet to hear tan W 0Nl Gums gaily RR* Never Back Doan woo PAL hoWtmarten on Sonde, h, Wet Des Manes baw towns Mai Tromp ns ears- tom hum the campaign. y win rM enk.e living r.mliderm have to 9m there are ram Might apnea. DeSamw' wppnms are Irma re NOW IOWANS 5EE rt thlwaok than l0kv'a. Insneg!ia and *her 11rr. 1umW4M to the po4. And *akrpu4Wansare hole- dw Awn cau'u.rr arc mg Never Mask Mwn. the 1Anw•lnv uSr0dtt1Me pro -De ame super PA(: +2tsks that have the pan' that organized suu*a[ s 4116411 [00etare "WI- ewm, ahead of the .au- ds.. once seen a. bey- rime 4S09W acid that ,hots- be mold spend the corn. "Umprng to talk aMn ng days oolong phone rips -moor. aoI l tape.s cans and knxkmg inn the governor to win: *id Om* to loam 0e+anl0' Fkurda nrre son. Maine ea,Midacv. lroprglia, who armed m The gel o to emote Dee Mutm inn Sr11Nay tour DoSamla remains to help hum Dream* hrn0.:udeentcr in that 'MA.a Redmond* does mode of men* even in not follow the tame nabs- the tam to inform tent- MT.1 when a comes to the (*Meares. After wrapping (sots and Mr rumple ehn op hi. torn. n Wen Dot are leading the poll. dm't Moines no *,lordly after- rnsduaadk auolata to. noun. De:Saml. trod off a win m low A" [o his neat. tap in Deem In an appearance m Fna port. math Shoe hove New Sunday, De'namt rat at Des Mobrs. said he expends(row SW ewe10.S. what mauler to M a'N.hl ten'r.Ca0g1N to Algid pour.' mat resets nem- vnntela acknowledged Fast Counter Service TROPICAL GLASS and CONSTRUCTION CO. 7933 NW TTH AVE., MIAMI, FL 33150 www.tropiealglassmiami.com (305)757-0651 (954)462-3711 BRUCE ROSENSTEIN, PRES. CGCw01R430 GLD OF 401AY1 FLORIDA NOTICE OF_PURI tC HFAtjlt4R A 0o.0 he0eg sum W NW to alp arty Commission Q eat Cy of M1eM, FMxba on Th,Alday Mossy 25. 2024. M 9.00 A M at City HMI. bcMa4 at 354A pan A000k.n Dow, Miati. Ramis UM Moo the ,raper el grwWtsg the Wooing: A RESOLUTION OF THE WASH PTV COIMISSION, WRH ATTACHAENT4S4. BY A FOti0.FWTHS (AVM) AFFIRMATIVE VOTE, AFTER AN ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING. RATEYING. APPROVING. MO CONFIRMING THE CITY MANAGERS RN10daG, ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED. AS ATTACHMENT 'S.' THAT COMPETITIVE NEGOTLCDON METiODS AND PROCEDURES MEE NOT PIIAC11GASLE OR ADVANTAGEOUS FOR THE CRY OF MAW, FLORIDA )'C(TY') PURSUANT TO SECTION' 18.851Ai OF TM CODE OF THE CRY OF MINAL /SAMOA. AS AMENDED WMVNG THE REOWEMENTS FOR WD PROCEDURES, AUTHORIZING THE ALLOCATION OF FUROR N THE *moven or SH5,000.00 TO 9Ur*Se*NE FOR ALL, NC.. A NOT FOR MOT' OVIOAN1E0T10ra Pt. 114E ,a0srN,rtM1'OM OF OM. OF *Mb*H BENKMI RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (-PROGRAM'1 P0R ONE YEAR OF SERVICES. VYMTH AN CPrl04 TO ENTER INTO A SECOND YCAR Of SONRCE.S FOR AN ADDIT10FNL, S115,000.00 AT THE SOLE DISCRETION Or TIC DEPARTMENT or HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMOITS DIRECTOR OR DE9i1NEE, AS SPECIFED N ATTACHMENT •A' SUBJECT TO T.E AVMLABLfTY OF NJN0NO, FURTHER AUIHOR2t40 THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EIECUTE ALL NECE58ARY DOCU,AENTS. INCLJ01N0 AMENDMENTS, EXTENSIONS. ARO MODIFICATIONS. ALL N A FORMS ACCEPTABLE TO THE . TY ATTORNEY. 9UBEECT TO ALL FEDERAL. STATE AND LOCAL LAWS THAT REGULATE THE USE OF SUGs FUNDS FOR MID PURPOSE. The Miami Cat Coteeishan mom,* W ,neraatW Pew be >aeam or reo,NNrbd el Pre neetin3 a001 may lot heard sum WIRT a any pm00alaao Men dee CM Co m **.00 es en rh TM CNy CommisMon mew lag, mien. Showed any Moen deem to scot* any datlaan W the CAN Coawe.*on win twee.. b ere wall. to et,, :onsws. ^Ad at thee 0N0laww, that Pewee, eh.e emits* M • holden, mooed of Me proetwon e w node bekrehe All keetknon3 and ..Once ,Awn which any .meal rem be lewd if S. 294.01051. Pursuant N MOM Coy Code So:(An 2-33Ia4 whmw-m a FcnulM9 Ply Conenemm meeting 0 cancell. or a ntM Mb dh, m a to a of a quorum a oleo ,rowan:. a soar. CAy Camm,aaton esteems HE be autorutl4W atLNIMd lot Me Tuesday e*rdiebety ktlow..1g Ina oa.c04od ...Mg N The *eel of dap el Pm Ncremermaned drcumIan0es. tM •pedal mserind would lot held e. daeosry St. 202a, .t ab0 • ma ne the Cary Comm+..on th0u0.n bowbd at mere Coy "fa. . 3300 Pen AmeHte, Deity. Moog FL 33,33. 04 W h eelmiuko agenda hems prom tog ren0ae0 m•gnp anon *mmete ny be echo..•. •e an pema rt.m at lea. *one.. CA, C.,,,a taaww Tye Cily Clore aletl dwell: the out** W the *NON meting inn N b too tare ay Oscine • THta el the special Cy Cmentession Among M ern enter.. a CM tYR ars1 I Ws men prneseramw WHIN, pl*ang a nam. on the Oh% eee•Y. end. H Mandl.week. m..4 a, a rw».o.oer d o,,wrd *MA'AM Wen Hu special mNSw pan the hemNAatM) blodn9 Tw ear There OW Oa ,Me elwaw notice by ,Laeabon 0cuueu ea any men aclae*Nd WIMP DPP MO N mosso to Me spatial City CnnmNeian m0Nno. In imerelemie waft Myriaaawn DONN.OM AN to lgd0, moutons needing .metre atee0R•M1M • Mies.* R RN p90aedine Nov *mime M Odor 0, aw Cy PM at (3081250SM, Nuke no Moo Ne+r snro lSl mend.. awn prwr el the 1,*0*0r>Yp. Tie WOWS wry ray we 7*1 Moo. RNay 1.•M0W I no bow Ban Me (5) errant,. dews ette te nna ptoos•Mns. Todd S. Hrnpn -"- Caw Gear. Ad No 41139 Ow the rurrrm 110401t. i. NU, than ctmem polling r,. Mao they're ,hoes. Moon.including MMTan `Am -thin he doe. 62. Abu awed a Kr lbar'* about the prying w 0 Mau two Ch.. Area. apod meta. atmow He end (hat he MO plans olnn' pacer said. b (9fawm 440415. but DeSiawbraa)wUs- that Mee s •l*,t* taled that tM Time ri- ng the weater. inks whim -yet they mite ITO on' to kW* good he, won', Am *mu h:s rn trot goon.' campaign. He's as to '. wm0 a0teded Tigre' t0 Haley's borne e' *wean in WN, Matt of Suotb Carolina .n Saturday. which holds that Me p.m. he's.u8 Jading dentalprmare in the Pension, flaky South, the day Cher the n the uwR einem. before head.: nominating contrM. to Nov Hemperine ad tie ,aid Mat he Mar, that et that nett. MR 2 e epn- ne: 1 lle4h. hew m0T. rc a* g0,1110fl. LVMarca. the Florida come.en it en tote eep esentstke, add hemp, the dell tauth4 ha eppKh 004aMN knew Abet. than ,he In remain m the pyre drug yno don't know.' denial rare Grp at kav Stag, hr noted, 4401.0 le• thrwyth Sm.0b Cedmi . 'should be rewallod' for *Mars.* Ftb. 24. the cioee ARPnikw,w and 'I cant s ea4 to the hit all. haw pail to campaign or the Arwem,r, NAVY. bin my gm (ells me he't m The bq,pusun e a for the fist three whether Iowa rotas Mg web.' UN area *id. Maachi reward Ike.- '(:anal an trend hum to ou MotdA, tor hat New tfaropet te and rp• crime Dan Green. 47, rattly in South Carolina." who rnvrkd to Ida him. Vero leach, TM Ian week Mar GhY•n ed. o voluteet wise Veer 0012MexGym.001 NA..% Donn, said the !VSem, sewer has to pectoral bean m the .are SOUTHEAST OVERTOWNIPARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PLFACF ALL TAKE NOTICE. the Roma DT Coln,nnbtws mestZ1g 01 that SO4theat O.erbowN0ark West Comm* Redeye4Dmmnt Agway (SEOPW CRA1 A edlenied t0 take pace On Ttwr1OEy. Jarwmy 25. 2024, at 10:00 A.M. a poem anwt to Moms Cosy NAP MOO Pan Amwx0411 Carve.. Wang, FL 33133. AE 'Marmara (l0raolyl are swami b attend For mere miamatim. pease contact the SEOPW CRA pare. m (3051 679-6800. Aar No 41141 James 0. McQueen Execus+e Creator Southeast Oveoown/Park wept Camwnay Redevelopment Agency RELI(\BLE r fl,•. E R SYSTEM- •. P,10Mlear . WO of likIt Al.. '1 $500 OFF A Whole Home Automatic Standby Generator* Why Reliable Power Systems? N Dependable •• Ready to wads •• Relat.onohlp-dnyen •. YOUr Trusted Experts fur Dyer 20 y08f9 •• Team of 10O. ProlesSiaral. Harm to A5o41 •' Award Winning ServIGe e Tutimey Expel tame Dedicated to You, Sate -Jarman Request Your Free CrsnUsel(atior. (786) 481-0701 NOW offprint; GENERAC POWER PRO PRE ER McClatchy Tlw F4autot t C,a7mr Ilw Beflevdle Near -.-Dens l at nellingh m Herald Cenhe Dade Tunes St„. He,41d Idaho Statrsman tR...ientem 1 Jerald The Charlotte Observer The Stag. Ledger Cryniret rhutum i The Hviald-sun ran 11'oeth Star Telegram The Frt5rw tee Ilse Island Packet The Kansas City Star Lternst.ns I1nak* Loader The Telegraph - Nid1011 Mr. en! Suu-Slat \ii..mi He,wkl El Nuevo Herald AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Modesto Bee The Sam News . Myrtle Beach Raleigh News it Ut eivtr Rock 1T111 ( The Herald The Sacramento Bee San Luis Obispo 1 t itrnr lae*ma I the News 1nhune Tri Cih' Harald Th %Vichita Eagle The Olympian Account S Order Number Identification Order PO Amount Cols Depth 33010 508435 Miami Herald 41140 -10 Day AD - Authorize CM - MCID SAP - 41140 -10 Day AD - Autho $3,154.03 3 10.18 in Attention: MariCarmen Lopez CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE CITY OF MIAMI - CLERK'S OFFICE MIAMI, FL 33133 mclopez@miamigov.com Copy of ad content is on the next page PUBLISHED DAILY MIAMI-DADE-FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared: Stefani Beard. who on oath says that he/she is CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS of The Miami Herald. a daily newspaper published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida: that the attached copy of the advertisement that was published was published in said newspaper in the issue(s) of: Publication: Miami Herald 1 insertion(s) published on: 01/15/24 Affiant further says that the said Miami Herald is a newspaper published at Miami. in the said Miami -Dade County. Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County. Florida each day and has been entered a second lass mail matter at the post office in Miami. in said Miami -Dade County. Florida. for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement: and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid or promised any person, firm or corporation any discount. rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper(s). Sworn to and subscribed before me this 19th day of January in the year of 2024 Str,phAnie, Ha t4r Notary Public in and for the state of Texas, residing in Dallas County STEPF{.4NIF HATCHER i• My Hour/ I ()1133534506 E* res January 14, 202d Extra d arge for belt or duplicate affidavits. l.epi dot,.nent please do not destroy CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINQ A publlo hoodoo +m11 bo ha l by th. ter [omnla.ion of the City re Karel, Rance on Thuredlpr, Jemmy 26, 2024, .t BOO A.M. at City Hal. located ed 8600 Pen American Or*re, Men, Ronda, 39133 to to Purpose of pranrin8 hem tclarirQ A RE8OL.UTION AUTHORZN0 THE CITY MANALIEii TO NEiiOTYC E ASO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT MD QIITCJJM DEED ('DEED% IN A FOAM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, TO CONVEY THE CITY ONWED PROPERTY LOCATED AT 0150 NORTHEAST 4TH AVENUE, MAUL FLORIDA ('PROPERTY'). AT THE TIME OF SEIXifICATICel OF FINAL FLAT CONTEMPLATED N RJFTTHERANC£ OF THE wale CITY M1OVXT1014 DISTRICT BPEGNL AREA PLAN. TO MOD MIMA. LLD OR AN AMUSE E ENTITY MEE1INQ THE CITY MANAGER" APPROVAL AT T111E OF CONVEYANCE (V tX)1, PURSUANT TO SECTION 29.B(A3 OFTHE CHARTEFT OF THE cnY OF MIAMI FLORIDA. AS AMENDED. FOR THE PURPOSE OF DB/EU:WINS THE PROPERTY IWO WORKFORCE AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING; CONT7UNFID A REVERTER PROViStON VNTH TERMS MORE PARITCULAii.Y CMGPI8ED IN 8AD DEEOS FURTHER ALMi0f62NQ TrE CITY MANUIDEFI TO EXECUTE ANY AND ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, N A FORM ACX`,£F'g18t.E TO THE CTY ATTOR*EY, AND TO 'ME ANY AND ALL A0Mw16TRATIVE ACT1ON6 NECESSARY 1n EFFECTUKTE AND OAFRY OUT 114e RESODUT1Or1 The Ward City Comrainion mquu.Y ell 'moiler* panes be poem or re Er eieried et the meelin0 ttutl My be Beam with reeeeet to orb Ot000slton before tee Qty Carenilcn In Mhldr the Qty Cornnlasioa new lake motion Should rs aeraen dolts b epokee l war decMon of the City Comniedon IOW reaped to m meter to lea oenaldersd at fhb ne.rinp, tot person W WI ansun Sat s verbetm meccrd of liu arecandreos le made Inducing al t•eeirnry an0 Miro, upon +which any appall uwy be based (F.8. 266.0104 Pursuant to inure lSy Coda S.rtioe ! 33(n), answerer a schndu'ad My Cmnrttnkon metro kt Cateetled or el not held due to a lade Cf a OuONm Or adder anaryrroy, a eipscW Cty Commfeton nwlrp oil be amorradoaty achedried trine Tiseerleer Inmed misty Mowing be cancelled media. In the wont of one Of ?ha Moir w1on.d d rounenoas, the twit err hg raid be held or, .iertta y 8Q 2024, a S 90 am. h the Qty Cormieekar ohamben bated it Ides! I Olty Heel)., MO Pon Amerken Drive, Alas(, FL 311311. Ai d be eahedubd Spends inn ?Toni tf:f Orwdtmd mining shag anceitioafy b• •caitined M en Nelda Rem at tn6 eDeclr C b Camlaekon ireslrtp. Ttro Clti Clerk atoll nobly Tee cubit of the wadi medhq the 1. b trim plane by placing a ratio el the mooed City Cnnrission marina d the anteroom d City Hal and the Cly. man administrate* buidro. pteoiip e MC* on the CRY`s unbolts, wed, I tenable. fraatna rn ed In • nwaso.Psr d gerund otratlatbn Wore the speed mewing an Ta tmndte.N taming 1UeeAey, There NM be no addict* (»Cce by biticabon requtvd for errf soon scheduled Kinds bon tnl Y nand he the spec Qty Cornnbsion In acca-danco wan i e Mwdans ,oath Dnaabikiiaa Act al 188O, eraone manna ap•de1 eaconnnode long to pailokpan In this proca•dng ninny oxtail #a Cram aft, C Ity Mark at (306) 2601161 {Nokia) eta INN Than M (6} budress d e m prior Tn the peaoeerti^a TTY moon fret OW Ws 111 (Fie** Rely Srrfwj no later than nue (6) business *rota prior to ilia prceeed 1g. Todd B. Iiennon Clerk 1'� Ad NO. 41140 w1*:,, WOW it •. PN4 µaka TRINITY pips to 6ttambnale l:wrnry'r nrang tk(an- meta ter a reudenual development with 462 gMnnxnt female ranging from maw to Inme- heaon0.mrK-Mtnmtat tod..sew. Auk' rent. rc expMed rat range from atom 22Xi0 Per mono up le i6300 per mond. Amenitita Include • is...L ow , and pickkhail the hitori.. admit a, whose coon doe TO the IAYns, will remain on. [coed. tom the church wail Ind a tow 4-000 nryare. ran cathedra nag. mein Mws<, outdoor rauklca. onion for admmntrab,r, owl parking garage. The tudwdral is the flagship of the tptw,pa Diocese SdAmtheaa llwda, which calends hum Ero Wear to lenses Head m gam county and the eaoem part d Hendry County. 'that nwngmga,rian is Pennon and m wane nvke Iwo my d war Mop' ob. and space. We arm an 0P.n n of faith where aH�dage welcome," sad O email taw Very Res roRam100 it.berao. Cathedral prows. Roberson said the new 4,,000-nowe-to m apace n help Morn .erne taw $tummy o*suer<wrnm. rich awkaes a spans. speaking ca4grcgaton 414 LCRTq•: miry. Mc Foie, will rot m;y en anoe the pa1Nuoner earerlee.m, hoe al., hrhr the chink mengrhen and btati .ommunib among therm L.ierwaer leieh- boo, sad Eunersns They plan rebore. by offering n tnnm,a6av activities he CNhedN macs such as cogs and fitness ruses and Namibia up Men v0tawer lid pan- to service to mow expeH- rciry homeksanem trawl me:'mlly. praeede 1r:m the Wed lean Mg go toward tit. .ham.. :sw attu.Wbk bowing projects through - mil Sham -Erode Cont), card a .1+*egw<wn Imp Tteuta l'wei affadahle housing pm.. in the tulle Naomi area are in Ise de.grh p0Me. the "mgeg ni m is yet ammo rekgknn mgani. IatYa m]9**4 Imo the 'instill... t real mate market In Deormhee, the M„mtnn CMan0 spent SIN nalho on on ware. houses in Hialeah. 'The nondenominational CI,o,. en Reverend TO lakes announced nced afamd.a.k Romig Coders hone W. ua Kann and Hal- landale leach that .ant month. AAA, Iwo years ago Picket's Siam ton hmtran Lonna 'theca re bold A haprnse csnd.antswn m ds wa- tedomt w3e Withoe Rion/mum hat Seim, Add a Lev h6 ternational caul the doe!. smitten should break ground he 201' and he completed by 2010. At the Moment. the next .rep ahx timing motif he Ming r.r budding perm.. whwh w coveted to hµp pen sane lime the TM cathedral will ...min 1, x M on `The location w moor tk' Araid odd. "I like that you've u'.e rat prom pram. d land that or undeveloped right by twit I.. Il . very EMI" Mat au.ethao very bigb end wig by matt .do tame pees danti fen confident not Om At gong m lse gotnelh.g .nerd a the future CHURCH OF THE HOLY CHEESECLOTH Tnnin F.P,seoral Church has sat on the um bonern Edgowaur for 9$ Ants, but nor wary lines even bother hack and connect. to one of alumni's emiest pmneer. Said Paul Cetrga, reade.. NNNodan at IllittoreMianti. Led by Nev. W;Liam C. Cony, lurch mermhere Rea stared gathering in M96, ha !ails le ha.< a pennenent home. Than came hing Tome, the woman nicknamed the "}Wier of Mugu' anhi credited with emkng r4,nda Eno Cann gni. waVe Ikon' Hagler to mound aM, 3suffi MLeat, Ytaplr'. Inwesmcm vermin *winter, a Nor, known frig as wars.s men A Y.eny nwhgrira tome lom.a tan ea Gray'. 4adenh04 and joined Tiudy Ep.n.o.4 Chinch. donating land N downtown Miami for the conienati. or a style note, wW-hamai church_ It soon became human a. she `church wed the holy c*onnodote wire genders opening win Dove coected Ma Olathe - sloth to 4Wa b epees to in hut but keep bogs a )dean later, chianti leaders .wild the site and used the money to hos its tAl rent home in Edgewater where fantod fanaohitestHarold Hastings Month designed the cathedral. Doors a(wm:d N 1926 thw the decadcl. Tr*. ay !warm the goo plan for south .crow 0 lout - nativ Nil Haggs' hnenl servae 6d place at Trish ay. stem Iran where he winked es an editor for the The sMtyyniami eim.spete. Hewv ore memo at thy former Moon, lleralJ beolguar- tos H0.apw Nay. Modes bang w<u-knnwn as an editor. Haaga is rind- aed w;th woos be nano, sake Hilt Flagg" Cape )la AAA lute pwk un ken &scone own deyel- crown! "The church.' Georg< saa,L .w pan xrn place. rai, ate., w03 ured.,<d a[h ftnas ial .uappsro from Trish .w lace Non ar.l frown owws.uhnprner It ,Mott f Fonda Acne end ,sloop tewaanFN, N p.MtMtaip soak karwel- iwn F.adlkg Penmen. The Miami Mead amiat 1111 Ten wimnrtu.antre Mrem ant. Southeast OTertown/ park West Community Redevelopment A (rncl NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINQ The board of Commissioners ('Bodd-) of the i0y(6G3H_ tenletaf Park West ('Jmmunln' Rcdwdabment Agin, CILIUM CRA-1 will load a Public limning on Thunder. )aurora 29, 202a. we 10:00 arm a anytime thereafter in the Cars Commotion :lumbers knifed at Miami (;ay 11411, 350n Pan American Urns. Mtauu. FL 1)113. The board trill cotubler the alk,cautn of funding tr SAL hoe Developments. Inc.: to underwrite casts associated with the AJC system and cooling tower wphccm mt i'Palomar) at The H,a.ric Mt. Zan, Mtenfado baptist Chant 1caed at 301 N.W. 9` Street, Mums. Honda, 33136. In accordance with the SEOPW CRA 20I8 Redevelopment Plan Update ('Plan") and Florida Statutes 163, the Rowed will (mailer the allocation of funJiny, in an amount lotto aired Two Hundred Three Thousand Sewn Hundred Dollars and No Con 12203,700.MI for the Purpose stated dose Inquiries regarding this notice moo he addressed to J.0*n McQueen, Execmise Dn.ttn. SEOPW CRA. a (303) 679.6800 This anion is being considered pursuant m Sections ISO (a) of the Cock of the (may of Miami, Florida AS amended ("Code'). The recommendation and findings to be considered in this matter are sat forth in the pmp,aed resolution and in Gut Serums I5.10 (a). which are deemed u, be Incorporated by «krence herein, and are wadable as with the scheduled SEOPW CAA Budd meeting on Thursday January 25. 2921, al 10411 a.m. to *wenne thereafter in the City COnlinisaam chambers located at Miami City Hall. 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Eloreda 31133, All clan otenita d gontions with respect lit the megmg and remote public partwtpahnn 3hesukt be addressed 1n )antes Mc -Queen. EosounK D,,o,o oc a 819 N.W. 2" Avenue, ant Four. Miami Florida 33136 (306,1679 04100. Should any person denre to great any decision at the Board with respect to an) miner e.mwi1er.d at this mooing. that person doh ensure that a verhatun record of the proceedings le made. 00o10.dit* ed te*lmwmy and m'<t ten: a upon which any appeal nu) be based (FS. 256.01053 1n acconlanee with the Amencao. with Dinnbiiines Act of 1990, perumm needing special accommodations to pectic -note to this proceeding may costume the OIFwe of the City Ckrk at (3051 250-5)61 (Voice), not Inter then two (2) business dimm pitew to the proceeding. 'ITV mem may call 1: .Fonda Relay Service). not later than two (2) bossiness days prior to the proceeding Todd IL Hannon Ad No 3I I a Cierk at the Board Svuthcaat OTertowid Park Nrnl C'uunnuni(2 Redrt eduyrurnl AEesh). NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Board of Commissioners (•baanr) of the 5IA0Jeo0 Osmmml Pod Wtat C mumnity Rni.9elaparnt Agency PSFFTPW CR U w0l hold a NW: Hraru4 9n Thstoulay, Jasuar, 25. 2024. at 10:00 a.m. or agape th.r.aner m the Gn commission :hampers located at Miami (ate Hall 3500 Pox American ()nee. Miami, IA. 33133.'the Bom.l boll consider the dews am of funding to: 1Twins- Iosephme, incorporated: Gateway Airport (-aMscessiwa. IM0.; Haynes II.rbo,*o Gawp, was.; and The Miami -Dads North Arts. and Hunssuitul Foundation. Loc. 1 the 'Orymitatio.o't. In accordance with the SFOPW (:RA 2013 Rsdecolopm.nl Plan l'rnLlte ('plow') sot TL.H.M G.H3.. lat. the R.tar.f ...ill e,.na;.l.. the .IL.aao„.n of tunduy,3 in an aggor gate amount in the (kgamraoinn, !lit 10 ea.erd Ouse I hundred Semento•Four tlmwund M*o* IDuhdied C,gtdy-Name Dollars wed Zoo Cents ($ I74,989,00) for Arts and CWture. Inquiries regarding this nonce nay he adklremed t:., lames M.(3orrn. Faerome Direomr. SNAPW CRA. a (3051 679 1100 Iles action a bung considered pursuant to Sextant IV -SS is' of the Cork wet the City wet Mimi, Florida as amending ('Curia"). the recnmmeadanon and finding to be considered in This ,Haller de set torah wet the proposed tewdutimt and in Cade Sections IN-65 UI, which are deeme.l to he tn.nrpswatej by mieence boom and an a. ailahle as with the o hoduluh SEOPW CRA Board .cuing an Thursday, Iweluary 25, 2021, a 10:00 a.ns a mistime dhrealter in the City Ghmmmnm : h:unher, k coated at Mums CM. 1140. 3500 Pan American Drift. Miami FL 33133. All comments and questions with ^expect to the meeting end emote peal. Ivuwjptmn should be addrssend W lama Mo(2uecn. Executive Director. at 219 V.W. 2" A wns..kd AN*, &b mi Florida 33136. (.gr' (679 6800. ShoJd any person desk* to appeal any decision of the Hoard with reopen to any smatter considered a this netting. that person shall endue that a re bairn m ord of the prociredm s is made. including all testimony and elidese upon wbkdl my appeal toy he based I F S. 28601061 1. accordance won the Americana with /hsabla vs Act M *003, persons needing special accunu Kdatiom to participate in this proceeding may c..oe t doe ors.w ..( doe cal. Choi. at (R.sl 35...e3AI (n'0..eo ..m late, that two (21 business days prior to the proceeding, TTY omen may esti 711 (Florida Relay Sense), not later than two 21 business dens prior t6 the (woceeding. A4No,41142 Todd R Bannon CUES of dw Bard CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINQ A pab0C hearing war be held by to Cty Cammseion of the City W /Atm. Portia wen Thwrtfay, January 26, 2024. t 900 A M a City Nall grow et 3500 Pen Aanarkan Dram, Mount, Florida. 33133 for tie porno. of seaming tin Idkwag: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEOOTUTE AND EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT AMO QUITCLAIM DEED ('DEED"), IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE OTT ATTORNEY, TO CONVEY 711E OTY- ONWED PROPERTY LOCATED AT 8150 NORTHEAST 4TH AVENUE. MIAMI, Fient0A ('PROPERTY'), AT THE TIME OF RECORDATION OF FINAL PLAT CONTEMPLATED IN FURTHERANCE OF THE MAGIC CITY INNOVATION ofsTRICT SPECIAL AREA PUN. TO MCD M03UL LLC OR AN AFFILIATE ENTITY MEETING THE CITY MANAGER'S APPROVAL AT T)ME 09 CONVEYANCE I'MCD'i. PURSUANT TO SECTION 2842fA) OF THE CHARTER 04 T11F CITY :A MIAMI R040)6 A2 AMERCED. FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEVELOPING THE PROPERTY ttTO WORKFORCE AND AFFORDABLE NOOSING: CONTAINING A REVERTER PROVISION WITH TERMS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN SAID DEED: FURTHER AUTHORIZING TNF COY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ANY AND ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS M A FORA ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND 70 TAKE ANY AND ALL ADA8008TRATNE ACTIONS NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE AND CARRY OUT TICS RESOLUTION. The Miami Cur Csmnmlw*n reegnts ore sweated P.M. be pr.Nm or represented a the mewling and mar be heard rah reaped to arty Proposition Wont the ply Cormm0on n Mien Ira Cary Cwnmseke may take actin $howl any person dostrn to appeal try dec.. of dw City Comrwssai With 090*0 n to My matter to be tansidwsd a t,N masaa, nor owenn shoe e...... that a morb.im r000rd of Ito 0m6eedat9* 4 ,node Inp.dnt so ea0un10.M and odd.. upon which try appeal may Oa based (Fos. 248.0105). Purwant b Marro C4Y Code Beaton 23310. ~one a sensation City ConenuMon mauling s carscea.d co n nil said due to a late ea a quorum or near nmw0try. a inorat City Comma won mooing Mg M'vaeMg:M-f FchedMd for the tu..osy wnmedaty Winnow the :dammed meeting. In me wont of one of the lfaementoneo crccumetarwesthe special meeting wale be nun on Japery 30 702a. t 900 a m. r. Ise Cite Comnasaom txamlws local./ at Mutt City NMI. 35W Pan Mmar:sn Dnon Minmd. FL 33133 Al of Sus *absentia conch Firm too tin eon.Wa rearing .runt M.to,Wcaay bet acJndded s an agenda item et the 110eu4 Dry Comraaaon insrpn9 The Clfy CIO dot notify tha p0bik oe the special meeting meat 4 to eke pap by niacin a note. of the so.. 64v Crxone,on meeting t the tart,. of Day 13. and tome Coy, main admnsuabve otnbm9. Macro a noon. on n e C,oy's .1bW1, and. t 4ssibm Mooing an ad m a esawo a00r or genet rteultion Wm* the spacial mooting On to hmo.SMety blowing .,m.Ury. Thee shag to rnr add:t0nw nra6u by 0..h.rnnoe .sgY.w nor some ouch xhedckd agenda Item that b moved 16 the wean Oily Commission mamma In accofnanc. awn the Aanerinweta with Di*at;0Nmw Ara M 1090 pens.* nttd.g meows accommodations to pordat,a4 m tee pmc0edlng my con aat the Ohfr< Yam Cty perk at (305 h 250-6361 (Vol.) no Ina tun Me (51 btem.o* days orb' to tin omeseeoing TTY ,awn may cal M 711 (Honda Relay Santee) no Inter tan gee IS) booWo.o days trim to tee pro0ewdeo, asH Todd B rtammh (• / City Clare Ad No. 41142