HomeMy WebLinkAboutBackup DocumentsSTATE OF s- D• DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS "Dedicated to making Florida a better place to call home" CHARLIE CRIST Govemor February 19, 2010 The Honorable Tomas Regalado Mayor, City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Mayor Regalado: THO`.4AS G_ PELHAM Secretary The Department of Community Affairs completed its review of the City of Miami proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment (DCA No. IORWSPI), which was received on December 17, 2009. Copies of the proposed amendment have been distributed to appropriate state, regional, and local agencies for their review, and their comments are enclosed. The Department reviewed the comprehensive plan amendment for consistency with Rule 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, and Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes, and prepared the attached Objections, Recommendations, and Comments Report which outlines our findings concerning the comprehensive plan amendment. The Department identified four objections and four comments related to the amendment. My staff and I are available to assist the City in addressing the issues identified in our report. If you have any questions, please contact Bill Pable, AICP, at (850) 922-1781. Since ly, Mike McDaniel, Chief Office of Comprehensive Planning MM/bp Enclosures: Objections, Recommendations and Comments Report Review Agency Comments cc: Ana Gelabert-Sanchez, Director, City of Miami Planning Department Carolyn A. Dekle, Executive Director, South Florida Regional Planning Council 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD ♦ TALLAHASSEE, FL 32399-2100 850-488-8466 (p) ♦ 850-921-0781 (f) s Website: www.dca_state.f(.us ♦ COMMUNITY PLANNING 850-488-2356(p) &-0-488-3309(f) ♦ FLORJDACOMMUNMES TRUST 850-022-2207(p) 850-92}-7747 (i) a HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT &-4488-7956(p) 850-922-5623(f) ♦ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS, AND COMMENTS I ! _' Miami Amendment IORWSPI February 19, 2010 Division of Community Planning This report is prepared pursuant to Rule 9J-11.010 INTRODUCTION The following objections, recommendations and comments are based upon the Department's review of the City of Miami proposed Comprehensive Plan pursuant to Section 163.3184, F.S. Objections relate to specific requirements of relevant portions of Chapter 9J-5, F.A.C., and Chapter 163, Part II, F.S. Each objection includes a recommendation of one approach that might be taken to address the cited objection. Other approaches may be more suitable in specific situations. Some of these objections may have been raised initially by one of the other external review agencies. If there is a difference between the Department's objection and the external agency advisory objection or comment, the Department's objection would take precedence. The City should address each of these objections when the amendment is resubmitted for our compliance review. Objections which are not addressed may result in a determination that the amendment is not in compliance. The Department may have raised an objection regarding missing data and analysis, items which the City considers not to be applicable to its amendment. If that is the case, a statement justifying its non -applicability pursuant to Rule 9J-5.002(2), F.A.C., must be submitted. The Department will make a determination as to the non -applicability of the requirement, and if the justification is sufficient, the objection will be considered addressed. The comments which follow the objections and recommendations are advisory in nature. Comments will not form a basis for determination of non-compliance. They are included to call attention to items raised by our reviewers. The comments can be substantive, concerning planning principles, methodology or logic, as well as editorial in nature dealing with grammar, organization, mapping, and reader comprehension. Appended to the back of the Department's report are the comment letters from the other state review agencies, other agencies, organizations and individuals. These comments are advisory to the Department and may not form a basis for Departmental objections unless they appear under the "Objections" heading in this report. 2 TRANSMITTAL PROCEDURES Upon receipt of this letter, the City has 60 days in which to adopt, adopt with changes, or determine that the City will not adopt the proposed amendment. The process for adoption of local government comprehensive plan amendments is outlined in s. 163.3184, F.S., and Rule 9J- 11.011, F.A.C. The City must ensure that all ordinances adopting comprehensive plan amendments are consistent with the provisions of Chapter 163.3189(2)(a), F.S. Within ten working days of the date of adoption, the City must submit the following to the Department: ■ Three copies of the adopted comprehensive plan amendments; ■ A listing of additional changes not previously reviewed; ■ A listing of findings by the local governing body, if any, which were not included in the ordinance; and ■ A statement indicating the relationship of the additional changes to the Department's Objections, Recommendations and Comments Report. The above amendment and documentation are required for the Department to conduct a compliance review, make a compliance determination and issue the appropriate notice of intent. In order to expedite the regional planning council's review of the amendments, and pursuant to Rule 9J-11.011(5), F.A.C., please provide a copy of the adopted amendment directly to the Executive Director of the South Florida Regional Planning Council. Please be advised that Section 163.3184(8)(c), F.S., requires the Department to provide a courtesy information statement regarding the Department Notice of Intent to citizens who furnish their names and addresses at the local government's plan amendment transmittal (proposed) or adoption hearings. In order to provide this courtesy information statement, local governments are required by law to furnish the names and addresses of the citizens requesting this information to the Department. Please provide these required names and addresses to the Department when you transmit your adopted amendment package for compliance review. In the event there are no citizens requesting this information, please inform us of this as well. For efficiency, we encourage that the information sheet be provided in electronic format. 3 OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS, AND COMMENTS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT IORWSPI CITY OF MIAMI I. Consistency with Rule 9J-5, F.A.C., and Chapter 163, F.S. A. The Department identifies the following objections and recommendations to the proposed amendment. Objection 1: Intergovernmental Coordination Policies IC -1.1.7, IC -1.1.8, IC -1.1.9, and IC -2.1.1, and Potable Water Policy PW -1.2.3 lack specific, on-going coordination mechanisms and specific programs for periodic sharing of information to ensure the County and the City properly monitor and plan for the City's future water supply needs. Authority: Sections 163.3167(13), 163.3177(4)(a), (6)(a, c, d, h), (9), F.S., and Rules 9J-5.003(90), 9J-5.005(6), 9J -5.015(3)(b)1, 2, 3, (c)1, 3, 11, F.A.C. Recommendation: The City should revise Intergovernmental Coordination Policies IC -1.1.7, IC -1.1.8, IC -1.1.9, and IC -2.1.1, and Potable Water Policy PW -1.2.3 to ensure a meaningful process for collaborative planning and intergovernmental coordination through specific coordination mechanisms, on a continuing and ongoing basis, on water supply issues between the City and the County, to include the following: 1. Share information regarding changes in land -use, population and demand projections, water supply needs, implementing alternative water supply projects (including reuse and other conservation measures), establishing level of service standards, and serving newly annexed areas. 2. Describe the City's participation in the County's concurrency tracking program for water supply. 3. Provide information regarding alternative water supply projects that will directly provide water supply for the City. The current alternative water supply project is the Hialeah -Preston Water Treatment Plant Reverse Osmosis Expansion. The updated schedule, description of the project, and coordination efforts between the City and the County concerning the project should be included in the City's Work Plan. 4. Revise Intergovernmental Coordination Policy IC -1.1.7 to clarify that the City cannot direct the SFWMD to comply with City policy in its water planning efforts. Instead, the policy should focus on collaborative planning and intergovernmental coordination. Objection 2: Capital Improvements Element (CIE) Policy CI -1.2.2 is inconsistent with the requirement in Section 163.3180(2)(a), F.S., that sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, adequate water supplies, and potable water facilities must be available no later than the issuance by the local government of a certificate of occupancy. M Authority: Sections 163.3177(3), (6)(a), (6)(c), and 163.3180(2)(a), F.S., and Rules 9J-5.0055(3), 9J-5.006(3)(b)l, (3)(c)3, 9J -5.016(3)(b)3, and (3)(c)6, F.A.C. Recommendation: Revise CLE Policy CI -1.2.2 to clarify that the sentence which states "Such development orders may be granted, however, if capital improvements... are programmed to begin within one year..." does not apply to sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, adequate water supplies, and potable water facilities, consistent with Chapter 163.3180(2)(a), F.S. ■ Objection 3: The City has not included specific measureable objectives and policies with meaningful and predictable standards for water conservation. Authority: Sections 163.3167(13), 163.3177(1), (3), (4)(a), (6)(a, c, d), (8), (9), (10)(e), 163.3180(2)(a), F.S., and Rules 9J-5.003(82), (90), 9J -5.005(1)(c), (2), (6), 9J -5.006(3)(b)1 and (c)3, 9J-5.011(1) and (2)(b)3, 4, (c)3, 9J -5.013(1)(c), (2)(b)2, (2)(c)1, 9J -5.015(3)(b)1, 3, (3)(c)1, 9J -5.016(3)(b)1, 3, 4, 5, (3)(c)6, 8, (4), F.A.C. Recommendation: The City should provide specific and measurable objectives and policies for achieving goals for water conservation related to the Miami -Dade County Code by doing the following: a. Amend the text of the Water Supply Facilities Work Plan (WSFWP) at page 10, section 3.6.1 to note the following: 1.) All future development within the City will comply with water use efficiency techniques for indoor water use in accordance with section 8-31, 32-84, and 8A-381 of the Miami -Dade County Code; and 2.) All future development will comply with the landscape standards in sections 18-A and 18-B of the Miami -Dade County Code. b. Amend Policies NR -2.1.8 and NR -2.1.9 to note that the City shall comply with water conservation measures in sections 8-31, 32-84, and 8A-381 and with the landscape standards in sections 18-A and 18-B of the Miami -Dade County Code. Objection 4: The population projections within the WSFWP are inconsistent with the County's adopted WSFWP and the Shimberg Center. Furthermore, the projections are derived from a data source which is 5 to 6 years old and therefore is not based on best available data. Authority: Sections 163.3177(1), (2), (6)(a), (h)2, (8), (10)(e), F.S., and Rules 9J- 5.003(107), (116), 9J -5.005(1)(c), (2), (5)(a), 9J -5.006(1)(g), 9J -5.015(3)(b)1, 2, (3)(c)1, 3, 11, F.A.C. Recommendation: The City should coordinate with the County to adopt a consistent population projection. B. The Department identifies the following comments concerning the proposed amendment. Table B. Existing and Projected Potable Water Demand - Table B lists the capacity of the Alexander Orr water treatment plant at 248 MGD. This figure is derived from the County's WSFWP at 13age 3-14. However, it represents the plant's installed capacity of 248 MGD, and should be replaced with its rated capacity of 214.74 MGD. 2. Population — Page 7 refers to the 2015 population as 412,674 persons. Table A refers to the 2015 population as 421,674 persons. The typographical error should be corrected. 3. Reference to Miami -Dade Capital Improvement Schedule — Page 12, Sections 4.1 and 4.2 both refer to the Fiscal Year 2007-08 Miami -Dade County capital improvement schedule. The references should be updated to refer to the Fiscal Year 2009-10 capital improvement schedule. 4. Timing of Concurrency Requirement — Page 4, bullet 3 of the City's WSFWP is inconsistent with Section 163.3177(6)(c), F.S. It incorrectly states that "...This water supply concurrency is now in effect, and local governments should be complying with the requirement for all new development proposals. In addition, local governments should update their comprehensive plans and land development regulations as soon as possible to address these statutory requirements. The latest point at which the comprehensive plan must be revised to reflect the concurrency requirements is at the time the local government adopts plan amendments to implement the recommendations of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR)." The underlined text should be deleted. II. Consistency with Chapter 187, F.S., State Comprehensive Plan The proposed amendment is inconsistent with the following provisions of Chapter 187, F.S.: A. Section 187.201(7), Water Resources, Policies (b) 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, and 14: Ensure that new development is compatible with existing local and regional water supplies, protect aquifers, and promote water conservation. B. Section 187.201(15), Land Use, Policies (b) 1 and 6: Encourage the location of development in areas that have the capacity to service new development, and consider the impact of land use on water quality and quantity, and the availability of water. C. Section 187.201(17), Public Facilities, Policies (b) 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9: Encourage the development, use, and coordination of capital improvement plans by all levels of government and to ensure the availability of public facilities. D. Section 187.201(22), Agriculture, Policy (b) 5: Encourage conservation, wastewater recycling, and other appropriate measures to assure adequate water resources to meet agricultural and other beneficial needs. E. Section 187.201(25), Plan Implementation, Policy (b)7: Ensure that local plans implement and accurately reflect state goals and policies. By addressing the concerns noted in Section I, these inconsistencies with Chapter 187, Florida Statutes, can be addressed. 0 City of Miami Response to Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) Objections, Recommendations and Comments (ORC) Report, DCA No10-RWSP1. Addressing the Application to Amend the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP) Dated: December 17, 2009 This report contains responses by the City of Miami to the objections referenced in the Objections, Recommendations and Comments (ORC) Report issued by the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) dated February 19, 2010. The DCA issued objections and comments to the Application transmitted for review by the City of Miami on December 17, 2009. The objections must be addressed since they form the basis of potential determinations of compliance by DCA. The DCA objections and corresponding recommendations are summarized below, followed by the City's responses. A. DCA Objections to proposed Water Supply Facilities Work Plan: 1. Intergovernmental Corrdination Policies IC -1.1.7, IC -1.1.8, IC -1.1.9, and IC -2.1.1, and Potable Water Policy PW -1.2.3 lack specific, on-going coordination mechanisms and specific programs for periodic sharing of information to ensure the the County and the City properly monitor and plan for the City's future water supply needs. Citations: 163.3167(13), 163.3177(4)(a), (6)(a, c, d, h), (9), F.S., and Rule 9J -5.003(90),9J- 5.005(6), 9J -5.015(3)(b)1, 2, 3, (c)1, 3, 11, F.A.C. DCA Recommendation: The City should revise Intergovernmental Coordination Policies IC -1.1.7, IC -1.1.8, IC -1.1.9, and IC -2.1.1, and Potable Water Policy PW -1.2.3 to ensure a meaningful process for collaborative planning and intergovernmental coordination through specific coordination mechanisms, on a continuing and ongoing basis, on water supply issues between the City and the County, to include the following: i. Share information regarding changes in land -use, population and demand projections, water supply needs, implementing alternative water supply projects (including reuse and other conservation measures), establishing level of service standards, and serving newly annexed areas. ii. Describe the City's participation in the County's concurrency tracking program for water supply. iii. Provide information regarding alternative water supply projects that will directly provide water supply for the City. The current alternative water supply project is the Hialeah - Preston Water Treatment Plant Reverse Osmosis Expansion. The updated schedule, description of the project, and coordination efforts between the City and the County concerning the project should be included in the City's Work Plan. iv. Revise Intergovernmental Coordination Policy IC -1.1.7 to clam that the City cannot direct the SFWMD to comply with City policy in its water planning efforts. Instead, the policy should focus on collaborative planning and intergovernmental coordination. City Response: i. City of Miami proposes to include additional language to the following Policy PW -1.2.4 to transmit information with the MDWASD to ensure collaborative planning efforts: EQ 1l �Y IL w�l��"I ���2 � N Ilhelit lillll condinue to coordinate �tlhrou IIS 1bg E@Ou ]grs N e 11 ni cd Coinnindttee and the IKaimu li...l':`,gd un'our nnu11 IIx to udlll2& exiDand and x it utlh tx xll p i xi t.. t i x Ile t bll„ w ter xIIIItidds and afternadve w txiry xull2gllixx f t i'xxt.tlhe 2 Roods iris: uiirid�N ut.uiWdi:;^ W�, INer xi.u�� 1°ieeds. Such lh irvdin ton tt irvt "W lillll li d u the ti�an unt iIl ii x Ilii 1, Dd ton and dernand t iii irvirvr`itii� for iry ... future i� " tli i � t i� a 11 i � lii 11 i i t tli i t IPt i�iadve water r uiooll orecf t bllli hrnent of Il v 11 of servlce standardsand servldilri of i 11 V annexed areas. ii. MDWASD is currently developing a Water Supply Allocation Program to address adequate water supply requirements in Florida Statute and ensure compliance with the County's water use permit. Policy PW -1.2.3 will incorporate additional language to better describe the City's participation in the County's Water Allocation Program. llliix 11 2 [l i' t itV WxJll g2mix... o�c Il2 irvti ill tV t the tu�ullllxxt extent ll2 xxillJe "W itlh K imii l p dx..0uui tV..to T ii III t ii N !I:.t to irvVx in t....11 iry ptirygirris torrontor llx"v6s of xxixq x of each water suppIIy, "W�@ter tirvt°timent and wastewater ti x... timxnt fadlli!Y f iry use DY gggogg. that Issue de.v.e.II pi ,Viet (Ii�tx...... „.xx indude the .V..xt blli .a.himxnt „ . . u of water and wastewater xi IItt god u�i� t . water and wastewater transimis§on and t.ilrvetime.... V I t t i� �i ix "��i �.� Il�irviiry . ixxu�ui�x ... txIlixit irv,tirvx irvirvixlitxuirvuit tx tlltiry t:.:t tt :.�. iii. The City of Miami and MDWASD believes Policy PW -1.3.1 identifies the most current alternative water supply projects. The Policy further references Appendix A (page 22) of the Water Supply Facilities Work Plan that identifies specific projects names, descriptions, construction timeframes and estimated costs. Note: The County has requested a permit modification to the Water Use Permit but at this time has not been issued by the South Florida Water Management District. Please see Appendix WSP-1 — Application for Modification of Water Use Permit No. 13-00017-W (Exhibit 29 and 30). iv. The City of Miami proposes to revise Policy IC -1.1.7 to clarify the City's efforts to coordinate with the SFWMD planning and permitting process. N ,211!liicIII ,���� ���" ���°' ' 1��� N b,2 li t x11 1111 i�V' nate "W li tlh the South .......................................................:.:........:...:.:........:..........:....................:....:...:.:........:.............:.:.......:.:........:.:................................................................................................................................................................................... o iId teii i� xi:xi t pixtirvi water i.0 SII ��:��di idN i iui��:��di N....N.................................................i..�.�:.�.�.. ...:.......d....tL ....................... .............................................................�.N.....d:.t..t.:.�:...d.....N........t....ted ........pd, ......N.u.N.....d..N...........iri i . 1 x ti01111 S to ll Ihar txuixtli x of the IMOV' ' I'. suet �txx Il:IIla� i � i��t 2 Illi ixx of the N................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................IL......... ........... MO and .. Use, ..t�tu�uiry xiu�ui��t�`°i .... u�ui �°i :�x�grv. �° i"��.... xt.ManaggEgot tx tuutuuiV p p i i i dt.p "W tlh 4 IIxiVitx Ilt iii tuuirvtllVi titV p�IliV t iiNull„tii pt xi V a utill„iiiipt t.I�V irviptV t IItV„irvitiV txi a uppIIV txIliIVdtixx a utlliixt under IMI t t bIlx Water 4 Ilei” ent tVb.11.x ti vx tttt t tt.a iii llu udiinx u iry xx tirvVrn xxpi]ft�t... o�i...nx ii N VVuuitVi xlllltii„xll tx IIIl iid,iLgn AggJtV„i xt i p;tx i N px exp: tV ltt tx ll i ii uuxx txpry 2 2. Capital Improvments Element (CIE) Policy CI -1.2.2 is inconsistent with the requirmewnt in Section 163.3180(2)(x), F.S., that sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, adequate water supplies, and potable water facilities must be available no later than the issuance by the local government of certificante of occupancy. Citations: 163.3177(3), (6)(a), (6)(c), and 163.3180(2)(a), F.S., and Rule 9J-5.0055(3), (90),9J -5.006(3)(b)1, (3)(c)3, 9J -5.016(3)(b)3, and (3)(c)6, F.A.C. DCA Recommendation: Revise CIE Policy CI -1.2.2 to clarify that the sentence which states "Such development orders may be granted, however, if capital improvements... are programmed to begin within one year... "does not apply to sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, adequate water supplies, and potable water facilities, consistent with Chapter 163.3180(2)(a), F.S.: City Response: City of Miami proposes to add additional language to the following Policy CI -1.2.2 to be consistent with requirement in Section 163.3180(2)(a), F.S.: Policy 0-1.2.2: All development orders authorizing changes in permitted land uses for new development or redevelopment that results in an increase in the density or intensity of land use will be contingent upon the ability of existing or programmed public facilities to continue to provide service at or above the adopted LOS standard for the public facilities listed in Policy CI -1.2.3. The public facilities to serve the new development or redevelopment shall be in place and available to serve new development as follows: a) Sanitary sewer, solid waste, potable water facilities and adequate water supply shall be in place and available to serve new development or redevelopment no later than the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its functional equivalent. The concurrency requirement for sanitary sewer may be met through the use of onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems approved by the Department of Health. Prior to approval of a building permit or its functional equivalent, the city shall consult with the Miami -Dade County Water and Sewer Department (.I ,.I''pVV8" I!''p to determine whether the adequate water supplies to serve the new development will be available no later than the anticipated date of issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its functional equivalent II a urvtllucurvur urvc 4Wi )WA&i':`p IIS [II Ilbeurvc p u], i, lJ e for unlit ii,ng the 4illabllli f cu� Illie for MI ter �u eir f 4�M,,`�pW l'���:�°�p u����t� �f u� liu ��Ilc�u �c�u��tlin .....................................................i....11...............................................................................................................................................................................................�.....................11............................................�.�1.........� tarn that lnks Water supples to the �IJffng of ogcw dg"� gc gprru�ent. 3. The City has not included specific measureable objectives and policies with meaningful and predictable standards for water conservation. Citations: 163.3167(13), 163.3177(1), (3), (4)(a), (6)(a, c, d),(8), (9), (10)(e), 163.3180(2)(a), F.S., and Rule 9J-5.003(82), (90),9J -5.005(1)(c), (2), (2)(b)2, (2)(c)1, 9J -5.015(3)(b)1, 3, (3)(c)1, 9J -5.016(3)(b)1, 3, 4, 5, (3)(c)6, 8, (4), F.A. C. DCA Recommendation: The City should provide specific and measurable objectives and policies for achieving goals for water conservation related to the Miami -Dade County Code by doing the following: a. Amend the text of the Water Supply Facilities Work Plan (WSFWP) at page 10, section 3.6.1 to note the following: 1.) All future development within the City will comply with water use efficiency techniques for indoor water use in accordance with section 8-31, 32- 84, and 8A-381 of the Miami -Dade County Code; and 2.) All future development will comply with the landscape standards in sections 18-A and 18-B of the Miami -Dade County Code. b. Amend Policies NR -2.1.8 and NR -2.1.9 to note that the City shall comply with water conservation measures in sections 8-31, 32-84, and 8A-381 and with the landscape standards in sections 18-A and 18-B of the Miami -Dade County Code. City Response: City of Miami proposes to amend text of the Water Supply Facilities Work Plan on page 10 section 3.6.1 and Policies NR -2.1.8 and NR -2.1.9 to include the following language: Water Conservation Plans and Development Codes Miami -Dade County has developed recommendations for new development that would achieve higher water use savings than currently required by code. The Board of County Commissioners adopted the Water Use Efficiency Ordinance 08-14 which created Section 8- 31 of the Code of Miami -Dade County on February 5, 2008, and amended by ordinance on September 2, 2008. in add lion the Il...andDe Ordinance creatlium CllmoAer 18A and 1311�I3 of the Il and toyo Code of Ordinances was adwtoy IIS the II�IIitCC oum IICo yThese water efficiency recommendations represent an additional 30 percent to the water savings identified in the 20 -year Water Use Efficiency Plan. All tutuLg y000llopu:uonl wliflNium the Clity Wlillll leo ure :mired to ooimpYtlh water oonserootlions urneas urea Drooliyoy tlhroo Ilm CllmoAer 3 �I3 ulillyliu2 Water and Sewer Il:��� c datlions and CllmoAer 18A and 1311�I3 a ii De Ordinance of the Clioimr` i I[)oyo Coun 11 Code of Ordinances. The list of recommendations submitted to the BCC and the ordinance relating to water use efficiency standard are presented in Appendix D of the MDWASD Water Supply Facilities Work Plan and are also posted in the Miami -Dade Water Conservation Portal. Policy NR -2.1.8: R esei: yedj!bee iit iillll ujinumc to pu,gcJ c water conservaJons e uure to ynew peskle91„tuoll and oourvmpmerdoll...deveel .puDgot. yzj,lJl IIS „ ueg,g,ured t „ii„n t,91111 „Il�u�tlhe u u�um 11:1p ll uuu:t to tourvo ouu t y.p1112lluaIII oyot tll�uot..ou�`' enforced tlhrou�u:tlll Cllmoptyu 3 toulldj,n p Coyo...oumy � 2 - Water and Sewer Il:��teg datlions pt.u.li.4iiq.......Code ...... �eG li.o.iq....3..1..... �f the Il lli rd...II[)ade Count ode of liuoIII .C.es�yoto.y.......................................................1 .......................................o,...�A.....1..t..�.y.....�.y....�..3........ I .11lui y Il li 21 5 o to uurvmplllou:mouut the saime or uyore otijinyou�ut...wat�`r � p Ilmo !I:t "�oullll youmtuumum .. ooumoourvootlioum a 0000u oo 00 2[ovii to t tllmurvoum:: Ilm Cllmo toury 3 istumIll ,Ilium:: Coto o yotoy Co tououll oury 1t .........................................................�1.............................IL...................................................................�1................................t.......ll.............................................p.................. 1t0 ClhaoDter 32 Water oumy Commoury Il to datiioumo oDyotoy CoiDtououlbeir 1t 201! 13 and Chanter 18A and 1311�I3 l oumy000iDe Ordinance o DyoI of the IlCliard II:')ayo Coun' Co���to of tyurvdiumoum000. 11 4. The population projections within the WSFWP are inconsistent with the County's adopted WSFWP and the Shimberg Center. Furthermore, the projections are derived from a data source which is 5 to 6 years old and therefore is not based on best available data. Citations: 163.3177(1), (2), (6)(a), (h)2, (8), (10)(e), F.S., and Rule 9J-5.003(107), (116),9J - 5.005(1)(c), (2), (5)(a), 9J-5.006(1)0, 9J -5.015(3)(b)1, 2, (3)(c)1, 3, 11, F.A.C. DCA Recommendation: The City should coordinate with the County to adopt a consistent population projection. City Response: The City of Miami has coordinated with Miami -Dade County Water and Sewer Department to adopt the most resent 2008 TAZ population projections. Section 3. 1, Table A and Table B of the Water Supply Facilities Work Plan will be revised to reflect the following: 3.1 Population Information The City's existing and future population figures as shown in Table A are derived from 404 2008 Miami -Dade County Planning and Zoning Transportation Analysis Zone (TAZ), 200 and are Gon,.rvu,3teFlt W411 tilQut7G GOFuIiueheFIGuVe iWn. Between 1990 and 2000, the City of Miami population grew from 358,548 to 362,470, an increase of one percent (1.1 %)1. Although the City's 2005 Evaluation Appraisal Report (EAR) predicted an increase in population, in 2005 it was estimated that the City's population had increased to 386,879 residents. By 2010, the City's population is anticipated to increase to, �'..I...„2 , 3; 2015 to 412,674 ,�J „ „ ; and 2025 to j ,, ry j (represents an increase of evgc percent over the ;100&-2008 population). By all projections, growth will continue to occur in the region, with future development potential and population growth limited by the scarcity of vacant and developable land. Table A. City of Miami Population Projection Comparisons YEAR T ���� ° M� &Z 8 TAZ 2010 405T34 444750�Q]...A.2. ,Z, 2015 , a... 2,” ~3 .�.1...a. Q . 2020 :... 2 w:� .. ) , � ..�...A.,�'w).��. 2025 444,469 44477-6'A..1...a..:.1 2030 46470...A.... .. 'Population projections provided by Miami -Dade County Facts, Miami -Dade Department of Planning & Zoning, May 2004 2 Population projections provided by Shimberg Center of Affordable Housing, Bureau of Economic Business Research (BEBR)20€ 5 3 Population projections provided by Miami -Dade Department of Planning and Zoning Transportation Analysis Zone (TAZ) 20042008 ,,,,,,,, Table B. Existing and Projected Potable Water Demand for the City of Miami WATER SUPPLY UTILITY SERVICE WITHIN LOCAL GOVERNMENT'S JURISDICTION Million Gallons/day (MGD) Year Population Projections Gallons/Capita/ Day Average Demand MGD MDWASD System Demand Demand as % of County MDC Alexander Orr Plant Capacity MGD MDC Hialeah - Preston Plant Capacity (MGD) 204m ;.244214 '74 225 200 0144/" 155 62-936220 354.96 18 244214,"44 225 205 421,444441„405 155 6"66 44 378.02 1114 244414 14 225 2COO 444,214441N44,"W 155 674t7l 47 396.80 1414 244414 44 225 2CO5 444,9M21,211 155 6"76 25 416.64 44-18 244214,74 225 2COO 155 4-W80 93 434.63 419 2,14,"1'4 225 B. DCA Comments to proposed Water Supply Facilities Work Plan: 1. Table A Existin,- and Proiected Potable Water Demand —Table B lists the capacity of the Alexander Orr water treatment plant at 248 MGD. This figure is derived from the County's WSFWP at page 3 -14. However, it represents the plant's installed capacity of 248 MGD, and should be replaced with its rated capacity of 214.74 MGD. City Response: City of Miami proposes to amend Table B of the Water Supply Facilities Work Plan to reflect the rated capacity of 214.74 MGD for the Alexander Orr water treatment plant (See OCR A.4. Response). 2. Population —Page 7 refers to the 2015 population as 412,6 74 persons. Table A refers to the 2015 population as 421, 674 persons. The typographical error should be corrected. City Response: The City of Miami has coordinated with Miami -Dade County Water and Sewer Department to adopt the most current 2008 TAZ population projections. These population figures will be reflective on page 7 of the Water Supply Facilities Work Plan (See OCR A.4. Response). 31 3. Reference to Miami -Dade Capital Improvement Schedule — Page 12, Section 4.1 and 4.2 both refer to the Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Miami -Dade County capital improvement schedule. The references should be updated to refer to the Fiscal Year 2009-10 capital improvement schedule. City Response: City of Miami proposes to amend Section 4.1 and 4.2 of the Water Supply Facilities Work Plan to be consistent with the County's most recent Capital Improvement Schedule. Please see Appendix WSP-2 containing the most resent Sewer Facilities (Table 8) and Water Facilities (Table 12) of the MDCDMP: 4.1 Alternative Water Supply Projects Proposed alternative water supply (AWS) projects are to meet MDWASD's increase water demands through 2030, which encompasses the proposed 20 -year Consumptive Use Permit period. AWS projects have been identified to meet water demands in the MDWASD service area and may be found in the 2009/2010 Miami -Dade County Schedule of Capital Improvements lL 3 i i i � Lid , the 20 -Year Water Supply Facilities Work Plan and Alternative Water Supply and Wastewater Reuse Projects Table (Table 1 of Appendix A). 4.2 Capital Improvements Element/Schedule As demonstrated in the previous sections, the Alternative Water Supply Plan being proposed by the County should meet the increased water demands through 2030. As a confirmation that the County is committed to fund these projects, the projects for the 20 -Year Work Plan may be found in the 009/..01 0. Miami -Dade County Schedule of Capital Improvements (Table 8 and 12 of Appendix A) and with the 20 -Year Water Supply Facilities Work Plan. 4. Timinz of Concurrency Requirement — Page 4, bullet 3 of the City's WSFWP is inconsistent with Section 163.3177(6)(c), F.S. It incorrectly states that "...This water supply concurrency is now in effect, and local governments should be complying with the requirement for all new development proposals. In addition, local regulations as soon as possible to address these statutory requirements. The latest point at which the comprehensive plan must be revised to reflect the concurrency requirements is at the time the local movernment adopts plan amendments to implement the recommendations of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR). "The underline text should be deleted City Response: City of Miami proposes to amend Section 1.2, bullet 3 of the Water Supply Facilities Work Plan to be consistent with Section 163.3177(6)(c), F.S.: Ensure that adequate water supplies and facilities area available to serve new development no later than the date on which the local government anticipates issuing a certificate of occupancy and consult with the applicable water supplier prior to approving building permit, to determine whether adequate water supplies will be available to serve the development by the anticipated issuance date of the certificate of occupancy [s.163.3180 (2)(a), F.S., effective July 1, 2005]. This "water supply concurrency" is now in effect, and local governments should be complying with the requirement for all new development proposals. In addition, local governments should update their comprehensive plans and land 7 development regu ationsa& sG Gn4s: °)�m �� to address these statutory The APPENDIXWSP-1 The following data represents the Miami -Dade County Water and Sewer Department Application for Modification of the current Water Use Permit No.13-00017-W. This space was intentionally left blank. WSP-ORC APPENDIX March 2010 EM Carlos Alvarez, Mayor December 21.20U0 Mo. Terhe Bates Assistant Deputy Director Regulatory and Public Affairs South Florida Water Management 0iS1hCt P.O. Box 24880 West Palm Beach, PL33418-40OO Email: tbates(@sfwmd.go Water &8ewer P.O.Box 3}0}l6%307l SVV}0hAvenue Miami' Florida 33233-0316 |30S -665-74r7 Electronic Correspondence/ (]hgin8| via Certified yN8iK Return Receipt Requested 7001 036000006784 1040 CCN: 53645 File No. 8OC.18.50 RE: Miami -Dade Water and Sewer [)8p8rtnleDt (K8DVV/\8[J)—Application for Modification of Water Use Permit No. 13-00017-W Dear Ms. Bates: miamidude.gov As requested in your |8the[ dated October 0' 2089, which addressed 8]die[ diSCUSSkJDS On making FDOdUfiC3tiODS h3the existing water use permit, 8DdOSed is CO0p|8teKd @pp|iC3tOD f000 and check number 00418530 in the 8OlOUOt Of $11.500.00 for pPOC8SSiOg the proposed modifications. The proposed modifications are based on current water use reduction, as8result of8very successful implementation of our Water Conservation Plan and water use restrictions, which are now permanent by county wide ordinance. The County's finished water demand is now 35 million gallons per day (MGD) lower than what was anticipated when the 20 -year water use permit application was submitted, and this has eliminated the anticipated vv8t8r d8Rl8Dd crisis that was the basis for the very @[DbitiOUS SCh8dU|e for S8V8rG| near-term projects. In addition, the adoption Of |HgiS|3tiOD in 2008 requiring phase-out of our OC8@n Outf3||S has Se[iOUS iDlp|iCGtiODS for our water neC|2[D8UOO and reuse p|8DS that were not COni8rnp|8t8d when the water use permit was developed. AS part of those p|8DS we contemplate taking an agreement with Florida Power and Light for reuse Of up to SO million gallons per day of reclaimed vvetar at their Turkey Point complex tUthe County Commission early next year. The proposed modifications include the following: 0 eliminating blending Of native F|0[id8O aquifer well water with eXSUDg and proposed SOu[CeS due tOwater quality iSSU8S and using the BXSUOg Floridan Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) facilities to reduce dry season pUDlp8gSfrom the Biscayne 8qUif8[. as originally intended; o deferring the implementation Of the North and C8Dtn8| District VV83tevv8ter Treatment Plants' neUSR projects to the CDDlp|i8n09 date in the {}Ce8D {]Utf@|i ieQiS\8tiOO, adopted in 2000, to facilitate 8 CO0pP3heOSiv8 and cost-effective [HUSe p|8O that is completely integrated with the Outfall compliance plan; and L09191 SFWMD Ms. Terrie Bates, SFWMD Page 2 December 21, 2009 Application for Modification of Water Use Permit No. 13-00017-W delaying the timelines for the Hialeah Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Plant and Floridan Aquifer wellfield and South District recharge projects, by one year in light of reduced water demands and to provide sufficient time to complete these projects in an orderly and cost-effective way. Should you have any questions regarding this application, please contact me at 786-552-8086, or Ms. Bertha Goldenberg, P.E. at 786-552-8120. We look forward to working closely with the District to meet Miami -Dade County's water supply needs as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible while contributing directly to enhancement of natural systems. Sincerely, Joh W. Renfrow, P.E. Director Enclosures: Check Number 00418530 in the Amount of $11,500.00 Completed Water Use Permit Application Form 0645-W01 ec: C. Wehle cwehle()-sfwmd.gov R. Diaz ridiaz(a)-sfwmd.gov M. Elsner melsner(a)sfwmd.gov J. Marshall jmarshal(a)-sfwmd.gov B. Tilles btilles(a)_sfwmd.gov K. Smith karsmith(,5—sfwmd.gov L09179SFW MD-LC56 MIAMI -DADS WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT POOLED CASH ACCOUNT P.O. BOX 330316 MIAMI, FL 33233-0316 Check Date: 10/06/2009 Vendor Name: SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MGMT DISTRICT Check Number: 00418530 Payment Deductions Invoice Number Invoice Date Voucher ID Gross Amount Insp Gen Fee User Access Fee Discount Paid Amount PERMIT 92909 09/29/2009 DP34970 11500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,500.00 Processing Fee ($11,500.00) for Application for Major Modification to Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department Water Use Permit 13-00017-W The attached check represents the amount due you as shown on our records. For additional information, contact (305) 665-7471 Total Total Total Total Total Check Number Date Gross Amount Insp Gen Fee User Access Fee Discount Paid Amount 00418530 10/06/2009 $11,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,500.00 11'004 L85300 406 70064 3 21:2696 20650347011' WATER USE PERMIT APPLICATION FORM (RC -1A, RC -1W, RC -1G) For all water uses EXCEPT dewatering for mining or construction General and Specific Authority, Chapter 373, State Statutes, 40E-20 Florida Administrative Code and Basis of Review, Vol III, South Florida Water Management District. A. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Name of Owner, Responsible Entity, etc. Name: John W. Renfrow Project Name: Modification of Permit 13-00037-W Address: P.O. Box 330316 City: Miami County: Miami -Dade State: FL ZIP: 33233-0316 Phone: 786-552-8086 Cell Phone: 305-283-5616 Fax: E-mail: RenfrJ�@miamidadeegov 2. Proof of Ownership is required, in the form of a Deed, tax certificate, lease, or Articles of Incorporation A IIIi "III"'"A l III Kilroot" of t iwu oui sll lilll 'to tll ire III' ouirure — Previously Submitted 3. Name of Engineer, Contractor or Other. Name: Bertha M. Goldenberg Firm: Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department Address: P.O. Box 330316 City: Miami County: Miami -Dade State: FL ZIP: 33233-0316 Phone: 786-552-8120 Cell Phone: 305-903-9807 Fax: 786-552-8120 E-mail: BMGPmiamidadeegov 4. If the above person(s) filling out this form will sign this Application on behalf of the owner, a letter of authorization signed by the owner, stating they are acting on behalf of the owner, must be submitted. A III"""III"'"A 111 III 11 etteuir of Autll oui uzatuou to tll lis t"oui ure — Not Applicable 5. Is this a New Permit ❑ mai/Modification/€+red ® Permit No.: 13-00037-W 6. Amount of water applied for: gallons per day — Previously Submitted not to be changed 7. Has a Surface Water Management Permit or Environmental Resource Permit from the District been issued for this Project? SWM / ERP Permit No.: or has a Surface Water Management Permit or Environmental Resource Permit from the District been applied for? SWM / ERP Application No.: 8. A fee of $11,500 is required to process this Application. See Chapter 40E-1.607, F.A.C. for fee schedule. A III"""III"'"A llh III Alll 111 llu :etliouu fee to tll lis III' ouirure — Check Number 00418530 in the Amount of $11,500.00 9. Please Identify any District Staff member you have discussed this Application with: Ms. Terrie Bates, Ms. Karen Smith B. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY — Previously Submitted 1. General Location of the Property/Project— Previously Submitted County: Miami -Dade City: Miami Sections — Previously Submitted Township (s) Range (s) (or Land Grant Name) — Previously Submitted 2. It will be necessary to submit two drawings to be used as exhibits for this Permit. a. Location Map, (8'/2 x 11), showing location of the project in relation to major roads. b. Site Map, (81/2 x 11) locating project in relation to adjacent streets, canals and water bodies, and showing property boundaries, buildings, on-site lakes/ponds and the location of pumps and wells. A III"""III"'"A l III 11 ocatuon 'ftp and &:te II'ft to tlhs Ill ouirure — Previously Submitted Form 0645-W01 (08/03) PERMIT APPLICATION for Water Use C. WATER SOURCE and WATER USE TYPE Please indicate the source of water. ® Groundwater from an underground aquifer: A""III""""'III"'"ACIIh°°i ""III""'aU:e A l"ouir ell'II's to l lllis 1"oui ure Aquifer Name (if known): Biscayne and Floridan Aquifers Previously Submitted ❑ Surface water: II II ACIIh°°i ""III""'aU:e III';Ilt 1"ouir ❑ Onsite Lake/Pond ❑ Onsite Ditch/Canaluurellle'to'llllis III' ouirure ❑ Adjacent Lake/Open Water, Name: No Change Proposed ❑ Adjacent Canal, Name: Type of water use (Please check at least one) ❑ Agricultural Irrigation ❑ Landscape Irrigation ❑ Golf Course Irrigation ® Public Water Supply ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑ Aquaculture ® Aquifer Storage/Recovery (ASR) ❑ Other (Please describe): D. IRRIGATION WATER USE Not Applicable 1. Is this permit for irrigation? ❑ Landscape ❑ Golf ❑ Agriculture Crop type: What is the Total Project Acreage: Irrigated Acreage: A III"""III"''AOI III II o11111'e III'a 1"ouir Cuiro111 Illu:l"oui uieotuou to llllis III' ouirure Not Applicable 2. Applications for golf or landscape irrigation in excess of 500,000 gallons per day require a water conservation plan as explained in Section 2.3.1 of the Basis of Review. A 111 11i AOI III, u'1" needed, o wateir con seui a,flOn III 11:an 1"ouir g61'1" ouir Ilou dscao e liirrm :ga'fl:on Not Applicable E. PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY WATER USE 1. Is this permit for Public Water Supply? Yes Maximum gallons per month needed: 13,364 MG Average gallons per day: 418.47 MGD (End of Permit) Permit Duration requested: 18 Years (remaining amount of time in current 20 Year Permit to expiration) 2. A map of the service area for the utility, (8'/2 x 11) showing boundaries of service, water treatment plants, storage facilities, the location of all production and monitor wells is required. A III"""III"'"AOI 111ILi ocotaon 'ftp and Seui iice Auireo IIdo111 to tlh:s III ouirure Previously Submitted 3. For public water supplies using more than 100,000 gallons per day, applicants must meet criteria and identify the demand for each use%omponent including number, type and size of service connections; past pumpage, projected population data, future expected pumpage, water treatment method and losses and other specific data as identified in Section 2.1 and 2.6 of the Basis of Review. Tables F (past water use), Table G (projected water use) and Table 1 (treatment method and losses) must be submitted. A 111' 111'"ACIIh°°i wateir su 111 111 ll'y deuieou d couielll utotoou s and 'III oN1'es III', C ou d III to t1lhi:s III"'ouiruio Updated Tables F and G Attached 4. For public water supplies using more than 100,000 gallons per day, other necessary information requirements may include if applicable: explanations of per -capita greater than 200 GPD, water supply system interconnections, water received from or distributed to other entities, and aquifer storage and recovery. Please submit Tables H (for per capita use greater than 200 GPD), Table J (ASR), Table K (interconnections), and Table E (water received from or distributed to other entities) if necessary. A III"""III"'"AOI III, u'1" needed, III aN:es III°°III, .11, III( ou d III to tll ire II1' ouirure 5. Applications for public water supply in excess of 500,000 gallons per day require a water conservation plan as explained in Section 2.6.1 of the Basis of Review. A 111' 11i AOI III, u'1" needed, o wateir con seuireot:on III 11:an 1"oui" III u111 111ic wateir sulll 111 ll'y to tllhl:s III' ouirure Previously Submitted Form 0645-W01 (08/03) PERMIT APPLICATION for Water Use F. INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL AND OTHER WATER USES -Not Applicable 1. Is this permit for Industrial/Commercial? Nature of the Business: Maximum gallons per month needed: Average gallons per day needed: 2. Industrial/commercial applicants using more than 100,000 gallons perday must provide information on the water balance for the operation, including all sources of water and losses of water for processes, personal/sanitary needs, treatment losses and unaccounted uses. A flow chart for the water balance should be submitted. A III"""III"'"Aylll°°IIIwater Ill sllsu ce andflow dhart to tlhu:s III' ouirure — Not Applicable 3. For uses other than Irrigation, Public Water /Supply, Industrial or Commercial, but excluding mining/dewatering (Air conditioning, pool heating, mitigation, etc.). Describe Water Needs: Maximum gallons per month needed: Average gallons per day needed: A 111' 111'"Aylll°°III o ui otten e plana uou and cao:.ellotlions a sedto deteuiruie:ne tlhe ouieou nt of oteuir you need — Not Applicable 4. Applications for industrial, commercial and other water uses in excess of 500,000 gallons per day require a water conservation plan as explained in Section 2.4.1 of the Basis of Review. A 111' 111'"Aylll III, u'f" needed, o water cou seui gluon III II'on f"ouir l:ndu slue uoll', couieuieeird:oll' or otlheuir oteuir sulll 111 ll'y — Not Applicable G. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS IF YOU ARE USING MORE THAN 100,000 GALLONS PER DAY 1. The withdrawal of water must not cause harm to sensitive areas, wetlands or saline water intrusion. It may be necessary to supply modeling to address impacts of the water use. A111'111'"Aylll III, u'f" uneeded, ureod0l:ung or documuuieeuntotooun ou~u euuoliuiouuuineu loll uurnIll octs'to thl :s Ill ouirurn — Previously Submitted 2. All applicants withdrawing water in proximity to saline surface or groundwater, or withdrawing saline water that may come in contact with fresh surface or ground water, are required to develop a saline water monitoring program as described in Section 4.2 of the Basis of Review. A 111' 111'"Ay 111 III, u'f" needed, o sal:I: ue water ninon~ :tout ing Ill uiroguirourn — Previously Submitted 3. Except for Public Water Supply, reclaimed water must be used when readily available, unless it is not environmentally, technically or economically feasible to do so, as explained in Section 3.2.3 of the Basis of Review. A111'111'"AGI III, u'f" needed, our eoolluotlion of''tllue f"eosulll ulllity of usli:ng uire6l:4oureed water aind o II'etteuir froure youur utulllity uiegord�5::uu5 tlllueliui 000ullol ulllity of uire6:4:ureed oteuir to tlhu:s III'ouirure — Previously Submitted 4. An aerial photograph of the entire project site is required. A III"""III"'"Aylll III our oeui ooll'' IIIIIuo'to5ui"olllllu— Previously Submitted 5. Section 4.1 of the Basis of Review requires all wells and pumps be equipped with a calibrated meter or other acceptable water use accounting method. A 111' 111'"Aylll III cao:Illl uirotlion uirelll oui is ofthe water use accou ntuing uieetlhod f"ouir eadii elll: aind Ill e11i'olll — Previously Submitted Form 0645-W01 (08/03) PERMIT APPLICATION for Water Use H. ATTACHMENTS Please make sure you have included the following attachments with your Application: ❑ Proof of Ownership ❑ Table A for Wells ❑ Letter of Authorization (where required) ❑ Table B for pumps ❑ Location Map ® Application Fee — Check Number 00418530 in the ❑ Site Map Amount of $11,500.00 For Irrigation water use, also make sure you have included the following attachments: — Not Applicable ❑ Table D for crop information ❑ Water conservation plan (if needed) For Public Water Supply water use of more than 100,000 gallons per day, also make sure you have included the following attachments: ® Table F for past water use ❑ Table I for treatment method and losses ® Table G for projected water use ® Table J for ASR well operations (if needed) (PROPOSED) ❑ Table H for projected water use ❑ Table K for interconnections (if needed) greater than 200 gpcd (if needed) ❑ Table E for water received from or delivered ❑ Water conservation plan (if needed) to other entities (if needed) ❑ Service Area Map For Industrial water use of more than 100,000 gallons per day, also make sure you have included the following attachments: — Not Applicable ❑ Water balance and flow chart ❑ Water conservation plan (if needed) For Commercial or other water use that is not irrigation, public water supply, or industrial, also make sure you have included the following attachments: — Not Applicable ❑ Explanation of how you determined the amount of water you need ❑ Water conservation plan (if needed) Attachments for additional special requirements ❑ Saline Water Monitoring Plan ❑ Feasibility evaluation of reclaimed water use ❑ Aerial Photograph ❑ Letter from reclaimed water utility ❑ Modeling or documentation of impacts of water use ❑ Reports of calibration of water use accounting method for wells and pumps I. CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the total project acreage listed above is owned or controlled by me and encompasses the project referenced in this permit application. In addition, I agree to provide entry to the project site for South Florida Water Management inspectors with proper identification or documents as required by law for the purpose of making analyses of the site. Further, I agree to provide entry to the project site for such inspectors to monitor permitted work if a permit is granted. If I do not use the water for which this permit is issued within two years the permit may be revoked. If this application is not complete within 240 days, it may be denied pursuant to Rule 40E-1.603, Florida Administrative Code. John W. Renfrow Director, Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department Print: NarrgLe of Owner o;,4pthorized Agent Title Form 0645-W01 (08/03) PERMIT APPLICATION for Water Use 4 Nw, NW 215TH ST I� w u �Im ��I 111111 IIIIIIIII I IIIA tzz III 11, 1111111 IIIIIIIII !MB�� �P SR 826 EXT DF -1 g X b 'er �uII II,ul,ll ND7TP FA -3 "" w p III �I I IIIIIIIIIn "IlIII X �I V LU Pr posed Hiatt ,. FF �' h RO we I o LU �p6 �IIIII.IIIIIIIIllll��i IIIIIIIII mn IIIIIIIII mI IIIImIIIIIII m rn ULIX 79TH ST O ULIN V � N � w w cn m Q Y NW 36TH... m 1195 A d Po� J2ouul iJ II II11111 IIIII SR 836 XT SR 836E ,_., m,, ---- - ...1111 Ips F p co SW 8Ty w� , _ i...: I,ry IIIIIr-11% m ._- "m O F ASR MW p= �R 87IIIIIIIIII N° V • IIIIIIIIIIIII SWWF ASR MW V^bIIIIII,,"°II' IIIII',"° w IIIII IIIII�IIIII IIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIpI q Q' ✓ mm� �' IIIIInIIIIIIIIIIIIIIu111111111 ��� IIIIIM"moi �IIIIIIIIII� III mil ulllnmmin11111nIII �rw �� � IIIIII,�IIIIImI Im : II IIn� II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Iu11nIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInIIIIIIIIII M1I� Nnlllllllllllmnnup,� �mI�11IIIIII "ql CHI LU n ��III j,,,SDWWTP FA-5 �� IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIre1111IIIIIIIIIIIIIII,' IIIIIIIIIIIII w Legend IIIII IIIII„�, II�� V > Il lµ existing FA well outside MDWASD network a . LU ql III n 111111 g existing MDWASD well IIIIIIIIIIII III�IIIIIIIIIII. IIIIIIII,.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIID Z ro osed MDWASD well V..•. *FPL — Highway IIIIIIIII SMI 'll�l � ��� S 392ND m 00) I' ENP -100 Nil, ?O < �o 1111111 Miles SII 0 2 4 6 8 10 III Miami -Dade County Water and Sewer Department Figure 13. Floridan Aquifer Monitoring Network Design 3071 SW 38 Ave updated 12/16/09 Miami FL 33146 EXHIBIT 8L Table 5. Floridan Aquifer Monitoring Wells Highlighted wells proposed for MDWASD Floridan Aquifer monitoring network 1. Data for Wells from DBHydro, wells not in MDWASD network. 2. Feet Below Land Surface (bis) 3. Currently Drilling CHI Monitoring Well, ilnformation provided is Proposed only. TZ - tri -zone DZ - dual zone Exhibit 9E PRESSURE LEVEL WATER QUALITY BORE HOLE CASING DEPTH MONITORING MONITOR MONITOR WELL ID LOCATION LATITUDE LONGITUDE DEPTH (ft)' (ft) z INTERVAL (ft)' FREQUENCY FREQUENCY 516 -620,1140 - DF -1 ' N. Krome Ave 25 54 35.831 80 28 06.935 1800 TZ 1230, 1700-1800 Maintained by SFWMD ENP -100 Everglades National Park 25 22 57.096 80 36 10.71 1333 620 620-1333 Maintained by USGS FKAA Florida City 25 26 36 1803031 1500 1067 880-1353 Maintained by FKAA 1120-1330, 1535 - FPL' FPL Property 2521 01.416 80 24 28.204 2304 TZ 1920, 2100-2304 Maintained by FPL NMB NMB 25 56 58.44 80 12 54.909 1900 1020 Maintained by NMB NDWWTP FA -3N NDWWTP 25 55 05.037 80 08 49.465 1510 1410 1410-1510 Continuous Monthly 1490-1588, 1790- SDWWTP FA -5 SDWWTP 25 33 04.976 80 20 49.073 1890 DZ 1890 Continuous Monthly 855-1010, 1350 - ASR MW -1 WWF 25 42 01.374 80 28 29.193 1396 DZ 1396 Continuous Monthly 845-900, 1110- SWWFMW-1 SWWF 2569 8039 1200 DZ 1200 Continuous Monthly 1000 - 1100, 1400 CHI Monitoring Well 3 Currently Constructing Well 1900 DZ 1500, Continuousl Monthly Hialeah RO New Hialeah RO WTP Proposed FA Well Continuous Monthly Highlighted wells proposed for MDWASD Floridan Aquifer monitoring network 1. Data for Wells from DBHydro, wells not in MDWASD network. 2. Feet Below Land Surface (bis) 3. Currently Drilling CHI Monitoring Well, ilnformation provided is Proposed only. TZ - tri -zone DZ - dual zone Exhibit 9E New Monitoring Well Completion Schedule WELL ID SITE USE NETWORK DATE WELL INSTALLATION COMPLETION SWW F-1 Located near SWW F for water elevation well -wetland monitoring. WQ/WL 12 Months after issuance of CUP WWF -1N Located NE of West Wellfield for water elevation well -wetland monitoring WQ/WL 12 Months after issuance of CUP SMH-1 Located near South Miami Heights wellfield for water elevation well WQ/WL 12 Months after issuance of CUP Ever -1 Located near Everglades Labor Camp Wellfield for water elevation well WQ/WL 12 Months after issuance of CUP Newton -1 Located near Newton Wellfield for water elevation well WQ/WL 12 Months after issuance of CUP Hialeah RO Located near new City of Hialeah RO water treatment plant Floridan Monitoring Based on City of Hialeah RO plant construction. USGS Salt Water Intrusion Line Wells Locations will be determined by the WASD SFWMD USGS DERM to update Salt Intrusion line along County Salt Monitoring 36 months after issuance of CUP USGS Ground Water Flow Wells Cluster # 1 Located Near Snapper Creek Wellfield and US -1* Regional Impact 36 months after issuance of CUP USGS Ground Water Flow Wells Cluster # 2 Located midway between the Proposed SMH wellfield and the Aquifer Recharge Project.* Regional Impact 36 months after issuance of CUP USGS Ground Water Flow Wells Cluster # 3 Located North of SWWF near C-2 Canal* Regional Impact 36 months after issuance of CUP USGS Ground Water Flow Wells Cluster # 4 Located Northeast of Hialeah -Preston wellfields* Regional Impact 36 months after issuance of CUP * Exact location to be determined later by MDWASD/USGS/SFWMD/DERM Exhibit 9F Updated Table F (10/30/09) Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (MDWASD) Past Water Use (2001-2008) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 FINISHED WATER HISTORICAL USE RAW WATER HISTORICAL USE (a) Ratio Finished:Raw Population Per Capita Total Annual Average Max Month Ratio Total Annual Average Max Month Ratio Year Served * a cd Usag (gP ) Use (MG) ) Annual Use MG ( ) Max:Average Use MG ( ) Month Use MG ( ) Max:Average (Total Annual Use) Use (MG) Month Use (MG) Month TOTAL MDWASD WATER SYSTEM SERVICE AREA** 2001 2,073,679 151.27 114,493 9,541 9,927.5 1.04 117,159 9,763 10,129 1.04 1.0233 2002 2,103,951 157.06 120,614 10,051 10,961.4 1.09 122,931 10,244 11,163 1.09 1.0192 2003 2,134,223 158.55 123,511 10,293 10,676.1 1.04 125,884 10,490 10,878 1.04 1.0192 2004 2,164,465 156.91 124,301 10,358 10,861.1 1.05 126,685 10,557 11,063 1.05 1.0192 2005 2,194,768 154.91 124,098 10,342 10,734.8 1.04 126,670 10,556 11,031 1.04 1.0207 2006 2,225,040 153.52 124,677 10,390 10,988.6 1.06 127,019 10,585 11,170 1.06 1.0188 2007161 2,235,179 142.92 116,602 9,717 10,485.4 1.08 2008(6) 2,213,833 139.59 113,104 9,425 9,786.7 1.04 5 -year Average - 149.57 - - - 1.05 1.05 1.0196 (2004-2008) 3 -year Average 147.74 1.06 1.05 1.0198 (2006-2008) * Source of Projected Population Information: Miami -Dade County Planning and Zoning Department (DPZ) ** From MDWASD Raw and Finished Water Historical Data 2001- 2008 *** From DPZ population projections updated through August 2008 contained in file titled WaterusbyServiceAreaRev 11-14-08.xlsx (a) Raw -to -finished water ratio is 1.02. MDWASD is in the process of improving its raw water metering/accounting system. (b) For 2007 and 2008, Population Served represented August 2008 updates January 2007 Population Projections provided by the MDC DPZ, and total annual use represents amounts provided within the service area. CDM Update TablesF_&_G_120909.xlsx 10/30/2009 UPDATED TABLE G (DRAFT 10/30/09) MDWASD RAW WATER DEMAND BY SOURCE 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 a 21 22 23 24 1 25 1 26 1 27 28 29 30 31 RAW WATER AAI]b � (MGD) PROJECTIONS (2009) Biscayne Aquifef'� Florida. Aqu'rfer - South Miami Heights Finishetl AADD Finishetl Water Reuse/ Reciter" Fim6hA6tetl Finishetl Atljustetl Fla he South Dade" Membrane Softemmd, Hialeah-Preston/ Total Hialeah Hialeah -Preston/ Total Total Year . Populatiori"� Water Conservationlbl Waterl`i Water Use Transferfrom Park/ SW Wellfieltl Ale..der-OarBiscayne RO Alezantler-Orr Florida. All Sources Use Water Uselal(MGD) MGO (MGD) Water Oemantlltll (gpctl) Elevatetl Tanta Everglad Laboi Elevatetl Tanta Former Plant/ For er Increase Lime Softening Aquifef"� WiP�'� Blentlind'� Aquifer (gpctl) Credit Cretlit (MGD) LeisureCity/ Camp/ LeisureCity/ Roberta Naranja Newlon Naranja Huntedg) System -Wide 2009 2,238,700 145.4 325.51 0.86 0.00 324.65 145.02 3.75 2.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 324.41 331.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 331.01 2010 2,263,566 145.4 329.12 1.75 0.00 327.37 144.63 3.80 2.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 327.09 333.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 333.79 2011 2,288,432 145.4 332.74 2.64 0.00 330.10 144.25 3.85 2.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 329.77 336.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 336.57 2012 2,321,552 145.4 337.55 3.91 0.00 333.64 143.72 3.90 2.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 333.33 340.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 340.18 2013 2,347,012 145.4 341.26 5.18 0.00 336.08 143.19 3.95 2.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 333.54 340.44 2.90 0.00 2.90 343.34 2014 2,372,509 145.4 344.96 5.96 0.00 339.00 142.89 1.83 2.95 2.50 0.00 0.00 333.54 340.82 6.72 0.00 6.72 347.54 2015 2,401,027 145.4 349.11 6.74 0.00 342.37 142.59 0.00 0.00 2.50 5.65 0.00 336.43 344.57 7.41 0.00 7.41 351.98 2016 2,426,789 145.4 352.86 7.51 0.00 345.35 142.31 0.00 0.00 2.50 5.88 0.00 338.73 347.11 8.10 0.00 8.10 355.21 2017 2,452,550 145.4 356.60 8.29 0.00 348.31 142.02 0.00 0.00 2.50 7.84 0.00 339.90 350.23 8.31 0.00 8.31 358.54 2018 2,478,312 145.4 360.35 9.06 0.00 351.29 141.74 0.00 0.00 2.50 13.12 0.00 338.35 353.96 8.31 0.00 8.31 362.28 2022 2,581,358 145.4 375.33 12.12 0.00 363.21 140.70 0.00 0.00 2.50 18.62 7.12 337.34 365.58 9.98 0.00 9.98 375.55 2027 2,710,166 145.4 394.06 15.19 0.00 378.87 139.80 0.00 0.00 2.50 18.62 21.56 337.34 380.02 11.97 0.00 11.97 391.99 2030 2,787,451 145.4 405.30 15.19 0.00 390.11 139.95 0.00 0.00 2.50 18.62 31.21 337.63 389.96 13.97 0.00 13.97 403.93 amUpdate_Table G_102909.xis 11/12/2009 UPDATED TABLE G (DRAFT 10/30/09) MDWASD FINISHED WATER DEMAND BY SOURCE 1 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 26 ADJUSTED FINISHED WATER AADD (MGD) PROJECTIONS (2009) Biscayne Aquifer Floritlan Aquifer South Datle(el South Miami Heights AADO Finsihed Finished AADD Finished Water Reuse/ Reclaimetl Atljustetl Atljustetl 11 Membrane Softeniny�l Hialeah Total Hialeah Hialeah Total Total Water ••SURPLUS" E-glade Transferfrom Year Populatio&) Water Water Uselal Conservation" Water Finishetl Finished SW Wellfieltl -Preston/ Alezand -Orr Biscayne RO -Preston/ Aleza d -Orr Floritlan All Sources (Col. 19 -Col. Use (MGD) MGD ( ) (MGD) Water Demantlld) Water Use Elevatetl Tanl Labor Elevatetl Tanta Caribb. Park/ Increase Lime Softening Aquife�a) WiPl�l Blending Aquifer 7) (gpctl) Cretlit Cretlit (MGD) (gpctl) LeisureCity/ Camp/ LeisureCity/ Former Plant/ Naranja Newlon0l Naranja Roberta Hunte,al System -Wide 2009 2,238,700 145.4 325.51 0.86 0.00 324.65 145.02 3.75 2.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 318.05 324.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 324.65 0.00 2010 2,263,566 145.4 329.12 1.75 0.00 327.37 144.63 3.80 2.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 320.67 327.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 327.37 0.00 2011 2,288,432 145.4 332.74 2.64 0.00 330.10 144.25 3.85 2.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 323.30 330.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 330.10 0.00 2012 2,321,552 145.4 337.55 3.91 0.00 333.64 143.72 3.90 2.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 326.79 333.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 333.64 0.00 2013 2,347,012 145.4 341.26 5.18 0.00 336.08 143.19 3.95 2.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 327.00 333.90 2.18 0.00 2.18 336.08 0.00 2014 2,372,509 145.4 344.96 5.96 0.00 339.00 142.89 1.83 2.95 2.17 0.00 0.00 327.00 333.95 5.05 0.00 5.05 339.00 0.00 2015 2,401,027 145.4 349.11 6.74 0.00 342.37 142.59 0.00 4.10 2.17 4.80 0.00 329.83 336.80 5.57 0.00 5.57 342.37 0.00 2016 2,426,789 145.4 352.86 7.51 0.00 345.35 142.31 0.00 4.10 2.17 5.00 0.00 332.09 339.26 6.09 0.00 6.09 345.35 0.00 2017 2,452,550 145.4 356.60 8.29 0.00 348.31 142.02 0.00 4.10 2.17 6.66 0.00 333.24 342.07 6.25 0.00 6.25 348.32 0.00 2018 2,478,312 145.4 360.35 9.06 0.00 351.29 141.74 0.00 4.10 2.17 11.15 0.00 331.72 345.04 6.25 0.00 6.25 351.29 0.00 2022 2,581,358 145.4 375.33 12.12 0.00 363.21 140.70 0.00 4.10 2.17 15.83 6.98 330.73 355.71 7.50 0.00 7.50 363.21 0.00 2027 2,710,166 145.4 394.06 15.19 0.00 378.87 139.80 0.00 4.10 2.17 15.83 21.14 330.73 369.87 9.00 0.00 9.00 378.87 0.00 2030 2,787,451 145.4 405.30 15.19 0.00 390.11 139.95 0.00 4.10 2.17 15.83 30.60 331.01 379.61 10.50 0.00 10.50 390.11 0.00 Update_Table G_102909. AN cm 11/12/2009 Footnotes (a) Annual Average Daily Demand (AADD) Finished Water Projections between 2009 and 2030 assume 145.4 gpcd total water system demand prior to application of credits (e.g. conservation). (b) WASD is undertaking the 20 -year water use efficiency plan and expects reductions in per capita water consumption. Water Conservation projections were revised based on the 2008 Annual Water Conservation Plan Conserve Florida Redport (March 2009). Real losses in non -revenue non-revenuewater (e.g. unaccounted -for -water) are assumed to remain at less than 10%. The conservation amounts experienced in 2007 and 2008 were deducted from the 20 -year conservation amount and the remaining conservation amounts were distributed for the remainder of the 20 -year period (2009-2027). (c)Not Used (TBD). (d) Adjusted after taking credit in finished water demand projections for reductions in finished water use associated with water conservation. ation. (e)South Dade (Raw: Finished) Ratio = 1.0: 1.0 (f) Membrane Softening (Raw: Finished) Ratio = 1.18: 1.00 (85% Recovery) (g) Beginning 2015, withdrawals from SMH WTP are considered offsets from Phase 1 GWR near SMH (Metro Zoo) (h) Base condition raw water use (346.37 mgd) represents values agreed to by SFWMD and MDWASD and demonstrated by modeling to not cause a net increase in water from the regional canal system. Biscayne Aquifer base condition raw water use allocation of 346.37 mgd equates to 339.74 mgd of finished water annual average daily demand (AADD) assuming a 1.02 raw -to - finished water ratio. Phase 1 South District Water Reclamation Plant (SDWRP) Reclaimed Water Projects for Groundwater Recharge (GWR) and for future West District WRP (WDWRP) for Phases 2 and 3 Canal Recharge as shown in the table below and assuming a gallon -for -gallon offset. The applied (MGD) amounts represents total Biscayne Aquifer withdrawals to apply a gallon -for -gallon offset. (i) RO WTP (Raw: Finished) Ratio = 1.33 : 1.00 Q) Becomes standby once SDWRP starts up. (k) Population represents August 2008 updates to January 2007 Population Projections provided by the Miami -Dade County Department of Planning and Zoning. cmUpdate_Table G_102909.xis 1/1212009 SDWWTP Applied AADD Implementation Phase Reclaimed Facility Recharge Area (MGD) (mgd) Year (mgd) Offset 1 24.3 SDWRP S. Miami Heights 18.6 15.83 2015 2 24.7 WDWRP Alex -Orr 21 20 2022 3 18.8 WDWRP Alex -Orr 16 15 2027 Total (est.) 67.8 55.6 50.83 (i) RO WTP (Raw: Finished) Ratio = 1.33 : 1.00 Q) Becomes standby once SDWRP starts up. (k) Population represents August 2008 updates to January 2007 Population Projections provided by the Miami -Dade County Department of Planning and Zoning. cmUpdate_Table G_102909.xis 1/1212009 Table 4 - MDWASD Floridan Aquifer Wellfields Operation Plan Summary (12/09/2009) Pumpage by Wellfield 1 2 3 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 14 Wellfield Data Individual Wellfield ANNUAL Pumpage / Allocation (a) Remarks Design Number 2007-2012 2013-2017 2018-2022 2023-2027 WTP Subarea and Wellfield Capacity of Wells (mgd) BG (mgd) BG (mgd) BG (mgd) BG (mgd) See Footnote C Hialeah RO WTP 24.00 7 0 0.00 3.033 8.31 6.311 17.29 6.311 17.29 Hialeah - Preston WTP Blending (Project Canceled) Blending at Alexander Orr WTP Resulted in Hialeah - Preston 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Distribution System Water Quality Problems - Project Canceled Alexander Orr WTP Blending (Use of Aquifer Storage and Recovery wells for Blending Canceled) Southwest 7.00 2 Full Scale Blending Cancelled. Only Minimal 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 Incidental Blending as result of Aquifer West 10.50 3 Storage and Recovery Well Operation MDWASD System Total 41.50 12 Total Not -To -Exceed Pumpage Annual Average 0.000 0.00 F3.033 8.31 6.311 17.29 6.311 17.29 Notes BG = Billion Gallons; MGD = Million Gallons per Day (a) The maximum projected pumpage for the entire MDWASD water service area shall not exceed the annual allocation permitted by SFWMD. (b) New Upper Floridan Aquifer RO WTP (10.0 mgd Phase 1 by 2013); (5.0 MGD Phase 2 by 2027): (2.5 MGD Phase 3 by 2027) M X Floridan Users Permitted or Application in-house Miami -Dade, Broward, Monroe Permit Permittee Wells Pumpage (mgd) 13-01556-W La Gorce CC FL2 0.5 13-00059-W North Miami FL1-FL3 16 13-00060-W No Miami Bch F-1 to F-4 12 Site certification FPL -Turkey Pt 3 -Jan 14 13-00029-W Florida City F1 2 13-00005-W FKAA FA -1 to FA -5 10 13-00017-W MDWASD ASR -1W to ASR -3W 4.5 13-00017-W MDWASD ASR-4SW, ASR-5SW 3 13-00017-W MDWASD HialeahlRO - 7RO 20 06-00054-W Miramar F1,F2 2.7 06-00120-W Sunrise Melaleuca 1,2 2 06-00120-W Sunrise Park City 2,3,4,7 6 06-00120-W Sunrise Sprintreel 2.5 06-00082-W Deerfield Beach WF -22 1 06-01474-W Broward District 2 (2A/NR) F2 -F5 6.6 06-00146-W Broward District 1 F1 -F4 6 06-00123-W Ft. Lauderdale (Prospect) F1 25 06-00123-W Ft. Lauderdale (Dixie) F2 8 06-00038-W Hollywood F2 -F18 19 06-00954-W Gulfstream Park 3 0.2 44-00001-W Card Sound Golf Club A(4) 0.6 44-00002-W 10cean Reef Community 2,3,5,6 1 1.4 44-00284-W ISilver Shores MHP IWELL I0.02 EXHIBIT 23 Table 5-2: Schedule of Real Water Loss Reduction Activities January 2007 through December 2026 Activity 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 5.3 Recommendations for Real Loss Reduction 5.3.1 System Design Active Review) 5.3.2 System Management Asset Maintenance or Replacement Reduce Maintenance Response Times Active leakage Control and Sounding Pilot Pressure Management Speed and Quality of Repairs Perform Venturi Comparative Tests-WTPs Perform Venturi Comparative Tests -wholesale customers Conduct wholesale customer unmetered connection survey Pilot Fixed Network AMR Pilot Enhance GIS database ANNUAL WATER SAVINGS Million Gallons 650 13001 1950 2600 3250 3900 4550 ANNUAL VALUE OF WATER SAVINGS Million $ $0.297 $0.595 $0.892 $1.189 $1.487 $1.784 $2.081 Activity 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 5.3 Recommendations for Real Loss Reduction 5.3.1 System Design Active Review) 5.3.2 System Management Asset Maintenance or Replacement Reduce Maintenance Response Times Active leakage Control and Sounding Pressure Management Speed and Quality of Repairs chieve target real loss of 5 billion gallons per year X Achieve target Infrastructure Leakage Index (ILI) of 3.0 X ANNUALWATER SAVINGS (Million Gallons) 5200 52001 5200 5200 52001 52001 52001 5200 52001 5200 ANNUAL VALUE OF WATER SAVINGS Million $ 2.378, $2.3781 $2.378, 2.378 $2.3781 $2.37812.378 2.378 $2.3781 $2.378 Updated 11-16-09 M X N C) Table 6-2: Schedule of Apparent Water Loss Reduction Activities January 2007 through December 2026 Activity 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 6.3 Recommendations for Apparent Water Loss Reduction 6.3.1 Reducing Unmetered Supplies 6.3.2 Improved Meter Accuracy 6.3.3 Commercial Meter Types and Sizes Compound Meters Usage Compared to Same Size Turbine Meters Looking Forward(setting Economic Meter Testing Goals 6.3.4 Improved Calibration of Wholesale Customer Meters 6.3.5 Wholesale Customer Unmetered Connection Analysis Conduct field accuracy testing of commercial meters Pilot AMR to improve data handling and reduce labor cost Pilot Characterize residential water demand pattern Determine economic optimum for residential meter replacement ANNUAL WATER SAVINGS Million Gallons 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 ANNUAL VALUE OF WATER SAVINGS (Million $) 1 1 1 1 0.7881 1.5761 2.3641 3.1521 3.941 4.7281 5.516 Activity 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 6.3 Recommendations for Apparent Water Loss Reduction 6.3.1 Reducing Unmetered Supplies 6.3.2 Improved Meter Accuracy 6.3.3 Commercial Meter Types and Sizes Compound Meters Usage Compared to Same Size Turbine Meters Looking Forward(setting Economic Meter Testing Goals 6.3.4 Improved Calibration of Wholesale Customer Meters 6.3.5 Wholesale Customer Unmetered Connection Analysis Conduct field accuracy testing of commercial meters Reduce Apparent Losses to 10 billion gallons per year X ANNUAL WATER SAVINGS Million Gallons 3200 3600 4000 4400 4800 5200 5600 6000 6400 6800 ANNUAL VALUE OF WATER SAVINGS Million $ 6.3041 7.0921 7.881 8.668 9.4561 10.244 1-1,0321 11.821 12.6081 13.396 Update 11-16-09 430 420 0 410 0 2 400 c :r 390 0 380 L CL 370 a 360 M 350 M 340 M E 330 0 320 310 300 2005 MDWASD Finished Water Demands and Water Supply Projections 10/30/2009) 2010 2015 Year 2020 2025 2030 Project Names (per 2007 AWS program): 1. ASIR Ultrav elet (IJV) P S Rf8Gt OR SyStern for ASIR Sys. @ W&SW Wellfelds (7.2 MGP ASPVblend, $6.41M) 5. Hialeah Floridan Aquifer R.O. W.T.P. Phase 2 (4.5 MGD, $25.01M) (WTP Capacity = 15.0 MGD) o n...�.t�., n,.,,.1 Plen ting Wellfeld at H aleal4lPnesten (4 .7 MGP $10.31M) 6. West District W.R.P. Canal Recharge Ph 2 (21 MGD, $482.01M) 3. Hialeah Floridan Aquifer R.O. W.T.P. Phase 1 Capacity (8.5 MGD, $93.OM)(WTP Capacity = 10.0 MGD) 7. West District W.R.P. Canal Recharge Ph 3 (16 MGD, $317.51M) 4. South Distr. W.R.P. Groundwater Recharge Ph 1(18.6 MGD, $357.51M) 8. Hialeah Floridan Aquifer R.O. W.T.P. Phase 3 (2.0 MGD, $9.71M) (WTP Capacity = 17.5 MGD) 1111212009 W Comparison of WUP Projections and updated Per Capita Projections 103009.xlsRe Ased Step Char[ 103009 CION Alternative Water Supply Project Development Deadlines Tied to Increased Withdrawal Above the Base Condition Water Use Average Milestone Project / Milestone daily flow Completion Date Hialeah Floridan Aquifer R.O. WTP Phase 1 (10.0 mgd) • Notice To Proceed Design / Permit Completed • Notice To Proceed Construction 12/8/2009 • Turnover/ Project Completion 12/25/2012 Hialeah Floridan Aquifer R.O. WTP Phase 2 (5.0 mgd) • Notice To Proceed Design / Permit 1/15/2025 • Notice To Proceed Construction 7/30/2026 • Turnover/ Project Completion 10/31/2027 Hialeah Floridan Aquifer R.O. WTP Phase 3 (2.5 mgd) • Notice To Proceed Design / Permit 1/15/2025 • Notice To Proceed Construction 7/30/2026 • Turnover/ Project Completion 10/31/2027 South District WRP Groundwater Recharge Phase 1 (18.6 mgd) • Notice To Proceed Design / Permit Underway • Notice To Proceed Construction 8/30/2011 • Turnover/ Project Completion 10/31/2027 West District WRP Canal Recharge Phase 2 (21 mgd) • Notice To Proceed Design / Permit 1/15/2016 • Notice To Proceed Construction 8/30/2018 • Turnover/ Project Completion 12/31/2021 West District WRP Canal Recharge Phase 3 (16 mgd) • Notice To Proceed Design / Permit 1/15/2021 • Notice To Proceed Construction 7/30/2023 • Turnover/ Project Completion 12/31/2026 EXHIBIT 29 Reuse Protects and Deadlines Project Reclaimed water Quantity of Reclaimed Reclaimed water used Implementation generated from and Wastewater Applied for Deadline amount to be treated 1. South District WWTP 18.6 MGD Recharge South Dade Dec. 31, 2014 21.9 mgd finished water assuming 15% Miami Heights wellfields treatment loss. The recharge or other project volume may vary depending on actual treatment loss. 2. South District WWTP 75.7 MGD Biscayne Coastal Dec. 31, 2020 89.1 mgd Finished reclaimed water Wetlands or other project assuming 15% treatment loss. The applied volume may vary depending on actual treatment loss. 3. South District WWTP 1 MGD Public access irrigation Existing 1 mgd water landfill ca 4. West District 21 MGD Recharge Southwest, Dec. 31, 2021 Reclaimed Water Plant Finished water assuming Snapper Creek, and Alex 24.7 mgd 15% treatment loss. The Orr Wellfields (Alex Orr recharge volume may vary WTP / Central water depending on actual treatment loss. system) 5. West District 16 MGD Recharge Southwest, Dec. 31, 2026 Reclaimed Water Plant Finished water assuming Snapper Creek, and Alex 18.8 mgd 15% treatment loss. The Orr Wellfields (Alex Orr recharge volume may vary WTP / Central water depending on actual treatment loss. system) 6. West District 6.5 MGD The scope of these Dec. 31, 2025 Reclaimed Water Plant minimal treatment losses projects will be 6.5 mgd determined as part of the Ocean Outfall legislation 7. North District WWTP 7 MGD Dec. 31, 2025 7 mgd minimal treatment losses implementation plan due to the Secretary of FDEP 8. Central District WWTP 1 MGD Dec. 31, 2025 1.2 mgd minimal treatment losses by July 1, 2013 TOTAL REQUIRED PROJECTS = 170 MGD Dec. 31, 2026 9. South District WWTP Up to 90 MGD* Cooling of FP&L proposed Units # 6 & 7, and existing Unit #5 OTHER POTENTIAL LARGE SCALE PROJECTS = 75-90 MGD GRAND TOTAL = 245-260 mgd Miami -Dade is committed to providing 170 MGD reclaimed water + 75-90 MGD, contingent on FP&L receiving authorization to construct these power facilities and the Dec. 31, 2026 feasibility of the Biscayne Bay Coastal Wetlands Rehydration Project. EXHIBIT 30 TABLE J Aquifer Storage and Recovery Identity of Aquifer Storage and Recovery Facility (From Table A): ASR -1-W, No Cycling Plan has been done for this ASR so we have not done a full recharge and recovery for it. Stored Water Source: (if water plant, Treatment Plant Name - Table 1): Biscayne aquifer water from West Wellfield wells WW -29, WW -30, and WW -31 after treated by Ultraviolet reactor for disinfection prior to injection for storage. Recovered Water Destination: (if water plant, Treatment Plant Name - Table 1): Alexander Orr, Jr. Water Treatment Plant Year Actual/ Projected Million Gallons Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Storage Loss Other Loss* 2012 Projected Stored 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 103.33 103.33 100.00 103.33 100.00 103.33 N/A 2012 Projected Recovered 0.00 67.22 208.39 194.94 208.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 2011 Projected Stored 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 103.33 103.33 100.00 103.33 100.00 103.33 N/A 2011 Projected Recovered 0.00 67.22 208.39 194.94 208.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 2010 Projected Stored 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.00 0.00 100.00 103.33 103.33 100.00 103.33 100.00 103.33 N/A 2010 Projected Recovered 6.72 0.00 6.72 35.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A * Please specify the type of loss: N/A Instructions for Completing TABLE J, Aquifer Storage and Recovery Water stored in and recovered from an Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) well will affect both overall allocation and the timing of raw water demands. A certain amount of unrecoverable water is needed to establish and maintain a buffer zone between injected water and native aquifer water, which must be accounted for in the overall requested allocation. Typically, water is stored in ASR wells during times when demands on the initial raw water source are low and/or raw water source water is in plentiful supply, then it is withdrawn from the ASR well during times of high demand and/or limited availability of the raw water source. Identity of Aquifer Storage and Recovery Facility (From Table A): Please complete Table J for each ASR well. Use the same identifier for the well as you did in Table A; if we contact you, this is what you would recognize it as. Stored Water Source: (if water plant, which one from Table 1): Please tell us the source of the water being stored in the ASR well. If you are storing treated water, please identify which treatment plant(s), as listed in Table I is providing the water. Recovered Water Destination: (if water plant, which one from Table 1): Please tell us the destination of the water being recovered from the ASR facility. If the water being recovered is sent to a water treatment plant prior to use, please identify which treatment plant(s), as listed in Table I is treating the water. Year: Enter the calendar year, either past or future, represented. Actual/Projected: Enter the recorded (for past years) or projected (for future years) amount of water (in millions of gallons) to be stored or recovered for each month of the year. If both storage and recovery have happened or will happen within the same month, enter both amounts. Storage Loss: Enter the percentage of the water stored that cannot be recovered. Other Loss: If there are losses other than to storage, please specify and if necessary explain the loss and enter the percentage of the loss. If you have reported these losses on Table 1, Water Treatment Method and Losses, do not report them again on this form. TABLE J Aquifer Storage and Recovery Identity of Aquifer Storage and Recovery Facility (From Table A): ASR -2-W, No Cycling Plan has been done for this ASR so we have not done a full recharge and recovery for it. Stored Water Source: (if water plant, Treatment Plant Name - Table 1): Biscayne aquifer water from West Wellfield wells WW -29, WW -30, and WW -31 after treated by Ultraviolet reactor for disinfection prior to injection for storage. Recovered Water Destination: (if water plant, Treatment Plant Name - Table 1): Alexander Orr, Jr. Water Treatment Plant Year Actual/ Projected Million Gallons Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Storage Loss Other Loss* 2012 Projected Stored 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 103.33 103.33 100.00 103.33 100.00 103.33 N/A 2012 Projected Recovered 0.00 67.22 208.39 194.94 208.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 2011 Projected Stored 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 103.33 103.33 100.00 103.33 100.00 103.33 N/A 2011 Projected Recovered 0.00 67.22 208.39 194.94 208.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 2010 Projected Stored 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.00 0.00 100.00 103.33 103.33 100.00 103.33 100.00 103.33 N/A 2010 Projected Recovered 6.72 0.00 6.72 35.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A * Please specify the type of loss: N/A Instructions for Completing TABLE J, Aquifer Storage and Recovery Water stored in and recovered from an Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) well will affect both overall allocation and the timing of raw water demands. A certain amount of unrecoverable water is needed to establish and maintain a buffer zone between injected water and native aquifer water, which must be accounted for in the overall requested allocation. Typically, water is stored in ASR wells during times when demands on the initial raw water source are low and/or raw water source water is in plentiful supply, then it is withdrawn from the ASR well during times of high demand and/or limited availability of the raw water source. Identity of Aquifer Storage and Recovery Facility (From Table A): Please complete Table J for each ASR well. Use the same identifier for the well as you did in Table A; if we contact you, this is what you would recognize it as. Stored Water Source: (if water plant, which one from Table 1): Please tell us the source of the water being stored in the ASR well. If you are storing treated water, please identify which treatment plant(s), as listed in Table I is providing the water. Recovered Water Destination: (if water plant, which one from Table 1): Please tell us the destination of the water being recovered from the ASR facility. If the water being recovered is sent to a water treatment plant prior to use, please identify which treatment plant(s), as listed in Table I is treating the water. Year: Enter the calendar year, either past or future, represented. Actual/Projected: Enter the recorded (for past years) or projected (for future years) amount of water (in millions of gallons) to be stored or recovered for each month of the year. If both storage and recovery have happened or will happen within the same month, enter both amounts. Storage Loss: Enter the percentage of the water stored that cannot be recovered. Other Loss: If there are losses other than to storage, please specify and if necessary explain the loss and enter the percentage of the loss. If you have reported these losses on Table 1, Water Treatment Method and Losses, do not report them again on this form. TABLE J Aquifer Storage and Recovery Identity of Aquifer Storage and Recovery Facility (From Table A): ASR -3-W, No Cycling Plan has been done for this ASR so we have not done a full recharge and recovery for it. Stored Water Source: (if water plant, Treatment Plant Name - Table 1): Biscayne aquifer water from West Wellfield wells WW -29, WW -30, and WW -31 after treated by Ultraviolet reactor for disinfection prior to injection for storage. Recovered Water Destination: (if water plant, Treatment Plant Name - Table 1): Alexander Orr, Jr. Water Treatment Plant Year Actual/ Projected Million Gallons Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Storage Loss Other Loss* 2012 Projected Stored 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 103.33 103.33 100.00 103.33 100.00 103.33 N/A 2012 Projected Recovered 0.00 67.22 208.39 194.94 208.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 2011 Projected Stored 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 103.33 103.33 100.00 103.33 100.00 103.33 N/A 2011 Projected Recovered 0.00 67.22 208.39 194.94 208.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 2010 Projected Stored 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.00 0.00 100.00 103.33 103.33 100.00 103.33 100.00 103.33 N/A 2010 Projected Recovered 6.72 0.00 6.72 35.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A * Please specify the type of loss: N/A Instructions for Completing TABLE J, Aquifer Storage and Recovery Water stored in and recovered from an Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) well will affect both overall allocation and the timing of raw water demands. A certain amount of unrecoverable water is needed to establish and maintain a buffer zone between injected water and native aquifer water, which must be accounted for in the overall requested allocation. Typically, water is stored in ASR wells during times when demands on the initial raw water source are low and/or raw water source water is in plentiful supply, then it is withdrawn from the ASR well during times of high demand and/or limited availability of the raw water source. Identity of Aquifer Storage and Recovery Facility (From Table A): Please complete Table J for each ASR well. Use the same identifier for the well as you did in Table A; if we contact you, this is what you would recognize it as. Stored Water Source: (if water plant, which one from Table 1): Please tell us the source of the water being stored in the ASR well. If you are storing treated water, please identify which treatment plant(s), as listed in Table I is providing the water. Recovered Water Destination: (if water plant, which one from Table 1): Please tell us the destination of the water being recovered from the ASR facility. If the water being recovered is sent to a water treatment plant prior to use, please identify which treatment plant(s), as listed in Table I is treating the water. Year: Enter the calendar year, either past or future, represented. Actual/Projected: Enter the recorded (for past years) or projected (for future years) amount of water (in millions of gallons) to be stored or recovered for each month of the year. If both storage and recovery have happened or will happen within the same month, enter both amounts. Storage Loss: Enter the percentage of the water stored that cannot be recovered. Other Loss: If there are losses other than to storage, please specify and if necessary explain the loss and enter the percentage of the loss. If you have reported these losses on Table 1, Water Treatment Method and Losses, do not report them again on this form. TABLE J Aquifer Storage and Recovery Identity of Aquifer Storage and Recovery Facility (From Table A): ASR -4 -SW, No Cycling Plan has been done for this ASR so we have not done a full recharge and recovery for it. Stored Water Source: (if water plant, Treatment Plant Name -Table 1): Biscayne aquifer water from Southwest Wellfield wells SW -11, SW -12, SW -13, SW -14, SW -15, SW -16, SW -17, SW -18, SW -19, SW -20, SW -25, SW -26, SW -27, SW -28, SW -32, SW -33, and SW -34 after treated by Ultraviolet reactor for disinfection prior to injection for storage. Recovered Water Destination: (if water plant, Treatment Plant Name - Table 1): Alexander Orr, Jr. Water Treatment Plant Year Actual/ Projected Million Gallons Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Storage Loss Other Loss* 2012 Projected Stored 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 150.00 155.00 155.00 150.00 155.00 75.00 0.00 N/A 2012 Projected Recovered 67.22 194.94 208.39 201.67 67.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 2011 Projected Stored 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 150.00 155.00 155.00 150.00 155.00 75.00 0.00 N/A 2011 Projected Recovered 0.00 100.83 201.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 2010 Projected Stored 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.00 155.00 150.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 75.63 151.25 75.63 N/A 2010 Projected Recovered 0.00 6.72 0.00 52.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 201.67 100.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A * Please specify the type of loss: N/A Instructions for Completing TABLE J, Aquifer Storage and Recovery Water stored in and recovered from an Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) well will affect both overall allocation and the timing of raw water demands. A certain amount of unrecoverable water is needed to establish and maintain a buffer zone between injected water and native aquifer water, which must be accounted for in the overall requested allocation. Typically, water is stored in ASR wells during times when demands on the initial raw water source are low and/or raw water source water is in plentiful supply, then it is withdrawn from the ASR well during times of high demand and/or limited availability of the raw water source. Identity of Aquifer Storage and Recovery Facility (From Table A): Please complete Table J for each ASR well. Use the same identifier for the well as you did in Table A; if we contact you, this is what you would recognize it as. Stored Water Source: (if water plant, which one from Table 1): Please tell us the source of the water being stored in the ASR well. If you are storing treated water, please identify which treatment plant(s), as listed in Table I is providing the water. Recovered Water Destination: (if water plant, which one from Table 1): Please tell us the destination of the water being recovered from the ASR facility. If the water being recovered is sent to a water treatment plant prior to use, please identify which treatment plant(s), as listed in Table I is treating the water. Year: Enter the calendar year, either past or future, represented. Actual/Projected: Enter the recorded (for past years) or projected (for future years) amount of water (in millions of gallons) to be stored or recovered for each month of the year. If both storage and recovery have happened or will happen within the same month, enter both amounts. Storage Loss: Enter the percentage of the water stored that cannot be recovered. Other Loss: If there are losses other than to storage, please specify and if necessary explain the loss and enter the percentage of the loss. If you have reported these losses on Table 1, Water Treatment Method and Losses, do not report them again on this form. TABLE J Aquifer Storage and Recovery Identity of Aquifer Storage and Recovery Facility (From Table A): ASR -5 -SW, No Cycling Plan has been done for this ASR so we have not done a full recharge and recovery for it. Stored Water Source: (if water plant, Treatment Plant Name -Table 1): Biscayne aquifer water from Southwest Wellfield wells SW -11, SW -12, SW -13, SW -14, SW -15, SW -16, SW -17, SW -18, SW -19, SW -20, SW -25, SW -26, SW -27, SW -28, SW -32, SW -33, and SW -34 after treated by Ultraviolet reactor for disinfection prior to injection for storage. Recovered Water Destination: (if water plant, Treatment Plant Name - Table 1): Alexander Orr, Jr. Water Treatment Plant Year Actual/ Projected Million Gallons Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Storage Loss Other Loss* 2012 Projected Stored 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 150.00 155.00 155.00 150.00 155.0 105.00 0.00 N/A 2012 Projected Recovered 67.22 194.94 208.39 201.67 67.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 2011 Projected Stored 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 75.00 155.00 155.00 150.00 155.00 105.00 0.00 N/A 2011 Projected Recovered 0.00 100.83 201.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 2010 Projected Stored 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.00 151.25 151.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 75.63 151.25 75.63 N/A 2010 Projected Recovered 0.00 0.00 0.00 52.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 201.67 100.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A * Please specify the type of loss: N/A Instructions for Completing TABLE J, Aquifer Storage and Recovery Water stored in and recovered from an Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) well will affect both overall allocation and the timing of raw water demands. A certain amount of unrecoverable water is needed to establish and maintain a buffer zone between injected water and native aquifer water, which must be accounted for in the overall requested allocation. Typically, water is stored in ASR wells during times when demands on the initial raw water source are low and/or raw water source water is in plentiful supply, then it is withdrawn from the ASR well during times of high demand and/or limited availability of the raw water source. Identity of Aquifer Storage and Recovery Facility (From Table A): Please complete Table J for each ASR well. Use the same identifier for the well as you did in Table A; if we contact you, this is what you would recognize it as. Stored Water Source: (if water plant, which one from Table 1): Please tell us the source of the water being stored in the ASR well. If you are storing treated water, please identify which treatment plant(s), as listed in Table I is providing the water. Recovered Water Destination: (if water plant, which one from Table 1): Please tell us the destination of the water being recovered from the ASR facility. If the water being recovered is sent to a water treatment plant prior to use, please identify which treatment plant(s), as listed in Table I is treating the water. Year: Enter the calendar year, either past or future, represented. Actual/Projected: Enter the recorded (for past years) or projected (for future years) amount of water (in millions of gallons) to be stored or recovered for each month of the year. If both storage and recovery have happened or will happen within the same month, enter both amounts. Storage Loss: Enter the percentage of the water stored that cannot be recovered. Other Loss: If there are losses other than to storage, please specify and if necessary explain the loss and enter the percentage of the loss. If you have reported these losses on Table 1, Water Treatment Method and Losses, do not report them again on this form. APPENDIXWSP-2 The following data was extracted from the Miami -Dade County 2009-2010 Capital Improvements Program and Multi - Year Capital Plan. This data presents the Sewer Facilities (Table 8) and Water Facilities (Table 12) as represented in MDCDMP. This space was intentionally left blank. WSP-ORC APPENDIX March 2010 N W April 2009 CDMP Amendment Cycle Application No. 7, Capital Improvements Element TABLE 8 SEWER FACILITIES Project Number Project Name And Location Purpose*/ Year of Completion Prior Years 2009/10 2010/11 Expenditures Revenues (In Millions of Dollars) 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 Six Year Totals Future Years Project Totals Funding Source 1) Central M -D W.W.Tr.Mains & Pump St. Improv. 3/2013 3.52 6.52 28.65 20.08 28.00 0.00 0.00 83.25 0.00 86.77 490,521, W.W. System - Central District Area 7.02 5.52 26.15 20.08 28.00 0.00 0.00 79.75 0.00 86.77 1170,1171 1222 2) Gravity Sewer Renovations 1/2015 34.49 14.15 15.28 10.94 9.95 2.62 0.40 53.34 1.32 89.15 490,1170, Systemwide 36.89 11.75 15.28 10.94 9.95 2.62 0.40 50.94 1.32 89.15 1171,1222 3) Sanitary Sewer Improvements 1/2015 0.90 1.71 2.23 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.70 6.77 0.71 8.38 497,521 Systemwide 6.86 1.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.52 0.00 8.38 4) W.W. General Maintenance & Office Facilities 3/2015 0.26 7.80 16.88 19.78 9.87 6.30 4.70 65.33 8.02 73.61 490,521, Systemwide 2.39 6.80 16.88 18.65 9.87 6.30 4.70 63.20 8.02 73.61 1170,1171 1222 5) W.W. Telemetering System 3/2015 4.16 3.73 2.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.45 0.00 10.61 490,1171, Systemwide 4.16 3.73 2.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.45 0.00 10.61 1222 6) Lift Station Upgrades & Struct. Maint. Impr. 3/2015 4.65 4.22 3.33 4.33 5.88 6.86 6.86 31.48 3.96 40.09 490,1171, Systemwide 4.65 4.22 3.33 4.33 5.88 6.86 6.86 31.48 3.96 40.09 1222 7) South DistrictVV.W.Tr. Mains&Pump St. Improv. 3/2012 0.00 3.18 4.37 2.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.65 0.00 9.65 521,1171, W.W. System - South District Area 0.00 3.18 4.37 2.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.65 0.00 9.65 1222 8) Wastewater System Maint. & Upgrades 3/2015 15.54 10.60 16.43 16.43 16.42 16.42 16.42 92.72 16.43 124.69 490 Systemwide 15.54 10.60 16.43 16.43 16.42 16.42 16.42 92.72 16.43 124.69 9) Pump Station Improvements Program 3/2015 30.54 11.60 14.25 13.00 8.00 3.00 0.00 49.85 0.00 80.39 490,521, Systemwide 33.04 9.10 14.25 13.00 8.00 3.00 0.00 47.35 0.00 80.39 1170,1171 1222 10) Corrosion Control Facilities Improvements 1/2012 10.97 1.20 2.06 3.07 1.50 1.50 1.50 10.83 1.37 23.17 1170,1171 Systemwide 11.82 0.35 2.06 3.07 1.50 1.50 1.50 9.98 1.37 23.17 1222 11) Wastewater Engineering Studies 3/2010 6.39 1.66 0.50 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.26 0.00 8.65 1170,1171, Systemwide 7.22 0.83 0.50 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.43 0.00 8.65 1222 12) Sanitary Sewer System Extension 3/2015 22.58 21.26 9.62 8.59 5.47 4.88 8.81 58.63 59.43 140.64 490,1026, Systemwide 25.58 21.26 8.12 7.09 5.47 4.88 8.81 55.63 59.43 140.64 1135,1171, 1222 13) Peak Flow Management Facilities 1/2016 11.62 15.96 93.27 90.05 155.38 244.53 147.72 746.91 342.03 1100.56 490,521, Systemwide 18.63 11.95 90.27 90.05 155.38 244.53 147.72 739.90 342.03 1100.56 1170,1171 1179,1222 14) W.W. Equipment & Vehicles 3/2015 12.88 7.64 8.57 8.58 8.58 8.58 8.57 50.52 8.57 71.97 490 Systemwide 12.88 7.64 8.57 8.58 8.58 8.58 8.57 50.52 8.57 71.97 * 1=Existing Deficiency; 2=Future Growth; 3=Combined Projects "stricken through" are proposed deletions 0 Fn 0 � 0 W m-0 00 7 N April 2009 CDMP Amendment Cycle Application No. 7, Capital Improvements Element 1=Existing Deficiency, 2=Future Growth, 3=Combined Projects "stricken through" are proposed deletions 0 � mn 0 00 m-0 W • Table 8 - Sewer Facilities (continued) Expenditures Purpose"/ Revenues Project Project Name Year of Prior (In Millions of Dollars) Six Year Future Project Funding Number And Location Completion Years 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014115 Totals Years Totals Source 15) Central District Upgrades - W.W.T. P. 3/2015 2.93 12.34 45.08 27.79 3.66 6.37 2.39 97.63 0.00 100.56 490,521, Virginia Key 7.24 10.01 43.10 27.79 3.66 6.37 2.39 93.32 0.00 100.56 1170,1171 1222 16) North District Upgrades - W.W.T.P. 3/2013 1.78 3.28 9.15 35.56 42.90 17.15 7.89 115.93 0.00 117.71 490,521, 2575 NE 151 St. 2.57 2.49 9.15 35.56 42.90 17.15 7.89 115.14 0.00 117.71 1170,1171 1222 17) South District Upgrades - W.W.T. P. 12015 5.15 6.17 14.90 11.16 2.88 1.28 1.28 37.67 0.00 42.82 521,1170, 8950 SW 232 St. 5.55 5.77 14.90 11.16 2.88 1.28 1.28 37.27 0.00 42.82 1171,1222 18) W.W. Treatment Repl. & Renovation. 32015 5.57 14.45 4.29 4.29 4.29 4.29 4.29 35.90 4.29 45.76 490,1171 Systemwide 5.57 14.45 4.29 4.29 4.29 4.29 4.29 35.90 4.29 45.76 19) Pump Station Generators & Misc. Upgrades 32015 0.18 1.42 12.26 6.68 9.68 5.28 5.28 40.60 4.80 45.58 490,1171, Systemwide 0.18 1.42 12.26 6.68 9.68 5.28 5.28 40.60 4.80 45.58 1222 20) W.W.T.P. Automation Enhancements. 32014 6.45 1.64 2.34 1.27 3.73 1.83 0.00 10.81 0.00 17.26 521,1170, Systemwide 6.45 1.64 2.34 1.27 3.73 1.83 0.00 10.81 0.00 17.26 1171,1222 21) W.W.T.P. Miscellaneous Upgrades 32015 0.00 0.66 3.96 2.95 0.98 3.10 2.87 14.52 0.00 14.52 1171,1222 Wastewater Treatment Plants 0.00 0.66 3.96 2.95 0.98 3.10 2.87 14.52 0.00 14.52 22) North M -D W.W.Tr. Mains & Pump St. Improv. 32010 3.33 1.74 0.59 2.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.88 0.00 8.21 490,521, Wastewater System - North District Area 3.33 1.74 0.59 2.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.88 0.00 8.21 1170,1171 1179,1222 23) South District W.W.T.P Expansion (Ph III) 22015 0.78 1.77 2.18 4.69 3.66 5.23 11.57 29.10 5.67 35.55 490,521, 8960 SW 232 St. 1.28 1.27 2.18 4.69 3.66 5.23 11.57 28.60 6.67 35.55 1171,1222 24) South District W.W.T.P.-High Level Disinfect. 22015 105.00 147.57 201.58 76.93 40.27 19.80 0.00 486.15 0.00 591.15 490,521, 8950 SW 232 St. 159.50 105.53 189.88 76.17 40.27 19.80 0.00 431.65 0.00 591.15 1170,1171, 1177,1222 25) Village of Key Biscayne Reuse Distr.System 32009 1.10 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 0.00 2.00 914 Village of Key Biscayne 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 26) Biscayne Bay Coastal Wetlands Rehydr. Pilot 22011 1.68 4.50 4.70 3.12 3.12 2.12 0.91 18.47 0.00 20.15 914,961 Systemwide 2.18 4.00 4.70 3.12 3.12 2.12 0.91 17.97 0.00 20.15 1222 27) North Dist.W.W.T.P.Reuse Proj.-Plant/Pipeline 22012 0.32 1.44 3.27 4.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.45 0.00 9.77 521,914, W.W. System- North District Area 0.82 0.94 3.27 4.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.95 0.00 9.77 961,1222 28) Central District W.W.T.P. Reuse Project 22012 2.04 6.48 11.09 12.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.75 0.00 31.79 521,914, W.W. System - Central District Area 3.04 5.48 11.09 12.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.75 0.00 31.79 961,1222 29) South District W.W.T.P. Reuse Project 22015 4.10 8.91 69.52 137.61 99.76 10.10 0.00 325.90 0.00 330.00 521,961, Ph. 1 (30 mgd) 17.01 0.00 65.52 137.61 99.76 10.10 0.00 312.99 0.00 330.00 30) West District W.R.P. Canal Recharge 22025 0.00 10.14 17.37 29.63 13.35 2.06 48.36 120.91 494.90 615.81 961,1222 Ph. 2 (21 mgd) (WR -B) 0.00 10.14 17.37 29.63 13.35 2.06 48.36 120.91 494.90 615.81 1=Existing Deficiency, 2=Future Growth, 3=Combined Projects "stricken through" are proposed deletions 0 � mn 0 00 m-0 W • N 01 April 2009 CDMP Amendment Cycle Application No. 7, Capital Improvements Element TOTALS 300.07 337.48 645.06 584.44 495.16 453.28 382.26 2897.68 1502.09 4,699.84 405.73 266.66 617.15 580.34 494.45 452.57 381.56 2792.73 1501.38 4,699.84 Source: Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department and Department of Planning and Zoning. Data provided by the Office of Strategic Business Management. 1=Existing Deficiency; 2=Future Growth; 3=Combined Projects "stricken through" are proposed deletions C) mn 0 r T M 00 7 Subtotals Table 8 - Sewer Facilities (continued) 336.16 635.05 574.88 479.37 374.01 280.52 2,679.99 951.50 3,931.04 405.21 Expenditures 607.14 570.78 478.66 373.30 279.82 2,575.04 950.79 3,931.04 Purpose`! Proposed Additions, April 2009 CDMP Amendment Cycle Revenues Project Project Name Year of Prior CL -E 72 Inch Influent to Proposed W.D.W 3/2015 (In Millions of Dollars) 0.00 0.00 Six Year Future Project Funding Number And Location Completion Years 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 Totals Years Totals Source 31) 9 sGa n.e Beni Goast Wetlands oer (52 Fngd) W2Q1 048 0-99 Q -W 949 0.89 0-98 8-99 0-98 E21 98 Q1 99 1171 52.23 W. -W. syslemw de 118.42 9 -BB 9-86 9 -BB 9-86 9 -BB 9A6 9-86 4.49 624.99 624.99 6.47 32) North District W.W.T.P - Injection Wells Improv. 3/2015 0.24 0.17 0.36 2.73 1.33 0.00 0.00 4.59 0.00 4.83 914,961 0.00 ND Floridian Aq. Monitoring W.W. Systemwide 0.00 0.41 0.00 0.36 2.73 1.33 0.00 0.00 4.42 0.00 4.83 0.00 33) South District W.W.T.P - Pipeline from SD to 3/2015 0.40 1.35 14.25 13.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.84 0.00 29.24 521,961, 0.62 Metrozoo W.W. System - South District Area 0.00 1.40 1.35 13.25 13.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.84 0.00 29.24 1222 TOTALS 300.07 337.48 645.06 584.44 495.16 453.28 382.26 2897.68 1502.09 4,699.84 405.73 266.66 617.15 580.34 494.45 452.57 381.56 2792.73 1501.38 4,699.84 Source: Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department and Department of Planning and Zoning. Data provided by the Office of Strategic Business Management. 1=Existing Deficiency; 2=Future Growth; 3=Combined Projects "stricken through" are proposed deletions C) mn 0 r T M 00 7 Subtotals 299.55 336.16 635.05 574.88 479.37 374.01 280.52 2,679.99 951.50 3,931.04 405.21 265.34 607.14 570.78 478.66 373.30 279.82 2,575.04 950.79 3,931.04 Proposed Additions, April 2009 CDMP Amendment Cycle 34) CL -E 72 Inch Influent to Proposed W.D.W 3/2015 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 87.19 87.19 961 Reclamation Plant (WDWRP) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 87.19 87.19 35) CR -D 72 Inch Reclaimed Water Pipeline 3/2015 0.00 0.00 3.36 6.47 4.13 52.23 52.23 118.42 3.58 122.00 961 SDWVVTP to FPL (Turkey Pt) 0.00 0.00 3.36 6.47 4.13 52.23 52.23 118.42 3.58 122.00 36) WE -B Injection Well 3/2015 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 82.73 82.73 961 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 82.73 82.73 37) Miami Springs Sewer System 3/2013 0.52 0.62 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.03 0.00 1.55 1035 Miami Springs 0.52 0.62 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.03 0.00 1.55 38) Outfall Legislation 3/2020 0.00 0.70 6.24 3.09 11.66 27.04 49.51 98.24 377.09 475.33 1171,1222 Systemwide 0.00 0.70 6.24 3.09 11.66 27.04 49.51 98.24 377.09 475.33 Subtotals of Proposed Additions 0.52 1.32 10.01 9.56 15.79 79.27 101.74 217.69 550.59 768.80 0.52 1.32 10.01 9.56 15.79 79.27 101.74 217.69 550.59 768.80 TOTALS 300.07 337.48 645.06 584.44 495.16 453.28 382.26 2897.68 1502.09 4,699.84 405.73 266.66 617.15 580.34 494.45 452.57 381.56 2792.73 1501.38 4,699.84 Source: Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department and Department of Planning and Zoning. Data provided by the Office of Strategic Business Management. 1=Existing Deficiency; 2=Future Growth; 3=Combined Projects "stricken through" are proposed deletions C) mn 0 r T M 00 7 N 00 April 2009 CDMP Amendment Cycle Application No. 7, Capital Improvements Element TABLE 12 WATER FACILITIES Project Number Project Name and Location Purpose*/ Year of Completion Prior Years 2009/10 Expenditures Revenues (In Millions of Dollars) 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013114 2014/15 Six Year Totals Future Years Project Funding Totals Source 1) South M -D Water Trans. Mains Improv. 312012 0.00 0.00 1.01 5.51 5.29 0.00 0.00 11.81 0.00 11.81 1171 South Miami -Dade County 0.00 0.00 1.01 5.51 5.29 0.00 0.00 11.81 0.00 11.81 2) Water T. Plant - Alexander Orr,Jr. Expansion 3/2014 4.43 10.25 22.29 33.16 5.61 1.20 0.00 72.51 0.00 76.94 495,520, 6800 S.W. 87 Ave. 5.77 9.38 21.82 33.16 5.61 1.20 0.00 71.17 0.00 76.94 1170,1171, 1178 3) Water T.Plant- Hialeah/Preston Improv. 3/2015 3.86 5.96 21.33 19.23 9.78 15.59 7.44 79.33 0.00 83.19 495,1170, 700 W. 2 Ave./1100 W. 2 Ave. 3.86 5.96 21.33 19.23 9.78 15.59 7.44 79.33 0.00 83.19 1171,1178, 1221 4) Wellfield Improvements 3/2015 3.27 8.93 69.50 34.00 14.35 1.50 0.00 128.28 0.00 131.55 495,520, Systemwide 3.27 8.93 69.50 34.00 14.35 1.50 0.00 128.28 0.00 131.55 1135,1171, 1221 5) Water Main - Extensions 1/2014 1.05 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.53 0.35 2.28 0.14 3.47 496 Systemwide 3.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.47 6) Central M -D Water Trans. Mains Improv.. 312014 3.99 0.05 0.00 0.00 1.12 2.60 9.10 12.87 6.18 23.04 520,1170, Central Miami -Dade County Area 4.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.12 2.60 9.10 12.82 6.18 23.04 1171 7) North M -D Water Trans. Mains Improv. 312012 2.33 8.96 5.34 4.41 1.40 0.26 1.41 21.78 1.33 25.44 495,520, North Miami -Dade County Area 3.85 7.72 5.06 4.41 1.40 0.26 1.41 2026 1.33 25.44 1135,1171 1222 8) W.T.P. Replacement & Renovations 312015 11.81 8.37 8.03 8.56 7.03 4.78 4.78 41.55 4.78 58.14 495,1171, Water Treatment Plants 11.81 8.37 8.03 8.56 7.03 4.78 4.78 41.55 4.78 58.14 1221 9) Water System Maintenance & Upgrades 3/2015 29.73 19.30 20.14 20.14 17.92 17.92 17.91 113.33 17.92 160.98 495,1171, Systemwide 29.73 19.30 20.14 20.14 17.92 17.92 17.91 113.33 17.92 160.98 1221 10) Water Distribution System Extension Enhanc. 3/2015 67.82 22.79 28.76 26.22 11.47 15.75 27.45 132.44 79.94 280.20 403,495, Systemwide 70.80 19.81 28.76 26.22 11.47 15.75 27.45 129.46 79.94 280.20 952,1135, 1170,1171 11) Water Equipment & Vehicles 3/2015 13.39 6.47 7.09 7.09 7.08 7.08 7.08 41.89 7.09 62.37 495 Systemwide 13.39 6.47 7.09 7.09 7.08 7.08 7.08 41.89 7.09 62.37 12) Water General Maintenance & Office Facilities 312015 7.06 4.87 12.54 12.91 3.02 1.55 4.10 38.99 5.19 51.24 520,1170, Systemwide 7.24 4.69 12.54 12.91 3.02 1.55 4.10 38.81 5.19 51.24 1171,1221 13) Water System Fire Hydrant Installation 112015 8.20 4.17 2.87 1.58 1.58 1.57 1.57 13.34 1.50 23.04 403 Systemwide 12.97 1.47 1.46 1.45 1.43 1.42 1.41 8.64 1.43 23.04 14) Water Engineering Studies 32009 5.85 1.41 0.13 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.56 0.00 7.41 1170,1171, Systemwide 7.16 0.10 0.13 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.00 7.41 1221 15) Safe Drink.Water Act Mod. -SWT Rule&D-DBP 32015 6.16 15.49 34.97 86.49 137.97 127.24 46.55 448.71 0.00 454.87 520,1170, Systemwide 15.73 15.44 34.97 81.52 133.42 127.24 46.65 439.14 0.00 454.87 1171,1178, 1=Existing Deficiency; 2=Future Growth; 3=Combined Projects "stricken through" are proposed deletions 0 Fn 0 0 00 mT X Z 0 co n CD 7 N April 2009 CDMP Amendment Cycle Application No. 7, Capital Improvements Element TABLE 12 -WATER FACILITIES (continued) Expenditures Purpose*! Revenues Prgect Prqect Name Year of Prior (In Millions of Dollars) Six Year Future Prgect Funding Number and Location Completion Years 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 Totals Years Totals Source 16) South Miami Heights W.T.P. & Wellfield 3/2012 11800 SW 208 St. 17) Water Telemetering System Enhancements 3/2015 Systemwide 18) W.T.P. Miscellaneous Upgrades 32011 Water Treatment Plants 19) Alternative Water Supply 19.34 16.57 34.62 38.39 8.24 25.90 3.85 0.60 0.44 3.85 0.60 0.44 3.96 4.43 12.79 10.29 0.85 10.43 A. ASR Ultraviolet(UV)Disinfection System 3/2011 3.38 1.00 for ASR Syst.@W&SVV Wellfield 0.00 7.88 0.00 R. Sn thw. t iNenFeld UFAMon to ng W4_* 11 (2007 -2 9-99 serest 95.52 1170,1171, 4-24 4-44 Q. ne: dan Aqu fe, Blend ng Wellfield 3/2099 973 6-99 1178,1221 0.44 W$} 4,22 D. Hialeah Floridan Aquifer Reverse 1/2012 12.94 7.98 Osmosis (RO) WTP Ph 1 (10 mgd) 0.43 42.88 2.59 E. Hialeah Floridan Aquifer Reverse 2/2017 0.00 0.00 Osmosis (RO) WTP Ph 11 (5 mgd) 0.25 0.00 0.00 F. Hialeah Floridan Aquifer Reverse 22028 0.00 0.00 Osmosis (RO) WTP Ph 111 (2.5 mgd) 0.00 0.00 0.00 G. ASR - 20 Year Water Use Permit 3/2028 1.20 0.80 Regional Impact Projects 2.04 0.00 H. Installation of 36 Inch DI Water Main 32011 0.52 2.82 NW 87 Ave from NW 154 St to 186 St** 0.00 0.52 2.82 20) Automation of Water Treatment Plants 3/2010 0.35 0.35 Systemwide 7.88 1170,1178 1.05 0.00 TOTALS 0-.G9 214.49 151.92 1-24 520,912 8-49 299.99 122.74 **Project number 19, component 'H", is a proposed addition, April 2009 CDMP Amendment Cycle 4-24 Source: Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department and Department of Planning and Zoning. 9,09 Data provided by the Office of Strategic Business Management. 0_.O9 13,1-1- 520,959, 9.88 * 1=Existing Deficiency; 2=Future Growth; 3=Combined Projects "stricken through" are proposed deletions 3.50 0.00 9,00 9-99 3-50 9-84 27.89 3.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 2.66 2.66 0.35 0.00 316.64 274.61 23.99 1.00 0.00 0.00 76.18 0.00 95.52 403,520, 22.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 57.13 0.00 95.52 1170,1171, 1178,1221 0.44 0.43 0.43 0.43 2.77 0.43 7.05 495 0.44 0.43 0.43 0.43 2.77 0.43 7.05 1.51 1.50 0.25 0.00 20.48 0.00 24.44 495,1170 1.12 1.50 0.25 0.00 14.15 0.00 24.44 1171,1178, 1221 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.50 0.00 7.88 969 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.88 1170,1178 0139 0.09 0-09 0-.G9 0-09 0:00 1-24 520,912 8-49 9-94 8-99 9-99 8-99 9-99 4-24 2:88 049 9.99 9,09 x2.38- 0_.O9 13,1-1- 520,959, 9.88 9-94 8.84 8.94 6,18 9-99 a3,1-1- 998,1178 9.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.29 0.00 58.23 520 9.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.35 0.00 58.23 0.00 1.35 7.38 4.09 12.82 0.00 12.82 998 0.00 1.35 7.38 4.09 12.82 0.00 12.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.10 6.10 998 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.10 6.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.85 0.00 2.04 1178 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.48 0.00 6.00 520 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.48 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.70 0.00 1.05 520 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.05 295.03 228.25 205.63 132.26 1,329.73 130.60 1,674.82 288.19 222.20 204.95 131.75 1,244.44 130.39 1,674.82 C) 0 C) 0 W M17- _U 7