5 campaigning for open
seat on School Board
#Flue candidates with Bares asked the state sider wureful.
a diMeront backgrounds Commission no Ethics if 'R also went to establish
C and priorities are vying his serving on the School more partnerships with
t07 to replace Ana Rivas Hoard would create a con- our communities," she
Logan oa the dict of interest. The com- said. "We need more
T Miami -Dade School mission said no. internships for children"
RBoard. "The school board She has raised about
member's company sells $6,000.
yaj BY xATHLEEN WGRORY uniform, to theentsf
O m<9rory.@M,am:herad.com individual school n, AIDE TO MEMBER
The five candidates run- not to the school district or Perez, 45, has spent four
7 ning to represent south- its schools," ethics con- yea , assistant [
G est Miami -Dade on the missioners wrote. SchoolBoard member
d School Board come from a Bar. is campaigning ni
png un Marta Perez. m whom she
variety of professional his experience, both as a is not related. She took a
backgrounds. They have businessman and in the leave of absence from the
•� different priorities and school district. He cur- post before launching her
C varying campaign strate- rently serves on the parent campaign, she said.
M gies. group that oversees the Perez wants to work to
a But the race may come school district's$ 43 billion increase transparency
>. down to a single factor: budget and has been throughout the district,
M fundraising. involved on multiple particularly when it comes
3 Carlos Curbelo, a staffer school advisory tousled,. to construction and pro-
Cfor U.S. Sen. George LeM- His priorities include consent, She also wants
A Jeux and political insider, promoting parent involve- to curtail the role ofspecial
C has far outpaced the nutter, ment and improving the interesm
candidates, amassing more overall image of school "If you look at mycam-
C than $126,000 in contribu- system, especially in the paign contributions, you
tions. eyes of state lawmakers. see chat this is
ls School uniform enure- "We _it
to show them grass-roots effort," she
preneur Eddy Barea has why they should properly said. "'The only special
O the second largest war fund ou school system." maereat I care to serve is
3 chest- about sm.000. he said. r children."
4) The
other three candi- Alvarez, 40, is a lain- Perez has raised $18,000
dates — teacher Nathasha goage arts teacher at Jane for her campaign. Donors
N Alvarez, School Board S. Roberts K-8 Center. She include Man. Perez and
> sistam Libby Perez and has 14 years of classroom former School Board mem.
FlU student Juliana Velez experience. bar Frank Cohan.
U —have raised significantly As someone who was "It's important to have
a less money and are consid- born with brittle bone dis- s who knows the
eyed the underdogs head- ease and uses a wheelchair, system and is able to make
ding into Tuesday's pri- Alvarez has long been an a immediate difference,"
u many. advocate for people with she said.
"W hen you have an disabilities. While attend- Velez, 23, is a student at
O open seat, 90 percent of ing Miami Sunset Senior Florida International Doi -
the time, the person who High, she fought to get rsity. She also manages
>r raise. the most money ramps placed outside the her family's pharmaceuti-
td wins," said Wayne Blan- portable classrooms. cal business and is director
E ton, executive director of Alvarez is a regular of the Abraham Lincoln
7 the Florida School Boards speaker at School Board Foundation, which hosts
0 Association. meetings. She is also a debates and !rums on
Of course, stranger founding member of the education.
things have happened in Miami Educators Alliance, Velez, who has raised
Miami -Dade School Board a prof sional orgesizatio. about $3,000, could not be
to politics. for educators who have reached for comment. But
U been critical of the school in a Miami Herald Editorial
M INCOMPLETE TERMdistrict. Board questionnaire, she
The candidates a If elected, Alvarez wrote that she opposes
mcompeting to complete the —old make sure the fund- cutting from classrooms.
to two years left in School ing for special needs am. "It is time to be prag-
G Board member Ana Rivas dents is used properly. She uratic, innovative and cre-
.O Logan! term Logan is run- would also fight against alive to utilize the
ring for the state House, cronyismand cut spending resources w already
N To win in Tuesday's on programs teachers con- have," she wrote.
a primary. a candidate ..at
M secure more than half the
'D vote. If nobody does, the
a top two win go h
.� head in the November CITN
C election.
O The race is widely NOTICE •
V expected to come down to
'EBares and Curbelo, who
N has the key endorsement
= from the Untied Teachers s
of Dade. k NOTICE
E Curbelo, 30, is the . COLLECTION f
winder of Capitol Gains, a
Miami -based public and
Palmetto Bay mayor
faces `resign -to -run' suit
A Miami political Lynda G. Bell; A.E. ruled this month that Ruiz
activist Is challenging "Albert" li--Alvarez; should have resigned
top County Hall Daniel "Danny" Marmor- because n possibility
candidate Eugene stein; Obdulio piedra and exists that Ruiz's municJ-
Flinn In court Just days Annette Taddeo. pal term could overlap
before the election, There is no way for with a potential state
saying he's violating Flinn ro file a letter now tens Ruiz has appealed.
Florida law. because the qualifying Farias, Nunez and Ruiz
period is over. The pri- are three of sir candidates
BY PATRIDA MAllD, mary election is Tuesday, running for House Dia -
MARTHA BRANNIGAN,with a possible run-off on tri t n2.
ANDMAITHEWHAGGMAN Nov. 2. in the second case.
mac .mrd mae,a 11. Daphne Campbell sued
In another case press- 'NOTHING PERSONAL' Alix Desulme, the North
ing Florida's "resign -to- Cody said he pressed Miami city clerk. saying
n" law, a political actio- the suit solely to ensure his r sign -to -run letter
is' is suing to shomcireidt the election process pro- not filed on time and
Palmetto Bay Mayor coeds properly. "Frankly, did not list a resignation
Eugene Flinn's bid for had Gene not run afoul of date. Both candidates are
County Hall less than a the law, I probably would Democrats — and the
week before election day. have supported him. This only two people in the
In thethird such case is nothing personal primary battle for House
this year, Flinn — a lead- against Gene." District 108.
Ing candidate for the "My concern is people Candidates have to file
Miami -Dade County who are going to thepolls a resignation letter at
Commission — is being not knowing he's not lean 10 days before the
accused of failing to file a qualified might have a first day of qualifying for
form stating that he second choice, and very their race begins In
would resign the mayor's possibly might be outing Desulme s case, he had to
office if elected to the [heir vote;' Cody said. post the letter by lune 4,
omndsaion. Cody has been steeped
Stephen M. Cody, a is a variety of political 'FACTUALLY SCANTY'
plaindifand d lawyer in rhe anelection is In a pre&m ..y hear
suit filed Wednesday, said the years. He represented ing Wednesday, Circuit
the Florida law bans Miami -Dade County Court Judge Victoria Sig -
elected leaders fromhold- Commissioner Natache ler found that Desulme
ing two offices a[ he Seijas during her recall filed a resignation letter
same time — even if the battle. And he was the to the office of the city
overlap is just a few days. lead attorney in separate clerk — without an effee-
Flinn is running to soc-cases that brought single- rive date — on June 9. He
teed Miami -Dade Co._ member districts to also submitted a resigna-
missionerKaty Smenson, Miami -Dade County and tion letter directed at
who is stepping down the school board. himself, as the clerk, on
after 16 years. Attorneys Ben Kuehne June L
DEFENSE and Joe Geller will repre- Sigler ruled that
sent Flinnduring a hear- Desulme can stay on the
Flinn said he didn't ing Thursday at 1:30 p.m. ballot. But she reserved
needed to file the paper- before Circuit Judge Ron- the court's right to further
work because he was ald Friedman. review the case, and, for
already term -limited as The case against Flinn now, stopped the Miami,
the city" mayor follows two similar suits Dade Supervisor of III -
"-1'he intent of the law in Florida House races. tions and the Florida
is to deal will incumbent In one case. Republi- Department of State from
aflccholder trying to n Jeancrte Nunez and certifying the election.
hedge their bets, m pre- Democrat Johnny G. Far- "In the two candidate
en[ people from conning ias separately sued Demo- race the Court suggests
for a second office while cret Sandra Ruiz. a Doral that it is more appropriate
having a fall -back That is city councilwoman, for Io allow the voters tO
not The case with me" not filing a letter resign- vote, rather than elimi-
Flinn also took issue ng effective election day. nate a candidate from
with the timing of the suit, Ruiz argued she didn't consideration based on a
saying it was An effort to have to because she was sudden and factually
sabotage his chances. The term -limited. But Circuit scanty proceeding," Sigler
other candidates are Gourt Judge Jerald Bagley more in het order.
a media relations firm. He Notice is given that the City Commission of the City of Miami
t worked on Republican will conduct a public hearing to consider imposing Solid Waste
H campaigns for congress, special assessments for the provision of Solid Waste services
C governor and president within the City of Miami for the Fiscal Year commencing
before working for LeM-
;eyR October 1, 2010 and ending September 30, 2011.
O to Curbelo has campaign The hearing will be held at 5:05 p.m. on September 14, 2010,
a contributions from con-
i CL suiting companies
archi- in the City Commission Chambers of City Hall, 3500 Pan
- --0— � ----- tecture- firms,- charter-- American Driver Miami, Florida, for the, purpose of receiving.
school operas rs, tobacco public comment on the proposed assessments. All affected
N companies and law prat• property owners have a right to appear at the hearing and
rices. He's also racawaa to file written objections with the Ci Commission within
r money from lobbyists 1 City
political acnon commit- 20 days of this notice. If a person decides to appeal any
tees. decision made by the City Commissioners with respect
w curbelo said he'appre- to any matter considered at the hearing, such person will
M a casd special
the sueinal intesupport,' but
V s need a record of the proceedings an00d may need to ensure
0 wows not influence firm. that a verbatim record is made, including the testimony and
tfelected,curbelosaid evidence upon which the appeal is to be made. In accordance
•� he would Fight to restore with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a
* a the funding that was once special accommodation or an interpreterto participate in this
*Ta a a µ!hen to school districts proceeding should contact the Cit Clerk at 305 250-5360
l > 'here the cost of living is P 9 Y ( )
•m high. "I can leverage my at least seven days prior to the date of the hearing.
er #"No 4.0 7 relationships with our
U state legislative delegation The assessment for each parcel of property will be based
to help reestablish [that upon each parcel's classification and the total number of
Qu funding]," he said. billing units attributed to that parcel. The total estimated
N K -B CENTERS Solid Waste Assessed Costs to be assessed and collected
for the Fiscal Year commencing October 1, 2010, is
V Curbelo would also like 9
Y a to make traditional public $27,306,745. The following table reflects the proposed
schoC > with charter
more andcompetitiverivate SolldWaste assessment schedule:
with charter and private
e� schools. One way of doingae - = 'w''"'
f� G In,,, he said, is establishing 1 i
IM, !! more K-8 centers.
t's obvious that our PROPERTY rCH
(, elemenmry sett re
schools athe s • ' � DWELLING
moIt successful They are -
�f a a smatter and p r to stay Single Fami)y
more involv, $395,00
�..L .0 ed he said. -_
„Why don't we invest
W more to that model and
^ a m
keep the kids in ,alt Copies of the Solid Waste Assessment Ordinaries, Initial
li s schools?" Assessment Resolution and the preliminary assessment roll are
I— Barea, w, runs tbiley available
uniforms, a school uni-
for inspection at the Office of the City Clark of Miami,
form company that has Florida 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida.
been designated as a "pre- Unless proper steps are initiated in a court of Competent
ferred vendor" in more
than half of Miami -Dade jurisdiction to secure relief within 20 days from the date of City
Commission action at the above hearing (including the method
of apportionment, the rate of assessment and the imposition
of assessments), such action shall be the final adjudication of
the issues presented.
The assessments will be collected on the same bill as ad
valorem taxes. Failure to pay the assessment will result in
either the commencement of foreclosure proceedings or
cause a tax certificate to be issued against the property which
may resurt in a loss of title.
If you have any questions, please contact the City of
Miami at (305) 416-1570, Monday through Friday between
8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.