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Exhibit 9-27-10 SUB
05. tip i k`�'1 OYCIIW4. C an 1-9? CITY OF MIAMI GENERAL EMPtd)YEES' ANI) SANITATION E MPI.OYCI-,S' UETIRrME.N'i" I"Ttt)s'r Reduced Amended GESE;Budget Approved by the City Commission September 27, 2010 For the tUcai year ending September 30, 2011 rho following approved bodget represents the 119cal 2011 f1mui(iai requircrueuts necessary to support the ipproximateiy $973 million GE.SE Trust Fund which serves 1,662 active members, 103 inactive menibors, ,975 retirees and 15 deforred vested mombers for a total membership of 3,791 PROPOSED TO GFSS BOARD AT SEPTEM89R 30, 2010, BOARD MEETING QA20IQIW19020102011 Annual n,xi!7nililnhropusad AN NUAIApp,ovodaud0ot201 IAmondod.XLS I G.R. P49Jd010 IWO ARI 201012011 2010/2011 2010/2O11 PRUV1OVS AMENDED REDUCED 011ACIS 2009/201.0 APPROVED pig PROPOSPIT) APPROVED % ()un4T APPROVED BUDGET INCHFASE BUDGE:`r I1UDGFT INCREASE Ct)t)I: 1iC1i3diE:'r 33Y C.t:3ti nOARn -DE:CRFASE) RY G3:St6 A1)ytlNl9'CRA7`OR BY CITY CO t1ri11SSif)N �DZ C RE,A6%� Srrt,ffatrrprfiWage'v 512000 745,242 698,242 -6.31% 698,242 698,242 -6,31%, Roard Members Salaries $11000 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600 Fringe Benefits: Car Allowance 516000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Payroll Tues 521000 74,524 69,82.4 69,824 69,824 12etircmentContributions 522000 132,542 164,490 164,490 164,490 (Assumas one hop sun! puymrn0 Life & Ileahh hisurance 523000 185,244 197,572 197,572 197,572 workers' Compensation 524000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 'fatal Personnel3ervlees $1,166,152 $1;158 728-0.64% $1 158,728 $1,158,728 -0.64% r ,y is vl Investment Custodial/ 531000 $266,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 InvesnnentConsultant 531000 238,860 208,360 208,360 208,360 "Consulting, Aeu)aryY 531000 60,000 65;000 21:51060 205,000' Computer Specialists 531000 95,000 137;000 137,000 137,000 Oiher (haychcx, court reporter, interpreter) 531000 14,100„ 14,100 14,100 Total Professional Services 531000 673,960 674,460 824,460 814,460 l,ebaI Peca 531010 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Medical Advisors end Specialists 531020 0;000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Auditing Services 532000 67,100 67,100 67,100 67,100 'total Professional Services �$90i 060 - _.. $901 56056(1 0,060/a --$-1,041,$6015.59% QA20IQIW19020102011 Annual n,xi!7nililnhropusad AN NUAIApp,ovodaud0ot201 IAmondod.XLS I G.R. P49Jd010 IWO ARI QA201(A0Wq4t201WG11 z 01n, 94441010 120 PA# CITY OF MIAMI GENERAL ENIPLOYEFS'AND SANITATION TRUST' Reduced Amended GESS Budget Approved by the City Commission September 27, 2010 For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2011 PROPOSED TO GOSE BOARD AT SEPTEMBER 30, :10'10, BOARD MEETING 2010/2011 2010/2011 2010/Z011 PREVIOUS AMENDED REDUCED ORACLE 2009/2010 APPROVED % PROPOSED APPROVED % Ommx,r APPROVED HUOGET INCREASE; BUDGET BUI)GET INCRFASE, CODS, BUDGET fJYGV,$El10,UkD_(P�FCREASE) HY(MRADMINISTRATOR 11YCITY CON11"I&STO.'? flmm"ftwsir �iii u 'Travel and Per Diem 540000 $36,000 $33,000 $33,000 $33,000 Communications & Related Services 541000 42,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 (offloo phones, Coll phones, and intmidt) Postage 541100 20,000 25,000 25,0()0 25,000 Printing and Binding .547000 5,000 5,000 $1000 5,000 Printing & Binding - Outsourcing 547100 16,000 15.000 15,000 15,000 (stsai0n0ry, annual reports) Advertising & related costs 548100 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Office Supplies 551000 45,000 15,000 45,000 45,000 Operating Supplies (Notary) 552000 1,200 1,20() 1,200 1,200 Subscriptions, Marnbenships, Licenses 554000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 Total Office & Administrative $177,200 . $!76,200 ..... Insurance & Occu"alley 111surative 545000 Commercial Property & Liability $40,000 840,000 $40,000 $40,000 Fiduciary & Fidelity60,000 60,000 60 000 60,000 Total Insurance 545000 00,000 100,000 1()0,000 706,666- Utility Services (131calricity, water, garbage) 543000 28,000 28,000 28,000 28,000 Rentals & Leases 544000 35,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 546000 338,149 362,775 40,775 3Q,775 Emergency Resurve for hunicano repairs, 546000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 3rd Floor Generator 546000 30,000 0 0 0 Depreciation 559000 4.5,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 *Marl inoxy & Etirlipment 604000 15,000 15,000 315,000 215;000 Tutalinsturarm & Occupancy $606d,19 160$,775(16 S9SIL775 W.5,77532.93% TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS $2,850,661 $2,842,26.3 :0-,2-9-/. 93,341,263 $3,192,263 11,64% ACTUARIAL FUNDING REQUIREMENT .522000 $24,037,03 $35,521,424 -47.78% $35,521,424 $35,521,424 47,78% (Assume one lump sum payment) TOTi'd, BUDGE C' _$26�8�87654 __$38 363,687 42,68% 98,863,687 $38,703,687 43.95% QA201(A0Wq4t201WG11 z 01n, 94441010 120 PA# CITY OF MIAM.1 GENERAL EMPLOYBES' ANT) SANI'T'A'T'ION EMT'1,OYET+;S' laE'1TR15MENT rRt)S`I' Amended CESE Budget Proposed to the City Commission September 27, 2010 For the fiscal year ending; September 30, 2011 The followin approved budget represents the fiscal 2011 financial requirements necessary to support the approxianately 573 million GESE Trust Food which serves 1,662 active members, 103 inactive members, 1,975 retirees an t 15 deferred vested members for sa total membership of 3,755. 0A120101Budgo120,012011 AnnualauugotaANNUAlfpprovadaudgot2oitAmundod.XLS r \ C.R. W10/20106: lPM 201012011 2010/2011 ORACLE 200912010 PREVIOUS aia AM1,N1)Ea) atp in AT'Pla()VI±;Ii APPROVED INCREASE 1*R()1'C)51+,1) 1Nt:`RIASTs CON, BUDGET BU1)t;7ET (L)RCRl+.',ASE BUDGET (DECREASE) I'ersor�m I Sed„,,. vices w �.µ���•• - - S`I'trffSulary & li'oAes00 74.5,242 698,242 -631% 098,242 -6.31% Board Metrtber Snitrries00 21,600 21,600 21,6/00 Fringe 13eneflu. Car Allowance00 6,000 6,000 6,000 payroll Taxos�)() 74;524 609,824 69,824 Retirement Contributions 52200, 132.,542 164,490 164,490 (Assurnu ow Imnp sum paymrnq Life & lleAb Insurance 523000 185,244 197,572 197,572 Workers'Componsation 524000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total Personnel Set -vices $1, 66,152 51,158,728 -0.64% $1,158,728 0.64% Professional Services Investment Custodian 531000 $266,00. $250,000 $250,000 Investment Consultant 531000 238,860 208,360 208,360 *C'onsulting Actuary 531000 60,000 65,000 215;000 Computer Specialists 531000 95,000 137,000 137,000 Other (Paychex, court reporter, kava mer) 531000 14,100 14,100 14,1()0 Total Professional Services 531000 673,960 674,460 824,400 Legal Fees 531010 150,000 150,000 150,000 Medical Advisors said Specialists 531020 10,000 10,000 10,000 Auditing Services 532000 67,100 67,100 67,100 `ictal Professional Services $901,060 m $90 X560 0.06% $1,051,560 1.6.70% 0A120101Budgo120,012011 AnnualauugotaANNUAlfpprovadaudgot2oitAmundod.XLS r \ C.R. W10/20106: lPM TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS $2,850,561 ACTUARIAL FUNDING REQUIREMENT $22000 $24,037,093 $35,521,424 (Assumes om houl) sum payinew) TOTAL BUDGET J$x� 887,(�5�4 $38,363,687 40,29% $3,342,263 17,25% 47.78% 535,521,424 47.78% $38,863,687 44.54% 02010\90902010\2011 Annual Btidgol\ANNUALApp(ovoOOt,,Ioo(201 M,.endadAZ 2 OR, WIV2010 &J f Phi CITY OF MIAMI GENERAL, IEMPLOYERS'Ann SANITATION ENIPI,OYEFS'RBTIIIEMEN'l"I'RIJS'I' Amended GESS Budget Proposed to the City Commission September 27, 20:10 For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2011 201012011 2010/2011 0RACLr,, 2009/2010 VREVIOUS % AMENDED % MOM' APPROVED APPROVED INCREASE PROPOSED INCREASE COM BUDGET' BUDGET(DECREASE) BUDGET (DECREASE Offil & A 1 hxgllw 'lavel andloin I 'r "cl arid lou'Relatod 540000 $36,000 $33,000 $33,000 Collin".11, -atiSil' Services 541000 42,000 40,000 40,000 (offlo, phones, and ijimnel) Postage 541100 20,000 25,000 25,000 Printing and Binding 547000 5,000 5,000 5,000 ci ng llrinting&ffinding-Out. Urcing 547100 16,000 15,000 15,000 (stat allnufli r9pris) Advertising & related costs 548100 5,000 5,000 5,000 Office Supplies 551000 45,000 45,000 45,000 Operating Supplies (Notary) y 552000 1,2()0 1,200 1,200 Subscriptions, Memberships, License 554000 7,000 7,000 7,000 Total Office & Administrative$176,200- ��I 76,2�0O 0.5fi a/o Insurance & Occulnincy Insurance 51-0 545000 Commercial Property & Liability $40,000 $40,000 $40,()()() Fiduciary & Fidelity 60,000 60,000 --2-1000 Total Insurance 545000 1 ))0 '2 100,000 100,00() Utility Services (E'lectrioity, water, garbage 543000 �8"', 0 0 28,000 28,000 Rentals & Leases 5440( )0 15,0 , '0 40,000 40,000 "Repair & Nfainteliance servicei 546000338,139 0 362,775 412,715 Emergency Reserve for hurricane repairs 546000 15,()()() 15,000 15,000 3rd Floor Generator 546000 30,000 0 0 Depreciation 559000 45,000 45,000 45,000 *Machinery &-Equipinerit 66 4000 15,000 15,000 31165 000 Total Insurance & Occupancy $606,149 -0.06% ,$9551775 57.61i;/T TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS $2,850,561 ACTUARIAL FUNDING REQUIREMENT $22000 $24,037,093 $35,521,424 (Assumes om houl) sum payinew) TOTAL BUDGET J$x� 887,(�5�4 $38,363,687 40,29% $3,342,263 17,25% 47.78% 535,521,424 47.78% $38,863,687 44.54% 02010\90902010\2011 Annual Btidgol\ANNUALApp(ovoOOt,,Ioo(201 M,.endadAZ 2 OR, WIV2010 &J f Phi