HomeMy WebLinkAboutbackup-3i CITY OF MIAMI APPLICATION NAME: Josetah E. Bradman RESIDENCE ADDRESS: 439 NW 94' Street Miami Fl. 33136 FOR PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD and/or ZONLNG BOARD HOME PHONE: 786-425-0637 BUSLTIESS PHONE: 305 ) 571-p4pb City Code Sec. 2-884 states: "No employee of Miami -Dade County, Florida, or any municipality therein other than City of Miami employees, shall serve on or be appointed to any Board of the City of Miami." PP PRINCIPAL BUST ESS/EMPLOYM: Transition Inc (Company Name) BUSINESS ADDRESS: 150 NW 3si° Avenue Miami Fl. 3 136 Are you an employee of Miami -Dade County or any municipality therein other than the City of Miami? NO Would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Board? Yes Would you like to serve on the Zoning Board? No Please state if you have a preference for either board: Planning Adviso Board Members shall either be permanent residents of the City, own real ron work or maintain a business in the City. Please fill in attached Residency in the City, or form. ry Compliance Owners of property in the City of Miami, please answer the following question: Is all the property you own in the City of Miami in confomiance with City Ordinances? If "no," please give details below: Permanent resident cforms>pt application 12l1 JQ: Will hF ahle to faithfully attend meetings of the board as required by Section 6__1'6 of the Miami City Code? Yes Will you be able to attend Planning and Zoning seminars as required by Section. of the Miami City Code? Yes Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami C1ty Code Artsck V Sections 2-611 - 619 and Miami -Dade County Code Section 2-11.I ? No Art you prepared to file a list of real estate interests owned, either personally. or corporately within the Ciry of Miami (see attached forms) with the City Clerk, pursuant to Section 2-615 of the City of Miami Code? Yes Are you prepared to file a statement of financial interests pursuant to Flom Statutes Sez. 112-3145 and/or Miami -Davie County Ordinance No. 77-13? Yes List your experience relating to the fields of planning and zoning: Anne Board of Directors, afternoon program for the Overtown arca. Director of the University Ave. Coopts. Coordinator of northeast area of New Jersey for CWA Are you a United States citizen? Yes Are you presently indebted to the City of Miami for any real or itcense fcc, or property lien? No personal property tax If "yes,,. give details: Signature: Date: <rornu>pz application 12/I2l02 CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA RESIDENCY COMPLIANCE FORM (IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 2-854 OF THE CiTT CODE) Please submit your completed form to:T Cfry of Miami Office of the Ciry Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive Miami. Florida 33133 Date: December 11. 2002 1. Joseph E. Bradman Planning Advisory Board (name of board) Do (do/do nor) . a member of o a, comply with the residency requirement under Code Section 2-SS-1. namely: ~(a) All members of City boards shall either be Anent resident of the Cite, own real properry in the City, or work or maintain a business in the City..." (Note: If you do comply with the residency 'equirenient (Code Sec. 2-8S4), please provide us with the following information.) A. I presently reside in the City of Miami at the following address: 419 N W 9's Street Mi A.33i3 B I own a business andlor real property within the City of Miami limits at the following address: (Note: Kindly specify if it is a busaness or a property) NONE C. I work within City of Miami limits. My business address is: ' Q ' ?f° Ave iarni F i]36 Joseph E. Bradman 439 N.W. 9th Street, Apt. 16 ?Vfiarni, Fi, 33136 (786) 425-0637 JEBBLE@Yahoo.com OBJECTIVE: A member Planning Advisory Board RELEVANT EXPERIENCE: 10/02present Supervisory-Transirion Inc -Miami, Florida. Supervise Community Service Workers, to developand clients to move them into the work force maintain a iti•artiiteg ri[tbi7 Jar 07/24/Present forte to seek meaningful employment. Sales Representative -Care Entree- Miami. Florida Currently working full time presenting affordable health plan and savings on many services that are parr of the family essential needs. hasi: 07/0 2-Present Outreach Developer -Manic Koonce Le Currently working arnin rechnolo v Center -Miami, Florida introduction to working u time seeking prospective students for the center to learn 11/99-Present Computers ands education. Art Facilitator and Mentor -Miami Art Museum_ Currently worlung full time teachingM'�• Florida youths in the production, organization, and 07/02-9/02 presentation of an educational documentary on the history and development of pvcrtown. Directors Asslstant_q a Currently working Enrichment �o�_Miami. Florida t p� time in an after school program school students with computer training and various directing tutors and assisting and presenting meetingfor g courses of stud Strad_ 9/99-6/02 Pnts,and guardians. y Assist in planning A.ssi nt-Greaier Bethel African Methodist E i Created and implemented an after school co SCe al -Miami. Florida senior citizens teaching mputer program for local children and basic computer stalls. Additional responsibilities included: funned raising, answ�g phones. and light raising, ins ine igphght clerical work. Currently serving fund advising the youth of the community.g on the Board of Directors. EDUCATION: Rutgers Newark CollegeMI of Arts and Sciences, Nctiv�k NJ. Bachelor of Arts. Economics `n ` % v Essex County College, Newark. and Business Administration —' �, g ark.I`.7. -`r'� n Associate of Science, Business Education MILITARY: = r -- united States n Army- Honorable Discharge x— _ REFERENCES: Available upon request�"_ CD ▪ '0 ▪ co, +� O up Z of.. 4 0 •=Sii. Il�•I `C �( f1� CITY OF MIAMI APPLICATION r v+ FOR PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD and/or ZONING BOARD' NAME: �J UA r1 G.4R1-os J e Gesf� ►cr.) RESIDENCE ADDRESS: Za 2 ¢ S , HOME PHONE: Q5 -`3 BUSINESS PHONE: City Code Sec. 2-884 states: "No employee of Miami -Dade Co municipality therein other than City of Miami p >�3', Florida, or any any Board of the City of Miami etni°yecs, shall serve on or be appointed PRINCIPAL BUSINESS/EMPLOYER: c-M ae.L0 A-SSoc . (Company Name) BUSINESS ADDRESS: Q- ZOr .11>R Are you an employee of Miami -Dade Countyany or m City of Miami?unicipality therein other than the Would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Board? !�S Would you like to serve on the Zoning Board? Please state if you have a preference for either board: Members shall either be Permanent residents of the Ci work or maintain a business in the Ci ty' own real Pro form. n' Please fi!] in attached Residency the City, or Compliance Owners of progeny in the City of Miami l propertyyou own in the City of Miami in' conformance easanswer the following question: Is a!1 the with City Ordinances? If "no." please give details below: <forms>pz application 3/1912001 Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the board as required by Section 62-11e of tilt. _ �::: City Code? 9 a S r- Will you be able to attend Planning and Zoning seminars as required by Section of the Miami City Code? y Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami Cin- Code Article V. Sections 2-61 I - 619 and Miami -Dade County Code Section 2-I 1 .I ? Are you prepared to file a list of real estate interests corporately within the City of Miami (see attached forms)owned, either personally o; th the City Geri;. pursuant to Section 2-615 of the City of Miami Code? Are you prepared to file a statement of financial interests pursuant to Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145 and/or Miami -Dade County Ordinance No. 77-13? List your experience relating to the fields of lY� T planning and zoning:SCA or NC IMd I .wrc[ A ST,�m vF- Are you a United States citizen? 44.-Gdf't license fee. or property lien? t} Are you presently indebted to the City of Miami for any real or personal property tax. If 'Yes, give details: APS -rerun.) <formyp 3/192001 � � s %SV.,DNL ! old Zf1mV!! L! N rri firn-: 4 fir} toVO.vzsoa�aN�� YAi acy5crr� a nt o _ FLANSNENIS intn2 yocezeuxysGmos s 4CH=*QYE $puezg S estinNjMa 1N yam, o pefte aPPhcauon C.r,BN cdrintMcntaw (do/do not) CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA RESIDENCY COMPLIANCE FORM (IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 2-884 OF THE CITE CODE Please submit your completed form to: City of Miami Office of of the City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 T= Date: Z — O - - �1-DOZ r I, VAN GA4 A _ . a member of •Fi..44,tt4 r-t- Avis®4ay faitt,Aim.0 (name of board) Po 'comply with the residency requirement under Code Section 2-884, namely: "(a) All members of City boards shall either be permanent residents of the City, own real property in the City, or work or maintain a business in t he (Note: If you do corn lv with the residency requirement 4 iremrnt (Code Sec. 2-884), please provide us with the following information.) A. I presently reside in the City of Miami at the following address: 23ZA:1- 5, B. I own a business and/or real propern' within the City o following address: (Note: Kindly specify if it is a business or a limits at the 2 3Z¢or a property) C. I work within City of Miami limits. My business add ress is: +•egal Uescril�linn -- SAMPLE ENIItY: I.ot 7, Primrose Section 4, I'D 52 Ler 9 Amy The wegrio sr -ever. F3 -14 -Ise State of Florida Counly of NOTARY PURUC SEAL OF OFFICE: 1 ille I,--I.egal 1? Fquilahle ('I I Y I t1 AiIAMI, 1 I.r)Ittl)A S IA 1 EMFNI UI: REAL PROPER I Y OWNED ON ('ONI rtHhlfN('1; W ---(_w 1111 SF('. 2-615 OI' "I I IE CI 1 Y C,ODF4 Common Address 437 Northeast 54'h Sired 24- S.W. td sr, Owned W-Wholly +' rn Part Vs/ Zoning Class RR1 +. J Vi4N ‘10tR-I.os C5r,41C:osoleO A 7 II located within corporate limits of the CI'I Y OF MIAIMIIor 500 Feswear et tbeyo d !u Ihe above corporateti accurate stCI IY t of my M eresls limits or the CI i'Y OF MIAMl, NAME (Please Print) �V_KI_G flrl,F'PO,51IIr)NWIrr1CIfYOFMIAMI ---Nome NAME OF Rc 11 t! E 1 Jf p ) ,Y Ilia n Ilcable WW1 jg o+-72.. *ttY rt, oFpiciaL OTANT p dt� Esn+EAOUEIViEAO y � CCe�3�pt19 %�is coualssKxlrtuleEn or NOFoo19,2003 d` PAY cORfvlssron EXPIFIES SIGNAtIIR On this the day of diGC RU/Cr the undersigned Notary Public oldie SI* Iodds, 0oore me, was acknowledged bygoing instrument (Name of person signing and his/her fide (public , trustee or WITS ny hand ofliclil seat (po officer, Personal repres iye) OFAR Y PURLIC, ATE FLORIDA diet It ►t e,It-p tame of Nasty Public Prinnl Stamp, or Type as Commissioned) 0 Personally known to me, or 119---lroduced Idcn1ilicellore CT� CI (Type of Identification Produced) �� DID lake an oath, or C7 DID NOT take an nelh _ I'resena I1'•' ! lorne �-loNl in real properly fri 0 1' 1 Iv w ,a?a6 �= ?df• �U 1n�� NAME: CITY OF MIAMI APPLICATION FOR PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD and/or ZONING BOARD 4kN RESIDENCE ADDRESS: 3 S OD S go\ HOME PHONE: 3DS~'{jtjS-7Z9�j BUSINESS PHONE: 3 �S~g- 3 34-5 City Code Sec. 2-884 states: "No employee of M- of Miami County, Florida, or am� to any Board of the City of Miami." municipality therein other than City employees, shall serve on or be appointed PRINCIPAL BUSINESS/EMPLOYER: S Y ki rL C rLiT (S (Company Name) BUSINESS ADDRESS. 3 SS D S ,8av -1.0v•vrtcts Dr. Are you an employee f Miami -Dade County or any municipality City of Miami? therein other than the IV o Would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Board? Would you like to serve on the Zoning Board? 1� Please state if you have a preference for either board: e Members shall either be or permanent residents of the Cny, real maintain a b the City. ' ° property in the City, workrm. business ty Please fill in attached Residency or • Cy Compliance fo Owners of properly in the City of Miami, ro If ` • pease give details below: A Perr you own in the City of Miami in no, l <forrns>pz application sl1912001 1r — Please answer the following question:pi digdigte. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the of tt,s ' ' _.: C;._ Code? Vi05 1 � bard as required bt' Sectlo Will you be able to attend Planning and Zoning seminars as tenured by Section of the Miami City Code? Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami Cite Code . Sections 2-6I 1 - 619 and Miami -Dade - 4rti�t, l County Code Section 2-I 1.I ? Are you prepared to file a Iist of estate interests owned., either Section 2-6I S of the City of Miami { attached forms) with the City Cleron�} or corporately within the City of Miami (see a Code. �t°S pursuant to Are you prepared -to file a statement of financial Interests Pursuant to Florida Statutes Sec. I I 2-3I45 and/or Miami -Dade Coup �' Ordinance No. 77-13? toS List your expSlrience to th Ields f—e-1 �- �a ervere� Rt9p�tSG &a ER) Are you a United States citizen? 1/4(1CS Are you presently indebted to the City of license fee,p sr propently nlien? NO Miami for any If "yes." givreal or e d property details: tax details: Signature: Date: <forrns>pz application 3/192001 E-11/4 l ry Vj fvs Date: (1 Z J O 2„ h? Cry Ss111-4/ I name of board) O candy with the residency requirement tmdtr Code Section -884, namely:f doido nor) "(a) All members of City boards shall either be City, own real property is the City, or work or permanent residents of the City..." maintain a business in the (Ivor.: if you do com�+h• on.with the } provide us with the o goreqrement (Code Sec. 8$4), please A. I presently reside in the City of Miami at the follow 3 .��� S )yokryrosfollowing address: le:rh ; CITY OF MI_AMI. FLORIDA RESIDENCY COMF LLANCE FORM (IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 2-884 OF THE CIT\ CODE) Please submit your completed form to: City of Miami Office of the City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33I33 . a member of B. I awn a business and/or real ro P pern• within the City of ]Miami limits at the following address: (Note: Kindly specify if it is a business or a property) C. I work within City of Miami limits. M�� . business address is: Signarurc Legal Description SAMPLE ENJRY: Lot 7, Primrose Section 4, PO 52 Slate of Florida County of NOTARY PTJfLIC SFAI. OF OFFJCE: {Ile Uwne(f I Legal Inning ('Inss�__� l. �::. _ — li !'Ruifahle W Whotiy I In Part ('I I Y 01 MIAMI, I J.I )Itll)A S I A I LMLN J OF 12FgI PROPERTY UWNIA) (IN (.'(IN, (MMAN('p WI I II SR' 2_61S OF AlIJI{ ('I I Y (' TI)I) Common Address 437 Northeast 54rh Street OAT!! Totaled within corporals limits of the CI (Y U, do solemnly swear that the above is a true and accurate statement r MIAMI or 500 feet beyond +Ire corporals limits of the CITY Y OF of my interests in real properly NAME (Please Prim)MIAMI. 1I11-F/POSITION WNII CIIV OF MIAMI NAMF OE DOA RU/C'OMMII-TEE (if Applicable) SIDNAT(IRr; w R-1 !tome On this the day of the undersigned Notary Public of the Stare of ftnrtda, the foregoing Instrument was acknowledged by (Name of person signing and his/fe 1 !+ e WI 1NESS my hand end official seat (public officer, trustee orpe personal alor ^s of representative) NOTARY P(JBLIC, STA IF OF I ORII)A (Name of Nota Putt iclStamp. Print. nr l — ry CI Public known to ore, or 1Pe as ('nmmissinned) ❑ Produced idenlilicatinn { f }pe of Identification Produced) ❑ DID lake an oath,CI nr DID NO1 lake an oath 4