HomeMy WebLinkAboutNFPAGonzalez, Yusbel
GERBER911 @aol.com
Tuesday, March 02, 2010 10:39 AM
Gonzalez, Yusbel
In addition to my request earlier this morning, we are also asking that the specification be corrected to state that the EMS
jacket must comply with the 2008 edition of NFPA 1999. The 2003 edition language needs to be replaced with 2008
Thank you for allowing me to clarify that.
Terry Gerber
Copyright. 6 21008 National Fire Protection AssociatJon�'. All Rights, Reserved.
NITAO 1999
Standard on
Protective Clodiing for Emergency Medical Operations
2008 Edition
1 -his edition of'NFPA 1999, S'Vzrdard an fr)ffftive Ch)1hing
firEme7gmmy glee rat was
prepared by the Technical Committee on Emergenq Medical Services Protective Clothing and
Equipment. and released by the Technical Correlating Committee oil Fire, and Emergency Ser-
vices Protective Clothing rind Equipment. It was issued hy the Standards Council oil December 11.
2007, with an effecti-ve date of December.3 1, 2007, and supersedes a.11 previous editions.
This edition of NFRA 1999 was approved as an.'uncriGirl National Standard on December 31,
Origin and Development of NFPA 1999
This standard was developed to address PrOU-CLiVe garments, gloves, and facewear de-
signed to protect persons providing emergency medical care against expo.sure to liquid -borne
pathogens during et-nergency medical operations. NTPA 1999 defines minimum performance
for protective clothing as required 1,)y the Occupational Safety and Health AArninistration
(OSI LA) Final Rule (29 CFR 1910. 100) 111-0teding f featth Care Occupational
si.ue to.Bloodbor??ePr.thagens.'T'lie Final Rule states:
"When there is occupational exposure. the Vu)pI0VCr sliall provide at no cost to the em-
ployee, appropriate personal protective equipment. such as. but not limited to, gloves, gowns,
Wboraton. Coats, face shields or masks, and eve protection, and nioutlu.)iet.e.s, resuscitation
bags, pocket masks, or other ventilatit)n devices. Personal protective equipment will be. Con-
-potendalinfecdousinat materials
sidered "apprc)priale" only if it driot ot permit blood or other el
to pass through to or reach the ernpIoNCe*s vv(.)t-k clothes, street clothes, undergarments. skirt,
evCS, 111100th, or other MUCOUS Triern1wanes under normal conditions of use and fbr the daira-
tion of time which the protective equipment will be used."
NITA 1999 ofkns specific perfonmince criter ia that involve exposing prolectIve clothing matc-
iaxls to surrogrne vinic challenge iitihzing a specific time and pressures protocol. This procedure
has I)Ccrl doculnel;ted to discriminare, between current prottyrive. clothing inaterials and wcor-
relate vdth visual penetration result's that arca obtained with ahuman factors evaluation. Each type
of clothing must resist penetration tai blood -!x:, -rue pathogens as fiCtet-Inined h-, this test,
Additional garment requirements cover overall liquidtight integrity, inaterial strength,
physical hazard resist me sw-t-njgtb, and closure strength,
Mdirk'nal requirernell"s for gloves cover inininnim, perforinaricel, Or tf-risile and elongation
o7 ties in art 'as ret.-.6-ved" (-onditicm as well as following heat. awing and isopropyl alcohol
isnnw.'-sion. and liquid ,,ight for illk.-JI(ACCI areas of,'pelietration.
Additiv-mal require morns for facewear or face pl-01,('-�ctiOn devices, cover adequate visibilit..
-md imt-I � 1. 1 ctmtion of blood-borne pathogens.
��,ii in addition to reg rig pvn
The selection of 'est res i els nind pp.rfoim.ance v(quircinents -was based on surNey.s' of
tmergent'v nx-AicalENIS� and a technical stuciv supported bythe, U.S.
The Subcwn-litte- <,w Hazarak)16 Chemicals protective Clothino began its work on the
first edition of this coca nent in 19910 and passed its work on to the Technical Committee on
Fire service Protective cloi:107u' and Equinment. injanuary 1991. J'he first edition was pre-
sented to theAsso6wifin at the 1992Aimual Meeting in Neve Orleans, I -A.
NIT.Aan d N,,noiia' Fire Proteqzion Aisocimlmi ,�re fegilst.eu-d of t I v Nxioi4il Firc Protection Asm)natio n, Qt4incy,!M-ass-.ichmse:ts, 02169.
Since the first edition in 1992, the entire project, for fire service protectiv=e clothing and equipment is reorganized
in janhary 1995 by the Standards Council. 1'he herr project has a Technical Correlating Committeeon Fire: and
Emergency Services Protective C othing and Equipment and eight. technical committees operating within it. lire
Technical Committee on Ernr.rgenc} )Iedical Services Protective C:lothirrg and Equipment is riow responsible for
In 1997', the second edition incorporated single-trse azul rer.rsable items of E: 1.S piotective clothing. Prior to that edition,
there -was giro difii?,rentiaiian between single -use and reusable: items. Items that were reused naav not have continued to
provide biopene:trat.ion harrier protection. Reusable iterns could be adva itageous and c. rsr-effeective for certain items of
E_XIS clothing such as garments. Durabilityconditioning was added to the "test methods of Items that uaouid be identified as
riot for single use only. EMS gloves remain single -use items only. 'I1ris was consistent with NER\ 1581, Standard ma Tim
I),j azrnmf liafecturri. Contiv1 P;,r�gqrzm, EMS glovers z -ere also newly required to be an FDA registered medical dev=ice..
T'he first edirion allowed partial body garments, such as sleeve covers or apron -type gowns, and also allowed the
bioperiet.ration barrier protection to be less in arca than the area covered by the garment Ouch as only the front of a
smock or jacket having the bit-menetration harrier protection). The second edition continued to permit partial body
garments, but diel not allow partial biopenetration barrier protection in a garment.. Biopenetration barrier protection
was required for the full area covered by the garment..
fest. methods were. completely I-efOrnaned to present. Consistency in test rnethods and to assure t Sat. fall key ele-
Ine.nt_s of a test were given within the method.
Fl1e third edition of NI., 'PA 1999 was ref,)rrriat:ted into the new style for all NrTA codas and standards and, therefore,
the chapter titles arid numbering, as well as paragraph numbering, changed. ha that edition, the: Committee added
neve requirements fix emergency medical work gloves, emer;gerics- medical f'ootvaear, and cleaning! I.rtilin' gloves.
Ernergency medical work gloves will provide the barrier protection from blood and liquid -borne pathogens that all
EMS PPF. provides, and a higher level of physical protection for incidents where rough or sharp surfaces could be
rontac,ted, such as during extrication operation.. The emergency medical footyvear can he configured either as a
single -use. disposable bootie to pull over work shoes or as normaj .footwear designed for multiple uses. Both would
provide the same barrier protection from blood arrd liquid -borne pathogens as other items of E:NIS PPE. The cleaning"'
utility gloves .are single -use items to protect wearer:s during cleaning and det:ontarnination of EMS equipment.
1111 third editiout, the 2003 edition, of N -FRA 1999 was acted on by the NT.RX mernbership at. the November
.scociat:ion Technic..al Meeting inAdaitta. Geor gja, oil 20 .Novernber 2002i,and became effective, on 6 FebrualY ` 003.
This 2008 edition, the fourth edition of NFRA 1999, inchides a number of changes that were implemented to address
emerging needs for emcrgencl- medical service: pi-twideis as well as fo adr`ress the spr:cial protection :reeds Of first receiverx
rat h .,spitaIs m other health tare facilities. Specific attention ve rs paid tax types caf emer encs medical protective clothing iterns
where c.ertrticatiora activity and consequent use of certified products has been lin:l.i,ed. Much of the work jwas suppor e; by a
research contract effort funded by the ila.tional Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOS.1l) National Personal
I' otec ivc- "Feclillologl Labor—atoll- (NPPTL). The .NJOS11 \PPT'L research progfaain involved a de2iled investigation of
emergency mcdic.al responcler needs, identifrc;atian of v .l:aatiora tediniques to address these:' needs, testiiag of representaa-
rice producrs, outrezaclh to en.d-taxer groups co +scut, v,-itt discerning acceptable levels of protection, and the proposal of
specific crate ria, T"ire. results of this suppor ring roxk are available in the project trial report; Irrajrrrc„Criteria fut'1 mm e z 1+
11n:i<;Ill'ruts..a<a Clctlftr:_g, C;irr;+rc r, :v'ii 214-26106AT 158-) r ^r(r1 Rejhrrt.
The principal changes incorporates) is this fourth edition of \Feat 1999 include the £ollowin<.:
1't Differentiat.ion bet,4een multiple- and singteruse protective garments based on specific• physical prof}eerti criteria
2) Applic',ttion of a flammability test for certain iusilis of protective clothing to prievent the use of dangerous products
in thf! event of accidental Haire, contact
(tr New design, perfcxrnance, testing, doculix ;nation, "I'll . certification .reur.iresn-wilts for [C: BILK protective en-
sernbles to provide ;protection for emergencyservic...s responders and rneo:c,al rec;?ivcrs agairt.st biologicalagents
ancicadiolot-iralparticula.tes. he us'eofthe,C!,uit.=zf ';"t;)I>1?4° ars„r? st�obidicalett,alch.,::rttrsrt?r est;nn-iswit>f7�r=;�r
%. this c-nvwlbr .r Jr le xrtrzznait the urdel.� used err lLV” terar-. Ihrs !Vv(:i .rlc�tec ;Ion would be ¢,eeded for medical
receivers and medical treatment personnel when C331Z\ incident victims self -present at a nc.,c ical facility, or the
vict.irras have not been decontarninated or only la rr tiatiy decontarmuat:ed ,;rior to transport. to a rncdical facility.
fnis i (. BR -N protection is not addressed by the .mule -use garments covered iri .NTP1 1994, St:aridwd err.. Pro (Vi,;e
I:rscni,bi,�,s ji)r.I•rrse Rksl) nders to CBPLN T -r,,.,s,rr lnridmts. _Jlie new requirem eats R)c us our full ensembles that are
subject to InUltii,le uses prior to use char rib * a (..,BRN incident.
1) New c i i feria for head protection to establish nr otec tion r e quire nents fbr irrrpacr. hazard -sat r ruc._gr rac v Sites, and
same trraidaricc in the :annex provided to aria address prcventorr of trtaarr.a to e_mer;genr.v nredical persorrnc.i
tavclin inside vehicles
5' r. r egory of £ootwe:ar to address tilt Plivsical envirortme'nts-for first ret eilers at llospit.al or ether health care
R-v:sed crile'lia for Coot.vew covers tri . dkjless >;err vrmance propenes cols istcly. -,rich <:-,Pectcd rise, st,ch as
abrasion resistance of sole: materials
New cha,;si cation and performance. e. regturernews fen evc incl face _7rotectrun c.;e-vic c s. I lw r ,,,w sv>st.c_ni segreg tes
the di le!ent. upas of C,e,'faee protectioll into slrl<.*ie-u,r�" arid reusaule” de%iicc(s..and a se.).:ra to categoi- of
in,.dic al face nia ks that are frequently used by e art . err _'ervices vesponde.rs>arr.rlg emelt,ex,medical carp:
2C`OB Edition
(S) Revision of re€IcairernerIB for eleanarrg gloa-e performance to eliroinaLe conflicting criteria
(g) New optional hi;,h risibility Ynarkin s cr iteria for emergency responder PYotecurP garments; these optional crite-
ria are consisce:nt with U SI IE1'. Standard on Nish -G s'bility Safety Apparel_
In addition L", the principal changes, a rnurnberof clarifications and improeementswere made to ensure consistency
Of 1-Ctl1Iiret1aerlts throughout the standard,
This fourth edition, t13e: 1008 edition, was issued bar the :VFTPA Standards Council with an es:ective date of 31 December
2008 Edition
4.I2.I The ccrtifie ation organization shall cinh; permit the
ceitific:ation of conipkete. T,CIBRN protective ensembles that
include protective garments, protective heime(s, protective
Ooves, protective footwear, and interfact; components. The certification organization shall further require that
the t:tSRti protective ensenal>le or ertsenahle rlelnent manufac-
turer specifv the respirator protection for the ensemble.
4.1.3 All certification shall be pe.rfortned b; a certification
organization that meets at least the requirements specified in
Section 4.2. Certification Program, arid that is accredited for
personal protective equipment in accordance with ISO 65,
General requiminents jorbodies t,-xera:ting product rcntzf rcaticra systems.
The accreditation shall be issued bs an accreditation body op-
erating in accordance with ISC) 1'1011, General requirements fm-
ncrindatrtttaat bodies an-rediwig conjm7ritj? as.ses.r ie;t bodies.
4.1.4 Manufacturers shall not claim c.oinplianc_e with por=
tions or segments o£ the requirernents of this standard and
shall not use the NMA, name or the narne or identification of
this standard, NTPA 1999, in any staicinents about their re-
spective products; unless the product(s) is certified as com-
pliant to this standard.
4.1.5 .All compliant protective ensembles and ensernhle ele-
ments -,ball be labeled.
4.1.6 All compliant protective ensernbles and ensemble ele-
ments shall be listed by the certification organization. The list-
ing shall uniquely identify the certified product, for example,
by si:4rle, model number. or part number.
4.1.7 All compliant protective ensembles and ensemble; eler
mcnts shall also have a product, latae} that nle:ets tele require-
ments specified in Section 5.1, Product Label Requirements.
4.1.fi* The cer-tification ortpnization's label, symbol, or idea
tiff -ins; rnark shall be attached to the: produc i babel, shall be
part of the produo t. label, or shall be iimateciiately adjacent to
the product label.
4.1.9 The certification orgauizauon shall not issue am: new
certifications to the 2003 edition of this tanc:ard ort or :after
the .:\IPA effective dat4t for the Gctrl edi ion, which is '41 De.-
cember 2007
4.3.10 The certrh<tticrn shall not pf rrnit any
manufacturer to continue to l7be,l ant ,roiective Clothing
items that are Certified as compliant 'S 'tt.1 thin 2003 clition of
this standard can or after `ort une 0
4 I.II 1 -he ceitlfu ation organization dial= i tile inarilifactur-
CTS tra rc movie° all celnficatio.t labels indicating
compliance with the 2003 edrei xr.._::.ti-randjrd frorn all pro-
tective e . c,>rnbles and ensemble ek-inerirs under the
con r_,i the n ar2ufara.ixrer ora :httja r,c, D ,rr;_ .a• i tate certifica-
tion organization shall verifi= that tra,.; actio_--, ,s ...l Cts.
4.2 Certification Program.
4.2.1" '1 he certification organization sh not Ptc owned or
Calntl otle(,I I)v rnaziufacturers or ve n ior-s :t ,net product, being
cc:r't.if ied. t
4.22 "blit: cer6frcation ot'ganiz<aticr. sh , h.' prinnarily en-
g,kled in ,.erti, cation - ork anti sliall not have a I,ronerary iri-
tc.est is tine product's ultunatc profitability.
4.2.3 Ibe cert,fic.aticsn oi, anirarnsa shall be .acc red;ted for
personal piotcctive equipment in accordance with I,90 fur,
trrr;rrrrt 7 nttir'rrrr: -r.•.ts frrrbr,,lirs cjrerarrrfg *r>rrircc,` rr tiJrrr iron ssl�rt;s.
2009 troi it)n
The accrorlitation shall be issued bV an £ac4..re_1rmfion bod:' e,p-
eratirt ; in accord}anc:e with ISO 11011, Genertar'rtr�r;.irerzents�rr
accrmditcatioit bodies acmditirlg rcnfin-Mi?Y assessment cdzess.
42.4 The certification organization shall refuse to certify
products to this standard that do) not corrph: :with Ml appli-
cabic it,gtxirerrrents of this standard,
4.2.5'^ The contractual provisions between the certification or-
ganization and the marrivactuici shall specify that cert'ifice.-
tion is contingent. on c.oinpliance with all applicable rest re-
rnenis oI chi, su:tnclard. The certification organization shall not offtr or con-
fer any conditional, ternpora y, or partial certifications. llanufactuicis shall not be authorized to use aanv',a-
bel or reference to the certification organization on products
that are not compliant -with all applicable requirements ref this
4.2.6 The certification organization shall have: laboratory fa-
cilities and equiputeritavailable forconducting proper tests to
determine product compliance, The certification organization laboratory `acilitic:s
shall have a prograrn in place and finictionirrg for calibration
of all instrurrienr , and procedures shall be in nee to ensure
proper control of all testing. The: certification organization h&-) Ator, facilities
,ball follow c=ood practice regarding the use of laboratory
manuals. fo n2 data sheets, docurnented calibration and cali-
bration routines, pcf-forinance verification, proficienc1 test-
ing, and uifl'quali#ication and training program
4.2.7 The cc:xtlfii€aon organization shall reciuirc. tae rnanu-
fiactur<rto establish and maintain a.qualit- assura .cc p-c>gi; rn
that rne-c is the rcq u irtirieits of Sc.c bon, 1.5, eta , _rfac Bezel's
t)ualitc-vssxrat�et: l'rfrf;irani." The ccai icat on ory°.aniza;tion shall coquirt, ;lte
manuf...r.ic°r ;f1 have a product fault systc.-in specified in Sec-
tion 4.8, Manufiacutrers Safr-tvrAlert and Product fZc;c }l Svs-
te runt ;as part of the lirartuf,x ttrr is ticr3 ity i sitf ar c r t .._ rant. The certification orrastizaation shall audr the tfta.-ru
facture 1 c qual:int `i5 L2isIr!'f prr?gr ir) zo ensure that then C uaiity
assurance pitta+gl a.sn provides continued product cnrr.plial:ce
11'Nh thk st.zrirhlI .
4.2.8 Tho: r:c:xtl)rgani7atif)n and the mans,::-.ul-er
Shall evaluate "antchanges aff,,cdng die four, fen ,W�k,,1Len
Ofthe dor-lr_itarit l?redact to determine i:;, cont*1-1U .::, ti ca-
to this standa.'cl.
4.2.9" The c..er-.ticcation organization shall ha,,e ...ts.,aA,,_,lp
nspectinn pro -rain of the manufa. u ringf ae..at..: o:,
.:._ r<r-
pliant. product with at. least. two ran0l :r and
Visits pe;r I2-nionth peri<_dt -1.s part of the follo%s3 tip inspzzction l>rr,, _alts, ti=r Ce.r-
tificaation or;t;anization shall select sample r ocipliant product
at rando-m from the rnanufacrturei's production line, from the
manrtf ys t:tu-er's in h,_,usc- struck., or from the open market. the sar reit -p,,od isi shall be evaluated by the c:erticr-
t notion 'Ananl'za:t..ln to vc. h tit: products continued compli-
ance in order to ossure that the materials. components, rand
rnair7UtarCt;rt'm� 'Ituailtiy ,ati::mance s\sterns are ConSist.ent. with
Ihc. rr a.ersa}s, components. and nianuf during finality ;.assur-