HomeMy WebLinkAboutDevelopment AgreementDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN
THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into
this day of , 2010 ("Execution Date") by and between
RICHWOOD, INC., a Florida corporation, THE MCCLATCHY COMPANY, a Florida
corporation, MAEFIELD HOLDINGS, L.L.C., an Indiana limild liability company
(collectively, "Developers" or "RMM"), and the CITY OF.;:MI, FLORIDA, a
municipal corporation and a political subdivision of the State:'Ibrida ("City").
WHEREAS, the Developers are the fee s' a Ib owners or con&ft!..urchasers of
approximately 8.24 net acres of land located :a ;>1401 Biscayne 13oulevaM 60 NE 14
Terrace, 1410-1420 North Bayshore Drive, an ;;; 31-145.1.:.: Bayshore Drive within
the municipal boundaries of the City and identfy;Tiami-Dade County Tax Folio
Nos. 01-3231-011-0160, 01-3231-012-0050, O1-3212-0080, 01-3231-012-0090, 01-
3231-009-0020, 01-3231-054-0010,:(�3�-018-00103;:01-3231-018-0011 ("Property"),
the legal descriptions of which are attached eland made; :;.part hereof as Exhibit "A";
WHEREAS, the. <�<�nmissiorihcted Resolution No. R-06-0483 approving
a Major Use Special. :::.. -P-.*. iit fo I*.89 net d es of the Property, known as "City Square
Residential," consiskiff of 942 d�vblling unit�13,566 square feet of retail uses and 1,684
parking spaces witlM::a 623:: z " h- h s xt story structure ("City Square Residential
MUSP" located at 140 €€=: '`iie o Ie ' 36 E 1 T -
.;; A;;. y sad, 0 N 4 errace, and 1410 1420 North
Bayshore Drive::("phase t<'cel"); and
HEREAS th""City'� hunission adopted Resolution No. R-06-0482 approving
a Mi ftyse Special Cit
for''G 35 net acres of the Property, known as "City Square
Retail'>1sisting of 64*04 square feet of retail uses and 4,052 parking spaces within a
130 foot Ih, five-stor::''tructure ("City Square Retail MUSP") located at 1431-1451
North Bayslia:Drive:(-,`.Phase II Parcel"); and
WHEREA `the City of Miami has designated the Property as Transect "76 -36 -
Urban Core" on the Miami 21 Zoning Atlas, which permits a mix of uses, including a
maximum residential density of 500 dwelling units per acre; and
WHEREAS, the permissible bulk regulations, including building disposition, lot
coverage, setbacks, floorplates, and height are based on the provisions of Section 5.6 of
the Miami 21 Code; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission approved and adopted an ordinance amending
Chapter 62 of the City of Miami Code of Ordinances creating the criteria, permitting
procedure and approval process ("Ordinance") to permit a Media Tower within the Omni
Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) ("Omni Media Tower"); and
WHEREAS, the Omni CRA includes the Miami Performing Arts Center, a
regional arts and entertaimnent resource;
WHEREAS, the Omni Media Tower will establish a unique local, regional and
national identity within Miami's urban core; strengthen the economy of the City by
encouraging the development and redevelopment of a depressed, blighted and slum area
within Omni CRA; link future growth in the CRA to improved pedestrian circulation and
reduced conflict with vehicular traffic; improve the quality of a''`development in the
CRA by providing public amenities and visual enhancemei'>%� appropriate locations;
enhance the character of the area surrounding the Miami Pe�g..Arts Center ("Miami
Performing Arts Center District") to attract tourism, arts`i� entc%nment; promote the
exposure of the Miami Performing Arts Center Distrief'-' y adding illiiffilb0on, and visual
enhancement, integrating with the cultural and ezat stain ment eleri�ieiiti €=�f the district;
provide a source of funds through tax inereimeiit> ancing to be used excl �vely within
the CRA for redevelopment related activities^>d serve ,a''focal feature for the CRA
and provide a landmark for wayfinding as pedcsansIove away from downtown and
the cultural destinations in Museum Park; and
WHEREAS, the Developers`i late consfi tng the Omni Media Tower
pursuant to the Ordinance within thel' se T- l: and a cl'estrian-oriented, open air,
plaza -style retail and service developpt vul%ri"tkase II Parcel ("Project"), as
illustrated in Exhibit "B" t<`:,. = =
WHEREAS,: l t'Project "poses s lficant infrastructure improvements for the
:.:.....: .....
Omni CRA of pdfor a In of I :00 cars, a trolley route and turn -around
laza as well as ani obeivat' fiol vrlcll satisfies an infrastructure deficiency and
provides a inator_.public'lft;
WHEREAS, the lack of certainty of changes to the City of Miami Zoning Code
can result in a waste of economic and land development resources, discourage sound
capital improvement planning and financing, escalate the cost of housing and
development, and discourage commitment to comprehensive planning; and
WHEREAS, assurance to the Developers that it may proceed in accordance with
existing laws and policies, subject to the conditions of this Development Agreement,
strengthens the public planning process, encourages sound capital improvement planning
and financing, assists in assuring there are adequate capital facilities for the development,
encourages private participation in comprehensive planning, and reduces the economic
costs of development; and :..._..-
WHEREAS, the Developers and the City desire toesta-sh certain terms and
conditions relating to the proposed development of the'>PI.-r pertyMd wish to establish
identifiable parameters for future development; and ;:-
WHEREAS, the City Commission pursua) `to Resolution No. _ :::.. ,adopted
on authorizes the City Mai ex to exee wthis Agreement upon the
terms and conditions set forth below, and the Mad uig,:M ers and Board of Directors
of the Developers or their parent or controlling entit>Iave authorized the Developers to
execute this Agreement upon the tenxt4<and conditions forth below; and
promises herein set forth, the Devel
1. Recitals.
covenants and mutual
s are true and correct and are hereby
All exhibits to this Agreement are hereby
2..::;;olsideratir' ` The parties hereby agree that the consideration and
>_> o7ons re ted and provided for under this Agreement constitute
substaYta:bene:to both parties and thus adequate consideration for this
"Additional Tenn" any one or more additional tenin(s)
approved by mutual consent of the parties pursuant to a public
hearing pursuant to Section 163.3225, F.S.
(b) "Agreement" means this Chapter 163 Development Agreement
between the City and Developers.
(c) "Boulevard Shops" means the approximately 21,000 square
feet of existing retail and service uses, also known as the
Shrine Building, which was designated by the City of Miami as
a historic site via HEPB resolution 2003-64 on October 21,
2003, and located between Biscayne Boulevard and the
proposed Omni Media Tower within the Phase I Parcel.
(d) "City" means the City of Miami, a municipal corporation and a
political subdivision of the State of Florida, and all
departments, agencies and instrumentalities subject to the
jurisdiction thereof.
(e) "City Square Residential MUSP" is the Major Use Special
Permit approved by the City Coimnission:, via Resolution No.
R-06-0483 for the property located:! at 1401 Biscayne
Boulevard, 360 NE 14 Terrace, and -:141"O-1420 North Bayshore
Drive ("Phase I Parcel"),.942 dwelling units,
13,566 square feet of retail ti s and M4 parking spaces
within a 623 foot high, sixW", ry structure": "--"',:':"'%.---.....
(f) "City Square Retail., P" is the Major Use .Special Permit
approved by theCfi omm�isspif
via Resolution No. R-06-
0482 for the property`l ate = f 1431-1451 North Bayshore
Drive ("Phase II Parcel")€-sisting of consisting of 641,104
square feet tail uses ancl` -.0 parking spaces within a 130
- - a..:,:....
foot High, fnr=sticture. '' _
(g) "Coinprehensi; Plan"° rrie the plan adopted b the Cit
p p Y Y
:,>_rt to Ch*'.
F.S., as found in compliance by the
Fl oridepartme;:of Community Affairs
e » ac »
(h) '` Dep gx _AMM means the persons or entities
ur rtalci l-''tl4— velo anent of the Property,defined in the
g P
__ "'R.
ramble to this Agreement as Richwood, Inc., a Florida
caxation, The McClatchy Company, a Florida corporation,
><_>. and `.. efield Holdings, L.L.C., an Indiana limited liability
ompay, or any successors, assigns, or heirs thereof
;Development" means the carrying out of any building
activity, the making of any material change in the use or
appearance of any structure or land, or the dividing of land into
three or more parcels and such other activities described in
Section 163.3221(4), F.S.
(j) "Development Permit" includes any building permit, zoning or
subdivision approval, certification, special exception, warrant,
or any other official action of local government having the
effect of pennitting the development of land.
(k) "Effective Date" is the date which is thirty days after a copy of
the recorded Agreement received by the State of Florida,
Department of Community Affairs.
(1) `Entire Tenn" is the total term of this Agreement, combining
the Initial Tenn (20 years) and the Additional Tenn, as defined
(m) `Execution Date" is the date that all parties have affixed their
signatures to this Agreement
(s) "Laws" means all ordinances, resolutions, regulations,
comprehensive plans, Land Development Regulations, and
rules adopted by the City of Miami affecting the development
of land, including the Ordinance, in effect as of the Effective
(t) "Miami Performing Arts Center District" is the area
surrounding the Miami Performing Arts Center, a regional arts
and entertainment resource.
(u) "Omni Media Tower" is a structure that satisfies the other
applicable zoning requirements set forth in Section 62-803 of
the Ordinance, and regulations located on the Phase I Parcel
adjacent to the existing Boulevard Shops that is comprised of a
pedestal element with public parking for a maximum of 1,600
cars and approximately 2,000 square feet of retail or service
uses, two tower elements, and a total of five surfaces that will
utilize a visual media display system, as perinitted by the
(v) "Omni CRA" is the area bounded:`the Florida East Coast
Railroad right-of-way on the W.g. �2 ' orortherly right-of-way
line of I-395 on the South, the esterlyre of Biscayne Bay
on the East and the Southexl 'aright -of -way -a E. 20 Street on
the North. _
(w) Ordinance means ft::ordinaue ' nown as the Omni Media
Tower Regulations", atldi` Chapter 62 of the City of
Miami Code of Ordinar 6 :;':creating the criteria, permitting
procedure �h i 'approval proceAMr the Omni Media Tower.
"Prdj t" is the Omni Media Tower located within the Phase I
arcel `of the Property, and a pedestrian -oriented, open air,
alaza-style retail and service development consisting of an
ate of retail and service uses of 450,000 square feet as
well as public amenities and infrastructure located within Phase
= II Parcel of the Property, as illustrated in Exhibit "B". The
Developers contemplate continuing the existing uses of the
Boulevard Shops within the Phase I Parcel as part of the
(aa) "Property" means the Phase I Parcel and the Phase II Parcel,
comprised of approximately 8.24 net acres of land located at
1401 Biscayne Boulevard, 360 NE 14 Terrace, 1410-1420
North Bayshore Drive, and 1431-1451 North Bayshore Drive
within the Omni CRA and the municipal boundaries of the
City, and identified by Miami -Dade County Tax Folio Nos. 01-
3231-011-0160, 01-3231-012-0050, 01-3231-012-0080, 01-
3231-012-0090, 01-3231-009-0020, 01-3231-054-0010, 01-
3231-018-0010, and O1-3231-018-0011.
(bb) "Public facilities" means major capital improvements,
including, but not limited to, transportation, transit, sanitary
sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, educational
facilities, parks and recreational, and health systems and
facilities for which the City's Comprehusive Plan sets forth
required level of service.
(cc) "Utility" includes any person, f caration, association or
political subdivision, wllethef'= vate, nicipal, county or
cooperative, which is enga� l :in the sale, generation, provision
or delivery of gas, electc"iy, heat, water, oi`l ' wer service,
telephone service _::< 1egraph service, radio�'service or
::._:::::: _
telecommunication lice. .........
(dd) "Visual media display syt" means an affixed illuminated
display systrr. slig signage''d,any other form of illuminated
visual message id. consti�ed_ to display one or more
paintings or :.artistic is .. tliat" may be electronic and
:. .::c:::::..:::.::.:.:::.:Y_..
colposed of RZttoghs, arrla�tion, or arrangements of color,
`tt display::;== -commercial or noncommercial message,
relies" the b(1zng for rigid structural support, and are
applied; -o the bung or depicted on vinyl, fabric or other
sirnil 1 ` e:ble_ ri7 erial that is attached flush or flat against
Iiife €::It is `'intent of the Developers and the City that this Agreement
shall U.ensu ' and implemented as a development agreement among
the partf; pursuant to the Florida Local Government Development
Agreemer'Act, Section 163.3220 through 163.3243, F.S., ("Act"), in
compliaawith the Ordinance.
5. Effeye Date. Immediately upon approval at two public hearings and
exomion by all parties, the City shall record, with recording fees paid by
the RMM, the Agreement in the public records of Miami -Dade County
and transmit one (1) copy of the recorded Agreement to the State of
Florida Department of Community Affairs. This Agreement shall become
binding on the Effective Date, which is thirty days subsequent to the State
of Florida Department of Community Affairs receives a copy of the
recorded Agreement. Notwithstanding the Effective Date provided herein
and required by Section 163.3239, F.S., the City and the Developers shall
act in good faith to carry out the intent of the Agreement upon the
Execution Date..
6. Tern of Agreement and BindingEffect. ffect. This Agreement shall run with the
land, remain in full force and effect, and be binding on all parties and all
persons claiming under it for an Initial Tenn of twenty (20) years from the
Effective Date, and may be extended for one or more Additional Tenm(s)
thereafter by mutual consent of the parties subject to a public hearing
pursuant to Section 163.3225, F.S.. Consent to any extension of this
Agreement requires approval of both parties to this Agreement. No notice
of termination shall be required by either party upp� the expiration of this
Agreement and thereafter the parties hereY€€shall have no further
obligations under this Agreement. The oblarzs::imposed pursuant to
this Agreement upon the parties and upol Propel shall run with and
bind the Property as covenants running with the "perty, and this
Agreement shall be binding upo1�'nd enforceable by-'. against the
parties hereto their personal re sentatives.::. heirs succes s grantees
and/or assigns. .........
7. Expiration of Agreement. Thecation or termination of this
Agreement, for what on shall `tbe considered a waiver of, or
limitation upon, therights'' ret d ng, but> j c t.: limited to, any claims of
vested rights or equitab stoppel t eed dr:::held by the Developers or
its successors_: or assigns . ir�;:mplra with this Agreement and all
prior and:.s i % . devei ent permits or development orders granted
by the,: y, incing, but `dot limited to, those rights granted under the
City>t N iami's Ctaznbrehens "::.Plan.
8. Pennitt €pelopinef ` Ies and Intensities. Provided that the City
dcpts thedinance in substantially the form as the attached in Exhibit
"I'x`fhe. partree as follows:
(a) > _I'lzase I Parcel. The Developers shall seek approval(s) to
e nstruct the Omni Media Tower on the Phase I Parcel
to the permit application process set forth in Sections
62-804 and 62-807 of the Ordinance and Paragraph 10 herein.
Pursuant to Section 62-804 of the Ordinance, the pedestal
element of the Omni Media Tower shall comply with the
zoning regulations that were in effect at the time that the City
Square Residential MUSP was approved. The City agrees to
toll the City Square Residential MUSP for the Entire Tenn of
this Development Agreement and review the Omni Media
Tower pursuant to the law applicable at the time of the
approval of the MUSP and Section 62.708 of the City Code.
The City agrees to process the Developer's Omni Media Tower
permit application expeditiously. The Omni Media Tower
shall consist of a pedestal element with parking for no more
than 1,600 cars and 2,000 square feet of retail and/or service
uses, and two (2) tower elements, substantially as shown on
Exhibit `B." The Omni Media Tower shall have a maximum
height of 500 feet. The Omni Media Tower shall be buffered
on the west by the existing Boulevard Shops within the Phase I
Parcel as shown on Exhibit `B." The Omni Media Tower shall
include a total of five (5) surfaces that will each utilize a visual
media display system in compliance with the criteria set forth
Section 62-805 of the City of Miami Code.. of Ordinances. All
visual media display systems shall be:: tinted as depicted on
Exhibit "B" and shall not directly `*e any residential units
within 500 feet of the Omni IV 91� Wer. In addition, no
portion of the Omni Media To er shall' ;:located within 500
feet of any existing resident7building.
(b) Phase II Parcel. ThDevelopers shall seek `xoval(s) to
construct a pedestria l oriented,. c ......
i air, plaza -style retail and
service development w il.In. t1m. ase II Parcel pursuant to the
Miami 21 Code. Retailtlservice uses within the Phase II
Parcel shallrestricted to 1e:et in height and the aggregate
of all retaiP". e+ Weuses shat of exceed a total of 450,000
- square feet. _
ctlutions tablic Infrastructure and Amenities. The
() f
_ <€ '`Omni 14 Wia Tovv r;:on the Phase I Parcel shall provide parking
_ for no.I s than 1, 0. Q... cars and no more than 1,600 cars to seine
-the_ ....Ilerforr Arts District and Omni CRA. In
a.tion, tle--Delo ers shall seek Cit approval for, and
p Y PP
. = fc lowing approval, shall construct and maintain certain public
== ar Ai
rities within the Phase II Parcel as illustrated in the
attaExhibit "C", including a pedestrian -oriented plaza
>vith water features, an observation tower no more than 500
et in height, and a trolley route and turn -around plaza.
9. `` P blic;: vices and Facilities; Concurrency. The City and the Developers
a l ? Me that the Property and the Project will be served by those public
services and facilities currently in existence as provided by the State of
Florida, Miami -Dade County, the City, and as contemplated in this
Agreement. The Property and the Project will also be served by any and
all public facilities provided in the City's Comprehensive Plan, specifically
including but not limited to, those public facilities described in the
Comprehensive Plan's Capital Improvements Element. For the purposes
of concurrency, the City hereby agrees to provide, reserve, and allocate
sufficient public facility capacity, including but not limited to
transportation, water, sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, parks and
recreational, schools, fire and police to serve the development of the
Project on the Property, upon payment by the Developers of all
appropriate impact fees and any and all local or Miami-Dade County fees
associated with such services. All subsequent development orders or
permits sought to be issued for the Project and this Agreement must meet
concurrency standards set forth in the Comprehensive Plan (concurrency
regulations) and be consistent with Land Development Regulations. The
Developers must construct the Property in substantial compliance with the
City's Laws, Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations in
existence as of the Effective Date. Developers shall.be bound by the City
impact fees and assessments in existence as of th=ffective Date of this
al Exceptions;
r, sewer, paving and drainage perinits;
Lµ.�uing permits;
Sign permits;
Certificates of use and occupancy; and
Any other official action of the City and/or Miami -Dade
County, Florida or other applicable regulatory agencies having
the effect of permitting the development of land or providing
permits required for the development of land.
It. Consistency with Comprehensive Plan. The City hereby finds and
declares that the Developers' development of the Project on the Property
complies with the Laws, ordinances, regulations and policies of the City of
Miami, and is consistent with the City's Laws, Comprehensive Plan and
Land Development Regulations.
12. Reservation of Development Rights. For the term o-fthis Agreement, the
City hereby agrees that it shall permit the Develo'' development of the
Property with the Project in accordance with -::::ale Laws of the City of
Miami, including the City's Comprehensive.:'€ ''I—'* Land Development
Regulations, as of the Effective Date of -j s Agreement, subject to the
conditions of this Agreement. The Cite :Laws and po"I Qs governing the
development of the Property as of
"'Effective Date oats Agreement
shall govern the development._the Property for the:::.of this
Agreement. Development ofProperty � fh the Project shall not be
subject to any future changes to tleI awl: f the City of Miami, including
the City's Land Development Rekons and Comprehensive Plan
designation after the : E eptiye Date a "A wring the Entire Term of this
Agreement. The City y`aIs.bsequertt::adopted laws or policies to
the Property only as pei ed or' P.c� zzted,by`�he Act.
13. Zoning awl>t1e:ApprovalT'he parties hereto recognize and agree that
ceitaiit:>tovisioil=of this 1reement require the City and its boards,
depa� tints or a&.""***ies, acting -in their goveimnental capacity, to consider
............ :..:.
Bove ental axe:as ,sed:
15. Good Faith; Further Assurances. The parties to this Agreement have
negotiated in good faith. It is the intent and agreement of the parties that
they shall cooperate with each other in good faith to effectuate the
purposes and intent of and to satisfy their obligations under this
Agreement in order to secure to themselves the mutual benefits created
under this Agreement. In that regard, the parties shall execute such further
documents as may be reasonably necessary to effectuate the provisions of
this Agreement, provided that the foregoing shall in no way be deemed to
inhibit, restrict, or require the exercise of the Qity's police power or
actions of the City when acting in a quasi-judicial rapacity.
16. Notices. Any notice required or permitte'd'` :b e given under this
Agreement shall be in writing and shall. b`eemecl` '::have been given if
delivered by hand, sent by a recogniz_gc�: e'ourier (such�&``_ederal Express)
or mailed by certified or registerg-ail, return receipt -quested, in a
postage prepaid envelope and adciased as follows:
If to the City at: Citi; anager
f Miami
34n American Drive
>lorida 33133
City of Miami
444 SW 2nd Avenue
Suite 945
Miami, Florida 33130
Mr. Mark A. Siffin
Maefield Holdings, L.L.C.
250 East 96th Street
Suite 580
Indianapolis, Indiana 46240
Jeffiey Bercow, Esq.
Bercow Radell & Fernandez, PA
200 South Biscayne Boulevard
Suite 850
Miami, Florida 33131
17. Governing Laws, Construction and Litigation. This Agreement shall be
governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of
Florida. The Developers and the City agree that Miami -Dade County,
Florida is the appropriate venue in connection with any litigation between
the parties with respect to this Agreement. All of the parties to this
Agreement have participated filly in the negotiation and preparation
hereof; and accordingly, this Agreement shall not be more strictly
construed against any of the parties hereto. In construing this Agreement,
captions, and section and paragraph headings shall be disregarded. All of
the exhibits referenced in this Agreement are incorporated in, and made a
part of, this Agreement. In the event of any litigation between the parties
under this Agreement for a breach thereof, the prevailing party shall be
entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and court costs at all trial and
appellate levels.
18. Severability. In the event that any terin or provisit - of this Agreement is
detein7ined by an appropriate judicial authority; `be illegal or otherwise
invalid, such provision shall be given its;;:::;€stet legal meaning or
construed as deleted as such authority OM izines d_ the remainder of
this Agreement shall be construed to b6' full force ai 'effect.
19. Entire Agreement. This Agree�tei�t' sets forth the entire Agement and
understanding betweenthe pasta ereto relating in any way to the subject
matter contained herein and mersali for discussions between the
Developers and the City. Neither pare shall be bound by any agreement,
condition, warranty or presentation ote#han as expressly stated in this
Agreement and this Aeeiay not l�_Inended or modified except
by written instrument sid byb,'zarties lreto.
20. Indemnifid s 'he Devi ' rs shall indemnify and hold harmless the
City, ids 'Wected arid appointed officials, employees, agents and assigns
froin<d againstiy claiin�`br litigation arising from this Agreement
insti .d by tl1j '..................... ::.
, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the
Priscilla Thompson Tomas P. Regalado
City Clerk Mayor
The foregoing instrument 1;
Richwood, hie.
did execute.. -f -H. -T's"':
of — , 2010
e:.,::befc e me this day of
......... .................
as of
or" who is personally Iciown to me or has
...... . s identification, and ac1c-iowledged that she
y and:: -M untarily for the purposes stated herein.
Notary Public, State of Florida
Print/type name:
Print N ame
Print Name
...... .. . . xv
......... ........
... .. ... ... ... ...
....... .........
The foregoing instrument 1;
Richwood, hie.
did execute.. -f -H. -T's"':
of — , 2010
e:.,::befc e me this day of
......... .................
as of
or" who is personally Iciown to me or has
...... . s identification, and ac1c-iowledged that she
y and:: -M untarily for the purposes stated herein.
Notary Public, State of Florida
Print/type name:
Print Name
Print Name
The foregoing instrume
The McClatchy Company':':..'
me or has produced
acknowledged that. she did
the puiposes_,8. ftbrein.
My Commissions Exp���::::_:..
By: _
Datedthis :;._:;day of , 2010
`. > ..
The foregoing
Maefield Holdings, L.L.0
personally lunowit to me or l
and voluntax'�I v for dMurp,
Title: Managing Member
Dated thi
day of , 2010
siowl6de before me this day of
as Managing Member of
f 4jnited --':"` ity company, who is
she did execute this instrument freely
Notary Public, State of Florida
Print/type name: