HomeMy WebLinkAboutII. Project DescriptionMAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT
Project Description
A. Zoning Ordinance No. 11000
1. Section 1304.2.1
2. Section
3. Section
4. Section
5. Section
Application forms; supplementary materials
General Report
Major Use Special Permit Concept Plan
Development Impact Study
Environmental Study
The Villages Apartments
Project Description
1. Section 1304.1.1 Application forms; supplementary materials
(a) Statements of ownership and control of the proposed
development of activity.
The Disclosure of Ownership and Ownership Affidavit are
provided in Article I.
(b) Statement describing in detail the character and intended use
of the development or activity.
The property is located on a 10.78 (net) acre site occupying the
majority of the block bounded by NW 69th Street to the north, NW
10t Avenue to the west and NW 67th Street to the south. The
property is currently zoned R-4. The intent of the project is to be a
cornerstone for the redevelopment of the surrounding Model City
neighborhood by providing new affordable housing in a well -
articulated design.
The Village (the "Project") will comprise six mid -rise Residential
Buildings (7, 8, 10 and 12 levels) with a total of 574 units, a total of
850 spaces (458 spaces on -grade and 392 parking), a clubhouse
for the residents, expansive landscaping providing multiple
recreational areas for the residents.
The Project is centrally located to multiple public bus routes,
Northwestern High School across the street on NW 10th Avenue,
Thena Crowder Elementary School across the street on NW 67th
Street and the commercial corridor along NW 7th Avenue, allowing
for pedestrian integration with the neighborhood. The Project's
entry drives are accessed from NW 691h Street (in line with the
existing T -intersection with NW 8th Terrace) and NW 67th Street.
Each residential building has a gated pedestrian access to the
public sidewalks of the three surrounding streets as well as entries
facing the landscaped secured on -grade parking which is laid out
to provide shaded pedestrian access to cars. The parking layout
allows for close proximity of parking spaces to each building entry.
The off-street loading areas are located at the corners of the on -
grade parking, adjacent to the residential buildings while discreet
and screened from the street.
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The Project is proposed to be developed in three phases, as per
the following phasing:
• Phase I will consist of the residential Buildings A and B (with
a total of 150 units), at the east end of the site, along with
the clubhouse and outdoor residential amenities (pool,
children's playground and shaded lawns), landscaped on -
grade parking (as per the number required by Article 9, Sec.
917.7.2) and the two street access points, one from NW 69th
Street and the other from NW 67th Street. Refer to Phase
Site Plan A1.00.
• Phase II will consist of two additional residential buildings, C
and D, with a combined 172 units (Phase I and II total 322
units). Additional landscaped on -grade parking is provided
as per the number required by Article 9, Sec. 917.7.2).
Refer to Phase I Site Plan A1.00a.
• Phase III will complete the project with the final two
residential buildings, E and F, with a combined 252 units
(Phases I, II and III have a total of 574 units). Additional
landscaped on -grade parking as well as a two-story parking
garage (with three levels of parking including the roof level)
provide the total number of required parking spaces as per
Article 9, Sec. 917.7.2). Refer to Phase I Site Plan A1.00b.
The six residential buildings that make up the Project are of
alternating heights, from 7 to 12 stories, with articulated facades
and rooftops. Each building has its own circulation (elevators and
stairs) as well as trash collection facilities and laundry rooms. A
centrally located residential clubhouse provides communal and
recreational facilities. In addition there are residential amenites
throughout the site, such as a pool area, children's playground,
shaded lawns for flexible uses and multiple sheltered bicycle
racks. The designs of the buildings are articulated in pian and
elevation to promote a neighborhood friendly scale.
Drawings showing the architectural character and location of the
intended uses are included under Tab 6 of the Supporting
(c) General location map, showing relation of the site or activity
for which special permit is sought to major streets, schools,
existing utilities, shopping areas, important physical features
in and adjoining the project or activity and the like .
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The following exhibits are included with the Major Use Special
Permit Application:
(1) Aerial: Sheet A0.02 provides an aerial photograph of the
surrounding area indicating the Project site.
(2) Area Context Map/Site Aerial: Sheet A0.02 provides and
aerial view of the Project area indicating buildings that
surround the site and their functions.
(3) Location Map: Sheet A0.02 provides an aerial view of the
surrounding street system indicating the Project location.
(d) A site plan containing the title of the project and the names of
the project planner and developer, date, and north arrow and,
based on an exact survey of the property drawn to a scale of
sufficient size to show:
The general information requested is shown on the Site Plans for
Phases I, II and III (A1.00, A1.00a and A1.00b) and Overall
Ground Level Plan (A1.01) provided under Tab 6 of the
Supporting Documents. The Site Plans include the following for
each phase:
(1) Boundaries of the project, any existing streets,
buildings, watercourses, easements and section
The boundaries of the Project and the location of existing
streets and easements are shown on the Survey located
under Tab 5 of the Supporting Documents.
(2) Exact location of all buildings and structures;
The exact location of the existing buildings located on the
property are shown on the Boundary Survey under Tab 5.
The locations of the buildings to be constructed are shown
on the Context Plan Sheet A0.02, Site Plans A1.00,
A1.00a and A1.00b and the Overall Ground Level Plan
Sheet A1.01 located under Tab 6 of the Supporting
(3) Access and traffic flow and how vehicular traffic will
be separated from pedestrian and other types of
Vehicular access for the Project will be from NW 69th
Street and NW 67th Street, with the required parking
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located within the site, not visible from the street. A
detailed analysis of the site access and traffic flow is
provided in the Traffic Impact Analysis located under Tab
2 of the Supporting Documents.
The Project will be accessed by pedestrians from NW
69th Street as well as to each building via secured gates
to the sidewalks of the surrounding three streets (NW 69th
Street, NW 10th Avenue and NW 67th Street), creating a
pedestrian friendly urban environment.
(4) Off-street parking and off-street loading areas;
The Project has landscaped on -grade parking and a
structured parking garage providing a total of 850 spaces,
as shown on Sheet A1.01, provided under Tab 6 of the
Supporting Documents. The parking requirements as per
Article 9, Sec. 917.7.2 are enumerated on the Site Data
Sheet A0.01. The parking is landscaped with a variety of
shade trees and has decorative paving to articulate the
pedestrian access through the parking.
The Zoning Ordinance requires six loading bays, at 12
feet. by 35 feet. The Project provides two (8) loading
bays, at 12 feet. by 35 feet, and 4 (4) at 10 feet by 20 feet,
with the size reduction requested by Class II Permit.
Service areas are shown on the Overall Ground Level
Plan, Sheet A1.01, under Tab 6 of the Supporting
(5) Recreational facilities locations;
The Project includes a one level residential clubhouse,
centrally located for easy access by all residents. It's
facilities include an outdoor pool, children's play area,
party/meeting room, exercise room, library, computer
room, laundry room and management office. In addition
there are landscaped open areas located throughout the
site for the residents use. These facilities are shown on
the Site Plans (A1.00, A1.00a and A1.00b), architectural
floor plan A1.19 and on the Landscape Plans L1-00
through L1-06 inclusive, under Tab 6 of the Supporting
(6) Screens and buffers;
The landscaping for the Project, including along the public
sidewalks, will be primarily shade trees along with shrubs
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and groundcovering, creating a full canopy coverage for
the public and residents as indicated on the Landscape
Plans L1-00 through L1-06 inclusive, located under Tab 6
of the Supporting Documents.
The ground level building service areas and the parking
are screened from public view as shown on the Site Plans
A1.00, A1.00a and A1.00b as well as the north, west and
south elevations A2.01 through A2.07, inclusive and the
enlarged elevations of the street level views A2.10
through A2.15. The tower fapade design is designed to
screen the rooftop building service areas and equipment
from view.
(7) Refuse collections areas;
Waste collection will be provided as a fully enclosed
containerized trash system located within each residential
building so that it is not visible from the street. These
facilities are shown on the Ground Level Plan, Sheet
A1.01, located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents.
(8) Access to utilities and points of utilities hookups;
Access and connections to site utilities are discussed in
the Site Utility Study located under Tab 3 of the
Supporting Documents.
(e) Tabulations of total gross acreage in the project and the
percentages thereof proposed to be devoted to:
(1) The various permitted uses;
Gross acreage: 514,383 SF (11.80 Acres)
Total developable area: 884,739 SF maximum allowed
Residential area: 728,340 SF provided (82%)
Club House area: 3,080 SF provided (0.3% of total)
Green space required: 77,157 SF
Green space provided: 174,135 SF (226%)
(2) Ground coverage by structures
Ground coverage by the structure is 24% of the total
gross lot Area (123,951 square foot total building footprint
compared to 514,383 square foot gross lot area).
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M Tabulation showing the following:
(1) The derivation of numbers of off-street parking and
off-street loading spaces shown in (d) above.
The total number of off-street parking spaces required is 850
spaces as per Article 9, Sec. 917.7.2 for Multi -family projects
located in a Community Revitalization District (CRD); the total
number of spaces provided will be 850. Derivation of the number
of off-street parking is shown on the Site Data and Development
Program, Sheet A0.01, located under Tab 6.
(2) Total project density in dwelling units per acre.
The Project is providing 574 dwelling units, or 53 units per acre,
which is substantially below the maximum density of 150 units per
acre, or 1,617 dwelling units maximum allowable as per the R-4
Zoning Ordinance for the Project.
(g) If common facilities (such as recreation areas of structures,
private streets, common open space, etc.) are to be provided
for the development, statements as to how such common
facilities are to be provided and permanently maintained.
All common facilities provided will be maintained by the Owner.
(h) Storm drainage and sanitary sewerage plans.
Storm drainage, water distribution, waste water and solid waste
generation provisions are discussed in the Site Utility Study
located under Tab 3 of the Supporting Documents.
(i) Architectural definitions for buildings in the development;
exact number of dwelling units, sizes, and types, together
with typical floor plans of each type.
The residential tower consists of a total of 574 units (80 one -
bedroom units, 276 two-bedroom units and 218 three-bedroom
units). Detailed information of all uses are found on Sheet A0.01,
Site Data Sheet, included under Tab 6 of the Supporting
Documents. Typical floor plans for the residential levels are
shown on the Architectural Floor Plans A1.01, A1.02 and A1.10
through A1.20. All drawings are located under Tab 6 of the
Supporting Documents.
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0) Plans for signs, if any.
Signage for the Project will be a tablet -type sign at the entry drives
on NW 69th Street and NW 67th Street. Signage locations are
indicated on the Ground Level Plan A1.01.
(k) Landscaping plan, including types, sizes and locations of
vegetation and decorative shrubbery, and showing
provisions for irrigation and future maintenance.
The landscape plans showing vegetation and hardscape are
found on the Landscape Plans, Sheets L1-00 through L1-06
inclusive and -L5.01 and L5.02. All landscape plans are located
under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents.
(1) Plans for recreation facilities, if any, including location and
general description of buildings for such use.
The Project includes a one level residential clubhouse, centrally
located for easy access by all residents. It's facilities include an
outdoor pool, children's play area, party/meeting room, exercise
room, library, computer room, laundry room and management
office. In addition there are landscaped open areas located
throughout the site for the residents use. These facilities are
shown on the Site Plans (A1.00, A1.00a and A1.00b),
architectural floor plan A1.19 and on the Landscape Plans L1-00
through L1-06 inclusive, under Tab 6 of the Supporting
(m) Such additional data, maps, plans, or statements as may be
required for the particular use or activity involved.
The drawings submitted with this application, which detail the
statistics, floor plans, elevations, renderings and landscaping for
the Project are provided under Tab 6 of the Supporting
(n) Such additional data as the applicant may believe is pertinent
to the proper consideration of the site and development plan.
Elevations and a rendering depicting the architectural character of
the Project are shown on the Building Elevations (Sheets A2.01
through A2.05), Detail Elevations (Sheets A2.10 through A2.16)
and rend erings(Sheet A2.00). All elevations and renderings are
located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents.
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(o) Lighting Concept Narrative
The exterior lighting scheme will be minimal and reinforce and
accent architectural and landscape features as well as signature
elements to create visual interest, enhancing the dynamic quality
of the buildings and landscaping as seen from the street and
surrounding area.
2. Section 1702.2.1 General Report.
(a) Property ownership and beneficial interest within the
boundaries of the area proposed for Major Use Special
Statement of Ownership and beneficial interest within the
boundaries of the area proposed for Major Use Special Permit are
provided in Article I.
(b) The nature of the unified interest or control.
The nature of unified interest or control is indicated in Article I.
(c) Survey of the proposed area showing property lines and
A copy of the Survey is included under Tab 5 of the Supporting
(d) Map of existing features, including streets, alleys, easements,
utilities lines, existing land use, general topography, and
physical features.
The existing site features and utility lines are shown on the
Boundary Survey of the property located under Tab 5. The site
features and the utilities are also described in the Site Utility
Study, located under Tab 3 of the Supporting Documents.
(e) Materials to demonstrate the relationship of the elements
listed in (4) preceding to surrounding area characteristics.
The Drawings Submitted with this Application are located under
Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents.
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(f) Existing zoning and adopted comprehensive plan
designations for the area on and around the lands proposed
for Major Use Special Permit.
The current zoning designation for the property is R-4. The
comprehensive plan future land use designation for the property is
High -Density Multifamily Residential.
3. Section 1702.2.2 Major Use Special Permit Concept Plan.
(a) Relationships of the concept plan to surrounding existing
and proposed future uses, activities, systems, and facilities
(transportation, recreation, view corridors, pedestrian
systems, service systems and similar uses.
Section 1(b) contains a written narrative of the Project outlining
proposed uses, activities and architectural character. This
narrative also contains descriptions of the project's relationship to
traffic, pedestrian movements, and transportation access.
Building elevations, sections and perspectives showing the
proposed materials, vertical profile and height, and orientation to
streets are included in the drawings submitted with this
Application. The list of drawings submitted is found under Tab 6
of the Supporting Documents.
(b) Existing zoning and adopted comprehensive plan principles
and designations.
This project conforms to the R-4 zoning district designations for
this property. The comprehensive plan future land use
designation will conform with the land use designation for this
4. Section 1702.2.3 Developmental Impact Study.
(a) A traffic analysis shall be submitted for an area including the
major intersections to be significantly impacted by the site
and other intersections and/ or corridors specified by the City
or the City's consultant.
The Traffic Impact Analysis is included under Tab 2 of the
Supporting Documents.
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(b) Economic impact data shall be provided, including estimates
for construction costs, construction employment, and
permanent employment and shall demonstrate that the
proposed development is favorable to the economy, public
services, environment and housing supply of the City.
The Economic Impact Study is included under Tab 4 of the
Supporting Documents. See attached Environmental Study
under Tab 4.
(d) A description of proposed energy conservation measures
shall be provided, including only those measures that are
proposed in addition to the minimum requirements in State
Energy Code.
Architecturally, the building envelope will be comprised of glass,
concrete and the roof. Tinted glass will be used throughout the
building to minimize the solar heat load. Electrically, all exterior
and landscape lighting will be controlled by means of time clocks
and photocell switches. Energy saving lamps, ballasts and
fixtures are being considered at cores and public spaces.
(e) Historic Buildings
There are no designated existing historic structures located on the
(f) Environmental Zone
The Property is not located within an environmental preservation
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