HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Presentation-Elvis Cruziviiaml NeignDornooas United Museum of Science in Bicentennial Park ? COMCC Sept. 23, 2010 Welcome Francisco Garcia Barnaby Min INU Z)IUPII ly setback: 12 stories, straight up, against R-1! A flagrant violation of 9 0 7.3.2 voiume f MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAIN GOALS OBJECTIVES POLICIES 0 itg of M iami Plann ing Department 444 SW 2nd Awenue - M iami, IFL 531341 Fehruari 2016 The Miami Comprehensive "f borboad Ran Oras a*pfed as Wdina,Rce ?0544 aq February 4, 1 Mg and bas been amended by the IGdy Gommismn thmugh February 25, 2010. Goal CM -4: Ensure public safety and the protection of property wnhin the Coastal Zone from the threat of hurricanes. What is the intent of that goal? Objective CM -4.3: Minimize the potential for loss of human life and destruction of property from hurricanes in the Coastal High Hazard Area. What is the intent of that objective? Policy CM -4.3. 1: Public expenditures for capital facilities in the Coastal High Hazard area will be limited to those required to elimina of service] deficien to existing LOS [ level cies, maintain adopted LOS standards in non - high hazard areas, improve nurrlcane evacuation time, or reduce the threat to public health and safety from storm events. Objective CI -1.4: Ensure that public capital expenditure within the Coastal Zone does not encourage private development that is subject to significant risk of storm damage. What is the intent of that obj ective? UIJJ :ihl111 Mli 51 The folbwir�g data was extracted from the City of Miami 20&M Capital I nprGvemerrts Program and MultrYear Capital Plan. This data presents the cwt phases, funding sources, and project IIAngs for each of the capital funds elements relevant to the MCNP. This space wBs intenbonally left blank. n Pro.ot Funding $t8tl1e Nurrrmar ANCOWR r I#1 � Pfd FVUi-0a nutlet lei abl.. FYU M Lcgkm Park $Its Fu nls►Ings 6-75865 iS.33C Futwe Future 2 FJzure Lummus Park R.ecreaWn 6ulding F-prnvement rr7 E863 1,0 18,.29 Active Bid 5 Anise MMade gmreeman Doug As Park 31tr improvements 6-7905_ 6C.DDG Future Future 2 FWae Merric Clulsh. Fr750i' 60,909 Fuhrm Flubre 2 pub" Peawrx Park 311e ImpnSrments B-75883 9C13.999 Future Future 2 FUhae Henderson Park la%agan System F-7553_! 31,919 FUhrre FUture 3 F4hae Jose Mart! Park Sport Tui Up; ade3 6-758'35 9 FUtore FUhee _ FUUM Jose Marti Park New Irrbatlor, 6-758?? 2 FUhrre FUhae s FWac Jose Mwd Park Cc ri Upgrade 6-75830 2 FUWT FUhre 3 RAL" Jane Marti Park Recreation 6uldhn d Pumis;hings 6-75900 72.65? Acitre 0orstrLbdiun 3 A tine Manuel Brame Ptxgrormd Cr759% 4ODDO FUMe Fl2 ue 3 FL&ae Manuel Aaame Parking Upgrades &.75906 19413 Fuhrre FUm 3 FUhae Atkan 3quare'N'ater Piaygrornd &.75941 'OOeSfiL Future =_:use -a Future r_na 49ktzk Park PmArarnd Egoament &.75946 15037 Future =_:vie -a FWae 2-e'ra 4rtta Farb Fite --unhhirgs &.75946 6.0}9 F'vtu2 =_:1'e 6 Full" Jega Vista P -wk Court Upgrades &.75947 90099 Fx.ue = 9 FUIIae Wove Park ITgadm LwWsWkV 63ports Turf &75%9 5{ 033 Fku2=_:Je o Fu.hac Mtge&.at curl Upgrades PH III 8-759'70A 5#.715 Future =_:Je 5 Future Mcare Pmrk Zite =untshhrp 6-75771 591 DII FW.rre =_-.JT 5 FLh,e Oakland Grove Park Ftay9,:un] Eauloment E175973 1.5,000 Future Futve 5 FWae 7mr. Park Imgavemmt; 9-75995A 46,UOU Future F}Jilae 5 FWwe Wilms Park "mvemeriz B-75991 2,536,213 Aca.e ?id 5 Actlsr OtpVA* Ptaygmund Upgrade. P-75999 7 FUtUM FUtue II 3." FLhae CArairk- Poll Upgrader, P-75999 9 FUtore FUtue 1,2,3,4,5 Full" Guerra WI -Fast 1-11smric Cl. -Met -"feet cape P-�prwoemeNs F1 -Li 6-79�PD3 i.9a6.359 ActlYe Design 5 Mite Buena Vista Fist Hismrrlc Clshirx - 3ireetrcapc Mpmovemerts Fhi�2 8-79500.4 4,376,6t7 Active Cmrsh'rrdimx } .AtHe Bursa V lrsm East LlpKbnp 6-795CC_ %16.213a0 Attire A&Isci r FYn7�g - ret Un uuseumaf3clence-Ceveiopreenih6lcenRnrdalPark 6-7950•: 2.9m.09C Active Design 2 ACHM "J:eam ar AA-C,,,eiopmW InBlcenterrMai Park 6-795-03 21904,99C .AC -.Y5 Ces gn 2 ACUM 'ode 3 . r tmst+xturr. lmprareanert Fr79=7a 3,006.390 ?cCyt Ces:gn 5 Active 'E - l-pravements &-79509 3,756.000 Active Ce_•pn 2,5 Active - -:e] {r 11 :�L'=CC7 Is or 4] Museum of Science - Development in Bicentennial Park B-78502 2,800,000 Active Museum of Art - Development in Bicentennial Park B-78503 2,800,000Active R_1 as 4'II]P'.94 h51 The fcilowing map ec indicatetleadopted wwal net dec an the 2020 Fwure Land Use . The fdloving maxis include `Fllaineand Coastal High Hazard Area. This space was intenbcnally ` Va�k. Cit of Miami Coastal High Hazard ,areaTF4 Aw ti .5�fl S -i UNRAM ;L Fum tER•ST'SW=i��` SVV 5'TH ST = = — iIN114 7C 66 �pC � f1 11 11-5 1 2 PAIS 81 r + l S Zones `M Coastal High Hazard Area H�I�rer C. -my �c ppppm- 2004 BALLOT QUESTION: Construct And Improve Cultural, Library, And Multicultural Educational Facilities To construct and improve libraries, cultural facilities, and Head Start learning centers for pre- school children to offer multicultural educational opportunities and activities, described in Resolution No. 919-04, adopted July 20, 2004, shall Miami - Dade County issue General Obligation Bonds to pay cost of such projects in a principal amount not exceeding $552,692,000, bearing interest not exceeding maximum legal rate, payable from ad valorem taxes? $275 million in public money is proposed to be used to build two museums in the Coastal High Hazard Zone. Should our tax money be put at risk? The Comp Plan says no. However, the planning dept disagrees, with a 2 -step argument... Policy CM -4.3.5: The City shall consider the use of undeveloped land in the Coastal High Hazard Area for public or private recreational uses and open space. Is Bicentennial Park " undeveloped land" ? Notice " recreational uses and open space" are given equal importance. po 16, Public Parks and Recreation: Both passive and active recreational uses shall be permitted including but not limited to nature trails, interpretive centers, picnic areas, playgrounds, canoe trails and launches, small concession stands, restrooms, gyms, swimming pools, athletic fields, cultural facilities, marine and marina facilities and other facilities supporting passive and active recreational and cultural uses. Note that excerpt makes no mention of the coastal high hazard zone. It's a general statement on recreation in any park. 1. nature trails 2. interpretive centers 3. picnic areas 4. playgrounds 5. canoe trails and launches 6. small concession stands 7. restrooms 8. gyms 9. swimming pools 10. athletic fields 11. cultural facilities 12. marine and marina facilities What is a cultural facility? 71 SL ol .No Ap 1POM SAP !MT@' ffel 'oT.Ahl "m I o"F., T@To, Ah I: Ain I I 11011 Mov el JL . aw NWIPI A ° �. It OFr &L. l r OVA J L J - s .T 1 Z� 1 . • - 4. � _ - 1 l L An open art plaza T � ` . .. . . .................... i i . wk • r. k V" r dn err i a,, 'J� WL p:t4a — = _oG z � F� y is�YtLi7ii111 r M 7mFmO'p i o fooled by semantic arguments. The intent of the Comp Plan is to only allow low cost facilities in the coastal high hazard �7nno Intent is the polestar which guides the interpretation of law. The intent of the Comp Plan is clear; to protect public money and property from hurricanes. What would a reasonably prudent judge decide ? This project is inconsistent with the comprehensive plan and should be denied. P inecrest V. Shidel •The Demolition Heard • `Round The Sta te 7 ��. . -. "• � � � kyr" � - �- �S: 4$ e- �c '%L Oil AIFIR :a 3 Please protect our public money from being destroyed by hurricane or court order. Thank you. INU Z)IUPII ly setback: 12 stories, straight up, against R-1! A flagrant violation of 9 0 7.3.2