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Board of County Commissioners Addie L. Greene, Chairperson Jeff Koons, Vice Chair Karen T Marcus Robert,). 6 aniian Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Jess R. Santamaria ORI BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS NOTICE OF SOLICITATION BID #00-051 R/MM PLAYGROUND/PARK EQUIPMENT AND PARTS, TERM CONTRACT (REBID) BID OPENING DATE: MAY 29, 2008 AT 2:00 P.M. County Administrator Robert Weisman Purchasing Department www.pbcgov.com/pur It is the responsibility of the bidder to ensure that all pages are included. Therefore, all bidders are advised to closely examine this package. Any questions regarding the completeness of this package should be immediately directed to Palm Beach County Purchasing Department (561) 616-6800. It is requested that all bids be submitted in triplicate, one original and two copies. BIDDERS SHALL SUBMIT, IN A SEALED PACKAGE OR CONTAINER, AT LEAST ONE ORIGINAL, SIGNED IN INK BY AN AGENT OF THE COMPANY HAVING AUTHORITY TO BIND THE COMPANY OR FIRM, FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL BE CAUSE FOR REJECTION OF YOUR BID. Cali Bid Hotline number 795-8080 (from Palm Beach County), 425-7420 (from Broward County), or 655- 4527 (from Dade County) or tune in to the Education and Government Television Cable Channel for a list of additional advertised "Invitations for Bid" and "Requests for Proposal". The Bid Hotline also provides updates on posted award recommendations. This same information, to include posted award information, is available on our web site www.pbcgov.com/pur. Protests can be accepted only during the five (5) business day posting period. CAUTION Amendments to this Invitation for Bid will be automatically sent only to those vendors who received this document directly from Palm Beach County Purchasing Department. Palm Beach County shall not be responsible for the completeness of any Invitation for Bid package not purchased directly from Palm Beach County Purchasing Department, In accordance with the provisions of ADA, this document may be requested in an alternate format. 50 South Military Trail, Suite 110, West Palm Beach, FL 33415-3199 (561) 616-6800 FAX: (561) 61"811 Page 2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Palin Beach County INVITATION FOR BID BID NO: 08-051 R/MM BID TITLE: PLAYGROUND/PARK EQUIPMENT AND PARTS, TERM CONTRACT (REBID} PURCHASING DEPARTMENT CONTACT: MaryAnn McGee, Senior Buyer TELEPHONE NO.: 561 616-6835 FAX NO.: 561-242-6735 EMAIL ADDRESS: mmcgee a@co:palm-beach.fl.us All bid responses must be received on or before May 29, 2008 , prior to 2:00 p.m., Palm Beach County local time, at which time all bids shall be publicly opened and read. SUBMIT BID TO: Palm Beach County Purchasing Department, 50 South Military Trail, Suite 110, West Palm Beach, Florida 33415-3199. This Invitation for Bid, General Conditions, Instructions to Bidders, Special Conditions, Specifications, Attachments, Amendments (if issued), and/or any other referenced document form a part of this bid solicitation and response thereto, and by reference are made a part thereof. The selected awardee shall be bound by all terms, conditions and requirements in these documents. PURPOSE AND EFFECT: It is the purpose and intent of this invitation to secure bids for item(s) and/or services as listed herein. The selected awardee is hereby placed on notice that acceptance of its bid by Palm Beach County shall constitute a binding contract. GENERAL CONDITIONS, INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Bidders are advised that this package constitutes the complete set of specifications, terms, and conditions which forms the binding contract between Palm Beach County and the successful bidder. Changes to this invitation for bid may be made only by written amendment issued by the County Purchasing Department Bidders are further advised to closely examine every section of this document, to ensure that all sequentially numbered pages are present, and to ensure that it is fully understood. Questions or requests for explanations or interpretations of this document must be submitted to the Purchasing Department contact in writing in sufficient time to permit a written response and, if required, will be provided to all prospective bidders, prior to bid opening. Oral explanations or Instructions given by any County agent are not binding and should not be interpreted as altering any provision of this document. Bidder certifies that this bid is made without reliance on any oral representations made by the County. The obligations of Palm Beach County under this award are subject to the availability of funds lawfully appropriated for its purpose. 2. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS a. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND CODES: Federal, State, County and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that in any manner affect the Items covered herein apply. Lads of knowledge by the bidder shall in no way be a cause for relief from responsibility. The successful bidder shall strictly comply with Federal, State and local building and safety codes. Equipment shall meet all State and Federal Safety regulations, Bidder certifies that all products (materials, equipment, processes, or other items supplied in response to this bid) contained in its bid meets all ANSI., NFPA and ail other Federal and State requirements. Bidder further certifies that, if it is the successful bidder, and the product delivered is subsequently found to be deficient in any of the aforementioned requirements In effect on date of delivery, all costs necessary to bring the product into compliance shall be bome by the bidder. In compliance with Chapter 442, Florida Statutes, any toxic substance resulting from this bid shall be accompanied by a properly =mpleted Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). The Uniform Commercial Code (Florida Statutes, Chapter 672) shall prevail as the basis for contractual obligations between the successful bidder and Palm Beach County for any terms and conditions not specifically stated in the Invitation for Bid. b. DISCRIMINATION PROHIBITED: Palm Beach County is committed to assuring equal opportunity in the award of contracts and complies with all laws prohibiting discrimination. The successful bidder is prohibited from discriminating against any employee, applicant, or client because of race, color, religion, disability, sex, age, national origin, ancestry, marital status, or sexual orientation. c. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR RELATIONSHIP: The successful bidder is, and shall be, In the performance of all work, services, and activities under this Contract, an independent Contractor and not an employee, agent, or servant of the COUNTY. All persons engaged in any of the work or services performed pursuant to this Contract shall at all times, and in all places, be subject to the successful bidders sole direction, supervision, and control. The successful bidder shall exercise control over the means and manner In which it and Its employees perform the work, and in all respects the successful bidder's relationship, and the relationship of its employees, to the COUNTY shall be that of an Independent Contractor and not as employees or agents of the COUNTY. d. CRIMINAL HISTORY RECORDS CHECK ORDINANCE: Pursuant to Ordinance 2003-030, the Palm Beach County Criminal History Records Check Ordinance Mrdinance"), the County shall conduct fingerprint based criminal history record checks on all persons not employed by the County who repair, deliver, or provide goods or services for, to, or on trehallf of the County. A fingerprint based criminal history record check shall be conducted on all employees and subcontractors of vendors, including repair persons and delivery persons, who are unescorted when entering a facility determined to be critical to the public safety and security of the County. County facilities that require this heightened level of security are identified in Resolution R-2003-1274, as may be amended. The bidder is solely responsible for understanding the financial, schedule, and staffing implications of this Ordinance. Further, the bidder acknowledges that its bid price incudes any and all direct or indirect costs associated with compliance of this Ordinance, except for the applicable FDLE/FBI fees that shall be paid by the County. s. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES: F.S. 2137.133 requires Palm Beach County to notify all bidders of the following: "A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in F.S. 287.017 for CATEGORY TWO fcr a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list." f. NON -COLLUSION: Bidder certifies that it has entered Into no agreement to commit a fraudulent, deceitful, unlawful, or wrongful act, or any act which may result in unfair advantage for one or more bidders over other bidders. Conviction for the Commission of any fraud or act of collusion in connection with any sale, bid, quotation, proposal or other act incident to doing business with Palm Beach County may result in permanent debarment No premiums, rebates or gratuities are permitted; either with, prior to or after any delivery of material or provision of services. Any such violation may result in award cancellation, return of materials, discontinuation of services, removal from the vendor bid list(s), and/or debarment or suspension from doing business with Palm Beach County. g. LOBBYING: Bidders are advised that the 'Palm Beach County Lobbyist Registration Ordinance' prohibits a bidder or anyone representing the bidder from communicating with any County Commissioner, County Commissioner's staff, or any employee authorized to act on behalf of the Commission to award a particular contract regarding its bid, i.e., a "Cone of Silence". The 'Cone of Silence" is in effect from the date/time of the deadline for submission of the bid, and terminates at the time that the Board of County Commissioners, or a County Department authorized to act on their behalf, awards or approves a contract, rejects all bids; or otherwise takes action which ends the solicitation process. Bidders may, however, contact any County Commissioner, County Commissioner's staff, or any employee authorized to act on behalf of the Commission to award a particular contract, via written communication I,e., facsimile, e-mail or U.S. mail. Violations of the "Cone of Silence" are punishable by a fine of $250.00 per violation. h. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: All bidders shall disclose with their bid the name of any officer, director, or agent who is also an employee or a relative of an employee of Palm Beach County_ Further, all bidders shall disclose the name of any County employee or relative of a County employee who owns, directly or indirectly, an interest of ten percent or more in the bidder's firm or any of its branches. i. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: The County and the successful bidder each binds itself and its successors and assigns to the other party in respect to all provisions of this ContracL Neither the County nor the successful bidder shall assign, sublet, convey or transfer its interest in this Contract without the prior written consent of the other. j. INDEMNIFICATION: Regardless of the coverage provided by any insurance, the successful bidder shall indemnify, save harmless and defend the County, its agents, servants, or employees from and against any and all claims, liability, losses and/or causes of action which may arise from any negligent act or omission of the successful bidder, its subcontractors, agents, servants or employees during the course of performing services or caused by the goods provided pursuant to these bid documents and/or resultant contract k. PUBLIC RECORDS: Any material submitted in response to this invitafion for bid is considered a public document in accordance with Section 119.07, F.S. chis includes material which the responding bidder might consider to be confidential or a trade secret Any claim of confidentiality is waived upon submission, effective after opening pursuant to Section 119.07, F.S. I. INCORPORATION, PRECEDENCE, JURISDICTION: This Invitation for Bid shall be included and incorporated in the final award. The order of contractual precedence shall be the bid document (original terms and conditions), bid response, and purchase order or term contract order. Any and all legal action necessary to enforce the award or the resultant contract shall be held in Palm Beach County and the contractual obligations shall be interpreted according to the laws of Florida. Page 3 m. LEGAL EXPENSES: The County shall not be liable to a bidder for any legal fees, court costs, or other legal expenses arising from the interpretation or enforcement of this contract, or from any other matter generated by or relating to this contract- 3. ontract 3. BID SUBMISSION a. SUBMISSION OF RESPONSES: All bid responses must be submitted on the provided Invitation for Bid "Response" Form. Bid responses on vendor letterhead/quotation forms shall not be accepted. Responses must be typewritten or written in ink, and must be signed in ink by an agent of the company having authority to bind the company or firm. FAILURE TO SIGN THE BID RESPONSE FORM AT THE INDICATED PLACES SHALL BE CAUSE FOR REJECTION OF THE BID. Bid responses are to be submitted to the Palm Beach County Purchasing Department no later than the time indicated on the solicitation preamble, and must be submitted in a sealed envelope or container, which should have the enclosed address label affixed and bearing the bid number, b. CERTIFICATIONS, LICENSES AND PERMITS: Unless otherwise directed in sub -paragraph d. (Local Preference) or the Special Conditions of this bid, bidder should include with its bid a copy of all applicable Certificates of Competency issued by the State of Florida or the Palm Beach County Construction Industry licensing Board in the name of the bidder shown on the bid response page. It shall also be the responsibility of the successful bidder to submit, prior to commencement of work, a current Occupational License for Palm Beach County and all permits required to complete this contractual service at no additional cost to Palm Beach County. A Palm Beach County Occupational license is required unless specifically exempted by law. In lieu of a Palm Beach County occupational license, the bidder should include the current occupational license issued to the bidder in the response. It is the responsibility of the successful bidder to ensure that all required certifications, licenses and permits are maintained in force and current throughout the germ of the contract. Failure to meet this requirement shall be considered default of contract. C. SBE BID DOCUMENT LANGUAGE Rem 1 -Policy It is the policy of the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Florida, that SBE(s) have the maximum practical opportunity to participate In the competitive process of supplying goods and services to the County. To that end, the Hoard of County Commissioners established Ordinance No. 2002-064, which sets forth the County's requirements for the SBE program, and are Incorporated in this solicitation. Compliance with the requirements contained in this section shall result in a bidder being deemed responsive to SBE requirements. The provisions of this Ordinance are applicable to this solicitation, and shall have precedence over the provisions of this solicitation in the event of a conflict. Although preferences will not be extended to certified K&WBEs, unless otherwise provided by law, businesses eligible for certification as an M/WBE are encouraged to maintain their certification in order to assist in the tracking of MOBE availability and awards of contracts to M/WBEs. This Information is vital to determining whether race and gender neutral programs assist MIWBE firms or whether race and gender preferences are necessary in order to address any continued discrimination in the market item 2 -SBE Goals The County has established a minimum goal of 15% SBE participation for all County solicitations. This goal is a minimum, and no rounding shall be accepted. Item 3 - Ranklnu of Responsive Bidders Bidders who meet the SBE goal shall be deemed to be responsive to the SBE requirement When evacuating competitive bids of up to one million dollars ($1,000,000) in which the apparent low bidder is determined to be non-responsive to the SBE requirement, the contract shall be awarded to the low bidder responsive to the SBE requirement, or, In the event there are no bidders responsive to the SBE requirement, to the.. bidder with the greatest SBE participation in excess of seven percent (7%) participation, as long as the bid does not exceed the low bid amount by ten percent (10%). In cases where the low bid exceeds one million dollars ($1,000,000), the contract shall be awarded to the low bidder responsive to the SBE requirements, or, in the event there are no bidders responsive to the SBE requirements, to the bidder with the greatest SBE participation in excess of seven percent (7%) participation, provided that such bid does not exceed the low bid otherwise responsive to the bid requirements by more than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) plus three percent (3%) of the total bid in excess of one million dollars ($1,000,000). Item 4 - Bid Submission Documentation SBE bidders, bidding as prime contractors, .are advised that they must complete Schedule 1 listing the work to be performed by their own workforce as well as the work to be performed by any SBE or MM1BE subcontractor. Failure to Include this information on Schedule 1 will result in the participation by the SBE prime bidders own workforce NOT being counted towards meeting the SBE goal. This requirement applies even if the SBE contractor intends to perform 100% of the work with their own workforce_ Bidders are required to submit with their bid the appropriate SBE-MNVBE schedules in order to be deemed responsive to the SBE requirements. SBE-MNVBE documentation to be submitted is as follows: Schedule 1 - List of Proposed SBE and M/WBE Prime Subcontractors This list shall contain the names of all SBE and M/WBE subcontractors intended to be used in performance of the contract, if awarded. The type of work to be performed by each subcontractor and the dollar value or percentage shall also be specified. This schedule shall also be used if an SBE prime bidder is utilizing ANY subcontractors. Schedule(s) 2 - Letter(s) of Intent to Perform as an SBE or MiWBE Subcontractor One Schedule 2 for each SBE and MIWBE Subcontractor listed on Schedule 1 shall be completed and executed by the proposed SBE and MIWBE Subcontractor. Additional copies may be made as needed. Item 5 - SBE Certification Only those firms certified by Palm Beach County at the time of bid opening shall be counted toward the established SBE goals. Upon receipt of a complete application, 1T TAKES UP TO SIXTY (60) DAYS TO BECOME CERTIFIED AS AN SBE WITH PALM BEACH COUNTY. It is the responsibility of the bidder to confirm the certification of any proposed SBE; therefore, it is recommended that bidders contact the OSBA at (561) 61&6840 to verify certification. Item 6 - Counting SBE Participation (and MIWBE Participation for Tracking Purposes) 6.1 Once a firm is determined to be an eligible SBE according to the Palm Beach County certification procedures, the County or the Prime may count toward its SBE goals only that portion of the total dollar value of a contract performed by the SBE. 6.2 The total dollar value of a contract with an eligible SBE may be counted toward the goal. 6.3 The County may count toward Its SBE goals the total value of a contract awarded to an eligible SBE firm that subsequently is decertified or whose certification has expired after a contract award date or during the performance of the contract 6.4 The County or Prime may count toward Its SBE goal a portion of the total dollar value of a contract with a joint venture, eligible under the standards for certification, equal to the percentage of the ownership and control of the SBE partner in the joint venture. Page 4 6.5 The County or Prime may count toward its SBI= goal the entire expenditures for materials and equipment purchased by an SBE subcontractor, provided that the SBE subcontractor has the responsibility for the installation of the purchased materials and equipment. 6.6 The County or Prime may count the entire expenditure to an SBE manufacturer (i,e., a supplier that produces goods from raw materials or substantially alters the goods before resale), 6.7 The County or Prime may count sixty percent (60%) of its expenditure to SBE suppliers that are not manufacturers. 6.8 The County or Prime may count toward its SBE goal second and third tiered SBE subcontractors, provided that the Prime identifies the SBE subcontractors as second and third tier subs in their bid submittal. Item 7 - Responsibii)Ues After Contract Award All bidders hereby assure that they shall meet the SBE participation percentages submitted in their respective bids with the subcontractors contained on Schedules 1 & 2 and at the dollar values specified. Bidders agree to provide any additional information requested by the County to substantiate participation_ The successful bidder shall submit an SBE-M/WBE Activity Form (Schedule 3) and SBE-MIWBE Payment Certification Forms (Schedule 4) with each payment application. Failure to provide these forms may result in a delay in processing payment or disapproval .of the invoice until they are submitted. The SBE-MIWBE Activity Form is to be filled out by the Prime Contractor and the SBE-M/WBE Payment Certification Forms are to be executed by the SBE or MNVBE firm to verify receipt of payment. Item 8 - SBE Substitutions After contract award, the sucoessful bidder shall only be permitted to replace a certified SBE subcontractor who is unwilling or unable to perform. Such substitution must be done with other certified SBEs in order to maintain the SBE percentages submitted with the bid_ Requests for substitutions must be submitted to the Department issuing the bid and the OSSA. Note: Where there is a conflict between the Local Preference Ordinance and the SBE Ordinance, the SBE Ordinance shall prevail. d. LOCAL PREFERENCE: In accordance with the Palm Beach County Local Preference Ordinance, a preference will be given to bidders who have a permanent place of business in Palm Beach County and who hold a valid occupational license issued by the County that authorizes the bidder to provide the goods or services to be purchased. Local preference means that if the lowest responsive, responsible bidder is a regional or non -local business, then all bids received from responsive, responsible local bidders are decreased by 5%. The original bid amount is not changed; the 5% decrease is calculated only for the purposes of determining local preference. To receive a local preference, a bidder must have a permanent place of business in existence 2E12r to the County's issuance of this Notice of SolicitatioMnvitabon for Bid. Prior to the County's issuance means the date that the Notice of Solicitation/Invitation for Bid was advertised in the Palm Beach Post. A permanent place of business means that the bidder's headquarters is located in Palm Beach County; or, the bidder has a permanent office or other site in Palm Beach County where the bidder will produce a substantial portion of the goods or services to be purchased. A valid occupational license issued by the Palm Beach County Tax Collector shall be used to verify that the bidder had a permanent place of business prior to the issuance of this Notice of Solicitationllnvitation for Bid. A Palm Beach County Occupational license is required unless specifically exempted by law. In lieu of a Palm Beach County occupational license, the bidder shall include the current occupational license issued to the bidder In the response. Please note that the bid submitted to Palm Beach County must be from an address located within Palm Beach County in order for local preference to apply. The bidder must submit the attached `Certification of Business Location" at the time of bid submission. Failure to submit this information shall cause the bidder to not receive a local preference. Palm Beach County may require a bidder to provide additional infonnation. for clarification purposes at anytime prior to the award of the contract. e. DRUG FREE WORKPLACE CERTIFICATION: In compliance with Florida Statute (Section 287.087) attached form "Drug -Free Workplace Certification" should be fully executed and submitted with bid response in order to be considered for a preference whenever two (2) or more bids which are equal with respect to price, quality, and service are received by Palm Beach County. f. CONDITIONED OFFERS: Bidders are cautioned that any condition, qualification, provision, or comment in their bid, or in other correspondence transmitted with their bid, which in any way modifies, takes exception to, or is inconsistent with the specifications, requirements, or any of the terns, conditions, or provisions of this solicitation, is sufficient cause for the rejection of their bid as non- responsive. g. PRICING: (1) Prices offered must be the price for new merchandise and free from defect Unless specifically requested in the bid specifications, any bids containing modifying or escalation clauses shall be rejected. (2) The price offered must be in accordance with the unit of measure provided on the bid response page(s). One (1) space or line requires only one (1) single, fixed unit price. Anything other than a single, fixed unit price shall result in the rejection of your bid. (3) Bidder warrants by virtue of bidding that prices shall remain firm for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of bid opening or other time stated in special conditions. (4) In the event of mathematical error(s), the unit price shall prevail and the bidder's total offer shall be corrected accordingly. BIDS HAVING ERASURES OR CORRECTIONS MUST BE INITIALED IN INK BY THE BIDDER PRIOR TO BID OPENING. iF THE CORRECTION IS NOT PROPERLY INITIALED, OR IF THE INTENT OR LEGIBILITY OF THE CORRECTION IS NOT CLEAR, THE BID SHALL BE REJECTED. (5) Bidders may offer a cash discount for prompt payment. However, such discounts shall not be considered in determining the lowest net cost for bid evaluation purposes unless otherwise specified in the special conditions. Bidders should reflect any discounts to be considered in the unit prices bid. h_ SUBMITTING NO BID or NO CHARGE: Bidders not wishing to bid on some items sought by this solicitation should mark those items as "no bid." If some items are to be offered at no charge, bidders should mark those items as "no charge," items left blank shall be considered a "no bid" for that item, and the bid shall be evaluated accordingly. Bidders who do not wish to submit bids on any item in this solicitation, should return a "Statement of No Bid" in an envelope plainly marked with the bid number and marked "NO BID." ACCEPTANCEiREJECTION OF BIDS: Palm Beach County reserves the right to accept or to reject any or all bids. Palm Beach County also reserves the right to (1) waive any non -substantive irregularities and technicalities; (2) reject the bid of any bidder who has previously failed in the proper performance of a contract of a similar nature, who has been suspended or debarred by another governmental entity, or who is not in a position to perform properly under this award; and (3) inspect all facilities of bidders in order to make a determination as to its abillty to perform. Palm Beach County reserves the right to reject any offer or bid if the prices for any line !terns or subline items are materially unbalanced. An offer is materially unbalanced if it Is mathematically unbalanced, and if there is reason to believe that the offer would DQt result in the lowest overall cost to the County, even though it is the lowest evaluated offer. An offer is mathematically unbalanced if it is based on prices which are significantly less than fair market price for some bid line item and significantly greater than fair market price for other bid line items_ Fair market price shall be determined based on industry standards, comparable bids or offers, existing contracts, or other means of establishing a range of current prices for which the line items may be obtained in the market place. The determination of whether a Page 5 particular offer or bid is materially unbalanced shall be made in writing by the Purchasing Director, citing the basis for the determination. NON-EXCLUSIVE: The County reserves the right to acquire some or all of these goods and services through a State of Florida contract under the provisions of Section 287.042, Florida Statutes, provided the State of Florida contract offers a lower price for the same goods and services. This reservation applies both to the initial award of this solicitation and to acquisition after a term contract may be awarded. Additionally, Palm Beach County reserves the right to award other contracts for goods and services falling within the scope of this solicitation and resultant contract when the specifications differ from this solicitation or resultant contract, or for goods and services specified in this solicitation when the scope substantially differs from this solicitation or resultant contract. k. OFFER EXTENDED TO OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ENTTr1ES: Palm Beach County encourages and agrees to the successful bidder extending the pricing, terms and conditions of this solicitation or resultant contract to other governmental entities at the discretion of the successful bidder - PERFORMANCE DURING EMERGENCY: By submitting a bid, bidder agrees and promises that, during and after a public emergency, disaster, hurricane, flood, or acts of God, Palm Beach County shall be given "first priority` for all goods and services under this contract. Bidder agrees to provide all goods and services to Palm Beach County during and after the emergency/disaster at the terms, conditions, and prices as provided in this solicitation, and with a priority above, a preference over, sales to the private sector. Bidder shall furnish a 24- hour phone number to the County in the event of such an emergency. Failure to provide the stated prioritylpreference during and after an emergency/disaster shall constitute breach of contract and make the bidder subject to sanctions from further business with the County. 4. BID OPENINGIAWARD OF BID a. OBSERVING THE PUBLISHED BID OPENING TiME: The published bid opening time shall be scrupulously observed. It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to ensure that their bid arrives in the Purchasing Department prior to the published bid opening time. Any bid delivered after the precise time of bid opening shall not be considered, and shall be returned to the bidder unopened if bidder identification is possible without opening, Bid responses by telephone, telegram, or facsimile shall not be acoepted. Bidders shall not be allowed to modify their bids after the published bid opening time. b. POSTING OF AWARD RECOMMENDATION: Recommended awards shall be publicly posted for review, at the Purchasing Department prior to final approval, and shall remain posted for a period of five (5) business days. Bidders desiring a copy of the bid posting summary may request same by enclosing a self-addressed, stamped envelope with their bid. (NOTE: As a service to bidders, the County provides an unofficial list of award postings on our web site at www.pbcgov.com/pur and on our bid holAne, telephone 561-795- 8080_ These listings are updated weekly, normally on Friday. If any discrepancy between these listings and the official posting in the Purchasing Department, the latter shall prevail.) G PROTEST PROCEDURE: Protest procedures are provided in the Palm Beach County Purchasing Code_ Protests must be submitted in writing, addressed to the Director of Purchasing, via hand delivery, mail or fax to 5611242-6705. Protest must identify the solicitation, specify the basis for the protest, and be received by the Purchasing Department within five (5) business days of the posting date of the recommended award. The protest is considered filed when it is received by the Purchasing Department. Failure to file protest as outlined in the Palm Beach County Purchasing Code shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under the referenced County Code. 5. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION a. DELIVERY AND ACCEPTANCE: Deliveries of all Items shall be made as soon as possible. Deliveries resulting from this bid are to be made during the normal working hours of the County. Time is of the essence and delivery dates must be met. Should the successful bidder fail to deliver on or before the stated dates, the County reserves the right to CANCEL the order or contract and make the purchase Page 6 elsewhere. The successful bidder shall be responsible for making any and all claims against carriers foi missing or damaged items. Delivered items shall not be considered "accepted" until an authorized agent fm Palm Beach County has, by inspection or test of such items, determined that they appear to fully comply with specifications. The Board of County Commissioners may return, at the expense of the. successful bidder and for full credit, any item(s) received which fail to meet the County's specifications or performance standards. b. FEDERAL AND STATE TAX: Palm Beach County is exempt from Federal and State taxes. The authorized agent for Purchasing shall provide an exemption certificate to the successful bidder, upon request. Successful bidders are not exempted from paying saies tax to their suppliers for materials to fulfill contractual obligations with the County, nor are successful bidders authorized to use the County's Tax Exemption Number in securing such materials. c. PAYMENT: Payment shall be made by the County after commoditieslservioes have been received, accepted and property invoiced as indicated in the contract and/or order. Invoices must bear the order number. The Florida Prompt Payment Act is applicable to this solicitation. d. CHANGES: The Director of Purchasing, Palm Beach County, by written notification to the successful bidder may make minor changes to the contract terns_ Minor changes are defined as modifications which do not significantly alter the scope, nature, or price of the specified goods or services. Typical minor changes include, but are not limited to, place of delivery, method of shipment, minor revisions to customized work specifications, and administration of the contract. The successful bidder shalt not amend any provision of the contract without written notification to the Director of Purchasing, and written acceptance from the Director of Purchasing or the Board of County Commissioners. e. DEFAULT: The County may, by written notice of default to the successful bidder, terminate the contract in whole or in part if the successful bidder fails to satisfactorily perform any provisions of this solicitation or resultant contract, or fails to make progress so as to endanger performance under the terms and conditions of this solicitation or resultant contract, or provides repeated non- performance, or does not remedy such failure within a period of 10 days (or such period as the Director of Purchasing may authorize in wilting) after receipt of notice from the Director of Purchasing specifying such failure. In the event the County terminates this contract in whole or In part because of default of the successful bidder, the County may procure goods and/or services similar to those terminated, and the successful bidder shall be liable for any excess costs incurred due to this action. If it is determined that the successful bidder was not in default or that the default was excusable (e.g., failure due to causes beyond the control of, or without the fault or negligence of, the successful bidder), the rights and obligations of the parties shall be those provided in Section 5f, 'Termination for Convenience." TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE: The Director of Purchasing may, whenever the interests of the County so require, terminate the contract, in whole or in part, for the convenience of the County. The Director of Purchasing shall give five (5) days prior written notice of termination to the successful bidder, specifying the portions of the contract to be terminated and when the termination is to become effedive. If only portions of the contract are terminated, the successful bidder has the right to withdraw, without adverse action, from the entire contract. Unless directed differently in the notice of termination, the successful bidder shall incur no further obligations in connection with the terminated work, and shall stop work to the extent specified and on the date given In the notice of termination. Additionally, unless directed differently, the successful bidder shalt terminate outstanding orders and/or subcontracts related to the terminated work. THIS IS THE END OF "GENERAL CONDITIONS." PaSe 7 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 6. OENERAUSPECIAL CONDITION PRECEDENCE In the event of conflict between General Conditions and Special Conditions, the provisions of the Special Conditions shall have precedence. 7. QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS This bid shall be awarded only to a responsive and responsible bidder, qualified to provide the goods and/or service specified. The bidder shall, upon request, promptly furnish the County sufficient evidence in order to confirm a satisfactory performance record. Such information may include an adequate financial statement of resources, the ability to comply with required or proposed delivery or performance schedule, a satisfactory record of integrity and business ethics, the necessary organization, experience, accounting and operation controls, and technical skills, and be otherwise qualified and eligible to receive an award under applicable laws and regulations. The bidder should submit the following information with their bid response; however, if not included, it shall be the responsibility of the bidder to submit all evidence, as solicited, within a time frame specified by the County (normally within two working days of request). Failure of a bidder to provide the required information within the specified time frame is considered sufficient cause for rejection of their bid. Information submitted with a previous bid shall not satisfy this provision. A. List a minimum of three 3 references in which similar goods and/or services have been provided within the past three 3 years including scope of work, contact names, addresses, telephone numbers and dates of service. A contact person shall be someone who has personal knowledge of the bidder's performance for the specific requirement listed. Contact person must have been informed that they are being used as a reference and that the County may be calling them. DO NOT list persons who are unable to answer specific questions regarding the requirement/ B. The bidder, if not the manufacturer, must provide written evidence, from the manufacturer, which states that the bidder is an authorized dealerldistributorlreseller of the manufacturer 8. CRIMINAL HISTORY RECORDS CHECK This solicitation includes sites and/or buildings which have been designated as "critical facilities" pursuant to Ordinance 2003- 030 and Resolution R-2003-1274, as may be amended. Therefore, prior to the award of any contract, the recommended awardee(s) must comply with all the requirements of this solicitation, i.e. Criminal History Records Check Ordinance. County staff representing the user Department will contact the recommended awardee(s) and provide additional instructions for meeting the requirements of this Ordinance. A contract shall not be awarded unless the recommended awardee meets the requirements established by the Electronic Services and Security Division of the Facilities Development and Operations Department. 9. AWARD (rrEM-BY-ITEM) LOT 1 Palm Beach County shall award this bid to the bidder offering the greatest single fixed percentage discount from the manufacturer's current list price on an item by item basis. Additionally, columns "A (equipment) and "B" (parts) shall be considered and evaluated independently when making an "item by item" award recommendation. LOT II Palm Beach County shall award this bid to the bidder offering either the greatest single fixed percentage discount (- } from the manufacturer's current list price or the smallest single fixed percentage in addition (+) to the manufacturer's current list price whichever is determined to be in the best interest of the Palm Beach County on an item by item basis. Pages 8 14. CATALOGS, MANUFACTURER SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICES (MSRP-, ETC. Upon request, the successful bidder shall supply at no charge current catalogs andior MSRP's for all awarded manufacturers. The successful bidder shall up -date and keep all catalogs and MSRP's current throughout the term of the contract. When a revision to the manufacturer's catalog and/or MSRP occurs which includes the addition of new products within the scope of this solicitation, the discount and net price of the new products must be equal to or better than the discount and price of items originally included in this solicitation. Upon award, the successful bidder shall supply one copy of the appropriate catalog(s) and/or MSRP to: Palm Beach County Finance Department Supervisor, Pre -Audit Division P.O. Box 4036 West Palm Beach, Florida 33402-4036 (561) 355-3011 Note: All Catalogs and/or MSRP's shall clearly identify the term contract number and the successful bidder's name, address and telephone number. Additionally, catalogs and/or MSRP's created by the bidder, if not the manufacturer, will not satisfy this requirement. 11. INVOICES — LOT I (PURCHASE AND DELIVERY) When invoicing the County for goods purchased and delivered under this solicitation, the successful bidder must provide complete, accurate invoices which must include for every item purchased a unique catalog number, a definitive description, the catalog/list price, and the invoiced price. If the applicable catalog does not provide unique numbers, the description of the item must be sufficiently accurate to s ecificall identifythe goods provided to the County. Example: Invoice shall include: Item # Description Part # List Price Discount Discount Price {tY Total 1. Tire.Swing #123 $2,495.00 1 25% $1,571.25 2 $3,142.50 12. INVOICES- LOT II (PURCHASE, DELIVERY & INSTALLATION) When invoicing the County for goods purchased, delivered and installed (uncrate, assembled and placed on site) under this solicitation, the successful bidder must provide complete, accurate invoices which must include for every item purchased a unique catalog number, a definitive description, the catalog/list price, and the invoiced price. If the applicable catalog does not provide unique numbers, the description of the item must be sufficiently accurate to specifically identify the goods provided to the Count . Exam le: Invoice shall include: Item # Descrigtion Part # List Price Discount Discount Price Q�t Total 1. Tire Swing#123 $2,095.00 +10% $2,304.50 2 $ 4,609.00 13. AUDIT All items sold to Palm Beach County as a result of this bid award are subject to post sale audit adjustment_ In the event an audit indicates the successful bidder has not honored quoted price lists and discounts, the successful bidder shall be liable for any and all overage charges, and may be considered in default of this contract. 14. METHOD OF ORDERING (TERM CONTRACT) A contract shall be issued for a term of 24 (twenty-four) months or until the estimated amount is expended, at the discretion of the County. The County will order on an "as needed" basis. 15. DELIVERY (LOTS I & 11) Delivery shall be required within sixty 60 calendar days after receipt of term contract delivery order (DO) unless a modified delivery date has been requested by the successful bidder and approved in writing by the Purchasing Department or the designated County representative. f=ailure of the successful bidder to perform to the delivery requirement is sufficient cause for default and termination of the contract. 16. AS SPECIFIED A term contract delivery order (DO) will be issued to the successful bidder with the understanding that all items delivered must meet the specifications herein. Palm Beach County will return, at the expense of the successful bidder, items not delivered as specified. Page 9 At the option of Palm Beach County, item(s) from any delivery may be submitted tc an independent testing laboratory to determine conformityto respective specifications. Bidders shall assume full responsibility for payment of anis and -all charges for testing and analysis of any product offered or delivered that does not conform to the n-,inimum required specifications. 17. ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES The anticipated term of the contract to be awarded as a result of this bid is for twenty-four (24) months. The anticipated value during the contract term is $100,000. Palm Beach County reserves the right to increase or decrease the anticipated value as necessary to meet actual requirements, and to rebid for the contracted goods and services at any time after the anticipated value of this contract has been reached, notwithstanding that the anticipated term has not been completed. 18. WARRANTY The successful bidder shall furnish factory/manufacturer warranty an all equipment furnished hereunder against defect in materials and/or workmanship. The factory/manufacturer warranty shall become effective on the date of delivery and acceptance by Palm Beach County. Should any defect in materials or workmanship, excepting ordinary wear and tear, appear during the above stated warranty period, the successful bidder shall repair or replace same at no cost to Palm Beach County. 19. WORK SITE SAFETYISECURITY The successful bidder shall at all times guard against damage or loss to the property of Palm Beach County, the bidder's own property, and/or that of other contractors, and shall be held responsible for replacing or repairing any such loss or damage. When applicable, the successful bidder shall provide fences, signs, barricades, flashing lights, etc. necessary to protect and secure the work site(s) and insure that all County, State of Florida, OSHA, and other applicable safety regulations are met. Additionally, successful bidder shall provide for the prompt removal of all debris from Palm Beach County property. Palm Beach County may withhold payment or make such deductions as deemed necessary to ensure reimbursement or replacement for loss or damage to property through negligence of the successful bidder or its agents. 20. INSURANCE REQUIRED LOT 1 ONLY (PURCHASE/DELIVERY) It shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder to provide evidence of the following minimum amounts of insurance coverage to Palm Beach County, c/o Purchasing Department, Attention Buyer, 50 South Military Trail, Suite 110, West Palm Beach, Florida 33415. During the term of the Contract and prior to each subsequent renewal thereof, the successful bidder shall provide this evidence to the County prior to the expiration date of each and every insurance required herein. Commercial General Liability Insurance. Successful bidder shall maintain Commercial General Liability Insurance, or similar form, at a limit of liability not less than $500,000 Each Occurrence for Bodily Injury, Personal Injury and Property Damage Liability. Coverage shall include Premises and/or Operations, Independent Contractors, Products and/or Completed operations, Personal Injury/Advertising Liability, Contractual Liability and Broad Form Property Damage coverages. Coverage for the hazards of explosion, collapse and underground property damage (X -C -U) must also be included when applicable to the work to be performed. This coverage shall be endorsed to include Palm Beach County as an Additional Insured. Business Auto Liability Insurance. Successful bidder shall maintain Business Auto Liability Insurance at a limit of liability not less than $500,000 Combined Single Limit Each Accident for all owned, non -owned, and hired automobiles. (In this context, the term "Autos" is interpreted to mean any land motor vehicle, trailer or semi trailer designed for travel on public roads.) in the event successful bidder neither owns nor leases automobiles, the Business Auto Liability requirement shall be amended allowing successful bidder to maintain only Hired & Non -Owned auto Liability. This amended requirement may be satisfied by way of endorsement to the Commercial General Liability, or separate Business Auto coverage form_ Workers' Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance. Successful bidder shall maintain Workers' Compensation & Employer's Liability Insurance in accordance with Florida Statute Chapter 440. A signed Certificate or Certificates of Insurance, evidencing that required insurance coverages have been procured by the successful bidder in the types and amounts required hereunder shall be transmitted to the County via the Insurance Company/Agent within a time frame specified by the County (normally within 2 working days of request). Failure to provide required insurance shall render your bid non responsive_ Except as to Business Auto, Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability (and Professional liability, when applicable), said Certificates) shall clearly confirm that coverage required by the contract has been endorsed to include Palm Beach County as an Additional Insured. Page 10 Further, said Certificate(s) shall endeavor to provide ten (10) days written notice to County,,%prior to any adverse change cancellation or non -renewal of coverage thane under. It is the responsibility of the successful bidder to ensure that all required insurance coverages are maintained in force throughout the term of the contract. Failure to maintain the required insurance shall be considered default of contract. Successful bidder shall agree to provide the County with at least. ten (10) days prior notice of any cancellation, non -renewal or material change to the insurance .coverages. All insurance must be acceptable to and approved by County as to form, types of coverage and acceptability of the insurers providing coverage. Bidder shall agree that all insurance coverage required herein shall be provided by Bidder to County on a primary basis. 21. INSURANCE REQUIRED LOT II ONLY (PURCHASE/DELIVERY/INSTALLATION) It shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder to provide evidence of the following minimum amounts of insurance coverage to Palm Beach County, c/o Purchasing Department, Attention Buyer, 50 South Military Trail, Suite 110, West Palm Beach, Florida 33415. During the term of the Contract and prior to each subsequent renewal thereof, the successful bidder shall provide this evidence to the County prior to the expiration date of each and every insurance required herein_ Commercial General Liability, or similar form, shall have minimum limits of $500,000 Per Occurrence Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury, Personal Injury and Property Damage Liability. Coverage shall include Premises and/or Operations, Independent Contractors, Products and/or Completed Operations, Personal Injury/Advertising Liability, Contractual Liability and Broad Form Property Damage coverages. Coverage for the hazards of explosion, collapse and underground property damage (X -C -U) must also be included when applicable to the work to be performed_ This coverage shall be endorsed to include Palm Beach County as an Additional Insured. Business Auto Policy, or similar form, shall have minimum limits of $500,000 Per Occurrence Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability. Coverage shall include coverage for all Owned Autos, Hired Autos and Non - owned Autos. (In this context, the term "Autos" is interpreted to mean any land motor vehicle, trailer or semi trailer designed for travel on public roads.) Note: When applicable, if the designated sub -contractor is responsible for the installation then proof of Business Auto Policy, or similar form, must be provided by the sub -contractor. Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability coverage is required for all personnel who work on this project. This shall include the personnel of the contractor and any subcontractors, regardless of the size of the company. Exemptions for small companies shall not be accepted. Coverage must include Employer's Liability with minimum limits of $100,000 Each Accident, $500,000 Disease -Policy Limit, $100,000 Disease -Each Employee. Note: When applicable, if the designated sub -contractor is responsible for the installation then proof of Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability must be provided by the sub -contractor. A signed Certificate or Certificates of Insurance, evidencing that required insurance coverages have been procured by the successful bidder in the types and amounts required hereunder shall be transmitted to the County via the Insurance Company/Agent within a time frame specified by the County (normally within 2 working days of request). Failure to provide required insurance shall render your bid non responsive. Except as to Business Auto, Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability (and Professional liability, when applicable), said Certificate(s) shall clearly confirm that coverage required by the contract has been endorsed to include Palm Beach County as an Additional Insured. Further, said Certificate(s) shall endeavor to provide ten (10) days written notice to County prior to any adverse change, cancellation or non -renewal of coverage there under. It is the responsibility of the successful bidder to ensure that all required insurance coverages are maintained in force throughout the term of the contract. Failure to maintain the required insurance shall be considered default of contract. Successful bidder shall agree to provide the County with at least ten (10) days prior notice of any cancellation, non -renewal or material change to the insurance coverages. All insurance must be acceptable to and approved by County as to form, types of coverage and acceptability of the insurers providing coverage. Bidder shall agree that all insurance coverage required herein shall be provided by Bidder to County on a primary basis SPECIFICATIONS BID #08-051 RIMM PLAYGROUND/PARK EQUIPMENT AND PARTS, TERM CONTRACT (REBID) PURPOSE AND INTENT: Page 11 The purpose and intent of this Invitation for Bid (IFB) is to secure a single, fixed percentage discount from manufacturer's current price list for the purchase and delivery of various Playground & Park Equipment and Parts in accordance with specifications/requirements stated herein. Additionally, it shall also secure a single, fixed percentage (plus + or minus -) based on manufacturer's current price list for purchase, delivery and installation of various Playground & Park Equipment in accordance with specifications/requirements stated herein. Note: Playground & Park Equipment may be required at any location within Palm Beach County, ONLY THE REFERENCED MANUFACTURERS ON THE BID RESPONSE PAGE WILL BE CONSIDERED_ Fixed Percentage: LOT I - PURCHASE AND DELIVERY ONLY Bidder shall indicate on Bid Response page their single fixed percentage discount to be deducted from the manufacturer's current list prices. NOTE: It is understood that current price lists are subject to change; however, percentages shall remain fixed. LOT li - PURCHASE. DELIVERY & INSTALLATION 2_ Bidder shall indicate on Bid Response page their single fixed percentage (plus + or minus -) for the purchase, delivery and installation of equipment and/or play structures based on manufacturer's current list prices. 3. Installation includes labor and materials to uncrate, assemble and place on-site. 4. Any installation project which requires pulling of permits, drawings, general contractor and/or engineering consultants, concrete footings, etc. is considered outside the scope of this contract. NOTE: It is understood that current price lists are subject to change; however, percentages shall remain fixed. No extra charges or compensation will be allowed under this contract. F.O.S. POINT BIDDERS MUST OFFER F.O.B. DESTINATION FREIGHT CHARGES PREPAID AND ALLOWED OR F.O.B. DESTINATION, FREIGHT CHARGES PREPAID AND ADDED. ANY OTHER "DELIVERY" OFFER WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD THAT TITLE TO ALL ITEMS ORDERED WILL REMAIN WITH THE AWARDEE UNTIL RECEIVED AND ACCEPTED BY PALM BEACH COUNTY. AWARDEE IS REQUIRED TO FILE ALL CLAIMS FOR DAMAGESISHORTAGES, ETC. EXACT DELIVERY POINT WILL BE INDICATED ON THE PURCHASE ORDER OR TERM CONTRACT ORDER (DO). SPECIFICATIONS BID #08-05'I€ imm PLAYGROUNDIPARK EQUIPMENT AND PARTS, TERM CONTRACT (REBID) Catalog: Page 12 All bidders of playground equipment {manufacturer/distributors} must supply current copies of each manufacturer's current price lists, upon request, to all appropriate Palm Beach County Personnel. Successful bidder is required to supply current price lists for distribution, at successful bidder's expense. Additional price sheets must be provided to Palm Beach County as requested at successful bidder's expense. Installation Responsibilities: Palm Beach County will provide water and electricity from point of closest hook-up only (no hoses or electrical cables will be provided) at sites specified. The Parks Division shall be responsible for all site preparation to include placement location, installation of grade markers, grading, sod removal/replacement, buffer fill, and berm timber installation. The Successful Bidder shall: • furnish, at their expense, all supervision, equipment, machines, tools, materials, labor, transportation, and other facilities and services necessary to perform work specified herein. • not inhibit access to parks and other Palm Beach County locations during work specified herein. • ensure that all playground installers make necessary arrangements to receive shipment of play structures and provide storage prior to, and during installation. Palm Beach County will not be responsible for receiving or storing of play structures prior to or during installation. • be responsible for unpacking, uncrating, assembling and placing at job site in accordance with specifications herein. • ensure that all playground installers are certified and qualified to install play structures as per manufacturers specifications. Certification shall be made readily available for inspection by Palm Beach County personnel at any and all locations requiring installation. • be responsible for the appearance of all working personnel assigned to the project (clean and appropriately dressed at all times). • have an English-speaking supervisor/representative on the work site at all times, who shall be thoroughly knowledgeable of all specifications and other contract documents and have the authority to act in the successful bidder's behalf. Compliance Issues: It shall be the successful bidder's responsibility to insure all products ordered, shipped and/or installed conform, meet, or exceed, all current federal, state and local safety guidelines. Additionally, equipment/installation shall be in compliance with the following Palm Beach County Playground Equipment & Safety Guidelines: Page 13 SPECIFICATIONS BID #08-051 RIMM PLAYGROUNDIPARK EQUIPMENT AND PARTS; TERM CONTRACT (REBID) General: Playground equipment shall meet the following general design requirements: Equipment shall be new and of current manufacturer in production at the time of bid opening. Equipment shall be free of points, sharp edges and protrusions that may cut or puncture. Equipment shall be free of other elements that may snag clothing or body parts. Equipment shall be free of angles or openings that may entrap body parts. Equipment shall be free of pinch or crush points. Equipment shall be free of splinters and not be subject to future splintering. Equipment shall have slip resistant walking and climbing surfaces. All equipment and component mounting fasteners to be completely tamper resistant "Hex -pin cap screws" requiring installation/removal with special manufacturer furnished hex -pin Alien wrench or equivalent. Minimum fasteners to be used in conjunction with the above shall be hex -pin flange nuts, Tee nuts, or nylon insert locknuts. Equipment shall have components that drain freely and not collect standing water. Equipment shall have steps and handholds of proper size, spacing and incline where necessary to assist climbing. Equipment shall have all moving parts constructed of materials that minimize the potential for impact injuries. Equipment shall have handrails, raised edges and other barriers where necessary to minimize the potential for falls. Entire unit shall have vandal -proof connectors that cannot be loosened or unfastened without special tools. Equipment shall permit easy access by adults for maintenance and emergencies. Equipment shall provide more than one means of access and exit. Equipment shall be designed to support the maximum possible load able to be imposed on the apparatus. Equipment shall be designed to be permanently anchored in place. Equipment shall be constructed of non -rusting and non-toxic materials. Equipment shall be constructed of materials that will remain durable in an outdoor environment. All assembly fasteners used in assembly of play structures are to include cap screws, bolts (all), flange nuts, tee nuts, and washers SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL ONLY. All chains and S hooks SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL ONLY. Page 14 SPECIFICATIONS BIB #CM51RIMM PLAYGROUNDIPARK EQUIPMENT AND PARTS, TERM CONTRACT (REBID) All end caps/pipe caps shall be fastened in place permanently utilizing metal "drive rivets" or equivalent. Press fit components are unacceptable. Weight bearing components and accessories subject to tensile forces shall be fastened to post clamps with end cap screws or full penetrating fasteners to ensure positive securernent under severe use. Non -penetrating set screws are UNACCEPTABLE. Specific: Individual pieces of equipment shall meet specific design requirements, in addition to the general design, as indicated in bid specifications_ Requirements not addressed in previously mentioned guidelines shall be in compliance with prevailing safety standards as set forth in "A Handbook for Public Playground Safety (Volumes I & li)" developed by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and such safety standards indicated by the Florida Recreation and Parks Association. All state, federal and local safety rules and regulations must be met_ Hours of Operation: The Successful Bidder is advised that the delivery and/or installation of these units shall occur during normal County (ordering department) operational hours_ Liaison; The: successful bidder(s) shall have available a liaison to work with the Parks Supervisor/Project Manager or other ordering department representative (as applicable) to schedule deliveries and/or installations and to arrange for acceptance. Page 15 BID RESPONSE BID #Q8-051R/MM PLAYGROUND/DARK EQUIPMENT AND PARTS, TERM CONTRACT (REBID) LOT I •-- PURCHASE AND DELIVERY ONLY — SINGLE FIXED PERCENTAGE DISCOUNT FROM MANUFACTUR'ER'S CURRENT LIST PRICE ITEM # DESCRIPTION A. SINGLE FIXED DISCOUNT FROM MANUFACTURER'S CURRENT LIST PRICE FOR EQUIPMENT B. SINGLE FIXED DISCOUNT FROM MANUFACTURER'S CURRENT LIST PRICE FOR PARTS 1. OUTDOOR ALUMINUM % % 2. GAMETIME, INC. % % 3. LITTLE TIKES % % 4. TOT TURF % % 5. BCI BURKE % % LOT II - PURCHASE. DELIVERY & INSTALLATION — SINGLE FIXED PERCENTAGE (PLUS + OR MINUS -) BASED ON MANUFACTURER'S CURRENT LIST PRICE (Installation includes labor and materials to uncrate, assemble and place on-site) ITEM # NAME OF MANUFACTURER SINGLE FIXED PERCENTAGE (PURCHASE, DELIVERY & INSTALLATION) CIRCLE EITHER + OR—WITH PERCENTAGE 1. OUTDOOR ALUMINUM { + / -) % (must circle + or 2. GAMETIME, INC. { + / - ) -% (must circle + or - ) 3. LITTLE TIKES { + 1 -) % (must circle + or - ) Continued.... FIRM NAME: Page 16 BID RESPONSE BID #C8-051 RIMM PLAYGROUND/PARK EQUIPMENT AND PARTS, TERM CONTRACT (REBID) PLEASE PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUESTED AND INITIAL WHERE INDICATED FOR THE FOLLOWING: Manufacturer Certification (LOT II): For each manufacturer offered, bidder has submitted with their bid response written evidence, from the manufacturer, which states that the bidder or the bidder's sub -contracted installer is authorized and certified to install (uncrate, assemble and place on site) the specified manufacturer's playground equipment. YES, certifications included (INITIAL) 2. F.O.B. POINT - FREIGHT (LOT I AND LOT 11): BIDDERS MUST OFFER F.O.B. DESTINATION FREIGHT CHARGES PREPAID AND ALLOWED OR F.O.B. DESTINATION, FREIGHT CHARGES PREPAID AND ADDED. ANY OTHER "DELIVERY" OFFER WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD THAT TITLE TO ALL ITEMS ORDERED WILL REMAIN WITH THE AWARDEE UNTIL RECEIVED AND ACCEPTED BY PALM BEACH COUNTY. AWARDEE IS -REQUIRED TO FILE ALL CLAIMS FOR DAMAGESISHORTAGES, ETC. EXACT DELIVERY POINT WILL BE INDICATED ON THE PURCHASE ORDER OR TERM CONTRACT ORDER (DO). PLEASE CHECK AND INITIAL ONE OF THE FOLLOWING, AS APPROPRIATE F.O.B. DESTINATION, FREIGHT CHARGES PREPAID AND ALLOWED (INITIAL) (OR) ( } F.O.B. DESTINATION, FREIGHT CHARGES PREPAID AND ADDED (INITIAL) 3. INSTALLATION (LOT 11): Bidder clearly understands that the percentages offered in Lot If require product delivery and installation in accordance with industry standards that minimally comply technically, mechanically and aesthetically to manufacturer's standards and all specifications stated herein. Any installation project that requires the pulling of permits, engineering drawings, General Contractor and/or engineering consultants, concrete footings, etc. is considered outside the scope of this contract. Omission of any essential detail from these specifications does not relieve the supplier from furnishing and installing (uncrate, assemble and place on-site) a complete and functional unit or system within the definition of install as specified herein. NO additional charges or compensation will be allowed under this contract.. I understand (INITIAL) FIRM NAME: Cont'd Page 17 BID RESPONSE BID #08-051 RIMM PLAYGROUND/ PARK EQUIPMENT AND PARTS, TERM CONTRACT (REBID) 4. CONDITIONED OFFERS: Bidders are cautioned that any condition, qualification, provision, or comment in their bid, or in other correspondence transmitted with their bid, which in any way modifies, takes exception to, or is inconsistent with the specifications, requirements, or any of the terms, conditions, or provisions of this solicitation, is sufficient cause for the rejection of their bid as non-responsive. I understand (INITIAL) Is Qualification of Bidders information included, per Term and Condition # 7 ? YES < INITIAL * PLEASE AFFIX SIGNATURE WHERE INDICATED (FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL RESULT IN THE REJECTION OF YOUR BID) By signature on this document, bidder acknowledges and agrees that its offer includes and accepts all terms, conditions, and specifications of the County's bid solicitation as originally published, without exception, change or alteration of any kind, except as may have been published by the County in official amendments prior to this date of submittal. FIRM NAME: (Enter the entire legal name of the bidding entity) DATE: PRINT NAME: * SIGNATURE: PRINT TITLE: ADDRESS: CITY I STATE: ZIP CODE: TELEPHONE # ( ) E-MAIL: TOLL FREE # ( } FAX # ( ) APPLICABLE LICENSE(S) NUMBER # TYPE: FEDERAL ID # Page 18 STATEMENT OF NO BID BID #08-051 R/MM PLAYGROUND/ PARK EQUIPMENT AND PARTS, TERM CONTRACT (REBID) If you are not bidding on this service/commodity, please complete and return this form to: Palm Beach County Purchasing Department, 50 South Military Trail, Suite 110, West Palm Beach, FL 33415-3199. Failure to respond may result in deletion of vendor's name from the qualified bidder's list for the County of Palm Beach. COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: SIGNATURE: DATE: WE, the undersigned have declined to bid on your Bid No. for (Service/Commodity) because of the following reason(s): Specifications too "tight", i -e., geared toward brand or manufacturer only (explain below) Insufficient time to respond to the Invitation for Bid We do not offer this product or an equivalent Our product schedule would not permit us to perform Unable to meet specifications Unable to meet bond requirements Specifications unclear (explain below) Other (specify below) REMARKS: Page 19 CERTIFICATION OF BUSINESS LOCATIOA! BID #S08-051 RIMM In accordance with the Palm Beach County Local Preference Ordinance, a preference shall be given to those bidders who have a permanent place of business in Palm Beach County ("County') and who hold a valid occupational license issued by the County that authorizes the bidder to provide the goods or services to be purchased. To receive a local preference, an interested bidder must have a permanent place of business in existence prior to the County's issuance of an invitation for bid. A valid occupational license issued by the County Tax Collector shall be used to verify that the bidder had a permanent place of business prior to the issuance of the invitation for bid. A Palm Beach County Occupational license is required unless specifically exempted by law. In lieu of a Palm Beach County occupational license, the bidder should include the current occupational license issued to the bidder in the response. The bidder must submit this Certification of Business Location at the time of bid submission. This Certification of Business Location is the sole determinant of local preference eligibility. Errors in the completion of this Certification or failure to submit this completed Certification shall cause the bidder to not receive a local preference. Please note that the bid submitted by the bidder to the County must be from an address located within Palm Beach County in order for local preference to apply. Bidder is a: Non -Local Business A non -local business is one that does not have a permanent place of business in Palm Beach, Martin, aroward, or Miami -Dade County. Regional Business A regional business is one that has a permanent place of business in Martin, Broward, or Miami -Dade County. (Please indicate): Martin County Broward County Miami - Dade County Local Business A local business has a permanent place of business in Palm Beach County (Please indicate): Headquarters located in Palm Beach County Permanent office or other site located in Palm Beach County from which a vendor will produce a substantial portion of the goods or services to be purchased **A post office box or location at a postal service center is not acceptable. II_ The attached copy of bidder's Palm Beach County Occupational License verifies bidder's permanent place of business in Palm Beach County THIS CERTIFICATION is submitted by , of (Name of Individual) (Title/Position) (Firm Name of Bidder) as who hereby certifies that the information stated above is true and correct, that the bidder has a permanent place of business in Palm Beach County, and that the attached Palm Beach County Occupational License is a true and correct copy of the original_ Further, it is hereby acknowledged that any misrepresentation by the bidder on this Certification is considered an unethical. business practice and is grounds for sanctions against future County business with the bidder_ (Signature) (Date) Page 20 DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE CERTIFICATION.A BID #08-051 RIMM IDENTICAL TIE BIDSIPROPOSALS - in accordance with Section 287.087, F.S., a preference shall be given to vendors submitting with their bids/proposals the following certification that they have implemented a drug-free workplace program which meets the requirements of Section 287.087; provided, however, that any preference given pursuant to Section 287.487, shall be made in conformity with the requirements pursuant to the Palm Beach County Code, Chapter 2, Article III, Sections 2-80.21 thru 2-80.34. In the event tie bids are received from vendors who have not submitted with their bids/proposals a completed Drug -Free Workplace Certification form, the award will be made in accordance with Palm Beach County's purchasing procedures pertaining to tie bids. This Drug -Free Workplace Certification form must be executed and returned with the attached bid/proposal, and received on or before time of bid opening to be considered. The failure to execute and/or return this certification shall not cause any bidlproposal to be deemed non-responsive. Whenever two (2) or more bids/proposals which are equal with respect to price, quality, and service are received by Palm Beach County for the procurement of commodities or contractual services, a bid/proposal received from a business that certifies that it has implemented a drug-free workplace program shall be given preference in the award process. In order to have a drug-free workplace program, a business shall: (1) Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. (2) Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. (3) Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in number (1). (4) in the statement specified in number (1), notify the employees that, as a condition of working an the commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of Chapter 893, Florida Statutes, or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. (5) Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted. (6) Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation Section 287.087, Florida Statutes. THIS CERTIFICATION is submitted by (Individual's Name) of (Title/Position with CompanyNendor) (Name of CompanylVendor) the who does hereby certify that said CompanyNendor has implemented a drug-free workplace program which meets the requirements of Section 287.087, Florida Statutes, which are identified in numbers (1) through (6) above. Signature Date Page 21 SCHEDULE1 LIST OF PROPOSED SBE-MIWBE PRIME SUBCONTRACTORS BID NAME: BID NO. NAME OF PRIME BIDDER: ADDRESS: C014TACT PERSON: PHONE NO: FAX NO: _ BID OPENING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PLEASE IDENTIFY ALL APPLICABLE CATEGORIES aaaaaa ataa.0 r+a..•..a.w.r..v.wwwwv+aw+++awaaaaaua auua.u.ax...+.e.......rar.arwawt.rsvrrrtarsa a asaxaa+aaaaaaaaa aaaar+aae...x.eurarxtretrr.s-sasrtwaaraatsw as as+aaa aaaa+at auaaaarauaaaraua.aaaaaruxraaaaaauatauau uax.aaaaas a rs,t Name, Address and Subcontract Amount Phone Number (Check one or both Categories) Minnritv Business small Business Black Hispanic Women Caucasian Other (Please Sneclfv) 1. ❑ $ $ $ $ $ 3. ❑ ❑ $ $ $ $ $— -- a. ❑ ❑ $ $ 5. ❑ ❑ $ $ $ $ . $� (Please use additlonal sheets if necessary Total $ $ $ $ $ Total Bid Price $ Total Value of SBE Participation $ NOTE: 1. The amount listed on this form for a Subcontractor must be supported by prices or percentage Included on Schedule 2 or a proposal from each Subcontractor listed in order to be counted toward goal attainment. 2. Firms may be certified by Palm Beach County as an SSE and/or an MfWBE. If firms are certified as both an SBE and HMBE, please indicate the dollar amount under the appropriate category. 3. MIWBE information is being collected for tracking purposes only. Page 22 SCHEDULE 2 LETTER OF INTENT TO PERFORM AS AN SBE OR M/WBE SUBCONTRACTOR BID NO. BID NAME: TO: (Name of Prime Bidder) The undersigned is certified by Palm Beach County as a(n) - (check one or more, as applicable): Small Business Enterprise Minority Business Enterprise Black Hispanic Women Caucasian Other (Please Specify) Date of Palm Beach County Certification: The undersigned is prepared to perform the following described work in connection with the above project (Specify in detail, particular work items or parts thereof to be performed): Line Item No. Item Description Qty/Units Unit Price Total Price at the following price $ (Subcontractors quote) and shall enter into a formal agreement for work with you conditioned upon your execution of a contract with Palm Beach County. If undersigned intends to sub -subcontract any portion of this subcontract to a non -certified SBE subcontractor, the amount of any such subcontract must be stated: $ The undersigned subcontractor understands that the provision of this form to prime bidder does not prevent subcontractor from providing quotations to other bidders By: (Print name of SBE-M/WBE Subcontractor) (Signature) (Print name/title of person executing on behalf of SBE-M/WBE Subcontractor) Date: Page 23 SCHEDULE 3 SBE-MIWBE ACTIVITY FORM SBE-MMIBE ACTIVITY FOR MONTH ENDING BID# BID NAME PRIME CONTRACTOR NAME PROJECT SUPERVISOR SBE-MfWBE SUBCONTRACTING INFORMATION Name of SBE-MMBE SBE-M/WBE Amount drawn Amount Paid to Actual Subcontractor Subcontract Amount far SBE-MM/BE Date Starting Date Subcontractor SBE-M1WBE Category (check all applicable) Minority Small Other Business Business (Please (f) (1) Black Hispanic Caucasian Women Sp8cify) I hereby certify that the above Information is true to the best of my Return to: Additional Sheets May Be Used As Necessary Office of Small Business Assistance 50 S. Military Trail, Suite 209 West Palm Beach, FL 33415 (Signature and Title) NOTE: Firms may be certified as an SBE and/or an M/WBE, If firms are certified as both an SBE and M/WBE, please indicate the dollar amount in each section. The dollar amount will not be counted twice. Page 24 SCEIEDULE 4 SBEQM/WBE PAYMENT CERTIFICATION This is to certify that received SBE or M/WF3E Subcnntractor (Monthly) or (Final) payment of $ on from for labor and/or materials used on BID NO. (Prime Contractor) BID NAME: PRIME CONTRACTOR: SBE OR M/VVBE SUBCONTRACTOR: BY: (Signature of Prime Contractor) (Print Name & Title of Person Executing on behalf of Contractor) BID #: (Company Name) BY: (Signature of Subcontractor) (Print Name & Title of Person Executing on behalf of Subcontractor) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of by Notary Public, State of Florida ,20 Print, Type or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Personally Known OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , 20 by: Notary Public, State of Florida Print, Type or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Personally Known, OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced DUE: To be submitted with Pay Request, immediately following any payment to the SBE-MNVBE from the Prime Contractor. '-- August 13, 2008 Contract Connection, Inc. 504 S2"'dSt. Jacksonville, FL 32250 Dear Vendor: RE: TERM CONTRACT #: 08051 This is to inform you that Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners has revised the Term Contract with your company for PARTS based on: Effective immediately, the following awarded items have been removed from the above Term Contract based onnotice provided byWabash Valley that your company isnolonger anauthorized distributor: Lot|—ken` 1 A/ Wabash Valley Mfg. Lot |—kam 1 B: Wabash Valley Mfg, Lot U—Item 1: Wabash Valley K0fg.;Drbanacape The term ofthis contract is05/23/00through , The obligations of Palm Beach County under this contract are subject to the availability of funds lawfully appropriated for its purpose by the State of Florida and the Board ofCounty Commissioners. Palm Beach County Departments will issue individual hard copy orders against this contract asyour authorization to deliver- All invoices must reference unique document number (e.g. CPCVDO 680 XY08030500008000001111 or CPCVDO 680 XY030305°1111). Failure toprovide onorder number with each invoice will result ioa delay inprocessing payment. Sincerely, Kalhieen M. Scarlett Director u: Reid Raymond, Parks &Recreation Larry 3ohaner.FDO VernnthaGreen, VVUD � Bonnie Stein, Fire Rescue a"�vudf Lavinia Gardner, Library Jerry ShU|ing'VVabashValley k8fg.,Inc. File| Tq:� vfinimor.������, May 20, 2008 Contract Connection, inc. 504 So. 2n" Street Jacksonville, FL 32250 Dear Vendor: RE: TERM CONTRACT #: 08051 This is to inforrn you that Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners is entering into a Term Contract with your company for PLAYGROUND/PARK EQUIPMENT AND PARTS based on: Palm Beach County Departments will issue individual hard copy orders against this contract as your authorization to deliver. All invoices must reference a unique Robes document number (e.g. CPO/DO 680 XY03030500000000001111 or CPO/DO 680 XY0303051111). Failure to provide an order numberwith each invoice will result in a delay in processing payment. If you have any questions, please contact MARYANN MCGEE at (561)616-6835. Sincerely, i 'An t_buaiomor:un,: Kath�eri M. Scarlett Director c: Reid Raymond, Parks & Recreation Larry Schaner, FRO rr Vernetha Green, WUD ,) printed an Bonnie Stein, Fire Rescue w Lavinea Gardner, Library i X j SID/REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) #: 08-051IMM 'Purchasing cl;a tner2 AWARDED ITEMS LISTED AS FOLLOWS: 50 South Miliary, 7Ntil. SLIT ill ,vest Maimlleach, L 3 1s-3: LOT I — ITEM 1A — MANUFACTURERS: WOW PLAYGROUNDS, LITCHFIELD (sol) 616-6800 SHELTERS, WABASH VALLEY MFG., ALLSTAR BLEACHERS, EARTHSCAPE RECYCLED PLAYGROUNDS, PERFORMANCE SIGNAGE (FDI), XTREME SKATE RAMP Felt. (561) 616-6811 CO,, MURDOCK DRINKING FOUNTAINS, FIDO PARK PET PLAYGROUNDS, SIMPLY �v�vw.pbcgo .cn ,m�: SHADE PRODUCTS, PLAY ON SURFACING, CDP (CUSTOM DESIGN PRECAST) LOT 1 — ITEM 1B - MANUFACTURERS: WOW PLAYGROUNDS, LITCHFIELD SHELTERS, WABASH VALLEY MFG., ALLSTAR BLEACHERS, EARTHSCAPE RECYCLED PLAYGROUNDS, RAINDROP EQUIPMENT, PERFORMANCE SIGNAGE (FDI), KRAISURG SAFETY, Sit PRODUCTS, XTREME SKATE RAMP CO., MURDOCK DRINKING FOUNTAINS, FIDO PARK PET PLAYGROUNDS, SIMPLY SHADE PRODUCTS, PLAY ON SURFACING, CDP (CUSTOM DESIGN PRECAST) Conti lsslo e" LOT 11— ITEM 1 — MANUFACTURER— WOW PLAYGROUNDS, LITCHFIELD SHELTERS, Addie L. C3reene. Chai-lie or: WABASH VALLEY MFG., ALLSTAR BLEACHERS, EARTHSCAPE RECYCLED PLAYGROUNDS, PERFORMANCE SIGNAGE (FDI), WOW SHADE STRUCTURES, Jeff Koons, GREENFIELD SPORT PARKS, KAY -PARK, PLAYGRASS ARTIFICIAL, URBANSCAPE, Karen i. rotncr_s PATTERS ON WILLIAMS, KRAI BURG SAFETY, SII PRODUCTS, XTREME SKATE RAMP CO., MURDOCK DRINKING FOUNTAINS, FIDO PARK PET PLAYGROUNDS, SIMPLY }Zobenj t;z: ji<- SHADE PRODUCTS, PLAY ON SURFACING, CDP (CUSTOM DESIGN PRECAST) Mary McCarry The term of this contract is 5123/2008 through 5122/2010 . The estimated dollar value Bur Aarc,ns:;, awarded to all vendors is $ 1.333,250. J ss r:. stincar ai The obligations of Palm Beach County under this contract are subject to the availability of funds lawfully appropriated for its purpose by the State of Florida and the Board of County Commissioners. Palm Beach County Departments will issue individual hard copy orders against this contract as your authorization to deliver. All invoices must reference a unique Robes document number (e.g. CPO/DO 680 XY03030500000000001111 or CPO/DO 680 XY0303051111). Failure to provide an order numberwith each invoice will result in a delay in processing payment. If you have any questions, please contact MARYANN MCGEE at (561)616-6835. Sincerely, i 'An t_buaiomor:un,: Kath�eri M. Scarlett Director c: Reid Raymond, Parks & Recreation Larry Schaner, FRO rr Vernetha Green, WUD ,) printed an Bonnie Stein, Fire Rescue w Lavinea Gardner, Library 50 South :M laa-y Tr..il. Suite. 11, \vcst Palm Bcach. FL 334"15,:j i (56 1) 616.6800 PAX: (561) 016-6o111 w-,vuv.pbcgr v.corrd,Dur Addie L_ Greene, Chair -,,Su': Jeff Kooaa Via- Cn_�ir Barer T. iara_s Robert 1. i.aniia^ R7ar;> T<4c:;;arcy Burt As rcnso;, ,Jess R. Santatn, iz Robin )eisma-i af�'5rnrctive fcnar E^rn'^,:_ 4 1- prinisa' ar recycl, ;tuner May 20, 2008 Miracle Recreation Equipment Company P.O. Box 420 Hwy 50 and Bridle Lane Monett, Missouri 68708 Dear Vendor: RE. TERM CONTRACT #: 08051 Form L This is to inform you that Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners is entering into a Term Contract with your company for PLAYGROUND/PARK EQUIPMENT AND PARTS based on: [ X l BID/REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) #: 08-051/MM AWARDED ITEMS LISTED AS FOLLOWS: LOT I— ITEM 11A& 11B —MANUFACTURER: MIRACLE RECREATION EQUIPMENT LOT If — ITEM 1 - MANUFACTURER: MIRACLE RECREATION EQUIPMENT The term of this contract is 5/23/2008 through 5/22/2010 . The estimated dollar value awarded to all vendors is $ 1,333,250. The obligations of Palm Beach County under this contract are subject to the availability of funds lawfully appropriated for its purpose by the State of Florida and the Board of County Commissioners. Palm Beach County Departments will issue individual hard copy orders against this contract as your authorization to deliver. All invoices must reference a unique document number (e,g, CPO/DO 680 XY03030500000000001111 or CPO/DO 680 XY030305*1111). Failure to provide an order number with each invoice will result in a delay in processing payment. If you have any questions, please contact MARYANN MCGEE at {561}616-6835. Sincerely, K) hleen M. Scarlett Director c: Reid Raymond, Parks & Recreation Larry Schaner, FDO Vernetha Green, WUD Bonnie Stein, Fire Rescue Lavinea Gardner, Library File Form L May 20, 2008 American Park & Play, Inc. 12298 Wiles Road Coral Springs, FL 33076 50 Souttf Nimrary Trail. Suite l i'J West Palm!,each, FL :5541 >- 3; r; -i Dear Vendor: RE: TERM CONTRACT##: 08051 (561, aIb-bsoo This is to inform you that Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners is -°"i' 1 entering into a Term Contract with your company for PLAYGROUND/PARK uwu.phcgov.com/. ar EQUIPMENT AND PARTS based on: I X BIDJREQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) #: 08-051/MM AWARDED ITEMS LISTED AS FOLLOWS: LOT E — ITEM 9A & 9B — MANUFACTURER: PLAY & PARK STRUCTURES - eo�gU LOT 11 — ITEM 1 - MANUFACTURER: PLAY & PARK STRUCTURES Addie L. Grc,wq, crair zr _ ; The term of this contract is 5/23/2008 through 5/22/2010 . The estimated dollarvalue awarded to all vendors is $ 1,333,250. Jeff Hoons, Vice C,s:'` iV3re71 The obligations of Palm Beach County under this contract are subject to the �. <�; is C"L»S availability of funds lawfully appropriated for its purpose by the State of Florida and FZobert J. r:aryie:*: the Board of County Commissioners. �1aT M``Palm Beach County Departments will issue individual hard copy orders against this Burs Aaronso-,l contract as your authorization to deliver. All invoices must reference a unique document number (e.g. CPOIDO 680 XY03030500000000001111 or CPO/DO 680 Jess R. San.art;aria, XY030305-1111). Failure to provide an order number with each invoice will result in a delay in processing payment. If you have any questions, please contact MARYANN MCGEE at (561)616-6835. count; Sincerely Robert vVeisrr:ar f j Plee LA Kan M. Scarlett Director c: Reid Raymond, Parks & Recreation Larry Schaner, FDO Vernetha Green, WUD Bonnie Stein, Fire Rescue Lavinea Gardner, Library I;'i n:un•✓eficnb.•._ _ _. File tL printed on recyniet',pop r 5� ' r-urchasinr oi) Sou[h b,ilirary Trail. S; iie 1,^ West Palm Beach, FL 3_7,41:5-�-90 (561) 616-6800 FR,%V (561) 1716-5811 www.pbcc1ov.cominiir Addie L. Grcenc, C-.ai-loc snr May 20, 2008 Bliss Products & Services, Inc. 6831 S Sweetwater Road Lithia Springs, GA 30122 Dear Vendor: RE: TERM CONTRACT #: 08051 ?-orm L This is to inform you that Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners is entering into a Term Contract with your company for PLAYGROUND/PARK EQUIPMENT AND PARTS based on.: [ X j BID/REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) #: 08-051/MM AWARDED ITEMS LISTED AS FOLLOWS: LOT I — ITEM 1A & 1B — MANUFACTURER: KOMPAN INC, TERRASOFT SAFETY SURFACING LOT Il — ITEM 1 - MANUFACTURER: KOMPAN, INC., SPORTSPLAY, ULTRAPLAY SYSTEMS, INC., JAYHAWK PLASTICS, INC., TERRASOFT SAFETY SURFACING, SOF SURFACES — RUBBER TILE jellKoons. vicc .�_. The term of this contract is 5123/2008 through 5/22120'10. The estimated dollar value xaren �. e9 rcu' awarded to all vendors is $ 1,333,250. Roberrj. Pzniia. The obligations of Palm Beach County under this contract are subject to the vlary McCarty availability of funds lawfully appropriated for its purpose by the State of Florida and Burt Aaronsor: the Board of County Commissioners_ toss R. Sang,naria Palm Beach County Departments will issue individual hard copy orders against this contract as your authorization to deliver. All invoices must reference a unique document number (e.g. CPO/DO 680 XY03030500000000001111 or CPO/DO 680 XY030305"1111). Failure to provide an order number with each invoice will result in a delay in processing payment. county Robert If you have any questions, please contact MARYANN MCGEE at (561)616-6835. Sincerely, Kat leen M. Scarlett Director c: Reid Raymond, Parks & Recreation Larry Schaner, FDO VerneL ha Green, WUD Bonnie Stein, Fire Rescue Lavinea Gardner, Library File ? printed on rervcfed r;_,.nr / F - �C / Larry Schaner, FDO Vernetha Green, WUD Bonnie Stein, Fire Rescue 1 May 20, 2008 `I?nFrualr:;,e-;-,u, _ File EIJay Athletic Services, Inc. printed on recycl:^ ; rs ^av' 1042 Rosetta Drive Deltona, FL 32725 Put-cliasing Depaa�nne:I' Dear Vendor: RE: TERM CONTRACT #: 08051 aDsouct; !;;;i;ary Trait. sui« ti" This is to inform you that Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners is west T'airn Heath. F, 3475,; entering into a Term Contract with your company for PLAYGROUND/PARK (56 1) l 6-6800 EQUIPMENT AND PARTS based on: F!%X: 1551j j X ] BID/REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) #: 08-051/MM ww-,v, pbcgov.corai pur AWARDED ITEMS LISTED AS FOLLOWS: LOT I — ITEM 1A-- MANUFACTURER: DARED SPORTS PRODUCTS ITEM 4A— NEVCO SCOREBOARD LOT II — Item 1 - MANUFACTURERS: CARED SPORTS PRODUCTS, NEVCO Q= cru, 3 SCOREBOARD acczreais;:naa=.c:r;; The term of this contract is 5/23/2008 through 5/2212010. The estimated dollar value Addie L. Greene. Cita, :c:rs :; awarded to all vendors is $ 1.333.250. Jeff tcoons, vitt c,U< The obligations of Palm Beach County under this contract are subject to the i< rert T. n;rc;:s availability of funds lawfully appropriated for its purpose by the State of Florida and the Board of County Commissioners. pwber: j. Marv'vlcCartr Palm Beach County Departments will issue individual hard copy orders against this contract as your authorization to deliver. All invoices must reference a unique Bun Aaronso-n document number (e.g. CPOIDO 680 XY03030500000000001111 or CPO/DO 680 XY030305-1111). Failure to provide an order number with each invoice will result in a less R. sat,k.r =r.0 delay in processing payment. If you have any questions, please contact MARYANN MCGEE at (561)616-6835. Si el Robert VY -is -m Kathleen M. Scarlett Director c: Reid Raymond, Parks & Recreation Larry Schaner, FDO Vernetha Green, WUD Bonnie Stein, Fire Rescue Lavinea Gardner, Library `I?nFrualr:;,e-;-,u, _ File printed on recycl:^ ; rs ^av' May 20, 2008 Rep Services, Inc. 802 Waterway Place Longwood, FL 32750 Dear Vendor: RE: TERM CONTRACT #: 08051 This is to inform you that Palm Beach County Hoard of County Commissioners is entering into a Term Contract with your company for PLAYGROUND/PARK EQUIPMENT AND PARTS based on: [ X j BID/REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) #: 08-051/MM g'Ci3'C Yta5lIic ate. �E u`u,2:sii, I so South NIiliary hail, suste i;0 AWARDED ITEMS LISTED AS FOLLOWS: """'esr Palmi Beach, 11334 1 5-31 9 ; ,5bt> 616 -6800 LOT I — ITEM 1A — MANUFACTURER: LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, INC (PLAYSENSE), LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, INC (HEALTH SEAT), LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, INC r,: ,c>ti 6,16-081 (SKATEWAVE), LANDSCAPE BRANDS (CLEAN CITY), LANDSCAPE BRANDS (FUSION), PORTER ,v u.pbcfnv.coln,; CORP (POLIGON), SHADE SYSTEMS, INC., IRVINE WOOD RECOVERY. LOT I — ITEM 113 — MANUFACTURERS:: LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, INC (PLAYSENSE), LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, INC (HEALTH BEAT), LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, INC L (SKATEWAVE), LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, INC, LANDSCAPE BRANDS (CLEAN CITY), LANDSCAPE BRANDS (FUSION), PORTER CORP (POLIGON), SHADE SYSTEMS, INC. LOT 1— ITEM 2A & 2S — LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, INC. ITEM 6A & 6B — DUMOR, INC. marw cif Gca rz =' LOT 11 — ITEM 1 ' - MANUFACTURERS: LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, INC (PLAYSENSE), Gasrcxnssszra LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, INC (HEALTH BEAT), LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, INC Addie L- Greene. Ci:tairnc se (SKATEWAVE), LANDSCAPE BRANDS (CLEAN CITY), LANDSCAPE BRANDS (FUSION), PORTER CORP (POLIGON), SHADE SYSTEMS, INC., IRVINE WOOD RECOVERY., ZEAGER Jeff t{uons, vice Cha_; HARDWOOD, TOT TURF_ IGaren e. Marcus LOT 11 — ITEM 2, LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, INC, ITEM 5, DUM OR, INC. ITEM 7 — TOT TURF Robert j. Kwlilz.rt The term of this contract is 5/2312008 through 5/22/2010 . The estimated dollar value Mary mccarry awarded to all vendors is $ 1,333.250. BurrP,aronson The obligations of Palm Beach County under this contract are subject to the availability of funds lawfully appropriated for its purpose by the State of Florida and Jess R. >anrar,arie. the Board of County Commissioners. Palm Beach County Departments will issue individual hard copy orders against this contract as your authorization to deliver. All invoices must reference a unique cou : document number (e.g. CPO/DO 680 XY03030500000000001111 or CPO/DO 680 3 XY030305"1111). Failure to provide an order number with each invoice will result in a tzober yveisrner delay in processing payment. If you have any questions, please contact MARYANN MCGEE at (561)616-6835. Sincerely, Kathleen M. Scarlett Director ilr j-GVU;g1.0or::r:i' A;f;n,anf- ,acro.rt c: Reid Raymond, Parks & Recreation Larry Schaner, FDO Vernetha Green, WVD Bonnie Stein, Fire Rescue Lavinea Gardner, Library primed on recycled paper File Purchasing it e[, o -r> aen-,. ,0 So"'th 10iticary Tsai. West Palm Bcach. FL 3.,', 144 (561) 616-6800 F:�%X: (561) 616.6811 www' Pin gov,cc) mlpur Fi+7.anil a. c6Y =dsssio t....0 Addie L. Greene, ::Mair i ^c -S0 Jeff xoons• Vice C -hair Karen T. ivlascus t:obert 1. 1tii:li'_11 Mary McCarty Eturt Aaroisc;n Jess F, saritamariz vOui�_.. Robert 'til eisrnan /!f'ir'nC!lVC :9n_ip•� F.", }mss';. printed en recycle[ pgo�t May 20, 2008 Hunter Knepshield Co., Inc. 10 Hunters Trail Lagrange, KY 40031 Dear Vendor: RE: TERM CONTRACT #: 08051 Form L This is to inform you that Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners is entering into a Term Contract with your company for PLAYGROUNDIPARK EQUIPMENT AND PARTS based on: [ X ] BID/REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) #: 08-051/MM AWARDED ITEMS LISTED AS FOLLOWS: LOT I— ITEM 1A & 16— MANUFACTURERS: KAY -PARK, LEISURE CRAFT, AMERICAN PRO, SOL — SOALR OUTDOOR, QUALITE, HUNTER KNEPSHIELD. The term of this contract is 5/23/2008 through 5/22/2010. The estimated dollarvalue awarded to all vendors is $ 1,333,250 - The obligations of Palm Beach County under this contract are subject to the availability of funds lawfully appropriated for its purpose by the State of Florida and the Board of County Commissioners. Palm Beach County Departments will issue individual hard copy orders against this contract as your authorization to deliver. All invoices must reference a unique document number (e.g. CPO/DO 680 XY03030500000000001111 or CPO/DO 680 XY030305" 1111). Failure to provide an order number with each invoice will result in a delay in processing payment. If you have any questions, please contact MARYANN MCGEE at (561)616-6835. Sincerely, ` Kat leen M. Scarlett Director c: Reid Raymond, Parks & Recreation Larry Schaner, FDO Vernetha Green, WUD Bonnie Stein, Fire Rescue Lavinea Gardner, Library File ?-urcl,assn �3eFswr r• a�_ Dear Vendor: RE: TERM CONTRACT #: 08051 5o SoLut, ?ailitary Trail, sem,. _G This is to inform you that Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners is West U:i,, Mach, Ft s3<5 entering into a Term Contract with your company for PLAYGROUND/PARK (561)e 6-6800 EQUIPMENT AND PARTS based on: FA):. (661) 616-6St3 [ X ] BID/REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) # 08-051/MM wwv;tpbcE 0v.c0mh,u. AWARDED ITEMS LISTED AS FOLLOWS: LOT I — ITEM 1A — MANUFACTURER: ZEAGER WOODCRAFT, SOF SURFACES, CLASSIC RECREATION, SHADE SYSTEMS LOT I — ITEM 1B — MANUFACTURERS. ZEAGER WOODCRAFT, SOF SURFACES, PzArr ?qac May 20, 2008 Boa -4 moi' Piaymore West, Inc. - _ f 10271 Deer Run Farms Road, Suite 1 Fort Pierce, FL 33966 ?-urcl,assn �3eFswr r• a�_ Dear Vendor: RE: TERM CONTRACT #: 08051 5o SoLut, ?ailitary Trail, sem,. _G This is to inform you that Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners is West U:i,, Mach, Ft s3<5 entering into a Term Contract with your company for PLAYGROUND/PARK (561)e 6-6800 EQUIPMENT AND PARTS based on: FA):. (661) 616-6St3 [ X ] BID/REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) # 08-051/MM wwv;tpbcE 0v.c0mh,u. AWARDED ITEMS LISTED AS FOLLOWS: LOT I — ITEM 1A — MANUFACTURER: ZEAGER WOODCRAFT, SOF SURFACES, CLASSIC RECREATION, SHADE SYSTEMS Sincerely, Ka leen M. Scarlett Director - n,Equa;o.rv;':,,:_; c: Reid Raymond, Parks & Recreation nvdrmatny/ica^r .:;;;z,::,;���-" Larry Schaner, FDO Vernetha Green, WUD Bonnie Stein, Fire Rescue Lavinea Gardner, Library 1 File pnnled on rscy�ler';: p LOT I — ITEM 1B — MANUFACTURERS. ZEAGER WOODCRAFT, SOF SURFACES, PzArr ?qac WESCOAT, CLASSIC RECREATION, SHADE SYSTEMS Boa -4 moi' LOT I — ITEM 10A & 10B — PLAYWORLD SYSTEMS Addie L- Greene, Chairpersnr. LOT 11 — ITEM 1 - MANUFACTURERS: PLAYWORLD SYSTEMS, ZEAGER Jeff Koons, vic e sir WOODCRAFT, WEBCOAT, FOREVER LAWN, CHILDSAFE Karen T. Mar u-- The term of this contract is 5/23/2008 through 5/22/2010. The estimated dollar value li•c'ben, l:a;;'ars awarded to all vendors is $ 1_,333.250. btary McC.anty The obligations of Palm Beach County under this contract are subject to the P3urt Aaronson, availability of funds lawfully appropriated for its purpose by the State of Florida and the Board of County Commissioners. jeSS Y. i3Lliartt2'tir Palm Beach County Departments will issue individual hard copy orders against this contract as your authorization to deliver. All invoices must reference a unique document number (e.g. CPO/DO 680 XY03030500000000001111 or CPO/DO 680 XY030305-1111). Failure to provide an order number with each invoice will result in a cauzlov delay in processing payment. Robe: � �vesm�n If you have any questions, please contact MARYANN MCGEE at (561)616-6835. Sincerely, Ka leen M. Scarlett Director - n,Equa;o.rv;':,,:_; c: Reid Raymond, Parks & Recreation nvdrmatny/ica^r .:;;;z,::,;���-" Larry Schaner, FDO Vernetha Green, WUD Bonnie Stein, Fire Rescue Lavinea Gardner, Library 1 File pnnled on rscy�ler';: p Form L . — May 20, 2008 entering into a Term Contract with your company for PLAYGROUND/PARK o south ?Aihtarvlrail, Suit : EQUIPMENT AND PARTS based on: West Palm Beach, Fl- 3.9-15-";qc Play It Safe Enterprises, Inc. € , e ' 15896 Mellen Lane FAX: (561) f 16-681 O '- 1/ Jupiter, FL 33478 vv i:.pbcgovcornlpur Dear Vendor: RE: TERM CONTRACT #: 08051 Yz��IS,W,Fb r.3taw� s pec= This is to inform you that Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners is entering into a Term Contract with your company for PLAYGROUND/PARK o south ?Aihtarvlrail, Suit : EQUIPMENT AND PARTS based on: West Palm Beach, Fl- 3.9-15-";qc tsbu 616-6800 [ X j BID/REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) #: 08-051/MM FAX: (561) f 16-681 AWARDED ITEMS LISTED AS FOLLOWS: vv i:.pbcgovcornlpur LOT I — ITEM 1A — MANUFACTURERS: UNION LAND INC., PLAYLAND INC, SPORTSPLAY INC, WEBCOAT, ULTRA PLAY, KENCOAT, JAYHAWK PLASTICS, INC., SUPERIOR SHADES, SII STRUCTURES, RCP STRUCTURES, FOREVER LAWN, RAINDROPS, BRIGHT RIVER SALES, PLAYGROUND GUYS RUBBER, ADVANCED GROUND, AND CHILDFORMS �G e� LOT I — ITEM 1B — MANUFACTURERS: UNION LAND INC., PLAYLAND INC, osr<s oa e_�; SPORTSPLAY INC, ULTRA PLAY, KENCOAT, JAYHAWK PLASTICS, INC., SUPERIOR SHADES, RCP STRUCTURES, FOREVER LAWN, BRIGHT RIVER SALES Addie I_. Greene, LOT 11 — ITEM 1 — MANUFACTURER — UNION LAND Jeff Koons, vice Clhzi: ;,wren •r. IM �., The term of this contract is 5/23/2008 through 5/22/2010. The estimated dollar value awarded to all vendors is $ 1,333,250. Robent i. Kanjlts Mary lvicca-y The obligations of Palm Beach County under this contract are subject to the availability of funds lawfully appropriated for its purpose by the State of Florida and Burt Aaron:;rt,t the Board of County Commissioners. Jess R. sar e,ma:'`` palm Beach Count De will issue individual hard County Departments p copy orders against this contract as your authorization to deliver. All invoices must reference a unique document number (e.g. CPO/DO 680 XY03030500000000001111 or CPO/DO 680 XY030305-1111). Failure to provide an order number with each invoice will result in a delay in processing payment. F ;del>rn n if you have any questions, please contact MARYANN MCGEE at (561)616-6835. Sinc ely, Cal Kathleen M. Scarlett Director c: Reid Raymond, Parks & Recreation `AnfpurLarry Schaner, FDO Vernetha Green, WUD Bonnie Stein, Fire Rescue Lavinea Gardner, Library File printed on recye;ed Paper Form L KG11 C' June 10, 2008 Advanced Recreation Concepts i01� 3125 Skyway Circle Melbourne, FL 32934 Purchasing Department Dear Vendor: RE: TERM CONTRACT #: 08051 R 50 Soilih Military Trail, Suite 110 This is to inform you that Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners is west Palm Beach, FL 33415.3199 entering into a Term Contract with your company for PLAYGROUNDIPARK (561) 616-6800 EQUIPMENT AND PARTS based on: FAX:(561)616-6811 www.pbcgov.comlpur [ X 1 BIDIREQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) #: 08-051 RIMM j ] RENEWAL OF CONTRACT based on BIDIRFQ #: in accordance with all original terms, conditions, specifications and prices with no deviation. 1 [ ] RENEWAL OF CONTRACT based on BIDIRFQ #: to include a % increase in unit price(s) based on term and condition # Palm Beach county Board or county [ ] EXTENSION OF CONTRACT based on BIDIRFQ M commissioners [ ] SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT #: Addie L. Greene, Chairperson Vendor shall notify Purchasing immediately if the sole source status changes. Jeff Koons, vice Chair [ ] STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT #: Earen T. Marcus [ X ] OTHER: LOT I - ITEMS 5A, 5B Robert J. Eanjian i Mary McCarty The term of this contract is 6116108 through 6115110 . The estimated dollar value awarded to all vendors is $100,000 . Hurt Aaronson The obligations of Palm Beach County under this contract are subject to the Jess santamaria availability of funds lawfully appropriated for its purpose by the State of Florida and the Board of County Commissioners. Palm Beach County Departments will issue individual hard copy orders against this contract as your authorization to deliver, All invoices must reference a unique county namiiustra>nr document number (e.g. CPO/DO 680 XY03030500000000001111 or CPOIDO 680 Robert Weisman XY030305*1111). Failure to provide an order number with each invoice will result in a delay in processing payment. If you have any questions, please contact MARYANN MCGEE at (561)616-6835. Sincerely, Kat leen M. Scarlett Af Equi! Opportunity Director Xpr rwtire fiction 6inproyer" c: Reid Raymond, Parks & Recreation File printed on recycled paper Form t_ purchasing Department Dear Vendor: RE: TERM CONTRACT #: 0805111 � June 10, 2006 a entering into a Term Contract with your company for PLAYGROUND/PARK (561) 616.6800 Outdoor Aluminum �LORO P.O. Box 520700 Longwood, FL 32752 purchasing Department Dear Vendor: RE: TERM CONTRACT #: 0805111 50 South Military Trail, Suite 110 This is to inform you that Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners is West Palm Beach, a 33415"'199 entering into a Term Contract with your company for PLAYGROUND/PARK (561) 616.6800 EQUIPMENT AND PARTS based on: FAX' (561) 616-6911 [ X ] BIDIREQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) #: 08-051R/MM www.pbcgov.comlpur j ] RENEWAL OF CONTRACT based on l3ID/RFQ #: in accordance with all original terms, conditions, specifications and prices with no deviation. [ j RENEWAL OF CONTRACT based on BIDIRFQ #: to include a % increase in unit price(s) based on term and condition # Palm Beach County Board of County [ ] EXTENSION OF CONTRACT based on BID/RFQ #: Commissioners [ ] SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT #: Addie L. Greene. Chairperson Vendor shall notify Purchasing immediately if the sole source status changes. Jeff Koons, Vice Chair [ ] STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT #: Karen T. Marcus [X] OTHER: LOT I - ITEMS 1A, 1B, LOT 11, ITEM 1 Robert J. Kanjian The The term of this contract is 6116/08 through 6/15/10 . The estimated dollar value Mary McCarty to all vendors is $ 100.000 - Burt Aaronson The obligations of Palm Beach County under this contract are subject to the Jess R. Santamana availability of funds lawfully appropriated for its purpose by the State of Florida and the Board of County Commissioners. Palm Beach County Departments will issue individual hard copy orders against this contract as your authorization to deliver_ All invoices must reference a unique County Admenistrator document number (e.g. CPOIDO 680 XY0303050000000000111l or CPO/DO 680 Robert Weisman XY030305*1111). Failure to provide an order number with each invoice will result in a delay in processing payment. If you have any questions, please contact MARYANN MCGEE at(561)616-6835, Sincerely, Kat leen M. Scarlett 'An Equal0,pporamity Director Aff7r=trpeAclion FSnplayer'" c: Reid Raymond, Parks & Recreation File opted ori recycled paper Form L Purchasing Department Dear Vendor: RE: TERM CONTRACT #: 08051R 50 South Military Trail, SuiCe 110 This is to inform you that Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners is West Palm Beach, PL. 33415-3199 entering Into a Term Contract with your company for PLAYGROUND/PARK (561) 616-6800 EQUIPMENT AND PARTS based on: FAX: (561) 616-6811 www.pbcgov.ccmypur [ X ] BIDIREQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) #: 08-051 R1MM [ ] RENEWAL OF CONTRACT based on BIDIRFQ #: in accordance with all original terms, conditions, specifications and prices with no deviation. I• [ ] RENEWAL OF CONTRACT based on BIDIRFQ #: to include a % increase in unit price(s) based on term and condition # Palm Beach County Board of county [ I EXTENSION OF CONTRACT basest on BIDIRFQ #: Commissioners [ ] SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT #: Addie L. Greene. Chairperson Vendor shall notify Purchasing immediately if the sole source status changes. Jeff Roons, Vice Chair [ ] STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT #: Karen T. Marcus [ X ] OTHER: LOT I - ITEMS 2A, 213, LOT 11, ITEM 2 Robert). Hanjian The term of this contract is 6116108 through 6115110 . The estimated dollar value Mary McCarty awarded to all vendors is S 100,000 . Burt Aaronson The obligations of Palm Beach County under this contract are subject to the Jess x_ santamaria availability of funds lawfully appropriated for its purpose by the State of Florida and the Board of County Commissioners. Palm Beach County Departments will issue individual hard copy orders against this contract as your authorization to deliver. All invoices must reference a unique County Administrator document number (e.g. CPO/DO 680 XY03030500000000001111 or CPOIDO 680 Robes Weisman XY030305*1111). Failure to provide an order number with each invoice will result in a delay in processing payment. If you have any questions, please contact MARYANN MCGEE at (561)616-6835. Sincerely, I ice► Kat leen M. Scarlett 'An rgual6)pmrtunrty I Dir ctor Affiirmutive Action E nplo),er" c: Reid Raymond, Parks & Recreation File printed on recycled paper 008tJune 10, 2 Gametime p,110' P.O. Box 520700 Longwood, FL 32752 Purchasing Department Dear Vendor: RE: TERM CONTRACT #: 08051R 50 South Military Trail, SuiCe 110 This is to inform you that Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners is West Palm Beach, PL. 33415-3199 entering Into a Term Contract with your company for PLAYGROUND/PARK (561) 616-6800 EQUIPMENT AND PARTS based on: FAX: (561) 616-6811 www.pbcgov.ccmypur [ X ] BIDIREQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) #: 08-051 R1MM [ ] RENEWAL OF CONTRACT based on BIDIRFQ #: in accordance with all original terms, conditions, specifications and prices with no deviation. I• [ ] RENEWAL OF CONTRACT based on BIDIRFQ #: to include a % increase in unit price(s) based on term and condition # Palm Beach County Board of county [ I EXTENSION OF CONTRACT basest on BIDIRFQ #: Commissioners [ ] SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT #: Addie L. Greene. Chairperson Vendor shall notify Purchasing immediately if the sole source status changes. Jeff Roons, Vice Chair [ ] STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT #: Karen T. Marcus [ X ] OTHER: LOT I - ITEMS 2A, 213, LOT 11, ITEM 2 Robert). Hanjian The term of this contract is 6116108 through 6115110 . The estimated dollar value Mary McCarty awarded to all vendors is S 100,000 . Burt Aaronson The obligations of Palm Beach County under this contract are subject to the Jess x_ santamaria availability of funds lawfully appropriated for its purpose by the State of Florida and the Board of County Commissioners. Palm Beach County Departments will issue individual hard copy orders against this contract as your authorization to deliver. All invoices must reference a unique County Administrator document number (e.g. CPO/DO 680 XY03030500000000001111 or CPOIDO 680 Robes Weisman XY030305*1111). Failure to provide an order number with each invoice will result in a delay in processing payment. If you have any questions, please contact MARYANN MCGEE at (561)616-6835. Sincerely, I ice► Kat leen M. Scarlett 'An rgual6)pmrtunrty I Dir ctor Affiirmutive Action E nplo),er" c: Reid Raymond, Parks & Recreation File printed on recycled paper Form L NCO COG June 10, 2008 w Hanover Specialties, Inc. 1riOKO) Dba Creative Playgrounds 850 So. Pine Island Road Plantation, FL 33324 Purchasing Department Dear Vendor: RE: TERM CONTRACT #: 08051R 50 South Military Trail. Suite I10 west Haim &each, FL 33415-3199 This is to inform you that Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners is (561)616-6800 entering into a Perm Contract with your company for PLAYGROUNDIPARK FAX: (561) 616-6811 EQUIPMENT AND PARTS based on: wwwpbcgov.comlpur ± [ X ] BIDIREQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) #: 08-051 RIMM [ ] RENEWAL OF CONTRACT based on BIDIRFQ #: in accordance ■ with all original terms, conditions, specifications and prices with no deviation, [ ] RENEWAL OF CONTRACT based on BIDIRFQ #: to include a Palm se=h county % increase in unit price(s) based on term and condition # Board of County Commissioners [ ] EXTENSION OF CONTRACT based on BIDIRFQ #: i Addie L. Greene, Chairperson [ ] SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT #: Vendor shall notify Purchasing immediately if the sole source status changes. Jeff Koons, Vice Chair l Karen T Marcus [ ] STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT #: Robert J. Kanjiau [ X ] OTHER: LOT I - ITEMS 3A, 3B, LOT 11, ITEM 3 Mary McCarty The term of this contract is 6116108 through 6115110 . The estimated dollar value Burt Aaronson awarded to all vendors is $ 100,000 . fess R. Santamaria The obligations of Palm Beach County under this contract are subject to the availability of funds lawfully appropriated for its purpose by the State of Florida and the Board of County Commissioners. Palm Beach County Departments will issue individual hard copy orders against this County ,�ctministxator contract as your authorization to deliver. All invoices must reference a unique Robert Weisman document number (e.g. CPOIDO 680 XY03030500000000001111 or CPOIDO 680 XY030305'*1111). Failure to provide an order number with each invoice will result in a delay in processing payment. a I If you have any questions, please contact MARYANN MCGEE at (561)616-6835. Si erely, Rnroyrnn,ry hleen M. Scarlett R.srWmeAC60nFMPIoyC•- Di ector c: Reid Raymond, Parks & Recreation File pr#wed on n yc ied paper REVISED BID #: 08-051/MM SENIOR BUYER: MaryAnn McGee BID RE -CAP SHEET TITLE: Park/Playground Equipment and Parts, Term Contract Form I ACTION DATE INITIALS ACTION DATE INITIALS BID OPENED 413/08 ZGIGR BID POSTED IN PURCHASING 2 2 .Ztida� 2. LEISURE CRAFT POSTING APPROVED 1. KAY -PARK POSTING REMOVED 5% COPY TO BUYER ASSISTANT FOR POSTING ON INTERNETZZ_ Z09 l COPY TO OSSA AND DEPARTMENT KEY(S) FOR RECOMMENDATION: (PLEASE NOTE YOUR RECOMMENDATION BELOW) (1) RECOMMENDED AWARD - LOWEST RESPONSIVE AND RESPONSIBLE BIDDER MEETING SPECIFICATIONS (2) NO AWARD, RESPONSIVE AND RESPONSIBLE, BUT NOT LOWEST BIDDER MEETING SPECIFICATIONS (3) NO AWARD, NOT RESPONSIVE AND/OR RESPONSIBLE TO BID (4) NOT EVALUATED LOT #IA — PURCHASE AND DELIVERY ONLY MANUFACTURER'S CATALOG STEP 1 LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED PERCENTAGE DISCOUNT OFFERED EQUIPMENT IF PREFERENCE NOTE: "LP" AND/OR "SBE" HUNTER KNEPSHIELD CO. INC 5% 1. KAY -PARK 2. LEISURE CRAFT 5% 1. KAY -PARK 3. LITCHFIELD INDUSTRIES 5% { 1 ) 4. AMERICAN PRO 5% 5. SPORTSPLAY 5% 5% 6. ZEAGER HARDWOOD 5% 4. AMERICAN PRO 7. SOL - SOLAR OUTDOOR 5% ( 1 ) LIGHTING 5% 8. QUALITE 5% 5% 9. HUNTER KNEPSHIELD CO. 5% 7. SOL - SOLAR OUTDOOR �l-l=n PREFERENCE CODES: SLP` = LOCAL PREFERENCE (5%) "SBE" = SBE RANKING (10%) "NO LP" = MARTIN CO - NO "LP" APPLIED _. LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED AFTER PREFERENCE HAS BEEN APPLIED PERCENTAGE DISCOUNT OFFEREDNOTE: EQUIPMENT IF PREFERENCE "LP" ANDIOR °SBE" AWARD RECOMMENDATION "KEY" ONLY (SEE ABOVE) HUNTER KNEPSHIELD CO., INC 1. KAY -PARK 5% { 1 ) 2. LEISURE CRAFT 5% ( 1 3. LITCHFIELD INDUSTRIES 5% ( 2 ) 4. AMERICAN PRO 5% ( 1 ) 5. SPORTSPLAY 5% (2 ) 6. ZEAGER HARDWOOD 5% (2 ) 7. SOL - SOLAR OUTDOOR 5% (1 ) LIGHTING 8. QUALITE 5% (1 ) 9. HUNTER KNEPSHIELD CO, 5% (1 Page 1 of 20 BID RE -CAP SHEET BID #: 08-0511MM SENIOR BUYER: TITLE: Park/Playground Equipment and Parts, Term Contract MaryAnn McGee LOT #IA - PURCHASE AND DELIVERY ONLY MANUFACTURER'S CATALOG (Continued) STEP 1 LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH MANUFACIURER(S) OFFERED PERCENTAGE DISCOUNT OFFERED EQUIPMENT IF PREFERENCE NOTE: "LP" AND/OR "SBE" PLAY IT SAFE ENTERPRISES PLAY IT SAFE ENTERPRISES (LP) INC. 1. UNION LAND INC. 8% 1. UNION LAND INC. 2. PLAYLAND INC. 10% (1 ) 3. SPORTSPLAY INC. 10% 4. WEBCOAT 8% 10% 5. ULTRA PLAY 8% 4. WEBCOAT 6. KENCOAT 7%p { 1 } 7. JAYHAWK PLASTICS INC 8% 8. SUPERIOR SHADE 8% 7% 9. S11 STRUCTURES 8% 7. JAYHAWK PLASTICS INC 10. RCP STRUCTURES 8% (1 ) 11. FOREVER LAWN 5% 12. RAINDROPS 7% 8% 13. BRIGHT RIVER SALES 2% 10. RCP STRUCTURES RUBBER { 1 } 14. PLAYGROUND GUYS 2%u RUBBER 12. RAINDROPS 7% 15. ADVANCED GROUND CARE 2% 13. BRIGHT RIVER SALES PROD (1 } 16. ZEAGER HARDWOOD 2% 17. SOFSURFACES 5% 2% 18. CHILDFORMS 7% RUBBER CTPD 9 _. LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED AFTER PREFERENCE HAS BEEN APPLIED PERCENTAGE DISCOUNT OFFERED EQUIPMENT IF PREFERENCE NOTE: "LP" AND/OR "SBE" AWARD RECOMMENDATION "KEY" ONLY (SEE ABOVE) PLAY IT SAFE ENTERPRISES (LP) INC, 1. UNION LAND INC. 8% (1 ) 2. PLAYLAND INC. 10% (1 ) 3. SPORTSPLAY INC. 10% (1 ) 4. WEBCOAT 8% { 1 } 5. ULTRA PLAY 8%n (1 } 6.KENCOAT 7% (1) 7. JAYHAWK PLASTICS INC 8%u (1 ) 8. SUPERIOR SHADE 8% { 1 ) 9. SII STRUCTURES 8% (1 } 10. RCP STRUCTURES 8% { 1 } 11, FOREVER LAWN 5% { 1 } 12. RAINDROPS 7% 1 ) 13. BRIGHT RIVER SALES 2% (1 } RUBBER 14. PLAYGROUND GUYS 2% { 1 } RUBBER 15. ADVANCED GROUND 2% { 1 } CARE PROD 16. ZEAGER HARDWOOD 2% (2 ) 17. SOFSURFACES 5% (2 ) 18. CHILDFORMS 7% (1 ) Page 2 of 20 RIF -1 Dl=_rrAP cul=T BID #: 08-0511MM SENIOR BUYER: MaryAnn McGee TITLE: ParklPlayground Equipment and Parts, Term Contract r.',- .0 . L...1 rriH - r-UMk rlHJC, ANU LJtLIVtKY UNLY MANUFACTURER'S CATALOG (Continued) STEP 1 STEP 2 LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED PERCENTAGE DISCOUNT OFFERED EQUIPMENT IF PREFERENCE NOTE: "LP" ANWOR "SBE" CONTRACT CONNECTIONS CONTRACT CONNECTIONS INC. 1. WOW PLAYGROUNDS 12% 2. LITCHFIELD SHELTERS 5% I. WOW PLAYGROUNDS 3, WABASH VALLEY MFG, 5% (1 ) 4. ALLSTAR BLEACHERS 5% 5. EARTHSCAPE RECYCLED 5% 5% PLAYGROUNDS (1 ) 4. ALLSTAR BLEACHERS 6. RAINDROP EQUIPMENT 5% (1 } 7. PERFORMANCE SIGNAGE 5% (FDI) PLAYGROUNDS 8. WOW SHADE STRUCTURES 5% 6. RAINDROP EQUIPMENT 9. CREATIVE PIPE, INC. 5% (2 ) 10. GREENFIELD SPORT 5% PARKS (FDI) 11. KAY -PARK 5% 8. WOW SHADE STRUCTURES 5% 5% (3 ) 12. PLAYGRASS ARTIFICIAL 5% TURF 5% 5% 13. CROWN PET PRODUCTS 5% PARKS 14. URBANSCAPE 5% 15. PATTERSON WILLIAMS 5% 16. KRAIBURG SAFETY 12. PLAYGRASS ARTIFICIAL 5% SURFACING 5% TURF 17. S11 PRODUCTS 5% 18. XTREME SKATE RAMP CO. 5% 19. MURDOCK DRINKING 14. URBANSCAPE 5% FOUNTAINS 5% 15. PATTERSON WILLIAMS 20. FIDO PARK PET (3 ) PLAYGORUNDS 5% 21. SIMPLY SHADE PRODUCTS 5% 22. PLAY ON SURFACING 5% 17. SII PRODUCTS 23. CDP (CUSTOM DESIGN (2 ) PRECAST) 5% 24. ZEAGER WOODCRAFT 5% 5% 25. GROUNDSCAPE RUBBER (1 ) FOUNTAINS MULCH LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED AFTER PREFERENCE HAS BEEN APPLIED PERCENTAGE DISCOUNT OFFERED EQUIPMENT IF PREFERENCE NOTE: "LP" ANDIOR "SBE" AWARD RECOMMENDATION 'KEY"ONLY (SEE ABOVE) CONTRACT CONNECTIONS INC. I. WOW PLAYGROUNDS 12% (1 ) 2. LITCHFIELD SHELTERS 5%n (1 ) 3. WABASH VALLEY MFG. 5% (1 ) 4. ALLSTAR BLEACHERS 5%e (1 } 5. EARTHSCAPE RECYCLED 5% (1 } PLAYGROUNDS 6. RAINDROP EQUIPMENT 5%, (2 ) 7. PERFORMANCE SIGNAGE 5% (1 ) (FDI) 8. WOW SHADE STRUCTURES 5% (3 ) 9. CREATIVE PIPE, INC. 5% (3 ) 10. GREENFIELD SPORT 5% (3 ) PARKS 11. KAY -PARK 5% (3 ) 12. PLAYGRASS ARTIFICIAL 5% (3 ) TURF 13. CROWN PET PRODUCTS 5% (3 ) 14. URBANSCAPE 5% (3 ) 15. PATTERSON WILLIAMS 5% (3 ) 16. KRAIBURG SAFETY 5% (3 ) SURFACING 17. SII PRODUCTS 5% (2 ) 18. XTREME SKATE RAMP CO. 5% (1 ) 19. MURDOCK DRINKING 5% (1 ) FOUNTAINS 20. FIDO PARK PET 5% (1 ) PLAYGORUNDS 21. SIMPLY SHADE 5% (1 ) PRODUCTS 22. PLAY ON SURFACING 5% (1 ) 23. CDP (CUSTOM DESIGN 5% (1 ) PRECAST) 24. ZEAGER WOODCRAFT 5% (2 ) 25. GROUNDSCAPE RUBBER 5% (3 ) MULCH rade 11 of LU BID RE -CAP SHEET BID #: 08-051IMM SENIOR BUYER: TITLE: Park/Playground Equipment and Parts, Term Contract MaryAnn McGee LOT #IA - PURCHASE AND DELIVERY ONLY MANUFACTURER'S CATALOG (Continued) STEP I STEP 2 LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE MANUFACTURER(S) AWARD NOTE: "LP" OFFERED OFFERED AND/OR "SBE" PREFERENCE HAS EQUIPMENT ANDYOR'SBE" LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, BEEN APPLIED EQUIPMENT INC. 1.LANDSCAPE 4% STRUCTURES,INC. INC. (PLAYSENSE) 4% 2. LANDSCAPE 4% STRUCTURES,INC. (PLAYSENSE) (HEALTHBEAT) 3. LANDSCAPE 4% STRUCTURES,INC. 4% (SKATEWAVE) (HEALTHBEAT) PLAYMORE WEST INC 1. ZEAGER WOODCRAFT 5% 2. SOF SURFACES 15% 4% 3. WEBCOAT 5% (SKATEWAVE) 4. CLASSIC RECREATION 5% 5. SHADE SYSTEMS -ffL-JAYATHLETIC 3% SERVICES, 1. ZEAGER WOODCRAFT 5% INC. GARED SPORTS PRODUCTS 12% 15% STEP 2 LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE AWARD AFTER OFFERED NOTE: "LP" RECOMMENDATION PREFERENCE HAS ANDYOR'SBE" "KEY" ONLY BEEN APPLIED EQUIPMENT (SEE ABOVE) LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, INC. 1. LANDSCAPE 4% (2) STRUCTURES,INC. (PLAYSENSE) 2. LANDSCAPE 4% (2) STRUCTURES,INC. (HEALTHBEAT) 3. LANDSCAPE (2) STRUCTURES,INC. 4% (SKATEWAVE) PLAYMORE WEST, INC. 1. ZEAGER WOODCRAFT 5% (1) 2. SOF SURFACES 15% (1) 3. WEBCOAT 5% (2) 4. CLASSIC RECREATION 5% (1 5. SHADE SYSTEMS 3% (1) ELJAY ATHLETIC SERVICES, INC, GARED SPORTS PRODUCTS 12% (1) Page 4 of 20 BID RE -CAP SHEET BID #: 08-051/MM SENIOR BUYER: TITLE: Park/Playground Equipment and Parts, Term Contract MaryAnn McGee LOT #IA - PURCHASE AND DELIVERY ONLY MANUFACTURER'S CATALOG (Continued) STEP 1 LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED PERCENTAGE DISCOUNT OFFERED EQUIPMENT IF PREFERENCE NOTE: "LP° AND/OR "SBE„ REP SERVICES, INC REP SERVICES, INC 1.LANDSCAPE 4% 1. LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES,INC. (1 ) (PLAYSENSE) 2. LANDSCAPE 4% STRUCTURES,INC. 2. LANDSCAPE (HEALTHBEAT) (1 3. LANDSCAPE 4%Q STRUCTURES,INC. (HEALTHBEAT) (SKATEWAVE) 3. LANDSCAPE 4. LANDSCAPE 4% (1 ) STRUCTURES,INC. 5. LANDSCAPE BRANDS 4% (CLEAN CITY) 4. LANDSCAPE 6. LANDSCAPE BRANDS 4% I (1 ) (FUSION) 7. PORTER CORP (PPOLIGON) 2% 4% 8. SHADE SYSTEMS, INC. 2% (CLEAN CITY) 9. IRVINE WOOD RECOVERY 5% 10. ZEAGER HARDWOOD 5% BLISS PRODUCTS AND (FUSION) SERVICES, INC. 7. PORTER CORP (PPOLIGON) 1, KOMPAN, INC. +5% { 1 } 2. SPORTSPLAY, INC. +5% 3. ULTRAPLAY SYSTEMS, INC. +25% 5% 4. JAYHAWK PLASTICS, INC. +25% 10. ZEAGER HARDWOOD 5. TERRASOFT SAFETY 5% (2 ) SURFACING 6. SOF SURFACES - RUBBER 2% TILE 1. KOMPAN, INC. STEP 2 LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED AFTER PREFERENCE HAS BEEN APPLIED PERCENTAGE DISCOUNT OFFERED EQUIPMENT IF PREFERENCE NOTE: "LP" AND/OR "SBE" AWARD RECOMMENDATION "KEY" ONLY (SEE ABOVE) REP SERVICES, INC 1. LANDSCAPE 4% (1 ) STRUCTURES,INC. (PLAYSENSE) 2. LANDSCAPE 4% (1 STRUCTURES,INC. (HEALTHBEAT) 3. LANDSCAPE 4% (1 ) STRUCTURES,INC. (SKATEWAVE) 4. LANDSCAPE 4% I (1 ) STRUCTURESJNIC. 5. LANDSCAPE BRANDS 4% { 1 ) (CLEAN CITY) 6. LANDSCAPE BRANDS 4% (1 ) (FUSION) 7. PORTER CORP (PPOLIGON) 2% { 1 } 8. SHADE SYSTEMS, INC. 2% (1 } 9. IRVINE WOOD RECOVERY 5% (1 ) 10. ZEAGER HARDWOOD 5%n (2 ) BLISS PRODUCTS AND SERVICES, INC. 1. KOMPAN, INC. +5%0 (1 ) 2. SPORTSPLAY, INC. +5% (2 ) 3. ULTRAPLAY SYSTEMS, INC. +25%4 (2 ) 4. JAYHAWK PLASTICS, INC. +25% (2 ) 5. TERRASOFT SAFETY 5% (1 ) SURFACING 6. SOF SURFACES - RUBBER 2% (2 ) TILE Page 5 of 20 BID RE -CAP SHEET BID #: 08-0511MM SENIOR BUYER: TITLE: Park/Playground Equipment and Parts, Term Contract MaryAnn McGee ITEM 2A — LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, INC. STEP 1 I a ciivl 3H — UU I UUUK ALUMINUM —NO AWARD ITEM 4A — NEVCO SCOREBOARD STEP 1 PERCENTAGE LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED AND/OR "SBE" NOTE: "LP„ OFFERED OFFERED ANWOR "SBE" PREFERENCE HAS EQUIPMENT AND/OR "SBE" 1. REP SERVICES, INC 4% EQUIPMENT 2. LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, 4% 1. REP SERVICES, INC INC. 0 ) I a ciivl 3H — UU I UUUK ALUMINUM —NO AWARD ITEM 4A — NEVCO SCOREBOARD STEP 1 ITEM 5A - GAMETIME, INC. - NO AWARD ITEM 6A— DU MOR, INC. STEP 1 PERCENTAGE LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED AND/OR "SBE" NOTE: "LP" OFFERED OFFERED AND10R "SBE" PREFERENCE HAS EQUIPMENT AND/OR "SBE" ELJAY ATHLETIC SERVICES, 12% EQUIPMENT INC. (SEE ABOVE) 1. REP SERVICES, INC ITEM 5A - GAMETIME, INC. - NO AWARD ITEM 6A— DU MOR, INC. STEP 1 ITEM 7A - LITTLE TIKES - NO AWARD ITEM 8A - TOT TURF - NO AWARD STEP 2 LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE MANUFACTURER(S) NOTE: "LP" OFFERED OFFERED AND/OR "SBE" AFTER EQUIPMENT REP SERVICES, INC 4% ITEM 7A - LITTLE TIKES - NO AWARD ITEM 8A - TOT TURF - NO AWARD STEP 2 LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE AWARD AFTER NOTE: "LP" RECOMMENDATION PREFERENCE HAS OFFERED AND/OR "SBE" ,KEY" ONLY BEEN APPLIED EQUIPMENT (SEE ABOVE) 1. REP SERVICES, INC 4% 0 ) 2. LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, 4% (2 ) INC. STEP 2 LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE AWARD AFTER NOTE: "LP" RECOMMENDATION PREFERENCE HAS OFFERED AND/OR "SBE" "KEY" ONLY BEEN APPLIED EQUIPMENT (SEE ABOVE) ELJAY ATHLETIC SERVICES, 12% (1 ) INC. �13IilA0.7 w LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE MANUFACTURERS) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE AWARD AFTER NOTE; "LP" RECOMMENDATION PREFERENCE HAS OFFERED AND/OR "SBE" "KEY" ONLY BEEN APPLIED EQUIPMENT (SEE ABOVE) REP SERVICES, INC 4% (1 ) Page 6 of 20 BID RE -CAP SHEET BID #: 08-0511MM SENIOR BUYER: TITLE: Park/Playground Equipment and Parts, Term Contract MaryAnn McGee ITEM 9A — PLAY & PARK STRUCTURES STEP 1 ITEM 1 OA — PLAYWORLD SYSTEMS STEP 1 PERCENTAGE LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE MANUFACTURER(S) AWARD NOTE: "LP" OFFERED OFFERED AND/OR "SBE' PREFERENCE HAS EQUIPMENT AND/OR °SBE" AMERICAN PARK & PLAY 10% EQUIPMENT ITEM 1 OA — PLAYWORLD SYSTEMS STEP 1 ITEM 11A—MIRACLE RECREATION EQUIPMENT, CO. STEP 1 PERCENTAGE LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE MANUFACTURER(S) AWARD NOTE: "LP" OFFERED OFFERED AND/OR "SBE' PREFERENCE HAS EQUIPMENT AND/OR °SBE" PLAYMORE WEST, INC, _ 10% EQUIPMENT ITEM 11A—MIRACLE RECREATION EQUIPMENT, CO. STEP 1 ITEM 12A - BCI BURKE - NO AWARD LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE MANUFACTURER(S) AWARD NOTE: "LP" OFFERED OFFERED AND/OR "SBE" PREFERENCE HAS EQUIPMENT AND/OR °SBE" MIRACLE RECREATION 10% EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT, CO. (SEE ABOVE) AMERICAN PARK & PLAY ITEM 12A - BCI BURKE - NO AWARD LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE i AWARD AF'T'ER NOTE: "LP" 1 RECOMMENDATION PREFERENCE HAS OFFERED AND/OR °SBE" 1 "KEY" ONLY BEEN APPLIED EQUIPMENT (SEE ABOVE) AMERICAN PARK & PLAY 10% ( 1 } LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE:RECOMMENDATION AWARD' AFTER NOTE: "LP" RECOMMENDATION PREFERENCE HAS OFFERED ANMOR "SBE"KEY"ONLY "KEY" ONLY BEEN APPLIED EQUIPMENT EE ABOVE) PLAYMORE WEST, INC. 10% ( 1 } CTCn 7 LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE MANUFACTURER($) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE AWARD AFTER NOTE.: "LP" RECOMMENDATION PREFERENCE HAS OFFERED AND/OR "SBE" "KEY" ONLY BEEN APPLIED EQUIPMENT (SEE ABOVE) MIRACLE RECREATION 10% (1 ? EQUIPMENT, CO. Page 7 of 20 BID RE -CAP SHEET BID #: 08-051/MM _. .__._1 SENIOR BUYER: TITLE: Park/Playground Equipment and Parts, Term Contract MaryAnn McGee LOT #113 - PURCHASE AND DELIVERY ONLY MANUFACTURER'S CATALOG STEP 1 STEP 2 LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE MANUFACTURER(S) AWARD NOTE: "LP" OFFERED OFFERED AND/OR "SBE" BEEN APPLIED PARTS HUNTER KNEPSHIELD CO INC HUNTER KNEPSHIELD CO. 1. KAY -PARK 5% 2. LEISURE CRAFT 5%u 1. KAY -PARK 3. LITCHFIELD INDUSTRIES 5% (1 ) 4. AMERICAN PRO 5% 5-SPORTSPLAY 5% 5% 6. ZEAGER HARDWOOD 5% 4. AMERICAN PRO 7. SOL - SOLAR OUTDOOR 5% (1 ) LIGHTING 5% 8. QUALITE 5% 5% 9. HUNTER KNEPSHIELD CO. 5% 7. SOL - SOLAR OUTDOOR PLAY IT SAFE ENTERPRISES (LP) INC. I. UNION LAND INC. 5% 2. PLAYLAND INC. 5%v 3. SPORTSPLAY INC. 5%p 5%u 4. WESCOAT 3%Q PLAY IT SAFE ENTERPRISES 5. ULTRA PLAY 3%p 6. KENCOAT 2% 5% 7. JAYHAWK PLASTICS INC 3%fl 2. PLAYLAND INC. 8. SUPERIOR SHADE 5% (1 } 9. SII STRUCTURES 3% 10. RCP STRUCTURES 3%fl 3% 11. FOREVER LAWN 2% 5. ULTRA PLAY 12. RAINDROPS 2% (1 } 13. SOFSURFACES 2% 14. CHILDFORMS 3% 3% STEP 2 LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE AWARD AFTER PREFERENCE HAS OFFERED NOTE: "LP" AND/OR "SBE" RECOMMENDATION "KEY" ONLY BEEN APPLIED PARTS (SEE ABOVE) HUNTER KNEPSHIELD CO. INC 1. KAY -PARK 5% (1 ) 2. LEISURE CRAFT 5% ( 1 ) 3. LITCHFIELD INDUSTRIES 5% (2 ) 4. AMERICAN PRO 5% (1 ) 5. SPORTSPLAY 5% (2 ) 6. ZEAGER HARDWOOD 5% (2 ) 7. SOL - SOLAR OUTDOOR 5% (1 ) LIGHTING 8. QUALITE 5% (1 } 9. HUNTER KNEPSHIELD CO. 5%u PLAY IT SAFE ENTERPRISES (LP) INC. 1. UNION LAND INC. 5% I I (1} 2. PLAYLAND INC. 5% (1 } 3. SPORTSPLAY INC. 5% (1 ) 4. WEEICOAT 3% (2 } 5. ULTRA PLAY 3% (1 } 6. KENCOAT 2% (1 } 7. JAYMAWK PLASTICS INC 3% 1 } 8. SUPERIOR SHADE 5% (1 9. SII STRUCTURES 3% (p ) 10. RCP STRUCTURES 3%fl (1 } 11. FOREVER LAWN 2% 12. RAINDROPS 2% ! (2 ) 13. SOFSURFACES 2% k2) 14. CHILDFORMS 3% 1 ` Page 8 of 20 BID #: 08-051/MM SENIOR BUYER: MaryAnn McGee BID RE -CAP SHEET TITLE: Park/Playground Equipment and Parts, Term Contract LOT ##IB - PURCHASE AND DELIVERY ONLY MANUFACTURER'S CATALOG (Continued) LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED PERCENTAGE DISCOUNT OFFERED PARTS IF PREFERENCE NOTE: "LP" AND/OR "SBE" CONTRACT CONNECTIONS. INC. 12% 12% 1. WOW PLAYGROUNDS 2. LITCHFIELD SHELTERS 5% 2. LITCHFIELD SHELTERS 3. WABASH VALLEY MFG. 5% (1 ) 4. ALLSTAR BLEACHERS 5% 5.EARTHSCAPE RECYCLED 5% 5% PLAYGROUNDS (1 ) 5. EARTHSCAPE RECYCLED 6. RAINDROP EQUIPMENT 5% (1 ) 7. PERFORMANCE SIGNAGE (FDI) 5% 8. WOW SHADE STRUCTURES 5% 5% 9. CREATIVE PIPE, INC. 5% 7. PERFORMANCE SIGNAGE (FDI) 10. GREENFIELD SPORT PARKS 5% (1 ) 11. KAY -PARK 5% 12. PLAYGRASS ARTIFICIAL TURF 5% 5% 13. CROWN PET PRODUCTS 5% 10, GREENFIELD SPORT PARKS 14. URBANSCAPE 5% (3 ) 15. PATTERSON WILLIAMS 5% 16. KRAIBURG SAFETY 5% 5% SURFACING (3 ) 13. CROWN PET PRODUCTS 17. SU PRODUCTS 5% (3 ) 18. XTREME SKATE RAMP CO. 5%, 19. MURDOCK DRINKING 5% 5%n FOUNTAINS (3 ) 16. KRAIBURG SAFETY 20. FIDO PARK PET 5% ( 1 ) PLAYGROUNDS 21. SIMPLY SHADE PRODUCTS 5% 5% 22. PLAY ON SURFACING 5% 18. XTREME SKATE RAMP CO. 23. CDP (CUSTOM DESIGN 5%, ( 1 i PRECAST) 5% 24, ZEAGER WOODCRAFT 5% 25. GROUNDSCAPE RUBBER 5% 20. FIDO PARK PET MULCH { 1 ) LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED AFTER PREFERENCE HAS BEEN APPLIED PERCENTAGE DISCOUNT OFFERED PARTS IF PREFERENCE NOTE: "LP" AND/OR "SBE" AWARD RECOMMENDATION "KEY" ONLY (SEE ABOVE) CONTRACT CONNECTIONS INC. 12% (1 ) 1. WOW PLAYGROUNDS 2. LITCHFIELD SHELTERS 5% (1 ) 3. WABASH VALLEY MFG. 5% (1 ) 4. ALLSTAR BLEACHERS 5% (1 ) 5. EARTHSCAPE RECYCLED 5%p (1 ) PLAYGROUNDS 6. RAINDROP EQUIPMENT 5% (1 ) 7. PERFORMANCE SIGNAGE (FDI) 5% (1 ) 8. WOW SHADE STRUCTURES 5% ( 3 ) 9. CREATIVE PIPE, INC. 5% (3 ) 10, GREENFIELD SPORT PARKS 5% (3 ) 11. KAY -PARK 5% (3 ) 12. PLAYGRASS ARTIFICIAL TURF 5% (3 ) 13. CROWN PET PRODUCTS 5% (3 ) 14. URBANSCAPE 5% (3.) 15. PATTERSON WILLIAMS 5%n (3 ) 16. KRAIBURG SAFETY 5% ( 1 ) SURFACING 17. Sl( PRODUCTS 5% (1 ) 18. XTREME SKATE RAMP CO. 5% ( 1 i 19. MURDOCK DRINKING 5% { 1 ) FOUNTAINS 20. FIDO PARK PET 5% { 1 ) PLAYGROUNDS 21. SIMPLY SHADE PRODUCTS 5% (1 ) 22. PLAY ON SURFACING 5% ( 1 ) 23. CDP (CUSTOM DESIGN 5% (1 ) PRECAST) 24. ZEAGER WOODCRAFT 5% (2 ) 25. GROUNDSCAPE RUBBER 5% (3 ) MULCH Page 9 of 20 Rin RF -nap qHFFT BID #: 08-0511MM SENIOR BUYER: TITLE: Park/Playground Equipment and Parts, Term Contract MaryAnn McGee LOT #113 — PURCHASE AND DELIVERY ONLY MANUFACTURER'S CATALOG (Continued) LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE MANUFACTURER(S) AWARD NOTE: ILP" OFFERED OFFERED ANDIOR'SBE" PREFERENCE HAS PARTS AND/OR "SBE" LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, BEEN APPLIED PARTS INC. 1. LANDSCAPE 4% STRUCTURES,INC. INC. (PLAYSENSE) 4% 2. LANDSCAPE 4% STRUCTURES,INC. (PLAYSENSE) (HEALTHBEAT) 3. LANDSCAPE 4% STRUCTURES,INC. STRUCTURES,INC. (SKATEWAVE) (HEALTHBEAT) PLAYMORE WEST, INC. 1. ZEAGER WOODCRAFT 5% 2. SOF SURFACES 15% 3.WEBCOAT 5% (SKATEWAVE) 4. CLASSIC RECREATION 5% 5. SHADE SYSTEMS 3% LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE AWARD AFTER NOTE: "LP" RECOMMENDATION PREFERENCE HAS OFFERED AND/OR "SBE" ,KEY" ONLY BEEN APPLIED PARTS (SEE ABOVE) LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, INC. 1. LANDSCAPE 4% (2) STRUCTURES,INC. (PLAYSENSE) 2. LANDSCAPE 4% (2) STRUCTURES,INC. (HEALTHBEAT) 3. LANDSCAPE 4% 2 STRUCTURES,INC. (SKATEWAVE) PLAYMORE WEST, INC 1. MAGER WOODCRAFT 5% (1) 2. SOF SURFACES 15% (1) 3. WESCOAT 5% (1) 4. CLASSIC RECREATION 5% (1) 5. SHADE SYSTEMS 1 3% 1 1 (1) Page 10 of 20 ��7q,; 996TAt I a r 1 BID #: 08-0511MM SENIOR BUYER: TITLE: Park/Playground Equipment and Parts, Term Contract MaryAnn McGee LOT #IB — PURCHASE AND DELIVERY ONLY MANUFACTURER'S CATALOG (Continued) LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH MANUFACTURERS MANUFACTURER(� OFFERED PERCENTAGE DISCOUNT OFFERED PARTS IF PREFERENCE NOTE: "LP" AND/OR "SHE" REP SERVICES, INC REP SERVICES, INC 1.LANDSCAPE 4% 1. LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES,INC. (1 ) (PLAYSENSE) 2. LANDSCAPE 4% STRUCTURES,INC. 2. LANDSCAPE (HEALTHBEAT) { 1 ) 3.LANDSCAPE 4% STRUCTURES,INC. (HEALTHBEAT) (SKATEWAVE) 3. LANDSCAPE 4, LANDSCAPE BRANDS 4% (!) (CLEAN CITY) 5. LANDSCAPE BRANDS 4% (FUSION) 4. LANDSCAPE BRANDS 6. PORTER CORP (PPOLIGON) 2% (1 ) 7. SHADE SYSTEMS, INC. 20/Q BLISS PRODUCTS AND 5. LANDSCAPE BRANDS 4% SERVICES. INC. (1 ) (FUSION) 1. KOMPAN, INC. +5% 2. SPORTSPLAY, INC. +5% 3. ULTRAPLAY SYSTEMS, INC. +25% 2% 4. JAYHAWK PLASTICS, INC, +25% BLISS PRODUCTS AND 5. TERRASOFT SAFETY 5% SURFACING 6. SOF SURFACES — RUBBER 2% +5% TILE (1 ) 2. SPORTSPLAY, INC. LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED AFTER PREFERENCE HAS BEEN APPLIED PERCENTAGE DISCOUNT OFFERED PARTS IF PREFERENCE NOTE: "LP" AND/OR "SBE' AWARD RECOMMENDATION "KEY" ONLY (SEE ABOVE) REP SERVICES, INC 1. LANDSCAPE 4% (1 ) STRUCTURES,INC. (PLAYSENSE) 2. LANDSCAPE 4% { 1 ) STRUCTURES,INC. (HEALTHBEAT) 3. LANDSCAPE 4% (!) STRUCTURESJNC. (SKATEWAVE) 4. LANDSCAPE BRANDS 4% (1 ) (CLEAN CITY) 5. LANDSCAPE BRANDS 4% (1 ) (FUSION) 6. PORTER CORP (PPOLIGON) 2% (.1 ) 7. SHADE SYSTEMS, INC. 2% 1 BLISS PRODUCTS AND SERVICES, INC. 1. KOMPAN, INC. +5% (1 ) 2. SPORTSPLAY, INC. +5% (2 ) 3. ULTRAPLAY SYSTEMS, INC. +25% (2 ) 4. JAYHAWK PLASTICS, INC. +25% (2 ) 5. TERRASOFT SAFETY 5% (1 ) SURFACING 6. SOF SURFACES - RUBBER 2% (2 ) TILE Page 11 of 20 141n PP -r AD C-WPPT BID #: 08-OST/MM SENIOR BUYER: TITLE: Park/Playground Equipment and Parts, Term Contract MaryAnn McGee LOT #IB - PURCHASE AND DELIVERY ONLY MANUFACTURER'S CATALOG ITEM 2B - LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, INC. ITEM 313 - OUTDOOR ALUMINUM - NO AWARD ITEM 413 - NEVCO SCOREBOARD - NO AWARD ITEM 513 - GAMETIME, INC - NO AWARD ITEM 613 - DUMOR, INC. PERCENTAGE PERCENTAGE LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH DISCOUNT LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE MANUFACTURER(Sj AND/OR"SBE" NOTE: 'LP" OFFERED OFFERED AND/OR °SHE" PREFERENCE HAS PARTS AND/OR "SBE" 1. REP SERVICES, INC 4% PARTS 2. LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, 4% 1, REP SERVICES, INC INC. 1 ) ITEM 313 - OUTDOOR ALUMINUM - NO AWARD ITEM 413 - NEVCO SCOREBOARD - NO AWARD ITEM 513 - GAMETIME, INC - NO AWARD ITEM 613 - DUMOR, INC. PERCENTAGE PERCENTAGE LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE MANUFACTURER(S) NOTE: "LP" OFFERED OFFERED AND/OR"SBE" PARTS PREFERENCE HAS REP SERVICES, INC 4% RECOMMENDATION ITEM 713 — LITTLE TIKES - NO AWARD ITEM 813 — TOT TURF - NO AWARD LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE - MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE AWARD AFTER PREFERENCE HAS NOTE: "LP" RECOMMENDATION PREFERENCE HAS OFFERED AND/OR "SBE" ,KEY" ONLY BEEN APPLIED PARTS (SEE ABOVE) 1, REP SERVICES, INC 4%-(—l)- 1 ) 2. LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, 2. 4% ( 2 ) INC. I_..�_._ LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED DISCOUNT A)NARD AFTER =PREFERENCE RECOMMENDATION PREFERENCE HAS OFFERED "KE`�" ONLY BEEN APPLIED PARTS(SEE ABOVE) REP SERVICES, INC 4% 1 } Page 12 of 20 ain oGre0 4Z145Z9zr BID #: 08-051/MM SENIOR BUYER: TITLE. Park/Playground Equipment and Parts, Term Contract MaryAnn McGee LOT #IB — PURCHASE AND DELIVERY ONLY MANUFACTURER'S CATALOG (Continued) ITEM 913 - PLAY & PARK STRUCTURES ITEM 10B - PLAYWORLD SYSTEMS PERCENTAGE LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE MANUFACTURER(S) AWARD NOTE: "LP" OFFERED OFFERED ANDIOR "SBE" PREFERENCE HAS PARTS AND/OR "SBE" AMERICAN PARK & PLAY 5% PARTS ITEM 10B - PLAYWORLD SYSTEMS ITEM 1113- MIRACLE RECREATION EQUIPMENT, CO. PERCENTAGE LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE MANUFACTURER(S) AWARD NOTE: "LP" OFFERED OFFERED ANWOR "SBE" PREFERENCE HAS PARTS AND/OR "SBE" PLAYMORE WEST, INC. 10% PARTS ITEM 1113- MIRACLE RECREATION EQUIPMENT, CO. ITEM 12B — BCI BURKE - NO AWARD LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE MANUFACTURER(S) AWARD NOTE: "LP" OFFERED OFFERED ANDIOR "SBE" PREFERENCE HAS PARTS AND/OR "SBE" MIRACLE RECREATION 5% PARTS EQUIPMENT, CO. (SEE ABOVE) AMERICAN PARK & PLAY ITEM 12B — BCI BURKE - NO AWARD LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE MANUFACTURERS) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE AWARD AFTER NOTE: "LP" RECOMMENDATION PREFERENCE HAS OFFERED AND/OR "SBE" "KEY" ONLY BEEN APPLIED PARTS (SEE ABOVE) AMERICAN PARK & PLAY 10% ( 1 ) LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE AWARD AFTER NOTE: "LP" RECOMMENDATION PREFERENCE HAS OFFERED ANDIOR °SBE" "KEY" ONLY BEEN APPLIED PARTS (SEE ABOVE) PLAYMORE WEST, INC. 10% ( 1 ) LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE ( AWARD AFTER NOTE: "LP" RECOMMENDATION PREFERENCE HAS OFFERED ANDIOR "SBE" "KEY" ONLY BEEN APPLIED PARTS (SEE ABOVE) MIRACLE RECREATION 5% EQUIPMENT, CO. Page 13 of 20 BID RE -CAP SHEET BID #: 08-0511MM SENIOR BUYER: I TITLE, Park/Playground Equipment and Parts, Term Contract MaryAnn McGee LOT # 11 - PURCHASE DELIVERY & INSTALLATION - MANUFACTURER'S CATALOG ITEM 1 LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE MANUFACTURER(S) AWARD NOTE: "LP" OFFERED OFFERED ANDIOR"SBE" AMERICAN PARK & PLAY OFFERED AND/CR "SBE" 1. PLAY & PARK STRUCTURES +20% HUNTER KNEPSHIELD CO., INC 5% AMERICAN PARK & PLAY 1. KAY -PARK 2. LEISURE CRAFT 5% 1. PLAY & PARK STRUCTURES 3. LITCHFIELD INDUSTRIES 5% 4. AMERICAN PRO 5% 1. KAY -PARK 5. SPORTSPLAY 5% (3) 6. ZEAGER HARDWOOD 5% 7. SOL — SOLAR OUTDOOR 5% 5% LIGHTING (3) 4, AMERICAN PRO 8. QUALITE 5% (3) 9. HUNTER KNEPSHIELD CO. 5% LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE AWARD AFTER NOTE: `SLP" RECOMMENDATION PREFERENCE HAS OFFERED AND/CR "SBE" "KEY` ONLY BEEN APPLIED (SEE ABOVE) AMERICAN PARK & PLAY +20% 1. PLAY & PARK STRUCTURES HUNTER KNEPSHIELD CO., ----- INC 1. KAY -PARK 5% (3) 2. LEISURE CRAFT 5% (3) 3. LITCHFIELD INDUSTRIES 5% (3) 4, AMERICAN PRO 5% (3) 5,SPORTSPLAY 5% (3) 6. ZEAGER HARDWOOD 5% (3) 7. SOL — SOLAR OUTDOOR 5% (3) LIGHTING 8. QUALITE 5% (3) 9. HUNTER KNEPSHIELD CO. 5% Page 14 of 20 Rin RF -r AP SHFFT BID #: 08-051/MM SENIOR BUYER: TITLE: Park/Playground Equipment and Parts, Term Contract MaryAnn McGee LOT # Il - PURCHASE DELIVERY & INSTALLATION - MANUFACTURER'S CATALOG (Continued) LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITHDISCOUNT MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED PERCENTAGE OFFERED IF PREFERENCE NOTE: "LP" ANDIOR "SBE" PLAY IT SAFE ENTERPRISES PLAY IT SAFE ENTERPRISES (LP) INC. 1. UNION LAND INC. +28% 1. UNION LAND INC. 2. PLAYLAND INC. 24% (1 ) 3, SPORTSPLAY INC. 26% 4. WEBCOAT 30% 26% 5. ULTRA PLAY 30% 4. WEBCOAT 6. KENCOAT 30% (3 ) 7. JAYHAWK PLASTICS INC 30% 8. SUPERIOR SHADE 75% 30% 9. SII STRUCTURES 118% 7. JAYHAWK PLASTICS INC 10. RCP STRUCTURES 118% (3 ) 11. FOREVER LAWN Included in price 12_ RAINDROPS NA 118% 13. BRIGHT RIVER SALES Included In price 10. RCP STRUCTURES RUBBER (3 ) 14. PLAYGROUND GUYS Included in price RUBBER 95% NA 15. ADVANCED GROUND CARE (3 ) 13. BRIGHT RIVER SALES PROD 98% (3 ) 16. ZEAGER HARDWOOD 40% 17, SOF SURFACES 23% 95% 18. CHILDFORMS 15. ADVANCED GROUND LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED AFTER PREFERENCE HAS BEEN APPLIED PERCENTAGE DISCOUNT OFFERED IF PREFERENCE NOTE: "LP" ANWOR "SBE" AWARD RECOMMENDATION "KEY" ONLY (SEE ABOVE) PLAY IT SAFE ENTERPRISES (LP) INC. 1. UNION LAND INC. +28% (1 ) 2. PLAYLAND INC. 24% ( 3 I 3. SPORTSPLAY INC. 26% (3 ) 4. WEBCOAT 30% (3 ) 5. ULTRA PLAY 30% (3 ) 6. KENCOAT 30% (3 ) 7. JAYHAWK PLASTICS INC 30% (3 ) 8. SUPERIOR SHADE 75% (3 ) 9. SII STRUCTURES 118% (3 ) 10. RCP STRUCTURES 118% (3 ) 11. FOREVER LAWN Included in price I (3 ) 12. RAINDROPS NA (3 ) 13. BRIGHT RIVER SALES Included in price (3 ) RUBBER 14. PLAYGROUND GUYS Included in price (3 I RUBBER 95% 15. ADVANCED GROUND (3 ) CARE PROD 98% 16. ZEAGER HARDWOOD 40% (3 ) 17. SOF SURFACES 23% (3 ) 18. CHILDFORMS (3 ) Page 15 Of 20 pin Df=_r�Ao CiJCGT BID #: 08-051/MM SENIOR BUYER: TITLE: Park/Playground Equipment and Parts, Term Contract MaryAnn McGee LOT # II - PURCHASE DELIVERY & INSTALLATION - MANUFACTURER'S CATALOG (Continued) LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED DISCOUNT PERCENTAGE OFFERED IF PREFERENCE I NOTE: "LP" AND/OR "SBE" CONTRACT CONNECTIONS CONTRACT CONNECTIONS INC. +30% INC. 1. WOW PLAYGROUNDS +30% 2. LITCHFIELD SHELTERS 2. LITCHFIELD SHELTERS +40% (1 ) 3. WABASH VALLEY MFG. +30% 4. ALLSTAR BLEACHERS +30% +30% 5. EARTHSCAPE RECYCLED +30% 5. EARTHSCAPE RECYCLED PLAYGROUNDS (1 ) 6. RAINDROP EQUIPMENT +30% 7. PERFORMANCE SIGNAGE +30% +30% (FDI) (1 } 7. PERFORMANCE SIGNAGE 8. WOW SHADE STRUCTURES +30% 4 1 } 9. CREATIVE PIPE, INC. +30% 10. GREENFIELD SPORT +30% +30% PARKS (1 ) 9. CREATIVE PIPE, INC. 11. KAY -PARK +30% (3 ) 12. PLAYGRASS ARTIFICIAL +30% TURF 11. KAY -PARK +30% 13. CROWN PET PRODUCTS +30% 12. PLAYGRASS ARTIFICIAL 14, URBANSCAPE +30% ! (1 ) 15, PATTERSON WILLIAMS +30% 16, KRAIBURG SAFETY +30% +30% SURFACING (3 ) 14. URBANSCAPE 17. SII PRODUCTS +30% (1 ) 18. XTREME SKATE RAMP CO. +30% 19. MURDOCK DRINKING +30% +30% FOUNTAINS SURFACING 20. FIDO PARK PET +30% PLAYGORUNDS +30% 21. SIMPLY SHADE PRODUCTS +30% +30% 22. PLAY ON SURFACING +60% 19. MURDOCK DRINKING 23. CDP (CUSTOM DESIGN +50% (1 ) PRECAST) 24. ZEAGER WOODCRAFT +75% +30% 25. GROUNDSCAPE RUBBER +75% PLAYGORUNDS MULCH LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED AFTER PREFERENCE HAS BEEN APPLIED PERCENTAGE DISCOUNT OFFERED IF PREFERENCE NOTE: "LP" ANDIOR "SBE" AWARD RECOMMENDATION "KEY" ONLY (SEE ABOVE) CONTRACT CONNECTIONS INC. +30% (1 } 1. WOW PLAYGROUNDS 2. LITCHFIELD SHELTERS +40% (1 ) 3. WABASH VALLEY MFG. +30% (1 } 4. ALLSTAR BLEACHERS +30% (1 } 5. EARTHSCAPE RECYCLED +30% (1 ) PLAYGROUNDS 6. RAINDROP EQUIPMENT +30% (1 } 7. PERFORMANCE SIGNAGE +30% 4 1 } (FDI) 8. WOW SHADE STRUCTURES +30% (1 ) 9. CREATIVE PIPE, INC. +30% (3 ) 10. GREENFIELD SPORT PARKS +30% (1 ) 11. KAY -PARK +30% (1 ) 12. PLAYGRASS ARTIFICIAL +30% ! (1 ) TURF 13. CROWN PET PRODUCTS +30% (3 ) 14. URBANSCAPE +30% (1 ) 15, PATTERSON WILLIAMS +30% I (1 } 16. KRAIBURG SAFETY +30% SURFACING 17. SII PRODUCTS +30% (1 } 18. XTREME SKATE RAMP CO. +30% (1 ) 19. MURDOCK DRINKING +30% (1 ) FOUNTAINS 20. FIDO PARK PET +30% (1 ) PLAYGORUNDS 21. SIMPLY SHADE PRODUCTS +30% (1 ) 22. PLAY ON SURFACING +60% (1 ) 23, CDP (CUSTOM DESIGN +50% (1 ) PRECAST) 24. ZEAGER WOODCRAFT +75% (2 ) 25. GROUNDSCAPE RUBBER +75% (3 ) MULCH rage 16 of 20 BID #; 08-0511MM BID RE -CAP SHEET SENIOR BUYER: TITLE: Park/Playground Equipment and Parts, Term Contract MaryAnn McGee LOT # II - PURCHASE DELIVERY & INSTALLATION - MANUFACTURER'S CATALOG (Continued) LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED NOTE: "LP" OFFERED NOTE: 'LP" ANDIOR "SBE" LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES AND/OR "SBE" INC. 1. LANDSCAPE +32% STRUCTURES,INC. LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES (PLAYSENSE) INC. 2. LANDSCAPE +32% STRUCTURES,INC. STRUCTURES,INC. (HEALTHBEAT) (PLAYSENSE) 3. LANDSCAPE +32% STRUCTURES,INC. +32% SKATEWAVE STRUCTURES,INC. PLAYMORE WEST INC. (HEALTHBEAT) 1. PLAYWORLD SYSTEMS +20% 2. ZEAGER WOODCRAFT +85% 3. SOF SURFACES +25% 4. WEBCOAT +30 SKATEWAVE 5. FOREVER LAWN -5% 6. CHILDSAFE _5% MIRACLE RECREATION 1. PLAYWORLD SYSTEMS +20% EQUIPMENT CO. ( 1 ) 2. ZEAGER WOODCRAFT MIRACLE RECREATION +20% (1 ) EQUIPMENT CO. +25% ELJAY ATHLETIC SERVICES 4. WEBCOAT +30 INC. I. GARED SPORTS PRODUCTS -12% -5%0 2. NEVCO SCOREBOARD -12% 6. CHILDSAFE LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE AWARD AFTER OFFERED NOTE: 'LP" RECOMMENDATION PREFERENCE HAS AND/OR "SBE" "KEY" ONLY BEEN APPLIED (SEE ABOVE) LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES INC. 1. LANDSCAPE +32% (2 ) STRUCTURES,INC. (PLAYSENSE) 2. LANDSCAPE +32% (2 ) STRUCTURES,INC. (HEALTHBEAT) 3. LANDSCAPE +32% (2 ) STRUCTURES,INC. SKATEWAVE PLAYMORE WEST INC. 1. PLAYWORLD SYSTEMS +20% ( 1 ) 2. ZEAGER WOODCRAFT +85% (1 ) 1 SOF SURFACES +25% (2 ) 4. WEBCOAT +30 (1 ) 5. FOREVER LAWN -5%0 (1 ) 6. CHILDSAFE -5% 1 ) MIRACLE RECREATION EQUIPMENT CO. MIRACLE RECREATION +20% (1 ) EQUIPMENT CO. ELJAY ATHLETIC SERVICES INC. 1. CARED SPORTS PRODUCTS -12% 2. NEVCO SCOREBOARD -12% ( 1 Page 17 of 20 Rin AGJ'AD Cu=r BID #: 08-051IMM SENIOR BUYER: TITLE:: Park/Playground Equipment and Parts, Term Contract MaryAnn McGee LOT # II - PURCHASE DELIVERY & INSTALLATION - MANUFACTURER'S CATALOG (Continued) LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED PERCENTAGE DISCOUNT OFFERED IF PREFERENCE NOTE: "LP" AND/OR "SBE" REP SERVICES INC REP SERVICES, INC 1. LANDSCAPE +32% 1. LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES,INC. (1 ) (PLAYSENSE) 2. LANDSCAPE +32% STRUCTURES,INC. 2. LANDSCAPE (HEALTHBEAT) (1 ) 3. LANDSCAPE +32% STRUCTURES,INC. (HEALTHBEAT) (SKATEWAVE) 3. LANDSCAPE 4. LANDSCAPE BRANDS +28% (1 ) (CLEAN CITY) 5. LANDSCAPE BRANDS +2$% (FUSION) 4. LANDSCAPE BRANDS 6. IRVINE WOOD RECOVERY +85% (1 ) 7. ZEAGER HARDWOOD +85 8. TOT TURF -4.5% +28% 9 FOREVER LAWN, INC. -2% (FUSION) BLISS PRODUCTS AND SERVICES, INC. +85% 1. KOMPAN, INC. +30% +85 2. SPORTSPLAY, INC. +30% 8. TOT TURF 3. ULTRAPLAY SYSTEMS, INC. +58% (1 ) 4. JAYHAWK PLASTICS, INC. +58% 5. TERRASOFT SAFETY .5% SURFACING SERVICES, INC, 6. SOF SURFACES — RUBBER -2%, TILE +30% LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED AFTER PREFERENCE HAS BEEN APPLIED PERCENTAGE DISCOUNT OFFERED IF PREFERENCE NOTE: "LP" AND/OR "SBE" AWARD RECOMMENDATION "KEY' ONLY (SEE ABOVE) REP SERVICES, INC 1. LANDSCAPE +32% (1 ) STRUCTURES,INC. (PLAYSENSE) 2. LANDSCAPE +32% (1 ) STRUCTURES,IINC. (HEALTHBEAT) 3. LANDSCAPE +32% (1 ) STRUCTURES,INC. (SKATEWAVE) 4. LANDSCAPE BRANDS +28%n (1 ) (CLEAN CITY) 5. LANDSCAPE BRANDS +28% (1 ) (FUSION) 6. IRVINE WOOD RECOVERY +85% (1 ) 7. ZEAGER HARDWOOD +85 (1 ) 8. TOT TURF -4.5% (1 ) 9 FOREVER LAWN, INC. -2% (2 ) BLISS PRODUCTS AND SERVICES, INC, 1. KOMPAN, INC. +30% (1 ) 2. SPORTSPLAY, INC, +30% (1 ) 3, ULTRAPLAY SYSTEMS, INC. +58% (1 ) 4, JAYHAWK PLASTICS, INC. +58% (1 ) 5. TERRASOFT SAFETY -5% (1 ) SURFACING 6. SOF SURFACES — RUBBER -2% (1 ) TILE Page 18 of 20 Rin PF-r.AP.qI4PFT BID #. 08-0511MM SENIOR BUYER: TITLE: Park/Playground Equipment and Parts, Term Contract MaryAnn McGee LOT # 11 - PURCHASE DELIVERY & INSTALLATION - MANUFACTURER'S CATALOG (Continued) ITEM 2 - LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, INC. ITEM 3 — OUTDOOR ALUMINUM - NO AWARD ITEM 4 — GAMETIME, INC. - NO AWARD ITEM 5 — DUMOR, INC. PERCENTAGE LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED AND/OR `SBE` NOTE: "LP" OFFERED OFFERED ANDIOR "SBE" REP SERVICES, INC +32% AND/OR "SBE" LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, +32% INC. (SEE ABOVE) REP SERVICES, INC ITEM 3 — OUTDOOR ALUMINUM - NO AWARD ITEM 4 — GAMETIME, INC. - NO AWARD ITEM 5 — DUMOR, INC. LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE MANUFACTURER(S) NOTE: "LP" OFFERED OFFERED AND/OR `SBE` REP SERVICES, INC +28% LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE AWARD AFTER PREFERENCE HAS NOTE: "LP" RECOMMENDATION PREFERENCE HAS OFFERED AND/OR "SBE" "KEY" ONLY BEEN APPLIED (SEE ABOVE) REP SERVICES, INC +32% LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, +32% (2) INC. LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE AWARD AFTER NOTE: "LP" RECOMMENDATION PREFERENCE HAS OFFERED ANDIOR'SBE" "KEY" ONLY BEEN APPLIED (SEE ABOVE) REP SERVICES, INC +28% Page 19 of 20 Pin PP-rhP CI-IFZFT BID #: 08-051/MM SENIOR BUYER: TITLE: Park/Playground Equipment and Parts, Term; Contract MaryAnn McGee ITEM 6 - LITTLE TIKES - NO AWARD ITEM 7 - TOT TURF LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE PERCENTAGE Lot II - Item 1 LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE MANUFACTURER(S) NOTE: "LP" NOTE: "LP" OFFERED OFFERED ANDIOR "SBE" REP SERVICES, INC -4.5% (SEE ABOVE) LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE 113 mm Lot II - Item 1 MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE AWARD AFTER NOTE: "LP" RECOMMENDATION PREFERENCE HAS OFFERED AND/OR "SBE" XEY" ONLY BEEN APPLIED Landscape Structures, Inc. (Playsense) - (SEE ABOVE) REP SERVICES, INC -4.5% Rep Services ) REMARKS: CONTRACT CONNECTIONS, INC. - Lot 1A & 1B - Items 8 through 16, Non-responsive to Term #15 (DELIVERY). Lots 1A & 113 - Items 13 & 25, and LOT II, Item 13 - Non-responsive to Term 713. PLAY IT SAFE ENTERPRISES INC. - Lot Ii, Items 2 through 18 - Nan -responsive -- did not circle +/-. HUNTER KNEPSHIELD CO., INC - Lot II - Items 1 through 9 - Nan -responsive - did not circle +/-. NOTE: Tie bids awarded as follows due to closeness to delivery point: Lot IA 113 mm Lot II - Item 1 Litchfield -Contract Connections, Inc. Litchfield -Contract Connections, Inc. Litchfield -Contract. Connections, Inc. Zeager - Playmore West Zeager - Playmore West Zeager - Playmore West Landscape Stuctures, Inc. - Rep Services Landscape Stuctures, Inc. -- Rep Services Landscape Stuctures, Inc. - Rep Services Landscape Structures, Inc. (Playsense) - Landscape Structures, Inc. (Playsense) - Landscape Structures, Inc. (Playsense) - Rep Services Rep Services j Rep Services Landscape Structures, Inc. (Healthbeat) - Landscape Structures, Inc. (Healthbeat) - Landscape Structures, Inc. (Heaithbeat) - Rep Services Rep Services Rep Services Landscape Structures, Inc. (Skatewave) -- Landscape Structures, Inc. (Skatewave) - Landscape Structures, Inc. (Skatewave) - Rep Services Rep Services Rep Services Page 20 of 20 RIh RF.["AP RIJIFFT BIU M 08-051 RIMM SENIOR BUYER: TITLE: Park/Playground Equipment and Parts, Term Contract, Re -Bid MaryAnn McGee Form I ACTION DATE —1N! IALS ACTION DATE INITIALS BID OPENED 5129/)B C - BID POSTED IN PURCHASING PERCENTAGE OFFERED POSTING APPROVED PERCENTAGE POSTING REMOVED p� LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH COPY TO BUYER ASSISTANT FOR _ POSTING ON INTERNET � �'tx96 } COPY TO OSHA AND DEPARTMENT zoo IF PREFERENCE KEY(S) FOR RECOMMENDATION: (PLEASE NOTE YOLW RECOMMENDATION BELOW) PREFERENCE CODES: (1) RECOMMENDED AWARD - LOWEST RESPONSIVE AND RESPONSIBLE BIDDER MEETING SPECIFICATIONS "LP" = LOCAL PREFERENCE (5%) (2) H-0 AWARD, RESPONSIVE AND RESPONSIBLE, BUT NOT LOWEST BIDDER MEETING SPECIFICATIONS 'SBE" a SBE RANKING (1 D°la) (3) NO AWARD, NOT RESPONSIVE AND(OR RESPONSIBLE TO BID 'NO LP" = MARTIN CO - NO'LP' APPLIED (4) NOT EVALUATED LOT #I, ITEM 1A— PURCHASE AND DELIVERY ONLY OUTDOOR ALUMINUM ;TEP 1 PERCENTAGE STEP 2 DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE MANUFACTURER(S) AWARD PERCENTAGE OFFERED LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE PREFERENCE HAS EQUIPMENT LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE AWARD MANUFACTURER(S) NOTE: 'LP" AFTER NOTE: 'LP" RECOMMENDATION OFFERED OFFERED ANDIOR 'SBE° PREFERENCE HAS OFFERED ANDIOR "SBE' "KEY" ONLY EQUIPMENT BEEN APPLIED EQUIPMENT (SEE ABOVE) OUTDOOR ALUMINUM OUTDOOR ALUMINUM %DOMINICA RECREATION %DOMINICA RECREATION 5% PRODUCTS 5% 1 ) PRODUCTS LOT ##I, ITEM 2A — PURCHASE AND DELIVERY ONLY GAMETIME, INC. STEP 1 STEP 2 0 J LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE MANUFACTURER(S) AWARD NOTE: 'LP" OFFERED OFFERED ANDIOR "SBE" PREFERENCE HAS EQUIPMENT ANDIOR'SBE' GAMETIME, INC. BEEN APPLIED EQUIPMENT %DOMINCA RECREATION 10% GAMETIME, INC. PRODUCTS 0 J LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE AWARD AFTER NOTE:'LP" RECOMMENDATION PREFERENCE HAS OFFERED ANDIOR'SBE' 'KEY" ONLY BEEN APPLIED EQUIPMENT (SEE ABOVE) GAMETIME, INC. %DOM INCA RECREATION PRODUCTS 10% (1) ?OIR '08 III* H a;« A Page 2 of 5 BID RE -CAP SHEET BID #: 08-OSIRIMM SENIOR BUYER: TITLE: Par Playground Equipment and Parts, Term Contract, Re -Bid MaryAnn McGee LOT #1, ITEM 3A - PURCHASE AND DELIVERY ONLY LITTLE TIKES STEP 1 .RTFP 2 LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE MANUFACTURER(S) AWARD NOTE: "LP" OFFERED OFFERED ANDIOR "SBE" PREFERENCE HAS EQUIPMENT ANDIOR "SHE' HANOVER SPECIALTIES, INC. BEEN APPLIED EQUIPMENT DBA CREATIVE 25% HANOVER SPECIALTIES, INC - PLAYGROUNDS .RTFP 2 LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE AWARD AFTER OFFERED NOTE; "LP" RECOMMENDATION PREFERENCE HAS OFFERED ANDIOR "SHE' KEY" ONLY BEEN APPLIED EQUIPMENT CONCEPTS, INC. (SEE ABOVF) HANOVER SPECIALTIES, INC - DBA CREATIVE 25% (t PLAYGROUNDS LOT #1, ITEM 4A - PURCHASE AND DELIVERY ONLY TOT TURF - NO AWARD LOT #l, ITEM 5A- PURCHASE AND DELIVERY ONLY BCI BURKE STEP 1 STEP 2 LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE MANUFACTURER(S) AWARD NOTE: "LP" OFFERED OFFERED ANDIOR'SBE" PREFERENCE HAS EQUIPMENT ANDIOR'SBE" ADVANCED RECREATIONAL BEEN APPLIED EQUIPMENT CONCEPTS, INC. 5% ADVANCED RECREATIONAL LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE MANUFACTURER($) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE AWARD AFTER NOTE: 'LP" RECOMMENDATION PREFERENCE HAS OFFERED ANDIOR'SBE" "KEY" ONLY BEEN APPLIED EQUIPMENT (SEE ABOVE) ADVANCED RECREATIONAL CONCEPTS, INC. S% (1 ) Page 3 of 5 BID RE -CAP SHEET BID #: 0"51tMM SENIOR BUYER: TITLE: Park/Playground Equipment and Parts, Term Contract, Re -Bid MaryAnn McGee LOT #I, ITEM I B - PURCHASE AND DELIVERY ONLY OUTDOOR ALUMINUM STEP 1 LOT #1, ITEM 213 - PURCHASE AND GAMETIME, INC. STEP 1 fiTFP 2 LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE MANUFACTURER(S) AWARD NOTE: ILP' OFFERED OFFERED ANDIOR'SBE' PREFERENCE HAS EQUIPMENT ANDIOR "SBE' OUTDOOR ALUMINUM BEEN APPLIED EQUIPMENT %DOMINCA RECREATION 5% OUTDOOR ALUMINUM PRODUCTS LOT #1, ITEM 213 - PURCHASE AND GAMETIME, INC. STEP 1 fiTFP 2 LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE AWARD AFTER OFFERED NOTE: "LP' RECOMMENDATION PREFERENCE HAS OFFERED ANDIOR "SBE' 'KEY' ONLY BEEN APPLIED EQUIPMENT %DOMINCA RECREATION (SEE ABOVE) OUTDOOR ALUMINUM PRODUCTS %DOMINCA RECREATION PRODUCTS 5% 41 } DELIVERY ONLY STEP 2 LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE MANUFACTURER(S) AWARD NOTE: "LP" OFFERED OFFERED ANDIOR "SBE" PREFERENCE HAS EQUIPMENT AND/OR "SBE" GAMETIME, INC. BEEN APPLIED EQUIPMENT %DOMINCA RECREATION 5% GAMETIME, INC. PRODUCTS STEP 2 LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE AWARD AFTER NOTE: "LP" RECOMMENDATION PREFERENCE HAS OFFERED AND/OR "SBE" "KEY" ONLY BEEN APPLIED EQUIPMENT (SEE ABOVE) GAMETIME, INC. %DOMINCA RECREATION PRODUCTS 5% (1) Page 4 Of 5 BID # BID RE -CAP SHEET YER: TITLE: Park/Playground Equipment and Parts, Term Contract, Re -Bid Marygnn McGee LOT #I, ITEM 313 - PURCHASE AND DELIVERY ONLY LITTLE TIKES STEP 1 STEP 2 LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED HANOVER SPECIALTIES, INC. DBA CREATIVE PLAYGROUNDS DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE OFFERED NOTE: "LP" EQUIPMENT AND/OR "SBE" 25% LOT #1, ITEM 413 — PURCHASE AND DELIVERY ONLY TOT TURF — NO AWARD LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE AWARD AFTER PREFERENCE HAS OFFERED NOTE: "LP" RECOMMENDATION BEEN APPLIED EQUIPMENT ANDIOR °SBE° 'KEY"ONLY (SEE ABOVE) HANOVER SPECIALTIES, INC, DBA CREATIVE 25% PLAYGROUNDS 5% LOT #I, ITEM 513 — PURCHASE AND DELIVERY ONLY BCI BURKE STEP 1 STEP 2 LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH MANUFACTURERS) OFFERED ADVANCED RECREATIONAL CONCEPTS, INC. DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE OFFERED NOTE: "LP" EQUIPMENT AND/OR "SI3E- 5% LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE AWARD AFTER PREFERENCE HAS OFFERED NOTE:'LP' RECOMMENDATION BEEN APPLIED EQUIPMENT AND/OR "SBE" "KEY'ONLY (SEE ABOVE) ADVANCED RECREATIONAL CONCEPTS, INC. 5% { 1 Page 5 of 5 BID RE -CAP SHEET YER: TITLE: Park/Playground Equipment and Parts, Term Contract, Re -Bid MaryAnn McGee LOT # 11 - PURCHASE DELIVERY & INSTALLATION ITEM 1 — OUTDOOR ALUMINIIM ITEM 2 - GAMETIME. INC LIST 8ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH MANUFACTURER(S) DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE "LPI OFFERED OFFERED NOTE: AND/OR "SBE" OUTDOOR ALUMINUM +35 RECOMMENDATION 'KEY'ONLY %DOMINICA RECREATION PRODUCTS OUTDOOR ALUMINUM +35 ITEM 2 - GAMETIME. INC LIST 8ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE1DDERS MANUFACTURER(S) DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE "LP" OFFERED OFFERED NOTE: ANDIOR"SB£" GAMETIME +25 RECOMMENDATION 'KEY'ONLY %DOMINICA RECREATION PRODUCTS OUTDOOR ALUMINUM +35 ITEM 3 - LITTLE TIKES LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE MANUFACTURER(S) DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE OFFERED OFFERED NOTE' "LP" ANDIOR "SBE" HANOVER SPECIALTIES, INC. +27 RECOMMENDATION 'KEY'ONLY DBA CREATIVE PLAYGROUNDS OUTDOOR ALUMINUM +35 REMARKS: LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE MANUFACTURER(S) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE AWARD AFTER PREFERENCE HAS OFFERED NOTE: "LP" ANDIOR "SBE" RECOMMENDATION 'KEY'ONLY BEEN APPLIED (SEE ABOVE) OUTDOOR ALUMINUM +35 (1.) %DOMINICA RECREATION PRODUCTS LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE MANUFACTURERS) OFFERED DISCOUNT IFPREFERENCE AWARD AFTER PREFERENCE HAS OFFERED NOTE: "LP" ANDIOR °SBE" RECOMMENDATION "KEY" ONLY BEEN APPLIED (SEE ABOVE) GAMETIME +27 (1 ) %DOMINICA RECREATION PRODUCTS LIST BIDDERS ALONG WITH PERCENTAGE MANUFACTURE (RS) OFFERED DISCOUNT IF PREFERENCE AWARD AFTEOFFERED PREFERENCE HAS NOTE: 11-1211 ANDIOR "SBE" RECOMMENDATION "KEY" ONLY BEEN APPLIED (SEE ABOVE) GAMETIME +27 (1 ) %DOMINICA RECREATION PRODUCTS ►ttE13Ltt't►hl tL:,B:.E FTt1N Board of County Commissioners Addie L. Greene, Chairperson Jeff Koons, Vice Chair Karen T. Marcus Robert J. Kanjian Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Jess R. Santamaria BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS NOTICE OF SOLICITATION BID #08-0511MM PLAYGROUND/PARK EQUIPMENT AND PARTS, TERM CONTRACT BID OPENING DATE: April 3, 2000 AT 2:00 P.M. County Administrator Robert Weisman Purchasing Department v�ww.pbcgov.com/pur It is the responsibility of the bidder to ensure that all pages are included. Therefore, all bidders are advised to closely examine this package. Any questions regarding the completeness of this package should be immediately directed to Palm Beach County Purchasing Department (561) 616-6800. Itis requested that all bids be submitted in triplicate, one original and two copies. BIDDERS SHALL SUBMIT, IN A SEALED PACKAGE OR CONTAINER, AT LEAST ONE ORIGINAL, SIGNED IN INK BY AN AGENT OF THE COMPANY HAVING AUTHORITY TO BIND THE COMPANY OR FIRM. FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL BE CAUSE FOR REJECTION OF YOUR BID. Call Bid Hotline number 795-8080 (from Palm Beach County), 425-7420 (from Broward County), or 655- 4527 (from Dade County) or tune in to the Education and Government Television Cable Channel for a list of additional advertised "Invitations for Bid" and "Requests for Proposal". The Bid Hotline also provides updates on posted award recommendations. This same information, to include posted award information, is available on our web site www.pbcgov.com/pur. Protests can be accepted only during the five (5) business day posting period. CAUT10N Amendments to this Invitation for Bid will be automatically sent only to those vendors who received this document directly from Palm Beach County Purchasing Department. Palm Beach County shall not be responsible for the completeness of any Invitation for Bid package net purchased directly from Palm Beach County Purchasing Department. In accordance with the provisions of ADA, this document may be requested in an alternate format. 50 South Military Trail, Suite 110, West Palm Beach, FL 03415-3193 (561) 616-6800 FAX: (561) 616-6811 Page 2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Palm Beach County INVITATION FOR BID BID NO: 08-051/MM BID TITLE: PLAYGROUND/PARK EQUIPMENT AND PARTS, TERM CONTRACT PURCHASING DEPARTMENT CONTACT; MaryAnn McGee, Senior Buyer TELEPHONE NO.: 561 616-6835 FAX NO.: 561-242-6735 EMAIL ADDRESS: mmcgeeCco,palm-beach.fl.us All bid responses must be received on or before April 3, 20D8 , prior to 2:00 p,m., Palm Beach County local time, at which time all bids shall be publicly opened and read. SUBMIT BID TO: Palm Beach County Purchasing Department, 50 South Military Trail, Suite 110, West Palm Beach, Florida 33415-3199. This Invitation for Bid, General Conditions, Instructions to Bidders, Special Conditions, Specifications, Attachments, Amendments (if issued), and/or any other referenced document form a {tart of this bid solicitation and response thereto, and by reference are made a part thereof. The selected awardee shall be bound by all terms, conditions and requirements in these documents. PURPOSE AND EFFECT: It is the purpose and intent of this invitation to secure bids for item(s) and/or services as listed herein. The selected awardee is hereby placed on notice that acceptance of its bid by Palm Beach County shall constitute a binding contract. GENERAL CONDITIONS, INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS [GENERAL CONDITIONS 1_ GENERAL INFORMATION Bidders are advised that this package constitutes the complete set of specifications, terms, and conditions which forms the binding contract between Palm Beach County and the successful bidder, Changes to this invitation for bid may be made only by written amendment issued by the County Purchasing Department. Bidders are further advised to closely examine every section of this document, to ensure that all sequentially numbered pages are present, and to ensure that it is frilly understood. Questions or requests for explanations or interpretations of this document must be submitted to the Purchasing Department contact in writing in sufficient time to permit a written response and, if required, will be provided to all prospective bidders, prior to bid openino. Oral explanations or instructions given by any County agent are not binding and should not be interpreted as altering any provision of this document. Bidder certifies that this bid is made without reliance on any oral representations made by the County. The obligations of Palm Beach County under this award are subject to the availability of funds lawfully appropriated for its purpose. 2. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS a_ COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND CODES: Federal, State, County and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that in any manner affect the items covered herein apply. Lack of knowledge by the bidder shall in no way be 'a rause for relief from responsibility, The successful bidder shall strictly comply with Federal, State and local building and safety codes. Equipment shall meet all State and Federal Safety regulations. Bidder certifies that all products (materials, equipment, processes, or other items supplied in response to this bid) contained in its bid meets all ANSI, NFPA and all other Federal and State requirements. Bidder further certifies that, if it is the successful bidder, and the product delivered is subsequently found to be deficient in any of the aforementioned requirements in effect on date of delivery, all costs necessary to bring the product into compliance shall be borne by the bidder. In compliance with Chapter 4.42, Florida Statutes,. any toxic substance resulting from this bid shall be accompanied by a property completed Material Safety Data Sheet (rASDS). The Uniform Commercial Code (Florida Statutes. Chapter 672) shall prevail as the basis for contractual obligations between the successful bidder and Palm leach County for any terms and conditions not specifically stated in the Invitation for Bid. b. DISCRIMINATION PROHIBITED: Palm Beach County is committed to assuring equal opportunity in the award of contracts and complies with all laws prohibiting discrimination. The successful bidder is prohibited from discriminating against any employee, applicant, or client because of race, color, religion, disability, sex, age, national origin, ancestry, marital status. orsexual orientation_ c. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR RELATIONSHIP: The successful bidder is, and shall be, in the performance of all work, services. and activities under this Contract, an Independent Contractor and not an employee, agent, or servant of the COUNTY. All persons engaged in any of the work or services performed pursuant to this Contract shall at all times, and in all places, be subject to the successful bidder's sole direction, supervision, and control. The successful bidder shall eyercise control over the means and manner in which it and its employees perform the wor'><, and in all respects the successful bidder's relationship, and the relationship of its employees, to the COUNTY shall be that of an Independent Contractor and not as employees or agents of the COUNTY, d. CRIMINAL HISTORY RECORDS CHECK ORDINANCE: Pursuant to Ordinance 2003-030, the Palm Beach County Criminal History Records Check Ordinance ("Ordinance"), the County shall conduct fingerprint based criminal history record checks on all persons not employed by the County who repair, deliver, or provide goods or services for, to, or on behalf of the County. A fingerprint based criminal history record check shall be conducted on all employees and subcontractors of vendors, including repair persons and delivery persons, who are unescorted when entering a facility determined to be critical to the public safety and security of the County. County facilities that require this heightened level of security are identified in Resolution R-2003-1274, as may be amended. The bidder is solely responsible for understanding the financial, schedule, and staffing implications of this Ordinance, Further, the bidder acknowledges that its bid price includes any and all direct or indirect costs associated with compliance of this Ordinance, except for the applicable FDLE/FBI fees that shall be paid by the County. e. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES: F.S, 287.133 requires Palm Beach County to notify all bidders of the following:'A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public wort;, may not submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity ir; excess .of the threshold amount provided in F.S. 287.017 for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list." f. NON -COLLUSION Bidder certifies that it has entered info no agreement to commit a fraudulent, deceitful. unlavriul, or wrongful act, or any act which may result in unfair advantage for one or more bidders aver other bidders. Conviction for the Commission of any fraud or act of collusion in connection with any sale, bid, quotation. proposal or other act incident to doing business with Palm Beach County may result in permanent debarment. No premiums, rebates or gratuities are permitted; either with, prior to or after any delivery of material or provision of services. Any such violation may result in award cancellation, return of materials,. discontinuation of services, removal from the vendor bid list(s), and/or debarment or suspension from doing business with Palm Beach County g. LOBBYING: Bidders are advised that the "Palm Beach County Lobbyist Registration Ordinance' prohibits a bidder or anyone representing the bidder from communicating with any County Commissioner, County Commissioners staff, or any employee authorized to act on behalf of the Commission to award a particular contract regarding its bid, i.e., a 'Cone of Silence". The Cone of Silence" is in effect from the dateftime of the deadline for submission of the bid, and terminates at the time that the Board of County Commissioners, or a County Department authorized to act on their behalf, awards or approves a contract, rejects all bids, or otherwise takes action which ends the solicitation process. Bidders may, however, contact any County Commissioner, County Commissioner's staff, or any employee authorized to act an behalf of the Commission to award a particular contract, via written communication i.e., facsimile, e-mail or U.S. mail. Violations of the "Cone of Silence" are punishable by a fine of $250.00 per violation. h. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: All bidders shall disclose with their bid the name of any officer, director, or agent who is also an employee or a relative of an employee of Palm Beach County. Further, all bidders shall disclose the name of any County employee or relative of a County employee who owns, directly or indirectly, an interest of ten percent or more in the bidder's firm or any of its branches. i. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: The County and the successful bidder each binds itself and its successors and assigns to the other party in respect to all provisions of this Contract. Neither the County nor the successful bidder shall assign, sublet, convey or transfer its interest in this Contract without the prior written consent- of the other. j, INDEMNIFICATION: Regardless of the coverage provided by any insurance.. the successful bidder shall indemnify, save: harmless and defend the County, its agents, servants, or employees from and against any and all claims, liability, losses and/or causes of action which may arise from any negligent act or omission of the successful bidder, its subcontractors, agents, servants or employees during the course of performing services or caused by the goods provided pursuant to these bid documents andlor resultant contract. k. PUBLIC RECORDS: Any material submitted in response to this invitation for bid is considered a public document in accordance with Section 119.07, F.S. This includes material which the responding bidder might consider to be confidential or a trade secret Any claim of confidentiality is waived upon submission, effective after opening pursuant to Section 119.07. F.S. I. INCORPORATION PRECEDENCE JURISDICTION: This Invitation for Bid shall be included and incorporated in the final award. The order of contractual precedence shall be the bid document (original terms and conditions), bid response, and purchase order or terra contract order. Any and all legal action necessary to enforce the award or the resultant contract shall be held in Palm Beach County and the contractual obligations shall be interpreted according to the laws of Florida. Page 3 M. LEGAL EXPENSES: The Counhy shall not be liable to a bidder for any legal fees, court costs, or other legal expenses ans;ng from the interpretation or enforcement of this contract, or from any other matter generated by or relating to this contract. 3. BID SUBMISSION a. SUBMISSION OF RESPONSES. All bid responses must be submitted on the provided Invitation for Bid "Response" Form. Bid responses on vendor letterhead/quota lion forms shall not be accepted. Responses must be typewritten or written in ink, and must be signed in ink by an agent of the company having authority to bind the company or firm. FAILURE TO SIGN THE BID RESPONSE FORM AT THE INDICATED PLACES SHALL BE CAUSE FOR REJECTION OF THE BID. Bid responses are to be submitted to the Palm Beach County Purchasing Department no later than the time indicated on the solicitation preamble, and must be submitted in a sealed envelope or container, which should have the enclosed address label affixed and bearing the bid number. CERTIFICATIONS LICENSES AND PERMITS: Unless otherwise directed in sub -paragraph d. (Local Preference) or the Specie! Conditions of this bid, bidder should include with its bid a copy of all applicable Certificates of Competency issued by the State of Florida or the Palm Beach County Construction industry Licensing Board in the name of the bidder shown on the bid response page. It shall also be the responsibility of the successful bidder to submit, prior to commencement of work, a current Occupational License for Palm Beach County and all permits required to complete this contractual service at no additional cost to Patin Beach County. A Palm Beach County Occupational license is required unless specifically exempted by law. in lieu of a Palm Beach County occupational license, the bidder should include the current occupational license issued to the bidder in the response. It is the responsibility of the successful bidder to ensure that all required certifications, licenses and permits are maintained in force and current throughout the term of the contract. Failure to meet this requirement shall be considered default of Contract - c. SBE BID DOCUMENT LANGUAGE Item 1 - Poliev It is the policy of the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Florida, that SBE(s) have the maximum practical opportunity to participate in the competitive process of .supplying goods and services to the County. To that end, the Board of County Commissioners established Ordinance No. 2002-064, which sets forth the County's requirements for the SBE program, and are incorporated in this solicitation. Compliance with the requirements contained in this section shall result in a bidder being deemed responsive to SBE requirements. The provisions of this Ordinance are applicable to this solicitation, and shall have precedence over the provisions of this solicitation in the event of a conflict. Although preferences will not be extended to certified M/VVBEs, unless otherwise provided by lav, businesses eligible for certification as an M/WBE are encouraged to maintain their certification in order to assist in the tracking of M/WBE availability and awards of contracts to M/WBEs. This information is vital to determining whether race and gender neutral programs assist MWBE firms or whether race and gender preferences are necessary in order to address any continued discrimination in the market_ Item 2 - SBE Goals The County has established a minimum goal of 15% SBE participation for all County solicitations. This goal is a minimum, and no rounding shall be accepted. Item 3 - Ranking of Responsive Bidders Bidders who meet the SBE goal shall be deemed to be responsive to the SBE requirement. When evaluating competitive bids of up to one million dollars (51.000,000) in which the apparent low bidder is determined to be non-responsive to the SBE requirement, the contract shall be awarded to the low bidder responsive to the SBF_ requirement, or, in the event there are no bidders responsive to the SSE requiremen!, to the bidder with the greatest SBE participation in excess of seven percent (7`%.) participation, as lona as the bid does not exceed the low bid amount by ten percent In cases where the low hid exceeds one million dollars ($1_.000,000); the contract shall be awarded to the low bidder responsive to the SBE. requirements, or, in the event there are no bidders responsive to time SBE requirements, to the bidder with the greatest SBE participation in excess of seven percent (7%) participation, provided that such bid does not exceed the low bid otherwise responsive to the bid requirements by more than one hundred thousand dollars (S100,000) plus three percent (3%) of the total bid in excess of one million dollars ($1,000,000). Item 4- Bid Submission Documentation SBE bidders, bidding as prime contractors, are advised that they must complete Schedule 1 listing the work to be performed by their own workforce as well as the work to be periommed by any SBE or M/WBE subcontractor. Failure to include this information on Schedule 1 will result in the participation by the SBE prime bidders own workforce NOT being counted towards meeting the SBE goal. This requirement applies even if the SBE contractor intends to perform 100% of the wort; with their own workforce. Bidders are required to submit with their bid the appropriate SBE-M/WBE schedules in order to be deemed responsive to the SBE requirements. SBE-MJWBE documentation to be submitted is as follows: Schedule 1 - List of Proposed SBE .and MIWSE Prime Subcontractors This list shall contain the names of all SBE and M/WBE subcontractors intended to be used in performance of the contract, if awarded. The type of work to be performed by each subcontractor and the dollar value or percentage shall also be specified. This schedule shall also be used if an SBE prime bidder is utilizing ANY subcontractors. Schedule(s) 2 LetterlLs) of Intent to Perform as an SBE or MIWBE Subcontractor One Schedule 2 for each SBE and MIWBE Subcontractor listed on Schedule 1 shall be completed and executed by the proposed SBE and MIWBE Subcontractor. Additional copies may be made as needed. Item 5 -SSE Certification Drily those firms certified by Palm Beach County at the time of bid opening shall be counted toward the established SBE goals. Upon receipt of a complete application. IT TAKES UP TO SIXTY (60) DAYS TO BECOME CERTIFIED AS AN SBE WITH PALM BEACH COUNTY. It is the responsibility of the bidder to confirm the certification of any proposed SSE; therefore, it is recommended that bidders contact the OSBA at (561) 616-6840 to verify certification. Item 6 - Counting SBE Participation Land M/WBE Participation for Tracking Purposes) 6.1 Once a firm is determined to be an eligible SBE according to the Palm Beach County certification procedures, the County or the Prime may count toward its SBE goals only that portion of the total dollar value of a contract performed by the SBE. 5.2 The total dollar value of a contract with an eligible SBE may be counted toward the goal_ 6.s The County may count toward its SBE goals the iotas value of a contract awarded to an eligible SBE firm that subsequently is decertified or whose certification has expired after a contract award date or during the performance of the contract. 6.4 The County or Prime may count toward its SBE goal a portion of the total dollar value of a contract with a joint venture, eligible under the standards for certification, equal to the percentage of the ownership and control of the SBE partner in the joint venture. Page 4 6.5 The County or Prime may count toward its SBE goal the entire expenditures for materials and equipment purchased by an SBE subrontracior, provided that the SBE subcontractor has the responsibility for the installation of the purchased materials and equipment. 6.6 The County or Prime may count the entire expenditure to an SSE manufacturer ii.e- a supplier that produces goods from raw materials or substantially alters the goods before resale). 6.7 The Counbl or Prime may count sixty percent (60°x) of its expenditure to SBE suppliers that are not manufacturers. 6.8 The County or Prime may count toward its SBE goal second and third tiered SBE subcontractors, provided that the Prime identifies the SBE subcontractors as second and third tier subs in their bid submittal. Item 7 - Responsibilities After Contract Award All bidders hereby assure that they Shall meet the SBE participation percentages submitted in their respective bids with the subcontractors contained on Schedules 1'& 2 and at the dollar values specified. Bidders agree to provide any additional information requested by the County to substantiate participation. The successful bidder shall submit an SBE-M/WBE Activity Form (Schedule 3) and SBE-MJWSE Payment Certification Forms (Schedule 4) with each payment application. Failure to provide these forms may result in a decay in processing payment or disapproval of the invoice until they are submitted. The SBE-M/WBE Activity Form is to be filled out by the Prime Contractor and the SBE-M/WBE Payment Certification Forms are to be executed by the SBE or MMIBE firm to verify receipt of payment. Iters B - SBE Substitutions After contract award, the successful bidder shall only be permitted to replace a certified SBE subcontractor who is unwilling or unable to perform. Such substitution must be done with other certified SBEs in order to maintain the SBE percentages submitted with the bid. Requests for substitutions must be submitted to the Department issuing the bid and the OSBA. Note: Where there is a conflict between the Local Preference Ordinance and the SBE Ordinance, the SBE Ordinance shall prevail. d. LOCAL PREFERENCE: In accordance with the Palm Beach County Local Preference Ordinance, a preference will be given to bidders who have a permanent place of business in Palm Beach County and who hold a valid occupational license issued by the County that authorizes the bidder to provide the goods or services to be purchased. Local preference means that if the lowest responsive, responsible bidder is a regional or non -local business, then all bids received from responsive, responsible local bidders are decreased by 5%, The original bid amount is not changed; the 5% decrease is calculated only for the purposes of determining local preference. To receive a local preference. a bidder must have a permanent place of business in existence prior to the County's issuance of this Notice of Solicitation/Invitation for Sid. Prior to the County's issuance means the date that the Notice of Solicttation/Invitabon for Bid was advertised in the Palm Beach Post. A permanent place of business means that the bidder's headquarters is located in Palm Beach County; or, the bidder has a permanent office or other site in Palm Beach County where the bidder will produce a substantial portion of the goods or services to be purchased. A valid occupational license issued by the Palm Beach County Tax Collector shall be used to verify that the bidder had a permanent place of business prior to the issuance of this Notice of Sol icitation/lnvitation for Bid. A Palm Beach County Occupational license is required unless specifically exempted by law. in lieu of a Palm Beach County occupational license, the bidder shall include the current occupational license issued to the bidder in the response. Please note that the bid submitted to Palm Beach County must be from an address located within Palm Beach County in order for focal preference to apply. The bidder must submit the attached "Certification of Business Location" at the time of bid submission. Failure to submit this information shall cause the bidder to not receive a local preference. Pairs Beach County may require a bidder to provide additional information for clarification purposes at any time prior to the award of the contract. DRUG FREE WORKPLACE CERTIFICATION: in compliance with Florida Statute (Section 287-OB7) attached form "Drug -Free Workplace Certihcabon" should be fully executed and submitted with bid response in order to be considered for a preference whenever two (2) or more bids which are equal with respect to price, quality, and service are received by Palm Beach County. L CONDITIONED OFFERS: Bidders are cautioned that anv condition, qualification, provision, or comment in their bid., or in other correspondence transmitted with their bid, which in any way modifies, takes exception to, or is inconsistent with the specifications, requirements, or any of the terms, conditions, or provisions of this solicitation, is sufficient cause for the rejection of their bid as non- responsive. g. PRICING: (1) Prices offered must be the price for new merchandise and free from defect. Unless specifically requested in the bid specifications, any bids containing modifying or escalation clauses shall be rejected. (2) The price offered must be in accordance with the unit of measure provided on the bid response page(s). One (1) space or line requires only one (1) single, fixed unit price. Anything other than a single, fixed unit price shall result in the rejection of your bid. (3) Bidder warrants by virtue of bidding that prices shall remain firm for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of bid opening or other time stated in special conditions. (4) In the event of mathema8cal error(s), the unit price shall prevail and the bidder's total offer shall be corrected accordingly. BIDS HAVING ERASURES OR CORRECTIONS MUST BE INITIALED IN INK BY THE BIDDER PRIOR TO B€iO OPENING. IF THE CORRECTION IS NOT PROPERLY INITIALED, OR IF THE INTENT OR LEGIBILITY OF THE CORRECTION IS NOT CLEAR, THE BID SHALL BE REJECTED. (5) Bidders may offer a cash discount for prompt payment. However, such discounts shall not be considered in determining the lowest net cost for bid evaluation purposes unless otherwise specified in foe special conditions. Bidders should reflect any discounts to be considered in the unit prices bid. In. SUBMITTING NO BID or NO CHARGE: Bidders not wishing to bid on some items sought by this solicitation should mark those items as "no bid," If some items are to be offered at no charge, bidders should mark those items as "no charge." Items left blank shall be considered a "no bid" for that item, and the bid shall be evaluated accordingly. Bidders who do not wish to submit bids on any item in this solicitation, should return a "Statement of No Bid" in an envelope plainly marked with the bid number and marked "NO 1310." ACCEPTANCE/REJECTION OF BIDS: Palm Beach County reserves the right to accept or to reject any or all bids. Palo' Beach Counhy also reserves the right to (1) waive any non -substantive irregularities and technicalities: (2) reject the bid of any bidder who has previously failed in the proper performance of a contract of a similar nature, who has been suspended or debarred by another governmental entity, or who is not in a position to perform properly under this award; and (3) inspect all facilities of bidders in order to make a determination as to its ability to perform. Palm Beach County reserves the right to reject any offer or bid if the prices for any line items or subline items are materially unbalanced_ An offer is materially unbalanced if it is mathematically unbalanced. and if there is reason to believe that the offer would not result in the: lowest overall cost to the County, Even though it is the lowest evaluated offer. An offer is mathematically unbalanced if it is based on prices which are significantly less than fair market price for some bid line item and significantly greater than fair market price for other bid line items. Fair market price shall be determined based on industry standards, comparable bids or offers, existing contracts, or other means of establishing a range of current prices for which the line items may be obtained in the market place. The determination of whether a Page 5 particular offer or bid is materially unbalanced shall be made in writing by the Purchasing Director, cihnn the basis for the determination NON-EXCLUSiVE: The County reserves the right to acquire Some or all of these goods and services through a State of Florida contract under the provisions of Section 287.042, Florida Statutes, provided the State or Florida contract offers a lower price for the same goods and services. This reservaiion applies both to the initial award of this solicitation and to acquisition after a term contract may be awarded. Additionally, Palm Beach County reserves the right to award other contracts for goods and services falling within the scope of this solicitation and resultant contract when the specifications differ from this solicitation or resultant contract, or for goods and services specified in this solicltauon when the scope substantially differs from this solicitation or resultant contract. k. OFFER EXTENDED TO OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES: Palm Beach County encourages and agrees to the successful bidder extending the pricing, torms and conditions of this solicitation or resultant contract to other govemmental entities at the discretion of the Successful bidder. PERFORMANCE DURING EMERGENCY; By submitting a bid, bidder agrees and promises that, during and after a public emergency, disaster, hurricane, flood, or acts of God, Palm Beach County shall be given 'first priority" for all goods and services under this contract. Bidder agrees to provide all goods and services to Palm Beach County during .and after the emergency/disaster at the terms, conditions, and prices as provided in this solicitation, and with a priority above, a preference over, sales to the private sector_ Bidder shall furnish a 24- hour phone number to the County in the event of such an emergency - Failure to provide the stated priority/preference during and after an emergency/disaster shall const tute breach of contract and make the bidder subject to sanctions from further business with the County. d, BiD OPENING/AWARD OF BiD a. OBSERVING THE PUBLISHED BID OPENING TIME: The published bid opening time shall be scrupulously observed. it is the sole responsibility of the bidder to ensure that their bid arrives in the Purchasing Department prior to the published bid opening time. Any bid delivered after the precise time of bid opening shall not be considered, and .shall be returned to the bidder unopened if bidder identification is possible without opening. Bid responses by telephone, telegram, or facsimile shall not be accepted- Bidders shall not be allowed to modify their bids after the published bid opening time. In. POSTING OF AWARD RECOMMENDATION: Recommended awards shall be publicly posted for review, at the Purchasing Department prior to final approval, and shall rernain posted for a period of five (5) business days. Bidders desiring a copy of the bid posting summary may request same by enclosing a self-addressed, stamped envelope with their bid. tNOTE: As a service to bidders, the County provides an unofficiaf list of award postings on our web site at www.pbc(jov.com/our and on our bid hot-line, telephone 561-795- 8080. These listings are updated weekly, normally on Friday. if any discrepancy between these listings and the official posting in the Purchasing Department. the latter shall prevail.) c. PROTEST PROCEDURE. Protest procedures are provided in the Palm Beach County Purchasing Code. Protests must be submitted in writing, addressed to the Director of Purchasing, via hand delivery, mail or fax to 569!242-6705. Protest must identify the solicitation, specify the basis for the protest, and be received by the Purchasing Department within five (5) business days of the posting date of the recommended award. The protest is considered filed when It is received by the Purchasing Department. Failure to file protest as outlined in the Palm Beach County Purchasing Code shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under the referenced County Code. 5. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION a. DELIVERY AND .ACCEPTANCE: Deliveries of all items shall be made as soon as possible. Deliveries resulting from This bid are to be made during the normal working hours of the County. Time is of the essence and delivery dates must be met. Should the successful bidder fail to deliver on or before the stated dates, the County reserves the right to CANCEL the order or contract and make the purchase Page 6 efsewhere. The successful bidder shall be responsible for making any and all claims against carriers for missing or damaged Items. Deliverer, items shall not be considered "aiccepted" until an authorized agent for palm Beach County has, by inspection or test of such items, determined that they appear to fully comply with specifications. The Board or County Commissioners may rPfurn, at the expense of the successful bidder and for full credit, any items) received which rail to meet the County's specifications or performance standards. b. FEDERAL AND STATE TAX. Palm Beach Count/ is exempt from Federal and State taxes. The authorized agent for Purchasing shall provide an exemption certificate to the successful ,kidder, upon request. Successful bidders are not exempted from paying sales tax to their suppliers for materials to fulfill contractual obligations WWI the County, nor are successful bidders authorized to use the County's Tay, Exemption Number in securing surh materials. c_ PAYMENT: Payment shall be made by the County after commodities/service, have been received, accepted and properly invoiced as indicated in the contract andior order, Invoices must bear the order number. The Florida Prompt Payment Act is applicable to this solicitation. d. CHANGES: The Director of Purchasing. Palm beach County. by written notification to the successful bidder may make minor changes to the contract terms. Minor changes are defined as modifications which do not significantly alter the scope, nature, or price of the specified goods or services. Typical minor changes include, but are not limited to, place of delivery, method of shipment, minor revisions to customized work specifications, and administration of the contract. The successful bidder shall not amend any provision of the contract without written notification to the Director of Purchasing, and written acceptance from the Director of Purchasing or the Board of County Commissioners. e. DEFAULT: The County may, by written notice of default to the successful bidder, terminate the contract in whole or in part if the successful bidder falls to saiisfactorify perform any provisions of this solicitation or resultant contract, or fails to make progress so as to endanger performance under the terms and conditions of this solicitation or resultant contract, or provides repeated non- performance, or does not remedy such failure within a period of 10 days (or such period as the Director of Purchasing may authorize in writing) after receipt of notice from the Director of Purchasing specifying such failure. In the event the County terminates this contract in whole or in part because of defouit of the successful bidder, the County may procure goods and/or services similar to those terminated, and the successful bidder shall be liable for arty excess costs incurred due to this action. If it is determined that the successful bidder was not in default or that the default was excusable (e -g., failure due to causes beyond the control of, or without the fault or negligence of, the successful odder), the rights and obligations of the parties shall be those provided in Section sf, 'Termination for Convenience." TERMINATiON FOR CONVENIENCE. The Director of Purchasing may, whenever the interests of the County so require, terminate the contract, in whole or in part, for the convenience of the County. The Director of Purchasing shall give five (5) days prior written notice of termination to the successfuf bidder, specifying the portions of the contract to be terminated and when the termination is to become effective. If only portions of the contract are terminated, the successful bidder has the right to withdraw, without adverse action, from the entire contract, Unless directed differently in the notice_ of termination, the successful bidder shall incur no further obligations in connection with the terminated work, and shall stop work to the extent specified and on the date given in the notice of termination. Additionally, unless directed differently, the successful bidder shall terminate outstanding orders and/or subcontracts related to the terminated work. THIS IS THE END OF "GENERAL CONDITIONS," Page 7 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 6, GENERALISPECIAL CONDITION PRECEDENCE In the event of conflict between General Conditions and Special Conditions, the provisions of the Special Conditions shall have precedence. 7. QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS This bid shall be awarded only to a responsive and responsible bidder, qualified to provide the goods and/or service specified. The bidder shall, upon request; promptly furnish the County sufficient evidence in order to confirm a satisfactory performance record. Such information may include an adequate financial statement of resources, the ability to comply with required or proposed delivery or performance schedule, a satisfactory record of integrity and business ethics, the necessary organization, experience, accounting and operation controls, and technical skills, and be otherwise qualified and eligible to receive an award under applicable laws and regulations. The bidder should submit the following information with their bid response: however, if not included, it shall be the responsibility of the bidder to submit all evidence, as solicited, within a time frame specified by the County (normally within two working days of request). Failure of a bidder to provide the required information within the specified time frame is considered sufficient cause for rejection of their bid. Information submitted with a previous bid shall not satisfy this provision. A. List a minimum of three N references in which similar goods and/or services have been provided within the past three 3 years including scope of work, contact names, addresses, telephone numbers and dates of service. A contact person shaft be someone who has personal knowledge of the bidder's performance for the specific requirement listed. Contact person must have been informed that they are being used as a reference and that the County may be tailing them. DO NOT list persons who are unable to answer specific questions regarding the requirement/ B. The bidder, if not the manufacturer, must provide written evidence, from the manufacturer, which states that the bidder is an authorized dealer/distributor/reseller of the manufacturer 8. CRIMINAL HISTORY RECORDS CHECK This solicitation includes sites and/or buildings which have been designated as "critical facilities" pursuant to Ordinance 2003- 030 and Resolution R-2003-1274, as may be, amended. Therefore, prior to the award of any contract, the recommended awardee(s) must comply with all the requirements of this solicitation, i.e. Criminal History Records Check Ordinance. County staff representing the user Department will contact the recommended awardee(s) and provide additional instructions for meeting the requirements of this Ordinance. A contract shall not be awarded unless the recommended awardee meets the requirements established by the Electronic Services and Security Division of the Facilities Development and Operations Department. 9. AWARD (ITEM -BY -ITEM) LOT 1 Palm Beach County reserves the right to award Item #1 to multiple bidders (Attachment #1) and Items 2 through 8 to those bidders offering the greatest single fixed percentage discount from the manufacturer's current list price. Additionally, columns "A" (equipment) and "13" (parts) shall be considered and evaluated independently when making an `item by item" award recommendation. LOT It Palm Beach County reserves the right to award Item #1 to multiple bidders (Attachment #2) and Items 2 through 8 to those bidders offering either the greatest single fixed percentage discount ( - ) from the manufacturer's current list price or the smallest single fixed percentage in addition (+) to the manufacturer's current list price whichever is determined to be in the best interest of the Palm Beach County. Page 3 10. CATALOGS, MANUFACTURER SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICES (MSRP), ETC. Upon request, the successful bidder shall supplv at no charge current catalogs and/or MSRP's for all awarded manufacturers. The successful bidder shall up -date and keep all catalogs and MSRP's current throughout the term of the contract. When a revision to the manufacturer's catalog and/or MSRP occurs which includes the addition of new products within the scope of this solicitation, the discount and net price of the new products must be equal to or better than the discount and price of items originally included in this solicitation. Upon award, the successful bidder shall supply one copy of the appropriate cataiog(s) and/or MSRP to: Palm Beach County Finance Department :supervisor, Pre -Audit Division P.O. Box 4036 West Palm Beach, Florida 33402-4036 (551) 355-3D11 Note: All Catalogs and/or MSRP's shall clearly identify the term contract number and the successful bidder's name, address and telephone number. Additionally, catalogs and/or MSRP's created by the bidder, if not the manufacturer, will not satisfy this requirement. 11. INVOICES— LOT I (PURCHASE AND DELIVER When invoicing the County for goods purchased and delivered under this solicitation, the successful bidder must provide complete, accurate invoices which must include for every item purchased a unique catalog number, a definitive description, the catalog/list price, and the invoiced price. If the applicable catalog does not provide unique numbers, the description of the item must be sufficiently accurate to s ecificall identi the goods provided to the County. Example, Invoice shall include: Item # Description Part# List Price Discount Discount price Qty I Total 1. Tire Swing#123 $2;095.00 _ 25% $1,571.25 2 $3,142.50 I 12. INVOICES_ LOT II (PURCHASE, DELIVERY & INSTALLATION) When invoicing the County for goods purchased, delivered and installed (uncrate, assembled and placed on site) under this solicitation, the successful bidder must provide complete, accurate invoices which must include for every item purchased a unique catalog number, a definitive description, the catalog/list price, and the invoiced price. if the applicable catalog does not provide unique numbers, the description of the item must be sufficiently accurate to specifically identify the goods provided to the County. Example: Invoice shall include: Item# Description w Part ## List Price Discount Discount Price Qty Total i 1. I Tire Swing 4123 $2,095.00 +10% 52,304.50 2 $ 4,609.00 13. AUDIT All items sold to Palm Beach County as a result of this bid award are subject to post sale audit adjustment. In the event an audit indicates the successful bidder has not honored quoted price lists and discounts, the successful bidder shall be liable for any and all overage charges, and maybe considered in default of this contract. 14. METHOD OF ORDERING (TERM CONTRACT) A contract shall be issued for a term of 24 (twenty-four) months or until the estimated amount is expended, at the discretion of the County. The county will order on an "as needed" basis. 15. DELIVERY (LOTS I & 11) Delivery shall be required within six) 60) calendar days after receipt of term contract delivery order (DO) unless a modified delivery date has been requested by the successful bidder and approved in writing by the Purchasing Department or the designated County representative. Failure of the successful bidder to perform to the delivery requirement is sufficient cause for default and termination of the contract. 16. AS SPECIFIED A term contract delivery order (DO) will be issued to the successful bidder with the understanding that all items delivered must meet the specifications herein. Palm Beach County will return, at the expense of the successful bidder, items not delivered as specified, Page 9 At the option of Palm Beach County, item(s) from any delivery may be submitted to an independent testing laboratory to determine conformity to respective specifications. Bidders shall assume full responsibility for payment of any and all charges for testing and analysis of any product offered or delivered that does not conform to the minimum required specifications. '17_ ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES The anticipated term of the contract to be awarded as a result of this bid is for twenty-four (24) months. The anticipated value during the contract term is $1,025,000. Palm Beach County reserves the right to increase or decrease the anticipated value as necessary to meet actual requirements, and to rebid for the contracted goods and services at any time after the anticipated value of this contract has been reached, notwithstanding that the anticipated term has not been completed. 18. WARRANTY The successful bidder shall furnish factory/manufacturer warranty on all equipment furnished hereunder against defect in materials and/or workmanship. The factarylmanufacturer warranty shall become effective on the date of delivery and acceptance by Palm Beach County. Should any defect in materials or workmanship, excepting ordinary wear and tear, appear during the above stated warranty period, the successful bidder shall repair or replace same at no cost to Palm Beach County. 19. ATTACHMENT(S) Attachments I & Ii are included and are considered to be a component of this bid. 20. WORK SITE SAFETYISECURITY The successful bidder shall at all times guard against damage or loss to the property of Palm Beach County, the bidder's own property, and/or that of other contractors, and shall be held responsible for replacing or repairing any such loss or damage. When applicable, the successful bidder shall provide fences, signs, barricades, flashing lights, etc. necessary to protect and secure the work site(s) and insure that all County; State of Florida, OSHA, and other applicable safety regulations are met. Additionally. successful bidder shall provide for the prompt removal of all debris from Palm Beach County property. Palm Beach County may withhold payment or make such deductions as deemed necessary to ensure reimbursement or replacement for loss or damage to property through negligence of the successful bidder or its agents. 21. INSURANCE REQUIRED LOT I ONLY (PURCHASE/DELIVERY) It shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder to provide evidence of the following minimum amounts of insurance coverage to Palm Beach County, c/o Purchasing Department, Attention Buyer, 50 South Military Trail, Suite 110, West Palm Beach, Florida 33415. During the term of the Contract and prior to each subsequent renewal thereof, the successful bidder shall provide this evidence to the County prior to the expiration date of each and every insurance required herein. Commercial General Liability Insurance. Successful bidder shall maintain Commercial General Liability Insurance, or similar form, at a limit of liability not less than 5500,000 Each Occurrence for Bodily Injury, Personal Injury and Property Damage Liability. Coverage shall include Premises and/or Operations, Independent Contractors, Products and/or Completed Operations, Personal Injury/Advertising Liability, Contractual Liability and Broad Form Property Damage coverages. Coverage for the hazards of explosion, collapse and underground property damage (X -C -U) must also be included when applicable to the work to be performed. This coverage shall be endorsed to include Palm Beach County as an Additional Insured. Business Auto Liability Insurance. Successful bidder shall maintain Business Auto Liability insurance at a limit of liability not less than 550D,000 Combined Single Limit Each Accident for all owned, non -owned, and hired automobiles. (In this context, the term "Autos" is interpreted to mean any land motor vehicle, trailer or semi trailer designed for travel on public roads.) In the event successful bidder neither owns nor leases automobiles, the Business Auto Liability requirement shall be amended allowing successful bidder to maintain only Hired & Non -Owned auto Liability. This amended requirement may be satisfied by way of endorsement to the Commercial General Liability, or separate Business Auto coverage form. Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance. Successful bidder shall maintain Workers' Compensation & Employer's Liability Insurance in accordance with Florida Statute Chapter 440. A signed Certificate or Certificates of Insurance, evidencing that required insurance coverages have been procured by the successful bidder in the types and amounts required hereunder shall be transmitted to the County via the Insurance Company/Agent within a time frame specified by the County (normally within 2 working days of request). Failure to provide required insurance shall render your bid non responsive. Page 10 Except as to Business Auto, Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability (and Professional liability, when applicable), said Certificate(s) shall clearly confirm that coverage required by the contract has been endorsed to include Palm Beach County as an Additional Insured. Further, said Certificate(s) shall endeavor to provide ten (10) days written notice to County prior to any adverse change, cancellation or non -renewal of coverage.there under. It is the responsibility of the successful bidder to ensure that all required insurance coverages are maintained in force throughout the term of the contract. Failure to maintain the required insurance shall be considered default of contract. Successful bidder shall agree to provide the County with at least ten (10) days prior notice of any cancellation, non -renewal or material change to the insurance coverages. All insurance must be acceptable to and approved by County as to form, types of coverage and acceptability of the insurers providing coverage. Bidder shall agree that all insurance coverage required herein shall be provided by Bidder to County on a primary basis. 22. INSURANCE REQUIRED LOT li ONLY (PURCHASEIDELIVERY/INSTALLATION) It shali be the responsibility of the successful bidder to provide evidence of the following minimum amounts of insurance coverage to Palm Beach County, c/o Purchasing Department, Attention Buyer, 50 South Military Trail, Suite 110, West Palm Beach, Florida 33415. During the term of the Contract and prior to each subsequent renewal thereof, the successful bidder shall provide this evidence to the County prior to the expiration date of each and every insurance required herein. Commercial General Liability, or similar form, shall have minimum limits of $500,000 Per Occurrence Combined Single Limit for Bodily Inury, Personal Injury and Property Damage Liability. Coverage shall include Premises and/or Operations, Independent Contractors, Products and/or Completed Operations, Personal Injury/Advertising Liability, Contractual Liability and Broad Form Property Damage coverages_ Coverage for the hazards of explosion, collapse and underground property damage (X -C -U) must also be included when applicable to the work to be performed. This coverage shall be endorsed to include Palm Beach County as an Additional Insured. Business Auto Policy, or similar form, shall have minimum limits of $500,000 Per Occurrence Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability. Coverage shall include coverage for all Owned Autos, Hired Autos and Non owned Autos. (in this context, the term "Autos" is interpreted to mean any land motor vehicle, trailer or semi trailer designed for travel on public roads:) Note: When applicable, if the designated sub -contractor is responsible for the installation then proof of Business Auto Policy, or similar form, must be provided by the sub -contractor. Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability coverage is required for all personnel who work on this project. This shall include the personnel of the contractor and any subcontractors, regardless of the size of the company. Exemptions for small companies shall not be accepted. Coverage must include Employer's Liability with minimum limits of 5100,000 Each Accident, $500,000 Disease -Policy Limit, 5100,000 Disease -Each Employee. Note: When applicable, if the designated sub -contractor is responsible for the installation then proof of Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability must be provided by the sub -contractor. A signed Certificate or Certificates of Insurance, evidencing that required insurance coverages have been procured by the successful bidder in the types and amounts required hereunder shall be transmitted to the County via the Insurance Company/Agent within a time frame specified by the County (normally within 2 working days of request). Failure to provide required insurance shall render your bid non responsive. Except as to Business Auto, Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability (and Professional liability, when applicable), said Certificate(s) shall clearly confirm that coverage required by the contract has been endorsed to include Palm Beach County as an Additional Insured. Further, said Certificate(s) shall endeavor to provide ten (10) days written notice to County prior to any adverse change, cancellation or non -renewal of coverage there under. It is the responsibility of the successful bidder to ensure that all required insurance coverages are maintained in force throughout the term of the contract. Failure to maintain the required insurance shall be considered default of contract. Successful bidder shall agree to provide the County with at least ten (10) days prior notice of any cancellation, non -renewal or material change to the insurance coverages. All insurance must be acceptable to and approved by County as to form, types of coverage and acceptability of the insurers providing coverage. Bidder shall agree that all insurance coverage required herein shall be provided by Bidder to County on a primary basis SPECIFICATIONS BID #08-051/MM PLAYGROUND/PARK EQUIPMENT AND PARTS, TERM CONTRACT PURPOSE AND INTENT: Wage 11 The purpose and intent of this Invitation for Bid (IFB) is to secure a single, fixed percentage discount from manufacturer's current price list for the purchase and delivery of various Playground & Park Equipment and Parts in accordance with specifications/requirements stated herein. Additionally, it shall also secure a single, fixed percentage (plus + or minus -) based on manufacturer's current price list for purchase, delivery and installation of various Playground & Park Equipment in accordance with specifications/requirements stated herein. Note: Playground & Park Equipment may be required at any location within Palm Beach County Fixed Percentage: LOT I - PURCHASE AND DELIVERY ONLY Bidder shall indicate on Bid Response page their single fixed percentage discount to be deducted from the manufacturer's current list prices. NOTE: It is understood that current price lists are subject to change; however, percentages shall remain fixed. LOT If - PURCHASE DELIVERY & INSTALLATION 2. Bidder shall indicate on Bid Response page their single fixed percentage (plus + or minus -) for the purchase, delivery and installation of equipment and/or play structures based on manufacturer's current list prices. 3. Installation includes labor and materials to uncrate, assemble and place on-site. 4. Any installation project which requires pulling of permits, drawings, general contractor and/or engineering consultants, concrete footings; etc. is considered outside the scope of this contract. NOTE: It is understood that current price lists are subject to change; however, percentages shall remain fixed. No extra charges or compensation will be allowed under this contract. F.O.B. POINT BIDDERS MUST OFFER F.O.B. DESTINATION FREIGHT CHARGES PREPAID AND ALLOWED OR F,O.B. DESTINATION, FREIGHT CHARGES PREPAID AND ADDED. ANY OTHER "DELIVERY" OFFER WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD THAT TITLE TO ALL ITEMS ORDERED WILL REMAIN WITH THE AWARDEE UNTIL RECEIVED AND ACCEPTED BY PALM BEACH COUNTY. AWARDEE IS REQUIRED TO FILE ALL CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES/SHORTAGES, ETC. EXACT DELIVERY POINT WILL BE INDICATED ON THE PURCHASE ORDER OR TERM CONTRACT ORDER (DO). SPECIFICATIONS BID #08-051/Mull PL.AYCROUNDIPARK EQUIPMENT AND PARTS, TERM CONTRACT Catala : Page -12 All bidders of playground equipment (manufacturer/distributors) must supply current copies of each manufacturer's current price lists, upon request, to all appropriate Palm Beach County Personnel. Successful bidder is required to supply current price lists for distribution, at successful bidder's expense. Additional price sheets must be provided to Palm Beach County as requested at successful bidder's expense. Installation Responsibilities: Palm Beach County will provide water and electricity from point of closest hookup only (no hoses or electrical cables will be provided) at sites specified. The Parks Division shall be responsible for all site preparation to include placement location, installation of grade markers, grading, sod rem ovaWrep la cement, buffer fill, and berm timber installation. The Successful Bidder shall • furnish, at their expense, all supervision, equipment, machines, tools, materials, labor, transportation, and other facilities and services necessary to perform work specified herein. • not inhibit access to parks and other Palm Beach County locations during work specified herein. - ensure that all playground installers make necessary arrangements to receive shipment of play structures and provide storage prior to, and during installation. Palm Beach County will not be responsible for receiving or storing of play structures prior to or during installation. • be responsible for unpacking, uncrating, assembling and placing at job site in accordance with specifications herein. • ensure that all playground installers are certified and qualified to install play structures as per manufacturers specifications. Certification shall be made readily available for inspection by Palm Beach County personnel at any and all locations requiring installation. • be responsible for the appearance of all working personnel assigned to the project (clean and appropriately dressed at all times). have an English-speaking supervisor/representative on the work site at all times, who shall be thoroughly knowledgeable of all specifications and other contract documents and have the authority to act in the successful bidder's behalf_ Compliance Issues: It shall be the successful bidder's responsibility to insure all products ordered, shipped and/or installed conform, meet, or exceed, all current federal, state and local safety guidelines. Additionally, equipment/installation shall be in compliance with the following Palm Beach County Playground Equipment & Safety Guidelines: Page 13 SPECIFICATIONS BID #08-051/MM PLAYGROUND/PARK EQUIPMENT AND PARTS, TERI'Itl CONTRACT General: Playground equipment shall meet the following general design requirements: Equipment shall be new and of current manufacturer in production at the time of bid opening. Equipment shall be free of points, sharp edges and protrusions that may cut or puncture, Equipment shall be free of other elements that may snag clothing or body parts. Equipment shall be free of angles or openings that may entrap body parts. Equipment shall be free of pinch or crush points. Equipment shall be free of splinters and not be subject to future splintering. Equipment shall have slip resistant walking and climbing surfaces. All equipment and component mounting fasteners to be completely tamper resistant "Hex -pin cap screws" requiring installation/removal with special manufacturer furnished hex -pin Allen wrench or equivalent. Minimum fasteners to be used in conjunction with the above shall be hex -pin flange nuts, Tee nuts, or nylon insert locknuts_ Equipment shall have components that drain freely and not collect standing water. Equipment shall have steps and handholds of proper size, spacing and incline where necessary to assist climbing. Equipment shall have all moving parts constructed of materials that minimize the potential for impact injuries. Equipment shall have handrails, raised edges and other barriers where necessary to minimize the potential for fails, Entire unit shall have vandal -proof connectors that cannot be loosened or unfastened without special tools. Equipment shall permit easy access by adults for maintenance and emergencies. Equipment shall provide more than one means of access and exit. Equipment shall be designed to support the maximum possible load able to be imposed on the apparatus. Equipment shall be designed to be permanently anchored in place. Equipment shall be constructed of non -rusting and non-toxic materials. Equipment shall be constructed of materials that will remain durable in an outdoor environment. All assembly fasteners used in assembly of play structures are to include cap screws, bolts (ail), flange nuts, tee nuts, and washers SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL ONLY. All chains and S hooks SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL ONLY. 'CLIUN111" DIUS I l_UHIIIIUIIILy I 1"UllK UUU11L)' 1 UU111 7� 1JVV1J I Physical Education and Varsity Athletic Supplies - t�6F>--`�l''-U`_510 ? 05/31/11 Stock Platforms, Steps and Ramps for Portable Buildings- 0 Renewed -07/28/09 (c.; 1 07/31/10 Playground Equipment and Installation -adopted 028-MHH-1010 (Harold 10/27/09 from School Board of Miami -Dade County, Bid Hamby 863-534-0575) �' 06/12/10 #035-FF08 Playground Equipment, Surfacing &'Installation - 072-MHH-0410 (Harold adopted 5/11/10 from The School District of Osceola County Hamby 863-534-0575) t 05/18/12. Bid No. SDDC 09-B-082 CJ ://wwu,.poIk-fl.net/community/doingbLisinesswithus/purchasing/default.htni 6/8/2010 Bid Contract Bid Title Bid Number Award Valid Through Paint and Supplies - Adopted 04/22/08 from Pineallas 081 -MLC -0408 County Government Contract #067-0746-B (NW) - renewed (Loy Conner 863-534- — 11/17/11 11/17/09 0909) Paper Products -renewed 01/12/10 0_4l=J=1_]i09 01/14/11 Paper Supplies -Stock C!. _L,_Sfa_W..._Cj....... 02/28/11 Pest Control Services 0 5__I+1Hf 1 n.4_1_0 1, 05/31/11 062 -PSC -0409 P.FP D.oc anent ,... ........ ....... -..._ Attachment A Attachment P, Pharmacy Benefit Management (RFP) Attaclirnent_r�; % 12/31/12 A,tlac.firnenl: r Attachment F Attachnie,n G Attachn'ient H Physical Education and Varsity Athletic Supplies - t�6F>--`�l''-U`_510 ? 05/31/11 Stock Platforms, Steps and Ramps for Portable Buildings- 0 Renewed -07/28/09 (c.; 1 07/31/10 Playground Equipment and Installation -adopted 028-MHH-1010 (Harold 10/27/09 from School Board of Miami -Dade County, Bid Hamby 863-534-0575) �' 06/12/10 #035-FF08 Playground Equipment, Surfacing &'Installation - 072-MHH-0410 (Harold adopted 5/11/10 from The School District of Osceola County Hamby 863-534-0575) t 05/18/12. Bid No. SDDC 09-B-082 CJ ://wwu,.poIk-fl.net/community/doingbLisinesswithus/purchasing/default.htni 6/8/2010 FAE�7ZNG !G- -I �H�E F �J - t . - F'oeCt. F' Meetin I t Date: i j t Y aCE t ROOM: !� Name Deed ,G®rnpany.— t �v >j ..I.3,,.._..!.__7S,..�._..,�._`!`-U..��..____..._ __ .... _..__..).. '_�'7.�c}1 L - f� I i � , � J `� J t��v �.'-,.�___.�.-(.'` s 171. }^.1 ni .u.S � ,t=• .:...=._..._ ... -,—_. _... _ ._�.....%� ._ �_ w'_-.._�. _� /� � I _�"tJF -.. f ��•___ .._ .... _. J t } '� v �� `� . �� > '"� i • ._---^ 1J �I Gt r f �G �C�. If . ?i .,�'•f Gj j / _ 1 J ��;� �,J �'fArr l� ����,•jtil'���.>�f' I/ J'1� u.'_%(_f��`� f ✓_`�I 1f � -��'1% ------...., _,._ .✓_ i✓fr � :/� l✓\ss L� r l � t C C—r �f f l�f jt� S � �. )� �j�J �"", ; � t �..(/.J` � � � . i .y'�W� is " 0 , f f//E� ^'sY,,."'.y' �' ��%, c' f h..Q � ,�• ,j � R r esw �ia'" a *` & � - r— 1 eti Pa<_re ] of I THE SCHOOL DES7 r ICT OF OSCEOLA CO IN's`, F OPID . PurchasinglProperty RecordslWarehouse 817 Bill Beck Boulevard, Building 2000 - Kissimmee • Florida 34744-4495 Phone: 407-970-4630 • Fax: 407-970-4616 SCHODL BOARD MEMBERS District 1 — Jay wheeler 407-390-0505 District 2 -- Julius Melendez 407-922-5113 District 3 — Cintiy Lou Hartig 407-832-3999 District 4 — David Stone, Vice Chair 407-933-27DO District 5— John McKay, Chair 407-957-4056 Mr. Dennis Talbott Kool Playgrounds, LLC 109 E. 17th STreet St Cloud, FL 34769 Superintendent of Schools Michael A. Grego, Ed.D. RE: Bid # SDOC-09-6-082 CJ Playground Equipment, Surfacing and Installation Dear Mr. Talbott: The School Board of Osceola County, Florida, meeting in official session on May 19. 2009, voted to award the above mentioned solicitation to the following comoanylcompanies: Bliss Products & Service, BYO Playgrounds, Dominica Recreation Products, Florida Piaystructures. I<ooi Playgrounds, LI -C, Leadex Corporation, Litchfield :Landscape -Element, Miracle Recreation oto Miller Recreation, Piazza Inc., Play It Safe Enterprises, inc., Play Power Little Tikes, Play/Space Services, Playmore West, Inc., PIN Athletic Mfg. Co., Qitele Playgrounds, LLC, School Specialty, Site Creations LLC, Swartz Associates, Inc., Victor Stanley Inc. and Wabash Valley Manufacturing The catalogs and price sheets that were submitted with your bid response will remain in the bid folder. Please provide an additional copy for the buyer responsible for this solicitation. Cataiog dispersal to District'.s Schools and Departments is your firm's responsibility. You may view the tab sheet for this bid at: This letter is ONLY notification of award of the solicitation. Purchase Orders shall be placed as needed. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Cheryl .lessee, Senior,Buyer at 407-670-4627. Sl cerely, Cheryl L. Oi o C'P.M., CPM, FCCN Director of Purchasing and Warehouse CLOicmj cc: Dr. Michael A. Grego, Superintendent William Collins. Chief Business and Finance Officer Siuden2 Achievement — Dur Number One Priority Districtwide Accreditation by 1he Southern Association of Colleges and Schools School District Main Office, 817 LIN Beck Boulevard • Kissimmee - Florida - 34744-4492 • Phone: 407-870-4600 vri r ✓ . st r #,..dam:'. �, s An Equal Opportunity Agenz7y THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF OSC EOLA COUhIT , FLORIDA PurchosinglPrope ty RecordslWarehouse 817 Bill Beck Boulevard, Building 20DO - Kissimmee - Florida 34744-4495 Phone: 407-876-4631) • Fa,,: 407-870-4616 ✓Nny. �,c+3erl .,�i2.; .ta=: SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS ' District 1 — Jay Wheeler 407-390-0505 District 2— Julius Melendez u + �� , 407-92e""-5113 District 3— Cindy Lou 1lartig ' 407-332-3999 District 4— David Stone, Vice Char +107-933-2700 District 5 — John McKay, Chair 407-957-4056 May 21, 20D9 Ms. Ginny McDougal Bliss Products & Services, Inc. 6831 S. Sweetwater Road Lithia Springs, GA 30122 RE: Bide SDOC-09-B-082 CJ Playground Equipment, Surfacing and Installation Dear Ms. McDougal: Superintendent of Schools Michael A. Grego, Ed.D. The School Board of Osceola County, ; lorida, meeting in official session on iVav 19. 2009, voted to award the above mentioned solicitation to the following company/companies: Bliss Products & Service, BYJ Playgrounds, Dominica Recreation Product: , lorida Piaystructures, Kool Playgrounds; LLC, l_eadex Corporation, Litchfield Landscape Element, miracle Recreation c/o Miller Recreation, Pima Inc., Pray It Safe ;Enterprises, Inc., Play Power Little Tikes, Piay/Space Services, Piaymore West, Inc-, PW Athletic Mfg Co., Qliele Playgrounds, LLC, School Specialty., Site Creations LLC, Swartz Associates, Inc., Victor Stanley Inc. and Wabash Valley Manufacturing The catalogs and price sheets that were submitted with your bid response will remain in the bid folder. Please provide an additional copy for the buyer responsible for this solicitation. Catalog dispersal to District's Schools and Departments is your firm's responsibility. You may view the tab sheet for this bid at. .,r3Ty n% 'r!.?,+It ?e �C7ls1.7asul' )sn. This letter is ONLY notification of award of the so4icitation. Purchase Orders shall be placed as needed. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Cheryl Jessee, Senior Buyer at 407-870-4627 Sir-cerely, Cheer I L. Olson, C.F.M., CPM, FCCN Director of Purchasing and Warehouse CLO/cmj cc Dr. Michael A, Grego, Superintendent William Collins, Chief Business and Finance Officer Student Achievernent — Our A+umber One Priority Districtwide Accreditation ov the Southern Association of Colleges and Schods School D,�strict Main Office 817 ©ill Beck Boulevard - Kissimmee • Florida • 34744-4492 • Fhone: 407-870-4600 r_: � :,us:-vo,`��ers_s'4.us An Equal Opportunity Agency �^ THE SCHOOL6 ESC` CSCE COUNTY, ELDRA di PLII"ChasinglPrJi°7P! i)I Reco dsli/t% ir?hot.1Se 817 Bill Berl: Boulevard, Building 2000 • Kissimmee . Florida 34744-4495 Phone: 407-970-4630 • rmr: 4D7 -97D-4616 SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS Superintendent of Schools District i — Jay Wheeler Michael A. Grego, Ed -D. 407-390-0505 District 2 — Juliu Melendez 407-922-5113 District 3 — Cindy Lou Hartig 407-S32-3999 District 4 — David Stone, Vice Chair _ _ m •--'�" n; '` 407-933-2700 p. Distric[5– John McKay, Chair 407-957-4056 May 21, 2009 Mr. William Calhoun � r BYO Playground 280 Business Park Circle, Ste. 446 St. Augustine, FL 32095 RE: Bid t SDOC-09-13-082 CJ Playground Equipment, Surfacing and installation Dear Mr. Calhoun: The School Board of Osceola County, Florida, meeting in official session on Mau 19. 2009, voted to award the above mentioned soiicitation to the following company/companies: Bliss Products & Service, BYO Playgrounds, Dominica Recreation Products, Florida Playstructures, Kool Playgrounds, LLC, Leadex Corporation, Litchfield Landscape Element, Miracle Recreation c/o Miller Recreation, Piazza Inc., Play It Safe Enterprises, Inc., Play Power Little Tikes, Play/Space Services, Playmore West, Inc., PW .Athletic Mfg. Co., Qiteie Playgrounds, LLC, School Specialty, Site Creations LLC, Swartz Associates, Inc., Victor Stanley Inc. and Wabash V211@y Manufacturing The catalogs and price sheets that were submitted with your bid response will remain in the bid folder. Please provide an additional copy for the buyer responsible for this solicitation. Catalog dispersal to District's Schools and Departments is your firm's responsibility. You may view the tab sheet for this bid at. �!"r:•j,t1f .; «�.i., `i<.f..��f`:.?e;?ta,uil..iii=,�S'l;.i.iv,��.�°�lt,(�:1!li-- cri. This fetter is ONLY notification of award of the solicitation. Purchase Orders shall be placed as needed. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Cheryl Jessee, Senior Guyer at 407-870-4627 Sincerely, ej, �71 Cheryl L. son, C.P.M., CPM, FCCN Director of Purchasing and Warehouse CLO/cmj cc: Dr. Michael A. Grego, Superintendent William Collins, Chief Business and Finance Officer Student Achievement — Our Number One Priority DistncMide Accreditation by the Southern Association or Colleges and School; 5^hooiJislnc 1,481rm Office: 81 iBill Beck Boulevard - Kissimmee -Florida • 34744-4492 - Phone: 407-870-4600 • rr.n :r.as era<:.ir'::.f .<;_ An Equal Opportunity Agency �w— �E CHDOL DES T RICA" OF OSCEOLA, COUNTY, FLOMDA Pur-chosin_glPropert�1 PeCDI-dSIW,,7relrouSe 817 Bill Beck Boulevard, Building 2000 • Kissimmee - Florida 34744-4495 Phone: 407-970-4630 • Fax: 407-970-4636 ti.r^..•� ceiW.r::�a.fLcts SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS District 1 - Jav wheeler 407-390-0505 ;' • District 2 - Julius Melendez^ r J.� " 407-922-5113 • { =r • District 3 - Cindy Lou Haiti., 407-832-3999 District 4 - David Stone, Vice Chair 407-933-2700 District 5 - John McKay, Chair 407-957-4056 May 21, 2009 Mr. Rob Dominica GameTime/Dominica Products, Inc. P.O Box 520700 Longwood, FL 32750 RE: Bid # SDOC-09-B-062 CJ Playground equipment, Surfacing and Installaticn Dear Mr. Dominica: Superintendent of Schools IVlichaei A. Grego, Ed.D, The School Board of Osceola County, Florida, meeting in official session on Mav 19. 2009, voted tc award the above mentioned solicitation to the following company/companies: Bliss Products & Service, BYO Playgrounds, Dominica Recreation Products, Florida Playstructures, Kool Playgrounds, LLC, Leadex Corporation, Litchfield Landscape clement, Miracle Recreation c/o Miller Recreation, Pia, -7a inc., Play It Safe Enterprises, Inc., Play Power Little Tikes, Play/Space Services, P)aymore West, Inc., PW Athletic Mfg. Ce., Oiteie Playgrounds, LLC, School Specialty: Site Creations LLC, Swartz Associates, Inc., Victor Stanley Inc. and Wabash Valley Manufacturing The catalogs and price sheets that were submitted with your bid response will remain in the bid folder. Please provide an additional copy for the buyer responsible for this solicitation. Catalog dispersal to District's Schools and Departments is your firm's responsibility. You may view the tab sheet for this bid at: trarll. o F,I. T; uvlpie-Dis ,,ur:;hai sinal D,3uft- as This letter is ONLY notification of award of the soiicitatian. Purchase Orders shall be placed as needed. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Cheryl Jessee, Senior Buyer at 407-870-4527 a erely, / C eryI L. gson, C.P-M., CPM, FCCN Director of Purchasing and Warehouse CLO/cmj cc: Dr. Michael A. Grego, Superintendent William Collins, Chief Business and Finance Officer Student Achievement - Our Number One Priority Districtwide Accreditation by the Southern Association or Golleaes and Schools School Gistrici Main Office: 817 Hill Beck Boulevard • Kissimmee • Florida • 34744-4492 - Phone.407-£370-4600 •area:v,•. e_ ;: ,f_.f:?:_.'(. An Equal Opportunity Agency THE SCHOOL DI-TRICT OF DSOCEDLA COUNTY, Ef DRI DA SCHOOL BOARD MiEMBEP.S District 1 — Jay Wheeler Porch sing/Pr aper-ty ecol Vis/ Vrre/-ioL - 817 Bill Beck Boulevard, BuNdinE 2000 • Kissimmee . Florida 34744-4495 Phone: 407-870-463D -Far.: 4D7-670-46.26 • rut.,,f;,,R,--ear-)i:..i:_:'.�`.t;:: May 21, 2009 Ms. Cindy Shoffstall Florida Playstructures & Water matures Inc. 117 W. Alexander Street #178 Plant City, FL 33563 RE: Bid # SDCC-09-6-082 CJ Playground - quipment, Surfacing and Installation Dear Ms. Shoffstall: Superintendent of School, Michael A. Grego, H.D. The School Board of Osceola County, Florida, meeting in official session on May 19. 2009, voted to award the above mentioned solicitation to the following company/companies: Bliss Products & Service, BYO Playgrounds, Dominica Recreation Products, Florida Playstructures, l:ool Playgrounds, LLC, L eadex Corporation, Litchfield Landscape dement, Miracle Recreation c/o Miller Recreation, Piazza Inc., Play It Safe Enterprises, )no., Play Power Little Tikes, Play/Space Services, Playmore West, )no., P%1 Athletic Mfg, Co., 3itele Playgrounds, LLC, School Specialty, Site Creations LLC, Swartz Associates, Inc., Victor Stanley Inc. and Wabash Valley Manufacturing Catalog dispersal to Dis'trict's Schools and Departments is your responsibility. You may view the tab sheet for this bid at L;rr1r_t1. OEC11li..1 side 4's? nuo. I;aFnn= /brres uIsr) This letter is ONLY notification of award of the s01icitatiort- Purchase Orders shall be placed as needed. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Cheryl Jessee, Senior Buyer at 407-570-4627. Sirs; erely, /C) CFieryl L. C[s6n, C.P.M., CPM, FCCN Director of Purchasino and Warehouse CL Olcmj cc: Dr. Michael A. Grego, Superintendent William Collins, Chief Business and Finance Officer Student Achievement - Our Number One Priority Disinctwide Accreditation by the southern Association of Colleges and schools School Disiric( Main Office 817Bi1i Beck BoulevarrJ - Krssimmae -Plonda • 34744-44g2 -Phone., 407-B70-4600 • An Equal OpporturrtyAgency 407-390-0505 District 2 — Julius Meiendez 407-922-5113 District 3 — Cindy Lou Hartig 407-832-2999 District 4— David Stone, vice Chair 407-933-2700 District 5 — John McKay, Chair 407-957-4056 Porch sing/Pr aper-ty ecol Vis/ Vrre/-ioL - 817 Bill Beck Boulevard, BuNdinE 2000 • Kissimmee . Florida 34744-4495 Phone: 407-870-463D -Far.: 4D7-670-46.26 • rut.,,f;,,R,--ear-)i:..i:_:'.�`.t;:: May 21, 2009 Ms. Cindy Shoffstall Florida Playstructures & Water matures Inc. 117 W. Alexander Street #178 Plant City, FL 33563 RE: Bid # SDCC-09-6-082 CJ Playground - quipment, Surfacing and Installation Dear Ms. Shoffstall: Superintendent of School, Michael A. Grego, H.D. The School Board of Osceola County, Florida, meeting in official session on May 19. 2009, voted to award the above mentioned solicitation to the following company/companies: Bliss Products & Service, BYO Playgrounds, Dominica Recreation Products, Florida Playstructures, l:ool Playgrounds, LLC, L eadex Corporation, Litchfield Landscape dement, Miracle Recreation c/o Miller Recreation, Piazza Inc., Play It Safe Enterprises, )no., Play Power Little Tikes, Play/Space Services, Playmore West, )no., P%1 Athletic Mfg, Co., 3itele Playgrounds, LLC, School Specialty, Site Creations LLC, Swartz Associates, Inc., Victor Stanley Inc. and Wabash Valley Manufacturing Catalog dispersal to Dis'trict's Schools and Departments is your responsibility. You may view the tab sheet for this bid at L;rr1r_t1. OEC11li..1 side 4's? nuo. I;aFnn= /brres uIsr) This letter is ONLY notification of award of the s01icitatiort- Purchase Orders shall be placed as needed. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Cheryl Jessee, Senior Buyer at 407-570-4627. Sirs; erely, /C) CFieryl L. C[s6n, C.P.M., CPM, FCCN Director of Purchasino and Warehouse CL Olcmj cc: Dr. Michael A. Grego, Superintendent William Collins, Chief Business and Finance Officer Student Achievement - Our Number One Priority Disinctwide Accreditation by the southern Association of Colleges and schools School Disiric( Main Office 817Bi1i Beck BoulevarrJ - Krssimmae -Plonda • 34744-44g2 -Phone., 407-B70-4600 • An Equal OpporturrtyAgency THE SCHOOL DISTMCT OF OSCEOLA ( OUN 71Y. FLOMDA PurehasinglProperl11 Reeordsl Warehouse 817 Bill BecL Boulevard, Building 2000 • Kissimmee • Fiorida 34744-4495 Phone: 407-870-4630 • Fm:: 407-870-4616✓.nn+rf.�r;�;:=:�Ir..i_1..:'a`,rrs SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS District 1 — Jay Wheeler 407-390-0505 District 2 — Julius Meiendez 407-922-5113 District 3 — Cindy Lou Hartig 407-832-3999 District 4 — David Stone, Vice Chair 407-933-2700 District S — John McKay, Chair 407-957-4056 Mr. Dennis Talbott Kool Playgrounds, LLC 109 E. 17th STreet St. Cloud, FL 34769 Superintendent of Schools Michael A Grego, Ed.D. RE: Bid # SDOC-09-B-082 CJ Playground Equipment, Suracing and Installation Deal Mr. Talbott: The School Board of Osceola County, Florida, meeting in official session on May 19. 2009, voted to award the above mentioned solicitation to the following companylcompanies: Bliss Products & Service, BYO Playgrounds, Dominica Recreation Products, Florida Playstructures, Kool Playgrounds, LLC, Leadex Corporation, Litchfield Landscape Element, Miracle Recreation c/o Miller Recreation, Piazza Inc., Play It Safe Enterprises, Inc_, Play Power Little Tikes, Play/Space Services, Playmore West, Inc., PW Athletic Mfg. Co., 'Ditele Playgrounds, LLC, School Specialty, Site Creations LLC, Swartz Associates, Inc., Victor Stanley Inc. and Wabash Vailey Manufacturing The catalogs and price sheets that were submitted with your bid response will remain in the bid folder. Please provide an additional cppy for the buyer responsible for this solicitation. Catalog dispersal to District's Schools and Departments is your firm's responsibility. You may view the tab sheet for this bid at: _.. ttyeyte osC'',eJ E..1 .f _ISi._ : C :,I�,L7 ii 'a e: "uj ,Ls This letter is ONLY notification of award of the sal"i: itation. Purchase Orders shall be placed as needed. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Cheryl Jessee, Senior Buyer at 407-670-4627 Sincerely, 7� Cheryl L. Olson, C`P.M., CPM, FCCN Director of Purchasing and Warehouse CLO/cmj cc: Dr. Michael A. Grego, Superintendent William Collins, Chief Business and Finance Officer Student Achievement — Our Number One Priority Disinctwide A.ccreditaiior by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools School District Alain Office: til i Bill Beck Boulevard • Kissimmee • Florida • 34744-4492 • Phone. 407-870-4600 • An Equal Opportunity Agency THE SCrHODL DES T FUCT CSE 0-SCEDLA COUNT, ELORED S17 Bill Beck Boulevard, Building 2000 - Kissimmee • Florida 34744-4495 Phone: 407-970-4030 . Fax: 407-870-4616 SCHOOL BC)AP.D MEMBERS District 1 - Jay wheeler 407-390-0505 District 2- Julius Melendez 407-522-521 Distria 3 - Cindy Lou Hartig 407-81-2-3999 District 4 - David Stone, Vice Chair 407-933-2700 District 5 - John McKay, Chair 407-957-4056 Mr. Frank Fonseca Leader. Corporation 47011 SW 75th Street g Miami. FL JJ 15'5 Superintendent of :Schools [Ahchael A. Grego, Ed.D. RE: Bid # SDOC-09-B-082 CJ Playground Equipment, Surfacing and Installation Dear Mr. Fonseca: The School Board of Osceola County, Florida, meeting in official session on May 19, 2009, voted to award the above mentioned solicitation to the following company/companies: Bliss Products & Service, BYO Playgrounds, Dominica Recreation Products, Florida Playstructures, Kool Playgrounds, LLC, Leadex. Corporation, Litchfield Landscape dement, Miracle Recreation c/o Miller Recreation, Piazza Inc., Play It Safe Enterprises, Inc., Play Power Little Tikes, Play/Space Services, Playmore West, Inc., PVV Athletic Mfg. Co., Qitele Playgrounds, LLC, School Specialty, Site Creations LLC, Swartz Associates, Inc., Victor Stanley Inc. and Wabash Valley Manufacturing Catalog dispersal to District's S3hools and Departments is your responsibility. You may view the tab sheet for this bid at: J',ar1,. , _ 't .l•, S! rC I'1C: ,amu / (r 'C' This tatter is ONLY notification of award of the solicitation. Purchase Orders shall be placedd as needed. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Cheryl Jessee, Senior Buyer at 407-870-4627. Sincerely, Cheryl L. ion, C.P.M., CPM, FCCN Director of Purchasing and Warehouse CLO/cmj cc: Dr. Michael A. Grego, Superintendent William Collins, Chief Business and Finance Officer Student Achievement - Our Number One Priority Disln-,Wde Accreditation by the Southern Association or Colleges and Schools School District Main Office: 817 Bill Bec!< Boulevard • Kissimmee • Florida • 34744-4492 • Phone: 407-870-4600 ;�� ;;. nsc = f.�._ '2,#;'_=. •r An Equal Opportunity Agency _------_- t HE SCHOOL DS7RICA' OF 0SC�OLA COLPN 1 Yr FLORIDA Parc tcsinglProperty RE-Drdsl!Alare�iouse S17 Sill beck Boulevard, BuildinE 2000 • Kissimmee • Florida 34744-4495 Phone: 407-970-4630 Fa;.. 407-97D-4616 SCHOOL 60ARD MEMBERS District 1 — Jay Wheeler 407-390-0505 District — Juhus Melendez 407-922-5113 District 3 — Cindy Lou Hartig 407-832-3999 District 4 — David stone, Vice Chair 407-933-2700 District 5 — John McKay, Chair 407-957-4056 (Vis. Mary Langley Litchfield Landscape Element 13750 W. Colonial Drive Ste., 350-134 VVinter Garden. FL 34784 May 21, 2009 RE: Bid # SDOC-09-B-082 CJ Playground Equipment, Surfacing and Installation Dear Ms_ Langley: Superintendent of Schools Michael A. Grego, Ed.C. The School Board of Osceola County, Florida, meeting in official session on May 19. 2D09, voted to award the above mentioned solicitation to the following company/companies: Bliss Products & Service, BYD Playgrounds; Dominica Recreation Products, Florida Playstructures, }Cool Playgrounds, LLC, Leadex Corporation, Litchfield Landscape Element, Miracle Recreation c/o Miller Recreation,, Piazza Inc., Play It Safe -Enterprises, Inc., Play Power Little Tikes, Play/Space Services, Playmore West, inc., PW Athletic Mfg. Co., Qitele Playgrounds, LLC, School Specialty, Site Creations LLC, Swa z ;associates, Inc., Victor Stanley Inc. and Wabash Valley Manufacturing The catalogs and price sheets that were submitted with your bid response will remain in the bid folder. Please provide an additional copy for the buyer responsible for this solicitation. Catalog dispersal to District's Schools and Departments is your firms responsibility. You may view the tab sheet for this bid at: This letter is ONLY notification of award of the solicitation. Purchase Orders shall be placed as needed. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Cheryl Jessee, Senior Buyer at 407-870-4627 Sipcerely, C,/Lm Cheryl L. Olson, C.P.M., CPM, FCCN Director of Purchasing and Warehouse CLO/cmj cc: Dr. Michael A_ Grego, Superintendent William Collins, Chief Business and Finance Officer Student Achievement— Our (dumber One Priority Dis[rictwide Accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools School Distdcl Main Office: 697 Bill Beck, Boulevard -Kissimmee • Florida • 34744-4492 Phone: 407-870-4600 • _t;%>.i: -.r _: e-;; a.f; %°.iY,r_ Ar Equal Opportunity Agency THE SCrHOO . DDES T RICA` CPF OSCEOLA COUNTY. FLO)RD Pur hosirtg,iPropert-j/ 817 Bil! Beck Boulevard, Building 2000 • i:issirnmee • FlOrldF 34744-4495 PnonA: 4DTi970-4630 • Fax: 407-97G4616 to=r:,. ,.<,-.•--e.L""`_<`r.Fr SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS District 1 — Jay Wheeler 407-39D-0505 District -2 — Julius lvielendez 407-922-5113 District — Cindy Lou Hartig 407-832-3999 District 4— David Stone, Vice Chair 407-933-2700 District 5 — John McKay, Chair 407-957-4056 Ms. Susan Miller Miracle Recreation c/o Miller Recreation 2017 91 st Street N. W. Bradenton, 7L 34209 Superintendent oi.scnools Michael P., Grego, Ed.D. RE: Bid # SDOC-09-B-082 CJ Playground Equipment, Surfacing and Installation Dear Ms. Miller: The School Board of Osceola County, Florida, meeting in official session on May 19. 2009, voted to award the above mentioned solicitation to the following company/companies: Bliss Products & Service, BYO Playgrounds, Dominica Recreation Products, Florida Playstructures, i;ool Playgrounds, LLC, Leadex Corporation, Litchfield Landscape Element, Miracle Recreation c/o Miller Recreation, Piazza Inc., Play 11 Sate Enterprises, Inc., Play Power Little Tikes, Play"Space Services, Playmore West, Inc., Ply' Athletic Mfg. Co., GJiteie Playgrounds, LLC, School Specialty, Site Creations LLC, Swartz Associates, Inc-, Victor Stanlev Inc. and Wabash Valley Manufacturing Catalog dispersal to District's Schools and Departments is your responsibility. You may view the tab sheet for this bid at: �rJA!1.P eon.:.r,l IrC! 11 Dj1fe L11 IH .r This letter is ONLY notification of award of the solicitation. Purchase Orders shall be Placed as needed. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Cheryl Jessee, Senior Buyer at 407-870-4627. Sincerely, Cheryl L. Olson, C.P.fJf., CPM, FCCN Director of Purchasing and Warehouse CLO/cmj cc: Dr. Michael A. Grego, Superintendent William Collins, Chief Business and Finance Officer Student Achievement — Our Number One Priority Dislnchvide Accreditation by the Southern Association or Colleoes and Schools School District Main Office: 8,7 Sii1 Secl Boulevard • Kissimmee Florida • 34744-4492 , Phone: 407-870-4800 • An Equal Oppartun!4, Agency THE SCHOOL Df-TRICT OF DSCEOL-, COUNTY, FLORID 817 Bill Beck Boulevard, Building 2000 • Kissimmee • Florida '14744-4495 Phone: 407-970-4630 • Fax: 407-870-46.16 • t;:ro!vv SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS Superintendent of.Schools Dist•ict 1 - Jay Wheeler ° ' Michael A. Grego, Ed.D. 407-390-0505 Ez� • District2- Julius(Vieiendez 407-922-5113 District 3 - Cindy Lou Hartig 407-832-3999 Disinct 4 - David Stone, Vice Chair 407-933-2700 District 5 - John IvicKay, Chair 407-957-4056'"" May 21, 2009 Ms. Susan Altamura Play It Safe Enterprises Inc. 15896 Mellen Lane -` Jupiter, FL 6347 RE: Bid # SDOC-09-B-082 CJ playground Equipment, Surfacing and Installation Dear hAs. Altamum: The School Board of Osceola County, Florida, meeting in official session on May 19. 2009, 'doted to award the above mentioned solicitation to the following company/companies: Miss Products & Service, BYO Playgrounds, Dominica Recreation Products, Florida Playstructures, Kool Playgrounds, LLC, Leadex Corporation, Litchfield Landscape Element, Miracle Recreation c/o Miller Recreation, Pia=tea Inc., Play It Safe Enterprises, Inc., Play Power Little Tikes, Play/Space Services, Playmore West, Inc., PW Athletic Mfg. Co., Qitele Playgrounds, LLC, School Specialty, Site Creations LLC, Swartz Associates, Inc., Victor Stanley Inc. and Wabash Valley Manufacturing The catalogs and price sheets that were submitted with your bid response will remain in the bid folder. Please provide an additional copy for the buyer responsibe for this solicitation. Catalog dispersal to District's Schools and Departments is your firm's responsibility. You may view the tab sheet for this bid at: i.a.i:i 2.fLIEZI .,(S,DIS C,Ur .'ice S i 7, !;ni 7 3u itE.c.0 . This letter is DNLY notificatior; of award. of the solicitation. Purchase Orders shall be placed as needed. Should you have any questions, please feel Tree to call Cheryl Jessee, Senior Buyer at 407-870-4627 Sipcerely, Cheryl L. Olson, C.P.M., CPIVj, FCCN Director of Purchasing and Warehouse CLO/cmj cc: Dr. Michael A. Grego, Superintendent William Collins, Chief Business and Finance Officer Student Achievement - Our Number One Priorit}, Disirichvide Accreditation by the Southem Association of Colleges and Schools School District Main Office: 897 Bill Beck Boulevard • Kissimmee • Florida 34744-4492 - Phone; 407-070-4600 • ;��i=i;�.:rs:xc4J An equal Opportunity Agency THE SC DOL MSF RAC OF OSCE LA L-DL[jN V,. Fi ORtIDA PL!!C tuSffl lPropferty Recordsltl►/iirehouse 217 Bill Berl: Boulevard, Building 2000 • Kissimmee - Florida 34744-4495 Phone: 4D7 -S70 -463C - For,: 467-97Lr-4616 cit+t.• .as er>r_,,r:�;.`.,�,:c_ SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS Superintendent of Schools ® District 1 - Jay Wneeier ®' Michael A. Grego, Ed.D. 407-390-0505 District 2- Julius iVielende>- s District 3 - Cindy Lou Hartig 4D7 -8S2-3999 y District 4 - David Stone, Vice Chair ✓ 407-933-2,700 District 5 - John McKay, Chair - 407-957-4056 .......:::.. . May 21, 2008 Ms. Kidie Thornton PlayPower/Little Tikes 3023 Folklore Drive - Valrico, FL 33596 v PE: Bid # SDOC-09-B-082 CJ Playground Equipment, Surfacing and Installation Dear Ms. Thornton: The School Board of Osceola County, Florida, meeting it official session on May 19, 2009, voted to award the above mentioned solicitation to the following company/companies: Bliss Products & Service, BYO Playgrounds, Dominica Recreation Products, Florida Playstructures, N:ool Playgrounds, LLC, Leadex Corporation, Litchfield Landscape Element. lViracie Recreation c/o Miller Recreation, Piazza Inc., Play It Safe Enterprises, Inc.., Play Power Little Tikes, Play/Space Services, Playmore West, Inc., PW Athletic Mfg. Co., Qitele Playgrounds, LLC, School Specialty, Site Creations LLC, Swartz Associates, Inc., Victor Stanley Inc. and Wabash Valley Manufacturing The catalogs and price sheets that were submitted with your bid response will remain in the bid folder. Please provide an additional copy for the buyer responsible for this solicitation. Catalog dispersal to District's Schools and Departments is your, firm's responsibility. You may view the tab sheet for this bid at: art✓r :.cru t ! !` �r. Ct?r !' ��;1�iN�n �f1N.. illi, ::,. This letter is ONLY notification of award ;of the solicitation. Purchase Orders shali be placed as needed. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Cheryl Jessee, Senior Buyer at 407-o70-4627 Sincerely, Cheryl L.Zlson, C.P.M., CPM, FCCN Director of Purchasing and Warehouse '—LO/,mi cc: Dr. Michael A. Grego, Superintendent William Collins. Chief Business and Finance Officer Student Achievement- Dur Number One Priority Disirictwide Accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools School D;srricf Main Office: 817 Bill Beck Boulevard Kissimmee • Florida • 34745-4492 • Phone. 407-870-4600 • wr; s:o. ac;�Ia,ic9 `.fr An Equal Opportunity Agency THE SCHOOL D� ST OF OSCEOLA COUNr7y FLai � SCHOOL BOARD MEMBEPS District 2 — Jay Wheeler 407-390-0505 Districl 2 — Julius Melendez 407-922-511.,' District 3 — Cindy Lou Hartig 407-832-3999 District 4 — David Stone, Vice Chair 407-933-270D District 5 — John McKay, Chair 407-957-4056 Mr. Lazaro Gonzalez Play/Space Services 3125 Skyway Circle Melbourne, FL 32934 urchosinalProperty Reco.rdsf llV rehouse 817 Bill Beck Boulevard, Building 2000 • Kissimmee • Florida 34744-4495 Phone: 407-S70-4630 • For.: 407-S70-4616 May 21, 2009 RE: Bid # SDOC-09-B-082 CJ Playground Equipment, Surfacing and Installation Dear lir. Gonzalez: Superintendent of Schools Michael A. Grego, Ed.D. The School Board of Osceola County;=iorida, meeting in official session on Mav 19. 2009, voted to award the above mentioned soiicitation to the following company/companies: Bliss Products & Service, BYO -Playgrounds, Dominica Recreation Products, Florida Piaystructures, Kool Playgrounds, LLC, Leadex. Corporation, Litchfield Landscape Element, Miracle Recreation c/o Miller Recreation, Piazza Inc., Play it Safe Enterprises, Inc., Play Power Little Tikes, Play/S.Pace Services, Playmore West, Inc., PW Athletic Mfg. Co., Oitele Playgrounds, LLC, School Specialty; Site Creations LLC, Swarms Associates, Inc., Victor Stanley Inc. and Wabash Valley Manufacturing Catalog dispersal to District's Schools and Departments is your responsibility. You may view the tab sheei for this bid at: oeJls,i..,utc, i2�,i no. This letter is ONLY notification of award- of the solicitation. Purchase Orders shall be placed as needed. Should you have any questions, please feel free to Call Cheryl Jessee, Senior Buyer at 407-870-4627. Sl cerelY, /f „fix 1 r �<eryl L. Cason, C.P.M., CPM, FCCN Director of Purchasing and Warehouse CLO/cmj cc: Dr. Michael A. Grego, Superintendent William Collins, Chief Business and Finance Officer Student Achievement— Our Number One Priority Disinctwide Accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools School District Main Office: 897 Btil Beck Boulevard • Kissimmee • Fb ida • 34744-4492 • Phone 407-870.4600 Ari Equal Oppo unity Agency T HUE SCHO L DISTRICT OE aSCEO C:r�f���,'T`t`f. Ir ����IL "e, oL,.,S? 817 Bill Berl: Boulevard, Building 20DD • Kissimmee . Florida 34744-4495 Phone: 407-970-4530' Fa;:: 407-870-4616 SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS District 1 - Jay Wheeler 407-390-0.505 District 2- Julius Melencez 407-922-5113 District 3- Cindy Lou Hartig 407-832-39990 Dinnr; 4 - David Stone, Vice Chair 407-933-2700 Districts - john Md:aY, Chair 407-957-4056 Mr. Luke Russell Playmore Vilest, Inc. 10271 Deer Run Farms Road, Suite 1 Ft. Myers, FL 33966 May 21, 2009 RE: Bid # SDOC-09-6-082 CJ Playground Equipment, Surfacing and installation Dear Mr. Russell: Superintendent ciSchools Michael A. Grego, Ed -D. The School Board of Osceola County, Florida, meeting in official session on May IP, 2009, voted to award the above mentioned solicitation to the following company/companies: Bliss Products U Service, BYO Playgrounds, Dominica Recreation Products, Florida Playstruc';ures, Kool Playgrounds, LLC, Leadex Corporation, Litchfield Landscape Element, Miracle Recreation c/o Miller Recreation, Piazza Inc., Play is Safe Enterprises, Inc., Play Power Little Tikes, PlaV/Space Services, Playmore West, Inc., P'+A' Athletic Mfg. Co., Qitele Playgrounds, LLC, School Specialty, Site Creations LLC, Swariz Associates, Inc., Victor Stanley Inc. and Wabash Valley Manufacturing Catalog dispersal to District's Schools and Departments is your responsibility. You may view the 'tab sheet for this bid at: 1fiFS%I Joy. -r ilt rt .t_i This letter is tONL" notification of award of the sofici:ation. Purchase Orders steal; be 7l3ced as needed. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Cheryl Jessee, Senior Buyer at 407-870627. Sincerely, Cheryl L. Olobn, C.P.M., CPM, FCCN Director of Purchasine and Warehouse CLO/cmj M, Dr. Michael A. Grego; Superintendent William Collins. Chief Business and Finance Officer Student Achievemeni - Our Number One Priority Districtwide Ac;o;editatfon by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools School DlSirxr Main Office.' E17 Sill Reck Boulevard • Kissimmee • i-ionda , 34744-4482 , Phone: 407-870-4600 - An Equal Opportunity Agency --- - -- THE SCHDOX DISTRICT OF OSCEOLA COUNrTY, FLORID SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS District 1 — Jay Wheeier ,scarchcsingl'roperty Recprdslili urEhouse 817 Bill Becl: Boulevard, Building 2000 - Kissimmee - Florida 34744-4495 Phone: 4CT976-4630 • Fox: 407-870-4636 May 21, 2009 Ms. Mary Langley PVV Athletic Mfg. Co. 10750 West Colonial Drive, Suite 350-134 Winter Garden, FL 34784 RE: Bid # SDOC-09-B-082 CJ Playground Equipment, Surfacing and Installation Dear Ms. Langley: Superintendent of Schools Michae: A. Grego, Ed.D. The School Board of Osceola County, Florida, meeting in official session or, May 19. 2009, voted to award the above mentioned solicitation to the following companylcompanies: Bliss Products & Service, BYO Playgrounds, Dominica Recreation Products, Florida Playstructures, Kool Playgrounds, LLC, Leadex. Corporation, Litchfield Landscape Element, 10iracle recreation c/o Miller Recreation, Piazza Inc., Play It Safe Enterprises, Inc., Play Power Little Tikes, Play/Space Services, Playmore West, Inc., PW ,Athletic Mfg. Co., Qitele Playgrounds, LLC, School Specialty, Site Creations LLC, Swag Associates, Inc., Victor Stanley Inc. and Wabash Valley Manufacturing The catalogs and price sheets that were submitted with your bid response will remain in the bid folder. Please provide an additional copy for the buyer responsible for this solicitation. Catalog dispersal to District's Schools and Departments is your firm's responsibility. You may view the tab sheet for this bid at: :i1r!0, P—�...i �... ...-. T his letter is ONLY notification of award of the solicitation. Purchase Orders shall be placed as needed. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Cheryl Jessee, Senior Buyer at 407-870-4527 Sincerely, Cheryl L. 6son, C.P.M-, CPM, FCCN Director of Purchasing and Warehouse CLO/cmj cc: Dr. Michael A. Grego, Superintendent William Collins, Chief Business and f=inance Officer Student Achievement— Our Number One Priority Disirictwide Accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and schools School District 61ain Office. 817 Bill Beck Boulevard • Kissimmee • Florida • 34744-4492 - Phone: 407-E70-4600 - 41110:, u.c e;,; - :1_.;;.L2- An Equal Opportunity Agency — 407-390-0505 District 2 — Julius IVieiendez 407-922-5113 District 3 — Cindy Lou Hartig 407-832-3999 District 4 — David Stone, Vice Chair 407-933-2700 District 5 — John McKay, Chair 407-937-4056 ,scarchcsingl'roperty Recprdslili urEhouse 817 Bill Becl: Boulevard, Building 2000 - Kissimmee - Florida 34744-4495 Phone: 4CT976-4630 • Fox: 407-870-4636 May 21, 2009 Ms. Mary Langley PVV Athletic Mfg. Co. 10750 West Colonial Drive, Suite 350-134 Winter Garden, FL 34784 RE: Bid # SDOC-09-B-082 CJ Playground Equipment, Surfacing and Installation Dear Ms. Langley: Superintendent of Schools Michae: A. Grego, Ed.D. The School Board of Osceola County, Florida, meeting in official session or, May 19. 2009, voted to award the above mentioned solicitation to the following companylcompanies: Bliss Products & Service, BYO Playgrounds, Dominica Recreation Products, Florida Playstructures, Kool Playgrounds, LLC, Leadex. Corporation, Litchfield Landscape Element, 10iracle recreation c/o Miller Recreation, Piazza Inc., Play It Safe Enterprises, Inc., Play Power Little Tikes, Play/Space Services, Playmore West, Inc., PW ,Athletic Mfg. Co., Qitele Playgrounds, LLC, School Specialty, Site Creations LLC, Swag Associates, Inc., Victor Stanley Inc. and Wabash Valley Manufacturing The catalogs and price sheets that were submitted with your bid response will remain in the bid folder. Please provide an additional copy for the buyer responsible for this solicitation. Catalog dispersal to District's Schools and Departments is your firm's responsibility. You may view the tab sheet for this bid at: :i1r!0, P—�...i �... ...-. T his letter is ONLY notification of award of the solicitation. Purchase Orders shall be placed as needed. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Cheryl Jessee, Senior Buyer at 407-870-4527 Sincerely, Cheryl L. 6son, C.P.M-, CPM, FCCN Director of Purchasing and Warehouse CLO/cmj cc: Dr. Michael A. Grego, Superintendent William Collins, Chief Business and f=inance Officer Student Achievement— Our Number One Priority Disirictwide Accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and schools School District 61ain Office. 817 Bill Beck Boulevard • Kissimmee • Florida • 34744-4492 - Phone: 407-E70-4600 - 41110:, u.c e;,; - :1_.;;.L2- An Equal Opportunity Agency — THE SCHOOL DICSTFNCT OF OSCEOL', COUNr Y, PLC RDA 7 fli llCi3li?l t rope-ty R--ords, VIltof'`l.hOuse 917 Bill Beck Boulevard, Buildin.- 2000 - Kissimmee • Florida 34744-4495 Phone: 407-870-4630 • rax: 407-570-4616 SCHOOL BDAP.D MEMBEfS Superintendent of Schools District 2 — Jay Wheeier '° (Michael A. Grego, Ld.D. 407-390-050S District 2— JuliuSMeiende 407-922-5113 £w r District 3 — Cindy Lou Harug 407-832-3999 i District 4 — David Stone, Vice Chair rlr 407-933-2700 District 5 — John McKay, Chair 407-957-4036 May 21, 2009 Mr. Todd Krohn Ditele Playgrounds LLC P.O. Box 50760 I� Jacksonville Beach, FL 32240 RE: Bid # SDOC-09-B-082 CJ Playground Equipment, Surfacing and Installation Dear Mr. Krohn: T he School Board of Osceola County, Florida, meeting in official session on May 19 2009, voted to award the above mentioned solicitation to the following company/companies: Bliss Products & Service, BYO Playgrounds, Dominica Recreation Products, Florida Playstructures, Kool Playgrounds, LLC, Lsadex Corporation, Litchfield Landscape dement, Miracle f recreation c/o Miller Recreation, Piazza inc., Play It Safe Enterprises, Inc., Play Power Little Tikes, Play/Space Services, Playmore West, Inc., PW Athletic Mfg. Co., Ditele Playgrounds, LLC, School Specialty, Site Creations LLC, Swarf Associates, inc., Victor Stanley Inc. and Wabash Valley Manufacturing Cataloc dispersal to District's Schools and Departments is your responsibility. You may view the tab sheet for this bid at: �rtt r Sc�Jia.l, i_ moi. ;,i: .,i.Iuiri L; �_:�i_?1-9.. _•�-�1,.l>a. This letter is ONLY notification of award of the soiicitatiori. Purchase Orders shall be placed as needed. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Chery; Jessee; Senior Buyer at 407-870-4627. 51 �aj'e�ly; f Cheryl L. Odon, C.P.M., CPM, FCCN Director of Purchasing and Warehouse CLO/cmj cc: Dr, Michael A. Grego, Superintendent William Collins, Chief Business and Finance Officer Student Achlevement — Our Number One Pricrit, Disirioiwide Accreditation by Jhe Southern Association of Colleges and Schools School Dislric! Main Office: 817 Bill Beck Boulevard - Kissimmee - Flonda - 34744-4492 - Phone: 407-670-4600 An Equal Opportunity Agenn,, TruE � SCS OOL DISTPUCT OE CNSC=COLA. COU T Yr f C�RD SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS District 1 — Jay Wheeler 4C7-390-0505 District 2 — Julius Meiendez 407-922-5113 District 3 — Cinay Lou Harti, 407-832-3999 District 4 — David Stone, Vice Chair 407-933-2700 District 5 — John McKay, Chair 407-957-4056 Ni r. Scott Kurtzman School Specialty 100 Paragon Parkway !Mansfield, OH 44903 Purchasing, Property Records/i/1/ rehouse 817 Bill Beck Boulevard, Building 2000 • Kissimmee • Florida 34744-4490 Phone: 4D7-E7D-4630 • Flu:: 407-9704616 May 21, 2009 RE: Bid # SDOG-09-B-082 CJ Playground Equipment, Surfacing and Installation Dear Mr. Kurtzman: Superintendent of Schools Michael P. Grego, ed.D. The School Board of Osceola County, Florida, meeting in official session on May 19. 2009, voted to award the above mentioned solicitation to the following company/companies: Bliss Products & Service, BYO Playgrounds, Dominica Recreation Products, Florida Playstructures, Kool Playgrounds, LLC, Leadex Corporation, Litchfield Landscape Element Miracle Recreation c/o Miller Recreation, Piazza Inc., Play It Safe Enterprises, Inc.; Play Power Little Tikes, Play/Space Services, Playmore West, Inc., PW Athletic Mfg. Cc., Oitele Playgrounds, LLC, School Specialty, Site Creations LLC, Swartz Associates, Inc., Victor Stanley Inc. and Wabash Valley Manufacturing The catalogs and price sheets that were submitted with your bid response will remain in the bid folder. Please provide an additional copy for the buyer responsible for this solicitation. Catalog dispersal to District's Schools and Departments is your firm's responsibility. You may view the tab sheet for this bid at: ._.. IF his letter is ONLY notification of award othe solicitation. Purchase Orders, shall be placed as needed. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Cheryl Jessee, Senior Buyer at 407-870-4527 Sincerely, Cheryl L. QJson, CRM., CPM, FCCN Director of Purchasing and Warehouse CLO/cmj cc: Dr. Michael A. Grego, Superintendent William Collins, Chief Business and Finance Officer Student Achievement — Our Number One Priority Districiwide Accreditation by the Southern Association of colleges and Schools School District Nain Office: 817 Bill Beck Boulevard ' Kissimmee , Florida - 34744-4492 • Phone 907-870-4600 - An Equal Opportunity Agency r— SCHOOL D41-5 RPC r OF OSCEOLA COUN7Y, FLO RDA PurChosinglPro 7-ily PPCordslWoreh.3USe 8i7 Bill Bech Boulevard, Building 200D • Kissimmee • Florida 34744-4495 Pnane: 407-E70-4630 • Fa,:: 407-870-462b e.,wvrr.�s�eti..?:....f'-t; SCHDOL BOARD MEEMBETS Superintendent or rich DO)s District = - Jay Wheeler - ' ` Michael A. GreOo, Ed.D. 407-390-0503 l District 2 - Julius Melendez m F.. 467-922-5113 s : x� +� Districi 3 - Cindy Lou Harlin .- qD7-88"L-3u95 �s Districi 4 - David Stone, Vice Chair 407-933-2700 District 5- John McKay, Cnair 407-957-4056 iYay 21, 2009 Mr. Todd Krohn i Site Creations. LLC P.O. Box. 50760 Jacksonville Beach, FL 3i240 RE: Bid # SDOC-09-13-082 CJ Playground Equipment, Sur -facing and Installation Dear Mr. Krohn: The School Board of Osceola County, Florida, meeting in official sessionon ?009, votes to award the above mentioned solicitation to the following company/companies: Bliss Products Service, BYO Playgrounds, Dominica Recreation Products, Florida Playstructures, iKeol Playgrounds, LLC, Leadex Corporation, Litchfield Landscape Element, Miracle Recreation c/o Miller Recreation, Piazza Inc., Play It Safe —Enterprises, Inc., Play Power Little Times, Play/Space Services, Playmore West, Inc., PW Athletic Mfg. Co., Oitele Playgrounds, LLC, School Specialty, Site Creations LLC, Swartz Associates, Inc., Victor Stanley Inc. and Wabash Valley IVianufacturing Catalog dispersal to District's Schools and Departments is your responsibility. You may view the tab sheet for this bid at: ; rsA'ID, fi. u shd l;?C!/>5. j rpsi tits € his letter is ONLY notificatio of away of the solicitation. Purchase Orders shall be placed as needed. Should you have any questions, please feel Tree to call Cheryl Jessee, Senior Buyer at 407-670-4327. Stbcerely, Cheryl L. 016on, C.P.M., CPM, FCCN Director of Purchasing and Warehouse CLO/cmj cc: D;-. Michael A. Grego, Superintendent William Collins, Chief Business and Finance Officer SYudeni Achievement - Our Number One Prio; ity DisMolmde Accreditabon by the southern Association of Colleges and Schools school District Main Of#ice.e97 Bi ; ;'neck 5oulevard • Kissimmee • Florida - 34744-4492 - Phone 407-870-4600 • An Equal Opporiunity Agency TH,I SCHOOL D S 7 R1lC t OF OSCEOL A COUNTY, FLORIDA Puy° ch singlProperty RecardslWaref ou.5R 817 Bill Beck Boulevard, Building 2090 - Kissimmee - Florida 34744-4495 Picone. 407-870-4531) - Fax: 407-1)70-4516 SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS District 7 — Jay Wheeler 407-390-0505 District 2— Julius Melendez 407-922-5113 District 3 — Cindy Lou Hartig 407-£32-3999 District 4 — David Stone, Vice Chair 407-933-2700 District 5— John McKay, Chair 407-957-4051 Mr, Daniel Swartz Swartz Associates. Inc. P.G. Boy 280196 Tampa, FL 33632 Superintendent of Schools Michael A, Grego, Ed.D. a, �t r � n. RE: Bid # SDOC-09-B-032 CJ Playground Equipment Surfacing and Installation Dear Mr. Swartz-: The School Board of Osceola County, Florida, meeting in official session on May 19, 2009, voted to award the above mentioned solicitation tc the following company/companies: Bliss Products & Service, BYO Playgrounds, Dominica Recreation Products, Ronda Playstructures, K,00l Playgrounds, LLC, L eadex Corporation, Litchfield Landscape=lement, Miracle Recreation Go Miller Recreation, Piazza Inc„ Play It Safe Enterprises, Inc., Play Power Littler Tikes, PlaV/Space Services, Playmore West, Inc-, P1N Athletic Mfg. Co., Citele Playgrounds, LLC: School Specialty, Site Creations LL C, Swartz Associates, inc., Victor Stanley Inc. and Wabash Valley Manufacturing The catalogs and price sheets that were submitted with your bid response will remain in the bid folder. Please provide an additional copy Tor the buyer responsible for this solicitation. Catalog dispersal to District's Schools and Departments is your firm's responsibility. You may view the tab sheet for this bid at. - I,:, /Ha:. - ch a-,; si n ig tD 1.,1, ! tivc stip This letter is ONLY notification of axi arc€ of the solicitation. Purchase Orders shall be placed as needed. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Cheryl Jessee, Senior Buyer at 407-870-4627 Sincerely, i Cheryl L. Dison, C.P.M., CPM, FCCN Director of Purchasing and Warehouse CLO/cmj CC] Dr. Michael A. Grego, Superintendent William Collins, Chief Business and Finance Officer StudemAchievement— Gur Number Dine PrioritJ, Districtvade Accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and School; School Dstricf Main D iice: B17 Bill Beck. Boulevard • Kissimmee • Florida - 34794-4492 -Phone 407-870-4600 - ;,�,»ce>._ etrz:tr�.l:,P2.`(.trs An Equal Opportunity Agency THE SCHOOL D1917PUCT (D-r-OSCEOLA COUN'71 y r r C�RI SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER District 1 — Jay Wheeler 317 Bill Beck Boulevard, Building 2000 - Kissimmee - Florida 34744-4495 Phone: 407-370-4630 - Far.: 407-070-4616 May 21, 2009 Ms. Mary Langley Victor Stanley, Inc. 13750 West Colonial Drive, Suite 350-134 Winter Garden, FL 34787 RE: Bid # SDOC-09-B-082 CJ Playground —Equipment, Surfacing and Installation Dear Ms. Langley: Superintendent of schools Michael A. Grego, Ed.D. The School Board of Osceola County, Florida, meeting in official session on May19, 2009, votes to award the above mentioned solicitation to the following company/companies: Bliss Products & Service, BYO Playgrounds, Dominica R-acreation Products, Florida Playstructures, Kool Playgrounds, LLC, Leadex, Corporation, Litchfield- Landscape clement, fVjirasJe Recreation c/o Miller Recreation, Pia--za inc., Play it Safe Enierprises, Inc., Play Power Little Tres, Play/Space Services, Playmore West, Inc., PW Athletic Mfg. Co., Qitele Playgrounds, LLC, School Specialty, Site Creations LLC, Swart` Associates, Inc_, Victor Stanley Inc. and Wabash Valley (Manufacturing The catalogs and price sheets that were submitted with your bid response will remain it the bid folder. Please provide an additional copy for the buyer responsible for this solicitation. Catalog dispersal to District's Schools and Departments is your firm's responsibility. You may view the tab sheet for this bid at: .�t,_r11 This letter is DNLY notification, of award of the soiicitation. Purchase Orders shall be placed as needed. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Cheryl Jessee, Senior Buyer at 407-870-4627 Sincerely, 407-390-050', District J Julius Melendez 407-922-5113 District S— Cindy Lou Hartig Director of Purchasing 407-81'2-3999 District q — David Stone, Vice Chair 407-933-2700 District 5 — John Mcl'ay, Chair 407-957-40S6 317 Bill Beck Boulevard, Building 2000 - Kissimmee - Florida 34744-4495 Phone: 407-370-4630 - Far.: 407-070-4616 May 21, 2009 Ms. Mary Langley Victor Stanley, Inc. 13750 West Colonial Drive, Suite 350-134 Winter Garden, FL 34787 RE: Bid # SDOC-09-B-082 CJ Playground —Equipment, Surfacing and Installation Dear Ms. Langley: Superintendent of schools Michael A. Grego, Ed.D. The School Board of Osceola County, Florida, meeting in official session on May19, 2009, votes to award the above mentioned solicitation to the following company/companies: Bliss Products & Service, BYO Playgrounds, Dominica R-acreation Products, Florida Playstructures, Kool Playgrounds, LLC, Leadex, Corporation, Litchfield- Landscape clement, fVjirasJe Recreation c/o Miller Recreation, Pia--za inc., Play it Safe Enierprises, Inc., Play Power Little Tres, Play/Space Services, Playmore West, Inc., PW Athletic Mfg. Co., Qitele Playgrounds, LLC, School Specialty, Site Creations LLC, Swart` Associates, Inc_, Victor Stanley Inc. and Wabash Valley (Manufacturing The catalogs and price sheets that were submitted with your bid response will remain it the bid folder. Please provide an additional copy for the buyer responsible for this solicitation. Catalog dispersal to District's Schools and Departments is your firm's responsibility. You may view the tab sheet for this bid at: .�t,_r11 This letter is DNLY notification, of award of the soiicitation. Purchase Orders shall be placed as needed. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Cheryl Jessee, Senior Buyer at 407-870-4627 Sincerely, Cheryl L. Olson, C.P.U., CPM, FCCIN Director of Purchasing and Warehouse CLO/cmj cc: Dr. Michael A. Grego, Superintendent William Collins, Chief Business and Finance Officer Student Achievement— Our Numbe." One Priority Distnctvaide Accreditation by the Southem Association of Colleges and Schools School Distric! Main Office: 847 Dil! Beci[ Boulevard - Kissimmee • Florida • 34744-4492 - Phone: 407-870-4600 - An Equal Dpportunitti Agency V SCHOOL BOARD MEMBEP,S District 1- Jay Wheeler 407-390-0505 District Z - Julius Melendez 407-922-5213 District 3 - Cindy Lou Hartig 407-832-3999 District 4 - David Stone, Vice Chair 407-433-2700 District 5 - John McKay, Chair 407-957-4056 HE SCHOOL DitST IIC CSF' OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLOPUD PurchasinglPrQpart7 f ecOrJ f li�c�rehOr r 817 Bill Beck Boulevard, Building 2000 • Kissimmee . Florida 34744-4495 Phonic: 407-870-4630 - FOX: 407-E70-4616 ' May 2^, 2009 Ms. Mary Langley Wabash Valley Manufacturing, Inc- 13750 nc.i3750 West Colonial Drive, Suite 35D-' 34 Winter Garden, FL 34787 RE Bid # SDOC-09-B-082 CJ Playground Equipment, Surfacing and Installation Dear Ms. Langley: Superintendent of Schools Michael A. Grego, Ed.D. The School Board of Osceola County, Florida, meeting in official session on May 19, 2009, voted to award the above mentioned solicitation to the following company/companies; Bliss Products 8. Service, BYO Playgrounds, Dominica Recreation Products, Florida Playstructures, Kool Playgrounds, LLC', L eadex Corporation, Litchfield Landscape Element, Miracle Recreation c/o Miller Recreation, Piazza Inc., Play It Safe -Enterprises, Inc-, Play Power Little Tikes, Play/Space Services, Piaumore Wes-, Inc., PVV Athletic Mfg. Co., Qiteie Playgrounds, LLC; Sohool Specialty, Site Creations LLC, Swartz Associates; Inc., Victor Stanley Inc. and Wabash Valley Manufacturing The catalogs and price, sheets that were submitted with your bid response will remain in the bid folder. Please provide an additional copy for the buyer responsible for this solicitation. Catalog dispersal to District's Schools and Departments is your firm's responsibility. You may view the tab sheet for this bid at: 1t t• n .: SC..:J1_..r. i! f, S; r; �l lri ,e i �li�u 1 :.�. !,G e 3i .,._ r:r��. This letter is ONLY notification of award of the solicitation. Purchase Orders shall be placed as needed. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Cheryl Jessee, Senior Buyer at 407-870-4627. Sincerely, Cheryl L. (Yson, G.P.M., CPM, FCCN Director of Purchasing and Warehouse CLO/cmj cc: Dr. Michael P.. Grego, Superintendent William Collins, Chief Business and Finance Officer SiudentAchievement- Our Number One Priority DistricRvide Accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools School District Main Office: 817 Bili Bee: Boulevard' , Kissimmee - Florida 34744-4492 • Phone. 407-870-4600 An Equal Opportunity Agency Bid PSDOC 09-B-082 CJ Playground Equipment, Surfacing Installation Tab Sheet Bliss Products & Service 6831 S Sweetwater Road N o, Lithia Springs, GA 30122 Local Rep: Gitny McDougal 407-880-4866 Kompan ginny@hlissproducts.COm Group (Did not Play & Park Structures Ultra Coat provide No 5% Sportsplay 30% Certification) Air Shade America Bliss Products & Servi N o, Fubar'($urfacing) Page 1 of 14 N o, The Douglas Group (Did not provide No 5% 30% Certification) N o, The Douglas Group (Did not provide No 10% 30% Certification) No, The Douglas Group (Did not provide No 10% 30% Certification) N o, The Douglas - Group (Did not provide Yes 10%, 30%:,:Certification) Surfacing No, priced per job, The Douglas variables of Group (Did not each job provide considered in No 5% 30% Certification) pricing 0%' Yes Printed Pricing . Page 1 of 14 Bid #SDOC 09-B-082 CJ Playground Equipment, Surfacing Installation Tall ck—o BYO Swingset 280 Business Park Circle #416 ST. Augustine, FL 32095 BYO Playg Local Rep: Teresa Music 2009 Cata 904-808 8509 Gametime robd@gametime.com teresa@byoplayground.com Playland GTIMPAX Volume I Product) Webcoat . 2009 'Cata ZeagerBr Woodcar BYO Engir Fiber Dominica Recreation Products 632 Florida Central Parkway Longwood,FL 32750 Local Rep: Rob Dominica 1-800-432-0162 Gametime robd@gametime.com 2009 Catal( GTIMPAX Product) GT Shade Bid #SDOC 09-B-082 C1 Playground Equipment, Surfacing Installation Tab Sheet Florida Playstructures Yes , 117 W. Alexander Street #178 35% playmart Plant City, FL 33563 35% Yes Local Rep: Carl 5hoffstall Volume II 35% Yes 813-704-4395 2Q09 Catalog Yes 8, Yes cart@floridaplaystructu res. 35% Childforms coni' 2009Catalog Yes 7 Sportsplay .'. 2009 Catalog Yes 6° Ball Fabric Structures Yes 25 Gared Sports 2009 Catalog Yes 10 Ultra' Play ` 2009 Catalog Yes 5`. Plays'afe Surfacing , 2009 Printed Price! i Sheet Yes 5' 3;000 sq 2,000 sq 1,000 sq International Mulch , off Print 2009 Price Sheet Yes ShE SYN Lawn 2009 Price Sheet Yes 1C Page 3 of 14 35% Yes , 35% Yes , 35% Yes 35% Yes 35% Yes 35% Yes Bid #SDOC 09-B-082 CJ Playground Equipment, Surfacing Installation Tab Sheet Kool Playgrounds, LLC: G F Play, . 109 E. 17th Street 2008 Catalog witt St. Cloud, FL 34769 Price Sheet Local Rep: Denny Talbott et 407-891-8017 Xccent Play; denny@koolplaygrounds.com 2008 Catalog with'2009 Price SI Progressive`Desig Yes Catalog 15 Childforms 2009 Catalog. SportsPlay Yes " 2009 Catalog 10% Superior Shade 2009 Catalog Kay Park YO e 2009 Catalog Ana TriActive Fitness 2008-2 Catalog Kool Playground,'1 75% Shades for. (Surfacing) No Yes 10% Yes 10°r et Yes Yes '10% 15% EgLIipment Yes 75% Shades for. some mfg's. Yes Yes Mo Equipment 10% 7591. Shades for YO e some mfg's. Ana No 5% Yes 10°r Yes 10% Page 4 of :1.4 i5% Equipment 75%Shades for. some mfg's. Yes 15% EgLIipment 75% Shades for. some mfg's. Yes Mo Equipment 7591. Shades for some mfg's. Yes 5% Equipment. 75% Shades for. some mfg's. Yes S% Equipment'. 15% Shades for' =, some mfg's. Yes I 35% Equipment Shades for some mfg s Yes 35% Equipment Shad es for some rnfg',s. Yes Bid #SDOC 09-B-082 CJ Playground Equipment, Surfacing Installation Tab ShPPi Leadex Corporation 4731 SW 75 Avenue' Miami, FL 33155 Local Rep:Jose Forseca 1-305-266-2028 Playcraft Systems jose@leadexcorp.com 2009 Catalog , Sportsplay 2009 Catalog NO Equal Design, 2009 Catalog Ameriturf 2009 Printed Price Sheet EPDM Pour -in -Place Page 5of14 stall 3ervl i itted Base' Bid #SDOC 09-B-082 CJ Playground Equipment, Surfacing Installation Tab Sheet Miracle Recreation 1'14VAA ��,." c/o Miller Recreation p-' 9993 8% $4 Yes,Stephens 2017 91 st Street N.W. $51C-$9,999 12% Installers; Brandenton,'FL 34209 $101('-$'17,999,15%; Playtime. Local Rep: Debbie Lloyd $181C'- $24,999 18% Installation, 407-628-8614 $251<-6bove205/. Knockout rllloyduk@earthlink:net Miracle Recreation 10% Bleachers:.Installers, Miller Shaping the Future of Items'on sales flyers Recreation Play not included already Equipment & 2009 Catalog Yes discounted27% Design, Inc. Miracle Recreation Equipment & Design, 0% Inc Pour -lin -Place Yes Panted Prrcmg { f ,;:2,. 1, .d,. .�„.+5:..44 .:i... Y„:.A uWd ,.v, t3��i.. �J.. •d$''',1s €' < ¢ ; htt'� V f i Sk , j ,.rR k Er f'. 1 Piazza Inc., P.O. Box 1229 Big Toys Geneva, FL 32732-1229 2009 Catalog Yes 3% 30% Yes Local Rep: Lisa Borosky Elephant Play 407-349-0800 2009 Catalog' Yes 3% 30%' Yes lisab@piazzainc.com Henderson 2009 Catalog Yes 3% 30%' Yes Terrapad 2009 Catalog', Yes 3% . 30% Yes 0% Dura la Surfacing Y g Yes ' ' I?Chied, Pricing Zeager Hardwood 0% - (5urfacing) Yes Printed Pricing Page 6 of 14 Bid #SDOC 09-B-082 Cl Playground Equipment, Surfacing Installation Tab Sheet PlayIt Safe Enterprises, Inc neon an p , 15896 Mellen Lane Yes 2009 CD Catalog Jupiter, FL 33478 e coa Rep: Local Re Liz Calawa Y Yes 2009 Catalo g'; 407-719-7573 U tra P ay lizplayitsafe@comcast.net Yes 2009 Catalog SportsPlay Play Power Little Tikes 3023 Folklore Drive` Yes Little Tikes Comm Valrico, FL 33596 Playgrounds Local Rep: Mary Langley Yes 2009 Catalog, 407-947-6318 LTCPS Rubber Mu mlangley5@cfl.rr.com Yes 2009 Printed'Prici Vitriturf (Pour-In- 28% ` Yes Place)Printed Mc LTCPS''Shade Builc Yes 2009 Printed Prici Yes Yes Yes luich Yes 8% Printed Pricir 28% Yes 28% Yes 28% Yes 28% ` Yes 28% Yes 28% Yes Bid 4SDOC 09-B-082 CJ Playground Equipment, Surfacing Installation Tab Sheet Play/Space Services' BCI Burke; LLC 3125 Skyway Circle 2009 Catalog' Melbourne, FL 32934 on related Local Rep: Lazaro Gonzalez' 321-775-0600 Igonzalez@playspaceservices.co m existing Rainbow Turf ProdUcts Yes 2009 Printed Pricing% playgrounds arLHSCapeS hecyclect Products 2009 Catalog` is Yes Sun Ports, USA Shade 2009 Catalog 0 Greenfield Sport 2009 Catalog Rain Drop Products 2007-2008 Flyer Shade Systems 2009 Catalog' No No No Bison 2009 No Pricing Page 8 of 14 5% 2% 3% 5% 3% Quoted Per Project) No Quoted Per Project Yes Footers Quoted per, Order Yes 35% 1 Yes additional pricing' removal and _ on related reinstall installation existing services Yes playgrounds 29% is Yes 0 Footers Quoted per Order Yes Quoted Per Project) No Quoted Per Project Yes Footers Quoted per, Order Yes 35% 1 Yes Bid #SDOC 09-B-082 CJ playground Equipment, Surfacing Installation Tab Sheet L �9`ulpmet�r 4d �" Superior .Shade 2009 Order Geosculpts / I'v1onolithic No 2009 Yes My a o --- --_ No 2009 Sports play No 2009 359/, No No Cedar Forest Products Yes 2009 Catalog 39% No Yes Litchfield Industries ---- = " 2009 Footers Quoted per — -- — _� No Ball Fabrics—� Yes 2009 Footers Quoted per Kay Par. No 2009 Catalog Yes We oat Yes 2009 Catalog 2 % Ultra Play Systems Yes 2009 Catalog No No RCP Shelters 2007 SoftPlay Artificial Turf 1 Yes 2009 No Park Pets 5% —'--- 2009 Yes Page 9 of 14 Footers Quoted per - 51 Order Yes 3G° 269'0 No 5% 359/, No 3% 37.% Yes 3% 39% No 3796 Erection only ---- = Footers Quoted per Order o Yes Footers Quoted per 5% Order Yes ?� 35% Yes. 2 % 35%' No 2 6 35% Yes rertron on y Footers Quer per er 5% —'--- — Ord Yes No oor,4 nor 2, 33% for 3 or 2% more No Bid 4SDOC 09-B-082 CJ Playground Equipment, Surfacing Installation Tab Sheet Playmore West, Inc. playworld 10271 Deer Run Farms Rd, Ste.1 2009 Catalog Fort Meyers, FL 33966 Shade Systems Local Rep: Anne Kennedy 407-568-8978 2009 Catalog annekennedy@playmoreonline.c Classic Recreation 2008-2009 Catalog Madrax 2009 Catalog Thomas Steele 2009 Catalog Yes Yes 3% 5% Page 10 of 14 32% Yes 75% includes cocrete footings Yes 60% includes cocrete footings' Yes 32% Yes Printed Pricing ; Yes Printed Pricing Yes '. Printed Pricing : Yes .' Printed Pricing'. Yes 32% Yes 32% No 32% No '. Bid hSDOC 09-B-082 Cl Playground Equipment, Surfacing Installation Tab Sheet PW Athletic Mfg. Co 13750 W. Colonial Drive Ste., 350- 134 Winter Garden, FL 34787 Local Rep: Mary Langley 407-647-6318 PW Athletic Mfg. Co. Yes; Johnny. mlangley5@cfl.rr.com 2009 Catalog; Yes 5% '; 25% James Pitts Qitele Playgrounds, LLC P O. Box 50760 Qitele'Playgrounds ' Jacksonville Beach, FL 32240 15th Edition Yes, TGI' Local Rep: Todd Krohn 1 1-09 Yes 5% 35% Construction 877-595-0010 Ball Fabrics ToddK@gitelepla,ygrounds.com 20th Year Yes, TG 1-1-09 No 5% 35% Construction Landscape Brands Site Furnishings Yes, TGI` 1-109 Yes 5%' 35% Construction Concrete foundation or sub - Surface America base for surfacing SPTM-15M or see surfacing Yes, TGI 1-1-09 No 5% sheet Construction Page 11 of 14 Bid #SDOC 09-B-082 CJ Playground Equipment, Surfacing Installation Tah Shoat Site Creations LLC Yes P.O. Box 50760 Qitele Playgrour Jacksonville Beach, FL 32240 15th Edition` Local Rep: Todd Krohn, 1-1-09 877-595-0010 Yes Todd,K@giteleplaygrounds.com No Ball Fabrics 20th Year 1-1-09 Yes Landscape Bram Site Furnishings 1-1-09 Surface America SPTM-15M 1-1-09 terns talog ° Yes ds Yes No Is Yes EM Page 12 of 14 Yes, TGI 35% Construction Concrete foundation or sub- base for surfacing or see surfacing Yes, TG 55o sheet Construction Bid #SDOC 09-B-082 CJ Playground Equipment, Surfacing Installation Tab Sheet Swartz Associates, Inc P.O. Box 280196 Recreation Creations 33%, $800.00 Tampa, FL 33682 2000 Catalog Yes 8% minimum Yes, I<ennico inc. Local Rep: Dustin Roark 407-761-1999 dustin@parkplayusa.corn Recreation Creation 33%, $800.00 Early Childhood #8 Yes 8% minimum Yes, I.<ennico Inc. Sports Play 33%, $800.00 2009 Catalog Yes 101, minimum Yes, IZennico Inc. Childforms 33%, $800.00 2009 Catalog Yes 8% minimum Yes, IZennico Inc. Zea er Woodcar e s g p. t -°' 0/0 (Surfacing) Yes Printed Pricing Yes, I<ennico Inc. Rubhercycle' 0%' (Surfacing) Yes Printed Pricing !, - Yes, I<ennicq Inc. Childsafe Products (Surfacing):, Yes Printed Pricing - Yes, l<ennico Inc. Page 13 of 14 Bid 4SDOC 09-B-082 CJ Playground Equipment, Surfacing Installation Tab Sheet 25%, Submitted Page 14 of 14 Addendum #1 SDOC 09-B-082 CJ BID # SDOC-09-B-082 C.1 April 9, 2009 ADDENDUM NO.: 1 (To be attached and become a part of the Bid) PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT. SURFACING & INSTALLATION To be opened, April 15, 2009 at 2:00 P.M., in the School District of Osceola County, Purchasing Office, 817 Bill Beck Boulevard, Kissimmee, Florida 34744. The original Invitation to Bid (ITB) documents shall remain in full force and effect, except as modified herein, and shall take precedence over any contrary provisions in the prior documents. If you have any questions regarding this Addendum please feel free to contact Cheryl Jessee, Senior Buyer by email at iesseec5osceola.I<12.fl.us or by phone at (407) 870-4627. This addendum is being issued to answer questions submitted. Question 1: Specification 2.18: Insurance A. "Commercial General liability in the amount of $3 million aggregate" Normally we carry $1 million per occurrence with $1 million aggregate and an umbrella for $1 million, making this aggregate $3 million as understood by our Insurance Company. Is this acceptable? B. "Product liability" is normally furnished by the playground equipment manufacturer. Is this acceptable or do we need to also supply this coverage as general contractor? (This will require an additional policy and cost) Answer 1: A. No, the District requires $1 million per occurrence and $3 million aggregate. The $1 million per occurrence stands alone, you can however, combine your $1 million aggregate and a $2 million umbrella or you can have $2 million aggregate and a $1 million umbrella, in order to achieve the $3 million aggregate. B. "Product Liability" If the bidder is not the Manufacturer of the equipment/product that you are offering, then include the Manufacturer's certificate of insurance for each of the products/equipment that you are submitting showing the Product Liability coverage as required in Section 2.18. Question 2: Since this is a construction contract requiring site work, structural concrete footings, etc., we did not see a requirement for the bidder to be a Certified General Contractor or request for copy of licenses, (only copy of occupational license with no minimum requirements) a CSPI (Certified Safety Playground Installer) to be a foreman at site. Page 1 of 3 Addendum #1 SDOC 09-B-082) CJ Answer 2: This is a catalog/printed price sheet bid, not a construction contract. Companies bidding on this do not have to offer installation. If and when installation is required through this bid, our Facilities and/or Maintenance Department, Permitting Department and Health & Safety Department will be involved in the process and they will verify that the proper licenses and certification are in place as well as verify that the equipment is approved by the District prior to issuance of a purchase order. Question 3: Is there a bid bond or performance bond required? Answer 3: No, the District does not require bid bonds or performance bonds for projects less than $200,000.00. This bid is not for projects over $200,000.00. Question 4: Is a temporary construction fence required and if so plastic or chain link. Answer 4: The District has a bid to cover any fencing requirements. Fencing will not be covered under this bid. Question 5: Can we bid on more than one playground equipment manufacturer and if so, do we need to be certified installer for each or the CSPI certificate is enough? Answer 5: You can bid on any and all playground equipment manufacturers that you are authorized to distribute. Certified Safety Playground Installer is acceptable for installation. Just so there is no misunderstanding (see section 1.04 the 10th bullet) the Written Factory Certification is also required, this insures the District that you or your installing subcontractor are authorized by the manufacturer to install to prevent any voided factory/manufacturers warranties on the equipment. Question 6: Bid item No. 4 "Surfacing Products" Requires to quote or bid on several thickness and color options per square feet, but there is no mention of construction base whether to be compacted lime rock and thickness or compacted existing soil or 4 concrete base and thickness. Answer 6: If the construction base is something that you offer you may include those options in your bid response. The District has a Site Contract Labor Bid for this service as well as the fact that most playgrounds are installed in conjunction with a school being built and the site work can be performed by the Construction Company already on site. Page 2 of 3 Addendum #1 SDOC 09-B-082 CJ Question 7: Surfacing Products The only specification is to be accessible and meet ASTM: a, Is ADA mulch acceptable? b. Rubber surfacing poured in place acceptable? c. Synthetics grass (artificial turf) to meet ASTM and fall height acceptable? Can we bid in all of the above? Answer 7: You can bid on any and all products/manufacturers that you represent or offer. The Districts Health and Safety Department will determine whether or not a product and or equipment meet the Districts standards. This will be determined on a project by project basis. Question 8: Is there a border required at end of surfacing where it abutts ground? Material wood, concrete, plastic or other? Answer 8: If these are items that you would like to offer you can include them in your bid response. This will be determined on a project by project basis. Acknowledgement of Addendum #1 by Vendor: This addendum shall be completed by Vendor and returned with the Bid Package. If the Bid package has already been submitted, this addendum must be submitted to the above address in a sealed envelope, which is marked on the outside Addendum to Bid, Bid title and number. This is to acknowledge receipt of this addendum, which will become part of the Bid document. AUTHORIZED NAME (TYPED) AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Page 3 of 3 TITLE COMPANY NAME SUBMIT TO: I 4 t INVITATION TO BID Tne sennnl District of Osceola cnnnn, I Florida Purchasing Department, Building 20(H) I l 817 Bill Beck Blvd. , i Kissimmee, FL 34744 I AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CONTACT PERSON- wwsa.osceola.l:l_.fl, us dcn!s/Purchas)ro'Andee asp I Cheryl M. Jessee, Senior Buver } Ielephone P: 407.870.4627 Date issued: February 25; 2009 Fax k: 41 7141, 1 TITLE: B]D NUMBER: SUBMITTAL DEADLINE: Playground Equipment, Surfacine, S SDOC 09-13-082 CJ Wednesday, April 15, 2009 Installation PRE BID DATE. TIME AND LOCATION: March 23, 2009 O 9:00 AM in the Purchasing Conference Room sc'Sn117TnLs2ECG1ncD;1FTsRABOVE DATc,1NnTle1E WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FIRM'S NAME: MAILING ADDRESS_ CITY- STATE- ZIP: Authorized Signature TELEPHONE NO Typed Name FAX NO Title Date FEDERAL ID NO. OR SOCIAL SECURITY NO. I Email Address THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED V7ITH YOUR RESPONSE GENERAL CONDITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS j * * * * PLEASE READ CAREFULLY *' * * Individuals covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 in need of accommodations to attend public openings or meetings sponsored by the School District of Osceola County Purchasing Department shall contact the Purchasing Department a! 407.S70 4630, at least five (5) days priorto the scheduled opening or meeting I. SUBMISSION OF OFFERS: All offers shall be submitted in a sealed 5. CLARIFICATION/CORRECTION OF ENTRY: The School Board envelope or package. The invitation number, title, and opening, date shall be reserves the r eht to allow for the clarification of questionable entries and the 1 clearly displayed on the outside of the sealed envelope or package. The correction of OBVIOUS MISTAKES.delivery of responses to the School District of Osceola County Purchasing Department prior to the specified date and time is solely and snictly the 6. INTERPRETATION/ADDENDA: Any questions concerning conditions and responsibility of the offeror. Any submittal received in the Purchasing specifications shall be directed to the designated contact person. Those Department after the specified date and time will not be considered interpretations which may affect the eventual outcome of the invitatiotvoffer shall be furnished in writing to prospective offerors. Responses shall be submitted on forms provided by the School Board. Additional information may be attached to the submittal. Facsimile No interpretation shall be considered hinding unless provided in writing by the submissions are NOT acceptable No offer may be modified after School District Purchasing Department in the form of an addendum Any acceptance. No offer may be withdrawn after opening for a period of sixty addenda issued shall be acknowledged by signature and returned with offerors (60) days unless otherwise specified. response. 2. EXECUTION OF OFFER: Offer shall contain a manual signature in the Failure to acknowledge addenda may result in the offer not being considered. space(s) provided of a representative authorized to legally bind the offeror to the provisions therein. All spaces requesting information From the 7. INCURRED EXPENSES: This invitation does not commit the School Board offeror shall be completed, Responses shall be typed or printed in ini; Use to make an award nor shall the School Board be responsible for any cost or of erasable ink or pencil is not permitted Any correction made by the expense which may be incurred by an} respondent in preparing and submitting offeror to any entry must be initialed. a reply, or any cost or expense incurred by any respondent prior to the execution of a purchase order or contract agreement. 3. OPENING: Opening shall be public in the School District Purchasing Department immediaiel' following the advertised deadline date and time for 8. PRICING: Unless otherwise specified prices offered shall remain [firm for a receipt of submittals. Pursuant to Section 119,07(3) (b) Florida Statutes period of at least sixty (60) days: all pricing of goods shall include FOB (1991; no further information regarding offers submitted will be made DESTINATION. all packing, handling, shipping charges and delivery to any public until such time of intended award or ten (10) days, whichever is point(s) within the School District to a secure area or inside delivery: all prices earlier of services shall include all expenses necessary to provide the service at the location specified. 4. PUBLIC RECORD: The School District is governed by the Public Record Law, Chapter 1 19. Florida Statutes. Parsuant to Chapter 1 19 only trade 9. ADDITIONAL TERIRS & CONDITIONS: The School Board reserves the secrets as defined in Section 312.081, Florida Statute shall be exempt from right to reject offers containing terns or conditions contradictor_, to those disclosure. requested in the imitation specifications. Page 1 of 39 Ill, TAXES: The School District of Osceola County is exempt from Federal 18. CONTENT OF INVITATION/RESPONSE: The contents of this and State Tax for Tanetloc Personal Property Florida State Exemption invitation, all terms_, conditions, specifications, and regmrenients inchtded Certificate No. 8�4012SO0806C-9. Vendors or Contractors doing itustness herein and the accepted and awarded response thereto may be incorporated with the School District of Osceola County shall not be exempled from into an agreement to purchase and become legally binding Any terms, paying sales tax to their suppliers for matenals to fulfill contractual conditions, specifications, and/or requirements specific to the item or obheanons with the District, nor shall am Vendor/Contractor be authorized service requested herein shall supercede the requirements of the to use the Distr ct's Tax Exemption Number in securing such materials "GENERAL CONDITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS." 11. DISCOUNTS: All discounts except those 7br prompt payment .shall be 19 considered in determining tire lowest net cost for evaluation purposes. 12, MEETS SPECIFICATIONS: The offeror represents that all offers to this mvantion shall meet or exceed the minimum requirements specified 13. IITIkND NAME OR EQUAL: If items requested by this invitation have been identified in the specifications Int a Brand Name "Oft EQUAL" description, such identification is intended to be descriptive and not restrictive and is to indicate the qualn}, and charactenstics of products that will be acceptable. Offers proposing 'equal" products will be considered for award if such products are clearly identified in the offer and are determined by the School Board to meet fully the salient characteristic requirements listed in the specifications. 20. Unless the offeror elearh indicates in his/her oflcr that he/she is proposing an "equal" product, the offer shall be considered as offering the same brand name product referenced in the specifications. If the offeror proposes to furnish an "equal" product, the brand name of the product to be furnished shall be clearly identified. The evaluation of offers and the determinannn as to equahiy of the prnducl offered shall be the responsibility of the School Board and will be based on information furnished by the offeror. The Purchasing Department is not responsible for locating or securing any information which is not identified in the response and reasonably available to the Purchasing Department. To insure that sufficient information is available the offeror shall furnish as part of the response all descriptive material necessary for the Purchasing Department to determine whether the product offered meets the salient charactenstics required by the specifications and establish exactly what the offeror proposes to furnish and what the School Board would be binding itself to purc`•ase by making an award. 14. SAMPLES: When required, samples of products shall be furnished with response to the School Board at no charge. Samples mar be tested and will not be returned to the offeror The result of am and all testing shall be made available upon written request. 15. SILENCE OF SPECIFICATIONS: The apparent silence of these specifications or any supplemental specifications as to details or the omission from same of any detailed description conceming any point, shall be reearded as meaning that only the best commercial practices are to prevail and that only, materials of first qualin and correct type, size, and design are to be used. All workmanship shall be first quality. All interpretations of specifications shall be made upon the basis of this statement. 16. GOVERNING LAWS AND VENUE: All legal proceedings brought in connection with this Contract shall oniv be brought in a state or federal court located in the State of Florida. Venue in state court shall be in Osceola County, Florida. Venue in federal court shall be in the United States District Court, Middle District of Flonda, Orlando Division. Each party hereby agrees to submit to rite personal junsdiction of these courts for any l."suits filed there against such part), arising under or in connection with this Contract. In the event that a legal proceeding is brought for the enforcement of anv term of the contract. or any richt arising therefrom, the parties expressly waive their respective nehts to have such action tried by Jury trial and hereby consent to the use of non -jury trial for the adjudication of such suit All questions conceming the validil operation, interpretation, construction mid enforcement of liny terms, covenants or conditions of this Contract shall in all respects be governed by and determined in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida without giving effect to the choice of law principles thereof and unless otherwise preempted bq federal law. I7. ASSIGNMENT: Any agreement to purchase issued pursuant to this invitation and award thereof and the monies which may become due hereunder are not assignable except with the prior whiten approval of the School Board. INDENINIFICATION OFSCIIOOL BOARD The bidder shall indemnif}.. hold harmless and defend the School Board, its officers, agents.. and employees, from or on account of ant' claims, losses, expenses, injuries, damages, or liability resulting or arising solely from bidders performance or nonperformance of services pursuant to titin contract, excluding any claims, losses, expenses, injuries, damage, or liabifit) resulting or arising from the actions of School Board, its officers, agents, or employees. The indemnification shall obligate the bidder to defend, at its own expense or to provide for such defense, at School Board's option, any and all claims and suits brought against School Board that may result from bidders performance or nonperformance of services pursuant to the contract. PATENTS, COPYRIGHT, AND ROYALTIES: The supplier/provider, without exception. shall indemnify and save harmless the School Board, its officers, agcni and employees from liability of any nature of kind, including cost and expenses for or on account of any, copyrighted, registered, patented, or unpatented invention, process, or article manufactured or used in the provision of goods and/or services, including use by the School Board. If the supplieriprovider uses any design, device, or materials covered by letters_, patent, copyright, or registration, it is mutually agreed and undCa-SHAnd without exception that the quoted price shall include all royalties or costs ansing from the use of such design. device, or materials in any way involved. 21. TRAINING: Unless otherwise specified suppliers/providers may be required at the convenience of and at no expense to the School Board to provide training to School Board personnel in the operation and maintenance orally item purchased as a result of this invitation. 22. ACCEPTANCE: Products purchased as a result of this invitation may be tested for compliance with specifications. Items delivered not conforming to specifications may be rejected and returned at bidder's expense. Those items and items not delivered by the delivery date specified in accepted offer andior purchase order may be purchased on the open market. Any increase in cost may be charged against the bidder. 23. SAFETY WARRANTY: Any awarded supplieriprovider including dealers, distributors, and/or manufacturers shall be responsible for having complied with all Federal. State, and local standards, regulations. and laws conceming the product or service specified, and tite use thereof applicable and effective on the date of manufacture or use or date in service including safety, and environmental standards as apply to both private industry and governmental agencies. 24. N12ARRANTY: The offeror agrees that, unless otherwise specified, the product and service furnished as a result of this invitation and award thereto shall be covered by the most favorable commercial warranty the offeror gives to any customer for comparable quantities of such products and/or services and that the light and remedies provided herein are in addition to and do not limit any rights afforded to the School Board by anv other provision of the invitation/offer. 25. AWARD: As the best interesi of the School Board may require, the School Board reserves the right is make awards) by individual item, group of items, all or none, or a combination thereof: on a geographical basis andlor on a district wide basis with one or more supplier(s) or provider(s)' to reject any and all offers or waive any irregularity or technicality in offers received. Offerors are cautioned to make no assumptions unless their offer has been evaluated as being responsive Any or all award(s) made as a result of This invitation shall conform to applicable School Board Rules, State Board Rules. and State of Florida Statutes, 26. VIOLATIONS: Any violation of anv of the stipulations, terms, and%or conditions listed and/or included herein may result in the offeror/bidder being removed from the School Board Bid list and lite offeror/bidder being disqualified from doing business with the School Board for a period of lime to be determined on a case-by-case basis. Page 2 of 39 27. For purposes of thisInvitation and evaluation of responses hereto the following shall apply. unit prices shall prevail over extended prices_; wntite matter shall prevail over iyped matter, numbers spelled in word form shall prevail over Arabic numerals f' one" over "I") When not inconsistent with context words used in the present tense include the future. words in lite piural number include lite singular number, and words in the singular number include the plural number The word "shall- is always mandatory and not merely directory. 25. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE DISTRICT: The District and its governing board were created pursuant to Section 4, AnicIe IX of the Constitution of the State of Florida_ The District is an independent lasing and reporting entity managed, controlled, operated, administered, and supervised by School Distncl Officials in accordance with Chapters 1000- 1013. Florida Statutes. The Board consists of five elected officials responsible for the adoption of policies, which govern the operation of the District public schools. The Superintendent of Schools is responsible for the administration and management of the schools and it's depanrnents within the applicable parameters of state laws, Stale Board of Education toles. and School Board policies. The Superintendent is also specificalh, delegated the responsibility of maintaining a uniform system of records and accounts in the District bti Section 1010.01, Florida Statutes as prescribed by the State Board of Education The District is coterminous with Osceola County. The annual budget for the District for 2007-2005 school year totals $999,422,956, including an operating budget of 8461,355,469, and a capital budgei of $401,140,409_ The District operates Ihinm-nine schools, which includes twenty -one (21 j elementary schools, seven (7) middle schools, eight (5) high schools. two (2) K thru 5 schools, and one ( I ) 6th thru120) _grade school The District is also responsible for twelve alternative educations sites, and seven charter schools. The total fuh-time K-12 projected enrollment of public school students for August 2007 is 53,070. Growth is proleered to continue in the future at an average of 2000 students per year. 29. UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE: The Uniform Commercial Code (Florida Statues, Chapter 672) shall prevail as the basis for contractual obligations between the awarded Contractor and the School Distnct of Osceola County for any terms and conditions not specifically stated in this InvitadonTo Bid 30. AVAILARILITY OF FUNDS The oblieauons of the School Distnct of Osceola County under this award are subject to the availa0diii of funds lawfully appropriated for its purpose by the State of Florida and the School Board All purchases arc contingent upon available Distnct funding 31. NO CONTACT: Vendors, contractors, consultants, or their representatives shall not meet with, speak individually with, or otherwise communicate with School Unrd mcmhers, the Superintendent, or School District staff, other than the designated purchasing agent, and School Board members, the Superintendent, or School District staff, other than the designated purchasing agent, shall not med with, speak individually with, or otherwise communicate with vendors, contractors, consultants, or their representatives, about potential contracts with the School Board once an invitation to hitt, request for quote, request for proposal, invitation to negotiate, or request for qualifications has been issued. Any such communication shall disqualify the vendor, contractor, or consultant front responding to the subject invitation to bid, request for quote, request for proposal, invitation to negotiate, or request for qualifications. (SCHOOL BOARD RULE SECTION 7.70.1-G) 32. DEFINITIONS: BIDDER - The term "bidder' used herein refers to an_v dealer, manufacturer, representative, distributor, or business organization that will be or has been awarded a contract and/or purchase order pursuant to the terms and conditions of the invitation and accepted offer. OFFEROR - The term 'offeror" used herein refers to any dealer, manufacturer, representative. distributor, or business organization submitting an offer to the Count} in response to this invitation. SCHOOL BOARD - The term "School Board" herein refers to the School Board of Osceola County, Florida. and its duly authorized representatives and an), school, department, or unit within the School District USING AGENCY - The term "using agency" used herein refers to any school. department, committee, authority, or another unit in the School Distnct using supplies nr procuring contractual services as provided for in the Purchasing Department of the School District. THE SCHOOL BOARD RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY OR .ALL OFFERS, TO WAIVE INFORNIALITIES, AND TO ACCEPT ALL OR ANY PART OF,ANY OFFER AS MAY BE DEEMED TO BE IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE SCHOOL BOARD Page 3 of 39 Bid V sDD: N-r-�)82 CJ The purpose of this Invitation To Bid (ITB) is to solicit competitive sealed Bids to furnish Playground Equipment, Surfacing & Installation for the use of The School District of Osceola County, Florida. 1.0 SCOPE 1.01 This Specification establishes the minimum requirements for this solicitation, listed and described in the body of these specifications, to be used as noted, by The School District of Osceola County. 1.02 AWARD TERM The School Board's goal is to promote partnership relationships within the policies and procedures of public procurement. Pursuant toward that end, the successful bidder(s) shall be awarded a contract for an initial three year term with one subsequent two year renewal. The award term recommendation will be that which is determined to be in the best interest of the School Board. All renewals will be contingent upon mutual written agreement and, when applicable, approval of School Board. 1.03 INTENT Bids are being requested and will be evaluated on the basis of a minimum fixed discount from bidders' most current catalog(s), CD(s) or printed price sheet(s) for Playground Equipment, Surfacing & Installation in order to produce the lowest net cost for the District. Bidders shall provide a firm fixed discount that will be applied to all items in the vendor's current cataiog(s), CD(s) or printed price sheet(s), if discount carries by manufacturer indicated that on the bid submittal form. Unless a change is deemed in the best interest of the School District there shall not be any discount adjustments during the term of the bid. Discount provided on the bid submittal form shall remain firm throughout the term of the bid. Bidders are encouraged to consider this requirement when offering discounts on the bid submittal form. 1.a4 PRODUCTS OR SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED AND APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS • Play equipment must meet or exceed Consumer Products Safety Commission Guidelines and ASTM Standards. IP:—:::MA Certification is desired, but not required. • Installation must be according to relative industry standards such as National Playground Safety Institute. • Fall zone material and installation must adhere to industry related standards to include CPSC and ASTM. • School Board regulations must be adhered to by all employees and the contractor(s) while on any School Board property. • Any and all damage to grounds, underground utilities, buildings, shrubbery, District owned or leased equipment shall be made whole by the awarded contractor(s). • Contractor must coordinate for "LOCATES". • Work shall be performed under a no cost permit issued through the District's Permitting Department. • All work must be inspected prior to approval. Payment(s) are based on successful inspections. • Contractors providing a service must hold an Occupational License. In accordance with Florida Statutes 205.065, a current Department of Professional Regulation certificate may be provided in lieu of an Osceola County Occupational License, with the copy of the Occupational License of home state/county/city. • All bidders submitting bids on installation must supply VORITTEN FACTORY CERTIFICATION that they are certified/authorized to install playground equipment as required by the manufacturer. Failure to supply this documentation with the bid proposal or within 3 days after request will result in bid rejection. Each Foreman on site supervising installation must have NPSI certification or at least one member of the crew on site must have NPSI certification. The installing contractor has to provide a signed Page 4 of 39 Bid V SLX7� 09-B-062 Q letter stating, "This equipment has been installed according to manufacturer's specifications". Letter must be provided at time of final inspection. No part of this contractor shall be subcontracted without the expressed permission of the Purchasing Department. Any request to subcontract must be in writing and accompanied by a copy of the subcontracting company's Osceola County License. All equipment/products must be approved by our Risk Management Department prior to issuance of a purchase order. Catalogs and price sheets for all play environment related products that you would like to be considered as part of this bid must be submitted with this bid response. If freight charges apply to Surface Products it must be included in the bid price. If there is freight charges for playground equipment those charges must appear on the quotes for each project and must appear on the purchase orders issued to your company. 1.05 CATALOG(S), CD(S) OR PRINTED PRICE SHEET(S) WITH BID All bidders must submit all catalog(s), CD(s) or printed price sheet(s) to be used under this contract with their bid submittal. 1.06 CATALOG(S), CD(S) OR PRINTED PRICE SHEET(S) TO SDOC LOCATIONS After award, successful bidders shall furnish at least two (2) of the same catalog(s), CD(s) or printed price sheet(s) as presented with the bid to ail the District's Schools and Departments. Catalog dispersal is a responsibility of the awarded bidder, not the District. 1.07 CATALOG(S), CD(S) OR PRINTED PRICE SHEET(S) UPDATED ANNUALLY Each year as new catalog(s), CD(s) or printed price sheet(s) are published the successful bidder(s) shall furnish new catalog(s), CD(s) or printed price sheet(s) to the District's Schools and Departments. Prior to the release of new catalog(s), CD(s) or printed price sheet(s) awarded bidders must contact the Purchasing Department to obtain a current list of contacts, and to establish new catalog effective date. Catalog dispersal is a responsibility of the awarded bidder, not the School District. 1.08 UPDATING OF CATALOG(S), CD(S) OR PRINTED PRICE SHEET(S) Sid pricing will be held to the current catalog(s), CD(s) or printed price sheet(s) in use by the District's Schools and Departments. Price increases will not be allowed until a new catalog has been approved by the designated buyer in the Purchasing Department. Once approved, it will be the awarded bidder's responsibility to distribute an ample supply of catalog(s), CD(s) or printed price sheet(s) to the District's Schools and Departments. Booklets and prices used to adjust catalog(s), CD(s) or printed price sheet(s) pricing will not be acceptable. As new catalog(s), CD(s) or printed price sheet(s) become available; it is the awarded bidder's responsibility to have the following: • New catalog(s), CD(s) or printed price sheet(s) approved by the designated buyer in the purchasing department before distribution to the District's Schools and Departments. • Deliver sufficient quantities of new catalog(s), CD(s) or printed price sheet(s) to the District's Schools and Departments. • Establish effective date with buyer after the requirements above have been met. Any price discrepancies, which occur as a result of the awarded bidder not following the above guidelines, must be honored by the awarded bidder. Page 5 of 39 Bid ft SLY, 09-B-062 Q 1.09 DELIVERY TERMS A. DELIVERY TIME Orders shall be placed as needed and expected delivery time frame shall be included when quotes are given to the District. Delivery time frame from receipt of purchase order may determine which vendor receives the order. B. DELIVERY CHARGES Equipment where charges for packing, handling, freight, distribution and inside delivery must be added to quotes to assure that those charges will be noted on the purchase orders issued by the District. C. HOURS OF DELIVERY Deliveries shall be made between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. except on Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays when all school buildings and the Warehouse are closed. D. F.O.B. POINT The F.O.B. point for this contract and for all purchases made under it shall be as specified by the using department (in accordance with the Bid Submittal Form), in the school district. Delivery will not be complete until the using department has accepted each item. Delivery to a common carrier shall not constitute delivery to the ordering agency. All disputes shall be between the seller/bidder and the carrier. 1.10 MINIMUM ORDERS Items shall be ordered as needed. If a bidder wishes to set a minimum order dollar amount, they must do so by indicating the dollar amount in the space provided on the Bid Submittal Form. Failure to specify will be considered no minimum dollar amount. 1.11 LABELING Each carton, package, box and/or container shall be labeled. Each label shall identify each carton as follows: A. Name of item. B. Quantity of item contained. C. Purchase Order Number. D. Company. 1.12 DAMAGED ITEMS In the event an item or items is received and it is later determined there is concealed damage when the item or items is unpacked, the item or items must be replaced by the awarded bidder at no cost to the School Board. 1.13 QUANTITY The estimated dollar amount that could be spent during the first twelve (12) months of this contract is $200,000.00. Please note that this is only an estimate and in no way obligates the School Board to purchase these amounts. These estimates are intended as a guide in submitting Your bid. The actual quantities purchased under this bid may be more or may be less. 1.14 QUANTITY CHANGES The School Board reserves the right to increase or decrease the total quantities necessary. 1.15 METHOD OF ORDERING Items shall be order via individual purchase orders on an "as needed" basis for the term of the contract. Invoices must be submitted against each individual purchase order. Pal -e 6 of 39 Bid t' SDO 09-B-082 Q 1.16 ORDERS The School District of Osceola County will issue purchase orders directly to the successful bidder(s) for the purchase of Playground Equipment, Surfacing & Installation. The successful bidder(s) will be expected to honor these orders according to the discount terms and conditions listed in this bid. Each purchase order will be faxed or mailed to the awarded bidder. The order should be reviewed for correct prices, catalog numbers, extensions, etc. 1.17 EXEMPT FROM THIS BID Purchases shall not include items available at lower prices on other School District bid awards or on Florida State Contracts. The School District reserves the right to bid separately any item if deemed to be in the best interest of the District. 1.18 NO DAMAGES FOR DELAY Bidder is not entitled to any additional compensation or increase in the contract sum for direct, indirect, impact, or any other damages arising because of any hindrance or delays caused by the owner or any other cause whatsoever. Bidder's only remedy for delay, not caused or exacerbated by the Bidder, shall be an extension of time to complete the Bidder's scope of work. Any extension of time shall be granted at the sole discretion of the School Board, and if granted, shall be in the form of additional days added to the contract. 2.0 STANDARD TERMS & CONDITIONS 2.01 CLOSING DATE Bids must be received by The School District of Osceola County Purchasing Department, Building 2000, 817 Bill Beck Blvd., Kissimmee, FL, 34744-4495, no later than 2:00 p.m., local time, on Wednesday, April 15, 2009. Bids received after this time will not be considered. 2.02 TENTATIVE SCHEDULE February 25, 2009........... March 23, 2009 ............... April 15, 2009 .................. May 5, 2009 .................... 2.03 DELIVERY OF BIDS Invitation To Bid Available Pre-bid Conference Bid Closing Date Planned Award Date All Bids shall be sealed and delivered or mailed to (faxes/e-mails will not be accepted): The School District of Osceola County, Florida Purchasing Department, Building 2000 817 Bill Beck Blvd. Kissimmee, Florida 34744-4495 Mark packages) "Bid #SDOC 09-B-082 CJ, Playground Equipment, Surfacing & Installation" and insure that bidders return address is listed on the outside of the package. Note: Please ensure that if a third party carrier (Federal Express, Airborne, UPS, USPS, etc.) is used, that the third party is properly instructed to deliver the Bid Submittal only to the Purchasing Department, Building 2000 at the above address. To be considered, a Bid must be received and accepted in the Purchasing Department before the Bid closing date and time. 2.04 PUBLIC BID OPENING A. The Bids will be available for inspection during normal business hours in the Purchasing Department within ten (10) days of the closing date, by appointment (Florida Statute 119.071 (1) (b)). Page 7 of 39 Bici K SD, -)C o9 -1'1-0E2 Cl B. A copy cf the completed bid tabulation will be available on the Purchasing Department web page at www.osceola.k12.fl.us/dents/Purchasing/Paces/BidResults.asp within ten (10) days. C. Individuals covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 in need of accommodations to attend public Bid openings or meetings should contact the Purchasing Department at 407.870.4625 at least five (5) days prior to the meeting date. 2.05 BID SUBMITTAL FORM A. See Submittal Requirements for complete details. B. Note: It is not necessary to return every page of this document with the bid proposal; return only the pages that require signatures or information. C. Each bidder shall submit One (1) complete sets of the Bid Submittal: • One (1) hard copy marked "ORIGINAL" • One (1) hard copies marked "COPY" • One (1) COMPLETE electronic copy on a CD in PDF format (Excel spreadsheets shall not be recorded in PDF). Note the solicitation number and name of company on the disk. If a Non -Disclosure Agreement is signed and confidential materials are submitted, such confidential materials shall not be included on the master CD. Confidential materials shall be segregated on a separate CD, plainly labeled "Confidential Materials". D. The Invitation To Bid page and other required documents must be signed by an official authorized to legally bind the bidder to all bid provisions. Terms and conditions differing from those in this Bid shall be cause for disquaification of the Bid Submittal. 2.06 QUESTIONS CONCERNING BID A. Questions concerning any portion of this Bid shall be directed in writing or by e-mail to the Purchasing Representative named below, who shall be the official point of contact for this Bid. Questions should be submitted at least seven (7) days prior to the closing date. E3. Mark cover page or envelope(s) "Questions on Bid # SDOC 09-B-082 CJ, Playground Equipment, Surfacing & Installation" C. Submit questions to: Cheryl M. Jessee, Senior Buyer Telephone: ....... 407.870.4627 Fax :.................. 407.870.4618 E-mail :.............. Iesseec[�csceofa.k12.fl. us 2.07 CLARIFICATION AND ADDENDA A. It is incumbent upon each bidder to carefully examine all specifications, terms, and conditions contained herein. Any inquiries, suggestions, or requests concerning interpretation, clarification or additional information shall be made in writing, (facsimile transmissions acceptable, 407.870.4616) through the Purchasing Representative named above. The School Board will not be responsible for any oral representation(s) given by any employee, representative or others. The issuance of a written addendum is the only official method by which interpretation, clarification or additional information can be given. Page 8 of 39 Bid # SCKh_ 09-1',-082 Q B. If it becomes necessary to revise or amend any part of this Bid, notice may be obtained by accessing our web site. The bidder in the Bid Submittal must acknowledge receipts of amendments. Each bidder should ensure that all addenda and amendments to this Bid have been received BEFORE submitting the Bid. Check the Purchasing Department web site at http //www.osceola.kl2.fl.us/depts/Purchasing/Pages/CurrentBids.asp for any addenda. The Purchasing Department will not manually distribute any addendum. 2.08 AWARD The School Board reserves the right to award the contract to the bidder(s) that the Board deems to offer the lowest responsive and responsible bid(s), as defined elsewhere in this solicitation. The Board is therefore not bound to accept a bid on the basis of lowest price. In addition, the Board has the sole discretion and reserves the right to cancel this Bid, to reject any and all bids, to waive any and all informalities and/or irregularities, or to re -advertise with either the identical or revised specifications, if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the Board to do so. The Board also reserves the right to make multiple awards based on experience and qualifications or to award only a portion of the items and/or services specified, if it is deemed to be in the Board's best interest. 2.09 DEFINITION OF RESPONSIVE AND RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS BID Each bid submittal shall be evaluated for conformance as responsive and responsible using the following criteria: A. Proper submittal of ALL documentation as required by this bid. (Responsive) B. The greatest benefits to the School District as it pertains to: (Responsible) 1. Total Cost 2. Delivery 3. Past Performance. In order to evaluate past performance, all bidders are required to submit: a. A list of references with the bid and; b. A list of relevant projects completed within the last 3 years that are the same or similar to the magnitude of this ITB. 4. All technical specifications associated with this bid. 5. Financial Stability: Demonstrated ability, capacity and/or resources to acquire and maintain required staffing. 6. Catalog(s), CD(s) Or Printed Price Sheet(s) Bidders are reminded that award may not necessarily be made to the lowest bid. Rather, award will be made to the lowest responsive, responsible, bidder whose bid represents the best overall value to the School District when considering all evaluation factors. 2.10 OTHER AGENCIES A. All bidders awarded contracts from this Bid may, upon mutual agreement with the other agency, permit any school district/board, municipality or other governmental agency to participate in the contract under the same prices, terms and conditions, if agreed to by both parties. B. Further, it is understood that each school district/board or agency will issue its own purchase order to the awarded bidder(s). 2.11 ASSIGNMENT The awarded bidder shall not assign, transfer, convey, sublet, or otherwise dispose of any award or of any of its rights, title, or interests therein, without the prior written consent of the School Board. The School Board shall approve any requests for assignments and/or sub -letting contracts prior to responding to such requests. Page 9 of 39 Bid # SDCC 0'441082 Q 2.12 CONTRACT A. The contents of this Bid and all provisions of the successful bidder's Submittal Form shall be considered a contract and become legally binding. A separate contract document, other than the purchase order, will not be issued. The Director of Purchasing and Warehouse, Superintendent, and Board Chair are the sole Contracting Officers for the School Board, and only they or their designee are authorized to make changes to any contract. C. The School Board shall be responsible for only those orders placed by the schools,/departments on an authorized signed Purchase Order. The School Board shall not be responsible for any order, change substitution or any other discrepancy on the Purchase Order. If there is any question about the authenticity of a Purchase Order or change order, the bidder should promptly contact the Purchasing Department. 2.13 DISCLOSURE OF BID CONTENT A. All material submitted becomes the property of the School Board and may be retumed only at the School Board's option. The School Board has the right to use any or all ideas presented in any reply to this Bid. Selection or rejection of any Bid Submittal does not affect this right. B. The School Board is governed by the Public Record Law, Chapter 119, Florida Statutes (F.S.). Only trade secrets as defined in Section 812.081(1)(c), F.S. or financial statements required by the School Board as defined in 119.071(1)(c), F.S. (hereinafter "Confidential Materials"), may be exempt from disclosure. If a respondent submits Confidential Materials, the information must be segregated, accompanied by an executed Non -disclosure Agreement for Confidential Materials and each pertinent page must be clearly labeled "confidential" or "trade secret." The School Board will not disclose such Confidential Materials, subject to the conditions detailed within the Agreement, which is attached to this solicitation. When such segregated and labeled materials are received with an executed Agreement, the School Board shall execute the Agreement and send the respondent a "Receipt for Trade Secret information." RETURN THIS FORM ONLY IF CONFIDENTIAL MATERIALS ARE BEING INCLUDED IN THE SUBMITTAL. PLEASE READ THE SECTION IN THE BID DOCUMENT TO DETERMINE IF THIS APPLIES. 2.14 BIDDER'S RESPONSIBILITY The bidder, by submitting a Bid represents that: A. The bidder has read and understands the Invitation To Bid in its entirety and that the Bid is made in accordance therewith, and; B. The bidder possesses the capabilities, resources, and personnel necessary to provide efficient and successful service to the School Board, and; C. Before submitting a Bid, each bidder shall make all investigations and examinations necessary to ascertain site and/or local conditions and requirements affecting the full performance of the contract and to verify any representations made by the School Board, upon which the bidder will rely. If the bidder receives an award because of its Bid Submittal, failure to have made such investigations and examinations will in no way relieve the bidder from its obligations to comply in every detail with all provisions and requirements of the contract, nor will a plea of ignorance of such conditions and requirements be accepted as a basis for any claim by the bidder for additional compensation or relief. Page 10 of 39 Bid # S[YY' CKl-B-06_ Q D. The bidder will be held responsible for any and all discrepancies, errors, etc., in discounts or rebates which are discovered during the contract term or up to and including five (5) fiscal years following the School Board's annual audit. 2.15 PAYMENT TERMS A. INVOICING The successful bidder will be required to submit invoices and reference purchase order numbers on all requests for payment. All statements must reference valid SDOC purchase order numbers. Invoices shall be mailed directly to: Accounts Payable, School District of Osceola County, 817 Bill Beck Blvd., Kissimmee, Florida 34744-4495. A separate invoice must be received for each purchase order number. Payment for partial shipments shall not be made unless specified. Invoices, which do not reference valid SDOC, purchase order numbers or which are erroneous (incorrect contract prices, minimum order charges, etc.) shall be returned to the vendor for resolution of the discrepancies. It is the sole responsibility of the vendor to reconcile the purchase order and the vendor's invoice and to notify the purchasing representative of any discrepancies prior to billing. The school board will only pay the dollar amounts authorized on the purchase order. B. The School Board will remit full payment on all undisputed invoices within 45 (forty-five) days from receipt by the appropriate person(s) (to be designated at time of contract) of the invoice(s) or receipt of all products or services ordered. C. Pursuant to Chapter 218, Florida Statutes, the School Board will pay interest, not to exceed one percent (1%) per month, on all undisputed invoices not paid within 45 (forty- five) days after receipt of the entire order of the commodity or service, AND a properly completed invoice, whichever is later. D. The School Board has the capabilities of Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT). List any additional discounts for payment using Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and/or any additional discounts to be applied to such payments. E. By submitting a Bid (offer) to the School Board, the bidder expressly agrees that if awarded a contract, the School Board may withhold from any payment, monies owed by the bidder to the School Board for any legal obligation between the bidder and the School Board. F. PARTIAL PAYMENT Partial payments in the full amount of the value of items received and accepted may be requested by the submission of a properly executed invoice with support documents if required. G. PAYMENT DISCOUNTS A bid price submitted indicating a discount if an invoice is paid within a certain number of days from the date of the invoice cannot be considered as a basis for the bid evaluation. All bid prices must be net and not contingent on terms. 2.16 CERTIFICATES The School Board reserves the right to require proof that the bidder is an established business and is abiding by the ordinances, regulations, and laws of their community, the county, and the State of Florida, such as but not limited to: Business Tax Receipts, Business Licenses, Florida Sales Tax Registration, Federal Employers Identification Number. Pate 11 of 39 Bid # SDO 09-P,-082 Q 2.17 INSURANCE, LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES The bidder agrees to provide and maintain at all times during the term of this agreement, without cost or expense to the School Board, policies of insurance insuring the bidder against any and all claims, demands or causes of action whatsoever, for injuries received or damage to property relating to the performance of duties, services and/or obligations of the bidder under the terms and provisions of this agreement. The bidder will provide the School Board with copies of current appropriate business licenses. 2.18 INSURANCE The bidder shall secure and maintain, at its sole cost and expense during the contract term, the following insurance: • Commercial General Liability — in the amount of $3 million aggregate / $1 million per occurrence. • Liability —Auto, in the amount of $100,000/300,000 /Any Auto • Products Liability in the amount of $3 million aggregate / $1 million per occurrence WorKers Compensation — As required by Florida law. Requirements for bidders that qualify for an exemption under the Florida Worker's Compensation law in Chapter 440 Florida Statutes are detailed below. Incorporated or unincorporated firms with fewer than four employees shall be required to sign a Hold Harmless Agreement relieving the School Board of liability in the event they and/or their employees are injured while providing goods and/or services to the School Board. Incorporated or unincorporated firms with four or more employees shall be required to provide a copy of their "Notice of Election to be Exempt", along with valid proof of coverage for non-exempt employees. The Hold Harmless Agreement mentioned above is included as an attachment to this bid. Said Agreements shall be returned with the bid proposal as detailed in the Submittal Requirements. The School Board reserves the right to request a copy of the complete insurance policy(ies) and any endorsements for the insurance referenced above. A certificate of insurance indicating that the bidder has coverage in accordance with the requirements herein set forth shall be furnished by the bidder to the School Board Representative prior to the execution of the contract and annually upon renewal thereafter. The Bidder shall either cover any subcontractors on its policy or require the subcontractors to obtain coverage to meet all requirements for insurance contained herein. Bidder agrees that School Board will make no payments pursuant to the terms of the contract until all required proof or evidence of insurance has been provided to the School Board Representative. Bidder agrees that the insurer shall waive its rights of subrogation, if any, against the School Board on Commercial General Liability and Workers Compensation insurance coverage. The ACORD certificate of Liability Insurance, with endorsements shall be completed by the authorized Resident Agent and returned to the Purchasing Department. This certificate shall be dated and show: A. The name of the insured bidder, the specified job by name, name of the insurer, the number of the policy, its effective date and its termination date. B. Statement that the Insurer will mail notice to the School Board at least thirty (30) days prior to any material changes in provisions or cancellation of the policy. Page 12 of 39 bid # SLY>C [y,4-1;-082 0 C. School Board shall be named as an additional insured on Commercial General Liability Insurance. Loss Deductible Clause: The School Board shall be exempt from, and in no way liable for, any SUMS of money that may represent a deductible in any insurance policy. The payment of such deductible shall be the sole responsibility of the bidder and/or sub -consultant providing such insurance. 2.19 SAFETY The bidder shall take the necessary precautions and bear the sole responsibility for the safety of the methods employed in performing the work. The bidder shall at all times comply with the regulations set forth by federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations concerning "OSHA" and all applicable state labor laws, regulations, and standards. Bidder shall take all necessary precautions to ensure all materials provided do not include Asbestos. The bidder shall indemnify and hold harmless the School Board from and against all liabilities, suits, damages, costs, and expenses (including attorney's fees and court costs) which may be imposed on the School Board because of the bidder, sub -contractor, or supplier's failure to comply with the regulations. 2.20 DEVIATIONS All Bid Submittals must clearly and with specific detail, note all deviations to the exact requirements imposed upon the bidder by the specifications. Such deviations must be stated upon the Bid Submittal Form, otherwise the School Board will consider the subject Bid Submittals as being made in strict compliance with said Specifications to bidders, the bidder being held therefore accountable and responsible. Bidders are hereby advised that School Board will only consider Bid Submittals that meet the exact requirements imposed by the specifications; except, however, said Bid Submittals may not be subject to such rejection where, at the sole discretion of The School Board, the stated deviation is considered to be equal or better than the imposed requirement and where said deviation does not destroy the competitive character of the Bid process by affecting the amount of the Bid Submittal such that an advantage or benefit is gained to the detriment of the other bidders. 2.21 WAIVER OF CLAIMS Once this contract expires, or final payment has been requested and made, the awarded bidder shall have no more than thirty (30) calendar days to present or file any claims against the School Board concerning this contract. After that period, the School Board will consider the bidder to have waived any right to claims against the School Board concerning this agreement. 2.22 TERMINATION 1 CANCELLATION OF CONTRACT The School Board reserves the right to cancel the contract without cause with a minimum thirty (30) days written notice. Termination or cancellation of the contract will not relieve the bidder of any obligations for any deliverables entered into prior to the termination of the contract (i.e., reports, statements of accounts, etc., required and not received). Termination or cancellation of the contract will not relieve the bidder of any obligations or liabilities resulting from any acts committed by the bidder prior to the termination of the contract. The bidder may cancel the resulting contract with ninety (90) days written notice to the Director of Purchasing and Warehouse. Failure to provide proper notice may result in the bidder being barred from future business with the School District. Page 13 of 39 Bid #f SDCYC 01,i-Br082 Cl 2.23 TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT The School District's Contract Administrator shall notify, in writing, the bidder of deficiencies or default in the performance of its duties under the Contract. Three separate documented instances of deficiency or failure to perform in accordance with the specifications contained herein shall constitute cause for termination for default, unless specifically specified to the contrary elsewhere within this solicitation. It shall be at the School Board's discretion whether to exercise the right to terminate. Bidder shall not be found in default for events arising due to acts of God. 2.24 TERMINATION FOR SCHOOL BOARD'S CONVENIENCE The performance of work under this contract may be terminated in accordance with this clause in whole, or from the time in part, whenever the School Board representative shall determine that such termination is in the best interest of the School Board. Any such termination shall be effected by the delivery to the bidder of a Notice of Termination specifying the extent to which performance of work under the contract is terminated, and the date upon which such termination becomes effective. Upon such termination for convenience, bidder shall be entitled to payment, in accordance with the payment provisions, for services rendered up to the termination date and the School Board shall have no other obligations to bidder. Bidder shall be obligated to continue performance of contract services, in accordance with this contract, until the termination date and shall have no further obligation to perform services after the termination date. 2.25 INCURRED EXPENSES This ITB does not commit the School Board to award a contract, nor shall the School Board be responsible for any cost or expense which may be incurred by the bidder in preparing and submitting the Submittal called for in this ITB, or any cost or expense incurred by the bidder prior to the execution of a contract agreement. 2.26 MINIMUM SPECIFICATIONS The specifications listed herein are the minimum required specifications for this ITB. They are not intended to limit competition nor specify any particular bidder, but to ensure that the School District receives quality products and services. 2.27 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS The bidder shall be responsible to know and to apply all applicable federal and state laws, all local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and all orders and decrees of bodies or tribunals having jurisdiction or authority which in any manner affect the work, or which in any way affect the conduct of the work. Bidder shall always observe and comply with all such laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, and decrees. The bidder shall protect and indemnify School Board and all its off cers, agents, servants, or employees against any claim or liability arising from or based on the violation of any such law, ordinance, rule, regulation, order, or decree caused or committed by bidder, its representatives, sub -contractors, sub -consultants, professional associates, agents, servants, or employees. Additionally, bidder shall obtain and maintain at its own expense all licenses and permits to conduct business pursuant to this contract from the federal government, State of Florida, Osceola County, or municipalities when legally required, and maintain same in full force and effect during the term of the contract. 2.28 RECORDS & RIGHT TO AUDIT The bidder shall maintain such financial records and other records as may be prescribed by the School Board or by applicable federal and state laws, rules, and regulations. The bidder shall retain these records for a period of three (3) years after final payment, or until the School Board audits them, whichever event occurs first_ These records shall be made available during the term of the contract and the subsequent three-year period for examination, transcription, and audit by the School Board, its designees, or other entities authorized by law. Page 14 of 39 Bid P SLKY' 09-B-082 CJ 2.29 CHANGES IN SCOPE OF WORK/SERVICE A. The School Board may order changes in the work/service consisting of additions, deletions, or other revisions within the general scope of the contract. No claims may be made by the bidder that the scope of the project or of the bidder's services has been changed, requiring changes to the amount of compensation to the bidder or other adjustments to the contract, unless such changes or adjustments have been made by written amendment to the contract signed by the School Board Chair and the bidder. If the bidder believes that any particular work/service is not within the scope of work/service of the contract, is a material change, or will otherwise require more compensation to the bidder, the bidder must immediately notify the School Board's Representative in writing of this belief. If the School Board's Representative believes that the particular work/service is within the scope of the contract as written, the bidder will be ordered to and shall continue with the work/service as changed and at the cost stated for the work/service within the scope. The bidder must assert its right to an adjustment under this clause within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the written order. C. The School Board reserves the right to negotiate with the awarded bidder(s) without completing the competitive bidding process for materials, products, and/or services similar in nature to those specified within this ITB for which requirements were not known when the ITB was released. 2.30 MODIFICATIONS DUE TO PUBLIC WELFARE OR CHANGE IN LAW The School Board shall have the power to make changes in the contract as the result of changes in Florida law and/or ordinances of Osceola County to impose new rules and regulations on the bidder under the contract relative to the scope and methods of providing services as shall from time -to -time be necessary and desirable for the public welfare. The School Board shall give the bidder notice of any proposed change and an opportunity to be heard concerning those matters. The scope and method of providing services as referenced herein shall also be liberally construed to include, but is not limited to, the manner, procedures, operations and obligations, financial or otherwise, of the bidder. In the event any future change in Federal, State or County law or the ordinances of Osceola County materially alters the obligations of the bidder, or the benefits to the School Board, then the contract shall be amended consistent therewith. Should these amendments materially alter the obligations of the bidder, then the bidder or the School Board shall be entitled to an adjustment in the rates and charges established under the contract. Nothing contained in the contract shall require any party to perform any act or function contrary to law. The School Board and bidder agree to enter into good faith negotiations regarding modifications to the contract, which may be required in order to implement changes in the interest of the public welfare or due to change in law. When such modifications are made to the contract, the School Board and the bidder shall negotiate in good faith, a reasonable and appropriate adjustment for any changes in services or other obligations required of the bidder directly and demonstrably due to any modification in the contract under this clause. 2.31 RIGHT TO REQUIRE PERFORMANCE A. The failure of the School Board at any time to require performance by the bidder of any provision hereof shall in no way affect the right of the School Board thereafter to enforce same, nor shall waiver by the School Board of any breach of any provision hereof be taken or held to be a waiver of any succeeding breach of such provision or as a waiver of any provision itself. B. In the event of failure of the bidder to deliver services in accordance with the contract terms and conditions, the School Board, after due written notice, may procure the services from other sources and hold the bidder responsible for any resulting additional purchase and administrative costs. This remedy shall be in addition to any other remedies that the School Board may have. Page 15 of 39 Bid # SUCK 09-B-082 Q 2.32 FORCE MAJEURE The School Board and the bidder will exercise every reasonable effort to meet their respective obligations as outlined in this ITB and the ensuing contract, but shall not be liable for delays resulting from force majeure or other causes beyond their reasonable control, including, but not limited to, compliance with any government law or regulation, acts of God, acts or omissions of the other party, government acts or omissions, fires, strikes, national disasters, wars, riots, transportation problems and/or any other cause whatsoever beyond the reasonable control of the parties. Any such cause will extend the performance of the delayed obligation to the extent of the delay so incurred. 2.33 BIDDER'S PERSONNEL During the performance of the contract, the bidder agrees to the following: A. The bidder shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, age, handicap or national origin, except when such condition is a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary for the normal operations of the bidder. The bidder agrees to post in conspicuous places, visible to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. B. The bidder, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the bidder, shall state that such bidder is an Equal Opportunity Employer, C. Notices, advertisements, and solicitations placed in accordance with federal law, rule, or regulation shall be deemed sufficient for the purpose of meeting the requirements of this section. D. The bidder shall include the provisions of the foregoing paragraphs A, B, and C, above, in every subcontract or purchase order so that the provisions will be binding upon each bidder. E. The bidder and any sub -contractor shall pay all employees working on this contract not less than minimum wage specified in the Fair Labor Standards Act (29 CFR 510-794) as amended. F. Any information concerning the School Board, its products, services, personnel, policies or any other aspect of its business learned by the bidder or personnel furnished by the bidder in the course of providing services pursuant to the Agreement, shall be held in confidence and shall not be disclosed by the bidder or any employee or agents of the bidder or personnel furnished by the bidder, without the prior written consent of the School Board. G. All employees assigned by the Bidder to the performance of work under this contract shall be physically able to do their assigned work. It shall be the Bidder's responsibility to insure that all employees meet the physical standards to perform the work assigned and are free from communicable diseases. This requirement also includes acceptable hygiene habits of Bidder's employees. H. The personnel employed by the Bidder shall be capable employees, age IS years or above, qualified in this type of work. I. It is the Bidder's responsibility to ensure that all employees are legally allowed to work in the United States in accordance with Immigration Policies. J. The Bidder's employees shall be required to dress neatly, commensurate with the tasks being performed. K. All District facilities are smoke free. Smoking on District grounds is prohibited. Page 16 of 39 Gid 41 sDDC a) -P-062 Q L. It is the Bidders responsibility to see that every employee on the Bidder's work force is provided and wears an Identification Badge or company shirt/uniform in order to maintain security at the school's facility. It shall be Bidder's responsibility to Inform the School District Representative (s) of all new employees promptly at time of employment. M. The Bidder shall require employees to be dressed in their appropriate work attire when reporting for duty. N. The Bidder shall prohibit their employees from disturbing papers on desks, opening desk drawers or cabinets, or using telephone or office equipment provided for official use. 0. The Bidder shall require their employees to comply with the instructions pertaining to conduct and building regulations, issued by duly appointed officials, such as the building managers, guards, inspectors, etc. P. The School District's Representative(s) will determine how the Bidder will receive access to the facility. 0. If keys are provided and lost, the Bidder will be responsible for any and all costs associated with replacement keys and re -keying of the facility. R. When requested, the Bidder shall cooperate with any ongoing SCHOOL BOARD investigation involving economic loss or damage to SCHOOL BOARD buildings, or SCHOOL BOARD or personal property therein. The SCHOOL BOARD reserves the right to require any employee of the Bidder to submit to a polygraph test if the SCHOOL BOARD has a reasonable suspicion that the employee is or was involved in the incident or activity under investigation. The Bidder shall obtain a waiver from the employee authorizing the release to the SCHOOL BOARD of information acquired by the Bidder from the polygraph test. The SCHOOL BOARD, at its discretion, may require that the Bidder immediately remove the employee under investigation from working within SCHOOL BOARD buildings for the following reasons: 1) The employee's refusal to submit to a polygraph test in the above circumstances, or 2) an employee's refusal to sign the waiver referenced above or 3) an analysis of the polygraph test indicates that the employee is or was involved in the incident under investigation. If the test results show involvement on the part of the Bidder's employee, the Bidder will be obligated to cover the cost of the examination. If the test results indicate that the Bidder's employee was not involved in the incident, when the SCHOOL BOARD will pay for the cost of the examination. S. CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE OR ALCOHOL ABUSE ON SCHOOL BOARD PROPERTY: The successful Bidder(s) is hereby notified that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance or alcohol is prohibited on any school district property, or at any school board activities. Violations may subject the Bidder and/or the Bidder's employee(s) to prosecution, fines, imprisonment and/or cancellation of this or any other contract(s) that this Bidder presently holds. The Bidder(s) are required by this school board to take appropriate disciplinary action in such cases and/or require that the employee(s) satisfactory participation in a rehabilitation program. T. Any Bidder's employee convicted of violating a criminal drug statute in the workplace must report the conviction to the employer within five (5) workdays. Bidders (Employers) are required to report such convictions to the school board within ten (1 D) workdays of receiving this information. U. The School District of Osceola County, Florida, is committed to the education and safety of its students and employees. To that end, any bidder awarded a contract will be Page 17 of 39 Bid # SDOC 09-B-082 Q required to assure that the personnel assigned to the project, do not possess criminal records that would violate the School Board's standards for employment as set forth by the Florida Department of Education. Each bidder must certify that the company and its employees are or will be in compliance with those standards for the project awarded. V. The Bidder shall strictly prohibit interaction between their employees and the student(s). W. Bidders employees may not solicit, distribute or sell products while on School District property. X Friends, visitors or family members of the Bidder's employees are not permitted in the work area Y. The Bidder shall adhere to all of the District's security standards. 2.34 COMPLIANCE WITH THE JESSICA LUNSFORD ACT A. LEVEL 2 BACKGROUND SCREENING In pursuant to Florida Statutes 1012.465, as modified, the School District will be required to screen any awarded vendor, their employee(s), or agent(s), and/or representative (s) who will be on school grounds when students may be present. This is a level 2 background screening. Participating bidders must take this into consideration when bidding on this contract. Prior to the start of any work/project/contract the awarded vendor must schedule with the district, dates and time with which to have the assigned personnel forger printed by the school district. The School District will notify the awarded vendor the names of those employee(s) that will be allowed to work on School District property. The School District reserves the right to check, at random, any person hired by the awarded vendor working on School District premises to see that the vendor is in compliance of this requirement. The awarded vendor must certify that the company and its employees are, or will be, in compliance with these standards for each project/contract awarded, prior to the finger printing process. The fee to be charged all awarded vendors shall be the same fee charged the School Board at the time the fingerprinting is performed. Currently the School District is being charged $61.00/set of fingerprinting. The School District of Osceola County is now Sharing Finger Print Data with other Districts, it your employee(s) have been finger printed by another School District they only need to register with our District. To do so, they must bring to the School District's Human Resources Department the following items: 1. Two (2) separate forms of identification. a. One must be a State issued "photo" ID b. Social Security Number FELONY OFFENCES The awarded vendor(s), by signing this bid, certifies that all his employees, who may be assigned work under this contract, and who may have access to school grounds, have not been convicted of a felony, a misdemeanor involving (a) sexual assault, (b) obscenity and related offences, (c) drugs, (d) moral turpitude, (e) physical or sexual abuse or neglect of a child or an equivalent offense in another state, and/or (f) are not listed in any sexual offender registry. 2.35 CLAIM NOTICE The bidder shall immediately report in writing to the School Board's designated representative or agent any incident that might reasonably be expected to result in any claim under any of the coverage mentioned herein. The bidder agrees to cooperate with the School Board in promptly releasing reasonable information periodically as to the disposition of any claims, including a resume' of claims experience relating to all bidder operations at the School Board project site. Page IS of 39 Did it SDCT__ 09-P-082 Q 2.36 BANKRUPTCY / INSOLVENCY At the time of bid submittal, vendor/firm shall not be in the process of or engaged in any type of proceedings in insolvency or bankruptcy, either voluntary or involuntary, or receivership proceedings. If the vendor/firm is awarded a contract for six (6) months or longer, and files for bankruptcy, insolvency or receivership, the District may, at its option, terminate and cancel said contract, in which event all rights hereunder shall immediately cease and terminate. 2.37 CONTRACT/BIDDER RELATIONSHIP The School Board reserves the right to award one o,- more contracts to provide the required services as deemed to be in the best interest of the Schnol Board. Any awarded bidder shall provide the services required herein strictly under a contractual relationship with the School Board and is not, nor shall be, construed to be an agent or employee of the School Board. As an independent bidder the awarded bidder shall pay any and all applicable taxes required by law; shall comply with all pertinent Federal, State, and local statutes including, but not limited to, the Fair Labor Standards Act, The Americans with Disabilities Act, the Federal Civil Rights Act, and any and all relevant employment laws. The bidder shall be responsible for all income tax, FICA, and any other withholdings from its employees' or sub - bidder's wages or salaries. Benefits for same shall be the responsibility of the bidder including, but not limited to, health and life insurance, mandatory Social Security, retirement, liability/risk coverage, and workers' and unemployment compensation. The independent bidder shall hire, compensate, supervise, and terminate members of its work force; shall direct and control the manner in which work is performed including conditions under which individuals will be assigned duties, how individuals will report, and the hours individuals will perform. 2.38 NEW MATERIAL Unless otherwise provided for in this specification, the bidder represents and warrants that the goods, materials, supplies, or components offered to the School District under this Bid solicitation are new, not used or reconditioned, and are not of such age or so deteriorated as to impair their usefulness or safety and that the goods, materials, supplies, or components offered are current production models of the respective manufacturer. If the bidder believes that furnishing used or reconditioned goods, materials, supplies, or components will be in the School Board's interest, the bidder shall so notify the School District Buyer in writing no later than ten (10) working days prior to the date set for opening of Bids. The notice shall include the reasons for the request and any benefits that may accrue to the School District if the Buyer authorizes the Bidding of used or reconditioned goods, materials, supplies, or components. 2.39 CONFLICT OF INTEREST FORM All bidders shall complete and have notarized the attached disclosure form of any potential conflict of interest that the bidder may have due to ownership, other clients, contracts, or interest associated with this project. 2.40 RESOLUTION OF BID PROTESTS The School Board Rule 7.70.V shall be followed as outlined below for the resolution of any bid protests: A. The School Board shall follow the procedure specified in Florida Statutes, Section 120.57(3) and as the same may be amended from time to time for the resolution of bid Protests. B. The Purchasing Department shall provide notice of a decision or intended decision concerning a solicitation, contract award, or exceptional purchase by electronic posting. The notice shall contain the following statement: Page 19 of 39 bid # SDOC 09-b-082 Q Failure to file a protest within the time prescribed in Section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, or failure to post the bond or other security required by law within the time allowed for filing a bond shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. C. Any person who is adversely affected by the intended award of a solicitation or contract by the School Board or the recommendation of the Director of Purchasing or other responsible employee of the School Board shall file with the Director of Purchasing as agent for the School Board a notice of protest in writing within 72 hours after the electronic posting of the award or intended decision, and shall file a formal written protest within ten (10) days after the date he or she has filed the notice of protest. With respect to a protest of the specifications contained in a solicitation, the notice of protest shall be filed in writing within 72 hours after the electronic posting of the solicitation, and the formal written protest shall be filed within ten (10) days after the date the notice of protest is filed. All formal written protests must be filed with a bond payable to the School District equal to 1% of the estimated contract amount (Florida Statute 287.042(2)(c)). Failure to file a notice of protest or failure to file a formal written protest and bond shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. The School Board may, in its discretion, waive any procedural irregularity or defect in procedures so long as any opposing party is not materially prejudiced by such waiver. Saturdays, Sundays, and state holidays shall be excluded in the computation of the 72 -hour time periods provided by this paragraph. The notice of protest and formal written protest shall be filed in the Purchasing Department between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. upon any day the office is open for business. The provisions specified herein constitute the exclusive remedy for any adversely affected party with respect to a bid protest. The formal written protest shall state with particularity the facts and law upon which the protest is based. D. Upon receipt of the formal written protest which has been timely filed, the Purchasing Director shall stop the bid solicitation process or the contract award process until the subject of the protest is resolved by final agency action, unless the School Board, by duly enacted resolution sets forth in writing the particular facts and circumstances which require the continuance of the bid solicitation process or the contract award process without deiay in order to avoid an immediate and serious danger to the public health, safety or welfare. The School Board finds that a substantial interest in the public welfare is the timely award of contracts when required as a condition of receiving grants or funds from outside sources which will be in addition to the regular school budget. E. The Purchasing Director shall schedule a meeting to provide an opportunity to resolve the protest by mutual agreement between the paries within seven (7) days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and state holidays, after receipt of a formal written protest and bond. If the Purchasing Director cannot resolve the protest by mutual agreement within the seven (7) day period referred to in Paragraph E in this section, the School Board shall conduct an informal administrative hearing, under Section 120.57(2), Florida Statutes, acting as the agency head, where there are no disputed issues of material fact. The informal hearing shall be held with notice of no less than 72 hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays within thirty (30) days of receipt of the formal written protest and bond, unless the parties, with the consent of the School Board, agree to extend the time for the hearing. The School Board shall have the right to schedule the hearing subject to these provisions. Page 20 of 39 bid #t SrXY' Q9 -R-082 Q 2,41 DEFINITIONS As used in this Bid, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below: Bidder: That person or entity, including employees, servants, partners, principals, agents and assignees of the person or entity that has submitted a bid proposal for the purpose of obtaining business with the School District to provide the product and/or services set forth herein. Contract Administrator: The School District's Director of Purchasing and Warehouse or designee shall serve as Contract Administrator. The Contract Administrator shall be responsible for addressing any concerns within the scope of the contract. Any changes to the resulting contract shall be done in writing and authorized by the Director of Purchasing and Warehouse and/or the School Board Chair, Contract: The document resulting from this solicitation between the School District and the Bidder, including this bid, along with any written addenda and other written documents, which are expressly incorporated by reference Contractor's Project Manager: The Project Manager has responsibility for administering this contract for the successful Bidder(s) and will be designated prior to the issue of the resulting Price Agreement or Purchase Order. Day: The word "day" means each calendar day or accumulation of calendar days. Director: The Director is the Director of Purchasing and Warehouse for the School District. Exceptions to Bid: An exception is defined as the Bidder's inability or unwillingness to meet a term, condition, specification, or requirement in the manner specified in the bid. Person or Persons: An individual, firm, partnership, corporation, association, executor, administrator, trustee, or other legal entity, whether singular or plural, masculine or feminine, as the context may require. School Board: The word School Board refers to the elected officials of the School Board of Osceola County, Florida. School Board's Proiect Manager(s): The Project Manager(s) have responsibility for the day-to- day administration of the resulting contract for the School District and will be designated prior to award of the resulting Purchase Order, School District: The word School District refers to the entity, The School District of Osceola County, Florida. Page 21 of 39 Bid it SDC" 09-B-082 Q 3.0 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS (Submit in the following order) A. Completed Invitation To Bid cover page. B. Completed Bid Submittal Form (use attached form). C. Completed Sample Price Sheet D. Any addenda issued subsequent to the release of this solicitation must be signed and returned with the firm's bid. Failure to return signed addenda may be cause for the bid to be considered non-responsive. E. Drug free workpiace Certification F. Debarment Certification G. Emergency/Storm related catastrophe -Contractor agreement form H. Conflict of Interest- All bidders shall property complete, have notarized and attach with their Bid Submittal the attached notarized disclosure statement of any potential conflict of interest that the bidder may have due to ownership, other clients, contracts or interests associated with this project. H. List at least three (3) recent references where the proposed product has been used within the past year. Use of the attached form will aid in evaluation. 1. Those firms located within the Osceola County, Florida, must include a copy of their County Business Tax Receipt (formerly known as an occupational license). If a bidder is located within Osceola County, failure to have or obtain an Osceola County Business Tax Receipt prior to the bid closing date and time shall automatically render a bidder non- responsive. Note: Charitable organizations that qualify under Fiorida Statute No. 205.192 are exempt from this requirement. J. Attach evidence of required insurance coverage or proof of insurability in the amounts indicated. If available, a properly completed ACORD Form is preferable. Final form's must contain the correct solicitation andlor project number and School Board contact person. Firms that have owner/operators that have filed a "Notice of Election to be Exempt" shall submit a copy with their submittal. Incorporated and unincorporated firms that qualify for an exemption under the Florida Worker's Compensation law in Chapter 440 Florida Statutes shall submit an executed Hold Harmless Agreement relieving the School Board of liability in the event they and/or their employees are injured while providing goods and/or services to the School Board. K. Hold Harmless Agreement L. Confidential materials — any materials that quality as "trade secrets" shall be segregated, clearly labeled and accompanied by an executed Non -Disclosure Agreement for Confidential Materials shall be submitted in this section. M. All bidders shall be prepared to supply a financial statement upon request, preferably a certified audit, but a third party prepared financial statement and the latest D & B report will be accepted. Page 22 of 39 Bid # SCK% 1K0-1�-0E2 Q N. All vendors, including predecessors or related vendor or entity, shall identify any litigation in which they have been involved in, including arbitration and administrative proceedings, during the past five (5) years involving claims for excess of ten (10) percent of the contact value. Include a brief legal description of the dispute and its current status. Where the action or lawsuit involved a similar project as herein discussed, bidder shall describe the particular circumstances giving rise to the dispute. 0. The bidder must submit with his bid proposal the name, address, and phone number of the person(s) to be contacted for the placement of an order and the coordination of service. A contact for both regular work -hours and after-hours, weekends, and holidays must be identified. P. If a vendor must subcontract any portion of a contract for any reason, he must state the name and address of the subcontractor and the name of the person to be contacted. The Schoo! District of Osceola County also reserves the right to reject a bid or any bidder if the bid names a subcontractor who has previously failed to deliver on time contracts of similar nature, or who is not in a position to perform properly this award. The School District of Osceola County reserves the right to inspect all facilities of any subcontractors in order to make a determination as to the foregoing. Q. The bidder must submit with his bid all current catalog(s), CD(s) or printed price sheet(s) that the bidder would like to have considered in the award of this bid. R. The bidder must with his bid the Written Factory Certification. PaL,e 23 of 39 B id # SIX) 09 -B -0E2 Q BID SUBMITTAL FORM T0: The School District of Osceola County, Florida Purchasing Department, Building 2000 817 Bill Beck Blvd, Kissimmee, Florida 34744-4495 The undersigned hereby declare that [firm name] has carefully examined the specifications to furnish: Playground Equipment, Surfacing & Installation for which Bid Submittals were advertised to be received no later than 2:00 p.m., local time, on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 and further declare that will furnish the Playground Equipment, Surfacing & Installation according to specifications. Playground Equipment, (not surfacing) Include Catalog Name, Number, Date, and associated discount. When quoting projects where freight would be charged, those costs must be included in quote so freight charges can appear on the purchase order. Freight charges for equipment must be pre -paid and added to the invoice. Catalog Name Number Date Discount If additional space is needed, attach additional pages on company letterhead in above format. 2. Installation of Playground Equipment, to be based on a firm fixed percentage of the equipment cost (the total cost after discount has been taken but before freight has been added). The firm fixed percentage is %. Attach to your bid response your written factory certification for the installation of playground equipment. Yes or No and / or, If you are using a subcontractor for the installation of playground equipment list the Certified Installer's Company Name: , and attach Written Factory Certification. Certification attached Yes or No Surfacing Products must meet current ASTM specifications for determination of accessibility to surface systems under and around playground equipment. Attach to the bid a price table for surfacing product if pricing is based on thickness and color options. This price sheet may not contain and other terms and/or conditions and your company name must be clearly indicated. Price must be stated per square foot and must include all materials, adhesives, non -woven geotextile membrane, delivered, supplied and installed. Price sheet must be included with your bid response. Price sheet attached Yes or No Have you submitted all catalog(s), CD(s) or printed price sheet(s) to be considered as part of this bid? Failure to submit may disqualify your bid. Yes No Page 24 of 39 Bid # SDOC (T) -ti -M Q 6. List any exclusions you may have to this bid List the contact information of the local representative Name Address City, State, Zip Email Phone Number Have you supplied all the Submittal Requirements outlined below? ❑ Invitation To Bid cover page ❑ Completed and executed Bid Submittal form ❑ Any addenda pertaining to this ITB ❑ Drug Free Certification ❑ Debarment Certification ❑ Emergency/Storm related catastrophe -Contractor agreement form ❑ Conflict of Interest form ❑ References, in accordance with Section 2.09, Definition of Responsive and Responsible ❑ Licenses / Occupational ❑ Proof of Insurance ❑ Hold Harmless Agreement and/or Notice of Election to be Exempt, if required ❑ Did you include a CD, as required in the section entitled Bid Submittal Form? ❑ Catalog(s), CD(s) or printed price sheet(s) ❑ Written Factory Certification Prompt Payment Terms: % Days; Net 45 Days Do you accept electronic funds transfer (ETF)? YES ❑ NO I If yes, does you firm offer a discount? % Do you accept Purchase/Payment by Visa card? )'ES ❑ NO ❑ The School Board reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive informalities, and to accept all or any part of any proposal as they may deem to be in the best interest of the School Board. I hereby certify that I have read and understand the requirements of this Invitation To Bid No. SDOC 09-B-062 CJ, "Playground Equipment, Surfacing & Installation", and that I, as the bidder, will comply with all requirements, and that I am duly authorized to execute this proposal/offer document and any contract(s) and/or other transactions required by award of this ITB. Company Per Signature Address _ City Print name) State ZIP Telephone Fax E -Mail Address: Dunn & Bradstreet # Fed. I.D. # Page 25 of 39 Bic; # SIK)C 09-E-082 Q DRUG TREE WORKPLACE CERTIFICATION FORM In accordance with Florida Statute 387.087, preference shall be given to businesses with drub -free workplace programs. Whenever two or more bids are equal with respect to price, quality and service are received by the State or by any political subdivision for the procurement of commodities or contractual services, a bid received from a business that certifies that it has implemented a drug-free workplace program shall be given preference in the award process. Established procedures for processing tie bids will be followed if none ofthe tied vendors have a drug-free workplace program. Ir order to have a drug- free workplace program, a business shall: 1. Publish a statement notifying emplovees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution. dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be, taken against employees for violations of'such prohibition. 2. Inform employees about the dangers of dru- abuse in the workplace, the business's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; any available drug counseling.. rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs and penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. 3. Give each employee enluaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection (1). 4. In the statement specified in subsection (I) notify employees that as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notifi the employer or any com iction of, or plea of guilty or nolo-contendere to, any violation of chapter 893 or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. 5. Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted. 6. Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of this section. As the person authorized to sign the statement; I certify that this firm complies fully with the above requirements. Vendor's Signature Page 26 of 39 Bid k SDC-' (K)-F.OF2 Q CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION INELIGIBILITY AND VOLUNTARY EXCLUSION — LOWER TIER COVERED TRANSACTIONS This certification is required by the regulations implementing Executive Order 12549, Debarment and Suspension, 7 CFR Part 3017, Section 3017.510 Participants responsibilities. The regulations were published as Part 1V of the January 30, 1989, Federal Register (pages 4722-4733). """"' BEFORE COMPLETING CERTIFICATION, READ INSTRUCTIONS ON NEXT PAGE -- (1)— (1) The prospective lower tier participant certifies, by submission of this proposal, that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal department of agency. (2) Where the prospective lower tier participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attached an explanation to this proposal. Organization Name Names and Titles of Authorized Representative(s) Signature(s) Pa -e 27 of 39 Playground Equipment, Surfacing & Installation #r`SDOC-09-B-082 CJ Bid Name & Number Date Bid # sDoc 09-Y4)82 Q INSTRUCTIONS FOR DEBARMENT CERTIFICATION 1. By signing and submitting this form, the prospective lower tier participant is providing the certification set out herein in accordance with these instructions. 2. The certification in this clause is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was entered into. If it is later determined that the prospective lower tier participant knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government, the department of agency with which this transaction originated may pursue available remedies, including suspension and/or debarment. 3. The prospective lower tier participant shall provide immediate written notice to the person to whom this proposal is submitted if at any time the prospective lower tier participant learns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. 4. The terms "covered transaction", "debarred", "suspended", "ineligible", "lower tier covered transaction', " participant", "person", "primary covered transaction", "principal", "proposal", "voluntarily exclude", as used in this clause, have the meanings set out in the Definitions and Coverage sections of rules implementing Executive Order 12549. You may contact the person to which this proposal is submitted for assistance in obtaining a copy of these regulations. 5. The prospective lower tier participant agrees by submitting this form that, should the proposed covered transaction be entered into, it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered transaction with a person who is debarred, suspended, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered transaction, unless authorized by the department or agency with which this transaction originated. 6. The prospective lower tier participant further agrees by submitting this form that it will include this clause titled "Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion — Lower Tier Covered Transactions", without modification in all lower tier covered transactions and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions. 7. A participant in a covered transaction may rely upon a certification of a perspective participant in a lower tier covered transaction that it is not debarred, suspended, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from the covered transaction, unless it knows that the certification is erroneous. A participant may decide the method and frequency by which it determines the eligibility of its principals. Each participant may, but is not required to, check the Non -procurement List. 8. Nothing contained in the foregoing shall be construed to require establishment of a system of records in order to render it good faith the certification required by this clause. The knowledge and information of a participant is not required to exceed that which is normally possessed by a prudent person in the ordinary course of business dealings. 9. Except for transactions authorized under paragraph 5 of these instructions, if a participant in a covered transaction knowingly enters into a lower tier covered transaction with a person who is suspended, debarred, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government, the department or agency with which this transaction may pursue available remedies, including suspension and/or debarment. Page 29 of 39 Bid # SIS 09-8-082 Q EMERGENCY/ STORM RELATED CATASTROPHE AGREEMENT Due to Acts of God, Acts of Terrorism or War, any vendors working with the School District shall acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions. This will allow the District to obtain Federal funding if available. CONDITIONS FOR EMERGENCY / HURRICANE OR DISASTER It is hereby made a part of this Invitation To Bid that before, during and after a public emergency, disaster, hurricane, flood or acts of God that the municipal government.. through the School District of Osceola County, shall require a "first priority" basis for goods and services. It is vita! and imperative that the majority, of citizens are protected from any emergency situation, which threatens public health and safety, as, determined by the School District of Osceola County. Vcndor/Contractor agrees to rent/sell/lease all goods and services to the School Board of Osceola County or other government entity as opposed to a private citizen, on a first priority basis. The District expects to pay a fair and reasonable price for all products in the event of a disaster, emergency or hurricane. Vendor/Contractor shall furnish a "24-hour" phone number in the event of such an emergency. 1 hereby understand and agree to the above statement: (Sigmature) (Print Name) (Title) Emergency Telephone Number: Home Telephone Number: Beeper or Cellular Phone Number: Pane 29 of 39 CONFLICT OF INTEREST FORM 1 HEREBY CERTIFY that Bid # Sly 09-B-082 CJ 1. 1, (printed name) am the (Title) and the duly authorized representative of the firm of (Firm Name) whose address is and that I possess the Le -al authority to make this affidavit on behalf of myself and the firm for which I am acting; and, ?. Except as listed below, no employee, officer, or agent of the firm have any conflicts of interest, real or apparent, due to ownership, other clients, contracts, or interests associated with this project; and, 3. This Bid Submittal is made without prior understanding, agreement, or connection with any corporation, firm, or person submitting a bid for the same services, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. EXCEPTIONS to items above (List): Signature: Printed Name: Firm Name: Date: STI TE OF_ COU 'TY" OF Sworn to and subscribed before me this day, of I ?0 , by who is personaUv known to me or- who has produced as identification. (Seal) NOTARY PU13LIC — STATE OF Tvpe o print name: Commission No.: Commission Expires Page 30 of 39 Bid # SLX)C 09-13-()82 CJ DIST OF REFERENCES 1 Agency Address City; StEPcrson Contact Telephone Date(s) oof Service Type of Service Comments: r2 Agency Address City, State, ZIP Contact Person Telephone Date(s) of Service Type of Service Comments: #3 Agency Address Cite, State, ZIP Contact Person Telephone Date(s) of Service Type of Service Comments: Page 31 of 39 Bid #! SDOC N -P,-082 Q HOLD HARMLESS .AGREEMENT Return this page ONLY if claiming exemption from the Worker's Compensation Insurance Requirement 1 am the owner of an incorporated/unincorporated business operating in the State of Florida. As such, I am bound by all laws of the state of Florida, including but not limited to those regarding the workers' compensation law. I hereby affirm that the above named business employs fewer than four employees, including myself, and therefore. the business is exempt from the statutory requirement for workers' compensation insurance for its employees. On behalf of the business, and its employees, 1 hereby agree to indemnify, keep and hold harmless the School Board, Florida, its agents, officials and employees, against all injuries, deaths, losses, damages, claims, liabilities, judgments, costs and expenses, direct, indirect or consequential (including, but not limited to, fees and charges of attorneys and other professionals) arising out of our contract with the School Board, whether or not it shall be alleged or determined that the act was caused by intention or through negligence or omission of School Board or their employees, or of their subcontractors or their employees. The named business shall pay all charges of attorneys and all costs and other expenses incurred in connection with the indemnity provided herein, and if any judgment shall be rendered against the School Board in any action indemnified hereby, the named business shall, at its own expense, satisfy and discharge the same. The foregoing is not intended nor should it be construed as, a waiver of sovereign immunity of the SCHOOL BOARD under Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. Signature Printed Name Firm Name Date ST,47E OF CO UNTY OF Shorn to and subscribed before me this dayI Of 1 20 , by who is personally known 10 me or who has produced NOT.>IRY PUBLIC — STATE OF Tyne or print name Conmrission No.: (Seal)Convnission Expires as identification. Page 32 of 39 NON -DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT For CONFIDENTIAL MATERIALS Reference # Bid # SDO 00-tt-062 Q RETURN THIS FORM ONL }' IF CONFIDENTIAL MATERIALS ARE BEING INCLUDED IN THE SUBMITTAL. PLEASE READ THE SECTION IN THE BID DOCUMENT TO DETERMINE IF THIS APPLIES. THE CONFIDENTIAL MATERIALS WILL ONLY BE HANDED OUT TO THE SELECTION COMMITTEE ON THE DAY OF THE EVALUATION, THEREFORE, THE EVALUATION OF THIS MATERIAL WILL BE LIMITED TO THAT TIME ONLY. Respondent: Address: This A_=reement is entered into as of the date of the last signature set forth below between the School District of Osceola County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (the "District"), and the above named Respondent (hereinafter the "Respondent"), The School District of Osceola County and the Respondent are collectively referred to as the "Parties" and may be referred to individually as a Party. RECITALS WHEREAS, the Respondent possesses certain confidential trade secret materials that it wishes to disclose to the School District of Osceola County for the purpose of responding to a request for proposal or otherwise conducting business with the School District; and WHEREAS, the School District desires to review such materials in order to evaluate the District's interest in negotiating and concluding an agreement for the purchase of certain products and services, or otherwise conducting business with the Respondent. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and premises contained herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknov ledged, the School District and the Respondent agree as follows: 1. Confidential Materials. The Respondent warrants and represents to the School District that the materials described in the attached Exhibit A (the "Confidential Materials") constitute trade secrets as defined by Section 812.081(1 )(c). Florida Statutes, or financial statements required by the School District for projects as defined in 119.071(1)(c), Florida Statutes. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the School District agrees not to disclose such Confidential Materials to third parties. Page 33 of 39 Bid N SIX) (1<1-B-082 Q 2. Additional Materials. During the course of the negotiations or the business relationship ,iJth the School District, the Respondent may disclose additional confidential or trade secret information to the District in which case the restrictions and obli--ations on the use and disclosure of the Confidential Materials imposed by this Agreement shall also apply to such additional information to the extent permitted by Florida law. Any such additional confidential or trade secret information shall be duly marked and stamped "confidential" or "trade secret" prior to delivery to the School District; and shall be subject to this Agreement and Section 812.081(3), Florida Statutes, only if written receipt is provided by the School District acknowledging receipt of such materials. 3. Exclusions. For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Confidential Materials" does not include the following: (a) Information already known or independently developed by the School District; (b) Information in the public domain through no wrongful act of the School District; (c) Information received by the School District from a third parry who was legally free to disclose it; (d) Information disclosed by the Respondent to a third party, without restriction on disclosure; (e) Information disclosed by requirement of law or judicial order, including without limitation Chapter 119 Florida Statutes; or (f) Information that is disclosed with the prior written consent of the Respondent, but only to the extent permitted by such consent. 4. Non Disclosure by Respondent. In the event that the School District discloses confidential or trade secret information to Respondent, the Respondent agrees to not disclose such information to any third party or copy such information or use it for any purpose not explicitly set forth herein without the School District's prior written consent. Further, upon conclusion of discussions or business transactions between the School District and the Respondent, or at any time upon request of the School District, Respondent agrees to return such information (including any copies) to the School District. 5. Duty of Care. Each Party a_rees to treat the other Party's confidential or trade secret information with the same degree of care, but not less than reasonable care, as the receiving Party normally takes to preserve and protect its own similar confidential information and to inform its employees of the confidential nature of the disclosing Party's information and of the requirement of nondisclosure. In the event either Party has actual knowledge of a breach of the nondisclosure requirements set forth in this .Agreement, the Pam acquiring such knowledge shall promptly inform the other Party and assist that Party in curing the disclosure, where possible, and preventing future disclosures. Page 34 of 39 Bid # SLS 09-B-082 Q 1 1 . Governine Law. This A-reemeni shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida, and venue for any action arising out of or relating to the subject matter of this Agreement shall be exclusively in Osceola County, Florida, or the Federal District Court for the Middle District of Florida. Orlando Division. 12. Respondent and the School District hereby expressly waive any rights either may have to a trial by jury of any civil litigation related to this Agreement for any litigation limited solely to the parties of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers the day and year as set forth below. The School District of Osceola County, Florida Respondent 1391 NAME: Dr. Michael Grego TITLE: Superintendent DATE: Page 36 of 39 BY: NAME: TITLE: _ DATE: ATTEST: BY: NAME: TITLE: DATE: I3id 11 SDOC t1<i_P-082 Q G. Limitations of Florida Law. Respondent understands and agrees that its assertion that any item is confidential or a trade secret does not; in and of itself, render such material exempt from the Florida Public Records Law, Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes, and that the School Districts ability to prevent disclosure of confidential and trade secret information may be subject to determination by a Florida court that such materials qualify for [rade secret protection under Florida law. In the event a third party makes a public records request for the Confidential Materials or other materials deemed by Respondent to be confidential or a trade secret, the School District may submit the materials to the court for inspection in camera as set forth in Section 119.07(1)(c) Florida Statutes. Respondent further understands that the School District may be required to disclose such information if directed by a court of competent jurisdiction. 7. indemnification by Respondent. In the event of any litigation instituted by a third party to compel the School District to disclose such materials, Respondent shall, at its sole cost and expense, provide assistance to the School District in defending the denial of the records request, and shall 'hold the School District harmless from any claim for statutory costs and attorneys fees arising from the School District's refusal to disclose such materials. 8. No Additional Obliizations. This Agreement shall not be construed in any manner to be an obhoation for either Party to enter into any subsequent contract or agreement. 9. Sovereign Immuri . Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed as a waiver of immunity or limits of liability of the School District beyond any statutory limited waiver of immunity or limits of liability, which has been or which may be adopted by the Florida Legislature, regardless of the nature of any claim which may arise, including but not limited to a claim sounding in tort, equity or contract. In no event shall the School District be liable for an), claim or claims for breach of contract, including without limitation the wrongful disclosure of confidential or trade secret information for an amount which exceeds, individually and collectively, the then current statutory limits of liability for tort claims. Nothing in this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of any third party for the purpose of allowing any claim against the School District, which would otherwise be barred under the Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity or by operation of law. 10. Notice. Whenever either Party desires to give notice unto the other, it must be given by written notice, sent by registered United States mail, with return receipt requested, addressed to the party for whom it is intended, at the place last specified, and the place for giving of notice in compliance with the provisions of this paragraph. For the present, the Respondent designates the address set forth above as its place for receiving notice, and the School District designates the following address for such notice: The School District of Osceola County, Florida Director of Purchasing and Warehouse 817 Bill Beck Blvd_; Building 2000 Kissimmee, Florida 34744 Page 3-5 of 39 Bid N ST>, iC N -B-082 q EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF CONFIDENTIAL MATERIALS Pa,e 37 of 39 Bid #I SLXJC o9 -G-062 CJ Notification Regarding Public Entity Crime and Discriminatory Vendor List Requirements And Disqualification Provision A_ Pursuant to Florida Statutory requirements, potential Respondents are notified: 287.133(2)(0) A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity; may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work; may not submit bids, proposals, or replies on leases of real property, to a public entity; may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity; and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in s. 287.017 for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months following the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. 287.133(2)(b) A public entity may not accept any bid, proposal, or reply from, award any contract to, or transact any business in excess of the threshold amount provided in S. 287.017 for CATEGORY TWO with any person or affiliate on the convicted vendor list for a period of 36 months following the date that person or affiliate was placed on the convicted vendor list unless that person or affiliate has been removed from the list pursuant to paragraph (3)(f). A public entity that was transacting business with a person at the time of the commission of a public entity crime resulting in that person being placed on the convicted vendor list may not accept any bid, proposal, or reply from, award any contract to, or transact any business with any other person who is under the same, or substantially the same, control as the person whose name appears on the convicted vendor list so lonL, as that person's name appears on the convicted vendor list. 287.134(2)("cr) An entity or affiliate who has been placed on the discriminatory vendor Iist may not sut�mit a bid, proposal, or reply on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity; may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work; may not submit bids, proposals, or replies on leases of real property to a public entity; may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with am)• public entity; and may not transact business with any public entity. 28'.134(2)(6) A public entity may not accept any bid, proposals, or replies from, award any contract to, or transact any business with any entity or affiliate on the discriminatory vendor list for a period of 36 months following the date that entity or affiliate was placed on the discriminatory vendor list unless that entity or affiliate has been removed from the list pursuant to paragraph (3)(f). A public entity that was transacting business with an entity at the time of the discrimination resulting in that entity being placed on the discriminatory vendor list may not accept any bid, proposal, or reply from, award any contract to, or transact any business with any other entity who is under the same, or substantially the same, control as the entity whose name appears on the discriminatory vendor list so long as that entity's name appears on the discriminatory vendor list. B. By submitting a proposal, the Respondent represents and warrants that the submission of its proposal does not violate Section 287.133, Florida Statutes (2005), nor Section 287.134, Florida Statutes (2005). C. In addition to the foregoing, the Respondent represents and warrants that Respondent, Respondent's subcontractors and Respondent's implementer, if any, is not under investigation for violation of such statutes. D. Respondent should read carefully all provisions of 387.133 and 287.134, Florida Statutes (2005 Page 38 of 39 Bid t SDOC 09-B4)82 Q STATEMENT OF NO BID The School District of Osceola County, Florida Purchasing Department 17 Bill Beck Boulevard, Building 2000 Kissimmee, Florida 34744-4495 Attn: Cheryl M. Jcssee, Senior Buyer Bid SDOC 09-B-082 CJ We, the undersigned, have decided not to bid for the following reasons. We do not handle products/services in this classification Opening date does not allow sufficient time to complete bid Cannot supply at this time Suitable but engaged in other work Quantity too small Cannot meet required delivery Equivalent not presently available Unable to meet specifications Unable to meet insurance/bond requirements Please remove our name from the vendor file only for the commodity listed above Please remove our name from the School Board's entire vendor files Other reasons or remarks We understand that if the "No Bid" letter is not returned by the bid due date, our name may be deleted from the School District of Osceola County's vendor list for this commodity. Company Name Authorized Signature Print Name of Authorized Person Email Address for Authorized Person Telephone Number Fax Number Page 39 of 39