HomeMy WebLinkAboutexhibits 2SUBJECT PROPERTY SUBJECT PROPERTY QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL INTRODUCTION IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROPERTY A one-story residence containing three bedrooms and one bathroom. LOCATION 1544 N.W. 58th Terrace Miami, Florida PURPOS&AND DATE OF APPRAISAL The purpose of this Appraisal is to estimate the Market Value of the property as of October 13, 2001, being one of the dates of personal inspection. INTENDED USE AND USER OF THE APPRAISAL The intended use of this appraisal is to assist the client in determining an acquisition price. The intended user is the City of Miami. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 13, Block 15, ORANGE HEIGHTS, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 14, Page 62, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. SourcQ: Miami -Dade County tax records. PROPERTY RIGrIITS APPRAISED The property is appraised in fee simple: a fee without limitations to any particular class of heirs or restrictions, but subject to the limitations of eminent domain, escheat, police power and taxation, as well as utility easements of record. QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL 4 ASSESSMENT AND TAXES - 2000/2001 The subject property is assessed under the jurisdiction of the City of Miami. The assessment for the property is established each year as of January 1st by the Miami -Dade County Property Appraiser's Office at 100% of "Just Value." Just Value has been equated to Market Value less closing costs. While the State of Florida requires real estate to be assessed at 100% of Just Value, in reality the ratio of the assessed value to sales price is generally below 100%. Folio Number: 01-3114-035-2830 Assessed Value (2001): Land $ 9,779 Improvements $28.948 Total $38,727 Millage Rate (2000): $27.384 per $1,000 Tax Amount (2000): $1,758.43 OWNER QFRCORD AND ADDRE$,S Kenneth Clay 1544 N.W. 58th Terrace Miami, Florida 33142 FIVE-YEAR HISTORY OF TITLE The subject property reportedly sold in November of 2000 for $75,000. The buyer was Kenneth Clay and the seller was Floyd Lacayo. This transaction is recorded in Official Records Book 19384, Page 1956. This is considered an arm's-length transaction. The subject property sold in July of 1999 for $56,000. The buyer was Floyd Lacayo and the seller was Clemen Neal Stephens. This transaction is recorded in Official Records Book 18703, Page 3907. This is considered an arm's-length transaction. There have been no other sale transfers of title to the subject property over the past five years. QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL 5 ESTIMATED EXPOSURE TIME Exposure time is defined as the estimated length of time the property interest being appraised would have been offered on the market prior to the hypothetical consummation of a sale at market value on the effective date of the appraisal; a retrospective estimate based upon an analysis of past events assuming a competitive and open market. The overall concept of reasonable exposure encompasses not only adequate, sufficient and reasonable time but also adequate, sufficient and reasonable effort. In estimating a reasonable exposure time for the subject property, the appraiser has taken the following steps: Discussion with buyers, sellers and brokers of residences in the area related to historic marketing periods. Based on the above sources, exposure time is estimated to have been six months for the subject property. )ESTIMATED MARKETING PERIOD The estimated value of the subject is predicated upon a normal marketing period. A normal marketing period is generally defined as the most probable amount of time necessary to expose and actively market a property on the open market to achieve a sale. Implicit in this definition are the following assumptions: (A) The property will be actively exposed and aggressively marketed to potential purchasers through marketing channels commonly used by sellers and buyers of similar type properties. (B) The property will be offered at a price reflecting the most probable markup over market value used by sellers of similar type properties. (C) A sale will be consummated under the terms and conditions of the definition of Market Value required by the regulation. In order to estimate the marketability of this property, the sales activity in this market area is reviewed over the past three years, multiple listings are reviewed and real estate brokers who operate in this area are interviewed. Based on the above sources, the subject property could be sold within a six month time period. Q UINLI VAN APPRAISAL 6 SITE DATA Dimensions and Shape: The site is rectangular. The site fronts 50 feet, more or less, along the south side of N.W. 58th Terrace with a depth of southerly 106 feet, more or less. Source: No survey of the site was furnished. The dimensions of the site are calculated from the legal description and the Hopkins Plat Book. Aro: 5,300 square feet or .122 acres ,source: No survey of the site was furnished. The size of the site based on the Transamerica Intellitect printout of the Miami -Dade County tax roll. Topography and Drainage: The site is level and approximately at street grade. FIood Zone: Map N° 12025C0180J Soil and Subsoil: (Effective March 2, 1994) Areas determined to be outside 500-year flood plain. The immediate area of the subject site appears to have no unusual soil or subsoil conditions. Unusual conditions would be brought out by test borings. QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL 7 Utilities: Water: Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Authority Sewer: Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Authority Electricity: Florida Power & Light Company Telephone: BellSouth Telephone Company Street Improvements: N. W. 58th Terrace is an asphalt paved road with a dedicated width of 50 feet. N,W. 58th Terrace contains one east bound and one west bound lane. ZONING Under Ordinance of the City of Miami. Classification: R-3, MULTIFAMILY MEDIUM -DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (See Data Book for complete description of zoning) HIGHEST AND BEST USE The subject property is improved with a single family residence. The existing single family residence is considered the Highest and Best Use and of the site. QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL 8 z I r 00 ( . as TR, "A" 2 31' 50) 07. OLIIU .I II I, II NW tKR. 1 - .4 52011� ERIE isms 41111111 "" 104 o sa 30 II NW sr- 9 I. le 3 28 ao II II b. NW 13 NW sQ 28 3 8 9 so - SITE MAP for SIC CO 1 • II 11 11 .I II ,I I 11 II II $ 29 sri er 19 18 18 $ 19 5 NW sa' 19 $ 18 xi• 9 8 28 50' • w's, 18 It 19 ar J NW apaaompammaar •r e0 12 PI I .I 4a• SO ,I F .a• T2 3 aq Jr, III II f NW 8w II` I. WI 59 11 N DE 50' C 50' 24 59• 51 5' $ 240 GO' 35 50' IP 50 so' 1 2 49 Ra' ,en rer 36 0 u 11 If II G II 11 II II It E Pt 11 II IG II . H .I T sr a 0* 2 sr, IT 13 $ 1 sr sQ �1 26 se• ♦5a 26 11 II 55, 23 sa II {'1 F. 11 11 (so' 13 5' 14 57th Sa 13 14 54 PI 11 11 4 8 4 62 59th II I 11 1d SO' 0* 54 1 13 ea' 13 55' 50' iiiiuiuIi. 59' ' u fen 31 24 II 11 11 It 4 i462 m1 II 11 II 11 sr 10. as I I 50. 154 2 " 11 24 153 pl 0 r2 1 1 sr I �23 -p37 QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL Age_and Condition According to the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, the building improvements were constructed in 1935. From personal inspection of the property, the improvements appear to be in average condition. Description The site is improved with a one-story residence containing a living room, family room, dining area, kitchen, three bedrooms, one bath and carport. Sizt Residence 20.0' x 43.5' 10.5' x 18.0' 5.5' x 14.8' Total • 870 square feet • 189 square feet -- 81 square feet 1,140 square feet CA11212rt 17.0' x 18.0' = 306 square feet Details of Construction Foundation: Exterior Walls: Windows: Roof: Interior Walls: Ceilings: Steel reinforced poured concrete spread footings in excavation trench Frame - stucco Aluminum awning with security bars Gable - asphalt shingle Plaster and wood Wood and plaster QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL 9 Floors: Lighting: Equipment and Fixture$ Ceiling fan Refrigerator Oven/range Security bars Window A/C Site or Yard Improvenpenta Chain link fence Landscaping Vinyl and carpet over wood Incandescent QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL 10 1544 R.W. 58th Terrace MHZ 291 14.8' H.W. 58th Terrace SCOPE OF THE APPRAISAL The appraisal of real estate is generally valuated by means of one or more of the following approaches: (1) The Cost Approach (2) The Income Approach (3) The Sales Comparison Approach The Cost Approach In the Cost Approach, land and building are valued as though they were separate entities. The land value is first estimated as if vacant. Then, by consulting various cost services, local building contractors and by knowledge of construction costs, an estimate of the replacement cost new of the building is determined. Accrued depreciation from all sources including physical deterioration, functional and economic obsolescence must be deducted from this cost. The estimated land value is then added to the depreciated cost of the building to give the "depreciated replacement cost" of the property. The Cost Approach is based on the premise that the value of a commodity tends to be set by the cost of acquiring an equally desirable substitute. Applied to real estate, the assumption is that a person would not Iikely pay more for a property than it would cost him to acquire a suitable site and place an equally desirable building upon it. Costs would include direct cost of construction, indirect costs such as financing costs, land and developer's profit. The Cost Approach has most applicability when building improvements are new. With older properties, the estimate of depreciation becomes difficult and is subject to error, affecting the reliability of this approach. Accordingly, considering the age of this property, it is the appraiser's opinion that the Cost Approach has little applicability in this situation and was not utilized. Income Approach The Income Approach is based on the premise that the value of a property may be determined by the amount of net income it can reasonably produce over its remaining economic life. The rationale of the approach is that the present worth of a future income stream is equivalent to the value of the property which produces that income. QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL 11 Four basic steps comprise the Income Approach: (1) Estimate, the reasonable expectable annual gross income the property will likely produce. (2) Deduct an allowance for vacancy and collection loss to arrive at the effective gross income. (3) Deduct the annual expense of operation from the effective gross income to arrive at the annual net income. (4) Capitalize the annual net income into an indication of value. Since residences in the area are generally owner -occupied and are not purchased by investors, the Income Approach to Value is not applicable in this situation and, therefore, is not utilized. The Sales Comparison Approach The Sales Comparison Approach is an attempt to measure the reactions of typical buyers and sellers. In this approach, a direct comparison is made between the property being appraised and comparable properties which have sold recently. These sales are compared for degrees of comparability such as location, size, age, zoning, time, the conditions of sale, financing and other pertinent data which would affect value. Adjustments are made for these factors in order to arrive at a reliable estimate of value. In this report, sales of single family residences in same neighborhood are gathered and analyzed. Reconciliation After applying the three approaches, three separate indications of value are available for analysis. The indicated values obtained from each approach must be correlated into one final conclusion of value. Usually one approach will be considered more significant than the rest, either because of the reliability of the data, or because of the type of property involved. Reconciliation is the process by which each approach is objectively weighted according to its importance. QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL 12 SALES COMPARISON APPROACH TO VALUE This approach to value is a technique in which the Market Value estimate is predicated upon prices paid in actual market transactions of similar properties. These similar, or comparable, transactions (sales) are adjusted to indicate a value to the subject. The Sales Comparison Approach is a process of analyzing sales of similar recently sold properties in order to derive an indication of the most probable sales price of the property being appraised. The reliability of this approach is dependent upon the availability of comparable sales data, the verification of the sales data, the degree of comparability and the absence of non -typical conditions affecting the sale. The following page contains a summary of sales of similar residences which have recently sold. Several other sales were considered by the appraiser, butwerenot included because there was too wide a difference in physical factors, location and time. In comparing the sales to the subject, consideration was given to factors of time, location, physical characteristics and terms and conditions of the sale. The adjusted sale prices range from $68,200 to $74,000. Based on a careful analysis of the sales, it is estimated that the subject residence has a value of $72,500. QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL 13 ...-_:.. :-.....:..:..>S..;,,......;..,::, :ia:.to-:::-.:I.u-.:..�.. ,v:...... ::., .... m,r:nt w. .h ::: : .Y: ;_:rsP f:ea: dx .' _AavrL. o:. Y♦ vr•i x •`::y'a=,3„r .. $:. sL, • "r,�F}Y:••"'� •.:Air rycfa. te • r't s _r. �..tia.:.v6siti;- vv:•`�.:?:;:. DATE OF SALE 04/26/01 05/31/01 06/28/01 SALE PRICE $65,000 $67,000 $69,000 ADDRESS REEMMEEM 1001 N.W. 55 St. 1075 N.W. 66 St. 1345 N.W. 70 St. LAND SIZE (S.F.) 5,300 4,788 5,300 5,400 RESIDENCE SIZE (ADJ.) 1,202 890 1,156 777 ZONING R-2 R-1 R 1 AGE 1935 1959 1939 1947 BR/BA 3/1 3/1 CONDITION Average Average Average/Good Good PRICE PER S.F. OF LAND AREA $73.03 $57.96 $8$ 80 ::. �.:...,.....:..::.:.::...:.......... y _ trr:: •i:ti-:: �: � -: w:.-%[;i:_::i::+'::. - - ..-}`+ '........Cr..tt-'?:i:}w'.....-:{:{.f_v:::.y-..�:::,I,.: - yiir: _i::4' :.;.::: i' : xW}.J.,:: .. v.::::.:'.t%sr}'•': :: � '4:4{:::,.n]Jv::::C:�.r::r: •'ry...:.:: yr:v:.. r:.r.ti �:-:.�:::::.:.::..:::::n-: .:.... .........:ry.:;y.. ....: ..:. x .h::;.::xr.._-� .v.?i} }:'::.r;: _v::.Y...[: •t: r: r:::.yt:.iy x d.+nv{ :r:?' v..h i . /,-+r}ry:: a:: tiv.'i..:G:::.4y-: .r vryeJ ryi' a}. x-. "'"pry .... :�y'l:. .x4: v,. .:x .M ,o.or`,..:..k.:.YRh.}s.'.^-`r.2�. °•.e5t•?:�.: ,. .,R? ;.. �::..-Y•.:r,: r:': r: =}�':;.::.:':.* . ...[. ., ':.v;Syi:}*5r,: , q..r%j,^r$;,yra: '�:{[S•Sr"' A x .} .'(�f .vs- ry'$ J s�k'':;�r.�?`:...t'�. .':�:>.�;.`*c'•': .�:�.zc°"�`'�-su: ... _ x �:i i ><4 �� :: �]i+}i vn:J:;_}'4•._+J-.:: ", ! x ` i; �"2b'xN4. ".9''y.�': ..^`, .a3'-;;.:cc�:..::fi�:?.,s:fi-:.�cr���..-�ry^a�: — ..4 r.� "v.. .<.': c MTIM • . . , 1 = LOCATION = = AGE/CONDITION — 2,500 -- — 5,000 LOT SIZE + 750 = BUILDING SIZE + 7,800 + 1,200 + 10,000 OTHER = TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS + 6 050 + 1 00 + 5 000 : � r, L iS� i. Iz�'et 2.�Y.�.^.4rYmHxs:�_.1v •.tiM x1�Er �� ��k� �? � S '�.`J,T✓/'.. YdS 'L...L�:-� "� ' ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS This Appraisal Report has been made with the following general assumptions: I . No responsibility is assumed for the legal description or for matters including legal or title considerations. Title to the property is assumed to be good and marketable unless otherwise stated. 2. The property is appraised free and clear of any or all liens or encumbrances unless otherwise stated. 3. Responsible ownership and competent property management are assumed. 4. The information furnished by others is believed to be reliable. However, no warranty is given for its accuracy. 5. All engineering is assumed to be correct. The plot plans and illustrative material in this report are included only to assist the reader in visualizing the property. 6. If no survey has been furnished to the appraiser, all measurements have been confirmed either in the field, in the plat book or by other reliable sources and are presumed to be accurate. 7. It is assumed that there are no hidden or unapparent conditions of the property, subsoil, or structures that render it more or less valuable. No responsibility is assumed for such conditions or for arranging for engineering studies that may be required to discover them. 8. It is assumed that there is full compliance with all applicable federal, state and local environmental regulations and laws unless noncompliance is stated, defined and considered in the Appraisal Report. 9. It is assumed, unless a study has been provided otherwise, that no hazardous material such as asbestos, urea formaldehyde or other toxic waste exists in the property. The existence of a potentially hazardous material could have a significant effect on the value of the property. QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL 14 10. In reference to proposed construction, the real estate taxes and other expenses are estimated. These amounts are not guaranteed. 11. It is assumed in the valuation of the subject land site, unless a compliance letter has been furnished to us, that the State of Florida Growth Management Act does not prevent the issuance of a building permit. 12. It is assumed that all required licenses, certificates of occupancy, consents, or other legislative or administrative authority from any local, state or national government or private entity or organization have been or can be obtained or renewed for any use on which the value estimate contained in this report is based. 13. It is assumed that the utilization of the land and improvements is within the boundaries of property lines of the property described and that there is no encroachment or trespass unless noted in the report. This Appraisal Report has been made with the following general limiting conditions: 1. The distribution, if any, of the total valuation of this report between land and improvements applies only under the stated program of utilization. The separate allocations for land and buildings must not be used in conjunction with any other appraisal and are invalid if so used. 2. Possession of this report, or a copy thereof, does not carry with it the right of publication. It may not be used for any purpose by any person other than the party to whom it is addressed without the written consent of the appraiser, and in any event, only with proper written qualification and only in its entirety. 3. The appraiser herein by reason of this appraisal is not required to give further consultation, testimony, or be in attendance in court with reference to the property in question unless arrangements have been previously made. 4. Neither all nor any part of the contents of this report (especially any conclusions as to value, the identity of the appraiser, or the firm with which the appraiser is connected) shall be disseminated to the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales, or other media without the prior written consent and approval of the appraiser. QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL 15 QUALIFICATIONS OF THE APPRAISER J. MARK QUINLIVAN Experience: Engaged in the field of real estate appraising since 1972. Associated with F. Robert Quinlivan, MAI, from 1972 to 1985. Currently President of Quinlivan Appraisal, P.A., a Real Estate Appraising and Consulting Firm, established in 1964. Graduate: University of Notre Dame BBA - Bachelor of Business Administration (Major in Finance and Business Economics) University of Maryland MBA - Master of Business Administration (Concentration in Finance) University of Miami Law School JD - Juris Doctor (Concentration in Real Estate and Taxation) Florida International University MSM - Master of Science in Management (Major in Real Estate) University of Miami MALS - Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (Humanities) Professional Affiliations: Member of the Appraisal Institute (MAI N° 5791) Member of the Florida Bar (Ng 239992) Real Estate Broker, State of Florida (N° 0125264) Certified General Appraiser, State of Florida, License N4 RZ0000I 12 QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL 16 Qualifle as an Expert Witness + llowina, _ Courts: Miami -Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and Monroe County Circuit Courts United States Bankruptcy Court United States District Court Other Activities: Appraiser Special Master (1978 - 1980), Miami -Dade County Property Appraisal Adjustment Board Past President - Miami Chapter N° 71, Society of Real Estate Appraisers (1983 - 1984) Past President - South Florida Chapter N° 24, Appraisal Institute (1988) Past Governing Councilor of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers (1990) Young Advisory Council of Society of Real Estate Appraisers (1979 and 1980) Editorial. Review Board (1981 - 1991) THE REAL ESTATE APPRAISER AND ANALYST published quarterly by the Society of Real Estate Appraisers Recent Publications: "Non -Conforming Use Properties: The Concept ofPositive Economic Obsolescence", The Appraisal ,kurnal, January 1981, Pages 45-51. (Arthur A. May Memorial Award 1982). QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL _ 17 Quinlivan Appraisal has prepared Appraisal Reports for the following: institutions and Corporations: American Savings of Florida Archdiocese of Miami Atlantic Security Bank The Bank of Coral Gables Banco Atlantico Banco Industrial de Venezuela Banco Santander International Barnett Bank Barry University Ben Franklin Savings Bessemer Trust Company Capital Bank Central Bank Chevron Oil Company Chase Manhattan Bank Chase Federal Bank Chemical Bank Citibank Citicorp Savings City National Bank of Miami Consolidated Bank Coral Gables Federal Savings and Loan Association County National Bank Crown Life Insurance Company Eagle National Bank East Little Havana Development Corporation Eastern National Bank Equibank of Pittsburgh Espirito Santo Bank First Nationwide Bank First Union Bank Florida Power and Light Company Hemisphere National Bank Intercontinental Bank International Bank of Miami, N.A. Jefferson Bank Jewish Home for the Aged, Inc. QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL 18 Marine Midland Bank McCaughan Mortgage Company, Inc. McDonalds Corp. Mega Bank Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Authority NationsBank Northern Trust Bank of Florida Ocean Bank Pacific National Bank Ready State Bank Resolution Trust Corporation Savings of America Shell Oil Company Skylake State Bank SunTrust Bank Swire Properties Texaco Terremark Totalbank Trade National Bank Trust for Public Lands UniBank Universal National Bank University of Miami Governmental Agencies: City, of Coral Gables City of Hialeah City of Miami City of Miami Beach City of Miramar City of North Miami Beach Miami -Dade County Aviation Department Miami -Dade County Department of Development & Facilities Management Miami -Dade County HUD Miami -Dade County Property Appraisal Adjustment Board Miami -Dade County Public Schools Miami -Dade County Public Works Department Miami -Dade County Transportation Administration Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL 19 Miami -Dade Water & Sewer Department South Florida Water Management District State of Florida, Department of Community Affairs State of Florida, Department of Corrections State of Florida, Department of Environmental Protection State of Florida, Department of insurance State of Florida, Department of Rehabilitation and Liquidation State of Florida, Department of Transportation Town of Golden Beach United States Army Corps of Engineers United States Department of Commerce United States Department of the Interior United States General Services Administration Village of Key Biscayne Law Firms: Cole, Davidson, Carter, Smith, Salter & Barkett, P.A. Greenberg, Traurig, Hoffman, Lipoff, Rosen & Quentel, P.A. Dubbin, Berkman, Bloom & Karan Floyd, Pearson, Richman, Greer, Weil, Brumbaugh & Russomanno, P.A. Shutts & Bowen Kelley, Drye & Warren Blackwell & Walker Steel, Hector & Davis Mershon, Sawyer, Johnston, Dunwody & Cole Sullivan, Admire & Sullivan, P.A. Types of Propertjps Appraised: Single Family Residences Apartment Buildings Office Buildings Retail Stores Shopping Centers Condominium Apartment Buildings Golf Courses Residential Subdivisions Automobile Dealerships Vacant Land Hotel/Motels Warehouses Nursing Homes Mobile Home Parks Schools Service Stations Marinas Wetlands QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL 20 QvINLYVAN APPRAISAL A Paoasasxorrwx. As4ocza:now Rawl. ESTATE ArraAZBsaS & CONHALTANTS 5730 S.W. 74TH STREET. SUITE noo SozrrR MzAxI, FLoaIAA 00140 J. MAax Ovzzrz WAN, MAi STAT-C•MTsnan Oanaau Al TRAIaiRa az ooaone October 14, 2001 Laura Billberry, Director Office of Asset Management City of Miami 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami, Florida 33130 Dear Ms. Billberry: TELEPHONE (0o5) 600.6011 FAx (3o8) 096-4921 TxoJAua F. MwaExHEzzsRE. MA! S 4?a-Curnstan Ciasa.Ir. Ads= RE 0000500 In accordance with Purchase Order No. 215694, I have prepared Complete, Summary Appraisal Reports related to Job Number A2141-7. The purpose of the Appraisals is to estimate the Market Value in Fee Simple Title, in order to determine the compensation for the Total Taking of the properties. The Summary Appraisal Reports that follows set forth the identification of the property, the assumptions and limiting conditions, pertinent facts about the area and the subject properties, and comparable data, the results of the investigations and analyses, and the reasoning leading to the conclusions set forth. Laura BlMerry, Director Office of Asset Management October 14, 2001 Page 2 Based on the inspection of the properties and the investigation and analyses undertaken, I have formed the opinion that, as of October 13, 2001, the total compensation due was: Type Page Designation Address Properly Value of Value MHZ 291 1544 N.W. 58 Terr. Single Family S 72,500 Volume [, Pg 3 MHZ 306 1490 N.W. 58 Terr. Single Family $ 22,500 Volume I, Pg 3 MHZ 330 1390 N.W. 58 Terr. Single Family $ 80,000 Volume I, Pg 3 MHZ 331 1380 N.W. 58 Terr. Single Family $ 75,000 Volume I, Pg 3 MHZ 340 5820 N.W. 13 Ave. Single Family $ 30,000 Volume I, Pg 3 MHZ 344 1335 N.W. 58 St. Single Family $ 62,500 Volume I, Pg 3 MHZ 142 1418 N.W. 60 St. Single Family & Adj. Residence $ 36,500 Volume I, Pg 3 MHZ 342 1307 N.W. 58 St. Single Family & Adj. Residence $ 42,500 Volume I, Pg 3 MHZ 234 1361-63 N.W. 58 Terr. Duplex $ 91,500 Volume II, Pg 3 MHZ 3I5 1402 N.W. 58 Terr. Duplex S 80,000 Volume [I, Pg 3 MHZ 316 1401 N.W. 58 St. Duplex $ 88,500 Volume II, Pg 3 MHZ 346 1355 N.W. 58 St. Duplex $ 37,500 Volume II, Pg 3 MHZ 347 1361 N.W. 58 St. Duplex $ 37,500 Volume II, Pg 3 MHZ 74 1335 N.W. 60 St. Multifamily S 80,000 Volume II, Pg 3 MHZ 75 1341 N.W. 60 St. Multifamily $ 80,000 Volume II, Pg 3 MHZ 98 1461 N.W. 60 St. Multifamily $290,000 Volume II, Pg 3 MHZ 208 1231 N.W. 58 Terr. Multifamily S215,000 Volume II, Pg 3 ctfully submitted, L ark Qui Hvan, MAI to Certified General Appraiser erti6cation Number: RZ0000112 .JMQ/lh (01-167) ltr167 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE SALE 23 DESCRIPTION: One-story single family residence DATE: September 7, 2000 PRICE: $27,400 TYPE INSTRUMENT: Special Warranty Deed RECORDATION: O. R. Book 19250, Page 4286 FOLIO NUMBER: 01-3114-043-1680 GRANTOR: Latin American Investors Corp GRANTEE: Kenneth P. Hanks LEGAL: Lot 16, Block 9, Ockard Villa Ext, as recorded in Plat Book 17, Page 55, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. LOCATION: 1335 N.W. 58th Street Miami, Florida BEDROOMS/BATHS: 3 BR/1BA RESIDENCE SIZE: 861 Square Feet LOT SIZE: 5,300 Square Feet ZONING: R-2 AGE: 1939 UNIT PRICE: $31.82 Per Square Feet FINANCING: New First Mortgage with private individual of $15,000 at 15% REMARKS: The residence was in poor to fair condition at time of sale. QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL SINGLE FAMILY RESIrDE CF SALE 25 DESCRIPTION: One-story single family residence DATE: December 21, 2000 PRICE: $95,000 TYPE INSTRUMENT: Warranty Deed RECORDATION: O. R. Book 19425, Page 1781 FOLIO NUMBER: 01-3114-035-0240 GRANTOR: The New Millennium Enterprises Group GRANTEE: Marta Perez LEGAL: Lot 1, Block 3, Orange Heights, as recorded in Plat Book 14, Page 62, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. LOCATION: 5550 N.W. 14th Avenue Miami, Florida BEDROOMS/BATHS: 3 BR/2 BA RESIDENCE SIZE: 1,259 Square Feet LOT SIZE: 7,091 Square Feet ZONING: R-2 AGE: 1992 UNIT PRICE: $75.46 Per Square Feet FINANCING: New First Mortgage of $94,200 with Washtenaw Mortgage Company REMARKS: This residence is in good condition. QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE SAE 28 DESCRIPTION: One-story single family residence DATE: February 22, 2001 PRICE: $82,400 TYPE INSTRUMENT: Warranty Deed RECORDATION: O. R. Book 19523, Page 2786 FOLIO NUMBER: 01-3114-020-1030 GRANTOR: Adriane Angel GRANTEE: Debra Johnson LEGAL: Lot 20, Block 16, East Liberty City Homesites, as recorded in Plat Book 40, Page 38, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. LOCATION: 1265 N.W. 70th Street Miami, Florida BEDROOMS/BATHS: 3 BR/2 BA RESIDENCE SIZE: 1,437 Square Feet LOT SIZE: 5,400 Square Feet ZONING: R-1 AGE: 1954 UNIT PRICE: $57.34 Per Square Feet FINANCING: New First Mortgage of $81,189 with BancPlus Mortgage REMARKS: This residence was renovated prior to sale. QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE SALE 29 DESCRIPTION: One-story family residence DATE: April 3, 2001 PRICE: $23,000 TYPE INSTRUMENT: Warranty Deed RECORDATION: O. R. Book 19586, Page 27 FOLIO NUMBER: 01-3114-020-0440 GRANTOR: Richard C. Welt GRANTEE: Amira Homes LEGAL: Lot 3, Block 14, East Liberty City Homesites, as recorded in Plat Book 40, Page 38, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. LOCATION: 1268 N.W. 69th Street Miami, Florida BEDROOMS/BATHS: 3 BR/1 BA RESIDENCE SIZE: 953 Square Feet LOT SIZE: 5,400 Square Feet ZONING: R-1 AGE: 1948 UNIT PRICE: $24.13 Per Square Feet FINANCING: New First Mortgage of $24,000 with EquityMax REMARKS: The residence was in poor condition at time of sale. QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE SALE 30 DESCRIPTION: One-story single family residence DATE: April 5, 2001 PRICE: $27,500 TYPE INSTRUMENT: Special Warranty Deed RECORDATION: O. R. Book 19627, Page 2336 FOLIO NUMBER: 01-3114-035-2470 GRANTOR: Latin America Investors Corp GRANTEE: GSC Global Sales Corp LEGAL: Lot 23, Block 13, Orange Heights, as recorded in Plat Book 14, Page 62, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. LOCATION: 1531 N.W. 59th Street Miami, Florida BEDROOMS/BATHS: 2 BR/I BA RESIDENCE SIZE: 704 Square Feet LOT SIZE: 5,300 Square Feet ZONING: R-3 AGE: 1942 UNIT PRICE: $39.06 Per Square Feet FINANCING: New First Mortgage of $27,000 with Meshnick Mortgage Corp REMARKS: The residence was in poor condition at the time of sale. QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE SALE 32 DESCRIPTION: One-story single family residence DATE: April 26, 2001 PRICE: $65,000 TYPE INSTRUMENT: Warranty Deed RECORDATION: O. R. Book 19684, Page 1351 FOLIO NUMBER: 01-3114-056-0050 GRANTOR: Mollie C. Reckley GRANTEE: Leamond Moorer LEGAL: South 63 feet of Lot 5, Brenner-Brams Sub, as recorded in Plat Book 67, Page 66, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. LOCATION: 1001 N.W. 55th Terrace Miami, Florida BEDROOMS/BATHS: 3 BR/1 BA RESIDENCE SIZE: 890 Square Feet LOT SIZE: 4,788 Square Feet ZONING: R-2 AGE: 1959 UNIT PRICE: $73.03 Per Square Feet FINANCING: New First Mortgage of $64,452 REMARKS: This residence was in average condition at time of sale. QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE SALE 33 DESCRIPTION: One-story single family residence DATE: May 1, 2001 PRICE: $29,500 TYPE INSTRUMENT: Special Warranty Deed RECORDATION: O. R. Book 19677, Page 4827 FOLIO NUMBER: 01-3114-032-0230 GRANTOR: Latin American Investors Corp GRANTEE: Leon Shiff LEGAL: East % of Lot 8, Block 2 , Bowling Green Ext, as recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 62, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. LOCATION: 1077 N.W. 55th Street Miami, Florida BEDROOMS/BATHS: 2 BR/1 BA RESIDENCE SIZE: 688 Square Feet LOT SIZE: 2,550 Square Feet ZONING: R-2 AGE: 1930 UNIT PRICE: $42.88 Per Square Feet FINANCING: New First Mortgage of $27,000 with Meshnick Mortgage Corp REMARKS: The residence is in the process of being renovated. QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL 1•1111111111 QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL SINGLE FAMIJ Y RESIDENCE SALE 34 DESCRIPTION: One-story single family residence DATE: May 31, 2001 PRICE: $67,000 TYPE INSTRUMENT: Warranty Deed RECORDATION: O. R. Book 19699 Page 2791 FOLIO NUMBER: 01-3114-036-3160 GRANTOR: Garnett G. Ferguson GRANTEE: Mary Lee LEGAL: Lot 15, Block 15, Seventh Avenue Park, as recorded in Plat Book 17, Page 17, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. LOCATION: 1075 N.W. 66th Street Miami, Florida BEDROOMS/BATHS: 3 BR/1 BA RESIDENCE SIZE: 1,156 Square Feet LOT SIZE: 5,300 Square Feet ZONING: R-1 AGE: 1939 UNIT PRICE: $57.96 Per Square Feet FINANCING: New First Mortgage of $56,950 with Long Beach Mortgage Corp. REMARKS: The residence sold previously in August of 2000 for $42,800. At that time, the residence needed repairs. QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE SALE 36 DESCRIPTION: One-story single family residence DATE: June 13, 2001 PRICE: $86,000 TYPE INSTRUMENT: Warranty Deed RECORDATION: O. R. Book 19733, Page 4068 FOLIO NUMBER: 01-3114-036-2850 GRANTOR: Clifford Brown GRANTEE: Ricardo B. Tillman LEGAL: Lot 6, Block 14, Seventh Avenue Park, as recorded in Plat Book 17, Page 17, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. LOCATION: 860 N.W. 67th Street Miami, Florida BEDROOMS/BATHS: 3 BR/2 BA RESIDENCE SIZE: 1,336 Square Feet LOT SIZE: 5,350 Square Feet ZONING: R-1 AGE: 1955 UNIT PRICE: $64.37 Per Square Feet FINANCING: New First Mortgage of $68,800 with First Federated Funding Corp REMARKS: The residence is in good condition. QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL tSINGLE FAZVILYRESIDENCE SALE 37 DESCRIPTION: One-story single family residence DATE: June 28, 2001 PRICE: $69,000 TYPE INSTRUMENT: Warranty Deed RECORDATION: O. R. Book 19815, Page 1263 FOLIO NUMBER: 01-3114-016-0170 GRANTOR: Kelvin Foster GRANTEE: James and Penelope Samuel LEGAL: Lot 18, Block 7, Liberty City Homesites, as recorded in Plat Book 40, Page 32, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. LOCATION: 1345 N.W. 70th Street Miami, Florida BEDROOMS/BATHS: 3 BR/1 BA RESIDENCE SIZE: 777 Square Feet LOT SIZE: 5,400 Square Feet ZONING: R-1 AGE: 1947 UNIT PRICE: $88.80 Per Square Feet FINANCING: New First Mortgage of $65,550 with Service First Mortgage Co. REMARKS: The residence sold previously in January of 2000 for $65,000. QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL SINGLE FA,NII[ Y RESIDENCE SALE 38 DESCRIPTION: One-story single family residence DATE: June 29, 2001 PRICE: $73,000 TYPE INSTRUMENT: Warranty Deed RECORDATION: O. R. Book 19759, Page 3796 FOLIO NUMBER: 01-3114-036-0880 GRANTOR: Financial Center GRANTEE: Roy S. David LEGAL: Lot 12, Block 5, Seventh Avenue Park, as recorded in Plat Book 17, Page 17, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. LOCATION: 944 N.W. 64th Street Miami, Florida BEDROOMS/BATHS: 2 BR/1 BA RESIDENCE SIZE: 1,239 Square Feet LOT SIZE: 6,148 Square Feet ZONING: R-1 AGE: 1939 UNIT PRICE: $58.92 Per Square Feet FINANCING: New First Mortgage of $14,600 REMARKS: The residence sold previously in July of 1999 for $70,000. QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL RESIDENCE WITH REAR APARTMENT SALE 1 DESCRIPTION: DATE: PRICE: TYPE INSTRUMENT: RECORDATION: FOLIO NUMBER: GRANTOR: GRANTEE: LEGAL: LOCATION: BEDROOMS/BATHS: RESIDENCE SIZE: LOT SIZE: ZONING: AGE: UNIT PRICE: FINANCING: REMARKS: Residence with rear apartment January 6, 2000 $50,000 Quit -Claim Deed O. R. Book 19075, Page 3634 01-3123-014-1030 Eio Trades, Inc. South Florida Royal Properties, Inc. Lot 23, Block 6, FAIRHAVEN GARDENS, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 76, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. 1529 N.W. 51st Terrace Miami, Florida 3 BR/2 BA 1,549 Square Feet (Adjusted) 5,000 Square Feet R-2, Two family residential 1920 $32.28 per square foot of residence area Cash to seller. This is a one-story residence containing two bedrooms and one bathroom with rear apartment containing one bedroom and one bath. QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL RESIDENCE WITH REAR APARTMENT SALE 1 1529 N.W. 51 ST Terrace RESIDENCE WITH REAR APARTMENT SALE 2 1341 N.W. 55th Street RE I DESCRIPTION: DATE: PRICE: TYPE INSTRUMENT: RECORDATION: FOLIO NUMBER: GRANTOR: GRANTEE: LEGAL: LOCATION: BEDROOMS/BATHS: RESIDENCE SIZE: LOT SIZE: ZONING: AGE: UNIT PRICE: FINANCING: REMARKS: ARA_'_•RT Residence with rear apartment May 25, 2001 $38,000 Special Warranty Deed O. R. Book 19738, Page 647 01-3114-018-0720 Brothers M. Salomon 1579 NW Trust Lot 5 Less south 5 feet, Block 4, NEW LIBERTY CITY, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 39, Page 28, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. 1579 N.W. 68th Street Miami, Florida 5 BR/3 BA 1,534 Square Feet (Adjusted) 3,400 Square Feet R-3, Multifamily medium -density residential 1938 $24.77 per square foot of residence area First Mortgage of $38,000 with Lewis Information Technologies. This is a one-story residence containing two bedrooms and one bathroom with two-story rear apartment containing three bedrooms and one and one-half bath. QUINLIVAN APPRAISAL RESIDENCE WITH REAR APARTMENT SALE 3 1579 N.W. 68th Street SELF-CONTAINED APPRAISAL REPORT OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT PROPERTY 1 - 1250 N.W. 62ND STREET PROPERTY 2 - 1251 N.W. 59TH STREET PROPERTY 3 - 1275 N.W. 59TH STREET PROPERTY 4 - 126) N.W. 59TH STREET PROPERTY 5 - 1254 N.W. 59TH STREET PROPERTY 7 - 1202 N.W. 61ST STREET PROPERTY 8 - 1613 N.W. 54TH STREET PROPERTY 9 - 1241 N.W. 58TH TERRACE PROPERTY 10 - 1492 N.W. 62ND STREET PROPERTY 11 - 1625 N.W. 54TH STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA DATE OF VALUATION: JUNE 22, 2001 J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 • Coconut Grove, Florida 33133