HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlansAMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY WORLD HEADQUARTERS 550 NW LEJEUNE RD (42ND AVENUE), MIAMI FL APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION PERMIT SUBJECT TO COMPLIANCE WITH ZONING ORDINANCE 11000 AND CITY CODE, AS AMENDED, AND ALL APPLICABLE CRITERIA, CONSIDERATIONS AND/OR OTHER REGULATIONS APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ATLAS FROM R-2 (TWO- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT) TO R-2 (TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT) WITH SD -12 (SPECIAL BUFFER OVERLAY DISTRICT) for Lot 10 — Block 2 only Pursuant to Ordinance 11000, as amended, Supplement 14, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, the subject proposal for AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY WORLD HEADQUARTERS located at 550 NW LeJeune Road (42ND Avenue), Miami, Florida, has been submitted and reviewed to allow an application for Special Exception Permit with City Commission approval, subject to all applicable criteria; The AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY WORLD HEADQUARTERS project is comprised of an existing four-story structure of approximately 44,840 square feet and measuring approximately 60 feet 10 inches (NGVD) to top of parapet. The applicant proposes to remodel the ground floor interior and to expand the ground floor by approximately 289 square feet. Furthermore, the applicant proposes to construct a two-story library/conference room addition of approximately 2,107 square feet for a total of 2,396 square feet. The existing four-story structure provides 84 -grandfathered parking spaces. The proposed addition requires (8) eight parking spaces. Ninety-two (92) parking spaces are required for the entire project. The applicant is providing 106 parking spaces total. Note: This SPECIAL EXCEPTION is contingent upon approval of an amendment to the Zoning Atlas for Lot 10 Block 2 of Golf Course Park Plat Book 43, at page 3, of the public records of Miami Dade -County Florida, from R-2 Two -Family Residential to R-2 Two -Family Residential with SD -12 Buffer Overlay District. SPECIAL EXCEPTION with City Commission approval, as per Article 6, Section 612, SD - 12 Special Buffer Overlay Districts, Conditional Accessory Uses, to allow surface parking to serve the abutting district, subject to all applicable criteria; This SPECIAL EXCEPTION PERMIT encompasses the following Special Permits: CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9, Section 927, to allow temporary structures, occupancies, and uses reasonably necessary for construction such as construction fence, covered walkway and if encroaching public property must be approved by other city departments; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9, Section 906.9, to allow temporary carnival, festival, fair or similar type event on privately owned or City -owned land such as a ground breaking ceremony; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9, Section 916.2.1, to allow parking for temporary special event such as groundbreaking ceremonies; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9, Section 918.2, to allow temporary off- street offsite parking for construction crews working on a commercial project under construction; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9, Section 920.1.2, to allow parking of mobile homes, trailers or manufactured homes, when authorized for security or other purposes in connection with land development such as construction trailer(s) and other temporary construction offices such as watchman's quarters, leasing and sales centers; and CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per, ARTICLE 10, Section, C-1 (Restricted Commercial), Temporary Signs (3), to allow temporary development signs. REQUEST for applicable SPECIAL EXCEPTION PERMIT, that the following conditions be required at the time of issuance of Building Permit: The requirement to record in the Public Records a Declaration of Covenants and/or Restrictions providing that the ownership, operation and maintenance of all common areas and facilities will be by the property owner and/or a mandatory property owner association; And the requirement to record in the Public Records a Unity of Title or a covenant in lieu of a Unity of Title. Note: (For reference only) Existing Zoning: Lot 10 R-2 (Two -Family Residential District) Lots 5 & 6 R-2 (Two -Family Residential District) Lots 7, 8 & 9 C-1 (Restricted Commercial) Zoning Plans Examiner Proposed Re -Zoning: R-2 (Two -Family Residential District) with SD -12 (Special Buffer Overlay District) None Existing zoning designation to remain None Existing zoning designation to remain Date BOUNDARYSURVEY LAND SURVEYORS GRAPHICSCALE TREE TABLE 0. -.L2-.- -j --.7 --j QAK --120 10 oq, _ j 2X0 6.00-- A I _gAKx_00 3500 30_00 - I OAK DO zoo O.K uo Q�K OAK 0 I --Q-- w OAK .60- ___2 AaEFAN.E6SM 2 K -THATCH P- I _2 .__ftMMBPO_PALM _ BOTTLEP W_ 160 8.00 700 2 77- G,11.��Flv, LOCATION SKETCH SCALE777=N.7-.S. Lor -5 BLOCK -2 "T �- U.0 ..'`yJft ,"I 1 M Slit 0P -ADD - I Me R "M 012 =AAER.,-, T� om Aii !I'M A 7, A.- w ,w - Ili,, e'K =�z SCA SATO®�9 BAWD /\ SCALE: NTH A INDEX OF DRAWINGS: Fc 2 r^¢�a,Qc,,e � CITY OF MIAMI F IJ rQh� hlif 4 F:FARKI-:: GOARDS PLt.M Yr' EV'.EW at SITE PLAN DETAILS SW2_2 EMOLITION IST 8 2ND FLOOR PLAN A2 e ' 1235 Coral Way EXISTING / PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATIONS AS Suite 101 DESIGN TEAM CONTACT INFORMATION Miami, FL 33145 cNITECT JR. E-MAIL: OALONSOJR:6OAARCHITECTS.COM lel. 305.595 3095 PROJECT MANAGER ALEXNBOKSWERSO PH. 305.595.3095 %21T F%. 30b.85H.2269 EMAIL: ABOKSINER®OAARCMTECTS.COM PROPERTY OWNER AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY PH. 800.443.8353 %214 FK 305.443.7559 EMAIL: JIML®AWS.ORG ja..< 305.858 2269 AA26001181 A R C H I T E C T U R E Ft e Eae EPTION WITH CSE c �ISSIONomMooAppROVA L N ' American Welding Society World Headquarters � Addition and Renovation 1550 NW Lejeune Rd. (42nd Ave.) Miami, FL 33126 SCA SATO®�9 BAWD /\ SCALE: NTH A INDEX OF DRAWINGS: COVER SHEET 1 SURVEY CITY OF MIAMI ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS PROPOSED SITE PLAN 8 ZONING CALCULATIONS F:FARKI-:: GOARDS PLt.M Yr' EV'.EW at SITE PLAN DETAILS SW2_2 EMOLITION IST 8 2ND FLOOR PLAN A2 e PflOPOSEO 1ST FLOOR PLAN A2 EXISTING 2ND FLOOR PLAN / PROPOSED ROOF TERRACE A3 EXISTING / PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATIONS 4 B tiAl EXISTING / PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATIONS AS on51 DESIGN TEAM CONTACT INFORMATION e.io oaam ml meY p wol cNITECT JR. E-MAIL: OALONSOJR:6OAARCHITECTS.COM PROJECT MANAGER ALEXNBOKSWERSO PH. 305.595.3095 %21T F%. 30b.85H.2269 EMAIL: ABOKSINER®OAARCMTECTS.COM PROPERTY OWNER AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY PH. 800.443.8353 %214 FK 305.443.7559 EMAIL: JIML®AWS.ORG A Pim �, PLbn rt Ar lq.rtG rcm SCALE: 1-w-O" TYR. WHEEL �5TQP AT SLAB SCALE NTS II II Z, arw mrd II P==— Ty P L LPSA RDE"T 'A L TYP. WHEEL STOP AT GRADE sTA ... LE -1. SCALE NTS SW c 310E nprnwa to 6v, LE .. J"- BULDNO AREA MAGRAM IST FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1'=40'-O' ............. oa ARCHITECTURE CONSUONG ENGINEERS o VVY 2 DEMOLMON 2ND FLOOR ELAS SCALE JIM— Toru a d sTaa'no rx�e nB I % - ' a J mP, I f iL r 4_ —P 9 I p m a w DfEMOLMON IST FLOOR PLAP� SCALE: .ITION NOTES: vvroLmW w6iiln0¢<L WALL LEGEND }74 to ae.ano.Eo A NT6�.t BUILDNG AREA MAGRAM » F 2ND EL® ®R PLAN SCALE -4-- AREA MAGRAM oa ARCHITECTURE oo»a� ORLAN00 ALONSO JR. l;GNA PEOSi0pli0nI:e. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Al I PROPOSED IST FLOOR PLAN ARk SO- 1/8'=T-0' WALL TYPE LEGEND .l. fly u. ^yS (ham BUILMNG AREA DIAGRAM SCALE t•_60' -0"R PLAN rnwiR 0. oa ARCHrrECTURE AA2rr600 81 OR dnLON50 JR. LIORIDR REp5tPP11CH liv 1235 CORAL. WAY Sete IOI ttl.�FI .Jv S]in5 l65/J65!'n5 ka kv6/595-9166 OCNSUL ENGENGINEERS EMSTM 2ND FLOOR PLAN AND PROPOSED ROOF TERRACE -PL&N-0 S.A.: WALL TYPE LEGEND BULMNO AREA MAGRAM 2ND FL0Oa-PLAM----ft-'-MW SCALE; -40'— lw E,- ............. oa ARCHITECTURE Q� F0111 -11 .'3� 1211 CC- 11.1 CONSULTING ENGNMS A3 ............. oa ���II�y�/ 1 ARCHITE� RE J ORL—C X-ONSO —135 1235 CORAL 5u !e lol 0, p0 EE 1-0 XJSTIN REMODELED NEW ADDITION --t. tjo,728 M F.I 107 S.F.) CON—NG ENGINEERS WAST LUNG ELEVAMN 0 —T—AF A O Fv �o Fz�'i 71 A qr, AA v01 mop r, Zzr� A, MAE A4 & NEW ADDITION EXISTINGRW...I-E.. in - (2,107 S.F.) (10.728 S.F.) —M!2� WEST BULUNG ELEVAMN -- 1- A... c. American Weldin Society §®PT� �UILMNG ELEVA N - s�ALE. t,e-_t-o. 0 / xF tum ..ITY [tf- vixs ��u srwso rsic Nce�a''� I r E9: