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February 9, 2009
February 8, 2010
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Gonzalez, Yusbel
From: Richmond, Lauren
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2009 3:04 PM
To: Gonzalez, Yusbel
Subject: RE: PO# 04-05-081(10)-1 / 239
ihanh you aga -11 Yusbel!!
From: Gonzalez, Yusbel
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 2:40 PM
To: Rodriguez, Lourdes; Richmond, Lauren
Subject: FW: PO# 04-05-081(10)-1 / 239
Yusbel Gonzalez, CPPB
Senior Procurement Specialist (Commodity Team 2)
City of Miami
Purchasing Dept.
Office: 305-416-1958
Fax: 305-400-5104
e-mail: vonzalez mianuaov.coln
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reply E-mail and destroy all copies of the onginal message. Thank you.
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Due to Florida's very broad public records law, most written communications to or from City of Miami employees regarding City
business are public records, available to the public and media upon request. Therefore, this e-mail communication may be subject to
public disclosure.
From: Cowen, Elizabeth ]mailto:ECowen@fechheimer.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 2:39 PM
To: Gonzalez, Yusbel
Subject: RE: PO# 04-05-081(10)-i / 239
Thank you for the information. I will bring this to order entry and shipping and correct. Liz Cowen
From: Gonzalez, Yusbel [mailto:YGonzalez@miamigov.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 2:37 PM
To: Cowen, Elizabeth
Cc: Richmond, Lauren; Rodriguez, Lourdes
Subject: PO# 04-05-081(10)-1 ! 239
Hello Liz,
I just wanted to make you aware that the items purchased with PO# 04-05-081(10)-1 / 239 were shipped to the
incorrect department. The UPS label on the box shows a deliver to address of: City of Miami Finance Dept. Laurent
Richmond (305-416-1945) 444 S.W. 2r" Ave, Ste# 635. Miami, FL 33130-1910. However, Lauren Richmond does not work
for Finance, she works for the Operations Division of the Public Works Department, which is located at 1296 NW 20 St.
Miami, FL 33142.
To avoid delaying any further the delivery of these items, i have kept the box and notified Lauren to have an employee
from Public Works pick up the order from our department. I think what happened here is that the Harrison employee
creating the UPS label confused the "Ship to" address with the "Bill to" address. Please make sure in the future that
orders are sent to the "Ship To" address shown on the PC.
!('y' C}` j,,fil�ggj1 - PV ' Ope''.rations
fvlfiami. FL .'21142
City iii No111 - :lvfance - G'wr1erai AC"countinct,
.'iEami FL 331-110
Thank you,
Yusbel Gonzalez, CPPB
Senior Procurement Specialist (Commodity Team 2)
Citi, of Miami
Purchasing Department
444 S.W. 2nd Ave. 6th Floor
Miami, FL 33130
Office: 305-416-1958
Fax: 305-400-5104
e-mail: yg! nzalez(a)miamigo)=.com
Web: Aww.miamigov.coin/procurement
The information contained in this transmission may contain privileged and confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the
person(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution,, or
duplication of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately contact the sender by
reply E-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. Thank you.
`Please Note:
Due to Florida's very broad public records law, most written communications to or from City of Miami employees regarding City
business are public records, available to the public and media upon request. Therefore, this e-mail communication may be subject to
public disclosure.
Gonzalez, Yusbel
From: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 8:53 PM
To: Gonzalez, Yusbel
Subject: FW: Harrison Uniforms
FYI - please call Liz Cowen on this.
thank you
From: De. Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations)
Sent: Mon 4/6/2009 10:59 AM
To: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Cc: Fernandez, Ariamna
Subject: Harrison Uniforms
Lourdes here we go again with Harrison- there is an open PC for Harrison Uniforms since March 10, 2009. To date we
have not received the order and Ari Fernandez from my staff has called Harrison's three times and no one has called her
back with the information. Ari has not been able to talk to the person handling our account as the receptionist takes the
message because the person is busy with other clients......—can you help me?
Maria de Cardenas
City of Miami
Park Services Coordinator
Tel. 305 960 3004
Fax 305 960 3019
entail nadecardenas aici.miami.fl.Lis
Gonzalez, Yusbel
Rodriguez, Lourdes
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 1 40 PM
De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations)
Fernandez, Ariamna; Gonzalez, Yusbel
RE: Harrison Uniforms
Maria and Ari
I spore to Liz Cowen and Ana Oria who is a new employee and is now in charge of all City of Miami accounts.
The delay were due to a couple of issues, one Liz lost two employees and had problems with her system, this all
happened between March 10-26, 2009,
On March 26"', she had a temporary employee enter the order and then had Ana check the order since it was for a total
of 390 items.
On April 8t", Ana stated that she spoke to Ari because she needed to verity sizes. For example, she said she had an order
for a size 42 and length 22, and she found that odd, so she wanted to verify this information prior to placing the order,
and also, the order did not include a the color of the pants as the model number listed comes in several colors, beige,
green, blue.
Ana stated that Ari told that she was going to review last year's order to verify the sizes and would get back tc her
which Ari did.
Ana has now placed the order and was going to have it all shipped to you once all the entire order was completed but I
told her to shipped the items as they were being completed not to waitto have a1! the items competed and then ship
the order, I nope this is fine with you.
Ana mentioned that she is going to call Ari within the next two days to give her delivery dates. If she fails tc call you be
Fr;day, call me and we will call her in a conference call.
Unfortunately, it appears that tine delays were due to Hairison's losing two employees which affected your order not
being placed in a timely manner, and further delays came once the order was placed and their need to verify the sizes
and color.
Again, please cal! me on friday if you have not heard from Ana.
Lourdes Rodriguez, CPPB
Procurement Supervisor
City of Miami
Purchasing Department
444 S.W. 2 Avenue, 6th Floor
Miami, FL 33130
Tel: (305) 416-1904
Fax: (305) 4005033
email: lorodriguez@miamigov.com
website: www.miamigov.com/procurement
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From: De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations)
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 12:01 PM
To: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Cc: Fernandez, Ariamna
Subject: Harrison Uniforms
Lourdes, we have not received the order yet. Ari was able to talk to someone yesterday and the vendor has not started
the order yet. Can you help us? My employees need the pants . PO 4 is 04-05-081(10)-1-235.
Lourdes here we go again with Harrison- there is an open PO for Harrison Uniforms since March 10, 2009. To date we
have not received the order and Ari Fernandez from my staff has called Harrison's three times and no one has called her
back with the information. Ari has not been able to talk to the person handling our account as the receptionist takes the
message because the person is busy with other clients ......... can you help me?
Marie, de Cardenas
City of Miami
Park Services Coordinator
Tel. 305 960 3004
Fax 305 960 3019
entail mdecardenasLa%ci.zniami.fl.r;s
Gonzalez, Yusbel
From: De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations)
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 4:08 PM
To: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Cc: Fernandez, Ariamna; Gonzalez, Yusbel
Subject: RE: Harrison Uniforms
Just so you know Harrison never contacted us about sizes etc. When Ari kept calling and finally spoke to someone they
informed her the issue of the size. 1 feel that if Ari had not called we would still be waiting for delivery not even knowing
they were waiting to verify the size and color.
My point is the vendor never reached out to us it was the other way around. After a wart of almost 1 month the size
issue came up.
i wili wait until rriday.
Maria de Cardenas
City of Miami
Park Services Coordinator
Tel. 305 960 3004
Fax 305 960 3019
email mdecardenas((-v,ci.miami.fl.us
From: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 1:40 PM
To: De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations)
Cc: Fernandez, Ariamna; Gonzalez, Yusbel
Subject: RE: Harrison Uniforms
Maria and Ari
I spoke to LI Cowen and Ana Oria who is a new employee and is now in charge of all City of Miami accounts.
The delay were due to a couple of issues, one Liz lost two employees and had problems with her system, this all
happened between March 10-26, 2009.
On March 26th, she had a temporary employee enter the order and then had Ana check the order since i- was for a total
of 390 items.
On April 8t", Ana stated that she spoke to Ari :because she needed to verify sizes. For example, she said she had an order
for a size 42 and iength 22, and she found that odd, so she wanted to verify this information prior to placing the order,
and also, the order did not include a the color of the pants as the model number listed comes in several colors, beige,
green, blue.
Ana stated that Ari told that she was going to review last year's order to verify the sizes and would get back to her
which Ari did.
Ana has now placed the order and was going to have it all shipped to you once all the entire order was completed but I
told her to shipped the items as they were being completed not to wait to have all the items completed and then ship
the order, I hope this is fine with you.
Gonzalez, Yusbel
From: Rodriguez, ' ourdes
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 411 PM
To: De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations)
Cc: Fernandez, Ariamna; Gonzalez, Yusbei
Subject: RE: Harrison Uniforms
I don't doubt you at all. Harrison should have contacted us immediately when the order could not be. filled timely.
The Purchasing Department has several pending issues that Yusbel and I will be discussing with Liz very soon.
Believe me that I will bring this up again with her.
if you don't hear back from them by Friday, please tali me first and you; Ari and I will call in a conference call.
Thank you for your continued patients.
Lourdes Rodriguez, UPS
Procurement Supervisor
City of Miami
Purchasing Department
444 S.W. 2 Avenue, 6th Floor
Miami, FL 33130
Tel: (305) 416-1904
Fax: (305) 400-5033
email: forodriquezC-miamiclov,com
website: www.miamigov comlprocurement
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Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
From: De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations)
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 4:08 PM
To: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Cc: Fernandez, Ariamna; Gonzalez, Yusbel
Subject: RE: Harrison Uniforms
Just so you know 'Harrison never contacted us about sizes etc. When Ari kept calling and finally spoke to someone they
informed her the issue of the size. I feel that if An had not called we would stili be waiting for delivery not even knowing
they were waiting to verify the size and color.
My point is the vendor never reached out to us it was the other way around. After a wait of almost 1 month the size
issue carne up.
Gonzalez, Yusbel
From: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Sent: Monday, .April 27, 2009 8:56 AM
To: Fernandez, Ariamna: De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations'
Cc: Gonzalez, Yusbel
Subject: RE: Harrison Uniforms
Ari and Maria
Please advise Yusbel and I on the status. There is a, scheduled meeting this afternoon to discuss these and other issues
dealing with Harrisons.
Did the uniform pants get delivered yet?
Thank you
Lourdes Rodriguez, CPPB
Procurement Supervisor
City of Miami
Purchasing Department
444 S.W. 2 Avenue, 6th Floor
Miami, FL 33130
Tel: (305) 416-1904
Fax: (305) 400-5033
email forodriquez@rniamigov.com
website: www.miamigoy.com/procurement
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Ptease consider, the environment before printing this e-mail.
From: Fernandez, Ariamna
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 9:21 AM
To; Rodriguez, Lourdes; De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations)
Subject: RE: Harrison Uniforms
As per my conversation with Ana from Harrison on Wednesday. The order has been shipped to thein from the
warehouse on Wednesday. They said that it could be done today. But Ana had to check on the delivery issue. According
to her delivery could be done today or early next week.
Thank you,
Ari rernondez
r—;tw of k4iami
Ph 305/960-3001
Fax 305/1960-3019
From: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Sen.t:. Friday, April 24, 2009 9:14 AM
To: De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations)
Cc: Fernandez, Ariamna
Subject: RE: Harrison Uniforms
Maria and Ari
Did Harrison's begin delivering the uniform pants?
Thank you,
Lourdes Rodriguez, CPPB
Procurement Supervisor
City of Miami
Purchasing Department
444 S.W. 2 Avenue, 6th Floor
Miami, FL 33130
Tel: (305) 416-1904
Fax: (305) 400-5033
email: lorodriquezCn miamiaov.com
website: www.miamigov.com/nrocurement
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Will Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
From: De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations)
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 12:01 PM
To: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Cc: Fernandez, Ariamna
Subject: Harrison Uniforms
Lourdes, we have not received the order yet. Ari was able to talk to someone yesterday and the vendor has not started
the order yet. Can you help us? My employees need the pants . PO # is 04-05-081(10)-1-235.
Gonzalez, Yusbel
From: Fernandez, Ariamna
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 9:09 AM
To: Rodriguez, Lourdes; Gonzalez, Yusbel
L, G: De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations)
Subject: RE: Harrison Uniforms
Hello Lourdes & Yusbel: As of todaytne pants have not been delivered.
Thank you,
Ari Fernandez
City of Miami
Ph 305/960-3001
Fax 305/960-3019
From: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 8:56 AM
To: Fernandez, Ariamna; De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations)
Cc: Gonzalez, Yusbel
Subject: RE: Harrison Uniforms
Ari and Marla
Please advise Yusbel and I on the status. There is a scheduled meeting this afternoon to discuss these and other issues
dealing with Harrisons.
Did the uniform pants get delivered yet?
Thank you
Lourdes Rodriguez, CPP13
Procurement Supervisor
City of Miami
Purchasing Department
444 S.W. 2 Avenue, 6th Floor
Miami, FL 33130
Tel: (3D5) 416-1904
Fay.: (305) 400-5033
email: lorodriguez@miamigov.com
website: www.miamigov.comlprocurement
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Please consider the envirorurient before printing this e-mail.
Gonzalez, Yusbel
From: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 9:21 AM
To: Fernandez, Ariamna; Gonzalez, Yusbel
Cc: De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations;; Marcos, Glenn
Subject: RE: Harrison Uniforms
I talked to Ana Oria at Harrison's over a week ago and the pants were to be delivered last week. According to Liz she is
now in charge of all City contract.
Please contact Liz Cowen this morning and get a status and report back to me. Her @305-642-1820.
1 don't have a problem coming in and meeting with you and Glenn to discuss a course of action, but again like Glenn said
the fact that they had employee turnover is not our issue, they must comply with the contract.
Thank you,
Lourdes Rodriguez, CPPE
Procurement Supervisor
City of Miami
Purchasing Department
444 S.W. 2 Avenue, 6th Floor
Miami, FL 33130
Tel: (305) 416-1904
Fax: (305) 400-5033
email: lorodriguezrmiamigov.com
website; www.miamigoy.com/prDCUrement
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communication was received in error we apologize forthe intrusion. Please notify us by regi;
Gonzalez, Yusbel
From: Gonzalez, Yusbel
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 9:49 AM
To: Rodriguez, Lourdes-, Fernandez, Ariamna
Cc: De Carderas, Maria (Parks Operations),, Marcos, Glenn
Subject: RE: Harrison Uniforms
Attachments: image00I.jpg
I just called Harrison. 1 asked to speak to Liz Cowen, but I was told she was on the other line. I asked to continue to
hold, but the employee answering the phone insisted if she can help. So, I went ahead and asked her about the status o`
these pants. She stated that the pants were shipped on Thursday and that she notified you and Ari that they were
shipped on Thursday.
I have as<ed the employee to provide me with the UPS tracking number and she will call me back in a couple of minutes
with this tracking number.
Thant: you,
Yusbel Gonzalez, CPPB
Senior Procurement Specialist (Commodity Team 2)
Cite or Miami
Purchasing Dept.
Office: 305-4lb-1958
Fax: 305-400-5104
e-mail-. ygonzalez a)miamigov,com
The inforrnaiton contained in this transmission may contain privileged and confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the
person(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution, or
duplication of this communication is strictly prohibited. I; you are not the intended recipient, please immediately contact the senderby
reply E-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. Thank you.
"Please Note.
Due to Florida's very broad public records law, most written communications to or from City of Miami employees regarding City
business are public records, avaiiabfe to the public and media upon request. Therefore, this e-mail communication may be subject to
public disclosure.
From: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 9:21 AM
To: Fernandez, Ariamna; Gonzalez, Yusbel
Cc: De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations); Marcos, Glenn
Subject: RE: Harrison Uniforms
I talked to Ana Oria at Harrison's over a week ago and the pants were to be delivered last week. According to Liz she is
now in charge of all City contract.
Please contact Liz Cowen this morning and get a status and report back to me. Her @305-642-1820.
Gonzalez, Yusbel
From: Rodriguez_, Lourdes
ent: Monday, April 27, 2009 9:51 AM
To: Gonzalez; Yusbel; Fernandez, Ariamna
Cc: De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations); Marcos, Glenn
SLIbject: RE: Harrison Uniforms
have not received any notifications from Harrison's that the items were shipped on Thursday.
Ari: did you?
Lourdes Rodriguez, CPPB
Procurement Supervisor
City of Miami
Purchasing Department
444 S.W. 2 Avenue, 6th Floor
Miami, FL 33130
Tek (305) 416-1904
Fax: (305) 400-5033
email: lorodriduez@miamL v.com
website: www.miamiclov.com/procurement
Disclaimer: This e-mail is intended only forth e individuals) or entity(s) named within the message. this e-mail might contain IegaIiy priviieRed and
confidential information. If you properly received ihis e-mail as a client or retained expert, please hold it in confidence to protect the attorney-
client or v✓o;k produc- privileges. Should he intended recioiem r'ward or disclose this message to another person or party, that action coula
constitute a waiver of the attorney client privilege. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the went responsible to deliver it
m the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copyin,o of this communication is prohibited lav
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PtQase consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
From: Gonzalez, Yusbel
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 9:49 AM
To: Rodriguez, Lourdes; Fernandez, Ariamna
Cc: De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations); Marcos, Glenn
Subject: RE: Harrison Uniforms
I just called Harrison. i asked to speak to Liz Cowen, but 1 was told she was on the other line. I asked to continue to
hold, but the employee answering the phone insisted if she can help. So, 1 went ahead and asked her about the status of
these pants. She stated that :he pants were shipped on Thursday and that she notified you and Ari that they were
shipped on Thursday.
have asked the employee to provide me with the UPS tracking number and she will call me back in a couple of minutes
with this tracking number.
Gonzalez, Yusbel
From: Gonzalez, Yusbel
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 9:57 AM
To: Rodriguez, Lourdes; Fernandez, Ariamna
Cc: De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations), Marcos, Glenn
Subject: RE: Harrison Uniforms
Ana from Harrison just called me hack to provide me with the UPS tracking number: 1HIEVV750344462227. See screen
shot below. The 24 boxes were picked up by UPS on'Friday April 24"' and they are scheduled to be delivered today,
Monday April 27`x'.
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Yusbel Gonzalez, CPPB
Senior Procurement Specialist (Commodity Team 2)
City of Miami
Gonzalez, Yusbel
roam: Fernandez, Ariamna
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 10:04 AM
:"o: Rodriguez. Lourdes; Gonzalez, Yusbel
C:: De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations)
Subject: RE: F-iarrison Uniforms
NO, Thursday was the last time 1 spoi.e to Ana, she was contacting me to schedule for us to pic < up the pants, r exr iained
to her that they had to deliver since Lourdes had told me delivery was part of the contract. She stated that they diol not
do deliveries, and I told her to contact Lourdes in regards to this. I didn't hear bacl: from her that day
She iilso told me that there are some pants in backorder for three of the employees.
Thank you,
Ari Fernandez
City of Miami
Ph 305/960-3001
Fax 305/1960-3019
From,. Rodriguez, Lourdes
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 9:51 AM
To: Gonzalez, Yusbel; Fernandez, Ariamna
Cc: De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations); Marcos, Glenn
Subject: RE: Harrison Uniforms
I have not received any notifications from Harrison's that the items were shipped on Thursday.
Ari: did you?
Lourdes Rodriguez, CPPB
Procurement Supervisor
City of Miami
Purchasing Department
444 S.W. 2 Avenue, 6th Floor
Miami, FL 33130
Tel: (305) 416-1904
Fax: (305) 400-5033
email: lorodriguez@mian-igov.com
website: www.miamiciov.com/procurement
Disclaimer: This e-rnaii is intended only for the individuals) or entity(s) named within the message. This e-mail might contain ie°ally privileged and
confidential information. If you properly received this e-mail as a client or retained expert, piease hold it in confidence to protect the attorney-
ciient or work product priviieges. Should the intended recipient forward or disclose this message to another person or party, that action could
constitute a waiver of the attorney-client privilege. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible to deliver it
o the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that, any review, dissemination, distribution or copying o this communication is prohibited by
the sender and to de so might constitute a violation, of the Electronic Cornnnunications P, Ivacy Act, 18 U,S.C. section 25110-2-52 L If this
co nrnunicatic wad received in error we apniogize for the I trusion. P(2ase notify us by redly e mai! and delete +h.: origical message.
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
Gonzalez, "usbel
From: Gonzalez, Yusbel
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 10:09 AM
To: Fernandez, Ariamna; Rodriguez, Lourdes
Cc: De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Oper2tions)
Subject: R=: Harrison Uniforms
Attachments: irTiage001 Jpg
When you receive the pants, let me know if they are received as requested (color; size...etc). Also, did Harrison tell you
how long it vvd! take for the pants on back order to be delivered?
Yusbel Gonzalez, CPPB
Senior Procurement Specialist (Commodity Team 2)
City of Miami
Purchasing Dept.
Office: 305-416-1955
Far.: 305-400-5104
e-mail: ygonzalez@miamigov.com
The information contained in, this transmission may contain privileged and confidential information. !tis intended only forthe use of the
person (s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution, or
duplication of this communication is stncilv_prohibited._/f you are not the intended recipient, please immediately contact the senderby
reply E-mail and destroy ail copies of the original message. Thank you.
'Please Note.-
Due to Florida's very broad public records law, most written communicatlons to or from City of Miami employees regarding City
business are public records, available to the public and media upon request. Therefore, this e-mail communication may be subject to
public disclosure.
From: Fernandez, Ariamna
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 10:04 AM
To: Rodriguez, Lourdes, Gonzalez, Yusbe',
Cc: De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations)
Subject: RE: Harrison Uniforms
NO, Thursday was the last time I spoke to Ana, she was contacting me tc schedule for us to pick up the pants. i explained
to her that they had to deliver since Lourdes had told me delivery was part of the contract. She stated that they did not
do deliveries, and l told her to contact Lourdes in regards to this. I didn't hear back from her that day.
She also told me that there are some pants in backorder for three of the employees.
Thank you,
Ari Fernandez
City of Mia mi
Ph 305/960-3001
Fax 305/960-3019
Gonzalez, Yusbel��"'
Fernandez, Ariamna
Monday, April 27, 2009 0:10 .AM
Gonzalez, Yusbel; Rodriguez, Lourdes
De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations)
RE Harrison Uniforms
She said two weed:. IT i:� t everyone know as soon as we receive them.
Thank you,
Ari Fernandez
City of Miami
Ph 305/960-3001
Fax 305/960-3019
From: Gonzalez, Yusbel
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 10:09 AM
To: Fernandez, Ariamna; Rodriguez, Lourdes
Cc De Cardenas, Maria (parks Operations)
Subject: RE: Harrison Uniforms
When, you receive the pants, let me know if they are received as requested (color, size. -etc). .Aiso, did Harrison tell you
how long it will take for the ;ants on back order to be delivered?
Yusbel Gonzalez, CPPB
Senior Procurement Specialist (Commodity Team 2)
City of Miami
Purchasing Dept.
Office: 305-416-1968
Fax: 306-400-5104
e-mail: ygonzalez@)miamigov.com
The information contained in this transmission may -contain privileged and �onfidenfial information It is intended only for the use of the
person(s) named above. if you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution, or
duplication of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately contact the sender by
reply E -mai! and destroy all copies of the original message. Thank you_
`Please We
Due to Florida's very, broad public records law, most written communications to or from City of Miami employees regarding City
business are public records, available to the public and media upon request. Therefore, this e-mail communication maybe subject to
public disclosure.
From: Fernandez, Ariamna
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 10:04 AM
To: Rodriguez, Lourdes; Gonzalez, Yusbel
Gonzalez, Yusbel
From: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 12:48 PM
To: 'Cowen, Elizabeth'
Cc: Gonzalez, Yusbel; De Cardenas Maria (Parks Operations); Fernandez, Ariamna
Subject: FW: Harrison Uniforms
Can you advise us of the status of the reminder of the uniforms fc- the Parks Dept.
Original your employee, Anna informed the Parks Dep: that only 3 employees would have their order back -ordered, but
it appears that it's much more than that, as 26 pants are in back order.
Each employee is allotted 3 pants, so it is apparent that a total of 12 employees have yet to receive their uniform pants.
Please provide me with a timeline for receipt of the back order.
Lourdes Rodriguez, CPPE
Procurement Supervisor
City of Miami
Purchasing Department
444 S.W. 2 Avenue, 6th Floor
Miami, FL 33130
Tel: (305) 416-1904
Fax: (305) 400-5033
email: lo_rodriguez@m.iamiuov.com
website: www.miamiaov.com_curement
Disclaimer: This e-mail is intended on:' for the ir,dividual;s) or emit y(s) name: within the message. This e-mail might contain legally privileged and
confidential information. )f YOU Properly received this e-maii as a client or retained expert, please hot: it in confidence to protect the attorney-
client or work product piivifeges. Should the intended recipient forward or disclose this message to another person or party, that action could
constitute a waiver of the. attorney-client privilege. If, the reade- of this message is notthe intended recipient, or the agent responsible to deliver it
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communication was received in error we apologize for the intrusion. Please notify us by reply e-mail and raeletethe original message.
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
From: Fernandez, Ariamra
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 1:51 PM
To: Gonzalez, Yusbel; Rodriguez, Lourdes
Cc: De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations)
Subject: RE: Harrison Uniforms
The pants from Harrison arrived yesterday afternoon. According to our stock room the pants are the correct color, there
are however 26 pants in backorder. More than what we were told. Ana informed me that only 3 people will be missing
pants and it's supposed to be 3 per employee.
Gonzalez, Yusbel
From: Cowen, Elizabeth [ECower t�rpfechheimer.com' .
Sent: I'Vlonday, May 04, 2009 4:22 PiM
'To: 'Rodriguez, Lourdes
Cc: Gonzalez, Yusbel; De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations); Fernandez, Ariamna, Oria, Ana
Subject: RE Harrison Uniforms
importance: High
Good afternoon Lourdes,
The facts on this order somehow seems to change according to who you speak t.o. Here are the facts anc 1 carp rrovide.
documentation to support these facts if you would like them. Most of what you will find below was already related to you
during our conversation of April the 15th. This conversation included Ana Ona, the Account Manager for the City of Miami
accounts for this contract.
• PO# 04-05-081-(235) purchase order was received by email on 3/10/2009.
• The order was entered on 3/25/2009. The 10 day delay was during the interim period of time during which the
Account Manager for this contract was terminated and the newly hired Account Manager was getting some facts
down and training in order to handle the account properly. During this time we did determine that there was no
color number for the trousers on the PO and could not enter the order. Arianna was called for this information_ We
then had a temp enter the order to get it in the system.
• By 4/8/2009, Ana, while still ir, training, was able to go over the order to make sure the temp entered the
quantities and the sizes correctly and found information what she considered 'bad' sizes and called Arianna to
question. For instance, one order called for a 35X25 inseam which is outside of the norm and the new Account
Manager did the right thing to call and question some of the sizes on the order. She was advised by Arianna to
deliver the trousers unhemmed that didn't seem right.
• On 4/9,2009, Arianna call Ana to told her to put the order on HOLD and await further instructions.
• On 4/1412009, .Arianna called Ana again and asked if they could go over the sizes on the order together while she
looked at the last year's order to confirm sizes -
• On 4/15/2009, 'Lourdes called Liz Cowen and we (including Ana) discussed the process of the order to date. Ana
gave Lourdes an update detailing the facts as above. Lourdes thanked Ana for questioning what could have been
improper sizes.
• On 4/15/2009 the order was released in the system 'as is' and the purchase order was created and was emailed
to the supplier.
• On 4/17/2009, Ana checked with the supplier on the status of our order and was informed that the order shipped
that day and Ana called Arianna to provide the information.
• On 4121/2009, we received the order in our warehouse and Ana called Arianna to ask if she would like to pick up
since the order arrived. Being new she did not know that we were supposed to snip to the department when
requested. Arianna also requested the order to be bagged and tagged.
• On 4/23/2009, a good portion of the bagging was completed and billed.
• On 4/24/2099, the balance of the order was bagged and billed and those finished orders were shipped on
• There remains today 4 individual backorders as follows: 3 pairs of trousers for Ramon, 3 pairs of Teyuan arid 1
pair of trousers for Fraga. Additionally, there are 5 each size 6XL shirts shipping today. All other backorders will
be delivered before Thursday.
If you need any other information regarding this order please do not hesitate to call me. Thanks you.
Elizabeth Cowen, General Manager
Harrison L117 forms
Flying Gross by Fechhcimcr
3420 1Vu' 7th Street
Miami, Florida 33125
395-542-18,20 or FA) 30S-642-1886
Gonzalez, Yusbel
From: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Sent: Monday, May 04; 2009 4:44 PM
To: Fernandez, Ariamna; De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations)
Cc: Gonzalez, Yusbel
Subject: FW: Harrison Uniforms
lmportanc;e: Hign
Please let us know when the rest of the backorder items arrive,
According to the below email it is schedule for delivery before Thursday.
thank you
Lourdes Rodriguez, CPPB
Procurement Supervisor
City of Miami
Purchasing Department
444 S.W. 2 Avenue, 6th Floor
Miami, FL 33130
Tel: (305) 416-1904
Fax; (305) 400-5033
email: lorodriauez@miamigov.com
website: www.miamigov.com/procurement
Disclaimer: This e-mail is intended only for the individuals) or entity(s) named within the message. This e-mail might contain legally privileged and
confidential information. If you properly received this e-mail as a client or retained expert, please hold It in confidence to protect the attorney-
client or work prociuct privileges. Should the intended recipient forward or disclose this message to another person or party, that action could
constitute a waiver of the attorn- } ciien: privilege. Is the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible to deliver it
to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying or this communication is prohibited by
the sender and to do so might constitute a imla ien of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 1g U.S.C. section 2510-H21. It :his
communication was received it error we apologize for the int, usion. Please notify us by reply e-mail and oeiete the original message.
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
From: Cowen, Elizabeth [mailto:ECowen@fechheirner.com]
Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 4:22 PM
To: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Cc. Gonzalez, Yusbel; De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations); Fernandez, Ariamna; Oria, Ana
Subject: RE: Harrison Uniforms
Importance: High
Good afternoon Lourdes,
The facts on this order somehow seems to change according to who you speak to. Here are the facts and I can provide
documentation to support these facts if you would like them. Most of what you will find below was already related to you
during our conversation of April the 15th. This conversation included Ana Oria, the Account Manager for the City of Miami
accounts for this contract.
• PO# 04-05-081-(235) purchase order was received by email on 3/10/2009.
• The order was entered on 3/25/2009. The 10 day delay was during the interim period of time during which the
Account Manager for this contract was terminated and the newly hired Account Manager was getting some facts
1 �
M'a m'
Use this form to report vendor performance that does not conform to:the terms of the Purchase Order
andior contract or indicates corrective action is required by the Purchasing Department. Note: Once
the form is filled -out please perform a file-SaveAs, and rename it before attaching, sending oi- printing
the form.
DATE. July 2, 2009
DEPARTMENT: Public Facilities
�:�VLEN�DOR: Harrison Uniforms
DIVISION: marinas
PURCHASE ORDER NO.: 04-05-081(10)-1-250
AMOUNT: $375.00
Failure to Furnish Price List/Gaialog
Complainant's Signature) % (i ��.
Place an
"X" in each
box that applies
Late Delivery
Shipment Made Collect
Unauthorized Substitution
Failure to Furnish Price List/Gaialog
Poor Quality of Good
Failure to Replace Damaged Goods
Failure to Respond to Letter
Repair Parts Not Available
or Return Call
Shipment of Used Goods
Poor Service
Shipment of Damaged Goods
Failure to Respond to Service
Shipment or Used Goods
Service Call
Failure to Provide Warranty
Failure to Respond in Timely
Overshipmenl or Undershipment of Goods
Manner to Service '_all
Incorrect Invoice (s)
Failure to Meet Specifcations
Other, Specify.
Poor Workmanship
Otner, Specify:
Specify in detail. Attach a second page if necessary.
Complainant's Signature) % (i ��.
Title: /k/
Date:—� —C> '
Phone No:
Indicate whether Complaint resolved to your sat!sfaction:-Select-
Vendor Notined. ! _ Vendor Meeting' /
Resolved: Yes No Debarred: Yes No
Suspended Yes No
Other Action:
Purchasing Director or Designee
Rodriguez.. Lourdes
From: Busts, Maria
Sent: Thursday, July 96, 2009 7:46 AM
To: Gonzalez, Yusbe!, Rodriguez, Lourdes
Cc: Rath, Michael, Haas, Alina; Bogner, Stephen
Subject. Vendor Performance for Harrison
Attachments: VENDOR PERF. HARRISON.pdf
I recalied because the girls name was Belkis not Bridget. SORRYi!11
Good Morning, I went to Harrison uniforms on July 2nd to try and fix any issues with backorders and invoices.
After a sweep of their warehouse they located 5 pants that were sitting in a box back there since May 8'h I
spoke to Liz and Belkis and advised them about all the issue we are having with a back order of shoes. I gave
her Alina's contact info and Belkis advised me that she would fix everything ASAP. Alina has called her several
times to try to resolve any issues before the end of the FY and she hasn't been able to speak to Bridget nor
has she returned any of Alina's sails.
I had prepared the attached about the day before I went to Harrison but had forgotten to send it to you.
11,22 a1���sto
hlarivas5uper isor
DIIIlhl"KC'L) �ldrll]r9
.305-J7� v9.�0
�z°Rrts9� ,s
Rodriguez, Lourdes
Haas, Aiina
Thursday, July 16, 2009 7:58 AM
Rodriguez, Lourdes; Busto, Maria
Rath, Michael, Bogner, Stephen; Marcos, Glenn
RE: Vendor Performance for Harrison
I'm printing some as I write this and will scan them and forward them to all of you.
In case I'm missing some emaiis, would you go through all of yours and compare them to mine? If I'm missing some you
have, we should attach there as well. Before I send mine over to Purchasing, I'll forward them to you and Stephen and
then you can include yours as well.
Thank you Lourdes, this has been an on-going problem for two years now. We have repeatedly contacted Liz Cowan,
Lynda Stagman, an ex employee of Harrison's by the name of Crystal, I don't recall her 'east name and then we had been
dealing with Ana at Harrison. I am now informed that Ana isn't with the company any more. There is obviously a big
problem with their performance.
Thanks for everyone's cooperation with this on-going problem.
From: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 7:53 AM
To: Busto, Maria
Cc: Rath, Michael; Bogner, Stephen, Haas, Alina; Marcos, Glenn
Subject: RE: Vendor Performance for Harrison
Yes, if you have any emails related to this issue, please forward those as well.
Thank you
Lourdes Rodriguez, CPPB
Procurement Supervisor
City of Miami
Purchasing Department
444 S.W, 2 Avenue, 6th Floor
Miami, FL 33130
Tel: (305) 436-1904
Fax: (305) 400-5033
email: lorodr9uez@1Tliamitgoti-.c_om
website: www.rniamigov.corn/procurement
Disclaimer: This e-mail is intended oniy for the indiv dual(si or entity(s) named within the message. his e-mail might contain legally privileged and
confidential information. If you properly received this e-mail as a client or retained expert, please hold it in con;idence to prctectthe attorney-
client or vvork product privileges. Should the intended recipient forvdard or disclose this message to another, person, or party, that action couid
cor,s,itute a waiver of the attorney-client privilege. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the agent responsibie to deiiver it
to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited by
the sender and to do so might constitute a violation of the Electronic Co:-nmunications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. section 2510-2521. If this
communication vras received it error we apologize for the intrusion. Please notify m by ! eply e-mail and delete the original message.
Please consider the environment before printino this e-mail,
From: Busto, Maria
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 7:53 AM
To: F:odriguez, Lourdes
Cc: Ftath, Michael; Bogner, Stephen; Haas, Nina; Marcos, Glenn
Subject: RE: Vendor Performance for Harrison
Thanks for your help Lourdes, if you need any old emails or anything from me or Alina let me know.
!VC)fi o Brlsto
I�fa�in�s.Supen icor
ri'inn�r �`;c y IM'Ivrii��
305-5�� G950
From: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 7:50 AM
To: Busto, Maria
Cc: Rath, Michael; Bogner, Stephen; Haas, Alina; Marcos, Glenn
Subject: RE: Vendor Performance for Harrison
Yusbel is out on vacation but I will follow-up with Harrisons immediately.
Thank you for completing the vendor performance form and I will get back to you hopefully before the end of the day.
Lourdes Rodriguez, CPPB
Procurement Supervisor
City of Miami -
Purchasing Department
444 S.W. 2 Avenue, 6th Floor
Miami, FL 33130
Tel: (305) 416-1904
Fax: (305) 400-5033
email: lorodriguezrmiamigov.com
website: www.miarnigov.com/nrc)curement
Disclaimer: ?his e-mail is intended oniy for the ind!vidual(s) or entity(s) named within the message. This e-mail might contain legally prix leged and
confidential inforr,ation. If VOL! properly received this e-mail as a client or i etained expert, please hold it in confidence to protect the attorney-
dient or work product privirege s. Should the intender] recipient forward or disclose this message to another person or party, that action could—
ouldconstitute a waiver of '; e attorney-client privilege. If the reader of this message is notthe intended recipient, or the a;ent responsible to deliver it
to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any -eview, dissemination, distrbution or copying Of this communication is prohibited by
the �encicl and tD do milm, constitute +vie, don c; to onlc Communications Privac _t, io .C. sect;o " 510 2527 I` his
communication was received in error we apologize for the intrusion. Please notify us by reply e -mall and delete the original message.
Pteas,,- co.7sicier tl-ie eravironrnent before printing thiS e-mail.
From: B115t0, Muria
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 7:47 AM
To: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Ce: Rath, Michael; Bogner, Stephen; Haas, Alma
Subject: FW: Vendor Performance for Harrison
Please see below, I just say an out office reply from Yusbe' to contact you instead.
ivaria Busfa
,i1'larinas.superr isor
DmnerKey J�aril7a
From: Busto, Maria
Sent: Thursday, July 1.6, 2009 7:46 AM
To: Gonzalez, Yusbel
Ce: Rath, Michael; Haas, Ahna; Bogner, Stephen
Subject: Vendor Performance for Harrison
Good Morning, I went to Harrison uniforms on July 2rd to try and fix any issues with backorders and invoices.
After a sweep of their warehouse they located 5 pants that were sitting in a box back there since May 81h. I
spoke to Liz and Bridget and advised them about all the issue we are having with a back order of shoes. I cave
her Alina's contact info and Bridget advised me that she would fix everything ASAP. Alina has called her
several times to try to resolve any issues before the end of the FY and she hasn't been able to speak to
Bridget nor has she returned any of Alina's calls.
I had prepared the attached about the day before I went to Harrison but had forgotten to send it to you.
2 � 79 j)50
\rf 2C -
Rodriguez, Lourdes
i=rom: Rodriguez, Laurdes
Sent: Thursday, July 16, ` 009 8:29 AIV,
To: 'Cowen, Elizabeth'
Cc: Marcos, Glenn; Gonzaiez, Yusbel; Busio, Maria; Haas, Alina, Bogner, Stephen; Rath, Michael
Subject: Performance
Liz I '""correction"", "` The person's narne from you- firm; is Belkys""`
I have received a complaint from the Marinas that on July 2"', 2009, Maria Busto visited your location in an attempt to
resolve issues on back orders and errors on invoices. After a check of yourr warehouse 5 pants were located that had
been there since May 8`h, and not delivered to the Marinas. Further, Ms. Busto met with you and Belkys and advised
you both of all the issues the Marinas was having with back order of shoes. Ms. Busto provided you with Aiina Haas'
contact information and Belkys ensured Ms. Busto that she would have the issues taken care of ASAP. I understand
that Ms. Haas has made numerous attempts to contact Beikys in order- to resolve these back orders before the end of
the fiscal year, and her attempts to have been unsuccessful. Belkys has failed as o tthis date and time to return Ms. Haas
telephone calls.
it has become apparent in the past few months that performance issues involving Harrison Uniforms are becoming more
and more frequent. Please provide me with an status of the back orders and invoice issues for the Marinas by the end
of business day today.
I will also be instructing Yusbel Gonzalez, Senior Procurement Specialist to send out an email to all the user departments
to immediately involve the Purchasing Department in any further issues with Harrisons Jniform,
Lourdes Rodriguez, CPPB
Procurement Supervisor
City of Miami
Purchasing Department
444 S.W. 2 Avenue, 6th Floor
Miami, FL 33130
Tel: (305) 416-1904
Fax: (305) 400-5033
email: lorodrig uezCc miam igov.corn
website: www.miamigov.comlprocurement
Disclaimer: This e-mail is intended only for the individual(s) or entry(sj named within the message. this e mail might contain le;aily privileged and
confidential information. if you properly recerved this e-mail as a client or retained expert, please hold it in confidence to protect. the 10orney-
client or work product privileges. Should the intended recipient forward or disclose tnis message to another person, or party, that action could
constitute a waiver of the attorney --client privilege. F the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the agent respor-Ne to deriver )T
to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying o' this communication ';s prohibited by
the sender and to do so rnight constitute a violation of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 1B U.S.C. section 2511 0-2521. li this
communication was received if-, error eve apologize for the Intrusion. Please notify us by reply e-mail and delete dre original rnessage,
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
Rodriguez, Lourdes
From: Cowen, Elizabeth [ECowen@fechheimer.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 8:37 AM
To: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Subject: Rte: Performance
Good morning Lourdes,
I will look into the situation you are describing. But please note, I did not meet with Ms. Busto and I am not aware of
anything but that were some back orders she was looking for. i went to the counter to ask Belkis a.question and really just
said hello to Ms. Busio.
I will get back to you with some information after noon time today. Liz
From: Rodriguez, Lourdes[mailto:lorodriguez@miamigov.comj
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 8:29 AM
To: Cowen, Elizabeth
Cc: Marcos, Glenn; Gonzalez, Yusbel; 8usto, Maria; Haas, Alina; Bogner, Stephen; Rath, Michael
Subject: Performance
Liz ******correction****** The person's name from your firm is Belkys******
I have received a complaint from the Marinas that on July 2"d, 2009, Maria Busto visited your location in an attempt to
resolve issues on back orders and errors on invoices. After a check of your warehouse 5 pants were located that had
been there since May 8`h, and not delivered to the Marinas. Further, Ms. Busto met with you and Belkys and advised
you both of all the issues the Marinas was having with back order of shoes. Ms. Busto provided you with Ahna Haas'
contact information and-Belkys ensured Ms. Busto that she would have the issues taken care of ,ASAP.- I understand
that Ms. Haas has made numerous attempts to contact Belkys in order to resolve these back orders before the end of
the fiscal year, and her attempts to nave been unsuccessful. Belkys has failed as of this date and time to return Ms. Haas
telephone calls.
It has become apparent in the past few months that performance issues involving Harrison Uniforms are becoming more
and more frequent. Please provide me with an status of the back orders and invoice issues for the Marinas by the end
of business day today.
I will also be instructing Yusbel Gonzalez, Senior Procurement Specialist to send out an email to all the user departments
to immediately involve the Purchasing Department in any further issues with Harrisons Uniform.
Lourdes Rodriguez, CPPB
Procurement Supervisor
City of Miami
Purchasing Department
444 S.W. 2 Avenue, 6th Floor
Miami, FL 33130
Tel: (305) 416-1904
Fax: (305) 400-5033
email: lorodriquez@miamigov,corn
website: www.miamigov.com, procurement
Disclaimer: This e-f`n6il is intended only for the lndividuaHs) or entity,si named v+,ithin the message. This e-maii might contain `regally p riv le. -ed and
confident4 infc,rmatio:. If you properly received this e-maii as a client cr retained expert, please hold it in confidence to protect the attomey-
Rodriguez, Lourdes
From: Cowen, Elizabetl-i [ECowen(d)'echheimer.com]
Sent: Friday, July 17: 2009 1:18 P[Vi
To: Busto, Maria- r odriguez, Lourdes
Cc: Haas, Alina, Contreras, Carmen
Subject: RE: Sperry T.�pssider
Attachments: ima9e004.jpg, image003.jpq
Female shoes are available in mediurn widths only - 5-'10 and 11IV;
I would be able to order you a 6.5 M.
Would it be possible to send me one email only with, the final decision of what everyone wants from my stock and what
needs to be ordered. That would be most helpful.
Thanks Liz
From: Busto, Maria [mailto:MBusto@miamigov.comJ
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 1:14 PM
To: Cowen, Elizabeth; Rodriguez, Lourdes
Cc: Haas, Alina; Contreras, Carmen
Subject: RE: Sperry Topsider
111 take the 9w that you in stock. 1 had already tried it on when 1 went over to your store. Pat-/ needs a 6.5 but !
don't even know if they come in that size.
. e22,k)BIlsio
:77���101-rods]//Sr pari -SOI'
L1II1]^.Y KOY 1'<a1717c
505-5?J 6P5O
From: Cowen, Elizabeth [mailto:ECowen@fechheimer.com]
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 1:12 PM
To: Busto, Maria; Rodriguez, Lourdes
Cc: Haas, Alina; Contreras, Carmen
Subject: RE: Sperry Topsider
Maria, This is what I have in stock. Please remember that there is a size and half to 2 sizes difference (depending on the
manufacturer', between mens and womens shoes.
Mens in stock
7.5M -1
B.5M -1
S. 5W -2
9W -1
Div 1
10,5V✓ -1
11 W -4
1'1.5W -1
12M -1
Please send me on one email what you want me to ship to you. I will either take out of my stock or order in for you Thanks
From: Bustc, Maria [mailto:MBustola)miamigov.com]
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 12:31 PM
To: Cowen, Elizabeth
Cc: Haas, Alina
Subject: RE: Sperry Topsider
When Patty and 1 went over there we saw that you have the mens one on stool, and we liked them better Do
you have a 9 and a 6'/ in men's on hand. We'll take those if available.
.�laYi c"1 BL7{510
.D,,mj ei" KeV Mar11l a
j05 -.77H 5,950
From: Cowen, Elizabeth [mailto:ECowen@fechheimer.com]
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 12:26 PM
To: Haas, Alina; Contreras, Carmen
Cc: Rodriguez, Lourdes; Busto, Maria; Ramirez, Patricia; Guerra, Elizabeth
Subject: RE: Sperry Topsider
OK thanks
From: Haas, Alina [mailto:AHaas@cl.,.,,ami.fl.us]
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 12:25 PM
To: Cowen, Elizabeth; Contreras, Carmen
Cc: Rodriguez, Lourdes; Busto, Maria; Ramirez, Patricia; Guerra, Elizabeth
Subject: RE; Sperry Topsider
That's fine; we'll have all the info. for you on Monday and will forward.
From: Cowen, Elizabeth[mailto:ECowen@fechhein-rer.com]
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 12:23 PM
To: Haas, Alina; Contreras, Carmen
Cc: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Subject: RE: Sperry Topsider
Hi Alina,
I cannot order the shoes until I have all of the information from everyone as I am going to ask for 2nd day shipping on this
order. i am out of the office on Monday at a conference, so if I get everyone's sizes on one email on Monday then i can
order them on Tuesday when I get back to the office. Will this work for you? Liz
From: Haas, Alina [mailto:AHaas@ci.miami.fLus]
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 12:20 PM
To: Cowen, Elizabeth
Cc: Busto, Maria; Ramirez, Patricia; Guerra, Elizabeth
Subject: RE: Sperry Topsider
You can go ahead and order the 7-9/2M for myself. Patty and Elizabeth are not in today so they wiU have to get back to
you. Mari do you want your's in M or not???
From: Cowen, Elizabeth [mai!to:ECowen@fechheimer.com]
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 12:18 PM
To: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Cc: Haas, Alina
Subject: Sperry Topsider
Lourdes and Alina,
These shoes are available in medium widths only
5-10 and I IM
Do you want me to order the requested wides in medium for you? Please let me know. Thanks Liz
From: Rodriguez, Lourdes [mailto:lorodriguez@miamigov.com]
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 10:53 AM
To: Cowen, Elizabeth
Cc: Haas, Alina
Subject: RE: Current Issues
Again, thank you.
Lourdes Rodriguez, CP1PB
Procurement Supervisor
City of Miami
Purchasing Department
444 S.W. 2 .Avenue, 6th Floor
Miami, FL 33130
Tel: (305) 416-1904
ax: (305) 400-5033
email: lorod riy uez@miam igov.com
website: v✓ww.miamigov.com/nrocurement
Disclaimer: This e-mail is intended only for the individuai(s) nr entity(s) named udithir,, the message. This e-mail might contain ie -alk, privileged and
confidential information. If you properly received this e -mai! as a client or retained expert, please hold it in confidence to protect the attorney-
client or work product privileges. Should the intended recipient forward or disclose this message to another person party, that action could
constitute a waiver of the attorney-client privilege. ii the reader cf this message is not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible to deliver it
to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination:, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited by
the sender and to do so might constitute a violation of the Electronic Communications Privacy i�ct, 18 U.S.C. section 2510-2521. If this
communication was received in error we apolomc for the intrusion. Please notify us by reply e-mail and delete the original message.
Please consider the environnient before printing this e-mail.
From: Cowen, Elizabeth [mailto:ECowen@fechheimer.com]
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 10;52 AM
To: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Cc: Haas, Alina
Subject: RE: Curren" Issues
I am working on this issue right now, i will have an answer on delivery by the end of the day. Liz
From: Rodriguez, Lourdes [mai(tc:iorodriguez@miamigov.com]
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 10:50 AM
To: Cowen, Elizabeth
Cc: Haas, Alina
Subject: FW: Current Issues
Please see the email from the Marinas below, can you provide information on her statement.
Thank you
Lourdes Rodriguez, CPPB
Procurement Supervisor
City o7 Miami
Purchasing Department
444 S.W. 2 Avenue, 6th Floor
Miami, FL 33130
Tel: (305) 416-1904
Fax: (305) 400-5033
email: iorodriguezCmiamigov.com
website: www.miamigov.com/procurement
Disclaimer: 7 his e-mail is intended only for the individualist or entity(s) named within the message. This e -mall might contain legally privileged and
confidential information. If you properly received this e-mail as a client or retained expert, please hold it in confidence to protect the attorney-
client or work product pridiieges. Should the intended' recipient forward or disclose this message to another person or- party, that action could
constitute a waiver of the attorney-client privilege, if the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible to deriver it
to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited by
the sender and to do o i7 ign' onstitute a v . _.ion of the Piectroriic Communications Privacy Ac , C.S.C. section 2520-2521. If this
con-imunication was received in error vie apologize for the intrusion. Pleas_= notify us oy reply e-mail and delete the original message.
f Please consider- the environment before printing this e-mail.
From: Haas, Alina
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 10:49 AM
To: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Subject: RE: Current Issues
They are Sperry sneakers and we ordered them last year and got them, if they are now discontinued that's a different
issue. They are on the punch out in Oracle the only difference is they had men's and women's.
From: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Sent: Friday, July 17, 20D9 10:43 AM
To: Haas, Alina
Subject: RE: Current Issues
Do you know the model number or name of the shoes, Ms. Cowen is stating that Sperry does not have women sizes and
I want to verify this information.
Thank you
Lourdes Rodriguez, CPPB
Procurement Supervisor
City or Miami
Purchasing Department
444 S.W. 2 Avenue, 6th Floor
Miami, PL 33130
Tel: (305) 416-1904
Fax: (305) 400-5033
email: lorodri_uez«(miamm�o_v,com
website: www.mtarnigov.corn/procurement
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confidential information. if you properly received this e-mail as a client or retained expert, please hold it in confidence to protect the at[erney-
client or work product privileges. Should the intended recipient forviard or disclose ,his messag+tf to another person or party, that action could
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he sender and to do so might constitute a violation of the Electronic Communications Privacy A_ -t; 1,S U.S.C. section 2510-2521. If this
communication was received in error vie apoloFgize for the intrusion. Please notify us by reply e-mail and deiete the original rnessage.
iil Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
From: Haas, Alma
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 10:32 AM
To: Busto, Maria; Rodriguez, Lourdes
Cc: Cowen, Elizabeth; Marcos, Glenn; Gonzalez, Yusbel; Bogner, Stephen; Newhoff, Daniel
Subject: kE: Current Issues
We are missing four (4) pair of ladies Sperry's. i he sizes are 8-1/2W, 7-1W
/2, 101 1, and 8-1/2W. Should you need any
other information, please let me know.
From: Busto, Maria
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 4:30 PM
To: Rodriguez, Lourdes; Haas, Alina
Cc: Cowen, Elizabeth; Marcos, Glenn; Gonzalez; Yusbel; Haas, Alina; Bogner, Stephen; Newhoff, Daniel
Subject: Re: Current Issues
.glum would you please advise, the shoe sizes that we are missing?
I already had told Belkis that there us no one at the marinas with a size D when she told me that this was the
only thing we had on backorder.
Thanks for your help
Sent fiom Mari's iPhone.
On Jul 16, 2009, at 4:16 PM, "Rodriguez, Lourdes" <lorodriauez(>r�miEuniQov.com> wrote:
Regardless of the employee issues encountered by Harrisons Uniform your firm has ar obligation to
adhere to the terms, delivery schedules and conditions of the contract with the City of Miami, and this is
not occurring.
Upon Yusbel Gonzalez' return from vacation I will be requesting that he schedule a meeting between
your firm, our director and both Yusbel and I to address these issues.
Lourdes Rodriguez, CPPB
Procurement Supervisor
City of Miami
Purchasing Department
444 S.W. ? Avenue, 6th Floo.
Miami, Fl- 33.1.30
el: (305) 416-1904
Fax: (305) 400-5033
email: iorociriquez(a)miamigov.com
website: wv✓w.rniamigov.com/procurement
Disclaimer: This e-mail is intended only for the individual(s) or entity(s) named within the message. This e-mail might contain
leg211y privileged and confidential information. if you properly received this e-mail as a client or retained expert, please hold it
in confidence to protect the attorney-client or work product privileges. Should the intended recloient forward or disclose this
message to another person or party, that action could constitute a waiver of the attorney-cii^nt privilege. If the reader of this
rnessage ;s not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified
that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited by the sender and to do so might
constitute a violation ofthe Electronic Communications Privacy Act, IS U.S.C, section 2510-252.1-, It this communication was
received in error we apologize for the intrusion. Please notify us by reply e-mail and delete the original message.
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
From: Cowen, Elizabeth [mailto:ECowen@fechheimer.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 3:31 PM
To: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Subject: FW: Current Issues
Importance: High
Please find below an emaii that sent to Yusbel Gonzalez last week. All of the issues we are having with
the City of Miami Work Clothes accounts is due to absolutely incredible error filled ineptness of the
employee who was handling all of your accounts. She was someone with prior experience with this
industry and I am overwhelmed at the havoc she has created for us and for the customers. The issue you
brought to our attention this morning with the Miami Marinas also concerns this employee.
The order in question with the Sperry Topsider shoes is as follows. we have found five pairs of Topsiders
mixed in with other inventory which are the shoes that belong to Miami Marinas. I do remember that these
shoes were returned to us for female styles and instead of crediting the shoes through the system back to
the department Ms Oria didn't nothing so there was no way for anyone to know about them. This was not
discovered until this morning. These shoes are not available in female sizes and the Marinas I believe
were told this, at least I informed Ms Oria of this fact and I do not know if she passed it on. We will be
issuing a credit for these five pairs today. There is one pair of size 13 Sperry Topsiders which are on our
backorder report but I don't b.. _.ve this is the size that Nis. Busto wants bL,. Jae have not been told what
size she would rather have.
The package with the trousers were on the shelf as you stated. This one bag was overlooked and we
apologize. It should have been shipped.
As soon as we get some additional information form Mario Busto. I will handle the female shop issue. with
Liz Cowen
Elizabeth Cowen, General Manager
Harrison Uniforms
Flying Cross by Fechheimer
3420 lIAKI 7t1a Street
Miami, Florida 33125
30_�-642-1820 or FAX 305-642-1886
From: Cowen, Elizabeth
Sent; Thursday, July 09, 2009 11:10 AM
To: 'Gonzalez, Yusbel'
Cc: Contreras, Carmen
Subject: Current Issues
Importance: High
Good morning Yusbel,
I wanted to make you aware that Ana Oria is no longer with the company. In the four months she was
here she was handling all of the -City ofMiamiwork clothes contracts accounts including Miami Fire in
addition to a couple of other accounts.
While we strive for zero errors they unfortunately de occur in the normal course of handling and entering
orders. We are experiencing higher than expected errors related to Ms. Oria's work. 'Ale have been
taking steps to correct her work regarding wrong style numbers and color of garments, sizes etc that have
been entered and delivered improperly . This of course is causing customer dissatisfaction and tripling
our work load to correct and redeliver merchandise and credit and rebill invoices.
1 am sorry for this situation. I _... committed to getting work entered correc.,,, and on a timely basis to
provide the highest quality customer service possible. Carmen Contreras, our former Assistant Manager
is back with us and we are very happy at her return. While she returns to the position of Assistant
Manager she will be handling the accounts that Ana had which includes the City of Miami accounts until
further notice.
r ease let me know if there is anything I do to help with any issues that may come to your attention.
Best regards, Liz Cowen
Elizabeth Cowen, General Manager
Harrison Uniforms
Fiying Cross by Fechheimer
3420 NW 7th Street
Miami, Florida 33125
305-642-1x20 or FAX 305-642-1886
IV[ � r/ n ���
Rodriguez, Lourdes
Frnno: Haas' A]ina
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 9:25 AM
To: 'Cowen. Elizabeth'
Cc Busbo, k4aha' Fucini.Ton� GonzalecYusbeL -Rodriguez, Lourdes,- Bogner, Stephen
Subject: P E:
From: Cowen, Elizabeth [ma [Ito:ECowen@fechheimer.com]
Gent: Satuuday, July 18, 2009 9:D1 AM
To: Haas,A|ina
Subject: RE:
4Jina. | found the ohgino| PO in our order receiving inbox but | have to have someone at the offioe }ouk for the order. \
couldn't find itbythe employee's name / will forward hzsomeone atthe office. Thanks Liz
From: Haas, A|ina[muiho:AHaas@c.miamiO.us]I
Sent Saturday, July 18,20098S6AM
To: Cowen, Elizabeth; Contreras, Carmen
Cc: Busto,Moho; FuciniTony; Gonzalez, Yuube|;Rodriguez, Lourdes; Bogner, Stephen
Subject: RE:
The P{}#isO4^D5'O81(1O)i`2S1, This ioan order that Maria Bustoplace, The omahondate ofthe order io May 4'2OO8�
Thank you
From: Cowen, Elizabeth [mailto:ECowen@fechheimer.cum]
Sent: Satunday, July 18, 2009 8:48 AM
To: Haas, A]ino;Contreras, Carmen
Co: Busto Maria; Fudni,Tony Gonzalez Yusbel,- Rodriguez, Lourdes; Bogner, Stephen
Subject: RE:
Good morning AUno.
Can you give me a purchase order# sc) I can look in my system? Thanks Liz
From: Haas, Haos,/Uinohnaiko:AHaasgPc.miamij].us)
Gant Saturday, July 18, 2009 8:26 AM
To: Cowen, Elizabeth
Cc Busto, Maria; Fucini,Tony; Gonzalez, Yusbe|; Rodriguez Lourdes; Bogner, Stephen
Subject FW:
Here isanother order for Dinner Key Marina that was placed awhile ago and wead||haven't received the items. Would
you please let uuknow when wevvU|receive them?
Thank you
Visit our wb—ite for business opportunities at: www.ci.rniamiJLusrprocurem ent
City Of Miami
04-05-081(10)-1 291 Nwnber Date
- ��� _ ���,
c ` o
Blanket Release
Department of Purchasing
P.O. Box 330 %Of3 Miami, Florida 33233-0708
(305) 416-1900/1922 FAX (305) 416- 925
t Sn w Ilvs n ember un ally n nes, invoires, and shippinc, papers. n
,- - ---j
Page 1Vo.�Order Date Bid/Contract Number
of? �°/Ouz009
L -- —
Yusbel Gonzalez
Taxpayer ID
Supplier No.
Telephone No.
City of Miam - Dinner Key Marina
3400 Pan American Drive
Miami, FL- 33133
Harrison Uniforms Co.
3420 NW 7th Street
Miami, FL 33127
— ——�
City of Miami - Finance - General Accouniinq
Cotton, 3% Lycra. Mfr: Sportif, Mfr. Item Number 630170. Sizes: 30 to 46.
444 SW 2nd Ave, Gth Floor
Miami, FL 33130
Customer Account Number
Delivery Date: 24 -MAY -2009 00:00:00
Effective Start Date
Effective End Date
Total Agreement Limit
Uniforms, Citywide. Taclite Pro Pants, Lightweight Material: 65% Polyester,
Vendor Instructions
1. Florida Tax Exempt ID: 85-801 2740 1 25C-1
- - —
Ship Via:
221040- PF -Dinner Key Marina
2. invoices: Direct Invoices in Duplicate to the address shov,n above.
3. Terms and conditions set forth in our Bid or Quotation and on the
Payment Terms:
Net 30
Description/Delivery Description/DeliveryDate
j Div
Unit PriceExtended
Uniforms, Citywide- Captain's Stretch Cargo Shorts. 65% Polyester, 3290
Cotton, 3% Lycra. Mfr: Sportif, Mfr. Item Number 630170. Sizes: 30 to 46.
Delivery Date: 24 -MAY -2009 00:00:00
Uniforms, Citywide. Taclite Pro Pants, Lightweight Material: 65% Polyester,
35 Poly Cotton Ripstop. Mir:.5 11, Mfr. Item# 74273, Sizes 28-44.
Delivery Date: 24 -MAY -2009 00:00:00
Total Amount:
05-0659 FROM BID 04-05-081.
Requisition Number:
Vendor Instructions
1. Florida Tax Exempt ID: 85-801 2740 1 25C-1
- - —
Ship Via:
221040- PF -Dinner Key Marina
2. invoices: Direct Invoices in Duplicate to the address shov,n above.
3. Terms and conditions set forth in our Bid or Quotation and on the
Payment Terms:
Net 30
Contact Person:
Rodriauez, Daniel A
reverse side hereof are incorporated herein by referenc^ oecome
part of this order
Telephone Number
C': �, I
t LJ: fvff,tiami
C FN/PC 506 Rev. 12/05
oracle iProcurenlent Ueda
Pa -e 1 01 1
Shopl)iny Cat1 Home mtrjn ncr„= Hetp
Shop ;:'' Regilisit 011e ` Receiving
Requisition Information Approvers Review A: Submit
Uieckou+: review and Subrnii (requisition
a�.e Prinlabl� -aged 6acic l Step J of d Subrnll '
Requisition 40526: Total '97.413 USD
Created By
Rodriguez, Daniel A
Creation Date
05-04-2009 12:59:58
Uniforms, Citywide. -1aclite Fro
Pants, Lightweight Material: 65%
Polyester, 35% Poly Cotton
Ripstop. Mfr: 5.11, Mfr. Item)f
74273, Sizes 28-44.
Uniform shorts and pants for new employee
Angel Serra at Dinner Key Marina. Pant size 38x30,
shorts size 38 waist.
Requisition Attachments
File Name Type Description
Category Last Updated By
Last Updated Usage
Update Delete Publish to Catalog
No results round.
Details Line Description
Center Unit Quantity Price (USD) Attachments
'Uniforms, Citywide. T aclite Pro Pants, Lightweight
Hide 1 Material 65%
Po'ryester, 351/ Poly Cotton Ripstop. Mfr'
22104D (Each
1 37.5 USD 37.50
5.11, Mfr Item#74273,
Sizes 28-44.
Rodriguez, Daniel A
Deliver -To Location
221D40 -Dinner Key Marina
Need -By Date
05-24-2009 00:00:01)
Destination -f ype
)tem Number
Harrison Uniforms Co.
Category Description
Pants, Slacks, Trousers, Shorts,
Supplier Site
Jeans, Etc,
Supplier Contact
Cowan, Elizabeth
P -Card Used
Contact Phone
305 572-1240
Supplier Item
Billing Information
Project Task Award E)cpenditure Expenditure expenditure D
Charge Account Number Number Number Type Organization Item Date Percent number
04002.221040.552200.0000.00000 100
Uniforms, Citywide. Captain's Stretch Cargo Shorts 65
Si� 2 Poiyester, 32% Cotton, 3%Lyons, Mfr: Sportif, Mfr. Item .221040 Each; 4 39.99 USD 159.90
Number 630170. Sizes: 30 to 46.
Total 197.46
have ;Printable Pane j Back Step 3 0f 3 i Submit '
Shop Requisitions I Receiving I Shop)p ng Come art I HI Logout. I Preferences I Help
Copyright (c) 2006, C ade. All rights reserved _ - - - - - - - -- - -- - - Pri,1acy Sletement
rn n TTTM i r /riashr-x/nrn-/srnnr.-. 5/4/2009
M,, r ; n e, S
Rodriguez, Lourdes
From: Haas, Nina
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 2:28 PM
To: 'Contreras, Carmen; Cowen, Elizabeth
Cc: Busto, Maria; Fucini, Tony; Rodriguez, Lourdes; Gonzalez, Yusbel; Bogner, Stephen
Subject: RE: Harrison Uniforms - Miami -Invoice
Thank you Carmen.
From: Contreras, Carmen[mailto:ccontreras@fechheimer.com]
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 2:27 PM
To: Cowen, Elizabeth; Haas, Alina
Cc: Busto, Maria; Fucini, Tony; Rodriguez, Lourdes; Gonzalez, Yusbel; Bogner, Stephen
Subject: RE: Harrison Uniforms - Miami -Invoice
Hi Alina,
We did not receive the final sizes till July 22,2009 in which we placed that order that day to be shipped two day air. They
arrived today and will be shipped out today.
Thank you for your patience,
Carmen Contreras
Asst. Manager
Harrison Uniforms
From: Cowen, Elizabeth
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 2:05 PM
To: 'AHaas@d.miami.fl.us'
Cc: 'MBusto@miamigov.com'; 'tfudni@miamigov.com'; 'lorodrig uez@miamigov.com';
'sbogner@cLmiami.fl.us'; Contreras, Carmen
Subject: Re: Harrison Uniforms - Miami -Invoice
Please include Carmen Contras on all future emails. I am very ill and cannot respond.
From: Haas, Alina <AHaas@ci.miami.f1.us>
To: Cowen, Elizabeth
Cc: Busto, Maria <MBustoCwmiamigov.com>; Fucini, Tony <tfuciniC@miamigov,com>; Rodriguez, Lourdes
<lorodrig uez@miamigov.com>; Gonzalez, Yusbel <YGonzalez@miamigov.com>; Bogner, Stephen
Sent: Mon Jul 27 09:50:04 2009 - - - - -
Subject: FW: Harrison Uniforms - Miami -Invoice
Good morning Liz,
Here is another invoice that we received for items that haven't been physically received. Please correct your records
accordingly. Also what is the status of the four (4) missing pair of shoes?
From: Haas, Alina
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 8:50 AM
To: Busto, Maria
Rodriguez, Lourdes
From: Cowen, Elizabetn [ECowen@fechheimer.com]
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 2:05 PM
To: Haas, Alina
Cc: Busto, Maria; Fucim;, Tony; Rodriguez, Lourdes; Gonzalez, Yusbel; Bogner, Stephen;
Contreras, Carmen
Subject: Re: Harrison Uniforms - Miami -Invoice
Please include Carmen Contras on all future emails. I am very ill and cannot respond.
From: Haas, Alina <AHaas@ci.miami.fl.us>
To: Cowen, Elizabeth
Ce: Busto, Maria <MBusto@miamigov.com>; Fucini, Tony <tfucini@miamigov.com>; Rodriguez, Lourdes
<iorodrig uez@miamigov,com>; Gonzalez, Yusbel <YGonzalez@miamigov.com>; Bogner, Stephen
Sent: Mon Jul 27 09:50:D4 2009
Subject: FW: Harrison Uniforms - Miami -Invoice
Good morning Liz,
Here is another invoice that we received for items that haven't been physically received. Please correct your records
accordingly. Also, what is the status of the four (4) missing pair of shoes?
From: Haas, Alina
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 8:50 AM
To: Busto, Maria
Cc: Fucini, Tony
Subject: FW: Harrison Uniforms - Miami -Invoice
Good morning,
Please check to see if this was physically received.
From: Invoice[mai Ito: accountsreceivabie@fechheimer.comI
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 8:29 AM
To: Haas, Alina
Subject: Harrison Uniforms - Miami -Invoice
Please see the attached .PDF document for invoices associated with your most recent shipments. These are for
your account # 198CM018. The invoices included are:
Invoice No. Order No. Cust PO #
365453 292099-0 04-05-081
Please do not respond to this email. If there are questions, please contact your accounts receivable
representative at 1-800-873-5417.
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Gonzalez, Yusbel
From: Cowen, Elizabeth [ECowen@fechheimer.com]
Sent: Monday August 1-17 6:06 PM
To: Gonzalez, Yusbel; Contreras, Carmen
Cc: DeFalco, Yarenis; Alfonso, Jessica; Rodriguez, Lourdes; Marcos, Glenn
Importance: High
Both Carmen and I looked into our own computers and we do not show a record of ever receiving your release number
#230. However, we able to locate the order in another place in a different computer. We will act on it immediately.
Effective immediately, we will begin sending sales order acknowledgments to all orders placed through the Work Clothes
contract . Please send to me a list of email addresses for each unit that orders, i.e. Miami Marina, Code Enforcement,
Community Relations Board etc. They will each receive this acknowledgement so they are assured the order has been
received anc it is entered to their satisfaction.
Thank you for your assistance with this. Liz Cowen
Elizabeth Cowen, General Manager
Harrison Uniforms
Flying Cross by Fechheimer
3420 NVI 7th Street
Miami, Florida 33125
305-642-1820 or FAX 305-642-2886
From: Gonzalez, Yusbel [mailto:YGonzalez@miamigov.com]
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 3:16 PM
To: Contreras, Carmen; Cowen, Elizabeth
Cc: DeFalco, Yarenis; Alfonso, Jessica; Rodriguez, Lourdes; Marcos; Glenn
Importance: High
The Purchase Order has been resent to: MPD@fechheimer.com Please confirm as soon as you receive it.
This PO was emailed to Harrison Uniforms on February 26, 2009 at 8:48 A.M. it has been over 6 months and this order
has yet to be completed.
Yusbel Gonzalez, CPPB
Senor Procurement Specialist (Commodity Team 2)
City of Miami
Pnrchasing Dept.
Office: 305-416-1958
Fax: 306-400-5104
e-mail: )onzalezC?miamigov.com
The information contain ea in this transmit, in may contain privileged and confidentiaf infon,,._:ion. If is intended only for the use of the
person(s) named above. IF you are not the intended recipient; You are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution, or
duplication of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately contact the sender by
reply E-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. Thank you.
'Please Note:
Due to Florida's very broad public records law, most written communications to or from City of Miami empioyees regarding City
business are public records, available to the public and media upon request. Therefore, this e-mail communication may be subject to
public disclosure.
From: Alfonso, Jessica
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 2:47 PM
To: Gonzalez, Yusbel
Cc: DeFaico, Yarenis; Contreras, Carmen
Hello Yusbel,
Could you please provide me with a copy of Purchase Ordei No. 04-05-081(10)-1-230? They apparently did not receive
the PO request.
Thank you!
JOSSlCG7 _q fO7,uS0
Administrative Assistant I
City of Miami
Management & Budget
From: DeFaico, Yarenis
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 2:36 PM
To: Alfonso, Jessica
Cc: Contreras, Carmen
Is there any other way of providing a vendor with a purchase order number, other than providing them with a copy of
the requisition? Please see Carmen Contreras' (Harrison Unirforms)
e-mail below.
Jenny De Falco
3 16-2575- Fax
From: Contreras, Carmen[mailto:ccontreras@fechheimer.com]
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 2:32 PM
To: DeFaico, Yarenis
We usually print out the PO to have for our records. Can Yesbel send us a copy of the PO? It looks like it never went into
our system. We never did orders on requisition request forms_
From, DeFalco, Yarenis [mailto:ydiazCa)miamigov.com]
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 2:22 PM
To: Contreras, Carmen
What I circled is the P.O. There is no other way i can provide you the purchase order number. This is it. It has never been
a problem in the past.
Jenny De Falco
vdefalco anmiamig.ov.com
From: Contreras, Carmen [mailtc:ccontreras@fechhei mer. corn]
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 2:19 PM
To: DeFalco, Yarenis
Hi Yarenis,
I was told that I must have a copy of the PO to process this order. Below is only the Requisition.
thanks and sorry for any inconvience this may have caused.
Carmen Contreras
From: DeFalco, Yarenis fmailto:ydiaz@miamigov.coml
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 3:20 PM
To: Contreras, Carmen
Thank you.
Jenny De Falco
.�iQJ-416-2576- `ax
From: Contreras, Carmen [mai Ito; ccontreras@fechheime-,.com]
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 3:08 PM
To: DeFalco, Yarenis
Hi Yarenis,
Your hats came in today and ready for pickup. As for the shirts i can see that there was a Po assigned to your requistion. i
will use this PO number to fill your, shirt order in. I will try and see how fast I car get them done for you.
Thank you and have a great weekend.
From-, DeFaico, Yarenis [mailtc:ydia_,:umiamigov.CDMJ
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 12:34 PM
To: Contreras, Carmen
Hi Carmen,
Below you will seethe orderfoi-the medium shirts. Can you piease tell me what the status for the caps is?
Duscap,ion Long Sleelle ShirlB i0f
Ctualpzj 5v Afforlso, Jessic�s A
lreilrnn ait 0212512001-4 09,52i20 w` -h i qe
Y Of LEVIni - �01741TVJIIjty Rpiatirill, Brinrd 44A
1;VV 2n(I Avv,,, 7th-FlooT MnTm1FL!321"1 et a
jasiE;a; ior--, Lang,5ie-eve t-i.Mm requesve(I by CRS offluf", Note
NOTE: No PATIEC) 3-equ-ired.
Thank you,
Jenny De Falco
From: Contreras, Carmen [mailto:ccontreras@fechheimer.comJ
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 6:34 PM
To: DeFalcc, Yarenis
Cc: Cowen, Elizabeth
Hi Yarenis,
I've researched through our system anc it doesn't show that PO#. Can you please send me a copy of that PO so I can get
those shirts done for you The last PO number in our records shows ending in 229.
From: DeFalco, Yarenis [mailto:ydiaz@miamigov.com]
Sent: Monday, August 03, 2009 11:52 AM
To: Contreras, Carmen
Hi Carmen,
Were you able to locate the two missing medium shirts? Also, can you provide a status on the caps?
Jenny De Falco
3c-5-4 -16- 1 03Z
305-41 c,-257&- F a;;
From: DeFalco, Yarenis
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 12:24 PM
To: 'Contreras, Carmen'
We also placed an order for 2 medium long-sleeved shirts and we never received it. The P.Q. number was 04-05-
081(10)-1-230. Can you please check or, the status of that as well?
Thank you,
Jenny De Falco
3'-)---,-4-, 6- 1 01134
30-5-416-2575- Fax
vdefalco(B miamigov.com
From: Contreras, Carmen [mailto:ccontreras@fechheimer.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 11:17 AM
To: DeFalco, Yarenis
Ok thank you I will be waiting for the info to research farther.
From: DeFalco, Yarenis [mailtc:ydiaz@miamigov.comJ
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 9:54 AM
To: Contreras, Carmen
Cc: Alfonso, Jessica
Hi Carmen,
I've requested that Jessica from our Budget Department provide me with the P.O. number for the badge order. As soon
as I hear from her I will forward the information to you.
Thant: you,
.fenny De Falco
ydefa (con miamipov.com
From: Contreras, Carmen[mailto:ccontreras@fechheimer.com
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2009 12:07 PM
To: DeFalco, Yarenis
Hi Jenny,
My name is Carmen and I'm handling for the time being all of Ana's accounts. The status on the caps is that they are
at the-screener/emb. as soon as I get them in will let you know. As fo the 2 acrylic badges I'm still researching. Can you
please let me know what the PO# is for that order.
Thank You,
Carmen Contreras
Asst. Manager
Harrison Uniforms
City of ami
Blanket Release
Department of Purchasing
n lO. Box 330708 Miami; Florida 32113 0708
(305) 416-1900/1922 FAX (305) 416-1925
Taxpayer ID Supplier No. Telephone No.
591323123 2356 642-182D
jj[Harnso-i Uniforms Cc
3420 NW 7th Street
Miami, FL 33127
Customer Account Number
Effective Start Date
nines at: wwvv.cl.inldini.11
04 -05-D81(10)-1 1230
Show this number on all packages, invoices, and shipping papers
Unit Price
iPage� No.
Orde, Date
'Bid/Contract Number
1 of 2
Yusbel Gonzalez
j1jFCitypf [Viami - Community Relations Board
444 SW 2nd Ave., 7th Fioor
Miami, FL 311131-
City of Miami - Finance - General Accounting
444 SW 2nd Ave, 6th Floor
Miami, c_ ,3130
Effective End Date
Total Agreement Limit
70B: (Requisition Number:
Destination 137259
1. Florida Tax Exempt ID: 85-80127401250-1
Ship Via:
2. Invoices: Direct Invoices in Duplicate to the address shown above.
Description/Delive, y Date
Unit Price
Extended Price_
313 1
IUniforms, Citywide. Women's Blouses. Long Sleeve, Medium. Mfg. Name:
iEdwards. Mfg. Style No: 5070-X. Cloth Mills & No: 5070-X. Fabric Content:
160,40 Cotton; Dac. Weight: 4.25 oz.
C �FN/PC 506 Rev. 12/05 I
'Shipment Note: 1 Medium Blue (color #01)
Medium Wnite (color 900)
The shirts should have the City Seal embroidered in navy blue `
Delivery Date: 17 -MAR -2009 60:00:00
96278 00
Uniforms, Citywide. Optional Items. Embroidery: City Logo.
Shipment Note: 1 Medium Blue (color #01)
1 Medium White (color #001
The shirts should have the City Seal embroidered in navy blue'
Date: 17 -MAR -2009 00:OD:00
Total Amount:
FROM BID 04-05-081,
70B: (Requisition Number:
Vendor Instructions
Destination 137259
1. Florida Tax Exempt ID: 85-80127401250-1
Ship Via:
2. Invoices: Direct Invoices in Duplicate to the address shown above.
231000 - Strategic Planning Budgeting
3. Terms anc conditions set forth in our Bid or Quotation and on the
Payment Terms:
Contact Person.:
reverse side hereof are incorporated herein by reference become
Net 30
Alfonso. Jessica A
part of this order
Telephone Number-
C �FN/PC 506 Rev. 12/05 I
1 ACCEPTANCE OF PURCHASE ORDER: H, rchase Order is given for immediate acceptance by i— VENDOR. Unless promptly notified to the
contrary, the CITY will assume the VENDOR accepts the order as written and will make delivery as specified on the document.
2, ENTIRE AGREEMENT: All specifications, drawings, and data submitted to the VENDOR with this order or the solicitation for this order are hereby
incorporated herein and made a part hereof. This contract contains the entire agreement of the parties. No charge in quantities, prices, specifications,
terms, or shipping instructions will be allowed except on written authority of the CITY of Miami Purchasing Department. Any additional or different terms
and conditions proposed by VENDOR are objected to and hereby rejected unless specifically agreed to by the CITY.
3. INDEMNIFICATION: The VENDOR hereby agrees to indemnify, save, and hold harmless the CITY from all claims, demands, liabilities, and suits of
any nature whatsoever arising out of, because of, or due to the breach of the Agreement by the VENDOR, its agents or employees, or due to any act or
occurrence of omission or commission of the VENDOR, its agents employees. It is specifically understood and agreed trial this indemnification
agreement does not cover or indemnify the CITY for its own negligence or breach of contract.
4. MODIFICATION: The CITY may by written Order, make changes in the specifications if such changes are within the generai scope of the Contract. If
such changes cause an increase or decrease in the VENDOR'S costs or in time required for performance of the Contract: (a) the VENDOR shall
promptly notify the CITY and assert its claim for adjustment and an equitable adjustment shall be made by the CITY anc the Contract modified
accordingly. Nothing in this clause shall excuse the VENDOR from performing.
5. DEFAULT: Time is of the essence of this contract and if delivery of acceptable items or rendering of services is not completed by the time promised,
the CITY reserves the right without liability, in addition to its other rights and remedies, to terminate this contract by notice effective when received by
VENDOR; as to stated items not yet shipped or services not yet rendered, and to purchase substitute items or services elsewhere and charge the
VENDOR with any and all losses incurred.
E. TRANSPORTATION CHARGES: Transportation expenses for all shipments shall be prepaid to destination. Shipments sent C.O.D. or freight collect
without the CITY'S written consent wil' not be accepted and will, at VENDOR'S risi< and expense be returned to VENDOR. No charges will be allowed by
the CITY for transportation, packing, cartage or containers unless otherwise authorized in the Purchase Order.
7. UNAVOIDABLE DELAY: If the VENDOR is delayed in the delivery of goods purchased under the Purchase Order by a cause beyond its control,
VENDOR must immediately upon receiving knowledge of such delay, give written notice to the CITY and request an extension of time. The CITY shall
examine the request and determine if the VENDOR is entitled to an extension.
8. QUANTITY: Quantities furnished in excess of those specified in the Purchase Order will not be accepted and will be held at VENDOR'S risk and
9. INSPECTION: Materials or equipment purchased are subject to inspection and approval at the CITY'S destinatinn. The CITY reserves the right tc
reject and refuse acceptance of items which are not in accordance with the instructions, specifications, drawings, or data of VENDOR'S warranty
(expressed or implied). Rejected materials or equipment shall be removed by, or at the expense of, the VENDOR promptly after rejection.
10. WARP.ANTY: The VENDOR warrants that all goods and services furnished hereunder will conform in all respects to the terms of this order, including
any drawings, specifications, or standards incorporated herein, and that they will be free from latent and patent defects in materials, workmanship and
title, and will be free from such defects in design. In addition, VENDOR warrants that said goods and services are suitable for, and will perform in
accordance with, the purpose for which they are purchased, fabricated, manufactured and designed or for such other purposes as are expressly
specified in this order. The CIT" may return any nonconforming or defective items to the VENDOR or require correction or replacement of the item at the
time the defect is discovered, all at the VENDOR'S risk and expense . Acceptance shall not relieve the VENDOR of its responsibility.
11. REGULATORY COMPLIANCE: VENDOR represents and warrants that the goods or services furnished hereunder (including all labels, packages,
and containers for said goods) comply with all applicable standards, rules and regulations in effect under the requirements of Federal, State and local
laws, including the Occupational Safety and Health Act as amended, with respect to design, construction, manufacture or use for their intended purpose
of said goods_ or services. VENDOR shall furnish "Material Safety Data Sheets" in compliance with the Florida Right To Know Law, Florida Statutes,
Chapter 442.
12. ROYA'_TIES AND PATENTS: VENDOR shall pay all royalties and license fees. VENDOR shall defend al! suits or claims for infringement of any
patent, copyright or trademark rights and shall save the CITY harmless from loss on account thereof.
13. PAYMENT: Payments will be made in accordance with the terms on the face of this order, or the VENDOR'S invoice, whichever are more favorable
to the CITY and payment date therefor shall be calculated from the receipt of invoice or final acceptance of the goods, whichever is later.
14. IDENTIFICATION: Invoices in duplicate with prices set out and giving the correct Purchase Order Number must be sent to the address shown on the
face of this order, otherwise payment of VENDOR'S account may be delayed. The Purchase Order Number shall appear on all invoices, boxes,
packages, shipping documents and correspondence, and the list of contents shal! be enclosed in each box or package.
15. TERMINATION: CITY may, at any time, terminate this order in whole or in part by written or telegraphic notice or verbal notice confirmed in writing.
Upon termination for convenience of Buyer, the Buyer will assume responsibility for specific contractual or scheduled financial commitments made prior
to notice of termination. Any and all services, property, publications, or materials provided during or resulting from the Contract shall become the
property of the Buyer. If, however, termination is occasioned by the VENDOR'S breach of any condition hereof, including breach warranty, or by
VENDOR'S delay, except due to circumstances beyond the VENDOR'S control and without VENDOR'S fault or negligence, VENDOR. shall not be
entitled to any claim or costs or to any profit referred to in said clause, and Buyer shall have against VENDOR all remedies provided by law and equity.
16. TAXES: CITY of Miami is exempt from State and local taxes. Exemption number is printed on the reverse side hereof. This Order shall serve as the
exemption certificate.
17. LAW GOVERNING: This contract shall be governed by and construed according to the laws of the State of Florida.
18. ASSIGNMENT: Any assignment of this Purchase Order, including any performance of work hereunder, in whole or in part, or monies due hereunder,
shall be void unless consented to by CIT;' in writing and CITY shall have no obligations to any assignee of VENDOR under any assignment not
consented to in writing by THE CITY.
19. TERMS: The order total shall be paid by the CITY Upon receipt-Df invoice from VENDOR which shall be subject to verification as to quantities and
quality of goods delivered or services performed.
20. TAX: VENDOR doing business with the CITY shall not be exempt from paving sales tax to their suppliers for materials to fulfill contractual obligations
with the CITY, nor shall any VENDOR be authorized to use the CITY Tax Exemption Number in acquiring such materials.
21. LOCAL RESOURCES: VENDOR shall give first priority to utilizing resources in the disaster area, including but not limited to procuring supplies and
equipment, awarding sub-contracts, and employing workmen.
22. PAYMENT CHANGES: Payments will only be made to the company and address as set forth on Purchase Order unless the VENDOR has
requested a chance thereto on official company letterhead, signed by an authorized officer of the company.
23. UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE: The Uniform Commercial Code (Chapter 672, Florida Statutes) shall prevail as the basis for contractual
obligations between the VENDOR and CITY for any terms and conditions not specifically stated in this Purchase Order.
24. INSURANCE: in the event that insurance is required by the CITY in connection with this Purchase Order, VENDOR shall provide an Insurance
Certificate, in a form acceptable to the CITY, naming the CITY as an additiona! insured, as proof of compliance therewith which said certificate shall
constitute part of this Purchase Order.
25, BONDING: The CITY reserves the right to require the VENDOR to post a performance and payment bond in the amount of One Hundred percent
(100%) of the Purchase Order total, upon award or at such time deemed necessary by CITY.
Nodriguez, Lourdes
f'mmi .C.�on�.alez; Yusbel
Seat; i uesda.v, August 18, 2009 1:11 PM
To: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Subject: FV\/: MIAMI CITY OF - MIAMI MARINA 198 CM 018 Aug 13 2009
Yusbel C.onzalez, CPPB
Senior Procurement Specialist (Commodit), Team 2)
Cit} of Miami
Purchasing Dept.
Office: 305-416-1958
Pax: 305-400-5104
e-mail: ygenzalez@rrmiamigov.com
The information contained in this transmission may contain privileged and confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the
person(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution, or
duplication of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you are riot the intended recipient, please immediately contact the senderby
reply E-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. Thank you.
'Please Note.
Due to Florida's very broad public records law, most written communications to or from City of Miami employees regarding City
business are public records, available to the pubfic and media upon request. Therefore; this e-mail communication may be subject to
public disclosure.
From: Cowen, Elizabeth [mailto:ECowen@fechheimer.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 1:10 PM
To: Haas, Alina; Busto, Maria; Contreras, Carmen; Stagman, Lynda; Gonzalez, Yusbel
Cc: Bogner, Stephen
Subject: RE: MIAMI CITY OF - MIAMI MARINA 198 CM 018 Aug 13 2009
Could you please let us know the answer to the credit or the exchange question and provide the color that you would like.
Hopefully it is a trouser that I stock and we can deliver immediately. Liz Cowen
rom: Haas, Alina [maiito:AHaas@d.miami.Pl.us]
Sent, Tuesday, August 18, 2009 1:07 PM
To: Cowen, Elizabeth; Busto, Maria; Contreras, Carmen; Stagmar, Lynda; Gonzalez, Yusbel
Cc: Bogner, Stephen
Subject: RE: MIAMi CITY OF - MIAMI MARINA 198 CM 018 Aug 13 2009
I personally returned them to Ana. As far as the item #, the description on the attached I sent you in based on the punch
out list in our Oracle system. I have been ordering the Tactical Pro Pants for a while and we never received grey pants
previously so I don't know where the mix up is.
From: Cowen, Elizabeth [mailto:ECowen@fechheimer.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 12:58 PM
To: Haas, Ahna; Busto, Maria; Contreras, Carmen; Stagman, Lynda; Gonzalez, Yusbel
Cc: Bogner, Stephen
Subject: RE: MIAMI CITY OF - MIAMI MARINA 198 CM 018 Aug 13 2009
Importance. High
If you tell ire that you personally returned the pants to Ana, then that is good enough for me. I do not understand why you
wouldn't have asked for an exchange paper. The style number of the trousers are
4251 018 - gray
74251-720 - fire navy
74251-728 - navy
There is no color number on your requisition (which we do not use) we only use purchase orders from Oracle. If you do
not give us the color of the trousers at least in words then we do not know what you want. We need complete information
with sizes and colors in order to deliver. This is a good example of some of the problems we experience with the orders
that come from the Work Clothes contract. The information is not complete.
Based on your email, we still need to know do you want a credit or an exchange? Please advise the proper color that you
require if you want an exchange.
Liz Cowen
Elizabeth Cowen, General Manager
Harrison Uniforms
`%y/77_q CrOSs by Fechheimer
3420 NTW17th Street
Miami, Florida 33125
305-642-1820 or FAX 305-642-1886
From: Haas, Alina [mailto:AHaas@ci.miami.fl.Lis]
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 12:44 PM
To: Cowen, Elizabeth; Busto, Maria; Contreras, Carmen; Stagman, Lynda; Gonzalez, Yusbel
Cc: Bogner, Stephen
Subject: RE; MIAMI CITY OF - MIAMI MARINA 198 CM 018 Aug 13 2009
I personally returned those pants to Ana. This goes back to April. I don't know what else to say. Tae marinas does not
wear charcoa! colored pants, therefore there wouldn't be a need for us to keep them. Also, see attached PO's. They are
two different orders for the Tactical Pro Pants (one is the order in question, which you say was a special order). If
you notice, the item # is the same on both orders. This is the item # I have always used for the navy pants. I don't
understand why a special order was placed, when again, it's the same item #.
From: Cowen, Elizabeth [mailto:ECowen@fechheimer.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 12:19 PM
To: Busto, Maria; Contreras, Carmen; Stagman, Lynda; Gonzalez, Yusbel
Cc: Haas, Alina; Bogner, Stephen
Subject: RE: MIAMI CITY OF - MIAMI MARINA 198 CM 018 Aug 13 2009
Importance: High
When there was an issue with Ana not receiving exchanges back into the system, we could always easily find those
articles in question. The shoes and other items sat next to her desk for example. We have always had our hands on the
garments or items so to accommodate your requests was never an issue.
These gray 5.11 trousers were ordered in special although the order were entered with the wrong color number in the
system and we did receive them and we show them going out. I do not stock this color. I have a total of 8 of these gray
5.11 trousers in my building. If we received the trousers back from your department they would be easily found and stand
Who returned the gray trousers to us? .And when were they returned? I cannot just credit these trousers without the
trousers being here I would like to speak to the person who returned the trousers which seerned not to be Alina by the
way she wrote the email. Thank you for your assistance. I am sure if I can get some more information we will be able to
resolve this matter on way or the other. Liz Cowen
Elizabeth Cowen, General Marrager
Harrison Uniforms
Flying Cross by Fcchhcimer
3420 NW 7th Street
Miami, Florida 33125
3B-642-1820 or FAX 305-642-1886
From: Busto, Maria [mailto:MBusto@miamigov.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 8:34 AM
To: Contreras, Carmen; Stagman, Lynda; Cowen, Elizabeth; Gonzalez, Yusbel
Cc: Haas, Alina; Bogner, Stephen
Subject: RE: MIAMI CITY OF - MIAMI MARINA 198 CM 018 Aug 13 2009
We've located the PO it belongs to. These pants were returned to Harrison back when Ana was there. This
was not the only time she did refunds for us and didn't do the paperwork for the items. I have other emails in
which this was the same scenario. Please issue a credit for those pants that were returned. Let me know if I
can be of further assistance.
Thank you,
'IY(c7nnclS 01'
C_ Zty Df _VLP..m i
DC3lnel— _`}�.e y 111.arb" ,I
mbusto cc�ci.miami.fi.us
From: Haas, Alina
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 8:15 AM
To: Busto, Maria
Subject: RE: 04-05-081(10)-]-240
These pants were returned to Harrison months ago. I don't know why the paperwork wasn't done. I had been dealing
with Ana back then and she's no longer there. We shouldn't have to pay for pants that were returned.
From: Busto, Maria
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 7:51 AM
To: Haas, Alina
Subject: RE: 04-05-081(10)-1-240
Do we know where the pants are noU. Aarrison shows them being delivered and ,_) recall them getting tc MIA, if that's
the case we need to pay Harrison for the order.
Mi,ara bu7to
I'Aarinc"s ,5uPcf"5or
Diann, �_C!L; Manna
3900 I'an Anicrican Urivc
Miami, FL �,) I �,�
30j -?7 i-u9?;0
OJ '9-ti°72 Fax
From: Haas, Alina
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 7:46 AM
To: Busto, Maria
Subject: 04-05-081(10)-1-240
Here is the requisition in question. I had ordered tactical pants for Elizabeth and she then changed her mind and I
cancelled the order (see below). There is no change order number because the, order was entirely cancelled.
Y F 1f t � �� f f } � 1
M 0-1,10 4m
File E& Fa%-,cjnrer Tools. Help
-)t; Requisitions
ade Procut emer
e -C 11-11 S it! Fj F! CIL) i S 1 ii 0 ]-IS
q Ll j qZ
i L
m 1-1
Description Uniforms, Citywide. Tactical Pants -
Men's Cotton; h1fr: 5.11; Nlfr. Iternt
74251; Size: 46-54 (Waist); 30-36 t at(Length), Change Histo
-reaitecl Bi,,, Haas, Alina fil Urgent ReCILIISIti�
reatit-m Date 20 -Mar -2009 14:00:45 Attachn-ie
Deliver -To City of Miami - FAIA Narina 401 r�,]Ot9 10 Bu'./Biscayne Boulevard Nliami.Fl- 33132
JustificatIon Tactical Pro Pants for Elizabeth Guerra.
Size N X 30
Lii-It! has I)-;eii -cancelled
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From: Contreras, Carmen [mailto:ccontreras@fechheimer.com]
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 7:16 PM
To: Busto, Maria; Stagman, Lynda; Cowen, Elizabeth; Gonzalez, Yusbel
Cc: Haas, Ona
Subject: RE: MIAMI CITY OF - MIAMI MARINA 198 CM 018 Aua 112009
Hi Maria.
To my knowledge the pants have not be exchanged. When we do an exchange it goes through our register and a receipt
is produced. If you have a copy of the receipt that would be great but if you still have the pants then just go ahead and
return them so I can issue you a credit. I do apology for any inconvience this is causing you.
Thank you for your corporation,
Carmen Contreras
From: Busto, Maria [mailto:MBustoCmiamigov.com]
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 3:21 PM
To: Contreras, Carmen; Stagman, Lynda; Cowen, Elizabeth; Gonzalez, Yusbel
Cc: Haas, Alina
Subject: RE: MIAMI CITY OF - MIAM MARINA 198 CM 018 Aug 13 2009
Hi Carmen, I do not have the pants that's why I was assuming someone went over there and changed them.
What I need is a Purchase Order # to apply the invoice to, Our purchasing dept is helping me locate it.
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mbusto(Z�ci.miami.fI. us
From: Contreras, Carmen [maiIto: ccontreras@fechhei mer.com]
Sent: Monday, August 1-7, 2009 12:21 PM
To: Busto, Maria; Stagman, Lynda; Cowen, Elizabeth; Gonzalez, Yusbel
Cc: Haas, Alina
Subject: RE: MIAMI CITY OF - MIAMI MARINA 198 CM 018 Aug 13 2009
Hi Maria,
We will go ahead and credit your account. Can you send back the pants. I will send you a copy of the invoice
Carmen Contreras
Asst. Manager
Harrison Uniforms
From: Busto, Maria [mailto:MBusto@miamiaov.com]
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 9:15 AM
To: Stagman, Lynda; Cowen, Elizabeth; Contreras, Carmen; Gonzalez, Yusbel
Cc: Haas, Alina
Subject: RE: MIAMI CITY OF - MIAMI MARINA 198 CM 018 Aug 13 2009
Our PO #'s for Harrison look like this: 04-05-081(10)-1-250
I even changed the last 3 digits to 240 (per your invoice) in the search and it didn't pull up the PO.
Yusbel, would you please try to pull up PO # 04-05-081(10)-1-240. This is what happens when I try to search for
:xaa -In, k in 4 Sa-2e c t: C de 3- ['Nuala-,
To find your iten-, select a filter iter- it ti -19 I uiL o,.n list and enter a :aloe in the te5;A field, then sslect the "Go" bettor
Cearch b Order f Jun tier v 04-06-081)10"-1-240 o ..1
�e, I_,f .il: ' v _deu' Oz,r t r.7-, _ �'yi 1 31�ed� sit- ..ate+ U .RI1 ..-
041 -i -i -OLO,1 0 1-240 Harrison Unifon-ns Co. hUll�..I�ll-POLICE Cit; of [viiarni
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From: Stagman, Lynda[mailto:LStagman@fechheimer.com]
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 8:54 AM
To: Busto, Maria; Cowen, Elizabeth; Contreras, Carmen
Cc: Haas, Alina
Subject: RE: MIAMI CITY OF - MIAMI MARINA 198 CM 018 Aug 13 2009
Importance: High
Hi, Maria: I have attached the invoice but the po is just the release #.
Good morning Liz: Can you please get us the po # for this invoice? Thanks.
From: Busto, Maria [mailtc:MBusto@miamigov.com]
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 7:37 AM
To: Stagman; Lynda
Cc: Haas, Aiina
Subject: RE: MIAMI CITY OF - MIAMI MARINA 198 CM 018 Aug 13 2009
Linda; would you please give me a requisition # or a PO # since I can't locate this in our system to get it paid.
Aiina recalls them being delivered but it was the wrong color so I'm assuming they were exchanged at
Harrison's. The Order # on your invoice which I thought would be the invoice # was an invoice used in 2008 so
that can't he it.
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mbusto anci.miami.fl.us
From: Stagman, Lynda"mailto:LStacman@fechheimer.com]
Sent. Thursday, August 13, 2009 3:05 PM
To: PListo, Maria
Subject: MIAM? CITY OF - MIAMI MARINA 198 CM 018 Aug 13 2009
Importance: High
Hi, Maria:
We have attachea the sales order acknowledgement for the past due invoice 344773, along with the 'JPS proof of delivery
17.811=_ W750344026298.
Can you please look at the ship to address and let me know who to contact for payment?
Thank you, Maria.
Lynda C. Stagman
Collection Specialist
Fechheimer Brothers Company
(513) 792 1675
(800) 873 5417 ext 1575
Fax (513) 792-1655
QCT --V vifflfann-
August 20, 2009
Attn: Elizabeth Cowen
Harrison Uniforms
3420 NW 7th Street
Miami, FL 33125
City Manager
RE: Contractual Performance IFB 04-05-081(10),
Uniforms, Citywide.
Ms. Cowen,
Per our telephone conversation on Wednesday, August 19, 2009, this letter is to inform you that
pursuant to IFB No. 04-05-081(10), Section 2.10, Delivery, "Successful bidder shall make
delivery of any item(s) ordered herein within seven (7) days after receipt of purchase order, as
indicated in the Bid Response Form." Moreover, Section 2.3 1, Back Orders, states that `7f the
successful bidder experiences a back order of items from its distributor, the vendor shall insure
that such back orders are filled within seven (7) calendar days from the date of the initial
delivery. The vendor shall not invoice the City for back ordered items until such back orders are
delivered and accepted by the City's authorized representative. A continuous incidence of
backorders (i.e. six (6) backorders in one year), may be cause for termination of contract with
successful bidder."
Several of the City's end-user departments have complained to the Purchasing Department,
that Harrison Uniforms continues to make late deliveries of orders. Moreover, when items are in
back order, Harrison Uniforms is not delivering "within seven (7) calendar days from the date of
initial delivery." If Harrison Uniforms continues to make late deliveries, the City will enforce
Section 2.25, Liquidated Damages, "(... ] it is understood that I% of the unit price per calendar
day per item will be deducted, as liquidated damages, for each day beyond the specified
delivery time, not as a penalty butasa form of compensation for the loss of not having the
ability to use the product."
You are now informing us after three and a half years (Contract effective February 9th, 2006)
into our contractual relationship that some Purchase Orders have been sent to Harrison
Uniforms with missing information. This has never been an issue in the past, but the City will
make all efforts to assist you on improving your performance currently by sending step-by-step
instructions to the various end user departments to include sizes, colors, name of City
employees, and exact to deliver -to locations. From this point forward it is the City's expectation's
that performance on timely delivery will no longer be an issue.
444 S.W. 2nd Avenue, 6"Floor Miami, FL 33130 (305) 416-1900 Fax: (305) 416-1925 / Mailing Address: P.O. Box 330708 Miami, Florida 33233-0708
RE: Contractual Performance IFB 04-05-081(10), Uniforms, Citywide.
Page 2
In addition, from this point forward, Harrison Uniforms shall deliver all orders to the "Ship To"
location shown in a Purchase Order. Harrison Uniforms shall not expect City employees to pick
up orders from the store location. Moreover, per Section 2.19; Identification, "Packing lists shall
be enclosed in each and every box or package shipped pursuant to this contract; indicating the
contents herein."
Failure to improve your service under this contract will result in the City taking action pursuant to
Sections 2.25, if you fail to adhere to Section 2.10, Delivery, and Section 2.31, Back Orders, of
the Bid Contract.
lenn Marcos, PPO, CPPB, FCPM, FCPA
hief Procurement Officer
Gonzalez, Yusbel
From: Gonzalez, Yusbel
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 8.37 AM
To: Fernandez, Ariamna
Cc: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Subject: RE: Harrison Uniforms
Attachments: image001 Jpg; VENDORPERFORMANCEFORM.doc
As Lourdes indicated below, please fill out the attached Vendor Performance Form. Please also provide us with the
Purchase Order numbers and invoice numbers related to this problem.
Thant; you,
Yusbel Gonzalez, CPPB
Senior Procurement Specialist (Commodity Team ?)
Cit, of Miami
Purchasing Dept.
Office: 306-416-1958
Fay:: 305-400-6104
e-mail: ygonzalez(q-)miamigov.com
The information contained in this transmission may contain privileged and confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the
person(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review dissemination, distribution, or
duplication of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately contact the sender by
reply E-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. Thank you.
"Please Note:
Due to Florida's very broad public records law, most written communications to or from City of Miami employees regarding City
business are public records, available to the public and media upon request. Therefore, this e-mail communication may be subject to
public disclosure.
From: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 4:26 PM
To: Fernandez, Ariamna
Cc: Gonzalez, Yusbel
Subject: RE: Harrison Uniforms
I am going to forward your email to Yusbel Gonzalez, he is the Senior Procurement Specialist responsible for
this contract.
I am going to request that he add this to the file.
Has the Parks Dept documented this in a vendor performance form?
Thank you
Lourdes Rodriguez, CPPB
Procurement Supervisor
City of Miami
Purchasing Department
444 S.W. 2 Avenue, 6th Floor
Miami, FL 33130
Tel: (305) 416-1904
Fax: (305) 400-5033
email: lorodriguez@miamigov.com
website: www.miamigov.com/procurement
Disclaimer: This e-mail is intended only for the individual(s) or entity(s) named within the message. This e-mail might contain legally privileged and
confidential information. If you properly received this e-mail as a client or retained expert, please hold it in confidence to protect the attorney-
client or wort: product privileges. Should the intended recipient forward or disclose this message to another person or party, that action could
constitute a waiver- of the attorney-client privilege. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible to deliver it
to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited by
the sender and to do so might constitute a violation of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. section 2510-2521. If this
communication was received in error we apologize for the intrusion. Please notify us by reply e-mail and delete the original message.
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
From: Fernandez, Ariamna
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 4:08 PM
To: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Subject: Harrison Uniforms
Hello Lourdes:
Just an FYI, some invoices for Harrison Uniforms are still pending since the last time we ordered from them. There were
many credits they had to give us since we were not being charged contract prices. Donald Boiden and myself have been
working on fixing this issues. it has been a couple of months with this back and forth. will let you know when this is
finally done.
Thank you, Have a great day.:-)
Ari Fernandez
City of Miami
Ph 305/960-3001
Fax 305/960-3019
Uh l T o 1'n.,5, �_,, 7� w f c -c_
Gonzalez, Yusbel
Rodriguez, Lourdes
Wednesday, January 06, 2010 8.21 AM
Gonzalez, Yusbel
Marcos, Glenn
FW: Harrison Uniforms - Code Enforcement Past Due Invoices
FYI — please place in file.
Thank you.
Lourdes Rodriguez, CPPB
Procurement Supervisor
City of Miami
Purchasing Department
444 S.W. 2 Avenue, 6th Floor
Miami, FL 33130
Tel: (305) 416-1904
Fax: (305) 400-5033
email: lorodriguez@miamigov.com
website: www.miamigov.com/p€-ocurement
Disclaimer: This e-mail is intended only for the individual's' or emity(s) named within the message. This e-mail might contain legaliy privileged and
confidential information. If you properly received this e-maii as a client or retained expert, please hold it in confidence to protect the attorney-
ciient or work product privileges, should the intended recipient forward or disclose this message to another person or party, that action could
constitute a waiver or the attorney-client privilege. If the reader of this message is not the Intended recipient, or the agent responsible to de -liver it
to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of' his communication i; or b,
the sender and tC do so might constitute_ a violation of the Dectronic communications Privacv Ac, 18 U.S.C. secaon 2510-2521. If thl s
communication xilas received IR error we ap010gIZe ror the IntrU510n. €�l aSe notify l:5 by r epi i e-mail and delete the original message.
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
From: Bolden, Donald
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 5:07 PM
To: Stagman, Lynda
Cc: Machin, Olga; Brown, Maedell; Augustin, Miguel, Rodriguez, Lourdes; Chircut, Triveni
Subject: Harrison Uniforms - Code Enforcement Past Due invoices
Dear Lynda:
i have gone through the Code Enforcement statement. Based on the information provided in the e-mail message from
Elizabeth Contreras dated October 5, 2009. I have been able to find the correct purchase orders associated with most of
the invoices. Some of the invoices that were paid were posted against incorrect purchase order releases. In these cases,
I have entered debit memos in our system to reverse these entries and have entered corrected invoices.
Based on the above, I am addressing each open invoice below.
334858 — This merchandise was paid for under invoice number 351822 for the correct amount of $64.89.
335015 - This invoice was originally posted versus purchase order 04-05-081(10)-1 release 246. Based on the
requisition number, it should have been posted versus purchase order 04-05-081(10)-1 release 209. A debit memo has
been posted to correct the original entry and a corrected invoice has been entered versus release 209. In order to pay
this invoice, a credit totaling $126.38 is needed based on the analysis shown below:
336015 Totals: $231.95 $105.57 $126.38
Pricing discrepancy - P.O. #04-05-081(10)-1 release 246
336678 -This invoice was originally posted versus purchase order 04-05-081(10)-1 release 252. It has been determined
that this release is incorrect. A debit memo has been entered to reverse the incorrect entry. I have not yet been able to
link this invoice to a release.
X344:9�a..,,�This�in:voice,rs�assocratetl�itl�z 'ahch�as-e or erT04-O'508 `�=F1_releasex
4WI,i,s ,rrientl�yagp h hi b ce of se" f�O erehar es s ghouun� elMwA credit of $19.49 is required to pay this invoice.
344921 1
Inv. Unit
R. 0, Ext.
Inv.'No. Line No.
P. 0. Qty
336015 1
336015 Totals: $231.95 $105.57 $126.38
Pricing discrepancy - P.O. #04-05-081(10)-1 release 246
336678 -This invoice was originally posted versus purchase order 04-05-081(10)-1 release 252. It has been determined
that this release is incorrect. A debit memo has been entered to reverse the incorrect entry. I have not yet been able to
link this invoice to a release.
X344:9�a..,,�This�in:voice,rs�assocratetl�itl�z 'ahch�as-e or erT04-O'508 `�=F1_releasex
4WI,i,s ,rrientl�yagp h hi b ce of se" f�O erehar es s ghouun� elMwA credit of $19.49 is required to pay this invoice.
344921 1
1. ES
344921 Totals: $174.11 $154.62 $19.49
Pricing discrepancy - P.O. #04-05-081(10)-1 release 252
3452;68hisinuoiis�associatelYwith p.urchas.e=order.04.0.O;Q8�1;(.1.0')`-1release'Z'5Ithas beerposterlmthesystern=
abut Is Curren l;Y�on.ho�� because o overcharges as shown below_ A credit of $17.75 is required to pay this invoice.
1 2
2 3
3 1
4 1
5 _
6 i
7 1
9 2 $24.45 $48.90 $24.45 $48.90
10 2 $17.17 $34.34 $17.17 $34.34
345268 Totals: $283.65 $265.90 $17.75
Pricing discrepancy - P.O. #04-05-081(10)-1 release 252
346772 - This invoice is associated with purchase order 04-05-081(10)-1 release 252. It has been posted and is okay for
349836 - This invoice is associated with purchase order 04-05-081(10)-1 release 252. It has been posted and is okay for
351955 - This merchandise was paid for under invoice number 353808 in the same amount, $46.97.
353809 - This invoice is associated with purchase order 04-05-081(10)-1 release 260. This invoice has been paid.
356121 - This invoice is associated with purchase order 04-05-081(10)-1 release 246. It has been posted and is okay for
364538 - This merchandise was paid for under invoice number 363070. VVe were also billed for this same merchandise
under invoice number 363943 which we did not pay.
364805 - This invoice is associated with purchase order 04-05-081(10)-1 release 252. It has been posted and is okay for
400079 - The merchandise was paid for under invoice number 354211 in the amount or $10.90.
402722 -This invoice is associated with purchase order 04-05-081(10)-1 release 280. It has been posted in the system
and is currently on"h.oidi�.beeauseawe.are.b'ein7�chargedrforzitern-s n-oti!on-nthe-purchasexordera[�elease_ A credit o $35.00
is needed to pay this invoice. Although the statement shows that a credit in this amount has been posted versus this
invoice, we are no longer allowed to pay these invoices short, so we must receive a copy of the credit memo applied or a
new invoice in the amount of $85.85. Shown below is the detail associated with this invoice.
402722 1 5 5 $17.17 $85.85 $17.17 $85.85 $0.00
1A 5 0 $7.00 $35.00 50.00 $0.00 $35.00
402722 Totals: $120.85 $85.85 $35.00
Item not on P.O. 04-05-081(10)-1 release 280
The problem with most of the invoices described above is that there was nrTurchas,es-order- informati'gn�showrt- r - he ;
unvo.ice Effective immediately, we will not process for payment, any Harrison Uniforms invoice that does not contain valid
purchase order information.
Donald R. Bolden
City of Miami
Accounts Payable
Phone: (305) 416-1335
Fax: (305) 416-1987
February 9, 2010
June 8. 2010
Gonzalez, Yusbel
Gonzalez, Yusbel
Thursday, March 04, 2010 3:34 PM
'Cowen, Elizabeth'
De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations); Delgado, Sally, Rodriguez, Lourdes
FW: PO# 04-05-081(10)-1 / 301
Importance: High
Good Afternoon. Please refer to email shown below. Please have one of your employees communicate with the Parks
Department in reference to 04-05-081(10)-1 / 301
Thank you,
Yusbel Gonzalez, CPPB
Senior Procurement Specialist (Commodity Team 2)
City of Miami
Purchasing Dept.
Office: 305-416-1958
Far,: 305-400-5104
e-mail: ygonzalez «miamiQoz-.com
The information contained in this transmission may contain privileged and confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the
person(s) named above. if you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution, or
duplication of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately contact the sender by
reply E-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. Thank you.
"Please Note.
Due to Florida's very broad public records law, most written communications to or from City of Miami employees regarding City
business are public records, available to the public and media upon request. Therefore, this e-mail communication may be subject to
public disclosure.
From: Delgado, Sally
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 1:19 PM
To: De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations)
Cc: Gonzalez, Yusbel; Rodriguez, Lourdes
Subject: RE: PO# 04-05-081(10)-1 / 301
Hu-n,� ;)? 71Ti,'1 7"T7 l<�,1��. 9 C) . !1A ZCJ t;77,.i�, ,;�`c..7 71 ,1!
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Gonzalez, Yusbel
From: De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations)
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 3:28 PM
Ta: Gonzalez, Yusbel; Delgado, Sally
L'c: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Subject: RE: PO# 04-05-081(10)-1 / 301
No one frorn Harrison has returned her calls yet.....
Maria de Cardenas
City of Miami Parks Services Coordinator
Tel. .307.960.3004
Fax 305.96().3()19
From: Gonzalez, Yusbel
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 1:59 PM
To: Delgado, Sally; De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations)
Cc: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Subject: RE: PO# 04-05-081(10)-1 / 301
Thank you for the response. Let me know if you run into any problems.
Yusbel Gonzalez, CPPB
Senior Procurement Specialist (Commodity Team 2)
City of Miami
Purchasing Dept.
Office: 305-416-1958
Fax: 305-400-5104
e-mail: ygonzalez(a�miamigov.com
The information contained in this transmission may contain privileged and confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the
person(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution, or
duplication of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately contact the sender by
reply E-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. Thank you.
*Please Note:
Due to Florida's very broad public records law, most written communications to or from City of Miami employees regarding City
business are public records, available to the public and media upon request. Therefore, this e-mail communication may be subject to
public disclosure.
From: Delgado, Sally
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 1:19 PM
To: De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations)
Cc: Gonzalez, Yusbel; Rodriguez, Lourdes
Subject: RE: PO# 04-05-081(10)-1 / 301
7dit1.�E>71TI C,cl",')111'tCJ..� ^).lel (tY. LC? - jtUr' �ilL',r� Fr t.7,J(�r yiCl.Z,lCii"t �r1 C,J2E'
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Scl "l' y
From: De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations)
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 12:44 PM
To: Delgado, Sally
Cc: Gonzalez, Yusbel; Rodriguez, Lourdes
Subject: FW: PO# 04-05-081(10)-1 / 301
Sally, did you speak to Harrison already? See below e mail. Thanks.
Maria de Clardenas
City of Miami Parks Services Coordinator
Tel. 305.960.3004
Fax 305.960.3019
From: Gonzalez, Yusbel
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 8:01 AM
To: De Cardenas, Maria (Parks Operations)
Cc: Rodriguez, Lourdes
Subject: PO# 04-05-081(10)-1 / 301
Good Morning Maria,
Please reach out to Harrison Uniforms and provide them with the specific sizes of these pants that are being purchased
for the part time employees at the Parks Department.
P.S. In the future, you can have information such as the pants size print directly on the purchase order. To do this, select
the option "To Supplier" and then "Text" in the attachments section of the requisition. Enter the information you want
printed on the PO in the white space.