HomeMy WebLinkAboutexhibit- CIP capital plan 11)4).44). THE CITY OF MIAMI CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2003 - 2004 and Multi -Year Capital Plan PRELIMINARY CITY of MIAMI TABLE OF ORGANIZATION FY 2003 - 2004 CITY COMMISSION CHAIRMAN J. WINTON VICE-CHAIRMAN ARTHUR A TEELE, JR. COMMISSIONER A. GONZALEZ COMMISSIONER T. REGALADO COMMISSIONER J. SANCHEZ City Clerk Priscilla Thompson Auditor General Vidor igwe City Attorney Alejandro Vilarelb Virginia Key Beach Park Trust David Shorter Civil Service Board lishria M iindr+gal Model City Revitalization Trust Marva VVIey Miami Sports & Exhibition Authority James Jenldns Dorrntovm Development Authority Dana Nottingham Community Redevelopment Agency Frank Rollason Bayfrorrt Park Management Trust Tim Sd+mand Foe Fighters' and Ponce Officers' Retirement Trust Robert H. Nagle Of -Sheet Parking Authority Arthur Noriega CHIEF ADMINISTRATOR / CITY MANAGER JOE ARRIOIA • Grans - Robert Ruano a NET - J.C. Espinosa e Agenda - Elvi Aionso a FACE ■ Community Relations - Ada Rojas Polite Chief John Tenancy Are Chief vman Bryson Communications Janet Camano Lopez Nearing Boards Teresaa Fernandez CiviAan Mvesdgetive Panel (Professional CopiaoestaffelCP) Shirley Richardson Genera! Employees and Sanitation Empioyees'Retfrem ntTrust Sandra Bamberg Deputy Chief Administrator Chief Financial Officer Boca Haskins finance Scott Simpson Purchasing Glenn Marcos Dept. or Economic Development Keith Carswell Dept. of Employee Relations Rosalie Mark Public Facilities CTaislkm Abrams Community De sioprtent Barbara Gomez -Rodriguez Risk Management Dania Carib Chief of Operations Alicia Cuervo Schluter - Office otTrrepaomion Mary Conway Capita! improvement Program Jorge Cano Public Atria Stephanie Giindel Solid Waste Clarence Patterson GSA Kenneth Grimes Buikling Hector Lure Planning and Zoning Ana Geed Parks and Retieadon Santiago Coda Chief Officer kdbvatadon Technology Peter Karinis • Acting / rnterim TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. CAPITAL BUDGET MESSAGE Introduction A Overview and Highlights B 2. PROGRAM AREA DETAILS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS DEPT. C PUBLIC SAFETY Fire -Rescue D Police E RECREATION & CULTURE Parks & Recreation F Conference, Convention & Public Facilities G I INFRASTRUCTURE & ENVIRONMENT Transportation H Solid Waste I ICOMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Economic Development J Planning K I GENERAL GOVERNMENT & SERVICES Information Technology L GSA / Facilities Management M 3. HOMELAND DEFENSE / NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Project Status Report N I Appropriations and Expenditures 0 Neighborhood Parks P Quality of Life Projects Q I 4. FUNDING Funding Sources R Funding Summary S 1 5. DISTRICT PROJECTS District 1 T I District 2 U District 3 V District 4 W District 5 X 041,t 1 Er i TABLE OF CONTENTS 6. APPENDICES Glossary of Terms Project Life Cycle Bond Oversight Board Website Consulting Services RFQ Status Construction Contracts 2002-2003 Miami River Dredging Project 7. MAPS Road / Storm Sewer Rehabilitation. Projects Pre -disaster Mitigation Grant Projects Citywide Storm Sewer Project Areas Marine & Waterfront Capital improvement Projects Street Reconstruction Project Areas Street Resurfacing Project Areas Citywide NET Areas Community Revitalization Districts Historic Districts 8. INDEX TO PROJECTS, BY DEPT. Project Funding Details, By Dept. Projects By Dept. & Project Number 6.a 6.b 6.c 6.d 6.e 6.f 7.a 7.b 7.c 7.d 7.e 7.f 7.g 7.h 7.i 8.a 8.b 2 28 11 25 29 27 CAPITAL BUDGET MESSAGE / INTRODUCTION / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - SECTION 1 2003-2004 PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN MAYOR'S CAPITAL PLAN MESSAGE 2003-2004 PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN INTRODUCTION Purpose of the Capital Improvement Plan The City of Miami's Capital Improvement Plan is an official statement of public policy regarding long- range physical improvements in support of priority themes identified by the Mayor and the Chief Administrator. A capital improvement is defined as a capital or "in -kind " expenditure of $5,000 or more, resulting in the acquisition, improvement, or addition to fixed assets in the form of land, buildings or improvements, more or less permanent in character, and durable equipment with a life expectancy of at least three years. The Capital Improvement Plan is a proposed funding schedule for six years, updated annually to add new projects, reevaluate program and project priorities, and to revise recommendations taking into account new requirements and sources of funding. This process leads to the formulation of a Capital Budget for each fiscal year. Through its annual capital planning process, the City of Miami strives to develop and update plans and recommendations aimed at achieving a number of objectives. These objectives include: • preserving and improving the basic infrastructure of the City through public facility construction and rehabilitation; • maximizing the useful life of capital investments by scheduling major renovations and modifications at the appropriate time in the life -cycle of the facility; • identifying and examining future infrastructure needs and establishing priorities among projects so that available resources are used to the best advantage; and, • improving financial planning by comparing needs with resources, estimating future bond issues and identifying potential fiscal implications. Legal Authority Legal requirements for preparing Miami's Capital Improvement Plan are set forth in the City of Miami Code, the Metropolitan Dade County Code and the Florida statues, respectively. Specifically, the Miami City code requires a development of a capital improvement program. A capital programming process is required by the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act of 1975, as amended in 1986, incorporated as Chapter 163.316 of the Florida Statutes. The Capital Budget The Capital Budget represents a legal authorization to spend funds from Federal, State and City sources. The Capital Plan budget from the first year of the program is adopted separately from the six year program by means of an Appropriations Ordinance. Miami's Capital Budget is distinct from the Operating Budget. The Capital Budget authorizes capital expenditures, while the Operating Budget authorizes the expenditure of funds for employee salaries and the purchase of supplies and minor equipment. :.,0 or ti: -sr.`s A-1 2003-2004 PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN i Oraanlzina the Capital Improvement Plan Within the Capital Improvement Plan, City departments are grouped into five strategic program areas: Public Safety, Recreation & Culture, Infrastructure & Environment, Community & Economic Development, and General Government & Services. This grouping directly aligns each department's capital plan strategy and accountabilities with the City Administration's priority themes. Additionally, to better capture and evaluate the extensive number of projects or jobs, the Department of Capital Improvements established "program areas" that Zink capital projects along functional lines. While similar to the "funding category" that remains from prior plans, the 5 new program areas directly point to the primary intent or function of each job. STRATEGIC PROGRAM AREAS ' DEPARTMENT i 1 1 FIRE -RESCUE INVEST IN NEIGHBORHOOD & ENVIRONMENT PRIORITY THEME IMPROVE ECONOMIC HEALTH & DEVELOPMENT OPERATE ASA SERVICE FOCUSED ORGANIZATION PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE RECREATION & CULTURE PARKS & RECREATION 111111WMII. ■ PUBLIC FACILITIES M.1113111 ■ INFRASTRUCTURE & ENVIRONMENT TRANSPORTATION ■ ■ SOLID WASTE a COMMUNITY & ECON. DEVELOPMENT PLANNING r ■ • ECON. DEVELOPMENT 1.11111n11111M ■ ■ GENERAL GOVT. & SERVICES INFORMATION TECH. GSA & FACILITIES MNGT. ■ Capital Improvement Priorities In establishing priorities for the implementation of Miami's capital plan, departments were asked to evaluate their projects on the basis of these criteria: • Legal requirements — extent to which a project is mandated by a contractual obligation or to comply with laws and regulations • Essential Improvements — those that are necessary to the proper functioning of a facility or infrastructure • Efficiency Improvements — those that increase operational efficiency or that result in cost savings • Revenue Production — improvements that ultimately generate additional revenue to the City • Service Improvements — upgrades that increase the City's service delivery capability • Service or Space Expansion — improvements necessary to accommodate population or workforce growth • Synergy with Other Initiatives — extent to which a capital project builds upon other social or economic development initiatives in the City Aligning capital projects with the above prioritization criteria, as well as the administration's strategic themes, will better position the City to better assess and implement projects over the long term. A-2 2003-2004 PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN The Table of Contents lists the major subjects covered in this document and the corresponding page numbers. As a further aid to the reader, the document is organized into the following sections: Budget Message — A narrative summary highlighting important aspects of the proposed capital plan. Table of Organization — A chart showing the organizational structure of City departments and agencies. Executive Summary— Provides an overview of the major highlights and project recommendations proposed for FY 2004. Program Area Details — This section consists of a narrative, by program area and department, summarizing each department's capital program strategy. It is then followed by: a summary of capital projects completed during FY 2002-2003; and the FY 2003-2004 capital program and multi -year plan section which summarizes projects programmed between FY 2003-2004 and 2008-2009, including projects that are on -going, new projects recommended for FY 2003-2004, and projects that will commence beyond FY 2003-2004. The final section "Unfunded Needs / Priorities" provides an overview of projects for which no funding is currently identified. Funding Sources — Provides a listing of all capital project funding sources. Funding Category Details — Provides a summary of project funds by funding category. Capital Projects by Commission Districts — Provides a listing of projects by the Commission District in which the project is located. This section includes location maps and a listing of projects and funding schedules. Project Details — Provides detailed information on individual projects including: job number, name, address, location, project scope, appropriations and funding/cost estimates by year. List of Maps — Provides a list of the various maps depicted throughout the document List of Tables — Provides a list of the various tables depicted throughout the document A-3 2003-2004 PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN Capital Improvement Programming Process In May, CIP update materials were distributed to the operating department. In June, proposed project requests, status reports and budget forms were returned by the operating departments. In September, the City Manager reviewed the current CIP and Appropriations Ordinance; and a preliminary CIP and Capital Appropriations Ordinance were formulated. In October 2003, the Capital Improvement Plan was presented at a workshop of the City Commission and later at a regularly scheduled Commission meeting. November, the CIP was presented to the Planning Advisory Board for its consideration and recommendation. A-4 FUNDING FUNDING APPROP. Multi -Year Capital Improvement Plan Summary by Program Area and Department TOTAL PRIOR CURRENT YEAR APPROP. 2004 - 2005 2005 - 2006 2006 -2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 FUTURE FUNDING ESTff•:1A i ES Public Safety $67,977,054 50 $27,159,359 $6,962,000 $9,352,000 S6,588,852 55,376,908 $12.537.935 Fire Rescue $46,824,994 50 $14,866,184 $4,962,000 $6,852,000 56,588,852 $5,376,908 $8,179,050 Police $21,152,060 50 $12,293,175 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 $0 30 $4,358,885 Recreation and Culture $144,365,056 $0 $48,803,235 $40,160,933 $14,483,200 $6,127,585 $8,722,370 $26,067,733 CIPAdministration $31,443,554 SO $7,377,000 $18,566,554 S5,000000 $0 $0 S500,000 Parks and Recreation $73,037,666 50 $18,326,798 $18,934,379 $7,133,200 $3,777,585 53,372,370 $21,493,334 Planning and Zoning $7,500,000 $0 $500,000 $0 $0 $2,000,000 $5 000,000 $0 Public Facilities $25.826,997 $0 $20,042,598 $660,000 5350 000 $350,000 $350,000 $4,074,399 Virginia Key Park Trust $6,556,839 $0 $2,556,839 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $0 $0 SO Infrastructure and Environment $248,368,327 $0 $99,547,701 $36,560,000 $35,981,064 $17,749,228 318,471,996 340,056,338 DIP Administration $78,104,608 $O $59,318,555 - $0 $0 S0 $0 $18,786,053 Economic Development $6,122,272 $0 $1,272,272 $0 $0 So SO $4,850,000 Parks and Recreation $2,216,065 $0 $2,216,065 $0 $0 $0 SO $0 Planning and Zoning $1,475,556 SO $825,556 $650,000 $0 $0 $0 $0.- Public Works S44,122 $0 $44,122 $0 $0 $0 S0 $0 Solid Waste 5,1,236,140 $0 $4,164,890 $0 $0 $0 $0 $71,250 Transportation and Transit $156,167,564 SO $31,706,241 $35,910,000 $35,981,064 $17,749,228 $18,471,996 $16,349,035 Community and Economic Deveiopmen $194,392,484 $0 $69,208,047 $57,119,437 $0 $3,940,000 $5,075,000 $59,050,000 CIA Administration $40,131,477 S0 $16,696,040 $21,435,437 S0 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 S0 Economic Development $21,521,392 SO $12,596,392 $2,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $6,925.000 NET S1,747,284 $0 $1,747,284 $0 S0 SO S0 $0 Parks and Recreation 5126,020 $0 $96,020 $0 SO $30,000 $0 $0 Planning and Zoning $130,866,311 50 338,072,311 $33,684,000 $0 $2,910,000 34,075,000 , $52,125,000 Page 1 of 5 Sunday, November 02, 2003 FUNDING FUNDING APPROP. TOTAL. PRIOR CURRENT YEAR APPROP. 2004 - 2005 2005 - 2006 SUTURE EUND1NG ESTI'.147ES 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 General Government and Services $70,299,786 $0 $20,220,271 $2,776,865 $320,000 $223,000 $300,000 $46,459,650 8urading Department $153,300 S0 $103,300 S0 $0 S0 S0 $50,000 Economic Development $50 000 $0 S50,000 $0 $0 $0 SO $0 GSA $30,218,253 $0 $7,281,753 SO SO $0 SO S22,936,500 Information Technology $39,783,171 50 S12,690,156 $2,776,865 $320,000 $223,000 $300,000 S23,473,150 Law $95,062 $0 $95,062 S0 $0 S0 $0 $0 FUNDING TOTAL' $725,400,707 $0 $264,938,613 $143,579,235 $60,136,264 $34,628,665 $37,946,274 $184,171,656 . Page 2 of 5 Sunday, November 02, 2003 COST TOTAL COST PRIOR CURRENT YEAR APPROP. APPROP. 2004 - 2005 FUTURE COS- EST'.'=,TES 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 Public Safety Fire Rescue Police Recreation and Culture CIP Administration Parks and Recreation Planning and Zoning Public Facilities Virginia Key Park Trust Infrastructure and Environment CIP Administration Economic Development Parks and Recreation Planning and Zoning Public Works Solid Waste Transportation and Transit Community and Economic Developmen CIP Administration Economic Development NET Parks and Recreation Planning and Zoning General Government and Services Building Department Economic Development $67,977,054 $0 S46,824,994 $0 $21,152, 060 SO 3144,365,056 $0 $31,443,554 $0 $73,037,666 $0 $7,500,000 SO $25,826,997 S0 $6,556,839 $0 $248,366,327 $0 $78,104, 608 S0 $6,122,272 $0 $2,216,065 $0 S1,475,556 $0 $44,122 $0 $4,236,140 S0 $156,167, 564 $0 $194,392,484 SO $40,131,477 $0 $21,521,392 $0 $1,747,284 $0 $126,020 SO $130,866,311 SO $70,299,786 $0 $153,300 $0 $50,000 50 $26,949,359 514,656,184 S12,293,175 $41,807,708 S4,113,149 $16,826,052 $500,000 $17,811,668 $2,556,839 $92,821,892 $52,838, 749 $1,150,000 $2,216,065 $825,556 $44,122 $4,164,890 $31,582,510 $62,233,347 S10,144, 040 $12,596,392 $1,747,284 $96,020 $37,649,611 $20,220,271 $103,300 $50,000 Page 3 of 5 $7,172,000 $5,172, 000 $2,000,000 $36,139,906 S11,863,851 $19,385,125 $0 $2,890,930 $2,000,000 $43,285,809 $6,479,806 $122,272 50 $650,000 $0 $0 $36,033, 731 $46,023,064 $16,993,401 $2,000,000 $0 50 $27,029,663 $1,976,865 $0 $0 $9,352,000 $6,852,000 $2,500,000 $23,183,200 $12,700,000 $8,133,200 $0 $350,000 $2,000,000 $35,981,064 $0 $0 $0 $0 $o SO $35,981, 064 $8,997,037 $7,620,000 $0 50 50 $1,377,037 $6,588,852 55,376,908 $12,537,935 56,588,852 S5,376,908 $8,179,050 $0 50 $4,358,885 56,444,139 $8,722,370 $26,067,733 $2,266,554 $0 $500,000 33,827,585 $3,372,370 521,493,334 $2,000,000 $5,000,000 $0 $350,000 S350,000 $4,074,399 SO $0 $0 $17,749,228 $18,471,996 $40,056,338 $0 $0 $18,786,053 S0 $0 $4,850,000 $0 $O S0 $O $0 SO SO SO $0 $0 $O $71,250 $17,749,228 $18,471,996 $16,349,035 54,224,036 $1,180,000 $71,735,000 $4,194,036 $1,180,000 $0 $0 SO $6,925,000 $0 $0 $0 $30,000 30 50 $0 50 $64,810,000 50 $0 $0 $48,102,650 $0 $0 $0 $50,000 SO $O $0 SO Sunday, November 02.2003 COST TOTAL PRIOR CURRENT YEAR COST APPROP. APPROP. 2004 - 2005 FUTURE COST FSTri,^ATES 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 GSA S30,218,253 SO $7,281,753 S0 lnformafion Technology $39,783,171 S0 $12,690,156 $1,976,865 Law $95,062 SO $95,062 S0 SO So $0 $22,936,500 $0 S0 S0 $25,116,150 $0 S0 SO S0 COST TOTAL: 3725,400,707 S0 $244,032,577 $134,597,644 $77,513,301 337,006,255 $33,751,274 3198,499,656 Funding Minus Cost = $o V Page 4 of 5 Sunday, November 02, 2003 2003-2004 PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN OVERVIEW The City of Miami's 2003-2004 Capital Improvement Program and Multi -Year Plan is intended to guide the City's implementation of short and long-range physical and capital equipment improvements in a manner that is consistent with the policy direction and priorities of its elected officials and administration. As part of the capital budget development and implementation process, considerable weight and thoughtful deliberation is given to the basic needs of the City's public infrastructure, neighborhood quality of life, transportation corridors, and its rapidly -growing urban core. Increased emphasis on pursuing collaborative project management and grant initiatives with Federal, State, County and local government agencies is delivering economies of scale and project funding opportunities that are helping to stretch the City's capital dollars. A total of 717 capital projects, with a total estimated value of $725,400,707 have been identified citywide. Throughout the capital plan, department projects are classified as "Funded", "Partially Funded", or "Unfunded", based on the availability of funds for each project. A total of $500,256,497 is projected to be available for both funded and partially funded projects. This leaves a funding shortfall of $225,144,210 in projects that are partially or totally unfunded. Project $ by Funding Proportion $725,400,707 Unfunded Projects $225,144,210 31% Partially Funded Funded Projects Projects $473,849,945 $26,406,552 65% 4% Projects are grouped by department and by one of five broad Strategic Program Areas: Public Safety, Recreation and Culture, Infrastructure and Environment, Community and Economic Development and General Government and Services. The following list highlights projects in each of these categories. B -1 2003-2004 PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN Public Safety - Total Project Valuations: $67,977,054 This category covers all Public Safety related projects for the Fire Rescue and Police Departments and includes over $6-million in funded projects for the Police and over $43 million in funded projects for the Fire Rescue Dept. Each of the two departments has $15.5 million in Homeland Defense / Neighborhood Improvement Bond funds that are designated for equipment, neighborhood Fire Stations and training facilities. Fire Fee Funds will be used to renovate Fire Station #1 in FY04 and Fire Station #10 in FY05. Land acquisition is in progress for a new Fire Station #13. Police projects in FY04 include various headquarters and substation building renovations and generator upgrades. Recreation and Culture — Total Project Valuations: $144,365,056 With significant available funding from the Homeland Defense This category covers the City's parks and public facilities such as marinas, stadiums, convention and exposition centers and the Manuel Artime Theater. With over $42-million in funded projects, Parks and Recreation capital initiatives will include major construction and expansion of facilities at Grapeland Heights, Shenandoah, Virrick, Jose Marti, and the development of a regional park and cultural complex in Little Haiti. With over $21-million in funded projects, the Public Facilities department will focus in various marina upgrade and restoration projects that include a dock master building addition, new fueling facilities, and a major anchorage project at Dinner Key Marina. Other projects include continued structural restoration at the Orange Bowl Stadium and a roof replacement at the Coconut Exposition Center. infrastructure and Environment — Total Protect Valuations: $248,366,327 This strategic program area includes the implementation of a highly structured approach to planning, funding and managing major right-of-way projects with a well -coordinated effort between the Office of Transportation, and the Public Works and Capital Improvements Departments. Projects will involve transportation and transit related improvements, including projects in the areas of road infrastructure maintenance, major highway and road projects, miscellaneous transit and transportation initiatives, and Commissioner Discretionary Projects that will be prioritized by the City's elected officials. With funding from the municipal share of the transit tax, the Local Option Gas Tax, and other funding sources, the six year plan includes over $150,000,000 in funded projects. This category also includes over $3.5-million in funded capital improvement projects, including a trash and recycling center, overseen by the Solid Waste Department. Community and Economic Development — Total Protect Valuations: $194,392,484 Projects classified within the program area of Community and Economic Development are those for which the primary intent is to bolster the social, economic and aesthetic vitality of a given locale of the City. The capital plan identifies over $70-million in funded projects with this designation, as identified and/or managed by departments including: Department of Capital B -2 2003-2004 PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN Improvements, Economic Development, NET, Parks and Recreation, Planning and Zoning. Related projects include: capital contributions to the Gusman Hall historical restoration in coordination with the Off -Street Parking Dept.; historical renovation and infrastructure improvements at the Virginia Key Beach Park, working in concert with the park's Trust, as well as the complete restoration of the historic Black Police Precinct and Courthouse. General Government and Services — Total Project Valuations: $70,299,786 Support and service projects for the proper functioning of City departments are captured in the General Government and Services program area, with total estimated projects valued at $70,299,800. This includes projects managed by the Building Department ($153,000), Economic Development ($50,000), Law Department ($95,062),. General Services Administration ($30,218,253), and Information Technology $39,783,200). Major information technology upgrades planned by the IT Department that will support the City's strategic and service -focused initiatives include: an Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP), Technology Infrastructure initiatives, and various Management Systems that will greatly enhance document, property and marina management process. With over $6-million in funded projects, General Service Administration initiatives include fleet replacement and various facility renovation / expansion projects including City Hall, the MRC building and Property Maintenance warehouse improvements. A summary of the capital improvement needs identified by program area are depicted in the chart that follows. $250,000,000 $200,000,000 $160,000,000 $100,000,000 $50,000,000 $0 Public Safety Capital Plan by Program Area Recreation & Culture Infrastructure & Environment Community & Economic Development General Govt & Services 0AFT B -3 FUNDED Multi Year Capital Improvement Plan - Cost Estimates Funded Proportion by Department TOTAL PRIOR CURRENT YEAR COST APPROP. APPROP. 2004 - 2005 FUTURE COST EST1'; h-ES 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 Building Department $103,300 $0 $103,300 $0 $0 SO $0 $0 CIP Administration $107,404,733 SO $47,648,255 $31,795,888 $20,320,000 $6,460,590 $1,180,000 SO Economic Development $14,418,664 SO $12,296,392 $2,122,272 SO $0 $0 SO Fire Rescue $43,715,644 SO $13,552,684 $5,172,000 $6,852,000 $6,588,852 $5,376,908 $6,173,200 GSA 36,182,408 $0 $6,182,408 $0 S0 $0 SO $0 Information Technology 5239,326 $0 3239,326 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Law $95,062 $0 $95,062 $0 $0 $O $0 $0 NET $1,747,284 SO $1,747,284 $0 $0 SO $0 $0 Parks and Recreation $42,495,504 $0 $13,536,165 $12,038,834 $7,576,200 13,857,585 13,372,370 $2,114,350 Planning and Zoning $57,812,556 SO 532,928,556 $17,884,000 $0 $2,000,000 $5,000,000 S0 Police $16,793,175 $0 $12,293,175 $2,000,000 12,500,000 $0 SO $0 Public Facilities $21,297,874 $0 $17,098,020 $2,799,854 $350,000 $350,000 $350,000 $350,000 Public Works $44,122 $0 $44,122 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Solid Waste $3,547,890 SO $3,547,890 $0 $0 S0 $0 $0 Transportation and Transit $151,395,554 $0 $30,168,279 $34,458,731 $35,981,064 $16,049,228 $18,471,996 $16,266,266 Virginia Key Park Trust $6,556,839 $0 $2,556,839 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $0 $0 $0 UNFUNDED 5473,849,945 $0 $194,037,757 $110,271,579 575,579,264 $35,306,255 533,751,274 $24,903,816 Page 1 of 4 Sunday, November 02, 2003 PARTIALLY FUNDED 21 TOTAL COST MMEN PRIOR CURRENT YEAR APPROP. COST ESTIr.'- 7S APPROP. 2004 - 2005 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 CiP Administration $36,633,421 $O $19,447,683 $3,541,170 SO Economic Development $7,850,000 $0 $1,500,000 $0 $O Fire Rescue $3,109,350 $0 $1,103,500 $0 $0 GSA S13,977,845 $0 $1,099,345 SO $O Information Technology $39,543,845 S0 $12,450,830 $1,976,865 SO Parks and Recreation $18,934,247 SO $5,601,972 57,346,291 $557,000 Planning and Zoning S72,629,311 SO $6,046,611 $9,795,663 $1,377,037 Public Facilities $3,564,123 S0 $713,648 $91,076 SO Solid Waste $688,250 SO $617,000 SO $0 Transportation and Transit $3,072,000 SO 51,414,231 $1,575,000 $0 So 50 50 so so so So So so so $0 $13,644,568 SO $6,350,000 $0 S2,005,850 $0 $12,876,500 $0 $25,116,150 SO $5,428,984 $0 $55,410,000 $0 $2,759,399 SO $71,250 S0 $82,769 FUNDED $200,002,392 S0 $49,994,820 $24,326,065 $1,934,037 $0 S0 $123,747,470 Page 2 of 4 Sunday, November 02, 2003 FU T U E COST EST!': -.TES UNFUNDED TOTAL PRIOR CURRENT YEAR COST APPROP. APPROP. 2004 - 2005 2005 - 2006 2006-2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 Building Department $50,000 $0 $0 CiP Administration $5,641,485 $0 $0 Economic Development $5,425,000 $0 $0 GSA $10,058,000 $0 $0 Parks and Recreation $13,950,000 $0 $0 Planning and Zoning $9,400,000 $0 $0 Police $4,358,885 *0 $0 Public Facilities $965,000 $0 $0 Transportation and Transit $1,700,000 $0 SO $0 S0 $0 $0 $50,000 $0 $0 S0 S0 $5,641,485 $0 $0 $0 $0 S5,425,000 $0 S0 S0 S0 $10,058,000 $0 So So $0 $13,950,000 SO S0 SO $0 $9,400,000 So $0 $0 $0 $4,358,885 SO $0 So $0 $965,000 S0 $0 $1,700,000 $0 SO PARTIALLY FUNDED $51,548,370 $0 SD SO $0 $1,700,000 $0 $49,848,370 TOTAL COST ESTIMATE = $725,400,707 Page 3 of 4 Sunday, November 02, 2003 PROGRAM AREA DETAILS - SECTION 2 2003-2004 PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW & STRATEGY The Department of Capital improvements is responsible for implementing a Capital Improvement Plan that is consistent with the City's Financial Integrity Ordinance and responds to the needs of City residents by aligning organizational structure, strategy, and processes in coordination with City officials and executives, staff departments, outside agencies, boards, community organizations, developers, consultants and vendors. In this capacity, the Department coordinates the capital improvement development process so that capital spending supports strategic citywide and neighborhood goals and develops a six -year capital improvement plan annually. It also directs and executes capital improvement projects for the City that require professional design and engineering services. The Department's strategies include: implementing a capital improvement program that balances key community needs, policy directives, and the physical condition of assets and facilities; delivering construction projects on time and within budget; offering professional and technical support to staff departments during the project planning process; maximizing the City's capital improvement resources through grant and cooperative arrangements with other government agencies and private sector partners; implementing an ADA transition plan; completing the development of Administrative Guidelines for the Homeland Defense / Neighborhood Improvement Bond Program; and keeping stakeholders adequately informed of capital program activities and project progress. Department staff participates in the review of capital projects and makes recommendations in priority areas. It also monitors projects through the development process working closely with staff, executives, bond oversight boards, funding agencies, trusts and other city agencies. The department is also working with other departments in the standardization of construction contract language and formats and the development of a centralized information system (GIS) for all capital projects. FY 2002-2003 HIGHLIGHTS • Department was created in October 2002, and re -organized in February 2003 into functionally -aligned support areas and project management teams. • Initiated and/or expanded Communications initiatives that included: creating and distributing bi-weekly Project Status Reports to the Commission and administrators; providing agenda development, administrative and planning support to the Homeland Defense / Neighborhood Improvement Bond Oversight Board and its Marketing and Audit Subcommittees; supporting the launching of Bond Oversight Board Website; facilitated community meetings on major projects including the Little Haiti Park and Wagner Creek Canal dredging; and maintained active participation in Miami River Commission and South Florida Water Management District committee meetings. • Initiated the assessment of critical administrative processes and tools including: procurement contract award, construction bid documents, and work orders; interdepartmental project scoping documents; preparation of RFP for new web portal database for managing and tracking capital project scheduling milestones, funding status, financial transactions, and general information. • Received new grants totaling $2.7 million for Miami River greenway projects, Wagner Creek Canal Dredging and Bicentennial Park; received contributions from Miami -Dade County, the Downtown Development Authority and Florida Department of Transportation totaling $6.19 million for cooperative streetscape beautification projects for Flagler Street and Grand Avenue. C-1 2003-2004 PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN FY 2002-2003 HIGHLIGHTS (Cont'd.) • Submitted grant application to FEMA's Pre -Disaster Mitigation Program seeking funding for (14) citywide flood mitigation projects valued at approximately $40 million. The application was prepared in collaboration with project engineers, the City's Recovery and Hazard Mitigation Specialist, and the Grants Department (See Section 7, Map 7b). • Negotiated and executed a cooperative agreement with the City of West Miami for the design, construction and maintenance of a $1.8 million storm water force main. • Successfully negotiated a new cost share formula with Miami -Dade County for the Bank -to -Bank portion of the Miami River Dredging project, saving the City approximately $1,500,000 (See Section 6, Appendix 6g). • Re-established direct links to key governmental agencies, including Miami -Dade County - County Manager's Office, Public Works and Water and Sewer Departments, and the South Florida Water Management District to foster capital project collaboration and technical and funding assistance. • Prepared to install and train appropriate departments on a citywide Facility Assessment Program that identifies and programmatically schedules needed improvements and repairs for an extended (20 year) period, including deferred maintenance, cyclic maintenance routine repairs and service and component renewal. • Projects in Design - Negotiated and executed design contracts or work orders for 33 projects totaling over $2.4 million. • Projects under Construction - Completed design, conducted bid processes and awarded contracts totaling in excess of $20.8 million for (45) projects about to begin or under construction. 1 • Construction Completed - A total of 27 construction projects valued at $10.6 million • Drafted and issued a new RFQ for six specific projects, as well as professional services in (14) technical disciplines - including design, engineering and construction management - to significantly expand department's outsourcing and project management capabilities. Evaluation and selection committees are in the process of reviewing and ranking the over 270 proposals that were submitted in I response to the RFQ. • Implemented a fast track process, with the Parks Department, for bundling the procurement of park improvements products and services that don't require engineering services — such as playground equipment, fencing, and sports court improvements. This resulted in the approval of approximately $1-million in Homeland Defense park improvement projects within a two month period. 1 1 r i C-2 2003-2004 PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN i i i i i HIGHLIGHTS of 2003-2004 CAPITAL PROGRAM AND MULTI -YEAR PLAN SUMMARY OF ACTIVE PROJECTS Program Area Primary Department # of Projects Value FUNDED PROJECTS: Public Safety Police Facilities 4 $849,219 Public Safety Fire Facilities 6 $14,133,150 Infrastructure & Environment Right -of -Way 27 $15,600,490 Infrastructure & Environment Road Improvements 5 $1,906,064 Infrastructure & Environment Storm Sewers 20 $46,647,143 Infrastructure & Environment Pump Stations 6 $3,833,443 Infrastructure & Environment Environment - Canals & Waterways 5 $10,498,691 Infrastructure & Environment Solid Waste Facilities 1 $688,250 Recreation & Culture Parks 32 $14,526,758 Recreation & Culture Recreation Centers. 5 $6,278,183 Recreation & Culture Marinas 7 $4,203,676 Recreation & Culture Stadiums & Auditoriums 6 $2,928,410 Community & Economic Development Cultural Facilities 2 $3,512,200 Community & Economic Development Streetscape & Beautification Projects 18 $27,322,398 Community & Economic Development Major Park Projects 5 $28,864,909 Community & Economic Development Historic Preservation 1 $1,677,000 Community & Economic Development Other 1 $24,816 Total: 151 $183,494,800 C-3 Funded Proportion by Department GIP Administration TOTAL CURRENT YEAR COST APPROP. 2004 - 2005 F JT1,rcE COST ESTI7.1ATES FUNDED $107,404,733 B-30293 - Bicentennial Peru Shoreline Stabilization - Ph. B-30299 - Old Miami Police Precinct 8-34200 - Soccer Complex Development B-39900 - Neighborhood Gateways 8-39901- One Miami Greenway 8-39902 - Downtown infrastructure B-39903 - Waterfront Improvements Citywide B 39904 - Quahly of Life District 5 - Various Projects 8 39905 - Quality of Life District 4 - Various Projects B-39906 - Fiegemi Traffic Calming B-39907 - SW 22nd Ten: Improvements - Aston B-39908 - Quality of Life District 3 - Various Projects 8-39909 - Beacon Blvd. Enhancements B-39910 - Quality of lie District 2 - Various Projects 8-39911- Venetian Causeway improvements 8-09912 - Quality of Life District 1- Various Projects B-40620 - Allepattah Comm. Development Street lmprov B-40626 - Alepattah Street and Storm Sewer lmprovem B-40651 - Road Rehabilitation, FEMA 1345 PW 644-0 B-40652 - Road Rehabitation, FEMA 1345 PW 646-0 B-40653 - Road Rehabilitation, FEMA 1345 PW 647-0 8-40654 - Road Rehabiltation, FEMA 1345, PW 611-0 B-40656 Road Rehabilitation, FEMA 1345 PW 645-0 B-40665 - Brentwood Village Project 8-40667 - Flagler Street Marketplace Streetscape Projec B-40673 - Flagrant Area Traffic Circles Construction - Ph 8-40681- McFarlane Median Beautification Projerf 8-40684 - Miami River Greenways/Streetscape E2/Neo $10, 700,000 S1,677,000 $10,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,160,000 $5, 840, 000 S8,266,554 $3,702,536 53,962,915 $100,000 $192,631 $1,920,000 $480,000 52,608,523 S1,900,000 S4,430,513 $530,000 $255,389 $1,155,875 51,402,594 S1,032,088 $1,077,646 $1,993,762 $821,223 $11,150,431 $13,505 $50,000 °_ $250,000 547,648,255 $2,842,234 $1,270,915 $0 $1,500,000 S4,160,000 S0 S0 50 50 S100,000 $192,631 50 $48,000 S0 $0 $0 $530,000 $255,389 $1,155,875 $1,402,594 S1,032,088 $1,077,646 51,993,762 $821,223 $11,150,431 $13,505 $50,000 $250,000 Page 2 of 36 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 $31,795,888 $20,320,000 36,460,590 $1,180,000 $0 53,157, 766 $4,700,000 $0 50 50 $406,085 SO $0 $O S0 S5,000,000 $5,000,000 50 SO $0 52,500,000 $0 $0 SO SO $0 S0 50 SO SO $5,840,000 S0 S0 S0 $0 $3,000.000 $3,000,000 $2,266,554 50 $0 S1,702,536 $1,000,000 51,000,000 50 50 $1,962,915 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 50 50 $0 $0 $0 SO $0 SO $0 S0 SO $0 $1,000,000 $920,000 SO 50 $0 $432,000 SO S0 SO $0 $1,000,000 S1,000,000 $608,523 SO $0 $200,000 $1,700,000 SO $0 50 52,000,000 $2,000,000 $430,513 SO 30 $0 SO $0 $0 $0 S0 SO SO S0 SO SO $0 SO $0 $0 SO S0 50 $0 $0 S0 SO SO S0 $0 SO t $0 SO SO S0 SO $0 SO SO $0 SO SO $O $0 SO $0 SO $0 SO So S0 $0 $0 $0 SO S0 $0 SO 50 S0 $0 S0 SO SO SO Sunday, November 02, 2003 CIP Administration Funded Proportion by Department TOTAL CURRENT YEAR COST APPROP. 2004 - 2005 FUTU7',-aCOS1 EST TES 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 FUNDED B-40685 - Ham! River Greenway - Other B-40686 - Miami River Greerrwaysl Streetscape Segmen B-40687 - E. Alfapattah Rover Greenway/Sheetscape B-40690 - Miami River Greenway Proj Seg A Lummus E B-40691 - Mam! River Greenway Proj Seg B Flagier P 8-40692 - Miami River Greenway Proj Seg C Flagler PT B-40693 - Mramr! River Greenway Streetscepe Proj Seg 8-40694 - Meml River Greenway Streetscape Pmj Seg 8-40695 - Miami River Greenway Proj Seg G Jose Mart! B-50643 - Wagner Creek Renovation Project - PH IV 13-50644 - Wagner Creek Renovation Project, PH V 8-50660 - Coconut Grove Stomr Sewer/Impact Fee Proj B-50679 - SW 11 Street Reconstruction Project B-50680 - Ademer end Davis Canal Dredging Projects - B-50688 - Wagner Creek Dredging Project, Phase !1! - F B-50689 - Lawrence Waterway Dredging Project (FEMA B-50690 - NE 71 Street Storm Sewer Project B-50691 - SW 16 Terrace Street Improvements B-50693 - Storm Sewer Forcematn System - Cansbuctio B-50699 - SW 11 Street Reconstruction Project B-50702 - FaMewn Storm Sewer Pump Station Proj Ph 1 B-79900 - Contribution to Ballet Gamonet PARTIALLY FUNDED 8- 40671- Roads Area Traffic Calming B-40672 - Flegaml Traffic Study B-40688 - Coral Gate Traffic Study B-40698 - SW 16 Terrace Road Priority Reconstruction B-50685 - Avalon Storm Sewer Project PH !. $107,404,733 $135,950 $1,475.000 $1,180,000 $722,250 $572,450 $615,250 $359,520 5282.480 $1,341,459 $1,811,076 $2,530,215 $904,407 S94,281 $2,427,400 i1,350,000 52;380,000 $855,000 $908,800 $1,961,729 S94,281 $1,430,000 $300,000 S36,633,421 $356,636 $370,000 $133,293 $776.500 '$4.006,900 $47,648.255 $100,000 50 $0 $722,250 $572,450 $615,250 $359,520 $282,480 S1,341,459 $1,811,078 $2,530,215 $904,407 $94,281 S1,531,264 $1,350,000 $337,500 $855,000 $908,800 S1,961,729 $94,281 $1,430,000 $0 $19,447,683 5252,000 $60,000 $130.000 S91,500 3355,900 S31.795,888 $20,320,000 $35,950 $0 $320,000 $0 $0 $0 S0 30 $0 so $0 $0 S0 50 $0 SO $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SO S0 SO SO $896,136 $0 $0 SO 52,042,500 SO $O SO SO SO 50 $0 30 $0 $0 $0 $300,000 $0 $3,541,170 SO $0 50 $0 SO 50 $0 SO $o $911,480 SO 66,460,590 S0 $1,155,000 SO 50 $0 $0 So 50 $0 50 $o 50 $o $o SO SO $0 $0 $0 So $0 $0 so so so so SO so 2008 - 2009 $1,180,000 $0 S0 SO 50 $0 $1,180,000 S0 $o 50 $0 So $0 $o So $0 SO S0 $o 50 50 $O $0 $0 50 SO SO so $O $0 SO $0 SO $O s0 $0 $0 SO 50 $0 SO so So $0 $0 50 $0 $13,644,568 SO $104,636 SO $310,000 SO $3,293 $0 $685,000 S0 $Z739,520 Page 3 of 36 Sunday, November 02. 2003 Funded Proportion by Department FU-TURE COST ES7rs'.A ES TOTAL CURRENT YEAR CIP Administration COST APPROP. 2004 - 2005 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 -2008 2008 - 2009 PARTIALLY FUNDED $36,633,421 $19,447,683 53,041,170 $0 50 50 $13,644,568 B-50692 - Liberty City Drainage Improvements Project P 52,526,520 $498,610 S1,341,690 S0 S0 S0 $686,220 B-50694 - Liberty City Drainage Improvements Projed P $2,850,072 5552,300 S1,288,000 S0 SO SO . s1,009,772 8-50695 - Flagsmi/West End Storm Sewer Improvement $11,148,500 $8,937,373 $0 SO SO SO 52,211,127 B-50704 - Fairlawn Storm Sewer Improvements Proj Ph 1 55,865,000 $2,570,000 SO SO $O 3O 53,295,000 8-50705- Kintoch Storm Sewer Improvements Project $3,840,000 $3,000,000 SO SO so $a s840,000 B-50706 - Tamiami Storm Sewer lmpmvements Project $4, 760,000 $3,000, 000 SO SO SO SO S1,760,000 UNFUNDED $5,641,485 $0 S0 $0 $0 50 $5,641,485 13-30000 - Lummus River Walk - Greenway Extension SO $O $0 SD SO SO SO B-30314 - Spring Garden Park Environmental Reslorafio S500,000 SO so so $o so $500,000 B-35859 - Jose Marti Riverwalk Extension Streetscape SO SO $o SO SO $o $ta B-40682 - Momingside Traffic Calming Project $20,000 SO SO SO SO 5a 520 000 8-50700 - Battersea and Douglas Road Storm Sewer Im $250, 000 SO $a $o so SO s250,000 B-50701 - .SW 64 Court Drainage Improvement Project $245,500 SO S0 $0 $0 S0 $245,500 8-50703 - Fairlawn Storm Sewer Improvements Prof Ph . 43,900,985 $0 $0 S0 SO SO $3.900,985 8-60459- Spring Garden Bridge Repairs $375,000 SO S0 S0 SO S0 5375,000 B-60479 - South Miami Avenue Lighting Project $350,000 S0 SO SO $0 S0 $350,000 CIP Administration $149,679,639 567,095,938 535,337,058 $20,320,000 $6,460,590 $1,180,000 519,286,053 Page 4 of 36 Sunday, November 02, 2003 2003-2004 PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN Public Safety: Fire -Rescue PROGRAM STRATEGY To provide, adequately maintain and repair needed vehicles and heavy equipment, radio communications equipment and service, and designated City buildings and their primary systems, within available funding. PROJECTS COMPLETED DURING FY 2002-2003 • Painting of Support Services Building and 4 Fire Stations $ 54,502 • Asbestos Abatement at Sta. 1 $ 36,400 • Replaced Air Conditioner at Fire Station 10 $ 8,650 • Radio up Grades $ 510,872 • Misc. Firefighting Equipment, such as $ 240,183 • Thermal Imagers and Self Contained Breathing Apparatus • Three Fire Engines (Pumpers) $1,086,533 • Three Fire -Rescue Apparatus $ 358,498 • Improvements to Fire Station parking Tots $ 195,340 • Misc. improvements to various Fire Stations $ 78,010 • Repair to lift at Fire Garage $ 12,163 • Alarm system at Fire Garage $ 10,000 HIGHLIGHTS of 2003-2004 CAPITAL PROGRAM AND MULTI -YEAR PLAN Using Fire Fee Funds, the Fire department will renovate Fire Station #1, originally constructed in 1963, at an estimated cost of $4.13 million, including prior year funds. A similar project is planned for Fire Station #10, with design to commence in FY04-05. The associated cost is $4.15 million. ■ The Department will continue regular capital maintenance of existing fire stations and facilities, including kitchen upgrades, roofing and other major repairs, at an estimated cost of $590,000 for FY03-04 using Fire Fee funds. Through 2009, we expect to complete more than $5.9 million in improvements, funding permitting. • The Fire Department has an ongoing replacement program for our apparatus and we will be replacing 4 apparatus, an engine & 3 fire -rescue vehicles, at a cost of $958,498.00. Newer fire apparatus fleet results in less down time for the apparatus which relates to better response times for the citizens. ■ The radio upgrade that was started last year will be completed in FY03-04 improving our communications capabilities. The estimated cost is $420,000. ■ The Computer Aided Dispatch System and First Alert Alarm Notification Systems both allow for better tracking of Fire units and will improve response times by alerting the stations and units faster. The estimated costs for these equipment systems are $500,000 and $700,000 respectively. • Under the Homeland Defense Neighborhood Improvement Bond Program, we pledged to add 2 new Fire Stations to serve the community. Fire Stations 13 and 14 will be developed in the coming years at a combined total cost of $6.5 million including land acquisition, design and construction. Additionally, Station 11 will be reconstructed beginning FY06, also with Homeland Defense funds. DRAf. D-1 i 2003-2004 PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN 1 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY For a summary of both funded and partially funded Fire Rescue projects, refer to the table on the next page. The table shows 24 funded projects, totaling $43,715,644, and one partially funded projects estimated at $3,109,350, for a combined total of $46,824,994. D AF:T D-2 Funded Proportion by Department =UTURE COST =sTI°. TES 7.1 Fire Rescue TOTAL CURRENT YEAR COST APPROP. FUNDED 8-32806 - New Training Facility B-60351- New Fire Station #10 8-60416 - Fire Stations 4,9,10 and 11- Site lmprovemen 5-60452 - New Fire Station #11 8-60453 - New Fire Station #13 8-60454 - New Fire Station #14 B-60455 - New Fire Station #1 B-72800 - UASI Grant Equipment Acquisition 8-72801- Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) 8-72802 - Alt Fire Stations and Other Fire Facilities B-72803 - Fire Station Equipment end Furniture Replace B-72804 - Radio Equipment Upgrades B-72805 - Computer Equipment and Software Upgrades 8-72806 - Fire Station Alerting B-72807 - ADAM, CAD Analysis, MUM B-72808 - Light Fleet Replacement B-72809 - Large Firefighting Equipment B-72810 - Replace Existing Fire Apparatus 8-72811- Replace Existing Fire Engines 8-72812 - Replace Aerial Trucks B-72813 - Defense and Security Equipment Acquisition B-72814 - Communications Vehicle Acquisition B-72815 - TRT/Hazmat Vehicle Acquisition B-72816 - EMS Units PARTIALLY FUNDED 8-60456 - EOC/Emergency Operations Center Improve $43,715,644 $1,000,000 33,500,000 S283,939 $2.500,000 S3,000,000 $3, 500, 000 $3,500,000 31,513,320 $700, 000 $5,392,515 $495,000 $1,120,000 $550,000 $700,000 $255,108 $1,450,000 $504,316 $3,123,200 33,386, 737 $2,000,000 $4,400,000 $400,000 $356,404 $85,105 $3,109,350 $3,109,350 $13,552,684 SO 50 $283,939 $0 $3000,000 $1,300,000 $3,500 000 $1,513,320 $300,000 S640,400 570,000 $420,000 $50,000 $200,000 SO $250,000 $60,316 $503,200 $420,000 3O $400,000 $400.000 $156,404 S85,105 $1,103,500 $1,103,500 2004-2005 $5,172,000 50 $350,000 $O SO SO $2,200,000 50 S0 $200,000 $450,000 370,000 $100,000 S100,000 $400,000 30 $250,000 $72, 000 3460,000 $420,000 $0 SO 50 $100,000 $0 So S0 2005 - 2006 $6,852,000 30 S3,150, 000 50 5300,000 $0 50 So $0 SO $450,000 $70,000 $100,000 SO $100,000 SO $200,000 $72,000 5460,000 $850,000 $1,000,000 $0 $0 $100,000 3O SO $0 2006 - 2007 $6,588,852 30 50 SO $2,200,000 $0 SO SO SO $200,000 $1,102,115 $90,000 $100,000 $150,000 $0 SO $250,000 S100,000 5460,000 $436,737 30 $1,500,000 30 $0 30 so S0 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 $5,376,908 $6,173,200 SO $1,000,000 SO SO 30 $0 S0 SO $0 50 So SO So SO SO 30 30 so S1,350,000 $1,400,000 $95,000 $100,000 S200,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $0 30 $111,908 $143,200 $250,000 $250,000 5100,000 $100,000 $780,000 $460,000 $840,000 $420,000 $0 $1,000,000 S1,500,000 $1,000,000 $0 $0 $0 S0 SO 30 $0 32,005,850 S0 $2,005.850 Fire Rescue $46,824,994 $14,656,164 35,172,000 $6,852,000 $6,588.852 $5,376.908 $,179,050 Page 6 of 36 Sunday, November 02, 2003 opArr 2003-2004 PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN Public Safety - Police PROGRAM STRATEGY Miami Police Department will renovate existing and construct new primary and support facilities and procure equipment to meet service needs and achieve optimal use of operational resources. PROJECTS COMPLETED DURING FY 2002-2003 • Underground Storage Tank North and South District • South District Pressure Cleaning and Resealing/Painting (Exterior) • North District Pressure Cleaning and Resealing/Painting (Exterior) HIGHLIGHTS of 2003-2004 CAPITAL PROGRAM AND MULTI -YEAR PLAN • Resealing and painting roof at headquarters building - $35,000 • Replacement of men's and women's locker room showers - $80,000 • Installation of ceramic bathroom tiles - $25,000 • Roof repairs at North and South substations - $80,000 • Fire alarm system upgrade - $120,000 • Lighting project under 1-95 - $51,220 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY For a summary of both funded and unfunded Police Department projects, refer to the table on the next page. The table shows 11 funded projects, totaling $16,793,175, and 14 unfunded projects estimated at $4,368,885, for a combined total of $21,152,060. CRAFT E-1 Funded Proportion by Department TOTAL CURRENT YEAR Police COST APPROP. 2004 - 2005 2005 - 2006 FUNDED 516,793,175 S12,293,175 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 $0 8-60484 - City of Mlaml Poll Department I-95 Overpas $40 691 $40, 691 S0 SO SO 13-72900 - Police Mobile Digital Terminal Refinement S45,574 S45,574 S0 SO SO &72902 -Headquarters Building Roof Improvements 535,000 535,000 SO $0 50 8-72903 - Headquarters Building Locker Room Renovali $80,000 $80,000 $0 SO so B-72904 - Headquarters Building Bathroom Improvement S25,000 S25,000 $o so so 8-72906 - 800Mhz Radio System & Mobile Dlgiial Temrl S824,594 $824,594 so so so B-72907- Police Parking Garage Structural Repairs 559,213 S59,213 SO SO SO B-72908 - Mobil Digital Computers -Phase 1 $9,488 59,488 $0 $0 $0 B-72909 - Upgrade Emergency Generators & Related Eq $173,615 $173,615 50 SO So B-72910 - Police Training Faciity $10,000,000 S10,000,000 SO 30 $0 B-72911- Police Homeland Security Defense Preparedn S5,500,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $2500.000 SO UNFUNDED $4,358,885 $0 S0 $0 $0 $0 B 30320 - MMPD Mounted Patrol Annex S420,000 30 SO SO $0 3O B-60437 - City of *Semi MMPD Fire Suppressor Modilrca $240,885 30 $0 S0 SO SO B-72913 - Desktop Computer, Server and Network Um" $2,000,000 $o $o $o $o se B-72914 - Headquarters Building A/C Renovations S800, 000 50 So so 30 $0 B-72915 - Headquarters Bu►1d1n9 Security System $400,000 50 So S0 $0 SO B-72916 - 911 Center Generator Replacement $140,000 SO S0 $0 50 $0 8-72918 - Property Room Vault Renovations S40,000 $0 SO S0 $0 SO B-72919 - Headquarters Burldug Parking Lot lmprov+eme $100,000 3o SO SO 50 $0 B-72920 - David herring Center Roof Replacement 330,000 SO $0 So $0 SO b B-72921 - David Herring Center Safety & Utrmy Upgrade $83,000 SO 30 50 S0 S0 - ~ 8-72922 - David Herring Center Bu ng Improvements $20,000 30 $0 $0 S0 $0 8-72923 - South Substation Security Gates S35,000 $0 S0 $0 SO SO B-72924 - South Substation Parking Lot Improvements S25,000 $0 So S0 SO S0 B-72925 - North Substation Parking Lot lmpmvements S25,000 S0 S0 $0 $0 SO 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 S0 S0 50 So so 50 SO 30 SO SO 30 so 2008 - 2009 S0 S0 30 SO 30 SO So 30 $0 $0 50 50 $4,358,e85 S420,000 S240,885 $2,000,000 5800,000 5400.000 $140,000 540,000 5100,000 530,000 503,000 520,000 535,000 525,000 525.000 Police $21,152,060 $12,293,175 $2.000,000 $2,500 000 SO 50 $4,350.085 Page 24 of 36 Sunday, November 02, 2003 CRAFT 2003-2004 PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN i i i i i Recreation & Culture — Parks & Recreation CAPITAL PROGRAM STRATEGY The Parks & Recreation Department's Capital Program strategy includes providing adequate park and open space areas to serve growing community needs; renovating and repairing existing parks; improving undeveloped parks; and expediting the completion of projects included in the Homeland Defense Neighborhood Improvement Bond Program and the Safe Neighborhood Park Bond Program. PROJECTS COMPLETED DURING FY 2002-2003 • Completed track renovations at Curtis Park ($90,000) and Moore Park ($80,000). • Completed various site furnishings and other improvements of $190,000. • Installed $290,000 worth of new playground and playground equipment. • Completed $77,000 of court resurfacing and court renovations at various City parks. • Completed new building construction and building renovations totaling $837,000 at various City park facilities. FY 2003-2004 CAPITAL PROGRAM AND MULTI -YEAR PLAN • To initiate and complete $258,000 of court resurfacing and renovations to basketball and tennis courts. • To install $947,000 worth of new playgrounds and playground accessories and equipment. • To provide site furnishings of all kinds throughout our park system in the amount of $740,000. • To install steel picket fencing in the amount of $174,000. • To do building construction and renovations worth $578,000. • To complete various capital projects from shoreline stabilization to other construction related and maintenance related improvements of $1,746,000. • Work with the Department of Capital Improvements to complete park projects funded under the Homeland Defense Neighborhood Improvement Bond Program. F-1 2003-2004 PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN EXPENDITURE SUMMARY For a summary of both funded, partially funded, and unfunded Parks and Recreation projects, refer to the table on the next page. The table shows 281 funded projects, totaling $42,495,504, 11 partially funded projects totaling $18,934,247, and ten unfunded projects estimated at $13,950,000, for a combined total of $75,379,751. CRAFT F-2 Parks and Recreation COST FUNDED S42,495,504 S13,536,165 $12,038,834 $7,576,200 $3,857,585 $3,372,370 52,114,3 SO $15a.000 SO $o so O B-30270 - Miami Watersports Center Building $150,000 so $o so $a 50 B-30291 - Athalie Range #1 Mini Park improvements $600,000 $600,000 so so so SO so S0 8-30298 - Legion Park Shoreline Stabilization $180,� $180,000 so sa SO 0 B-30302 - Bryan Park Interior improvements $129,693 $129,693 SO SO s0 S0 13-30303 - Bryan Park Right -Of -Way improvements S216,065 S216,065 SO s0 SO SO s0 8-30311- Roberto Clemente Park Waterplay Area $150.000 5150,000 SO S0 8-30317- Moms0 SO SO SO ingside Park Shoreline Stabilization Proje S92,621 S92,62! $O 8 so so so s25, o0o so 35800 - Allepattah Mini Playground Equipment $25,00o 30 SO 30 � 0 8-35801- Allapetteh Mint Court Upgrades $25, so so so s2�000 so 30 B-35802 - Curtis Park Fencing Improvement $10,000 S10,000 SO 8 so so SO $o -35803 - Curtis Park New Water Fountains $10.000 $10,000 SO 8-35804 - Curtis Park Recreation Building New AC Syst S50, 50 s50,000 $o 5° S° 0 S0 $174.5SO 00 B-35805 - Curtis Si4,500 S0 S0 SO s Park Irrigation System Upgrade S0 s0 8-35806 - Curtis Park so $soo,aoo so $o Pool Renovation and Water Ptaygr $500,000 $0 5100,000 SO SO 8�$100,000 So so 5807 -Curtis Park Court Upgrades SO SD $0 SO nt and Site F $100,000 S0 $100, 000 s-,asaos - Curtis Park Playground Equipment so SO so tlso, 000 8-3581 ! - Guru5150,000 50 s0 s Park Sports Turf Upgrade SO SO SO SO non 5376,980 S376,980 SO B�5812-Duarte Park Buikiing Renovation/Expansion S0 s0 $80,000 8 358i3 - Duarte Park irrigation So so rigaiion System Upgrades $80,000 s0 SO $120,000 8-35814 -Duarte Park spa$120,000 30 50 s0 Sports tort Upgrade SO $a SO so B-35815 - Duarte Park Site Fumishin gs $20,000 SO $20 0000 B-35816 - Duarte Park Playgorund Upgrades S100.000 :o $o $o so $100,000 so 8-35817 - Duarte Park Walkway Upgrades & ADA Paths $55.000 S0 S55, 000 SO so s0 so 8-35818 - Duarte Perk Parking Lot improvements 555,000 s0 SO sss o0o so S0 so 8-35819 - Duarte Park Bonfield Renovations 540,000 50 S40,000 SO so s0 so 6-35820 - Fern isle Bathmonll7ffrce Renovation S79,0000 $0 SO s79,000 so so so SO sa 35o,75s SO so B-35821 - Fern isle Building Renovation $56.755 S0 SO B-35823 - Grapetand Park Court Resurfacing$100.000 SO sloo,000 so SO SO ~ Sunday, November 02, 2003 Funded Proportion by Department TOTAL CURRENT YEAR APPROP. 2004 - 2005 Page 11 of 36 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 Funded Proportion by Department FUTURE COST ESTIi.'. iTES Parks and Recreation TOTAL CURRENT YEAR COST APPROP. 2004 - 2005 2005 - 2006 FUNDED $42,495,504 513,536,165 512,038,834 57,576,200 B-35824 - Grapeland Park Renovation to Recreation Buil $500,438 S0 $500,438 S0 13-35825 - Grapeland Park Playground Equipment $100,000 S0 S0 5100.000 B 35827- Grapeland Park Site Furnishings $100,000 SO SO $100,000 8-35829 - Grapeland Park Perking Lot Improvements Ex $410,000 $0 $0 $410,000 B-35830 - Kinloch Park Playground Equipment $100,000 $100,000 S0 $0 B-35831 - Kinloch Park Court Upgrades $50,000 $0 $0 $0 B-35832 - Kinloch Par* Community Recreation Building 1 $450,000 $450,000 SO $0 835835 - Sewell Park Restraorn Renovations 57,081 $7,081 $0 $0 B35836 - Kennedy Park Playground $80,000 S0 $0 SO B-35837 - Kennedy Park Site Furnishing $50, 000 SO S0 SO B-35838 - Kennedy Park Restroom Bolding lmpmvemen $100,000 $O $0 $100,000 B-35839 - Kennedy Park Boardwalk Renovation $172,350 SO $172,350 S0 B-35840 - Kennedy Park Irrigation $150,000 S0 $150,000 SO B35841- Kennedy Park Landscaping and Sod $80,000 SO $80,000 SO 8-35843 - Legion Park Parking Lot Renovation $70,000 $0 $70,000 SO 8-35844 - Lumrnus Park Ft Dallas and Wagner Bolding $271,350 $0 SO $0 B-35846 - Momingside Park Recreation Building Improve $500, 000 $0 $500,000 SO 8-35847- Momingside Park Restroom building Renoveti $100,000 SO $100,000 $0 B-35848 - Momingside Park Maintenance Shed Remade $60,000 SO $60,000 S0 B-35849 - Momingside Park Baywalk S160,000 $160,000 S0 S0 .� e. non non B-35850 - Pace Park improvements Shomline Stabrizatl $1,000,000 $0 50 5 .000.000 B-35851- Peacock Park Recreation Bolding Expansion $560,000 S0 SO $0 8 35853 - Virrick Park Pool adding Renovation 3335,000 S0 $335,000 SO 835855 - Miami Waterspo►ts Center Hangar lmproveme 5533, 000 $533, 000 S0 $0 B-35856 - Henderson Park New Bathroom Bolding $190,000 $190,000 SO SO 8-35857 - Jose Marti Park Expansion $4,000, 000 S0 S0 S4,000,000 835860 - Maximo Gomez Park/Domino Park Expansion S243,504 $243,504 SO S0 B35861- Maximo Gomez Park/Domino Park Bathroom $7%000 S77,000 SO SO 2006 - 2007 $3,857,685 S0 50 $0 $0 SO S50,000 $0 SO $0 $50.000 $0 $0 S0 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 $3,372,370 $2,114.350 $0 $O S0 $0 $0 SO SO SO S0 $0 $0 S0 $0 $0 $0 SO $80,000 $0 $0 $0 SO SO $0 S0 S0 $0 SO SO SO SO $0 $O SO SO $271,350 SO $0 SO SO S0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 50 $0 $0 S0 SO $0 S560,000 $O 30 S0 30 $0 $0 SO $0 $0 $0 $O So S0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO Page 12 of 36 Sunday, November 02.2003 Funded Proportion by Department Parks and Recreation cosT 542,495,504 $13,536,165 $12,038,834 $7,576,200 S3,857,585 $3,372,370 $2,114,350 FUNDED� Sp SO SD B-35864 - Simpson Park Building Expansion $336,937 $0 $336,937 50 $O B-35865 - Coral Gate Park Build$o 50 5250,000 so GO Building Improvements $250,00D SO O SO B-35869 -Robed570,000 SD S70.000 SO King High Park Turf upgrade So so $D B35871- West End Park SD SO 5840,000 Pool Improvements $840,000 50 SO $432,o00 so so $D SO B35872 - African Square Park Recreation Building lmpr $432,000 SO $O 5180,000 SO B-35873 - BelafoMso $o e Tacolcy Park Building Renovation/E $18D,o00 $O $D SO S30 o0O SO SO 835674 - FEC NE 25th sr. Pocket Park $30,000 50 SO so B35875 - Gibson Park Playground Equipment 5100,000 S100,000 SO $O $O $O SO SO B-35878 - Gibson/Range Spats Turf Upgrade $50,000 S50.000 SO B-35879 - Gibson/Range irrigation Landscaping $50,000 S50,000 $o so so so so B35880- Gibson/Range Court Upgrades $50,000 S50,000 $o $o so so $o 8-35881- Gibson/Range Site Furniture 550.000 SO S50,000 SO $o so so B35882 - Hadley Park Playground Equipment 5.100,000 SO $O SO SO 5100,000 50 B-35883 - Hadley Park Restroom Bus -King Renovation $50,000 $50,000 S0 So SO 50 so - $o so $2Do,Doo $o SO B-35886 - Hadley Park Building Upgrade $200,000 SD B-35887 - Moore Park Budding Upgrade $82,200 SO so s82.200 so $o $o o0o $o $o SO so B35888 - Moore Park New Day Can) Center $350, 000 so $350.50 SO $O 83s0 $500,000 $0 5889 -Range Park Swimming Pouf Improvements $SOD.Doo SO 50 B35890 - Range Park Recreation Bug improvementdinimprovementSo $385,000 S0 SO $385,000 SO SO - Reeves Park Manor BuNdrig Renovations $36, 830 so so $o $3�s3o S0 S0 5160,000 S0 SO 50 5160,000 B-35894 - Reeves Park Building 50 SO SO 51,000,000 $500,000 5500.000 SO B35895 - Parks Master Plan SO Sp SO B-35896 - Pace Park Improvements - Ph. II $1,225,559 $1,225,559 SO SO SO so SO SO so B35897 - Hadley Park Swimming Pool and Splash Play $500,000 $500,000 SO s0 Parks - Improvement Coninge 52.300.000 50 52.300,000 50 So 835904 - Neighborhood SO SO SO $60,000 $60,000 SO SO 835905 - Antonio Maces Psrk �. SO 50 83lice 5906 - AWainwright Park S75, 000 S0 $75, 000 S0 50 B-40670 -Fein Isle Clean -Up Project .52.000000 52,000.000 SO 50 So S0 50 FUTURE COST ESTIr; 4TES TOTAL CURRENT YEAR APPROP. 2004 - 2005 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 Page 13of36 Sunday, November 02, 2003 Funded Proportion by Department FUTURE COST ESTi'.1-?TES Parks and Recreation COST FUNDED $42,495,504 $13,536,165 $12,038,834 $7,576,200 $3,057,585 $3,372,370 $2,114,350 8-60319 - Simpson Park Wood Trail $329,463 $329,463 $0 SO so so $D 8-60320 - Simpson Park Historic Pond Restoration $149,700 $149.700 $0 S0 SO SO SO B-60426 -Biscayne Heights Mlni Park Security Lighting 515,740 S15,740 SO SO SO SO SO 8-6O430 - Antonio Maceo Park New Community Building $800, 000 5800,000 SO SO $D SO SO B-60442 - Kennedy Park Additional Parking $200,000 $200,000 $0 S0 SO S0 S0 B-60447 - Vinick Park Computer Room $58,2 i6 558,216 SO SO SO SO $O 13-60457 - Hadley Park Model City Trust Offices $96,020 $96,020 SO SO $o so so 8-60475 - Douglas Park Recreation Building Renovation $354,677 S206,351 $148,326 SO SO so $0 B-60477 - Roberto Clemente Park Budding Renovations S820,000 $820,000 $D $D so $0 so B-60478 - Jose Marti Park Improvements S1,004000 $O $1,000,000 SO $0 $O $0 B-60482- Gibson Park Bleachers $180,000 $180,000 $0 SO $0 $0 SO B-60486 -Lemon City Park Recreation Building Project 559,935 $24,192 $35,743 SO SO SO SO 8-75800 - Fern Isle Playground Equipment ' $60.000 S0 SO S0 $0 S60, 000 S0 8-75801- Fern Isle Sports Turf Upgrades 550,000 SO SO SO $50,000 SO $0 71 B-75802 - Fem isle Irrigation Landscaping S50,000 S0 SO SO S50,000 S0 $0 $4O,OD0 $D SO $O $4QDO0 SO $O B-75803 - Fem Isle Court Upgrades B-75804 - Fem Isle Site Furnishings S304000 S0 $O SO S0 $30,000 S0 '{ B-75805 - Grapelend Park Sports Turf 5200,000 $0 S0 SO SO S0 $200, 000 8-75806 - Grapeland Park Irrigation Landscaping S200,000 SO S0 SO S0 S0 $2OR B-75807 - Kinloch Park Size Furnishings $100,000 $100,000 SO SO SO SO SO B-75808 - Kinloch Park Spats Turf Upgrades 550,000 $0 $50,000 S0 50 5O 50 8-75809 - Kinlbch Park irrigation Landscaping 550,000 SO S50,000 SO $O SO SO B-75810 - Sewell Park Steel Picket Feriae S80000 $80,000 S0 S0 SO S0 S0 8-75811- Sewell Park Playground Equipment 560,000 S0 SO SO $0 $60,000 SO B-75812 - Sewell Park Site Furnishings $20,000 S0 S0 SO $O-S20,000 SO 8-75813 - Armbrister Playground $100,000 SO $0 S0 SO $100,000 SO 8-75814 - Annbdsler Recreation Building Improvement 070,000 SO SO S0 $570,000 SO SO 8-75815 - Armbrister Court Upgrades $60,000 SO SO S0 $60.000 SO SO Page 14 of 36 Sunday, November 02, 2003 TOTAL CURRENT YEAR APPROP. 2004 - 2005 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 Funded Proportion by Department TOTAL CURRENT YEAR Parks and Recreation COST APPROP. 2004 - 2005 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 FUNDED $42,495,504 $13,536,165 $12,038,834 $7,576,200 $3,857,585 $3,372,370 $2,114,350 8-75816 - Armbruster Irrigation S50,000 $0 S50,000 50 So S0 50 B-75817 - Amib ister Landscaping 520,000 $0 $20, 000 S0 S0 $0 S0 B-75820 - Bayhont Park Baywalk Lights 599,000 $99, 000 S0 S0 S0 S0 S0 B-75821 - Belle Meade Playground $45,000 $0 $45,000 SO 50 50 $0 B-75822 - Billy Rolle Mini Sheller Restroom Renovation S50,000 S0 $50,000 S0 S0 $0 $0 B-75823 - Biscayne Park Playground $35,000 $0 $0 S35,000 $0 50 S0 8-75824 - Biscayne Park Turf Upgrades $40,000 $0 $40,000 50 S0 50 S0 8-75825 - Biscayne Park irrigation $50,000 50 $50,000 $0 $0 SO 50 B-75826 - Biscayne Park Court Upgrades $10,000 S0 SO $10,000 S0 $0 SO 8-75827 - Biscayne Park Site Furnishings $10,000 S0 $0 $10,000 SO S0 50 B-75828 - Biscayne Park Landscape 55,000 30 $0 55,000 $0 SO $0 8-75829 - Blanche Park Playground Equipment 535,000 $0 $0 $0 535,000 SO 30 B-75830 - Blanche Park Court Upgrades • $10,000 50 SO SO $10,000 SO SO B-75833 - Roberto Clemente Park Playground S50,000 50 S0 50 $50,000 50 SO B-75834 - Roberto Clemente Park Sports Turf Upgrades S60,000 S0 $0 $0 S60,000 S0 S0 8-75835 - Roberto Clemente Park Court Upgrades S20,000 50 50 SO 50 520,000 $0 8-75836 - Roberto Clemente Park Irrigation $40,000 SO $O $0 S0 $40,000 S0 B-75837- Roberto Clemente Park Site Furnishings $10,000 $O SO $0 SO $0 $10.000 13-75838 - Roberto Clemente Park Site Furnishings Dugo S60,000 S60,000 50 50 SO SO S0 B-75839 - Dorsey Park Playground S50,000 $0 SO 50 $50,000 $O S0 13-75840 - Dorsey Park Bullring Renovation Expansion $310,000 $0 $0 SO $310,000 SO SO B-75841- Dorsey Park Spats Turf Upgrades 360,000 SO $60,000 SO S0 SO S0 B-75842 - Dorsey Park irrigation $50,000 $0 $50,000 $0 $0 S0 SO B-75843- Dorsey Park Landscaping $10,000 50 $10,000 S0 $0 SO S0 13-75844 - Dorsey Park Court Upgrades S10,000 $0 50 SO $10.000 S0 S0 B-75845 - Dorsey Park Site Furnishings $10,000 S0 SO S0 $10.000 SO S0 B-75847 - Douglas Park Playground $50,000 50 SO S0 SO 350,000 SO 8-75859 - Douglas Park Sports Turf Upgrades = 590,000 So $90,000 S0 3O SO 5 FUTURE COST ST[VA T E5 Page 15 of 36 Sunday, November 02.2003 Funded Proportion by Department FUTURE COS- EST".:=.T_S Parks and Recreation COST FUNDED $42.495,504 513,536,165 $12,038,834 $7,576,200 $3,857.585 $3,372.370 $2,114,350 E-75850- Douglas Park Cowl upgrades S10,000 So SO So 30 $10,000 50 8-75851- Douglas Park Irrigations $60,000 $0 $60,000 50 $0 $0 30 8-75852 - Douglas Park Landscaping S20,000 SO 320,000 $0 50 so SO B-75854 - Kirk Munroe Court Upgrades S70,000 So SO SO $70,000 $0 5O B-75855 - Legion Park Playground S50,000 SO S50,000 30 SO SO 50 8-75856 - Legion Park Site Furnishings S30,000 $0 $30, 000 S0 S0 30 $0 B-75857 - Lammas Park Shelter $75,000 575,000 $0 50 $0 SO S0 • • B-75858 - Lummus Park Playground Equipment S80,000 $0 580,000 30 SO 30 S0 B-75859 - Lummus Park Recreation Buildrng Improveme $359,000 S0 50 S0 S0 S350,000 S0 B-75860- Lummus Park Site Furnishings $40,000 50 $40,000 $0 S0 30 S0 B-75861 - Lummus Park Picnic Shelter S30000 S0 330,000 $0 50 SO SO B-75862 - Marjorie Stoneman Douglas Park Playground 540,000 $0 $40,000 50 $0 SO SO B-75863 - Marjorie Stoneman Douglas Park Site Fumishi - S20,000 S0 S20,000 $0 S0 $0 $0 22 8-75864 - Morrie Christmas Park Playground $40,000 540,000 S0 $0 S0 $0 S0 B-75865 - Morrie Christmas Park Site Furnishings 520,000 320,000 SO S0 SO S0 $0 8-75856 - ll4om ngslde Park Pt $10400o 50 30 $o 50 $toa oo0 50 B-75867- Momirgside Pads Spots Turf Upgrades 150,000 30 3150,000 50 30 SO 50 B-75868 - Mbmingside Park Walkways Upgrades S60,000 $0 50 S0 S60,000 SO 0 Wivfq B-75869 - M mingskle Park Court Upgrades S80,000 SO $0 $0 $80,000 S0 50 B-75870 - Mornirgside Park Site Furnishings $50,000 S0 $50.000 SO S0 $0 50 B-75871- M,mingside Park Landscaping $10,000 $0 $10,000 SO $0 $0 SO B-75872 - Mbrni gside Park Water Fountains S30,000 $30,000 $0 SO $0 S0 S0 B-75873 - Pace Park Improvements Sports Turf Upgrade $750,000 S0 $100,000 SO S0 SO $650,000 8-75874 - Pace Park Improvements Steel Picket Fence $100,000 30 SO $100,000 30 S0 SO B-75875 - Pace Park improvements Landscaping S40,000 S20.000 S0 S0 $20,000 S0 50 B-75876- Pace Park improvements Court Upgrades $54000 SO SO SO $50,000 . SO 50 8-75877 - Pace Park hnprovements Me Furnishings $40,000 $0 S0 SO 340.000 $0 SO B-75878 - Pace Park improvements Shelter 350,000 SO $50,000 S0 SO 50 50 TOTAL CURRENT YEAR APPROP. 2004 - 2005 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 Page 16 of 36 Sunday. November 02.2003 Funded Proportion by Department Parks and Recreation TOTAL CURRENT YEAR COST APPROP. 2004 - 2005 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 FUNDED $42,495,504 $13,536,166 $12,038,834 $7,576,200 $3.857.585 $3,372,370 $2,114,350 B-75879 - Pace Park hrrprovements water Fountains S15,000 50 SO SO 515,000 So S0 8-75880 - Pace Park Improvements New AIC System 560,o00 so so s0 560,000 s0 $0 B-75881 - Pace Park Improvements Irrigation 550,000 S0 $0 SO $0 550,000 SO 8-75882 - Pace Park improvements Future Park lmpruv $345,000 $0 $0 50 SO $345,000 50 8-75883 - Peacock Park Playground S50,000 SO $0 S0 So $50,000 $0 8-75884 - Peacock Park Sports Turf Upgrades $100,000 SO $100,000 SO S0 $0 S0 B-75885 - Peacock Park Irrigation $40,000 S0 $40,000 S0 So S0 S0 • 8-75886 - Peacock Park Landscaping $10,000 So $10,000 SO SO $0 S0 B-75887 - Peacock Park Boardwalk Renovations $20, 000 SO 520.000 SO S0 $0 S0 8-75888 - Peacock Park Court Upgrades $10.000 S0 SO S0 $10,000 SO So B-75889 - Peacock Park Site Furnishings S10,000 SO SO SO $10,000 SO 50 B-75890 - Varick Park Playground $100,000 $100,000 50 50 so 50 $0 B-75891- Grove Mini -Park Playground • $17,500 SO SO SO SO 50 $17,500 B-75892 - Henderson Park Irrigation System $32,140 $0 S32,140 SO 0 S0 S0 B-75893 - Henderson Park Playground 580,000 S80,000 $0 SO SO SO SO 8-75894 - Henderson Park Court Upgrade S30,000 S30,000 SO $0 SO $0 0 8-75895 - Jose Marti Park Playground Equipment i60,000 $60,000 SO SO 50 SO 8-75896 - Jose Marti Park Sport Turf Upgrades 580,000 i0 $O i80,000 S0 $0 0 B-75897 - Jose Marti Park New Irrigation S70,000 SO $0 $70,000 SO SO SO 8-75898 - Jose Marti Park Court Upgrade $200,000 SO 50 SO $200,000 S0 SO B-75899 - Jose Marti Park Site Furnishings S56,159 $56,159 50 SO 0 S0 SO B-75900 - Jose Marti Park Furnishings for Recreation Bu S52,657 $52657 S0 • SO S0 SO S0 B-75901 - Jose Marl Park Fence $6,000 36,000 • So S0 S0 S0 SO B-75902 - Jose Marti Park Picnic Area $6.000 $6,000 $0 SO SO S0 S0 B-75903 - Jose Marti Park Ughffng S46,053 $46,053 SO $0 S0 S0 SO B-75904 - Manuel Arline Fenchg S10,000 $10,000 S0 sa S0 S0 i0 B-75905 - Manuel Arline Playground S40.000 $40.000 SO SO S0 $0 SO 8-75906 - Manuel Artirne Parking Upgrades S19,413 $19,413 SO S0 $0 SO 50 Page 17 of 36 Sunday. November 02.2003 Funded Prom by Department Parks and Recreation FUNDED B-75907 - Maximo Gomez Park/Domino Park Site Funds B-75908 - Maximo Gomez Park/Dornino Park improveme B-75909 - Riverside Park Fence 8-75910 - Riverside Park Playground B-75911 - Riverside Park Sports Turf B-75912 - Riverside Park irrigation 8-75913 - Riverside Park Court UPgrade 8-75914 - Southside Park Field Renovation 8-75915 - Southside Park Volleyball Court B-75916 - Southside Park Playground Equipment B-75917 - Southsde Park Court Upgrade B-75918 - Triangle Park Court Upgrade B-75919 - Triangle Park Playground B-75920 - Bay of Pigs Park Playground Equipment - 8-75921- Coral Gate Park Playground Equipment 8-75922 - Coral Gate Park Turf Upgrades 8-75923 - Coral Gate Park Landscaping B-75924 - Coral Gate Park Court Upgrades 8-75925 - Coral Gate Park Site Furnishings B-75926 - Robert King High Park Playground Equipment B-75927 - Robert King High Park Landscaping B-75928 - Robert King High Park Court Upgrades B-75929 - Robert king High Park Site Furnishings B-75931- West End Park Fencing B-75932 - West End Park Playground Equipment B-75933 - West End Park Turf Upgrades B-75934 - west End Park irrigation Upgrades B-75935 - West End Park Court Upgrades TOTAL CURRENT YEAR COST APPROP. 2004 - 2005 _ CCS T ESTIES 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 $42,495,504 $13,536,165 $12,038,834 $7.576.200 $3,857.585 $3,372,370 82.114,350 $30,000 s0 S0 S0 S30,000 So 30 5102,475 $102,475 SO SO $0 SO SO $43.000 S43,000 50 30 SO 30 SO S61,000 SO So SO 30 $0 $61,000 $50,000 SO SO 30 30 30 $50,000 S50,000 SO S0 SO S0 S0 $50,000 $39,000 50 30 50 S39,000 30 $0 $28,740 S28.740 S0 SO S0 SO SO $8,000 $8,000 $0 30 30 30 $0 S54,000 $54,000 $0 SO SO SO 0 $6,000 56,000 SO SO So So S0 $5,000 $5,000 50 30 50 SO $0 $5,000 $5,000 So SO $0 $o 50 S40,000 $0 50 50 $40,000 50 50 $60,000 $60,000 $0 50 $0 30 50 S70,000 30 S70,000 SO SO SO SO $50.000 $0 $50,000 50 SO 30 SO $50,000 30 SO S0 $50,000 SO SO $20,000 30 SO S0 $20,000 S0 SO $100.000 50 SO SO $100,000 50 SO $60,500 S0 S60,500 $0 So SO S0 $100,000 30 30 30 5100,000 30 $0 $40,000 30 $0 $0 $40,000 SO 30 S25,000 $25,000 S0 SO $0 $0 S0 $80 000 S80,000 30 So SO $0 SO $80,000 30 580,000 SO 30 30 SO 570,000 30 S70,000 30 30 30 30 '° $40.000 SO SO 30 S40,000 S0 30 Page 18 of 36 Sunday, November 02, 2003 Funded Proportion by Department TOTAL CURRENT YEAR Parks and Recreation COST APPROP. 2004 - 2005 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 FUNDED S42,495.504 $13,536.165 $12,038.834 97.576,200 $3.857,585 $3,372,370 $2,114,350 8-75936 - West End Park Site Furnishings $70,OOD S70,000 SO $0 SO SO S0 8-75937 - African Square Playground Equipment S13,000 S13,000 $0 $0 S0 S0 S0 8-75938 - African Square Court Upgrades $5,000 $5,000 $0 S0 $0 $0 S0 8-75939 - African Square Site Furnishing 550,000 SO S0 $0 SO 550,000 SO 8-75940 - African Square Field Improvements S31,580 $0 S31,580 S0 $0 S0 $0 8-75941- African Square Amphitheatre Renovations S70,000 SO S0 $70, 000 SO $0 S0 8-75942 - Belafonte Tacolcy Playground Equipmenticy P $40, 000 $0 S0 SO SO $40.000 $O B-75943 - Belafonte Tacolcy Park Court Upgrades $40,000 $40,000 SO $0 30 $0 SO 8-75944 - Belafonte Tacolcy Park Site Furnishing $40,000 SO S0 $0 $0 $40,000 $0 8-75945- Buena Vista Playground Equipment $30,000 $0 3O 530,000 $0 $0 $0 B-75946 - Buena Vista Site Furnishing S10,000 S0 $0 $10 000 $O SO $0 B-75947 - Buena Vista Court Upgrades S20,000 SO S0 S20,000 SO SO $0 B-75948 - Crestwood Park Playground Equipment $25,000 S25,000 SO $O SO S0 $0 8-75949 - Crestwood Park Court Upgrades S20,000 $20,000 $0 SO $0 SO SO 8-75950- Eaton Park Playground • $30,000 530,000 $0 SO SO S0 SO 8-75951- Eaton Park Site Furnishings S20,000 $20,000 SO S0 $0 $0 $0 B-75953 - Gibson Park Walkways $50,000 $50,000 SO SO $0 $0 SO B-75954 - Gibson Park Score Board $25,000 S25,000 S0 $0 SO SO S0 8-75955 - Gibson Park Site Furnishings $83,938 $83,938 $0 S0 SO $0 S0 B-75956 - Hadley Park Sports Turf $50,000 SO $50,000 SO $0 $0 $0 8-75957 - Hadley Park kr gatlarrli.andscaping 550,000 S0 $50,000 S0 SO $0 $0 B-75958 - Hadley Park Court Upgrades S50, 000 S0 $0 S0 S50,000 S0 SO 73 8-75959 - Hadley Park Site Furnishings S50 000 $0 S0 SO $50,000 S0 $0 8-75960 - Hadley Park Walking Exercise Path and Vila S250, 000 $250, 000 S0 SO $0 $0 $0 8-75961- Lemon City Park Picnic farmer ies 57.345 $7,345 S0 SO SO - SO SO -ri8-75962 - Lemon City Perk Walkways $40,000 $40,000 $0 $O $0 SO $0 mini 8-75963 - Lemon City Park Playground Renovation $45, 000 S45,000 S0 SO SO S0 SO 8-75966 - Miller Dawkins Playground Equipment ` $45,000 $0 S0 S0 S45,000 S0 S0 FUTURE COST ESTL::TES Page 19 of 36 Sunday. November 02, 2003 Funded Proportion by Department ES T I . ES Parks and Recreation COST FUNDED $42,495,504 $13,536,165 $12,038,834 $7,576,200 $3,007,500 $3,372,370 $2,114,350 8-75967 - Moore Park Playground Equipment $100,000 S0 SO S0 S100,000 S0 S0 B-75968 - More Park Sports Turf Upgrade S70,000 $0 S0 S70,000 SO S0 50 8-75969 -Moore Park Irrigation Landscaping 550,000 50 50 550,000 30 50 30 8-75970 - Moore Park Court Upgrades 5200,000 50 $200.000 $0 50 SO SO 8-75971- Moore Park Site Furnishing S50,000 So So 50 so S50,000 S0 8-75972 - North Bey Vista Playground Equipment $30,000 SO S30,000 SO So so so B-75973 - Oakland Grove Playground Equipment $15,000 SO S15,000 SO $0 SO $o B-75974 - Pullman Mini Playground Equipment S35,000 S0 S35,000 $0 SO S0 S0 8-75975 - Rainbow Village Playground Equipment $45,000 $45,000 SO so So so SO 8-75975 - Range Park Playground Equipment $100,000 S0 SO S0 S0 $100,000 S0 B-75977- Range Park Sports Turf Upgrade S100,000 S0 $100,000 SO S0 5O SO 13-75978 - Range Park Irrigation Landscaping $70,000 SO $70,000 SO S0 S0 SO 8-75979 - Range Park Court Upgrades 5135,000 S55,000 SO S0 S0 $0 $80,000 B-75980 - Range Park Site Furnishing S60,000 S60,000 S0 $0 S0 S0 S0 8-75981- Range Park Building renovation ' S223.340 SO 5223,340 SO S0 50 S0 8-75982 - Reeves Park Playground Equipment $80,000 $80,000 SO SO SO S0 50 B-75983 - Reeves Park Court Upgrades 59,000 $9.000 S0 $0 SO SO $0 8-75984 - Reeves Park Site Furnishing $51,000 SO S0 50 $0 $51,000 $0 8-75985 - Town Park Playground Equipment $45,000 $45,000 50 SO $0 • SO SO 8-75986 - West Buena Vista Played Equipment 530,000 530,000 S0 $0 $0 S0 S0 8-75987- WWiams Park Site improvement $30,480 SO $30,480 S0 S0 S0 S0 B-75988 - Wil isms Park Playground Equipment 5176,370 S0 SO 50 S0 $176,370 $0 13-75990 - VV7Tams Park Swimming Pod Improvements S500,000 SO SO $0 5500,000 S0 SO 8-75991- IMasams Park 8uildmg Renovations $560,000 SO S0 SO SO 5560,000 SO B-75992 - Wi1Bams Park Sports Turf Upgrades S70,000 SO $70,000 SO SO • _ SO SO B-75993 - Whams Park 1 $50,000 50 S50,000 50 S0 SO SO 8-75994 -Mains Park Court Upgrades 540,000 30 540,000 $0 S0 SO S0 B-75995 - tWllams Park Site Furnishings S50,000 S0 S50,000 S0 SO 50 SO TOTAL CURRENT YEAR APPROP. 2004 - 2005 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 Page 20 of 36 Sunday, November 02, 2003 Funded Proportion by Department TOTAL CURRENT YEAR Parks and Recreation COST APPROP. 2004 - 2005 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 FUNDED $42,495,504 $13,536,165 $12,038,834 $7,576,200 $3,857,585 $3,372,370 $2,114,350 B-75996 - Pools ADA Improvement Handicap Accessible $49,200 $49,200 $0 50 S0 $0 S0 PARTIALLY FUNDED $18,934,247 $5,601,972 $7,346,291 $557,000 50 $0 $5,428,984 B-30002 - Miami Watersports Center Island Improvemen $1,150,000 $144,400 $305,600 50 $0 $0 $700,000 8 30292 - Vmick Park Community Center- Library and C $1,573,000 $980,000 520,000 S0 $0 S0 $573,000 B-30304 - Shenandoah Park Improvements $1,800,000 $690.623 $559,377 SO $0 $0 S450,000 B-30305 - Gibson Park Improvements $1,52Z000 $1,322,000 $0 $0 $0 50 5200,000 B30318 - Mfam/ Wetersports Center Parking and Baywe $1,410,371 $1,310,371 $0 S0 50 $0 $100,000 8-30319 - Curtis Park Bleachers and Press Box Renovat $533,876 50 $347, 614 S0 S0 $0 $186,262 B-35828 - Grapeland Park Water --Theme Park $7,382,000 5868,300 $6,013, 700 $0 50 S0 $500,000 B-35834 - Sewed Park New Guard House $200,000 $140,000 50 $0 $0 S0 $60, 000 B35868 - Robert King High Park New Buikfing Construc $3,057,000 50 SO $557,000 $0 $0 . $2,500.000 B-60334 - IMast End Park Building Renovation $156,000 $96,278 S0 50 SO S0 $59, 722 B-75848 - Douglas Park Furnishings, Pa►idng Lot and LI $150,000 $50,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $100,000 UNFUNDED $13,950,000 $0 50 $0 $0 $0 $13,950,000 B-35822 - Fern Isle Cleanup & Development $0 $0 $0 50 SO SO 50 8-35898 - Virginia Key Beach Site Impmvements $100,000 SO 50 50 50 $0 $100,000 835899 - Citywide Park Turf Upgrades 53,600,000 S0 S0 S0 S0 SO $3,600,000 835900 - Citywide Mini Park Improvements SZ500,000 $0 SO S0 $0 $0 SZ500,000 8-35901- Citywide Sports Courts Upgrades $2000,000 $0 SO 50 SO SO $2000,000 8.35902 - Citywide Sports Lighting Upgrades $400,000 50 So S0 So $0 S400, 000 B-35903 - Citywide Park Building Roof Replacement $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 3250, 000 B-75997. Hadley Park Land Acquisition 52,000,000 $0 S0 - S0 S0 S0 $2,000,000 8-75998 - Citywkie Playground Upgrades SZ350,000 $0 S0 S0 S0 $0 $.350,000 8-75999 - Citywide Pool Upgrades $750,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $750,000 FUTURE COST EST'f.-A ES Parks and Recreation 575,379,751 519,138,137 $19,385,125 58,133,200 53,857,585 S3.372,370 $21,493,334 Page 21 of 36 Sunday, November 02, 2003 2003-2004 PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN Recreation & Culture: Public Facilities PROGRAM STRATEGY The Capital Program mission for Public Facilities includes: providing quality marina facilities that serve the boating community and beautify the City's waterfront; protecting the environment by implementing new technology mooring systems and efficient fueling dock facilities; renovating and repairing sporting and convention facilities to achieve the Mayor's quality of life initiatives. PROJECTS COMPLETED DURING FY 2002-2003 • Dinner Key Marina - Completed Dock Master building and bathroom renovations ($202,000); bathroom window installation in progress ($5,000). Dinner Key Boatyard Docks ($460,800). Fuel Dock Phase 1 (Job # B-60465) plans being processed for construction permits. • Manuel Artime Theater — Project initiated during FY 2003. Completing Interior repairs, including interior painting, roof leaks and gutters, and installation of the marquee, three double doors, handicapped elevator, metal handrails and carpeting ($206,600). • James L. Knight Center Garage — Project initiated during FY 2003. In progress repairs and installations include replacement of barrier cables, new security cameras, new roll down gates and interior painting (Jobs # 73502 & 03). FY 2003-2004 CAPITAL PROGRAM AND MULTI -YEAR PLAN (HIGHLIGHTS) • Dinner Key Marina - Design of the 2nd floor addition to the Dock Master Building in progress (Job # B-60462). Construction documents for the replacement of mooring piles (Job # B-60473) completed and project to commence In Nov. 2003 ($118,000). Replacement of deck grating on piers ($317,606); Construction of the Fuel Dock at Dinner Key Marina: Phase II , Homeland Defense Bond Monies ($296,300) and Strategic Initiatives Funds ($153,000) • Dinner Key Anchorage Project (Job # B-33511) - Design, engineering, surveying, and Installation of the anchors and upland construction. • Manuel Artime Theater — Retention of architectural, sound and acoustical consultants and electrical engineers to renovate the sound and projection room ($53,400); purchase new Sound and Acoustical Equipment ($91,076); Replace stage curtain and stage floor ($99,820). Multiple Job #: B-33504, B- 33515, B-60399, B-60418, B-60460 B-60487. • Marine Stadium Marina — Office renovations including window replacements and the installation of new floor, lighting and ceiling (Job # 60463). • Coconut Grove Expo Center — Sidewalk replacement ($143,237); emergency replacement of the Expo Center Roof (Job # 60466 - $450,000) • Miami Convention Center - Power Plant replacement design (Job # B-33506 - $86,438) • Renovation of Orange Bowl Stadium - $14 million from Homeland Defense Bond Funds G-1 2003-2004 PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN UNFUNDED NEEDS & PRIORITIES • Unfunded needs for the Department of Conferences, Conventions and Public Facilities totals $4,353,500 and includes the following projects in each of the facilities: • Miami Convention Center Power Plant: Facility Chillers have reached their life expectancy of 20 years and must be designed and replaced. The design must be completed by 2004 at a cost of $145,000. By 2005 all Chillers must be replaced at a cost of $1,970,000. Replacement of the HVACIEMS system cost $700,000. The City of Miami is responsible for 50% of the cost and the Hyatt is responsible for the remaining 50%. The total cost to the City for these projects is $1,407,500. • Dinner Key Marina Improvements: Design -Design of marina maintenance, Dredging, Design of pier replacement Phase 2 ($20,000); Construction -Pier gate replacement, Pier emergency telephone system replacement, Marina maintenance dredging, Piling replacement Phase 2 ($484,000); Equipment -Pier gate lock installation, Passenger shuttle cart ($31,000) • Miamarina Improvements: Design —Design of Pier 5 Electrical Repairs and Design of the Alarm System Rewiring ($10,000); Construction —Pier 5 Awning replacement, Piling replacement, Pier gate lock replacement, Fire alarm system replacement ($87,000); Equipment —Pier 5 electrical repairs ($15,000) • Marine Stadium Marina Improvements: Design —Design of marina sign, Storage rack replacement and fuel tank/dispenser replacement ($16,000); Construction —Boatyard asphalt repairs, Marina sign, Storage rack replacement ($154,000); Equipment - Fuel Tank/Dispenser Replacement ($15,000) • Coconut Grove Expo Center Improvements: Sweeper/Scrubber Machine ($35,000);Air Conditioning Replacement, West Court ($140,000); Chiller Overhaul ($35,000); Fire Alarm System Upgrade ($30,000); Signage/Marquee ($100,000); Public Address System Upgrade ($20,000); Floor Repair ($50,000); Exterior Wall Siding ($50,000); Paint Exterior ($80,000); Tables ($20,000); Chairs ($20,000) • Manuel Artime Theater Improvements: Replacement of Theater Seats ($24,000); Construction of ticket booth ($50,000); Construction of concession stand (revenue producing) ($50,000); Asbestos Removal, Fire alarm installation and the replacement of ceiling tiles ($300,000) • Miami Convention Center Atrium Roof replacement for FY 04-05 ($310,000); Replacement of James L. Knight Center Roof for FY 05-06 ($500,000) • Replacement of the Orange Bowl Stadium field ($300,000) for FY 04 DRPFT G-2 2003-2004 PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN i EXPENDITURE SUMMARY For a summary of funded, partially funded, and unfunded Public Facilities projects, refer to the table on the next page. The table shows 19 funded projects, totaling $21,297,874, six partially funded projects totaling $3,564,123, and two partially funded projects estimated at $965,000, for a combined total of $25,826,997. G-3 Funded Proportion by Department TOTAL CURRENT YEAR Public Facilities COST FUNDED $21,297,874 $17,098,020 $2,799,854 $350.000 $350,000 $350,000 S350,000 SO so so 6-30283 - Orange Bowl Stadium Pressboxes A C Replac S290,000 $136,599 $153,401 S0 SO S0 SO 8-30297 - Orange Bowl Stadium 2003 Structural Repairs $2, 000,000 $556,303 $1,443,697 SO $O SO SO SD B-33500 - Orange Bowl improvements - Future $13,410,000 $13,410,000 SO $O S0 SO 8 3SO SO 3505 - Coconut Grove Convention Center $143,237 $143,237 S0 SO S0 $538,036 S0 $538,036 $0 B�35i f -Dinner Key Anchorage Pray SO $D SO 8-33512 - Dinner Key Marina5535,000 $225,000 $310,000 SO Improvements $92,000 SO SO g0 SO SO 8-33513 - MYamarina Improvements592000 SO SO 3O 8-33514 -Marine Stadium Marina Improvemerufs $f 8$185,000 SO SO 5.OD0 SO $O B-33516 - Orange Bowl Stadium Field Replacement $300.000 $300,000 SO $D SO B-33517 - Orange Bowl improvements - UM $2,273,000 5523,000 $350,000 S350,000 $350,000 $350,000 $350,000 8-60418 - Manuel Arame Community Center and Theatr $36,055 S36,055 SO $o So so SO SO SO so so B-60460 - Manuel Mime Community Center New Fence 568.425 $68,425 SO SO B-60462 - Afamarina Dockmaster Bldg. Second Floor A/ ' •S 17,005 $17.005 SD SO $O � a $o $D $O 8-60463 - Marine stadium Marina - Building Repairs 353,100 $53,100 so s$0 8-68465 - Dinner Key Marina Fuel Dock $592,580 $592,580 So 50 50 SO o GO $0 $° B-60466 - Coconut Grave Exhibition Center Roof Repair $450.000 $450,000 so $$O B-60487 - Manuel ArNme Community Center Stage Fk or $35,290 $30,570 $4.720 SO $O SO 8-73502 - James L Knight Center Garage Improvement 5252280 $252,280 SO SO SO $O $0 B-73503- Knight Center Pai*ingGarage $26,866 $26,866 $0 S0 SO SO $0 PARTIALLY FUNDED $3,504.123 $713,648 $91,076 S0 S0 $0 $2,759,399 B-33504 - Manuel Artrme interior Improvements 522.685 $2,685 SO SO SO $o s20000 B 33506 - Miami Convention Center Power Plant S1,421,438 S86,438 SO - so so so $1,335,000 B-60399 - Manuel Artl me Acoustical and Sound Improve $274,000 S53,400 $91,076 $a so s129,524 B-60464 - Dinner Key Marine Dockmaster Bulldang Additi $317,500 $297,625 S0 $0 SO - So $19,875 B-60473 - Dinner Key Marina Mooring Pl1e Replacement $718,500 $118,500 SD S0 S0 - S0 $600,000 8-73501- Miami Convention Center Roof Replacement $810,000 $155,000 SO SO S0 50 $655,000 UNFUNDED $965,000 $0 $0 50 50 $0 5965,000 B-33515 - Manuel Artime Fire Alarm & Sprinkler System $500,000 SO SD S0 SO SO $500,000 Page 25 of 36 Sunday. November 02, 2003 APPROP. 2004 - 2005 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 Funded Proportion by Department TOTAL CURRENT YEAR Public Facilities COST APPROP. 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006 - 2007 UNFUNDED S965,000 SO So SO 8-33518- Coconut Grove Expo Center Improvements $465,000 SO SO so Public Facilities ;25,828,997 $17,811,6811 SZ,890,930 $350,000 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 so so $965,000 S0 $465.000 SO $350,000 $350,000 $4,074,399 Page 26 of 36 Sunday, November 02, 2033 2003-2004 PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM STRATEGY The City of Miami has 660 miles of local streets and urban collector roadways. The capital program mission for Transportation will be to address both the existing and future transportation needs within the City of Miami with a goal of providing a safe transportation system that ensures the efficient mobility of people and goods and promotes economic prosperity. To achieve this mission all Transportation projects have been compiled under a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) subsection of the Capital Program and assigned to one of the following core areas. Infrastructure Maintenance- Maintain the City's right-of-way infrastructure in a safe and usable condition by implementing systematic inspection and needs based rehabilitation programs. The programs address pavement and drainage/storm sewer condition of local streets, existence and continuity of sidewalks, and sidewalk compliance with the Americans with Disability Act. Transit- Provide for alternate transportation modes in recognition of the existing dense, urban core and the need to maximize the passenger carrying capacity of the City transportation system. The programs address bus shelters, free fare zones and park and ride lots in support of existing transit opportunities, vanpools, bicycle and pedestrian routes, streetcar pilot projects, and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) alternatives. Major Highway & Road Projects- Provide for new traditional roadway transportation facilities and operational modifications to existing transportation routes to enhance mobility. The programs address one-way to two-way street conversions, tunnels to eliminate conflicts between alternate transportation modes, and varying operational improvements. Projects Supporting Area Development- Advance transportation projects that complement existing and proposed development within the City in support of the economic prosperity mission. The programs include enhancement projects in accordance with established and approved planning guidelines, as well as public/private partnerships. Commissioner Discretionary Projects- Address transportation related improvements as prioritized by the City's elected officials that are not strictly needs based. Fund availability for this area is limited to an initial $500,000 allotment per Commission District, which may be redirected to any of the other core areas with the authorization of the elected official. Transportation Miscellaneous Projects- Provide for unforeseen transportation needs and local City matches to secure outside funding, such as grants, and ensure the integrity of the Transportation Improvement Program. This five year capital program strategy estimates annual expenditures of over $xx Million per year and anticipates bonding of the City's municipal share of the People's Transportation Plan (PTP) revenues. $11.3 Million of the overall $xx Million per year in TIP expenditures will be dedicated to Infrastructure Maintenance and the remaining revenues distributed among the various other core areas. This $11.3 Million annual expenditure anticipates completing all currently identified infrastructure maintenance needs within a twelve year cycle. H-1 2003-2004 PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN PROJECTS COMPLETED/TO BE COMPLETED DURING FY 2002-2003 • Executed an Inter -Local Agreement on August 6, 2003 between the City and Miami -Dade County for the city's municipal share of the Transit Surtax in accordance with the Miami -Dade County People's Transportation Plan. • Established a Transportation and Transit Special Revenue Fund in the amount of $13,025,000 in the Fiscal Year 2004 Annual City Budget adopted by the City Commission on October 1, 2003. • Completed the Miami Downtown Transportation Master Plan. The City Commission adopted the plan on May 22, 2003. The plan was presented to the Miami -Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). • Substantially completed the City of Miami Transit Plan. The plan includes recommendations for several projects to be implemented through the city's municipal share of the Transit Surtax. • Assisted the Planning and Zoning Department on the Transportation Element of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan in a comprehensive amendment needed to meet State requirements. • Assisted the Planning and Zoning Department in the completion of the Downtown Development of Regional Impact, Increment il. Adopted by the City Commission. • Submitted several applications to the US House of Representatives Committee on Transportation and infrastructure for funding transit and highway projects from TEA-03 earmark funds. • DuPont Plaza Metromover and Two -Way Conversion Project Development and Environment (PD&E) study —awarded $480,000 for FY 2001-02 from the Florida Department of Transportation's Transportation Outreach Program (TOP) to prepare the study. The Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) between the City and FDOT was extended until June 2004. A supplemental to the JPA accepting an additional $1.3 million funding from TOP was authorized for project design in FY 2003-04. • Assisted the Public Works Department to reach an agreement with FOOT on S.E. 8th Street, Brickell to S. Miami Avenue to accept right-of-way. • Coordinated with several neighborhood organizations and governmental entities including FDOT, South Florida Regional Planning Authority, the Regional Transportation Authority, Miami -Dade County, MPO, Miami -Dade Transit, Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, Miami Downtown Development Authority, Miami Community Redevelopment Authority on projects such as the proposed Baylink between Miami and Miami Beach, NW 5th Street Bridge Reconstruction, Biscayne Boulevard reconstruction, 1-395 Corridor, the MLK/NE 62nd Street Urban Street Improvement Project, Miami River Greenway Roadway Improvement Projects, the SW 8th Street project, and the NE 2nd Avenue reconstruction and streetscapes. 2003-2004 CAPITAL PROGRAM AND MULTI -YEAR PLAN HIGHLIGHTS INFRASTRUCTURE MAINTENANCE ■ SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION AND REPLACEMENT PROGRAM The City of Miami maintains approximately 1.5 million linear feet of sidewalk. Approximately 18% of local city streets presently do not have sidewalk on either side. The sidewalk program addresses approximately 100,000 linear feet of sidewalk per year or 7%,including: • Thirteen individual sidewalk construction, curb replacement and ADA compliance projects per year with an estimated contract value of $100,000 per project, organized by geographic NET area. • One additional sidewalk construction, curb replacement and ADA compliance project per year with an estimated contract value of $175,000 administered City-wide on a needs basis. H-2 DR AFT 2003-2004 PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN • ROADWAY RESURFACING PROGRAM Approximately 25% of the City's roadways are in a moderately deteriorated condition. These roadways can be rehabilitated with a milling and resurfacing or asphalt overlay project. The resurfacing program addresses 70,000 linear feet of pavement or approximately 2% per year of the City's roadways, including: • Five area -wide resurfacing projects per year at an estimated average contract value of $400,000 per project. Resurfacing projects will include the replacement of all pavement and pavement markings, missing sidewalk installation, sidewalk modifications to ensure ADA compliance and adjustment to any associated utility/manhole covers. • ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Approximately 10% of the City's roadways are in a severely deteriorated condition. These roadways require complete reconstruction, including the roadway base and surface pavement. The roadway reconstruction program addresses 33,000 linear feet of roadway or approximately 1 % per year of the City's roadways, including: • Five roadway reconstruction projects per year at an estimated average contract value of $2,000,000 per project. Reconstruction projects may include the replacement and/or retrofit of storm sewers as well as any other roadway typical section elements, including parking lanes, medians, curbs, sidewalks to ensure ADA compliance, lighting, and landscape. • TREE CANOPY RESTORATION The City's tree canopy is constantly affected by increasing development, traffic accidents and other natural causes. In order to restore this affected tree canopy the Public Works Department plants native tree species annually. Including: • Purchase of approximately 200 native trees to be planted by Public Works Department staff at an estimated cost of $40,000 per year. • Two tree purchasing and planting projects with estimated contact values of $45,000 per project administered City-wide. • RAILROAD CROSSINGS The City has maintenance responsibility for various railway crossings of local City roads, which require periodic rehabilitation, including: • One railway crossing rehabilitation project per year at an estimated cost of $60,000. UNFUNDED NEEDS & PRIORITIES Unfunded Infrastructure Maintenance needs include additional sidewalk retrofit for ADA compliance, replacement of obsolete street lighting systems, and already identified resurfacing and reconstruction needs that could not be funded in the annual $11.3 Million allocation. The remaining transportation needs within the City far surpass the currently identified and available revenues. All transportation projects will, therefore, be carefully prioritized for implementation to obtain the maximum benefit for the users of the City's transportation system. H-3 2003-2004 PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN EXPENDITURE SUMMARY For a summary of funded and partially funded Transportation and Transit projects, refer to the table on the next page. H-4 COST C1P NUMBER TOTAL COST Multi -Year Capital Improvement Plan Summary of Costs by TIP Type PRIOR CURRENT YEAR APPROP. APPROP. 2004 - 2005 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 cU-CcE COST E T..., ES 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 Infrastructure Maintenance 1333146 - Allapattah N.E.T. Street Resurfacing 8-43105 - Allapattah Sidewalk Replacement 8-33174 - Allapetteh Street Improvements Phas B-33125 - Allapattah Street Resurfacing 8-33183 - Auburn Street Improvements 8-33134 - Auburn Street Resurfacing 8-33171- Avalon Street Improvements Phase B33186 - Avalon Street improvements Phase II 8-33188 - Avalon Street Improvements Phase 111 833190 - Avalon Street imp twements Phase I 8-33122 - Avalon Street Resurfacing Phase I • 8-33137 - Avalon Street Resurfacing Phase I! 8-33139 - Avalon Street Resrxfacing Phase !!1 8-33141-Avalon Street Rescrrlsdng Phase IV 8-50672 - Belle Meade Storm Sewer Project, Ph 8-33154 - Belle Meade Street Improvements Ph 833182 - Belle Meade Street Improvements Ph 8-33105 - Belle Meade Street Resurfacing Phas 8-33133 - Belle Meade Street Resurfadng Phas 8-33158 - Biscayne Wrest Street Improvements 8-33109 - Biscayne West Street Resurfadng 8-33153 - Stickel East Street Improvements 8-33104 - Bridref East Street Resurfadng 833159 - Brk" West Street Improvements P 833110 - Bridce8 Wiest Street Resurfadng $74,328,274 S1.000.000 $600.000 31,224,273 $200.000 SO SO So So 30 SO SO SO 50 SO S2,167,000 S3.314.746 SO $359,510 30 $1,700.000 $190,970 $2.300.000 $129,410 $3,000,000 • S97,220 $0 $19,372,401 11,073,731 10,949,737 10,949,475 10,949,212 11,031,718 SO S1,OOQ000 SO so so so so SO $100,000 5100.000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 So $0 SO $1,224.273 SO SO S0 SO So SO $200,000 SO SO SO SO SO 30 SO So 30 So SO so SO SO 30 SO SO SO so So SO SO S0 SO SO So SO so SO So so SO 30 SO 30 SO S0 SO 30 SO SO SO SO SO i0 SO SO SO SO SO SO so SO so $o SO SO SO SO SO SO 50 SO SO SO SO SO so so SO so so so SO $2,043,269 $123,731 SO SO SO. S0 SO SO $3,314,746 SO SO S0 SO SO SO SO SO se SO SO S0 SO $359,510 SO SO $0 S0 SO $0 SO'. SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO S1,700,000 SO S0 SO SO SO SO S190,970 S0 $0 SO S0 S2300,000 So SO SO 30 SO so s129,410 so _° SO $0 So So 50 SO $3,00 ,000 50 SO SO SO 50 SO . S97,220 30 SO Page 1 of 7 Sunday, November 02, 2003 CIP COST NUMBER TOTAL COST PRIOR APPROP. CURRENT YEAR APPROP. 2004 - 2005 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 Infrastructure Maintenance B-33163 - Buena Vista Street improvements Ph B33114 - Buena Vista Street Resurfacing 1333179 - Center Gmve Street Improvements B-33130 - Center Grove Street Resurfacing 8-43114 - Crly Wide Sidewalk and Curb Reptac 8-50669 - Citywide Local Drainage Project E-78 B-40636 - Cityrr'ide New Street Construction B33149 - Coral Way N.E.T. Street Resurfacing B-43111- Coral Way Sidewalk Replacement 8-33176 - Design Plaza Street Improvements P 833127 - Design Plaza Street Resurfacing 13-43107 - Dontown Sklewaik Replacement B-50658 - Downtown Storm Sewer Projects - Ph 8-33166 - Downtown Street Improvements Phas B-33117 - Downtown Street Resurfacing 8-33161- East Mapattah Street Improvements B33184 - East Altapattah Street Improvements 8-33112 - East Allapattah Street Resurfacing Ph B33135 - East A 1ppattah Street Resurfacing Ph 8-43108 - East Little Havana Sidewalk Replace 8-33156 - East Little Havana Street lmproveme 833178 - East Little Havana street lmprovemen 1333107 - East Little Havana Street Resurfacing 8-33129 - East Little Havana Street Resurfacing B-33172 - Edgewater Street Improvements Phe B-33123 - Edgewater Sheet Resurfacing 8-33177 - Edison Street Improvements Phase ll B331 8 - Edison Street Resurfacing $74,326,274 $1,300,000 $265,494 50 SO S1,300,000 $130,478 $382,318 $o 3600,000 SO 30 $1,730.844 $671,495 $2100,000 5330,170 $1,500,000 50 $400,000 SO $600,000 $2,100,000 SO $864,540 SO SO 30 SO $0 S19,372,401 11,073,731 10,9,19,737 10,949,475 10,949,212 11,031,718 so so s0 So SO $1,300,000 $O • SO $0 $0 SO SO $265,494 SO $o s0 SO SO 50 SO so $0 so 30 so $a SO SO $0 $300,000 S200,000 $200,000 S200,000 3200,000 5200oao $0 SO SO SO SO Sp $130,478 SO S382,318 $0 $0 SO SO SO 50 so $o SO $o $0 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 50 So So So SO S0 SO s0 so SO $0 50 $o 50 SO $287.371 $287,812 $288,253 $288,694 $289,136 S289,578 SO $671,495 $0 $O SO SO SO SO SO SO S0 $0 52100,000 SO SO S0 SO $O $0 S330,170 $0 $0 $0 So SO SO s1,5oa,000 so SO so so SO so $o $O SO 50 50 So SO s400,°°° so 30 $0 50 30 SO SO 50 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 S100,000 $100,000 $100,000 SO SO $a• 52100,000 $o s0 SO 50 SO $O $O $0 50 SO $0 $0 SO $864,540 SO $0 $0 SO SO $0 SO SO SO $0 SO 50 SO SO 50 SO so 50 SO SO $0 S0 SO $0 SO 30 W SO so $o $O $o SO 50 SO so SO So Page 2 of 7 Sunday, November 02, 2003 C'P COST NUMBER TOTAL COST PRIOR . CURRENT YEAR 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 APPROP. APPROP. 2004 - 2005 Infrastructure Maintenance 13-40617 - Edson/Little River Street & Sidewalk 8-33191- Federal Highway Street Improvement 8-43110 - Flagami Sidewalk Replacement 8-40661- Increase to Cuff Contract 13-50652 - Lawrence Sto mwater Pump Station B33143 - Little Haiti N.E.T. Street Resurfacing B-43102 - Little Hari Sklewaik Replacement 833165 - Little Haiti Street Improvements B-33116 - Little Heitl Street Resurfacing B33170 - Little River Street improvements Phas B-33189 - Little River Street Improvements Phas 8-33121- Little River Street Resurfacing Phase 833140 - Little River Street Resurfacing Phase 833150 - Model City Improvements Phase 11 8-33144 - Model City N.ET. Street Resurfac&ng 8-43103 - Model City Sidewalk Replacement B-33168 - Model City Street hnpravements Phas B33101- Model City Street Resurfacing Phase 8-33119 - Model City Street Resurfacing Phase 8-33169 - North Grove Street improvements Ph 833185 - North Grove Street Improvements Ph 833136 - North Grove Street Resurfadng Phas 833120 - North Grove Street Surfacing Phase 1 8-40643 - North River Drive Spring Garden lmpr 8-43112 - North/East Coconut Grove Sidewalk 8-33152 - Omni Street Irnproverhents 8-33103 - Omni Street Resurfachng Phase 11 B-506.4- Orange Bowl stonnwater Pump Statt 574,326,274 S400, 751 So $619,443 S113,685 $216,071 S275.255 $600,000 S2.393.699 S399,485 $0 SO so $o $2,600.000 S547,010 $600.000 53,273,065 5757,530 $O $a So 50 So $1,347,000 $9413,613 sz800000 $197.585 $777,500 so so so so so so so s0 So s0 50 so so so so $o so so $a so 30 SO so 50 SO SO 50 So SO Page 3 of 7 519,372,401 $400,751 SO $103,047 $113,685 $216,077 SO $100,000 So 30 50 SO $0 $0 S2,600,000 So $100,000 SO $757,530 SO SO SO SO d0 $1,264,231 $157 618 SO $o $777,500 11,073,731 10,949,737 10,949,475 10,949,212 11,031,718 so SO $103,434 $0 30 SO $100,000 SO $o SO SO SO So SO 50 $100,000 S3,273.065 SO SO SO SO $o So $82.769 $158,587 S0 SO $0 $0 $103,125 SO SO $0 $100,000 $0 SO SO $0 $0 SO $0 $0 $100,000 $O $O SO $0 so. SO 50 SO $157,812 S2,800,000 $197,585 $o 50 SO S103,201 S0 SO S275,255 $100,000 SO SO SO $O SO SO $O $547,010 S100,000 $0 $o SO SO SO SO SO So $158,005 $o SO So SO SO $103,279 SO SO SO $100,000 $0 SO SO SO S0 SO $0 SO $100,000 S0 $o SO SO SO SO SO $o $158,199 SO SO 50 50 S0 S103,357 $o SO $o • $100,000 $2,393 699 $399,485 SO 50 S0 30 $o So $100,000 30 $o $0 $o 50 so SO SO $158,392 SO $o so Sunday, November 02, 2003 $o COST CIP NUMBER TOTAL COST PRIOR CURRENT YEAR APPROP. APPROP. Infrastructure Maintenance 8-33147 - Overtown N E7 Street Resurfacing B-43106 - OverIown Sidewalk Replacement 8-50654 - Overtown Stormwater Pump Station B-33160 - Overtown Street Improvements Phas 13-33111- Overtown Street Resurfacing 8-50683 - Pinehurst Storm Sewer Retrofitting Pr 8-30315 - Railway Sidewalk Crossing Agreemen B-50650 - Riverview Sbnnwater Pump Station 13-33181- Roads Arne Street improvements Ph 8-33132 - Roads Area Street Resurfacing Phes 8-33162 - Roads Areas Street improvements Ph 8-33113 - Roads Anus Street Resurfacing Pha 8-40646 - Shenandoah Area Concrete Curbs 8-33164 - Silver Bluff Street Improvements Pha B-33167 - Silver Bluff Street improvements Pha B-33173 - Silver Bluff Street improvements Pha B-33175 - Silver Bluff Street improvements Phe 8-33115 - Silver Bluff Street Resurfacing Phase B-33118 - Sher Bluff Street Resurfacing Phase B-33124 - Silver Bluff Street Resume Phase B-33126 - Slyer Bluff Street Resurfacing Phase f 8-33108 - South Grove Street Resurfacing 6-33157 - South Grove Street Improvements B-43113 - South/West Coconut Grove Sidewalk 8.33142 - Upper East Side NET. Street Resurf B-43101 - Upper East Side Sidewalk Repiacern 13-33148 - West Little Havana N.ET Street Res B-43109 - West Liltis Havana Sidewalk Replace $74,326,274 $51, 770 $900, 000 S769,499 S3,431,2223 5679,890 $1,500,000 $2.500 $420,367 30 30 $2,900,000 $398,345 $100,000 51,200,000 $3,200,000 $O $0 $111,864 $194.115 $0 So 5192,360 31,300,000 $600,000 $204,2.30 $600,000 $0 $600,000 FU T U?_ CC..T `_STII.•TES 2004 - 2005 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 $0 ;19,372,401 11,073,731 10,949,737 10,949,475 10,949,212 11,031,718 SO $0 So S0 So $51,770 SO $0 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 SO s769,499 so SO SO $0 SO SO 30 $0 SO $3,431,223 SO S0 So $O $O $0 $679.890 30 SO 30 $1,500,000 30 30 30 SO 50 SO $2,500 30 SO SO $0 SO $0 $420,367 SO $0 SO $0 SO SO S0 SO $0 S0 S0 so $0 SO SO $O So $O 30 SO S0 $0 SO SO $2,900,000 $O SO 80 $0 $0 SO $398,345 SO 30 $100,000 S0 SO S0 $0 $0 $O 30 30 SO SO $1,200,000 So SO $0 SO $0 s0 $O $3,200,000 30 50 S0 $0 $0 SO $O $O SO SO $0 SO $0 SO S0 So $0 SO SO $111,864 SO SO SO S0 SO SO $0 $194,115 s0 $o $0 $0 So $0 SO SO $0 $0 SO SO SO $0 SO SO $0 5192,360 $O SO $0 $0 So 30 $1,300,000 S0 $O SO $0 $100,000 $100.000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $0 SO SO $204,230 SO $0 SO SO $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 5100 000 _ $100,000 so SO SO SO $0 SO SO $0 S100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Sunday, November 02, 2003 Page 4 of 7 COST GIP NUMBER TOTAL COST PRIOR CURRENT YEAR APPROP. APPROP. 2004 - 2005 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 tU-L.RE COS- ES-1...L.-ES Infrastructure Maintenance B-33180 - West Little Havana Street lmproveme 833187 - West Little Havana Street lmpmveme B-33131 - West Little Havana Street Resurfadn 833138 - West Little Havana Street Resudadn B-33151 - Wynwood City Street improvements 8-43104 - Wynwood Edge Water Sidewalk Rept 833155 - Wynwood Street Improvements Phas B33102 - Wynrwood Street Resurfacing Phase 1 B33106-1Nynrvood Street Resurfacing Phase I B33145 - WynwoodrEdgewater N.E.T. Street R Transit 831203 - Citywide Bicycle Routes B-71202 - Citywide Bus Shelters B-71205 - Citywide Free Fare Zones B 31202 - Citywide Park and Ride Lots 831200 - Citywide Transit B-71201 - Citywide Vanpools B-71204 - Intelligent Transportation Systems (IT B-31201 - Interrnodal Planning Component B-71203 - NE 2 Avenue Streetcar Pilot Project B-71200 - Waterborne Taxi Major Highway and Road Projects B-71209 - Brtckelt Area Traffic Operations B-71210 - Downtown Street Conversions B-31206 - Dupont Plaza Traffic Reckaiaiion B-71211- FEC Rahway Tunnel 8-71208i 1-95 Downtown Distributor Ramps $74,326,274 so So so SO SZ303,315 $900,000 SZ 100,000 $71,350 S9Z 610 S77,670 $12,565,747 So so So SO $11,865, 747 SO SO $100,000 S500,000 S100,000 $23,075,000 $250,000 $300,000 S15,000,000 $500,000 S5,000 000 $0 SO 50 SO SO SO SO SO SO 50 50 so So so SO 50 SO SO SO So 30 SO SO SO SO SO So SO $19,372,401 5o so So So 52,303,315 $150,000 50 S71,350 SO 50 $2,073,920 so so SO SO $1,973,920 SO 50 $100,000 $o SO $3,150,000 S250 000 $50,000 So 50 $2,000,000 Page 5 of 7 11,073,731 So SO so So so $150,000 SO So SO SO $2,575,400 50 so SO SO S1,975,400 50 50 SO $500,000 $100,000 $1,425,000 SO $50,000 So $500,000 5O 10,949,737 SO 50 SO SO 50 5150,000 $2,100,000 SO $9Z 610 50 $1,976,882 SO SO SO SO $1,976,882 SO SO SO SO SO 18,125,000 50 550.000 $15,000,000 SO $3,000,000 10,949,475 So so So so SO $150,000 SO SO SO 50 $1,978,364 so S0 50 SO S1,978,364 5O SO $0 SO SO $125,000 50 $50,000 50 10,949,212 SO 5O SO SO SO $150,000 SO 50 5O $77, 670 $1,979,848 So 50 so SO S1,979,848 So So SO SO 50 $125,000 50 $50,000 30 11,031,718 5o GO SO $0 SO $150,000 50 50 50 SO $1,981,333 So 50 so so 51,981.333 SO So SO 50 50 $125,000 5o $50,000 So $0 so 50 30 Sunday. November 02.2003 S0 SO