FILE ID: �' ��✓'
Date: 0","19/2010 Requesting Department: Fire -Rescue
Lar>, Department
Commission Meeting Date: 07%22!2010 District Impacted: All Matter ID No. 10-
Type: ❑ Resolution 71 Ordinance F7,,Emergency Ordinance E. Discussion Item
❑ Other
Subject: Lease Agreement
Purpose of Item:
;Resolution authorizing the execution of a Lease Agreement for Public Purpose, between the City of
Miami, Department of Fire Rescue ("Lessee") and the Florida Department of Transportation
("FDOT") for the use of a certain Parcel located at Eastportion of the Southeast parcel under the
12 Avenue Bridge for storage of spare apparatus: said lease is to be of no cost to the City, for a lease
term of rive (5) years with an option to renew for another Five (5) years; further authorizing the City
Commission to approve and accept this lease agreement for the public purpose stated Nvhhin it.
Background Information:
Budget Impact Analysis
See attached...
NO Is this item related to revenue?
NO Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source beloiv.
General Account No:
Special Revenue Account No:
CIP Project -No:
NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost: $0.00
Maintenance Cost: $0.00
Total Fiscal Impact: $0.00
If using or receiving capital 'funds
Final Approvals
Risk Managen
Purchasing-- u _ _ Dept. Director.
Chief i'� City Manager
PaL'e I of
Background Information:
The Florida Department of Transportation (TDOT-') is the owner of a certain parcel located in
Fordham's Subdivision Plat Book 4-93. lying in Section 35, Tov,nship 53 South. Range 41 East as shorn on the
Florida Department of Transportation Right -of -Wag Map for State Road 933 Section 8760-152, Southeast of the
Miami River. under \AV 12 Avenue Bridge. between NNV 8 Terrace and the Miami River, Cite of Miami. Miami -
Dade County. Particularly described as: hast portion of the Southeast parcel under the \W 12 Avenue Bridge
Containing 22.-70 square feet more or less. FDOT is willing to lease the parcel of land to the City of Miami
Department of Fire -Rescue at no cost for public purpose. This parcel of land NN ill be used to store the
spare fleet of emergency response vehicles. These vehicles need to be in close proximity to our
maintenance division in order to be immediately deployed in replacement of disabled emergence
vehicles. This Lease Agreement would be at no cost to the City and for a lease term of five (5) years
vvith an option to renew for another five (5) }ears. FDOT has required a public purpose reverter
provision that if the use of the parcel is discontinued: the lease will cease and revert back to FDOT.
FDOT Nvill have access with or without notification for emergence bridge repairs. Routine Bridge
repairs can be with 72 hours verbal notice to the contact identified by the City of Miami. Department of
Fire Rescue.
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