HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegislation-FR 9-16-10-SUBTHIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION O ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL. CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT y14�_ � - Su bSfi %�rri= 711 L) F� T, (y T(� }{\' `Tr [� �p 7 -, aI 'y `+1t' V L -r 1.�G all., : V MA-. -_a Leg i_1a ion Ck c�; _ � Ordinance rL�'u e-: IQ -(G Final _4crion Date: AN ORDINANCE OF THE k4i„MI COMMISSION AMENDING CHAPTER '12 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA; AS AMENDED, CURRENTLY ENTITLED "COIN-OPERATED MIACHiNES AND ESTABLISHMENTS," BY AMENDING THE TITLE TO "AA/iUSEMENT GAMES OR MACHINES," CLARIFYING EXISTING LANGUAGE, ADDING DEFINITIONS, CREATING A LICENSING STRUCTURE AND REGULATORY SCHEME, PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES, AND PROHIBITING UNAUTHORIZED AMUSEMENT GAMES OR MACHINES; AMENDING CHAPTER 31/ARTICLE it OF THE CITY CODE ENTITLED "LOCAL BUSINESS TAX AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS REGULATIONS(LOCAL BUSINESS TAX (BTR)," MORE PARTICULARLY BY AMENDING SECTION 31-50; ENTITLED `SCHEDULE OF ESTABLISHED BTR'S," BY DELETING AN ESTABLISHED BTR; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, gambling is prohibited within the City of Miami, except in certain pari -mutual locations as allowed pursuant to a referendum; and WHEREAS, Florida Statute Chapter 849 strictly prohibits any gambling or "game of chance" involving the exchange of money or other Thing of value or under the pretext of a safe, gift, or delivery thereof, or for any right, share, or interest therein; and WHEREAS: Florida Statute Chapter 849 allows amusement games or machines which are considered "games of skill'; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of health, safety, and general welfare of the community, residents, and businesses of the City of Miami ("City") to regulate the operation of amusement games or machines within the City in order to ensure the proper safeguards with respect to the prohibition of gambling; and WHEREAS, the purpose and intent of this ordinance, as amended, is to narrow the definiticn of amusement games or machines by making it conform with State law and specifically, to eliminate any misconstruction of the definition of the types of machines permitted as one which expands rights beyond the limitations imposed under the exception to gambling by State law; and WHEREAS, the purpose and intent of this ordinance, as amended, is to make changes to the regulations for adequate supervision of the operation of amusement games or machines within the City; and WHEREAS, a regulatory scheme is to be implemented to ensure that the operators of amusement games or machines comply with all state and local statutes and ordinances; and I0 _ao� Le �s�a ion- FR q -r -10 -- SUCH City of Miami Page, ' of 34 File !d: 90-00739 (Version 3) Printed on 9!812090 aS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION RIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT `t'`.HE-RE-AS, a e shWuld be .-n:)osed to cover the cows :he Cite v,Pill i;scar as esuit o arTo-ci rc the regulations herein adopted: and 'trE'H=RE=,S, -he Ci -,y currently allows an unilmrted number of arn�ussrne;lt games or ,_c:ninaS to 5e operated by o ,e (1)individual: =' d %�f+'H-REAS, tle City V,6,szh s to encourage other business owners the cpperluncity to opera to am, usemme;)t games or machines, with the Caveat that the amount or amuserner it parries or machines be limited per location; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to discourage monopolies by any operator of amusement gams or maci�ines by limiting the number of machines per location and requiring an exception Process to aco,uira more machines at a particular location; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF IviiAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Ordinance are adopted and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. Chapter 12 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, aE amended, is amended in the following particulars:{1} "CHAPTER 12 r Q;W nPGr �AIy1USEMENT GAMES OR MACHINES AWD €S-TAB--IS�--rI E T -S Sec. 12-1. Definitions. The following words terms, and phrases when used in this section, shall have the meaninos ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning. Nothing in this section may be construed contrary to state law. Amusement Game or Machine means anv machine, dame, contrivance, or device that provides for the bona fide entertainment or amusement of the public and that, as a result of the payment of a fee money, compensation, or exchange of anything of valve or insertion of a coin, slug, token. credit card, or pager currency, the machine game, contrivance or device is set in motion, permitted to function or operate and that by application of skill, may entitle the- person playing or operating the machine to receive points or coupons that may be exchanged far merchandise only, (limited to noncash prizes, toys, or nove4ties, excluding cash– alcoholic beverages, beer, or wine), provided the cost value of the merchandise or prize awarded in exchanoe for such oints or coupons does not exceed 75 cents on any game pLayed. a.This definition shall not be interpreted to include any game, machine, contrivance, or device that may be construed as a gambling device under state law. This definition_ also excludes pool or biliiard tables, vending machines laundry machines, kiddie rides, and automatic music machines. City of Miami Page 2 of 34 File Id., 10-00739 (Version 3) Printed on 918/2010 IS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION ORIGINAL_ BACKUP ORIGINAL ' CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DCICUMEN7 J. 1 `,s ce:l for o ai. a;Sc "10: Ci�de anV nri-Lriyanc$ Jr device thl`los yl=�t ne L�sl� or Yo. �J--SIC ,.tn"?il. II:��'= o�^r-i r- `r be o' Gla: s Y,l:c! •.' n-luc or sCe:;"f—d 4v:J, tical a7 ArC?�e ,ii l'J�rrilent Center ea" iia ous':n 1a5 --D 3- v,�r ii cines 3- ma:--sslines on Dr Misesyvrlic; a J= ate G ; le" =-71-t ,!n, lem:.3 gine o r'ierai pubk and -: �-is-- as a. bora ciliN. Exsrr pole- cf suc1h fact 4ie= include but are not !`ed :D. Chick E. QheeSe G.=r,,:e1'd0rKS. Dr Dave a.nd c2,:_, _, l�t �i-Arcade Amusement Center means v oface of business accessory or i;lcidental to another business <i.e. a restaurant. theater, bowling alley. billiards. etc.) that has 10-49 amusement Carnes or machines on Dremises 1vh+Ch are merzated for the e'?te alnment of the General Dublic and tourists as a bona tide accessory amusement facility. Operator means any person. firm, corooration. association. owner or acent, who shall own. operate. or otherwise control an r,musement Game or Machine: an Arcade Amusement Center; or a Mini -Arcade Amusement Canter. Sec. 12 -2. -Location of Amusement Games or Machines: Exception Reouired. An Operator shall not locate and operate an Am=usement Game or Machine within a room or enclosed area not open to the general public. If a room where an Amusement Game or Machine is beine operated is locked or barricaded, a rebuttable presumption is created that the area is not open to the general public in violation of this section. There shall be no more than four 4) Amusement Games or Machines issued to an Operator per location. More than four (4) machines at a particular location will require further review from the Planning and Zoning Departments. Moreover. the location must receive an Exception from the Planning, Zoning, and Appeals Board for more than four (4) machines. - Sec. 12-3. Business tax receipts BLRL In addition to the requirements_ of Ch2Dter 31 of the City Code, the following shall apply_ Prior to being issued a BTR from the City, the Operator must present a state Amusement Game or Machine certificate from the Department of Revenue and any applicable county BTR for each Amusement Game or Machine in operation at every iocation. Operator will need to provide the City with proof of a certificate issued by the Decartment of Revenue for an Arcade Amusement Center or a lAini-Arcade Amusement Center and any applicable county BTRs for such use. b. The Operator of a One (1) BTR per Amusement Game or Machine at each location shall be issued in the name of the Operator. The Operator must provide to the City a notarized affidavit from the business owner and the property owner allowing operation of Amusement Games or Machines within the business and property, respectively. Prior to the issuance of the BTR, the Operator shall provide the City the affidavits of consent from the business owner and the property owner. All BTRs must be displayed within public view and accessible in an area within five (5) feet from the physical site of the Amusement Game or Machine, BTRs for Amusement City of Aflaml Page 3 of 34 File ld• 10-00738 (Version 3) Printed on 91812010 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION 0TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL 0 CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT Gam== or Dr,5 Oce- :o -^_h - Ooe- for -loris-fes Deicc - a-.-k-a:,'se nt Lame r Iar3c"'-,e ;v�:'e �j; .+j e.itt BTR R from w1 ale 4 1 IOC Lion lg ^r o.ner. 0DerM.pr r1us, _ _ -=-Ve r,'ilr^ n= Chi o e , won rT'iCi Lo. L ren l= `� CO 500,E u� i= i, t0 ;10 ICCv;I l5 d business -1---Xr�0^ irs'li' �v !: 'ed; -I- _ � ir10 i'eirt' �cailOn of.l = r 4i 'Sem'-?` Ga"' - cr Mi :"^ tine and a 3 :R shali ,7= !sslred-fleCLi`ro Lne removal of -re: A,;.�sernw Gare or It�ac�ir!= at Lhe crevio. s location. The awra. av +-ess an.v. Teleohone number of Li - ©oerutor must be a tached Lc 0 i. fro"` of Li --1e .=,muser-e f Game or Machine in a location easily read by Am',:s erne nt Ga"; -.e or I1 aCl Jne users wd i! the siz-3 cf ierarinM_ecual to o_r_areaiyr than_ twelve (12) coin# tvoe c. It shall be 7inlaw ul for the ovvner. lessor, rnanaQer. or person in charo= of anv business oremises to oarmit any such Amusement Game or Machine uoon such oremises unless such Amusement Game or Machine has the BTR required by this Code displayed thereon. d. For purposes of this subsection. each individual animated screen shall constitute one (1) Amusement Game or Machine regardless of whether the screen is encased in a console• cabinet. or other fixture. with other screens which receive electric Dower, through one (1) source or cord, or are set into motion or permitted to function through the use of one (1) hili acceptor. where the player may select a game at any one (1� screen, such that at any one f 1) time you may have more than one (1 ), person 6ayinq or or>erating games. at different screens independently from another. No artifice or scheme shall be used to circumvent the intent of this subsection. Sec, 1244. Failure to Py-=YSehiRe!iGe=,se;ees;cbtain a business tax receiot (B -FR); seizure and disposition of machines, (a) In the event of nonpayment of the fee for a ke44 -BTR required for any ^^�„ IaPqrate4 R;aGNReAmusement Game or Machine, authority is hereby given and granted to the dF�j, +Ff fig-aReeQjt Manager or his designee to seize the MaGh'ReAmusement Game or Machine, and, in the event any R�2GWReAmusement Game or Machine is seized for the nonpayment of any 1+5e�ase fee BTR, there shall be added, charged and collected by the city an additional sum hauling fee of x$125.00 for each Amusement Game or Machine seized and an additional storage fee of $10.00 per day for each Amusement Game or Machine stored. staFage ^^�' hau!'Rg ^"� s f9F eaGlr - rnar�Wne � �� In the event any neAmusement Game or r+c+. cn vo�v�..a�n m.scr�rrrc�v vc.%��cr. Machine has been seized for the nonpayment of any liGeeee fee BTR, such !:RaGh'ReAmusement Game or Machine shall not be released or returned until and unless the Operator thereof has paid to the city the necessary liee•,se fee BTR, and the 55-88 storage fee, and hauling charges. (b) The i- City Manager or his desiAneeeis hereby authorized and directed, in all cases where there has been a seizure made for the nonpayment of the 'ijaernse fee BTR for sGia-eperatedAmusement Games or Machines, to notify the r �rfaer sf— FnasN-n260perator, where possible, that the same are being retained under the provisions of the City of Miami mage 4 of 34 File Id- ] 0-00739 (Ve(sion 3) Printed on 8/8/2010 THIS DOCUMENT 1S A SUBSTITUTION Q0 ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL 0 CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT v.:y CDCs, �.nd he s�ie Shall. Wit`"in 'inw's� ',90� Nays irc 1 :na cite cT :z'.! ?vrTi: i ie ? Ooeirtor io regain possessi-_,- _:3e ecf by s:.:) :sslon proof of r and l paymei a of af` charges connected'd,,It'n seizure and storage o1 ii- `1 cnlnes. (C:) r.er rhe expiration of such ninety (90) -Cay period. :he -c :D' or;f--n -CI:V N/,anao=_r o, desic fee shall sell any s"uoh est', °' tee'" e :i Gaines or k4ac`,mes not claimi ed or redjced to Poszsesslcn by the o{Jr-e=O,:)era-lor til:; =of St Dubllc said iaiiezr ler , 1 0� i days, no ice Iii VT' iii_19 to L3 e ©oerator. if he can be found; and by adverissme^t in a newspaper of ger=-al circulation In the city. (d) Out of the proceeds -of the sale of any such r- a-��,;TesAmusement Games or Machines. all cos`s and storage shall be first paid, and any balance remaining shall be retained by the city in a find in possession of the city for a period of one (1� year in order to enable the GwRems—tom ;:AaGh�r9E;Ooerator 'to prove ownership of 'he maGhiF49sAmusement Games or Machines so sold, and when such ownership is proven, such surplus fund shall be paid to the e Operator. (e) After the expiration of one year (1), as provided in the ne4 pFeG=_�94; this section, any sums arising from the salessaie of the 4;aG�4inesAmusement Games or Machines in accordance with the provisions of this section, if unclaimed by the ef t4e sDDerator, shall be transferred to the general fund of the city. Sec. 12-5. Payment of certificate of authorization fee. a. An Operator shall obtain a certificate of authorization from the City for one (1) year by submitting a payment of a regulatory fee in the amount of X500.00 per Amusement Game or Machine. Each year. the Operator shall obtain a new certificate of authorization from the City by submitting a renewal fee in the amount of $500,00 per Amusement Game or Machine. No BTR shall be issued until the certificate of authorization has been obtained, including the payment of anv other outstanding regulatory fees. b. An Arcade Amusement Center shall oav cerificate of authcrization fees as established by the Finance Department below: 1 to 4 machines in an Arcade Amusement Center: $500 each machine 5 machines in an Arcade Amusement Center: $2500 flat fee 6 to10 machines in an Arcade Amusement Center: $3000 flat fee, 11 machines and over: $5000 flat fee, c. A Mini -Arcade Amusement Center shall oav certificate of authorization fees as established by the Finance Department below: 1 to 4 machines in an Arcade Amusement Center: $500 each machine: 5 machines in an Arcade Amusement Center: $2500 fiat fee; 5 tc i 0 machines in an Arcade Amusement Center: X3000 fiat fee: 11 machines and over: $5000 flat fee, r city of Miami Page 5 of 34 File Id: 10-00739 (Version 3) Printed on 9/8/2010 THIS DOCUMENT ISA SUBSTITUTION 0 TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT �..,� ^^�•^,--, t� ink --, � �---�--` i•.-, �^an�-.�-. L..,_ -� I� _ - .s �i �,1 .... --,� S= -c 12-46. "i tic �5vv -�," ���°I 4r�r � 11 �li2d uses and —�naorce &i t. c -,a A.use7er iii Garners or Mia& nes pappsn s"ail not be used for garbling or as a game of chance as skated in F.S. §§ 8-49,15-8419.22, Violations of these provisions shall be subject to penalties stated in F.S_ § 849.23 and to u city - imposed line in the amount of $500.00. (b) No Am::sement Game or Machine shall depict. exhibit, illustrate. describe. or otherwise relate to sexual conduct. soecifed anatomical -areas. or other adult entertainment as further defined in the City Zoning Ordinance. Such an Amusement Game or Machine is strictly prohibited in the City. (c) No Amusement Game or fr>iachine shall allow reDiays without the exchange of anything of value or insertion of a coin_ slug. token, credit card. or oaoer currency. Such an Amusement Game or Machine is stricter prohibited in the City. d) Violations cif this Section shall be prosecuted Dursuant to this section and anv other remedy available by law, including but not limited to, Chapter 2, Article X. Code Enforcement, of this Code. No Amusement Game or Machine shall operate at a particular business location or site for one (1) year from the date of any court order, order of the City Commission, order of a code enforcement board, or order of a special master that determines or upholds that a business owner at any location or Operator operates, allows to be operated, or causes to be placed or ODerated an Amusement Game or Machine at that particular location or site in violation of an2y City. County, state, or federal statute. rule. regulation. or ordinance. Section 3. Chapter 31 of the City Code entitled "Local Business Tax and Miscelianeous Business Regulations," Is amended in the following particularsJI) "CHAPTER 31 LOCAL BUSINESS TAX AND MiSCEL'_ANEOUS BUSINESS REGUL-,TIONS ARTICLE II. LOCAL BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT (BTR) Sec. 31-50. Schedule of Estabiished BTRs. city ai Miami Page 6 of 34 File Id.' 10-00739 ('Version 3} Printed on 9/8/2010 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION 00 ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT (.`CaI)I BTR CA iEGORI Y: NA'xIE. DES"; PTZ(--)'� SND Abs act CLI.---a=� plc or T,_.e� Re- ,yes --vense -om �e !=lorida 236.)0 D ari of Financial Ser<-iceS if se:li_nsi i s'�anCe. Tire � Co ACCO" ?= , it. Cera rd Pu'ol,c (CPA). i�equires 1Cens2 i o L71'Sl'it. 116.,,'-',rs 00x0 Ac, oOunzin2 and'or Boolu;een -g S -un -ice. Does not aur-.' io BTR I Codes: '°00AT 116.00 00,0 Accout;"_n2 �'roiessicnal Associ� on (�' �,), Corporacion (Corp) or 116.00 00-50 Acupuncturst. Recuires License from DOH. 116.00 0060 Addressing, -Mailing. and So-ti-rg S--i-vices. 99.00 0070 Admin.is- -alive Office. When sole functions are administrative in 131.00 nature and not applicable to any oiher BTR category. 0080 Adult Care Facility. License from ARCA is required. 99.00 0090 Adult Conz-ep-ate Living Facility. License from A.HCA is required. 99.00 0100 Advertising Agency or Trade inducement Company. Each company or 567,00 individual as prodded. 0110 Advertising, Aircraft(per aircraft). 120.00 0160 Advertising, outdoors: Not excel-- ng 50 displays. 236.00 More than 50 displays; each display thereafter. 2.00 01201 Advertising, Street. Each person advertising on the streets with 120.00 banners, floats or by other means: Where no vehicle is used. 0130 Advertising, Street. Each person advertising on the streets with 120.00 banners, floats or by other means: Where vehicle is used, each vehicle. 0140 Advertising; Street. Each person advertising on the streets with 120.00 banners, floats or 'by other means: Contracting advertising in/or on buses and other motor vehicles. 0150 Advertising, Street. Each person advertising on the streets with 120.00 banners, floats or by other means: distributing circulars, pamphlets and other advertising matter (not, to apply to merchants in compliance; advertising their own goods and merchandise). 0170 Advertising, Theater Screens. Per screen on which advertising is 120.00. shown. 01?0 Aircraft Brokers or Dealers. 120.00 1820 Aar Guns Dealers. A separate BTR is not required of dealers who have 296.00 a firearms ammunition dealer's BTR.. Requires Federal License from Department of Alcohol, Tobacco and Fire Arms for Firearms. 0190 Ambulance Service or Business. Not operating as an undertaker, operating ambulances as follows: Not exceeding one ambulance. 42.00 For each additional ambulance. 27.00 0210 Amusement Park. 1,332.00 City of Miami . Page 7 of 34 File !d: 10-00739 (Version 3) Printed on 91W010 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TG? aRIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT City of Miami Page 8 of 34 File Id: 30-00739 (Version 3) ;-rinsed on 9/8/2090 X11 0220 02 -k Xeai22 �ZCI ? ce- 0230 Apar__c",'_ses. -i apa1 L11�erYt horse BTR doe_ nol per--- _ :7i bhhc d_ni"c -o3m. k -n o'ii 3TR. ReCs1ires I.?^-7se mom DWR for 5Tor morn '.omits. Tax bawd ^ number of rooms. mot ba-; r-ooms, kitchen or closeis. A -n Apa=eni ho•ase is dcfine6 as hree or mo:e7dw.-l- ina under same roof t nits: AUT) 4o ien rooms. I /� 2)7 . 00 More than ten rooms. for each additional room, 2,00 0240 Appraiser. Other than for real prope-ty. 116.00 0250 Architect. 116.00 2330 Architect. Landscape. 116.00 0260 Architectural Firm, Partnership, PA or Corp. 116,00 0270 Armored Car Service, 99.00 0280 Artist, all Types. Commercial; graphic, or noncommercial; each. 116.00 0290 Art Galleries. " en only displaying. If selling; and not incidental, as 99.00 outlined in the Certificate of Use issued by the City of Miami Zoning Department, a Merchant Retail BTR is required. 0310 Attorney who is not a PA or Corp. Requires membership in Florida 116.00 BAR. BTR is not prorated. 0300 Attorney; Firm, PA, Corp. or Partnership. BTR is not prorated. 116.00 0350 Auction Business. Requires License from DBPR. 1,826.00 0360 Auctioneer. Requires License from DBPR_ 667.00 0370 Auctioneer, Apprentice. Apprentice means any person who is being 667.00 trained as an Auctioneer by a State of Florida licensed Auctioneer, Requires License from DBPR. 080 Auction: in addition, for each day or fraction thereof, at each location 45.00 where an auction is held of goods, wares, merchandise; or real estate In vehicles. 0390 Audio Visual Production Services. 120.00 0705 Automated Teller Machines (ATM). Not required if in same location 99.00 0395 or building structure as Banking Institution, that is owner thereof. 0400 Automobile, New Motorized Vehicles Dealers: Dealers, agencies or persons engaged in the sale of automobiles, trucks or tractors or other motor driven vehicles may be peia witted to deal in secondhand vehicles taken in exchange on sales of new vehicles without secuma a Secondhand Dealers BTR; provided that the entire operation is conducted from one location. Requires License from (DMV). A BTR is required for each location as follows: First location. 52.5.00 Each location thereafter, 215.00 0410 Automobile, Auctioneer. Requires License from DBPR. 220.00 City of Miami Page 8 of 34 File Id: 30-00739 (Version 3) ;-rinsed on 9/8/2090 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL 0 CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT CEDE. BTR -A,EGoR.y-: NA -NIL DE_S CRTTI 07 ANT) _REQt:1RL%►J (S j r1 _-kutomor_ e anf C_._a:g=_:g` 5ta_ion. _-'lcmor.. co­-ec.ioa �,-i� any o.' er bu_:-vss. Rcr,:.yes Regis�ation mom -the Florida Depar�e.at of A cul -re or ne��- and renewal BTR. 0420 _zutomobiie Body- Shop, Requures Regi,tradon l=oin the Florida Department of ,kaicu?_L:re for new and reneu-al BTR. EmploN-_na persons. incLa n6 o vne7s, and operators: Not exceeding ns -e persons. 68.00 More than fire. Not exceeding ten pensons. 13 .00 More than ten. not exceeding 15 2ersons. 267-00 Mo e. thaa 15 persons. 400.00 0430 Automobile/ Car Wash. by hand. Alone or in connection with acy other. Business. Employing persons, including owners and operators: Not exceeding tw-o persons. 27.00 More than tufo, not exceeding five persons. 42.00 More than fife persons. 68.00 0440 Automobile/ Car Wash, by machine or power tools. Alone or in connection with any other business. Where one or more power machines are used. Employing persons, including owners and operators: Not exceeding fizfe persons. 68.00 More than fable, not exceedL'ua ten persons. 135,00 More that/ ten persons, not exceeding 15 persons. 267.00 More than 15 persons. 400.00 0445 Automobile Car Wash -Mobile. Alone or in connection with any other 99.00 business. 0500 Automobile Driving School. Requires License from DMV. 99.00 0595 Automobile Immobilization. As regulated in Chapter 42 of City Code. 116.00 0460 Automobile Mechanical Repairs.. Alone or in connection with any other business. Requires Registration from the Florida Department of Agriculture for new and renewal BTR. Employing persons, including owners and operators:. Not exceeding five persons. 68.00 More than five, not exceeding ten persons. 135.00 More than ten not exceeding 15 persons. 267.00 More than 15 persons. 400.00 0470 Automobile Mobile Repair Units. Requires Registration from the 220.00 Florida Department of Agriculture for new and renewal BTR. Each person engaged in or operating mobile repair units, for each truck so operated and within the corporate limits of the City. City of Miami Page 9 of 34 File Id: 10-00739 (Version 3) Printed on 91812010 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TOORIGMAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT CobE BIR (=_,TEGORY : —AME DE'SCRI TIO`,vN_b .. 'Z -ATE R:EQUIRF2MENT(S ) _ i."l =� A UT,- e ?a In-, �" �. ��.�__.. or ' CO : C:_ 3 �v� ih azo- bui z�; S5. RegiS�ic:ion r.'o_ida Dep i-Lment of znculrure =�'r nem =nc: vne;, zl BTR, persons, ov-aera and Notfive 68.00 Tore than fave. not exceeding ten persons. 135.00 More Lhan te:1, not exceeding 15 persons. 267.00 More than 15 persons. 400.00 0530 A; to :17•4otorized Ve,�cle Rental and Leasinz. Each. location. 195.00 C)4R_0 Automobile Service Station. Alone or in connection with any other business: Not exceeding four gasoline metered nozzles. 68.00 For each additional gasoline metered nozzle. 16.00 0520 Automobile Parking Garage or Parking s ace. Per space. 2.00 0540 Automobile Storage Garage. For storing, cleaning, andlor caring for motor driven vehicles or equipment: Not exceeding 25 cars. 42.00 More than 25, not exceeding 50 cars. 68.00 More than 50 cars. 135.00 0550 Automobile Storage or Parking Lot. For each storage or parking place where the areas do not exceed 64.00 10;000 square feet. For each additional 5,000 square feet or a fractional are thereof. 33.00 0560 Auto Tag and Tax Collection Agency. Alone or in connection with any 215.00 other Business. 0570 Automobile Tire. Recapping; .vulcanizing, rethreading, or repairing shop. Requires Registration -from the Florida Departtnent of 99.00 Agriculture for new and renewal BTR. 0580 Automobile Towing. 116.00 0590 Automobile Towing from Private Property. As regulated in Chapter 42 116.00 of the City Code. 0610 Automobile Valet Parking Service. Alone or in connection with any 99.00 other Business. 0620 Automobile Vehicle Wre,cking Company. 99.00 3640 Baggage or Transfer Companies. Vdith no established place of business 215.00 in the City. Requires Registration from the Florida Department of Agriculture for new and renewal BTR for a Moving Company. 1000 Bail bondsmen, professional bondsmen, or surety bondsmen; each 99.00 type. Requires State of Florida License from. the Department of Financial Services. 0640 Bakery, retail selling without delivery service, each retail Elace of 44.00 City of Miami Page 10 of 34 File !d: 90-00739 (Version 3) Printed on 91812010 THIS DOCUMENT ISA SUBSTITUTION TOORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN RE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT C: DE 1318 _� \7{JI. . ". -� DLSCI tF'Tl(_F *'a: 1\ T LT,'r \IseN i i i bLISe,-v- 1 f Of :.�:.�il n-� wyr'�.'�'�'CZti ].JA.LLCr:. Depal 1�e1: Lo Au11 ` i s.,. e _c,,. eac.. "e"Civl p_aC.. busi-ness. !I CO. ��_ �1:iC 1 °f i0od r p. __ 'ses. Y Dep =en afA cu':` re i. reuu ed. For the �-sl , In addition,, for wach delivery vebUcle ) excess ofn vo. 88.00 0660 Bake-,),, -,T,,holesale selling. or delli era with less _hare six deln;ery 68.00 vehicles. 0670 Bakery, wholesale sell 2, or delivering vn'lth six or inore dellz,ery v eh? cies. '00.00 0680 Bakery Products Dist ibutors. Selling or distributing b21 -try products 480.00 not manufactured within corporate limns of the city of Miami, each distributor. 0715 Banks including domestic; foreign, international, Edge Act bans-;, 727.00 Savings and Loan Associations, Savings Company, Trust Company and Buildm' a and Loan Associations. Every person; par umhip or other incorporated or unincorporated business entity,, firm or corporation engaged in business as a bank, trust company, savings company; building and loan association, savings and loan association, whether as owner, agent, broker or otherwise, shall pay a BTR for each place of business. Requires copy of Charter (State or National). 0690 Bankruptcy and closing out sales. As regulated in Chapter 32 of the City Code- Engaging in, managing or conducting at retail any sale of goods, wares; merchandise under the circumstances stated in Chapter 32 of the City Code. See section 32-29 0£ the City Code for the nonrefundable investigation fee of 523.00. Initial BTR and Supplemental BTR of same term: Fora period not exceeding 15 days. 61.00 For a period not exceeding 30 days. 122.00 For a period not exceeding 60 days.. 184.00 0692 Bankruptcy, A further tax of $1.25 $2.00 per $1,000.00 of the price set forth on the inventory provided for in Chapter 32 of the City Code; 2.00 provided that no such BTR shall be issued for more thaD 60 days. 0700 Bankruptcy, Supplemental BTR extending time of sale as provided in 99.00 section 32-31 of the City Code per day for the time during which such supplemental BTR is granted. 0710 Bankruptcy. As regulated in Chapter 32 of the City Code. Purchasing 293.00 at sale under assignment for benefit of creditors or for trustee in bankruptcy and advertising as bankrupt or distressed stock in resale, for each and every day during the continuance of the sale. 0750 Barber or Beauty School. Requires License from DBPR. 210.00 0740 Barbers/ Cosmetologists Assistants. Requires License from DBPR. 13.00 City of Miami Page 11 of 34 File !d.• 10-00739 (Version 3) Printed on 9/812010 THIS DOCUMENT ISA SUBSTITUTION TOORIGINAL, BACKUPORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS (DOCUMENT city of Miami Page 12 of 34 File id: 10-00739 (Version 3) Printed on 9/8/2010 ill-QLL-h J(.SI � (.S) . _2,3 I Barbers. Har � ISt�. K.c1I D�Sl°_1' �rS. R��'__re= L1C":S� :i0i� I�BPI�. 1 l,'*i 0-O IBarbeasho-'is. flair Si.' -a St-ldios and Hair ;Nlina 5"':iqu.-.- License 1"- orn DBPR. l r:Sjt chair. 2C1,JJ Each ado.,�onal chair (whe.her opera -,ed or not). 15.00 +3^90 Beauty° Parlors: Hair Stylina Studios and Hair Styling Salons: Requires License from DEPR. For beauty parlor or barber chairs set up L'n such place of business(v�•hetiier operated or not): First chair. 20.00 Each additional chain (whether operated or not). 15.00 0 794 Beauty Parlor: each Manticu_!i.ng or Pedicuring table. 14.00 0792 Beaute Parlor: each Permanent'Wave Machine. 14.00 0796 Beauty Parlor: each Waxing or Acrylic Dail Machine or table. 14.00 0800 Bicycle repair and rental. Alone or in connection vrith any other business. 120.00 0810 Billiard. Pool or Bagatelle tables. 42.00 0820 Bingo or guest games. 58.00 0$30 Blueprinting Map and Plot Makers. Requires License form the DBPR for Map Maker. 99.00 0840 Boarding Houses. BTR based on number of rooms not including, bathrooms, kitchen and closets. Requires license from. DBPR if five or more rooms. A boardinghouse BTR permits the senrmi g of meals. Not exceeding ten rooms. 42.00 More than ten rooms, for each additional room. 2.00 0880 Boat, Brokers; Ships Yachts. Requires License from DBPR. 215.00 0890 Boat, Charter Fishing (as reg, in Section 50-301 et seq. of the City Code). Each boat. 30,00 0900 Boat, Designers and Builders, not operating as a Boat and Ship Yard. 120.00 0910 Boat, Excursion, Sight Seeing; and Deep Sea Fishing (as regulated in Section 50-301 et se. of the City Code). Each boat, 30.00 0920 Boat, Ferry and Sightseeing. Owners, operators or managers of boats used wholly or in part as ferry or sight seeing boats, each Host with passenger ca acity as follows: Not exceeding ten passengers. 27.00 More than tern, not exceeding 50 passengers. 42.00 More than 50 passengers. 68.00 0970 Boat, Marine Towing and Lightening. Owners, operators or managers of boats used wholly or in part for towing or lightering (permits one barge or lighter free with each towboat operating hereunder this BTR as follows); alone or in connection with any other business: Not exceeding two towboats. 68.00 city of Miami Page 12 of 34 File id: 10-00739 (Version 3) Printed on 9/8/2010 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL, BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT CODE BTR CA -T:GORE �,'�'�i� i7 �C s'�.li I 1Ct'v �� l a R -EQ rpt _ N!EN,T(S ) RATE * � More town -xwo tov,=ooats. �,'9Sn_ Boat, `' _� TO+�'L'16 anC 1 ighter7 Or ca, --h b --"Le oj; lith ier L"nL e_;czss of tie nunnber of towboats ooeraiing hereunder this BTR_ or for each barge or li- mer rot rermi—ned in connection V i:h a tor'boat. 0850 Boat. Marine ' �" ays and Dry Decks. '_��ot licerAsed as a bo -t and shL ,,aid. with capacity ='or hauIinff boats as follows: Notexceeein_a di -foot draft. 42.00 More than three. not exceeding fine -foot draft. 68.00 More than fi<<e-foot craft. 135.00 0960 Boats, Sen ice or Fuel Supply. Owners; operators or managers of boats used wholly or in part as gasoline or oil or other fuel or supply service boats, alone or in connection with any other business, each boat. 99.00 0870 Boat and LE Yard. Having capital investment as follows; Not exceeding $ 10,000.00. 68.00 More than Sl 0,000.00, not exceeding $20.000.00. 135.00 More than. 525;000.00, not exceeding 550,000.00. 20000 More than 550.000,00. not exceeding 5100.000,00. 267.00 More than 5100,000.00. 400.00 0860 Boat storage, Basins; and Sheds. Alone or in connection ver th any other business, with storage space as follows: Not exceeding 7,500 square feet. 68.00 More than 7,500, not exceeding 15;000 square feet. 1135-00 More than 15,000 square feet. 267.00 0930 Boat, Party and Touring. Owners, operators or managers of boats used wholly on in part as livery, party or touring boats, each boat with acco=odations as follows: Not exceeding five persons. 27.00 More than five, not exceeding ten persons. 42.00 More than ten persons. 68.00 0950 Boats, Peddling: Owners, operators or managers of boats used wholly or in art for peddling: Not exceeding 40 feet in length, 42.00 More than 40 feet in length. 68.00 0940 Boats type: Canoes, Rowboats and Sailboats for hire, or siimilar business. Alone or in connection with any other business. Not exceeding ten boats. 27.00 More than ten boats. 68.00 0990 Bonding Companies or Individual Bondsmen. C6minal or appeal bonds, any person or frim operating for the purpose of fiunishing or V,riting and executing criminal bonds or appeal bonds (not to appiy to bondsmen famishing insurance, who are subject to the insurance 120.00 City of Miami Page 13 of 34 File Id, 1"0739 (Version 3) Printed on 91&2010 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION 00 ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT ('QDE i_LQLA' ? ��NIEX—S) � 1 C a% ie5'Dr04.,i__ld .1 " 1 u 3ook Biaderiz Ser- ice or Agent. Alone or i� cnr�eci: -_ ; ::h aur other buS ess. 99. i0 -- Bot�Tica 99.00 10 3 0 Botanical or Zoolopcal Garden or o_her s-_ ,-1ar establish ner ts. 330.00 -040 320.00 1050 Bowv1inz Allen- One All ey: 68.00 Each additional A lev: '?0.00 1060 Business Opportunity Broker. Requires License from DBPR. 99.00 1010 Butcher, NVholesale. Meat and packinghouse products; wholesale, dealing in their ovr-n products (except those covered by "Mercbants,", 480.00 subheading, "Jobbers and distributors'') 1080 Butcher, Retail. Requires Registration from the Florida Department of Agriculture. E plo, nmg Meat Cutters as follows; Not exceeding two cutters. 27.00 More than two, not exceeding five cutters. 68.00 More than five cutters. 135.00 1090 Cabarets or Nightclub. If Liquor is served, a current and valid License 1,826.00 from DBPR is required for riew and renewal BTR's. In addition, a completed and notarized affidavit is required for new and renewal BTR's. 3190-02 Cafe/ Coffee Shops/ Sandwich Shop. Every person engaged in the business of operating a cafe/ coffee shop/ sandwich shop, or any other public eating, place whether operated in conjunction with some other line of business or not, shall pay a BTR based on the number of people for which he has seats or accommodations for the service or consumption of food at any time, in accordance with the following schedule. C-10 seats. 27.00 More than 10 seats, each seat. 2.00 When tables and chairs are shared with the other eating establishments in a common eating area and/or do not own such tables and chairs will be assessed a BTR by dividing the number of chairs by the number of restaurants in accordance with the above schedule. Depending on the situation, either a license from the DBPR- or a License from the Florida Department of Agriculture will be required. 3190-03 Cafeteria Every person engaged in the business of operating a cafeteria or other public eating place whether operated iia conjunction with some other line of business or not, shall pay a BTR based on the number of people for which he has seats or acro=odations for the service or consumption of food at any time, in accordance with the City of Miami Page 14 of 34 Fife id: 10-00739 (Version 3) PdMod on 91812010 PHIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT COi]l� ,., , �3`T1Z.COk-� 'ti_#?E, 11vSCR1FTlC??' .'l ATE 1o11c7 S c h L..-. 10 271-00 More than 10 seats. eacn seal. 2.00 Cafa eras that share tables aad chairs with `he other eati, _a establishments in a common eat ag area.: nd,oa do not own such tables and chairs wiil be assessed a BTR by dividing the number of chairs by the number of restaurants in accordance V�-ith the above schedule. Depending on the situation, either a License from the DBPR or the Florida Department of Aaricult ze is rewired. 1100 Ca:culating & Statistical Sen7ice. 99.00 1110 Carnivals, Circuses street shows. exposition companies or shows or perfoz-mance given in any tem Crary enclosure. For the first day. 366.00 For each day thereartcr. 183.00 1120 Carnivals or Circuses held in a facility owned and operated by the Cit}r of Miami where a fee has been charged for the use of the facility. For the first day. 183.00 For each day thereafter. 88.00 1130 Carpets, Rugs, and Furniture Cleaning. Cleaning, by hand or vacuum 99.00 process alone or in connection with any other business. 1140 Carpets and Rugs, Installation. When not operating as a Merchant 99.00 Retail carpet or rug dealer. 1150 Caterer and/or Catering. Requires Registration from the Florida V 99.00 Department of Agriculture. 1180 Check Cashing Smrice and Currency Exchange. Alone or in connection with any other business. Requires License from the State of 99.00 Florida Office of Financial Regulation. Does not apply to Banks. State License is not required when check cashing is incidental to retail business and if, proceeds from check cashing operation do not exceed 5% of total gross income from retail sales of goods and services. 1170 Chemist. 116.00 1190 Chiropractic Physician. Re uires License from DOH. 116.00 1200 Cigars and Tobacco Products Retail Dealers. Alone or in connection with any other business (except drugstores); carrying stocks as follows. Not more than $100.00. 40.00 More than $100.00, not more than $250.00. 75.00 More than $250.00, not more than $500.00. 185.00 City of Miami Paoe 15 of 34 Fife id: 14.00739 (version 3) Printed on Q1W010 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION _ 0-00 ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL AN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT :ODE BTR ATE }lei ' .DLSCT _ \-D 'l -ATE j REOt N4fN7i c . _ T (S) I More _.�.ar. S5��:..00. i i 0 (^ ## _=++ `Soars Ln.- 1 _'bticco pTodac s t,r ��;ar. �'..li .r. 1.+='r1�.lJ �.. ..Q --ti3:,5 -15- inolddiLL C U n'L' s and1, oTlr' en-- 1�ar fiVe e:saas. -.00 More than f_; e. not c�_viced�na 13 persons. 58.00 More tiara 11. Ilo4 ex c,eedin_g 23 persons. 94.00 More than 25 persons. 135.0G 1220 Circus aarades. 99-00 1230 Clinical Social \ orl er. Re -;sires License - om DOH. 116.00 1240 Clothing, Alterations. Alone or in connection EA^rh any other business. 99.00 1250 Clothing, Custom. Tailor; Retail. Requires Merchant Retail BTR for 68.00 sale of Stock; not manufactured on he premises, 4-3-39 4. _ h: C-'hsptaE. jlg -�' -!Qp - cede. 4— ,.. i aii R, c : x= 8-90 £-xr--aae Eu r -at d e ff Mae 55. R sub: �saa er5rsacr"sFi. `,;,-Sid zy�_r�e�14E�:i8.:rsr Amusement Coin Operated; AuSement MaCljZne _ : t As regulated in Chapter 12 of the City Code. Requires yearly submission of City Affidavit and list oflocation(s). First machine. 183.00 Each additional machine u to nine machines. 34.00 1480 Coin. Operated; Beverage Machine, dispensing. As regulated in 23.00 Chapter 12 of the City Code. 1370 Coin. Operated; Car Wash. As regulated in Chapter 12 of the City 99.00 Code. Alone or in connection with any other business. 1430 Coin• Operated; Laundry Equipment. As regulated in Chapter 12 of the 69.00 City Code. Includes washers, dryers, pressing; ironing and dispensing machines. First machine. Each additional machine. 1.00 14.60 Coin Operated; Merchandise Vending Maclaiiie, As regulated in 15.00 Chapter 12 of the City Code. Each machine. 1340 Coin Operated; Mechanical Rides of all types: Non -Operator. As regulated in Chapter 12 of the City Code. First machine. 1.83.00 Each additional machine up to 13. 34,00 1350 Coin Operated; Mechanical Rides of all types, Operator. As regulated 458.00 in Chapter 12 of the City Code. 1380 Coin Operated; Music Machine, Non -Operator, As regulated in Chapter 12 of the City Code. First machine. 183.00 Each additional machine up to 13 machines. 22,00 City of Miami Page 16 of 34 File !d: 10-00739 (Version 3) Printed an 3/8/2070 15 DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION ►� ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END Of THIS DOCUMENT ( ODE - BIT, CATFGORY: N, NIE,DESCRTP'MN_ 1390 Coin C}pe: Gted: Music Mac' -ie. Opera-,-_ As in Crap er of the City Code. 13360 Coil Operatcu: Photoz-aph-ma. Machines. As reL-.LIn Cha0ter 12 of the Cite Gone. 1''-0 Coin Operated: Penny Ln the Slot (on-_ cent to 25 cents). As regula-ted 2.00 in Chapter 12 of the Citi, Code. Vendina mer0aGnaise only. mechanically (4 erated), each machilne. 1150 Coin Operated; Sen -ice 'Machine, other. As regulated is Chapter 12 of 27.00 the City Code. Any other service machine not specifically mentioned. Coir Operated-, «'eicJ=ng Machine. As regulated in Chapter 12 of the City Code. The person secuning such BTR mens and operates: More than one, and not exceeding &,e machines, each 15.00 1 ^740 machine. More than five; and not exceeding 50 machines. 400.00 More than 50, and not exceeding 100 machines. 523.00 More than 150, each machine. 2..00 1490 Cold Storage or Food Locker Rental. Renting cold storaze space to the v Y 99.00 public. Collection Agency, Alone or in comaection with any business. 99.00 1500 Engaged in collecting claims and accounts, collecting rents and not operating as a real estate agency, Each agency. 1510 Community Based Residential Facility. License from AHCA is 99.00 required. Covers drug rehabilitation; elderly and halBvay houses, 1520 Computer or Data Processing Service. 99.00 1530 Consultant business or professional of a not specifically mention 116.00 herein State of Florida Licensed Professional. 1720 Copy/duplicating service. Alone or in connection with any other business_ 99.00 0730 Cosmetologists_ Requ3xes License from DBPR_ 13.00 1540 Court Reporter or Public Stenographer. BTR required when office is 116.00 located in the city and/or when an individual is registered with an agency located in the city: BTR required for each person registered with agency.. 1550 Credit Bureau. Alone or in connection with any other business. Not exceeding five persons, each agency. 68.00 More than fivepersons, each agency. 135.00 1560 Custornhouse Brokers, 99.00 1570 Dancehalls and Ballrooms. Requires Registration from the Florida 320.00 Department of Agriculture for new and renewal BTR. 1580 Dance Studio. Teaching students under 18 years old. Require 68.00 Registration from the Florida. Department of Agriculture for new and renewal BTR. City of Miami Page 17 of 34 File !d: IG -00729 (Version, 3) Printed on 9/8/2010 THIS DOCUMENT 15 A SUBSTITUTION TOORIGINAL. BACKUPORIGINAL 0 CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT CDDB . BTR CATEGORY: NAME, DESCRIPTION ., -MD R_'1TE Dance Sca4 o. svuden-Ls over IS ,7ears old. Rcqu re 153.00 Reg~suarion from :h-. Florida De-caz-=ent of Am'culnire for nes; and _ rene--al BTR_ -r0 Data E: r-h:aa�ce Se -Oce. Licludes c0=.Riter exchajr_ne se -n -ice. 6,--,6.00 1600 Delica�esse !. Alcne or in connection anv other business. If stock 99.00 ca=, zi d exceeds 5200.00 is value_ a 'Merchant Retail BTR is required. Requires Srate of 1~lorida Registration"ori the Department of Apiculture. 1610 Dental Hygienist. Requires License from DOH. 116.00 1620 Dental Laboratory, Requires License from DOH. 116.00 1600 Dentist. Requites License from DOH. 116.00 1640 Dietician. Requires License ;i-om DOH. 116.00 1660 Disc Jockey. 99.00 1670 Display Room for hire. 120.00 1680 Dog or SmallAnimal Exhibit. 296.00 1700 Draftsman. Alone or in connection with any other business. 116.00 1590 Dramatic or Theatrical Troupes or Companies. 99.00 1690 1710 Drugstore Retail Dealer. State License required from DOH. Includes the right to sell ice cream and cigars and tobacco without an additional BTR. Not exceeding $1;000.00. 55.00 For each additional $1,000.00 or fractional part thereof, 6.00 1750 296.00 --Editors. 1730 Electric Light and Power Ccmpan,ies. Alone or in connection with any 2,324.00 other business. 1755 Electrolysis. Includes removal; replacement, and weaving of hair. 99.00 Requires License from DOH. 1940 Embalmers. State License required from the DBPR. 116.00 1740 Employment Agencies_ Each location. Requires License from DBPR. 215.00 1765 Engineer, Professional, as per State. Operating in any capacity thereof. 116.00 1760 Entertainers; Professional. Includes actors, actresses; bands; musicians, 99.00 vocalists, and similar professions and companies. 1770 Exhibitors. General exhibitor is hereby defined as any individual, 87.00 partnership, or other incorporated or unincorporated business entity, or promoter using public facilities for the purpose of exhibiting or displaying products for sale or to take orders to sell their products. The exhibitor's BTR shall be charged for each day of operation of the event, display or exhibition. One BTR may be issued to cover more than one day of operation, with the BTR terminating on the last day of such event, display or exhibition. Per day. 1780 Fashion Designer, 116.00 City of Miami Page 18 of 34 File Id: 10-00739 (Version 3) Printed on 91812010 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT CODE 3 i R C ATEC,i - R . \ANIF-. DESCR. T107N _�N-D E- [- [- is+4)L1IL\IE- NT ?,S (S) 90 it n Dtvei0^J�en_ x"1'1 ano-lhh r I 910,0L; I rL�_,eSS. If 180`? F nance Com.-nanv or Loa;, Ag:m. R; - --as Sia.. of Florida vicC'nsv from Department of Financial se:n-iees. -810 FL -earns and =M-1 -on Dealer. Rem: --es Federal l icea:,e sow 296.00 Depa—=eni of Alcohol, Tobacco and Fire A=ras. Include= a ,pistols, rifles. shot�o-= and ocher =-. ea ns and weapons. 1830 Fire Extinaruisher Semite. 99.00 1840 Fish Marker; Retail. Requires Stale of Florida Registration from 99.00 Department of Agriculture.. 1850 Fish Commission Merchant or Wholesale Dealer. Packers or shippers. 236.00 See `Tackers and Shippers." 1860 Flea Market, on private Property. In addition to "operator,' a separate BTR is required for indMidual vendors. One day. 66.00 Two -20 days, each day. 252,00 332.00 21-40 days, each day. 265.00 252.00 For each day thereafter. 126.00 1870 Flea Market, when held in a facility owned and operated by the City of Miami where a fee has been, charged for the use of the facility and does not apply to individual vendors that require a separate BTR: One day. 183.00 Two -20 days, each day. 92.00 21-40 days, each day. 46.00 For each day thereafter. 23.00 1880 Florists. 62.00 1900 Fortunetellers, Astrologists, Card Readers, Character Readers, 891.00 Spiritualists, Clairvoyants, Crystal Gazers, Graphologists, Hypnotists, Palmists, Phrenologists, and every person engaged in a similar occupation. Requires an active BTR from Miami -Dade County m> thin the previous two Years for each person, Each person. 1890 Flowers, Cut. Applies to Wholesale Flower Dealers only. 99.00 3200 Food, Retail (not a Restaurant). Such as sandwiches, peanut butter crackers, potato chips, hard boiled eggs. etc. Requires Registration from the Florida Department of Agriculture. When sold or served in any place other than in a dining room, cafe; cafeteria or restaurant, as defined by City of IvIiarniZoning Ordinance, with seating capacity: Not to exceed ten seats. 27.00 For each additional seat over ten. 2.00 City of Miami Page 19 of 34 File Id: 10-010739 (Version 3) Printed on 9/8/2010 THIS DOCUMENT IS.A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT City of Miami Page 20 of 34 File Id., 10-00739 (Version 3) Printer! on 9/812010 BTR (.'Al "DESCRiPT CY, .-vND 1ti•'1 3910 F_an_chLse Broker and or Dealer. Sel ina or /easing of Businless FIa Chise. Requires "icense from DBPR. 19=r Frei�t For�s-GrdinQ and Clz:-^^s Bureau. Alone or in connection ^Lv other business. Eug_ged in {liar �g shin_ pis-�aormatior�. acing -ii o_ agent for Height and cargo ship;.nents and coll_zc--a zansportation clairn.s. 1930 Funeral Home and/or Dintrai Director. Also co%,ers crem.a-:)14es and 296-00 direct disposal establishments. Requires License from be DBPR for rhe Director and the Firm. A separate BTR is required for Embalmer;. 1950 Game room, Additionally, each coin-operated machine requires its 99.00 own BTR Sticker. 1960 Gas company. Alone or in connection with any other business. Coj:ers 2,324.00 liquefied, natural or manufactured gas at retail or wholesale. 1970 Golf driving range or course. 99.00 1980 Grocery, retail. Requires license from the Florida Department of Agriculture. When the average value of stocks of goods carried is as foliolvs: Not exceeding $1,000.00. 27.00 Each additional 51,000.00 or fraction thereof. 6.00 2000 Gun ranges, target cabinet or similar facilities. Alone or in connection 236.00 with any other business. 2010 Gymnasium only. Not a health club or studio. Additional BTR 99.00 required for masseur or masseuse when permitted by City of Miami Ordinance. if membership -type Gym, Registration with the State of Florida Department of Agriculture is required for new and renewal BTR. 2020 Halls or Banquet Rooms for hire. Not a dancehall. Registration from 99.00 the Florida Department of Agriculture is required for new and renewal BTR. 2030 Handwriting Analyst. 116.00 2040 Healing Art -Magnetic, 99.00 20_0 Health Studio or Health Club, each location. If membership -type Club; 99.00 Registration froin the Florida Department of Agriculture is required for new and renewal BTR. 2065 Health Testing Service (lab related). Requires License from the DOH. 131.00 2060 Hearing Aid Specialist. Requires Licenses from DBPR. 99.00 2070 Helicopter Service. Each Helicopter. 99.00 2075 Home Healthcare Agency. License from AHCA required. 116.00 2080 Homeopathic or Drugless Physician. Requires License from DOH. 116.00 2090 Hospitals, Sanitariums, Medical Centers and similar institutions 296.00 privately owned and operated for a profit, This BTR will be required when there is more than one health care professional working for the City of Miami Page 20 of 34 File Id., 10-00739 (Version 3) Printer! on 9/812010 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION 00 ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL Q CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMLN T CODE BTR Eis R -\-A "11 I}FSCi '° ION —ND RA TE same . Requires L_cense from A.HCA for locations where �n• s � p nrocedzes are cer.d,acted. Hotel or Motel. Requires License franc DBPR. _ hotel 3TR does nor pei: of a dining room wihoat a r41--na' .r :r, BTR. Tax bused on nuruber of rooms. not inclua ir_a bailsrooms. kitchen or closets, as follox-vs= Not exceed_na ten rooms. 27.00 -More than tell rooms. for each additional room. 2.00 2110 Motel Service Representative. 236.00 2120 Hypnotherapist. DOH License required M- one of the folio,, ing 116.00 categories: medicine, surgery, psychiatry, dentistry, osteopathic medicine, chiropractic; naturopath, podiatry, chiropody, or optometry 2160 Ice Cream Retail. Applies only when it is t1he main business activity. 67.00 Requires License from the Florida Department of Agriculture. 2130 Ice Distributors. Does not apply to Ice Manufacturers, who engage in the distribution or sale of ice, either by contract, commission or bonus agreement, buying ice direct for resale and using trucks or vehicles not owned by the manufacturer: Not exceeding two vehicles. 27.00 More than t��ro, not exceeding four vehicles. 46.00 More than four, not exceeding seven vehicles. 68.00 Each additional vehicle. 9.00 2140 Ice Manufacturers. Ice Manufacturers are permitted to sell at wholesale 6.00 or retail from their factory platforms, to distribute or deliver from vehicles owned or leased by the manufacturer. For each daily ton of capacity. 2150 Ice, Retail Dealers. Applies only when it is main business activity. 99.00 2170 Immigration and Naturalization Services. Alone or in connection with 99.00 an other business including passport or visa services. 2180 Import and Export Business. 131.00 2190 Inspection Services. Alone or in connection with any other business. 99.00 State License required when activity requires State of Florida licensing. 2106 Installation Services (non contractor & non rug). 108.00 2195 2200 Insurance Adjusters. Requires License from the Florida Department of 99.00 Financial Services. Covers provision for insurance adjusters applies to those who hold themselves out as independent contractors, and not to an employee of licensed company whose business is limited to adjusting claims of his employer. 2210 Insurance Agency, General Agency, or Brokerage. Requires License from the Florida Department of Financial Services. One person. 68.00 City of Miami Page 21 of 34 File !d: 10-00739 (Version 3) Printed on 9/8/2010 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUMITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT ccul: .=or pe -soy v,-orking for the aeenc3, who is 9.00 licensed b-,- &,-, Florida D—,,a--_:7aenz of Financial Sen -ices. T _r.Su7ance went or Solici-Lor. Trave]ng. sohel-CInQ inSUr=_Ce Of any 99-00 i2d. Does not to zhose working for an 1nz_L2-=-ce _k!zencv, Gtaeral A2encv or Brolk�raee. RequiJ es License from rhe Florida De-parLaitmr of Financial Sen -ices. 2230 Insuran_.- Companies Names or Associations. Requires License from 1181-00 the Florida Department of Fr -__Ici a] Se: - vices -2240 Interior Decorator or Designer. h-s-Lerior der -orator means any person 2336.00 who for compensation plans the a=--naement of furnishings for any building. Such person may also operate as a mercantile broker without obtaining a mercantile broker Iicease. Requires License ftom DBPR. 3350 Investment Banker, Not working in capacity of Securities Broker. 320.00 2250 Jai -Alai or Pelota, per day. Conducting frontons for exhibition, for 12.00 each day such fronton is actually operated for the exhibition of Jai alai or pelota under the License granted by the State Division of Pari - Mutual Wagering of the L)BPP,. 2260 Janitorial Sen7ices. IWOO 2270 Jewelers, Professional or Diamond Cutters. 99-00 2280 Jewelry and Watch Repair. If only hand tools are used: Not exceeding N,o persons. 27.00 More than two, not exceeding five persons, 42.00 More than five persons. 68.00 2285 Jewelry and Watch Repair. If any power tools are used: Not exceeding five persons. 68.00 Not more than five, not exceeding ten persons. 135.00 More than ten, not exceeding 15 persons. 267.00 More than 15 persons. 400.00 2290 Key Duplicating Machines. Alone or in connection with any other 23.00 business. Manually or power operated, which require a key from which to produce a duplicate. Not applicable to Locksmiths. Each. 2300 Laboratory Includes chemical, medical, optical x-ray or others. Does not include dental. See "Dental laboratory." Requires License from the AHCA. Operated entirely by hand workers, employing persons, including owners I and operators: Not exceeding tvo persons, 27.00 More than No, not exceeding five Pei -sons. 42.00 More than five 2ersons. 68.00 2310 Laboratory Includes chemical, medical, optical x-ray or others. Does not include dental. See "Dental laboratory." Requires License from City of Miami Page 22 of 34 File Id: 10-00739 (Version 3) Printed on 91812010 TEAS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTIO b, TO ORIGINAL.. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT City of Miami Page 23 of 34 File U.- 10-00739 (Version 3) Printed on 9/8/2010 IS I AriC. cl �v ovv ers and NOT exc: ec�22 -11ve o_ ersons. 68.70 ?More u.an five. not exceeding ler: persons. 1 35.00 More Tan tan. not exceed -M2 15 -ersons. 267.00+ More than 15. not exce ing 25 persons. '00.00 More than 25 persons. 533.00 2320 Lard De- elop ment and Sales Company-. 99.00 2340 Landscaping. Includes desimin-g, installation; plan -c-.2 and care of 215.00 trees and arounds. 2 350 Land Sun eyor. Requires License from DBPR. 116.00 1290 Laundry and/or Dry CIeaning Agency, Retail, as defined by rhe Certificate of Use issued by the City of Miami's Zoning Department. 99.00 Where articles are received for laundry or dry cleaning and no work is done on the premises. 1270 Laundry, Plant, Retail, as defined by the Certificate of Use issued by the City of Miami's Zoning Department. Persons who perform laundry work for their own individual customers, but not for other persons or businesses shall pay in accordance with the following schedule of taxes: Not exceeding five persons. 68.00 More than five, not exceeding ten persons. 135.00 More than ten, not exceeding 15 persons. 267.00 More than 15, not exceeding 25 persons. 400.00 More than 25 persons. 533.00 1260 Laundry and/or Dry Cleaning Plant, Wholesale, as defined by the 476.00 Certificate of Use issued by the City of Miami's Zoning Department. Persons engaged in the laundry and/or dry cleaning business who perform Mork for any other persons or businesses. Includes diaper, linen, towel and uniform supply service. 1280 Laundry; Dry Cleaning, Retail, as defined by the Certificate of Use 215.00 issued by the City of Miami's Zoning Department. Persons engaged in such business, who shall perform dry clearing; laundering, pressing or dyeing urork for their own individual customers, but not for other persons or businesses. 2360 Lawn Maintenance Business. Permits grass cutting and minor yard 99.00 work. 2380 Loan Agent, loans secured by Real Estate. Requires State of Florida 215.00 License from the Department of Financial Services. The BTR required hereunder for making loans secured by real estate is not to apply to bankers. Each agent. 2370 Loan Agent, unsecured or personal property. Negotiating unsecured 480.00 City of Miami Page 23 of 34 File U.- 10-00739 (Version 3) Printed on 9/8/2010 THIS DOCUMENT 15 A SUBSTITUTIO TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP {ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT CODE BT R GA4 L- (-",(;kY: 'r::�NTE. DESCR !P] I( LSD R-f,TL. t loans or loaZ secu73d b-,' personal nror+e�. where -he aersonal n_opert; is nor r& -en i-1ro possession Ll. "c '.ender. pe.scnal ,pruneriy is :aken pro possessian_ a Secordh nd Dealer's BTR is -equired. Requii?s State of Flo.ida _. ease '^-n ine Deoa-r:n-,-at of Fi7nanicial Sen -iccs. 2;-90 Locksmi-hs and Tool Grinders -By Hand. Requires ReMisrrGLion with Miami- Dade Cou.,ry CoLsumer Sem ices Deparnmem. Operated er�Lirely by hand 'Workers without pow3r machinery, including OV%hers and a oper mors: Not exceeding two persons. 27-00 More than tufo, not exceeding five persons. 42.00 More than five persons. 68.00 2400 Locksmiths and Tool Grinders -Power Tools. Requires Registration with l.tiami-Dade County Consumer Services Department. Where one or more power machines are used (not to include power tool sharpeners).. employing persons, including ovi-ners and operators: Not exceeding five persons, 68.00 More than fine, not exceeding ten persons. 135.00 More than ten, not exceeding 15 persons. 267.00 More than 15 persons. 400.00 2410 Lumberyard. Merchants or dealers operating a lumberyard, alone or in connection with any other business requires a merchants retail BTR for any stock other than lumber, lath, or shingles. In the application of this BTR, where lumber, lath or shingles are accumulated in quantities for export shipment, or for any other purpose, such lumber, lath or shingles so accumulated shall be considered as stock carried by the agent for which a lumber yard BTR shall be required. The lumberyard BTR tax is based on the average stock of lumber carried as follows: Not exceeding 200,000 Feet, board measure. 135.00 More than 200,000, not exceeding, 500,000 feet, board 267.00 measure. More than 500;000 feet, board measure. 400.00 0760 Manicurist. Requires License from DBPR. 13.00 2420 Manufacturers — Operator By Hand Workers. Each person engaged in the business of manufacturing or similar process where goods are sold at wholesale. When operated entirely by hand workers, employing persons, including owners and operators: More than tufo persons. 27.00 More than two, not exceeding five persons. 42.00 More than five persons. 68.00 2430 Manufacturers -- Operator Power Machines. Each person engaged in the business of manufacturing or similar process where goads are sold City of Miami Page 24 of 34 Fife !d: 10-00733 (Version 3) Printed on 9/6/2090 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION to") TOORIGINAL. BAIL KUF ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT CODE BTR C_'1TEGORY 'NAN. t- TIECRW ONN AND �-k at ,vholesale. -When, one or more no-v�-er mac�n: s (not to include po -�'-er tool sharpeners) are used. er plo-,- nEi inchadina owners arid, 0pera_o-TS : Not cxcW Bina ti -,-e person,. 68.00 More than five- not exceeding ten persons. ` 133.00 More than en. not exceeding 15 persons. 2 6 .00 More than 16, not exceeding 25 persons. '00.00 More than 23 persons. 533.00 Where manufactured goods are sold at retail._ a merchant retail BTR is y also required. 24'0 Manufacturer's Representative, Does not permit a stock of goods for which a merchants retail or wholesale BTR would be required and 213.00 represents only one manufacture and/ or supplier. When dealing in Medical Equipment, a License from ARCA is required. 2450 Marriage and Family Therapist. Requires License from DBPR. 116.00 2"60 Massage establishment or similar business or occupation. Requires 99,00 License from DBPR. 2465 Massage Therapist. Requires License from DBPR. 99.00 2480 Mental Health Counselor Requires License from DBPR. 116.00 2490 Mercantile Broker. A Mercantile Broker BTR does not permit a stock 291.00 of goods for which an additional BTR is required as provided herein. Broker in this classif cation paragraph is defined as one who buys from or represents more than one manufacturer, producer or other seller, who does not carry stock on hand, and who sells to the jobber; wholesaler, retailer or others acting as intermediary between buyer and seller for the consideration of a brokerage fee or commission from either the buyer or seller. Each person handling materials and supplies or othergoods, wares or merchandise, alone or in connection with any other business provided that merchants retail or wholesale dealers paying BTR fees, totaling S100.00 Or more are permitted to do a mercantile brokerage business without additional BTR. When dealing in Medical Equipment, a License from AHCA is required. 2500 Merchants, Retail. (Except those businesses specifically listed.) When the average value of merchandise carried, including merchandise on consignment is as follows (for businesses that have both, retail and wholesale; the inventory amount used for both BTR, will not be a percentage there of—same inventory for both BTR's): Not exceeding $1,000.00 of merchandise. 63.00 More than S1,000.00, for each additional $1,000.00 or 6.00 fractional part thereof. 2510 Merchants, Wholesale, Distributors or Jobbers. Having inventory amounts as follows (for businesses that have both, retail and City of Miami Paoe 25 of 34 File Id.- 10-00739 (Version 3) Printed on 918/2010 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT CODE Bim, CATE.00R NAVH, DFSCi T1Ci'� . ) REQUJRE�•iE\TI S I R i 1 l ire e___ w ouLt :used for bc,-:- BTT... „will not be a peaceztaze The -e of --same for bo -h BTR'sl: N o T exceeding S10 .F0vv.00 of mercx andiSe. 136.00 More -than Si0,Ck00.,J0 not ezcevdir:Q .S25,000.00. 200.00 Mole than S25,0'__).0.00 not exceeding 560.000.00. 267.00 More than S50.000.00 -not cx ceedin�* 5100.000 00. ^00.00 More than 5100.000.00. 633.00 2520 M rchants, 'W7bolesale, sel'__-)Q outside city lir its without place of business. Xothi.cg here -_n shall be construed to affect the producer of farm and grove products inhere the same are being offered for sale or sold by the farmer or gou-er producing the products. 135.00 2530 Mxllc_ Distributing; alone or in connection with any other business, utilizing delivery �,ehicles as follows: Not exceeding two vehicles. 27.00 More than two. not exceeding four vehicles. 55.00 More than four vehicles. 68.00 3335 2335 Mortgage Broker. Requires State of Florida License from the Department of Financial Services. 116.00 3345 2536 Mortgage Broker Business. Requires State of Florida License from the Department of Financial Services. 116.00 2540 Motion Picture or Television Production Company. 99.00 0510 Motorcycle Agencies and Dealers. Requires License from DMV. 99.00 2560 Music Service. Businesses furnishing background music. Includes installation of music systems. 99.00 2570 News Dealers. (Except drugstores.) Permitting the sale of books, magazines, periodicals and newspapers. Not permitting the sale of merchandise for which Merchant Retail BTR is required. Not exceeding 5500.00. 27.00 More than 5500.00. 68.00 2580 News Service Companies. Prm4ding news to newspapers, television, radio stations or others. 99.00 2590 Non -Motorized Vehicle for Hu' e..As regulated in chapter 57 of the City Code. 99.00 2600 Nurse. Requires License from. DOH. 99.00 116.00 2610 Nursing home. Requires License from AHCA. 99.00 2620 Nursing home administrator. Requires License from DBPR. 116.00 2630 Occu ational therapist. Requires License from DOH. 116.00 2640 Optician. Re uires License from DOH. 116.00 2650 Optometrist. Requires License from DOH. 116.00 2660 Osteopathic physician. Requires License from DOH. 116.00 City of Miami Page 2E of 34 File Id: 90-[707313 (Version 3) Printed on 31812090 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END UE THIS DOCUMENT CGDE 31-R C_ : TE- GORY: '\ 3.]E SC1 1- ,.: RA f: 37a0 G-L�er BTP,: Every or e��ihitia�. ��bs a: iax. =_ud or 99,00 Ter,porary engaged in by any perso:i IIl a or t�--t. _r upon the street. vacam lot or ..rywht!re i=_ L.e a -Den air in the citz'. -lot lser ein s e4 i lICL-1v desi mated. shal::�a-,- a BTR. 2670 Packers & S1�nper. ,��- Pe -son taking orders for the shipment oT 99.0(1 f uit, nuts; crystal candies or dried or candied twits, coconut iam±ps or any other coconut or n.ovel:ies. 2680 Packers And Suppers; Fish; Fruit; Vegetables or Produce, A BTR for 99,00 packers or shippers of fish. Fruit; vegetables or produce is requited of persons engaged in buying, packing; selling; shipping or soliciting on consign meet, shipments of fish, fruit; vegetables or produce; prm4ided that ibis BTR shall not be required where packers and shippers are located in their oven packinghouse, for which the packinghouse BTR fee has been paid. 2690 Packinghouse. when operated entirely by hand workers, employing persons, including owners and operators.- Each person engaged in- she business where goods are sold at wholesale. Not exceeding two persons. 27.00 More than two, not exceeding five persons. 42.00 More than five persons. 68.00 2700 Packinghouse. When one or more power machines (not to include pourer tool sharpeners) are used employing persons, including owners and operators - erators:Not Not exceeding five persons 68.00 More than five, not exceeding,ten persons _ 1 315.00 More than ten, not exceeding 15 persons 267.00 More than 15, not exceeding 25 persons 400.00 More than 25 persons 533.00 Where goods are sold at retail and wholesale, a packinghouse and a merchant's retail license is required. 3560 Paging and Beeper Service. Includes paging and beepers or any mobile 99.00 radio, telephone or portable communication service. Does not apply to cellular phone company owned stores. 2720 Paralegals. 116.00 2730 Paramedic. Requires License from DOH. 116.00 2740 Parcel Deliver and/or Messenger Senn ce, 38.00 2760 Peddlers, Confection. As regulated in Chapter 39 of City of Miami 58.00 Code. 2.761 Peddlers, Confection Stand. Candy, ice cream, popcorn, or peanuts, on 58.00 the Streets. As regulated in Chapter 39 of City of Miami Code. 2762 Peddlers, Confection Vehicle. As regulated in Chapter 39 of City of 99.00 Miami Code. Each Vehicle. City of Miami Page 27 of 34 File id: 10-00739 (Version 3) Printed on 9/812010 THIS DOCu MEET I A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT CODE B-1 R C?,TEEGORY. \- A%1 -E, DESCRPTI-0- - _�' D RF Q1. UU--,X Tf S) (�l motor drivel- or other Venicies. Reis?ration tin _ the Ficrida Dena gut of A Qricu-ooze. As v ;n Eh -Dter ,9 cfCh"V 0:' Ea�i Code. Eaci? Vehicle- "780 Peddlers. P;aiis. Vegetables and Produce. Requ re_ Re�s--ation 7"_th 09.00 the Florida De1^ar crLfi of Agz cui:are. Aa regulatzd in Chapter -39 of City of Ntiami Coce Each vehicle or stand: 2 790 Peddlers; Rubber Balloons. As rcg�alated ha Chapter 39 of City of 16.00 Miami Code, 2800 Peddlers on Foot, Merchandise- As regulated in Chapter 39 of City of 436.00 lNtiami Code. 2810 Peddlers by Vehicle, Merchandise. As regulated in Chapter 39 of City 473.00 of Miami Code. Each vehicle. 2820 Peddlers on Foot, Food. As regulated in Chapter 39 of City of Miami 436.00 Code. Requires State of Florida License from either DBPR or Department of Agricultixe. 2830 Peddlers by Vehicle, Food- As regulated in Chapter 39 of City of 473.00 Miami Code. Requires State of Florida License from either the DBPR or Department of Agriculture. Each vehicle. 2840 Peddlers, Wholesale. Traveling stores or vendors of food- (Not to 630.00 apply to peddlers or vendors otherwise provided for in the schedule, selling at retail). As regulated in Chapter 39 of City of Miami Code. Each vehicle. 0770 Pedicurist. Requires License from DBPR. 13.00 280 Pest Control Business. Requires Registration from the Florida 198.00 Department of Agriculture prior to issuance of BTR for each location also for new and renewal of BTR. License is not transferable iDcluding change of ownership, nine or address. 2860 Pet Grooming or Styling Salon. 99.00 2870 Photoen avers and Similar Professions. 99.00 2880 Photographer or Photo Finisher. Alone or in connection with any other 99.00 business. As regulated in Chapter 41 of the City Code. Does not permit the selling of cameras and photographic supplies without Merchant Retail BTR. 2890 Photo Studios. As regulated in Chapter 41 of the City Code. 99.00 2940 Photo Transient, Itinerant.: Canvassing or Soliciting. 320.00 2910 Physical Therapist. R25uires License from DOH, 116.00 2920 Physicians, Surgeons. Medical Doctors Requires License from DOH. 116.00 2930 Podiatrist, Requires License from DOH. 116.00 2940 Polygraph Operator. Requires License from the Florida Department of 116.00 State. 2960 Popcorn Machines or Stands. Applies only when it is main business 99.00 activity. City of Miami Page 26 of 34 Fife id; 10-00739 (Version 3) Printed on 91812010 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT City of lvframl Page 29 of 34 File !d.- 90-00739 (Version 3) Printer! on 91812010 BTR tA-TE_CORY:Tw "`.i"�.DFSCR1PTY-) _k"` -D7 - l A: E. RFQL: 1 isI 2g-� P :.�rina and or pub'�:ng compariv, Epio�ing persons. sic'_,= ntr . oi�'nerc a:�d o erarars: \Not exceeding five persons. 68.00 1\lore Lnan five. not zxceeai-+a ten per=ons. 135.00 More than ten.. not exceeding 15 persons- 167-00 More than 15. not cxceed-ing 25 aov ers. ^00.00 More than 25 ue sons. 533.00 2980 Private Club. Alone or in connection 'with ally other business actit it ;. 296.00 Private club is defined as any association, pannership, f= or any other incorporated or unincorporated business entity or any kind of club which excludes the general public from its premises. 2990 Private Investigative Agency. State of Florida License required from 99.00 the Depariznent of State. 3000 Produce Co=ission Merchant or Wholesale Dealer. Produce packers 215.00 and shippers. See "Packers and shippers." 3010 Produce; Retail Dealer. Requires Registration from the Florida 99.00 Department of Agriculture. 3020 Professional Association, Firms, Companies Partnerships, and 116.00 Corporations. This classification is separate from the classification of attorneys at law; see "Attorneys at law. Including, but not limited, professional corporations defined in F.S. § 621.03(2), as amended. A professional associations or corporations BTR shall be paid for only one location. Requires State of Florida licensed Professional. 3040 Professionals, Other Professions not specifically listed. The 116.00 Professional License from the State of Florida must be presented before issuance. 3050 Promoter Entertaintrient; Parades, and similar events. Not covered 99.00 elsewhere. The event requires the applicable BTR or permit. 3060 Property Management Service, Does not apply to Real Estate Firms, 99.00 Brokers and/ Agents. License from DBPR r uired when a licable. 3070 Psychologist. Requires State of Florida License from the DOH_ 1 i6.00 2501 Pushcart—Merchant Retail. 63.00 3080 Racing, Dog Track: Persons conducting, for each day races are conducted wader license granted by the Florida State Racing 58.00 Com=ssion each day. License from DBPR required. 3090 Racing Pamphlets: Displaying, selling or offering for sale sheets, 533.00 papers or pamplilets predicting outcome of horse or dog races. 3115 Real Estate Appraiser. Requires License from DBPR. 68.00 99.00 3110 Real Estate Broker This applies to the qualifying Broker of the Firm. 9.00 Requires License from DBPR. 3125 Real Estate Broker Business. Requires License from DBPR. 68.00 City of lvframl Page 29 of 34 File !d.- 90-00739 (Version 3) Printer! on 91812010 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT COD- BTR CATEGORY.- DLSC-,'_1'i'T1C3N A`.ZD RE Q t_ lRL'LIEN i f S) `s f mss-__- Saies Person". Reu es L ic-t_ -om DBPR. 11' -is applies 9.00 zo -,'hose licensed b-,- the DBPR inthe capac: v ori sale -oerson. 1 0 , Recoraa Srsdios. _audio and Visual. 99,00 Renial and Leasing BuS less, Does uoz apply ro 2-nomobiles or Real 296.00 P. -opera . Personal proper- of all apes. For auzo:nobiles see automobiles rental and lea=i_lla business. When dealina in Medical V Equipment; a Lk: ease from ARCA is regt cd. 3150 Repair Sen -ice or Machine Shap. alone orin connection tx ith an�v other business. Handworkers, operaung entirely without power machinery or tools employing persons; ing cludinowners and w operators: Not exceeding Mropersons. 27.00 More than two, not exceeding five persons. 42.00 More than five persons. 68.00 3160 Repair Service or Machine Shop. Alone or in connection with fray other business. Power machines or power tools, operating one or snore machines, power tool sharpeners are not included. Employing persons, including owners and operators: /Jot exceeding five persons. 68.00 More than five, not exceeding ten persons. 135.00 More than ten, not exceeding 15 persons. 267.00 More than 15, not exceeding 25 persons. 400.00 Permitted to carry a stock of parts to be used only in making repair's in the shop. If any portion of said stock is sold in any other manner, a merchant's license is required. 3170 Research Companies or Services. 108.00 3180 Respiratory Therapists. Requires License from DOH. 116.00 3190-01 Restaurants. Every person engaged in the business of operating a restaurant whether operated in conjunction with some other line of business or not, shall pay a BTR based on the number of people for which he has seats or accommodations for the service or consumption of food at any time, in accordance with the following schedule Requires License from DBPR: 0-10 seats. 27.00 More than 10 seats, each seat. 2.00 Restaurants that share tables and chairs with the other restaurants in a common eating area and/or do not own such tables and chairs will be assessed a BTR by dividing the number of chairs by' the number of restaurants in accordance with the above schedule. 3210 Retail Installment Sales Contracts and Revolving Accounts. Alone or 320.00 in connection with any other business. Requires State of Florida License from Department of Financial Services. City of Miami Page 30 of 34 File Id- 10-00739 (Version 3) Printed on 9/x/2010 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TOORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN Al END OF THIS ]DOCUMENT •lP Bpi C_s�ZJ{iR .'\: �, DE�C'.PT3 .���. 'p�.. _4 Roller Ska ID2 1 ce �. }�.i= 'r'r6 'C.zd al.4Z ALl?J. 3?.0 Room z mouses. License fi-om thr DBPR is _ red: if L; ; or ono -e roo=s. In dcY_=i=a the n ' bCT of r o o m,s an b =. dinL- used a: a of .i- Q hous?. on1 v bedT007as- slercy _-a 0:c .�rs oT slee =,V rOiCheS arc. to be counted. of which t-v'o rooms may be e_,erripzl y=nen used '0�7 oN-,-ner or operator: More rhan two. not exceeding five. roams. 15.00 More than five. not exceeding ten rooms. 27.00 More than ten, for each additional room. 2.00 Does not permit serving meals without boarding house license. 3240 School; Private, Adult, operated for profit. This license applies where 99.00 all students are 17 years of age or older. The only requirement for this license is a current certificate of use. License from any higher le; -el Governmental Agency required when applicable. 3250 School; Private School or Nursery, operated for profit. Requires State 131.00 of Florida license from the Department of Children and Families and license from State of Florida DOH if food is served. for new and renewal. 3260 School; Private School or Nursery, nonprofit. Requires State of Florida 6.00 License from the Department of Children and Families and License from DOH, if food is served, for new and renewal BTR. A school or nursery operated by a duly established church or a nonprofit corporation duly charted under the laws of the state shall not be required to pay the usual tax for such BTR, but in lieu thereof shall a the sum of $2.00 $6.00 annually. 3270 Second Dealers; Automobiles and other Motorized Vehicles. Requires 320.00 License from DMV. 3280 Secondhand Dealers; Jewelry or Precious Metals. This license only 320.00 allows the buying; selling and trading of used jewelry and other precious metals. 3290 Secondhand Dealers, used Merchandise. 320.00 3300 Secretarial Services. 99.00 3360 Security Guards, Patrol Agency or Watchman. Principal or employer. State License required from the Department of Agriculture. Ten additional employees or guards. 68.00 Each additional employee over ten. 1.00 3370 Shoe Repair Shop and/or- Agents. Alone or in connection with any 67.00 other business. 3380 Shoeshine Stand. Alone or in connection with any other business. 10.00 3390 Skin Care Services. Stock over $1,000.00 requires merchant's license. 99.00 Requires License from DBPR. 1955 Slot Machine. Each machine. 250.00 City of Miami Page 31 of 34 File Id: 10-00739 (Version 3) Printed on 9/8/2010 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL.. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT CODE tea - B-fk R1 t LLN4�'�-TI St 3400 Sall Loan Co:panes. Rc;L. sires S.a.e of Florida T i ce.-.Lsc Ton -ue D pa; �_ eni ofFinar.c"2a Services. -8 . jC I 410 Social 'Worker. Re uires License from DBPR. 116.00 3"?0 Special EN-enis: exhibition and sale. -per day. 1-50 spaces, 58.00 344-2 Special Events: exhibi dory and sale. per day 51-100 spaces. 116.00 3444 Special Events: exhibition and sale, per day Over 10 1 ; aces. 173.00 3450 Special Events. WLc—r, held III a facility o -wined and operated by the Cit); of--N/hama -here a fee has been charged for the use of the faciliTy; These taxes are due and a able prior to the event occurring. Per day 1-50 spaces. 30.00 1452 Special Events. 'When held in a facility owned and operated by the City of Miami where a fee has been charged for the use of the facility; These taxes are due and a able prior to the event occurring. Per day51-100 spaces. 58.00 3454 Special Events. When held in a facility owned and operated by the City of Miami where a fee has been charged for the use of the faciliry; These taxes are due and a able prior to the event occurring_ Over 101 spaces. 87.00 3460 Special Events: Concerts and other similar activities. 99.00 3470 Sports Promoter and/on- Professional Sports Organization. Up to 3,000 seats. 183.00 From 3,000 to 5,000 seats. 457.00 Over 5;000 seats. 881.00 3480 Stevedores, Contracting. 67.00 3310 Stock/ Securities Brokers. Alone or in connection with any other business. 420.00 3320 Stock/ Security Dealers. Alone or in connection with any other business. 420.00 3500 Storage Warehouses: Not exceeding 5,000 square feet. 68.00 More than 5,000, not exceeding 10,000 square feet. 123.00 More than 10,000, not exceeding 15.000 square feet. 200.00 More than 15,000, not exceeding 25,000 square feet. 267.00 More than 25,000, not exceeding 50,000 square feet. 400.00 More than 50,000 square feet. 533-00 3490 Studios for Teaching (not dance studios). 99.00 3510 Supper Clubs. If Liquor is served, a current and valid License from DBPR is required for new and renewal BTR's. In addition, a completed and notarized affidavit is required for new and renewal BTR's. 1,328.00 X520 Tax Reporting Permits, Tax Preparation. Does not apply to BTR 99.40 City of Miami Page 32 of 34 Fife Id.- 10-00739 (Version 3) Printed on 91812010 THIS DOCUMENT ISA SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT i) BTR [__%TL•GORY: [[ _-A_NiL,. DES CF, [P j ION _�".-D REQ L-IRE%f FNT(S) I�31 1 Lodes. .- U101,• "003-Y& "0020-" Taxide=.est; Each taxidermist. 116.00 35?0 Teacher. 116.00 x570 Tell---, ph Sen ce. Includes telegraDh. telegram or Leler��per rifer sen}ice_ 667.00 .7380 Telephone Ser -Nice. 534-00 3590 Theater or playhouse. All gpes. Includes motion picture theaters. 286.00 In addition,per seat. 1.00 3600 Ticket Broker. Each agert. 330.00 3610 Ticket Office. This license applies to carriers arho sell directly to the Public. 99.00 3620 Trading Stamp Company or Redemption Center, Any person conducting. 667.00 0600 Trailer park, Recreational Vehicle Park; Tourist Park or Camp. Not exceeding five spaces. 27.00 More than five, not exceeding 15 spaces. 55.00 More than 15, not exceeding 25 spaces. 68.00 More than 25 spaces, for each additional space. 2.00 3630 Trans ortation of Freight or General Hauling. Not exceeding one vehicle. 27.00 More than one, not exceeding three vehicles. 55.00 More than three, not exceeding five vehicles. 82.00 More than five, not exceeding ten vehicles. 135.00 More than ten vehicles. 200.00 3650 Travel Bureaus. Requires State of Florida Registration from Department of Agriculture for new and renewal BTR. No travel bureau license shall be transferable. 336.00 3660 Translation Services. 99.00 3670 Tree Surgeon. Requires Certification from International Society of Arboriculture. 99.00 3680 Upholstery Repair Services. Recovering and repairing. If automobile; requires Registration from the Florida Department of Agriculture. 99.00 3 3690 Veterinarian. Requires License from DPBR. 116.00 3700 Veterinary Establishment, Kennel or Hospital. Requires License from DPBR. 99.00 3710 Videotape Duplication Seivice. 99.00 3720 Video, Television, High Fidelity Intercommunication and other simnilar systems. Alone or in connection with any other business. Permits installation and service. Merchant's retail BTR is required for stock. 108.00 3730 Waste Collection, Commercial. As regulated in section 22-46 et seq of the City Code. No BTR shall be issued until the applicant fiunishes the 268.00 City of Miami Page 33 of 34 File Id: 10-00739 (Version 3) Panted on 91812010 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL, BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT CODE 13TR CAITCORYN---A , DHI C'RIPIION .kN7 1 R ATE Fsancc D ra mi a P--rlilli io opera_-- c ora ,he Depa-r-=ens of ^0 «"ater Manu=ar—m Wrs. Manu acm-rers of ?erated ar di=alled. dr =ama water, Pel Lied :o d15-- ibute dist i s -ors license. Emploving Persons. in ci-a'-;n2 Own- r s and operators: No-. exceeding five persons. 68.00 hRore h---7 five. not exceeding Leri persons. 135.00 h�Iore than ten persons. 267.00 3 750 1�7aier Distributors. Dis�lnutors of bottled, aerated, distilled or mineral. driLL-ing crater. Utilizine vehicles- as follows: Not ex.ceedina m,o vehicles. 99.00 More than two, not exceeding four vehicles. 215.00 More than four vehicles. 241.00 3 760 'Window or Class Tinting. Alone or in connection with any other business. 99.00 3770 Window or House Cleaning Compan=y- 40.00 Section 4. if any section, part of a section, paragraph, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this Ordinance shall not be affected. Section 5. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after final reading and adoption thereof.{2} APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: n JULIE O. BRU CITY ATTORNEY� Footnotes: 0) Words/and or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted and unchanged material. (2} This Ordinance shah become effective as specified herein unless vetoed by the Mayor within ten days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Ordinance, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission or upon the effective date stated herein, whichever is later. City of Miaml Page 34 of 34 File Id: 10-00739 (Version 3) Prinled on 91W010 SUBSTITUTED C><ty of Miami -..`. T," - Legislation ►__. Ordinance File Nuj%ber. 10-00734 Final Action Dare: FRA www.miamigov.com AN ORDINA E OF THE MIAMI COMMISSION AMENDING CHAPTER 12 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF AMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, CURRENTLY ENTITLED "COIN-OPERATED MACHINES ANI ESTABLISHMENTS," BY AMENDING THE TITLE TO "AMUSEMENT LA MACHINES," CFYING EXISTING LANGUAGE, ADDING DEFINITIONS, CREATING A LICENSING STRUC RE AND REGULATORY SCHEME, PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES, AND PROHIBITING AUTHORIZED AMUSEMENT MACHINES; AMENDING CHAPTER 31/ARTICLE 11 OF E CITY CODE ENTITLED "LOCAL BUSINESS TAX AND MISCELLANEOUS BUST SS REGULATIONSILOCAL BUSINESS TAX (BTR)," MORE PARTICULARLY BY A NDING SECTION 31-50, ENTITLED "SCHEDULE OF ESTABL[SHED BTRS," B DELETING AN ESTABLISHED BTR; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND OVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Florida Statute Cha\thin; 9 strictly prohibits any "game of chance" involving the exchange of money or other thing e or under the pretext of a sale, gift, or delivery thereof, or for any right, share, or intereand WHEREAS, Florida Statute Chapter X49 aliows arcade amusement games and machines which are considered "games of skill;" a WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of he h, safety, and general welfare of the community, residents, and businesses of the City ofi ("City") to regulate the operation of amusement machines within the City; and WHEREAS, the purpose and intent of this ordinan\Sta mended, is to narrow the definition of amusement machines making it conform with Stnd specifically to eliminate any misconstruction of the defn'it[on of the type of machinesd as one expanding rights beyond limitations imposed under the exception to gambling law- and WHEREAS, thepurpose and intent of this ordinance, as amenm d, is to make changes to the regulations for adequate supervision of the operation of amuset machines within the City; and WHEREAS, a regulatory scheme is to .be implemented to ensuretha he operators of amusement machines comply with all state and local statutes and ordinances; a WHEREAS, a regulatory fee should be imposed to cover the costs the City\On.--71W&? a result of enforcing the regulations herein adopted; and City of Miami Page 1 of 34 Fife Id. 90-00739 (Version 2) Ptin SUBSTITUTED WHEREAS, the City currently allows an unlimited number of amusement machines to be operated by one (1) individual, and WHEREAS, the City wishes to encourage other business owners the opportunity to op to amusement machines; and HEREAS, the City wishes to discourage monopolies by any particular operator of amusem t machines; NO THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLOR Section 1•. The recitals and findings contained in the Preambie to this Ordinance are adopted and incorp ted as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. pter 12 of the Code of the City of Miami. Florida, as amended, is amended in the following rticulars:{1} "CHAPTER 12 rnlni nor=flnTGMA SEMENT MACHINES ANIQ ccT B ISHMENTC 4 R R Sec, 12-1. Definitions. 1 me Tollowfnq words terms, and pnrases, Mn urea in tnis section snaii nave the meamri s ascribed to them in this section except where a context clearly indicates a different meanin . Nothing in this section may be construed contraALto state law. Amusement Machine means any machine contriv`aniw, or device that provides for the bona fide entertainment or amusement of the public and that aNa result of the payment of a fee money, compensation, or exchange of anythincl of value or ins ion of a coin slug,token credit card or Paper currency. the machine contrivance or device is t in motion permitted to function or operate and that by application of skill may entitle the pers playinq or operating the machine to receive points or coupons that may be exchanged for merandise only, limited to noncash prizes, toys, or novelties excluding cash alcoholic beverage S evera es er, or wineprovided the cost, value of the merchandise or Drize awarded in exchange for suN points or coupons does not exceed 75 cents on any _game played. This definition shall not be intermreted may be construed as a gambling device under state law, This dei tion excludes pinball machinespool or billiard tables vending machines laundry machinbX kiddie rides and automatic music machines. This definition shall also not include any game,machine contrivance or device Dose content theme. desian, or araphics depict, exhibit. illustrate, describe, or relate to sexu conduct or specified anatomical areas. v eraror means any person wno sna Machine. City of Miami Page 2 of 34 File td. 10-00739 (Version 2) Printed On: SUBSTITUTE} 12-2. Location of A O erator shall not locate and operate an Amusement Machine within a room or enclosed are not open to the oeneral public. If a room where an Amusement Machine is being operated is to d or barricaded. a rebuttable aresum tion is created that the area is not open to the ❑enera ublic in violation of this section. Sec. 12-3. usiness tax receipts, In addition to t re uirements of Cha ter 31 of the City Code, the following shall apply, one 1 business x receipt Der Amusement Machine at each location shall be issued in the name of the OperaLN The business owner at each location shall provide written notice to the property owner of itNintention to allow the operation of Amusement Machines within its business. Prior to the is ance of the business tax receipt, the Operator shall provide the City a copy of the business ow is wdtten notice to the property owner. All business tax receipts must be displayed within P is view and access in an area within five S feet from the physical site of the Amusement Mac e. Business tax receipts for Amusement Machines are not transferable from one 1 O er r to another. If an Operator wishes to reiocate an Amusement Machine covered under a current siness tax receipt from one 1 location to another, then the Operator must submit a new applic ion together with the corres onding transfer fee to change locations. A new business tax re i t will be issued identifying the new location of that Amusement Machine and a corrected IJARiness tax receipt shall be issued reflecting,the removal of the Amusement Machine at there �ous location. The name address. and telephone number of the Operator must be attached the front of the Amusement Machine in a location easily read by Amusement Machine users Xth the size of lettering e ual to or greater than twelve 12point type. Prior to being issued a usiness tax receipt from the City, the O erator must present a state Amusement Machine certifkate from the Department of Revenue and an applicable county business tax receipt for each usement Machine in operation at eve location. It shall be unlawful for the owner, lessormane er person in charge of any business remises to permit any such Amusement Machine on such premises unless such Amusement Machine has the business tax receipt re uired this Code dis la ed thereon. For purposes of this subsection each individual screen shall onstitute one 1 Amusement Machine regardless of whether the screen is encased in a consoi cabinet or other fixture with other screens which receive electric power through one 1 sodke or cord, or are set into motion or permitted to function through the use of one 1 bill acre r, where the Player may select a Lame at any one 1 screen such that at any one 1 time you Nav have more than one 1Person playing or operating ames at different screens independeky from another. No artifice or scheme shall be used to circumvent the intent of this subsection. Sec, 1244. Failure to pay marNRe IiGense feesrobtain a business tax rec t` seizure and disposition of -rachines. (a) In the event of nonpayment of the fee for a r;�business tax receipt required f any ceir� ^entre `� Pari°^ nAmusement Machine, authority is hereby given and granted the €aRseGity Manager or his designee to seize the �eAmusement Machine, an n the event any wael�eAmusement Machine is seized for the nonpayment of any City of Miami Page 3 of 34 Fila id: 10-00739 (Version 2) Pnnted On: 7/a/20 SUBSTITUTED feebuslness tax receipt. there shall be added, charged and collected by the city an additional s6a hauling fee of $: $125,.50 for each Amusement Machine seized and an additional torace fee of S10.00 ger day for each Amusement Machine storecifer rf^izago ad ha Rg v . In the event any Amusement Machine has been sell d For the nonpayment of any t+;rase eebusiness tax receipt: such �eAmusement Mac e shall not be released or returned until and unless the cnel awe a±er0perator thereo as paid to the city the necessary „:,er;e�business tax receipt, a d the x-08 storage fee, and uling charges. (b) TheCity Manager or his designee is hereby authorized and directed, in all cases where t re has been a seizure made for the nonpayment of the 4GepFs%-4eebusiness tax recei t foresAmusement Machines, to notify the caw;=of--„e PA ia Opera' to rwhere possible, that the same are being retained under the provisions of the city Code, and he' shall, within ninety (90) days from the date of seizure, permit the Operater to rev .n possession thereof by submission of proof of ownership and the payment of all charges nnected with seizure and storage of the machines. (c) After the expiration of Nch ninety (9C) -day period, the ;;eG e4 —of s- eQtV Manager or designee shall sell any su 4i-a�sAmusement Viiachines not claimed or reduced to possession by the ^�0 erar thereof at public sale after ten � days' notice in writing to the ewR,&FOperator, if he can b.. found, and by advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation in the city. (d) Out of the proceeds of the sale of y such m> Amusement Machines, all costs and storage shall be first paid, and any bala e remaining shall be retained by the city in a fund in possession of the city for a period of e ,L year in order to enable the ,eF- the r^.r, '�;G;aOPerator to prove ownership of the"tt.. G44resAmusement Machines so sold, and when such ownership is proven, such surplus fund s`�1I be paid to the Operator. (e) After the expiration of one year L11, as pro ed in t"e parag- -F ��. �gthis section any sums arising from the salessale � ',ihe r,; the Machines in accordance with the provis?ons of this section, % unclaimed by the ea pep s# t+�c 444esOperator, shall be transferred to the general fA of the city, Sec. 12-5. Payment of certificate of authorization fee. An Operator shall obtain a certificate of authorization from the Ay as a non-exclusive franchise Machine. Each year. the Operator shall obtain a new certificate of a horization from the City b submitting an additional payment of a regulatorV fee of 5500.00 pervUsement Machine. No business tax receipt shall be issued until the certificate of authorize n has been obtained. including the payment of any outstanding regulatory fees. City of Miami Page 4 of 34 File td: 10-00739 (Version 2) Printed On: SUBSTITUTED Sec. 12-36. MaGhi^^^ ^^4 to be used f.,F ^ Mbl'"r'Prohibiled uses. a NG G90R . e5at d MaGhiRe rhall be ed faF gambliRg OF a- g2me of ^ Amusement Machines ^„o.a}8d by iRGeAj9F4 ^f ^^i^ SI 4^ GF ^^^^r Z:re G; shall not be us for gambling or as a game of chance as stated in F. S, §§ 849.15-849.22. Violations of thes rovisions shall be subject to penalties stated in F.S. § 849.23 and to a city -imposed fine in the ount of $500.00. b No Xnusement Machine shall depict, exhibit, illustrate describe or otherwise relate to sexual cond , specified anatomical areas. or other adult entertainment as further defined in the Ci Zonin rdinance. Such an Amusement Machine is stricVv prohibited in the Citv. c No Amuse nt insertion of a coin. sl strictly prohibited in the Machine shall all the exchange of anvthina of value or d No Amusement MaCkine shall operate ata particular business location or site for one 1 vear from the date of any ourt order, order of the Citv Commission, order of a code owner at any location or O peratNoperates, allows to be operated or causes to be placed or operated an Amusement Machine t that particular iocation or site in violation of any Cit Countv, state, or federal statute, rule, oulation, or ordinance. Section 3. Chapter 31 of the City Code titled "Local Business Tax and Miscellaneous Business Regulations," is amended in the followin articulars:(1) °CHAPT 31 LOCAL BUSINESS TAX AND MISCELLANE S BUSINESS REGULATIONS k .ARTICLE II. LOCAL BUSINESS.TAX RE IPT (BTR) Sec. 31-50. Schedule of Established BTRs. 0010 Abstract and/or Title Company. requires License from rile Florida De arLment of Financial Services if selling insurance. 0040 Accountaut, Certified Public (CPA). Requires License from DBPR. 116. City of Miaml Page 5 of 34 File 1& 10-00734 (Version 2) Printed On: 7/812010 \ SUBSTITUTED City of Miami ?age 6 0 34 File ld. 10-00739 (Version 2) Printed\7/W&201 030 Accountinb and/or Bookkeeping Semiee. Does not apply to BTR Codes: "00407° & ;'0020," 116.00 00_ Accounting Professional Association (PA), Corporation (Corp) or Firm. 116.00 0050 N, Acupuncturist. Re uires License from DOH. 116.00 0060 ddressin4, AIailin , and Sorting Semices. 99.00 0070 Ainistratis�e Office. When sole functions are administrative in na and not applicable to any other BTR category. 131.00 0080 Adu) are Facility. License from ARCA is required. 99.00 0090 Adult CVgregate Living Facility. License from ARCA is required. 99.00 0100 Advertisik Agency or Trade Inducement Company. Each company or dividual as provided. 667.00 0110 Advertising, Aircraft (per aircraft). 120.40 0160 Advertising, O ours: Not exceed50 displays. 236.00 More than 50Xsplays, each display thereafter. 2.00 0120 Advertising, Street. ch person advertising on the streets with banners, floats or by oche ears: Where no vehicle is used. 120.00 0130 Advertising, Street. Each erson advertising on the streets with banners, floats or by other me : Where vehicle is used, each vehicle. 120.00 0140 Advertising, Street. Each pe n advertising on the streets with banners, floats or by other me Contracting advertising in/or on buses and other motor vehicles. 120.00 0150 Advertising, Street. Each persona ertising on the streets with banners, floats or by other means: distrili ing circulars, pamphlets and other advertising matter {not to apply to , erchants in compliance, advertisingtheir own goods and merchandisd , 120.00 0170 Advertising, Theater Screens. Per screen A which advertising is shown. 120.00 0180. Aircraft Brokers or Dealers.. . . 120,00 1820 Air Guns Dealers. A separate BTR is not require of dealers who have a firearms ammunition dealer's BTR.. Requires deral License from De artment of Alcohol, Tobacco and Fire Arms for V earrns. 296.00 0190 Ambulance Service or Business. Not operating as an dertaker, operating ambulances as follows: Not exceeding one ambulance. 42,00 For each additional ambulance. 27.00 0210 Amusement Park. 1,332.00 0220 Answering Service, Nk120,00 City of Miami ?age 6 0 34 File ld. 10-00739 (Version 2) Printed\7/W&201 SUBSTITUTED )A \ �' • =}QTY ry {� YY yy, Y; 111 02M Apartment Houses. An apartment house BTR does not permit a public dining room without a restaurant BTR. Requires License from DBPR for 5 or more units. Tai; based on number of rooms; not including: bathrooms; kitchen or closets. An Apartment house is defined as three or more dwelliniz under same roof units: Up to ten rooms. 27.00 More than ten rooms, for each additional room. 2.00 0240 ppraiser. Other than for real property. 116.00 0250 A hitect. 116.00 2330 Arc 'tett, Landscape. 116.00 0260 Arche dural Firm, Partnership, PA or Corp. 116.00 0270 Armore Car Service. 99.00 0280 Artist, all Xpes. Commercial, graphic, or noncommercial, each. 116.00 0290 n only displaying. If selling; and not incidental, as Art Gallerie\Mbant 99.00 outlined in tificate of Use issued by the City of Miami Zoning Department, Retail BTR is required. 0-310 Attorney who is n a PA or Corp, Requires membership in Florida 116.00 BAR. BTR is not proked. 0300 Attorney; Firm, PA, CNP. or Partnership. BTR is not prorated. 116.00 0350 Auction Business. RequirNLioense from DBPR. 1,826.00 0360 Auctioneer. Requires Licens ono DBPR. 667.00 0370 Auctioneer, Apprentice. Appr tice means any person who is being 667.00 trained as an Auctioneer by aof Florida licensed Auctioneer, S e Requires License from DBPR. 0380 Auction: in addition, for each day orction thereof at each iocation 45.00 where an auction is held of goods, warmerchandise, or real estate vehicles. 0390 Audio Visual Production Services. 120.00 0705 Automated Teller Machines (ATMA. Not reqd if in same location 99.00 0395 or building structure as Banking Institution; that i weer thereof 0400 Automobile, New Motorized Vehicles Dealers:D ers, agencies or persons engaged in the sale of automobiles, trucks or actors or other motor driven vehicles may be permitted to deal in secon\arnddcles taken in exchange on sales of new vehicles withg a Secondhand Dealers BTR; provided that the entiris conducted from one location. Requires License from (TR is required for each location as follows: First location. 525.00 Each location thereafter. 215.00 0410 Automobile, Auctioneer. R uires License from DBPR. 220.00 0490 Automobile Battery and Charging Station. Alone or in connection \4.00 with any other business. Requires Registration from. the Florida City of Miami Page 7 of 34 File id: 10-00739 (Version 2) Printed On: 71&20 SUBSTITUTED a } Department of Agriculture for new and renewal BTR. 20 Automobile Body Shop. Requires Registration from the Florida Department of Agriculture for new and rene-,val BTR. Employing arsons, including owners and operators: Not exceeding five persons. More than five. Not exceeding ten persons. More than ten, not exceeding 15 persons. More than 15 persons. 68.00 135.00 267.00 400.00 0430 Auto bile/ Car Wash, by hand. Alone or in connection with any other Bu ' ess. Employing persons, including owners and operators: No •ceedi ng two persons. 27.00 More two, not exceeding five persons. 42.00 More th five persons. 68-00 0440 Automobile// CaWash, by machine or power tools. Alone or in connection with other business. Where one or more power machines are used. mploying persons, including owners and operators: Not exceeding five rsons. 68.00 More than five, not e Ling -ten persons. 135.00 More than ten persons, n exceeding 15 persons. 267.00 More than 15 persons. N, 400.00 0445 Automobile Car Wash-Mobile.ne or in connection with any other business. 99:00 0500 Automobile Driving School. Re wires Anse from DMV. 99.00 0595 Automobile Immobilization. As regulate in Chapter 42 of City Code. 116.00 0460 Automobile Mechanical Repairs. Alone or i onnection with any other business. Requires Registration from the F da Department of Agriculture for new and renewal BTR. Employing rsons, including owners and -operators - Not exceeding five persons. 68.00 More than five, not exceeding ten persons. 135.00 More than ten not exceeding 15 persons, 267.00 More than 15 persons. 400.00 0470 Automobile Mobile Repair Units. Requires Registration from e Florida Department of Agriculture for new and renewal BTR. Ea person engaged in or operating mobile repair units, for each truck so operated and within the corporate limits of the City. 220.00 0450 Automobile Paint Shop. Alone or in connection with another business. Requires Registration from the Florida Department of Agriculture for new and renewal BTR. Employing persons, including City of Miami Page 8 of 34 File id: 10-00739 (Version 2) Printed On, 7/812070\ 0 SUBSTITUTED h ` Y4, �V, 7J�'ixii 5 - :; ii:�JC a_ L•ra3� . Y. a .. 'T owners and operators: Not exceeding five persons. 68.00 More than fide, not exceeding ten persons. 135.00 More than ten, not exceeding 15 persons. 267.00 More than 15 persons. 400.00 0530 Au {Motorized Vehicle Rental and Leasing. Each location. 195.00 0480 Auto bile Service Station. Alone or is connection with any other busi _s No exceeding four gasoline metered nozzles. 68.00 For e h additional gasoline metered nozzle. 16.00 0520 Automobile !Nking Garage or Parking space. Per space. 2.00 0540 Automobile Sto a Garage. For storing, cleaning, and/or caring for motor driven vehic or equipment: Not exceedin 5 cars_ 42.00 More than 25, noXexceeding 50 cars. 68.00 More than 50 cars. 135.00 0550 Automobile Storage or ParV- a Lot. For each storage or parking lace where the areas do not exceed 10,000 square feet. 64.00 For each additional 5,000 Ove feet or a fractional are thereof. 33.00 0560 Auto Tag and Tax CoNeetion Age . Alone or in connection with any other Business. 215.00 0570 Automobile Tire. Recapping, vulcanizA rethreading, or repairing shop. Requires Registration from the londa Department of Agriculture for new and renewal BTR, 99.00 0580 Automobile Towing. X 116.00 0590 Automobile Towing from Private Property. As r elated in Chapter 42 of the City Code. 416.00 0610 Automobile Valet Parking Service. Alone or in conntion with any other Business. 99.00 0620 Automobile Vehicle Wrecking Company. 99.00 36.40 Baggage or Transfer Companies. With no established ace of business in the City. Requires Registration kom the orida Department of Agriculture for new and renewal BTR for a M ing Company. 215.00 1000 Bail bondsmen, professional bondsmen, or surety bondsmen, each type. Requires State of Florida License from the Department of Financial Services. 99.00 0640 1 Bakery, retail selling without delivery service, each retail place of 4 00 cityorMiami Page 9 of 34 File !d.' 10-00739 (Version 2) Prnted On: 7/8/2070 SUBSTITUTED city of Miami Page 10 of 34 Fife Id: 10-00739 (Version 2) Pnnled On: 7/a20T0 ..Z.�i,*tft tK • �firb%G _ business. If consumption of food on premises, a Registration from the Department of A culture is required. 06 Bakery, retail selling with delivery service, each retail place of 44.00 business. If consumption of food on premises, a Registration from the artment of Agriculture is required. For the first 2 vehicles. eIn addition. for each delivery vehicle in excess of two. 88.00 0660 B ery, wholesale selling, or delivering with less tharr six delivery 68.00 veh Ies. 0670 BakeX wholesale selling, or delivering -with six or more delivery 400.00 rrehicles. 0680 Bakery oducts Distributors. Selling or distributing bakery 480.00 products no manufactured within corporate limits of the city of Miami, each ibutor. 0715 Banks includin„ omestic, foreign, international, Edge Act banks, 727.00 Savings and n Associations, Sa�'ings Company, Trust L Company and Bu ing and Loan Associations. Every person, partnership or other iorporated or unincorporated business entity, firm or corporation eng Milnebusiness as a bank, trust company, savings company, buildin and loan association, savings and loan association, whether as o A ae agent, broker or otherwise, shall pay a BTR for each place of busine Requires copy of Charter (State or National). 0690 Bankruptcy and closing out sales. s regulated in Chapter 32 of the City Code: Engaging in, managing oonducting at retail any sale of goods, wares, merchandise under the c umstances stated in Chapter 32 of the City Code. See section 32-2\ae City Code for the nonrefundable investigation fee of . Initial BTR and Supplemental BTR of same term- erm-Fora For aperiod not exceeding 15 days. 61.00 Fora period not exceediDg 30 days. 122.00 Fora period aot-exceeding 60 days. 184.00 0692 Bankruptcy. A further tax of $1.25 $2.00 per $1,000\60OoCiys. the price set forth on the inventory provided for in Chapter 32 oty Code; 2.00 provided that no such BTR shall be issued for more tha 0700 1 Bankruptcy. Supplemental BTR extending time of sale as pr ided in 99.00 section 32-31 of the City Code per day for the time during wtusuch supplemental BTR is granted. 0710 Bankruptcy. As regulated in Chapter 32 of the City Code. Purehast 293.00 at sale tinder assignment for benefit of creditors or for trustee i bankruptcy and advertising as bankrupt or distressed stock 'In resale, for each and evn day during the continuance of the sale. 0750 Barber or Beauty School. Requires License from DBPR. 2 TXO0 0740 Barbers/ Cosmetologists Assistants. Requires License from DBPR. 13. city of Miami Page 10 of 34 Fife Id: 10-00739 (Version 2) Pnnled On: 7/a20T0 SUBSTITUTED `CIA T, Y0720 Y P1.• .-ALF Barbers, )glair Stylists, Hair Designers. Requires License from 13.00 DBPR. 0 Barbershops, Hair Styling Studios and Hair Styling Salons: Requires License from DBPR. First chair. 20.00 Each additional chair (-whether operated or not). 15.00 0790 Parlors, Hair Styling Studios and Hair Styling Salons: es License from DBPR. For beauty parlor or barber chairs set up \su lace of business(whether operated or not): First chair. 20.00 %ch additional chair (whether operated or not). 15.00 0794 Beauty ParIV- each Manicuring or Pedicuring table. 14.00 0792 Beauty Parlo each Permanent Wave Machine. 14.00 0796 Beau Parlor: kch Waxing or Acrylic Nail Machine or table. 14.00 0800 Bicycle repair an rental. Alone or in connection with any other 120.00 business. 0810 Billiard, Pool or Baaat a tables. 42.00 0820 Biugo or guest aures. 58.00 0830 Blueprinting Map and P1Makers. Requires License form the 99.00 DBPR for Map Maker. 0840 ber of rooms not including: Boarding Houses. BTR based%pits bathrooms, kitchen and closets. Rlicense from DBPR if five or more rooms. A boardinghouse Bthe serving of meals. Not exceeding ten rooms. 42.00 More than ten rooms, for each ad 'onal room.. 2.00 0880 Boat, Brokers; Ships Yachts. Requires LiceNe- from DBPR. 215.00 0890 Boat, Charter Fishing (as reg. in Section 50- 1 et seal. of the City 30.00 Code). Each boat. 0900 Boat, Designers and Builders, not operating as at and Ship 120.00 Yard:... _.._ ... 091.0 Boat, Excursion, Sight Seeing, and Deep Sea Fishing s regulated 30.00 in Section 50-301 et se. of the City Code). Each boat. 0920 Boat, Ferry and Sightseeing. Owners, operators or managerf 'boats used wholly or in part as ferry or sight seeing boats, each ho with passenger capacity as follows: Not exceeding ten passengers. 27.00 More than ten, not exceeding 50 passengers, 42.00 More than 50 passengers. 68.00 city of Miami Page 1 f of 34 File id: 10-00739 (Version 2) Printed On. SUBSTITUTED City of Miami Page 12 of 34 File td: 10-00739 (Version 2) Printed On: 7MO10 ZIA �;EG ilscezrfl1` :� r"k d� y^�� R -1,11"W"'"', b J<* 7s: i�-�4 �Y f ...4.Se'?r4.,` 0970 Boat, Marine Tovving and Lightering. QuTiers, operators or managers of boats used wholly or in part for towing or lightering (permits one barge or lighter free with each towboat operating hereunder this BTR as follows), alone or in connection with any other business: Not exceeding two towboats. 68-00 More than two towboats. 135.00 0980 Boa Marine Towing and Lightering. Or each barge or lighter in 15.00 exces f the number of towboats operating hereunder this BTR, or for each arge or Tighter not permitted in connection with a towboat. 0850 Boat, MaNee 'Ways and Dry Docks. Not licensed as a boat and ship yard, with ca city for hauling boats as follows: Not ex eding three-foot draft. 42.00 More th three, not exceeding five-foot draft. 68.00 More thanNe-foot draft. 135-00 0960 ly. Owners, operators or managers of Boats, Service or F\iil�p' 99.00 boats used wholly ors gasoline or oil or other fuel or supply service boats, alone nnection with any other business; each boat. 0870 Boat and Ship Yard. Having ital investment as follows: Not exceeding $10,000.0. 68.00 More than $10,000.00, not Needing $25,000.00. 135.00 More than $25,000.00, not exc ding $50,000.00, 200.00 More than $50,000.00, not excee ' g $100,000.00. 267.00 More than $100,000.00. 400.00 0860 Boat storage, Basins, and Sheds. Aloneo connection with any other business, with storages ace as follows; Not exceed4 7,500 square feet. 68.00 More than 7,500, not exceeding 15,000 S uar feet. 135.00 More than 15,000 square feet.- - -- -.267.00 0930 of Boat, Party and Touring. Owners, operators or mers of boats used wholly on in part as livery, party or touring boats, ea with accommodations as follows: Not exceeding five persons. 27.00 More than five, not exceeding ten persons. 42.00 More than ten persons. 68.00 0950 Boats, Peddling. Owners, operators or managers of boats used whollyN or in part for peddling: Not exceeding 40 feet in length. V00 More than 40 feet in length. 6 0 0940 Boats type. Canoes, Rowboats and Sailboats for hire, or similar City of Miami Page 12 of 34 File td: 10-00739 (Version 2) Printed On: 7MO10 SUBSTITUTED City o/ Miami Page 13 of 34 Fila 1& 10-00739 (Version 2) Rrinlad on; 71WO10 � WIN ;�Ilti.•.,6i business. Alone or in connection with any other business. Not exceedine ten boats. 27.00 More than ten boats. 68.00 09 Bonding Companies or Individual Bondsmen. Criminal or appeal 320.00 bonds; any person or firm operating for the purpose of furnishing or writing and executing criminal bonds or appeal bonds (not to apply to ndsmen furnishing insurance, who are subject to the insurance c panies provisions) 1010 Boo Bindery Service or Agent, Alone or in connection with any 99.00 other Viness. 1020 Botanicx 99.00 1030 BotanicalX Zoological Garden or other similar establishments. 330.00 1040 Bottlin }or . 320.00 1050 Bowling Alleys One Alley: X 68.00 Each additional ey: 40.00 1060 Business OpportunitVroker. Requires License from DBPR. 99.00 1070 nd packinghouse products, wholesale; Butcher, Wholesale.\dis dealing in their own pr(except those covered by "Merchants," 480.00 subheading, "Jobbers abutors") 1080 Butcher, Retail. Requires Regi ation from the Florida Department of Agriculture. Employing Meat Cu s as follows: Not exceeding two cutters. X 27.00 More than two, not exceeding ke cutters. 68.00 More than five cutters. X135.00 1090 Cabarets or Nightclub. If Liquor is s\ed, current and valid 1,826.00 License from DBPR is required for neenewal BTR's. In addition, a completed and notarized affidquired for new and renewal BTR's. 3190-02 Cafe! Coffee Shops/ Sandwich Shop. Every per engaged in the business of operating a cafe/ coffee shop/ sandwich s p, or any other public eating place whether operated in conjunction some other line of business or not, shall pay a BTR based on the nurn r of people for which he has seats or accommodations for the rvice or consumption of food at any time, in accordance with the lowing schedule: 0---10 seats. 27.00 More than 10 seats, each seat. 2.00 When tables and chairs are shared with the other eating establishments in a common eating area and/or do not own such tables and chairs will be assessed a BTR by dividing the number of chairs by the number of restaurants in accordance with the above schedule. City o/ Miami Page 13 of 34 Fila 1& 10-00739 (Version 2) Rrinlad on; 71WO10 SUBSTITUTED . . r .. = I ii��^m a!er�_., . y Y,Rl�N1+;1�4�-F��T�'' t..lil , mm !' Depending on the situation, either a license from the DBPR- or a License from rhe Florida Department of Agriculture will be required. 319 3 Cafeteria. Every person engaged in the business of operating a cafeteria or other public eating place 'whether operated in conjunction wiTh some other zine of business or not, shall pay a BTR based on the umber of people for -\k ich he has seats or accommodations for the s ice or consumption of food at any time, in accordance with the fol/ ving schedule: 0-10 seats. 27.00 ore than 10 seats, each seat. 2.00 re tables and chairs with the other eating Cafeteri\the establ: mon eating area and/or do not ovm such tables and chairsssed a BTR by dividing the number of chairs by the numbrants in accordance with the above schedule. Dependination, either a License from the DBPR or the Florida Dgriculture is required. 1140 Calculatin & Statistiie Berke. 99.00 1110 Carnivals, Circuses scree hDwS, exposition companies or shows or performance given in aII em orary enclosure. For the first day. 366.00 For each daZ thereafter. 183,04 1120 Carnivals or Circuses held in a fa 'lity O'wned and operated by the City of Miami where a fee has be charged for the use of the facility. For the first day. 153.00 For each day thereafter, 88.00 1130 Carpets, Rugs, and Furniture. Cleaning. earring, by hand or 99.00 vacuum_process alone or in connection with any er business. 1140 Carpets and Rugs, Installation. When not opeza\ as a Merchant 99.00 Retail carpet or rug dealer, 1150 Caterer and/or Catering. Requires Registration fro the Florida 99.00 Department of Agriculture. 1180 Check Cashing Service and Currency Exchange. Aloe or in 99,00 connection with any other business. Requires License from the to of Florida Office of Financial Regulation. Does not apply to Banks. to License is not requited when check cashing is incidental to ret ' business and if, proceeds from check cashing operation do not excee 5% of total gross income from retail sales of goods and services. 1170 Chemist. 6.00 1190 Chiropractic Physician. Requires License from DOH. 11 00 1200 Cigars and Tobacco Products Retail Dealers. Alone or in cityof Miami Page f4 of 34 Fife Id: 10-00739 (Version 2) Printed On: 7/8/2010 SUBSTITUTED : ...Q ���� � i�. JE4r t9.. ���1a1 s � r9.1' �i".a+�w�•t.� �:.� ,y�`Y �aR,.,•. connection with any other business (except drugstores): carrying stocks as follows: Not more than $100.00. 40.00 More than $100.00. not more than $250.00. 75.00 More than 5250.00. not more than $500.00. 185.00 More than $500.00. 367,00 1210 ars and Tobacco products Manufacturer. Employing persons, inc diva owners and workmen: Not exceeding five persons. 27.00 ore than five, not exceeding 13 persons. 68.00 e than 15, not exceeding 25 persons. 94.00 Mor an 25 persons. 135.00 1220 Circus Parade 99.00 1230 Clinical Social Nker. Requires License from DOH. 116.00 1240 Clothing, Altera #i s. Alone or in connection -"lith any other business. 99.00 1250 Clothing, Custom Tailo Retail. Requires Merchant Retail BTR for 68.00 sale of Stock not manufactNd on the prernises. 4-3-M Goin Operated; Awuseme�L -mir Chapter- 12 of th Git;Coaeefffli plae4ig­m45$-438 1330 Coin Operated; Amusement Mach' ' Opera#. As regulated in Chapter 12 of the City Code. RequiNs yearly submission of City Affidas�t and list of location(s). First machine. 183.00 Each additional machine up to nine mac es. 34.00 1480 Coin Operated; Beverage Machine, dispeas' . As regulated in 23.00 Chapter 12 of the City Code. 1370 Coin Operated; Car Wash. As regulated in Chapte 12 of the Citi 99.00 Code. Alone or in connection with any other business. 1430 Conn Operated; Laundry Equipment. As regulated in CNpter 12 of 69.00 the City Code. Includes washers, dryers, pressing, iro g and dispensing machines. First machine. Each additional machine. 1.00 1460 Coin Operated; Merchandise Vending Machine. As regulated N 15.00 Chapter 12 of the City Code. Each machine. I 1340 Coin Operated; Mechanical Rides of all types, Non -Operator. As regulated in Chapter 12 of the City Code, First machine. 18 00 Each additional machine up to 13. 34.0 City of Miami Page 15 o134 File id: 111-00739 (Version 2) Pnnfed On 7!8/7010 SUBSTITUTED Citf of Miami Page 16 of 34 File !d: ICI -00739 (Version 2) Printed On: 7/Moio o - 14 4�i?.c�ir' 50 X Coin Operated; Meclianical Rides of all h-pes, Operator. As 458.00 regulated in Chapter 12 of the City Code. 1! Coin Operated; Music Machine, Non -Operator. As regulated in Chapter 12 of the City Code. First machine. 1$3.00 Each additional machine up to 13 machines. 22.00 1390 CXn Operated; Music Machine, Operator. As regulated in Chapter 458.00 12 o the City Code. 1360 Coin erated; Photographing, Photocopying, and Laminating 27.00 MachinN, As regulated in Chapter 12 of the City Code. 1470 Coin Ope ted; Penny, in the Slot (one cent to 25 cents). As 2.00 regulated in Ater 12 of the City Code_ Vending merchandise only, mechanically ( erated), each machine. 1450 Coin Operated; rvice Machine, other. As regulated in Chapter 12 27.00 of the City Code. Any other service machine not specifically mentioned. Coin Operated; Weigh g Machine. As regulated in Chapter 12 of the Cite Code. The person uring such BTR owns and operates. More than one, an not exceeding five machines, each 15,00 1440 machine. More than five, and note eding 50 machines. 400.00 More than 50, and not excee ' g 100 maebines. 533.00 More than 150, each machine. 2.00 1490 Cold Storage or Food Locker Rental. rating cold storage space to 99.00 the public. Collection Agency. Alone or in connects with any business. 99.00 1500 Engaged in collecting claims and accounts, c ecting rents and not operating as a real estate agency. Each agency. 1510 Community Based Residential Facility. Licensfrom ARCA is 99.00 required. Covers drug rehabilitation, elderly and half 7 houses. 1520 Computer or Data Processing Service, 99.00 1530 Consultant business or professional of a not specifical ncrention 116.00 herein State of Florida Licensed Professional. 1720 Copy/duplicating service. Alone or in connection with anCher 99.00 business. 0730 Cosmetologists. Requires License from DBPR iT00 1540 Court Reporter or Public Stenographer. BTR required when office 116.00 is located in the city and/or when an individual is registered with an agency located in the city; BTR required for each person registered with a ency. 1550 Credit Bureau. Alone or in connection with any other business. Not exceeding five persom, each agency. 68.00 Citf of Miami Page 16 of 34 File !d: ICI -00739 (Version 2) Printed On: 7/Moio �1\ SUBSTITUTED City of hfismi Page 17 of 34 File !d. 10-00739 (Version 2) Printed On: 7/W2010 More than five persons, each agency. 135.00 60 Customhouse Brokers. 99.00 15 DancebalIs and Ballrooms. Requires Registration from the Florida 320.00 Department of Agriculture for new and renewal BTR. 1580 Dance Studio. Teaching students under 18 years old. Require 68.00 gistration from the Florida Department of Agriculture for new and \reee-wal BTR. 1590 Dan Studio. Teaching students over 18 years old. Require 183.00 Regis tion from the Florida Department of Agriculture for new and renewal TR. 3550 Data Exeh ge Service. Includes computer exchange service. 606,00 1600 Delicatessen. ane or in connection with any other business. If stock 99.00 carried exceed 200.00 in value, a Merchant Retail BTR is required. Requires State Florida Registration from the Department of Agriculture. 1610 Dental Hygienist. Re ires License from DOH. 116.00 1620 Dental Laboratory. Re ires License from DOH. 116.00 163.0 Dentist. Requires LicenseNpm DOH. 116.00 1640 Dietician. Requires License kin DOH. 116.00 1660 Disc Jocke . 99.00 1670 Display Room for hire. 120.00 1680 Doc, or Small Animal Exbibit. 296.00 1700 Draftsman. Alone or in connection wiNkany other business. 116.00 1590 Dramatic or Theatrical Troupes or Co anies. 99.00 1690 1710 Drugstore Retail Dealer. State License reqd from DOH. Includes the right to sell ice cream and cigars and tobacc without an additional BTR. Not exceeding $1,000.00. 55.00 For each additional $1,000:00 or fractional paitXereof 6.00 1750 Editors. x 296.00 1730 Electric Light and Power Companies. Alone or in conn tion with 2,324.00 any other business. 1755 Electrolysis. Includes removal, replacement, and weavinghair. 99.00 Requires License from DOH. 1940 Embalmers. State License required from the DBPR. 116.00 1740 Employment Agencies. Each location. Requires License from DBPR. 215.00 1765 Engineer, Professional, as per State. Operating in any capacity 116.00 thereof. 1760 Entertainers, Professional. Includes actors, actresses, bands, 9 0 rnusiciaas, City of hfismi Page 17 of 34 File !d. 10-00739 (Version 2) Printed On: 7/W2010 SUBSTITUTED City of Miami Page 18 of 34 File Id. 10-00739 (Version 2) Printed On: 7/8!20 i0 0 t vocalists. and similar professions and companies. 70 Exhibitors. General exhibitor is hereby defined as any individual, 87.00 partnership, or other incorporated or unincorporated business entity, or promoter using public facilities for the purpose of exhibiting or displaying products for sale or to take orders to sell their products. The ibitor s BTR shall be charged for each day of operation of the display or exhibition. One BTR may be issued to cover more ne dayof operation, vdth the BTR terminating on the last day of \r-h vent, display or exhibition. Per day. 1780 Fashid\Designer. 116.00 1790 Film De lopment Service. Alone or in connection with another 99.00 business. 1800 Finance Coany or Loan Agent. Requires State of Florida License 480.00 from Departure of Financial Services. 1810 Firearms and Aunition Dealer. Requires Federal License from 296.00 Department of Alco 1, Tobacco and Fire Arms. Includes ammunition, pistols, rifles, shot d other firearms and weapons. 1830 Fire Eytinguisher SerAV. 99.00 1840 Fish Market, Retail. Re ' es State of Florida Registration from 99.00 Department of Agricullture.. 1850 Fish Commission Merchan or Wholesale Dealer. Packers or 236.00 shippers. See "Packers and Shippers." 1860 Flea Market, on Private Property In addition to "operator," a separate BTR is required for individual 7%ndors. One day. 664.00 Two --20 days, each day. 252.00 332.00 21-40 days, each day. 265.00 252.00 For each day thereafter. 126.00 1870 Flea Market, when held in a facility owned and operaN by the City of Miami where a fee has been charged for the use of th acility and does nota ly to individual vendors that require a separate One day. 183.00 Two -20 days, each day, 92.00 21-40 days, each day. 46.00 For each day thereafter. 23.00 1880 Florists. 62.00 1900 Fortunetellers, Astrologists, Card Readers, Character Readers, 1.00 Spiritualists, Clairvoyants, Crystal Gazers, Graphologists, Hy notists, Palmists, Phrenologists, and every person engaged in a City of Miami Page 18 of 34 File Id. 10-00739 (Version 2) Printed On: 7/8!20 i0 \ SUBSTITUTED �'�.4 �+ �.t. •�s �..t '., yy.����y�'�)�tTM RY s� ���1,�, ���y��7�� •-a Y:LIG.i.' Y . ".0 ��t.RT�.� M� a �.i�. �� 'v?a L {art,. { \}�,� =, , ? .��1t1r P�.:• similar occupation. Requires an active BTR from 1\fiami-Dade County within the previous two 'rears for each person. Each person. 189 Flowers, Cut. Applies to Wholesale Flower Dealers on]y. 99.00 3200 Food, Retail (not a Restaurant). Such as sandMches, peanut butter rackers, potato chips, hard boiled eggs. eic. Requires Registration rn the Florida Department of Agriculture. When sold or seared in an lace other than in a dining room; cafe, cafeteria or restaurant; as deftN by City of Miami Zoning Ordinance, with seating capacity: of to exceed ten seats. 27.00 Nr each additional seat over ten. 2.00 1910 Franchise Xroker and/or Dealer. Selling or leasing of Business 99.00 Franchise. R uires license from DBPR. 1920 Freight Fom,a iug and Claims Bureau. Alone or in connection 99.00 with any other bu ' ass. Engaged in furnishing shipping information, acting or agent f freight and cargo shipments and collecting transportation claims. 1930 Funeral Home andJor uneral Director. Also covers crematories 296.00 and direct disposal es"!' tints. Requires license from the DBPR for the Director and the A separate BTR is required for Embalmers. 1950 Game room. Additionally, eac coin-operated machine requires its 1 99.00 own BTR Sticker. 1960 Gas company. Alone or in connectio with any other business. Covers 2,324.00 liquefied, natural or manufactured gas a etail or wholesale. 1970 Golf driving range or course. X 99.00 1980 Grocery, retail. Requires license from th Florida Department of Agriculture. When the average value of stoc of goods carried is as follows_ Not exceeding $1,000,00. 27.00 Each additional $1;000.00 or fraction thereo . 6,00 2000 Gun ranges, target cabinet or similar facilities. lone or in 236.00 connection with_apy other business. 2010 Gymnasium only. Not a health club or studio. Addit\red 99.00 required for masseur or masseuse when permitted by Citi Ordinance. If membership -type Gym, Registration with tf Florida Department of Agriculture is required for new al BTR. 2020 Halls or Banquet Rooms for hire. Not a dancehall. Registratio 99.00 from the Florida Department of Agriculture is required for new and renewal BTR. 2030 Handwriting Analyst. 1 00 2040 Healing Art -Ma uetic. 99. City of Miami Page 19 of 34 File id: 10-00739 (Version 2) Printed on: 7MO10 L 0 SUBSTITUTED * 'i?�� z DE '�IOiy�A11 'c.► �1. ;1-�..'..� 37��1.7):}iarr ...=..'d�l;c: lri WSIr...r.:}F .. eR. —..A+r./.+:.+•= 20 0 Health Studio or Health Club, each location. if membership-tz,pe 99.00 Club.. Registration from the Florida Department of Agriculture is required for new and renewal BTR - 206 Health Testing Service (lab related). Requires License from the 131.00 DOH, 2060 earing Aid Specialist. Requires Licenses from DBPR. 99.00 2070 iXticopter Service. Each Helicopter. 99.00 207 Ho a Healthcare Agency. License from ARCA required. 116,00 2080 Hom'hpathic or Drugless Physician. Requires License from DOH. 116.00 2090 riums, Medical Centers and similar institutions Hospit\same. 296.00 privatelyand operated for a profit. This BTR Aril] be requiree is more than one health care professional working for the Requires License from ARCA for locations where invasivs are conducted. 2100 Hotel or Motel, uires License from DBPR. A hotel BTR does not permit a dining roo rithout a restaurant BTR. Tax based on number of rooms, not including athrooms, kitchens or closets, as follows: Not exceeding tenAQoms. 27.00 More than ten room or each additional room. 2.00 2110 Hotel Service Re resentativ 236.00 2120 Hypnotherapist. DOH Licensrequired in one of the following 116.00 categories: medicine, surgery, sychiatry, dentistry, osteopathic medicine, chiropractic, naturopath, iatry, chiropody, or optometry. 2160 Ice Cream Retail. Applies only when is the main business activity. 67.00 Requires License from the Florida DeparOkVnt of Agriculture. 2130 Ice Distributors. Does not apply to Ice M factrrrers, who engage in the distribution or sale of ice, either by 4, commission or bonus agreement, buying ice direct for resale and usinkks or vehicles not owned by the manufacturer: Not exceeding two vehicles. 27.00 More than two, not exceeding four vehicles. 46.00 More than four, not exceeding seven vehicles. 68.00 Each additional vehiclef 9.00 2140 t Ice Manufacturers. Ice Manufacturers are permitted t\daiton 6.00 wholesale or retail from their factory platforms, to distribute r from vehicles owned or leased by the manufacturer. For each of capacity. 2150 Ice, Retail Dealers. Applies only when it i.s main business activity. 99.00 2170 Immigration and Naturalization Services. Alone or in connection99.00 with ther business includingpassport or visa services. an o 2180 Import and Export Business.' 1 00 2190 Inspection Services. Alone or in connection with any other business. 99. City of MiI Page 20 of 34 File id: 10.00738 (Version 2) Prirnled On: 7W0i0 SUBSTITUTED * t�iwµ � .?° 4required State License when activity requires State of Florida licensing. 2 Installation Services (non contractor & non rug). 108.00 219 2200 Insurance Adjusters. Requires License from the Florida Department 99.00 f Financial Services. Covers provision for insurance adjusters applies t those who hold themselves out as independent contractors, and not to employee of licensed company whose business is limited to adjus g claims of his employer. 2210 Insuraa Agency, General Agency, or Brokerage. Requires License the Florida Department of Financial Services. One erson. 68.00 For e7kh additional person working for the agency who is 9.00 licensed by the Nrida Department of Financial Services. 2220 Insurance Agent NSolicitor. Traveling, soliciting insurance of any 99.00 End. Does not a y to those working for an Insurance Agency, General Agency or Requires License from the Florida \kerage. Department of Financiarvices. 2230 Insurance Companies N es or Associations. Requires License 483.00 from the Florida Department Financial Services, 2240 Interior Decorator or DesigneInterior decorator means any person 236.00 who for compensation plans theangement of furnishings for any building. Such person may also oper e as a mercantile broker r"'ithout obtaininga mercantile broker license. quires License from DBPR- 3350 Investment Banker. Not working in ca ty of Securities Broker. 320.00 2250 Jai -Alai or Pelota, per day. Conducting mons for exhibition, for 12.00 each day such fronton is actually operated fo e exhibition of jai alai or pelota under the License granted by the to Division of Pari - Mutual Wagering of the DBPR. 2260 Janitorial Services. 108.00 2270 Jewelers; Professional or Diamond Cuiters. 99.00 2280 Jewelry and Watch Repair. If only hand tools are used: Not exceeding two persons. 27.00 More than two, not exceeding five persons. 42.00 More than five persons. 68.00 2285 Jewelry and Watch Repair. If any power tools are used: Not exceeding five persons. 68.00 Not more than five, not exceeding ten persons.. 135.00 More than ten, not exceeding 15persons. 67.00 More than 15 persons. 0.00 2230 Key Duplicating Machines. Alone or in connection with any other 23. business. Manually or power operated, which require a key from City o/ Miami Page 21 of 34 File !d. 10-00739 (Version 2) Printed Qrr; 7/8/2010 \ SUBSTITUTED City of Miamf Fage 22 of 34 File !d: 10.00739 (Version 2) Fr6ntad On: 7/8/2070 ILI -s which to produce a duplicate. Not applicable to Locksmiths. Each. 2 0 Laboratory Includes chemical, medical, optical x-ray or others. Does not include dental. See "Dental laboratory.' Requires License from the ARCA. Operated entirely by hand workers, employing persons, including ers d operators: Not exceeding two persons. 27.00 ore than two, not exceeding five persons_. 42.00 e than five persons. 68.00 2310 Laborato eludes chemical, medical, optical x-ray or others, Does not include talNb% See `Dental laboratory." Requires License from ARCA. Operaone or more power machines, employing persons, including ownd operators: Not exceedin ive persons. 68.00 More than five, t exceeding ten persons. 135.00 More than ten, not\Xceeding 15 persons. 267.00 More than 15, not ex eding 25 persons. 400.00 More than 25 persons. 533.00 2320 Land Development and Sales Npany. 99.00 2340 Landscaping. Includes designing, ' stallation, planting and care of 215.00 trees and grounds. 2350 Land Surveyor. Requires License from BPR. 116,00 1290 Laundry and/or Dry Cleaning Agency, Retail, as defined by the 99.00 Certificate of Use issued by the City of Mi k's Zoning Department. Where articles are received for laundry or dryeasing and no work is done on the remises, 1270 Laundry, PIant, Retail, as defined by the Certific ofUse issued by the City of Miami's Zoning Department. Persons wh etf rm laundry work for their own individual customers, but not for o er persons or businesses shall pay in accordance with the following chedule of taxes: Not exceeding five persons. 68.00 More than five, not exceeding ten persons. 135.00 More than ten, not exceeding 15 persons. 267.00 More than 15, not exceeding 25 persons. 400.00 More than 25 persons. 533.00 1260 Laundry and/or Dry Cleaning plant, Wholesale, as defined by the 76.00 Certificate of Use issued by the City of Miami's Zoning Department, Persons engaged in the laundry and/or dry cleaning business who perform work for any other persons or businesses. Includes diaper, su linen, towel and uniform ply service. City of Miamf Fage 22 of 34 File !d: 10.00739 (Version 2) Fr6ntad On: 7/8/2070 ILI SU BSTITUTED city of Miami Page 23 of 34 File Ili 10-00739 (Version 2) Printed On: 7WO10 N 11 .: R JENTN 1280 Laundry; Dry Cleaning, Retail, as defined by the Certificate of Use 215,00 issued by the City of Miami's Zoning Depanment. Persons engaged in such business, who shall perform dry cleani laundering, pressing or dyeing work for their own individual customers, but not for other persons or businesses. 2360 Las�'n Maintenance Business. Permits grass cutting and minor yard 99.00 rk. 2380 Lo Agent, loans secured by Real Estate. Requires State of Florida 215.00 Lice from the Department of Financial Sen ices. The BTR required hereon for making loans secured by real estate is not to apply to bankers. ch agent. 2370 Loan Age , unsecured or personal property. 1Ntegotiating unsecured to or loans secured by personal property, where the 480.00 personal prope is not taken into possession by the lender. Where personal property ' taken into possession, a Secondhand Dealer's BTR is required, equires State of Florida license from the Department of Firuarici Senices. 2390 Locksmiths and Tool G ' ders-By Hand. Requires Registration with Miami- Dade County Cksumer Services Department. Operated entirely by hand Workers wi ut power machinery, including owners and a operators: Not exceeding two persi 21 00 More than two, not exceedin ve persons. 42.00 More than five persons. 63.00 2400 Locksmiths and Tool Grinders -Power ois. Requires Registration with Miami -Dade County Consumer Ser& Department. Where one or more power machines are used not include power tool sharpeners), em toying persons, including ovine and operators: Not exceeding five persons, 68.00 More than five, not exceeding ten persons. 135.00 More than ten, not -exceeding 15 persons'. 267:00 More than 15 persons. 400.00 2410 Lumberyard. Merchants or dealers operating a lumberyar\quan'es in connection with any other business requires a merchants for any stock other than lumber, lath, or shingles. In the ap this BTR, where lumber, lath or shingles are accumulated ifor export shipment, or for any other purpose, succi lumb shingles so accumulated shall be considered as stock carried by the agent for which a lumber yard BTR shall be required. The lumberyard BTR tax is based on the average stock of lumber carried as follows: Not exceeding -200,000 feet, board measure. 13 XO More than 200,000, not exceeding 500,000 feet, board 267.0 measure. city of Miami Page 23 of 34 File Ili 10-00739 (Version 2) Printed On: 7WO10 SUBSTITUTED 101, y¢ 34. - More than 500._000 feet. board measure. 400.00 0760 Manicurist. Requires License from DBPR. 13.00 20 Manufacturers — Operator By Hand Workers, Each person engaged in the business of manufacturing or similar process where goods are sold at wholesale. When operated entirely by hard workers, employing persons, including oxr,ners and operators: More than two persons. 27.00 More than two, not exceeding five persons. 42.00 More than five persons. 68.00 2430 - Operator Power Machines. Each person engaged Manu\'ness in thef manufacturing or similar process where goods are sold a. When one or more pmi,er machines (not to include powerners) are used, employing persons, including owners and o Not exceeAg five persons. 68.00 More than Liv of exceeding ten persons. 135.00 More than ten, n exceeding l5persons. 267.00 More than 15, not exceeding 25 persons. 400.00 More than 25 persoA 533.00 Where manufactured goodssold at retail, a merchant retail BTR is also required. 2440 Manufacturer's Representative.es not permit a stock of goods for 215.00 which a merchants retail or whole e BTR would be required and represents only one manufacture an r supplier. When dealing in Medical Equipment, a License from AH is required. 2450 Marriage and Family Therapist. Re uires icense from DBPR. 116.00 2460 Massage establishment or similar business occupation. Requires 99.00 License from DBPR. 2465 Massage Therapist. Requires License from DBPR. 99.00 2480._ Mental Health Counselor.Re wires License from D R, 116.00 2490 Mercautile Broker. A Mercantile Broker BTR does no ermit a stock 291.00 of goods for which an additional BTR is required as pro 'ded herein. Broker in this classification paragraph is defined as one who uys from or represents more than one manufacturer, producer or oth seller, who does not carry stock on hand, and who sells to the 3 ber, wholesaler, retailer or others acting as intermediary between buye d seller for the consideration of a brokerage fee or commission fro either the buyer or seller. Each person handling materials and supplies or other goods, wares or merchandise, alone or in connection with any other business provided that merchants retail or wholesale dealers paying BTR fees, totaling $100.00 or more are permitted to do a mercantile brokerage business without additional BTR. When dealing City of Miami Page 24 of 34 File Id.- 10-00739 (Version 2) Printed On: 7/8/2010 SUBSTITUTED "•F } s' BTt,' 3tf�ORiC"N'T r' 1 13' F.1l-i3` �ry� ({'!n�,.R+SC'JJ?- - -AW.: 1•�7 I7�..' >�° in Medical E uipment, a License from ANCA is required. 500 Merchants, Retail. (Except those businesses specifically listed_) When the average vali)e of mercharAse carried, including merchandise on consignment is as follows (for businesses that have both; retail and wholesale; the inventory amount used for both BTR. will not be a percenta2e there of—same inventory for both BTR's): Not exceeding $1,000.00 of merchandise. 63,00 More than $1,000.00, for each additional $1,000.00 or 6.00 fracti at part thereof. 2510 Merck ts, VL'holesale, Distributors or Jobbers. bar=ing inventory amounts s follows (for businesses that have both, retail and ventory amount used for both BTR, mill not be a who] esale;\th"Of­sarne percentage inventory for both BTR's): Not exkdin g $10,000.00 of merchandise. 135.00 More than 10,000.00 not exceeding $25,000.00. 200.00 More than $X000.00 not exceeding $50,000.00. 267.00 More than$50, 0.00not exceeding $100,000.00. 400.00 More than $1 00,qv.00. 533.00 2520 Merchants, Wholesale, se ' g outside city limits without place of 135.00 business. Nothing herein sha be construed to affect the producer of farm and grove products where e same are being offered for sale or sold by the farmer or grower prod g theroducts. 2530 Mihir. Distributing, alone or in coction with any other business, utilizingdelivery vehicles as follows: Not exceeding two vehicles. X 27.00 More than two, not exceeding four Iles. 55.00 More than four vehicles. 68.00 3335 Mortgage Broker. Requires State of Flori License from the 116.00 2535 Department of Financial Services. 3345 Mortgage Broker.Business. Requires State.of Flo a License from 116.00 2536 the Department of Financial Services, 2540 Motion Picture or Television Production Com an . 99.00 05I0 Motorcycle Agencies and Dealers. Requires License from 99.00 2560 Music Service. Businesses furnishing background music. chides 99.00 installation of music systems. 2570 News Dealers. (Except drugstores.) Permitting the sale of bo s, magazines, periodicals and newspapers. Not permitting the sale merchandise for which Merchant Retail BTR is required. Not exceeding $500,00. 27.00 More than $500.00. .00 25$0 News Service Companies. Providing news to newspapers, television, 9 . 0 radio stations or others. City of Miaml Page 25 of 34 File td.' 10-00739 (Version 2) Printed On: 7/8/2010 \ SUBSTITUTED }� �=�GO�liE,}� ��: ,r .�4'. �" s �* l��eT' i` ; '>-a��"�'.73i?i ' _ '^. ��#+�-� r•'ad'��"��. ��- ' � 1L:-."�, w�+hr',:'a.?'y �.:�I�l:�K�M.k�fi�� ..*`�� t--nT�,r ice_ vP,•...a '�YTv-., � • L: , •- s�- ,L: � .:s"-.- 0 Non-Motorized Vehicle for Hire. As regulated in chapter 57 of the 99.00 X City Code, 26 Nurse. Requires License from DOH. 99.00 116.00 2610 .Nursing home, Requires License from ARCA. 99.00 2620 krsina, home administrator. Requires License from DBPR. 116.00 2630 OcNppational therapist. Requires License from DOH. 116.00 2640 Opti ' n. Requires License from DOH. 116.00 2650 Optoa� 1st. Requires License from DOH. 116.00 2660 Osteopatk physician. Re uires License from DOH. 1)6.00 3780 business, or exhibition, substantial, fixed or Other BT\eTned 99.00 temporary, n by any person whether in a building or tent, or upon the stnt lot or anywhere in the open air in the city, not herein s ecsignated, shall pay a BTR. 2670 Packers & Shippe Any person taking orders for the shipment of 99.00 fruit, nuts, crystal caa s or dried or candied fruits, coconut lamps or any other coconut or fruit ovelties. 2680 Packers And Shippers; FiX Fruit, Vegetables or Produce. A BTR 99.00 for packers or shippers of fish, ruit, vegetables or produce is required of persons engaged in buying, king, selling, shipping or soliciting on consignment, shipments of h, fruit, vegetables or produce; provided that this BTR shall not e required where packers and shippers are located in their own ckinghouse, for which the packinghouse BTR fee has been paid_ 2690 Packinghouse. When operated entirely b and workers, employing persons, including owners and operators: Ea person engaged in the business where goods are sold at wholesale, Not exceeding two persons. X 27.00 More than two, not exceeding five persons. 42.00 More than five persons, 68.00 2700 Packinghouse. When one or more power machines (n to include power tool sharpeners) are used employing persons, inclu g owners and operators: Not exceeding five persons 68.00 More than five, not exceeding ten persons 135.00 More than ten, not exceeding 15_persons 267.00 More than 15, not exceeding 25 persons X 400.00 More than 25 persons "33.00 Where goods are sold at retail and wholesale, a packinghouse and a merchant's retail license is required. 3560 Paging and Beeper Service, Includes paging and beepers or any 99.0 mobile radio, telephone or portable communication service. Does not City o1 Miami Page 26 of 34 File !d. 10-00733 (Version 2) Prnted On: 7/8/2010 SUBSTITUTED L City of Miami Page 27 of 34 Fide !d: 10-00739 (Version 2) Prinied On: 71812010 .C4-Ame'.0 13F CR1 #' TlON TID ,moi , *;� ;iRA-�"�.,:Fk':!�^' apply to cellular phone company owned stores. 20 Paralegals. 116.00 0 Paramedic. Requires License from DOH. 116.00 2 74N Parcel Deliver and/or Messenger Service. 38.00 2760 Peddlers, Confection. As regulated in Chapter 39 of City of A6ami 58.00 Code. 2761 ddiers, Confection Stand. Candy, ice cream, popcorn, or peanuts, 58.00 on a Streets, As regulated in Chapter 39 of City of Miami Code. 2762 PeddXrs, Confection Vehicle. As regulated in Chapter 39 of City of 99.00 Miami Npdc. Each Vehicle. 2770 Peddlers, Teat or Fish from motor driven or other vehicles. 99.00 Requires Ristration with the Florida Department of Agriculture. As regulated in pter 39 of City of Miami Code. Each Vehicle. 2780 Peddlers, Frui Vegetables and Produce. Requires Registration 99.00 with the Floridaartment of Agriculture. As regulated in Chapter 39 of City of Miami ode Each vehicle or stand: 2790 Peddlers, Rubber B oras. As regulated in Chapter 34 of City of 16.00 Miami Code. 2800 Peddlers on Foot, Merch dise. As regulated in Chapter 39 of City 436.00 of Miami Code. 2810 Peddlers by Vehicle, Merch dise. As regulated in Chapter 39 of 473.00 City of Miami Code. Each vehicl 2820 Peddlers on Foot, Food. As regulain Chapter 39 of City of Miami 436,00 Code. Requires State of Florida ease from either DBPR or Department of Aculture. 2830 Peddlers by Vebicle, Food. As regulate in Chapter 39 of City of 473.00 Miami Code. Requires State of Florida LiceAke from either the DBPR or Department of Agriculture. Each vehicle. 2840 Peddlers, Wholesale. Traveling stores or ven s of food- (Not to 630.00 apply to peddlers or vendors otherwise provided r in the schedule, selling at retail). As regulated in Chapter 39 of Ci f Miami Code. Each vehicle. 0770 Pedicurist. Requires License from DBPR. 13-00 2850 Pest Control Business. Requires Registration from Florida 198.00 Department of Agriculture prior to issuance of BTR for eac ovation also for new and renewal of BTR. License is not transferable in ding change of ownersh , name or address. 2860 Pet Grooming or Styling Salon. X 99.00 2870 Photoen ravers and Similar Professions. X 99.00 2880 Photographer or Photo Finisher. Alone or in connection with any 99.00 other business. As regulated in Chapter 41 of the City Code. Does not permit the selling of cameras and photographic supplies without L City of Miami Page 27 of 34 Fide !d: 10-00739 (Version 2) Prinied On: 71812010 SUBSTITUTED L "I ;moi �'L .�•1��7� "C�1W�." "Y+�+.`{Ei<G'_. .�--_"��S I-J�1l�J� 4J ��� I � fY � �_ __ Merchant Retail BTR. 28 Photo Studios. As regulated in Chapter 41 of the Cite Code. 99.00 2900 Photo Transient, Itinerant, Canvassing or Soliciting. 320.00 2910 NPhysical Therapist. Requires License from'DOH. 11600 2920 hysicians, Surgeons, Medical Doctors Requires License from DOH_ 116.00 2930 P iatrist. Requires License from DOH. 116.00 2940 Poll raph Operator. Requires License from the Florida Department 116.00 of Sta 2960 Popeorlachines or Stands. Applies only -%vhen it is main business 99.00 activity. 2970 Printing anor publishing company. Employing persons, including owners and o tors: Not exceNng five persons. 68.00 More than Xe, not exceeding ten persons. 135.00 267.00 More than ten, of exceeding 15persons- More than 15, n exceeding 25 powers. 400.00 More than 25er- s. 533.00 2980 Private Club. Alone or in ection with any other business activity. 296.00 Private club is defined as an association, partnership, firm or any other incorporated or unincorp ted business entity or any kind of club which excludes the general p is from its premises. 2990 Private Investigative Agency, State Florida License required from the De artment of State, 99.00 3000 Produce Commission Merchant orholesale Dealer. Produce 215.00 packers and shippers. See "Packers and shi _rs." 3014 Produce, Retail Dealer. Requires Regis on from the Florida 99.00 I?e artxnent of Agriculture. 3020 Professional Association, Firms, Companies artnerships, and 116.00 Corporations. This classification is separate fromclassification of attorneys at -law;- seer "Attorneys at- law. Including; t not limited, professional corporations defined in F.S, § 621.03(2), amended. A professional associations or corporations BTR shall be p �d for only one location. Requires State of Florida licensed Professional. 3040 Professionals, Other Professions not specifically list . The 116.00 Professional License from the State of Florida roust be pre nted before issuance. 3050 Promoter Entertainment, Parades, and similar events. Not cover N 99.00 elsewhere. The event requires the applicable BTR or pennit, L 3060 Property Management Service. Does not apply to Real Estate Firms,99.00 Brokers and/ Agents. License from DBPR required when applicable. 3070 Psychologist. Requires State of Florida License from the DOH. 11 0 2501 Pushcart—Merchant Retail. 63.0 city o€Miami Page 28 of 34 File Id 10-00739 (Version 2) Printed On: 718t201 1 i -I SUBSTITUTED x:yVVJJj X`� hFk 1°. lJ11�J.}^�� ' rl .,r�-.("� 3480 Racing, Dog Track: Persons conducting. for each day races are 58.00 conducted under license granted by the Florida State Racing v Commission each day. License from DBPR required. 309 Racing Pamphlets: Displaying. selling or offering for sale sheets, 533..00 papers or arra filets predicting outcome of horse or dog races - 3115a] Estate Appraiser. Requires License from DBPR. 68.00 99.00 3110 Re Estate Broker This applies to the qualifying Broker of the Firm. Requ es License from DBPR. 9.00 3123 Real E to Broker Business. Requires License from DBPR. 68.00 3I00 Real Esta Sales Person. Requires License from DBPR. This applies 9.00 to those lice ed by the DBPR in the capacity of sale person. 3130 Recording S ios, Audio and Visual. 99.00 3140 Rental and Lea 'ng Business. Does not apply to automobiles or Real 296.00 Property. Person property of all types. For automobiles see automobiles rental d leasing business. When dealing in Medical Equipment, a License m ARCA is required. 3150 Repair Service or MaNne Shop. Alone or in connection with any other business. Handwor rs, operat%ng entirely without power machinery or tools emplAing persons, including owners and operators: Not exceeding Mo person 27.00 More than two, not exceedin fve persons. 42.00 More than five persons. x 68.00 3160 Repair Service or Machine Shop. Ao or in connection with any other business. Power machines or powerls, operating one or more- ore machines, machines, power tool sharpeners are not incl ed. Employing persons, including owners and o erators: Not exceeding five 2ersons. 68.00 More than five, not exceeding ten persons. N135.00 More than ten, not exceeding 15 ersons. 267.00 More than 15, not exceeding 25 persons. 400.00 Permitted to carry a stock of parts to be used only in mg repairs in the shop. If any portion of said stock is sold in any other inner, a merchant's license is required. 3170 Research Companies or Services. 108.00 3180 Respiratory Therapists. Requires License from DOH. 116.00 3190-01 Restaurants. Every person engaged in the business of operating restaurant whether operated in conjunction with some other line of business or not, shall pay a BTR based on the number of people for which he has seats or accommodations for the service or consumption of food at an time, in accordance with the following schedule City of Miami Page 29 of 34 File id: 10-00739 (Version 2) Panted On: 71W20?0 SUBSTITUTED �¢t': R.`+"=!'°'b°'3 �.�1frf'R. Li�l1(.. 15w.s .at,+�,��:^.:.fJ11�..1♦� :.!n _3*.1?4re+4'�-•.-:"] !'_4l`i/-`T4C.. 4h.. R [ �Ti. �"A,�• Y Requires License from DBPR: 0-10 seats. 27.00 More than 10 seats. each seat, 2.00 Restaurants that share tables and chairs with the other restaurants in a common eating area and/or do not ourn such tables and chairs will be a BTR by dividing the number of chairs by the number of Csassessed taurants in accordance Ath the above schedule. 3210 R it Installment Sales Contracts and Revolving Accounts, Alone 320.00 or i connection with any other business. Requires State of Florida Licens rom Department of Financial Services. 3220 Rinks. Aller Skating, ice Skating and similar activities. 108,00 3230 Roominguses, License from the DBPR is required if five or more rooms, In de rinining the number of rooms in any building used as a rooming house, my bedrooms, sleeping quarters or sleeping porches are to be counte , f which two rooms may be exempt, when used by owner or operator: More than tuT of exceeding five rooms. 15.00 More than five, Xt exceeding ten rooms. 27.00 More than ten., for ftch additional room. 2.00 Does not permit serving meNk without boardinghouse license. 3240 School; Private, Adult, open ed for prnP`it. This license applies 99.00 where all students are 17 years o ge or older. The only requirement for this license is a current certifca of use. License from any higher level Governmental A envy required en ap licable. 3250 School; Private School or Nursery, for profit. Requires 131.00 State of Florida license from the DeparChildren and Families \erated and license from State of Florida DOHs served, for new and renewal. 3260 School; Private School or Nursery, nonproRequires State of 6.00 Florida License from the Department of Childre andFamilies and License from DOH, if food is served, for new and newal BTR. A school or nursery operated by a duly established churc or a nonprofit corporation duly charted under the laws of the state all not be required to pay the usual tax for such BTR, but in lieu the of shall a m the suof $2.00 $6.00 annually. 3270 Second Dealers, Automobiles and other Motorized ire 'cies. 320.00 Requires License from DMV. 3280 Secondhand Dealers, Jewelry or Precious Metals. This license o320.00 allows the buying, selling and trading of used jewelry and oche precious metals. 3290 Secondhand Dealers, used Merchandise. 0.00 3300 Secretarial Services. 9 0 City of Miami Page 30 of 34 File A 10-00739 (Version 2) Pi `nted On: 7M,7010 SUBSTITUTED city of Miami Page 31 of 34 File Id: 10-00739 (Version 2) Printed on: 7/8/2010 f,.,...'T1 ;�' r, .4yY FF.IiLQa�J-l�,a-=u.'xYi,\ „��"�^Y'itia�F= ��i ..� "`G'i�c1.°'°1:'" 3360 Security Guards, Patrol Agency or Watchman. Principal or employer. State License required from the Department of Agriculture. Ten additional employees or guards. 68.00 Each additional employee over ten. 1.00 3370 Shoe Repair Shop and/or- Agents. Alone or in connection `,ith any 6700 ther business. 3380 S eshine Stand. Alone or in connection ",ith any other business. 10.00 3390 Ski are Services. Stock over $1,000.00 requires merchant's license. 99.00 Requi License from DBPR. 1955 Slot MaNine. Each machine. 250.00 3400 Small Loa Companies. Requires State of Florida License from the 480.00 Department dXFinmcial Services. 3410 Social Worker. squires License from DBPR. 116.00 3440 Special Events- e 'bition and sale, per day, 1-50 spaces. 58.00 3442 Special Events: ex tion and sale, per day 51-100 spaces. 116.00 3444 Special Events: exhibi ' n and sale, per day Over 101 spaces. 173.00 3450 Special Events. When d in a facility ovmed and operated by the 30.00 City of Miami where a fee s been charged for the use of the facility; These taxes are due and a a prior to the event occurring, Per day 1---50 spaces. 3452 owned and operated by the Special Events. When held in a\pn'to 58.00 City of Miami where a fee has beed for the use of the facility; These taxes are due and a able the event occurring. Per day51--100 spaces. 3454 Special Events. When held in a facility ked and operated by the 87.00 City of Miami where a fee has been charged Xthe use of the facility; These taxes are due and a able prior to the evs occurring. Over 101 spaces. 3460 Special Events: Concerts and other similar activi S. 9900 3470 Sorts From oter and/on- Professional S orts.Or a ation. Up to 3,000 seats. 183.00 From 3,000 to 5,000 seats. 457.00 Over 5,000 seats. 881.00 3480 Stevedores, Contracting._67.00 3310 Stock/ Securities Brokers. Alone or in connection with any er 420.00 business, 3320 Stock! Security Deaiers. Alone or in connection with any other 420.00 business. 3500 Storage Warehouses: Not exceeding 5,000 square feet. 6$. 0 More than 5,000, not exceeding 10,000 square feet. 123. city of Miami Page 31 of 34 File Id: 10-00739 (Version 2) Printed on: 7/8/2010 SUBSTITUTED co-A�rBTR.,�= �Y'J/'a More than 10,000, not exceeding 15;000 square feet. 200.00 More than 15,000, not exceeding 25.000 square feet. 267.00 More than 25.000. not exceeding 50;000 square feet. 400.00 More than 50.000 square feet. 533-00 3490 Studios for Teaching (not dance studios). 99.00 ;510 upper Clubs. If Liquor is served, a current and valid License from PR is required for new and renewal BTR's_ In addition; a tedand notarized affidavit is required for new and renewal NTR 1,328.00 3320 Tax R orting Permits, Tax Preparation. Does not apply to BTR Codes: "X40," "0030" &. "0020." 99.00 3530 Taxid ermisX Each taxidermist. 116.00 3540 Teacher. 116.00 3570 Telegraph Sero e. Includes telegraph, telegram or teletypewriter service. 667.00 3580 Telephone Service. 534.00 3590 Tbeater or playhouse,XI types. includes motion picture theaters. 285.00 In addition, per seat. 1.00 3600 Ticket Broker. Each agent. 330.00 3610 Ticket Office. This license ap es to carriers who sell directly to the public. 99.00 3620 Trading Stamp Company or demption Center. Any person conducting. 667.00 0600 Trailer park, Recreational Vehicle Pak Tourist Park or Camp. Not exceedin five spaces. N27.00 More than five, not exceeding 15 spa s. 55.00 More than 15, not exceeding 25 spaces. 68.00 More than 25 spaces, for each additional s cc. 2.00 3630 Transportation of Freight or General Hauling. .Not exceeding one vehicle. 27.00 - More than one, not exceeding three vehicles. 55.00 More than three, not exceeding five vehicles. 82.00 More than five, not exceeding ten vehicles. 133.00 More than ten vehicles. 200.00 3650 Travel Bureaus. Requires State of Florida Registration Nrn Department of Agriculture for new and renewal BTR. No travel bure license shall be transferable. 336.00 3660 Translation Services. 99.00 3670 Tree Surgeon. Requires Certification from International Society of00 Arboriculture. 3680 Upholstery Repair Services. RecoverinF and repairing. If automobile, 99.0 City of Miami Page 32 of 34 File !d: 10-00734 (Version 2) Printed On: 7/8/201 SUBSTITUTED �9w.`� ,F { c iJ •�+ x .- sr'� ` �La 'y r. 7�7'�•1�J { k ideas c �S'wl+rk r �i.S ' J requires Registration from the Florida Department of Azriculnire. \690 Veterinarian. Requires License from DPBR. 116.00 0 Veterinary Establisbment, Kennel or Hospital. Requires License 99.00 from DPBR. 3710 1rideotape Duplication Service. 99.00 3720 Video, Tele -vision, High Fidelity li3tercornm:unication and other 108.00 miler systems. Alone or in connection with any other business. P lou installation and service. Merchant's retail BTR is required for StoC 3730 WasAfollection, Commercial. As regulated in section 22-46 et seq 268.00 of theCode. No BTR shall be issued until the applicant furnishes the luinatNae. epartment with a permit to operate from the Department of Solid 3740 Water Manu turers. Manufacturers of aerated or distilled, drinking water. Permute *o distribute without distributor's license. Employing persons, including umers and operators: Not exceedin fl,e persons. 68.00 More than five, of exceedin ten persons. 135.00 More than ten peklas. 267.00 3750 Water Distributors. Dist ' utors of bottled, aerated, distilled or mineral, drinking water. Utili vehicles, as follows: Not exceeding two vehi s. 99,00 More than two, not exceedhjg four vehicles. 213,00 More than four vehicles. X 241.00 3760 Window or Glass Tinting. Alone or ' connection with any other 99.00 business. 3770 1 Window or House CleaningCom arr . X 1 40.00 Section 4. If any section, part of a section, paragraph, cl se, phrase or word of this Ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this Ordinan7V shall not be affected. Section 5. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30)s after final reading and adoption thereof.{2} APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: JULIE 0 RU CITY ATTORNEY City of Miami Page 33 or 34 File !d: 10-00739 (Version 2) Primed an: 7WOi SUBSTITUTED {1)Wordsland or figures stricken through shall be deleted, Underscored words and/or figures hall be added, The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain Unchanged. Asterisk �ndicate omitted and unchanged material. (2) This rdinance shall become effective as specified herein unless vetoed by the Mayor within ten day from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Ordinance, it shall become e dive immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission or upon the effective date ated herein, whichever is later. City of Miami Page 34 of 34 File id: 10-00739 (Version 2) Printed On: