HomeMy WebLinkAboutbackup documents -2645 N.W. 02nd 81r eet + Suits 100
Mlsm!, Florida 33150
Miner 305-75 ?-4$ 6 + Fax 305-751430B
September 30, 2003
Chief John. F. Timoney
City of Miami Police Department
400 N.W. 2nd Avenue
Miami, FL 33 128
Dear Chief Timoney,
We are pleased to inform you that your Miami/Miami !]avie Weed & Seed grant through
the Department of Justice (Executive Office for Weed & Seed) has been extended.
through March 31, 2004. The original grant award amount of $209,500 has been
approved for Model City and Little Haiti for fiscal years 2001-2003. This special
initiative will significantly reduce drag trafficking and crime in the targeted "at risk"
communities within the City of Miami.
Please find attached itemized budgets reflecting $195,51:.20 remaining for reimbursable
expenditures. All payments must comply with the Weed ik Seed reimbursable agreenzeat
and special conditions as stated in your original award letter.
We look forward to working in close partnership w th the City of Miami Polite
Department to improve the quality of life for the resident;, of Model City and Little Haiti.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (305) 751-4866,
Sterli PA
Executive irector
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09/09,2003, 09:54 3®5756136B
Miami' Miami•Dade weed & S cd, lnc.
645 NW 62" liltreoti Silt.100 • Miami, ':'L'3150
Office: (305) 7'51.41166 a Fax (309) 75:..6396
www.woodanracedM rn
September 4, 2003
Chief John F. Timoney
City of Miami Police Department
400 N.W. 2nd Avenue
Miami, F arida 33128
Dear Chief Timoney:
We are pleased to inform you that an !ward for your Police Department has been approved in the
amount o f $209,500. This ;sward is a 'xis through award from Miami/ Miami -Dade Weed. and Seed,
Inc. (Weed and Seed). The: federal gra:,tor is the Department of Justice (Executive Office for Weed
and Seed) to support your efforts at the .ites in the City of Miami that you proposed be the focus of a
special initiative.
The Weed and Seed Program is an eft:art to eliminate or significantly reduce drug trafficking and
related crime; to reduce or eliminate Factors leading to drug abuse; and to nurture and develop
indigenous leadership to assists residents in attaining self sufficiency in three "at risk" communities
within the City of Mimi (Model City, Little Haiti and Upper East Side).
The strategy is to continue "weed oui" through intensive and comprehensive enforcement and
community policing initiatives resultini; in arrests and convictions in federal and state courts and the
seizure o!' contraband and esscts of drru ; traffickers, drug dealers, career criminals and violent crime
offenders active in the selected comr. aunities. Specific attention will also be placed on truancy
reduction, Enforcement will be reduced to a maintenance level over time while residents and leaders
are empowered to sustain the reduced c:zine level, reco ('ery and growth of the community. This will
be accoinplialied through leadership ak 11 development for adult and youth members, the creation or
enhancement of community -based coalitions, employment preparation, job placement, grantsmanship
training, and youth tutoring and merrr:oring. Ail of these objectives will be achieved through
collaborative efforts between Miami! Miami -Dade Weed and. Seed, Inc. and its host of private and
public partnering agencies.
Another important aspect of Weed am. Seed funding is the Community Policing Crone Reduction
Initiative, It has been proven nationwiee that community policing has facilitated tremendous positive
interaction between law en['orcer:nent arid the community- As a result, major crime battles have been
successfully fought and won. The ttoal of this component is to continue the elimination, or
signilicar.,t reduction, of drug trafficking g and related crime through the empowerment of adults as
well as youth in the targeted cornmuniti es.
09/09/2003 .09:54, 3057561308 SHRITA STERLIN
Your community's Weed and Seed :sward is for two distinot communities. The first community is
Model City, which was awarded $24,500 for Fiscal Year 2001-2002, and $50,000 for Fiscal
Year 2002-2003. To luate, $2,672.(32 has been spent from Model City's budget and $71,737.18
is available for spending. Please refer to Figure 1.
Figu.re 1
Ciity of MiamiPolice Department
"Orreed & Seed Grant Allocations
Net area
Model City
Awart Led
Little Haiti was awarc,ed $50,000 for Fiscal Year 2001- 2002 and $85,000 for Fiscal Year
2002•-2003, To date, '$11,203.98 •eaS been spent and $123,796.02 is available for spending_
Please refer to Figure 2.
figure 2
City of Miami; Police Department
Weed & Seed Grant Allocations
Net Area
Little. Haiti
$50,0( 3.00
$85,0( 0.00
In toi al, the City of Mia mi Police ,apartment has $195,623.20 remaining.
In the Weed and Seed handing, there are allocations for Law Enforcement overtime, This time
may be used by police officers whc work with community leaders and representatives to develop
an enforcement plan t') remove drug traffickers, drug dealers, violent drug involved offenders
and career criminals from the community. These funds are to be used to pay for overtime hours
acqu;xed by officers specific to the: target site for the twelve-month period of October I, 2002
ending an September 31, 2003. ::t is important to be mindful that this funding is for future
activities only. Previous overtime operations cannot be allocated to this funding; only activities
occuYing during the award period :ore applicable. Additionally, no employee fringe benefits are
allowable under this akeement. The City of Miami will be solely responsible for paying for the
09/09/2003 29.5 3957561308
firing benefits of the officers aWWWV Led.
By accepting this award, your organization agrees to allocate the funds, according to the budget
that has been prepared and accepted, which is outlined in the attachments. if you accept, please
indicate by signing the Acceptance of Agreement page rind returning it to Shrita Sreriin. A
monthly statistical report detailir 3 the activities enumerated in this document should be
forwarded to Shrita Ste din no later Than the 5th day of every month.
Your organization will be reimbursed on a monthly basis, after a complete report of the previous
month's expenses and activities it; submitted to the Miami/ Miami -Dade Weed and Seed,
representative, Shrita Sterlin.
The overall Weed and Seed Pro :earn is results oriented, therefore a working partnership is
important in order to assist the pcaple and programs of Model City and Little Haiti who are
challenged by drugs, crime, ecoworrnic, social, and environmental conditions that must be
Pleats do not hesitate to contact me with any further questions or comments at (305) 751-4866.
a Sterl MP
Executive 'rector
0e/09/ 2003 ,09: 54, 3E57561300 SHf ITA STERLIN
Weed & Seed Reimbursable Ali,reement
iE eltriRecipient: Recipint:
ity of Miami Police 'Department
400 NW 2nd Avenue
Miami FL 33128
ttn: Chief Jahn Timoney
l ' lmbursln } Entity:
eed and Seed Award
E 1 ICJ Award Recipient:
fare Miami -Dade Weed and Seed, Inc.
+' ein baraement A,rnouLt:
, 195, 623,20
l' eriod Duration;
10/1i01 to 9/30103
This a reorxtent is soil itet to the following conditions and provisions:
Reimbursement is based on the detailed budget attached to this Agreement.
` . General Provisions
1. Reimbursement is subject to:
at The Certifications Regarding I.obbying, Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility
Matters, Drug -Free Workplace Requirements; Federal Debt Status, and Nondiscrimination
Statutes And Implementing Reigulat:ions.
U J L C1G 11L1i11L ['Cl�lll[C111C(lib 111. S.J1V ) 1..
d) The cost principles contained - E t OMB Circular A-87, and
d) The administrative guidelines ::crntained in DOD's Financial and Administrative Guidelines.
'Payment Basis
Copies of invoiccels, canceled checks or recipient's check register, payroll and fringe benefit
registers must accompany rein:,}aurl:ement requests. Reimbursement is authorized to be paid
on a monthly basis.
Payments will be made by check iirom Miarni(Miami-Dade Weed. & Seed.
09/09/2003 09:54 3057661.309
Special Conditions
The following special conditions L a incorporated into each federal award that Miami/ Miarni-
Dade Weed and Seed subcontract.. They are therefore, incorporated into each Miami/ Miami -
Dade Weed and Seed, Inc, Reimbursable Agreement so that the reimbursing agency may be
assured these special conditions ]ias ben met by the requesting agency (the Reimbursable
Recipient, or RR).
1. No .federal funds shall be used :o supplant state or local &lids that would otherwise be made
available for project purposes.
2. The operating principles found in 28 CFR Part 23, which pertain to information. collection
aad management or criminal intelligence systems, shall apply to any such systems supported
by this Reimbursable A reernerkt.
3. Prior to expenditure of'confidc tia1 funds, the RR shall sign a certification indicating that he
or she has read, understands, .and agrees to abide by all of the conditions pertaining to
confidential fund expenditures as set forth in DaJ's Financial and Administrative. This
certification should be submitted to the Weed and Seed's Office of the Executive Director,
Shrita Sterlin.
4. Where furniture has been approved in the budget, the RR. will make every effort to utilize
existing State and local surplue property prior to the purchase of any furniture, including
c =pater furniture or items of , imi1ar nature.
5. The budget modification submitted on 7-7-03 has been tentatively approved, pending a final
Grant Adjustment Notice from :ae Department of Justice. Funds up to 10% of the total award
may be reprogrammed within budget categories without prior approval provided that the
rsprogrunming is within the sane budgetary line item and the same initiative.
6. Any reprogramming of funds .1 excess of 10% within a budgetary line item of the award
Tequires the written approval of the Weed and Seed Steering Committee with a final
aathorixation from the Department of rustice.
7. F.eprogratnming of funds between agencies or initiatives require the written approval of the
ray, regardless of the dollar vs>.ue of the reprogramming.
S. Li ail cases the RR. is responsi ule for requesting authorization to reprogram from the Weed
and Seed activities for the sites as well as maintaining detailed records of said
9. The RR agrees to comply with the organizational audit requirements of OMB Circular A-B3,
"Audits of State and Local Governments." Upon request, an authorized copy of the
rtanagement Letter must be sut mitted with a copy of the audit report, no later than thirteen
(13) months after the close of the RR's audited fiscal year, to the Miami/Miami-Dade Weed
and Seed, Inc., 645 NW 62n1 St reet, Miami, FL 33150.
10. The R.R agrees to submit operas ion reports on a monthly basis.
11. Equipment acquired under the grant program must be used by the RR in the program or
project for which it was acquired as long as needed, whether or not the project or program
continues to be supported by Federal funds. When no longer needed for the original program,
the equipment may be used in ether activities supported by the agency. The RR may dispose
of the original equipment whet I no longer needed or supported by the grantor agency. Upott
request, inventory (lists must be supplied to Weed and Seed, Items to be inventoried include,
but are not limited to, Commanicatians Equipment, Computers & Computer Peripherals,
surveillance Equipment, Video and Photographic Equipment and Vehicles.
1 04 b' I2003 , 09: 54 30575E1308
12. The RR will be permitted to c.esignate funds that would be matched or shared; however,
time matched or stared funds will not constitute an obligation on behalf of the RR.
13. The RR acknowledges that failure to submit an acceptable Equal Employment Opportunity
Plan (required to submit one prsuant to 28 CFR section 42.302) that is approved by the
Office of Civil Rights, is a violation of its Certified .A.ssuranccs and may result in the
suspension of reimbursement.
14. The RR agrees to complete and keep on rile, as appropriate, Immigration and Naturalization
Service lyroployin ;ut Eligibili':y Verification Form (1-9). This form is to be used by
recipients of Federil funds to vl;fifv that cgs= are eligible to work in the United States.
Reimbursement Recipien'
AGENCY: Cit of Miami Police I'ietaartlniigl Sworn to and subscribed before me
NAME: John Titnottey this day of , 2003
TITLE: Chief of Police
DATE: (Signature ofNotary Public -State ofFlorida)
AQENCY: Miami/ Miami-;)aMianii.i)ek weed luic,Se44 Swom to and subscribed before me
NA1VL's: Xrita Sterlin this day of2003
TITLE: gNecuuive Directoj,
DATA,: (Signature ofNotary Public: -State of Florida)
09/09/2003 ,09:54 3057561308
Budget Amount
. 325.06r
11/1402- Airfare $tayin Alive Can).
05/02/03. Per Diem Wi$ Con(
maw - Airfare WAS C:onf.
t of02/03 - Hotel W)$,nf.
OW19/02 Beauty Suppben- 9aak'n Schad E Aunt
3001 e9
O8f12/02 8eiuty Suppii.i.. Sack to Banal fai,ent
08f21/02 Trophies. Crime Prevention Rally
10/08/02 School 8uppaeo. 0ackt4 School C !veewey
10/03/02 Roller Rink Adniloton• Pee Wee N!dd;e Patrol
10/15/02 Disney On ice a,dmleelon- Pee We n Kiddie Petrel
12/11/02 Toys. Cnrlolirot Toy Giveaway
Other Costs
5„ 500.0e
2,872.52 ,
09/09/2003 09:54 305756 20
Budget Amount
- 2,177.00
=Ear Per Diem W/S Conf.
05/02/03 .. Airfare WlS Conf. —
05/02/03 • Motel WIS Cant
11/02/02 - Bmnd mart-Electrn•nic Equipment
11/02102 - Office Max- Furniture
Other Costs
2003 AUG 28 PM 3: 57
845 N.W. 62nd Street • Suite 100
Miami, Florida 33150
Phone: 305-751-4866 • Fax: 305-751.6398
July 7, 2003
Chief John F. Timoney
City of Miami Police Department
400 N.W. 2nd Avenue
Miami, Florida 33128
Dear Chief Timoney:
SEP 0 4 2003
We are pleased to inform you that an award for your Police Department has been approved in the
amount of $209,500. This award is a pass through award from Miami/ Miami -Dade Weed and
Seed, Inc. (Weed and Seed). The federal grantor is the Department of Justice (Executive Office
for Weed and Seed) to support your efforts at the sites in the City of Miami that you proposed be
the focus of a special initiative.
The Weed and Seed Program is an effort to eliminate or significantly reduce drug trafficking and
related crime; to reduce or eliminate factors leading to drug abuse; and to nurture and develop
indigenous leadership to assists residents in attaining self sufficiency in three "at risk"
communities within the City of Miami (Model City, Little Haiti and Upper East Side).
The strategy is to continue "weed out" through intensive and comprehensive enforcement and
community policing initiatives resulting in arrests and convictions in federal and state courts and
the seizure of contraband and assets of drug traffickers, drug dealers, career criminals and violent
crime offenders active in the selected communities. Specific attention will also be placed on
truancy reduction. Enforcement will be reduced to a maintenance level over time while residents
and leaders are empowered to sustain the reduced crime level, recovery and growth of the
community. This will be accomplished through leadership skill development for adult and youth
members, the creation or enhancement of community -based coalitions, employment preparation,
job placement, grantsmanship training, and youth tutoring and mentoring. All of these objectives
will be achieved through collaborative efforts between Miami/ Miami -Dade Weed and Seed, Inc.
and its host of private and public partnering agencies.
Another important aspect of Weed and Seed funding is the Community Policing Crime''
Reduction Initiative. It has been proven nationwide that community policing has facilitated
tremendous positive interaction between law enforcement and the community. As a result, major
crime battles have been successfully fought and won. The goal of this component is to continue
the elimination, or significant reduction, of drug trafficking and related crime through the
empowerment of adults as well as youth in the targeted communities.
Your community's Weed and Seed award is for two distinct communities. The first community is
Model City, which has received $24,500 for Fiscal Year 2001-2002, and $50,000 for Fiscal
Year 2002-2003. To date, $2,762.82 has been spent and $71,827.18 is available for spending.
Little Haiti was awarded $50,000 for Fiscal Year 2001- 2002 and $85,000 for Fiscal Year
2002-2003. To date, $10,880.98 has been spent and $123,796.02 is available for spending.
In the Weed and Seed funding, there are allocations for Law Enforcement overtime. This time
may be used by police officers who work with community leaders and representatives to develop
an enforcement plan to remove drug traffickers, drug dealers, violent drug involved offenders
and career criminals from the community. These funds are to be used to pay for overtime hours
acquired by officers specific to the target site for the twelve-month period of October 1st, 2002
ending on September 31 st, 2003. It is important to be mindful that this funding is for future
activities only. Previous overtime operations cannot be allocated to this funding; only activities
occurring during the award period are applicable. Additionally, no employee fringe benefits are
allowable under this agreement. The City of Miami will be solely responsible for paying for the
fringe benefits of the officers assigned.
By accepting this award, your organization agrees to allocate the funds, according to the budget
that has been prepared and accepted, which is outlined in the attachments. If you accept, please
indicate by signing the Acceptance of Agreement page and returning it to Shrita Sterlin. A
monthly statistical report detailing the activities enumerated in this document should be
forwarded to Shrita Sterlin no later than the 5th day of every month.
Your organization will be reimbursed on a monthly basis, after a complete report of the previous
month's expenses and activities is submitted to the Miami/ Miami -Dade Weed and Seed,
representative, Shrita Sterlin.
The overall Weed and Seed Program is results oriented, therefore a working partnership is
important in order to assist the people and programs of Model City and Little Haiti who are
challenged by drugs, crime, economic, social, and environmental conditions that must be
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any further questions or comments at (305) 751-4866.
h`ta Stec. , MPA
Pic t
4".r..",w'trt or
645 N.W. 62nd Street • Suite 100 • Mlami, Florida 33150 • Office: 305.751.4866 • Fax: 305,751.6398.
Reimbursement Recipient:
City of Miami Police Department
400 NW 2nd Avenue
Miami FL 33128
Attn: Chief John Timoney
Reimbursing Entity:
Weed and Seed Award
DOJ Award Recipient:
Miami/ Miami -Dade Weed and Seed, Inc.
Reimbursement Amount:
$180, 083.20
Period Duration:
10/1/01 to 9/30/03
�-- This agreement is subject to the following conditions and provisions:
A. Conditions
Reimbursement is based on the detailed budget attached to this Agreement.
B. General Provisions
1 Reimbursement is subject to:
a) The Certifications Regarding Lobbying, Debarment, Suspension and Other
Responsibility Matters; Drug -Free Workplace Requirements; Federal Debt Status, and
Nondiscrimination Statutes And Implementing Regulations.
b) The audit requirements of OMB Circular A-133,
c) The cost principles contained in OMB Circular A-87, and
d) The administrative guidelines contained in DOD's Financial and Administrative
e) Guidelines.
2. Payment Basis
Copies of invoices, canceled checks or recipient's check register, payroll and fringe benefit
registers must accompany reimbursement requests. Reimbursement is authorized and will be
paid on a monthly basis.
Payments will be made by check by the DOJ direct grant recipient Miami/Miami-Dade Weed
& Seed.
Special Conditions
The following special conditions are incorporated into each federal award that Miami/ Miami -
Dade Weed and Seed subcontracts. They are therefore incorporated into each Miami/ Miami -
Dade Weed and Seed, Inc. Reimbursable Agreement so that the reimbursing agency may be
assured these special conditions have been met by the requesting agency (the Reimbursable
Recipient, or RR).
1. No federal funds shall be used to supplant state or local funds that would otherwise be made
available for project purposes.
2. The operating principles found in 28 CFR Part 23, which pertain to information collection
and management or criminal intelligence systems, shall apply to any such systems supported
by this Reimbursable Agreement.
3. Prior to expenditure of confidential funds, the RR shall sign a certification indicating that he
or she has read, understands, and agrees to abide by all of the conditions pertaining to
confidential fund expenditures as set forth in DOD's Financial and Administrative Guide.
This certification should be submitted to the Weed and Seed's Office of the Executive
Director, Shrita Sterlin.
4. Where furniture has been approved in the budget, the RR will make every effort to utilize
existing State and local surplus property prior to the purchase of any furniture, including
computer furniture or items of similar nature.
5. The budget modification submitted on 7-7-03 has been tentatively approved, pending a final
Grant Adjustment Notice from the Department of Justice. Funds up to 10% of the total award
may be reprogrammed within budget categories without prior approval provided that the
reprogramming is within the same budgetary line item and the same initiative.
6. Any reprogramming of funds in excess of 10% within a budgetary line item of the award,
requires the written approval of the Weed and Seed Steering committee with a final
authorization from the Department of Justice.
7. Reprogramming of funds between agencies or initiatives require the written approval of the
DOJ, regardless of the dollar value of the reprogramming.
8. In all cases the RR is responsible for requesting authorization to reprogram from the Weed
and Seed activities for the sites as well as maintaining detailed records of said
9. The RR agrees to comply with the organizational audit requirements of OMB Circular A-B3,
"Audits of State and Local Governments." Upon request, an authorized copy of the
management letter must be submitted with a copy of the audit report, no later than thirteen
(13) months after the close of the RR's audited fiscal year, to the Miami/ Miami -Dade Weed
and Seed, Inc. 645 NW 62" d Street, Miami, Florida 33150.
10. The RR agrees to submit operation reports.
11. Equipment acquired under the grant program must be used by the RR in the program or
project for which it was acquired as long as needed, whether or not the project or program
continues to be supported by Federal funds. When no longer needed for the original program,
the equipment may be used in other activities supported by the agency. The RR may dispose
of the original equipment when no longer needed or supported by the grantor agency. Upon
request, inventory lists must be supplied to Weed and Seed. Items to be inventoried include
Communications, Computer & Related Equipment, Surveillance Equipment, Photo,
Vehicles, and Video.
12. The RR will be permitted to designate funds that would be matched or shared, however,
these matched or shared funds will not constitute an obligation on behalf of the RR.
13. The RR acknowledges that failure to submit an acceptable Equal Employment Opportunity
Plan (if required to submit one pursuant to 28 CFR section 42.302) that is approved by the
Office of Civil Rights is a violation of its Certified Assurances and may result in the
suspension of reimbursement.
14. The RR agrees to complete and keep on file, as appropriate, Immigration and Naturalization
Service Employment Eligibility Verification Form (1-9). This form is to be used by
recipients of Federal funds to verify that persons are eligible to work in the United States.
Reimbursement Recipient`
AGENCY: City of Miami Police Department Sworn to and subscribed before me
NAME: John Timonev this day of . 2002
TITLE: Chief of Police
(Signature of Notary Public -State of Florida)
AGENCY: Miami/ Miami -Dade Weed and Seed Sworn to and subscribed before me
NAME: Shrita Sterlin this day of . 2002
TITLE: Executive Director
(Signature of Notary Public -State of Florida)