HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Ben FernandezLr t SUGi'1,1v1H'7"7d-rr-'D INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM ON,5. Prince Albert.. LLC 10-000295ac City Commission Item PZ. I May 27, 2010 �o- 00295o -C -sib r, ft C j - &-n Fer,na►�a�ez BCRCOW RADELL & FERNANDEZ ZONING. LAND USE ANO ENVIRONMENTAL LAW Prince Albert, LLC Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-27-10 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Prince Albert, LLC (File ID 10-000295ac) City Commission Item PZ.I May 27, 2010 Table of Contents 1. Letters of Support • FPL • AT&T 2. T -Plat 3. Subdivision Improvement Letter 4. Max Miami Resolution 5. Filling Station Lofts Resolution 6. Avenue One Resolution u C i 3 o Q v CL _ E u w2 n t a+ N +� y p F- V c = r- 0 p c0 E BGRCOW RADELL & FERNAN DEZ o ZONING, LANA U8E ANM ENVIRONMENTAL LAW N Y 1 o Letters of Support • FPL • AT&T Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-27-10 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk BCRCOW RADGLL & FERNANDEZ ZONING, LANG USE AND ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 0 0 FPL January 27, 2010 Pulice Land Surveyors Att: Jane Storms 5381 Nob Hill Rd. Sunrise, FL 33351 Dear Jane, Florida Power & Light Company, 122 SW 3fd Street, Miami, FL 33130 Phone.305377-0001, Fax: 3053778010 This letter is in response to your request for a letter of no objection to the vacation of an existing alley way. In meeting with your request, FPL has no objection to releasing our rights in the alley way as shown on "Robins -Graham and Chillingsworth" in Plat Book #A, Page #49 1/2 of the Public records of Miami -Dade County. The release is restricted to the following description: The north 257 feet of the south 267 feet of the 10 foot alley as shown on "Robins -Graham and Chillingsworth" in Plat Book #A, Page #49 1/2 of the Public records of Miami -Dade County. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Rick Ratcliff at 305-377-6108. Sincerely, Rick Ratcliff Engineering Leader an FPL Group company Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-27-10 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 305 221 0974 izti,. I o January 22, 2010 Ms. Jane Storms Pulice Land Surveyors, Inc 5381 Nob Hill Road Sunrise, FL 33351 Re: "PRINCE ALBERT°' Alley Vacation & Tentative Plat N Miami Ave & NE 17 St Ms. Storms, 03:46:52 p.m. 01-22-2010 111 ATV Florida T: 305-222-8745 9101 SW 24 St F; 305-221-0974 Mlaml, FL 33165 www.att.com BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc d/b/a AT&T Florida owns and maintains existing facilities located on or within the 10 foot public alley subject to closurelvacation within the referenced tentative plat boundary. This letter shall serve as notice of"non objection" to the recording of the referenced Tentative Plat "PRINCE ALBERT" prepared by Pulice Land Surveyors, Inc., Inc, dated November 3, 2009 and the closure/vacation of the 10 foot Alley subject to the following: Specific easements shall be dedicated on behalf of AT&T Florida to permit the continued legal occupation of the property(s) for the existing AT&T Florida facilities or future facilities required to provide service to the property. Specific contractual arrangements made for and on behalf of AT&T Florida for reimbursement of costs associated with any facility removal would be required if so desired. Sincerely, � B a e ;MMae6i r., Director SE Network Operations Const/Eng -- SPL District cc: Orlando Soto, AT&T I -L Mandy Busto, AT&T FL Steve Massie, AT&T FL WPraal Sryxen. at thk US VIy ), k.m Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-27-10 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 2. T -Plat u t � 3 3 O Y o - a, n - CL c V O •O I� y p H V O C C = Q - O O rC H a o a � BERCOW RADELL & FERNAN DEZ � ZONING, LANA lJSE AND ENVIRONMENTAL LAW BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY AND TENTATIVE PLAT OF PRINCE ALBERT A PORTION OF LOTS 6. S. 7, 10, it 13 AND 14 AND ALL OF LOTS B. 8 AND 12, BLOCK 6 AND ITS INCLUDED ALLEY OF 'ROBBINS-GRAHAM AND CH ILLMWORTW, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN N PLAT BOOK 'A', AT PAGE 49 V2 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMFDADE COUNTY, FLORIDA SECTION 33. TOWNSW 63 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST CRY OF MAIN, MIAMFDADE COUNTY, FLORIDA FOR PRINCE ALBERT, LLC 660 N.W. 74TH AVENUE w' N 9D' MIAMI, FLORIDA 33166 SCALE- 1-30' PHONE, (306) 801-8730 L---------1 DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION IANp u5E SWARC FRi OAIK 0661 SEAtt OKE .-I MACT -A' COF -. 1 .1, 1 ./. 11 ./A6All r0 8PY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: P.00. OF LOr3 S 6.7. 10. 11, 1) A7D 14 AND A4 OE LOTS 0. 9 +IID Q. M wIE�' U6 t - 5 All- ITS xa1M0 xatl C,-.- +IID LML.vOw.M. ACCOD610 1O M PAT "IE-, AS RCCORaD a PAI Bona W. AT P,¢ •8 wA66Eu PI- REcO ¢..--DA¢ CONITY, FIOWA -tE Fa 9 v 11a.EAF¢Y CEsamEo As COUYCNa Al M SWMAST CO- a SAID BLOIX I, MNa n.M WTD'.' .IT . M E.1 UMC OF SAD It- 5 I. IOW FELT 10 M NRRSEC1On Nm A LxE 10.00 RCT N.M a AM PAFI b wM M SWM L. OF SAD YO(St ! Ax0 M -1 OF -1 . Sa0 PMALLEL t!M 19966 FEC? r0 M a1Dt5ECMP NM A UE ION FLET EAST O ANO PMKEEI wM M wsi ILK OF SMO - S, O N.M WWIY HEST . SAID PATI yV- LM 257.01 FEET TO M NTUISECT-I wM A UK .1. -1 N.m O - PMALLLL wm M SWM I. OF SAD BLOCa !. M?Ia N.tn 69WIT EAST W SAD PM.- I.IPE 199.61 FEET ro M aRRSFCMIN w1N M MOIIEL.TONEO EAST LPE . 6L- S 11Ktla SWM OOT10'OT CAST .SAD EAST lPK 161.01 FEEL 10 M -1 OT BCVMNO SAD 16710! LMAR. - AND BCHO a M CITT OF -- YMa-DA¢ COUNTY, FLOPDA AAD COPT- 11.365 -)ME FEET. 11791 ACRES LOCATION MAP M --AST 1/1 OF acMN )6. IOnT19F 51 SWM, RAxa x (A$1 SCOL: i .CEO]' NOTES: +) 1NLRE ME NO nAOK 1HFE5 W MS 9rz II L -I LOADDELL8 I LOT t BLOCK 'D LPES W ADDRKNI P.B. B. PO 63 I R4 1 T.W. CUA�tRau PALMERS RESUBDIVOON •) aAR61O5 ARE 6ASF0 . Man Rf6M OP n.M uA1a AKiUE ASSLAa1t NWM'IYw. FOUD uORuuEw7AllO1. I - _---- - -- Pao. PS 6a I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION IANp u5E SWARC FRi OAIK 0661 SEAtt OKE .-I MACT -A' COF -. 1 .1, 1 ./. 11 ./A6All r0 8PY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: P.00. OF LOr3 S 6.7. 10. 11, 1) A7D 14 AND A4 OE LOTS 0. 9 +IID Q. M wIE�' U6 t - 5 All- ITS xa1M0 xatl C,-.- +IID LML.vOw.M. ACCOD610 1O M PAT "IE-, AS RCCORaD a PAI Bona W. AT P,¢ •8 wA66Eu PI- REcO ¢..--DA¢ CONITY, FIOWA -tE Fa 9 v 11a.EAF¢Y CEsamEo As COUYCNa Al M SWMAST CO- a SAID BLOIX I, MNa n.M WTD'.' .IT . M E.1 UMC OF SAD It- 5 I. IOW FELT 10 M NRRSEC1On Nm A LxE 10.00 RCT N.M a AM PAFI b wM M SWM L. OF SAD YO(St ! Ax0 M -1 OF -1 . Sa0 PMALLEL t!M 19966 FEC? r0 M a1Dt5ECMP NM A UE ION FLET EAST O ANO PMKEEI wM M wsi ILK OF SMO - S, O N.M WWIY HEST . SAID PATI yV- LM 257.01 FEET TO M NTUISECT-I wM A UK .1. -1 N.m O - PMALLLL wm M SWM I. OF SAD BLOCa !. M?Ia N.tn 69WIT EAST W SAD PM.- I.IPE 199.61 FEET ro M aRRSFCMIN w1N M MOIIEL.TONEO EAST LPE . 6L- S 11Ktla SWM OOT10'OT CAST .SAD EAST lPK 161.01 FEEL 10 M -1 OT BCVMNO SAD 16710! LMAR. - AND BCHO a M CITT OF -- YMa-DA¢ COUNTY, FLOPDA AAD COPT- 11.365 -)ME FEET. 11791 ACRES LOCATION MAP M --AST 1/1 OF acMN )6. IOnT19F 51 SWM, RAxa x (A$1 SCOL: i .CEO]' NOTES: +) 1NLRE ME NO nAOK 1HFE5 W MS 9rz 2) ROW 107&: S 6Aa ROOD ELEVAIIo. N/A C.uUaTY:120650. P,IQ:OS+II_ uM OAR' 09/11/09 s) MS art u[s w aci1. z. To1«L.P v SDUM. RANa .1 FAST CROP.-DAW Warm. npRDA . CONTACT PERSON INFORMATION •) aAR61O5 ARE 6ASF0 . Man Rf6M OP n.M uA1a AKiUE ASSLAa1t NWM'IYw. FOUD uORuuEw7AllO1. PWa LAND SURVEYDIIS 63G - JMF Sid6l5 !) RCMWABLE MWI IERE uAa PECAW610 M [as1CNa AND M LWAO. lD1PIWC M619ER 95. -s11 -til> OT UMaR.g1110 -S. 11as F1TIL. n0'ACKN. DOES .1 AC¢PT 1A6 -R: 0.5•-511-IT76 IESOOnSAIUTY F. - --A- -- [YCA.- . COn5lR11CMx CONIACT M APAP -TE UT111T' COMIMIES F. rKLD KA61U1ON. E-YAE ADOFIM JAN(aPLIKELAeDS.KY.iF-- 6) Oa SLINKY IS CCRIILO EfaULKLY 1Q PRIM¢ &8[R I, LLC.. LPC96TA .IICVSP RIND 4RwCF5. LLG ]) M nOtl2.IK POSOIOxK ACQA7ACv O 6pgl -�_ oAwLro .aa OF RLL MT. aF1 ENIS W S SULKY R fO.. M KRIK& ACC.ACv OF -EILA-MxI 0' DF KLL I r.gIMI +'[ qua DFT9Ko aNROv1aEN1s W Ila LIRK1 Is :o.I. .a -.- ..ru Iw 6) Tay SIMK] wA5 PIKPARF t1eM ED SCSI& R1, YMEn Rv a.A O[r.lu -�- us IROPIEYS' IDCS. LLC DATED W1O9EA 1, x009. FWD LLC DA y6 nL Ao .-CROP.- ATu. ao w I E N[ i¢lowNc 11(6,5 ACRE ,OLID x SAD SFMOtr IRu-WICL.TIO1S x O.R.B. 6911 PAa 1616, 0.- I]]!2 PAa 1101. � mi0cw OAv,IAsl � � 0.0.8. MISE PACE 2399. O R I-. PACE 1513. ORA 15164 PAa 1.13, x0.9 15615 PAa 1652 00.9. 16035, PA¢ 3986. OP9 1 M PACE 10. ,GAB. 16611, PACE 1". EAR 1]316. PAa 26W AND OP. fl Av.rr .nv w �w+.ax „t5 - b A a.rAM --- +Tf �r'4m 1]T69. PACE631 -CT MS LIE (NOS --C)r ,ur a nAr am. 'TE. 2-OREU a -A 119}3. PACE 1611 MTLC15 M! LR. (AD] RO11A91t) k rA¢ IRu a-19DIrcE CE COMKT-E.1 a D.R.fl 16969. PAa Sul A`.- gas LIE CERTIFICATION: •-rgTaK,1ON x 0,- M!]7, Pa¢ It7 AND OAB 2616], PAa Ila 1 r[RE9v ¢R+Km MAt *,I[nE ME NO [NST,.O -S,IunLOK.ENTS ORIlfv SIRUCOMES . M LANDS MREa aSLRlaO. OMR 1- SrAwl, Ap TNAT ArTECTS 7165 9R (Iqr POET-0M TWA- MI AS SM>t+ wAs YAEK ILIDER uT DUECIWF P ACC.OAxa URL 5 -ALL IMRD15 x PLAT 19Obt A PAa 1-1 Tay LR IRu 6-CEED 80. SWi, PACE 524. Das NOT ARECT IMS LR AS 11- w M tx foAl RCroa' nAro- SF'1 I.M er M ndWA BO,RD a PROFESSIOI& LMO SUh - a CNAPT[R 6101]-6. 11-A AOIDLSMAOK KRCOTA CODE. "..I 1O SCCMa .12.021. RCPDA SIATu[S 12u 1-OEOIGII.S x DEED 90. SIA PA. a. ,I.D -0 BO. !IS PAa COPES OT MS S . ME NVAID LxILSS ELBOSSEO wM M SCK O M 11.. W NOT M_E Ms 9R As DE -M IID&.. UNDERSIa1l[D. Irzu 6-00591M1 Rw66xc MM M LAUD x OA9 1014 PACE 216 -ITS PMMx4 EASEN.I a PMI.O SPACES 1-1 aK[USM. - - 1K nOR1N .0' O, MS ST, CLAC11-- NO? P.OITABLC IRP 9 -OAT (LAK OQD x l.'S ,EE NO 19R-1911 D¢S for Af-T 11aS 0-1 r. PICC. CSSIW& SM Y. ATO AIMPER LSMIII 9R C3.. BUD1S PR.(SS.. S.K10R A7D AIAPPD. L.I. 9) 42 10 H aRKD 61 -TCR AM YKA STA. OP IOWA IO) MS PROPERTY 5 2 . C-2 (CIDER& COPKROK). WTAPED FRPI IA1vTPOlT 2010 B1 PUIa LA,D SIAK10N5, PIC AIL -TIE RESCPKD NO AM-OADC DQMT1 PROPD.T1 APPRA7aPS .-TE 11) .SAM -DAO[ C -T, RDW -T.A' 6.1 TEST P[R DACE CO.TT ROW PMI OT MS SULKY MAY K x ANY FOR... 01 MT uEANS. aMDI PCa659OT1 x IFPI9IO M. M OrYKCA O PIAIa LAND S.KY.S aC C TVITA MAP. P.AT W. 120. PACE IS PA¢ • OP S 12) NUMBCR a PROPOSED TRACTS I IS) M EID•ACSI PUMOa OP IMS PLAT IS TO a -AM AEMINAI ,+.D PROPOSCD PRINCE ALBERT SITE . pSC.M1f FR. P.LI[ USE NAT 10 FOOT FIX ALLEY LYWO Y1rW PI9IIOIIM M.YI Aal4l AID CEI ULE PMC MIK E6AYpAD! COUNTY. RLOIS M IID - 01 - 5. a ROBBxs-. -AND CIl1.x .. No. IEveTaq IW t90TInF 64 TOw10� u 6dTTx aAwa n ACCOR.IO 10 M P.Li RKREa, AS KCORaD N RAL BO. 'A". AT PAa •9 In aF M PO6uC ft- AAAIA-DACE CWNTT, ROIN. I•) ELEVAMPS ARE BMCD . nAT1.& a000TK &RRC& OATLa O 196 BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY AND TENTATIVE PLAT :NCM - O ODL I: - W - EE -CITY a - OISC a C.CR[R SDEI„UL SWM- CORIA a MERSECO. OF N.M AW- ANo N.F LM S- T. PULICE LAND SURVEYORS, INC. (Or ¢ uAu DAIw) EavAIIW I- M,r6'L.0 C[WEnC KRIMK DAnn 1919) Ct[wn9N. 123, 6381 NOS HILL ROAD SUNRISE, FLORIDA 33981 IS) R65 SITE -T-A .055 AREA W 31,b5 -ME RCT (11792 AGK!) NEi AREA .1.6 ]7 "MC RCT (1.0991 AGES) E'LEPI E (954) 512-1111 M.(1-) 572-1776 PT- P/w OEX.- MEA (7O7µ) 3,.66 SWARF RET (0.0801 ACRES) E --- Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-27-10 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 3. Subdivision Improvement Letter Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ -1 on 05-27-10 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk BERCOW RADELL & FORNAN DEZ ZONING, LANA IJSE AND ENVIRONMENTAL LAW April 9, 2010 Jeffry Kluger Prince Albert, LLC 6600 NW 74"' Avenue Miami, Florida 33166 Dear Sir: T111-fia of ffliami CARLOS A. MIGOYA City Manager PRINCE ALBERT — (NEW TENTATIVE PLAT) TENTATIVE PLAT #1762 Located between North Miami Avenue and NE Miami Court, and between NE 17t1' Street and NE 17"' Terrace Your tentative plat entitled PRINCE ALBERT is now being processed. As stated in our February 12, 2010 letter, State and City laws require that the owner(s) of land being platted or replatted enter into an agreement with the City to construct certain improvements. To ensure that these subdivision improvements are constructed, a performance bond, letter of credit or cashier's check will be required guaranteeing the completion of these improvements within one year from the acceptance of the new plat by the City Commission. The amount of bond, letter of credit or cashier's check is based upon the estimated cost of the improvements listed below: NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION APPROX. QUANTITY UNIT COST/UNIT COST 1 Remove existing concrete pavement, sidewalk, curb&gutter 1382 SY $11.69 $16,156.23 2 Milling existing pavement 1" average depth 722 SY $2.17 $1,567.22 3 Limerock - new material for reworking base 225 CY $45.00 $10,142.13 4 Asphaltic concrete friction course 95 TN $106.28 $10,120.66 Construct concrete sidewalk (4" thick, un -reinforced) including 5 handicap ramp 177 SY $31.59 $5,591.43 6 Construct type P-5 Inlet 1 EA $3,000.00 $3,000.00 7 Install 15" diameter reinforced concrete pipe 351 LF $100.00 $3,500.00 8 Convert type -D Inlet to type F-3 Inlet (inlet top only) 2 EA $500.00 $1,000.00 9 Convert type F-3 inlet to manhole top (inlet top only) 1 EA $500.001 $500.00 10 Construct 6" curb and gutter 450 LF $12.95 $5,827.50 11 Restore swale area with sod 1610 SF $1.57 $2,527.70 12 Plant trees within planter areas along with tree grates 9.00 EA $450.00 $4,050.00 13 Install Detectable Warning System at handicap ramp 1 EA $200.00 $200.00 14 Remove abandoned ,wood pole 2 EA $2,000.00 $4,000.00 15 Remove tree stump 1 EA $300.00 $300.00 Sub -total Estimated Cost of Improvements $68,483.00 Contlgency 10% $6,848.00 Enginering and Indirect Cost 17% $12,806.00 Total Estimated Cost of Improvements $88,137.00 Amount of Subdivision Improvement Bond/Cashier's ChecklLetter of Credit (based on cost of improvements) 115% $101,358.00 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-27-10 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue / Miami, Florida 33130 / (305) 416-1200 / Fax: (305) 416-1278 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 330708 Miami, FL 33233-0708 Prince Albert, LLC PRINCE ALBERT — (NEW TENTATIVE PLAT) TENTATIVE PLAT #1762 4/9/2010 Page 2 of 3 You and your engineer must confer with the Department of Public Works Development and Roadway Plans Section to discuss the proposed improvements. Your engineer and architect will be required to prepare signed and sealed engineering, landscape, irrigation, and hardscape plans with elevations in City of Miami Datum. These plans shall clearly show dimensions between the base building lines and the City of Miami monument lines. All plans must be submitted to the Department of Public Works Development and Roadway Plans Section for review and approval prior to the application and issuance of any permits. Reasonable time must be allocated for the proper review of the construction plans by City personnel. A reproducible Mylar of the approved plans (standard size 24" x 36") shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works Development and Roadway Plans Section prior to the application and issuance of any building or construction permits on the property being platted. Construction of the subdivision improvements shall not commence until your contractor has obtained the required permits and applicable covenants. A line & grade permit fee must be paid by your contractor for new construction of any major alteration of buildings. A line & grade permit is also required for new sidewalk, curb and gutter, fences and walls with reinforced concrete foundations, and other structures to be constructed within ten (10) feet of the base building line. An excavation permit fee must be paid by your contractor if new drainage structures or other underground utilities are to be installed. Your contractor should check with the Right of Way Permits Section of the Department of Public Works for maintenance of traffic permits. Any construction on a state road including relocation of utility or light poles will also require a permit from the Florida Department of Transportation. Your surveyor will be responsible for the layout and final measurements of the subdivision improvements. Field books and reproducible Mylar sheets of the "as - built" survey shall be submitted to the Development and Roadway Plans Section for approval prior to the release of the subdivision improvement bond. The landscaping estimate, when included, is based on full coverage of solid sod and planting of specified trees. The owner(s) will be required to guarantee the landscaping for one year after the subdivision improvements have been accepted by the Department of Public Works. Water service requirements are not included in the improvements listed above. For information concerning water mains and appurtenances, contact Miami -Dade Water & Sewer Department at 305-665-7471. When the final plat has been prepared by your surveyor, it is to be submitted to the Department of Public Works (Survey Section) for checking and processing. The following items are to accompany the linen or Mylar tracing of the final plat and should be submitted to the Survey Section no later than six (6) weeks prior to the Commission meeting at which your plat is scheduled for City Commission approval: 1. Final plat original (inked) 2. three (3) prints of final plat, 3. $368.00 check for platting fee, 4. paid tax receipts for property being platted, 5. approval letters from utility companies concerning easements and services, 6. letter of Credit, Performance Bond or Cashier's Check for amount of subdivision improvements, (forms provided by Public Works), Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-27-10 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Prince Albert, LLC PRINCE ALBERT — (NEW TENTATIVE PLAT) TENTATIVE PLAT #1762 4/9/2010 Page 3 of 3 7. executed agreement, in triplicate, between owner(s) and City for subdivision improvements. (forms provided by Public Works), 8. a recent opinion of title, in triplicate, from an attorney, (forms provided by Public Works), and 9. proof that all liens on property have been paid. If you have any questions pertaining to the subdivision improvements, contact Mr. Bram Bachtiar, Professional Engineer III, at 305-416-1759. If you have any questions pertaining to the final plat and its submission to the City Coirunission for approval, contact Mr. Horacio Pulido, Surveyor, at 305-416-1248. Sincerely, Francis Mitchell, P.E Assistant Director ��- FM/ /AB/ab .�������/,9I r0 c.: Jane Storms Pulice Land Surveyor, Inc. 5381 Nob Hill Rd. Sunrise, Florida 33351 Ben Fernandez Bercow Radell & Fernandez 200 S. Biscayne Blvd., Suite 850 Miami, Florida 33131 bc.: Surveys Development and Roadway Plans Central Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-27-10 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 4. Max Miami Resolution v L O a c � O r` V N L as+ C Q O O N 'u BERCOW RADELL & FutNANDEZ ZONING. LANE> lJBE ANS ENVIRONMENTAL LAW N v .`. City of Miami Crlaii 3500 Pan American cr Drive .°.,;;,, .t Legislation Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com Resolution File Number: 06-02072ac Final Action Date: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION WITH ATTACHMENT(S) CLOSING, VACATING, ABANDONING AND DISCONTINUING FOR PUBLIC USE THE EASEMENT AND ALLEY LOCATED NORTH OF NORTHEAST 16TH STREET BETWEEN NORTHEAST IST AVENUE AND NORTHEAST MIAMI PLACE, MIAMI, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Miami Zoning Board, at its meeting on June 9, 2008, Item No. 3, following an advertised public hearing, adopted Resolution No. ZB 08-048 by a vote of five to zero (5-0) vote, recommending DENIAL of closing, vacating, abandoning, and discontinuing (a portion of) a public right-of-way as set forth; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works and the Plat and Street Committee have studied the subject vacation and closure and determined that it will not affect pedestrian or vehicular traffic circulation or access for public service; and WHEREAS, the Plat and Street Committee has reviewed the subject tentative plat and determined that all technical requirements have been met; and WHEREAS, the City Commission, finds that it is in the best interest of the general welfare of the City of Miami and its inhabitants to grant the vacation and closure of a portion of the public right-of-way as hereinafter described, and deems it advisable to do so; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. Therefore, the portion of a street/an alley located North of Northeast 16th Street between Northeast 1 st Avenue and Northeast Miami Place, Miami, Florida, more particularly described in Exhibit 'A" is closed, vacated, abandoned and discontinued for public use. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor. (1) APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNES ,�J Submitted into the public record in connection with JULIE O. BRU item PZ.1 on 05-27-10 CITY ATTORNEY Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk City of Allami Page I oft Printed On: 6/3012008 File Number 06-02072ac Footnotes: (1 ) If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution. it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-27-10 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Cil), of Miami Page 2 of 2 Printed On: 6/30/2008 5. Filling Station Lofts Resolution Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-27-10 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk BERCOW RADELL & FERNAN DEZ ZONING. LANG USE ANO ENVIRONMENTAL LAW „. City of Miami City Hall 3500 Pan American = Drive 'u” Legislation Miami, FL 33133 www.ci.miami.fl.us Resolution File Number: 04-01389 Final Action Date: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT, CLOSING, VACATING, ABANDONING AND DISCONTINUING FOR PUBLIC USE THAT PORTION OF A TEN FOOT ALLEY LOCATED SOUTH OF NORTHEAST 17 TH STREET BETWEEN NORTH MIAMI AVENUE AND NORTHEAST MIAMI COURT, MIAMI, FLORIDA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A." WHEREAS, the Miami Zoning Board at its meeting on November 22, 2004, Item No. 8, duly adopted Resolution No. ZB 2004-0958 by a vote of four to four (4-4), RECOMMENDING DENIAL of closing, vacating, abandoning, and discontinuing a portion of a public right-of-way as set forth; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works and the Plat and Street Committee have studied the subject vacation and closure and determined that it will not affect pedestrian or vehicular traffic circulation or access for public service; and WHEREAS, the Plat and Street Committee has reviewed the subject tentative plat and determined that all technical requirements have been met; and WHEREAS, the City Commission, after careful consideration of this matter, and notwithstanding the recommendation of the Zoning Board, finds that it is in the best interest of the general welfare of the City of Miami and its inhabitants to grant the vacation and closure of a portion of the public right-of- way as hereinafter described, and deems it advisable to do so; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA; Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. A portion of a ten foot alley located South of Northeast 17th Street between North Miami Avenue and Northeast Miami Court, Miami, Florida, more particularly described in Exhibit "A," is closed, vacated, abandoned and discontinued for public use. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor. (1) Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-27-10 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk City of Miami Page 1 of 2 Printed On: 1212112004 File Number: 04-01389 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: CAI wq JORGE L. FERNANDEZ CITY ATTORNEY Footnotes: {1} If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-27-10 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk City of Miami Page 2 of 2 Printed On: 1212112004 6. Avenue One Resolution Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ,1 on 05-27-10 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk BGRCOW RADGLL & FERNAN DEZ ZONINQ, LAND U8E AND ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 4 --:, City Miami City Hall of 3500 Pan American Drive ...; .� .; Legislation Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com Resolution File Number: 07-00384ec Final Action Date: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION WITH ATTACHMENT(S) CLOSING, VACATING, ABANDONING AND DISCONTINUING FOR PUBLIC USE EASEMENTS SOUTH OF NORTHWEST 20TH STREET BETWEEN NORTHWEST 1ST COURT AND NORTHWEST 1ST AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Miami Zoning Board, at its meeting on May 21, 2007, Item No. Z.5, following an advertised public hearing, adopted Resolution No. ZB 07-0047 by a vote of nine to zero (9-0), recommending APPROVAL of closing, vacating, abandoning, and discontinuing (a portion of) a public right-of-way as set forth; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works and the Plat and Street Committee have studied the subject vacation and closure and determined that it will not affect pedestrian or vehicular traffic circulation or access for public service; and WHEREAS, the Plat and Street Committee has reviewed the subject tentative plat and determined that all technical requirements have been met; and WHEREAS, the City Commission, finds that it is in the best interest of the general welfare of the City of Miami and its inhabitants to grant the vacation and closure of a portion of the public right-of-way as hereinafter described, and deems it advisable to do so; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. Therefore, the easements located South of Northwest 20th Street between Northwest 1st Court and Northwest 1st Avenue, more particularly described in Exhibit "A," are closed, vacated, abandoned and discontinued for public use. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor. {1) APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: JORGE L. FERNANDEZ CITY ATTORNEY Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-27-10 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk City of Miami Page I oft Printed On: 61612007 r . 1 0 File Number. 07-00384ec Footnotes: {1} If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. Cite of Miami Page 2 oil Printed On: 6/6/2007