HomeMy WebLinkAboutPre Legislation and back up documentsFile Number: 08-01316 City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com Final Action Date: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), AMENDING CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE Ili OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED "FINANCE/CITY OF MIAMI PROCUREMENT ORDINANCE," MORE PARTICULARLY BY ENACTING A NEW SECTION 18-117, ENTITLED "ECONOMIC STIMULUS AWARDS AND AGREEMENTS;" ESTABLISHING MEASURES TO STIMULATE THE LOCAL ECONOMY; CREATING A PROCESS TO EXPEDITE THE AWARD OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENTS AND CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS FOR CERTAIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS IDENTIFIED BY THE CITY MANAGER IN ATTACHMENT "A," ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED, AS ECONOMIC STIMULUS PROJECTS; PROVIDING FOR CITY COMMISSION MODIFICATION OF THE LIST OF SUCH PROJECTS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR, RECEIVE, REVIEW, REJECT, EVALUATE AND AWARD SUCH CONTRACTS; ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES AND LIMITATIONS FOR AWARDS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND A SUNSET PROVISION. WHEREAS, the construction industry, and the businesses that rely on the construction industry have been severely adversely impacted by the nationwide economic crisis; and WHEREAS, the local labor force has lost a substantial number of construction related jobs and local business are failing at an increasing rate; and WHEREAS, City Commission finds it necessary and appropriate and in the best interest of the City of Miami to take immediate steps to help stimulate the economy; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to institute procedures to expedite certain capital construction projects and professional services, identified in Attachment "A," related thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Ordinance are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. Chapter 18, Article III of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, entitled "Finance/City of Miami Procurement Ordinance," is amended in the following particulars:{1) "CHAPTER 18 City of Miami Page I of 4 Printed On. 11/1212008 City of Miami i Legislation Ordinance File Number: 08-01316 City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com Final Action Date: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), AMENDING CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE Ili OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED "FINANCE/CITY OF MIAMI PROCUREMENT ORDINANCE," MORE PARTICULARLY BY ENACTING A NEW SECTION 18-117, ENTITLED "ECONOMIC STIMULUS AWARDS AND AGREEMENTS;" ESTABLISHING MEASURES TO STIMULATE THE LOCAL ECONOMY; CREATING A PROCESS TO EXPEDITE THE AWARD OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENTS AND CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS FOR CERTAIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS IDENTIFIED BY THE CITY MANAGER IN ATTACHMENT "A," ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED, AS ECONOMIC STIMULUS PROJECTS; PROVIDING FOR CITY COMMISSION MODIFICATION OF THE LIST OF SUCH PROJECTS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR, RECEIVE, REVIEW, REJECT, EVALUATE AND AWARD SUCH CONTRACTS; ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES AND LIMITATIONS FOR AWARDS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND A SUNSET PROVISION. WHEREAS, the construction industry, and the businesses that rely on the construction industry have been severely adversely impacted by the nationwide economic crisis; and WHEREAS, the local labor force has lost a substantial number of construction related jobs and local business are failing at an increasing rate; and WHEREAS, City Commission finds it necessary and appropriate and in the best interest of the City of Miami to take immediate steps to help stimulate the economy; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to institute procedures to expedite certain capital construction projects and professional services, identified in Attachment "A," related thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Ordinance are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. Chapter 18, Article III of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, entitled "Finance/City of Miami Procurement Ordinance," is amended in the following particulars:{1) "CHAPTER 18 City of Miami Page I of 4 Printed On. 11/1212008 File Number. 08-01316 FINANCE ARTICLE III. CITY OF MIAMI PROCUREMENT ORDINANCE Sec. 18-117. Economic Stimulus Awards and Agreements (1) This ordinance, to be known as the Economic Stimulus Awards and Agreements, is intended to provide an expedited process to award contracts related to certain capital construction projects, identified in Attachment "A" or by City Commission Resolution, with the express purpose of stimulating the local economy. (2) The expedited process set forth herein, shall be applicable to the processing, design, and construction of capital improvement projects identified in Attachment A. The City Commission may, from time to time by passage of resolutions, add or delete proiects from the list of Economic Stimulus Proiects to which this Section applies. (3) All actions taken under this ordinance shall be subiect to review by the Office of Strategic Planning, Budgeting, and Performance to ensure funding is available for each project. (4) Notwithstanding any other provision of the Code of the City of Miami ("City Code"), including, without limitation the City of Miami Procurement Ordinance, to the contrary, the City Manager or his / her designee shall have the following authority only with respect to the identified Economic Stimulus Projects: (a) To appoint evaluation selection and negotiation committees to obtain professional services as defined by and in accordance with 287.055 Fla. Stat., ( 'The Consultant's Competitive Negotiation Act or CCNA") as amended eliminating_ the requirements of Section 18-542 (12) requiring that the majority of evaluation committee be from the public, and provided that each such committee should contain whenever possible ,representation from the user department. (b) To issue bid and proposal documents including addenda thereto. (c) To receive open, review and evaluate bids and proposals. (5) The City Manager may award and execute contracts including professional services agreements and construction contracts in accordance with $ 255.20 Fla. Stat. , ("Local bids and contracts for public construction works")as amended without City Commission approval and issue the Notice to Proceed on each where: (a) The award value of the contract has been reviewed approved by the Office of Strategic Planning, Budgeting, and Performance; and (b) The value of the recommended award does not exceed the estimated cost of construction by more than ten (10) percent; and City of Miami Page 2 of 4 Printed On: 11/12/2008 File Number. 08-01316 (c) At least three bids are received from responsive and responsible bidders; and (d) The contractor or professional services firm receiving the award is in good standing with the City including but not limited to having no outstanding debts to the City and proves demonstrated acceptable past performance, and (e) The contractor has submitted required insurance bonds, affidavits, and documentation required by the solicitation: and (f) None of the bidders or proposers have timely filed a bid protest (6) The city manager shall submit to the city commission, on a bi-monthly basis, a listing of any contracts including the names of the firms, the names of the projects, and the amount of compensation of any contracts the city manager has awarded under this section. (7) Excepting for the execution of contracts, the city manager may delegate his or her duties under this section to the director of the capital improvements programs the chief procurement officer or the administrative head of the user agency. All contracts awarded under this section shall be in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. (8) Contract contingency allowances of ten (10) percent for Economic Stimulus Projects will be utilized to minimize disruptions in the flow of the work. Change orders will be submitted for City Commission approval if they increase the contract contingency as set forth herein. Such change orders will include a report on the draws against the initial contingency. (99) This Ordinance shall sunset upon completion of the approved list of projects, as may be amended unless this Ordinance is earlier repealed by the City Commission. Section 3. If any section, part of a section, paragraph, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this Ordinance shall not be affected. Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after final reading and adoption thereof. {2) APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: JULIE 0. BRLJ CITY ATTORNEY City of Miami Page 3 of 4 Printed On: 11/1212008 File Number. 08-01316 Footnotes: {1} Words/and or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted and unchanged material. {2}This Ordinance shall become effective as specified herein unless vetoed by the Mayor within ten days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Ordinance, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission or upon the effective date stated herein, whichever is later. City of Miami Page 4 of 4 Printed On. 1111212008 4�-- tom-- (345P priii be - ECONOMIC STIMULUS Expedite Legislation Attachment "A" - •-------- _ -- B-50680 B-50680 Ademar and Davis Canal Dredging Project B-50658 North Ba shore Drive Drainage Improvements B-30514 North Ba shore Drive Operational Improvements B-30345 Calle Ocho Landscaping Project B-30222 Calle Ocho Improvements, Part I B-78509 Calle Ocho Improvements, Part 2 B-30247 Dinner Key Dredging and Mitigation B-33511 Dinner Key Mooring Field Project B-30325 Miamarina Emergency Pier Repairs B -40643A North Spring Garden Greenway Improvements B -30172A Roberto Clemente Park Recreation Building Renovation &30229 Robert King High Park Soccer Field B-35868 Robert King High Park New Building Construction &303056 Gibson Park New Construction B -30182A Demolition of Convention Center and Landscaping of Site B-75991 Williams Park lm rovements B-30628 Bird Ave Road Improvement B-30627 Coral Gate Wall B -60474A Dinner Key Marina Pier No. 3 Repairs King Heights Manor Rehabilitation Ell 8-35883A _ Hadley Park Youth Center & Field Improvements B-35887 Moore Park Master Plan and New Building Melreese Golf Training Center General Roadway and Construction Contracts Miscellaneous Architectural Services Miscellaneous Survey Services Miscellaneous Traffic Study Services Miscellaneous Civil Engineerin Services ECONOMIC STIMULUS Expedite Legislation Att,nrhmant "A" "FBI-330145 �...! Ademar and Davis Canal Dr in Project Ba hore Drive Drainage Im rovements North hore Drive Operational Improvements Calle Ocho dsca in Project B-30222 Calle Ocho Im menu, Part 1 B-78509 Calle Ocho Improv Part 2 B-30247 Dinner Ke Dred in and ' ' ation B-33511 Dinner! Ce Mooring Field Pro B-30325 Miamarina Emergency Pier Repairs B -40643A North Spring Garden Greenway Improvem s B -30172A Roberto Clemente Park Recreation Building Re ation 5-34229 Robert King High Park Soccer Field 8-35868 Robert King High Park New Building Construction B -30305B Gibson Park New Construction 8-30182A Demolition of Convention Center and Landscaping of Site B-75991 Williams Park improvements B-30628 Bird Ave Road Improvement B-30627 Coral Gate Wall King Heights Manor Rehabilitation a 11111211 110�� 511!1: 111,1y 5-35883A Hadle k Youth Center & Fie d Improvements Par B-35887 Moore Park Master Plan and New Building Melreese Golf Training. Center General Roadway and Construction Contracts Miscellaneous Architectural Services Miscellaneous Survey Services Miscellaneous Traffic Study Services Miscellaneous Civil Engineering Services BID NO. 08-09-020 DOROTHY QUINTANA COMMUNITY CENTER CIP PROJECT NOS.: B -30172A Due Date: Wednesday, February 4, 2009 Due Time: 2:00 P.M. Mayor Manuel A. Diaz Commissioner Angel Gonzalez, District 1 Commissioner Marc Sarnoff, District 2 Commissioner Joe M. Sanchez, District 3 Commissioner Tomas P. Regalado, District 4 Commissioner Michelle Spence -Jones, District 5 City Manager, Pedro G. Hernandez, P.E. Issued By: City of Miami Department of Capital Improvements Program 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 8th Floor Miami, FL 33130 (Page 1of 8) Section 4 -,BID FORM Submitted: February 4, 2009 Date City of Miami, Florida Office of the City Clerk City Hall, 1St Floor 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133-5504 The undersigned, as Bidder, hereby declares that the only persons interested in this Bid as principal are named herein and that no person other than herein mentioned has any interest in this bid or in the Contract to be entered into; that this Bid is made without connection with any other person, firm, or parties making a Bid; and that it is, in all respects, made fairly and in good faith without collusion or fraud. The Bidder further declares that it has examined the -site of the Work and informed itself fully of all conditions pertaining to the place where the Work is to be done; that it has examined the Contract Documents and all addenda thereto furnished before the opening of the bids, as acknowledged below; and that it has satisfied itself about the Work to be performed; and that it has submitted the required Bid Guaranty; and all other required information with the Bid; and that this Bid is submitted voluntarily and willingly. The Bidder agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to contract with the City, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents and to furnish all necessary materials, equipment, machinery, tools, apparatus, means of transportation, and all labor necessary to construct and complete within the time limits specified the Work covered by the Contract Documents for the Project(s) entitled: Bid No: 08-09-020 Title: Dorothy Quintana Community Center, 13- 30172A The Bidder also agrees to furnish the required Performance Bond and Payment Bond or alternative form of security, if permitted by the City, each for not less than the total Bid price plus alternates, if any, and to furnish the required Certificate(s) of Insurance. The undersigned further agrees that the Bid guaranty accompanying the Bid shall be forfeited if Bidder falls to execute said Contract, or fails to furnish the required Performance Bond and Payment Bond or fails to furnish the required Certificate(s) of Insurance within fifteen (15) calendar days after being notified of the award of the Contract. In the event of arithmetical errors, the Bidder agrees that these errors are errors which may be corrected by the City. In the event of a discrepancy between the price Bid in figures and the price Bid in words, the price in words shall govern. Bidder agrees that any unit price listed in the Bid is to be multiplied by the stated quantity requirements in order to arrive at the total. 75 Dorothy Quintana Community Center Bid No.. 08-09-020 BID FORM: (Page 2 of 8) r� Note: Bidders are bidding on a lump sum basis for the purpose of determining the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Our LUMP SUN! BID includes the total cost for the Work specified in this solicitation, consisting of furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, supervision, mobilization, overhead & profit required, in accordance with the Bid Specifications. Lump Sum: $ 1,730,000.00 One Million Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars & Zero Cents Written Amount 76 Dorothy Quintana Community Center Bid No.: D8-09-020 BID FORM: (Page 3 of 8) DIRECTIONS: COMPLETE PART i OR PART 11, WHICHEVER APPLIES, AND PARTS III AND IV. Part 1: Listed below are the dates of issue for each Addendum received in connection with this Bid: Addendum No. 1, Dated 12/24/06 Addendum No. 2, Dated 1/13/09 Addendum No. 3, Dated 1/20/09 Addendum No. 4, Dated 1/26/09 Addendum No. 5, Dated 1/30/09 Paris [I: No addendum was received in connection with this Bid. Part Ill; Certifications The Bidder, by virtue of signing the Bid Form, affirms that the Bidder is aware of the following, and shall comply with all the stated requirements. 1. Affirmative Action Pian Successful bidder(s) shall establish an Affirmative Action Plan or an Affirmative Action Policy pursuant to Ordinance #10062 as amended. Effective date of implementation must be indicated on the policy: and 2. First Source Hiring Bidder certifies that it has read and understood the provisions of City of Miami Ordinance Section 18-110, pertaining to the implementation of a "First Source Hiring Agreement". Evaluation of bidder's responsiveness to Ordinance Section 18-110 may be a consideration in the award of a contract. 3. Non -Collusion Bidder certifies that the only persons interested in this Bid are named herein; that no other person has any interest in this Bid or in the Contract to which this Bid pertains; that this Bid is made without connection or arrangement with any other person; and 4. Drug Free Workplace The undersigned Bidder hereby certifies that it will provide a drug-free workplace program by: (1) Publishing a statement notifying its employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the Bidder's workplace, and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition; (2) Establishing a continuing drug-free awareness program to inform its employees about: (i) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; 77 Dorothy Quintana Community Center Bid No.: OB -09-020 Bid FORM: (Page 4 of 8 (ii)The Bidder's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; (iii )Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and (iv) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace; (3) Giving all employees engaged in performance of the Contract a copy of the statement required by subparagraph (1); (4) Notifying all employees, in writing, of the statement required by subparagraph (1), that as a condition of employment on a covered Contract, the employee shall: (i) Abide by the terms of the statement; and (ii) Notify the employer in writing of the employee's conviction under a criminal drug statute for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than rive (5) calendar days after such conviction; (5) Notifying the City in writing within ten (10) calendar days after receiving notice under subdivision (4) (ii) above, from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. The notice shall include the position title of the employee; (6) Within thirty (30) calendar days after receiving notice under subparagraph (4) of a conviction, taking one of the following actions with respect to an employee who is convicted of a drug abuse violation occurring in the workplace: (i) Taking appropriate personnel action against such employee, up to and including termination; or rJ (ii) Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or � rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a federal, state, or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency; and (7) Making a good faith effort to maintain a drug-free workplace program through implementation of subparagraphs(1) through (6); and 5. Lobbying The undersigned certifies to the besf.of his or her knowledge and belief, that: �U (1) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid, or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. (2)lf any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form -LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. 78 BID FORM: (Page 5 of 8) ' (� (3)This undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for "All" sub -awards at all tiers (including subcontracts, sub -grants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all sub -recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. t� This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a pre -requisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352, Title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure; and * Note: In these instances, "Alf' in the Final Rule is expected to be clarified to show that it applies to covered contract/grant transactions over $1 D0,000 (per QMB). 6. Debarment. Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters The Bidder certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief, that it and its principals: a. .Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, and declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency. b. Have not within a three-year period preceding this proposal been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining,. attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; c. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a government entity (Federal, State, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph 1.b of this certification; and d. Have not within a three-year period preceding this application/proposal had one or more public transactions (Federal, State, or local) terminated for cause or default. Where the prospective Bidder is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such Bidder shall submit an explanation to the City of Miami. Part IV; Certification — Trench Safety Act The Bidder, by virtue of signing the Bid Form, affirms that the Bidder is aware of the Trench Safety Act, and will comply with all applicable trench safety standards. Such assurance shall be legally binding on all persons employed by the Bidder and subcontractors. The Bidder is also obligated to identify the anticipated method and cost of compliance with the applicable trench safety standards. Bidder acknowledges that included in the various items of the proposal and in the total Bid price are costs for complying with the Florida Trench Safety Act. These items are a breakout of the respective items involving trenching and will not be paid separately. They are not to be confused with bid items in the schedule of prices, nor be considered additional Work. 79 BED FORM: (Page 6 of 8) The Bidder further identifies the costs and methods summarized below: Quantity Unit Description Unit Price Price Trench safety 1 $5,OD0 $5,0.00 Total $ s,000 Extended . Method Attached is a Bid Bond [X], Cash [ ], Money Order ( ], Unconditional/Irrevocable Letter of Credit [ ], Treasurer's Check j ], Bank Draft ( ], Cashier's Check [ ], Bid Bond Voucher [ ] or Certified Check[ ] No. Bank of for the sum of Dollars The Bidder shall acknowledge this Bid and certifies to the above stated in Part III and IV by signing and completing the spaces provided below. Firm's Name: Gulf�Builaing a9 lir Signature: Printed NaeM E7: Jo_nr_ D. Collins, President Clty/State! Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Telephone No.: 9s4-492-5191 Facsimile No., 954-492-9192 E -Mall Address: johnc@gulfbuilding.com Social Security No. or Federal Dun and I.D.No.: 65-0290172 Bradstreet No.: 78-733-2998 (if applicable) If a partnership, names and addresses of partners: BID FORM: (Page 7 of 8) CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY (IF CORPORATION) I HEREBY CERTIFY that at a meeting of the Board of Directors of Gulf Building Corn , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Flor,J-da held on the ii day of October , i9s1, a resolution was duly passed and adopted authorizing (Name) John D. Collins as (Title) President of the corporation to execute bids on behalf of the corporation and providing that his/her execution thereof, attested by the secretary of the corporation, shall be the official act and deed of the corporation. I further certify that said resolution remains in full force and effect. IN WIT S HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this, day of 20 01 . i Secretary, Print el lendehl CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY (IF PARTNERSHIP) I HEREBY CERTIFY that at a meeting of the Board of Directors of a partnership organized and existing under the laws of the State of , held on the _day of a resolution was duly passed and adopted authorizing (Name) as (Title) of the to execute bids on behalf of the partnership and provides that his/her execution thereof, attested by a partner, shall be the official act and deed of the partnership. 1 further certify that said partnership agreement remains In full force and effect, U0 IN WiTNESS WHEREOF, i have hereunto set my hand this , day of 20 Partner: Print: CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY iF JOINT VENTURE) Joint ventures must submit a joint venture agreement indicating that the person signing this Bid is authorized to sign bid documents on benalf or the point venture. it there is no joint venture agreement eacri member of the joint venture must sign the Bid and submit the appropriate Certificate of Authority (corporate, partnership, or individual). CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY (iF INDIVIDUAL) I HEREBY CERTIFY that, 1 (Name) , individually and doing business as (d/bia) (If Applicable) have executed and am bound by the terms of the Bid to which this attestation is attached. iN WiTNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this , day of 120 Signed: Print: BID FORM: (Page 8 of 8) NOTARIZATION STATE OF Florida ) ) SS: COUNTY OF Broward ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before e this 9th day of February 20 os , by John D. Collins who i personally known Mme or who has produced as identification and who-(did�-d1 no tarn oath. SIGNATUR5 PF NOTARY P STATE OF I'ALORIDA Martha Graff PRINTED, STAMPED OR TYPED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC Dorothy Quintana Community Center 5S MARTHA ADELFA, lhRAF �y COMMISSION k DD81D886 EXPIRES July 31, 2012 82 Bid No.: 08-09-020 SUPPLEMENT TO BID FORM: QUESTIONNAIRE This Completed Form Must Be Submitted With The Bid, The City May, At Its Sole Discretion, Require That The Bidder Submit Additional Information Not Included In The Submitted Form. Such Information Must Be Submitted Within Seven (7) Calendar Days Of The City's Request. Failure To Submit The Form Or Additional Information Upon Request By The City Shall Result In The Rejection Of The Bid As Non -Responsive. Additional Pages May Be Used Following The Same Format And Numbering. By submitting its Bid the Bidder certifies the truth and accuracy of all information contained herein. A. Business Information 1. How many years has your company been in business under its current name and ownership? 18 years a. Professional Licenses/Certifications (include name and number)* issuance Date General Contractor License CGCA16662 10/23/1960 (`include active certifications of small or disadvantage business &name of certifying entity) b, Date company licensed by Dept. Of Professional Regulation: 1991 c. Qualified Business License: ® Yes[] No If Yes, Date Issued: 2/20/2004 e. What is your primary business? General Contractor (This answer should be specific. For example; paving, drainage, schools, interior renovations, etc.) d. Name of Qualifier, license number, and relationship to company: John D. Collins, CGCA16662, President e. Names of previous Qualifiers during the past five (5) years including, license numbers, relationship to company and years as qualifier for the company a 2. Name and Licenses of any prior companies Name of Company License No. Issuance Date n/a 3. Type of Company: El Corporation 0"S" Corporation[]LLC7Sole Proprietorship00ther: (Corporations will be required to provide a copy of their corporate resolution prior to executing a contract) 86 Dorothy Quintana Community Center Bid No.: 08-09-020 LJ 4. Company Ownership a. identify all owners of the company Name Title John D. Collins President % of ownership 33s Sven Uellendahl Secretary 330 John J. Scherer Vice President 33< b . Is any owner identified above an owner in another company? ® Yes ❑ No If yes, identify the name of the owner, other company names, and % ownership Sven Uellendahl, Pelican Air, 100s c, identify all individuals authorized to sign for the company, indicating the level of their authority ( check applicable boxes and for other provide specific levels of authority) Name Title Signatory Authority All Cost No -Cost Other John D. Collins President ❑x ❑ ❑ ❑ Sven Uellendahl Secretary ❑x ❑ ❑ ❑ John J. Scherer Vice President ❑x ❑ ❑ ❑ Explaination for Other: (Note: "Ail" refers to any type of document including but not limited to contracts, amendment, change proposal requests (CPR), change orders (CO), notices, claims, disputes, etc. "Cost" refers to CPRs, COs. No -cost refers to RFls, Notices, and other similar docuemnts) 5. Employee Information Total No. of Employees: 25 Number of Managerial/Admin. Employees: s Number of Trades Personnel and total number per classification: (Apprentices must be listed separately for each classification) Foremen - 3 Layout - 2 Framers - 4 6. Has any owner or employee of the company ever been convicted of a federal offense or moral turpitude: If yes, please explain: 87 Dorothy Quintana Community Center Bid No.: 08-09-020 PJI) No, no owner or employee has ever been convicted of a federal offense 7. Insurance & Bond Information a. Insurance Carrier name & address: see Attached certificate of Insurance in Section 3 b. Insurance Contact Name, telephone, & e-mail: Howard Newman, (954) 941-090D x 213 hnewman@b-g-s.com c. Insurance Experience Modification Rating (EMR): 0.86 (if no EMR rating please explain why) d. Number of Insurance Claims paid out in last 5 years & value: D e. Bond Carrier name & address: Hanover Insurance Company 440 Lincoln street, Worcester, MA 01653 f. Bond Carrier Contact Name, telephone, & e-mail: Charles j. Nielson, 305-722-2663 cjnielson@nielsonbonds.com g. Number of Bond Claims paid out in last 5 years & value: 8. Have any claims lawsuits been file against your company in the past 5 years, If yes, identify all where your company has either settle or an adverse judgment has been issued against your company. Identify the year basis for the claim or judgment & settlement unless the value of the settlement is covered by a written confidentiality agreement. See Section 6 9. To the best of your knowledge is your company or any officers of your company currently under investigation by any law enforcement agency or public entity. If yes, provide details: No, neither the company nor anv officers are under investigation 10. Has your company been assessed liquidated damages or defaulted on a project in the past five (5) years? ❑ Yes ® No (if yes, provide an attachment that provides an explanation of the project and an explanation. j 11. Has your company been cited for any OSHA violations in the past five (5) years. If yes, please provide an attachment including all details on each citation, No 12. Provide an attachment listing all of the equipment, with a value of $5,000 or greater, 0 owned by Your company. We do not own any equipment we lease all equipment 88 Dorothy Quintana Community Genter Bid No.: 08-09-020 B. Project Management & Subcontract Details 1. Project Manager for this Project: a. Name: c. Skip Aniekwu b. Years with Company: 4 c Licenses/Certifications: cPc, NPDES, osan_ d. Last 3 projects with the company including role, scope of work, & value of project: Ansin Sports Complex, Senior Project Manager, $ 10 Million_ see section 4 Miramar Regional Multi Service Center & Fire Station 19,Senior Project Manager $16 Million Seminole Coconut Creek Casino, Senior Project Manager, $24 Million 2. Subcontractors: Name Trade % of Work License No. Certification* EH hosbach Plumbing 5% CFC058003 MBE L. Cox Flooring Flooring 50 03-10796-FL/03-10795-TM DBE Consolidated Doors & Hardware Doors & Hardware 5% 02 -10482 -FC -X SBE ✓ Custom Glass Company Glass & Glazing 55. 88 -5027 -G -R MEE Elechs Specialties 59- CDBE, SEE ('active certifications of small or disadvantage business & name of certifying entity) 3. Scope of actual construction work to be performed by your company and the corresponding percentage of the work: (this does not include such items as insurance " bonds, dumpsters, trailers, and other similar non -construction work items) We will self perform Concrete (15%) & Drywall (73s) C. Current and Prior Experience: see section 4 1. Current Experience including projects currently under construction, recently awarded, or pending award (Provide an attachment to this questionnaire that lists all such projects, including the owner's name, title and value of project, scope of work, projected or actual start date, projected completion date, and number of company trades personnel assigned to the project) 2. Prior Projects of a similar size, scope and : Provide an attachment to this Questionnaire that includes projects the Proposer considers of a similar, size, scope and complexity that the City should consider in determining the Bidders responsiveness and responsibility. This attachment must include the project that meets the minimum number of projects identified by the bid solicitation, information provided must include the owner's name , address and contract person, including telephone & e-mail, title of project, location of project, scope, initial value and final cost of the project, projected and final timeframes for completion in calendar days and the number of company trades personnel, by classification, that were assigned to the project. The delivery method, 89 Dorothy Quintana Community Center Bid No.: 08-09-020 �O including, but not limited to; design -build, CM@Risk, Design -Bid -Build, etc. is to be identified for each Project. If there is a difference between the initial and final cost or initial and actual timeframe provide details on why the differences exist. A reference letter is to be completed by the owner of the Project and submitted as part of the Bid submission. D. Bidder's References Bidder's are to include a minimum of five (5) references from projects listed in C.2 above. The attached form is to be used and is to be included with the Bid submission. The City, at its sole discretion may allow the Bidder to submit the references after the specified date for Bid submission. 90 Dorothy Quintana Community Center Bid No.: 08-09-020 0 SUPPLEMENT TO BID FORM: CUSTOMER REFERENCE LISTING (Page 1 of 1) r �J Bidders may furnish the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of firms or government organizations for which the Contractor has provided services in addition to the minimum five (5) projects of a similar size, scope, and complexity. T j Company Name City of Miramar Address 23DO Civic Center Place, Miramar, FL. 33023 Contact Person/Contract Amount Vernon Hargray, $16 Million Telephone No. /Fax No. 954-602-1119/ 954-602-3552 2) Company Name Citv of Miramar Address 2300 Civic Center Place, Mire -mar, ?L. 33023 Contact Person/Contract Amount Michel Magloire, $10 Million 954-602-3301/ 954-602-3523 Telephone No. /Fax NO. 3) Company Name Seminole Tribe of Florida Address 6300 Stirling Road, Hollywood, FL 33024 Contact PersonlContract Amount Carter Clough, $24 Million Teiephone No. /Fax No. 954-610-7338/ 863-902-3216 4) Company Name Jordan, Jones & Goulding Address 3300 PGA Blvd Ste 780 Palm Beach, FL 33410 Contact PersonlContract Amount Bud Goblisch, $8 Million Telephone No. /Fax No. 561-799-3855/ 561-799-6579 91 Dorothy Quintana Community Center Bid No.: 08-09-020 citp of Alumni To Whom it May Concern. Subject: Reference Leiter Nzmie of Bidd:e:r,- PCDRO G. HERNANDEZ, P.E. City Manager The above referenced, contractor is submitting on a, bid solicitation tha.l hag been €slued by the City of Miami. We require that the Bidder provide written references wvith, their Diel submission and: by prauiding, yGtr with this dOCLInlent the Contractor ins regUesting that. yayu provide the foltoorfng reference uaformalion. We would appreciale you., provt.cling, the, informialion, requested bclaw as- wel.l as any ether inforni'al'ion, yUur feel' is pertii enL: Name of f?roje:ct:. SCape.afwo.rlc NL'W Construction of three story administration building. Value Ofpeoje:ct: DateCompteted" TmcV4 Wasproject caniple.t'ed ca time & within budget: Yes: Q bila Otf' no, wars the con.lraclor at fautt or contribute. to. the or i:ncrea:sech co,sfi?' Eli Yes [lm; No It yes, please provide detaits:: Tt(f. a*tet lar-{ tai t riA "0 d". OOT &L -C -r b O.TwTe s _ C— Q al aleJ, W 4,j LEQED_ ®oc3tJ vtil�tt�& SIM -161"' Thank yjau for yo cr assistance in helping us in evalu,-LU ut ou;i blc} satccilatiit���. tache of icld['Vtcivaf completing this Pari is PUT) 60at-tsc-R _ Data - Signa -tura: Tithe: 15E4w Ae,57iGdgT`d /oFRtE gAjk,6eV- T elel)hone: _ 56 [ :[9 9 -R? S.S Sincerely, Gary Fabrikant Assistant Director E -mall: usc-011��Nl Dorothy QWntana COMMUflity Center Bld No.: 03-00.020 Lorftp of Alatnt 1�,,,.,,.;.;.,,,,•,:�, PEDRO G. HERNANdEZ, P.E. ,•: ;, ;a:.:, City Manager To Whom it May Concern Subject: Reference Letter Flame of Bidder: The above referenced contractor is submitting on a bid solicitation that has been issued by the City of Miami. We require that the Bidder provide written references with their Gid submission and by providing you with this document the Conlractpr is requesting that you provide the following reference information. We would appreciate you providing the information requested below as.well as any other information yourfeel is pertinent: Name of Project: Scope:of work: FvTew Constrttct.on of a Public.: Safety Complex Valtaeofproject: is t�tl�an Date Com leted: August 2110.8 Was project completed on time & within budget: Yes ❑ No If no, was the contractor at fault or contribute to the delay(s) or increased cost? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, please provide details: THU-1 Som PUTZn `t- Comments: t)j VS...Li C_S V_3�•J V. ,Thank you for your assistance. in helping us in evaluating our bid solicitation. Name of Individual cornple.ting this fo`m: C; �Iu ak Date: �t fj -0. Signature: �- Title: D i r'� c:t�- Telephone' �{J`' �" �] E-mail: + fah. Sincerely, Gary Fa'brikant Assistant Director g?. Dorothy Quintana Communl:ty.Cenler Bid No.:.QM9-020 CEO of Otfatnt' ?;F PEDRO G. HERNANDEZ P.E. C4 Manager To Whom it May Concern Subject: Referenc—e Leiter Nance of Binder, The above referenced contractor is Submitting on a bid solic al:ion thai has been issue;bi the City of i iiarrti. Wer quire that the Bidder provide��iriEten references with their Bid submission and by providing you with this document the Contractor is requesting that you provide the following reference information. We would appreciate you providing the information requested below as well as any other information your feel is pertinent Name sof Project: Scope of worlt: IQew Construction of a Multi Service Center k Fire Station 19 Value of project: $ 16 Million Date Completed, December 2008 Was project completed on time & within budget: � Yes Q Nu If no, was the contractor at fault or contribute to the defay(s) or incrF;ased wst? I "es Q No OIf yes, please prm=ide details: Comments T hank you for your assistance in helping us in evaluating our bid solicitation. Blame of individual completi t is f rm: ����� Dai? Signature: _ Title:�Q�;i,QG_�i�-1rC� IV Telephone: ��_ 2-��1�s` E-mail: __C .5rAto S�f�r Sincerely, Gary Fabrikant Assistant Director J 92 Doroft Quintana Community Center Bid No.: 08-09-+020 FI DRO G. l- ERNAi`'iD z, RE. City Manager lb Whom it May Concern Subject, Reference Letter Name of Bidder: The above referenced contractor is submitting on a bid solicitation that has been issued by the City of Miami, We require that the Bidder provide written references with their Bid submission and by providing you with this docurnent [fie Contractor is reclUe sting that you provide the following reference information, We would appreciate .you providing [he information requested below as well as any other information your feet is pertinent: Name of Project,, Scope of work: New Construction of a Multi Service Center & .Fire Station 19 Value of project: $ 16 Million Date. Completed: _December 2009 Was project completed on time & within budget: Yes ❑ No If no, was the contractor at. fault or contribute to the delay(s) or increased cost? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, please provide details: Comments: Thankyou for yo r assistance in helping rnje_valt. Name of 1116 n livi u �I cot1140"If m: '�7E Signature: t ._.....-_ T elep/MD�11"recl.or g� ` SinceCe. (1r)(,) 3Q` -c -')',Gary ant Assist atlng C,�Ut' bill Gtli:iLa lion. _rO.V1 Date: I Title: P 6�, A L_t� t,ecc�Nt Q v— Dorothy Ouintana Community Cenler Chid No.: 08.09-020 CCctp of , faml T. To Whom it May Concern Subject: Reference Letter Name of Bidder: PEDRO G. HERNANDEZ, P.E_ City Manager The above referenced contractor is submitting on a bid solicitation that has been issued by the City of Miami. We require that the Bidder provide written references with their Bid submission and by providing you with this document the Contractor is requesting that you provide the following reference information. We would appreciate you providing the information requested below as well as any other information your feel is pertinent: Name of Project: Scope of work: New construction of a sports complex Value of project: $ 10 Million nate Completed: February 2009 Was project completed on time & within budget: 4 Yes ❑ No If no, was the contractor at fault or contribute to the delay(s) or increased cost? ❑ Yes M No If yes, please provide details: Comments: Gulf Building Corp. has been essential in the successful -execution .and delivery of the 24 acres City of. Miramar Ansin Ssarts Complex, located at 10801 Miramar Boulevard. Gulf's staff was very knowledgeable and courteous throughout the construction process; and we don't have any problem recommending them to other municipalities for the execution of proiects of the same size. Thank you for your a sistance in helping us in evaluating our bid solicitation. Name of individu co : MICHEL M. MAGLOIRE Date: 3/9/09 Signature: Title: PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR II Telephone: (954) 5-5239 E-mail: mnmaaloire@ci.miramar.fl. us Sincerely, Gary Fabrikant Assistant Director 92 Dorothy Quintana Community Center Bid No.: 08-03-020 ' = CITY OF MIAMI- BID NUll2BER 0$-09.020 DOROTHY QUINTANA COMMUNITI' CENTERS B -30172A. Gulf Building Corp currently employees a total of 25 individuals in the following positions: Managerial/Administrative Personnel John D. Collins, President Sven Uellendahl, Vice President John Scherer, Vice President of Construction Mike Noell, Principal Architect C. Slcip Aniekwu, Senior Project Manager General Personnel Administrative Assistants- 3 Project Architect- 1 Draftsman- 1 Project Engineer- 2 Office Assistant- 1 Controller- 1 Trades Personnel Superintendent — 1 Carpenter -1 Foremen -3 Layout Technicians- 2 Framers- 4 Total Personnel — 25 *Please note that the included key personnel in this submittal would be the individuals assigned to project. 100 GULF BUILDING CORP 2. Response to Question 5 sm GULF DESIGN GROUP Bid Number 08-09-020 tr CITY OF MLkMI - BID NumBER 08-09-020 DOROTHY QUINTANA COMMUNITY CENTER, B -30172A Name Trade % of Work License No. Certification Solution Construction Site work 9% CGC1505866 CDBEISBE N&P Demo Demolition 3% CGC1507877 IYMTE Tricountry Landscaping Landscape 2% CC077-CLS- 14/91-CLS-551X State Well Drilling #1120 Windmill Sprinkler Irrigation 1% CC#77-CLS- 14/91-CLS-551X State Well Drilling #1120 Classic Fence Fence 1% CC#93BS00145 CDBEISBE Landsca eforms Site Furnishings 2% Supplier Surface America Playground Surface 3% Not required in NY Gulf Building Coip Concrete 15% CGCA16662 Vanderbilt Development Masonry 4% CBC055263 East Coast Metals Steel & Misc Metals 4% Ul 8518 Metal Component Truss Light Gauge Metal Framing & Trusses 3% CGC1506960 Cayman Interior Cabinets 1% CGCO19318 Laumar and Unlimited Roofing Thermal & Moisture Protection 8% CCCO58301 MWBE Atlantic Doors & Hardware Doors, Frames, HW, Install 2% Material supplier American Rolling Door Doors, Frames, HW, Install 1% 000014212 Champion Glass Storefront/Windows & Sk li ht 2% CC# 95-7793-G- X Gulf Building Framing/DrywalbExt Framing 5% CGCA16662 Lyon Plastering Stucco & EIFs 3% CC#06PS 13506 X Diamond Painting Painting 1% CC#99-9255- PUD-X Hamway Ceramic Tile, Resilient Floorin , Base 3% CC#96-8208- TM -X Sam Drywall Acoustical Ceilings 1% COC1504116 Lotspeich Specialties 4% CC#99-9255- PUD-X Pinnacle Plumbing Plumbing 4010 CFC057845 Southern Mechanical Mechanical (HVAC) 10% CAC1813623 Bosco Electric Electrical 8% ECO000669 Total for Scope of Work 100% �uaF BUILDING CORP 3. Response to Item 2.b & 2.c MW GULF DESIGN GROUP To Whom it May Concern Subject: Reference Letter Name of Bidder: UP of Aim PEDRO G. HERNANDEZ, P.E. City Manager The above referenced contractor is submitting on a bid solicitation that has been issued by the City of Miami. We require that the Bidder provide written references with their Bid submission and by providing you with this document the Contractor is requesting that you provide the following reference information, We would appreciate you providing the information requested below as well as any other information your feel is pertinent: Name of Project: Scope of work: New Construction of a sports complex Value of project: $ to Million Date Completed: February 2009 Was project completed on time & within budget: X Yes ❑ No If no, was the contractor at fault or contribute to the delay(s) or increased cost? ❑ Yes M No If yes, please provide details: Comments: Gulf Buildine Corn. has been essential in the successful ,execution and delivery of the 24 acres City of. Miramar Ansin Snnrts Complex, located at 10801 Miramar Boulevard. Gulf's staff was very knowledgeable and courteous throughout the construction process; and we don't have any problem recommending them to other municipalities for the execution of projects of the same size. Thank you for ,your assistance in helping us in evaluating our bid solicitation. Name ofindividu co MICHEL M. MAGLOIRE Date: 3/9/09 Signature: Title: PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR II Telephone: (954) 5-5239 E-mail: mnmagloire@ci.miramar. fl . us Sincerely, Gary Fabrikent Assistant Director Q2 Dorothy Quintana Community Center Bid No.: 08-09-020 i. i It2ft1 �iilF j •'� CITY OF MIAMI- BID NuNmER 08-09-020 DOROTHY QUINTANA COMMUNITY CENTER, B -30172A Gulf Building Corp currently employees a total of 25 individuals in the following positions: Manaaerial/Administrative Personnel John D. Collins, President Sven Uellendahl, Vice President John Scherer, Vice President of Construction Mike Noell, Principal Architect C. Skip Aniekwu, Senior Project Manager General Personnel Administrative Assistants- 3 Project Architect- 1 Draftsman- 1 Project Engineer- 2 Office Assistant- 1 Controller- 1 Trades Personnel Superintendent — 1 Carpenter -1 Foremen -3 Layout Technicians- 2 Framers- 4 Total Personnel — 25 *Please note that the included key personnel in this submittal would be the individuals assigned to project. GULF BUILDING CORP 2. Response to Question 5 sm GULF DESIGN GROUP Bid Number 08-09-020 3'X D = r C�i E�noll 110'm rT CITY OF MIAMI - BID NUMBER 08-09-020 DOROTIIY QUINTANA COMMUNITY CENTER, B -30172A Name Trade % of Work License No. Certification Solution Construction Site work 90/0 CGC1505866 CDBE/SBE N&P Demo Demolition 3% CGC1507877 M)NBE Tricountry Landscaping Landscape 2% CC -#77 -CLS - 14/91 -CLS -551X State Well Drilling #1120 Windmill Sprinkler Irrigation 1% CC#77-CLS- .14/91-CLS-551X State Well Drilling #1120 Classic Fence Fence 1% CC#93BS00145 CDBE/SBE Landsca eforms Site Furnishings 2% Supplier Surface America Playground Surface 3% Not required in NY Gulf Building CorpConcrete 15% CGCA16662 Vanderbilt Development Masonry 4% CBC055263 East Coast Metals Steel & Misc Metals 4% U18518 Metal Component Truss Light Gauge Metal Framing & Trusses 3% CGC1506960 Cayman Interior Cabinets 1% CGC019318 Laumar and Unlimited Roofing Thermal & Moisture Protection 8% CCCO58301 MVF'BE Atlantic Doors & Hardware Doors, Frames, HW, Install 2% Material supplier American Rolling Door Doors, Frames, HW, Install 1% .000014212 Champion Glass Storefront/Windows & Skylight 2% CC# 95 -7793 -G - X Gulf Building Framing/Drywall/Ext Framing 5% CGCA16662 Lyon Plastering Stucco & EIFs 3% CC#06PS13506 X Diamond Painting Painting 117/0 CC#99-9255- PUD-X Hamway Ceramic Tile, Resilient Floorin , Base 3% CC#96-8208- TM -X Sam Drywall Acoustical Ceilings I% CGC1504116 Lotspeich Specialties 4% CC#99-9255- PUD-X Pinnacle Plumbing Plumbing 4% CFC057845 Southern Mechanical Mechanical (HVAC) 10% CAC1813623 Bosco Electric Electrical 8% ECO000669 Total for Scope of Work 100% 02100 GULF'BUILDING colla 3. Response to Item 2.b & 2.c bW 'GULF DESIGN GROUP CITY OF Mmu- BID NUMBER 08-09-020 DOROTHY QUINTANA COMMUNITY CENTER,, B -30172A Gulf Building Corp currently employees a total of 25 individuals in the following positions: Manaaerial/Administrative Personnel John D. Collins, President Sven Uellendahl, Vice President John Scherer, Vice President of Construction Mike Noel1, Principal Architect C. Skip Aniekwu, Senior Project Manager General Personnel Administrative Assistants- 3 Project Architect- 1 Draftsman -1 Project Engineer- 2 Office Assistant- 1 Controller- 1 Trades Personnel Superintendent — 1 Carpenter -1 Foremen -3 Layout Technicians- 2 Framers- 4 Total Personnel — 25 `Please note that the included key personnel in this submittal would be the individuals assigned to project. WWW GULF BUILDING CORP 2. Response to Question 5 00 - GULF DESIGN GROUP Bid Number 08-09-020 CITY OF MIANII - Bm NUMBER 05-09-020 DOROTHY QUINTANA COMMUNITY CENTER, B -3.0172A Name Trade % of Work License No. Certification Solution Construction Site work 9% CGC1505866 CDBE/SBE N&P Demo Demolition 3% CGC1507877 MWBE Tricountry Landscaping Landscape 2% CC#77-CLS- 14/91-CLS-551X State Well Drilling #1120 Windmill Sprinkler Irrigation 1% CC -#77 -CLS - .14191 -CLS -551X State Well Drilling #1120 Classic Fence Fence 1% CC#93BS00145 CDBE/SBE Landsca eforms Site Furnishings 2% Supplier Surface America Playground Surface 3% Not required in NY Gulf Building Coip Concrete 15% CGCA16662 Vanderbilt Development Masonry 4% CBC055263 East Coast Metals Steel & Misc Metals 4% U18518 Metal Component Truss Light Gauge Metal Framing & Trusses 3% CGC1506960 Ca man Interior Cabinets 1% CGCO19318 Laumar and Unlimited Roofing Thermal & Moisture Protection 8% CCCO58301 MWBE Atlantic Doors & Hardware Doors, Frames, HW, Install 2%o Material supplier American Rolling Door Doors, Frames, HW, Install 1% 000014212 Champion Glass Storefront/Windows & Sk li ht 2% CC# 95-7793-G- X Gulf Building Framing/Drywall/Ext Framing 5% CGCA16662 Lyon Plastering Stucco & EIFs 3% CC#06PS 13506 X Diamond Painting Painting 1% CC#99-9255- PUD-X Hamway Ceramic Tile, Resilient Flooring, Base 3% CC#96-8208- TM -X Sam Drywall Acoustical Ceilings 1% CGC1504116 Lotspeich Specialties 4% CC#99-9255- PUD-X Pinnacle Plumbing Plumbing 4% CFC057845 Southern Mechanical Mechanical (HVAC) 10% CAC1813623 Bosco Electric Electrical 8% ECO 00669 Total for Scope of Work 100% hIERE GULF BUILDING CORP, Response ] jj DD Bu 'GULF DESIGN GROUP 3. Response to Item 2.0 «2.c Local, Small, Disadvantaged and Minority[Women " Business Enterprise Participation Project No.: 830112A Title: Dorothy Quintana Community Center Bidder/Contractor: Gulf Building Ccrp As previously stated in the Contract Documents, the City encourages the participation of local, small and minority owned businesses. Based on this ongoing effort the City requires that with the submission of the Bid, first payment requisition, and at the request of City representative, the Contractor shall submit this report entitled. Failure to submit the report may delay the issuance of payment to the Contractor. Contractor shall submit an updated report when a subcontractor has been added or changed. The following certified local, small, disadvantaged, minority or women owned firms have been awarded subcontracts fnr Chic Prnioe+ Tho- lanonri is fn ho i mpri in rmmnlafinn tha annrnnriatP rnlitmne Name of Firm (Bidder and I Certifying Value of Percentage Subcontractors) Business Designation Agency Work of Total Local — Local Firm within City of Miami city limits) (check all that apply) (Agencies) Assigned/ Work or Other — please identify SBE — Small Business Enterprise List all Awarded Contract applicable EH Hosbacn Plumbing ❑ BBE ❑CSBE or SBE ❑DBE ❑HBE BC 151-. Service ❑ Local ® MBE ❑ WBE ❑ None Consolidated Doors & ❑BBE ®CSB£ or SBE ❑DBE ❑HBE SC Hardware e ❑ Local ❑ MBE ❑ WBE ❑ None Elechs ❑ BSE i2 CSBE or SBE ❑ DBE ❑HBE 3C 30 ❑ Local ❑ MBE ❑ WBE ❑ None L Cox Flooring ❑ BBE ❑ CSBE or SBE ® DBE ❑HBE BC, BPS 30 ❑ Local ❑ MBE ❑ WBE ❑ None Custom Glass Company ❑ BBE ❑ CSBE or SSE ❑ DBE ❑HBE State c)f FL 70 ❑ Local ® MBE ❑ WBE ❑ None Vila &. Son Landscaping ❑ BBE ❑ CSBE or SBE ❑ DBE ❑HBE State of FL 50 ❑ Local L MBE ❑ WEE ❑ None LtUtNLJ Types of Firm errifyinci Entities BBE — Black- African-American) owned Business Enterprise CM - City of Miami CSBE — Community Small Business BC - Broward Count DBE —Disadvantaged Business Enterprise FDOT — Florida Department of Transportation HBE — Hispanic Owned Business Enterprise FG — Federal Government Local — Local Firm within City of Miami city limits) MD - Miami Dade Count MBE — Mlnodty Business Enterprise MDPS — Miami Dade Public Schools None — nospecial designation Other — please identify SBE — Small Business Enterprise WBE —Woman -Owned Business Enterprise NU It:: UUh'1tb Ul- lat{ I It -IL -A I IUrVb MUS I b= A I I AGI7tL/. LUUAL 1-14UMF i Z tHALL AI I AGN I Mt Dorothy Quintana Community Center LOCAL OFFICEAFFIDAVIT 95 Bid No.: 08-09-020 FORM 3 Page I of 3 0 BID BOND FORM State of Florida ) County Of made SS City of Miami KNOWN ALL FERSON'S .BY THESE PRESENTS, thatGulf Building Corp. as Principal, The Hanover Insurance Companv as surety, are held and firmiy bound unto The City of Mlarni, in the penal SUM of Five Percent of Amount Bid Dollars lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind -ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE GONbITION OF THIS 0131 iaAt` ION iS SUCH, that whereas the Principal has submitted the accornpanyibg bid, dated _ January 7, 2009 , for: Bid/Project No. B -30172A - Construction of a one Story Community Center Building and Miscellaneous Site Improvements, 101 N.W. 34th Street, Miami, Florida NOW THEREFORE: {a} if the prinolpai shall not Withdraw said bid within One hundred and Eighty(180) days after date of opening the same, and shall within tan (10) days after the prescribed forms are presented to trim for signature, enter into a written contraot with the City, in aocnrdance with the bid as accepted, and give bond with good anal suffident surety or sureties, as may be required, for the faithful performance and proper fulfillment of such corntract; or, (b) In the event if the withdrawal d said bid within the per€od specified, or the failure to enter into such contract and give such bond within the time specified, if the principal shall pay the Cit} the difference between the amount specified in said bid and the amount for which the City may procure the required work and supplies, if the latter amount be in excess of ttie former, then the above obligation shall be void and of no effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Bid/Project city of Miami laid 90. No. 5-30172A Q—) FORM 3 Hage 2 of 3 BID BOND FORM lht WITNESS WHIEREDI=, the above bDund parties have executed this instrument under their several seats, this 7th day of January , A. D., 20D9 , the name and corporate seat of each party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative, pursuant to authority of its governing body. WITNESS: (if Sole Ownership, Partnership, or Joint Venture, two (2) Witnesses are ,-equired. tf Corporation, Secretary only will attest and affix seal.) Gicelle Pajon City ai 912MI PRINCIPAL: (Mame o�irm ature of authorized officer) i?l#ie} 633 S. Federal Highway, 5th Floor (Business Address) Fort Lauderdale FL 33301 city State Zip Surety: The Hanover Insurance Company arporate r Affix BY: Seat Charles . Nielson/Fla. Res. Agent (Signatilrg of Authorized OfFCer) Att-I n-Fact/F l-ResAg nt (Title) 440 Lincoln Street (Business Address) Worcester MA 01653 City State Zip Nielson, Alter & Associates (Name of Local Insurance Agency) 6000 Governors Square Blvd. #101 Miami Lakes FL 33016 Address 305-722-2663 Telephone Number Bio/Project Bid No. No. 3-30172A BID BOND FORM CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE PRINCIPAL. FORM 3 Page 3 of 3 I, t�)�rXl Ue, k/1( , certify that I am the Secretary of the Corporation named in the within bond; that 0 - tp - is a Principal of said corporation; that I know his/her signature, and the signature hereto is genuine; and that said bond was duly signed, sealed and attested for and in behalf of said corporation by authority of itts governing body, ecretary (Corporate Seam STATE OF Florida j COUNTY OF Miami -Dade � SS CITY OF Miami Lakes Before me, a Notary Public duly commissioned, qualified acrd personally appeared Charles J. Nielson/Fla. Res. Agent to Me wall known, who being by me first duly sworn upon oath, says that he/she is the attorney-in-fact, for the The Hanover Insurance Company and that helshe hAs been authorized by The Hanover Insurance Company to exacute the foregoing 'bond on behalf of the Contractor named therein in favor of The City of Miami, Florida. Subscri�ed anc sworn to before me this 7th day of J aro A. D,, 2009 , INSTRUCTIONS: Bid Bonds roust be accompanied by Notary Public, State .of Florida at Large a Power of Attorney, in Olga Iglesias complianoe with Instructions to Bidders fly Commission Expims: May 21, 2010 OLOA 1,101,I SIAS i r � MYCOMRSSION 2l,2017180 y�'oFSt°� EXPIRES: May 21, 2010 (407) 398-0153 Florida Nolmy SeNice.com Bid/Project city Of misml Wd No. No, B -30172A Qj This Power of Attorney may not be used to execute any bond with an inception date after June 1, 2010 THE HANOVER INSURANCE COMPANY MASSACHUSETTS BAY INSURANCE COMPANY CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA POVVERS OF ATTORNEY r"+ CERTIFIED COPY J KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That THE HANOVER INSURANCE COMPANY and MASSACHUSETTS BAY INSURANCE COMPANY, both being corporations organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Hampshire, and CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Michigan, do hereby constitute and appoint Charles J. Nielson, David R. Hoover, Charles David Nielson, Warren Mitchell Alter and/or Joseph P. Nielson of Miami Lakes, FL and each is a true and lawful Attomey(s)-in-fact to sign, execute, seal, acknowledge and deliver for, and on its behalf, and as its act and deed any place within the United States, or, if the following line be filled in, only within the area therein designated any and all bonds, recognizances, undertakings, contracts of indemnity or other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, as follows: Any such obligations in the United States, not to exceed Ten Million and NoM00 ($10,000,000) in any single instance and said companies hereby ratify and confirm all and whatsoever said Attorney(s)-in-fact may lawfully do in the premises by virtue of these presents. These appointments are made under and by authority of the following Resolution passed by the Board of Directors of said Companies which resolutions are still in effect: °RESOLVED. That the President or any Vice President, in conjunction with any Assistant Vice President, be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to appoint Attorneys -in -fact of the Company, in its name and as its acts, to execute nd acknowledge for and on its behalf as Surety any and all bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, waivers of citation and all other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, with power to attach hereto the seal of the Company. Any such writings so executed by such Attorneys -in -fact shall be as binding upon the Company as if they had been duty executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company in their own proper persons." (Adopted October 7, 1,981 - The Hanover Insurance Company; Adopted April 14, 1962— Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company; Adopted September 7, 2001 • Citizens Insurance Company of America) IN WiTNESS WHEREOF, THE HANOVER INSURANCE COMPANY, MASSACHUSETTS BAY INSURANCE COMPANY and CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA have caused these presents to be sealed with their respective corporate seals, duly attested by a Vice President and an Assistant Vice President, this 28th day of May, 2008. THE HANOVER INSURANCE COMPANY MASSACHUSETt;S BAY;INSORANGE COMPANY t. CITIZEN SURANCE GDNPANY OF.AMERICA ZP '104 A6 MaryJeanne d on Vice Preside t Robert K Grennah; Assistait - rce ,resident THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ) COUNTY OF WORCESTER ) ss. On this 29th day of May 2DD8, before me came the above named Vice President and Assistant Vice President of The Hanover Insurance Company, Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company and Citizens insurance Company of America, to me personally known to be the individuals and officers described herein, and acknowledged that the seals affixed to the preceding instrument are the corporate seals of The Hanover Insurance Company Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company and Citizens Insurance Company of America, respectively, and that the said corporate seals and their signatures as officers were duly affixed and subscribed to said instrument by the authority and direction of said Corporations. rortmWbnE "WAE�MNorllOt Nrofafy fc�blrc ty My commission expires on November 3, 2011 I, the undersigned Assistant Vice President of The Hanover insurance Company, Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company and Citizens Insurance Company of America, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the Original Power of Attorney issued by said Companies, and do hereby further certify that the said Powers of Attorney are still in force and effect. This Certificate may be signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution of the Board of Directors of The Hanover Insurance Company, Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company and Citizens Insurance Company of America. "RESOLVED, That any and all Powers of Attorney and Certified Copies of such Powers of Attorney and certification in respect thereto, granted and executed by the President or any Vice President in conjunction with any Assistant Vice President of the Company, shall be binding on the Company to the same extent as if all signatures therein were manually affixed, even though one or more of any such signatures thereon may be facsimile." (Adopted October 7, 1981 - The Hanover Insurance Company; Adopted Aprif 14, 1982 Massachusetts Say insurance Company; Adopted September 7, 2001 - Citizens Insurance Company of America) GiVEN under my hand and the seals of said Companies, at Worcester, Massachusetts, this 7(h day of January .20 09 . THE HANOVER INSURANCE COMPANY MASSACHUSETTS BAY INSURANCE COMPANY Crrl 'S INSU 4C PANY OF MERICA 7 Slapdt,Braul, sslsfan"f ice Presde�( Section 6- Contract Execution Form THIS Contract 0 D—;N `70 (contract number) made this Lt-6day of r in the year 2009 by and between THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, hereinafter called the "CITY," and (name of Contractor) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. WITNESS/ATTEST GULF BUILDING CORP. John D. Collins, Presid rF Sig are Sign "tare n Jc VIGr� Z.0 - res �`n tAJ- c. �n �j � . C , � � r ru 1 ?e S ,e U4 Print Name, Title V Print Name, Title of Authorized Of icer 6r Official ATTEST: CONTRACTOR Secretary (Affirm CONTRACTOR Seal, if available) ATTEST: riscilla Thompson/City APPROVED AS TO' INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS LeAnn Brehm,ZDi ector ;'Risk Management Department Dorothy Quintana Community Center (Corporate Seal) City of i i, a municipal corporation of the State f to da eedro G. Hemandez, P.E., City Manager APPROVItD AS TO LEGAL FORM AND CORRECTNESS: Ju160. aru, Yv Attorney 102 Bid No.: 08-09-020 Q CORPORATE RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Gulf Building Corp. Inc. desires to enter into a contract with the City of Miami for the purpose of performing the work described in the contract to which this resolution is attached; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors at a duly held corporate meeting has considered the matter in accordance with the By -Laws of the corporation; Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS that the / r- S, j (type title of officer) , is hereby authorized (type name of officer) and instructed to enter into a contract, in the name and on behalf of this corporation, with the City of Miami upon the terms contained in the proposed contract to which this resolution is attached and to execute the corresponding performance bond. DATED this day of 120 Dorothy Quintana Community Center Cor rate-Ses tary 103 (Corporate Seal) Bid No.: 08-09-020 NIELSON, ALTER & ASSOCIATES March 24, 2009 City of Miami 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue, 8th Floor Miami, Florida 33130 RE., Authority to Date Bonds and Powers of Attorney Principal. Gulf Building Corp. Bond No. 1855884 Project. Dorothy Quintana Community Center -B -30172A ITB No. 08-09-020 To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised that we, :the: Surety, hereby authorize you to date the attached Bonds and Powers of Attorney concurrent with the date of the contract. Once the Bonds and Powers of Attorney have been dated, please provide us with a copy for our files. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely yours, NIELSON, ALTER & ASSOCIATES Olga Iglesias Production/CSR Attachments 8000 Governors Square Boulevard Suite 101 Miami Lakes, FL 33016 P: 305.722.2663 F: 305.558.9650 www.nielsonbonds.com BOND NO. 1855884 FORM OF PERFORMANCE BOND (Page 1of 2) BY THIS BOND, We GULF BUILDING CORP. , as Principal, hereinafter called Contractor, and THE HANOVER INSURANCE COMPANY as Surety, are bound to the City of Miami, Florida, as Obligee, hereinafter called City, in the amount of ONE MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND AND 001100 -------------- Dollars ($ 1,750,000.0 for the payment whereof Contractor and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally. WHEREAS, Contractor has by written agreement entered into a Contract, Bid/Contract No: 08-09-020, awarded the 6th day of 2001, with City which Contract Documents are by reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof, and specifically include provision for liquidated damages, and other damages identified, and for the purposes of this Bond are hereafter referred to as the "Contract"; THE CONDITION OF THIS BOND is that if Contractor: 1. Performs the Contract between Contractor and City for construction of DOROTHY QUINTANA COMMUNITY CENTER, B -30172A -ITB r08-09-020, the Contract being made a part of this Bond by reference, at the times and in the manner prescribed in the Contract; and 2. Pays City all losses, liquidated damages, expenses, costs and attorney's fees including appellate proceedings, that City sustains as a result of default by Contractor under the Contract; and 3.Performs the guarantee of all Work and materials furnished under the Contract for the time specified in the Contract; then THIS BOND IS VOID, OTHERWISE IT REMAINS IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. 4. Whenever Contractor shall be, and declared by City to be, in default under the Contract, City having performed City obligations hereunder, the Surety may promptly remedy the default, or shall promptly: 4.1. Complete the Project in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents; or Dorothy Quintana Community Center Bid No.: 08-09-020 104 FORM OF PERFORMANCE BOND (Page 2 of 2) 4.2. Obtain a bid or bids for completing the Project in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, and upon determination by Surety of the lowest responsible Bidder, or, if City elects, upon determination by City and Surety jointly of the lowest responsible Bidder, arrange for a contract between such Bidder and City, and make available as Work progresses (even though there should be a default or a succession of defaults under the Contract or Contracts of completion arranged under this paragraph) sufficient funds to pay the cost of completion less the balance of the Contract Price; but not exceeding, including other costs and damages for which the Surety may be liable hereunder, the amount set forth in the first paragraph hereof. The term "balance of the Contract Price," as used in this paragraph, shall mean the total amount payable by City to Contractor under the Contract and any amendments thereto, less the amount properly paid by City to Contractor. No right of action shall accrue on this bond to or for the use of any person or corporation other than City named herein. The Surety hereby waives notice of and agrees that any changes in or under the Contract Documents and compliance or noncompliance with any formalities connected with the Contract or the changes does not affect Surety's obligation under this Bond. Signed and sealed this day of 20 WITNESSES: ecretary (CORPORATE SEAL) IN TME PRESENCE OF: owi,00�VA GULF BiJILDING CORP. (Name of Corporation) By: (Signature) (Print Name and Title) INSURANCE COMPANY: THE HANOVE SURANCE COMPANY By: (611, /�)w Age an t orn�y-in- ac Chzrles J. Nielson Address: 440 Lincoln Street (Street) - Worcester, MA 01653 (City/State/Zip Code) Telephone No.: (508) 853-7200 Dorothy Quintana Community Center Bid No.: 08-09-020 105 n R NIELSOm, ALTER & AssOCIATES PUBLIC WORKS BOND IN COMPLIANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTES 255.05 (1) (a) u.i U z BOND NO.: 1855884 CONTRACTOR NAME: Gulf Building Corp. CONTRACTOR ADDRESS 633 S. Federal Highway, 51h Floor Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 CONTRACTOR PHONE NO.: 954-492-9191 SURETY COMPANY: The Hanover Insurance Company SURETY ADDRESS: 440 Lincoln Street Worcester, MA 01653 SURETY PHONE NO.: (508) 853-7200 OWNER NAME: City of Miami OWNER ADDRESS: 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue, 8h Floor Miami, Florida 33130 OWNER PHONE NO.: (305) 416-1280 OBLIGEE NAME: Same as above (If contracting entity is different from the owner, the contracting public entity) OBLIGEE ADDRESS: Same as above OBLIGEE PHONE NO.: Same as above CONTRACT NO.: (If applicable) B -30172A - ITB No. 08-09-020 PROJECT NAME: Dorothy Quintana Community Center PROJECT LOCATION: Miami, Florida LEGAL DESCRIPTION/ STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: 8000 Governors Square Boulevard FRONT PAGE All other bond page(s) are deemed subsequent to this page regardless of any page number(s) that may be preprinted Suite 101 thereon. Miami Lakes, FL 33016 P: 305.722.2663 F: 305.558.9650 www.nielsonbonds.com BOND NO. 1855884 FORM OF PAYMENT BOND (Page 1of 2) BY THIS BOND, We GULF BUILDING CORP. as Principal, hereinafter called Contractor, and THE HANOVER INSURANCE COMPANY as Surety, are bound to the City of Miami Florida, as Obligee, hereinafter called City, in the amount of ONE MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($1,750,000.00 ) for the payment whereof Contractor and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally. WHEREAS, Contractor has by written agreement entered into a Contract, Bid/Contract No., awarded the day of 20_a, with City which Contract Documents are by reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof, and specifically include provision for liquidated damages, and other damages identified, and for the purposes of this Bond are hereafter referred to as the "Contract' THE CONDITION OF THIS BOND is that if Contractor: 1. Pays City all losses, liquidated damages, expenses, costs and attorney's fees including appellate proceedings, that City sustains because of default by Contractor under the Contract; and 2. Promptly makes payments to all claimants as defined by Florida Statute 255.05(1) for all labor, materials and supplies used directly or indirectly by Contractor in the performance of the Contract; THEN CONTRACTOR'S OBLIGATION SHALL BE VOID; OTHERWISE, IT SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT SUBJECT, HOWEVER, TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 2.1. A claimant, except a laborer, who is not in privity with Contractor and who has not received payment for its labor, materials, or supplies shall, within forty-five (45) days after beginning to furnish labor, materials, or supplies for the prosecution of the Work, furnish to Contractor a notice that he intends to look to the bond for protection. 2.2. A claimant who is not in privity with Contractor and who has not received payment for its labor, materials, or supplies shall, within ninety (90) days after performance of the labor or after complete delivery of the materials or supplies, deliver to Contractor and to the Surety, written notice of the performance of the labor or delivery of the materials or supplies and of the nonpayment. 2.3. No action for the labor, materials, or supplies may be instituted against Contractor or the Surety unless the notices stated under the preceding conditions (2.1) and (2.2) have been given. 2.4. Any action under this Bond must be instituted in accordance with the longer of the applicable Notice and Time Limitations provisions prescribed in Section 255.05(2), or Section 95-11, Florida Statutes. Dorothy Quintana Community Center Bid No.: 08-09-020 106 FORM OF PAYMENT BOND (Page 2 of 2) The Surety hereby waives notice of and agrees that any changes in or under the Contract Documents and compliance or noncompliance with any formalities connected with the Contract or the changes does not affect the Surety's obligation under this Bond. Signed and sealed this day of , 20 Contractor ATTEST: GULF BUILDING COR?. (Name of Corporation) By. (Secretary) (Signature) (Corporate Sea[) IN THE PRESENCE OF: --T'- ,^ z, J er�.yrcr—-Pr5rde,�b� (Print Name and Title) day of 120 IN SU ,NCE COMPANY: THE 9N0 IN CE MPA By: Agent nd Attorney-ih-Fact. Charles J. Nielson Address: 440 Lincoln Street (Street) Worcester, MA 01653 _ _ _ Telephone No.: This 'bond is given to comply with section 255.05 Florida Statutes, and any action instituted by a claimant under this bond for payment must be in accordance with the notice and tirne limitation provisions in Section 255.08(2), Florida Statutes, THIS BOND IS HEREBY AMENDED SO THAT THE PROVISIONS AND LIMITATIONS OF SECTION 255.05 OR SECTION 713.23 FLORIDA STATUTES, WHICHEVER IS APPLICABLE, ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. (508) 853-7200 Dorothy Quintana Community Center Bid No.: 08-09-020 107 This Power of Attorney may not be used to execute any bond with an inception date after June 1, 2010 THE HANOVER INSURANCE COMPANY MASSACHUSETTS BAY INSURANCE COMPANY CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA POWERS OF ATTORNEY CERTIFIED COPY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That THE HANOVER INSURANCE COMPANY and MASSACHUSETTS BAY INSURANCE COMPANY, both being corporations organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Hampshire, and CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Michigan, do hereby constitute and appoint Charles J. Nielson, David R. Hoover, Charles David Nielson, Warren Mitchell Alter and/or Joseph P. Nielson of Miami Lakes, FL and each is a true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-fact to sign, execute, seal, acknowledge and deliver for, and on its behalf, and as its act and deed any place within the United States, or, if the following line be filled in, only within the area therein designated any and all bonds, recognizances, undertakings, contracts of indemnity or other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, as follows: Any such obligations in the United States, not to exceed Ten Million and No/100 ($10,000,000) in any single instance and said companies hereby ratify and confirm all and whatsoever said Attorney(s)-in-fact may lawfully do in the premises by virtue of these presents. These appointments are made under and by authority of the following Resolution passed by the Board of Directors of said Companies which resolutions are still in effect: "RESOLVED, That the President or any Vice President, in conjunction with any Assistant Vice President, be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to appoint Attomeys-in-fact of the Company, in Its name and as its acts, to execute and acknowledge for and on its behalf as Surety any and all bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, waivers of citation and all other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, with power to attach thereto the seal of the Company. Any such writings so executed by such Attomeys-in-fact shall be as binding upon the Company as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company in their own proper persons." (Adopted October 7, 1981 - The Hanover Insurance Company; Adopted April 14, 1982 — Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company; Adopted September 7, 2001 - Citizens Insurance Company of America) IN WiTNESS WHEREOF, THE HANOVER INSURANCE COMPANY, MASSACHUSETTS BAY INSURANCE COMPANY and CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA have caused these presents to be sealed with their respective corporate seats, duly attested by a Vice President and an Assistant Vice President, this 29th day of May, 2008. THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ) COUNTY OF WORCESTER ) ss. On this 29th day of May 2008, before me came the above named Vice President and Assistant Vice President of The Hanover Insurance Company, Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company and Citizens Insurance Company of America, to me personally known to be the individuals and officers described herein, and acknowledged that the seals affixed to the preceding instrument are the corporate seals of The Hanover Insurance Company Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company and Citizens Insurance Company of America, respectively, and that the said corporate seals and their signatures as officers were duly affixed and subscribed to said instrument by the authority and direction of said Corporations. wwr P I A110 No-left' Public �yc�+renea�.xxa My commission expires on November 3, 2011 I, the undersigned Assistant Vice President of The Hanover Insurance Company, Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company and Citizens Insurance Company of America, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the Original Power of Attorney issued by said Companies, and do hereby further certify that the said Powers of Attorney are still in force and effect. This Certificate may be signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution of the Board of Directors of The Hanover Insurance Company, Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company and Citizens Insurance Company of America. "RESOLVED, That any and all Powers of Attorney and Certified Copies of such Powers of Attorney and certification in respect thereto, granted and executed by the President or any Vice President in conjunction with any Assistant Vice President of the Company, shall be binding on the Company to the same extent as if all signatures therein were manually affixed, even though one or more of any such signatures thereon may be facsimile." (Adopted October 7, 1981 - The Hanover Insurance Company; Adopted April 14, 1982 Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company; Adopted September 7, 2001 - Citizens Insurance Company of America) GIVEN under my hand and the seals of said Companies, at Worcester, Massachusetts, this day of 20 THE HANOVER INSURANCE COMPANY MASSACHUSETTS BAY INSURANCE COMPANY _ MCITI.�,CE COMPANY OF ERICA Step l_ Braut , sslstanticee Pre�nt