HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibitATTA CHIl EN T E-6 RESOLUTION FOR ASSISTANCE UNDER THE FLORIDA INLAND NA)7j GAT] ON DISTRICT N'ATER'WAYS ASSISTANCE PRC) ILAM WEERLAS, TJJE is interested in carrying out the (A�C1171L' O��.IoG)1C)) follov,ing described hrgject for the enjoyn1ent of the citizenry 01 and the Stale of Florida: Project Title Total Estimated Cost $ BriefDescriptien of Project: AND, Florida Inland Navigation District financial assistance is required for the program mentioned above, NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the that the prolect described above be authorized. AND. be it Rift -'her resolved that said (Ncznle ofAgcncy) (Name of Aacnc)) male application to tlhe Florida Inland Navigation District in the amount off % of the actual cost of the project in behalf of said (Yom.e '�fAgencJ) AND, be ii Riilher resolvecl by the OV0177C ql -Ijgenc)) that it certifies to the following: . That it -will accept the terms and conditions set forth in FIND Rule 66B-2 F.A.C. and which -will be a part of the Project A'areeinent for any assista:ice awarded under the attached proposal. 2. That it is in complete accord with the attached proposal and that it )1,7ill carry out tlhe Program in the manner described in the proposal and any plans and speclfications attached thereto ulhless prion approval for any change has been received from the District. Form No. 90-21 (Efiectjv> . date 1 17-90, Rev. 10-14-92) (l) 3. Thal it has the ability and intention to finance its share of the. cost ofthe project and that the project will be operated and maintained al the expense of said for public use. (Name nfAgency) 4. Thai it ill not discriminate against any person on the basis of race color or national origin in the use of any property or facility acquired or developed pursuant to this proposal, and shall conply with the terms and intent of the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, P. L. 88-352 (1964) and design and eoristruet all facilities to comply fully with statutes relating to accessibility by handicapped persons as well as other federal, state and local laws, rules and requirements. 5. That it will maintain adequate financial records on the proposed project to substantiate claims forreimbursemen 6. That it will malce available to FIND if requested, s post -audit of expenses incurred on the project prior to, or in conjunction with, request for the final 10% of the funding agreed to by FIND. This is to certify that tlhe foregoing is a true and correct cope of a resolution duly and legally adopted by the held on this day of Attest Title 20 at a legal meeting Signature Title Form No. 90-21 (Effective dale 12-17-90, Rev. J 0-J 4-92) (2)