HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmailSuarez, Maritza
From: Donna Fish [Donna. Fish @co.clay. fl. us]
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 9:33 AM
To: Suarez, Maritza
Subject: RE: RFP 08/09-3 Contract Piggyback
lire term of this award is January 13, 2009 through January 13, 2012. The award started with the Board's approval
since there was no contract. The initial term was for three years with an option to renew for two (12 month) periods.
Donna Fish, Buyer 1
Purchasing Division
F' O Box 1366
477 Houston St
Green Cove Springs, FL 32043
Ph: 904-278-3761
Fax 904-278-3728
From: Suarez, Maritza [mailto:msuarez@ci.miami.fl.us]
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2010 3:30 PM
To: Donna Fish
Cc: Perez, Maria; De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations)
Subject: RE: RFP 08/09-3 Contract Piggyback
di, Donna:
JVe're getting ready to take this piggyback in front of our City Commission for approval. However, I could not
Find anywhere in the documents you had previously sent the effective and expiration dates of the contract,
Do you have any documentation to reflect this? I would really appreciate it if you could send me a copy.
(hank You.
'rocurement Supervisor
amity of Miami Purchasing Department
W4 SW 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33130
nsuarez(oDci miami.frus
305-416-1907 Phone
305-416-1925/305-400-5025 Fax
✓isit us on the web at: tvww.ci.itiiami.fLus/proculement
=rom: Donna Fish[ma ilto:Donna. Fish @co.clay.fl.us]
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 10:22 AM
ro: Suarez, Maritza
Subject: RE: RFP 08/09-3 Contract Piggyback
[flat is correct as lighting was awarded as quotes on project basis.
)onna Fish, Buyer 1
'uichasing Division
7) U Box. 1366
477 Houston St
Green Cove Springs; FL 32043
Ph: 904-278-3761
Fax: 904-278-3728
From: Suarez, Maritza [mailto:msuarez@ci.miami.fl.us]
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 10:08 AM
To: Donna Fish
Cc: Cerdan, Jose; De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations); Perez, Maria
Subject: RE: RFP 08/09-3 Contract Piggyback
Donna: Thank you for getting the information to us so quickly. I have one further question:
Our Parks Department is interested in utilizing this contract for sport court lighting. Musco Sports Lighting has
provided the attached, which appears to be a copy of their bid submittal to Clay County. They did not provide
a percentage off catalog, but instead a price list for various items.
According to the IFB document, for ball park lighting services, "qualifying vendors will be requested to provide
pricing on a project by project basis as defined in the method of ordering section of this bid. The qualified
vendor providing the lowest responsive quote will be awarded the project."
Based on the above, percentage off catalog is not the method to use for sports lighting, but instead we are to
contact the two vendors qualified to provide these services and obtain quotes?
Your guidance is greatly appreciated.
Thank You.
Procurement Supervisor
City of Miami Purchasing Department
444 SW 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33130
msuarez(a ci.miami.fLus
305-416-1907 Phone
305-416-1925/305-400-5025 Fax
Visit us on the web at: www. ci. miami. fi. us/procurernent
From: Donna Fish[mailto:Donna. Fish @co.clay.fl.us]
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 9:08 AM
To: Suarez, Maritza
Subject: RE: RFP 08/09-3 Contract Piggyback
See attached bid information for 08/09-3 Park and Playground Equipment. This was awarded as a percent discount off
of catalog price and you will need to obtain current catalogs from the vendors that you use.
Thank you,
Donna Fish, Buyer 1
Purchasing Division
P O Box 1366
477 Houston St
Green Cove Springs, FL 32043
Ph: 904-278-3761
Fax: 904-278-3728
From: Suarez, Maritza [mailto:msuarez@ci.miami.fl.us]
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2010 4:25 PM
To: Donna Fish
Cc: Cerdan, Jose
Subject: RFP 08/09-3 Contract Piggyback
Hi, Donna:
The City of Miami Parks and Recreation Department has expressed an interest in piggybacking one of your
agency's existing contract. Can you please provide us with a copy of the below described RFP, award
documentation, and any applicable contract extensions/renewals.
Please also confirm whether the contract is available for other municipalities to use.
RFP: Various Equipment and Amenities for Parks and Playgrounds
Thanking you in advance for your assistance.
Procurement Supervisor
City of Miami Purchasing Department
444 Sw 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33130
305-416-1907 Phone
305-416-1925/305-400-5025 Fax
Visit us on the web at: www.ci.miami.fl.us/procurement
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