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FORMAL -Invitation OS AL nvitati®n T4 Bid Standard Contract (!TB) I h'Id9.are I 1 rte rain ...building 'healthy habits for life Florida Department of Health Bureau of Child Nutrition Programs 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #A-17 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1727 Phone: 650.245.4323 Fax: 650.414.1622 `Jireb site: www.doh.state.fl-us/(;cfF. / In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) policy, :all institutions that participate in the Child Care Food Program are prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 or toll tree at (866) 632-9992 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Child Care Food Program (CCFP) Formal invitation To Bid Contractual Services Bidder Acknowledgement Page 1 of 38 pages. This section -to be completed by the Institution: Note: Institution means a sponsoring organization, child care center, at -risk afterschool care center, outside -school hours care center or emergency shelter which enters into an agreement with the Department of Health to assume final administrative and financial responsibility for Child Care Food Program operations. Child care facility means a licensed or approved"child care center,—at=nsk afterschool care center, -emergency shelter, -or oafs de=schoo1 hours Care ce"nf5 under the auspices of a sponsoring organization. r(N it of Miami 0576 ame of institution) (Authorization No,sbel Gonzalez y onzalez@miami ov.com 305-416-1958 ntact Name) (Phone No.) Submit Bids To: y of Miami - City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive. Miami, FL 33133 (Street Address) City of Miami - City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive. Miami, FL 33133 (Mailing Address) .Bids Will Be Opened:(Date] 'Maw Bids will not be (Time) after such date and time. This section -to be completed by the Caterer: Note: Caterer (noted in federal regulations as Food Service Management Company) means an organization other than a public or private nonprofit school, with which an Institution may contract forpreparing and delivering meals for use in the Child Care Food Program. Caterer must be re isteredd with the Department of Health to be eligible for contract award. Caterer Name: GrBAe,,c Y1 �er_cm, t'1 C, 4w iA-W..3151rAvenue- Caterer Mailing Address: G Z (Street and mailing) Caterer,Phone Number: (Area Code and number, include + � 30e>) �� 3 -- L4 b f L toll free if a olicable) i certify that this bid is made without prior understanding, agreement, or connection with any corporation, firm, or person submitting a bid for the same materials, supplies or equipment, and is in a// respects fair and without collusion or fraud. I agree to abide by all conditions of this bid and certify that l am authorized to sign this bid for the Caterer and that the Caterer.is in compliance with all requirements of the invitation to Bid, including but not limited to, certification requirements. Authorized Caterer Signature: �� ------ o P\C'*✓S1 `a iCe- Print Name and T itle: ®� n t rr-r zuuy-zu7u Page 1 of 38 C-006-05 invitation to Bid Contract (iTS) General Conditions Sealed Bids: Bidders shall complete and execute all mandatory attachments and the bidder acknowledgement form and submit the originals and one copy of each in a sealed envelope. The face of the envelope shall contain the Institution's address and date and time of the bic opening. This form and bid attachments will not be accepted after the date and time noted on page one (1) of this Invitation to Bid. If the bid is to be submitted via express mail or in a courier envelope, the bid documents should be submitted in a separate sealed envelope within the courier envelope. The face of the sealed envelope shall contain the Institution's address and the date and time of the bid opening. Express mail or courier envelopes will be opened and discarded. Bids received prior to the time of opening will be securely kept, unopened. The date and time of bid opening may not be changed by the Child Care --Food-Progr-am-(CCFP)-institution-after-the-bids-have-been-received—Only-one-bid-may be -off. e: f) Availability of Funds: The Institution shall have the option to cancel the contract if it is not approved by the Department of Health to participate in the Child Care Food Program, if it is terminated or suspended by the Department of Health from the Child Care Food Program, or if the funds to support the Child Care Food Program are not available due to federal or state budget constraints. It is further understood that, in the event of cancellation of the contract, the Institution shall be responsible for meals that have already been assembled and delivered in accordance with this contract. 4. Conflict of Interest: The Institution shall maintain a written code of standards of conduct which shall govern the performance of its officers, employees or agents engaged in the award and administration of contracts supported by Child Care Food Program payments. No employee, officer or agent of the grantee shall participate in selection, or in the award or administration of a contract supported by the Child Care Food Program if a conflict of interest, real or apparent, would be involved. Any Institution and its responsible principals and responsible individualss shall-besubject-to termination anddisqualification fromthe Child -Care Food -Program if a conflict of interest exists in the Institution's procurement or execution of a contract. Any contract procured with the existence of a conflict shall be void from its inception and the contract shall be re -bid. See Attachments 9 & 10 Conflict of Interest Questionnaires. 5. ---Awards: Award -shall -be -made to a single. responsive; responsible bidder. on -the basis of the lowest aggregate - cost to the Institution. Any bid totaling $50,000 or more shall be submitted by the Institution to the Florida Department of Health for approval before acceptance. 6. Legal Requirements: Applicable provisions of all Federal, State, county and local laws, and all ordinances, rules, and regulations shall govern development, submittal and evaluation of all bids. 7. Minority Participation: Institutions shall take affirmative steps to assure that small businesses, minorit.y- owned businesses and women's business enterprises are utilized whenever possible. Affirmative steps snail include the following: a) Including qualified small businesses, minority-owned businesses and women's business enterprises on solicitation lists; b) Assuring that small businesses, minority-owned businesses.and women's businesses are solicited whenever they are potential sources; c) When economically feasible, dividing total requirements into smaller tasks or quantities so as to permit maximum .1 small business; -minority-owned• business- _and -worn en's business -participation; - -- -- --- - -- --- ---- - -- - - d) Where the requirement permits, establishing delivery schedules which will encourage participation by small businesses, minority-owned businesses and women's businesses; . e) Using the services and assistance of the Small Business Administration and the Department of Commerce's Minority Business Development Agency in the solicitation and utilization of small businesses, minority-owned firms and women's business enterprises. 8. Assignment and Subcontracting: The contractual obligations arising from this procurement shall not be assigned. The Caterer shall not subcontract meals provided under the terms of this procurement. 9. Facilities: Employees of the Institution, designated program officials of the Florida Department of Health, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, and U.S. Department of Agriculture shall be authorized to inspect the Caterer's preparation facilities prior to award and without notice at any time during the contract period, including the right to be present during preparation and delivery of meals. A copy of the current license to operate a food service facility shall be submitted with the bid. 10. Recordkeepi.ng: The Caterer shall maintain all records related to performance of the contract, including delivery tickets, purchase orders and production records for this contract or other evidence for inspection and reference to support payments and claims, The Caterer shall maintain such records as the Institution will need to support its claim for meal reimbursement and such other records as may be necessary to comply with federal and State laws and regulations. Such records shall be available for a period of three years from the date of receipt of final payment under the contract, for inspection and audit by representatives of the institution, the Florida Department of Health, United States Department of Agriculture, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, and the US General Accounting Office, at any reasonable time and place, if audit findings have not been resolved, the records must be retained beyond the three-year period as long as required for the resolution of the issue raised by the audit. NOTE: ANY AND ALL SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS ATTACHED HERETO WHICH VARY FROM THESE GENERAL CONDITIONS SHALL HAVE PRECEDENCE. FFY2009-2090 Page 3 of 38 iTB Special Conditions Purpose The purpose of this invitation to Bid is to establish a contract to furnish meals to children participating in the Child Care Food Program (CCFP). Scope of Work The scope of this bid is to provide meals specified by the institution and deliver said meals to the child care facility identified by the Institution on Attachment 6 Delivery Schedule. Meals shall be delivered on a daily basis and in accordance with all bid specifications and attachments regarding this Invitation to Bid. (See Attachments 1 - 7.) The Institution has selected the state approved cycle menu included as Attachment 3. Any changes to A, B, and C cycle menus or menus other than A, B, and C cycle menus must have prior written approval from the Florida Department of Health. Caterer Registration and Compliance with Contract and Licensure Requirements Ali Caterers who bid ori any contract -to provide CCFP-meals for children in participating child -care -facilities -shall - register with the Department of Health prior to submission of any bid. Registrations shall be in compliance with Rule 64F-17.004, Florida Administrative Code. By entering into a contract with an Institution participating in the CCFP, the caterer is authorizing the Department to terminate its registration under Rule 64F-17004, Florida Administrative Code_, if it fails to meet the requirements of the contract, fails to comply with procurement requirements for entering into the contract or fails to meet the standards set forth in its applicable licensure requirements, regardless of whether such violations of its licensure laws and rules result in discipline by the applicable regulatory authority. The Department of Health is not a party to this contract. Contract insurance Requirement The Caterer shall secure and maintain, at its sole expense and for the duration of the contract, the following term insurance policies to protect itself and the Institution. The Caterer shall save and hold harmless and indemnify the institution against any and all liability, claims, judgments or costs of whatsoever kind of nature for injury to, or death of any person or persons and for loss or damage to any property resulting from the use, service operation, or performance of work under_ the_terms..of.this.contraot,._resulting. in_whol.e.._or_ n, part_ from the negligent acts__or_1!Dissio.ns... _ of Caterer, or any of the employees, agents, or representatives of the Caterer. A. Worker's Compensation in accordance with applicable state laws and regulations and Employer's Liability Insurance with a limit of not less than $100,000; B. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance covering all operations and services under the contract with limits of bodily injury and property damage coverage of not less than $300,000 combined single limit issued on a per occurrence basis; and = C. Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance, including owned, non -owned and hired vehicle coverage of not less than $100,000 combined single limit, issued on a per occurrence basis, if operations and services under the contract involve the use of operation of automotive vehicles on the institution's premises. Certificates of insurance .coverage described above shall be furnished by the awarded Caterer within thirty (30) days after notice of award. Failure, by the awarded Caterer to furnish the required certificates within the time designated, shall cause the Institution to withdraw the award and proceed with the next lowest responsive bidder. Regulatory Compliance The Caterer agrees that this bid shall be governed by, and construed to be consistent with, all federal and state regulations applicable to the Child Care Food Program established under Title 7 Code of Federal Regulations Part 226, as such regulations may be amended from time to time. Mandatory Provisions The Florida Department of Health has established certain requirements with respect to bids to be submitted by Caterers. The use of "shall", "must" or "will" (except to indicate simple futurity) in this Invitation to Bid indicates a requirement or condition from which a material deviation may not be waived by the Florida Department of Health. A deviation is material if, in the Department's sole discretion the deficient response is not in substantial accord with the Invitation to Bid requirements, provides an advantage to one Caterer over other Caterers, has a potentially significant effect on the quantity or quality of items bid, or on the cost to the State. Material deviations cannot be waived. The words "should" or "may" in this Invitation to Bid indicate desirable attributes or conditions, but are permissive in nature. Deviation from, or omission of, such a desirable feature, will not in itself cause rejection of a bid. Submission of Mandatory Forms The bid shall be signed by a representative who is authorized to contractually bind the Caterer. Specified Attachments shall be signed and returned with bid. See Attachment 11 Caterer Checklist. FFY2009-2010 Page 4 of 38 Certificate of independent Price Determination Certificate of Independent Price Determination must be completed by Caterer wind Institution and returned with this Invitation to Bid. See Attachment 8 Certificate of Independent Price Determination. Equal Employment Opportunity As part of this contract, the Institution and Caterer must comply with Executive Order (E.O.) 11246, "Equal Employment Opportunity," as amended by E.O. 11375, "Amending Executive Order 11246 Relating to Equal ErnpJoyment Opportunity," and as supplemented by regulations at 41 CFR part 60, "Office of Federal Contract compliance Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor." Preference for Druo-Free Workplace Registered caterers must make a good faith effort to maintain a Drug -Free Workplace (DFW). The Institution reserves the right to request from the Caterer the method used to maintain a DFW prior to bid award as outlined in Title -7 -C -ode -of Federal-Regulations-P-art3021. Authority to Contract Any Caterer that is awarded a contract under this procurement is attesting that it is authorized to enter into the contract and is not suspended, debarred or otherwise prohibited from entering into the contract under the terms of Title 7 Code of Federal Regulations Part 3017. Clean Air Act and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act A contractor entering into a contract in an amount in excess of $100,000 must comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.) and the Federal Water.Pollution Control Act as amended (33 U.S.G. 1251 et seq.). Violations shall be reported to the Department of Health and the Regional Office of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Failure to comply constitutes an inability to fulfill the terms of the contract. Byrd Anti -Lobbying Amendment Institutions who award and Caterers who bid for a contract of $100,000 or more shall certify that they will not and have not used CCFP (Federal appropriated) funds to pay any person or organization for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of congress in connection with this contract pursuant to Title 31 United States Code s 1352. Enemy Policy and Conservation Act (P.L. 94163) The Institution and Caterer shall comply with mandatory standards and policies relating to energy efficiency which are contained in the State energy efficiency conservation plan issued iri compliance vvifh P:L. 94-163 Buy American Requirement I Public Law 100-237 requires, whenever possible, to purchase only food products that are produced in the United States. Exceptions to the 'Buy American" requirement are allowed when: 1) the: recipients have a unusual or ethnic food preferences that can only be met through purchases of products not produced in the United States; 2) products are not produced or manufactured in the United States in sufficient and reasonable available quantities of a satisfactory quality; or 3) the cost of the domestic -produced food product is significantly higher than that of the j foreign product. i Amendments No amendments to the Invitation to Bid shall be made by the Institution or the Caterer without the prior express written consent of the Florida Department of Health. If the Invitation to Bid is amended, the amended version shall be . provided to any person who requested a copy and all bids shall be based on the amended version. Discussions Prohibited and Bids Reiected Communication between the Institution and any Caterer regarding the bid shall be limited to information regarding the bid process and procedure. Any caterer who attempts to communicate with any employee of the institution regarding the substance of the bid or contract shall be disqualified as a bidder and its bid shall be rejected. Price Schedule and instructions �... Pricing shall be based on the cycle menu selected by the Institution. Bid price must include (unless otherwise specified in Attachment 5 Meal Services to be Provided) price of food, milk, packaging, transportation and all other related costs (e.g., condiments, single service ware, straws, napkins, 'etc.). The Institution shall not be obligated to place any minimum dollar amount of orders under this contract or any minimum number of orders. The utilization of the Caterer for services specified in Meal Services to be Provided, Delivery Schedule, and Price Schedule columns 1 and 2 (Attachments 5-7) shall be dependent upon the needs and requirements of the institution. The quantities of such services specified in these Schedules are estimated figures given only as a guideline for the Caterer preparing I this bid and should not be construed as representing actual figures under the contract. The Price Schedule shall be completed and returned with the bid response. The Caterer shall complete Attachment 7, columns 3-5. The unit prices of each meal type and the grand total which the Caterer agrees to furnish must be written in ink or typed. The Institution shall complete Attachment 7, columns 1 and 2, Attachment 5 and 6 for type of services desired and facility location(s). FFY2009-2010 Page 5 of 38 Bid Evaluation Bids which do not meet the requirements specified in this Invitation to Bid will be considered non-responsive. Responsive bids meeting the mandatory requirements will be evaluated. As the best interest of the institution may require, the Institution reserves the right to reject any and all bids or waive any minor irregularity or technicality in bids received. Caterers are cautioned to make no assumptions unless their bid has been evaluated as being responsive. Basis of Award A single award will be made to the responsive, responsible bidder offering the lowest grand total for contracted meal services requested. Renewaf The Institution reserves the option to renew the contract for two (2) additional one (1) year periods under the same terms and conditions of this Invitation to 13r un ess dlfferenterms and conditions are required by the Deparl-menf of Health; in such event these terms and conditions will be incorporated into the Renewal Contract. Renewal of the contract shall be by mutual agreement in writing. Re -negotiation of price changes pertaining to the unit price will be allowed in the subsequent years of the contract. The annual percentage increase shall not exceed the Consumer Price Index as determined by the Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Child Nutrition Programs. No price increase may be implemented under this provision without prior written approval of the institution. Non -Payment for Spoilage No payment shall be made for meals that are spoiled or unwholesome at time of delivery, or do not meet detailed specifications for each food component specified or do not otherwise meet the requirements of the contract. Specifications shall include but not be limited to cycle menu, grade, purchase units, style, condition, weight, ingredients, formulations, and delivery time. Default Failure to perform according to this bid and/or the resulting contract shall be cause for the Caterer to be found in default in which event any and all re -procurement costs may be charged against the Caterer. Any violations of these stipulations may also result in: i Caterer's name being removed from the Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Child Nutrition Programs' Registered Caterer List. All Institutions being advised not to do business with the Caterer without written approval of the Florida Termination at Will This contract may be canceled by either party with a thirty 30 day written notice. Notice shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested, or in person with proof of delivery. Termination for Breach The Institution shall have the right to terminate this contract if the Caterer fails to comply with any of its requirements. The Institution shall notify the Caterer verbally and in writing of specific instances of non-compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract. If the Caterer does not take immediate corrective action, the institution shall have the right, upon written notice, to immediately terminate the contract and the Caterer shall be liable for any damages incurred by the Institution.- The nstitution.The institution shall by written notice to the Caterer terminate the right of the Caterer to proceed under this contract if it is found by the Institution that gratuities in the form of entertainment, or gifts, or if any other thing of value was offered or given by the Caterer to any officer or employee of the Institution with a view toward securing a contract or securing favorable treatment with respect to the awarding or amending of the contract. The Caterer may terminate this contract upon written notice if the Institution fails to comply with any of the requirements of this contract, including but not limited to, terms of payment for services rendered. Cost of Bid Preparation Neither the Florida Department of Health nor the Institution is liable for any costs incurred by a Caterer in responding to this Invitation to Bid. Contract The contract must be executed by the Caterer and returned with the bid package to be considered responsive. See Attachment 13 Contract Page, between the institution and the Caterer. FFY2009-2010 Page 6 of 38 Attachment 1 ITB Bid Specifications Bid price shall include price of food (including condiments), milk, disposable meal service products, packaging, utensils and transportation. The Caterer shall not be paid for unauthorized menu changes, incomplete meals, or meals not delivered within the specified delivery time period. Meal Requirements 1. The Caterer shall provide menu components which meet the nutritional requirements specified by the Child Care Food Program Meal Pattern for Children, Attachment 2 included in this bid package. 2. The Caterer shall not make changes or substitutions to the cycle menu on which the bid was based, Attachment 3, Cycle Menu. 3. The Caterer shall provide foods that meet the Minimum Food Specifications as stated in Attachment 4. Food Preparation Requirements 1. Meals shall be prepared under properly controlled temperatures and assembled not more than 24 hours prior to delivery. _.. _ 2. The Caterer shall date and hold a sample of each meal at or below 41 °F for a period of three days as a controlled sample. 3. All cold foods must be held and delivered at or below 417. 4. All hot foods must be held and delivered at or above 140°F. 5. It is the responsibility of the Institution or child care facility to maintain safe temperatures once food is delivered. Cold foods must be placed in a refrigerator with adjustable temperature control and hot foc:ds must be placed in (or on) equipment with adjustable temperature control such as a food warmer or oven. 6. The Institution or child care facility that does not have cold and/or hot storage equipment as identified above, must have an approved Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan to receive and store potentially hazardous food in insulated food carriers that do not have adjustable temperature control: prior to meal service, as specified in Meal Services to be Provided, Attachment 5. 7. If the Institution or child care facility has an approved HACCP plan in lieu of equipment specified in !tam #5 above then the 'Cat&er must record and -provide theInstitution-or'faci ity with -the -time and, temperature -of each potentially hazardous cold and/or hot food at the time it is removed from the cold storage and/or cooking/heating source before being placed in insulated food carriers -for delivery to the Institution or facility. De live ry'Requirements 1. Delivery shall be made by the Caterer to the Institution or each designated facility in accordance with the Meal Services to be Provided, Attachment 5 and the Delivery Schedule, Attachment 6. 2. Meals shall be delivered daily, unloaded, and placed in the designated Institution or facility by the Caterer's personnel at the specified location(s) and time(s) listed in Delivery Schedule, Attachment 6. 3. The Caterer shall provide the exact number of meals ordered. A count of meals shall be made by the Institution or child care facility before acceptance. DAmaged or incomplete meals shall not be included when the number of delivered meals is determined. 4. The Caterer shall be responsible for delivery of all foods and dairy products at the specified time. Adequate refrigeration and heating shall be provided in clean vehicles during delivery of all food to ensure the wholesomeness of food at delivery in accordance with State and !coal health codes. 5. The Institution shall be entitled to add or delete facilities from its food delivery orders. Facilities shall be added or deleted by providing written notice to the Caterer at least seven calendar days prior to the date of delivery. 6. The Institution or facility shall order meals by 5:00 p.m. two days orior to delivery in accordance with the Catered Meal Change Form, Attachment 12. 7. The Institution or facility shall notify the Caterer two weeks in advance of any non -emergency closure, including holidays. FFY2009-2090 Page 7 of 38 Packaging Requirements 1. Meals shall be delivered according to Meal Services to be Provided, Attachment 5. 2. Any product or substance that comes into contact with food, including but not limited to products used to package, contain or serve food shall meet federal food safety standards, including but not limited to 21 United States Code 348(h)(6), and instructions or regulations issued by the United States Food and Drug Administration. 3. Cold Meal Unit (or unnecessary to heat): Packaging must be suitable for maintaining meals in accordance with local health standards. Container and overlay must have an airtight closure, be of non-toxic material, and be capable of maintaining internal temperatures of cold food at or below 41°F. -- 4—Hot-Meal-Uriit^PafckagitTg-must-b-e-suitabie-for-m-aintaining-meals-in-accordance-with-lona!-health standards. Container and overlay must have an airtight closure, be of non-toxic material, and be capable of maintaining internal temperatures of hot food at or above 140°F. 5. Each container (bulk or carton with unitized meals) shall be labeled. Label shall include: Caterer's name -and -address • Food item and number of portions by age group (Le. ages 1-5 and 6-12; portions for ages 1-5 based on meal pattern portion sizes for ages 3-5) • Serving size information by cups, ounces, and individual pieces Date of production Time and temperature of each cold and/or hot food at the time it is removed from the cold storage and/or cooking/heating source according to Meal Services to be Provided, Attachment 5. Supervision and Inspection Requirements 1. The Caterer shall provide management supervision at all times and maintain constant quality control inspections to check for portion size, quality of products, time and temperature, appearance and packaging. ._2..-.The.Caterecshal1.-maintain_.a.valid..state_or.federal.food service license.._,Also,.the_Caterer_shail_suiasr: it. ............ . copies of the applicable state or federal regulatory inspections and current license annually upon request to the Department of Health. Emergency Requirements 1. Generally: If the child care facility is required to close due to an emergency all food previously delivered to the facility _ must be paid for. CCFP will not reimburse for meals which are not served to enrolled children, regardless of the reason for the failure to serve the meal. institutions must notify the caterer at the earliest time feasible if a child care -facility will be closed for any reason. 2. Emergencies affecting a geographical area: a. In the event of an emergency affecting an entire geographical area Each party shall act in good faith to keep the other informed of its ability to perform tfie conditions of the contract. b. Caterers must immediately notify all facilities served if the emergency requires Caterer closure, alterations of menu or other interruptions or partial interruptions of service. Any disruption or alteration of service shall be documented and a copy provided to the facility and to the Department. c. Upon issuance of a notice of an emergency situation or pending emergency situation by state or local officials for the state or a geographical region, Institutions shall notify Caterers of their plan for operation during the pending emergency. For instance, if a hurricane watch is issued, the institution shall notify the Caterer of its contingency plans for the emergency, specifically the factors it Will use to determine closure, such as: it will close if school districts close or, government offices close, or local stores close. d. If the Institution does not provide reasonable notice of its closure it shall be responsible for payment for meals attempted to be delivered during regularly scheduled times. j FFY 2009-2090 Page 8 of 38 Recordiceeping Requirements Delivery tickets must be prepared by the Caterer with a minimum of two copies: one for the Caterer and one for the Institution and if the Institution is a sponsoring organization, a copy for each facility. Delivery tickets must be typed or printed in ink on company letterhead. Use of erasable ink is not permitted. All corrections made by the Caterer and/or the Institution or child care facility must be initialed and any changes to the number of catered meals ordered must be documented on the Catered Meal Change Form, Attachment 10. 2. Delivery tickets must be itemized to show the number of meals of each type delivered to the Institution or facility, the individual meal components for each meal type and age group, and the date-ancitme-of-delive - 3. The Caterer must provide the Institution or facility written documentation (on the delivery ticket or other form) of the time and temperature of each cold and/or hot food meal component at the time it is removed from the cold storage and/or cooking/heating source. This documentation must be completed prior -to food -being -placed in -insulated food carriers. This only applies when -the- - Institution or facility does not have proper equipment to maintain safe temperatures and has an approved Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan to receive and store potentially hazardous food in insulated food carriers (without adjustable temperature controls) prior to meal service according to Meal Services to be Provided, Attachment 5. 4. Designee(s) of the Institution or child care facility shall ensure adequacy of delivery and meals; and verify food temperatures, before signing the delivery ticket. Upon delivery, designee(s) of=the Institution or facility with an approved HACCP plan must document (on the delivery ticket, or other form) the time and temperature of each cold and/or hot food meal component (with the exception of non-perishable foods). Any cold food delivered at or above 42°F or any hot food delivered at car below 139°F will not be accepted. 5. 'The number of catered meals claimed by the Institution shall not exceed the number of meals - -- - identified -as delivered. on _the-delive y.tickets.._.._...... _.. 6. The Caterer shall maintain records supported by delivery tickets, purchase orders, invoices, production records for this contract or other evidence for inspection and reference to support payments and claims, These records shall also include cooking temperature and holding i temperature logs, storage and transportation temperature logs of all foods catered to the i institution orfaciiity. 7. The books and records of the Caterer pertaining to this contract shall be available for a period of three years from the date of submission of the final claim for reimbursement or until the final resolution bf any audits for inspection and audit by representatives of the Florida Department of Health, representatives of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the Institution and the Comptroller General of the United'States at any reasonable time and place. 8. If reimbursement is denied as a direct result of the failure of the Caterer to comply with the meas requirements of this contract, the Caterer shall reimburse the institution for the contract amount for all meals denied. 9. The Institution shall maintain all records to support its claim for meal reimbursement including proof of payment to the Caterer for services rendered according to the invoicing and payment conditions of this meal service contract. FFY2009-2010 Page 9 of 38 Attachment 2 ITB Child Care Food Program Meal Pattern for Children Children age one and older participating in the Child Care Food Program, must be served at least the total minimum amount of food authorized per meal as stated below in order to qualify for reimbursement. Child Meal Pattern Age Group and Serving Size: _ Food -Components; 1 and .2 3-5 6 — 12 year olds: year of-cfs: ear olds: milk" Fluid milk 1/2 cup 3/4 cup 1 cup - TFull-strep 0 Vegetables and Fruits'o Vegetabte(s) and16r fruit(s) or __ .. ....._ ._ . th ve etable orfruit'uice2 - -. -1/4 dub 1/4 cu 1%2 cup - 1/2 cu 112 cup 1/2 cu Grains/Breads2, 10 tu a) E Grains/Breads3,'o _.__.-�,.- B -..-.-._...._.._._....__... _. Bread or 1/2 slice °' Cornbread, biscuits, rolls, muffins, etc. or "0 Bread or 1/2 slice 1/2 slice 1 slice r, Cornbread, biscuits, rolls, muffins, etc. or 1/2 serving 1/2 serving 1 serving c Cold dry cerea14 or 1/4 cup or 1/3 oz. 113 cup or 1/2 oz. 3/4 cup or 1 oz. Alternate protein products' or 1 oz. Cooked cereal grains or 1/4 cup 1/4 cup 1/2 cup Egg (large) or 1/2 egg Cooked pasta or noodle products 1/4 cup 1/4 cup 1/2 cup Fluid milk ' 1/2 cup 1 3/4 cup E 1 cup 1/2 CUP total 3/4 cL:L total 1/2 slice 1 s:;.e' 1/2 serving 1 sefv ng 1/4 cup 1/2 cup 1/4 cup 1/2 cup 1 1/2 oz. 1 1/2 oz. 1 1/2 oz. 3/4 egg 3/B cup 3 Tbsp. 3/4 oz. = 50% 5 oz. or 3/4 cur 2 oz, .2 oz. 2 oz. 1 egg 1/2 cup 4 Tbsp. 1 oz. = 50% 8 oz. or 1 cur Note; bilk must be served with each breakfast; lunch and supper meal. Between a child's first and second birthday, whole milk must be served. After the child's second birthday, it is required that lowfat or fat free milk be served. To encourage adequate calcium intake, lowfat flavored milk can be served. Conversions: %2 cup - 4 fl'. oz. 1 pint = 2 cups CUP = 6 fl. az. 1 quart = 2 pints = 4 cups 1 cup = 8 fl. oz. 1 gallon = 4 quarts = 16 cups FFY2009-2090 Page 10 of 38 Vegetables and Fruits', " Ve etable s and/or fruit(s), 2 or more 1/4 cup total Grains/Breads2, 10 _... _.__.-�,.- B -..-.-._...._.._._....__... _. Bread or 1/2 slice °' Cornbread, biscuits, rolls, muffins, etc. or 1/2 serving a� Cooked pasta or noodle products or 1/4 cup Cooked cereal grains 1/4 cu Meat and Meat Alternates10 c Lean meat or poultry or fish' or 1 oz. B Alternate protein products' or 1 oz. E D cheese or 1 oz. Egg (large) or 1/2 egg Cooked dry beans or peas or 1/4 cup Peanut butter or soynut butter or other nut/seed butters or 2 Tbsp. Peanuts or soynuts or tree nuts or seedse or 1/2 oz. = 50% Yogurt, plain or flavored, unsweetened or sweetened 4 oz. or 1/2 cup 1/2 CUP total 3/4 cL:L total 1/2 slice 1 s:;.e' 1/2 serving 1 sefv ng 1/4 cup 1/2 cup 1/4 cup 1/2 cup 1 1/2 oz. 1 1/2 oz. 1 1/2 oz. 3/4 egg 3/B cup 3 Tbsp. 3/4 oz. = 50% 5 oz. or 3/4 cur 2 oz, .2 oz. 2 oz. 1 egg 1/2 cup 4 Tbsp. 1 oz. = 50% 8 oz. or 1 cur Note; bilk must be served with each breakfast; lunch and supper meal. Between a child's first and second birthday, whole milk must be served. After the child's second birthday, it is required that lowfat or fat free milk be served. To encourage adequate calcium intake, lowfat flavored milk can be served. Conversions: %2 cup - 4 fl'. oz. 1 pint = 2 cups CUP = 6 fl. az. 1 quart = 2 pints = 4 cups 1 cup = 8 fl. oz. 1 gallon = 4 quarts = 16 cups FFY2009-2090 Page 10 of 38 Attachment 2 (Continued) CCFP Meal Pattern for Chi'l'dren (0017timed) 1. Children age 12 and up maybe served larger portion sizes based on the greater food needs of older bob, s and girls, but must be served the minimum quantities specified for children ages 6-12. 2. Vegetable or fruit juice must be full-strength, pasteurized and 100% juice. Unless orange or grapefruit juice, it must also be fortified with 100% or more of Vitamin C. 3. Bread, pasta or noodle products, and cereal grains, must be whole grain or enriched; cornbread, biscuits, rolls, muffins, etc., must be made with whole grain or enriched meal or flour, cereal must be whole grain or enriched or fortified. Prepackaged grain/bread products must have enriched flour or meal or whole grain as the first ingredient. 4. Cold dry cereal can be measured by volume (cup) or weight (ounces) whichever is less. 5. Edible portion as served. 6. Must be equal to at least 80% of the protein quality of milk (casein) determined by the Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) and must contain at least 18% protein by weight when fully hydrated or formulated. 7. At snack, select at least two different food components. Juice must not be served when milk is served as the only other component, 8. At lunch and supper, serve two or more kinds of vegetables(s) and/or fruit(s) or a combination of both. Full- strength vegetable or fruitjuice must not be counted to meet more than one-half of this requirement. 9. At lunch and supper, no more than 50 % of the meat/meat alternate requirement can be met with nuts or seeds. Nuts or seeds must be combined with another meat/meat alternate to fulfill the requirement. For purpose of determining combinations, 1 ounce of nuts or seeds is equal to 1 ounce of cooked lean meat, poultry, or fish. 10. Can be an equal amount of any combination of this component. Note: Less than 1/8 cup of fruit or vegetables is not creditable. 11. After the child's first -birthday and prior to the second birthday, whole milk must be served. After the child's second birthday, it is required that lowfatorfat free milk be served. FFY2009-2090 Page 11 of 38 Child Meal Pattern Age Group and 5erving Size: Food Components: 1 and 2 F 3-5 6- 12 _Y ear olds: ear olds: year olds: Milk" Fluid milk 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1 cup Vegetables and "rruitslo _ Vegetable(s) and/or fruits) or 1/2 cup 1 2 cup 3/ cum Full-strength vegetable orfruitjuice2 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 3/4 cup N d Grains/Breads3'10 o Bread or 1/2 slice 1/2 slice I slice B Cornbread, biscuits, rolls, muf im, etc. or 172 serving - 1 2 serGing -1 serving Cold dry cerea14 or 1/4 cup or 1/3 oz. 1/3 cup or 1/2 oz. 3/4 cup or 1 oz. ti a° Cooked cereal grains or 1/4 cup 1/4 cup 1/2 cup L Cooked pasta or noodle products 1/4 cu 1/4 cu 1/2 cu Meat and Meat Alternates1° Lean meat or poultry or fish" or 1/2 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 oz. w Alternate protein products' or 1/2 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 oz. m cheese or 1/2 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 oz. Q Egg (large) or 1/2 egg 1/2 egg 1/2 egg Cooked dry beans or peas or 1/8 cup 1/8 cup 1/4 cup Peanut butter or soynut butter or other nut or seed butters or 1 Tbsp. 1 Tbsp. 2 Tb:;p. Peanuts or soynuts or tree nuts or seeds or 1/2 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 o=. Yogurt, plain or flavored, unsweetened or - -._...__....sweetened---_.—..._.. -........... --- ... _.._.... 1. Children age 12 and up maybe served larger portion sizes based on the greater food needs of older bob, s and girls, but must be served the minimum quantities specified for children ages 6-12. 2. Vegetable or fruit juice must be full-strength, pasteurized and 100% juice. Unless orange or grapefruit juice, it must also be fortified with 100% or more of Vitamin C. 3. Bread, pasta or noodle products, and cereal grains, must be whole grain or enriched; cornbread, biscuits, rolls, muffins, etc., must be made with whole grain or enriched meal or flour, cereal must be whole grain or enriched or fortified. Prepackaged grain/bread products must have enriched flour or meal or whole grain as the first ingredient. 4. Cold dry cereal can be measured by volume (cup) or weight (ounces) whichever is less. 5. Edible portion as served. 6. Must be equal to at least 80% of the protein quality of milk (casein) determined by the Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) and must contain at least 18% protein by weight when fully hydrated or formulated. 7. At snack, select at least two different food components. Juice must not be served when milk is served as the only other component, 8. At lunch and supper, serve two or more kinds of vegetables(s) and/or fruit(s) or a combination of both. Full- strength vegetable or fruitjuice must not be counted to meet more than one-half of this requirement. 9. At lunch and supper, no more than 50 % of the meat/meat alternate requirement can be met with nuts or seeds. Nuts or seeds must be combined with another meat/meat alternate to fulfill the requirement. For purpose of determining combinations, 1 ounce of nuts or seeds is equal to 1 ounce of cooked lean meat, poultry, or fish. 10. Can be an equal amount of any combination of this component. Note: Less than 1/8 cup of fruit or vegetables is not creditable. 11. After the child's first -birthday and prior to the second birthday, whole milk must be served. After the child's second birthday, it is required that lowfatorfat free milk be served. FFY2009-2090 Page 11 of 38 ITB Additional CCFP Meal Pattern Requirements for Children Vegetable or fruit or juice: • Vegetable or fruit juice must be full-strength, pasteurized and 100% juice. Unless orange or grapefruit juice, it must also be fortified with 100% or more of vitamin C. •—Fruitjuice-must not be -served -mere than-e.nce-a-d • Fresh, frozen or canned vegetables and/or fruits (whole) must be served at least twice a week on the breakfast menu and twice a week on the snack menu. Please note: Institutions or child care facilities that claim two snacks and one meal, instead of two meals -and one snack, fresh; frozen or canned vegetables. and/or.fruits .must .be -served .at least-.....- . twice a week at each snack time. Good vitamin A sources must be served a minimum of twice a week and must come from vegetables and fruits. Good vitamin C sources must be served daily and must come from vegetables and fruits or fruit juice. Less than 1/8 cup of vegetables and fruits may not be counted to meet the vegetable/fruit component. Grains/breads: I Grain/bread food must be whole grain or enriched or made from whole grain or enriched meal c , flour. Bran and germ are counted as enriched or whole grain meals of flours. Cornmeal, corn flour, and corn grits must be designated as whole or enriched to be creditable. Only ready -to -eat breakfast cereals containing 10 grams of sugar or less per serving as stated . -M the Nutrition Facts label are allowed. Cereals with more than 10 grams of sugar per serving t cannot be served as sweet grain/bread foods. Breakfast cereals are creditable if the ingredient statement shows that the primary grain ingrement is whole grain, enriched flour or meal, bran, or germ. • Sweet grain/bread foods must be whole grain or made with enriched flour or meal and may be credited as a bread serving at breakfast and snack only. Prepackaged grain/bread products must have enriched flour or meal or whole grains as the first ingredient listed on the package. No more than two sweet grain/bread breakfast items and no more than two sweet grain/bread snack items may be served per week (not to exceed four sweet items per week). Please note: Regardless of how many different types of snacks are offered (i.e. morning snack, afternoon snack, and evening snack) - the CCFP menu must not contain more than two sweet grain/bread snack items per week. Meat or meat alternate: Commercially processed combination foods (convenience entrees - frozen or canned) must have a CN label or manufacturer's analysis sheet stating the food component contribution to the meal pattern. A serving of cooked dry beans or peas may count as a vegetable or as a meat alternate, but not as both components in the same meal. "Please note that donated foods cannot be used to contribute to the meal pattern requirements' FFY 2009-2010 Page 12 of 38 Attachment 3 Cycle Menu A Refer to Child Care Food Program Meal Pattern for Children when planning portion sizes for age groups specified in this bid. Milk must be served with each breakfast; lunch and supper meal. Milk must be served with snack as indicated. Between a child's first and second birthday, whole milk must be served. After age 2; it is required that lowfat (1%) or fat free milk be served. Week Owe' Monday - Tuesday Wednesday Th-Ursday Friday Pears Apple Juice Orange Juice Pineapple Tidbits Fresh Orange Wedges French Toast Crispy Rice Cereal Cornflakes Cinnamon Raisin Bagel slice of Cheese Toast I slice of Whole wheat Milk Cream Cheese Milk t (lsS /-Rpsllces) toast Milk Milk Margarine and Jelly Milk Beefarorii Arroz Con Polio i 1 -ill alt. Ham 1 Whole Wheat 1 serv.=1-1/2 oz. MVMt alt. for 1-5 yr. olds and 2 oz. for 1- Breaded Fish "'Breaded d I b -5z. r. oldrnt and 1 brd. for 1-5 yr. olds and 2 oz, mtlmt alt. and 1 slice of Bread all. for 6-12 yr. olds. Fricase de Polio Ketchup brd. for 6-12 yr. olds. LuliC - - - --Margarine _G.arlic_8read._.__..._. Tossed Salad Rice ._._...._._ ._. ........ _ Fried Plantains Roll _ ........_.. _...__ ..._. _Cubah- Bread -or-Roll_... _..._ Supper Egg Noodles (Lettuce, Tomato, Spinach Coleslaw Mixed Ve etables g Mixed Greens Salad (Spinach leaves, Lettuce, Green Beans Sweet Potatoes cucumber) Lowfat Rairch Dressing Milk Milk Tomato, Cucumber) LoWfai French Dressing Milk Fruit Salad Peaches Milk Milk Animal Crackers Turkey (Cubed or sliced) Whole Wheat Bread Egg Salad Yogurt cup Oatmeal Cookies Snack Applesauce Applesauce Lowfatmayoandlor Assorted Crackers Banana Milk mustard *Requires a Child Nutrition (CN) Label. When a drink is not specifically listed with a snack, water i5 recommended as a beverage. (Nota_ water is NO T a creditable food item) Effective IFFY 2009-2010 Serv. = serving; mt/mt alt. = meaUmeat alternate; brd. = bread Page 13 C-002-04 Cycle Menu A (Continued) Refer to Child Care Food Program Meal Pattern for Children when planning portion sizes for age groups specified in this bid. ttllilk must -be —served -With each breakfast,-lunc and supper meal -Milk must be served with snack as indicated.—Between a child's firstan second birthday, whole mill; must be served. After age 2, it is required that lowfat (1%) or fat free milk be served. Week Two Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday __..._.. - Blonded 100% Juice _. Orange Juice Seasonal Fresh Fruit Honey Nut Scooters Cereal Peaches English Muffin Orange Wedges Breakfast Crispix Cereal Sausage Biscuit i slice of Whole Wheat Margarine andjelly Waffles Blueberry Muffin Milk Toast Scrambled Egg Syrup Milk Milk Margarine and Jelly Milk Milk Midnight Sandwich (Pork, Ham, Swiss Cheese, Pickles) *Salisbury Steak Sliced Turkev 1 sand.= 1-112 oz. mtimt Gravy Picadillo 'Chicken Nuggets Roll alt. and 1 brd. for 1-5 yr. Roll Rice Ketchup Luiiohl _ _. ._ Margarine _- ___�.. __..:.. _..__.... olds;-2.oz.-mtlmt.alt..and .1..--- Tossed- Salad - -1-slice-of Cuban Bread -Whole-Wheat-Bread- - Supper Broccoli Pears brd for 6-12 yr. olds & (Lettuce & Tornato) Sliced Tomatoes Green Beans Lowfat Mayonnaise Lowfat Ranch Dressing Yucca Coleslaw Black eye peas Mustard Peas and Carrots Milk Milk Milk Mashed Potatoes Nlillc Cooked Baby Carrots Milk Yogurt Gtaham Crackers Peanut Butter Grape Juice Snack Cuban Crackers Flavored 4az. cup Applesauce Banana Fish Shaped Crackers Cheese Slice Mixed Fruit Milk (1 svg = 20 grams for all ages) *Requires a Child Nutrition (CN) Label. When a drink is not specifically listed with a snack, Water is recommended as a beverage. (Note: Water is NOT a creditable food item) Effective FFY 2009-2010 Serv. = serving; mUrnt alt. = meat/meat alternate; brd. =.bread Page 14 Cycle Menu A (Continued) Refer to Child Care Food Program Meal Pattern for Children when planning portion sizes for age groups specified iin this bid. Milk must be served with each breakfast; lunch and supper meal. Milkmust be served With snack as indicated. Between a child's first and second birthday, whole milk must be served. After age 2; it is required that lowfat (1%) or fat free milk be served. Week - � - I�loncf�iy --. -- - . _ __ Tuesdi y: _ Wednesday... Thurs.day. Friday. Three . Breakfast Oran e JuiceApplesauce Cinnamon Toasters Applesauce Grape Juice Cantaloupe Cubes Breakfast Burrito (1 slice of Raisin Bread Special K Pancakes tortilla, 1 scrambled egg, /2 Banana Bread MilkMilk Syrup & Margarine oz cheese, very mild salsa) Milk Milk Hash Brown Potatoes Milk Spaghetti & Meat Sauce *Breaded Chicken Pattie Meatloaf 1 serv.= 1-1/2 oz. mt/mt alt. and 1 brd. for 1-5 yr. olds Ropa Vleja /n sauce Ketchup and 2 oz. mt/mt alt and 1 Roast Pork Brown Rice Roll Biscuit brd. for 6-12 yr. olds. Moros Lunch/ Roll `-Mix- Sliced Tomatoes and Garlic Bread Whole Wheat Roll _.._......_.. _... Supper Ve-efables g -Lettuce- -_ .._____ _. _O.v.en_Baked_Potatoes_.._.-. broccoli Green --Salad_._. _ __ ._ ._._ ._ __ _......_ _ Green Peas Pineapple Lowfat French Dressing Apple slices (Romaine Lettuce, Tomato, Orange Slices Milk Carrots Milk ilk Milk Cucumber) Lowfat Ranch Dressing Milk Pears Milk Snack Vanilla Wafers Ham (Cubed or sliced) Midnight Bread Yogurt Flavored4oz. cup Granola Bar Assorted Crackers Milk Blended 100% Juice Peaches Milk Fruit Cocktail *Requires a Child Nutrition (CN) Label. When a drink is not specifically listed With a snack, water is recommended as a beverage. (Note: water is NOT a creditable food item) Effective FFY2009-2090 Serv. = serving; mt/int alt. = meat/meat alternate; brd. = bread; veg. = vegetable Page 15 Cycle Menu A (Continued) Refer to Child Care Food Program Meal Pattern for Children when planning portion sizes for age groups specified in this bid. Milk mm— be —served—With lunch and supper meal:—Milk must -be served wifh snack as rndica1ed. Between a chi d's second birthday, whole milk must be served. After age 2; it is required that lowfat (1%) or fat free milk be served. Week Monday— on.sy TuesdY VVedliesdy- .. _ . Thursday_- .. _ Friday Apple Juice Orange Sections Seasonal Fresh Fruit Banana Orange Juice Breakfast Special K Blueberry Muffin 1 slice of Cheese toast English Muffin Crispy Rice Milk Milk 1 Boiled Egg Peandf ,Butter and Jelly Cinnamon Roll Milk Milk Milk Ham and Cheese Sandwich *Fish Sticks *Salisbury Steak With Gravy Baked Chicken Picadillo 1 sand.= 1-1/2 oz. rnt/mt alt. and 1 brd. for 1-5 r. Y Ketchup 1 slice of Whole Wheat Roll Cuban Bread or Roil olds; 2 oz_ mt/mt alt. and 1 -i: IIIG)fii.. ... _.Roll - ._ _...._. _._._ __.. _...._ Bread _ ... _.... ..._ - Green Peas -Congri ___......._ _ .- brd for &-12-yr. olds....._ ..__ .. . Supper Green Beans Mashed Potatoes Yellow Squash 1 serv.=1 brd. and 1 veg. Fried Plantains Lowfatma oandloi- Y inustarcf Ketchup Corn Milk Spinach Milk Milk Tater Tots Milk Broccoli Florets Lowfat Ranch Dip Milk Yogurt Cheese (Cubed, string, or Cuban Maria Cookies Blended 100% Juice Animal Crackers Shack Flavored 4 o2 cup sliced) Milk Graham Crackers Pears Peaches Pita Bread *Requires a Child Nutrition (CN) Label. When a drink is not specifically listed with a snack, water is recommended as a beverage, (Note: Water'is NOT a creditable food item) Effective FFY 2009-2010 $erv. = serving; mt/mt alt. = meat/rneat alternate; brd. = bread; veg. = vegetable Page '16 Cycle Menu A (Continued) Refer to Child Care Food Program Meal Pattern for Children when planning portion sizes for age groups specified in this bid. Milk must be served with each breakfast, lunch and supper meal. Milk must be served with shack as indicate . Between a child's first an second birthday, whole milk must be served. After age 2, it is required that lowfat (1%) or fat free milk be served. Week Mgnday . _ Tuesday e Wed sday. Th..ursd.ay _ . _ _Fridyay Five Grape Juice Orange Wedges.Banana eaches Apple Juice Breakfast Biscuit Cinnamon Raisin Bagel Crispix Waffles (2 svg = 62"grams) Egg and Cheese on Margarine Apple Zings Cream Cheese Milk Syrup English Muffin (1 muffin) Milk Milk Milk Milk Cuban Stew (with beef) Roasted Turkey* Ravioli Ham Macaroni & Cheese 1 serv.={1-1/2 oz. mt./mt alt. and c veg. for 1-5 yr. *Pizza Lunch.__ _ Gravy Whale -WheatRo __.__._ 1 slice of Garlic Bread n._.._.._.._...... Broccoli and Cauliflower Broccoli 1 serv.=ibrd. _._...._. Biscuit - olds; 2 oz. mUrnt. alt. and � 318 cveg.--for 6=12 yr:-olds. Corn -Tos$ed-Salad Supper Whipped Potatoes Pears Green Beans Cohgri (Lettuce & Tomato) Peas and Carrots Milk Applesauce 1 serv.=i brd. and 1 veg. Lowfat Ranch Dressing Milk Milk Fruit Salad Milk Milk Cuban Crackers Cheese Crackers Graham Crackers Rice Crispy Bar Banana Bread Snack Mandarin Orange pineapple Tidbits Orange Juice Milk Milk Sections *Requires a Child Nutrition (CN) Label. When a drink is not specifically listed with a snack, water is recommended as a beverage. (Note: Water is NOT a creditable food item) Effective FFY2009-2090 Serv. = serving; rnUmt alt. = rneathneat alternate; brd. = bread; veg. = vegetable Page ] 7 Attachment 4 ITB Minimum Food Specifications - The Caterer shall purchase and provide foods according to the following food specifications and Cycle Menu, Attachment 3. Bid price shall include price of food (including condiments), milk, disposable meal service products, packaging, utensils, preparation and transportation. The Caterer shall not be paid for . unauthorized menu changes, incomplete meals, or meals not delivered within the specified delivery time period. - I he Ca erer must ensure that meals are delivered -in packaging suitable for maintaining rrieals in accordance with local health standards. Containers and overlays must have airtight closures, be of non- toxic material, and be capable of maintaining internal temperatures of hot food at or above 140°F or and cold foods at or below 41 OF. -- - ---- -- - ------ --- ------------...---....------------- --_-------....---- Menu substitutions shall be made for emergency circumstances only and must be documented by the Caterer. The Caterer shall inform the Institution orfacility of menu substitutions prior to delivery. A designee(s) of the Institution or facility shalkensure adequacy of delivery and meals, and verify food temperatures, before signing the delivery ticket. Date and time of delivery shall be noted and any.cold food product delivered at or above 42°F or any hot food product delivered at or below 139'F will not be accepted. The Caterer shall maintain records supported by delivery tickets, purchase orders, invoices, production records for this contract or other evidence for inspection and reference -to support payments, and_^luims. These records shall also include cooking temperature and holding temperature logs, storage and transportation temperature fogs of all foods catered to the Institution and/or facilities. _. _.. Must meet State and local standards for fluid milk. Must be pasteurized whole, or _......... _........... --- - ....-- - _ _... - - - ........._... -- - _.._ __ ........ reduced fat, or lowfat, or fat free, or cultured buttermilk Must contain vitamins A a: -Id D at levels specified by the Food and Drug Administration. Note: Milk must be served with each breakfast, lunch and supper meal. Between a child's first and second birthday, whole milk must be served. After the child's second birthday, it is required that lowfat or fat free milk be served. If necessary, lowfat flavored milk maX be served. Canned Frozen Fresh_ - Beans, Baked Beans, baked, sauce containing brown sugar, ketchup and mustard sauce. U.S. Grade A or Fancy. Beans, Black U.S. Grade A or Fancyr Beans, Garbanzo U.S. Grade A or Fancy Beans, Green Cut, 1-Y2", 4 sieve, U.S. U.S. Grade A or Fancy U.S. No. T Grade A or Fancy. Beans, Lima, U.S. Grade A or Fancy U.S. Grade A or Fancy U.S. No. 1 Bab Beans, Red Dark or light red, U.S. 2 Ago Grade A or Fancy, water packed. Broccoli Cut, U.S. Grade A or U.S. No. 1 Fancy Broccoli and _ ._.:._a.._, _.,_.:._:;.w.._._u_.;.- ._. U.S. Grade A, 50% U.S. No. 1 Cauliflower Broccoli, 50% Cauliflower FFY2009-2090 Page 18 of 38 Canned Broccoli, Ready - to -use Frozen Fresh Florets - 1 to 2-3/4 in, by 1 to 1-1/2 in., U.S. No. 1, USDA, QVT Carrots Sliced or diced Sliced or diced Whole, U.S. No. 1 U.S. Grade A, Fancy U.S. Grade A Carrots, Ready- Babv-cut - 2 in., 3/8" to to -use 11/16", U.S. No. 1, from USDA inspected plant. Sticks - 3-3/4 in. to 4 in., - '/<<=to %-U-S-. No -1 -from - 1 USDA inspected plant. Carrot, Pineapple j Prepared salad pack- & Raisin Salad Must be from a USDA ins ected plant. U -S. -No 1- -- -- - -- - Cabbage, Ready- ,._ ;_. _ :�w......::,r :.a. Shredded -Green, 1/16 to -use in., U.S. No. 1, from USDA inspected plant. Salad mix -Shredded green cabbage, shredded red cabbage and carrots mixed, U.S.-No. 1, from USDA ins ected plant, Cauliflower, _ _ y._ E- f _2' Florets -1 to 2-1/2 in. by 1 Ready -to -use to 1-1/2 in., U.S. No. 1, USDA, QVT Cele U,S. Extra No. 1 Sficks % in:"i3y-4 in. use No. 1, from USDA inspected plant. Coleslaw _ _ �`.:u �K_3` Prepared salad Dack - Must be from a USDA ins ected !ant. Corn Vacuum pack, whole kernel, golden sweet U.S. Grade A U.S. No. 1, with or without Midwest. U.S. Grade A or husk Fancy Corn, MexicanU.S. Grade A or Fancy U.S. Grade A Cucumbers r,- U.S. No. 1 Greens Chopped, U.S. Grade A or (Collard, Mustard or Fancy Chopped, U.S. Grade A U.S. No.1 Turnip) Lettuce a Iceberg head - U.S. Grade No. 1 Romaine (or cos lettuce), U.S. Grade No. 1 .Lettuce, Ready- :__.._ k.___. s_w: Chopped - Medium, to -use iceberg, U.S. No. 1, from USDA inspected plant Salad mix - Chopped iceberg lettuce and romaine, U.S. No. 1, from USDA inspected plant. FFY2009-2090 Page 19 of 38 FMI Canned Frozen Fresh Mixed U.S. Grade A or Fancy California Stvie - U.S. Vegetables Grade A, broccoli cuts, Cauliflower florets, carrot cuts Grade A, 28% each corn and carrots, 17% each U.S. N0.1 / ^ Peppers, Green limas U.S. No. 1 and Red Whole or pre-cut, Julienne Grade A, lQF sliced Prime Qual4, firm, plump strips and uniform in size, cut chunks, itallan green beans, Jima beans and red peppers taste Oriental Style- U.S. Grade Pickles, Dill US Grade B A, French out green beans, slices broccoli cuts, onion strips, sliced mushrooms, diced US Grade B, cross Cuts or red peppers chip Okra Potatoes Whole or sliced, Fancy Peas, Black Eye Monarch or Clemson Potatoes, French U.S. Grade B varieties, light skin with —' -- preparation. Made from cut, curls, or Peas, Green U.S. Grade A or Fancy U.S. Grade A shoestrinci potatoes. - carrots shall —not --comprise not comprise less than less than 25% by ��^ 25%byweight and peas and peas shall not shall not comprise less | | | comprise less than 5O96bythan 50% by weight U.S. N0.1 / ^ Peppers, Green U.S. No. 1 and Red Whole or pre-cut, Julienne Pickles, Dill Prime Qual4, firm, plump strips and uniform in size, cut length wise with kosher taste Pickles, Dill US Grade B slices Pickles, Sweet US Grade B, cross Cuts or chip slices Potatoes Whole or sliced, Potatoes, French Especially made for oven Fried - Crinkle preparation. Made from cut, curls, or USDA Grade A Russet shoestrinci potatoes. FFYe009-e010 Page 2Oof38 Vegetable Sticks Blend of corn, carrots, i onions and green beans are formed into a uniform "stick" shape, and then slightly coated with crunchy breading. 4 vegetable sticks are equivalent to'/ cup veaetable requirement, FFY2009-2090 Page 21 of 38 .. - Canned Frozen Fresh _ Potafoes,Canned instant mashed, vegetable w/ minor Mashed pearl -style, made with amounts of spices. vitamin C and milk Spinach Chopped, Grade A or substitute U.S. No.1 Or Dehydrated Instant Sliced, U.S. Grade A or U.S. No.1 granules with milk, Vitamin Summer _ ....___u�._..>____<._4._==�__. Fancy C enriched - Potatoes Uniform cuts, USDA Grade U.S. Grade A, carrots shall -Natural-cut -A; made from -Russet wed a fries potatoes Potatoes, New Whole or sliced, Roasted redskin chunks. U.S. No. 1 U.S. Grade A IQF over prep Potatoes, Patty comprise less than 50% by Hash brown oval patty, --....._......_ - -- —U:S: Grade-A---oven-read Y. t Three Bean U.S. Grade A or Fancy, a serving must equal'/ Salad mixture of green beans, cu or 1/2 up vegetable Potatoes, wax beans, and dark or USDA Grade A, Tater Rounds _ Tots, Gems, Vitamin C Tomatoes Whole, sliced, or crushed, enriched. Potatoes, Sweet U.S. Grade A in Light Yam Patties- packed in U.S. No.1 S rup USDA inspectedplant_ Potato Salad U.S. Grade B or Extra Prepared salad pack - Standard Must be from a USDA inspected plant. Vegetable Sticks Blend of corn, carrots, i onions and green beans are formed into a uniform "stick" shape, and then slightly coated with crunchy breading. 4 vegetable sticks are equivalent to'/ cup veaetable requirement, FFY2009-2090 Page 21 of 38 Salsa Miid, containing all _ vegetable w/ minor amounts of spices. Spinach Chopped, Grade A or Chopped, U.S. Grade A U.S. No.1 Fancy Squash, Yellow, Sliced, U.S. Grade A or U.S. No.1 Summer _ ....___u�._..>____<._4._==�__. Fancy Succotash U.S. Grade A or Fancy, U.S. Grade A, carrots shall carrots shall not comprise not comprise less than less than 25% by weight 25% by weight and peas and peas shall noto shall not comprise less comprise less than 50% by than 50% by weight. wei ht. Three Bean U.S. Grade A or Fancy, Salad mixture of green beans, wax beans, and dark or li ht red beans, marinated. Tomatoes Whole, sliced, or crushed, U.S. Grade B or Extra U.S. No.1 Standard. Tomato Sauce U.S. Grade B or Extra Standard Vegetable Sticks Blend of corn, carrots, i onions and green beans are formed into a uniform "stick" shape, and then slightly coated with crunchy breading. 4 vegetable sticks are equivalent to'/ cup veaetable requirement, FFY2009-2090 Page 21 of 38 FFY2009-2010 Page 22 of 38 Canned Frozen Fresh Yucca _.' . Roots completely covered _ _,_,... with bark-like skin, free Skinless, pre-cut from cracks, sliminess or mold. Zucchini _ _,Y Sliced, U.S. Grade A or U.S. No.1 Fancy Canned Frozen Fresh Apples Sliced, regular pack in (All varieties) water, U.S. Grade A or U.S. No. 1 U.S. Fancy - Applesauce -Unsweetened,-regular _ texture, natural color, U.S. _.. `.... .:::.._ .. < ..._ .. ....:-.. Grade A or U.S. Fancy. Apricot Halves Light syrup, U.S, Grade A Bananas Must be delivered to - -- - -- -- -- -- - — institution with even bright---- yellow color, un-bruised Fruit Cocktail Light syrup, U.S. Grade B or U.S, Choice Fruit Salad, Chilled - Florida Pack. Ready-to-serve Salad packed in plants with continuous USDA inspection. Salad to include orange sections, pineapple chunks, and grapefruit sections. Grapefruit not to exceed 50%. Fresh- U.S. No. 1 (All varieties) Sections, U.S. Grade B, Chilled -Sections, Florida Choice. Whole in light - p-; Pack in light syrup. _,�_,R.i` Sections packed under syrup. continuous USDA inspection. Juice, Ready-to- All juice must be 100% fruit or vegetable juice, USDA Inspected and pasteurized. All serve juice must be fortified with 100% or more of vitamin. C unless it is orange or grapefruit (All varieties) juice. Juice must be delivered to the Institution read -to-serve. Oranges Fresh- U.S. Fancy (All varieties) w {t Chilled- US Grade A or Fancy Peaches Halves or slices. Yellow, cling stone, light syrup. _ ' .;:-_µ,,, _ ;y U.S. No. 1 U,S. Grade B, Choice. Pears Halves or slices. Bartlett, U,S. Grade B in light _-.. �..._. �..J. U.S. No. 1 syrup. Pineapple U,S. Grade B packed in (Chunks, crushed, or juice, product of Hawaii, ,y ,._ �, U.S. No. [ sliced) Philippines or Thailand Plantains Sliced, Individually Quick Ripe or green, ready to Frozen, pre-cooked, oven cook. read . Prunes Dried, pitted, whole. U.S. Grade A Small or Medium FFY2009-2010 Page 22 of 38 Canned Frozen Fresh Seasonal Fresh Cantaloupe — "Full slip" Fruit stem end, free from lumps or soft spots. Honeydew — Symmetrical, firm -not rock -hard, free from lumps or soft spots. Strawberries — U.S. No. 1 Watermelon — With or - without seeds, dull skin, no flat sides, has hollow sound when tapped. MX Pre-packaged sweet items: (Grain and Cereal Must have enriched flour or meal or whole grain as the first ingredient listed on the and Granola Bars, package. Cookies, Muffins, Quick Breads Ready -to -Eat Must contain 10 grams of sugar or less per serving as stated on the Nutrition Facts Cereals Label All Other grain/bread Must meet Grain/Bread Requirement for Child Care Food Program, Exhibit A. roducts HIM _ 1 _ Beef, Breaded Frozen, fully cooked. CN Label required. Minimum 2.90 oz. patties to provide 1.50 oz. country fried meat/meat alternate and 1 serving of bread for children ages 1-5. Minimum 3.88 oz. patties patties to provide 2.00 oz. meat/meat alternate and 1-1/4 serving of bread for children ages 6-12. ingredients: Ground beef not to exceed 30% fat, water, vegetable protein product, spices and seasonings, No dried whole eggs or MSG allowed. Beef, Canned Lean meat only, in juice. 3/ inch to 1 inch cubes. USDA inspected. Cubed Beef, Ground Beef, ground, bulk, frozen; IMPs 136; 80:20 lean to fat ratio or less than 20% fat. Beef, Patties Frozen, fully cooked. CN Label required. Minimum 1.95 oz. flamebroiled beef patty to provide 1.50 oz, meatimeat alternate for children ages 1-5. Minimum 2.50 oz. flamebroiled beef patty to provide 2.00 oz. meat/meat alternate for children ages 6-12. Ingredients: Ground beef (not more than 30% fat), water, vegetable protein product, spices and seasonings. No dried whole eggs or MSG allowed. Beef, Salisbury Frozen, fully cooked. CN Label required. Minimum 2.14 oz. patty to provide 2.00 oz. patties meat/meat alternate. Ingredients: Ground beef (not more than 30% fat), water, vegetable protein product, spices and seasonings. No dried whole eggs or MSG allowed. Beef, Shoulder USDA Grade Good 12-14 Ib. Roasts. Frozen. The shoulder clod roast is the same as Clod Roast the IMPs 114 except that the shoulder (cutaneous muscle) shall be removed when the underlying fat must be trimmed to comply with the surface fat thickness requirements. The heavy tendons at the elbow end of the cold shall be trimmed even with the lean and all sides shall be trimmed so that the clod is not less than 1" thick at any point. When smaller toasts are specified, the thick end of the clod shall be made into one roast and the thin end shall be split length -wise, the ends reversed and the boned surfaces placed together to produce a uniformly thick roast. These roasts shall be held intact by tyingirthwise. IMPs Item #144A. FFY2009-2090 Page 23 of 38 M11 rM ��eef, for USDA Standard Grade, IMPs 135A. Cutting with electric saw will be permitted. Meat Stewing with dark discoloration, all bones, cartilage, back strap, exposed large blood vessels, heavy connective tissue and the pre -scapular lymph gland shall be removed. The thick tendinous ends of the shank shall be removed by cutting back until a cross sectional cut shows at least 75% lean. Not less than 75%, by weight, of the diced pieces shall be of a size which is equivalent of not less than a 3/ inch cube or not more than a 1 3/2 inch cube and no individual surface of these pieces shall exceed 2'/2 inches in length. This-item-is-th-e-same-as-i lvIPs-1-35-Diced-Beef-except-that-the-s urface-or-seam-f"at-of— the boneless meat prior to dicing shall not exceed '/ inch in any thickness at any one point. In addition, the fat content of the boneless meat determined visually shall not exceed 20%. Container to provide proper labeling and identification and USDA " Inspection Stamp. Processed =-American U:S:-Standard-Grade: (Cubed, loaf, Cheddar -U.S. Grade A. shredded or sliced) Mozzarella - Low moisture, Part skim, 100% natural cheese. Swiss - U.S Grade B Cheese, Cottage Pasteurized, plain - reduced fat, light and fat free or dry curd. USDA Quality Approved. Cheese, Pimento Pasteurized process cheese spread, USDA Quality Approved. 2 oz. = 1 oz meat/meat alternate. Cheese, Sauce Canned, milk cheddar, USDA Quality Approved, 3 oz = 1 oz meat/meat alternate, 1 1/2 oz = 1/2 oz meat/meat alternate, _ Chicken, Frozen, fully cooked. CN Label required. 3.00 oz, patty provides a 2.00 oz. meat/meat Breaded patty alternate and 1 serving of bread. Ingredients: Ground chicken, vegetable protein product, spices and seasonings. No MSG allowed. Chicken,Piece. Raw, individually__.quick_frozen, ice glazed,_ cleaned and ready to cook, hand cut from ..8 Cut USDA inspected grade A fryers. Portions shall be cut from 2'/2 to 2-% pound fryers, without giblets or necks. Average portion weight 4.5 oz. packaged in heavy-duty poly bags inside legibly labeled heavy duty master cartons. Average cases weight 27 pounds. 96 portions per cases. Chicken, Raw individually quick frozen, ice glazed, clean and ready to cools, hand cut from Drumsticks USDA inspected grade A fryers. Raw portion weight 3.7 oz. plus or minus % oz. Packa ed in heavy du oly bags inside legibly labeled heavy-duty master cartons. Chicken, Frozen, fully cooked. CN Label required. Minimum five 0.60 oz. nuggets to provide Nuggets 2.00 oz. meat/meat alternate and 1 serving bread. Ingredients: Ground chicken, vegetable protein product, spices and seasonings. No MSG allowed. The Caterer must inform the Institution of appropriate; serving sizes for 1-5 year olds 4 nu ets and 6-12 year olds 5 nuggets). Chicken, Strips Frozen, fully cooked. CN Label required. Chick strips are breaded with enriched flour and made from USDA inspected chicken. Eight strips equal 2 oz, meat/meat alternate and .75 bread components per portion. Packed 3/5 pound bags per cases. Approximately 680 strips per 15 pound cases. The Caterer must inform the Institution of appropriate servin sizes fora es 1-5 6 strips) and ages 6-12 8 strips). Chicken, Thighs Raw, individually quick frozen, ice glazed, cleaned and ready to cook, hand cut from (No back) USDA inspected Grade A fryers. Raw portion weight 4.1 oz plus or minus'/ oz. Packaoed in heavy duty of bags inside legibly labeled heavy-duty master cartons. Chicken, Whole Raw frozen, ice glazed, cleaned and ready to cook, USDA inspected grade A broilers, fryers, or hens. Average portion weight 6-8 Ib. Packaged in heavy duty poly bags inside le ibl labeled heavy-duty master cartons. Wiggs USDA inspected Grade A or better, 100% candled. Eggs may be raw in shell, fully cooked whole eggs, frozen diced, or broken homogenized and pasteurized. Fish, Tuna Chunk, light, in water, dolphin safe. Canned FFY2009.2010 Page 24 of 38 Fish, Whiting T3.6 oz. squares pre -coked, breaded (for oven use only), USDC Grade "A" 71.3% fish Portion flesh. No minced. To provide 2 oz. of meat and one serving of bread. USDC continuous Government inspection with USDC Seal on each box. CN Label required. Fish, Whiting Pre-cooked, breaded (for oven use only) 64.2% fish flesh. To provide .5oz. of meat Sticks and .5 serving of bread. No minced. USDC Grade A, USDC continuous inspection with USDC Seal on each box. Four one ounce sticks per portion. CN Label required. 160/one oz. sticks per 10# box. The Caterer must inform the Institution of appropriate FFY2009-2010 Page 25 of 38 utter US Grade A, smooth. aded Fully cooked, breaded. CN Label required, Minimum 2.83 oz. patty to provide 1.50 oz. rpatty meat meat alternate and 1 serving of bread for children ages 1-5. Minimum 3.75 oz. patty to provide 2.00 oz, meat/meat alternate and 1-1/4 serving of bread for children - - --- _ -. .--- -- ------.--- ---- ---- ------ --- -- --- _ -- - - -- - -- - -- ages 6 12, ingredients: Ground pork (not to exceed 24% fat), water, vegetable protein product, spices and seasonings. Breading not to exceed 30%. No dried whole eggs or MSG allowed. Pork, Ham Lean boneless, cured oressed. skinless - Fully -cooked. Moist heat, Pullman, approximately 4-1/4" square. Must be fully cooked, sectioned and formed. USDA Inspected and stamped. IMPs ##508. Smoked - Short Shank, Skinned Boned, Rolled and Tied. (Cured and Smoked). Hum is the same as Ham, Skinless, completely boneless IMPs #505, except that the ham shall not be encased in an artificial casing. The boneless ham shall be rolled and string tied. Deli-Stvle - Round or flat buffet. No binders, fillers or soy allowed. Minimum 94% lean. Pork, Roast Raw, fresh or frozen. Boston butt, center loin, or blade -end. U.S. Grade No. 1, less _...-..._.._._._.._.......-__--_............_..than 4. in-. back -fat thickness. __..._ .._. Pork, Sausage Patty, Link or Market Style. Lightly seasoned and or flavored. No artificial casings. Total fat content not to exceed 20%. Turkey, Breast Deli -style, whole muscle, roasted/fully cooked, boneless, skinless, minimum 96% fat free, may be smoked. Turkey, Ground Made from USDA inspected turkeys, 100% turkey meat, no binders or fillers, 85% lean. Turkey, Roast Frozen, raw, USDA Grade A. Boneless, 60/40 white/dark ratio, wrapped in natural skin, netted. 8-10 Ib. each. Turkey, Sausage Frozen, ready to cook. Prepared from 100% ground turkey, which is derived from turkey carcasses in good condition. No TVP or fillers. Seasoned and formed to give traditional sausage taste and appearance. Cannot exceed 17% fat. Turkey, Slices I Fully cooked. Made with no less than 60% white meat, no skin added, no binders, fillers, or soy allowed. Must be less than 10% fat. Turkey, Whole Young Tom Eviscerated, 16 Ib, and over. USDA Grade A. Yogurt Low fat or non-fat, flavored, sweetened, commercially prepared 4 oz cups. USDA i FFY2009-2010 Page 25 of 38 FFY2009-2090 Page 26 of 38 •=.. RK .. r . ,,.-.......w._._ Combination main dish food items must be made from a standardized recipe. A standardized recipe gives the number of servings, serving size, and minimum meal contribution. Ingredients in these dishes must meet or exceed the minimum specifications on previous pages. The Caterer must inform the Institution of'the appropriate serving size. Note: Purchased, pre-prepared products must have a ON label stating the serving size and meal contribution per serving with the exception of tuna salad. The Caterer must inform the Institution of the appropriate serving size for CN Labeled products. Pizza, Breakfast Eaa and ham/bacon - Frozen, 50/50 art skim mozzarella cheese/cheese substitute blend, to provide 1 serving grain/bread, 1 oz. meat/meat alternate. CN Label required. Sausage and TVP product - Frozen, 50150 part skim mozzarella cheese/cheese substitute blend, with red sauce, to provide 1 serving grain/bread, 1 oz. meat/meat - -- rewired. CN- La bef- Pizza, Stick or Frozen, cheese filled, made from 50/50 part skim mozzarella cheese/cheese substitute Pocket blend, each stick to provide 1 serving grain/bread, 1 oz. meat/meat alternate. CN Labef required. Or Fully cooked, cheese filled pizza dough stick. Each 5" stick provides 1 bread, 1 meat/meat alternate requirement. -CN Labe) required. Pizza, Wedge Frozen, cheese, pepperoni, or sausage. 50/50 part skim mozzarella cheese/cheese substitute blend, to provide 1 serving grain/bread, 2 oz. meadmeat alternate. CN Label required, Ravioli Meat o, cheese ravioli in tomato sauce, ravioli to provide 2 oz. meat/meat alternate. CN Label required. Sandwiches Must provide the minimum amount of meat/meat alternate and bread/grain per ser;-ing ._(Midnight,..Ham_..._.for_childr..en..ages...1.-5-.and-ages 6-__1.2_as_specified-.by_the-_Child Care_Food_Program_(ileal.... _ and cheese, Pattern for Children, Attachment 2. (Children age 1 and 2 shall receive the same Turkey and minimum meal pattern amounts as children age 3-5.) cheese, Tuna Note: 'The Caterer must deliver sandwiches pre-assembled (not in separate, bulk Salad) food containers) to institutions, unless requested otherwise by the Institution. Condiments may be sent separately. FFY2009-2090 Page 26 of 38 Grains/Breads Requirement for Child Care Food Proaram Refer to A Guide to Crediting Foods regarding criteria for determining acceptable Grains/Breads and minimum serving sizes. Exhibit A -- Grains/Breads for the Food Based Alternatives on the Child Nutrition Programs' r e Coating ks-(hard) Noodles saltines and snack crackers) Croutons Pretzels (hard) -- - - - – Stuffing -(dry) note: -weights -apply -to -bread -in- - - Group B Bagels Batter Type Coating Biscuits Breads (white, wheat, whole wheat, French, Italian) Buns (hamburger and hot dog) Crackers (graham crackers - all shapes, animal crackers) Egg Roll Skins, Won Ton Wrappers English Muffins Pita Bread (white, wheat, whole wheat) Pizza Crust Pretzels (soft) Rolls (white, wheat, whole wheat, potato) Tortillas (wheat or corn) Tortilla Chips (enriched or whole grain) Taco Shells Minimum Serving Size for Group A 1 serving = 20gm or 0.7 oz. —3/4 -serving -==r5 -g m -or -0, 5 -oz. '/ serving = 10 gm or 0.4 oz. serving = 5 gm or 0.2 oz. Minimum serving Size for Group B 1 serving = 25gm or 0.9 oz. serving = 19 gm or 0.7 oz. '/2 serving = 13 gm or 0.5 oz. Y4 -serving= 6 gm or 0.2 oz. Group C Minimum serving Sizes for Group C Cookies (plain) 1 serving = 31 gm or 1.1 oz. Cornbread 3/ serving = 23 gm or 0.8 oz. Corn Muffins '/ serving = 16 gm or 0.6 oz. Croissants '/ serving = B gm or 0.3 oz. Pancakes Pie Crust (dessert pies 2, fruit turnovers3, and meat meat/alternate pies) 1. Some of the following foods or their accompaniments may contain more sugar, salt and/or fat than others. This should be a consideration when deciding how often to serve them. 2. Allowed only for supplements (snacks) served under the CCFP. 3. Allowed only for supplements (snacks) served under the CCFP and for breakfasts served underthe CCFP. 4. Refer to program regulations for the appropriate serving size for snacks and meals served to children ages 1 through 5 in the CCFP. Breakfast cereals are traditionally served as a breakfast item but may be served in meals other than breakfast Note: Cornmeal and corn flour and products using cornmeal and corn flour such as tortillas, tortilla chips, taco shells, cornbread, and corn muffins must include the words "whole" or "enriched" on the product label. FFY 2009-2090 Page 27 of 38 Exhibit A Continued Group D Minimum Serving Size for Group D Doughnuts (cake and yeast raised, unfrosted) 1 serving = 50 gm or 1.8 oz. Granola Bars3 (plain) 3/ serving = 38 gm or 1.3 oz. Muffins/Quick Breads all except corn) '/ serving = 25 gm or.9 oz. Sweet Rolla (unfrosted) % serving = 13 gm or 0.5 oz. Toaster Past s unfrosted Group E j Minimum Serving Size for Group E _ Cookies (with nuts, raisins, chocolate pieces, 1 serving = 63gm or 2.2 oz. and/or fruit purees) 3/ serving = .47 gm or 1.7 oz. Doughnuts (cake and yeast raised, frosted, or '/ serving = 31 gm or 1.1 oz. glazed) 1/ serving = 16 gm or 0.6 oz. French Toast Grain Fruit Bars3 - Granola -Bars -(with nuts, -raisins; chocolate - pieces, and/or fruit) Sweet Rolls3 (frosted) Toaster Past (frosted) Group F Minimum Serving Size for Group F Cake (plain, unfrosted) 1 serving= 75 gm or 2.7 oz. Coffee Cake' 3/ serving = 56 gm or 2.0 oz. 1/ serving = 38 gm or 1.3 oz. '/ serving = 19 gm or 0.7 oz. Grou G - Minimum Serving Size for Group G Brownies (plain) 1 serving= 115 gm or 4 oz. Cake (all varieties, frosted) 3/ serving = 86 gm or 3 oz. 1/ serving = 58 gm or 2 oz. _..._..._-.- ..._....-- ..._._._....__ .... .........._..-............__... 1/-servin =-29-gm--or--I--oz-.-.....-_._ ...._....._.....__... Group H Minimum Serving Size for Group H Barley 1 serving = %2 cup cooked (or.25 gm Breakfast Cereals4 (cooked) dry) Bulgur or Cracked Wheat Macaroni (all shapes) Noodles (all varieties) Pasta (all shapes) Ravioli (noodle only) Rice enriched white or brown Group 1 Minimum Servin2 Size for Group I Ready to eat breakfast cerea14 cold, d 9serving = 3/ cup or 1 oz, whichever is less 1. Some of the following foods or their accompaniments may contain more sugar, salt and/orfat than others. This should be a consideration when deciding how often to serve them. 2. Allowed only for supplements (snacks) served under the CCFP. 3. Allowed only for supplements (snacks) served under the CCFP and for breakfasts served under the CCFP. 4. Refer to program regulations for the appropriate serving size for snacks and meals served to children ages 1 through 5 in the CCFP. Breakfast cereals are traditionally served as a breakfast item but may be served in meals other than breakfast. Note: Only ready -to -eat breakfast cereals with 10 grams of sugar or fess per serving as stated on the Nutrition Facts label on the cereal box are allowed under the CCFP. FFY 2009-2090 Page 28 of 38 Child Care Food Program (CCFP) "Boxed Lunch" Menus Below are five "box lunch" menus when requested by the Institution for field trips; the menus shall be rotated. Peanut butter and jelly sandwich Yogurt Carrot sticks Apple wedges Menu One Milk (1 Tbsp. peanut butter plus 4 oz. yogurt = 1-5 year _.___ ..___..__ _ _._ ...._...._ ..._....._ __.._.._ ..__.__........ __ __ _......old. mt/mt. alt.. requirement; 1. Tbsp...peanut.bu.tter._ Plus 6 oz. yogurt = 5-12 year old mt/mt alt. or 2 Tbsp. peanut butter plus 4 oz. yogurt = 6-12 year old mt/mt alt.) Chicken pita (1 oz. chopped boneless chicken, '/z oz. cheddar cheese and'/ cup lettuce in whole wheat pita pocket— increase cheese to 1 oz for 6-12 year olds) Menu Two Seasonal fresh fruit Celery sticks 100% whole grain or 100% multi -grain chips Milk FFY 2009-2010 Turkey and cheese sandwich on whole wheat ....__.bread-..._..__..._. _ . Menu Three Mayo/mustard I Sliced cucumber and tomato i Mixed fruit cup Milk Ham and cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread Menu Four Mayo/mustard Carrot and celery sticks Orange wedges Milk Tuna salad on bun Dill pickle strips Menu Five Sliced peaches Pretzels Milk Page 29 of 38 Attachment 5 lzg Meal Services to be Provided. 1) The Institution must select meal types and how food items shall be delivered by checking the appropriate boxes. Note: Breakfast, Lunch and Supper must include milk. Snack may include milk according to cycle menu selected. d Breakfast © Lunch/Supper 3�3 Snack 21 Bulk 9 Bulk a Bulk ❑ Unitized ❑ Unitized ❑ Unitized 2) The tnsfitution must select milk type) and sizes) of milk containers) to be delivered Note: Between a — - child's first and second birthday, whole milk must be served. After a child's second birthday, lowfat or fat free milk is required. Note: Bid price must include the price of milk to be included with program meals. The Caterer must charge separately should additional milk be requested by the Institution outside the scope of this bid. -Lowf2t-(1 %)_ .___ -.-- .----- Fat free -(skim) _ _ ..._.._..._-E�--Lowfat-or-fat-free flavored-. --D . Whole D Gallon D Gallon milk D Gallon D Half -gallon D Half -gallon Z Gallon Half -gallon D Individual 8 oz. D Individual 8 oz. D Half -gallon D Individual 8 oz. C cartons cartons D Individual 8 oz, cartons cartons D Other: D Other: D Other: D Other: Maximum number of children age one: 12 3) The institution must check.below if the Caterer shall deliver sandwich foods in bulk or pre -assembled. The Institution or facility must be authorized to assemble sandwiches on site and have adequate storage space to hold sandwiches at proper temperatures. ❑ Bulk, Prefer the Caterer to deliver Pre -assembled, Prefer the Caterer to deliver sandwich foods separately in bulk. sandwiches pre -made. 4) The Institution must check below if the Caterer shall supply disposable meal service products. Note: See minimum paper product specifications below. Note: Bid price must include the price of disposable meal service products when the "yes" box below is checked. The Caterer may charge separately should additional quantities of disposable meal service products be requested by the Institution outside the scope of this bid. ❑ Yes, Caterer must supply disposable meal E No, Caterer not required to supply disposable meal service products. service products. Minimum Disposable Algal Service Products: 8 oz. paper cold cup 9 in., 3 -compartment, white, un- 12X13, 1 ply, white, 1/4 fold 10 oz. paper cold cup laminated foam or plastic plate napkins • 8 oz. foam cup. 10.25 in., 3 -compartment, white, Medium weight, plastic forks • 10 oz. foam cup un -laminated foam or plastic plate Medium weight, plastic spoons • 9 oz. sof` plastic, translucent cup • 4 oz. or 8 oz. foam container Individually wrapped plastic • 10 oz. soft plastic, translucent cup • 5 oz., white, impact bowl straws 5) The Institution must check below if the Caterer shall supply with each delivery, clean serving utensils (scoops and/or ladles and/or measuring -serving spoons of standard sizes, disposable or stainless) to ensure appropriate serving size of foods as specified by the Child Care Food Program Meal Pattern for Children, Attachment 2 and the Cycle Menu, Attachment 3. ❑ Yes, Caterer must supply serving utensils. ® No, Caterer not required to supply serving utensils. 6) The Institution must indicate below if the Caterer shall provide time and temperature documentation for each cold and/or hot food in accordance with the Institution or facility's approved HACCP plan. ® Yes, Caterer must provide time and temperature documentation for cold and hot food. ❑ Yes, Caterer must provide time and temperature documentation X or hot food onlv. FFY2009-2090 Page 30 cf 38 ❑ No, Caterer not required to provide time and temperature documentation. Attachment 6 ITB I Delivery Schedule To be completed by Institution (in ink acid retain copy) prior to providing bid package to interested bidders. (Make additional copies if needed.) Note: The Institution must delete or add facilities at least one week prior to the required. date of service. The Delivery Schedule or other written notice must be used to add or delete facilities.. i Institution or Facility Address Telephone No_ Contact Person Eaton Day Care 490 N.E. 61. Street Miami, FL 33137 305 759-3507 Christine Long Lemon City Day Care 27 N.E. 58 Street Miami, FL "33137 305 759-3518 Valerie Jackson Moore Park Day Care 765 N.W. 36 Street Miami, FL 33137 305 635-2739 Mar�ia Arvelo 13: 27 - L: 33 10:301 am S: 28 i YES B: 25 i L: 28 10:451 am yes S: 28 *B: Breakfast *L: Lunch *C!. *B = Breakfast, L = Lunch, S = Supper, MS = Morning Snack, AS = Afternoon Snack, ES = Evening Snack FFY 2009-2010 Page 31 of 38 Type of Meal* & I Desired Estimated Total I Delivery Caterer required q to No. Needed Per Day Time(s) I provide Timeltemperature B: 19 10 : 00 am YES 13: 27 - L: 33 10:301 am S: 28 i YES B: 25 i L: 28 10:451 am yes S: 28 *B: Breakfast *L: Lunch *C!. *B = Breakfast, L = Lunch, S = Supper, MS = Morning Snack, AS = Afternoon Snack, ES = Evening Snack FFY 2009-2010 Page 31 of 38 Attachment 7 iTB Price Schedule i he Institution must complete columns 1 & 2 (in ink and retain copy) prior to providing bid package to interested bidders. Caterer must complete remainder of form and return with bid proposal by date and time specified in this contract. (Print or Type) FFY2009-2010 Page 32 of 38 (`Date) Name of Institution: city of Miami CCFP Authorization No.: 0576 I Attachment 3 Cycle (Menu Selected (A, 13, or C): A � t Total— _Estimated- No; -- . _. _ .. _ -. Unit Price per Type of Meal No. of Meals per Serving Days M3al Total Price per Contract Specifications Day per Year 4 I 2 Breakfast (Ages 1-5*) 71 250 �650 Breakfast (Ages 6-12) Lunch (Ages 1-5*) 86,--- 250 Lunch (Ages 6-12) j Supper (Ages 1-5*) Supper (Ages 6-12) Morning Snack (Ages 1-5*) Norning Snack (Ages 6-12)..._. Afternoon Snack (Ages 1-5*) 87 1 250 1 j E62,eYJ Afternoon Snack (Ages 6-12) Evening Snack (Ages 1-5*) Evening Snack (Ages 6-12) I `Boxed°.Lunches (Ages 1-5*) I "Boxed" Lunches (Ages 6-12) Note: "Boxed" lunches may be requested by the Institution for field trips. ,.institution must keep documentation of field trip and menu served. Grand Total '*Ages 1-5 based on meal pattern portion sizes for ages 3-5. 5 3y affixing my signature on this bid, 1 hereby state that I have read ail bid terms, conditions and specifications and agree to 3/I terms, and conditions, provisions, and specifications. 1 certify that i will provide and deliver to the location(s) specified in he bid. /' o 'D G ~ �T t✓r + F 1 dm l �o��erGCs game of Caterer: FlC kuthorized Caterer Representative: ignatu (Efate)' 6YAO, � 4,5 dame and Title: to 2` t� (Print or Type) FFY2009-2010 Page 32 of 38 (`Date) Attachment 8 iTB Certificate of Independent Price Determination Both the Institution and the Caterer (bidder) shall execute this Certificate of Independent Price Determination. Name of Institution Name of Caterer U ", A. By submission of this offer, the bidder certifies and in the case of a joint offer, each party thereto certifies --— as to its own organization,—that-in connection with -this Invitation-fo-Bid:-� ----� - — 1) The prices in this offer have been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor; 2) Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this offer have not been knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to opening of this advertised bid directly or indirectly to any other bidder or to any competitor; and 3) No attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any person or firm to submit or not to submit, an offer for the purpose of restricting competition. B. Each person signing this offer on behalf of the Caterer certifies that: 1) He or she is the person in the Caterer's organization responsible for the decision as to the prices being offered herein and has not participated, and will not participate, in any action contrary to A. 1) trough ._ . A: -3) -above- or......._.. -........._._.... --- -- _...... _..._........_.._.....__. 2) He or she is not the person in the Caterer's organization responsible for the decision as to the prices being offered herein, but that he or she has been authorized in writing to act as agent for the persons responsible for such decision in certifying that such persons have not participated and will not participate, in any action contrary to A. 1) through A. 3) above, and as their agent does hereby so certify; and he or she has not participated, and will not participate, in any action contrary to A. 1) through A. 3) above. In accepting this offer, the Institution certifies that no representative of the Institution has taken any action which may have jeopardized the independence of the offer referred to above. Signature of Authorized,lnstitution Representative Title Date To the best of my knowledge, this Caterer, its affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors and employees are not currently under investigation by any governmental agency and have not in the last three years been convicted or found liable for any act prohibited by State or Federal law in any jurisdiction, involving conspiracy or collusion with respect to bidding on.any public contract. SiaKature of FFY 2009-2090 Caterer Representative Title Note: Accepting a bidder's offer does not constitute award of the contract. Page 33 of 38 Date Attachment 9 ITB Conflict of Interest Questionnaire The authorized institution representative must complete this Attachment 9. Yes No _ 1. Do you, your immediate family, or business partner have financial or other interests in any of the p e tial-bid-ders . ❑ I 2. Have gratuities, favors or anything of monetary value been offered to you or accepted by you from any of the potential bidders? ❑ ER 3. Have you been employed by any of the potential bidders within the last 24 months? ❑ LR 4. Do you plan to obtain a financial interest, e.g. stock, in any of the bidders? ❑ !� 5. Do you plan to seek or accept future employment with any of the potential bidders? ❑ 2 6. Are there any other conditions which may cause a conflict of interest? ❑ G7 If you answered Yes to any of the above questions, please provide a written explanation of your answer. I declare that the above questions are answered truthfully and to the best of my knowledge. Signature of Authorized Institution Representative Date FFY 2009-2010 Page 34 of 38 Attachment 10 ITB Conflict of interest Questionnaire The authorized Caterer representative must complete this Attachment 10. If -you -answered -Yes to any.of-the above-_ questions, -please-provide-a.written -explanation-of your.. _ ..... _.._ .. . answer. I declare that the above questions are answered truthfully and to the best of my knowledge. Sigrta�tt✓! 2re of ` uth ri%d Caterer Representative FFY2009-2010 Page 35 of 38 Date us] Yes No 1. Do you, your immediate family, or business partner have financial or other interests in the Institution of which you are submitting this did? 2. Have gratuities, favors or anything of monetary value been offered to you or accepted by you from the Institution? ❑ 3. Have you been employed by the Institution within the last 24 months? ❑ 4. Do you plan to obtain a financial interest, e.g. stock, in the Institution? ❑ 5. Do you plan to seek or accept future employment with the O Institution? ❑ EEK 6. Are there any other conditions which may cause a conflict of interest? ❑ E If -you -answered -Yes to any.of-the above-_ questions, -please-provide-a.written -explanation-of your.. _ ..... _.._ .. . answer. I declare that the above questions are answered truthfully and to the best of my knowledge. Sigrta�tt✓! 2re of ` uth ri%d Caterer Representative FFY2009-2010 Page 35 of 38 Date us] Attachment 11 ITB Caterer Checklist For your convenience, we offer the following Caterer checklist of items that must be executed and submitted i� duplicate by the bidding deadline to be considered a responsive bid. 'i. invitation to bia /biaaer HCKnowieagemeni, page -i 2. Attachment 7, Price Schedule, page 32 ------- - %— 3. Attachment-8-C-ertiTicate-of-Independent Price -Determination,, page- 33-- 4. Attachment 10, Conflict of Interest Questionnaire, page 35 5. Attachment 13, Contract Page, page 38 Note; Certificates of insurance coverage, page 4, must be furnished by the awarded Caterer within thirty days after notice of award. FFY 2009-2010 Page 36 of 38 Attachment 12 ITB Catered Meal Change Form When making changes to the number of catered meals ordered, the Institution must complete the meal change form below or one that is substantially similar and fax to the Caterer by 5:0D p.m. two days prior to delivery. The Caterer will confirm the requested change(s) with a return fax to the Institution. Please note: This form is to be used for changing the number of meals ordered only, Meal type must be based on original contract or renewal contract Price Schedule. Institution Name: -----Child--Care-Faciiity-Name=------------- Child Care Facility Address: Caterer Name: Authorized Institution Representative: (Signature) (CCFP Authorization No.) (Fax No.) (Date) _.. _ ........ ........ -... Meal Type re Curnt Total - --r--.... t ----- -..._. _ .. No. of Meals Ordered per Day . Change Total No: --Change of Meals Ordered Meals __...._ ._Timee.riod«t.. Please designate until notice or with specific dates) Breakfast (Ages 1-5) Breakfast (Ages 6-12) Lunch (Ages 1-5) Lunch (Ages 6-12) Supper (Ages 1-5) Supper (Ages 6-12) Morning Snack (Ages 1-5) Morning Snack (Ages 6-12) Afternoon Snack (Ages 1-5) Afternoon Snack (Ages 6-12) Evening Snack (Ages 1-5) Evening Snack (Ages 6-12) "Boxed" Lunches (Ages 1-5) "Boxed" Lunches (Ages 6-12) Caterer received date: FFY 2009-2090 Maximum number of children age one: Page 37 of 38 Effective change date: Attachment 13 Invitation To Bid Contract Page The bidder certifies that he/she shall operate in accordance with all applicable State and federal regulations. The bidder certifies that all terms and conditions within the Invitation to Bid shall be considered a part of this contract as -if -incorporated -therein. This contract may be extended up to two additional one year periods upon mutual written agreement of both parties and subject to review by the Department of Health, Bureau of Child Nutrition Programs. —This agreement -is solely between the Institution and -bidder: Tt�e Florida Departmer-� of-HealthTBureau of------- Child Nutrition Programs is in no way liable as an active participant in this contract. The Department of Health, Bureau of Child Nutrition Programs acts only in an advisory capacity. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this 38 page contract to be executed by their undersigned officials as duly authorized. u ai ;I S't natures } - 1 L }T t - a' EiF s ,Y 't _ Rr I:` ,. s . ► - '°� .dark ! sv s Fhm i� " -a 4-n�SE,ai" .l.�i.>' Z," "::iF,E'mi. -'it_ Y .L.--�.:T__•�a:-{'.u'a" .v_ ... �:lal,,., 'S_^__ •u��E,.pul_ _ __ .._s..�_._.� .................._. ..-_...._� _. ... _.r.._�_.:r,.�.._ _a_..., � _ .._..__._.,., _., :� T . ,.:::=.:_�r_=:�,,.....��:��m_ �!..__^ ._r._., ...t_.a:_. __ .Y.+_.EiL ._.K.3. "`�•-" . _.. ,.._ . r,--'r�' �:=. �. :klu __.lEaa?^,nn.:?;,,c_._.:.::3s,....�..;;?s..r.�_.._r':.,: ,::_ E _ NoteTheCateretrxiustsi=nthe�ContractPa e:bPfore�s_ubrn►ftmthefidFtob�°considered res onsrYe:;►,'';'P.=t'w,}� .. :._..... .._._.._... ..�..Ylljl '::=t.:..:�u . _.,,.:£i3_:s:_: _ :vJ. Via_ ".Y+F.a Y;_!E E. I. ✓•_ __ v=:ii'ai�r!. >`Lzl:.,-__Mn.ii:..,aaCP:IE'-+; €t rim. .,.. .... :n,nn.ri5'ir^n1F.w:. ...aim e.___.,.'E_,S...v _.L.__,va-..:4' eiiF .;__. sE"-!f i c. a.e.,. f-,. <Yr; �:r.X a, nw ,"en:s: "'�" I,€e�`—'.a:,.zNa�oEy;n<,1,,.-eEE�.�.,., _r;<r+;p�r,�.:.i:�e°� r -�-a, r"cfi'r,-� _ - ¢¢ M1�!_ _ -5.'x,.13 - __ _ _ _..�. _ ,.tvrE:3�L -- '. S;Ec#,.t.y,±is. rl _ ��5:t�:_ =�"_s .�='=.:_:a ._�7'!"�ir mw _,.s..un_;C��L,_�IE;�EFi='_.�==Y""`-'.�.a,i ys`�'�_._vY,�,,...�,x.�y'._�a-..•r,Ic�P?a!::�a:v:,.:wsf...ini-n.s�3rz=�•"'�.=''°-�.'�,:,..,,_.,..r,....a.�v-_�t `- ,, !4 + -1 �!c m. �'" : N } _3,x �: , kE 7ti . :.� .K, ,!:� . ^ i �2' r I ilq li 71 91 . L "I' iP�%zu• ndn:!"L ° T#�e lnstitufron :rnust�srgn�after,5the bitl ►s eterm►ned�to bE�he lowest�responsr� b[dy , � e, �� �;>t,,�,�!xI W��E �<�§I'[_(.�� �( ^EE•.f ;E::se.x�,.rX n Fd,v3i Z,..d:� _ ,v:.-}.x,..;a-:. ,r�,�e ..ik"i'd,•.'6fui":i .. .max, S:i:arv�:�'c -�..-�'-��_..._='c_—'=:-•.^--_�.^.1,...I - E,.am ...� � �__:�_.: Ta.n..-...Er-• �a� app - ,�I: . - m.:5 xu>r .,� ^ _ � YA Pi m. _€L".' -_4a d, ,4. ,�Fv h' Jm "� -P^R-: Gra T tal arnounts�exaeedr ss O;000 mustIbe apP:tnyed�by}the tRM M., TDepankmerttl,d EHealff�, #- q,- Yi-�✓-'i' � ` .. L_ ''J,jsi -air . YeiL r,c- i i �5• �2: .. Ch►[d N;ut*nt► 1?ro theclnst►tufioh..si Pa :e r► rams.b.P.M"r nsith sContract ...ta r _.. ' - ... .--..---- k ; Caterer: I have read this 38 page contract and Institution: I have read this 38 page contra, -,i and unders aR each section and paragraph. understand each section and paragraph. Ori ill Signatures Authorized Caterer Original Signature of Authorized Institution Representative" r"o�� dm � Representative Printed Name of Authorized Caterer Representative Printed Name of Authorized Institution � Representative CP Title Title 5 3 f Date Date Attest: Attest: -- pp U" d . Signature of Wit ss t Caterer Signature of Witness to Institution FFY 2009-2010 Page 38 of 38