TO: The Honorable Mayor and M tubers of the City Co ssion
FROM: Julie 0. Bru, City Attome
DATE: August 23, 2010
RE: Proposed Resolution - City Commission Meeting —September 16, 2010
Waiving any potential conflict of interest to enable the law finn of Cole, Scott &
Kissane, to represent Doubletree Hotels, LLC, d/b/a Doubletree Hotel — Coconut
Grove, in the matter of Aurora Barbara vs. Miami -Dade County, et al., Miami -
Dade Circuit Court Case No. 10-33690 CA 31.
File No. 10-00992
The law firm of Cole, Scott & Kissane, P.A., wishes to represent Doubletree Hotels, LLC,
d/b/a Doubletree Hotel Coconut Grove in a personal injury lawsuit filed by Aurora Barbara
arising from an alleged slip -and -fall accident. The law firm currently represents the City of
Miami in the matters of Helene Hutt vs. City of Miami, United States District Court Case No.
10-21451-CIV-MARTINEZ/BROWN; Milan Investment Group, Inc., vs. the City of Miami,
et al., Miami -Dade Circuit Court Case No. 08-77800 CA 08; and Carl Masztal, et al., vs. City
of Miami, et al., Miami -Dade Circuit Court Case No. 05-2117 CA 22. Although there is no
present conflict of interest between the positions of the City of Miami and Doubletree Hotels,
LLC, in the Aurora Barbara litigation, there is the potential for a conflict due to the fact that
the two parties are co-defendants in this lawsuit. Waiving the potential conflict of interest
will permit the law firm of Cole, Scott & Kissane, P.A., to represent Doubletree Hotel in the
Aurora Barbara lawsuit.
cc: Carlos A. Migoya, City Manager
Elvi Gallastegui, Agenda Coordinator