HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit-SUBIVIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT FND OF THIS Bayfront Park MANAGEMENT TRUST OPERATING &CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGETS FISCAL YEAR 2010/2011 SUBMIT -1 ED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM_ bH-LON�-i4-laiu. /0-c q8- Ey, h" b; q-- -sUo BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST OPERATING BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 201012011 Table of Contents 1. Trust Members 11, Letter of Introduction 11:1. Budget Summary TV. Bayfront Park Operating Budget V. Bayfront Park Capital Improvement Budget V1. Revenues vs. Expenses & Organizational Chart THIS C3iKUNIENT IS A SUBSTITU'VION TOORICxWAL BACKUP ORItj[NAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT CHAIRPERSON Commissioner Frank Carollo TRUST MEMBERS Marlene Avalo Elena V. Carpenter Pedro R. Diaz Ralph Duharte Fred Joseph Nathan Kurland Violette Sproul EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Timothy F. Schmand T TICIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTMA-ION TO ORIGINAL BACKUP ORJGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT M I L D R E D A N D C L A U D E F, L P P E n BAYFRONT PARK M A N A G E M E N T T R U S T 301 N. BISCAYNE BOULEVARD. MIAMJ, FL 33932 TELEPHONE. (305)35E-7550 FAX (305)358-121l July 28, 2010 Honorable Mayor Regalado and Members of the City Commission: The Bayfront Park Management Trust (Trust) is pleased to submit its Fiscal -Year 2010-2011 Operating and Capital Budgets for City Commission approval. The Trust approved these budgets at a regularly scheduled meeting held on July 27, 2010, and we respectfully request that you do the same. The Miami City Commission created the Trust in 1987 to "direct, manage and maintain all aspects of Bayfront Park for the purposes of ensuring maximum community utilization and enjoyment." City Commission Resolution No- 94-204 added Bicentennial Park to the Trust's management portfolio in March of 1994 and the deep water slip adjacent to Bicentennial on December 14, 2006_ In addition to "ensuring maximum community utilization," the Trust's founding legislation included a further directive: "The Trust shall; to the greatest extent it determines to be feasible, implement the exercise of its powers in a manner which utilizes and encourages the fullest and most active participation and cooperation of private enterprise." The Trust remains mindful of the balance it must strike between managing public parks and encouraging private enterprise_ During Fiscal Years 2005 through 2009, the City of Miami's investment in Bayfront Park totaled $2,925,000 and resulted in a return of $20,512,460 - a five hundred percent return on investment for the city. During that same period the Trust paid $669,334 for fire services and $1,703,143 in police services. One hundred seventy one thousand three hundred ninety-eight dollars were provided to local non-profit and community events and an estimated $8,470,234 was generated in parking revenue, translating to a $1,032,536 in parking surcharge to the City of Miami. The Trust's success is a direct result of the social entrepreneurial model that has guided our decision making for the past seven years. In the past five years the Trust has demonstrated an ongoing commitment to facility maintenance improvements by investing, on average, $500,000 annually in capital improvements in the park. Those improvements include a re -lighting program, a children's playground, statue and torch renovation, and tree plantings. In FY 08/09 and 09110 alone, the Trust's efforts resulted in an additional $3.7 million in improvements, represented by $1 million in Baywalk improvements and amphitheater renovations totaling $2.7 million. Despite these successes, the ongoing recession continues to plague Bayfront Park and its operations. Revenue streams that were once assured have become unreliable, those that were tenuous have dried up completely. Nonetheless, the Trust recognizes its obligation to maintain the facility and bring positive focus to downtown and the entire community. THIS DOCLMENT IS A suBsTrruri N TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN ;AT ENI] OF THIS DOCUMENT If history is an indication, the staff and board have always focused on revenue streams to support the park and the community. An example of those efforts is the agrecment between Live Nation Worldwide and the Trust for the Management and Operation of the Bayfront Park Amphitheater. This twenty year agreement provides capital enhancements for the amphitheater, revenue for the Trust and a renewed vibrancy for downtown Miami — goals on which we can all agree. Further efforts toward increasing earned income include the planned Bayfront Park marquee sign and an increased focus on concession opportunities in the park- These efforts, when complete, will assist the Trust by providing additional long term and diverse revenue streams. Despite the economic uncertainty, the Trust continued its efforts at beautifying Bayfront Park with regular flower plantings and improved site furnishings. In FY 2009/2010 the Trust implemented the Baywalk portion of the improvements identified in the Curtis + Rogers Design Studio's "Capital Improvement Plan for Bayfront Park." The plans, based on the Trust's long range plan, Managing Bayfront Park to Greatness, included renovation of the rock garden pond and foot bridge, a narrowing of the park's Baywalk, planting of large shade trees, adding improved park fixtures, including seating opportunities, and trash containers. The renovations created a shaded and inviting walkway, drawing more visitors to Miami's unsurpassed waterfront_ The fifty -foot Holiday Tree that brightened Bayfront Park from Thanksgiving through New Year's attracted both residents and tourists and will continue as a tradition in the next fiscal year, as will our Menorah. Our free, thrice weekly yoga classes continue their papularity with over 46,000 residents and visitors having participated in the classes since they began in September 2005. Pollstar magazine, the entertainment industry bible, in their year-end 2009 edition, recognized Bicentennial Park as 121h worldwide for event -related ticket sales, and third ranked in North America. The Trust continued to plan, promote and coordinate two of our community's largest celebrations, the America's Birthday Bash on July 4th and the Bayfront Park New Year's Eve Celebration. The Trust is committed to providing these free, community inclusive celebrations for Miami's residents and visitors. Bayfront Park's New Year's Eve event attendance has been consistent and the estimated attendance for the December 31, 2009, event was 70,000. 2010 marked the 24`h year for America's Birthday Bash with attendance estimated at 60,000. The Trust recognized the need to support activities outside Bayfront and Bicentennial Park boundaries. Throughout the year Bayfront staff lent their expertise to events held around the city, from Calle Ocho to Little Haiti to City Hall. The Bayfront Park portable stage, our festival on wheels, was used in every commission district at parks and community celebrations, for events ranging from Viernes Culturales to the City's Summer Parks Program. Between July 2009 and 2010, the Bayfront Park portable stage was used 16 times. Additionally in the past year the Trust: • Continued the management functions of the Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority, • Hosted the record setting Miami premiere of Cavalia at Bicentennial Park, • Hosted Ultra Music Festival in Bicentennial Park, selling out both days for the first time - thus widening their already enormous economic impact for downtown Miami and surrounding areas; BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST 301 North Biscayne Boulevard Miami, FL 33132 (305) 358-7550 • Hosted the worldwide Red Bull Flugiag event in Bayfront Park, bringing tens of thousands of people to downtown Miami and garnering global media attention, • Hosted Miami Carnival's 25" anniversary event in Bicentennial Park. In addition, Miami Carnival partnered with Broward Carnival to merge as one main event -- held in downtown Miami, • Hosted Giants in the City, a temporary art installation taking place during Art Basel, • Installed a permanent statue of Julia Tuttle adjacent to the Lee & Tina Hills Playground. This educational installation will enhance the experience for children, • Continued with the diversification of events hosted - ranging from weddings to film shoots to events associated with the Orange Bowl, Pro Bowl, and Super Bowl, • Negotiated the return of Cirque Du Soleil (l\Tov. 201 d) • Lent staff expertise to City departments and partner organizations through participation in committees, workshops and focus groups to help improve our community, • Continued care and maintenance of the statues and plaques throughout the park and at the Torch of friendship, • Continued to host some of the community's premier fundraising events such as Race for the Cure, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, the Corporate Run, and Walk for the Animals_ • Worked with the Miami Downtown Development Authority to serve as the host site for a series of free, community concerts to assist in furthering the revitalization of downtown. The Bayfront Park Management Trust board of directors and staff intend to build on these past accomplishments, pursuant to our mission of "'ensuring maximum community utilization and enjoyment_" Thank you for allowing us the opportunity and the privilege to continue our efforts next fiscal year, which will begin with your approval of the attached budget. i.• J! �' yL Executive Director Enc_ Cc: file THIS LM(kLAIEM1I_I IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAI. CAN HE Spl=rN AT END OF THIS DOCLW r_- NT B AY F R O N T PA R K MANAGEMENT TRUST 301 North Biscayne Boulevard Miami, FE_ 33132 (305)358-7550 e BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST OPERATING $ CAPITAL BUDGETSUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 201012011 BOARD OESIGNATED RESERVE FUND S 4.000.000 ' ProlecLons bused on actual and known apenses through Jan 31, 2010 + Special Events Revenues reduced by S100,000 due to lass of Cirque du Sde;l Parking Revenue THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF '1141S DOC UMFNT RE4UESTEO APPROVED PROJECTED' APPROVED AUDITED BUDGET BUDGET ACYUAL BUDGET ACTUAL REVENUES FY 10911 FY 010 FY 0410 FY 08109 FY a" GENERAL REVENUES 1 241,600 S 241,60^ $ 326 00 S 263.-0 $ 426.533 SPECik EVENTS d MARKETING REVENUES + S 1,508,400 5 1.0139400 $ 1,62€,85 S 2,76: 030 S 2,645165 MAINTENANCE REVE.Nk1ES S S 5 5.,300 $ 505.090 $ 769,785 RESERVE FUNDTRANVER S 735,000 1 535,000 S 450.0:00 5 S TOTAL REVENUES S 2,485,000 $ 226000 $ 2,450,750 S 3,610,O0D 3 3,861,461 EXPENSES ADWNISTRATIVE EXPENSES 5 644.935 $ 642435 5 543,865 S 810,375 $ 628,415 SPECIA- EVEN -S S k4ARKFTING EXPENSES S 816,295 S 616.295 S 988,600 S 1,638.100 S 1.653,162 MAINTENnNCEEXPENSES 5 ',02:?7D 5 1,007,270 S 828,29: S 1,160.925 S 892,905 TOTAL EXPENSES S ?485.000 S 2,266,000 S 2,410,750 S 3,610:D00 S 3,214,553 DEPRECIAT30NEXPENSES $ S S 2D0,000 $ $ 198.472 NIFT INCOME S S - S (200,000) S S 448,447 BOARD DESIGNATED FUND FOR CAPITAL, IMPROV RENTS S 1,165,000 $ 465.000 5 - S 4.000,D00 TOTAL CAPUAL IMPROVEMENTS S 1165,000 1 965,000 S - S 4,0D9 000 TOTAL NEE BUDGET i S 5 5 $ BOARD OESIGNATED RESERVE FUND S 4.000.000 ' ProlecLons bused on actual and known apenses through Jan 31, 2010 + Special Events Revenues reduced by S100,000 due to lass of Cirque du Sde;l Parking Revenue THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF '1141S DOC UMFNT BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST OPERATING BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2010,20i1 2 THIS DOCUMENT 1S A SUBSITFL 'ION TO ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN HE SEN AT END OF THIS DOC f 1 MSF NT —Reques ec Approlled Prgeclad --Approved Audiled 5v®prl 8udggl Actual Budget Actual FY 2010111 FY 2009110 FY 2009h FY 2006109 FY 2001109 REVENUES GENERAL 101- BOAT DOCK INCOME S 35,D�0 3 36,00 3 69.000 5 3 102 - CARRIAGE INCOME f 5 3 s S 103•FILM A14DVDE0LOCATION AEKAL 3 17.000 S 17.0v 3 21, DX S 17,0.X S 15.099 104 - WSCII_I_ANE CI`.G RE VENJES S 2D,000 3 2C.:h?: 3 48,:,1-+: S 20,%)� s 67 4W 105 - CONCESSFDNS t 15,000 t i5,00J 3 15,0 3 $ 1,00` f 12.02, 106 • MAROJEE RE�mHLES 3 3 3 5 S 107 • FAWNG OPERATION WCOME 5 90p 11 S 90 000 f tY.00 S S 142.354 108- INTEREST INCpME $ 10.000 5 10,000 5 16,00 3 75,15M 3 27,610 109- WAREHOUSE RENTAL INCOME c 3 5 5 110- LRAMI SPO^n7S 6 EXHIBITION AU7HOR11Y S 53,600 5 53.600 S 53.670 $ 141000 S 141.007 111 _ LONG TERM AGREEMENT 1NGOME S $ f S I TQTAL GENERAL REVENUES 5 241,640 4 241,6D'0 $ 32`-6139 S 263,000 S 42E,333 2 THIS DOCUMENT 1S A SUBSITFL 'ION TO ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN HE SEN AT END OF THIS DOC f 1 MSF NT BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST OPERATING BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2010'2011 3 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTI-RiTION TO ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN SF SFF..N AT END OF TNI S DOCUMENT Ptgected A roved pV Budge auaned Arivat Appro+red Requested Budget Budget FY2009110 Aduaf FY.7UNiC FY290M FY?005109 FY 2010111 EXPENSES ADMINISTRATIVE, 112.000 S 112,000 5 112,000 ."• 135.00(7 S 121,288 1101 Exctuwe Dreclor S 60,000 S .MSEAAdtrini$Valor $ fi4,150 S S 6 -el 5 62,896 S 68.2E& S 64.603 11 C'2 1 Co:nt+a_l, Prower-a•nl d Agenda 011"r S94.335 S 68,25 5 65`996 11o3 6usfness S Fr:sarlCe D+^.:lOr S 66,616 S 44,150 t 44,100 S 45,0 80 S 44.064 1 b3 t • $ 44,100 S 41.340 $ 4•.340 i 43.000 S 41.3329 IR & Oepe' Hd Mice Coordulalor HR 5 41.340 S 3000 S S 40.850 S 37.743 i;4- A:I•rtrnisvaNe Ass WAI S 39.20:: S E 30.DN 30.[u0 S 30945 S 29,676 105. Rnceolromsf 5 S 30,00 63.8. S 3 S 600S 90.000 S 58,941 1106-PayrollrrgCas6s S 46.050 i 46,000 S 4420: $ 46,000 S 44,690 1107 - Fka11*. d Denul 1n �•a _e Contlbutc+ 3.500 S 2.500 c 3,500 S 2,2 1108 • We murance d 12116 }I?+ C4nVrCV1-r c i S 14,40: S 14.555 1109. Exeafave Rgwerne•RI P1dn .Or lf*ul; n = S $ 10.010 S 5.397 t n0? 1 •'c+1q►�rees Ftplrtrern r'un S $ _ t - S - 1110 - lllasler Ptannma Vrlpr-vffialalr. v'rw sS _ 2.500 S 60`0 S 2,500 S 503 11 `0-' -Grans 1h'�ung Se'act Fens < 5.000 i 5.000 5 5.000 S 10.000 $ 1,182 11'.1 • Mrs. Expenses $ 5.000 S �,,r,�� 1112 • Co m ufer SuopGe: Bayfront Park Management Trust Operating Budget Notes to Proposed Budget for 2.010/2011 EXHIBIT 100 Administration General Revenue 101 Boat bock Income: proposed $36,000. Revenue based on North and South docks rental. 102 Carriage Income: proposed $00. 103 Film and Video Location Rental: proposed $17,000. Projected revenue based on previous year, s experience and discussions with film and video professionals. 104 Miscellaneous Revenue: proposed $20,000. Revenue based on previous year' s experience. 105 Concessions: proposed S 15,000. Use .fee based onpotential agreements with park concessionaires as recommended in the Trust's long range planning sessions. 106 Marquee Revenue: proposed $00. 107 Parking Operation Income: proposed $90,000. Revenue projection based on parking operation. 108 Interest Income: proposed $10,000. Income based on projected revenue from Trust funds heId in interest earning accounts. 109 Warehouse Rental Income: proposed $00. 110 Miami Sports & Exhibition Authority: proposed $53,600. Management and .facility .fees payable to the Trust pursuant to the inter -local agreement between MSEA and the Trust. .IJ 1 Long, Terns Agreement Income: roposed $00. 4 HIS DOCUMENT IS A 5UBSTITLS ON' 1-0 ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT CND OF THIS DOCUMENT e Administrative Expenses 11.01 Executive Director: proposed $112,000. The Executive Director provides overall management for the Bayfront Park Management Trust (Trust) and the Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority (MSEA). 1102 MSEA Administrator: proposed $00. 1102.1 Contract Procurement, and Agenda Officer: proposed $64,150. The Contract; Procurement and Agenda Officer assists the Executive Director in the management of the Trust, focusing on contracts with promoters, service providers and concessionaires, compliance with procurement procedures and liaison with the City Agenda Office, and Trust agenda preparation. 1103 Business and Finance Director: proposed $65;615. The Business and Finance Director is responsible for the finances, bookkeeping and accounting functions of the Trust and MSEA, and assists the Executive Director with the management of the Trust and MSEA. 1103.1 Bookkeeper: proposed $44,100. The Bookkeeper reports to the Business and Finance Director and is responsible for daily maintenance of the Trust's financial records. 1103.2 Human Resources and Office Coordinator: proposed $41,340. The Human Resources and Office Coordinator is responsible for managing all human resources functions of the Trust and for coordinating office functions. 1104 Administrative Assistant: proposed $38,200. The Administrative Assistant assists the Contract, Procurement and Agenda Officer with administrative functions for the Trust and the Executive Director with MSEA. 1105 Receptionist: proposed $30,000. The Receptionist is responsible for Bayfront Park's front 5 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEFN AT ENI) OF THIS office functions. 1146 Payrolling Costs: proposed $63,780. These funds will be used for the payrolling costs of the administrative employees. 1107 Health & Dental Insurance Contribution: proposed $46,000. These funds will be used to purchase health and dental insurance for Trust administrative employees. 1108 Life Insurance & Disability Contribution: proposed $3;500. These funds will be used to purchase life and disability insurance for Trust administrative employees. 1109 Executive Director's Retirement Plan: proposed $00. 1109.1 Employee Retirement Plan: proposed $00. 1110 Master Planning Implementation Process: proposed $00. 1110.1 Grant Writing Service Fees: proposed $5,000. These :Fiends will be used to pay for grant writing services for the Trust. 1111 Miscellaneous Expenses: proposed $5,000. These funds will be used for miscellaneous purchases of goods or services required during the year. 1112 Computer Supplies and Software: proposed $4,000. These funds will be used to purchase computer supplies and software, as well as associated true -up fees for licensed software. 1113 Courier: proposed $1,750. These funds will be used to procure courier services. 1114 Equipment Purchases: proposed $2,500. These funds will be used to purchase new office furniture and equipment, including but not limited to computers, facsimile, copiers, scanners, printers, etc. 1115 Equipment Rental/Maintenance: proposed $5,000. These funds will be used for office 6 I HIS DOCUN ENT IS A SUBSTITUTION ION 1'0 ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT ENI} car THIS DOCUMENT equipment rental, lease and maintenance contracts. 1116 Postage: proposed $3,000. These funds will be used to purchase postage_ 1117 Printing: proposed $1,000. These funds will be used to procure printing services. 111.$ Office Supplies: proposed $10,000. These funds will be used to purchase office supplies. 1119 Telephone, Cellular Phone, Pager and Cable Services: proposed $30,000. These funds will be used to procure telephone, cellular phone, pager and cable television services. 11.20 Bank Charges: proposed $500. These funds will be used for bank charges. 1121 Newspaper Public Notices: proposed $4,000. These funds will be used for public notices required by City of Miami procurement procedures. Business Travel and Seminars: proposed $00. 1123 Trainina & Conference Re istration: proposed $00. 1124 Trainin2 & Conference Expenses: proposed $00. 11.25 Meetintr_Expenses: proposed $3,500. These funds will be used for expenses associated with the monthly Board Meetings of the Bayfront Park Management Trust. 1126 Memberships and Subscriptions: proposed $3,500. These funds will be used for memberships in professional organizations and subscriptions to professional journals. 1127 Business Expenses: proposed $00. 1128 Director's Liability Insurance: proposed $5,000. These funds will be used to purchase Directors and Officers Liability Insurance for the Bayfront Park Management Trust. 1129 Property Insurance: proposed $1,000. These funds will be used to purchase Property Insurance for Trust property not adequately covered by the City of Miami Self Insurance Fund. 7 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUT10N TO ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIG[N.Al- CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THtS DOCUMENT 1130 Premises Liability Insurance_ proposed $15,000. These funds enable the Trust to purchase liability insurance for Bayfront and Bicentennial Parks. 1130.1 Insurance Deductible: proposed $2,500. These funds cover the insurance deductible in the event a claim is paid against the Trust's liability insurance. 1131 Accounting, Services: proposed $00. 1132 Audit: proposed $22,000. These funds will be used to procure the annual audit of the Trust's finances. 1133 Marquee Maintenance Contract: proposed $12,000. These funds will be used for the marquee sign r s monthly maintenance contract. 1134 Marquee Non -Contractual Maintenance: proposed $00. 1135 Contingency Funds: proposed $00. 1136 Had Debt Expenditure: proposed $00. THIS DOCUMEN9' IS A SURSTfTLMON TO ORIGINAL RACKUP ORIGINAL CAN HE SEEN AT FND OF THIS DOCIjWffi fT BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST OPERATING BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 201012011 THIS DCi VNIEN 7 IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORICiJNAI_ BACKUP ORICiTNAL CAN RE SEEN AT END OF THTS DOCUMFT%-r Requested Approved Protected Approved Audited Budget Budget Actual Budget Actual FY 201(01 FY,2009FI0 FY 20091111) F"T MUM FY 20OLIN SPECWL EVENT AND MARKETING _ 201 - SPECIAL EVENT RENTAL INCOME S 140,000 S f44,4D7 S 315,0.9 $ 675,D00 S 778,274 202-AMPH'THEATEROPERATION bMANAGEMENT S 658,000 S 639,4010 $ 639,000 S 499,{]00 S 349,463 203- SPECIAL EVENT SPONSORSHIP 5 - S S - $ 50,000 5 - 204 -TENT RENTA- 5 55,000 $ 55,000 S 130,070 $ 177,500 $ 148 434 205 - BEER LOCATION FEES 5 4,000 5 4,000 5 7,000 1 17,001 $ 12 433 206 • FOOC AND SMA LOCATiONI FEES $ 5,000 5 E.000 S 2D,DD0 5 30.•00 S 25.711` 207 • ARTS d CRAFTS LOCATION FEES $ 2,500 $ 2,590 S 2,500 $ 13,5D0 S 4,2D0 208 - SPECIAL EVENT ELECTRICAL $ 4,000 S 4,W0 5 6 000 $ :0.000 5 8,858 209, DAY OF SHOWSTAFFfNS 5 500 S 500 5 2,500 $ 2,53" $ 11,412 210. BOX OFFICE PERSONNEL AND MANAGEMENT 5 5 5 - 5 5 211 -'SPECIAL EVENT CONTRACTED PERSC*tNE. 5 45,ox. 5 45.000 S 50,004 S 240,070 5 109,380 212 -SPECIAL EVENT CLEAN-UP SE RACES $ 48 00. S 48,000 5 80000 5 150,400 5 170.357 2i3. CITY OF MIAMI PDF IZF 5 35,00., 5 35.000 $ ii: 000 i 240,000 $ 316,527 214 . Cf7Y OF IMAM r6w E $ B,tki, S 6,003 S E'.D00 5 60.D00 $ 11 i,401 215 • PARKING SPA:',' P:'N-k S 75D0 5 2,507 S 0.500 S 2.500 5 4.600 216 • SPECIAL EVENT EXIIPMENT RENTk 5 2,507 $ 2,500 5 2,5+0 S 14.000 $ 9.000 217 - FOURTH OF JJI Y S - S - 5 - 5 - 5 18:500 218 -FOURTH OF JULY CfTY SERVICES 5 $ S 5 5 33164 220-)AISCELLAN=_DUSSERVICES $ 418,400 S 18,400 5 30,DX 5 475,D00 5 395,656 221 - PARK OAMAGc - EVENTS 5 - S - $ 1.850 5 20.000 5 9,729 222. SPECIAL EVENT GRANTS S 80,000 5 80,000 1 30,009 5 60,00D S 78.040 TOTAL SPECIAL EVENT REVENUES $ 1,508,400 $ 1,D89,400 S 1,f2B,850 $ 2,762,000 S 2,645,165 THIS DCi VNIEN 7 IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORICiJNAI_ BACKUP ORICiTNAL CAN RE SEEN AT END OF THTS DOCUMFT%-r BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST OPERATING BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 201012011 10 THIS DOCUMENT 1S A SUBsTFrLrrl0N To OR161NAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT Approved Preyeeltd Actual raved Bre El 3 hudi.ed Actual Requeslad Budget budget iY 2DDgMD FY 2005109 rY 20D87Du FY 201pI1S FY 2009110 EXPENSES SPECIAL EVENT AWU MARKPING 7 61,156 s b5160 3 63,050 3 62.977 2201 - Event Coordnala• S 61,150 s $ 5 5 - S 71,637 2203. Marketlno d Sqe-,a Event A551stant 5 70,895 S 76.855 S eBa'� t 78.550 S 11.051 2204 k+farkeUng L>i•�,rr S S 12.750 S 12,750 S 1i,00t s 20;000 20 w S S 13 425 2205 - SWial Event Pav Ding Coes 15.000 5 15.DOC 5 13,500 s S 4.035 -FlltdDerall-aaurarxeConlribubon 22iroleat S S S 5.009 72061 - Ern*yoes Relvcne.71 Rar S S 2207 • Day Of SftO- $L-Tng ` 7,600 S 7,1X30 5 t5,040 85,E_2S0 S c 3fl,D06 t r_.035 5 ` 35.22'. 5x8,5: 2ZDB-Special(<ven•.Cc+lelrac�2Prsonnel s 4D.00ry 5 40.0 7 2,070 5 E 19,60_. s 8°=' 2209 - Om Otrce Perso•u el and k1a^ah' e ' i 2,040 `3.000 S 3 3.0.3'9 5 3,000 S 13.0(k S 7. UA 108,2v, 2_210. Spm;al Even! Ele_v"il: S ti s 3 8 000 $ 6,060 S 60'047 3 60 000 5 316.287 z211- Gy or #Barn Fre R�.:t,e sem.: 35,000 5 ss.Do6 s 239.DOD s 240.00: s IE 2212 -Gly a'1.hemPpltee 5 s X3,1100 3 43,074 S 70000 5 70.DM1 s -418: 2213 • Spe:ai EwN! Ckanv; Sees - 4,00 1,006 S 1 1,500 5 25W 5 3 2214 - Pa7ns Spore Ren -'5 S S t 1'77,478 2215 - SPmml Ever.; £quip—h:S Furf,ase s S _25,04? S 45.000 12D,fY�. S 130.001 5 S 36,938 2216 - Spe:,W Even: Tent Rental s 10,(Xw 5 15.00 s 2 ,DY, s 48, 1 25 2217 - Spi':-i, ' Even Equysrnonl Rental i 30.000 s 1 000 S 40,400 2218 - BPAr Sponsa+e5 Etats S 3000) 5 S 5 2 ; . BPMT SRmsaW Nr, XO' cormlunlp Events S 5 S S S W Spoored HDGday Event 2218_2 • 9P. lu 5 I 00,0W S 5 100.000 S g4 000 c f 50.000 S 133,464 5;.976 2215.3. BPMT Spxwtd Na,. fears Eve S 55.003 5 55.00.3 5 55,003 $ 75,000 5 32,3`1= 2219 - Foum Ol Juh S S 3S,OD0 s 3_2.000 $ .3,400 S wow c 5 2220 - Fmn7- 01 Jutj Grrf SD+r es t t 2221 • 1nsu4nrz S . 3 222? -webs Plncveiar and Ikvgn } 5 g } 7?': 1 Event bDDi:n� Scrh+va' c 5 - 3.500 S 1,� S 3,50:1 5 1423 2223 - WetS 11*shno, Re '6Dn and Manvenante s 3,590 5 S 111.007 s S 10.000 S 2224. MzAebng 0%,jruirT Fund S 10,007 1S.D00 15,009 5 S,D00 S 15.003 S 4,751 2725-PriniAd c = s i S 5.0 5 1-075 77�c - Brraaast AdUxrsr3 S S,D00 5 5,000 5 1.000 5 4,501 S 750 2277. Desyn d Grtmhcs S 550. S 4.500 S i 8y S - =, - PlwLxj aphc andV6-� Sw-ecey s $ 2.252 L?W - Probrg of 9ra:nLeP an" PrQ-W S Paoks: S - 4.500 S 450. S 2.500 5 4.507 S 23°,356 Z230.Pro,7cbona4 S s S 3323,000 S 2231 - Speraal Event VrsztUbrne0u8 Fxpenses s 200,000 s y 2232-Spe dal Event Dwlages 5 - S s 1,643,182 TOTAL SPECIAL EVENT EXPENSES 5 816,295 S 616,295 s 986,600 s 1,638,700 10 THIS DOCUMENT 1S A SUBsTFrLrrl0N To OR161NAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT Bayfront Park Management Trust Operating Budget Notes to Proposed Budget for 201012011 EXHIBIT 200 Special Event and Marketing Revenue 201 Event Rental Income: proposed $140,000. Mental income reflects a projected 15 -date event calendar. 202 Amphitheater Operation & Management: proposed $658,000. This revenue is based on the management agreement with Live Nation, 203 Special Event Sponsorsbi : proposed $00. 204 Tent Rental: proposed $55,000. Tent rental revenue is based on a projected 15 events scheduled in Trust facilities in 2010/2011 _ 205 Beer Location Fees: proposed $4,000. Beer Location Fees revenue is based on a projected 15 events scheduled in Trust facilities in 2010/2011. 206 Food and Soda Location Fees: proposed $5,000. Food and Soda location Fees revenue is based on a projected 15 events scheduled in Trust facilities in 2010/2011. 207 Arts fit Crafts Location Fees: proposed $2,500. Arts & Crafts Location Fees revenue is based on a projected 15 events scheduled in Trust facilities in 2010/201 L 208 Special Event Electrical: proposed $4,000. Special Event Electrical revenue represents charges to promoters for electrician services and is based on a projected 15 events scheduled in Trust facilities in 2010/2011. 209 BPMT Show Staffing: proposed $500. BPMT Show Staffing revenue is based on events scheduled in Trust facilities in 2010/2011 where event staff charges are not included in rental fees. 11 M PS WCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINA-. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT 210 Box Office Staff and Manalzement: proposed $00. 211 Special Event Contracted Services: proposed $45,000. Special Event Contracted Services are security and parking personnel required at all Trust hosted events. The revenue is based on a projected 15 events scheduled in Trust facilities in 201012011. 212 Special Event Clean -Up Services: proposed $48,000. Special Event Clean -Up Services revenue is based on a projected 15 events scheduled in Trust facilities in 2010/2013. 213 City of Miami Police: proposed $35,000. City of Miami Police revenue is based on a projected 15 events scheduled in Trust facilities in 2010/2011. 214 City of Miami Fire: proposed $8,000. City of Miami Fire revenue is based on a projected 15 events scheduled in Trust facilities in 201012011. 215 ParkinlZ Space Rental: proposed 52,500. This revenue represents fees charged to promoters for additional parking locations rented from City of Miami Department of Off -Street Parking. 216 Special Event Equipment Rental: proposed $2,500. Special Event Equipment Rental revenue is based on a projected 15 events scheduled in Trust facilities in 2010/2011. 217 Fourth of July: proposed $00. Revenue represents income from the Trust' s annual July 4"' celebration. 21.8 Fourth of July City Services: proposed $00. The City of Miami no longer provides police, fire rescue and solid waste services for the Trust, s annual July 4"' celebration. 220 Miscellaneous Services: proposed $418,400. Represents income from various services the Trust provides promoters, outside of those listed above, such as Cirque du Soleil parking. 221 Park Damage - Events: proposed $00. Represents fees charged to promoters for damages in 12 THIS DOCUM•4FNT IS A SUBSTMITlC]N TIO C111t]'(;1NAt. BACK l�'ORIGINAL CANBESaN.ATEN1)aFTJ41:S C OCUML- IT Bayfront or Bicentennial Parks resulting from Special Events. 222 Special Event Grants: proposed $80,000. Figure represents amount to be generated through grant applications for Trust sponsored special events. 13 THIS DOCUMFNT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT Special Event and Marketing Expenses 2201 Event Coordinator: proposed $61,150. The Event Coordinator is responsible for special event related activities undertaken by the Trust_ 2203 Marketing & Special Event Assistant: proposed $00. 2204 Marketing Director: proposed $70,895_ The Marketing Director is responsible for increasing awareness of and facility rentals for the Trust. 2205 Pavrolling Cosfs: proposed $12,750. These funds will be used for the payrollingcosts of the Special Event employees. 2206 Health & Dental Insurance Contribution: proposed $15,000. These funds will be used to purchase health, dental, life and dismemberment insurance for Trust Special Event and Marketing employees_ 2206.1 Employee Retirement Plan: proposed $00. 2207 Darr of Show Staffing: proposed $7,000. These funds will be used to pay staff needed for set-up, teardown and maintenance of events. 2208 Special Event Contracted Personnel: proposed $40,000. These funds will be used to pay contracted personnel who provide special event parking and security services. 2209 Box Office Personnel and Management: proposed $2,000. These funds will be used to pay box office and ticket auditing crew. 2210 Special Event Electrical Services: proposed $3,000. These .funds will be used to pay the Trust's certified electrician, who is required on-site during all special events to connect house power to the promoter's equipment, and these fees are changed back to the promoter_ 14 ['HIS dOCUVENNT IS A SUBSTITUTION 1'O ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS QOCLIME-NT 2211 City of Miami Fire Rescue Service: proposed $8,000. lire Rescue Service is required at al] special events to ensure the safety and well-being of park visitors. 2212 City of Miami Police: proposed 535,000. City of Miami Police representatives are required at all special events to ensure the security and well-being of park visitors. 2213 Event Cleanup Services: proposed $433,000. These funds will be used to pay during -event and after -event cleaning contractor. 221.4 Parkin,- Space Rental: proposed $1,000. These fees will be used to obtain additional parking locations, as needed, from the City of Miami Department of Off Street Parking. 2215 Special Event Egladpment Purchase: proposed $00. 2216 Special Event Tent Rental: -proposed $45,000. These funds wll be used to rent tents, tables, chairs, lights, side-walls and table skirts from the Trust' s tent contractor. 2217 Special Event Equipment Rental: proposed $10,000. These funds will be used to rent equipment from various vendors required for special events. 2218 BPMT Sponsored Events: proposed $30,000. These funds will be used to sponsor various community events supported and approved by the Bayfront Park Management Trust. 2218.1 BPMT Sponsored Nonprofit Community Events: proposed $00. 2218.2 BPMT Sponsored Holiday Events: proposed $00. 2218.3 BPMT Sponsored New Year's Eve. proposed $100,000. These funds will be used for the production costs of the Trust F s annual New Year's Eve celebration_ 2219 Fourth of July: proposed $55,000. These funds will be used for the production costs of the Trust' s annual July 4`h celebration. 15 ]'HIS DOCUMENT 15 A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT 2220 Fourth of July City Services: proposed $35,000. This expense represents the cost of City of Miami services, police, fire rescue, trash removal, for the Trust' s annual July 4`� celebration. 2221 Insurance: proposed S00- 2222 Website Design and Production: proposed $00. 22221 Event Booking Software: proposed $00. 2223 Website Hosting, Revision and Maintenance: proposed $3,500. These funds will be used to pay for website hosting, necessary revisions and maintenance services for the Bayfront Park Management Trust website_ 2224 Marketing Opportunity Fund: proposed $10,000. These funds will be used to undertake special events, promotions, or other marketing opportunities to further increase the Trust's services to the community. 2225 Print Advertising: proposed $15,000. These fiends will be used to purchase print advertising to support Trust sponsored events, or to promote Bayfront park as a desirable destination for the general public, as well as event planners and promoters. 2226 Broadcast Advertising: proposed $00. 2227 Design and Graphics: proposed $5,004_ These funds will be used to contract with a designer to create advertising materials to support Bayfront Park Management Trust sponsored events, or to promote Bayfront Park as a desirable destination for the general public, as well as event planners and promoters. 222$ Photo ra hic and Video Services: proposed $4,500. These funds will be used to contract with photographers and videographers to document events at Bayfront Park. W-1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A suBs'rITUTION TO ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS 22_29 Brochure and Promoter's Packet Printing: proposed $00. 2230 Promotional: proposed $4,500. These funds will be used to purchase promotional items, which promote Bayfront Park as a desirable destination for the general public, as well as event planners and promoters. 2231 Special Event Miscellaneous Expenses: proposed $200,000. These funds will be used to make miscellaneous purchases that arise in the course of doing special events, such as Cirque du Solei] parking. 2232 Special Event Damages: proposed S00- 17 THIS D0CU&U--N-I- IS A 5UBSTITL.I'7T©N TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN HE SEEN AT ENCS OF THIS DOCUMENT REVENUE MANlTENANCE : 301 - CITY CWRIBL'T ION 302 - HURRICANE RE;LGJRSEMENT 303 - GRANTS !L,T 304 - FPL FOLNvTAN CONTR v IDN 305 • Miss CURRY Gt-T TO CH,7-i-ENC_. M=Ir10.n1=._ 306 - CITY CONTR BODN FCR CAP A,. IMPROVEMENT 308 LEE d TINA KILLS CON7RIB'JTION TOTAL MAINTENANCE REVENUES BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST OPERAT[NG BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 201012011 Approved Projected Approved Audited Budges. Actual Budget Actual FY 200MI10 FY 2D09'ID FY 2006104 FY 2008109 S 585,CDJ S 585.000 s S 204,765 S S - •- 5,J00 s g - S S 5,30D S 585.000 S 789,785 MIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION 'M ORIGINAL BACKUP OWGIN,31 CAN HE SEEN AT END OF 114 IS DOCUMENT BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST OPERATING BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 201012011 19 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITI-1 ON TO ORIGINAL 'BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT Approved Prajeeletl AC1ual A ovcd ppt SU69el AuddO Actual Rsgmled fY201011i Budget FY2009f50 FY 2009110 FY 200al09 FY 2DOW09 EXPENSES MAINTENANCE: 64,6?0 S 64,820 $ 64.820 S 73.450 S 64,803 33•"_,1 -Park Mal—WaMe Supen'sa S 36.775 S 36.775 5 a325' S 36.846 33; z - Maintenance AsstsMnt I 5 36.775 $ S 37,615 S 37,815 S 38,6D6 3303- IJ,anlenancc Assrslam li S 37,815 31.845 c 31.845 S 37,950 S 25,843 3304 - Maigh-+aw Alt'51371 III S 31.645 S S 34,385 S $ 37,5=7 S 30,355 3305 - MairilefJON:e A45$'An1 IV 5 34,185 27,25D 5 71,250 $ Ji 75 S 27.500 33051- Ma�nlenan a Assesanl V 5 7.250 S S S 3305 2 • Maintenance Ai¢ SlW V. S $ � 5 S $ - 3305 ? - M !mEnmwe AWSlant VO S S 43,680 S 1368x^ S 46,E S 43.6(= 3306 -'u&I rf and Inngalo: SPeCI S 43,6NJ $ 26,700 S 25,E S 33A(19 $ 27,012 3307. Patt_ctnng Cast S 26,700 S 25,400 S 2a OC1J 35,OD3 S 40,227 33671- W.2t', c- 131% DeAannw,,:Ovelr,e S 25,OA7 S S 42008 5 33500 46.000 S 36 712 3309- heallh and Deno, Insuran_e Corulc�ton S 42,000 $ S 1.^.0.0 S 5.985 3302 t- Employee; Reteene•' near S $ S S 5.300 5 S 3X9-Cnalien2w16*-' 'Taw- sentenance S 331; - Arcni*::Iura' Adwsa S S S S 5 S S S 3311 • F. -Cl l=wal Advnor &W,ai Pfi'y(etts S S 7,500 S S 7,500 S - 3312• Turf Replacerner' $ T,500 S 5000 3 1,000 S 5.000 S 733 3313•x4er Lanuscapvle anL S 5,000 S , S S 5 3314 Bicamenma' Fark MO,rnng $ S 5 3.500 $ 2,040 S 3.500 S 1,795 3315. Bicemennia Palk Fence 2nd Site AnaovemenLs S 3,504 $ S S 33'6-Llowarnvtlie8irmmn; S - S S 3.000 S 1.090 S 3,000 S 725 3317 - Es6-rrr.raq;x 3 3.000 S 10.004' S 15.430 3 9.00+J $ 15,ODD 5 9.064 3318.fe-ll:JdC.kmals 3319 . &v -ape S 07 5 2,000 5 690 55.00 $ S 2,000 75,000 S S 374 48,453 3320 - Ge a' Park Comracta S 7116 5500 S 75,090 20.4100 S 5 20.003 5 15.000 5 19,152 3321 - Grp Cheating d M3blenance Services 5 20.000 S S 6,000 S 5.500 S 6. S 5,520 3?22-PressureCkaNngEwrpn�lMainie,arV:6 5 6.000 S S -000 $ - 332_�• TEW iraor 1.4aWaxe - Pwthase S S 6.D00 4,500 $ 6.440 S 4,430 3324-Panrong anc Amess-res S 6.004 S S 5.000 S 3,50, S 5,OX S 3.627 3325 • ilnrt 7m 3 5 000 S,Q00 S 5.000 S 3,54 S 5.050 S 3.518 3325 • Pan Vehcle ma'', mance and Repai S 5 5 S 3327 • Fx:rast a a nzw clow, 1'a,, 5 S qt Leash. anckeM: _ S 2.000 g 2.000 S S 1.500 5 S 4,000 4.000 S 5 1,33E 34E 3328 ' - cnummen, Pu .'hase S S 8•� S 8 5 8,0M S 9.63E 3326.2. =_oUOMCM ReparS S 8,000 S fi,000 S S 6.000 S 4,500 S 8.000 S 4.695 2.422 3221- u kanerais Supalr s 8,000 S 8,t� S 2.500 5 6.000S 0330 -Gala Marntenanre and RepairsS S 20.000 S 20.000 S 15.00"0 5 70,00,7 S 13.658 33331 -Pari Flecv.:,ar OnwN Ma0wance 2,040 S S 2,000 S 3332 • Lih Stator anc Pump Serwre S 2000 S 7,000 S 3,000 S 10,000 5 3,077 3333. Ele tical Maanienante Mate aL S 7.410 S LOW 3 1.000 S 10.00D S 1,023 3334 - 6ut5s. Fixtures and Poles 5 7,000 S Jia:-ArCojaixxreckea,merrentCos! $ S S 5.D00 S $ 3.00 S $ 5,047 S S 2,758 3331: Air Condntc omg Mamtenarue Canitacl 5 5,040 s 4.000 5 3,486 3337 - Ala^n Wrino r, ; e"Les S 4,0711 S 4.000 3338 • Dade COWY Walc' a^d Sewer S -05000 S 45,000 $ 45,0 M,Oa0 S S 3G,00; EXPENSES MAINTENANCE: 3340 • Trash Removal Fee 3341 • Private Trash Hauling 3342 • Maintenance of Trash Compactor 3343- New Garbage Barrels 3344 • Park Vehicle Insurance 3345 - Chernlcah 3346 - Cleanmg Supplies - Oder 33461- bath B1gs 3346 2 -Hand Towels 3346.3 - Toilet Tissue 3346.4 • Hand Soap 3347 • Tool Purchases 3347 1- Fuel 3348. Miscellaneous 3349. General PFurrwbing Repair and klarnlerrance 3350 - Maintenance of Mrigasoo Punps 3351- Turf and irrigation Supplies 3352 - Private Security 3553 - Purchase of Hand Radios 3354 - Maintenance and Repair of Hand Radios 3355 - Maimenar" Safely Training 3356. FwWdes Cleaning Contractor 3357 • Inkasiruclure Studies & Expenses FOUNTAIN 5501- Foinlain Cunkm and Services 5502 -Compute Mamisnanee 5503 - Chw call 5504 - Fi1W and Screens 5505 - Mhcemarreous Mainler anre TOTAL MAINTENANCE EXPENSES BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST OPERATING BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 201012011 Requetlad Approved Projected Approve Audhed Budget Budget Actual Budget Actual FY 2010111 FY 2009110 FY 2009!10 FY 2008109 FY 2008109 S 1,000 S S S 12,500 5 S 1,000 5 11.500 S 2,000 $ 2,000 S 1,500 S 1,000 S 20,000 S - S 6,000 S 2.500 S 10.000 S 145.000 S - S 1,000 $ 3,000 $ S S - S S 15;000 S S 10.004 3 1,029,770 S 1,000 S $ 2,500 $ $ 5 5,000 S 3,750 $ 5,000 E 3,734 - S 10.000 S $ 10,000 S 473 $ $ S S S 1,500 5 $ 12,500 S 7,500 S 12,500 $ 7,103 S $ S $ S 1,000 S 100 S 1,000 S 87 $ 11,500 S 5,(170 $ 11,500 $ 5,431 S 2,000 S 1.200 $ 2,500 $ 1,232 S 2,000 $ 1,000 $ 2.500 $ 941 $ 1,500 $ 100 $ 2,500 6 105 S 1,000 $ 400 $ 1,000 $ 242 S 20,000 5 7,000 S 20,000 $ 7,688 S S - S - E - 6,DDO $ 1.500 $ 6,000 $ 1,790 S 2,500 $ 250 $ 2.500 S 249 S 10,000 S 5,000 S 10,000 S 5,164 $ 140.000 S 140,000 S 140000 $ 137,810 S S - $ S $ 1,000 S 500 $ 1,000 $ 619 $ 3,000 S 1,000 $ 3,000 S 1,108 $ $ $ 90,000 $ 19,060 $ S - $ - $ - $ 1,007,270 $ 828,285 $ 1,160,925 $ 892,965 20 '1'HIS DOCUMENT' 1S A suns' iTunON TO ORIGINAL_ BACKUP ORIG[N.AL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMLENT 5 E S $ 5 5,000 S 3,750 $ 5,000 E 3,734 - S 10.000 S 500 S 10,000 S 473 $ 1,007,270 $ 828,285 $ 1,160,925 $ 892,965 20 '1'HIS DOCUMENT' 1S A suns' iTunON TO ORIGINAL_ BACKUP ORIG[N.AL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMLENT Bayfront Park Management Trust Operating Budget Notes to Proposed Budget for 2010/2011 EXHIBIT 300 Maintenance Maintenance Revenue 301 City Contribution: proposed $00. 302 Hurricane Reimbursement: proposed $00. Line item is included in the budget in the event of a hurricane. 303 Grants: proposed $00. 304 FPL Fountain Contribution: proposed $00. 305 Miss Curry Gift to Cballenger Memorial: proposed $00- 306 City Contribution for Capital fmnrovements: proposed $00. 21 THIS DOCUMENT 1S A SUBSTTI'UT1ON FO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCLYMENT Maintenance Expenses 3301 Park Maintenance Supervisor: proposed $64,820. The Park Maintenance Supervisor is responsible for the management and coordination of all maintenance crews and related activities of the Trust. 3302 Maintenance Assistant I: proposed $36,775. The Maintenance Assistant I reports to the Park Maintenance Supervisor and is responsible for the ongoing maintenance of Trust facilities. 3303 Maintenance Assistant II: proposed $37;815. The Maintenance Assistant I1 reports to the Paris Maintenance Supervisor and is responsible for the ongoing maintenance of Trust facilities. 3304 Maintenance Assistant III: proposed $31,845. The Maintenance Assistant III reports to the Park Maintenance Supervisor and is responsible for the ongoing maintenance of Trust facilities. 3305 Maintenance Assistant IV: proposed $34,385. The Maintenance Assistant N reports to the Park Maintenance Supervisor and is responsible for the ongoing maintenance of Trust facilities. 3305.1 Maintenance Assistant V: proposed $27,250. The Maintenance Assistant V reports to the Park Maintenance Supervisor and is responsible for the ongoing maintenance of Trust facilities. 3306 Turf & Irrigation Specialist: proposed $43,680. The Turf& Irrigation Specialist reports to the Park Maintenance Supervisor, and works to ensure the health and vitality of the flora in Trust facilities_ 3307 Payrolling Costs: proposed $26,700. These funds will be used for the payrolling costs of the Maintenance Department employees. 22 THIS DOCUh1ENM LS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL, BACKl1P ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT FND OFT'H i DOCUMEM'T 3307.1 Maintenance Department Overtime: proposed $25,000. These funds will be used for overtime hours worked by the Maintenance Department employees necessary for maintaining Bayfront and Bicentennial Parks_ 3308 Health and Dental Insurance Contribution. proposed $42,000. These Bands will be used to purchase health, dental, life and dismemberment insurance for the Maintenance Department employees. 3308.1 Emnlovee Retirement Plan: proposed $00. 3309 Challenger Memorial Flower Maintenance: proposed $00- 3310 Architectural Adviser: proposed $00. 3311 Architeetural Adviser - Special Projects: proposed $00. 3312 Turf Replacement: proposed $7,500. These funds will be used to purchase replacement turf on an as needed basis. 3313 New Landscape Plants: proposed $5,000. Theses funds will be used to replace damaged or dying plants as needed. 3314 Bicentennial Mowing Set -vices: proposed $00. 3315 Bicentennial Fence and Site Improvements: proposed $3;500_ These funds will be used to maintain the fence surrounding Bicentennial Park, and additional site improvements. 3316 Bougainvillea Trimmina: proposed $00. 3317 Exterminator: proposed $3,000. These funds will be used for a contract exterminator, to keep rodents and insects to a minimum in Trust facilities. 3318 Fertilizer & Chemicals: proposed $10,000. These funds will be used to fertilize the turf, 23 TTIiS 00CUNIENIT IS A SUBSTM.MON TO ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGiNA.l. CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT palms, shrubs and deciduous trees in Bayfront and Bicentennial Parks. 3319 Signage: proposed $2,000. These funds will be used for maintenance of existing signage in Bayfront Park. 3320 General Park Contractor: proposed $76,500. These funds will be used to contract with City of Miami approved Genera) Contractors for necessary and ongoing repairs required to maintain Trust facilities. 3321 Office Cleaning & Maintenance; proposed $20,000. These funds will be used to contract a cleaning service provider to clean the Bayfront Park Offices. 3322 Pressure Cleaning Equipment Maintenance: proposed $6,000. These funds will be used to maintain pressure and steam cleaners owned by the Trust. 3323 Ticket Trailers Maintenance and Purchase: proposed $00. 3324 Painting & Accessories: proposed $6,000. These funds will be used to maintain Bayfront Park' s structures. 3325 Uniforms: proposed $5,000. These funds are used to purchase and maintain uniforms for the park maintenance staff. 3326 Park Vehicle Maintenance and Repairs: proposed $5,000. These funds will be used for routine maintenance and repairs of the Park's pick-up trucks. This will include tires, tune-ups and complete vehicle maintenance. 3327 Purchase of New Closed Van: proposed $00. 3328 Equipment Leasing & Rentals: proposed $2,000. These funds will cover costs to lease and/or rent equipment associated with Park upkeep and maintenance. 24 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITL1T ON TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN 13E SEEN AT END Of THIS DOCUMENT 3328.1 Equipment Purchase: proposed $00. 3328.2E ui ment Repairs: proposed $8,000. These funds will cover the cost of a wide range of equipment repairs necessary for the ongoing maintenance of Bayfront and Bicentennial Parks_ 3329 Miscellaneous Supplies: proposed $6,000. These funds will allow designated staff members to purchase miscellaneous supplies as the need arises. 3330 Gator Maintenance & Repairs: proposed $8,000. These funds will be used for maintenance and repair of the Trust's five John Deere Gators. 3331 Park Electrician Ongoing Maintenance: proposed $20,000. These funds will be used to allow the park electrician to develop and maintain maintenance and an upgrade schedule of the park, s electrical system. 3332 Lift Station and Pump Service: proposed $2,000. These funds would be used to maintain Bayfront Park, s lift stations and pit pumps. 3333 Electrical Maintenance Materials: proposed $7,000_ These funds will be used to purchase lamps, fuses, receptacles, switches; and miscellaneous hardware related to the Bayfront Park electrical system_ This will cover most fixtures within park buildings -- administrative offices, service buildings, maintenance buildings; and the amphitheater: fluorescent bulbs, standard incandescent bulbs, wall duplex receptacles, single -pole switches, cover plates, and small -amperage fuse breakers. 3334 Bulb Fixtures & Poles: proposed $7,000. These funds will be used to replace burnt out bulbs and damaged and missing electrical poles in Trust facilities. 3335 Air Conditioner Replacement Cost: proposed $00. 25 THIS DOCUNtENIT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL BACK LIP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END O>+ THIS DOCUMENT 3336 Air Conditioning Maintenance Contract: proposed $5,000. These funds will be used to enter into a service contract with a vendor to provide air conditioning maintenance in the park' s administrative offices, amphitheater, laser tower, fountain booth and south end service building. 3337 Alarm Monitoring Services: proposed $4,000. These funds will be used for alarm monitoring services in the administrative offices; the fountain control booth and the south end service building. 3338 Miami -Dade County Water and Sewer: proposed $45,000. These funds will be used for all water and sewage services supplied by Miami -Dade County Water & Sewer Department_ 3339 FP&L Utilities: proposed $145,000. These funds will be used to purchase electrical services from FP&L and include an increase to cover projected rate changes. 3340 Trash Removal Fee: proposed $1,000_ These funds will cover costs imposed by the city to transport trash from the park to appropriate disposal sites_ 3341 Private Trash Hauling: proposed $00. Services provided at no charge through City of Miami agreement. 3342 Maintenance of Trash Com actor: proposed $00. 3343 New Garbage Barrels: proposed $00. 3344 Park 'Vehicle Insurance: proposed S12,500. These funds will be used to purchase insurance for the Park's trucks. 3345 Chemicals: proposed $00. 3346 Cleaning Supplies: proposed $1,000. These fiends will be used to purchase cleaning supplies and other materials needed to keep the park' s administrative offices clean. 26 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTiTV170N TO ORIGINAL. BACK UP ORIGINAl CAN BF'S ATEND +OI`THIS DOCUMENT 3346.1 Trash Bags: proposed $11,500. These funds will be used to purchase trash bags for al] park needs, 3346.2 Hand Towels: proposed $2,000. These funds will be used to purchase hand towels for use in park' s restrooms. 3346.3 Toilet Tissue: proposed $2;000. These funds will be used to purchase toilet tissue for use in park' s restrooms_ 3346.4 Hand Soap: proposed $1,500. These hands aril] be used to purchase hand soap for use in park' s restrooms. 3347 Tool Purchases: proposed $1,000. These funds will be used to purchase all tools necessary to maintain Trust facilities. This includes hand or power tools needed for routine maintenance_ 3347.1 Fuel: proposed $20,000_ These funds will be used to purchase fuel for park's vehicles and power equipment. 334$ Miscellaneous: proposed $00- 3349 General Plumbing Repair and Maintenance: proposed $6,000_ These funds will be used for plumbing repair and maintenance throughout Bayfront Park, all restrooms, toilets, sinks, and showers in the amphitheater, south end service building, light tower complex, and administrative offices. 3350 Maintenance of Irrigation Pumps: proposed $2,500. These funds will be used to maintain the Park' s irrigation pumps, located in the pump station adjacent to the Mildred & Claude Pepper Fountain and the south end service building. 3351 Turf and Irri ation Supplies: proposed $10,000. These funds will be used to maintain and 27 11 ii, L)OCUMENT IS A SUBSTI-I-LmO N TO ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN 13E SEEN AT END OF TEES DOCLTl4'1'ENT upgrade Bayfront and Bicentennial Parks' turf and irrigation system_ 3352 Private Security: proposed $145,000. These funds will be used to hire private security, from an existing City of Miami contractor, to provide 12 -hour security in Bayfront Park. 3353 Purchase of Hand -Radios: proposed $00. 3354 Maintenance and Repair of Hand -Radios: proposed $1,000_ These funds will be used to maintain the two-way radio system, for use by park staff and for rental to promoters. 3355 Maintenance Safety Training: proposed $3,000. These funds will be used for safety training classes for the park's maintenance staff. 3356 Facilities Cleaning Contractor: proposed $00. 3357 Infrastructure Studies and Expenses: proposed $00. Mildred & Claude Pepper Fountain 5501. Fountain Maintenance Service Contract: proposed $00. Maintenance staff maintains the Mildred and Claude Pepper Fountain in Bayfront Park. 5502 Fountain Computer Maintenance: proposed $00. 5503 Chemicals: proposed $15,000. These funds will be used to purchase chlorine for the Mildred and Claude Pepper Fountain in Bayfront Park. 5504 Filters and Screens: proposed $00. 5505 Miscellaneous Maintenance: proposed $10,000. These funds will be used for unforeseen expenses associated with the Mildred and Claude Pepper Fountain in Bayfront Park, 28 TI IIS DOCUMENT 1S A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN ATFNDOFTHIS L7UCUMENT BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2010/2011 n -11S DOCUMENT IS A SUMSTITU1'ION TO ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT ENI] Of" THIS DOCUMEINT BOARD DESIGNATED FUND FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FACED ASSETS A LAND IMPROVEMENTS Ferchase of Fixed AsseL Part Srvwres & Palliways Park Wayfindings d Fasmstiinys Pari T iee Canopy Expans m TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVFMENTS BAYFRONT PARIS MANAGEMENT TRUST CAPITAL BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 201012011 30 ReuuWad Budget FY 2010111 1 1,165,601) S 165,007 5 6'50,007 c 250.070 S 100.007 S 1165,00 .l,l IIS UOCUNICSIT IS A SUBSTITUTION 'T0 ORIGINAL BACKUP OPJGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT CND OF THIS DOCUMENT Bayfront Park Management Trust Capital Improvement Budget Notes to Proposed Budget for 201012011 EXHIBIT 600 Board Designated Capital Improvement Fund: 51,165,000 Expenses Fixed Assets and Land Improvements Purehase of Fixed Assets: proposed $165,000. These funds will be used to replace and acquire new equipment (computers, printers; scanners; etc) over $750 - Park Structures & Pathways: proposed $650,000. These funds will be used for park pathways beautification, with a particular focus on the Baywalk. Park Wayfindinj4s & Furnishivas: proposed $250,000. These funds will be used for park signage and hznjslungs, including but not limited to benches and trash receptacles. Park Tree Canopy Expansion: proposed $100,000. These funds will be used for expansion of the park tree canopy - 31 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTt'tUTION TO ORIGINAL SAC'KUP ORIGINAL CAN HE SEEN AT END OF'rms DOCUMENT BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST OPERATING x CAPITAL BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 201012011 BOARD DESISNATEC RESERVE FUND S 1 DDDooO Projections based on actual and known expenses through Jan 31, 2010 Special Events Revenues reduced by $100,000 due to loss of Cirque du Soled Parking Revenue 32 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL BACK LtP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT LND 0F'I"H1S DOCUMENT RE4rJESTED APPAOVED PROJECTED' APPROVED AUDFED BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL REVENUES FYI Olff FYD9l10 FYD9"10 FYON09 FY 68109 GENEPAI REWENJES S 261,600 S 241,0? 5 326,600 5 263 U S 426,,533 SPiCIALEVENTS BMAF.-r<`MC-R VENUES+ S 1,50Q4D0 5 1,08oAIX 4 1,628,850 $ 2,752--M $ 2,645,965 MAW h: EN,%4",E RFVE,iFS $ _ S - S 5,367 S S85, l S 789785 r^.ESE?'.= Uv_'RAI45FzR S ' S 935.900 S 45G.{ri10 S i TOTAL REVENUES ; 2,69S,ODO S 2,266,009 3 2.410,750 S S,6iQD00 S 3,861.493 EXPENSES ADMINISTP.A7IVEEXPENSES S 544,935 $ 642435 5 593,855 5 810,375 $ 626,d16 SPEv:FL EVENTS 8 M4.^,x; rltC- EXPENSES S 816,295 S 616,235 988,60D $ t,638,Nx 5 1,6;J3,fE2 MAINILhAN;.E EXPEN&i�c S 1,023.770 5 1,007,270 i 826,285 b 1,150,825 S 892.%5 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 7-4851000 S 2,266.DDo S 2,410,750 ; 3,810,000 5 3�14,56J DEPRECIATION EY.PENSES b - 5 - S 200.000 $ - 5 190.472 NET INCOME S $ S (200.900) S 5 448,447 BOARD DESIGNA7E0 FUND FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEmE TS S 1,165,000 f 965.000 S 5 4,(MO.lI00 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ; 1,155,000 $ 965,000 5 - S 4-000,000 TOTAL NET BUDGET S 5 $ S BOARD DESISNATEC RESERVE FUND S 1 DDDooO Projections based on actual and known expenses through Jan 31, 2010 Special Events Revenues reduced by $100,000 due to loss of Cirque du Soled Parking Revenue 32 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL BACK LtP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT LND 0F'I"H1S DOCUMENT F, REVENUES BY TYPE REQUESTED BUDGET FY 10119 10% 30°/ 0 °/G 60% oGENEWU, R€L'ENuks � SPEtWI. £VEN7b [ MAr r;£TwG REVENucS 0MFINMUW:^.f fit VENUFE ORE$ERVE FDNC TRANSFER EXPENSES BY TYPE REQUESTED BUDGET FY 10111 26% 41 °lo 33% m ADWNSMiNE EXFW5U • SPECKL EVENn d MAP TNG EY eM O M416f694/i� ptP9bP3 *1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTMT[ON TO ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN HE SEEN AT END OF THIS IpCUMENr REVENUE COMPARISON f ■ AUDITED rCTUX FY OW. a REDUESTED BUDGET FY tpn t I $3,000,000 — $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 - $1,000.000 $500,000 — $ GENERALREVENUE5 SPECALEVE NTS A4:;In'TENANCEREVENUES RESERVE FUND MARKETING RE 1 sNUES TRANSFER EXPENSE COMPARISON p -K)IME) AMA. FY MS D REDUES i E,^ 3 F7 ET rY i Co t Cn nnn nnn w THIS DOCUMl NT IS A sus nTTITION TO ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN A'r END OF THUS DOCUMENT BAYFRONT PARTS MANAGEMENT TRUST ORGANIZATIONAL CHART FISCAL YEAR '10 -'11 Na,�lenan�, E} , ru - 4 r — Ma�ntwnaf>t* ApsiSlanl 1 iud 8 Inegalion Speclalrst Pall -Time Elaciri6ans IndepandarHCdnlred-ors Maintenance A-istant 2 Malnlenanca Assislanl 5 Malnlw^enu Assv'wnl � MAI-MenpnCa +isSlSi?r'I S Miami City Commission Bayffort Patk Minsq] mnnl Trust 9;zeeutrva Director Recaplinntel 1 Srhrrelw y Contrecls 6 Procurement OK -1.r Admini6lr etiye Asti —1 35 Business 6 rinwnce D,rectof HR & Office CoordinAtor Bookkeeper Morkehlm Deec(or 4 I Qveol Co rdinetoc Pan -Time Event Sren T"I IIS DOCU4v4EN`r IS A SUBSTITUTI'GN To oalGINAL EIACKUP ORIGINAL CAN RE SEEN AT ENS) pF THIS SUBSTITUTE[ Bayfr nt Pa rk MANAGEM T TRUST OPERATIN& APITAL IMPROVEMENT WDGETS SUBSTITUTED BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST OPERATING BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010/2011 Table of Contents I. Trust Members II: Letter of Introduction 111. Budget Summary IV. fkfront Park Operating Budget V. Bayfront PXk Capital Improvement Budget VI. Revenues vs. Eases & Organizational Chart SUBSTITUTED CHAIRPERSON Commissioner Frank Carollo TRUST MEMBERS Marlene Avalo Elena V. Carpenter Pedro R. Diaz Ralph Duharte Fred Joseph Nathan Kurland Violette Sproul IVE DMECTOR TirnXy F. Schmand I MIL❑RED AND CLAUDE PEPPLA SUBSTITUTED AYFRONT PARC g N A 6 E M E N T T R U S T 301\EA BOULEVARD. MIAMI. FL 33132 TEL)358.9550 FAX (305)356-1211 Honorable Mayegalado and Members of City Commission: The Bayfront Park M\mfing nt Trust (Trust) is pleased to submit its Fiscal -Year 2010-2011 Operating and Capitas for City Ccmrnission approval. The Trust approved these budgets at a regularly schedulheld on July 27, 2010, and we respectfully request that you do the same. The Miami City Commission cr ted the Trust in 1987 to "direct, manage and maintain all aspects of Bayfront Park for the p ores of ensuring maximum community utilization and enjoyment." City Commission Re\d'' o. 94-204 added Bicentennial Paris to the Trust's management portfolio in March oand the deep water slip adjacent to Bicentennial on December 14, 2006. In addition tog maximum community utilization," the Trust's founding legislation included a fuve: `=The Trust shall, to the greatest extent it determines to be feasible, implem'se of its powers in a manner which utilizes and encourages the fullest and most acip 'on and cooperation of private enterprise." The Trust remains mindful ofthe balant stri between managing public parks and encouraging private enterprise. During Fiscal Years 2005 through 2009, the City of Mi is investment in Bayfront Park totaled $3,923,000 and resulted in a return of $20,512,460- a fiv undyed percent return on investment for the city. During that same period the Trust paid $669,33 or fire services and $1,703, ] 43 in police services. One hundred seventy one thousand three hun ed ninety-eight dollars were provided to local non-profit and community events and an estirn ed $8,470,234 was generated in parking revenue, translating to a $1,032,536 in parking surcharge the City of Miami. The Trust's success is a direct result of the social entrepreneurial model . at has guidcd_our decision making for the past seven years. In the past five years the Trust has demonstrated an ongoing commitment facility maintenance improvements by investing, on average, $500,000 annually in capital impro ments in the park. Those improvements include are -lighting program, a children's playground, s tue and torch renovation, and tree plantings. In FY 0$109 and 09110 alone, the Trust's efforts suited in an additional $3.7 million in improvements, represented by $1 million in Baywalk ' ovements and amphitheater renovations totaling $2.7 million. Despite these successes, the on g recession continues to plague Bayfront Park and its operations. Revenue streams that ere once assured have become unreliable; those that were tenuous have dried up completely. No theless, the Trust recognizes its obligation to maintain the facility and bring positive focus to down wn and the entire community. SUBSTITUTED Xsarkorus an indication, the staff and board have always focused on revenue streams to support d the community. An example of those efforts is the agreement between Live Nation Wowide and the Trust for the Management and Operation of the Bayfront Park Amphitheater. This t my year agreement provides capital enhancements for the amphitheater, revenue for the Trust an renewed vibrancy for downtown Miami — goals on which we can all agree. Further effo toward increasing earned income include the planned Bayfront Park marquee sign and an increas focus on concession opportunities in the park. These efforts, when complete, will assist the TA&i by providing additional long terra and diverse revenue streams. Despite the economi uncertainty, the Trust continued its efforts at beautifying Bayfront Park with regular flower pl Ings and improved site furnishings. in FY 2009/2010 the Trust implemented the Ba}�va portion of the improvements identified in the Curtis + Rogers Design Studio's "Capital Improve ent Plan for Bayfront Park.'' The plans, based on the Trust's long range plan, Managing Bayfr t Park to Greatness, included renovation of the rock garden pond and foot bridge, a narrowing o e park's Baywalk, planting of large shade trees, adding improved park fixtures, includin eating opportunities, and trash containers. The renovations created a shaded and inviting wal ay, drawing more visitors to Miami's unsurpassed waterfront. The fifty -foot Holiday Tree that brigh ed Bayfront Park from Thanksgiving through Neter Year's attracted both residents and tonal and will continue as a tradition in the next fiscal year, as will our Menorah. Our free, thrice wee yoga classes continue their popularity with over 46,000 residents and visitors having particip d in the classes since they began in September 2005. Pollsiar magazine, the entertainment in stry bible, in their year-end 2009 edition, recognized Bicentennial Park as 12`h worldwide event -related ticket sales, and third ranked in North America. The Trust continued to plan, promote and coordinate t of om ur community's largest celebrations, the America's Birthday Bash on July 4th and the I fi o arkArew Year's Eve Celebration. The Trust is committed to providing these free, community inc ive celebrations for Miami's residents and visitors. Bayfront Park's New Year's Eve even ttendance has been consistent and the estimated attendance for the December 31, 2009, event w 0,000. 2010 marked the 24'h year for America's Birthday Bash with attendance estimated at 6\dBice—ntennial The Trust recognized the need to support activities outside Bayftennial Park boundaries. Throughout the year Bayfront staff lent their experteld around the city, from Calle Ocho to Little Haiti to City Hall. The Bayfront Park , our festival on wheels, was used in every commission district at parks and comtions, for events ranging from. Viernes Culturales to the City's Summer Parks Pron July 2009 and 2010, the Bayfront Park portable stage was used 16 tunes. Additionally in the past year the Trust - Continued the management functions of the Miami Sports and Exhibition Auth ity, Hosted the record setting Miami premiere of Cavalia at Bicentennial Park, Hosted Ultra Music Festival in Bicentennial Park, selling out both days for the first ' e - thus widening their already enormous economic impact for downtown Miami and surrounding areas, B AY F R O N T PA R K MANAGEMENT TRUST 301 North Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Ft_ 33132 (305) 358-7550 SUBSTITUTED • Hosted the worldwide Red Bull Flugtag event in Bayfront Park, bringing tens of thousands of people to downtown Miami and garnering global media attention, • Hosted Miami Carnival's 25`h anniversary event in Bicentennial Park. In addition, Miami Carnival partnered with Broward Carnival to merge as one main event — held in wntown Miami, • ed Giants in the City, a temporary art installation taking place during Art Basel, • Ins ed a permanent statue of Julia Tuttle adjacent to the Lee & Tina Hills Playground. This e cational installation will enhance the experience for children, • Continu with the diversification of events hosted - ranging from weddings to film shoots to events a ociated with the Orange Bowl, Pro Bowl, and Super Bowl, • Negotiated return of Cirque Du Soleil (Nov. 20 10) • Lent staff expe 'se to City departments and partner organizations through participation in committees, wor hops and focus groups to help improve our comrntulity, • Continued care an aintenance of the statues and plaques throughout the park and at the Torch of Friendship, • Continued to host som f the community's premier fundraising events such as Race for the Cure, Making Strides gainst Breast Cancer, the Corporate Run, and Walk for the Animals, • Worked with the Miami Do own Development Authority to serve as the host site for a series of free, community cone to assist in furthering the revitalization of downtown. The Bayfront Park Management Trust hoar of directors and staff intend to build on these past accomplishments, pursuant to our mission o nsuring maximum community utilization and enjoyment." Thank you for allowing us the op rtumty and the privilege to continue our efforts next fiscal year, which will begin with your appy 1 of the attached budget. .. � i� DirectorExecutive Cc: file BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST 301 North Biscayne Boulevard Miami, FL 33132 (305)358-7550 SUBSTITUTED BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST OPERATING d CAPITAL BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 201012011 BOARD DESIGNATED RESERVE FUND S 1,006,000 ' Projeclions bard an actual and knarn expensee through Jan SS, 2010 Stomal Events Revenues reduced by 5100,000 due le loss of CGrQue du S08 Par4ing Revenue 1 REQUESTED APPROVED PRDJECrcD' APPROVED AUDrrED BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL REVENUES FY 10f17 FY 09110 FY 09!70 FY 01109 FY W9 GENERAL REVEhES S 241.600 S 241,500 S 325,600 S ffi3.DDD S 426.533 SPECIAL EVENTS d MAR 'G R:"Vc`NUES. S 1,509,400 S 1,089.400 S 1,626,850 S 2,762,DD0 S 2 645,165 MAINTENANCE REvENUES S - S - S 5,300 5 565,000 S 739,765 RESERVE FUND TRANSFER S 735,000 S 935,DX S 450,070 S 5 TL' "AL REVENUES S 2,443,000 $ 2,266,600 S Z4i0,760 S 5,610,000 $ 20i,9d7 EXP&:SES ADMINISTRATIVI: FXP'ENSES 16M,935 S 642,435 S 5333,865 S 870,315 S 626,416 SPECLGL, EVENTS d MAOJ(ETING WENSc5 S 81c.295 S 616,295 S 986,54') S 1.535.700 S 1,853.162 W41,1TENANCE EXPEA'SES S 1.027,770 S 1.007.276 S 828.285 S 1.160,925 S 942,%5 TOTAL EXPENSES 4 2445.000 S 2,266,000 3 x670,750 S 3.670,000 S ].214,56] DEPRECIATION ETPENSE5 S - S S 200,000 S S 791.472 NET INCOME S - S - S (200,000) S $ 4[8,447 BOARD DESIGNATED FUMSS:OR CAPITAL PAPROVEAIENTS 1,465,600 S 965,0176 S S 1.004.000 TOTAL CAPITAL1WROVEMSMS S 1,76.5,606 S 965,000 S - $ 4.000.000 TOTAL NET BUDGET s $ - $ $ S BOARD DESIGNATED RESERVE FUND S 1,006,000 ' Projeclions bard an actual and knarn expensee through Jan SS, 2010 Stomal Events Revenues reduced by 5100,000 due le loss of CGrQue du S08 Par4ing Revenue 1 BAYFRO OPERATING BUDGETNTTRUST SUBSTITUTE[ FISCAL YEAR 20102011 Requested Approved Projected Approved Audited Budget Budget Actual Budgel Aduaf fY 2910111 FT 20M9 FY 2009110 FY 2,0,7,9 FY 2000109 GENERAL 101- BOAT DD IN S 35.,30 4 36.000 S 50.000 s S 142 CARRIAuc INC $ S - $ - s S 103 • fu>iANDvlDf4i k REI�ITA S 17,6X0 S 1'r.000 ; 20.000 S 07,000 S 15.099 IU • Af ISCEI0fOUS RfYc 5 20.,00 S 20,000 S 40.000 S 20,037 S 67.450 105. C4NCESS14N5 S 46,000 S 15.007 S IS.A70 s 16.070 S Q 077 106 - MARWEE rREVE14UES S • s S - S - S 107 - PARKING OPZF^ATION INCOME 5 90,053 s 90,00, S 420,000 S 1 142. -A 108 - INTEREST IN':DI•t< S 10,000 S 10,010 S 18.970 5 75.000 s 27,610 109- WAREHOUSE RcNTk INCOt,C s - S S s s - 110- MIAMI SPORTS d EXHIBITION AUTHOR S 53.600 S .&7if S 53,607 S 1!9,0,0 S 1411,000 411 - LONGTERM AGRE`r•AZNT WCOME S - S S S S TOTAL GENERAi_ REVENUES S 241,600 S 241,600 S 326,600 5 263,000 S 426,533 3 BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST SUBSTITUTED OPERATING BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 201012011 Approved Projecled Bueget Areal 8utlgettual FY 2005110 F Y 20 )y110 FY 70aM09 :Y ;0 EX EP HSEAOAAMSTRATNE. 7RY"--lodApprevod 110;-ESr. bwcle'v 5 112,000 S 1lZODD S 135.000 $ 121.286 2-MSEAAcrrwm$sanr s - S S 50000 s 1102.1 CO WZCL Pi=,emen! dA dt vr4_er S 64,1.50 s 62,890 S 58,250 5 94,803 1103 _ Busmu d Finan:e GrrSx S 65.615 S 54,335 s 58.250 5 65,996 i 103 1• Bpoutiapo 5 44,100 5 44,700 5 44,100 S 45,08G s 44,054 1103.2- HR A 01fa Coxde;ix 5 45.340 S 41,340 s 41340 5 53,000 5 41.29 104 - ACTrsrme Aulstant S 38,370 S 38,200 S 3E,?00 b 40.854 S 31,743 1 t05 • Rereptronw 5 30,000 5 30AM S 30.640 5 30.945 $ 29.676 I a • Pay oll.S Costs 5 a 780 $ 03,780 $ 60,000 $ 90,000 $ 78,991 11G7•Healn4DtntalInsutameConewwn 5 46,D3t1 S 46000 S 44.700 S 45,000 S 44.690 1105 • Uk insurance 6 Octaiu6[y Cr1r1VYJ'Jt10n 5 3.500 5 3,500 s 2.5011 S 3,500 S 2,20.5 109 • Exru4ve Retrmse l Pan Conridukon 5 3 S s 14,407 S 14,555 I 1091• Empspyees Rairmnem Prw 5 - S S - s 10,007 3 5,397 1110 - Masmf Ptannin0 Lnpiem4s uaw Prxeu s 5 s 5 - 1 11101 • eraim wnam Swae Fees S 5,030 S 2.500 5 600 s 2,500 s 503 1111- mw Elmws S 5,000 S 5,000 s 1.000 5 10,000 s 1,482 1112 - Computer Suppk58 5otware S 4.000 S 4,0DD S 2,500 $ 4,D00 s 2,581 1113 - C uw S XTSD S 1.750 s 500 S 2,500 s 485 1114 - EQuomenl Purchasga 7500 5 2,500 5 500 5 2,500 5 648 1153- Eauiomr! P-emal d mwwnance 5,000 S 5,000 s 3.500 $ 5.000 5 3.244 -Iib - Postage S 3.000 s 3.000 s 1000 $ 3.OX s 1,012 1117 . Finning 5 1,OD0 S iOOD 5 500 S 1.070 5 294 111a - Offuc $uxAie5 5 10,000 S 10,000 S 5.000 $ 10,000 5 4.650 1419 •'elepmr e. Cep Prone. Pam 2nr Cabk si _^9 s 30 GD7 s 30.000 5 27.900 s 38.190 5 28.535 1120 • $ani CnaroeJ s 5w S sm s - s I.W s 1121 - Na+rspapee Pu®k NcWu S '.400 S 4,000 S 1.500 S 5,007 s 5,456 1122. Ekrsness Trarel 6 S"m ..ws s s - 5 - s 1123- Training i Co6wenu Regarai6on S s 5 5 S 1124 - Trawig d Conf&en: a [spenses s S S S 5 1125 - k%sh" Espenses S 3,500 S 3,500 s 2300 s 4,000 5 2563 1126-mwnSashrptamSuh rlpLon$ S 3,500 3,5m 5 ?500 5 3,sm 5 2.528 1127-6usirem Euensrm i S • s 1.000 5 - 1126. 0recial Lrablrtr li swarKe s S,ODD 5 3,DOO s 4.303 S 6,000 S 4,591 1129-PrrpeT Inswarre 5 1ODD 5 4.070 s 1.000 s 1000 5 940 1130 - AwTkmlnswance 5 15,000 S 15.000 s 7,000 5 15.000 S 10,000 1130.1 - Insurare DeducSbles $ 2.500 $ 2.5:10 5 $ 3,OD^ S 500 5131-ALcourpng ser"kes 5 S 5 s S 1132 • Audit s 22,000 5 5 22,000 5 25,000 s 21,DOD 1133- Marquee M4 mawce Ccimt S 42,000 S 52, 5 10.500 5 12,000 s 16,480 1134 - Non Gonea;lual 74anktance S - S - S - S - 5 1135-Cantingprurypund s - 3 - - 3 - S 367 TOTAL AOLIY NISTRATIVE EXPENSES 5 641,935 5 642,635 S 593,865 S 810,375 S 629.416 3 SUBSTITUTED B\front Park Management Trust Operating Budget NProposed Budget for 2010/2011 ET 100 Administration General Reven proposed $36,000. Revenue based on North and South docks rental. 10.2 Carriage Income: pos 103 Film and Video L,oeatio $00. year, s experience and discussions 104 Miscellaneous Revenue: tal: proposed $17,000. Projected revenue based on previous lith film and video professionals. 0,000. Revenue based on previous year' s experience. 105 Concessions: proposed $15,000. Use \baed ential a&reements with park concessionaires as recon�xnended in the Trulan.nin; sessions. 106 Marquee Revenue: proposed $00. 107 Parkine Operation Income; proposedue projection based on parking operation. 103 Interest Income: proposed $10,000, Income based on pr ed revenue from Trust funds held in interest earning accounts. 109 Warehouse Rental Income; proposed $00. 110 Miami Snorts & Exhibition Authority: proposed $53,600. Management payable to the 'frust pursuant to the inter -local agreement between MSEA and the III Long Term Agreement Incorne: proposed $00. W facility fees SUBSTITUTED dministrative Expenses 11 Executive Director: proposed $ 112,000. The Executive Director provides overall manage ent for the. Bayfront Park Manaaement Trust (Trust) and the Miami Sports and Exhibition thority (MSEA). 1102 MSEA A nistrator: proposed $00. 1102.1 Contract, Pr urement, and Agenda Officer: proposed $64,150. The Contract, Procurement and Agenda fftcer assists the Executive Director in the management of the Trust, focusing on contracts with pro oters, service providers and concessionaires, compliance with procurement procedures and liaiso with the City Agenda Office, and Trust agenda preparation. 1103 Business and Finance Director: oposed $65,615. The Business and Finance Director is responsible for the finances; bookkeeping accounting functions of the Trust and MSEA; and assists the Executive Director with the managem t of the Trust and MSEA. 1103.1 Bookkeeper: proposed $44,100. The Bookk er reports to the Business and Fir_ancc Director and is responsible for daily maintenance of the st's financial records. 1103.2 Human Resources and Office Coordinator: propose 41,340. The Duman Resources and Office Coordinator is responsible for managing all human reso ces functions of the Trust and for coordinating office functions. 1164 Administrative Assistant: proposed .138:200. The Administrative A 'stant assists the Coatract, Procurement and Agenda Officer with administrative functions for th rust and the Executive Director with MSEA. 1105 Receptionist: proposed $30,000. The Receptionist is responsible for Bayfront P 's front 5 SUBSTITUTED \adstrative ns. ing Costs: proposed $63,780. These funds will be used for the payrolling costs of employees. & Dental Insurance Contribution: proposed $46,000. These funds will be used to purchase health d dental insurance for Trust administrative employees. 1108 Life Insuranc Dtsabili Contribution: proposed $13,500. These funds will be used to purchase life and disabili insurance for Trust administrative employees. 1109 Executive Director's tirement Plan: proposed $00. 1109.1 Em lovee Retirement Pl : proposed $00. 1110 Master PlanningIm letnentati Process- proposed $00. 1110.1 Grant Writing Service Fees: prop ed .$5,000. These funds will be used to pay for grant writing services for the Trust. 1111 Miscellaneous Expenses: proposed $5,000. se funds will be used for miscellaneous purchases of goods or services required during the year. 1112 Computer Sunnlies and Sofhvare: proposed $4,000, ese funds Nvill be used to purchase computer supplies and software, as well as associated true -up fees r licensed software. 1113 Courier: proposed $1,750. These funds will be used to procuze wrier services. 1114 Ea ment Purchases: proposed $2,500. These funds will be used purchase new office ffumiture and equipment, including but not limited to computers, facsimile, cop rs, scanners, printers, etc. 1115 Equipment Rental/Main tena nee; proposed $5,000. These funds will be used fo ffice M SUBSTITUTED eipment rental, lease and maintenance contracts. 1116 stage: proposed $3,000. These funds will be used to purchase postage. 1117 Pri ' proposed $1,000. These funds will be used to procure printing services. 1118 Office lies: proposed $10,000. These funds will be used to purchase office supplies. 1119 TeJePbon`e,llul2r Phone Pager and Cable Services: proposed $30,000. These funds will be used to procur lephone, cellular phone, paler and cable television services. 1120 Bank Charges: prop ed $500. These funds will be used for bank charges. 1121 Newspaper Public Noti : proposed $4,000 These funds will be used for public notices required by City of Miami procure nt procedures. 1122 Business Travel and Seminars: posed $00. 1123 Training & Conference Registration ronosed $00. 1124 Training & Conference Expenses: propo d $00, 1125 Meetine Expenses: proposed $3,500. These ds will be used for expenses associated with the monthly Board Meetings of the Bayfront Park agement Trust. 1126 Memberships and Subscriptions: proposed $3,500. se funds will be used for memberships in professional organizations and subscriptions to p essional journals. 1127 Business Expenses; proposed - $00. 11128 Director's Liability Insurance: proposed $5,000. These funds wil e used to purchase Directors and Officers Liability Insurance for the Bayfront Park Management ist. 1129 Property Insurance: proposed $1,000. These funds will be used to porch Property Insurance for Trust property not adequately covered by the City of Miami Self Insuran Fund. 7 SUBSTITUTED 1FW Premises Liability Insurance: proposed $15,000. These funds enable the Trust to purchase liabili nsurance for Bayfront and Bicentennial Parks. 1130.1 Ins ance Deductible: proposed $2,500. These funds cover the insurance deductible in the event a Nai's paid against the Trust's liability insurance. 1131 Accounting S& -vices: proposed $00. 1132 Audit: proposed $ 000. These funds will be used to procure the annual audit of the Trust's finances. 1133 Marquee Maintenance Coxr-act: proposed $12,000. These funds will be used for the marquee sign's monthly maintenancentract. 1134 Marquee Non -Contractual! Mainte nee: proposed $00. 1135 Contingency Funds: proposed $00, 1135 Bad Debt_ Expenditure: proposed $00. SUBSTITUTED BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST OPERATING BUDGET FISCAL, YEAR 2011012011 9 Raauestcd Approved Projected Approved Audiled 8udgal Bud1z1 Acluri Budge Actual FY 2010111 FY2D09710 FY200911g FY20OLM FY 200M SPECLALEVENTAND KETWG: 201- SPECIAL EVENT R W OME S 14D,000 S 140,000 S 315,000 $ 675,000 $ 778,274 202-ALIPHITHEATER IDNdMANAGEMENT $ 658.CD0 s 639,000 S 639,090 S 499,DOD $ 345,463 203. SPECIAL EVENT SPON R s - s - S 5 50,D00 S 204 - TENT RENTAL S 55.00D S 55.1100 S 130,000 5 177.500 s 198.434 205 - BEER LOCA13OR FEES s 4,000 5 A.OX S 7.030 F 17,030 S 12.400 206 • FODD AND SODALOCAT10N _ 3 5.000 S 5,007 5 20.0'0 5 30,000 S 25.700 207. ARTS d CRAFTS LOCATION FEES s MOO s 2,500 s 2.500 S 13's00 5 4.200 208- SPECYAL EVENT ELECTRICAL S 4,000 S 4,000 5 6,000 5 20.000 5 8.688 209 - DAY OF SHOW STAFFWG s 500 S 500 s 2.500 S 2,500 S 11.412 210 -BOX OFFICE ?ERSONNeLAND MANAGEME,1 5 - s - s 5 - s 211 • SF=C3AL EVENT CONTRACTED PERSONNEL 5 45,DX 5 4' .1]05 S 50.G;;a S 240,000 5 109'm 272- SPECIAL EVENT C'.EAN-UPSE:VICES 5 48.0W 5 4E,ODO 5 60,900 5 1%,ODD S 17D.357 253 - CITY OF MIt.M1 POLICE 5 35,000 S 35,099 5 230,000 s 240,000 S 316,527 214 . CITY OF MAMI #IRE 5 8,00.0 3 8.007 S 80,000 5 90.000 5 111,401 216 • PARKING SPACE RENTAL 5 2.500 S 2.500 5 2,509 5 2,500 S 4,601 216 • SPECIAL EVEN] EOWPMENT RENTAL 5 2,500 S 2,500 5 2.500 s 10,D00 S S,DDD 217 • FOURTrt OF.)JLY S 5 5 5 18.600 218-FCURTN OFJULYCITYSERVIC`c5 S $ 5 s 33,1y1 210-MsSCELLANEOLS SERVICES 5 418.400 $ IB.400 S 30,000 s 475,090 5 345.656 221 - PARK DAMAGE - EVENTS S - 3 - s 1.893 s 20.000 s 9,724 222 - SPECAL EVENT GRANTS 5 80,000 s BC [00 S 30.000 S 60,000 5 78,040 TOTAL SPECIAL EVENT REVENUES s 8,400 5 1,089,41)0 5 1,628,850 S 2,762,00D S 1,645,165 9 EXPENSES SPECIAL EVENT AND W KETING 2201- Ewa GaordASLY 2203 -)Aad rmgaSWaEvemAudont 22154 • tdvowv amw m5, • Spenar EwPAI Paarvkv Cass 2245 - tteab 6 nDental� lasrxanze COnvibugon s r.c 22006 1 - Employ typinenl Plan 2207 - Cay of Show Sorel 22M - Speral Ewell Conraclad Pmanrwi 2209 • B4K Olke Pvwf l and wnagenleol 2210 • Spew EwM Ebcrcat Se•wces 2211•CiTrofWmiFire Rasa Sgvl< 2212 - Co, or IAisni Poke 2213. SWa1 Event Cleanup Se(V.:" 2214 - Parting Simm Renu) 22',5-Specid.'-.wen•,Eglpm niP1rhase 1215 - Spec al Eoe u Toni Para 2217 - Sp5r4 Event EPJsPY1PJH Renal 2218 - PuT 5pomlorw Frank 2218.1 • Biw spon -md NOW069 firrmleily events 2216.2- PMT Spmicred HOGOay Even 2218.3 - BPr1T Sponsored New Yeas Ewe 2219 - Fourth of Joy 2230 • Fourth Of Juy Cay Sreea 2221 - Vsum 2222 - w8wir Pro3raos and Dew 2212.7 • Em bwbv Soatrrare =3 • Webie Hrnsng.Re dw and Vaoienan:e 2224 - MSaUWV O; pualnq Fund - Pm[ Ad+erl 2326. I Ad+ePoimp 2227 • Deiyn d G-aAhas :228 - fttpgraphi and video Sencel 3,22[1- Printing d Brnchme and Ptonvo--i Pw. --I 723D - Pr7ml6b.al 2271 - Spemw E.eni IAiscellar eLws Expenses 22,32 - Speaa1 Evens Oanagrs TOTALSPEC14 9YEWTEXPENSES BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST OPERATING BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 201012011 61,15( 70,29'. +7.154 7,OD) 40,0D0 2.070 s,6as 5.D00 35,000 {100] Ci SUBSTITUTED Approved �— A.a,ecird Reproved 4u611ed Budget AcivaJ Budges Actual FY 2009114 FY M910 FY 20OL09 FY 2004x09 a 61.150 5 S 7G,B95 s 11,759 5 1° 007 f f 7,0150 S 46.000 s 3,006 s x.400 S B-000 s 35.070 45.000 s 1,0W s - S - s 45,000 S 43,0x1 s io.070 S 10,0DO S 30,000 S 30,000 S 10,677 S • s 70,000 S - S 1 5 100,006 S 55. 5 55.000 3 35. S 35,15W s - 5 - 5 94.327 65.009 S � 5 - S 3.506 5 3.500 S 70,000 S 0.003 S 15,000 s 15.000 S 57.0911 S 60,W0 S 5.099 s 009 s "0' S 316,287 s S 70,007 s 4 57o S {.3 S 7%,Cw9 5 - S 816,255 $ 616,295 10 s 61,100 S 63,0% s 62,977 S 64,5150 $ 75,650 S 10,677 s 10.009 f 70,000 s 11.051 f 1°.500 s 20,007 S 13,425 S - S 5,900 s {,036 ; 05,007 5 X.900 ; 94.327 65.009 5 160,000 S 148,539 s '.(0911 $ '9,094 S 8.921 5 3,0'JO S 15,000 5 7.004 S 57.0911 3 60,W0 s 1J6?4E f 230,000 S 240.000 s 316,287 $ 70,007 s 184.180 S 1,515 S 15DO s 4.003 s S s s 12070 s 130.000 $ i77.476 s 15,000 5 25.030 S 36,238 t 15,0Ca S 40.000 S 48.125 S S S F S $ s 5{,1570 S 150,090 s 133.464 S 55,1506 s 75,DW S 54.076 S '1.1507 s 50.000 S 12.302 S 3 S s - s • s - s- s ',sora s 3500 5 1,423 S - 5 10.600 S s 5.000 5 15,000 $ 4.754 - S 1DOD S 5,009 S 1,076 S 1:000 S 4.100 S 750 s 5 s S 1500 s 4.500 $ 2.252 3 - S 325,090 S 239,356 s 3 i 908.6bo S 1,638,71)0 5 1,693,182 SUBSTITUTED ayfront Park Management Trust Operating Budget x sto Proposed Budget £or 2010/2011 B£T 200 Special Event and Marketing Revenue 201 Event Retial Income: proposed $140,000. Rental income reflects aprojected 15 -date event calendar. 202 Amphitheater O ation &Management: proposed $658;000. This revenue is based on the management agreement ith Live Nation. 203 Special Event S on nsorshi1%proposed $00. 204 Tent Rental; proposed $55,000. ent rental revenue is based on a projected 15 events scheduled in Trust facilities in 2010/2011. 205 Beer Location Fees: proposed $4,000. B Location Fees revenue is based on a projected 15 events scheduled in Trust facilities in 2010/2011. 206 Food and Soda Location Fees: proposed $5,000. od and Soda Location Fees revenue is based on a projected 15 events scheduled in Trust facilities 2010/2011. 207 Arts & Crafts Location Fees: proposed $2,500. Arts & Ci is Location Fees revenue is based on a projected 15 events scheduled in Trust facilities in 2010/ 1. 208 Special Event Electrical: proposed $4,000. Special Event Electrica evenue represents charges to promoters for electrician services and is based on a projected 15 e" is scheduled in Trust facilities in 2010/2011. 209 BPMT Show Staffing: proposed $500. BPMT Show Staffing revenue is based o\ren s scheduled in Trust facilities in 2010/2011 where event staff charges are not included ifees. 11 SUBSTITUTED proposed $00. 21 11.6pecial Event Contracted Services: proposed $45,000. Specia3 Event Contracted Services are secu and parking personnel required at all Trust hosted events. The revenue is based on a projected l 5kents scheduled in Trust facilities in 2010/2011. 212 S ecial EveAt Clean -Up Services: proposed $48,000_ Special Event Clean -Up Services revenue is based Xroiected 15 events scheduled in Trust facilities in 2010/2011. 213 City of Miami PolicX proposed $35,000. City of Miami Police revenue is based on a projected 15 events schedule n Trust facilities in 2010/2011. 214 City of Miami Fire: propos%in 00. City of Miami Fire revenue is based on a projected 15 events scheduled in Trust faciliti1012011. 215 Parkin6 Space Rental: proposed $2 0. This revenue represents fees charged to promoters for additional parking locations rented from Cly of Miami Department of Off -Street Parking. 216 Special Event Equipment Rental: proposed .500. Special Event Equipment Rental revenue is based on a projected 15 events scheduled in rust facilities in 201012011. 217 Fourth of July: proposed $00. Revenue represents in me from the Trust' s annual July 4"' celebration. 218 Fourth of July City Services: proposed $00. The City of M fire rescue and solid waste services for the Trust's annual July 4h pi no longer provides police, ton. 220 Miscellaneous Services: proposed 5418,400. Represents income fro arious services the Trust provides promoters, outside of those listed above, such as Cirque d,\i Sole arking. 221 Park Datnaze - Events: proposed $00, Represents fees charged to promoters r damages in 12 SUBSTITUTED SUBSTITUTED \Marnke and Marketing Expenses ordinator: proposed S61,150. The Event Coordinator is responsible for special tivities undertaken by the Trust. Q 8c Special Event Assistant: proposed $00, 2204 Marketin 'rector: proposed $70,$95. The Marketing Director is responsible for increasing awareness and facility rentals for the Trust. 2205 Pavrollina Costs: pr osed $12,750. These funds will be used for the payrolling costs of the Special Event employees - 2206 Health & Dental Trisurance ntribution: proposed $15,000. These funds will be used to purchase health, dental, life and diStnem rment insurance for Trust Special Event and Marketing. employees. 2206.1 Employee Retirement Plan: proposed $ 2207 Dav of Show Staffing: proposed $7,000. Thes ds will be used to pay staff needed for set-up, teardown and maintenance of events. 2208 Special Event Contracted Personnel: proposed $40,00 These funds will be used to pay contracted personnel wbo provide special event parking and securi ervices. . _.2209 Box Office >?erson-------------�--------..-...----------------------.--- -- -------------_.. - - nel and Management: proposed $2,000. Thes ds will be used to pay box office and ticket auditing crew. 2210Special _Evezrt Electrical Services: proposed $3,000. These funds will lie ed to pay the Trust' s certified electrician, who is required ort -site during all special events to conn house power to the promoter's equipment, and these fees are charged back to the promoter. ov, SUBSTITUTED 211 City of Miami Fire Rescue Service: proposed $8,000. Fire Rescue Service is required at all ecial events to ensure the safety and well-being of park visitors. 2212 CTV of Miami Police: proposed $35,000. City of Miami Police representatives are required at ALspecial events to ensure the security and well-being of park visitors. proposed $43,000, These funds will be used to pay during -event and after -event clean'% -g contractor. 4 Parking Space Re l: proposed 51,000. These fees will be used to obtain additional parking locations, as needed,lLorn, the City of Miam1 Department of Off Street Parking. 2215 Special Event Equipment %rchase: proposed $00. 2215 Sraecial Event Tent Rental: pr sed $45,000. These funds will be used to rent tents, tables, chairs, lights, side-walls and tables s from the Trust' $tent contractor- 2217 Special Event Equipment Rental: prop ed $10,000. These funds will be used to rent equipment from various vendors required for speci vents. 2218 BPMT Sponsored Events: proposed $30,000.\celebration. ill be used to sponsor various community events supported and approved by the Baynagement Trust. 2218.1 BPMT Sponsored Non root Community Eed $00. _ 2218.2 BPMT Sponsored Holiday -- : - - _� _vents: proposed2218,3 BPMT Sponsored New Year's Eve: proposehese ds will be used for the production costs of the Trust' s annual New Year's Ev. 2219 Fourth of July: proposed $55,000. These funds will be used for the produc n costs of the Trust's annual July 4`h celebration. 15 SUBSTITUTED 0 Fourth of July City Services: proposed $35,000. This expense represents the cost of City of Mi i services, police, fire rescue, trash removal, for the Trust, s annual July 4`h celebration. Insu ee: proposed $00. 2222 Website Design and Production: proposed $00. ft -ware: proposed $00, 2223 Website Hosting, evision and Maintenance: proposed $3;500. These funds will be used to pay for website hosting, nVessary revisions and maintenance services for the Bayfront Park Management Trust website. 4 Marketing Opportunity Fund proposed $10,000. These funds will be used to undertake special events, promotions, or other services to the community. opportunities to further increase the Trust's 2225 Print Advertising: proposed $15,000, The\fftundsl be used to purchase print advertising to support Trust sponsored events, or tayfront Park as a desirable destination for the general public, as well as eventd promoters. 2226 Broadcast Advertising: proposed $00. 2227 Desiped and Graphics: proposed $5,000. These funds will be sed to contract Nv'th a designer to create advertising materials to support Bayfront Park Manent Trust sponsored a, events, or to promote Bayfront Park as a desirable destination for the generaVublic, as well as event planners and promoters. 2228 Photographic and Video Services: proposed $4,.500. These funds will b\Usto contract with photographers and videographers to document events at Bayfront Park. 16 SUBSTITUTED 222XBrochure and Promoter's Packet Printing: proposed $00. 2230Xrnotjonal: proposed $4,500. These funds will be used to purchase promotional items, which prom e Bayfront Park as a desirable destination for the general public, as well as event planners and pro oters. 2231. Special Event iscellaneous Expenses. proposed $200,000. These funds will be used to make miscellaneous pur ases that arise in the course of doing special events, such as Cirque du Solei[ parking. 2232 Special Event Damages: oposed $00. 17 RFVENVES MAINTENANCE: 301 . C7 CO'1'Rr6 302 - KURRI:ANE R'IM EMENT 303 - GRANTS 304 - FPL FOUNTAIN CONTRI ON 30.5- miss CURRY 0Pr TOC MEMORIAL 306-CfTYCDNTRIBUTX)NFOR IMPROVEMENT 308 • LEE d TINA HU -S CCNJRIBU TOTAL MAINTENANCE REVENUES SAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST OPERATING BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2010R011 U BSTITUTED 1�1f��h Approved Requested Approved Projected Audited Budge[ Budget Actual budget Ac1uji FY 2010h i FY 2049140 FY 2009110 FY 200" FY 2008109 i - S - 3 - S SSS,OOD ; 585,600 5 - S - ; 204;8S $ 3 S S 3 5 S 3 S 3 S S 3 5.300 S 5 - 3 S $ 51300 S 585,000 S 789,785 U BSTITUTED BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST SUBSTITUTED OPERATING BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 201012071 19 Rersuessed App,o�6d Plojwed APpro.W Audited Budges Budget Amua7 Badges Actual FY 2010!!7 FY 2003.10 FY 2009.10 FY 20080 FY 200&'08 EXPENSES MAih1TENANCE : 33;11 -PO Mamlenamu Supmtsor 5 64,620 s 64,820 S 64.820 S 73.450 S 64.607 3:s+•J2-MameanceAsssunll S 36,775 S 35,775 S 36,775 s 41250 S 36.846 3373•Miovan„'eAswan!1i 5 37,815 S 37.8.5 1 3',815 S 43250 $ 38.606 33N •Mariter+ande+ls:islanlhI S 11,845 s 31,845 S 31645 s 37,950 S 25.643 3305-mW%enamNA3so:antly 1 34,385 S 34,385 s 3 37,950 s 30,35s 33D5.1 • Marlename Assisam V s 27.250 5 27,250 S 27 250 S 31,075 i 77 500 3305.5 - ma w an_e A 34am A 5 S S s 3305.3 - Slanlenan:r Assistant VD i - s S 1 s 3]05-TOanarr,ga6mSpetrakst 1 4:660 s 43.6x0 s 43,690 S 46000 s 43,664 :307-Paytpaing Cost s 25.700 $ 26,700 S 75.000 5 30000 s 27,012 3377.1- kkainlaname Deparlment D elvc S 25.000 S 25,030 S ?r,D00 S 35 OW 5 4'0,227 ,3DB -Health and :"% InsuranceUOyti;.jlidn S 42,000 s 42000 $ 31590 S 46.000 s 38.712 3338.1 • Employees Pwtremenl Ptan 3 - f S S to 000 i 5,986 3339 - Uaeenge: Momaal Flower uamta.an_e i i 5.306 s 5 3.310-Arcnowlla1 AN,= 5 3 S 5 S 3311 "Amli=wralAckwSpeedPro*U S - i i s s - 3312 -Te. Reoiacamewt 5 7,50 S 7,5113 S s 7,500 r1J-Aitw'ardscape Plants $ 5,060 S 500 S 1000 S 5,000 s 739 3314- Bicensenmai Park M3wng i - 5 - S - i - i - 3315 - Bcelketn,at Pik Fenu and S4 rnpta an,ents S 500 S 3,500 s 2.D30 5 3.500 5 1, nits 3316 - Soupinfiea Trarrang 5 1 S s 5 3317 • Em mmav 5 3, s 3,000 S 1,030 S 3.000 $ 715 3318 • Felho L Che eats $ +C. S 10,000 s 9,000 5 15,000 S 9,084 3319 - Sgnaoe 5 2,0DO 2,000 S 500 s 2.ODD 1 374 332D- Gema; Park Goncaco 5 76,500 s 75,000 s 55,D00 5 75,DDD S 48,403 3321 - LM:ce C,ea•141g L Mai wn wze Sewto s 20,000 5 20,000 s 20.000 $ 1 SAW S 19 .52 3322 - Pressure Cleanmc E tuixmnl Mamr'nanre 5 6.000 S 6,000 S 5,500 S 6.000 S 5,520 3323 - Tckel Ttauer Ham arance - Purchase 3324 - Parneny and A=s5D m S 6.079 1 6,000 S 4,500 S 6.000 S 4.43D 3325 • Llniicvm. S 5.t x6 5 DOD s „500 5 5,000 S 3,627 3326 • Part Vehcle Atamlesanse and Reov s S. DOC s S 3,600 S 5,000 S 3,518 3327 - Purhaw d a New Ckmd van S - 5 s i s - J328•E0u'prtenlLeasugand Rentals S 2,D00 5 2000 1 1,500 S 4,000 S 3,334 33281 • Eouipment Purchase S s S 4,000 S 346 3328.2 - Eeui mmlleom 5 8,000 $ 8.000 6,0m S 8,000 S 9.838 2129 - MiwALaneous yuppies S 6,040 s 6,900 5 4.500 $ 6,DD9 s 4,495 3330- Gamr Maintenance and Repaas S 8.000 s 8.000 S 2.500 s 6.000 s 2,422 3331- Perk Elmvirjae 13n90ing ma .wince S 20.006 S 20,000 $ 16.000 5 20,DD0 s 13,658 3332 - LM Staaon and Pump Sarnre S 2.009 S 2,040 S S 2.000 S 2333 - Elc=al Mai isnance Malw4s 5 7,000 S 7,000 s 3 10,000 $ 3.077 3334 - 8uM Forkmes and Pdles s 7,000 S 7,000 s 1, s 10.000 S 1,023 3335 - Ate Condlwox Reylawmenl Coll S s $ S i - - --- 3336., AIL.GQn9j1�20Y3g.Mal_r. ,w!k,e C¢nva7. -. -- _ . _._ ...._..._.. 5__._„_._... _5.040. -._s. _ _.. . 5,000- -- s_ .. .. 5,000 - _ .. .. _ 5,000- -- S- _-- -21738 _...... 3037-,kw..Manebrny Sures S 4,000 S 4.070 S 3,500 4.030 S 3.486 J338-DweCtumywater and Sewer S 45,000 s 45.000 5 45.003 S 30000 S 45,439 3-330- FPL U4Ttes S 145,030 S 145000 S 130,060 S 145,000 s 131,135 19 SUBSTITUTED BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST OPERATING BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 20181.2011 20 Reque rad Approved Prgeclad Approved AudiledW Sudgel Budge) Aclual Budget Actual FY 20t 0111 FY 200960 FY 260411,1 FY 2008109 FY 2008!09 EXP N MAINTENANCE : 3340-Tr4hRemoval F S 1,000 S 1.Ow S S 2.500 S 3341 . PrNa1e Trash Hauhno 5 - S - $ - s 5 - 3342 • Namlenance Df7W :>or 5 S S S s 3343. New Garbage Earrels S - 5 - S - S 1,500 5 3344- Park Vduclelnsurance 5 12,500 5 11,500 S 7.500 s 12.rsDG S 7_103 3345 • CJbrsals 5 - S S 5 5 - 3346 - Cleann; SupplIes - C4nei S 1,000 S 1,000 I 100 5 1,000 S 87 3346.1-TrasABags S 11,50`1 5 11,500 S SA00 f 11,500 S 5,431 3346.2-NandTDmis 5 2.000 5 2.000 $ 1200 3 4,500 S 1,232 3346.3-Tallel Tissue 4 2.003 S 2.000 S 1,000 $ 2.500 S 941 3346.4 • Hand Soap S 1.500 S 1,500 5 100 $ 2.500 S 105 3347•TnolPumhases S 1,003 S !{100 5 400 S 1,000 S 242 3347,1•FW 5 20,030 5 20,000 5 7.000 S 20.000 $ 7.589 3348-Ui:;t aedds 5 S 5 - 5 - 3 - 3349- Gen" PlurnbingRcliand Mama:nanct 6,DCO 5 6,000 5 1,500 S 6,000 S 1,790 3350 • Winianance of Ir gske Pumps 2,500 S 2 5tt7 $ 250 S 2,500 5 249 3351 -Turf andhriga6anSuppSes s 10.000 s '4,000 S 5.000 S ID,D00 5 5,164 3352-Pdvaie Securny 5 145,00) 5 140,DCO s 140.000 5 140,000 5 137,61D 3353 • Purcase of Hand Rados 5 S 5 - s 5 3354.54Bi71lananteand n"e;wofHandPaeas 1 .GOO 5 1,',100 5 500 S 1,000 s 6:9 3355•MaarlenanceSaletYTramN 5 5 3,000 s 1.000 5 3,000 S 1,108 3355-FacBiWCWanigCzatrapr 5 - 5 S - 5 90,000 S 19,060 3357 - i*aslrbrue Sludes b tipenses s - 5 5 - s FDUNTAIN : 5501- Fdunlain Comract and Sarvc s s S S 5 5502 • Cooques Mamlenanca 5 S s S $ 5543, C7leawils S i5.GO0 5 5.070 S 3.750 s 5.000 5 3.734 5504 - Filer an, Screens 5 - 5 - S - S - S - 5505 - Mi"lianem WaisL-n2nrP S 10,07) 5 Oct) 5 507 S 10,0(10 S 473 TOTAL MANTENANCE_EXPENSES S 1.026,270 $ 1,307,270 $ 826,285 5 1,160,925 S 892,9165 20 SUBSTITUTED SUBSTITUTED Mainteuance Expenses I Park Maintenance Supervisor; proposed $64,820. The Park Maintenance Supervisor is resp\Mnttfeor the management and coordination of all maintenance crews and related activities of t 330nce Assistant I: proposed $36,775. The Maintenance Assistant I reports to the Park Maintenance upervisor and is responsible for the ongoing maintenance of Trust facilities. 3303 Afaintenance stant II: proposed $37,815. The Maintenance Assistant II reports to the Park Maintenance Supervi\and sponsible for the ongoing maintenance of Trust facilities, 3304 Maintenance Assistposed $31,845. The Maintenance Assistant III reports to the Park Maintenance Supervisponsible for the ongoingmaintenance of Trust facilities. 3306 Maintenance Assistant IV: prop\4,3hehe Maintenance Assistant IV reports to the Park Maintenance Supervisor and ise ongoing maintenance of Trust facilities. 3305.1 Maintenance Assistant V: prophe Maintenance Assistant V reports to the Park Maintenance Supervisor and is ngoing maintenance of Trust facilities. 3306 -Turf &-Irrizalion`S ecialisf:-"propose -$43,-680:-'nk Tirrf\an to the Park Maintenance Supervisor; and works to ensure the healthtality of the flora in Trust facilities. 3307 Pavrollina Costs: proposed $26,700. These funds will be used for the paXolling costs of the Maintenance Department employees. 22 SUBSTITUTE[ laintenance Department Overtime: proposed $25,000. These funds will be used for hours worked by the Maintenance Department employees necessary for maintaining and Bicentennial Parks. 3308 He to purchase employees. 3308.1 Em :-id Dental Insurance Contribution: proposed $42,000. These funds wl� l be used dental, life and dismemberment insurance for the Maintenance Department ent Plan: proposed $00. hallenaer Memerial ower Maintenance: proposed $00. 3310 Architectural Adviser: prXosed $00. 3311 Architectural Adviser - S ecia rojects: proposed $00. 3312 Turf Replacement: proposed $7,.5 These funds will be used to purchase replacement turf on an as needed basis. 3313 New Landscape Plants: proposed $5,000. eses funds will be used to replace damaged or dy"no plants as needed. 3314 Bicentennial Mowing Services: proposed $00. 3315 Bicentennial Fence and Site Improvements: proposed 500. These funds will be used to maintain tYie fence surrounding Bicentennial Park, and additional to improvements. 3316 Bouaainviliea Trimming: proposed $00. 3317 Exterminator: proposed $3,000. These funds will be used for a contr t exterminator, to keep rodents and insects to a minimum in Trust facilities. 3318 Fertilizer & Chemicals: proposed Sl 0,000. These funds will be used to ferti e the turf, 23 SUBSTITUTED ms, shrubs and deciduous trees in Bayfront and Bicentennial Parks. proposed $2,000. These funds will be used for maintenance of existing signage in Bayfrd% Park. 3320 Gene 1 Park Contractor: proposed $76,500. These funds will be used to contract with City of Miam\aroved General Contractors for necessary and ongoing repairs required to maintain Trus, aintenance: proposed $20,000. These funds will be used to contract a cleaning service provider toNean the Bayfront Park Offices. 3322 Pressure Cleaning EquipmAwt Maintenance; proposed $6,000. These funds will be used to maintain pressure and steam clea\andP d by the Trust. 3323 Ticket Trailers Maintenancechase: proposed $00. 3324 Paintintr & Accessories: proposed $6,OOXThese funds will be used to maintain Bayfront Park' s structures. 3325 Uniforms: proposed $5,000- These funds are use purchase and maintain uniforms for the park maintenance staff. 3326 park Vehicle Maintenance and Repairs: proposed $5,00. These funds will be used for - ~�routinemaintenarice and repairs of the Park's pick-up ttticks. TYirs wil dude tires, tune-ups and complete vehicle maintenance. 3327 Purchase of New Closed Van: proposed $OQ, 332$ Equipment Leasing & Rentals: proposed $2,000. These funds will cover c%s to lease and/or rent equipment associated with Park upkeep and maintenance. 24 SUBSTITUTED 328.1Equipment Purchase: proposed $00. 33 2 Equipment Re airs: proposed $8,000. These funds will cover the cost of a wide range of equipm t repairs necessary for the ongoing maintenance of Bayfront and Bicentennial Parks, 3329 Miscel eons Su ties: proposed $6,000. These funds will allow designated staff members to purcNe miscellaneous supplies as the need arises. 3330 Gator MaintenNice &z Repairs: proposed $5,000. These funds will be used for maintenance and repair of e Trust's five John Deere Gators. 3331 Park Electrician On Maintenance: proposed $20,000. These funds will be used to allow the park electrician to develo d maintain maintenance and an upgrade schedule of the park's electrical system. 3332 Lift Station and Pump Service: prop d $2,000. These funds would be used to maintain Bayfront Park I s lift stations and pit pumps. 3333 Electrical Maintenance Materials: proposed $ 00. These funds will be used to purchase lamps, fuses, receptacles, switches, and miscellan us hardware related to the Bayfront Park electrical system. This will cover most fixtures within par uildings -- administrative offices, service buildings, maintenance buildings, and the amphithea : fluorescent bulbs, sfafrda-rd'Fn&c ndescent bulbs`,"wa�lfdupl'ek�feceptacles, single -pole switch ' cover plates, and small -amperage fuse breakers. 3334 Bulb Fixtures & Poles- proposed $7,000. These funds will be used to rep e burnt out bulbs and damaged and missing electrical poles in Trust facilities. 3335 Air Conditioner Replacement Cost: proposed $00. 25 SUBSTITUTED Air Conditioning Maintenance Contract: proposed $5,000. These funds will be used to into a service contract with a vendor to provide air conditioning maintenance in the park' s admLnikative offices, amphitheater, laser tower, fountain booth and south end service building. 3337 Alar oni monitoring sere service building. 3338 Miami -Dade ervices: proposed $4,000. These funds will be used for alarm in the administrative offices, the fountain control booth and the south end Water and Sewer: proposed $45,000. These funds will be used for all water and sewage service\'n-ease iami-Dade County Water & Sewer Department. 3339 FP&L Utilities: propoThese funds will be used to purchase electrical services from FP&L and incle to cover projected rate changes. 3340 Trash Removal Fee: These funds will cover costs imposed by the city to transport trash from. the park dis sal sites. 3341 Private Trash Hauling: proposed $00. Se ry s provided at no charge through City of Miami agreement. 3342 Maintenance of Trash Compactor. proposed $00. 3343 New Garbage Barrels: proposed $00. 3 lark Vel�ic7e Tnsuraace: proposed $12,500. These fiends\�Vlieused to purchase insurance for the Park's trucks. 3345 Chemicals: proposed $00. 3346 Cleaning Supplies: proposed $1,000. These funds will be used to purchaseXeaning supplies and other materials needed to keep the park' s administrative offices clean. M SUBSTITUTED 3346.1 Trash Bags: proposed $11,500. These funds will be used to purchase trash bags for all irk needs. Hand Towels: proposed $2,000. These funds will be used to purchase hand towels for use in oaN' s restrooms. proposed $2,000- These funds will be used to purchase toilet tissue for use in park' s re 3346.4 Hand Soap: pr\osp-d,5These funds will be used to purchase hand soap for use in park' s restrooms- 3347 Tool Purchases:0- These funds will be used topurchase all tools necessary to maintain Trust facilies hand or power tools needed for routine maintenance, 3347.1 Fuel: proposed 520,000. These As will be used to purchase fuel for park's vehicles and power equipment - 334$ Miscellaneous: proposed S00. 3349 General Plumbing Repair and Maintenance: p osed $6,000. These funds will.be used for plumbing repair and maintenance throughout Bayfront P , all rest rooms, toilets, sinks, and showers in the amphitheater, south end service building, light to complex, and administrative 3350 Maintenance of Irrigation Pumps: proposed $2,500. These funds 'll be used to maintain the Park' s irrigation pumps, located in the pump station adjacent to the Mildr _C Claude Pepper Fountain and the south end service building. 3351 Turf and Irrigation Supplies: proposed $10,000. These funds will be used to m%ntain and RIM SUBSTITUTE[ upgrade Bayfront and Bicentennial Parks' turf and irrigation system. 3 Private Security: proposed $145,000. These funds will be used to hire private security, fro\Purc ing City of Miami contractor, to provide 12 -hour security in Bayfront Park, 335se of Hand -Radios: proposed $00. 3354 Mainten ee and Repair of Hand -Radios: proposed $1,000. These funds will be used to maintain the two\Saf o system, for use by park staff and for rental to promoters. 3355 MaintenanTrainin :proposed $3,000. These funds will be used for safety training classes for the park' aintenance staff. 3356 Facilities CleaningContr or: proposed $00. 3357 Infrastructure Studies and Ex uses: proposed $00, Mildred & Claude Pepper Fountain 5501 Fountain Maintenance Service Contract: posed $00. Maintenance staff maintains the Mildred and Claude Pepper Fountain in Bay -:cont Park. 5502 Fountain Computer Maintenance: proposed $00. 5503 Chemicals: proposed $15,000. These funds will be used urchase chlorine for the Mildred and Claude Pepper Fountain in Bayfront Park. 5504 Filters and Screens: proposed $00. 5505 Miscellaneous Maintenance: proposed $10,000. These funds will be ed for unforeseen expenses associated with the Mildred and Claude Pepper Fountain in Bayfront Pa 28 SUBSTITUTED SUBSTITUTED Ve'sront Park Management Trust Capital Improvement Budget to Proposed Budget for 201012011 EX IT 600 Board esignated Capital Improvement Fund: $1,165,000 Ea penses Fixed Assets \anand finprovements Purchase of Fixed Asset proposed $165,000. These funds will be used to replace and acquire new equipment (computers, p ters, scanners, etc) over $750. Park Structures & Pathways: pr osed $650,000. These funds will be used for park pathways beautification, with a particular focus o he Bay -walk. Park Wavfindinas & Furnishings: propo $250,000. These funds will be used for park signage and fiunishings, including but not limite o benches and trash receptacles. Park Tree Canopy Expansion: proposed $100,000. ese funds will be used for expansion of the park tree canopy. 31 REVENUES GENE PAL RcYENUES SPECIAL EVENTS& MARKETIN-VE',iUEC - MAWTENAMCE REVENUES RESERVE FUND TRANSFER TOTAL RFYENUES EXPENSES ADMIMS i PATNrc EX c?!SE5 SPECIAL E5CNTS d NURKETIkGEXPENSES MtJNTENANCEEXPENSES TOTAL EXPE45ES DEPRECIATION EXPENSES NET INCOME 80ARD DESIGNATED FUND FOR CAPITAL OAPR04EMEN75 TOTAL CAPfTAL IASPROVESIENTS TOTAL NET BUDGET SUBSTITUTED BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST OPERATING & CAPITAL BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 201012011 REt7UESTED APPROVED AUDITED iPa;R3YED Ana 70- BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL FY 1N11 FY 69110 FY wo FY 06104 FY 05104 124116W 1 241.600 S :.215.600 S 263,000 S 426.5_13 S 1.506,400 S 1,089,400 S 1,626,850 S 2,7620D0 $ 2645,165 S I- S 5.300 $ 585,000 S 789-785 S 735.000 S 9,5„000 3 450,000 S S 2,485,000 S 2,266,OW S 2.410,750 $ 3.615,1100 S 3,861,483 S 644,935 S 642.4,t' S 593.985 S 810,575 S 626.416 S 816,295 S 616,295 S ?86,600 5 1.639.700 S 4.693.182 S 1,023,770 S 1,007,270 5 626,285 5 1,150,925 S 892,905 S 2,485,000 S 2 66.000 $ 1416,150 S 1,610,060 S 3,214,561 3 S f 200,000 S S 198,472 - S - S 1200,000) S S 448,447 I 165.000 S 965,000 S S 4,000,000 S 1.1 00 1 965,000 1 S d,000A00 BOARD DESIGNATED RESEArr FUND S 1,606,006 Pro)ections based on actual and known =mee5 through Jan 31. 2010 + Special Events Revenues reduced by S10b,000 due to loss of Cirque du Soleil PerkJny Rrvenue 32 C i i n cTITi [YC: f'% 33 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 SUBSTITUTED REVENUE COMPARISON rAWM rCIUN. Froam n REOUESTtD W3ET Fran r SPECAL EVENTS d LIAIh M49CE REVENUES RESERVE FUND MARKEW REVENUES IRAN VFR EXPENSE COMPANON ■ worTa X-rUlk FY OWS q REWE$SE7 aUPGET FY til, I AOMWtSTRATNE EXPENSES SPECIAL EVENTS 8 WK€TUN' EpENSfS 34 MAINTEKANCE OPENSES 0 c 93 Leic m 0