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Application No. LU- 2003-005
The proposal has been reviewed for a text amendment to the Goals Objectives and
Policies of the Comprehensive Plan in order to add specific language regarding the City
of Miami's desire to encourage urban redevelopment in urban infill areas and incorporate
Regional Activity Centers within the City limits.
The specific proposal presented herein would add a new Goal, a new objective and 3 new
policies to the Future Land Use Element as follows:
OBJECTIVE 3.1 Promptly review and act on petitions for land use plan amendments
and rezoning of property in Urban Infill Areas or Urban Redevel-
opment Areas to facilitate redevelopment.
Policy 3.1.1 Review existing zoning regulations to determine if they provide
adequate flexibility to promote redevelopment with a mix of uses
in the Urban Infill Areas or Redevelopment Areas and, if not, re-
vise said existing zoning regulations or adopt new zoning regula-
tions to promote redevelopment.
Policy 3,1.2
Create Regional Activity Centers if appropriate in Urban Infill Ar-
eas and Urban Redevelopment Areas to facilitate mixed -use devel-
opment, encourage mass transit, reduce the need for automobile
travel, provide incentives for quality development and give defini-
tion to the urban form.
Regional Activity Centers
Regional Activity Center (RAC) A Regional Activity Center (RAC) designation is in-
tended to encourage and promote larue-scale development and redevelopment as well as
small parcel inn development and redevelopment that facilitates a balanced mix of land
uses by providing maximum flexibility for development and redevelopment activities.
In accordance with Chapter 28-24.014(100)2. F.A.C., a Regional Activity Center in the
City of Miami shall be a compact, high intensity. high density multi -use area designated
as appropriate for intensive growth as an urban infill or urban redevelopment area by the
City and may include: residential use: commercial; office: cultural and community facili-
ties; recreational and entertainment facilities: hotels or motels; transportation facilities.,
utilities; and appropriate industrial activities. The major purposes of this designation are
to facilitate mixed -use development, encourage mass transit. reduce the need for automo-
bile travel. provide incentives for quality development and give definition to the urban
For an area to qualify as a Regional Activity Center, the following criteria must be met:
1. The type of land uses permitted within each Regional Activity Center and
the density of residential uses shall be specified herein and within the City
of Miami Land Use Plan.
2. Regional Activity Centers shall include mixed land uses of regional sig-
3. Regional Activity Centers shall consist of active pedestrian environments
through high qualitv design of public spaces and buildings that create an
appropriate human scale at street level and provide for connectivity of
places through the creation of a system of pedestrian linkages.
4. Each Regional Activity Center shall be a defined geographical area of no
less than 20 acres and shall be delineated on the City of Miami Future
Land Use Plan Map.
5. Regional Activity Centers shall be proximate and accessible to interstate
or major arterial roadways.
The Planning and Zoning Department is recommending APPROVAL of the
application as presented based on the following findings:
• It is found that the proposed amendment would encourage urban redevelopment in
urban infill areas within the City of Miami.
• It is found that the proposed change is consistent with the City's urban infill
objectives by promoting the infill of properties within the City by utilizing Regional
Activity centers to create appropriate mixed -use neighborhoods.
• It is found that the proposed amendment applies appropriate criteria to potential
designations of Regional Activity Centers within the City.
These findings support the position that the proposed text amendment should be