HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 1, 2009 DCA LetterYJ11 . YJ YJ7 14..J.L 4 VrJ.J J��� ••'•� � •"'••.. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS "Dedicated to making Florida a better place to call home" CHARLIE CRIST Governor December 1, 2009 The 1;-lonorable Tomas Regalado Mayor, City of Mi axni City ofMiarr.+i City Hall 3500 :Pan American Drive ly iami, Florida 33133 Dear Mayor Regalado: THOMAS G PELHAM Sermlory The Department of Community Affairs (the Department) received the City o:FM. iami's comprehensive plan amendment 10-1AR on November 2, 2009. The amendment seeks to designate the City's health. di.stri ct as a Regional Activity Center (RAC) pursuant. to Chapter 380, F.S., and Rule 28-24.014, F./i.C., for the purpose of increasing the Development of Regional Impact (DRI) thresholds within, the RAC. The RAC is the sole amendment included jr). the City's 10- IAR. cycle. The Department notes that Senate. Bill 360 faonn the 2009 legislative session exempts the City from. the DRI program due to its designation as a Dense Urban. Land Area (DVLA-). Speci.f.cally, Section 380.06(29)(a)l, F.S., provides that "Any proposed development in a municipality that qualifies as a dense urban land area as defined in s. 163.3164..." is exempt from the DRI program.. The City o.f,Miami is a designated DULA. Tberefore, the City is seeking a designation which is no.longer available to .it under the Florida Statutes. The proposed amendment cannot be found .in compliance or not .in compliance since the DRI program. (and therefore the RAC designation) no longer applies to the City. Therefore, the Department declines further review of the.City's 104AR amendment. If you Have any questions relating to this matter, please nail Bill Pablo, A.1CP, at (850) 922-1781. Sincerely, Cltat'les Gauthier, AICP Director, Division of Community l 10M.ing C G/bp cc: Ms. Carolyn, Deltle, Executive Director, South Florida. Regional Planning Council Ms. Ana Gelabert-Sanchez, Director, City of Nfiami Planning Department 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARt7 e TALLAHASSEE, FL 32399.2100 850-488-8466 (p) ♦ 850-921-0781 M 4, Website: www.dGa.s_�t COMMUNR'Y PLANNING 860-408-21156(p) 05lY18P-3309 (q • FLORfdA COMMU111TIE5 TnU-gT '050 22.2207 (p) B50 -921-1747(f) 4 HOUF,ING.AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEHT R50-48P,19510(p) 950.A:�•5620 (1) �