HomeMy WebLinkAboutRFB.:liq ql1ir REQUEST FOR 'D VARIOUS O PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS., CLAY COUNTY, FLO R -: PA RECREATION SPECIAL Due Date: Monday, December 1, 2008 - 4:00 pm Open Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2008 -1:00 pm Issued. By: Donna Fish Clay County Board of Counts Commissioners Purchasing Division TABLE OF CONTENTS Various Equipment and Amenities for Parks and Playgrounds Invitation.............................................................................................................................3 Request for Bid Advertisement....................................................................................... 4-6 Request for Bid Instructions........................................................................................... 7-8 Insurance Requirements................................................................................................ 9-10 BidSpecification.......................................................................................................... 11-15 BidForms........................................................................................16-19 Procedures for Bid Openings...................................................................................... 20-34 Attachments: No Bid Statement Form W-9 2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Fritz A. Behring County Manager www.claycountygov.com CLAY COUNTY Dear prospective bidder: Purchasing Division P.O. Box 1366, 477 Houston St Green Cove Springs, FL 32043 904-278-3761 *Fax: 904-278-3728 You and your firm are cordially invited to submit a bid in accordance with the attached instructions and specifications for: RFP # 08/09-3. Various Equipment and Amenities for Parks and Plavarounds, Clav Countv, Florida Interested Vendors may contact me for clarification, by phone at (904) 278-3761 or e- mail at donna.fish(a—),co.clatil.fl.us with any questions about this bid. All prospective bidders are hereby instructed NOT to contact any member of the Elected Officials, County Manager, or other County employees for meetings, conferences or technical discussions related to the bid. To remain on our active bidders list, you should reply in writing with a written quote or a "NO BID" response. Sincerely, Donna Fish Buyer Clay County Purchasing Division /df Att. Complete Bid Pack which includes: Bid Instructions Bid Specifications Bid Forms Extract(s) from Clay County Purchasing Manual No Bid Statement W-9 Form 3 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals will be received until 4:00 P.M.. Monday. December 1. 2008, at the Clay County Administration Building; Purchasing Department, 4th floor, 477 Houston Street, Green Cove Springs, Florida 32043, for the following: RFP NO: 08/09-3, Various Equipment and Amenities for Parks and Plavarounds, Clav Countv, Florida. Bids will be opened at 1:00 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Tuesday. December 2. 2008 in the Clay County Administration Building, Conference Room "B", fourth floor; 477 Houston Street, Green Cove Springs, Florida, in the presence of the Purchasing Department staff, and/or the Clerk or Deputy Clerk and all other interested persons. The opened bids will be read aloud, examined for conformance to specifications, tabulated, and preserved in the custody of the Purchasing Department. The Finance Committee of the Board will present its recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners at its meeting of December 23, 2008; or as soon thereafter as possible. Bids will not be valid unless received by the proposal deadline and in a sealed envelope marked "Sealed Bid, RFP No. 08/09-3, Various Equipment and Amenities for Parks and Play -,rounds, Clav Countv, Florida", to be received until 4:00 P.M., Monday. December 1. 2008. Envelopes are to be mailed or delivered in person to the above address. All prospective Bidders are hereby instructed NOT to contact any member of the Elected Officials, County Manager or County Employees for meetings, conferences or technical discussions related to the Bid. Unauthorized contact with Elected Officials, County Manager or Count), personnel may result in rejection of the Vendor's Bid. All communications with the County regarding this Bid should be directed to: Donna Fish, Buyer. Clay County Purchasing Department, 477 Houston Street, Green Cove Springs, FL 32043, 904-278-3632or by email: donna.fish(a—),co.clay.fl.us The County reserves the right to waive formalities in any bid; to reject any or all bids with or without cause, including the lack of availability of adequate funds, regulatory agency requirements, and/or to accept the bid that, in its judgment, will be in the best interest of the County of Clay. FOLLOWING THE BID OPENING AND TABULATION, A "NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD BID" ORA "NOTICE OF REJECTION OF ALL BIDS" WILL BE POSTED ON THE INTERNET AT: ,AAAAA,.claveountveov.com/Departments/Purchasing/decision bids.htm. THIS WEB PAGE CAN ALSO BE ACCESSED FROM THE HOMEPAGE OF THE COUNTY'S WEBSITE AT: u-Arw.clavcountvaov.com BY FOLLOWING THE "NOTICE OF INTENT BIDS" LINK UNDER THE "BUSINESS" ROLLOVER BUTTON ON THE COUNTY'S HOMEPAGE. NO OTHER NOTICE WILL BE POSTED. PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS ARE NOTIFIED THAT TIIE FAILURE TO INCLUDE WITHIN THE SEALED BID ENVELOPE, A PROPER BID BOND OR OTHER SECURITY APPROVED UNDER THE COUNTY'S PURCHASING POLICY, IF REQUIRED FOR THIS SOLICITATION, OR THE FAILURE TO FILE A WRITTEN PETITION INITIATING A FORMAL PROTEST PROCEEDING WITHIN THE TIMES AND IN THE MANNER PRESCRIBED IN SECTION 8. (N)., OF SAID POLICY, SHALL CONSTITUTE A WAIVER OF THE RIGHT TO PROTEST THE BID SOLICITATION, ANY ADDENDUM THERETO, OR THE BID DECISION, AS APPLICABLE, AND TO INITIATE A FORMAL PROTEST PROCEEDING UNDER SAID POLICY. THE COUNTY'S PURCHASING POLICY CAN BE VIEWED AT THE COUNTY'S WEBSITE BY FOLLOWING THE APPROPRIATE LINKS FROM THE HOMEPAGE ADDRESS SET FORTH ABOVE. IF A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER IS IN DOUBT WHETHER THIS SOLICITATION REQUIRES A BID BOND, SUCH PROSPECTIVE BIDDER IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING APPROPRIATE INQUIRY. A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity; may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity; may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier; subcontractor; or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, Florida Statutes; for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. Fritz A. Behring County Manager END OF NOTICE ------------------------- (CLAY TODAY) For Publication on November 6, 2008 (CLAY COUNTY LEADER) For Publication on November 6, 2008 PLEASE SEND ORIGINAL INVOICE AND OF PROOF OF PUBLICATION TO: Clay County Board of County Commissioners Purchasing Department P.O. Boa 1366 Green Cove Springs, Florida 32043 ATTENTION: Donna Fish REQUEST FOR BID INSTRUCTIONS RFP NO. 08/09-3 Various Equipment and Amenities for Parks and Playgrounds, Clay County, Florida 1. All Sealed proposals submitted shall be received by the Purchasing Department, Clay County, Florida. A. Bids submitted by mail should be addressed to: Clay County Board of County Commissioners Purchasing Department Attn: Donna Fish P 0 Box 1366 Green Cove Springs, Florida 32043 B. Bids submitted in person will be received at: Clay County Administrative Building 477 Houston Street Fourth Floor, Purchasing Department Green Cove Springs, Florida 32043 THREE paper copies of the bid package shall be submitted, IN WRITING, AND SEALED in an envelope. All requested bid information, proof of liability insurance in the minimum amount of $1,000,000.00, bids and performance data, and form W-9 taxpayer identification number and certification shall be included with all responses submitted. 2. The words "RFP 408/09-3, Various Equipment and Amenities for Parks and Plavarounds Clav County FL" shall be clearlv marked on the front and back of the envelope containin6 the proposals. Bids will be received by mail or in person until 4:00 p.m.. Monday. Decemberl. 2008 and will be opened after 1:00 p.m.. on Tuesday. December 2. 2008 in the Clay County Administration Building, 477 Houston Street, Conference Room "B", Fourth Floor, Green Cove Springs, Florida. Proposals will be reviewed by Clay County as soon thereafter as possible. A. All bids will be "clocked" at the time they are received to indicate the time and date of receipt. Bids WILL NOT be accepted in person after the time and date specified. B. Bids received by mail WILL NOT be accepted if they are received after the Time and date specified regardless of the postmark or circumstances. 4. All prospective bidders are hereby instructed NOT to contact any member of the Elected Officials, County Manager or County Employees for meetings, conferences or technical discussions related to the bid. Unauthorized contact with 7 Elected Officials, County Manager or County personnel may result in rejection of the Vendor's bid response. For information concerning procedures for responding to this Bid, contact Purchasing Buyer, Donna Fish at (904) 278-3761 or by e-mail to donna.fish(ct).co.clay.fl.us. For all technical questions contact Parks, Recreation & Special Events, Tom Price at (904) 269-6378. Written inquiries/questions must be received by November 20, 2008 5. Each firm receiving an invitation should reply as noted above or reply with a written "NO RESPONSE." Either action will keep the firm on the appropriate active Professional Services list. Three (3) failures to respond to solicitations may result in deletion from the solicitation list. If submitting proposals as a certified minority business enterprise as defined by the Florida Small and Minority Business Assistance Act of 1985, please include documentation of same. 7. Any firm affected adversely by Clay County's decision shall file with the Clay County Board of County Commissioners a Notice of Protest in writing within 72 hours after the posting of the selected vendor. Failure to file a written notice of Protest shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120.57(3)(a)(3) (Administrative Procedures Act), Florida Statutes. 8 The Board of County Commissioners of Clay County, Florida, reserves the right to waive formalities in any response, to reject any or all responses with or without cause, including the lack of availability of adequate funds, regulatory agency requirements, and/or to accept the response(s) that, in its judgment, will be in the best interest of the County of Clay. 9. Indemnification Statement: The awarded vendor must agree to defend, protect, indemnify and hold harmless the County and all its principals, employees, officers, agents and servants (collectively, the Indemnitees), from and against any and all suits, claims, demands, liabilities and costs and all damages, including reasonable attorney's fees and court costs, asserted against the Indemnitees or any of them by reason of injury to the persons or property of others, including any Participant, which is caused by the fault, acts, omissions or comparative negligence, whether active or passive, attributable the performance of its duties and obligations under this Agreement, or to any of the employees, officers, agents or servants, or to any subcontractor of the firm. The vendor's obligations under this paragraph shall also apply to actions by third parties performed on behalf of the firm pursuant to this Agreement. 10. The successful bidder(s) shall extend these prices to the City of Green Cove Springs, Town of Orange Park, City of Keystone Heights, Town of Penny Farms, and the Clay County Board of Public Instruction upon the written request of the using agency. Contractor's Insurance Requirement: 1. Any Contractor submittinga bid for any public works project must include, within its initial bid response. proof of the following insurance; in effect continuously from the date of submittal through the 60 days subsequent to the scheduled bid opening date; a. Commercial General Liability 1. General Aggregate $1,000,000 2. Products and Completed Operations Aggregate $1,000,000 3. Personal and Advertising Injury $1,000,000 4. Each Occurrence $1,000,000 5. Fire Damage (any one fire) $ 50,000 6. Medical Expense (any one person) $ 5,000 b. Automobile Liability 1. Any automobile -Combined bodily injury/ property damage, $1,000,000 With minimum limits for all additional coverages as required by Florida law c. Workers Compensation/Employers Liability 1. Workers Compensation statutory limits 2. Employers Liability a. Each Accident $ 100,000 b. Disease -Policy $ 500,000 c. Disease -Each Employee $ 100,000 d. Professional Liability 1. When required by contract -per occurrence $1,000,000 2. Upon being awarded the bid, the contractor must provide proof that such insurance will be in effect from the date of commencement of the project. The contractor will maintain insurance coverage at the above -prescribed levels through the date of completion of the project and that coverage will include all independent contractors and subcontractors. Either prior to or simultaneously with the execution of the contract, the successful bidder must deliver certificates of insurance for the required insurance coverages to the County naming "Clay County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida; The Board of County Commissioners, Clay County, Florida; and all public agencies of Clay county, as I their interests may appear" as "Additional Insureds." Said certificates of insurance shall also include a thirty day prior written notice of cancellation; modification or non -renewal to be provided to the County. The Board reserves the richt to waive, raise or lower the minimum coverages required for particular proiects prior to bid solicitation by affirmative action. The Board will not waive any defects in a bid submittal pertaining to matters under this subsection. 10 Bid Specifications for Price Agreement Contract Various Equipment and Amenities for Parks and Playgrounds Clay County Division of Parks, Recreation and Special Events SCOPE: The purpose of this bid invitation is to establish a firm, fixed percentage discount from manufacturer's and/or bidder's current catalog/supply/product information price list for the purchase of various equipment and amenities for parks and playgrounds as requested by the Clay County Division of Parks, Recreation and Special Events. Additionally, this bid invitation shall also establish a firm, fixed percentage of manufacturer's and/or bidder's current catalog/supply/product information price list, after applying the above requested discount for purchase, for the installation of various equipment and amenities for parks and playgrounds as requested by the Clay County Division of Parks, Recreation and Special Events. It is understood that bidder's current catalog/supply/product information price list are subject to change; however, percentages shall remain fixed. No extra charges or compensation will be allowed for installation above and beyond what has already been presented in your bid, If the bidder offers specialized catalogs, the catalogs must be submitted separately from any other catalog offered by the bidder. This bid is also a means for qualifying vendors for Ball Park lighting services, Qualifying vendors will be requested to provide pricing on a project by project basis as defined in the method of ordering section of this bid. The qualified vendor providing the lowest responsive quote will be awarded the project. RESPONSIBILITY: Bidder shall be responsible for all labor, materials, equipment, supervision, off-loading, storage, and installation, of various equipment and amenities for parks and playground equipment ordered, unless otherwise specified by the County. The County may elect, in certain circumstances, to purchase only materials and have those materials installed by others (e.g., volunteers). These items will be shipped to a designed location and off-loaded by the bidder or bidder's representative. ALIFICATION OF INSTALLERS: If a bidder utilizes a sub -contracted installer for any park or playground equipment, a list of sub -contracted installer must be included with their bid. Additionally, the bidder must supply WRITTEN FACTORY/MANUFACTURER CERTIFICATION that its installer, or its sub -contracted installer, is an authorized installer, certified to install various equipment and amenities for parks and playground equipment as required by each manufacturer. Failure to complete this requirement of the bid proposal may result in the rejection of their bid. COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS: Bid only on items that meet specifications. Bid only a single offering for each bid item. Do not bid multiple offering or "alternates." All corrections will be initialed. Bid only new, unused material. CATALOGS AND MANUFACTURER SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE (MSRP) LISTS: Each bidder shall submit with this bid, at no charge, two (2) sets of each current catalog/supply/product information price list as well as current MSRP list for each catalog submitted. All catalogs and/or MSRP lists 11 shall clearly identify the bid number and the bidders name, address and telephone number. Additionally, each bidder awarded an option year renewal of this contract will submit, at no charge, two (2) sets of each then current catalog/supply/product information price list as well as current MSRP list for each catalog submitted, within 30 days of award of an option year renewal. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND CODES: Bidders must strictly comply with Federal, State and local building and safety codes. Equipment must meet all State and Federal safety regulations. The following publications (issue in effect on date of invitation to bid) shall form a part of this specification: A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).- ASTM-F1487 ASTM): ASTM-F1487 Standards — Methods of testing Playground Equipment for Public Use, ASTM -F1292 Standards - Method for testing various surfacing materials to determine their "critical height" (the fall height below which a life threatening head injury would not be expected to occur) Copies may be obtained from the - American Society for Testing and Materials 100 Barr Harbor Drive West Conshohocken, PA 19428 B. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) — printed Handbook for Public Playground Safety. Copies may be obtained from the - US Consumer Product Safety Commission 4330 East West Highway Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 504-7923 C. National Playground Safety Institute (NPSI) — identification of 12 leading causes of injuries on playgrounds. Copies may be obtained from the - National Recreation and Park Association 22377 Belmont Ridge Road Ashburn, VA 20148-4150 (703) 858-0784 D. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Regulations for Title III, Appendix A, Standards for Accessible Design, issued by the Department of Justice. Copies may be obtained by calling (800) 514-0301 Bidders certify that all products (materials, equipment, processes, age appropriate signage, or other items supplied in response to this bid) contained in its bid meet all Federal and State requirements, Upon completion of installation of play equipment and/or playground surfacing, bidder shall furnish to the County a certificate so stating the equipment /surfacing and its installation meet all Federal and State requirements as outlined in the above publications. 12 Bidders further certify that if the product(s) delivered and/or installed are subsequently found to be deficient in any if the aforementioned requirements in effect on date of delivery, all costs necessary to bring the product(s) and installation into compliance shall be borne by the bidder. AWARD: Performance and payment bonds may be required for specific projects. This requirement is driven by the size and price of each particular job. Vendors will be required to meet this requirement before receiving a purchase order for the project. Multiple awards will be made to any and all responsive bidders. There is no guarantee any purchase order will be issued after award. Purchase orders will be issued subject to availability of funds. INVOICING: Invoices may be issued once supplies are shipped, delivered and/or installed to the county's satisfaction. At a minimum, invoices must include: Purchase Order Number, Item Number and Description, Date of Shipment, Quantity Ordered, Unit Price, Unit of Measure, and a total for all purchases. Standard payment terms are Net 45 days per the Local Government Prompt Payment Act. TERMS OF CONTRACT: The Price Agreement Contract for various equipment and amenities for parks and playgrounds will be three (3) years, with two (2) one (1) year renewal options. Renewal options are at the discretion of the County based on the successful bidder(s) performance and adherence to the terms, conditions, and requirements in maintaining firm percentages(s) for the following year(s), within 30 days of contract expiration, All percentages will remain firm for the following years, within 30 days of contract expiration. STATE CONTRACTS: The County is entitled to purchase from contracts established by the State of Florida. Should the State establish a contract for items on this bid, the County reserves the right to cancel this contract in whole or in part and purchase those item(s) from the State Contract, if in its best interest. METHOD OF ORDERING: The County may generate a Request for Quotation (RFQ), on an "as needed" basis, for park and playground equipment, ball field lighting and additional services for individual projects, together with a request for additional services required to complete that project (see attached RFQ sample sheet). The County reserves the right to send such RFQ to any or all awarded bidders. The RFQ can define the project exactly or the RFQ can describe a desired end result, allowing the bidder to design the park or playground site. After generating a RFQ for a project, and before bidder's submission of its quotation in response to the RFQ, the County may require requested bidder (s) to attend a site visit with County personnel to familiarize 13 the bidder (s) with the site and determine additional services that may be required to complete the project. Bidders will be responsible for the accuracy of all fixed measurements. The bidder's quotation in response to the RFQ must contain each of the following: • A detailed breakdown of the cost for the entire project. Descriptions of additional services required, together with their price, shall also be listed. • Names of any and all subcontractors on the project, together with their designated work and costs. It is understood the bidder remains responsible for project completion and acceptance by the County. The County reserves the right to reject any quotation in response to an RFQ if said quotation names a subcontractor who has, in the sole opinion of the County, previously failed in the proper performance of an award or failed to deliver on time contracts of a similar nature, or who is not in a position to perform properly under this award. • A date certain by which the project must be completed. • Include an updated catalog, if needed and updated MSRP lists for the park and play equipment specifically quoted. The County will generate purchase orders as a result of approved "Request for Quotations" submitted, at the sole discretion of the County. The County reserves the right to not award to any, or to go outside the contract at lower prices. PROMOTIONAL PRICING: During the contract period, bidders will extend any pricing offered on a "promotional" basis from the manufacturer to the county. It will be the bidder's responsibility to monitor said items and report any that are or will be offered at lower prices. SUPERVISION: A bidder's job supervisor/representative will be on the work site at all times and be thoroughly knowledgeable of the materials, job requirements, plans, specifications and installation functions. JOB COMPLETION: Bidder/contractor/installer will be responsible for all materials received and signed for from date of order to completion of job installation. Bidder/installer will be responsible for clean up and removal of all debris resulting in job completion, leaving work site in neat and orderly fashion at the end of each workday. Additionally, bidder/installer will be responsible for restoring the work site to its original condition at the completion of the project. RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGES AND PRESERVATION OF PROPERTY: The bidder shall use due care to avoid damaging all property associated with, adjacent to, or in any way affected by the work being performed, This applies to private property and all utilities which may exist within the work area. Any damage occurring to such items by bidder shall be immediately repaired or replaced to a condition at least equal to that which existed prior to the damage. All costs incurred for repair or replacement shall be borne by the successful bidder. Any damages not repaired or replaced by the bidder within ten (10) calendar days from notification will be fixed by the County or its contractor and the cost shall be paid by the bidder or deducted from their invoice. 14 VIOLATIONVDEFAULT: In the event the awarded bidder(s) should violate any provisions of this bid, such bidder will be given written notice stating the deficiencies and given ten (10) days to correct deficiencies found. The County reserves the right to terminate any contract at any time due to any violation. In the event the awarded bidder(s) should breach this contract, the County reserves the right to seek all remedies in law and/or in equity. Failure of an awarded bidder to adhere to completion dates defined by bidder and County may result in no further awards being made to such bidder under this Price Agreement Contract. GENERAL CONDITIONS: Signature on bid form verifies that the bidder is acquainted with the general conditions contained herein and will comply with all specifications, terms and conditions contained in this bid invitation. INSURANCE/WORKER'S COMPENSATION: The contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this agreement, worker's compensation insurance for all of his employees connected with the work of this project and in case any work is sublet, the contractor shall require the subcontractor similarly to provide worker's compensation insurance for all of the latter's employees unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the contractor. Such insurance shall comply fully with the Florida Worker's Compensation Law. In case any class of employees engaged in hazardous work under this contract at the site of the project is not protected under the worker's compensation statute, the contractor shall provide, and cause each sub -contractor to provide, adequate insurance, satisfactory to the purchaser, for the protection of his employees not otherwise protected. The awarded vendor must submit a copy of an insurance certificate naming the County as an additional insured with the following verbiage placed on the certificate no later than ten (10) days after the award has been made, "Clay County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida; The Board of County Commissioners, Clay County, Florida; and all public agencies of Clay County, as their interest may appear." Additional insurance requirements as listed on pages 24-25 apply. COOPERATIVE PURCHASES: This is a cooperative purchase contract. State law allows any government agency and any accredited school in the state to buy off this contract without going to bid, as long as it does not conflict with any of their local regulations. 15 Bid Form Price Agreement Contract For Park and Playground Equipment Bid No. 08/09-3 Bidder:- Address:- City, idder:Address:City, State and Zip: Phone: Contact Name(s):_ Email: Signature of Bidder MANUFACTURER CATALOGS: Manufacturer: Fixed Percentage Discount off MSRP: Installation (Fixed Percentage of cost after discounts of equipment): Manufacturer: Fixed Percentage Discount off MSRP: Installation (Fixed Percentage of cost after discounts of equipment): Manufacturer: Fixed Percentage Discount off MSRP: Installation (Fixed Percentage of cost after discounts of equipment): Manufacturer: Fixed Percentage Discount off MSRP: Installation (Fixed Percentage of cost after discounts of equipment): 16 SUB -CONTRACTOR EQUIPMENT INSTALLERS: Business Name Address: Phone Number: Contact Name: Business Name: Address: Phone Number: Contact Name: Business Name: Address: Phone Number.- Contact umber: Contact Name: Note: Attach vendor/manufacturer WRITTEN CERTIFICATION (s) naming bidder, and/or each of its sub -contractor installer(s), as an authorized installer certified to install park and playground equipment as required by each manufacturer. Failure to comply with this provision may result in rejection of bid. 17 WARRANTY INFORMATION FORM MAKE AND MODEL OF EQUIPMENT PROPOSED.- Is ROPOSED: Is there a warranty on the equipment proposed? Yes No Does the warranty apply to ALL components or only part? (State Explicitly) Parts Warranty Period: Nearest source for parts and/or service center (s): Service Warranty Period: Name, address and phone number of the authorized service center (s): 2) 3) Name, address and phone number of the authority issuing this warranty: (Manufacturer, Distributor, etc.) COPY OF COMPLETE WARRANTY STATEMENT IS SUBMITTED HEREWITH: Name of Bidder: Signature Title Yes No Phone Number 'Warranty period must meet or exceed the warranty conditions as stated in the specifications on the bid' Various Equipment and Amenities for Parks and Playgrounds Clay County Division of Parks, Recreation and Special Events Contract # F. Request for Quotation Description of Project: A site plan (not to scale), along with drawing of proposed amenities, is attached. A mandatory site visit is scheduled for at Price Quotation: Manufacturer Item and Page Quantity MSRP Unit Price Contract Extended Price Number Discount Additional Services Required: Description Quantity Unit Price Extended Price Total: List any Subcontractors: 1. Name 2. Address 3. Telephone Number 4. Contact Name 5. Designated Work & Subcontractor Cost m CHAPTER 8: PROCEDURES FOR PUBLIC BID OPENINGS (A) Purpose: The purpose of this chapter is to specify procedures for the submittal, receipt, opening and recording of all formal bids required by all of the various laws, ordinances, and other procedures and manuals governing the solicitation and awarding of public bids in Clay County, Florida, including but not limited to: a. Section 336.44, Florida Statues (2001). b. Applicable Provisions of Clay County Code. c. Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, most recent edition. (B) Time of Openin6: All bids shall be submitted to the Purchasing division, 4th Floor, Clay County Administration Building, 477 Houston Street, Green Cove Springs, Florida, which shall record receipt thereof by date and time on the bid envelope. Upon receipt, the Purchasing division will maintain custody and control of all bid submittals until after they have been opened. The deadline for a particular bid submittal shall be 4:00 P.M., of the Monday immediately preceding the Tuesday upon which the bid is to be opened. No bid shall be opened unless and until proof by publisher's affidavit of publication of the bid solicitation is received and filed by the Purchasing division. Bidders and the public are welcomed to attend the opening and all subsequent committee and commission meetings related to the bids. (C) Form of Bid Submittal: All bids shall be submitted in triplicate, (and if applicable only on the forms provided by the County or its staff). Each bid and its accompanying materials shall be submitted in a single, sealed and opaque envelope. The following items shall be prominently marked on the cover of the envelope by the party making the submittal prior thereto: a. The number assigned to the particular bid solicitation. b. The title of the bid exactly as it appeared in the published solicitation. C. The date of the bid opening. 20 (D) Bid Receipt Procedure: The County Manager shall, in cooperation with his or her Department heads and the Purchasing division, assign a specific and discrete number and title to each bid solicitation, which shall be contained in the Request for Bids, the newspaper publication, specifications and the Bid Form thereof. Three copies of each request for bid shall be submitted to the Purchasing division for distribution as provided in Section F hereof and the "Request for Bids" (see Example 2 attached) shall be signed prior to publication. (E) Place of Opening: All bids properly submitted shall be opened in a public location so designated in the bid solicitation. (F) Distribution of Copies: Upon the opening of a bid, one copy shall be distributed to the head of the originating department. Purchasing shall submit to the Finance committee of the Board a tabulated list of all bidders and their bids, including bid number, name, staff assigned, a recommendation to include but not be limited to the lowest responsive and responsible bid, or in a proper circumstance the best bid, budget information and alternatives. All staff assigned to evaluate bid and RFP responses shall do so observing all requirements of the Sunshine Law and in meetings noticed at least 72 hours in advance thereof. The Purchasing division shall serve as the permanent record holder for the County Manager. (G) Committee Review, Report and Recommendations: Bids shall be reviewed by the Board's Finance committee following the bid opening. The Committee should, in the absence of unusual circumstances, report its recommendation to the Board at the Board's next regularly scheduled meeting, which shall include a tabulated list of all bidders and their bids. In all events, the County Manager shall cause to be spread upon the minutes of the regular meeting of the Board next following the opening of a particular bid, a list of all bidders and their bids. Upon being awarded a bid, and if a contract is entered into with the successful bidder then the County's Standard Addendum and IRS Form W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification and Certification must be completed. (H) Ineligible Bid: Any bid that does not meet the foregoing requirements for form, time of submittal, number of copies or the specifications advertised will be rejected and the reasons stated therefor; provided that the Purchasing division shall reject and return unopened all bids which do not meet the foregoing requirements for time of submittal, or envelope markings. Bids 21 that do not meet requirements for form will be rejected and declared "No Bid". The Board reserves the power to reject all bids and in its discretion to re -advertise the solicitation. (I) Bid Withdrawal Period: Any bid submitted requires a five (5) percent bond unless waived by the Board prior to solicitation, which cannot be withdrawn for a period of 30 days subsequent to the date of the bid opening, notice of which shall be incorporated in all requests for bids. As used herein, the term bond shall include cashier or certified checks payable to the County. All such checks shall be held by the Finance department for safekeeping immediately upon acceptance of the bid (but not deposited). The Finance department is hereby authorized to return each bond to the submitting party, as soon as practicable, upon written request to the Finance department, but only after a bid and contract have been awarded and executed between the County and the successful bidder for a particular project, or in the event that all bids have been rejected by the Board, or in the event the time provided that the bid shall remain in effect shall have expired and the bid submitter requests its return in writing. (1) Vendors bidding on SHIP rehabilitation projects are exempt from the bid bond requirements delineated in 8(I) above or as may be otherwise stated elsewhere in this policy document. (2) Vendors bidding on commodities price contracts, or any other type of contract that does not commit the Board to an actual exchange transaction (purchase) but rather seeks only a fixed unit price commitment from a vendor in the event a future purchase decision is made, shall be exempt from the bid bond requirements delineated in 8(I) above or as may be otherwise stated elsewhere in this policy document. (J) Bid Addenda: All addenda. distributed subsequent to the initial distribution of specifications shall be sent by certified mail/return receipt requested, said return receipt to be returned to the Purchasing division identified by bid number. Prior to mailing, a copy of each addendum shall be received by the Purchasing division, provided that no addendum shall be mailed later than five (5) working days prior to the scheduled bid opening date. 22 (K) Bid Tabulation Form: The bid Tabulation Form used at bid openings shall include a place thereon for three witnesses to sign. This procedure will eliminate the need for signing each individual bid at the time of opening, thus requiring the three witnesses to sign only once for each bid number submitted. (L) Authority to Delay Bid Openings: The County Manager is hereby authorized, without seeking prior approval of the Board in any particular case, to order a delay of any bid opening from its scheduled date and time to a time certain on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board, or such special meeting called for such purpose. The delay may be ordered at any time prior to the time of the scheduled opening, provided that such order be in writing, addressed and delivered to the Purchasing division with a copy delivered to the County Manager, and that copies thereof be mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested to all responding bidders as soon thereafter as is reasonably practicable. Upon receipt of the order, the Purchasing division shall immediately record the date and time thereof. The Purchasing division shall continue to accept sealed bids up until the applicable deadline. At the date and time originally scheduled for the bid opening, the Purchasing division shall announce the delay order to all in attendance and shall continue to maintain in its custody all properly submitted sealed bids until further order of the Board. At the time certain scheduled before the Board, the County Manager shall present his reason or reasons for the delay order and his recommendation for disposition of bids submitted. The Board may order the bids to be opened then and there, or at some other time and date certain; it may cancel the bid and order the return of all bids unopened; it may order a further delay of the bid opening; or it may make any other order appropriate to the circumstances. If the bids are ultimately opened, they shall be reviewed as provided elsewhere herein. If a delay occurs as provided herein, then the 30 day withdrawal period as provided in 8(I) shall commence upon the date of the actual bid opening, provided such date is not more than 60 days subsequent to the originally scheduled date. No delay shall be ordered beyond such 60 day period, unless the parties submitting timely bids consent to such delay in writing. In no event is the County Manager authorized to extend the deadline for bid submittals for any particular project, only the bid opening date. 23 (M) Contractor's Insurance Requirement: 1. Any Contractor submitting a bid for any public works project must include, within its initial bid response, proof of the following insurance, in effect continuously from the date of submittal through the 60 days subsequent to the scheduled bid opening date: a. Commercial General Liability 1. General Aggregate $1,000,000 2. Products and Completed Operations Aggregate $1,000,000 3. Personal and Advertising Injury $1,000,000 4. Each Occurrence $1,000,000 5. Fire Damage (any one fire) $ 50,000 6. Medical Expense (any one person) $ 5,000 b. Automobile Liability 1. Any automobile -Combined bodily injury/property damage, $1,000,000 with minimum limits for all additional coverages as required by Florida law c. Workers Compensation/Employers Liability 1. Workers Compensation statutory limits 2. Employers Liability a. Each Accident $ 100,000 b. Disease -Policy $ 500,000 C. Disease -Each Employee $ 10000 d. Professional Liability 1. When required by contract -per occurrence $1,000,000 2. Upon being awarded the bid, the contractor must provide proof that such insurance will be in effect from the date of commencement of the project. The contractor will maintain insurance coverage at the above -prescribed levels through the date of completion of the project and that coverage will include all independent contractors and subcontractors. Either prior to or 24 simultaneously with the execution of the contract, the successful bidder must deliver certificates of insurance for the required insurance coverages to the County naming "Clay County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida; The Board of County Commissioners, Clay County, Florida; and all public agencies of Clay County, as their interests may appear" as "Additional Insureds." Said certificates of insurance shall also include a thirty day prior written notice of cancellation, modification or non -renewal to be provided to the County. 3. The Board reserves the right to waive, raise or lower the minimum coverages required for particular projects prior to bid solicitation by affirmative action. The Board will not waive any defects in a bid submittal pertaining to matters under this subsection. (N) Bid Awards and Protests: 1. Both the INSTRUCTIONS and the PUBLISHED NOTICE for every sealed bid solicitation shall include conspicuously the following statements: FOLLOWING THE BID OPENING AND TABULATION, A "NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD BID" OR A "NOTICE OF REJECTION OF ALL BIDS" WILL BE POSTED ON THE INTERNET AT: [insert bid notice web address']. THIS WEBPAGE CAN ALSO BE ACCESSED FROM THE HOMEPAGE OF THE COUNTY'S WEBSITE AT: [insert County's homepage address2I BY [insert suitable directions']. NO OTHER NOTICE WILL BE POSTED. PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS ARE NOTIFIED THAT THE FAILURE TO INCLUDE WITHIN THE SEALED BID ENVELOPE A PROPER BID BOND OR OTHER SECURITY As of the date on which this Purchasing Policy was adopted, the bid notice web address was: http://www.claycountygov.com/Departments'Finance/decision bids.htm. As of the date on which this Purchasing Policy was adopted, the County's homepage address was: http://www.claycountygoN,.com/. 3 As of the date on which this Purchasing Policy was adopted, suitable directions would be: "FOLLOWING THE "Notice of Intent Bids" LINK UNDER THE "Business" ROLLOVER BUTTON'. 25 APPROVED UNDER THE COUNTY'S PURCHASING POLICY, IF REQUIRED FOR THIS SOLICITATION, OR THE FAILURE TO FILE A WRITTEN NOTICE OF PROTEST AND TO FILE A WRITTEN PETITION INITIATING A FORMAI, PROTEST PROCEEDING WITHIN THE TIMES AND IN THE MANNER PRESCRIBED IN SECTION B.N. OF SAID POLICY, SHALL CONSTITUTE A WAIVER OF THE RIGHT TO PROTEST THE BID SOLICITATION, ANY ADDENDUM THERETO, OR THE BID DECISION, AS APPLICABLE, AND TO INITIATE A FORMAL PROTEST PROCEEDING UNDER SAID POLICY. THE COUNTY'S PURCHASING POLICY CAN BE VIEWED AT THE COUNTY'S WEBSITE BY FOLLOWING THE APPROPRIATE LINKS FROM THE HOMEPAGE ADDRESS SET FORTH ABOVE. IF A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER IS IN DOUBT WHETHER THIS SOLICITATION REQUIRES A BID BOND, SUCH PROSPECTIVE BIDDER IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING APPROPRIATE INQUIRY. 2. Unless otherwise expressly directed by the Board in its decision on a bid award, immediately following such decision the County Manager shall cause a "Notice of Intent to Award Bid" or a "Notice of Rejection of All Bids" to be posted on the County's website, with the time and date of posting appearing thereon. Notice shall not be posted elsewhere. The notice shall be posted in portable document format or other secure format. 3. The failure on the part of a prospective bidder to include within the sealed bid envelope a proper bid bond or other security approved under this policy, if required for the particular bid solicitation, or the failure by a prospective bidder to file a written notice of protest and to file a written petition initiating a formal protest proceeding within the times and in the manner prescribed in this section shall constitute a waiver of the prospective bidder's right to protest the bid solicitation, any addendum thereto, the Board's bid decision, as applicable, and to initiate a formal protest proceeding hereunder. 26 4. A prospective bidder is solely responsible for determining whether a particular bid solicitation requires a bid bond, and for resolving any doubt by malting appropriate inquiry. 5. The County Manager shall cause a copy of this policy to be posted on the County's website in portable document format or other secure format. The County Manager shall cause to be established conspicuous and easy -to - follow links to the policy from the homepage. 6. Any person who is adversely affected by a bid solicitation, by any addendum thereto, or by a bid decision may file with the County Manager a written notice of protest no later than 4:30 p.m. on the third business day immediately following the date notice is published, with respect to a bid solicitation; no later than 4:30 p.m. on the third business day immediately following the date of issuance, with respect to a bid addendum; and within 72 hours after the posting of the notice, exclusive of hours occurring during days that are other than business days, with respect to a bid decision. 7. A formal protest proceeding shall be deemed commenced upon the timely filing of a written petition initiating the same. A written petition initiating a formal protest proceeding must be filed with the County Manager no later than 4:30 p.m. on the tenth calendar day immediately following the date on which the written notice of protest was filed; provided, if the tenth calendar day is not a business day, then the petition must be filed no later than 4:30 p.m. on the first business day immediately following said tenth calendar day. The petition must set forth with particularity the facts and law upon which the protest is based. The petition must conform substantially with the requirements for petitions set forth in Rule 28-106.201, Florida Administrative Code. References in this section to a petition shall mean a written petition initiating a formal protest proceeding filed in accordance with this subsection. 8. Any protest of a bid solicitation or bid addendum shall pertain exclusively to the terms, conditions, and specifications contained in a bid solicitation or bid addendum, including any provisions governing the methods for ranking bids, proposals, or replies, awarding contracts, reserving rights of further negotiation, or modifying or amending any contract. 27 9. Upon receipt of a formal written notice of protest that has been timely filed, the County Manager shall suspend the bid solicitation or bid award process until the subject of the protest is resolved by final action as specified in this section, unless the County Manager sets forth in writing particular facts and circumstances which require the continuance of the solicitation or award process without delay in order to avoid an immediate and serious danger to the public health, safety, or welfare. Such suspension shall be lifted immediately in the event the protesting party shall have failed to timely file a petition. 10. Intervenors shall be permitted to participate in the formal protest proceeding in accordance with the procedures governing intervenor practice set forth in Rule Chapter 28-106, Florida Administrative Code, and shall be subject to all limitations provided therein applicable to intervenors. 11. In his or her discretion, the County Manager may provide an opportunity to resolve the protest by mutual agreement between the County Manager and the protesting party within 7 calendar days after receipt of a timely petition. Such agreement must be reduced to writing, signed by the County Manager and the protesting party or such party's authorized agent, and submitted to the Board at the earliest opportunity. The agreement shall not be deemed effective unless ratified by the Board. If the Board shall fail to ratify the agreement, then the protest shall proceed to resolution as hereinafter provided. 12. Within 10 business days following the timely filing of a petition, or, if the Board shall have considered but failed to ratify an agreement submitted to it under subsection 11, then within 10 business days thereafter, a hearing shall be conducted pursuant to subsection 13 before a hearing officer, who shall be the County Manager or his or her designee. The County Manager may designate any department head as the hearing officer; provided, a department head who is substantially involved in or connected with the bid solicitation or bid award process shall be deemed disqualified from serving as the hearing officer, unless such involvement or connection is purely ministerial in nature. 13. All hearings shall be conducted pursuant to written notice to the protesting party, the County Attorney's Office and all intervenors by the hearing officer specifying the time, date and place of the hearing. Particular rules and procedures governing each such hearing are as follows: E a. The audio thereof shall be recorded electronically. b. Prior to the hearing only, motion practice may be permitted by the hearing officer in his or her discretion in accordance with the rules governing the same set forth in Rule Chapter 28-106, Florida Administrative Code. All motions shall be ruled upon prior to or at the start of the hearing, except that rulings on motions in limine may be deferred to an appropriate time during or after the hearing. C. Prior to the hearing, the protesting party, the County and all intervenors must confer and endeavor to stipulate to as many relevant and undisputed facts upon which the decision is to be based as may be practicable. Such stipulation must also identify those issues of material fact, if any, that remain in dispute. The stipulation must be reduced to a writing signed by or on behalf of the protesting party, the County and all intervenors, and be submitted to the hearing officer at least two business days prior to the hearing. The stipulation may include an appendix comprising documents that shall be deemed admitted and considered as evidence for purposes of the hearing, or referring to tangible items deemed admitted and considered as evidence for purposes of the hearing, which items shall either be presented at the hearing or, if such presentation is impractical, submitted to the hearing officer by graphic, descriptive, representational, photographic, videotape or similar medium properly depicting or characterizing the items. d. The protesting party and all intervenors shall have the right to appear before the hearing officer at the hearing in proper person or through counsel and, as to those issues of material fact, if any, that remain in dispute, as identified in the stipulation, to present relevant testimonial, documentary and tangible evidence, and to be heard on the substantive issues bearing on the protest. The County shall be deemed a party to the proceeding, and the County Attorney or any assistant county attorney may participate in the protest proceeding, appear before the hearing officer, present evidence and be heard on behalf of the County. 29 e. All witnesses shall be placed under oath by the hearing officer prior to testifying, and shall be subject to cross-examination by any hearing participant. f. Hearsay evidence shall be admissible unless the hearing officer shall determine the same to be redundant, unreliable or prejudicial. G. At the hearing any hearing participant may offer appropriate argument and summation, and submit a written brief and a proposed order, but only after the conclusion of the evidentiary portion of the hearing, if any. h. Immediately following the hearing, the County Manager shall cause a written transcript of all testimonial evidence introduced at the hearing to be prepared expeditiously based upon the audio recording, and shall provide copies of the same to all of the hearing participants. i. Within 7 business days following the hearing, the hearing officer shall submit a recommended order to the County Manager and serve copies on all hearing participants; provided, if the County Manager is the hearing officer, then within 7 business days following the hearing, the County Manager shall issue a recommended order and serve copies on all hearing participants. The recommended order shall contain findings of fact and, based upon such facts, a disposition of the protest; provided, no finding of fact may be predicated solely upon the basis of hearsay. j. The recommended order shall thereafter be submitted to the Board along with the transcript of the hearing testimony and the entire written and tangible record of the protest proceedings at the earliest opportunity to be considered at a time certain, with notice thereof served upon the hearing participants. Each of the hearing participants shall be allowed 3 minutes to address the Board regarding the recommended order, unless the Chairman in his or her discretion shall allow additional time. If a hearing participant intends to challenge any finding of fact in a recommended order that was based upon testimonial evidence, such participant shall be allowed 2 additional minutes for such purpose, and may direct the attention of the Board members to any portion of the transcript relevant to the challenge. The other hearing participants shall each have the right to offer 30 argument in rebuttal to the challenge, and to direct the attention of the Board members to any portion of the transcript relevant to the rebuttal. No testimony or other evidence beyond the record and the transcript shall be presented to the Board. Thereafter the Board shall render its decision on the protest. In so doing the Board shall be bound by the findings of fact in the recommended order that are based upon testimonial evidence, except those for which it upholds a challenge. A challenge shall be upheld only if the finding of fact is not supported by competent, substantial evidence in the record or in the transcript. Otherwise, the Board shall not be bound by any of the provisions of the recommended order. The decision of the Board shall be reduced to a written order signed by the Chairman, and shall constitute final action of the County on the protest. k. The date, type and substance of all ex parte communications between any Board member and a hearing participant, including counsel therefor or any agent thereof, and between any Board member and third party, must be publicly disclosed by the Board member prior to the rendering of the Board's decision. All such communications that are written or received electronically must be filed for the record, and copies thereof provided to each Board member and hearing participant. 14. All proceedings before the hearing officer shall be informal, and customary rules of evidence shall be relaxed. In all respects both the hearing officer and the Board shall observe the requirements of procedural and substantive due process that are the minimum necessary for accomplishing a fair, just and expeditious resolution of the protest. 15. Ex parte communications between a hearing participant and the hearing officer are forbidden. The hearing officer may take such steps as he or she may deem just and appropriate to prevent or sanction attempted ex parte communications, including promptly disclosing the attempted communication, or requiring the offending hearing participant to disclose promptly the attempted communication, to the other hearing participants. Where necessary, the hearing officer may recuse himself or herself, and the subsequently designated hearing officer may order the offending participant to pay for all or any portion of the costs incurred by the County and any other hearing participant strictly as a consequence of the ex parte communication or attempted ex parte communication, else be excluded from 31 further participation. Neither the County Attorney nor any assistant county attorney shall be subject to this subsection or prohibited from engaging in ex parte communications with the hearing officer. 16. The purpose of this policy is to promote fairness and public confidence in the competitive bidding process. To further such end, and except as otherwise specifically provided herein, the substantive law governing the resolution of bid protests found in the decisions of the Florida appellate courts, as well as any statutes or agency rules that may be applicable to the particular bid solicitation, shall guide the hearing officer and the Board in rendering a decision on a bid protest under this section. The significant principles of law governing the bid protest and the resolution thereof, which shall prevail to the extent not otherwise in conflict with any governing statutes or agency rules, are as follows: a. The burden is on the party protesting the award of the bid to establish a ground for invalidating the award. b. The standard of proof for the protest proceeding shall be whether the proposed award was clearly erroneous, contrary to competition, arbitrary, or capricious. c. The proposed award shall be deemed arbitrary or capricious if it is contrary in a material way to any governing statutes, the County's rules or policies, or the bid or proposal instructions or specifications. d. The scope of the inquiry is limited initially to whether the proposed award is improper under the foregoing standard of proof. If and only if the hearing officer first determines on the basis of competent and substantial evidence that the proposed award is improper, then the hearing officer may recommend, in accordance with the law and this policy, an alternate disposition for the proposed award. Such disposition may include, but shall not be limited to, rejecting all bids, or awarding all or a portion of the bid to the protesting party. e. A bid protest proceeding may not serve as a vehicle for the Board to revisit the proposed award absent a determination of impropriety as set forth above. 32 17. By written agreement amongst the protesting party, the County, and all then -existing intervenors, any provision of this section pertaining to the procedures for resolving a protest for which a petition has been timely filed may be modified or waived so long as such modification or waiver shall not hinder or thwart the proper and expeditious resolution of the protest, or otherwise operate to undermine the salutary purposes of competitive, public bidding. 18. Only to the extent necessary to avoid a miscarriage of justice or to prevent a manifest violation of a hearing participant's procedural or substantive due process rights, a hearing officer may modify or suspend the applicability of any of the provisions or requirements of this section in the course of conducting a protest proceeding hereunder; provided, a hearing officer may not modify or suspend any of the provisions or requirements of subsections 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 16, 20, 21 and 22 hereof. 19. Except and to the extent specifically provided in this section, and except and to the extent otherwise specified provided by written agreement amongst the protesting parry, the County, and all then -existing intervenors, no provisions of Rule Chapter 28-106, Florida Administrative Code, shall be deemed applicable to the resolution of protests under this section. 20. For purposes of this section, the filing with the County Manager of a written notice of protest or of a written petition initiating a formal protest proceeding shall be deemed accomplished only when the original written notice or original written petition has been physically received by the County Manager or his or her designee. A notice or petition shall be deemed original only if it bears the original signature of the protesting parry or such party's authorized agent. No notice or petition may be filed by facsimile transmission or by e-mail, and any notice or petition received in such manner shall be deemed unfiled and ineffective. The use of an overnight delivery service or of the United States Postal Service to file a notice or petition shall be entirely at the risk of the person submitting the same, and any such notice or petition so received after the applicable deadline shall be deemed untimely. 21. For purposes of this section, a business day shall mean any 24-hour day that is not a Saturday, a Sunday, or a holiday observed by the County. JJ 22. For purposes of this section, counsel shall mean an attorney who is a member of the Florida Bar in good standing. 23. For purposes of this section, all notices of protest and petitions initiating formal protest proceedings, and all stipulations, briefs, proposed findings of fact, written motions and proposed orders submitted to a hearing officer shall be on white, opaque paper 8 1/ by 11 inches in size. The pages of all such documents shall have margins on all sides of not less than 1 inch; shall be in Times New Roman or Courier New font no smaller than 12 in size, including footnotes and endnotes; shall have standard double-spacing between lines, excluding quotations, footnotes and endnotes; and shall be numbered at the bottom. All quotations shall be indented. Briefs shall not exceed 15 pages in length, and may not include any appendices. A digital copy of all written stipulations, briefs, proposed findings of fact, written motions andproposed orders submitted to the hearing officer must be simultaneously provided to the hearing officer in Word format, version 2000 or later, on compact disc or 3 1/" diskette. 24. For purposes of this section, a hearing participant shall mean and include the protesting party, the County and any intervenor. 25. This section shall be construed and implemented so as to secure the just, speedy, and inexpensive resolution of bid protests. 34 "NO BID" Statement RFP # 08/09-3 Various Equipment and Amenities for Parks and Plavarounds. Clay Countv. Florida If your company does not intend to bid on this procurement, please complete and return this form prior to the date shown for receipt of bids to: Clay County Purchasing Division, Attn: Donna Fish, P.O. Box 1366 Green Cove Springs, FL 32043 We, the undersigned, decline to bid on the above referenced invitation to bid for the following reasons: 1-1 110- Specifications are too restrictive (please explain below or attach separately) 00. Unable to meet specifications Specifications were unclear (please explain below or attach separately) 110- Insufficient time to respond 000- We do not offer this product or service Our schedule would not permit us to perform at this time 00. Unable to meet bond requirements 00- Other (please explain below or attach separately) Remarks: Company Name: Signature: Print Name: Address: Citv: Zip: Telephone: Fax #: Title: