HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXHIBITOffice of the Attorney General (OAG) Letter of intent for Continuation•of Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Funding 2010-2011 Overview and Form Eligible Applicants: Only those organizations that are currently funded (2009-2010) by the Office of the Attorney General through a VOLA grant may submit a Letter of Intent, Agencies that wish to expand services to additional Judicial circuits must submit a separate application for each judicial circuit, This funding is for the continuation of current awards through which services are provided by subgrantees. Agencies that received funds through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), must submit a separate Letter of Intent for VOCA ARRA funds if continued funding Is requested. Grant Limits: Current subgrantees will be required to submit a budget requesting continuation funding, The OAG anticipates a possible increase in the 2010-2011 Federal VOCA award, With that in mind, subgrantees may also submit a proposed budget that includes an increase In funding of up to 10%above the 2009-2010 award. Deadline: Letters of Intent to continue VOCA funding are due no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 26, 2010, Subgrantees that fall to submit a Letter of Intent and the required continuation budget by the deadline will not be considered for funding, The submission of a proposed budget is optional and must be submitted by the February 26, 2010 deadline in order to be considered. Required documents submitted by fax or e-mail will not be considered. Document List: Letter of Intent—REQUIRED; Continuation Budget—REQUIRED; Proposed Budget -OPTIONAL Name of Agency City of Miami Police Department Address 400 NW 2"d Avenue City Miami Primary Point of Contact Mrs. Mae C, shepherd Phone Number (305) 603-6198 State Florida 2009-2010 VOCA Grant # V09185 Zip Code 33128-1706 E-mail Address Mae.C,Shepherd@Miami-pollce,org Amount ($) 2010 — 2011 Continuation Budget Request (Budget must be attached to be eligible) $'3z,z47,00 2010 -•• 2011 Proposed Budget Request (Budget must be attached to be considered for an increase) $35,471.70 By submitting this Letter of Intent, the City of Miami Police Department commits to contlnuing to provide services to Victims of crime through a VOCA award, We understand that funding through this Letter of Intent process is contingent upon the OAG's VOLA award funded through the U.S, Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime formula grant program. The OAG's• performance and obligation t6 reimburse under an Agreement with the agency is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Florida Legislature, Further, we understan that the submission ofthis Letter of Intent does not guarantee funding, Is not legally binding, and that we are not required o s bmit an application. This Letter of Ince t u be signed by an agency official who Is authorized to enter Into contrac ual agreements. Signature Date Mr, Carlos Migoya City Manager Print Name Title w J �' 0 � 0- 1(irY ? Agency Name: City of Miami Police Department 2010.2011 'VOCA CONTINUATION BUDGET REQUEST - MUST BE EQUAL TO OR LESS THAN THE 2009.2010 AWARD The Budget section Is a list by budget category of proposed costs for the continuation of VOCA funding. The budget categories are, personnel, contractual services, equipment and operating expenses. Budget Summary By Category - provide the subtotal for each budget category for the Total VOCA Budget Request. AmOL111tS must be rounded to the nearest whole dollar. TOTAL VOCA BUDGET REQUEST Personnel $ 32,247 Contractual Services Equipment Operating Expenses TOTAL $ 32,247 REQUIRED MATCH $8,062 2010-2011 Victims of Crime ;Act (VOCA) Letter of Intent (1-01) Forms Grant Awards made for the 2010-2011 grant period are for the continuation of projects funded during the 2009-2010 grant period. Submit the following items: 1. Part 3: Funding Source Chart and Program Staff 2. Part 4: Victims Served and Types of Services 3. Part 7: Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion, Lower Tier Covered Transactions 4. Part 8: VOCA Budget Request reflecting the amount listed in the award letter (itemized. description for each budget category). * Any personnel and contractual expenses funded through the ARRA-VOCA grant in 2009-2010 should be included in the 2010-2011 budget. ** The budget for State Attorney's Offices, should reflect 100% funding for all positions funded through VOCA. *** The budget for Sexual Abuse Treatment Programs must include an amount in the contractual budget at a level equal to o,* greater than the amount funded in 2009-2010 VOCA grant. 5. Part 9: Program Match 6. Program Information Form 7. Job descriptions (with percentages of time listed for each duty) for all positions in the VOCA and/or Match budgets. 8. Supplanting Certification Form: This form must be signed by an agency official who is authorized to enter into contractual agreements. Public agencies only. Submit the forms to your current OAG VOCA Grant Manager by either email, fax or U.S. mail. FAX NUMBER: (850) 487-3013 Using the U.S. Postal Servicer Office of the Attorney General Bureau of Advocacy and Grants Management PL -01, The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399.1050 Using other mail carrier servi ,es such as Federal Express, UPS, etc., please use the Collins Building address: Office of the Attorney General Bureau of Advocacy and Grants Management Collins Building 107 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, FL 32301. Questions? Call the Bureau of Advocacy and Grant Management at (850) 414.3380 Agency Name: City of Miami Police Department PART 3. FUNDING SOURCE CHART AND PROGRAM STAFF In the following table, provide the amount of funding that is allocated to victim services in your agency for the current fiscal year by funding source. Do not report the agency budget unless the entire budget is devoted to victim services. For example, if VOCA funds are awarded to support a victim advocate unit in a prosecutor's office, then report the budget for the victim advocate unit only. Round amounts to the nearest dollar. Include all expenses which are budgeted for the victim services program (Le., personnel costs which include salaries for directors, clerical/support staff, victim advocates, counselors, etc.; training costs; equipment such as computers, fax .machines, printers, copiers, telephones, and furnishings, etc.; operating costs such as utilities, postage, printing, office supplies, travel, counseling supplies, etc.). Contact your agency's finance or budget office for assistance in completing this information. Please note: Do not include in-kind match. Funding Source Current Fiscal Federal Funding (excluding VOLA) *Describe below $ - Current Year VOCA (excluding match), if applicable $ 32,247 State Funds $ Local, Public or Private Funds $ 141,825 Other; (Describe at right) $ - $ 174,072 * For the judicial circuit you are requesting funding with this application *If the applicant agency currently receives federal funding for victim services other than VOCA funds, indicate the source(s) and the use of those funds. (Response is limited to 1000 characters.) NIA. How many victim advocates/ direct service providers, does your agency staff? r 3.00 Of those, how many are you requesting from VOCA? Expressed in full time equivalents (FTE) Of those, how many are you reporting as matching expenses? Expressed in full time equivalents (FTE) 1.00 1.00 Total Number of VOCA project staff (VOCA funded staff + Match staff) 2,00 Agency Name: City of Miami Police Department PART 4. 2010-2011 VICTIMS SERVED AND TYPES OF SERVICES Indicate the number of victims projected to be served by type of victimization: Note: Indicate the number of victims served by VOCA-funded and matching funds through the grant period. Each victim should be counted only once unless there Is a separate instance of victimization. For example, a victim of spouse abuse assault should be counted one time during the grant period unless he/she is victimized as a result of a separate and unrelated crime. At a minimum, the agency will provide services to no less than 90 percent of the total ro'ected victim Population. # of Victims to be Type of Victim Served # of Victims to be Type of Victim Served 10 Child Physical Abuse 5 Survivors of Homicide Victims 10 Child Sexual Abuse 4 Robbery 5 DUI/DWI Crashes 300 Assault 800 Domestic Violence 1 Child Victims of C bercrime 4 Adult Sexual Assault 1 Victims of Child Pornography 5 Elder Abuse 1 Innocent Victims of Gang Violence 2 Adults Molested as Children 0 Other (subtotal from section below) For other types of crimes, Identify and ;est each separately at right. The subtotal of this section will appear above next to 'other." ********** List other types of crimes below 'Assistance Filing Compensation " Claims - Mandatory Requirement 0 Crisis Hotline Counseling 110 Personal Advocacy 0 Shelter/Safehouse 1,200 Indicate the number of victims who are projected to receive the following service (see Definitions on page 7 for description of each service). # of Victims to be Served Type of Service # of Victims to be Type of Service Served 0 Crisis Counseling 0 Criminal Justice Support/Advocacy 1,200 Follow-up Contacts 0 Emergency Financial Assistance 0 Therapy 0 Emergency Legal Advocacy 0 Support Groups 10o rt„ 'Assistance Filing Compensation " Claims - Mandatory Requirement 0 Crisis Hotline Counseling 110 Personal Advocacy 0 Shelter/Safehouse 1,200 Telephone Contacts 1,200 Information and Referral (In -Person) 0 Other (subtotal from section below) For other types of service, Identify and list each separately at right. The subtotal of this section will appear above next to 'other." ********** List other types of services below 1 -01 -AL VICTIM5 SEKVEU: I 1,9481 PART 7. CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT Instructions for Certification 1. By signing and submitting this proposal, the prospective lower tier participant is providing the certification set out below. 2. The certification in this clause is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was entered into. If it Is later determined that the prospective lower tier participant knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government, the department or agency with this transaction originated may pursue available remedies, including suspension and/or debarment. 3. The prospective lower tier participant shall provide immediate written notice to the person to which this proposal is submitted if at any time the prospective lower tier participant learns that Its certification was, erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. 4. The terms "covered transaction," "debarred," "suspended," "ineligible," "lower tier covered transaction," "particlpant," "person," "primary covered transaction," "principal," "proposal," and "voluntarily excluded," as used in this clause, have the meanings set out In the Definitions and Coverage sections of rules implementing Executive Order 12549. 5. The prospective lower tier participant agrees by submitting this proposal that, should the proposed covered transaction be entered into, it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered transaction with a person who is debarred, suspended, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation In this covered transaction, unless authorized by the department or agency with which this transaction originated. 6. The prospective lower tier participant further agrees by submitting this proposal that it will include the clause title "Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion -bower Tier Covered Transactions," without modification, in all lower tier covered transactions and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions. 7. A participant in a covered transaction may rely upon a certification of a prospective participant in a lower tier covered transaction that it is :not debarred, suspended, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from the covered transaction, unless it knows that the certification is erroneous. A participant may decide the method and frequency by which it determines the eligibility of its principals. Each participant may check the Non -procurement twist. 8. Nothing contained in the foregoing shall be construed to require establishment of a system of records in order to render in good faith the certification required by this clause. The knowledge and information of a participant is not required to exceed that which is normally possessed by a prudent person in the ordinary course of business dealings. 9. Except for transactions authorized under paragraph (5) of these Instructions, if a participant In a covered transaction knowingly enters into a lower tier covered transaction with a person who is suspended, debarred, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government, the department or agency with which the transaction originated may pursue available remedies, including suspension and/or debarment. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion Lower Tier Covered trans6Gtlons (Sub -Recipient) This certification is required by the. regulations , implementing Executive ' Order 12549, Debarment and guspenslon,.28 CFR Part 67,510. Participants' responsibilities. The regulations were published as Part'Vil of -the May 26, 1988 Federal Register -(pages 1,9160 B 19211). 1. The prospective lower tier participant certifies, by submission of'the proposal, that neither it, nor its principals are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared Ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal department or agency. .2. Where the prospective lower tier participant Is unable to.certify-to any of the statements in this oertificatlo.n, such prospective participant, shall attach an explanation tothis proposal, Mr. Carlos Mlgoy', City Manager. Name and TilolAuthorized Representative., Signature V pate i Eatof Miami - Name of Organization 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133-5595 Address of Oroanization Agency Name: City of Miami Police Department _ Part 8. 2010.2011 VOCA BUDGET SUMMARY The Budget section is an itemized description by budget category of proposed costs for VOCA funding. The budget categories are; personnel, contractual services, equipment and operating expenses. Provide a detailed (itemized) list and narrative for every budgeted item. See Final Program Guidelines for specific details regarding Allowable and Non -Allowable Costs. Attach additional pages as necessary. To maximize the availability of services to all crime victims, the OAG discourages the use of VOCA funding to provide services that are eligible for payment through the Victim Compensation Program. Justification that demonstrates the effectiveness of any such duplication is required as part of the budget narrative. Failure to submit a justification may result in removal of the budget request. Budget categories must be rounded to the nearest whole dollar (i.e., $8,081.43 $8,081 or $8,081.78 = $8,082). Budget Summary .By Category(- Provide the subtotal for each budget category for the Total VOCA Budget Request. Amounts must be rounded to the nearest whole dollar. TOTAL VOCA BUDGET Personnel $ 32,247 Contractual Services Equipment Operating Expenses TOTAL $ 32,247 REQUIRED MATCH (use this total amount in Part 9 - Match Budget) $8,062 Agency Name: City of Miami Police Department 2010.2011 REVISED Part $. VOCA PERSONNEL BUDGET Provide a job description for all proposed VOCA-funded staff and indicate the percentage of time by each job duty. The job description must reflect VOCA allowable activities that are equal to or greater than the percentage of the position that is VOCA funded. Personnel: Position Total Actual Cost Total Amount Percentage VOCA (from chart below) VOCA Funded 2010-2011 Funded Victim Advocate Temporary P/T $ 32,247.00 $ 32,247.00 100.00% #DIV/01 #DIV/0! #DIV/01 #DIV/01 #DIV/0! #DIV/01 #DIV/01 #DIV/01 Subtotall 1 $ 32,247 Pay schedule (choose one from the drop-down menu), I b! -weekly Complete the table below for each position requested (adding additional pages if necessary). In the explanation section Indicate if the salary/benefit expenses listed include costs that are anticipated during the 12 month period. For example, raises and increases in benefit costs. RATE: A percentage should be indicated for those benefits that are calculated by using a percentage of the gross salary, e.g,, retirement is often calculated in this manner. FR (flat rate) should be indicated for those benefits that are calculated based on a flat rate regardless of salary, e.g., health Insurance Is often calculated in this manner. Position Requested: Victim Advocate Temporary PIT Hours per week 34.452 RATE Employer Cost OAG Staff Use Hourly Rate = $ 18.00 Annual Gross Salary $ 32,247r� n, $ 32,247' N` FICA , FICA 5 Retirement $ - Health Ins, ti= Life Ins.t��;f s Y Dental Ins. Dental Ins, Workers Comp $ Unemployment�� $ (1 st $7K),,,.a n: $ Other (provide below): k}Z� $ explanation $7K) ,s rr_U f, 40 TOTALI $ 32,247 Position Requested: Hours per week = RATE employer Cost OAG Staff Use Hourly Rate = Annual Gross Salary $ n, $ N` FICA , Retirement` 5 Health Ins, NEW Life Ins.`{ging Dental Ins, Workers Comp; $ Unemployment (1st $ $7K) ,s rr_U f, Other (provide explanation below): TOTAL. $ - Explanation (if applicable): Explanation if applicable : According to City of Miami employment guidelines, Part Time Temporary employees do not receive any benefit other than FICA and Medicare. The position is listed as Temporary Part Time., Is this position used as a matching expense? NO Is this position used as a matching expense? YES NO Agency Name: City of Miami. Police Department Part 8.2010-2011 VOCA CONTRACTUAL BUDGET For each contractual service listed, include a description of the service to be provided, the business name of the contractor, the cost per unit of service, and the estimated units of service to be used. Indicate in the narrative section how the number of services requested was determined. Also, give a description of a unit of service, e.g.,, a 60 minute individual therapy session, a 90 minute group therapy session. Attach additional page if needed. EXAMPLE - Budget Narrative/Justification for not billing Victim Compensation: Therapy, Inc.., will be utilized to provide therapy for adult survivors of incest. Typically adult survivors of incest are beyond the filing deadline for Victim Compensation. It is anticipated that this service will be used approximately 10 times during the year. Contractual Services - Contracts for specialized services: Name of Business or Contractor Cost Per Unit of Service Estimated Units of Service Total 1 N/A $ - 2 $ - 3 $ 4 $ - 5 $ Subtotal $ Budget Narrative: 63 Agency Name: City of Miami Police Department Part 8.2010-2011 VOCA EQUIPMENT BUDGET Items included in this section must be furniture and/or equipment costing $1,000 or more. If awarded funds in this category, prior approval is required before,purchasing items. Provide a justification for the equipment purchase requests (refer to the Final Program Guidelines on "Advanced Technologies"). Attach additional pages if needed. EXAMPLE - Narrative Response: The computer will increase the advocate's ability to reach and better serve crime victims. The cost listed above is for a complete computer package which includes the computer, monitor, software and printer. Equipment: Descri tion Number Cost Per Item Total 1 N/A. $ 2 $ - 3 $ 4 $ 5 $ Subtotal Budget Narrative: a Agency Name: City of Miami Police Department Part 8,2010-2011 VOCA OPERATING BUDGET Office supplies such as paper, pencils., toner, printing, books, postage, transportation for victims; monthly service costs for telephone or utilities; staff travel (for direct service to crime victims only), etc. Furniture and equipment costing less than $1,000 should be included in this budget category. In the narrative section, provide a brief description of the operating expenses and note if the cost is pro -rated. Indicate how the number and cost of services reque ted was determined, If the operational expense is based on a monthly average, please note this in the budget narrative. Attach additional page if needed. EXAMPLE- Narrative Response; The Victim Advocate will need monthly telephone service calculated at $20 per month which is representative total agency use for the employee. Average monthly bill is $500 per month. 1 VOCA employee of 25 total employees is equal to 4%. 4% of $500 is equal to $20 per month. Operating Expenses: Description Number Cost Per Item Total 1 N/A. $ - 2 $ - 3 $ - 4 $ - 5 $ 6 $ - 7 $ - 8 $ - Subtotal $ - Budget Narrative: A. 2 3 in 5. Agency Name: City of Miami Police Department 2010-2011 REVISED Part 9. VOCA MATCH BUDGET EXAMPLES- Match Narrative: Our agency utilizes volunteers who provide direct services to crime victims such as intake clerks, clerical (types reports and calls victims) and victim advocates, The agency anticipates using volunteers at the equivalent of 20 hours per week x 52 weeks x $7.25 for a match of $7,540."' Only those agencies with an established volunteer component will be eligible to utilize volunteers as match. The agency rents office space from the Global Company at $14,400 annually and the agency's pro rated portion for office space for volunteers and supervisor of the victim advocate would be approximately 19% (or $234 per month) x 12 months = $2,807. Approximately 5%p of the Victim Advocate Supervisor position will be utilized to provide supervision for the victim advocate position. The supervisor's total salary and benefits equal $32,000. Program Match Description Funding Source Cash or In- May not be derived from kind Federal Dollars Budget Category Match Amount 1 Victim Advocate Supervisor Local CASH Personnel $ 8,062 2 3 4 5 TOTAL $ 8,062 Match Narrative: 1. 2. 3. :1 5 Approximately 18%0 of the Victim Advocate Supervisor position's time will be utilized to provide supervision for the Victim Advocate Temporary P/T position and to the Volunteers. The supervisor's total salary and benefits equal $46,037.00. Agency Name; City of Mianni Police Department 2010-2011 REVISED Part 9. VOCA MATCH BUDGET Match Position: Victim Advocate Su ervisor Hours per week = 40 RATE Employer Cost Reported Hourly Rate = RATE Employer Cost MATCH= Hourly Rate = $ 20.56 $ Annual Gross $ 42,765€�}~-t�r� $ 42,765 $ 7,484 Salary =fi n.' $ $ FICA 3K= 7.65% $ 3,272 $ 573 Retirement $ Health Ins. 3tA ! £i: $ Life Ins, FFtj?3 $ $ Dental ins, ir w $ - $ Workers Comp`�,3a '111'-101- $ $ Unemployment tom }' f� $ $ $ (1 st $7K) 4z: Other (provide $ explanation4n,y below): , TOTALI $ 46,037 1 $ 8,057 Explanation if applicable): is this position VOCA funded? NO Match Position: Hours per week = _ RATE Employer Cost Reported MATCH= Hourly Rate = Annual Gross Salary $ �;,5, r� $ - $ FICAVz`w''`" $ $ Retirement =fi $ $ Health Ins, O'21>` $ - Life Ins. y a: r.� 3'-t '�r.�-�. $ Dental Ins. f �'ry' ' 9°' 3 $ Workers Comp 4• .,=t kg' hY FS ,. a $ $ Unemployment (1 st $7K)� ir w $ - $ Other (provide explanation below): > s ;.. ; � � ;x.�:� $ TOTAL $ - $ Explanation if applicable): : Is this position VOCA funded? YES NO VOCA Program Information Form Instructions Submit the Program Information Form at the beginning of the grant year and thereafter when there is any change in the information provided. Items to Complete: A. Grant No.: Enter the grant number, Provider/Payee: Enter the name of the agency, Agency Website: Enter the agency's website address if applicable, DUNS #: Enter the DUNS number for the agency. Name: Enter the name of the Agency Director, the contact name for inquiries about the Monthly Performance Report, and the contact name for inquiries about the Monthly Invoice. Mailing Address: Enter the mailing address for the contacts listed above (include the 9 digit zip code). Telephone No.: Enter the telephone number for the contacts listed above (include the area code). Fax No.: Enter the fax number for the contacts listed above (include the area code). E -Mail Address: Enter tl ie e-mail address for the contacts listed above. Submit form via facsimile, email or mail to: Office of the Attorney General Bureau of Advocacy and Grants Managemgnt PL -01, The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Fax No.: 850-487.3013 Questions? Call the Bureau of Advocacy and Grants Management at (850) 414-3300 VOCA PROGRAM INFORMATION �- (Refer to the instructions) Grant No. V V09185 A. Agency Name (Provider/Payee): 'City of Miami Police Department Agency Website: www,miami-police.org DUNS #r` 72220791 Agency Director: Name: Mr. Carlos Migoya Mailing Address: City of Miami City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive B. Miami, Florida nine-digit zip code: 33133-5595 Telephone: 305-416-1532 Fax: 305-416-2151 E-Mail Address: bmigoya@miamigov.com Monthly Performance Report contact: Responsible for responding to inquiries about the Monthly Performance Report. Name: Ms, Tania Bigies, Violent Crimes Intervention Administrator Mailing Address: City of Miami Police Department 400 NW 2nd Avenue C. Miami, Florida nine-digit zip code: 33128-1786 Telephone: 305-603-6290 :Fax: 305-372-4600 E-Mail Address: Tania.Biglles@miami-police, og Financial contact: Responsible for responding to Inquiries about monthly invoices and financial back-up documentation. Name: Mrs, Mae C. Shepherd, Police Budget and Finance Manager Mailing Address: City of Miami Police Department, Business Management Section 400 NW 2nd Avenue D. Miami, Florida nine-digit zip code: 331281786 Telephone: 305-603-6198 Fax: 305-579-6634 E-Mail Address: Mae,C.Shepherd a@miami-police,org MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT VICTIM'S ADVOCATE SUPERVSIOR. JOB DESCRIPTION Responsible for coordinating and supervising other support personnel (City, grant funded or volunteer), which includes: (100%) • Functioning as an advocate for victims of violent crimes; such as homicides, sex crimes, assaults, hit & runs, DUIs, robberies and domestic violence. (5%) • Familiar with the basic working knowledge of a police department. • Have a solid working understanding of victim's advocacy procedures. • Provide information on victim's rights as required by Florida State Statute (F.S. 960.001). (5%) • Assist and treat victims or survivors of violent crimes with dignity, fairness and compassion. (25%) • Provide contact for direct services to victims or survivors. (5%) • Provide safety plans. (5%) • Provide initial crisis intervention referrals to an existing counseling program or agency. (10%) • Follow up with victims to ensure quality service and ascertain additional needs. (10%) • Establish and maintain a comprehensive and succinct case management system that would include tracking and following up on cases from their inception through closure. (5%) • Must be familiar with available con-imunity service. agencies. • Must be familiar with the State's Victims Compensation Program. • Assign cases to victim advocate. (1 %) • Review advocates files on victims to ensure proper service and contact have been provided. (5%) • Identify high-risk cases. (2%) • Meet with advocates as needed to ensure cases are in compliance. (1%) • Create and maintain a victim database. (10%) • Create and maintain schedule for advocates. (5%) • Review advocates daily work log. (1%) • The Victim Advocate will train new police officers on victims' rights and will follow up with the rest of the police officer staff in roll call training or by our Unit's monthly bulletin. (5%) MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT VICTIM'S. ADVOCATE JOB DESCRIPTION • Assist victims or survivors of violent crimes by providing initial crisis intervention referrals to the appropriate counseling programs or agencies. Note: The provision of mental health services is not allowed for the Miami Police Department, as we are not a bona -fide mental health agency, hence, services in this area are limited to agency referrals. (10%) • Perform crisis intervention by visiting crime scenes, homes, hospitals and funerals to provide assistance to primary and secondary victims (as needed). (20%) • Provide immediate support assistance to victims by contacting family members, doctors, counselors, etc. (20%) • Ensure that proper services are provided to victims and survivors. Services may include but are not limited to crisis intervention, facilitating compensation for victims, providing referrals to mental health agencies, etc. (5%) • Notify victims of their legal rights. (1%) • Follow up with victims to ensure the receipt of quality service and ascertain additional needs. (2%) • Provide education to the victims concerning the State's Victims Compensation Program and the importance of participating in the criminal justice process. (3%) • Assist victims with filing Victim Compensation Forms. (10%) • Provide victims with case information and follow-ups. (10%) • Keep track of eligibility of victim for compensation. (5%) • Maintain contact with analyst at the Attorney General's Office in Tallahassee. (4%) • Establish and maintain a detailed and concise case management, which includes a record of initial contact and follow-up contacts. (10%) • Considerable knowledge of community services available. • Considerable knowledge of the State's Victim Compensation Program • Ability to be on call 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. SUPPLANTING CERTIFICATION FORM (PUBLIC AGENCIES ONLY) This form must be signed by an agency official who is authorized to enter into contractual agreements, Agency Name: City of Miami Police Department I hereby certify that pursuant to tr.e Victims of Crime Act, (VOCA) Federal Guidelines, grant funds will be used to enhance or expand services and will not be used to supplant state and local funds that would otherwise be available for crime victim services, �U Signature Date. Carlos Migoya City Manager Print Name Title VOCA DEFINITIONS Use this information in completing Part 4, Types of Services. Definitions are provided by the U. S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office for Victims of Crime (OVC). The information provided in this section must be consistent with the 2009-2010 Statement of Need and Project Proposal. Applicants that receive VOCA funding are required to maintain data on victims served and types of services provided in accordance with the following definitions. Assistance with Victim Compensation includes making victims aware of the availability of crime victim compensation, assisting the victim in completing the required forms, gathering the needed documentation, etc. It may also include follow-up contact with the victim compensation agency on behalf of the victim. This is a mandatory VOCA service. Criminal Justice Support/Advocacy refers to support, assistance, and advocacy provided to victims at any stage of the criminal justice process., to include post -sentencing services and support. Crisis Counseling refers to in-person crisis intervention, emotional support, and guidance and counseling provided by advocates, counselors., mental health professionals, or peers. Such counseling may occur at the scene of a crime, Immediately after a crime, or be provided on an on-going basis. Crisis Hotline Counseling typically refers to the operation of a 24-hour telephone service, 7 days a week, which provides crisis counseling, guidance, emotional support, Information and referral, etc. Emergency Financial Assistance refers to cash outlays for transportation, food, clothing, emergency housing, etc, that is supported with VOCA grant funds or reported as matching expenses. Emergency Legal Advocacy refers to the filing of temporary restraining orders, injunctions, other protective orders, elder abuse petitions and child abuse petitions, but does not include criminal prosecution or the employment of attorneys for non -emergency purposes, such as custody disputes, civil suits, etc. Follow-up Contact refers to in-person contacts, telephone contacts, and written communications with victims to offer emotional support, provide empathetic listening, check on a victim's progress, etc. Information and Referral (in-person) refers to in-person contacts with victims during which time services and available support are identified. Other Services refers to other VOCA allowable services and activities not listed in the options provided. Personal Advocacy refers to assisting victims in securing rights, remedies, and services from other agencies; locating emergency financial assistance, intervening with employers, creditors, and others on behalf of the victim; assisting in filing for losses covered by public and private insurance programs including workman's compensation, unemployment benefits, welfare, etc.; accompanying the victim to the hospital, etc. Primary Victims are the people against whom the crime was directed, except in cases of homicide and DUI deaths where the primary victims are survivors. In domestic violence situations, children of spouse abuse victims who receive services are also considered primary victims. Secondary Victims are people other than primary victims receiving services as a result of their own reaction to or needs resulting from a crime directed against a primary victim, e.g., the husband of a rape victim who receives counseling, non-offending caretaker of child abuse victims, etc. Shelter/Safe House refers to prnviding short- and long-term housing services to victims and families following a victimization, Support Groups refers to the coordination and provision of supportive group activities and Includes self- help, peer, social support, etc. Telephone Contacts refers to contacts with victims during which time services and available support are identified. Therapy refers to Intensive professional psychological and/or psychiatric treatment of Individuals, couples, and family members related to counseling to provide emotional support In crisis arising from the occurrence of crime. This includes the evaluation of mental health needs, as well as the actual delivery of psychotherapy. Individuals who provide this service must meet the criteria outlined in the Florida Statutes (F. S.). Unduplicated Victims are victims not counted on previous quarterly reports. 'U nd up licated victims may be either primary or secondary victims of crime. A person may be counted more than once only as a result of an entirely separate and unrelated crime during the reporting period, e.g., a domestic violence victim is victimized during a separate episode.