HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 2AfiAlo Business Improvement District MiMio Business Improvement Committee 7100 Biscayne Blvd, Suite 142 Miami FL 33138 V� �".37k� MiMo Business Improvement Distriot Exhibit B Mission Page I The MiMo Business Improvement Committee (Minto BIC) is incorporated as a Florida nonprofit corporation to: • create a business improvement district (BIR) that will revitalize Miami's historic MiMo Biscayne Boulevard as a clean, safe, vibrant, and sustainable corridor with a diverse mix of businesses and visitor destinations, and marketed with the theme of its Mid -Century architecture and Biscayne Boulevard's important location as the gateway to Miami's downtown; • take remedial action to protect and prevent further physical, economic, and social deterioration of Miami's historic MiMo Biscayne Boulevard, and thereby educate and bring awareness to the community about the value of Miami's historic preservation, while lessening the burden to Miami's government; • disseminate information of and bring awareness to the preservation, history, culture, architecture, and public use of Miami's historic MiMo Biscayne Boulevard; • aid, work with, and participate in the activities of other organization, individuals, and public and private entities located within and outside Miami who are engaged in similar purposes. Minto Business Improvement Distria E hibit B BID Steering Committee The MiMo Business Improvement Committee (BIC) was incorporated as a Florida nonprofit corporation in January 2009. Members of the BIC Board have worked to introduce the BID concept to the neighborhood, build support, and develop the proposed BID services, service area, and assessment scheme. The BIC is made up of the following members: President Sinuhe Vega Owner/operator, UVA 69 Restaurant and Lounge Property owner, 6900 Biscayne Vice President Nancy Liebman Historic preservation advocate Secretary Barbara Gimenez Attorney Property owner, 7001 and 7005 Biscayne Treasurer Jocelyne Hider Property owner, 7326 and 7350 Biscayne Executive Director Scott Timm Public historian Other individuals involved in strategic planning and development: City Liaison Marcus James Department of Economic Initiatives City of Miami Consultants Eric Liff and Marc Miller Lambert Advisory Page 2 MiMo Business Improvement District Exhibit B BID Board of Directors Page 3 The Board of Directors shall consist of eleven (11) Directors who are representatives of various business interests in the District and, to the extent practical, the members of the Board of Directors shall be representatives of the following groups: • Property owners, not to exceed 60% of the total number of Directors { One Director shall be drawn from property owners who own, across all folios included in the BID, more than 45,000 square feet of property as assessed • Business owners, not to exceed 40% of the total number of Directors • Two (2) "At urge" Directors Minto Business bnprolrement District Eahibit B BID Solutions Page 4 Absence of Adequate Business Support The above listing represents typical solutions to neighborhoods facing challenges—the MiMo BID may not be able to provide every solution in this table. Minto Business Impmvement Distrid Exhibit B Additional BID Personnel Page 5 In addition to the Executive Director, additional personnel will be used to monitor and address issues along the streets: crime, graffiti, litter, code violations, unsafe conditions, etc. These "eyes on the street" will report back to the BID office so that permanent solutions can be arranged. Security Duties include foot/bicycle/automotive patrol of Biscayne and side streets/parking lots, and reporting of other issues to BID office (graffiti, broken windows, large debris, major safety concerns, etc.) and/or to City of Miami Police. Ambassadors Duties include greeting pedestrians, litter cleanup, providing directions, distributing maps, reporting graffiti or other problems to the BID office. MiMo Business Improvement District Exhibit B BID Boundary The MiMo Business Improvement District is defined as the commercial properties abutting Biscayne Boulevard from NE 61 st Street in the south to NE 82nd Street in the north. INCLUDED are the properties located on the south side of NE 61 st Street. EXCLUDED are the properties located on the north side of NE 82nd St. Please refer to Exhibit C for the complete list of folios included. Page b 2-- yam_` vivo, t5 yam_` vivo, Minto Business Improvement Disb iot Page 8 Fvhibit B BID Budget Summary -- __ YEAR, YEAR. --------- AR. YEYEAR YEAR .. ONE' TWO _----__-_- . THREE, FOUR . _ _ _ _.__. _..... FIVE ------- . - TOTAL` INCOME - Assessments Motel $9,050 $9,52T $11,670' $12 226 $14,607_ $57,080, Healthcare $1,301 --$1,446 $1,590ix$1_735 $1,879 $7,Mll-: -Offics Building _ $24,775 $28964 $33,033 $37,162 33,03 $41,292 $165,166 _.. Parking Lot , T--__ $9,541 � $9,541' $13,358. $13,358 _ $13,358' - $59,155 Retail _..- .--- ----__ 4-4_,-468 Y 249,409$54,349$59;290 $64,231 Vacant Land _ _._ $2,348. $2,348 ^$3,757 $3,757_- _$271,-747- $3,757 $75,967 Municipal .._ . __._._....._ ...__... -$0 ---$0 $0` $D $0 $0 - Educational - Private139 $i �;.__._ $1_�59� _ -- -- --'$1,595. $1,595,Y $1;595_ ._ .. _$7064 Religious $707. $7:07 $990 2990 $990 $4,383 Mixed Use - Comm $22,878 $25,420; $27,962 $30504 $33,046 $.139,81D; ;Mixed Use - Res $5,871 $6;523` $7,176 $7;828 $8,480 Service Station_-_- $13,224„ $14;694. $16,163' $17632, $_19,102_ _$80;81.5. $0 ! $0 $0 ;Entertainment _ $2,a52 $2;280' $2;736!$2,964 $12,540; _ 'Multi_FamilyApartments $0 $0" _$2,5081 - $0.7777 $0' Other Funding -- ---- - -- - - -- -=-- - ._..---=- - .TOTALINCOME- $137,355-$151 j937 $174,151, $188,813 $205,301 ` - $857 555; , Administration - -� -r-- _ ... Executive Director $50,000; $51,000 _ $_52,020;_ $53,060 $54,120 $260,200: Bookkeeper $0 , $1,248- $2,-4 -- _. -- $0 $a$0- �o �o Licenses/FeesJDues ____ - -- ----- ----- - $500 $500 $500 _ $00 Office Equipment -- $1,500; $500: $500 $500 $500 X3;500: Accounting - $4,000' $4 00.0 $4 000 $4 000 $4,000 -$ ODD; Directors & Officers lnsuranc( $1,200 ' $1,200 $1,200, $1,,200' $1,200 $5 000 Events/Publicity/Outreach$6,000 $4,000 $6,000 $4,000 $5 000 '' $25;OOa Printing/Publicity $6,000;': $4;500 $5,500 $44000 $3,000 `, $23,009 Miscellaneous $685 $333 $691:.$185: $689 $2 58$' District Services _Security -- -_ -^-$60,606_$7),980, _ $87,360 $89,544 $377;650' Ambassadors_ -^ $6,864 $16,744; $32,760 $32,760 $45,500 - $134;628 -- - - -- - -----_ _ -.. ---- ---- z TOTAL EXPENSES w$137,355; dH:e 3.7 $174,151 `$1.88,813 $205,301 I' �8S7 555 AMo Business Improvement District Ubit B BID Budget—Year One ----------- INCOME $137,355 Assessments$137,355 $137,355 Accounting $4,000: Motel 435 rooms x ---- ------- 20.805 . ..... $9,D50 Healthcare 7,228 sqfeet x 0.180 $1,301 Office Building 206,458 0.120 $24,775 Parking Lot 190,823 0.050 $9,541 Retail 247,0430.180 $44,468 'Vacant Land 93,922, 0.025 $2,348 .Municipal 9,558 0.000 $0 Educational - Private 22,787 1 0.050-1— $1,139 Religious 14,139 0.050 $707 :Mixed Use - Comm 127,100 0.180 $22,678 Mixed Use - Res 32,616. 0.180 $5,871 Service Station 73,468 0.180 $13,224 Nonprofit 14,427; 0.000 $0. Entertainment 11,400 0.180 $2,052 Mufti -Family Apts-vV 6,724, 0.000 Other Funding fSee Note 11: EXPENSES $137,355 Accounting $4,000: ----- - --------- - - -- Administration $1,200' Executive Director $50,000, !Bookkeeper $0 Rent $0. ;Licenses/Fees/Dues $500 cmice Equipment $1,500 Accounting $4,000: Directors & Officers Insurance $1,200' $6,000 Printi ng/Publ !city - ------ - $6,000 Miscellaneous $685: District Services 31.5 2 officers x 31.5 hrs/week x $18.50 Coveraqe daily from 1:30 am to 6:00 am 606 864 !2 employees x 6 hrs/week x $11 Coverage Fridays and Saturdays from 4:00 to . ............. ... h9e 9 Mo Businem Impmvement amct 0�K�� �� °� ��� UU � ���� ���1� �� �� ����� �&��� � � m�w*u _____-__________-______.____________-___-_ ���E 2 officersRetail 8n �� sessm���$15l/gu7 Mote/435,00mox 21.ADO $9,527' '_-_---_-_ � He�thca re7228 h�ota x 0.200 ' $144G ,Office _ _ _ _- 206,456 ___-- O]40 .--- ---.----------�--.---- _ 190,823 ��Q 247,043 0.200 $49,409 .Vacant Land 93,922 .0.025 $2,348 Municipal 9,558: 0.000 $0 .Educational - Private 22,787 0,050 $1,139� -Religious 14,139 0.050 $707 Mixed Use - Comm 127,100 0.200 $25,420, Wixed Use - Res 32,616t 0,200 $6,523 Service Station 73,468 0.200 $14,694 Nonprofit 14,427 0.000 Entertainment 11,400 0.200 $2,280 Other Funding Administration Director Bookkeeper JOffice Equipment $500 ;Directors & Officers Insurance EventsIPublici Outreach $4,000 j�int.ing/P,u_b1_icit.y $4,50D Miscellaneous District Services !Security $69,160: x 35 hns/vveek edaily from 1l0amto 6:DQom Ambassadors Coveracie Monday. Thursday throuc from 3:30 to 7:00 Qrn Minto Business Improvement District Page 11 Exhibit B BID Budget—Year Three -INCOME $174,151 Assessments $174,151 Motel 435 rooms x 26.828 $11,670 Healthcare 7,228 sq. footqgLe­x, 0.220 $1,590 Office Building— 206,458 0.160 $33,033 Parking Lot 190,823 0.070 $13,358 Retail 247,043 0.220 $54,349 Vacant La nd93,922 0.04 0 ---- $3,757 - Municipal- 9,558 ------ ­­­­­­-­.-- 0.000 $0 -------- Educational - Private - - 22,787 0.070 - $1,595 'Religious 14,139 0.070 $990 Mixed Use --Comm 127,100 0.220 $27,962 Nixed Use -Res 32,616. .0.220 $7,176 Service Station 73,468 0.220 163 Nonprofit 14,427:___.________ 4,427 0.000 $0 Entertainment 11,400: $2,508. Multi -Family Apts 6,724� '0,000 $0 Other Funding $0, ::EXPENSES $174,151 'Executive Director :Bookkeeper Rent Licenses/Fees/Dues ;Office Equipment 'Directors & Officers insurance Printing/Publicity Miscellaneous District Services officers x 35 hrs/week x $19.5 :Coverage daily from 1:00 am to 6:00 am $52,020 $0 $500 $4,000 $6,000! $5,500 . .. ........ ......... W"N Ambassadors 17.5 $32,760 employees x 11.5 hrs/week x $12 Coverage Monday, Thursday through Sunday from 3:30 to 7:00 pm: Mo Business Improvement District Exhibit B BID Budget Year Four INCOME tint -- Executive Director __ _._-- _ - $188,813 tint_.. _ .inti_ tin................_.. or _ Bookkeeper {2 hours/weekx $12)� ......... �$1,248; Renh! — ..__..._..__... $0 Assessments --_.- $188 813 _ Motel _ 435 rooms x 28.105 tint $12,226 Healthcare7,228 sq. footage x 0 240 $1 735 Office Building 206,458 0.180 $37,162 -- *Parking Lot 190,823 $13,358 Retail247,043 __.._....._____0.070 __._..0.040 ---- 0.2_40 $59,290_ Vacant Land 93,922 - $3,757 Municipal 9,558 0.000 $0 Educational - Private ' :-----_---_tint_-------_--_-__-�_-. ------------ 22 787 0.070 $1,595 Religious14,139 D.070 $990 Mixed Use - Comm _.._ _ ._ _.._.. 127,100 _-- _ ._ 0.240 _ _ $30,504 Mixed Use - Res ,—_Mixed 32,616 0.240 $7,828 'Service Station _ ^� _ 73,468 0.240 $17,632 Nonprofit _ _ — 14,427: 0.000 $0 M Entertainment_ 11,400 '0.240 _ $2,736 Multi -Family Apts 6,724 --__--0.000 -- $0: :Other Funding -.-_ $0 ------------- EXPENSES $188,813 Administration tint -- Executive Director __ _._-- _ - $53,060 tint_.. _ .inti_ tin................_.. or _ Bookkeeper {2 hours/weekx $12)� ......... �$1,248; Renh! — ..__..._..__... $0 LicensestFees/Dues $500 Office Equipment $500 Accounting_ _ _. ,000 Directors & Officers Insurance _._ .._ _ .. $1.200 __.. Events/Publicity/Outreach . .......... . ............ $4,000 PrintinglPublicrty _._._ __. ting $4,000 Miscellaneous $185 District Services - Securi __,_ ..... _...-----...... -- $87,360: 2 officers x 42 hrs/week x $20 _ Coverage daily from midnight to 6:00 am _ -_------------ -._._..._..-...... Ambassadors $32,760. _ 3 employees x 17.5 hrs/week x $12 Coverage Monday, Thursday through Sunday from 3:30 to 7;00 prr __ _ Page 12 Minto Business Improvement District Exhibit B BID Budget Year Five INCOME $205,301 Assessments _ _-- $54,120 Bookkeeper (2 hours/week x $12) _.$205,301 Motel 435 rooms x 33.580 $14,607. Healthcare 7,228 sq. footage x 0.260 $1,879_ Office Building 206,458 0.200 $41,292 Parking Lot 190,823 0.070 $13,358 Retail 247,043 0.260 $64,231 :Vacant Land 93,922 __. --•-_-_ 0.040 _ _ _ $3,757 Municipal _-- 9,558 0.000 $0 Educational - Private 22,787 0.070 $1,595 Religious 14,139 0.070 $990. Mixed Use - Comm 127,100 0.260 $33,046 Mixed Use -Res 32,616 0.260 $8,480 Service Station _$19,102 Nonprofit _.73,468 -- -v -0.260 14,427' 0.000 -- - $0 ;Entertainment^ ----- 11,400{-- --- - '0.260 _ - -$2,964:---- ---- Multi -f=amily Apts - 4 6,724' 0.000 — $0'-� -- -- - _Other FundingO EXPENSES $205,301 Executive Director _..._ __....__._._ _.__ $54,120 Bookkeeper (2 hours/week x $12) _.... ____-.-..__. ;Rent i Licenses/Fees/Dues $5D0 Office Equipment $500. ;Accounting - - $4,000 Directors & Officers Insurance $1,200, Events/Publicity/Outreach I _ _._. $5,000 Punting/Publicity_......_ _._ ...... -----------_-_._._ $3,000 _..__ . Miscellaneous _. _---- _ _------ - - - -- ............._ __._.__ $689 District Services Securi $89,544' 2 officers x 42 hrs/week x $_20._5 Coverage daily from midnight to 6:00 am Ambassadors_ 4 employees x 17,5 hrs/week x $12.5 from 3:30 to 7:00 Page 13 MiMo Business Improvement District Exhibit B Budget Notes Page 14 Note 1 Although the budget has not included any additional sources of revenue, we intend to pursue additional funds, including (but not limited to) occupational license fees, streetlight banner fees, parking revenue, for- profit special event fees, corporate support, and individual contributions. Note 2 Staffing hours for security and ambassadors represent desired levels of service. Total number of hours and days/times may shift slightly to better serve the needs of the BID. Note 3 The budget does not include any contingency for loss of revenue due to non-payment of assessment by property owners. We intend to work with, and look to guidance from, Miami -Dade County tax officials to mitigate the impact of any potential delinquencies. Note 4 While a slight annual increase in the assessment rates has been included in the budget (see page 17), rates for the Parking Lot, Educational, and Religious categories will be held steady for the first two years, and then rise in Year Three. This rate then remains steady for years Three—Five. This has been done to help these folios better manage the impact of the assessment.