HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZAB ResoMiami Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board Resolution: PZAB-R-10-001 File ID 10-00405ii June 16, 2010 Item PZAB.1 Mr. Ernest Martin offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI PLANNING, ZONING AND APPEALS BOARD DENYING THE APPEAL BY ANDREW DICKMAN, ESQUIRE, ON BEHALF OF DELI TORRES, THEREBY APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS AS DESCRIBED IN EXHIBITS "B" AND "C" (HEREBY ATTACHED), THE CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION NO. 10-0027, ISSUED BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR ON MARCH 11, 2010, TO ALLOW AN ADDITION TO THE RANSOM EVERGLADES SCHOOL, FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 3575 MAIN HIGHWAY, LEGALLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" (HEREBY ATTACHED), PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA; ZONED "R-1" SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL WITH AN "SD -18" MINIMUM LOT SIZE DISTRICT AND "NCD -3" COCONUT GROVE NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION DISTRICT OVERLAY. Upon being seconded by Mr. Patrick Goggins, the motion was passed and adopted by a vote of 8-0: Mr. Charles A. Garavaglia Absent Mr. Patrick Goggins Yes Ms. Maria Beatriz Gutierrez Yes Ms. Ileana Hernandez -Acosta Yes Mr. Lazaro Lopez Yes Mr. Ernest Martin Yes Mr. Daniel Milian Yes Mr. Guillermo Revuelta Yes Mr. Michael Schiff Absent Ms. Janice Tarbert Yes 4j Ana Gelabert- Planning STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE chez, Director )artment Personally appeared before me, the undersigned authority, Anel Rodriguez, Clerk of the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board of the City of Miami, Florida, and acknowledges that he executed the foregoing Resolution. SWORN AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS �� DAY OF J l.(� 2010. Print Notary Name NotePublic State of Florida Personally know ✓ or Produced I.D. Type and number of I.D. produced Did take an oath or Did not take an oath �L My Commission Expires: tiM� �I jo YR Nota ; r )f Florida Sant!=a r� My C foo FJcpir, roYr6�� Notary Public State of Florida Sandra Forges =' di My Commission 00869077 'torn Expires 02/09/2013 EXHIBIT "A" ,--APPROXIMATE HEAL! LOW NAwcw+ L1rE Legal Description Bevin 21 a pipe In Ut ce.eni sarking the liorlheasl corder of SEM Of Srl/4 of Section 21, lownshlp 5E 500h. PMOE 41 East, 25 berted and of record Jr. Deed Book 'Lr, at Pagi 251; thenct South 4f' East 1175 feel .tire Or less 1E short of Dlscelp Bay; lhence Southwest alone 5010 shorE for equal tD 295.7 feet as measured at rlgM bogies to last ■entlaned course: lhencE W. -Ill. e5' *--sl JAM feet more or less t0 a pIN In The cEwl al the SaJlt or East slot Of the CDuhly Road: thtntE along salt road F 41' 4,0' E 299 ftEl to a pipe: thenct 5 45' E 157.5 feet to the Point of Beginning. conialnlne 9.3 acres sort or less, together with all rlparlan rights ani Yater privileges appurtenant therElo. alsc described Es all that part of tht IDllawinc descrlbed property Jr., Sectlou 21, township 54 South. AangE 41 East. iylnc Southerly and EastErly of Inorahar. Hlahuzy, Td -wit= Lot 13. 1s'x„I? 'S S11d91YIS101:, )rcordlnc ti a plat or map lhertoi, rEcoroad In U Et Back 'D' a1 Pa9f 253. of 1ht Public Records of Date County, FIDrldz. and portions of Lois 3. 11. 12. 13. 1a and 51reet ant alley of CAIH:RIW S. RDSE1115 6 "ZOT 6EDR5= L. ROMPTS PLAT, accordlnc tE a Dial thereof, recorded In Lr-) Plat Book A. at Page 21, of the Fublic Records Of Nlapl-Dade Cwnly. Florida lying wilhln tttt aforesenlloned Loi 13. KY.'1'.E'c 5'k3DIY151fRi- C� n AND Lots B thru !3. Block 7. RDY1 GAI±}}_11S, accordlnc tc 1hE Plot thereof. as recD.^dEd In Plat Boot 20, it Page 3, of the Public L r) Fe w ds or Dade County, Florida; less tlr- ricnt-of-way aediczlEo Per Dfficizl R=_cards BODY 13414, al Pagt fi40, of the Public O A-cD-CIS of Nlasl-DaOE County, Florida. A1D A parcel of subaEr_oed land in Biscayne Bay in Section 21. lounship 1D 5: Entth, RanoE Al East. Dade County. Flo -Ida. sort particularly dEscrlbed In freed frDc Trustees of the Internal IeprovenEnt Fund of !� the State of Florida and recorder In BdDk 4757. Page 549, Dfflclzl 0 Records of Masi -Dade County. Florida. iER LIHE LESS m Thai portion conveyed to the City of Nlaml by L --!o recorded In O Official Record Book 13"040. Page E3., more particuizrly d-s:rlbed rl a 2s IV] IOUs: n 1hE 1trihweswly 15 feet of Vie Northwesterly 30 feel of the following &-scribed parcel of land: r'L Begin at a pipe In cement sarking the Wrtneasl corner of tht \ 5outhE251, quarter of the SDuthwE_t quarter Of 5ecliDn 21 25 agreed and of record In Deed Book 'D', Not 251. Y.latl-Dade county Public -. AEUrDS: 111 -ACE SUM 4: &-Drees E251 JOB feel. mD^E or less to shore of Biscayne Bay: thence swvmtslerly alone said shore 2 G distance equal to F35.7 feel as measured at right angles td the Iasi mentloned course; thence north 45 dearetS w-st 1400 feet mo -E or less to a pipe In cesenl a1 the south Or east SIDE of the County Aoad: th-ncE along said road Barth 4! decrees 40 slrv_,ies EEsi 29a feel to 2 PIPE In ceL--nl; thenct south 45 deorees east 157.5 feel to point of beginning; together with all rip2rlan rights and war= -r privileges appurtenant theretc. -APPaOXIMITE HEAH HIGH 1rlitn LINE: ,--APPROXIMATE HEAL! LOW NAwcw+ L1rE Exhibit "B" Revisions Made April 29, 2010 1. Add acoustical noise barrier with Soundfighter® system LSE2000 UP TO 8' above flood level in height, from edge of pool deck to the western edge of existing block wall w/stucco finish, which will be demolished and replaced by the new noise barrier 2. Close off north side of covered parking under pool deck to prevent from sound and light pollution. Construction of 8' block wall up to bottom of slab with stucco and paint finish. 3. Place heavy shrub planting along north side of the pool deck to act as a visual screen. 4. Placement of creeping landscape to mask the back wall of the pool structure and further screen this fagade. 5. Design of a planter at third level with tall shrub screening the back of bleachers. 6. Placement of sound absorbent finish treatment on the wall and underside of concrete canopy and bleachers. Product name: KNP Panel (aluminum) by AVT, Inc. or similar. 7. Placement of sound absorbent finish treatment on the walls and underside of roof at 2nd floor gymnasium arcade facing the pool. 8. Relocate proposed scoreboard at a lower position so that it is concealed from view of neighbor on the north side. 9. Extension of back wall above bleachers bridging the gap between canopy and guardrail to control noise migration towards north neighbor. 10. Placement of lighting fixtures on top of canopy rather than on separate poles and use of light cut-off rate luminaires to control light spill towards neighboring properties. Use of high efficiency lighting fixtures. 11. Installation of directional sound system. Exhibit "C" PZAB Operational Conditions: Outdoor athletic facilities (including the pool, tennis courts and athletic field) shall conclude no later than 10:30 P.M. unless required by the Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) or USA Swimming and Water Polo Association; and 2. Outdoor athletic events on Saturdays between 10:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. unless required by FHSAA or USA Swimming and Water Polo Association; and 3. No organized outdoor athletic events on Sundays; however 10 Community Outreach Events on the outdoor athletic field can occur between 10:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. on either Saturday or Sunday; and 4. No music at outdoor athletic events except for 45 minutes before Friday night games; and 5. Landscaping shall be placed along the north side of the football field toward the Bay as approved by DERM and the City of Miami.