HomeMy WebLinkAbout1- 1600 NW 3rd AvePLANNING FACT SHEET LEGISTAR FILE ID: 10-00183lu March 3, 2010 Item #P.1 APPLICANTPedro G. Hernandez, City Manager on behalf of the City of Miami REQUEST/LOCATIONConsideration of amending the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood PlanFuture Land Use Mapfor the rd property located approximately at 1600 NW 3Avenue. COMMISSION DISTRICTCommissionDistrict 5, Richard P. Dunn II LEGAL DESCRIPTIONSee Exhibit “A” of the legislation PETITIONCONSIDERATION OF AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 10544 OF THE MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN BY AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT RD APPROXIMATELY 1600 NW 3AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA FROM “MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL, PUBLIC FACILITIES, TRANSPORTATION AND UTILITIES” TO “RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL”. PLANNING RECOMMENDATION Approval BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS See supporting documentation PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD VOTE: CITY COMMISSION CITY OF MIAMI PLANNING DEPARTMENT NDRD 444 SW 2AVENUE, 3FLOOR MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33130 PHONE (305) 416-1400 Date Printed: 2/17/2010Page 1 ANALYSIS FOR LAND USE CHANGE REQUEST rd Approximately 1600 NW 3Avenue Application No. N/A File ID 10-00183lu REQUEST The proposal is for a change to the Future Land Use Map of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan from “Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities”to “RestrictedCommercial”.(A complete legal description ison fileat the Hearing Boards Office). FUTURE LAND USE Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP) Policy LU-1.6.1 established future land use categories according to the 2020 Future Land Use Map and the “Interpretation of the Future Land Use Map.” The “Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities”land use category allows facilities for federal, state and local government activities, major public or private health, recreational, cultural, religious or educational activities, and major transportation facilities and public utilities. Residential facilities ancillary to these uses are allowed up to a maximum density equivalent to “High Density Multifamily Residential” or if applicable the least intense abut- ting/adjacent residential zoning district, subject to the samelimiting conditions. Areas designated as “Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities allow non- residential uses to a maximum floor lot ratio (FLR) of 6.0 times the net lot area of the subject property. Properties designated “Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utili- ties” in the Health / Civic Center District allow a maximum floor lot ratio (FLR) of 8.0 times the Public Facilities, net lot area of the subject property. Properties designated “Major Institutional, Transportation and Utilities” in the Urban Central Business District allow a maximum FLR of 37.0 times the net lot area of the subject property. The “RestrictedCommercial”land use categoryallowsresidential uses (except rescue mis- sions) to a maximum density equivalent to "High Density Multifamily Residential" subject to the same limiting conditions and a finding by the Planning Director that the proposed site’s proximi- ty to other residentially zoned property makes it a logical extension or continuation of existing residential development and that adequate services and amenities exist in the adjacent area to accommodate the needs of potential residents; transitory residential facilities such as hotels and motels. This category also allows general office use; clinics and laboratories, auditoriums, libraries, convention facilities, places of worship, and primary and secondary schools. Also al- lowed are commercial activities that generally serve the daily retailing and service needs of the public, typically requiring easy access by personal auto, and often located along arterial or col- include: general retailing, personal and professional services, real es- lector roadways, which tate, banking and other financial services, restaurants, saloons and cafes, general entertain- ment facilities, private clubs and recreation facilities, major sports and exhibition or entertain- ment facilities and other commercial activities whose scale and land use impacts are similar in nature to those uses described above. This category also includes commercial marinas and liv- ing quarters on vessels as permissible. The nonresidential portions of developments within areas designated as “Restricted Commer- cial” allow a maximum floor lot ratio (FLR) of 7.0 times the net lot area of the subject property; such FLR may be increased upon compliance with the detailed provisions of the applicable land development regulations; however, may not exceed a total FLR of 11.0 times the net lot area of the subject property. Properties designated as “Restricted Commercial” in the Edgewater Area 1 allow a maximum floor lot ratio (FLR) of 17.0 times the net lot area of the subject property. Properties designated as “Restricted Commercial” in the Urban Central Business District and Buena Vista Yards Regional Activity Center allow a maximum floor lot ratio (FLR) of 37.0 times the net lot area of the subject property. All such uses and mixes of uses shall be subject to the detailed provisions of the applicable land development regulations and the maintenance of required levels of service for facilities and services included in the City’s adopted concurrency management requirements. DISCUSSION The subject areaconsists of oneparcelcomprising approximately 7.0acres. It is located on the rdth north side of the block fronting the west side of NW3 Avenue, the south side of NW 17 th Street, and the east side of NW 4Avenue. Interstate 395 forms the southern boundary of the block.On the south side of Interstate 395 arethe Urban Central Business District and the Southeast Overtown/Park West Residential Density Increase Area. The site is currently designated “Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities”. A“Restricted Commercial” Future Land Use designation is to the eastand south,a“Medium Density Restricted Commercial” designation is to the north andwest, “Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities” is to the west, and “Public Parks and Recreation” is to the northwest of the subject property. The subject site isin the Overtown NETarea. ANALYSIS The PlanningDepartment is recommending APPROVALof the amendmentas presented based on the following findings: MCNP Housing Policy HO-1.1.7states the City will continue to control, through restrictions in the City's land development regulations, large scale and/or intensive commercial and industrial land development which may negatively impact any residential neighborhood and will provide appropriate transitions between high-rise and low-rise residential developments. Since the subject property issurrounded on the north and west by an established medium density residential community, the density and intensity allowed by the Restricted Commercial category will provide for an appropriatetransition between the medium density neighborhoods to the west and north to Interstate 395 and the high intensity Urban Central Business District to the south. rd The property is opposite a Restricted Commercial corridor on NW 3 Avenue. This change would allow for buildings of a similar character and for the redevelopment of the corridor. The MCNP Interpretation of the 2020Future Land UseMapindicates that the “Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities” land use category allows residential structures up to a maximum of 150dwelling units per acre. The requested “Restricted Commercial” designation allows density equivalent to “High Density Multifamily Residential” or to 150 dwelling units per acre. So there is no net change in potential residential density as a result of this change. MCNPPolicy LU-1.3.15, states the City will continue to encourage a development pattern that enhances existing neighborhoods by developing a balanced mix of uses including areas for employment, shopping, housing, and recreation in close proximity to each other. This change will allow for the addition of commercial uses in an area that lacks places of employment. 2 MCNP Policy LU-1.3.5 states that the City will continue to promote through its land development regulations, the creation of high intensity activity centers which may be characterized by mixed-use and specialty center development. Such activity centers will be in accordance with the Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan and neighborhood design and development standards adopted as a result of amendments to the City’s land development regulations and other initiatives.The Restricted Commercial designation allows for mixed- use and specialty center developments that are encouraged throughout the Comprehensive Plan. MCNP Policy LU-1.6.10 states that the City’s land development regulations and policies will allow for the provision of safe and convenient on-site traffic flow and vehicle parking and will provide access by a variety of transportation modes, including pedestrianism, bicycles, automobiles, and transit. This site is served by five Miami-Dade County Metrobus Routes and the Restricted Commercial designation allows for development to occur in a manner that will maximize the use of those routes. MCNP Land Use Policy 1.1.1 provides that new development or redevelopment that results in an increase in density or intensity of land use shall be contingent upon availability of public facilities and services that meet or exceed the minimum LOS standards adopted in the Capital Improvements Element. A School Concurrency Analysis is not necessary because the potential residential density remains the samewith this amendment. These findingssupport the position that the Future Land Use Map at this location and forthis neighborhood SHOULDbe changed. 3 ASSUMPTIONSANDCOMMENTS Populationincrementisassumedtobeallnewresidents.Peak-periodtrip generationisbasedonITETripGeneration,5thEditionat1.4ppvaverage Restricted Commercial: Allow residential uses (except rescue missions) to a maximum density equivalent to occupancyforprivatepassengervehicles.TransportationCorridorcapacitiesand "High Density Multifamily Residential" subject to the same limiting conditions and a finding by the Planning LOSarefromTablePT-2(R1),TransportationCorridorsreport. Potablewaterandwastewatertransmissioncapacitiesareinaccordancewith Director that the proposed site's proximity to other residentially zoned property makes it a logical extension Metro-DadeCountystatedcapacitiesandareassumedcorrect.Service or continuation of existing residential development and the adequated services and amenities exist in the connectionstowaterandsewermainsareassumedtobeofadequatesize;ifnot, adjacent area to accommodate the needs of potential residents;transitory residential facilities such as hotel newconnectionsaretobeinstalledatowner'sexpense. Recreation/OpenSpaceacreagerequirementsareassumedwithproposed and motels; general office use; clinics and laboratories; as well as commercial activities that generally serve the changemade. FUTURELANDUSEMAP PublicParks andRecreation MajorInst,Public Facilities, TranspAnd MediumDensity Restricted Commercial Public Parksand MediumDensity Recreation Multifamily Residential MajorInst,Public Facilities,6THTER NW1 TranspAnd MediumDensity Restricted Commercial NW15THST Restricted Commercial 836 NW14THTER EF 395 § ¨¦ 95 § ¨¦ Light Industrial 14TH Public Parksand UrbanCentral Recreation Business District Restricted Southeast Commercial Overtown/Park WestRDIA 0125250500Feet ADDRESS:1600NW3AVENUE 6THTER NW1 NW15THST 836 NW14THTER EF 395 § ¨¦ 95 § ¨¦ 0125250500Feet ADDRESS:1600NW3AVENUE  !"#$$ ' $()%*)+ #, %&''!(#)!*+,-.#)! /-0, 1#+2!34!%%5%%  !"#$ %& 6667+#+8907.9+ -./)0!%"1$ %& ()*))(+,#  !"#$% &'!-.!/012-!3.1 '! *!:;<=4>?@=A!=3!?";!1@*1@!(4*AA@AB!*/C@<=:D!E=*:/! :;=11;A/@AB!*((:=C*4!=:!/;A@*4!=3!*A!=:/@A*A;!=3!?";!1@*1@! @?D!=11@<<@=A2!F@?"!*??*"1;A?G<H2!*1;A/@AB!=:/@A*A;!A=7! 5'&II2!*<!*1;A/;/2!?";!3>?>:;!4*A/!><;!1*(!=3!?";!1@*1@! =1(:;";A<@C;!A;@B"E=:"==/!(4*A2!(>:<>*A?!?=!<1*44!<*4;! *1;A/1;A?!(:=;/>:;<!<>EJ;?!?=!K!5L%7%5MN2!34=:@/*!<?*?>?;<2! 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