HomeMy WebLinkAboutprevious legislationJ—C 2-_11 F4.S OL T:ON NC. 02- 144 A RESOLUTION OF 7FE MI:AM= CI ? CCrn:ss'LG. ;r WITH A:•TAC:-IM N , ACwEPTIN TKE +:ECOMMEND;TIN G=" THE CITY MANAGZR TO AKPR0VE THE .!' TNDIN S O; THE °SLLCTIC: COMMITTEES, . ,'RSUA T _C E2'iWa':. FOR PRGPoSA:.:,S, FOR `71i.t MOST , UAi,SE-Eli .'IRyIS TO PROVIDE P s0-FESSI.0ti•AL SERVICES FOR PUBLIC, WORKS CATEGORY "3" DESIGNATED PR0 "t'"' V W v 7 FCR 2901 THROUGH 2904 LISTED B's SPECr'A TY KA.NK ORDER: isJ'HORii.ING THE Ci 'Y MANAGER O N E0TIA.U. .AND EXEJTE PROFESSIONAL SE VT.0 S AG-REEMENTS y7='!'}; "r�iuv.. FIRM IN AK ?MOUNT .NO7 ry Ef,.E'".D 'T'i]E ANOINT INDICATED :..N ATTACHMENT "A" FOR wi:::H SPECIALTY :Ott i~:riCH FIRM; .;LLCCA'1`/NG FROM -INDEVIW2 .-FRO.JEC'' ACCCJNTS. F.?^ TT RESCLV+ :T PA THE COMMIS ION OF THE c: Y OT v t un The reomme;r4ati.on CIty ca.na F}r tc ?ppra'e th-e find 0 se'lecf:oil ,".o[C_ it7e.v"-r pu:i3:urint iags.: st for Pr ,posn.".w, .-as to 'Ole most qualified firmso rr. , d ��� iue ffanagemst 5t s vi::e s .tor Works Cttego.ry "Srr deswcnated projects for wCG2 hrrug:^ L:G , 'anted herein in rank e.rde.x, are accepted. The ..G''. :.'ad.noe. Nova Cari.sL1tii;.g Inc. Iiaz Er.gitteering .Civil-Cedd Eng nt. _n�: Inc. . C F Con€U,I.antSInc., _.. .I.TE :'dAir: f ;_TE .PgA7Ei CITY CO ^* SZON FEU 1 2002 g 4j y.(a%_, t :.€ recfyTT1L?:7Cicd',;..icr. c,f the City tvl�Yiat1 1 a_::T.rove the fitiv ng' of .he seI.eatic . committee, purr,.: t. ..� . nest '`"..r'i,". csaLs, as to this most aauu_ .f c. ..c -r. feSs cl13.7.. I4D% L'equireme.rit_ serVicas 'for Nork:-i :3L'¢.y,>?,. % "B 'd sicynezed-prcj.eGt.a- 2JC2 '.rough 1!9ted.•herein it ran order, ere a cer : 0 Architects - .lancers, Inc. Gus.r L Na . to P . R. 4' uI_TKR.NF.:'.E ) S c:ors 3. The reoomme'•:da~,:iur, of the City Manage:: =L: app_ov thefind/has c the se;..ecticn co:p.'i tee, pursuant tc edue t tor .T.opoSals, as. 'tO the mosz qua._`ied f:Lrm to provide pr.ceat31.cnc.i a;cY;it+ c'.uxea engineering sere for P.11 c. storks C.Ta..c.c-gory des,.gna_ed projects for 2002 through 23(4, , e ran 'r: crder, F4re a:=cepted: :SA 5012th;oat, Inc, i4C.A.P. Ong. Ccr.s•.:_tsntw, Inc. _.noilcc Service corporation ae.^t .c 1 4. The r�i:Qi'4'k€ndatior. of the City Y.anncez .d ap rO` e th'e findings cn th£` commee, ursL::.,.t t_ Reg tst .;._ .a? ais, es to the most qualified firms uo trDvIlde ._'cfes5__,:iu: YCi1i <ctt SFr oeT'":'1 ces for 4Gr kr tat gox ' deSigr:a; �Oi t roi$c}ram fsr 2.QC tnrough 2004, _ inr.e,N 'herein in .rrartr: hider, o'_'� accepted! Gun_- .'at..,:ta i`.: w'z . S. Herisenbcwtle Ai,chitects, P.A. 4. .R.:. "'h!.hoea Architects, :nc. �ie:rr�_ q, RiaTa b Pa= _:v1w:S, In . ,F,: TE!'7: iiTE! E. PI>S. (ALTF.RtiATE, Page 2 of 7 02- 144 _.CsF.C4 $e �C The :eco.t.menda:aJn of -?";e ti'a:';r- a prc,'e t find,-,ngs of t'n6 c"om it'ee, pu..vEant to ecr,:*!4. ..:':.°T- Proposals, 8_ ;c the most c.ua1.:.teci firm._ .c 'rJ�.. T _0F+ prowess ^, ,1 *` o:.zncnk.a:. enc=r:eeeri.rza •servi:e the ..^x-..c; Catecgar; designated pro iecr. fox 2CC2 t_ raug:n 1. _„ e 1-,a e _r. i:_ ::ank order, sr a cept,d: tsTC Gx'c'.ip Sere= ;et Inc. a. 0R3 :1r..z7p.cral*or, PRf Engir,eer.sInc. Nora CcAsul Mir::, :nc. E. C.,r. u1:'.i.ng Engineering & Sc: enc.e, Inc. ;:yl...=RN .77) $ c iar 6. The recommendation cf the Ci.c M.-;alter :o Apnr'ovc' !£ _. nci:.ngS • 01. ;he s 10c rl.or commiz:ee, t0 ReciJeat ..._ .rOr.p.fi�:�W aS t0 _i.= r oiiC ? i`i f-lrn to provide p.rcf e 4iona •fie^:'rt]i-1 engtheeri g 8 rvices for Pubic i c:ks ^a 7.eacy de5agnatecl prc'.ects for 2O02 through , 2O(4 _,ter e cre4 : in ran cx;Jer, a''E. aca$cted: ... ... Ros?'- AssCcie.t4 `.', ' nc.. Ku-nc:e, Spmeo he= 5 AsscMi etes, Metric arng n eying, Tri; Marl! -. c.FGinve ng, Kx.rr:lie`'- .ar.'n and Rs3cciames, Inc. iP.`i.TERNATEI Secicn e ha. .. ^mmencia::zG:. : £ the City i•3onpce_ r_.c; .z =.in cnmmatee, purzLi t tc f;}.`.-='1.-�:��,^.Sn.�- 8N �-� the rllOS'- Gi,i7ll1i.li:=.l=E l:_' CLq;;itJJe Pa. 3 of 7 02- 144 1.l4a=t'-�" ;:;F :! �c prctess .on fldvCz architect::.re sett* oes for Fi:b.:: w Category "B" designated pr:: jecms f-cr 2CC'2 rough 2t 41;' l",ere . in rant: c'rae , are accepted: falcon & 3,ero 2. C,;,.rt_.5 9es.:.gn tit'.d1o, Inc. 3, Kimi y-ti,-,;'n- and Associates, Inc. Er.A4s', Inc. 1.il.TERNATE) E 5e.o .ion The rec.ontr:en.*_ion of the City !lie:Lager to epp:=':.: ve the zin,d...ngs of the -selection committee, pursuar Reg;l fox Prop sell, as tc the most qua_i _sd f r'ms to provide p.:vies-saona1 me•w`anIcai arLg .neer-inl services fuz Ps iy' .4cr..s :c1tr^.4 l i' •'E" designated pro- ects for 2002 through 2004, 1 sted harp n in rank order, are acyep.ed: Tag .re PssoC .At.es, F.. 2. johnscn, Hernandez Assoc atez Inc. u.az° e Eiig.ineer_ng Cotpoxatic = { ,LTE NA E eCti- ?. T;-.w recanmer,oatiroa of the City Manager ':.c+ —Up—rove the findings of the se}.ect:.oti cocr iit*e€, pu_suan �o ProP. )5aa.s, as. to the :no t ai aL i fied fzrir'.s Ho provide t::cf-e'L`s�.o:r;e- 5:t3:tuctLt 1 angi.T:eC'.Iing services To • Public L'crks daagnat c p :acts for 2002 through -2C i3, l:,sLec hank crder, .2:re accepted: 1. San Martin H_sc.:.ciates, 2 Avart, i_.o. �. En ;:an...�!'g. Inc. Settion 10. The rcoTIIIS,e z'ation of vhe C y Mm:;a,teir 70 2i ppiL',7;ve• -_7e __;:dr:r# .... the selectic 2 ::.O:7L"f, "': ee, p.:_ra Tli"^.-_ to RequesT. for P l:)cs ..s, aA.: to _:.a most quaff ._ed f..rms ro prov:.de Page 4 of- 7 prcfeaa..;?:.r 3 and mapIptni.3 EeTv.ces r Per2--c •Yrc`_'I<: C:ate' ..r. V 1t �1 e.``,..4:iA'.�ed projects for 2002 throuq:.' r.Eyt�ier ».. `.ste,r here Ln i renk c,rder, are accepted: 2. Fernando Z. i:ar¢_•1 :. L. S. In.o. 3. W _c ener Y;.rvevzrgg and Mapping, P. t.. 4, C'savan Thompson. & A.esac; a_e-.s, Inc. ,, Vi°i1__am :-. t .._d a Stoner, In.-.-..i . w . :er, 'exec L A.L.71 aces, inc.'. Section. re recommendation of the Ci^.'y 'an_,ge:= t. approve the findlnas of the se_ec iMr cc,:,m;.t e, l:_:='.i,:cri_Y t: ag:_ze.st f c r ?_".opt:s r as. ,:.,= the most n-.a_xed firms wc+ r: Tovidv p-.lJ.tessiola_i.. C61.+.ze P.,1a1-j/'Sis and Caii; estLmste ser.v:tnes fez. pu::;, tc .61° {: Ca'tegc:-./ fir w."S-`.'. ��: praitets f r 9002 t r;:ugh 2?,04r __ e•^ he:re:a.r: n rank orderare arLttp.t:ed. A2 U o:ip, Inc. G.rtoe y daee::i Section ._2, r8C:1.gnen dati on ot the C..- L'y Manager :'Q apk r, :he ::1.nd.:nq.s the selection corizr:.t, _ee, .o .for Proposas, es to the mcsz q.lifi-ed firm �c pr ;,,de pn-cfels ion a:,!:! .^.'Cl.n t..o i- set ices for pub.ir. Work• (-_gory 'Z. •de5i:7natei, roje,z.t fol 20C2 .20:04, _6: auc:ey:L-ed: w:: ae & .;ae_ex Gd•i n S^t'=ran 13. The recOnir:orndAttrat, cf. Citi Manager am;rove tho. tia ..:cls of :'r select .on roir iitree, . �, c• Re^ est for PrG:iose1s, ds H:7 The no.st-.Pra':.j7... ed _rpl t: provicic. ?age 5 of 7 02- 144 p :,fass .oha.1- i`F .safety F' -oltc oi-)ccs .G, : eai_natea pro",ezz.E for 2.002 ;.trct:gt 20r)4, iistew .,er-ein a.v.ephe.d. i. :t rri &etu=e, nta zion 14. The re-coMmgrcation cf t. i ,'ty •taraa.q_ to apprc.re the f!.r•:d;1rgs of the se eatioli commIt ee, ['bequest "ir -�po:.'Salaa, as to the ro.S= .quaIthed fly';S:' to l';;51'_.'{,_ pr.nfess=.bna.t r ie i.:o EA"' ±eea for Public i3G4ic ,.cat%gc.ry' designate pa_oJ?cts -for order, are aq epted: 2,12 thrc-.sgh 2C04, ] .sted here;-n r:a;tr, L)'iagr.out .cs Asso c_a ee, PA :i.r.r.raati(xial Logistics Group ect..cn 15. The Cit-y !a.T)ager »S av:1CT=E?Ci „G ne4t tisa':e and Arec'ute Professional nay e ce At reerr'.EJnts, in a Acc p _.abl '. :-bo t;it At.orney, with eau:, ... rit ._rt an arch:" t rot exceed i ano.u;;t iridi.cated in Atoaahment "A" for each specialty for as_ :W it wztra allocated fr rs. ir.civ dual pro:ect acaourrA.. Trc. !Iareln h,,rivr ;� t;•„"i.AG��s - �Cte� �17:!6c:: to :::mx:. -.z:r. with a__ :-.a e g aec f , .�.a Caty At_oZney, _r.c .sa_-c cuc not .kGh t: r.naE presc1-1as3 y ?age: of. 02- t44 r.t.1.O:': :S. Th.. i'!Psolut::47: $$tall' become ;.rur..U'd:& at :-Ay tpcn its acopL cn and s.,igna - . e ot the. Nizyor.=' ASS�11'. AND .ACO?>ED '7.his 14.0) day a1 j' br;aary ., 202. 10 y UE T f1. i7LI AZ , Vf^y;: Tr.£5T: E;yl,;r A Scheidar Act ,incr Cit 1erk .-?.P: ga'LC .FORM .tip W0:-IR CTNE,S=: r Atli ?C= VILPtR.r:.LC 1E - 1W MSayo: ci6e5 nOc si;�s: ,r�i� 5asr_'u-:�r1 y ali Aet.srr affa.dt e c: t'ne .a cf :c, za'_en:is' days _tong the data 't was passed and Adopt . if M.syof this, R. saly;,ion, it stall _,,..=mE cx't.ct-_c'U .n:led4Ate37 a.>:1 p'.ver.t'lt7s: S._' ne v=__a '.,y the .:ity CoruloYlrar.. 02- 144