HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Packet Submitted by VKBPT during the 9-27-10 Budget HearingAGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM _rti•.,,' FILE ID: D2te!:-08!06/2010 - Requesting Department;-- Virgiria K,y Beach Park Trust Commission Meeting Date: 09/09/2010 District Impacted: 2 Type: X Resolution Ordinance Law Department yp ❑ ❑Emergency Ordinance ❑Discussion item Matter ID No. ❑ Other Subject: Purpose of Item: The Board of Trustees of Virginia Key Beach Park, (the "Trust") request that the City Commission approve the attach resolution requesting the remaining fund balance of $106,307.00 to be loaded for Fiscal Year 2009/2010 . This item is of critical importance to the Trust. The revision is needed to assist Historic Virginia Key Beach Park Trust, and the City of Miami Budget Department with the correct financial information for the formation of Fiscal Year 201012011 budget. Background Information: The Virginia Key Beach Park Trust was created by the Miami City Commission in 2000 to plan, develop, and manage Historic Virginia Key Beach Park for maximum community utilization, enjoyment, and historic expression. Budget Impact Analysis --i-0 � NO rs item � E" CIO this related to revenue? r -- NO Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below. General Account No. - I Special Revenue Account No:' M, CIP Project No: M NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds? Start Up Capital Cost: -+— Maintenance Cost: Total Fiscal Impact:' 1 _.�..I Final Approvals 0 SIGN AND DATE CIP Budget ;W4 / If ruing or receiving capital funds Grants Risk Management Purchasing Dept. Direct Chief City Ma r Page 1 of I RESOLUTION NO. SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC, RECORD FOR ITEM ON y-zro. ..TITLE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE APROPRIATION OF THE REMAINING FUND BALANCE AMOUNT OF $106,307.00 TO THE VIRGINIA KEY BEACH PARK TRUST FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 BUDGET. ..Body WHEREAS, the Virginia Key Beach Park Trust (the "Trust) is a limited instrumentality of the (City")-, and WHEREAS, the Trust requests that the City Commission approves the remaining fund balance of $106,307.00 to be loaded for Fiscal Year 2009/2010 budget, this revision will provide Historic Virginia Key Beach Park Trust, and the City of Miami Budget Department with the correct financial information for the formation of Fiscal Year 2010/2011 budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this section. Section 2. The City of Miami Commission hereby approves the correction of Virginia Key Beach Park Trust FY 2009-2010 fund balance in the amount of $106,307.00 Section 3. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor. {1} APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: JULIE O. BRU CITY ATTORNEY ..Footnote {1} If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of (10) calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the commission. Fund balance loaded at beginning of FY'10: Ending Fund balance on FY'09 CAFR: 324,364,00 539,671.,00 D fi QCT FU nD P1, b nem 215,307.00 difference In fund balance C1cf /-) F Tr—k ,AU D T (109,000.00) Amount of FY'10 projected revenue (appropriated but not recognized) 106,307.00 Remalning approprlatlon to reconcile fund balance plus collected revenue. Loaded In system: Should be, - a 50,000,00 50,000.00 166,520.00 b 57,520.00 (109,000.00) 109,000.00 c 1.09,000.40 - 324,364.00 d 539,671.00 215,307,00 Net difference: 599 884.00 756 191.00 a = Projected Revenue FY'10 b = Revenue collected FY'10 (net of projected at beg)nning of year) c = ProJe�ted revenue at beginning of fiscal year (collected) c€= Endin# Fund Balance FY'09 (beg FY'10) SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM 6k ib ON 910 . SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMaN_� ON�?--,� . Page 1 of 3 !Nieves, Nancy From: Duran, Johnny Sent --7'-- VWdne-sday,-AtigussL 04 –2010 3'47"PM -- -_ : — - -- -_ - - - .. _ ,_ To: Nieves, Nancy Cc: Dziedzic, Mirtha Subject: RE: Remaining 200$-09 Fund Balance allocation after audit (audited financial report) Importance: High Attachments: Fund balance final (after CAFR).pdf Hi Nancy: You will need to go to commission and get a resolution to load the remaining fund balance allocation for fiscal year 2010 similar to the one you did for FY'10 collected revenue. The amount you need to request on the item is $106,307 (please see attached PDF for details) Please review the attached PDF and call me if any questions. Regards, Jam»,, j 7��ti� t. Budget Analyst City of'W..i Office of,Strntegic (F&nning, Budgeting 4�Performance phone: 305416-1562 -'aic 305-416-2150 jduran@miamigov.com From: Nieves, Nancy Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 3:58 PM To: Duran, 3ohnny Subject: RE: Remaining 2008-09 Fund Balance allocation after audit (audited financial report) Hi Johnny, When can this correction to our fund balance be process?