HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII. Tab 3. Site Utility Study■ April, 2010 Site Utility Study The Villages Apartments MAJOR USE SPECIAL, PERMIT (MUSP) Miami, Florida Prepared for The Village Miami, LTD 8500 NW 25th Avenue Miami Florida 33147 Prepared by: Kimley-Dorn and Associates, Inc. 1691 Michigan Avenue Suite 400 Miami, Florida 33139 Kimley-Horn �� and Associates, Inc. April, 2010 Site Utility Study The Villages Apartments MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT (MUSP) Miami, Florida Prepared for The Village Miami, LTD 8500 NW 25th Avenue Miami Florida 33147 Prepared by: Mmle_y-Horn-and_As.s_oci 1691 Michigan Avenue Suite 400 Miami, Florida 33139 The Villages Apartments Site Utility Study TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. SITE LOCATION MAP 3 III. SITE DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT 4 IV. WATER DISTRIBUTION AND FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 5 V. SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYTEM 6 VI, SOLID WASTE GENERATION 9 I he Villages Apartments Site Utility Study APPENDICES APPENDIX"A"............................................................................................... AERIAL MAPS APPENDIX"B»......................................................................................................... SURVEY APPENDIX"C"..................................................... PRELIMINARY DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS APPENDIX "D" ............................................ APPENDIX "E" ............................ APPENDIX 'T .. ........................................... ....... MAPS MDWASD WATER AND SEWER ATLAS PUMP STATION MONTHLY INFORMATION The Villages Apartments i Site Utility Study I. INTRODUCTION The Villages Apartments is a proposed 547 unit residential development located on an approximately 10.425 acre property at 890 N.W. 69th Street and 6886 N.W. 7th Avenue in the City of Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida (see Site Location Map -Fig l). The site comprises of two (2) land parcels which are bisected by the 50 -foot right-of-way of N.W. 68th Street/N.W. 7th Court. For the purpose of this development, the existing parcels will be combined and the existing right-of-way vacated to accommodate the proposed improvements The Villages Apartments shall be constructed in three (3) phases, together making up the East Village and the West Village. At build -out, the proposed residential development shall consist of: six (6) multi -family buildings ranging from seven (7) to twelve (12) stories, one (1) single -story club house building, a pool, playground and associated parking facilities to serve the development. Permits for any site work must be obtained from the City of Miami Public Works Department and the City of Miami Building Department. Proposed stormwater management improvements and right-of-way improvements will require approval from the City of Miami Public Works Department, Miaini-Dade County Department of Enviromnental Resources Management (DERM) Water Control Section, and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). Proposed water distribution and sanitary sewer utility improvements will require approval from the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (MDWASD), Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM), Florida Department of Enviromnental Protection (FDEP), the City of Miami Fire Department, and the State of Florida Department of Health. 1 he Villages Apartments Site Utility Study Table 1 Project Summary ; The Villages Apartments Site Utility Study II. SITE LOCATION MAP Figure 1: Site Location Map NW 79 H ST z C ¢ v JNW NW 78TH ST 77TH TE z Q ti a PROJECT LOCATION NW 71ST ST NW 71 T T < a NW 70' x o HTE �- 3 y z W 69TH ST z 3 HTE Z z NW 66TH ST Z H ST N ST P, ST NW 65TH ST " NW 64TH ST NW 64TH ST NW 63RD ST L0 63RD ST — 3 z NW 62ND Z 62ND a NW61STST M1 NW 60TH ST z z NW ST 60T H ST NW 59TH ST > v ST TE z NW SBTH TE Z x a r z 3 I x z The Villages Apartments Site Utility Study III. SITE DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT A. Existing Drainage System According to the survey from Schwebke Shiskin & Associates, Inc. no stormwater management system currently exists on the subject site. The catch basins do however exist, within the rights-of-way abutting the property and along the existing N.W. 68th Street/N.W. 7th Court roadway which bisects Parcels 1 and 2. A copy of the survey has been provided in Appendix `B" for reference. B. Proposed Drainage System The drainage system for the proposed development may consist of catch basins and exfiltration trenches to facilitate onsite disposal of storm water runoff. The 5 -year, 24- hour design storm event will be used to design the storm water management system, in accordance with Section D-4, "Water Control", of Part 2 of the Miami -Dade County Public Works Manual. Based on preliminary estimates, it is anticipated that approximately 825 LF of exfiltration trench will provide sufficient capacity to dispose of the design 5 -year 24-hour stormwater runoff generated by the proposed development. The preliminary estimate is based upon conceptual drainage calculations prepared for the subject site. This estimate may vary substantially upon execution of a more detailed drainage system analysis. The preliminary drainage calculations have been provided in Appendix "C" of this report. The final drainage design for the project should be in conformance with the requirements of the Miarni-Dade County DERM Water Control Section, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and other local, state and federal regulatory agencies having -.---jurisdiction over the project. C. Flood Criteria The proposed project site grade elevations will be designed to meet floodplain management criteria according to Federal, State, Miami -Dade County and City of Miami standards as follows: The subject property is located in PANEL 304 of COMMUNITY -PANEL NUMBER 12086C0304L of the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). According to the National Flood Insurance Program, the property is located within Flood Zone AH, which has a flood plain elevation of 11. The Villages Apartments Site Utility Study The flood insurance rate map for the subject property has been included in Appendix "D". ii. Miami -Dade County Flood Criteria elevation is estimated to be 7.0 -feet NGVD. This will be used to detennine proposed minimum site grade elevations. Please refer to Appendix "D-2" for a copy of the County Flood Criteria map. iii. The average October ground water table elevation is estimated to be 3.0 - feet NGVD. This will be used as the control water elevation for stormwater management calculations (Source: Miami -Dade County Public Works Manual, Volume II Design Standard Detail WC 2-2). See Appendix "D- 3" for the Miami -Dade County Average 1999 October Water Table Map. IV. WATER DISTRIBUTION AND FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS The water mains owned and operated by the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (MDWASD) in the vicinity of the project is shown in the Table 2 below. Table 2: Existing Water Mains (Per MDWASD Water Atlas Sheets) Location N.W. 69 Street I N.W. 10 Avenue and N.W. 7 Avenue 1 6", 60" N.W. 67 Street I N.W. 10 Avenue and N.W. 7 Avenue 1 30", 36" N.W. 10 Avenue l N.W. 67 Street and N.W. 69 Street 1 245, 60" N.W. 68 Street I N.W. 10 Avenue and N.W. 69 Street 1 4" Per the MDWASD water atlas sheet (G-10) provided by the MDWASD, 6 -inch and 60 - inch water mains front the property along N.W. 69th Street. An 8 -inch water main is located along N.W. 7th Avenue between N.W. 67th Street and N.W. 69th Street, 30 -inch and 36" inch water mains are located on N.W. 67th Street between N.W. 10th Avenue and The Villages Apartments Site Utility Study N.W. 7th Avenue. 24 -inch and 60 -inch water mains are located on N.W. 10th Avenue between N.W. 67th Street and N.W. 69th Street and a 4 -inch water main bisects the property along N.W. 68th Street connecting N.W. 10th Avenue and N.W. 69th Street. The existing 4 -inch water main within N.W. 68th Street will need to be removed or abandoned in place to accommodate the subject project. A final determination of the points of connection and requirements will not be provided by the MDWASD until Water and Sewer Agreement is requested by the owner. Water service meters would need to be purchased by the owner and installed by the MDWASD officials. See Appendix "E" for a copy of the MDWASD water atlas sheet for the project area. The Fire Code (NFPA) requires fire hydrants be located no more than 300 feet (drivable distance) from proposed buildings or structures, and that there be no more than 300 feet between hydrants along the frontage of a property, as measured along the water main. As such, the City of Miami Fire Department may request additional fire hydrants be placed in the vicinity of the subject project. Additionally, fire hydrants must be located within 150 feet of each proposed building's fire department (Siamese) connection. The fire department connections to serve any proposed structures must also be located at the front of the building. V. SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM Table 3 depicts the sanitary sewer mains owned and operated by the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (MDWASD) within the vicinity of the project. Table 3 Existing Sewer Mains MDWASD Sewer Atlas N.W. 69 Street N.W. 10 Avenue and N.W. 7 Avenue 10" Gravity N.W. 7 Avenue N.W. 67 Street and N.W. 69 Street 8" & 10" Gravity N.W. 67 Street N.W. 10 Avenue and N.W. 7 Avenue 10" Gravity N.W. 10 Avenue N.W. 67 Street and N.W. 69 Street 12" Gravity N.W. 68 Street N.W. 10 Avenue and N.W. 69 Street 10" Gravity The Villages Apartments Site Utility Study A copy of the MDWASD sanitary sewer atlas for the subject area has been provided in Appendix "E". It is probable that the existing 10 -inch and 12 -inch gravity sewer mains adjacent to the proposed development will have sufficient capacity to accommodate the proposed development. However, this cannot be verified until a downstream analysis of the existing 10 -inch and 12 -inch gravity lines are completed. The existing 10 -inch gravity sewer main within N.W. 68th Street will need to be removed or abandoned in place to accommodate the subject project. Further coordination with MDWASD will be required in order to determine if any services are currently connected to this main. MDWASD may require upgrades to the existing sanitary sewer system, but this and other requirements, cannot be determined without a request for a Water and Sewer Agreement. MDWASD Pump Station # 30-0072 received the flows from these mains. As of 04/14/2010 this pump station is operating at an average yearly NAPOT of 4.33 hours which is 46% of its design capacity. Therefore, a new sanitary sewer pump station or upgrades to said pump station may not be required for the proposed development. A final determination regarding the status of the existing transmission system and the need for possible improvements will not be made until construction plans are submitted to the Miami -Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM) Wastewater Section and a Sanitary Sewage System Capacity Certification Letter is issued. Please refer to Appendix "F" for Pump Station Monthly Information. 7'he Villages Apartments Site Utility Study Table 4: Estimated Water and Sewer Flow Generation (Per MDWASD Schedule of Daily Rates) Phase I East Village - Building A Residential Apartments 70 units 200 gpd/unit 14,000 East Village — Building B Residential Apartments 80 units 200 gpd/unit 16,000 Clubhouse 3,080 sf 10 gpd/100 sf 30,308 Anticipated Phase I Flow Demand 30,36 Phase II West Village — Building C Residential Apartments 100 200 gpd/unit 20,000 West Village — Building D Residential Apartments 72 200 gpd/unit 14,400 Anticipated Phase II Flow Demand 34,40 Phase III West Village — Building E Residential Apartments 112 200 gpd/unit 22,400 West Village — Buildin F Residential Apartments 140 200 gpd/unit 28,000 Anticipated Phase III Flow Demand 50,40 Total Development Flow Demand at Build -out 1 1 The Villages Apartments Site Utility Study VI. SOLID WASTE GENERATION Solid waste generated by this project will be collected in standard onsite containers for refuse and recyclables. Regular pick-up service will be provided either by private hauling companies and/or by the City of Miami Solid Waste Department, who will transport the waste to Miami -Dade County's or private disposal and recycling facilities. The volumes of solid waste projected to be generated by the project are shown in Table 5. Table 5 Solid Waste Generation 49.7 56.8 3.88 110.38 71 51.12 122.12 79.52 99.4 178.92 411.42 East Village - Building A Residential Apartments 70 units 0.71 East Village — BuildingB Residential Apartments 80 units 0.71 Clubhouse 3,080 sf 0.00126 Anticipated Phase I Flow Demand Phase II West Village — Building C Residential Apartments 100 0.71 West Village — Bui-ldi_n- D Residential A - artments 72 0.71 -- --- Anticipated Phase II Flow Demand Phase III West Village — Building E Residential Apartments 112 0.71 West Village — Building F Residential Apartments 140 0.71 Anticipated Phase III Flow Demand Total Development Flow Demand at Build -out 49.7 56.8 3.88 110.38 71 51.12 122.12 79.52 99.4 178.92 411.42 The Villages Apartments Site Utility Study Appendix "A" Aerial Maps The Tillages Apartments Site Utility Study WA AERIAL MAP SCALE -1:150 .NlMI Nn F tla.. :A - BifliLII �d�7Mt- aaata THE VILLAGES APARTMENTS „„r� m„�,, p atFiilmR n^ ttoo now tRn i]ta PRMff Na A - MIAMI, FLORIDA nwo lana-af rAo_ao-nt�a The Villages Apartments Site utility Study Appendix "B" Survey The Villages Apartments Site Utility Study WWI Aaal%R&ftdX M. RIMI BCL MR M. M'I, 10 / Yk) MAK% A• NOl A PARE - OILr" m a rAcsrl 'u' i. @ @ (r.a as, rv, as os.rt) a .•1111! III11Ii VIII lilll llw Illi �I 1 6 M Nle Illi 111 AAS M MIII'' 1� k R ,Q Y•.sA6�s)i'��j:I a'••tlix mJ C00U I'3'68Ivj. JAY 14,��$�3 Lei. y5 In Ll 11 ON 4 ' F,. t4 jG� w M? 4§a�I aRia a4 ogtp9g oD Lei. r1r The Villages Apartments Site Utility Study a wM err ra !.! n!� w ` " Mrr r w rr rr rr rd r h 13 `..r a , All v, Ao g Ly!9 W. .` 7.-y M 4abe�C 7 l a� 1 kUUyro it�. � s .f �f .L4 "L '�� A �'" G. ,� A. :4 - 1� � r•5 'ry iY ? n W lop - je. w4v". L �`` +. A A tar$Ywl iG3'.ANfJ.C.SVN(illgGih'): �22 i6d, t51. :9 R^..RAS trta toy lkL jExavan ( Cj _ u mwv{� ixSa--------- 1. W 7 !h A_V E.p sa fanm ➢�i n. if i �z ■ "ii =.x.r•.Ltweii4Tt■ -(ii7 lot p...ar{sa..TlJ'j�a..a).sJ.O..la.cax41. new rrn +;t3Jill II;ij}l[i}pSIaI$} { ' ; �— F 6G g 4 r_ L $ e Wk - Of f M x1' X_ a §a uta gg rj a5?5 7 r 001 P o The Villages Apartments Site Utility Study Appendix "C" Preliminary Drainage Calculations The Villages Apartments Site Utility Study MW ardti%a08imk. proposed lowest Inlat elevation /Maxim um possible stage /control elevation - Average grade= Design High Water Elevation= Depth of trench _- Top of Trench Elevation Pipe Invert Elevation Trench Pottorn Elevation s It, a Unsaturated trench depth a H2UN Y'A NCA Du DEPTH D$ MUMOM 4. AMCIAMA INC. 1491 ISMOAN AYUNU4, SU116406 ANAtg USACH FLORIDA 33 NO Ile Villages Apartments City of Nihind, Flodd+t 10.5 It (Control elevation govern) 10.5 ft 3 NGVD(OctoberWater Table Elevation) 15 N. prom existing grade) 8.5 It NGVD 6 it NGVD -6.5 It NGVD 5.5 it Flt_t_ M�NI_MUM`' pIPE COVER PIPE 1 NCHES _) PERFORATED 1NIMUM PIPE DIAMETER COARSE ROCK IE INCHES PIPE BF -0 MtN IMUM TRENCH WIDTW rY sr� AR [u+nv�tow T 101 01 [LLY. p CONTROL >' i Ib g �'4 n, I STRUCTURE unnaarAx. rxwG, raxran¢vr� PERCOLATION TEST MQ Op SED EXFiL_•T 710N TRENC (rkr eA,Le1MaaT:�:a.CJtnelOnT•onnut 6 E401.000 Trema R ,00 M-4 foraredPIP.) 'Wta Average. trench width .D a Diameterof perforated pipe = 1 The design high woterelevatlon and the control elevation. are within the eggtegatomedla, Therefore, I, - Total exhltration rate per foot of trench, cfs/LF For 15•ftdeep exhltration trench: F+. 2ktodv(d„/2+d,)+2ktsd dl (Per/'auottnn 2.m6 o/theFDOT•DISrrict 6.Dj7ftration Treacti 'Kra- HydraultcConduativity at 10 it depth- ka a Hydraulie Conductivity at 15 it depth III depth of trench to 16 It (from grade)depth, In It a d, depth of 10.15 toot satratum, typically 5 it a d_s; Hvd-die head nn F.rll,mflnn trwncha 7.5 It head head The Villages Apartments Site Utility Study d. m depth of lho unsaturated zone= 5.5 ft as = depth ofahosnunated zone= 4.50 It Et= total expiration rateperffeltreach(Cafculatedl- 0.0296 CIWLF ,. _ ,'4aEt, tocoltxytmtionroteparlpaftrenth(Oa370nJ.= - ., � •.. .- 00796_rJi{lF , IMAv. ra/NkIgAtO&O.t iA�rT/ Ts= Tline to generate one infill of runoff plus ilia ante of cancentration, lntnntes T,. + Tr Tr• = Time to generate P of runoff, utinutes or (,2940 F-0 Ili/ (308;5c -Gas jo.5805+F'o`)) fear Fnauflnn:a.2;I:af ilia rUOr•rh'atrld 6Fxf+hmttanlfenrnneferanreAFAnua{.lAnua+ylml8•Vnl.7.U3J (:= Weighted runoff coefficient Pervious Area (AIIJ= 2.BG3 ac Impervious Area (A2)= J.Sti2 ac TotalAtea (A3)= 10.425 ac Runoff caeffeclantPerviaus(CO _ Runoff cooffaclant Imparvtous{C2) r 0.3 (19 A ioteiTrankhiy Area =C%A3• - ad Where F =10 -year storm -frequency, T,. - 12,81 mios T, = Time of concentration or Oma to reach L inlet = 50 mins toT)= ttme,ropederateone1"mio(runoJfphrsdrerimeeJmncenuatlar= 67.ei m7n3 . Using DERM Equation for Water Quallty: Where: L - y (5+W t,TJ :(Por fnunnnn3.34 oj1Aa FDP%D'strlU6Fnjirtrelian 7naKh NeJuianteMo+wo47neaety1008•.yar.1,03J V- Required slormwater qualityvolonio, fe =00C IAT, 1= RainfaRlntonsity, Inches par hour 908,5 e 48.0,1 +T,(i15895:+F"' +) a 350 irchrs/hr �;� m !f,Poll tf)tY fnrhas pNhgtk _ - , �:SI) lr iheY%he'_'s > -.-�c .... irnd r4gti(rcdltohrrWahrpualRf7vaArftrc V oaw � • ; S T �f0631ti R ... „.G... .., a92 AcR Required length per DERM,le 819 It The Villages Apartments Site Utility Study a)First Inchof8un•offvolume from the developed project -(Total Area'1')/12 (Ac -ft) 0.87 Ac -ft b) Total runOIf of 2,5 limasarea s2.5 x hof hgperviout'Jalal arca. (Ae•nl 1.58 Ac -ft 51nse t(t(sAreak)ncOptmerlal:one dteYohlmere4uliedtobotreated,V,,, {e, 258 AJf ' Sa,:Wahtr(ivaliry Volumn,V gwiA. .28,92 Ac -In Requlredlengthrer5FWMD:if Us>Duor WV 211 L= V KI211iDN•A„ f211aDi)F11.39x1V:)WDu If Ds<,Du anti W a 2H V L NIZH1W+2H,Dv. D�'*2H=D,)+.(1,39 x ILWJWD„ Where, Hr= Dopthfromcontrol elevationto:DHW, In ftl 7.5 ft Ue Depth Unsaturated lone, in it 5.5.ft D,� Depth saturated zone, In It 9.S W -Average bench wldlh; In it 4 Requirodlonglhper SFWMD,.1, 412 Jt Conduslon Required providedTroetment Summary volunlaltl volume til (Ac -ft) (Ac•rt) E%111tratfon ti58 Required providedLROIJUI(ad lranchlength Facrorofsafaty, E%gltration Froviedvraturquallty Addltionaltndtnnato Regulating ExhltatlonWith no (F.S.) trenchlonglh volume ]to treated with F.S. Agendes trench Factor of provided it' With Factor (Ac•ft) .(Ac.ft) length(F.1) safety fit) ofsafety(ft) DERM 819 1.00 819 2.34 -0.02 SFWMD 825 412 2,W 824 1458 0.00 Conduslon Required providedTroetment Treatment volunlaltl volume til (Ac -ft) (Ac•rt) 1.58 ti58 (1) As per 11 Florida -Department of Transportation- District 6,.ExRltation trench Manuel. January 20OW, section 4. 1, 5 F MDrequires,F.S. 2 and DERM .does not mantinn the value. Howeverthe I lydraullc Conducl(vlly, was taken half of average, thaVs why DERM's F.S. was taken 1. (2) if the add)tfonnI Storage Volumo from DERM > SFWMD, than req orad treaunentvaltoo hoot been taken form DERM or vice versa. 13) If.tho-addit(OnalitOrage Volume from DERM >SFWMD,. then nroviod troatemant value will he taken form DERM OR VISO vers a. The Villages Apartments Site Utility Study Appendix "D" Maps The Villages Apartments Site Utility Study M fL g LL, NN R M1 EL MOW {avYgg N The Villages Apartments Site Utility Study MIAMI DADE COUNTY alzz�, AVERAGE 1999 OCTOBER WATERTABLE !c ST A -.-I Ft)g AVERAGE OCTOBER GROUNDWATER DEPTH se .otic NTS I F UAIE SKU mm „® PMEOT NO, THE VILMIAMILAGE, FLORIDAS APARTMENTS D -3 I he Villages Apartments Site Utility Study Appendix "E" MDWASD Water and Sewer Atlas The Villages Apartments Site Utility Study The Villages Apartments Site utility Study .-w-m ....-r..-,w-m---�--�•--.� �y'.w-r,...w---w-".-.�.-.r--.,._... .. ...,« ...---••... .. T - 497 } 436 NW7, 490 r aT j 429 nuP meq y ,12 1,1 NW 7, 81 � 32T 9003pT 3, I I 560 .50 .. y .3, 27 70 376/ s NW � -, i `'� + ..7 ,. 1 399, _ :.----mm�0- Y r10� 10, 4--10' --a ••• -4 424, , 889 4366 439 + 446 441 4M1x ,..� .•' 4i4 3897 11610 999 1 -"---� a0 501" � l r +'ROd j 28 a. 01 , NW bb 8T 37 d MA 29 NNJ DU 4 f _.._+,... 10 + 301A '367 adtl, 99R aa6 •• 074 ,. 690 49P 400 _ a Oki 211,a 89801 l 231 381 NW 00 ST00 AOS �v aa4 a93 8926, m 430 +8 0 1 372 1 , 362 �\ a+44 w 4a4� 30 308A 1, . « NWOM OKA NW bl itl . 4 -to --X 10• 10" yd"z -------- 308 ! a 367367 864 o0R 370 a71 410 400 09 4 rL� ,661 \j "oa, '1 1 ' �r f 62 M �3A03 Rdd r eaa`1 1v- ; 6 �` f 0a12. - ! —. 9 C 32 ------------- ^7 _ 4,9 Nw r sr �r •:1d9 _.._ 9 6 ..... _.�.._.. 394 961 35d _ 5 WAN ' ! 14272 The Villages Apartments Site Utility Study Appendix "F" Pump Station Monthly Information The Villages Apartments Site Utility Study Sanitary Sewer Pump Stations Database Pump Station Monthly Information Pump Station: 30.0072 UNINCORPORATED DADE COUNTY 1400 NW 61 ST Station Category: ET NOTE: All Flows are in D Moratarum: OK OK Section • Tovmshlp • Range: 14 - 53 41 Type: E6 Class:[ Speed; 1� H,P.:Er Peak Factor (last 7.entrles): 2:40 Number of Pumps: 3 2.40 TRANSFER 01272007 Moratorium in effect since: 1272007 Generator: ED Telemetry: 4.:.:J Smock: MY Yearly NAPOT (hrs): 4.33 Reserved Fiowlgpd): 5,823 Projected Napot (bra): 4.62 Used Capacity ("°/a); 40.00 Stn Gross Capacity (gpd); 576,000 Station Reduction Factor: 0.05 6hl Not Cap Codified (gpd): 0 Station Net Capacity (gpd): 489,600 Indicated Flow (gpd); 88,332 21102010 3:05 6.09 Y 3 NEUMAR 03822010 M32010 3,45 6.90 Y 3 NEUMAR 0=020110 92/92009 2.98 5.96 Y 3 NEUMAR 01282010 11242009 2.62 5.23 Y 3 NEUMAR 122e2009 90/142009 3.87 7.73 Y 3 NEUMAR 11252009 9192009 4.22 8.44 Y - 3 NEUMAR 10282009 8/122009 3.48 6.95 Y 3 NEUMAR 09282009 7/88009 8.36 16.71 Y 3 NEUMAR 08242009 ;0/102009 8.30 18.59 Y 3 NEUMAR 07292069 5/132009 2.97 5.93 -Y 3 NEUMAR 06262009 Generated; 4/1412010-04:07PM Pagel oil The Villages Apartments Site Utility Study Kimley-Horn was retained to perform a site utility study and performed only those tasks specifically stated in our scope of services. The Client may use this report as part of its site feasibility assessment, but this report should not be used as the sole basis for the Client's decision making. We endeavored to research site development issues and constraints to the extent practical given the limited scope, budget, and schedule agreed to with the Client. Our assessment is based in large part on information provided to us by others (city staff, DOT staff, Utility Company Representatives, etc.) and therefore is only as accurate and complete as the information provided to us. This report is based on our knowledge as of April 2010. New issues may arise during development because of changes in governmental rules and policy, changed circumstances, or unforeseen conditions. Our assessment is based on the desires of the Client that have been specifically disclosed to us. The Client should do its own due diligence to become comfortable with our findings and to be sure no other significant development issues exist.