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PZAB New Applications
Due to the June 3, 2010 closing deadline for the submittal of applications for the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board, these applications were not submitted into the public record on June 10, 2010; however, Mayor Regalado's appointment of Daniel Milian as an alternate member on June 10, 2010 was made from an eligible appointment list. r CITY OF MIAMI APPLICATION f for PLANNING, ZONING and APPEALS BOARD 2010 [ `1 }„ �?;14 bpY Y g`y}ti NAME: Charles Alyn Pruett ` first ame i e ast ame RESIDENCE: 2901 South Bayshore Drive (Address me Apartment 17A (Address Line CITY: Miami STATE: Florida ZIP: 33133 HOME PHONE: (305) 441-2733 CELL (305) 302-3283 FAX: (305) 441-2733 EMAIL: apruett@ph.wrtdesign.com PRINCIPLE BUSINESS/EMPLOYER: Wallace Roberts & Todd BUSINESS ADDRESS: 6619 South Dixie Highway (AddreSS Line No. 348 (Address Line CITY: Miami STATE: Florida Zip. 33143 BUS. PHONE:(305) 302-3283 EXT. SHORT STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (If you require additional space, attach additional pages.) 1. Describe the qualities, experience, expertise and abilities that you possess that would make you an effective board member that will act in the public interest. PLEASE SEE ATTACHED STATEMENT Form Boards/MA-PAWB-0701.02 Page 1 of 4 2. Describe your educational background and general knowledge of planning and zoning. I received a Bachelor of Arts, and Bachelor of Architecture degrees from Rice University in 1973 and 1975 respectively. In 1974 I spent a year working as an intern at the planning firm of Wallace McHarg Roberts & Todd, as it was then known. That experience generated my interest in urban development and community planning. Following completion of_my architectural degree I went to work for Wallace Roberts & Todd, and began m�career as an urban designer/community planner. As a junior professional I was involved in a wide variety of project types that included planning for urban redevelopment, and land development planning. I was also directly exposed to the _work of Ian McHarg, then a principal of the firm, which was focused on environmental planning and design, and which is described in his influential book "Design with Nature". 3. Describe any prior community or personal involvement that you have had that demonstrates interest in and concern for planning and planning implementation. For approximately three years I participated on the "Working Waterfront Committee", an entity created to participate in i crmonifor pub -tic nnvo vement in t e preparation of theCoconu�roveWaterfront aliVassterPTan. My involvement in fhaf group Ied'to my applying for aseat on th Coconut Grove—Village J, �oundil that was vacated_ when Marc Sarnoff was elected to the City Commission. I was selected to fill one of the two vacant seats, and_ began serving on the Council in March 2007. My term on the Village Council ended in November 2009. In late 2008 1 applied for and was selected to serve on the Planning Advisory Board of the City of Miami. My term began in March 2009, and I served until March 2010, at which time my one year term was complete. 4. Describe any planning or land use or growth management seminars that you have attended. I have attended numerous conferences over the years, including those of the International Downtown Association TCT - an organization ocuse on owntown eve opment—an�ifhe Society for Co e—ff ge anty aC�l nning -(SCUP) - an organization focused on planning for institutions of -higher education. F attend the gCUP-national- conference every year, and have been selected to speak at several of these conferences. Most recently I have begun to be involved with the Urban Land Institute, and attended one of their recent seminars regarding affordable and workforce housing. 5. Describe any membership in organizations having the primary aim of the furtherance of dissemination of knowledge of and support of sound planning and implementation of planning programs. I am a member of the American Institute of Architects and the Society of College and University Planning. Both organizations are dedicated to sound planning and good design. 6. Describe any other activity evidencing knowledge and interest in the public purpaes of planning and plan implementation. PLEASE SEE ATTACHED STATEMENT Form Boards/MA-PAWS-0701.02 Page 2 of 4 I have read and understand the qualifications for members that are set forth in Sec. 62-63 of the City Code, and hereby certify that: (1) 1 do not have any interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work, or service for the city. (2) 1 am in a position to represent the public interest, and do not have any personal or private interests likely to conflict with the public interest. (3) 1 do not hold any elective office in any governmental authority in the county or the city. (4) 1 am not employed in a full-time capacity by any governmental authority in the county or the city. (5) As a member of the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board I agree to participate in at least one seminar on planning or zoning to be held in Florida, and approved by the city, during the course of each calendar year that I remain a member or alternate member of the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board. (6) 1 acknowledge that I am subject to removal from the board if I fail to meet this requirement each and every year after assuming board membership or alternate membership. (7) As a prospective appointee I am subject to a personal appearance before the city commission, to afford the city commission an opportunity to ascertain my proficiency in the English language, educational background and general knowledge of planning and zoning. (8) 1 am an elector of the City of Miami. I agree to immediately notify the city clerk if I cease to be a resident and/or an elector of the city during the term of my office. I agree that if I were to become a candidate for elective political office during my term and qualify as a candidate for elective political office, such qualification shall be deemed a tender of my resignation from the board. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-611 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from entering into any con-tract or transacting any business with the city or any person or agency acting for the city, or from appearing in representation of any third party before any board, commission or agency of which I am member. I also understand that prohibition upon activity which is set forth above remains in effect for a period of two years after I have left city service. have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. I agree to submit to the city clerk a complete itemized list of all real property owned by me, whether the title be either legal or equitable, whether owned in whole or in part, including corporate real property in which I have a controlling interest or I am an officer of such corporation. I agree to submit to the city clerk said information in the required form verified and under oath within 30 days of my appointment and I shall include the following information as to each parcel of land: (1) The legal description and common address; (2) The municipal or county zoning classification wherein the property is located; and (3) The manner in which the property is presently being utilized. I understand that I am required to list only those real properties that are located within the corporate limits of the city or those properties located 500 feet beyond the corporate limits of the city. I agree to comply with all financial disclosure requirements of the City, the County and the State including the requirements set forth in Section 2-11.1 of the Miami-Dade County Code, and Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145. 1 agree to comply with all ethics course requirements of City of Miami Code Section 2-654. 1 acknowledge that the code of ethics of Miami-Dade County shall apply to me as a member or alternate member of the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board and hereby agree to abide by all the provisions thereof. For additional information on Code citations, please visit the website of the Office of the City Attorney at http://www. miamigov.com/cityattorney/pages/index.asp for internet links to citations. I recognize that membership on the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board requires my regular attendance and participation at board meetings. Form Boards/MA-PAB/ZB-0701.02 Page 3 of 4 I hereby certify that all information in this application is complete, truthful, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I have read and understand the qualifications and conditions of membership listed in this application. (: Yes Print Name Charles Alyn Pruett :.00 Signature Q t ( -n Date May 18, 2010 FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS complete this form and submit to: Office of the City Clerk ATTN. Assistant City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 rmation may be copied and pasted into this form from other computer programs, i.e. Word. Information that is typed directly into the form may be "Saved as Text" and i opened in other computer programs. r additional information on the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board, please Anel Rodriguez, Admistrative Assistant 11, at (305) 416-2037 or email at. Boards/MA-PAB/ZB-0701.02 axrodriguez .miamigov.com 4 of 4 1. Describe the qualities, experience, expertise and/or abilities that you possess that would make you an effective board member that will act in the public interest. As a registered architect I have been actively involved with City and community planning since beginning my career in 1975. One of the early projects I worked on was the first "Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Development Plan", during which I participated as the junior planner for the Allapattah community. Subsequent to that, in the early 1980's I became involved in the preparation of Community Redevelopment Plans and have over the years prepared redevelopment plans for various communities around Florida including Jacksonville Beach, Delray Beach, West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale Beach and Key West. In the early 1990's I was the principal author of the State University System of Florida's "Guideline for the Comprehensive Campus Master Plan System". Modeled on the State's Comprehensive Planning guideline, this document was designed to bring the state university system into compliance with the State's growth management law. State Universities are required to comply with the Guideline as specified in Chapter 10 13.3 0 of the state statutes. Following completion of that project our firm was retained to prepare the campus master plan for Florida Gulf Coast University — for which I was the principal -in -charge. My work for colleges and universities has also included the preparation of Campus Master Plans for Georgia Tech, the University of South Florida at Tampa, Florida International University, the University of Missouri at Kansas City, the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, the University of North Carolina Wilmington, and Agnes Scott College in Decatur Georgia. In the late 1990's I began working with housing authorities to prepare HOPE VI grant applications to revitalize severely distressed public housing sites through the creation of mixed - income communities. Successful grant applications I prepared included: Harris Homes and Capitol Homes in Atlanta, McCallie Homes in Chattanooga, George Foster Peabody Apartments in Columbus Georgia, Carver Homes in Orlando, and the Alamito Apartments in El Paso Texas. Combined these applications were successful in obtaining $163 million for construction of new housing. Other notable planning projects I have worked on include: the Master Plan for the United States Capitol - which addressed the U.S. Capitol Building, the House of Representatives, Senate, Supreme Court and Library of Congress facilities on Capitol Hill; and the Master Plan for the New Federal Capital of Nigeria. Currently my professional practice is focused in three areas: community planning, master planning for mixed -income communities and master planning for colleges and universities. From March 2007 to November 2009 I served as a member of the Coconut Grove Village Council, and have focused my energies on planning and zoning issues affecting Coconut G? e. As noted in answer to question 3 on the application form I have actively helped guide Council;, action on a variety of planning matters. In my time on the Village Council, I believe -I have -'I proven myself to be dedicated to serving our community. I also believe that I have been fair ira my evaluation of, and response to, planning and zoning issues in Coconut Grove. My :term on the can C -- Village Council ended in November 2009. I chose not to run for reelection as I believed it was time for others in our community to have the opportunity to serve. 6. Describe any other activity evidencing knowledge and interest in the public purposes of planning and plan implementation. Since being selected to sit on the Coconut Grove Village Council I have been actively involved in planning issues of importance to Grove residents. Specifically, in the spring of 2007 I prepared an analysis of the NCD -3 overlay district in Coconut Grove R-1 districts, in response to resident's concerns about the recent construction of "McMansions". My presentation of this analysis to the Village Council included suggestions for how the ordinance could be improved to improve the relationships between existing and new single family houses in the Grove. The results of this analysis were presented to the City Commission in the form of a Village Council resolution. A copy of this analysis and my recommendations was also provided to the planners working on Miami 21. In addition I have assisted Miami Neighborhoods United in their work to respond to and improve the Miami Comprehensive Plan / BAR amendments and Miami 21. In July and August of 2008, I led a Village Council subcommittee that addressed concerns of Village West residents regarding the proposed "Grove Village on Grand" development. The work of the committee involved meeting with the developer and residents and culminated in a resolution passed by the Village Council supporting a variety of resident requests for the planning and design of this project. Between March 2009 and March 2010 I served as a member of the City of Miami Planning Advisory Board. During my term on the board our panel addressed numerous land use issues and reviewed a number of MUSP applications, including those for the new Museum of Art building planned for the new waterfront Museum Park, and the new Marlins Ballpark. I believe ;I wag a valuable asset to the Board, with the ability to view proposals through the lens of a planner a d architect. r�. 4" CITY OF MIAMI APPLICATION ;;J�•.. �► ° for PLANNING, ZONING and APPEALS BOARM(Q VIA Y 13 , A46: NAME: Michael Schiff firstName) (Middle) (LastName) RESIDENCE: 3200 Kirk Street ress me (Address Line CITY: Miami STATE: FL. ZIP: 33133 HOME PHONE: (305) 856-2036 CELL FAX: EMAIL: PRINCIPLE BUSINESS/EMPLOYER: Sole practitioner(Attorney) BUSINESS ADDRESS. 3200 Kirk Street ress fine (Address Line CITY: Miami STATE: FL. ZIP: 33133 BUS. PHONE:(305) 856-2036 EXT. SHORT STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (If you require additional space, attach additional pages.) 1. Describe the qualities, experience, expertise and abilities that you possess that would make you an effective board member that will act in the public interest. I am a current member of the Planning Advisory Board. In my short tenure I have experienced and learned a lot regarding the worker a oar , h -e benefits and confusing aspects of-Mj-a-m-i-Z1—,and the needs and opposing views of applicants antcommUrFK activists. Ae a nativeil�f`amian-J-still ievein pub -lc se-rviceTo—the community rather than be apathetic or critical without knowing all of the facts. A portion of my _practice involves emino_nt domain which coupled with my PAB experience makes me a ideal candidate for a position on the PZAB. Lastly, the items that the Board will review can be quite complicated for the general public and I will try to ensure that the hearings are conducted in an equitable and orderly manner where everyone is treated fairly. Form Boards/MA-PAB213-0701.02 Page 1 of 4 2. Describe your educational background and general knowledge of planning and zoning. I am a Florida Bar licensed attorney with a portion of my practice devoted to eminent domain. This field requires a ----------------- --------------------------------------------- general knowledge of zoning principles. - — 3. Describe any prior community or personal involvement that you have had that demonstrates interest in and concern for planning and planning implementation. During law school, I was a certified legal intern at the City Attorney's office. During my clerkship, i attended --- -------------------------------------------------------------------- numerous zornng eanngs an researc a zornng issues. 4. Describe any planning or land use or growth management seminars that you have attended. None at present. 6. Describe any membership in organizations having the primary aim of the furtherance of dissemination of knowledge of and support of sound planning and implementation of planning programs. Florida Bar Eminent Domain committee. 6. Describe any other activity evidencing knowledge and interest in the public purposes I Form Boards/MA-PAB/Z"701.02 2 of 4 I have read and understand the qualifications for members that are set forth in Sec. 62-63 of the City Code, and hereby certify that: (1) 1 do not have any interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work, or service for the city. (2) 1 am in a position to represent the public interest, and do not have any personal or private interests likely to conflict with the public interest. (3) 1 do not hold any elective office in any governmental authority in the county or the city. (4) 1 am not employed in a full-time capacity by any governmental authority in the county or the city. (5) As a member of the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board I agree to participate in at least one seminar on planning or zoning to be held in Florida, and approved by the city, during the course of each calendar year that I remain a member or alternate member of the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board. (6) 1 acknowledge that 1 am subject to removal from the board if I fail to meet this requirement each and every year after assuming board membership or alternate membership. (7) As a prospective appointee I am subject to a personal appearance before the city commission, to afford the city commission an opportunity to .ascertain my proficiency in the English language, educational background and general knowledge of planning and zoning. (8) 1 am an elector of the City of Miami. I agree to immediately notify the city clerk if I cease to be a resident and/or an elector of the city during the term of my office. I agree that if I were to become a candidate for elective political office during my term and qualify as a candidate for elective political office, such qualification shall be deemed a tender of my resignation from the board. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-611 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from entering into any con -tract or transacting any business with the city or any person or agency acting for the city, or from appearing in representation of'any third party before any board, commission or agency of which I am member. I also understand that prohibition upon activity which is set forth above remains in effect for a period of two years after I have left city service. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. I agree to submit to the city clerk a complete itemized list of all real property owned by me, whether the title be either legal or equitable, whether owned in whole or in part, including corporate real property in which I have a controlling interest or I am an officer of such corporation. I agree to submit to the city clerk said information in the required form verified and under oath within 30 days of my appointment and I shall include the following information as to each parcel of land: (1) The legal description and common address; (2) The municipal or county zoning classification wherein the property is located; and (3) The manner in which the property is presently being utilized. I understand that I am required to list only those real properties that are located within the corporate limits of the city or those properties located 500 feet beyond the corporate limits of the city. I agree to comply with all financial disclosure requirements of the City, the County and the State including the requirements set forth in Section 2-11.1 of the Miami -Dade County Code, and Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145. 1 agree to comply with all ethics course requirements of City of Miami Code Section 2-654. I acknowledge that the code of ethics of Miami -Dade County shall apply to me as a member or alternate member of the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board and hereby agree to abide by all the provisions thereof. For additional information on Code citations, please visit the website of the Office of the City Attorney at http://www. miamigov.com/cityattomey/pages/index.asp for internet links to citations. I recognize that membership on the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board requires my regular attendance and participation at board meetings. Boards/MA-PAB/Z"701.02 Page 3 of 4 WWWWWWWW*WW*W*WWWW**WW***W*WWW*WW*+F***W**WWW**WWW I hereby certify that all information in this application is complete, truthful, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that 1 have read and understand the qualifications and conditions of membership listed in this application. Yes Print Name Michael Schiff Signature '� Date FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS Please complete this form and submit to. Office of the City Clerk ATTN. Assistant City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 1information may be copied and pasted: into this form from other computer programs, SMS Word. Information that Is typod directly into the form may be "Saved as Text" {#hen opened in other computer programs. !For additional information on the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board, please con Mr. Anel Rodriguez, Admistrative Assistant 11, at (305) 416-2037 or email at Boards/MA-PAW13-0701.02 axrodriguea@miamigov.com ii*WWW7kfk WWif9e**rkWltWW�*WWWikikWWWW*WYtWW* W7�e WWWii*WiiWWW ieW 4 of 4 CITY OF MIAMI APPLICATION for PLANNING, ZONING and APPEARS,IlQAR:Dj f t �� 0 NAME: Daniel Alexander Milian (FirstName) a(LastName) RESIDENCE: 2657 S.W. 23 Street (Address ine (Address me CITY: Miami STATE: Florida Zip: 33145 HOME PHONE: X305, 858-7828 CELL (305) 588-4319 FAX: EMAIL: damilian@jimenezmilian.com PRINCIPLE BUSINESS/EMPLOYER: Jimenez Milian & Associates P.L.L.C. BUSINESS ADDRESS: 2025 S.W. 32 Avenue Suite 130 (Address ne (Address Line CITY: Miami STATE: Florida Zip: 33145 BUS, PHONE: (786) 282-1314 EXT. y SHORT STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (If you require additional space, attach additional pages.) 1. Describe the qualities, experience, expertise and abilities that you possess that would make you an effective board member that will act in the public interest. I have many qualities that will allow me to be an effective board member. I am an attorney admitted to practice in Florida and the United States District Court, Southern District of Florida. During my practice I have developed the abilities to listen, compromise and communicate with others. I believe that these traits are necessary to be an effective board member that acts for the public interest. Form ©oardslMA-PAB1Z0.0701.02 Page 1 Of 4 2. Describe your educational background and general knowledge of planning and zoning. My educational background includes a bachelor's degree from the University of Miami, International Master in Business Administration from Florida International University, and a law degree from Loyola College of Law, New Orleans. .Planning and zoning implementation is an area that has interested me for many years. For this reason I obtained my Real Estate Associate's.license, read all.the.provisions of "Miami 21", and have taken classes in Land Use Law, Real Estate Law, Business Organization, and Business Law. 3. Describe any prior community or personal involvement that you have had that demonstrates interest in and concern for planning and planning implementation. N/A 4. Describe any planning or land use or growth management seminars that you have attended. .As I stated earlier, planning and zoning implementation is an area that has interested me for many years. For this reason I obtained my Real Estate Associate's, license, read all the provisions of "Miami 21", and have taken classes in Land Use Law, Real Estate Law, Business Organization, and Business Law. 6. Describe any membership in organizations having the primary aim of the furtherance of dissemination of knowledge of and support of sound planning and implementation of planning programs. N/A 6. Describe any other activity evidencing knowledge and interest in the public purposes of planning and plan implementation. N/A c:) Form Borards/MA-PA©20-0701.02 Page 2 of 4 I have read and understand the qualifications for members that are set forth in Sec. 62-63 of the City Code, and hereby certify that: (1) 1 do not have any interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work, or service for the city. (2) 1 am in a position to represent the public interest, and do not have any personal or private interests likely to conflict with the public interest. (3) 1 do not hold any elective office in any governmental authority in the county or the city. (4) 1 am not employed in a full-time capacity by any governmental authority in the county or the city. (5) As a member of the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board I agree to participate in at least one seminar on planning or zoning to be held in Florida, and approved by the city, during the course of each calendar year that I remain a member or alternate member of the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board. (6) 1 acknowledge that I am subject to removal from the board if I fail to meet this requirement each and every year after assuming board membership or alternate membership. (7) As a prospective appointee I am subject to a personal appearance before the city commission, to afford the city commission an opportunity to ascertain my proficiency in the English language, educational background and general knowledge of planning and zoning. (8) 1 am an elector of the City of Miami. I agree to immediately notify the city clerk if i cease to be a resident and/or an elector of the city during the term of my office. I agree that if I were to become a candidate for elective political office during my term and qualify as a candidate for elective political office, such qualification shall be deemed a tender of my resignation from the board. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-611 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from entering into any con -tract or transacting any business with the city or any person or agency acting for the city, or from appearing in representation of any third party before any board, commission or agency of which I am member. I also understand that prohibition upon activity which is set forth above remains in effect for a period of two years after I have left city service. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. I agree to submit to the city clerk a complete itemized list of all real property owned by me, whether the title be either legal or equitable, whether owned in whole or in part, including corporate real property in which I have a controlling interest or I am an officer of such corporation. I agree to submit to the city clerk said information in the required form verified and under oath within 30 days of my appointment and I shall include the following information as to each parcel of land: (1) The legal description and common address; (2) The municipal or county zoning classification wherein the property is located; and (3) The manner in which the property is presently being utilized. 1 understand that I am required to list only those real properties that are located within the corporate limits of the city or those properties located 500 feet beyond the corporate limits of the city. I agree to comply with all financial disclosure requirements of the City, the County and the State including the requirements set forth in Section 2-11.1 of the Miami -Dade County Code, and Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145. I agree to comply with all ethics course requirements of City of Miami Code Section 2654. I acknowledge that the code of ethics of Miami -Dade County shall apply to me as a member or alternate member of the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board and hereby agree to abide by all the provisions thereof. For additional information on Code citations, please visit the website of the Office of the City Attorney at http://www. miamigov.com/cityattorney/pages/Index.asp for internet links to citations. I recognize that membership on the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board requires my regular attendance and participation at board meetings. (Form BoardslMA-PA0 M701.02 3 of 4 I hereby certify that all information in this application is complete, truthful, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I have read and understand the qualifications and conditions of membership listed in this application. X Yes Print Name Daniel Milian Signature Date May 27, 2010 FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS 'Please complete this form and submit to: Office of the City Clerk ATTN: Assistant City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Information may be copied and pasted ft& this form from other computer programs, i.e.; 'MS Word. information that is typed directly into the form may be "Saved as Text" and then opened In other computer programs. For additional information on the Planning, ,honing and Appeals Board, please contact` 'Mr. Anel Rodriguez, Admistrative Assistant Il, at (305) 416-2037 or email at Board s/MA•PABIZH-0701.02 axradduez miamigoy com :d 4of4 Daniel A. Milian, Esq. Attorney at Law 2025 S.W. 32nd Avenue Tel: (305) 588-4319 Suite 130 Fax: (305) 441-0688 Miami, FL 33145 damilian@jimenezmilian.com www.jimenezmilian.com CITY OF MIAMI APPLICA r� , E f 0 ' r A�D �J/ for PLANNING, ZONING and APPE NAME: Jorge Luis Cruz-Bustillo first Name) (middle) (LastName) RESIDENCE: 8700 SW 89 Avenue (Address fine (Address Line CITY: Miami STATE: Florida ZIP: 33173 HOME PHONE: (305) 270-8418 CELL(305) 992-2521 FAX: (305) 377-8695 EMAIL: jcruzbustillo@barthet.com PRINCIPLE BUSINESS/EMPLOYER: The Barthet Firm BUSINESS ADDRESS: 200 South Biscayne Blvd., Suite 1800 (Address me (AddressLine CITY: Miami STATE: Florida Zip. 33131 BUS. PHONE:(305) 347-5290 EXT. n/a SHORT STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (If you require additional space, attach additional pages.) 1. Describe the qualities, experience, expertise and abilities that you possess that would make you an effective board member that will act in the public interest. I currently serve as the Chair of the Florida Elections Commission ("Commission"). I was first appointed to the Commission in 2005 by Governor Bush and appointed air by Governor Crist in 2007. My present term expires in January 2011 -1 -have sub-�tential ezperiencein interpreting the ori a Erection Code wTi-icf_i is a_ m iguous, arcane and complex at best. These are the same characterizations many have made regarding the new Miami zoning code. My experience at balancing the interest of the State of Florida and the due process rights of a respondent demonstrates that I can act in the public interest. The Commission meetings are also shown statewide on the Florida Channel which I believe_offers a__I_e_vel of transparency to the public and adds legitimacy and credibility to the process. Form Boards/MA-PAB/ZB-0701.02 Pagel of4 2. Describe your educational background and general knowledge of planning and zoning. I received my J.D. from Stetson College of Law in 1992 and a B.A. from the University of Florida in 1989. Between 2000 and 2005, I represented numerous municipalities. My responsibilities included drafting the rights-of-way ordinance and/or wireless ordinance with respect to the placement of towers and antennas; as well presenting these items before each town council or commission. These municipalities include, but are not limited to, North Miami, Coral Gables, Bay Harbor Islands, Tamarac, Miramar, Homestead, Cape Coral, Collier County and Ocoee. I presently work for The Barthet Firm located in downtown Miami. My specialty is construction related litigation. 1811- 3. Describe any prior community or personal involvement that you have had that demonstrates interest in and concern for planning and planning implementation. While representing municipalities in the past, I have had to deal with zoning issues, including the hierarchy -involved7in tt e placement of towers an t e stanoardor variance; ariance; as wellas contrasting the Hca cl-- ode with the -Floriidstatutes t a mandate no discrimination among communications providers including ngthe placement of towers in the rights-of-way. My personal involvement on behalf of numerous municipalities with these difficult and complex issues I believe would be an asset to the City of Miami. 4. Describe any planning or land use or growth management seminars that you have attended. I have previously participated as a speaker at a Seminar involving zoning issues with respect to the placement of -towers antennas certain zoning distnicts ased on a hierarchy an coming the local code with applicable Florida Statutes. 5. Describe any membership in organizations having the primary aim of the furtherance of dissemination of knowledge of and support of sound planning and implementation of planning programs. Other than representing municipalities involving zoning issues, I have not been a member of an organization that is primarily organized for the purpose of disseminating information related to planning and implementation of Ipanninprams. 6. Describe any other activity evidencing knowledge and interest in the public purposes of planning and plan implementation. As noted in Answer No. 2. between 2000 and 2005, 1 represented numerous municipalities. My respon!lbilities inc udee wafting the rig��or�lc finance an or wireless or with respect to t ep acemen of -fob andantennas; as well preseriting these items before each-towncouncil or commission. These muni`cip "Gties �i chide-but are i�ot limited-to, Nortl�-11/liartii,-Coral-Gables,, Bay-Ha-rbor-Island�-,-T-a-marac,-Miramar;-HariTostead, Cape Coral, Collier-County-and-Ocoee-- -- - ' — -- --- - ria CZ) Form Boards/MA-PAB/ZB-0701.02 Page 2 of 4 I have read and understand the qualifications for members that are set forth in Sec. 62-63 of the City Code, and hereby certify that: (1) 1 do not have any interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work, or service for the city. (2) 1 am in a position to represent the public interest, and do not have any personal or private interests likely to conflict with the public interest. (3) 1 do not hold any elective office in any governmental authority in the county or the city. (4) 1 am not employed in a full-time capacity by any governmental authority in the county or the city. (5) As a member of the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board I agree to participate in at least one seminar on planning or zoning to be held in Florida, and approved by the city, during the course of each calendar year that I remain a member or alternate member of the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board. (6) 1 acknowledge that I am subject to removal from the board if I fail to meet this requirement each and every year after assuming board membership or alternate membership. (7) As a prospective appointee I am subject to a personal appearance before the city commission, to afford the city commission an opportunity to ascertain my proficiency in the English language, educational background and general knowledge of planning and zoning. (8) 1 am an elector of the City of Miami. I agree to immediately notify the city clerk if I cease to be a resident and/or an elector of the city during the term of my office. I agree that if I were to become a candidate for elective political office during my term and qualify as a candidate for elective political office, such qualification shall be deemed a tender of my resignation from the board. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-611 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from entering into any con -tract or transacting any business with the city or any person or agency acting for the city, or from appearing in representation of any third party before any board, commission or agency of which I am member. I also understand that prohibition upon activity which is set forth above remains in effect for a period of two years after I have left city service. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. I agree to submit to the city clerk a complete itemized list of all real property owned by me, whether the title be either legal or equitable, whether owned in whole or in part, including corporate real property in which I have a controlling interest or I am an officer of such corporation. I agree to submit to the city clerk said information in the required form verified and under oath within 30 days of my appointment and I shall include the following information as to each parcel of land: (1) The legal description and common address; (2) The municipal or county zoning classification wherein the property is located; and (3) The manner in which the property is presently being utilized. I understand that I am required to list only those real properties that are located within the corporate limits of the city or those properties located 500 feet beyond the corporate limits of the city. I agree to comply with all financial disclosure requirements of the City, the County and the State including the requirements set forth in Section 2-11.1 of the Miami -Dade County Code, and Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145. 1 agree to comply with all ethics course requirements of City of Miami Code Section 2-654. 1 acknowledge that the code of ethics of Miami -Dade County shall apply to me as a member or alternate member of the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board and hereby agree to abide by all the provisions thereof. For additional information on Code citations, please visit the website of the Office of the City Attorney at http://www. miamigov.com/cityattorney/pages/Index.asp for internet links to citations. I recognize that membership on the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board requires my regular attendance and participation at board meetings. Form Boards/MA-PAB/ZB-0701.02 3of4 I hereby certify that all information in this application is complete, truthful, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I have read and understand the qualifications and conditions of membership listed in this application. r. YP.. f f� E Print Name Jorge L. Cruz-Bustillo Signature j Date FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS Please complete this form and submit to: Office of the City Clerk ATTN: Assistant City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Information may be copied and pasted into this form from other computer programs, i.e. MS Word. Information that is typed directly into the form may be "'Saved as Text" and then opened in other computer programs. For additional information on the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board, please contact Mr. Anel Rodriguez, Admistrative Assistant /l, at (305) 416-2037 or email at: Form Boards/MA-PAB/ZB-0701.02 axrodriguez Winiamigov.com e4of4