Thursday, September 16, 2010 at 9:00 A.M. _ : • f" -�w _
City of Miami Commission Chamber Community
4i'� Development
'`:�b.,F�"� 3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, FL 33133
Federal regulations governing Community Development Block Grant ("CDBG") and other United States Department of Housing and Urban
Development ("HUD") programs require that a participating jurisdiction provide citizens with reasonable notice of and an opportunity to comment on
any new allocation and/ or amendment of HUD programs. In addition, the public is advised of the proposed new allocation(s)/ amendment(s) to the
funding of the City program(s) as indicated below:* } t
Discussion and Proposed Resolutions authorizing the acceptance, allocation, and/or transfer of funds for the following agenda Items:'
1. Discussion and proposed resolution extending the term of the contract with Neighbors and Neighbors Association, Inc. ("NANA") for the
rehabilitation and construction improvements of the properties located at 5861 NW 17" Avenue and 5841-45 NW 17t' Avenue, known as the
District 5 Business Corridor Expansion Project.
2. Discussion and proposed resolution accepting the conveyance of the CD Building located at 1525 NW 60 Street from Miami Dream Homes
Investment Group, Inc., further authorizing the City Manager to convey said building from the City of Miami to Empower "U", Inc. for the
implementation of affordable housing opportunities for low income individuals and families with applicable restrictions.
3. Discussion and proposed resolution approving an exception to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund ("AHTF") Guidelines for Peninsula Housing
Development, Inc. XVII in connection with the La Palma Apartments project.
4. Discussion and proposed resolution accepting from Miami Dade County the amount of $2,776,264 in CDBG funds for the implementation of the
2nd phase of the Disaster Relief Program.
5. Discussion and proposed resolution authorizing the allocation of FY2010-2011 HOME funds in the total amount of $4,974,286 in the following
categories: $248,715 for program administration, $1,500,000 for District 1 homeownership activities and $3,225,572 for all other housing
6. Discussion and proposed resolution authorizing the allocation of FY2010-2011 CDBG funds, in the total amount of $8,950,890 in the following
categories: $950,089 for program administration, $1,342,634 for Public Services, $2,304,039 for Economic Development, $400,000 to City of
Miami Department of Code Enforcement, $2,154,128 for the repayment of Section 108 loans, $800,000 to Building Department, and $1,000,000
to Department of Fire Rescue.
7. Discussion and proposed resolution authorizing the allocation of 36 program year (FY2010-2011) CDBG funds in the total amount of
$2,304,039, in the Economic Development category, to theagencies specified below:
Recommended Distribution of Funds to A encies/ Program
Services Provided
Allapattah Business Development Authority, Inc.
Technical Assistance to
Commercial Fagade/ Code
Compliance Program
Rafael Hernandez Housing and Economic Development Corp.
Neighbors and Neighbors Association, Inc.
Technical Assistance to Micro
Contractor's Resource Center, Inc.
Technical Assistance to Private
for Profit entities
City of Miami - Fagade/ Code Enforcement Construction Costs
Fagade/Code Enforcement Hard
District 5 Micro-Enterprise Assistance Program
Assistance to Micro-Enterprise
Bascomb Memorial Broadcasting Foundation, Inc./ WDNA-FM 88.9
Special Economic Development
City of Miami - Economic Development Reserve Account
City of Miami - Economic
Development Reserve Account
Little Haiti Housing Association, Inc.
Public Facilities and
City of Miami Department of Capital Improvement
Public Facilities and Improvements Reserve Account
Economic Development Total
$ 2,304,039
8. Discussion and proposed resolution authorizing the allocation of 36,nprogram year (FY2010-2011) CDBG funds in the total amount of
$1,342,634 in the Public Services category, to theagencies specified below:
----------Recommended Distribution of Funds to Agencies/ Pro ram -
- Services Provided -
- -- -Amount - --
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami, Inc./Centro Hispano Catolico Child Care
Child Care Services
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami, Inc./Notre Dame Child Care Center
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami, Inc./Sa rada Familia Child Care Center
Centro Mater Child Care Services, Inc,
KIDCO Child Care, Inc.
Our Child Care Inc. - Our Little Ones Learning Center
St. Alban's Day Nursery, Inc.
Subtotal Child Care Services:
Alla attah Community Action, Inc.
Senior Services
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami, Inc./Services for the Elderly (GESU)
De Hostos Senior Center, Inc.
Fifty-Five Years & Up, Inc
Josefa Perez de Castano Kidney Foundation
Little Havana Activities & Nutrition Centers of Dade County, Inc.
Sisters and Brothers Forever, Inc.
Southwest Social Services Programs, Inc.
Sunshine for All, Inc.
Curle 's House of Style, Inc. - Elderly meals
Theodore Roosevelt Gibson Memorial Fund, Inc.
Subtotal Senior Services:
ASPIRA of Florida, Inc.
Youth Services/ After School
Belafonte Tacolcy Center, Inc.
Fanm A is en Nan Mi ami, Inc.
Helping Hands Youth Center, Inc.
Liberty City Optimist Club of Florida, Inc.
Miami's River of Life
Regis House, Inc.
Urgent Inc.
World Literacy Crusade of Florida, Inc.
Youth of America Inc.
Subtotal Youth Services/After School:
The Association for Development of the Exceptional, Inc. Handicapped Services
The Alternative Programs, Inc. Legal Services
The Sundari Foundation, Inc. (Homeless) Public Services (General)
Community Development Reserve
9. Discussion and Proposed Resolution authorizing the allocation of FY2010-2011 HOPWA Funds, in the amount of $12,935,584, as specified
Recommended Distribution of Funds to Agencies/ Program
Services Provided
Cit of Miami- Department of CommunityDevelopment
Program administration
Apple Tree Perspectives, Inc.
Technical Assistance
Miami Beach CommunityDevelopment Corporation — Westchester A artments
Project Based -Operating
Carrfour Supportive Housing, Inc. — Harding Village
Carrfour Supportive Housing, Inc. — Del Prado Gardens
Long Term Tenant Based
Rental Subsidy Program (LTRA)
— Housing Specialist Services,
Move -in, compliance, walk-
through, exit & HQS Inspections
Center of Information &Orientation, Inc.
Em ower "U", Inc.
Miami Beach Community Development Corporation, Inc.
Sunshine for All, Inc.
Spanish American Basic Education and Rehabilitation, Inc.
$ 87,955
City of Miami Department of Community Development
LTRA-Rental Payments
HIV Education & Law Project, Inc. HELP, Inc
Legal Services
City of Miami — Department of Community Development — Lifeguest I & 11
Capital Funding
Capital Funding Reserve
The adoption of this Ordinance/Resolution, by the City Commission, authorizes the City Manager to draft/ amend the appropriate City of Miami
annual Action Plan.
t This item(s) will be available for public comment and review for a period of no less than 30 days. The review and comment period begins Tuesday,
August 17, 2010 and ends Wednesday, September 15, 2010. The proposed amendments) will be presented to City Commission for approval on
Thursday, September 16, 2010 (public hearing).
# Draft copies will be available at the City of Miami Department of Community Development office located at 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 2nd floor, Miami,
Florida, 33130. Comments to the amendments must be submitted in writing to: 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 2nd floor, Miami, Florida, 33130: Attn:
Natasha Sordes, and must be received no later than September 15, 2010.
Interested individuals are encouraged to attend this Public Hearing. The meeting site is accessible to the handicapped. Requests for special
accommodations may be directed to the Department of Community Development at (305) 416-2080 no less than three (3) business days prior to
the Public Hearing date.
(Ad # 007883)